The Missing Link in the
JFK Assassination Conspiracy
Chapter Eight
Thick as Thieves:
A Dangerous Liaison—
James Jesus Angleton and
the Unholy Alliance Between Israel,
the CIA
and the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate
By 1963 John F. Kennedy was not only at war with Israel
and the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate, but he was
also at war with their close ally in the international
intelligence underworld—the CIA. That was a deadly
The CIA and Israel had forged a close-working strategic
alliance in the previous decade. Their joint enterprises around
the globe tied the CIA and Israel together inextricably.
Israel's interests—and the CIA's interests—were often one
and the same, perhaps too often. Likewise with the Meyer
Lansky crime network.
What's more, Israel's chief contact at the CIA in
Washington, James Jesus Angleton, ultimately played a
pivotal role in the JFK assassination conspiracy cover-up.
Angleton, too, had close links with the same forces in the
Lansky Syndicate.
At the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters at Langley, Virginia
there was one man who knew perhaps better than any other American,
Israel's intentions and attitudes toward President John F. Kennedy. This was
the enigmatic James Jesus Angleton. Angleton was so close to the Israelis
during his tenure at the CIA that, following his death in 1987, a monument
was unveiled in Israel by its government in his honor. This is one of the
few known public monuments to any American CIA official anywhere in
the entire world but actually one of several memorials to Angleton in
According to Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, co-authors of Dangerous
Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship, Angleton
was "a man who for nearly a quarter of a century was one of the most
powerful and mysterious figures in the CIA."258
According to the Cockburns, "Angleton was involved in many strange
and secret dealings in the world of intelligence, but the Israelis like to talk
of him as having been especially close to them, which is why they paid
public homage to his memory." 259
Recruited into the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S) while at Yale
University, Angleton was a fast-rising star in the world of clandestine
activities, and following the abolition of the O.S.S after World War II,
Angleton entered into service with the Central Intelligence Agency after the CIA was established in 1947. By 1954 Angleton assumed the highly
sensitive post of chief of CIA counterintelligence.
What's more, Angleton's influence within the CIA itself was of a
greater magnitude than what otherwise might be expected. Angleton was a
very powerful—and secretive—man.
According to Angleton's biographer, Tom Mangold, CIA Director
Allen Dulles and his deputy, Richard Helms, who later went on to become
CIA director under Lyndon Johnson, were Angleton's mentors. However,
Mangold says, Helms was Angleton's "chief patron." 260 Dulles, of course,
was later fired as CIA director by JFK and then, in a twist of fate—or by
someone's design—served on the Warren Commission which ostensibly
investigated JFK's murder. And it would be Helms, along with Angleton,
who would later be implicated in a strange series of events—examined in
Chapter 16 in detail—that would ultimately and apparently unwittingly
blow the lid off the CIA's involvement in the JFK assassination.
According to the CIA spymaster's biographer, "Angleton's longstanding
friendships with Dulles and Helms were to become the most
important factor in giving him freedom of movement within the CIA. Angleton was extended such trust by his superiors that there was often a
significant failure of executive control over his activities. The result was
that his subsequent actions were performed without bureaucratic interference.
The simple fact was that if Angleton wanted something done, it was done. He
had the experience, the patronage, and the clout.
"In the sixties the Counterintelligence Staff, for example, had its very
own secret slush fund, which Angleton tightly controlled. This fund gave
him easy access to a large amount of money that was never audited (as other
such funds were). Angleton argued that he would have to be trusted, without
outside accountability, because it would have been difficult to allow mere
clerks to go through his accounts—if only because sources would have to be
revealed. The [directors of central intelligence] (including Helms) agreed to
this unusual arrangement, which gave Angleton a unique authority to run
his own little operations without undue supervision." 261
In short, according to Peter Dale Scott, Angleton "managed a 'second
CIA' within the CIA"262 and one, as we shall see, that was collaborating all
too comfortably close with Israel's Mossad.
However, Angleton's influence went even further. Angleton, in fact,
was the CIA liaison for all Allied foreign intelligence
agencies"263—in particular, and most especially, the Mossad. Through these connections, Angleton was able to manipulate intelligence activities around
the globe. A friend of Angleton recalls: "That's the job that was so sensitive
and that's the one that you don't read about. While he was liaising with
everyone, he was getting them to do favors for either the CIA—things the
CIA didn't want to carry out directly; like they've never killed anyone,
right?—or for his own agenda.
"Even on a more mundane level, he could use his contacts with Israeli
intelligence, which he kept to himself, as authority for whatever line he was
trying to push at the CIA. You know, 'My Israeli sources tell me such and
such,' and no one was going to contradict him, since no one else was
allowed to talk to Israeli intelligence.
"I always had the impression that he used the Israelis in this way,
getting them to say that the Russians had not really broken with the
Chinese or whatever. They would be perfectly happy to do him the favor.
On top of all that he felt that he was getting the benefit of Israeli networks
and connections all over the place, not just in the Communist bloc." 264
One friend of Angleton's (who didn't necessarily share the
counterintelligence chief's infatuation with Israel) commented: "You have to
understand that Jim's central dominating obsession was communism,
something that for him was the essence of absolute and profound evil. For
him nothing else really mattered, but he would use anyone and anything to
combat it. Sure he liked Israelis . . but he was not a 'co-opted Israeli
agent,' as some people in Washington used to call him." 265
Most important to Angleton, however, was his relationship with the
Mossad. In fact, he was the CIA's longtime, self-appointed man at the
agency's Israel desk. Angleton's biographer, Tom Mangold, points out that
"The legends alone surrounding his twenty years as head of the Israeli Desk
would fill another book, as indeed would the truth."266
And although Mangold's account of Angleton's career devoted hardly
any attention to Angleton's intimate ties with Israel and its Mossad,
Mangold does state flatly: "I would like to place on the record, however, that
Angleton's closest professional friends overseas, then and subsequently,
came from the Mossad and that he was held in immense esteem by his
Israeli colleagues and by the state of Israel, which was to award him
profound honors after his death."267
Angleton, in fact, had long-standing direct ties with Israeli Prime
Minister David Ben-Gurion himself, dealing with the Israeli leader on an
intimate basis. If there was anyone in the CIA who knew of Ben-Gurion's
distaste for JFK, it was Angleton. As a devoted friend of Israel—and chief
liaison with the Mossad—Angleton had to be fully aware of the raging
conflict between the Israeli prime minister and the American president who
refused to bow to Israel's demands.
