Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Intentional Destruction of Life on Earth
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Part 4: Global Crime Syndicate

Count Andrea Cattaneo Della Volta is an international businessman and financier who is involved with banking and energy companies and he is also a part owner of Camorra mafias as well as an owner of the Azerbaijani mafias. The Cattaneo's gained their power operating as debt collectors for Genovese bankers like the Dorias, Giustinianis, Pallavicinis, and Odescalchis which all have a close alliance with the House of Savoy.

Prince Albert Grimaldi of Monaco with Princess Charlene Grimaldi of Monaco and they are officially worth at least 1 billion. The royals of Monaco or Grimaldis rule Monaco and protect an international money laundering casino operation and mafia headquarters involving the Sicilian Mafia and Russian Mafia. The Russian Mafia and Sicilian Mafia have a joint headquarters in Monte Carlo. Vladimir Putin and Prince Albert who is a Knight of Malta are very close friends. Monaco is also used for tax evasion and likely uses forms of private banking.

Princess Elvira Grimaldi di Nixima a Sicilian noble with her husband Alfred Oeteker who is a billionaire and whose family were Nazis involved with financing Hitler and using slave labor during WWII. The Oetekers finance modern Nazism and they also finance Sicilian Mafia crime operations. The Grimaldi di Nixima family are Sicilian nobles related to the royal Grimaldis of Monaco which originated in Genoa. Another branch of the Grimaldi family own Grimaldi Group a shipping company in Naples which is involved with human trafficking and they work with Camorra.
Vladimir Putin with his close friend Prince Albert II of Monaco. Putin and Prince Albert can be seen together many times over the past decade. Putin was knighted by Prince Albert II and the Russian Mafia have a major headquarters in Monte Carlo with the Sicilian Mafia. The royals of Monaco or House of Grimaldi originated in Genoa which ruled the Black Sea region including Ghazaria which had major influence over trade in Russia. Genoa and Russia and the Grimaldis and Romanovs have worked together for centuries.
Count Marco Doria is an Italian noble, a Communist and he was the former Mayor of Genoa from 2012 to 2017. The Dorias were major bankers and Doges of Genoa and they work closely with the Savoys as well as the Giustinianis, Pallavicinis, Odescalchis, and Grimaldis who were the ruling Doge families of the Republic of Genoa.

Count Giberto of Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga with his wife Princess Bianca of Savoy-Aosta and they are part owners of the Venetian Mafia, Seattle crime family, and Rochester crime family as well as authorities over Hollywood and the Kardashian family. Count Giberto is a top boss and member of the Gay Mafia which mostly operates in the fashion industry. The Kardashians are Armenian and are close associates of the Armenian Mafia which are headquartered in Hollywood. The Armenian Mafia operates as a branch of the Russian Mafia. Princess Bianca's brother Prince Aimone works in Russia and the Gonzaga family are related to the Byzantine-Italian Palaiologos family which have married with the Russian royals.

Prince Giovanni Gaetani with Ginevra Elkann and Prince Giovanni is an owner of the Gotti faction of the Gambinos and his wife is Ginevra Elkann and her family is worth tens of billions and they are managers of the Kabbalah Centre.

Count Brandino Brandolini d'Adda with Countess Christiana Brandolini d'Adda are high level nobles of Italy and Venice that are married with the Rothschilds and the Agnellis. Count Brandolini's now deceased wife was a Rothschild.

Countess Lavinia Borromeo with her husband John Elkann whose family owns Fiat-Chrysler and The Economist through Exor.

Count Ruy Brandolini d'Adda with his wife Countess Georgina Brandolini d'Adda. They operate in France and Venice.

Lapo Elkann with his cousin and ex girlfriend Countess Bianca Brandolini d'Adda. Lapo Elkann has been arrested twice involving prostitution and transvestites.

Countess Beatrice Borromeo with Pierre Casiraghi and they own private islands in Italy where they are involved with child sacrifices.
Countess Bianca Brandolini d'Adda with her cousin Count Guido Brandolini d'Adda who has worked for Chrysler-Fiat and currently works as an analyst for Rothschild & Co. Their grandmother is an Agnelli and the Agnellis own Chrysler Fiat and Count Guido's mother was a Rothschild and the Rothschilds own Rothschild & Co.