And considering President Kennedy's efforts to build bridges with the
Soviet Union and his efforts to wind down the Cold War, one knows,beyond question, that Angleton—hard-line, even fanatical anti-communist
that he was—viewed Kennedy's overtures with outrage and disgust. All of
this not to mention Kennedy's own conflicts with the CIA which we will
review in Chapter 9.
Clearly, John F. Kennedy was not only a threat to Israel and the CIA
and their allies in the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate, but also to
James Jesus Angleton himself. Kennedy's war with the CIA could spell an
end to Angleton's career and the world-wide intelligence empire that the
strange and calculating counterintelligence boss had assembled. The ties
between Angleton's CIA and the Mossad were such, according to historian
Steven Stewart, that they "had the effect of ensuring that virtually every
CIA man in the Middle East was also working at second hand for the Israelis .
. . as the CIA's policy changed almost overnight, in an extraordinary volteface,
from being largely pro-Arab to becoming almost totally pro-Israeli"268—a
close relationship indeed.
It is the CIA's relationship with Israel that is most significant in terms
of that agency's global intrigue—and, of course, in light of the CIA's
documented role in the assassination of John F. Kennedy (which we
examine in more detail in subsequent chapters). And it was Angleton who
was, as we have seen, the prime mover behind the CIA-Israeli Mossad's
close working relationship—in fact, from its very beginnings.
The late Wilbur Crane Eveland, a former adviser to the CIA and former
member of the policy-planning staffs of the White House and Pentagon, had
written extensively on the U.S.-Israeli relationship. In his book, Ropes of
Sand, Eveland reviewed the beginnings of what Andrew and Leslie Cockburn
call the "dangerous liaison"—America's covert relationship with Israel.
This covert relationship was conducted primarily through the aegis of
Angleton's Israeli desk at the CIA. Eveland writes of its origins: "CIA
operations had started before Allen Dulles became director that had long range
implications from which the United States might find it difficult to
disengage. Stemming from his wartime O.S.S liaison with Jewish resistance
groups based in London, James Angleton had arranged an operational intelligence
exchange agreement with Israel's Mossad, upon which the CIA
relied for much of its intelligence about the Arab states." 269
This relationship, however, was not necessarily initially based on
mutual trust. According to Wolf Blitzer, longtime Washington
correspondent for the Jerusalem Post, the CIA-Mossad relationship began on a
basis of mutual distrust. Blitzer notes that after Iranian militants seized the U.S.
Embassy in Tehran (sparking the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-1981), the
militants seized CIA documents which they later released.
"The documents," says Blitzer, "showed that Israeli intelligence
agencies, mostly in the 1950's, had blackmailed, bugged, wire-tapped, and
offered bribes to U.S. government officials in an effort to gain sensitive
intelligence and technical information." 270
The U.S. was apparently also spying on Israel, although this didn't
appear in the report. However, when it was necessary for the CIA and the
Mossad to reach a joint accord, it was James Jesus Angleton who stepped
in, and, according to Blitzer, "was said to have been largely responsible for
arranging the deal."271
The CIA and the Mossad had many joint ventures over the years, all
conducted under Angleton's watchful eye. Some of those ventures, of
course, included assassination plots. In fact, after President Eisenhower
commented that he hoped that "the Nasser problem could be eliminated"272—
(referring to what he perceived to be an intransigence by the Egyptian)—CIA
Director Allen Dulles and Angleton launched a plan to kill Nasser. However,
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (brother of the CIA director) intervened
and called off the CIA dogs.
The CIA was also engaging in covert actions against Israel's enemies in
Syria. One CIA conspiracy in 1958 to overthrow the nationalist government
of Syria—which anti-communist fanatics such as Angleton considered to be
"leftist"—fell apart when the CIA's paid henchmen, Syrian nationals (who
evidently were patriots), turned themselves in and exposed the CIA's plot to
the Syrian government. At the time, CIA director Dulles commented, "I
guess that leaves Israel's intelligence service as the only one on which we
can count, doesn't it?" 273

The CIA's now-best known assassination plot, of course, was the
agency's collaboration with organized crime in a scheme to kill Cuban
leader Fidel Castro. (We will examine the Castro assassination plot in much
further detail in Chapter 11.) It is interesting to note, however, at this
juncture, that as part of the plot against Castro the CIA established its now infamous
ZR/Rifle Team, incorporating a wide array of foreign assassins
and mercenaries—skilled and dangerous men who were trained in murder.
The ZR/Rifle Team, in fact, was one of Angleton's pet in-house CIA
projects which he ran in conjunction with his CIA colleague, William
Harvey.274 This, in the long run, as we shall see in Chapter 16, gave
Angleton and his Israeli allies access to the "talent" necessary to achieve a
successful operation in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas on November 22,
According to intelligence historian Richard Deacon, Israel's relationship with
the CIA (and Angleton, in particular) had been firmly cemented: "On the
American side the Israelis had won a certain amount of unofficial support
from the CIA even during the Eisenhower era. The CIA had been realistic
enough to realize that the Eisenhower appeasement policy towards the Arab
world would ultimately be disastrous for every American interest, military or
"For this reason they had maintained a policy of allowing all
intelligence operations in Israel to be carried out entirely by the Mossad. In
short, what this meant was that the CIA had no office or station chief in Tel
Aviv, but that certain officers in the US Embassy there co-operated with the
Mossad. In theory this entailed an exchange of intelligence between the two
sides and in practice this worked rather better than one could have expected
"The key figures in this arrangement were originally Mossad chief Isser Harel, Ephraim Evron, who later became deputy Israeli ambassador in
Washington, and James Angleton, chief of the CIA Counter-Intelligence." 275
(Evron, as we saw in Chapter 6, also became particularly close to John F.
Kennedy's successor, Lyndon Johnson, who reversed U.S. policy toward Israel—
and in favor of the CIA's interventionist policies in Southeast Asia—
immediately upon assuming office.)
According to intelligence historian Deacon, Angleton exploited the new
intimate relationship between the CIA and the Mossad for use
internationally: "Angleton, having seen the folly of U.S. foreign policy
during the abortive Suez operation, decided to counteract the State
Department's bias towards the Arabs by close cooperation with Israel. It
was he who first saw the need for a new policy in the Middle East and
safeguards against increasing Russian influence.
"He and Evron worked well together and, as a result, the CIA helped
Israel with technical assistance in the nuclear field. Evron was eager to
grasp this opportunity for he had been one of the prime instigators of the
aggressive challenge to John F. Kennedy's policy of friendship for Nasser and was instrumental in paving the way to a reversal of the pro-Arab
policy which for a while dominated American thinking, not only under
Eisenhower, but also the Kennedy administration."276 According to Deacon,
Evron was Israel's most powerful figure in Washington, more highly
regarded than even the Israeli ambassador and was welcomed as a Mossad
liaison officer to Angleton at the Central Intelligence Agency.277
There is, in fact, evidence that Angleton was covertly assisting Israel's
nuclear bomb program which, of course, was the primary source of conflict
between JFK and Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.
Tad Szulc, the noted foreign correspondent, "quoted sources close to
Angleton as saying that he had indeed secretly aided Israel with technical
nuclear information during the late 1950's."278 Additionally, Seymour
Hersh reported that Szulc's report "fits in with something Hersh had been
told by a high-level CIA official—that Angleton gave the Israelis similar
technical information in the mid-1960's."279
We do know that one of Angleton's "closest colleagues" from his days in
the O.S.S in Italy was a former leader of the Jewish underground, Meir
Deshalit, the older brother of Amos Deshalit, a physicist who was one of
the leaders in Israel's drive to build a nuclear bomb. 280
The evidence also suggests that Angleton was a key player in attempts
within the CIA itself to cover up Israel's secret nuclear weapons
John Hadden, who was the CIA station chief in Tel Aviv before his
retirement in 1960, is evidently the CIA officer who first reported (perhaps
incorrectly) that an Apollo, Pennsylvania company, the Nuclear Materials &
Equipment Corporation (N.U.M.E.C), was illegally providing bomb-grade
uranium for Israel's nuclear weapons development.
However, Hadden faced much opposition from within the CIA. One
individual in particular, the assistant to the deputy director for covert
operations, was constantly attacking Hadden, belittling his claims. This was
the ubiquitous Theodore Shackley, nicknamed "the Blonde Ghost."
Shackley, as we'll see in Chapter 11, was a key CIA player in CIA-Lansky
Syndicate plots against Fidel Castro. And it was also Shackley, as we shall
see in Chapter 12, who was a key CIA player in Southeast Asia during the
joint CIA-Lansky drug-trafficking operations in the region.
Later, following his retirement from the CIA, Shackley entered into
lucrative international arms dealing ventures with Shaul Eisenberg, a key
Mossad operative and a major figure in Israel's nuclear development
program. And later in these pages we will learn much more about the
connections of both Shackley and his future business partner Eisenberg.
Here, however, we see Shackley engaged in covering up Israeli operations in
the nuclear development arena—along with Angleton.
According to Hadden, Angleton "had no interest in stopping"281 the
NUMEC operation, and did not. Hadden comments: "Why would someone
whose whole life was dedicated to fighting communism have any interest in
preventing a fiercely anti-communist nation from getting the means to
defend itself?" 282 However, as we will see in Appendix Nine there is much
more to the N.U.M.E.C story than meets the eye.
As we noted, in Chapter 5, an internal CIA memorandum issued during
the presidency of John F. Kennedy cast negative light on Israel's nuclear development program. However, according to historian Stephen Green, "It is
perhaps significant that the memorandum was not drafted as a formal
national intelligence estimate, which would have involved distribution to
several other agencies of the government. No formal N.I.E was issued by CIA
on the Israeli nuclear weapons program until 1968." 283
There is no question, of course, considering Angleton's close ties with
Israel and its Mossad, that Angleton (and perhaps the aforementioned
Shackley) were instrumental in burying this memorandum.
The CIA-Mossad joint operations relating to Israel's nuclear
development continued for a generation. Many years later, the CIA and Israel
jointly arranged the kidnapping of Mordechai Vanunu, a nuclear technician
who blew the whistle on Israel's nuclear weapons development. A woman
used to lure Vanunu in the kidnapping conspiracy was a CIA covert action
operative who also did occasional work for the Mossad.
With the advent of the Lyndon Johnson administration and the amazing
reversal of U.S. policy toward Israel, outlined in detail in Chapter 6, and
with the close relationship between Angleton's Mossad liaison, Evron, and
Lyndon Johnson, Angleton's influence in Middle East policy-making
became even greater.
According to Andrew and Leslie Cockburn: "One long-serving official at
the CIA's ancient rival, the code-breaking National Security Agency,
states flatly that `Jim Angleton and the Israelis spent a year cooking up the 67 war. It was a CIA operation, designed to get Nasser of Egypt.' Such a
verdict, from a source inside an agency that had the inclination and the
facilities to monitor both the CIA and the Israelis, must carry some
weight." 284 [Which leaves the question of how much the CIA knew about the US Liberty D.C]
Now all of the aforementioned is particularly relevant when one
considers Angleton's preeminent role in the CIA-Mossad alliance.
However, much new additional information has come to light which ties
Angleton even further into the international web of conspiracy that resulted
in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Angleton, in fact, had intimate ties to Meyer Lansky-linked organized
crime operations in Europe stemming back from his service in the O.S.S in
England (working with British intelligence) and in Italy. And it was during
this same period that Meyer Lansky himself was engaged in joint covert
operations with the O.S.S, as noted in Chapter 7. It is also very likely that
during this time Angleton came in contact with a young American officer
detailed to the O.S.S—one Clay Shaw. As we shall see in Chapter 15, Shaw
is the focal point of contact in the JFK assassination conspiracy between
not only the CIA and low-level elements in the intelligence
community—Lee Harvey Oswald among them—but also between Meyer Lansky's European money laundering operation based at Mossad officer
Tibor Rosenbaum's Banque de Credit International (first examined in
Chapter 7).