Pietro Sella is a north Italian banker in Piedmont. The Sella family own a major Italian banking group connected with Switzerland. The Sellas mostly work for the Brandolini's, Savoy-Aosta, Viscontis, and Colonna's. The Sella family are also partners with the Rothschilds through Rothschild Martin Maurel and its Monaco operation Martin Maurel Sella - Banque Privee Monaco a private bank that operates in France, Belgium, and Monaco.

Prince Carlo Alessandro Della Torre and Tasso the Duke of Castel Duino is an owner of the Venetian Mafia and a top manager of Hollywood Kabbalah. The Della Torre and Tasso family are the Italian branch of the Thurn and Taxis family. Tasso and Taxis mean Badger. The Thurn and Taxis family have a badger on their coat of arms. Badger is an animal and the word can also means to harass or torment.

Baron Eric de Rothschild and Baroness Beatrice de Rothschild with Countess Cornelia Brandolini d'Adda. The French Rothschilds and the Italian Brandolini's are intermarried and work closely together. The Rothschilds were really a mixture of north Italian banking families from Genoa, Florence, and Venice and they migrated to Germany and formed the House of Rothschild.

Prince Valerio Massimo of Roccasecca with his wife Princess Alexandria Massimo of Roccasecca. Prince Valerio is a top tactician for international criminals and he is involved with banking and aerospace companies with his business associate Edward Spencer-Churchill. Prince Valerio Massimo owns an investment firm in London and he has residences in Los Angeles and he oversees the Gambino's mafia faction in Los Angeles. The Gambinos are related to the Gambara noble family of Italy which use a lobster on their coat of arms. Princess Alexandria has a lobster on her hat. Prince Valerio is a part owner of the Gambino crime syndicate, Irish Mafia, and the Clerkenwell crime syndicate along with his father Prince Stefano and brothers Prince Tancredi and Prince Caesar.

Prince Harry Windsor the Duke of Sussex is a top authority over the Irish Mafia, Irish Republican Army, Aryan Brotherhood, and the Hell Fire Club. The Aryan Brotherhood often use the Irish clover for a symbol and Prince Harry has dressed up as a Nazi. The Windsors were originally Nazi supporters and can be seen with Adolf Hitler and doing Nazi salutes during WWII. Prince Harry is the Baron of Kilkeel in Ireland. Ireland is really named after Ary Land after it was invaded by Aryan tribes which tend to have red hair. Nazis worshiped Aryans. Prince Harry manages various criminal agents who infiltrate militaries around the world.

Prince Stefano Massimo of Roccasecca with Prince Tancredi Massimo of Roccasecca and Prince Stefano is the primary owner of the Irish Mafia, London crime firms and especially the Clerkenwell crime syndicate as well as a part owner of the Colombo crime family. Prince Stefano works as a fashion photographer and he is really a sex trafficker of women and children. Prince Tancredi is the primary owner of the Rathkeale Rovers Irish Mob and he is involved with thefts through museums and auction houses which are also used for money laundering. The name Tancredi derives from the name Thank-rath like Rath-keal. Prince Tancredi works with Christie's an international high end auction company. The Rathkeale Rovers are known for thefts at museums and auction houses. The Massimo's have an old Irish noble branch called the Massey family and they are top managers of the Hell Fire Club.
Remo Ruffini is an Italian knight, businessman and international sex trafficker working with the Massimo di Roccaseccas and he is involved with fashion.
Frank Zac Goldsmith with Benjamin Goldsmith and their family co-founded various banks including Paribas and they finance shills, trolls, online terrorists, and hackers as well as London gangs and sex trafficking of underage girls in England. Their sister Gemima Goldsmith's ex husband is Imran Khan and he is the current Prime Minister of Pakistan. Pakistani gangs are heavily involved with trafficking underage girls in England like the Rochdale child sex abuse scandal.
David Gold and David Sullivan are wealthy Jewish-British businessmen working with the London crime firms and they are involved rigging football or soccer games and financing sex trafficking rings.