At the tender age of 27, Angleton—then stationed in Rome—was the
youngest counterintelligence branch chief in the entire O.S.S and the only
non-Briton in Italy cleared to share intelligence secrets of the top-secret Ultra
program which was cracking Nazi codes. Italy, indeed, became a central
point of contact for Angleton and his international intelligence connections,
and particularly for his work on behalf of the state of Israel.
By 1951 Angleton was engaged in "the underground Jewish network
that ran down from Eastern Europe through Italy to the ports where
shiploads of immigrants were loaded for Palestine." 285 It was this refugee
network, according to Richard Deacon, writing in The Israeli Secret Service,
a history of the Mossad, that was "paving the way for an ultimate
intelligence network for the future state of Israel." 286
One of Angleton's Israeli contacts in the Jewish underground in Europe was
Teddy Kollek (later to become mayor of Jerusalem). Kollek, in fact, emerged
to become "a close personal friend."287 Kollek, as we saw in Chapter 7,
was the Haganah station chief in New York during the 1947-1948 period,
engaged in arms smuggling to Palestine in conjunction with Meyer Lansky
and Major Louis M. Bloomfield—whom we shall see in Chapter 15, was
associated with not only the aforementioned Clay Shaw, but also with
Tibor Rosenbaum's Banque De Credit International.
But there is an even more pivotal contact between Angleton, Major
Bloomfield, Shaw and Lansky: the same Tibor Rosenbaum. In Chapter 7
we met Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum of the Banque De Credit International. It
was Rosenbaum, who went on to serve as Director General for Finance and
Supply for the Mossad, who was one of the prime movers in the refugee turned-intelligence
network with which Angleton worked so closely.
It was also during this same period that the terrorist Menachem Begin
(who later became prime minister of Israel) was coordinating Israel's Irgun
operations in Europe. In Chapter 13, we shall find, Begin was also
operating in the United States in conjunction with a key figure in the
Lansky Crime Syndicate in joint efforts on behalf of Israel—and against
John F. Kennedy.
Angleton's connections with the Lansky operations, however, go even
deeper. It was through a secret CIA asset, one Jay Lovestone, that Angleton
manipulated what his biographer called "an odd little operation that Angleton had been quietly running all on his own since 1955.” 288
Through an aide, Stephen Millet, who was the counterintelligence officer
who handled the Israeli desk for Angleton, the CIA spymaster was
maintaining close links with the criminal underworld in Italy and France.
For details on the activities of Angleton and his Lansky-linked
organized crime associates we turn to the work of Robert I. Friedman. In his
biography of militant New York-born Rabbi Meyer Kahane (later a member of
the Israeli parliament), we learn that it was the aforementioned Lovestone who
provided Kahane and his closest associate and fellow rabbi, Dr. Joseph Churba,
with financing and support. (Lansky, himself, as we saw in Chapter 7,
was a contributor to Kahane's later activities in support of Israel.) In the
1960’s Churba and Kahane functioned as CIA assets in churning up Jewish
support—and otherwise—for the war in Vietnam, a venture, we have seen,
which proved fruitful for not only the CIA, but its allies in Israel and their
allies in the Lansky Syndicate.
According to Friedman, "Churba and Kahane also received support from
legendary cold warriors Jay Lovestone and Irving Brown, who had been top
officials of the American Communist Party in the 1920's before undergoing
a 'Damascus Road' conversion and who subsequently ran the A.F.L-C.I.O's
powerful International Affairs Department under the tutelage of the CIA. It
was under the CIA's direction that Lovestone and Brown—using Corsican
and Italian mafiosos—set up right-wing death squads in Marseilles and other
European cities after the Second World War to break the burgeoning left wing
labor movement. Thanks to Brown, by 1953 his key contact in the
Marseilles underworld, Pierre Ferri-Pisain, had control of the city's port,
where he built an international heroin trafficking empire.
"This was not the first time that American intelligence purchased the
services of the Mafia. Prior to the Allied invasion of Sicily in the Second
World War, the O.S.S established contacts with the Sicilian Mafia through
the same Lucky Luciano who allowed [the Jewish underground] to smuggle
weapons from Hoboken to the Irgun in Palestine. The Sicilian Mafia
provided intelligence on the Germans, and after the war assassinated hundreds
of Italian left-wing political activists."289
According to historian Alfred McCoy, "After the CIA withdrew from
active involvement Marseille's Corsicans won political protection from
France's intelligence service, the S.D.E.C.E, which allowed their heroin
laboratories to operate undisturbed for nearly 20 years. In partnership with
Italy's Mafia syndicates, the Corsicans smuggled raw opium from Turkey
and refined it into no. 4 heroin for export. Their biggest customer was the
United States".290
(In Chapter 7 we examined Lansky's pivotal role in arranging the
accommodation between the OSS and the Sicilian Mafia in the famed
"Operation Underworld." In Chapter 12 we will examine the Lansky-CIA
manipulation of the Corsican and Sicilian organized crime elements in the drug trade. In Chapter 12 , Chapter 15 and Chapter 16, we will also examine
the role of French Corsican gangsters and French intelligence operatives in
the JFK assassination—linking Angleton further to the events in Dallas on
November 22, 1963.)
Here, now, we see that it was Israeli Mossad ally James J. Angleton
who was, in fact, the prime mover behind the CIA operations utilizing the
Corsican and Sicilian organized crime elements in Angleton's "anticommunist"
ventures. That all of this was run through the Angleton's
Israeli desk at the CIA is quite interesting, to say the least. This, of course,
ties Angleton and the CIA and their collaborators in the Mossad even further
into the Lansky network—and into the nexus revolving around the
conspiracy that led to the murder of John F. Kennedy.
However, Angleton's French intrigue went beyond his connections with
the Corsican crime syndicate. He and the CIA were also dabbling in internal
French politics, interfering with the political aims of French leader Charles
DeGaulle and his political alliance. The CIA, in fact, was backing the
Socialist Party.
Historian Alfred McCoy notes that: "On the surface it may have seemed
a bit out of character for the CIA to be backing so far left [a party] as a
Socialist Party. However, there were only three major political parties in
France—Socialist, Communist and Gaullist—and by a simple process of
elimination the CIA wound up allying itself with the Socialists.
"While General DeGaulle was too independent for American tastes,
Socialist leaders were rapidly losing political ground to the Communists and
thus were willing to collaborate with the CIA." 291
That Angleton and the CIA would be actively working against
DeGaulle is intriguing, particularly in light of further evidence we shall
examine in Chapter 12, Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 which ties the CIA and
its allies in Israel to joint operations against DeGaulle. It was from this
same sphere of intrigue, as we shall see, that the JFK assassination evolved.
After John F. Kennedy was killed, it was Angleton who emerged as the
CIA's "overseer" of the Warren Commission investigation into the
assassination of Kennedy. In fact, as we shall see, Angleton maneuvered
himself into this position. JFK assassination researcher Peter Dale Scott
has written of what he called "the recurring presence of Angleton in the
background of the Warren Commission investigation."292
In 1996 new information about Angleton's peculiar role emerged when
the government's JFK Assassination Records Review Board released 192
pages of heretofore-classified testimony given to the House Assassinations
Committee in 1978 by a witness who was "chief of a CIA branch
responsible for operations in Mexico and Central America." 293 The actual identity of the witness was considered so sensitive that the CIA insisted on
withholding his real name so he testified under the alias "John Scelso."
According to Scelso's story, it was he, "Scelso," who had initially been placed in charge of the CIA's end of the assassination investigation, but— according to Scelso—Angleton "immediately went into action to do all the investigating."294 (This suggests, of course, that Angleton did have a very specific interest in controlling any evidence which did emerge.)
The testimony by Scelso also brought forth some interesting revelations about Angleton's organized crime connections. At one point in his testimony, a committee attorney, Michael Goldsmith, asked Scelso the intriguing question, "Do you have any reason to believe that Angleton might have had ties to organized crime?"295 to which Scelso responded in the affirmative.
Scelso went on to explain that the Justice Department had once asked the CIA to determine the true names of people holding numbered bank accounts in Panama because the mob was hiding Las Vegas "skim" money there. Scelso commented that "We were in an excellent position to do this and told them so—whereupon Angleton vetoed it and said, 'That is the [FBI's] business."296
When Scelso discussed this with another CIA officer, the other officer "smiled a foxy smile and said, 'Well, that's Angleton's excuse. The real reason is that Angleton himself has ties to the Mafia and he would not want to double-cross them. "297
Indeed, Angleton, Israel's point man at the CIA, was well-placed to help cover up the real truth about Israel's role—along with that of the CIA and the Lansky syndicate—and ultimately he did.
Nosenko's most provocative claim was that, contrary to some suspicions—and allegations—the Soviet KGB had absolutely nothing to do with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Thus, those such as Israel's man at the CIA, Angleton, who wanted to hang the blame on the KGB for the president's murder, had what appeared to be a bona fide Soviet defector on their hands whose claims ran contrary to the propaganda line they sought to promote. Angleton was Nosenko's loudest and most vociferous accuser, determined to prove Nosenko a liar. Angleton subjected Nosenko to 1,277 days of torture, questioning and deprivation, but Nosenko stuck to his story. Angleton was clearly determined to disprove the one man who was clearly well-informed enough about the Soviet KGB to dispute the claim that the Soviets were behind the JFK assassination. Eliminating the Soviets as a suspect would, of course, shift suspicion elsewhere. Looking elsewhere for those with not only the means and the opportunity—but also the motive— to kill John F. Kennedy would have, of course, pointed in the direction of Angleton's own CIA and its allies in the Israeli Mossad. In Chapter 16 we shall see how Angleton did indeed play a key role in the JFK assassination cover-up.
Revelation of either a CIA role or an Israeli role in the murder of JFK would have inevitably destroyed not only America's relationship with Israel, but it would have brought the international house of joint CIA-Mossad/Lansky Crime Syndicate conspiracies tumbling down. And James Jesus Angleton, as the CIA's intimate liaison with Israel, would have been destroyed in the process. Likewise with his CIA patrons, Allen Dulles and Richard Helms.
(In Chapter 16 we shall review the activities of Angleton and Richard Helms further, particularly as they relate to the cover-up of the truth about the JFK assassination conspiracy. In Chapter 18 we shall see how Helms' close relationship with the Iranian secret police, SAVAK—created jointly by the CIA and the Mossad—tie Helms himself even further into the realm of conspiracy in the continuing cover-up of the JFK assassination.)
Angleton's "chief patron" Richard Helms left the CIA in 1973. This
was the beginning of the end of his days at the CIA. Angleton was fired by
the new CIA director, William Colby, on December 20, 1974. And, as we
shall see in Appendix Six, Angleton's firing not only had precisely to do
with his unusually close affiliation with Israel, but ultimately may have
played a part in the strange demise—years later—of William Colby.
The ultimate parlay of Angleton's Kennedy assassination disinformation appeared in Edward Jay Epstein's book, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald (published in 1978). Epstein, a Warren Commission "critic," first came to prominence as the author of Inquest, a book-length study of the commission, originally written as his master's thesis at Yale University, long a recruiting ground for the CIA. It was some years later, however, that Epstein came forth with Legend. As pointed out, however, by assassination researcher, Carl Oglesby, it was Angleton who was "Epstein's chief source for the narrative unfolded"298 in Legend.
Epstein's book presented the thesis that Oswald had been recruited by the Soviet KGB during his Marine service. Later KGB asset Oswald killed JFK, but not necessarily on the Kremlin's orders. Evidently, we are led to assume, Oswald got out of control.