Baron David Rene de Rothschild with Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini. Baron David Rene is the head of the House of Rothschild and he is a major financier of various criminal activities. The French Rothschilds are currently the head of the Rothschild dynasty and today they have branches in France, Switzerland, and London. The French Rothschilds are court factors for the Vatican and are titled the "Guardians of the Papal Treasure" in the Jewish Encyclopedia. Guardians are not owners. The Rothschilds have been in business contracts with the Tourlonias and they have been the Vatican treasurers for centuries.

Don Giovanni Torlonia the Prince of Civitella-Cesi is a high level banking and mafia authority. The Tourlonias are believed to be officially worth several billion in assets through their palaces and art and not counting their hidden wealth in private bank accounts. Prince Giovanni is an owner of the Kansas City crime family, Galveston crime family, Pittsburg crime family and a part owner of various factions of the New York crime families like the Genoveses as well as a high level authority over the Bank for International Settlements. The Tourlonias are the private bankers in Rome and they own Banca del Fucino with the Borghese family. Banca del Fucino is also currently in banking contracts with the Rothschilds and it launders criminal profits of the mafia for the Black Nobility. The Tourlonias operated as the mediators between the Rothschild's loans to the Vatican. The Tourlonias are also married with the royal families of Luxembourg and Spain.

King Juan Carlos of Spain with Queen Sofia of Spain and they are top owners of the Mexican and South American drug cartels. The Bourbons have a close alliance with the Black Nobility and the Italian Bourbons. The Bourbons are also Knights of the Order of the Garter and do business at the City of London Corporation where the Virginia Company was formed. The United States is a continuation of the Virginia Company and the Spanish Bourbons claim a portion of ownership over the United States in former Spanish territories like California and New Mexico.

Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Calabria is the Grand Master of the Spanish Sacred Constantinian Military Order of Saint George and the commander of numerous Spanish knighthoods connected with the Templars. Prince Pedro is an owner of some Calabrian mafia factions and a top commander of the Society of Jesus or Jesuits.

King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands is the "above the law" ruler of the Netherlands whose family created hundreds of international companies including banks and industrial merchant corporations like ABN AMRO bank. The Dutch law states that the monarch is inviolable which means not subject to law. King Willem-Alexander manages the Irish based Loyal Order of Orange a Masonic organization and he also oversees the RAND Corporation. The Dutch royals ruled over England, Scotland, and Ireland which is why Protestant Irish Freemasons are loyal to the Prince of Orange who is loyal to Roman Catholics and the Vatican. The Kochs have Dutch ancestry and they are court agents of the House of Orange-Nassau. The Dreyfus family moved their company headquarters to the Netherlands and they are partly agents of the Dutch royals. The University of Princeton was established by the Dutch royals and they have hundreds of high level Princeton agents that have infiltrated politics, military, and business in the United States.

Prince Lilio Sforza Ruspoli is a Roman banker and the former President of the Italian Knights of Malta as well as a top owner of the Rizzuto crime family and a part owner of most South American drug cartels. Prince Sforza owns mafia resorts on the Venezuelan island of Margarita and is involved with child sacrifices. The Rizzutos are a top mafia in Canada and they have residences in Venezuela. The Island the Margarita is a major headquarters for crime syndicates including the Sinaloa Cartel, Rizzuto crime family, and South American cartel bosses. The Rizzuto crime family merged Canadian operations with the Cuntrera Caruana mafia which are headquartered on the island of Aruba. The Italian Bourbons own the Caruana mafia and Prince Sforza is a top member of the Bourbon's delegation for their knighthood the SCMOSG. Caruana and Rizzuto both refer to the Ricin plant which is often used for assassinations. The Ruspoli's have established residences all over South America and are nobles of Spain and Italy as well as honorary princes of the Holy Roman Empire or Germany.
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Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs 1957 DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...
To understand the current geo-politics you have to know the three teams that are vying for the victory in the game. And History helps us by...
This is a fascinating read for sure. If true it would answer some questions I have had about their his-tory as Mr Lee likes to call it. I g...
This my friends is the rabbit hole,you have been looking for.You like playing connect the dots, this will let you started in a major league...