Oswald's KGB connection, according to Epstein, was subsequently covered up by a Soviet mole in the CIA and then the FBI's legendary communist hunter, J. Edgar Hoover, helped in the cover-up, for reasons of his own—a fanciful story indeed. Whatever the case, it was Angleton who was Epstein's most important source of "inside" information in the weaving of this particular "legend." And interestingly enough, it was the controlled media which had otherwise scoffed at JFK conspiracy allegations that responded so favorably to this "new" conspiracy story.
As Carl Oglesby noted at the time Legend was published: "Time called Epstein 'a careful, academic researcher' and said his evidence that Oswald was a Soviet spy was 'strong.' The New York Times Review of Books called it "fascinating, alarming and perhaps enormously significant' and praised its 'explosive qualities.' The normally chaste Wilfred Sheed swallowed the whole Angleton kaboodle and chimed in on his own that `Cuba itself seems the most likely conspirator' with Oswald. 'This one," he concluded, 'is a beauty.'"299
(And as we shall see in Chapter 17, the controlled media's own extensive links with Israel and its lobby in America, particularly the Lansky Syndicate-funded Anti-Defamation League [A.D.L] of B'nai B'rith, accounts for the media's desire to place the blame for the JFK assassination elsewhere, other than on Angleton's CIA and his allies in Israel.)
They wanted, more than anything perhaps, to believe that a communist had killed JFK. It was wholly in line with their anti-communist worldview and tailor-made for those who wanted to wave the proverbial "red flag." (This red flag, as we shall see in these pages, however, was, in fact, yet another Israeli false flag.)
Noting the conservative outcry that "a communist killed JFK," Peter Dale Scott has written of "the loud and irresponsible campaign of the American Security Council, the largest p.r. lobby for the military-industrial complex, to support the intelligence-fed claim that a KGB assassin 'had been trained at an assassin's school in the USSR for assignment later on the North American continent.’” 300
Since the publication of the second edition of Final Judgment, a former publicist for the American Security Council. William J. Gill, acknowledged to this author his own sincere belief (at the time) that there had been a communist role in the JFK assassination. He acknowledged that, for political reasons, he had indeed been a part of the effort to pin the assassination on the Soviets.
However, having read Final Judgment Gill concluded that, as he put it, "I think you have pinned the tail on the donkey." In other words, that he now believed that the Israeli Mossad was indeed the prime mover behind the JFK assassination. "It was an angle that I never even conceived possible— until now," he said. Gill described Final Judgment as "the most important book of the 20th century."
There is no question but that conservative elements did indeed stress the "communist" angle in the JFK assassination following the president's murder—for very obvious political motivations.
One prominent "right wing" journalist of the time, Revilo P. Oliver— then a key figure in the John Birch Society—was actually called before the Warren Commission to elaborate on his controversial and widely-publicized theory that the Soviets had JFK executed because he [JFK] was not doing enough to advance international communism. However, shortly before his death in 1994 Oliver told associates that had he not been so ill, he would have relished the opportunity to write a favorable review of Final Judgment which had just been released earlier in the year. Oliver himself evidently realized that he, too, had been taken in by the Angleton-inspired myth. Needless to say, however, the myth the Soviets were somehow involved in the JFK assassination was an ideal cover story and one that James J. Angleton was very much the prime mover behind.
Angleton died a broken man on May 11, 1987—driven out of the CIA to which he had devoted his lifetime. Angleton was correct: "A mansion has many rooms." There was yet another secret room—so to speak—a shadowy intelligence operation working closely with Organized Crime and the CIA in a wide variety of ventures both in the United States and around the globe: James Jesus Angleton's beloved allies in Israel's Mossad.
At the same time, the CIA and the Mossad were also engaged in efforts to undermine French President Charles DeGaulle. In the end, the intrigue against DeGaulle would prove to play a little-known but critical part in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
In 1972 the Washington Observer newsletter published perhaps what was one of the first hints—in print—that the Kennedy family itself suspected that the CIA had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
According to the Observer, "Back in 1963, shortly after President Kennedy's assassination, Robert F. Kennedy while he was still Attorney General, conducted his own private investigation, which ran parallel with the official inquiry into the assassination conducted by the Warren Commission. Kennedy's investigation featured trips to this country by an Inspector Hamilton, former Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard. Hamilton, an old friend of Joseph P. Kennedy, had been retained by the attorney general to help unravel the real truth about the murder of JFK.
"After long conferring with the members of the Kennedy family and making a few discreet soundings with his own contacts, Hamilton zeroed on the fact that the assassination of John Kennedy had occurred very shortly after his brother Bobby had made some preliminary moves for direct personal control of the CIA, whose leadership he blamed for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
"Hamilton, following the cui Bono ("whom does it benefit?") reasoning, reached the conclusion that Bobby's move to seize control of the CIA had something to do with the murder of his elder brother."302
The family biographers of Chicago Mafia boss, Sam Giancana, who participated in the infamous CIA-Organized Crime plots against Fidel Castro (which we will examine in more detail in Chapter 11) report that Giancana was very much aware that the CIA was unhappy with the Kennedy's. "Within the CIA, the dismay at having been betrayed by both the President and attorney general, as well as the President's open promise to dismantle the intelligence agency's power, soon turned to hatred, creating a ripple effect that would blacken the moods of the men [Giancana] dealt with in his covert operations. These men expressed their outrage at the Bay of Pigs operation along with their fear that Kennedy now posed a very real threat to the CIA's continued autonomy, perhaps its very existence." 303
"If the CIA operatives, officers, and former officers believed that the defense of their Agency and their nation required the elimination of President Kennedy because he was about to dismantle their organization, one could comprehend, while neither accepting nor condoning their viewpoint, that their concept of self-defense required them to use deadly force. Most relevant, therefore, is not what Kennedy was or was not about to do vis-à-vis the CIA, but what the leaders of the Agency believed he might do.
"John F. Kennedy made it clear that he planned to destroy the CIA. The New York Times reported on April 25, 1966, under a sub headline, 'Kennedy's Bitterness,' that 'as the enormity of the Bay of Pigs disaster came home to him, [Kennedy] said to one of the highest officials of his Administration that he wanted 'to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.'
"He clearly was not suggesting a modest legislative proposal or executive order to modify or reform the organization. The total destruction of the Agency was his apparent objective." 304
"Kennedy dealt with the CIA through the implementation of a three point emergency program designed to control the agency. He fired its most culpable and powerful leaders, he appointed a high-level committee, the Cuban study group, to investigate the misdeeds of the organization so that he might determine what additional short-range limitations were required and, in the interim, he dramatically reduced the powers and jurisdiction of the Agency and established strict limits as to its future actions through National Security Action memorandum."
"Kennedy then sought to control the Agency by sharply reducing its ability to act in the future through National Security Action Memorandum 55, 56 and 57. These documents, in theory, eliminated the ability of the CIA to wage war. The CIA would not be permitted to initiate any operation requiring greater firepower than that generated by handguns." 305
That all of these actions upset the CIA and its allies is undoubted. One
man on the scene at the time was Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, who served as
liaison between the Defense Department and the CIA during the relevant
According to Prouty, "Nothing I had ever been involved in my entire career had created such an uproar. N.S.A.M 55 stripped the CIA of its cherished covert operations role, except for small actions. It was an explosive document. The military-industrial complex was not pleased." 306
By late 1963 JFK's conflict with the CIA was in full force and although it was not the subject of heated public discussion, the word was leaking out through official and un-official channels that there was something afoot at the highest levels.
On October 3, 1963, the dean of America's newspaper columnists, Arthur Krock, was writing frankly in the New York Times of Kennedy's war with the CIA—a war which was intensifying over the issue of Vietnam. Krock's front-page article, in fact, was entitled, "The Intra-Administration War in Vietnam."
The significance of this astounding column is that it was Arthur Krock who affixed his name to this explosive report: Krock was a longtime close friend and confidant of the Kennedy family and had even ghost-written several published works on behalf of the president's father, Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy.
The columnist was a key Kennedy link in press circles and would have been the first and foremost choice of President Kennedy if JFK had wished to utilize the press to bring his conflict with the CIA into the public arena. As Mark Lane so aptly described the column: "This was John F. Kennedy sending out a message to the American people through his trusted conduit Arthur Krock." 307
This column remained forgotten in the wake of the president's assassination, but it was in 1992 that Lane surfaced the prophetic warning and began bringing it to the attention of American audiences who now had a renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination.
The columnist stated that President Kennedy sent Henry Cabot Lodge, his Ambassador to Vietnam, with orders to the CIA on two separate occasions and in both cases the CIA ignored those orders, saying that it was different from what the agency thought should be done. In other words, the CIA had decided that it,not the president,would make the decisions as to how American foreign policy should be conducted."308
Lane pointed out that a source for Krock's column was a report filed for the Scripps-Howard newspapers by foreign correspondent Richard Starnes who had interviewed a number of high-ranking administration officials and others who expressed their concern about the CIA's intransigence.
The CIA's growth was "likened to a malignancy" which the "very high official was not sure even the White House could control . . . any longer."
"If the United States ever experiences [an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government] it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon." The agency "represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."
"Whatever else these passages disclose, they most certainly establish that representatives of other Executive branches have expanded their war against the CIA from the inner government councils to the American people via the press.
And published simultaneously are details of the agency's operations in Vietnam that can come only from the same critical official sources. This is disorderly government. And the longer the President tolerates it—the period already is considerable—the greater the real war against the Vietcong and the impression of a very indecisive Administration in Washington.
"The CIA may be guilty as charged. Since it cannot, or at any rate will not, openly defend its record in Vietnam or defend it by the same confidential press 'briefings' employed by its critics, the public is not in a position to judge. Nor to this department, which sought and failed to get even the outlines of the agency's case in rebuttal.
"But Mr. Kennedy will have to make a judgment if the spectacle of war within the Executive branch is to be ended and the effective functioning of the CIA preserved. And when he makes this judgment, hopefully he also will make it public, as well as the appraisal of fault on which it is based.
"Doubtless recommendations as to what his judgment should be were made to him today by Secretary of Defense McNamara and General Taylor on their return from their fact-finding expedition into the embattled official jungle in Saigon." 309
It is ironic, indeed, that Krock's column concluded with its reference to the trip by McNamara and Taylor to Southeast Asia.
For, as Col. Fletcher Prouty points out, upon their return they "reported to the President that it looked to them, after their visit to Saigon, as though things could be put under control and that we would be able to withdraw all personnel from Vietnam by the end of 1965.
"Now we can see why they chose that date," comments Prouty. "This was the date the President had used in his own discussions with his closest advisers. They all knew that he planned to announce a pullout once he had been re-elected." 310
It was soon thereafter, however, that John F. Kennedy was indeed gone from the scene and the president's plans for withdrawal from Vietnam, so carefully drawn, were now being reversed by the new President.
"During March, 1964, Johnson signed N.S.A.M 288 that repudiated Kennedy's plan to end the U.S. military participation in the war that year. In the months that followed, Johnson increased the military commitment from under 20,000 troops to approximately a quarter of a million." 311
"Years later . . . after the deaths of more than 50,000 Americans and more than a million Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians, the war finally ended with the military defeat of the United States."312
However, as we have seen in Chapter 6, the war in Vietnam proved a boon to the CIA's allies in Israel, allowing the Middle East state to flex its muscles in the region.
And in Chapter 12 we shall see that a joint CIA-Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate venture in the international drug racket out of Southeast Asia proved so very profitable, conducted under military cover in the midst of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
The circumstances of how the trial came about are interesting. It was in
1978, that a Washington-based weekly newspaper, The Spotlight, published
an article by former high-ranking CIA official Victor Marchetti which
alleged the CIA intended to frame longtime CIA operative E. Howard Hunt
for involvement in the Kennedy assassination.
Hunt, of course, was the CIA's chief political liaison with the anti Castro Cuban community during the period leading up to the JFK assassination and who had, subsequently, over the years, been mentioned as a suspect in the assassination conspiracy.
(Hunt had organized, on the CIA's behalf, several anti-Castro Cuban groups, including the Revolutionary Democratic Front. Hunt's Cuban point man in the RDF, Antonio de Varona, in fact, personally received funding for the RDF from Meyer Lansky himself.) 313
Marchetti's article suggested that there was then so much growing suspicion that the CIA had been involved in the JFK assassination that the CIA had decided that it would sacrifice Hunt and say that Hunt was a "renegade" operative involved in the president's assassination.
Although the editors of The Spotlight felt Marchetti's article served, if anything, as an advance warning to Hunt about what his former employers had in mind, the ex-CIA man decided to sue, even though he ultimately admitted under oath that he believed The Spotlight's story seemed plausible. When the case finally went to trial in federal court in Miami, the newspaper suffered a devastating loss. The jury found in favor of Hunt and ordered The Spotlight to pay $650,000 in damages.
Fortunately—for The Spotlight—an error in the trial judge's instructions to the jury gave the populist weekly grounds for an appeal. When the case was successfully appealed and ordered for retrial, Mark Lane—an attorney—stepped in for the defense.
Among the big names deposed during the Hunt case were: former CIA Director Richard Helms; former CIA Director Stansfield Turner; former CIA chief for the Western Hemisphere David Phillips; and former CIA and FBI man (and Watergate celebrity) G. Gordon Liddy. The most damning evidence against Hunt came, however, when attorney Lane presented the deposition of former CIA operative Marita Lorenz
Miss Lorenz testified that one day prior to the president's assassination
she arrived in Dallas (traveling from a CIA "safe house" in Miami) in a two car
caravan. Accompanying Miss Lorenz on what she described as a secret
mission were several CIA operatives, led by Miss Lorenz' CIA "handler,"
Frank Sturgis, armed with telescopic rifles. According to Miss Lorenz she
had not been apprised of the purpose of the mission.
Upon arrival in Dallas, according to Miss Lorenz, they met with not only E. Howard Hunt, who was functioning as the CIA operatives' paymaster, but also nightclub operator Jack Ruby who later executed the president's alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.
When Hunt himself took the stand, attorney Lane, while questioning Hunt, pointed out numerous inconsistencies in Hunt's testimony. Hunt himself had told several stories, over the years, about where he had been on the day the president was assassinated.
It was Miss Lorenz' testimony, however, that convinced the jury that the CIA had been involved in the Kennedy assassination. The jury found in favor of The Spotlight and dismissed Hunt's claim.
Leslie Armstrong, a Miami resident who was jury forewoman in the case, issued a statement in conjunction with the release of Lane's written account of the trial:
"Mr. Lane was asking us [the jury] to do something very difficult. He was asking us to believe John Kennedy had been killed by our own government. Yet when we examined the evidence closely, we were compelled to conclude that the CIA had indeed killed President Kennedy." 314
In his best-selling Plausible Denial Lane recounted this exciting trial and demonstrated other compelling evidence that he uncovered which proves that the CIA did indeed have a hand in the president's assassination But in Chapter 16 of Final Judgment we will look more closely at the activities of both E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, examining remarkable evidence which points further toward the involvement of the Mossad—alongside the CIA—in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
"She said that she wouldn't name names. 'That could get me killed,' she said. 'Don't ask me that question. I want you to promise me that you won't ask me that question.' However, " according to Lane, "Mr. Hunt's lawyer asked her that question and she answered it, to my surprise. She said that it was the Novo brothers."

According to Lane, "The Novo brothers—Guillermo and Ignacio—are very
interesting characters. I've done some research on them. I can assure you,"
said Lane, "that the first time I heard their name connected with the Kennedy
assassination was when Miss Lorenz gave their names to Hunt's lawyer. She
had not told me anything before that.
"After her testimony to Hunt's lawyer, I asked Miss Lorenz, 'Why did you tell them?' She said—referring to Hunt, the CIA and his lawyers—`If they are so dumb as to ask me that question, then it is not my fault if I give them the answer. It's on their heads,’ said Miss Lorenz. `If you had asked me, it would have been a different story. However, if the CIA—through Hunt and his lawyers—asked that question, then it's on the record and it's their fault, not mine.’"
"These Novo brothers that Miss Lorenz named have been involved in a
series of intelligence related crimes. They were involved in the murder in
Washington, D.C. in 1976 of former Chilean government official Orlando
Letelier and Ronnie Moffit, a woman who was with him. A man named
Michael Townley who was connected with the Chilean secret police was
involved in planning the Letelier murder with the Novo brothers. When
Townley was indicted, he testified against the Novos.
"Townley was questioned by the FBI who asked Townley to show them where in New York City he had his first meeting with the Novos. Townley pointed out a building at 500 Fifth Avenue and showed the FBI the office on the 41st floor where the first meeting was held." 315
According to Lane, research indicated that the meeting was held in the office of then-U.S. Sen. James Buckley (C-N.Y.). Now a federal judge on the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Buckley is the brother of former CIA operative and conservative fortnightly National Review founder William F. Buckley, Jr.
(E. Howard Hunt was William F. Buckley's immediate superior in the CIA during the period that the two served together in the CIA in Mexico for nine months in the period of 1951-52.)
According to Lane, "The testimony by Townley made reference to a William Sampol who worked in James Buckley's office. Sampol was a cousin of the Novo brothers."316
Lane points out that the murder of Letelier took place during the time that George Bush was director of the CIA: "There is evidence that Bush was given information that indicated that the Chilean government was responsible for the murder of Letelier. However, Bush gave information to selected friends in the news media the story that Letelier was killed by his own supporters who wanted to make him [Letelier] a martyr.
According to Lane, "It was William F. Buckley, Jr. who took that story from Bush and ran with it. The media followed Buckley's lead, but the story turned out not to be true." (In Chapter 20, as we shall see, it was George Bush who, in many ways, had very close connections to a number of the key players in the strange netherworld of international intelligence as it is linked to the JFK assassination.)
As Lane points out: "The Novos were both convicted of the Letelier murder and sentenced to prison. These are the brothers that Marita Lorenz testified were in the two-car caravan of killers traveling from Miami to Dallas for the purpose of assassinating President Kennedy." 317
(It was Ostrovsky, coincidentally enough, whom we learned in Chapter 2, had exposed a Mossad plot to assassinate the former director of the CIA, George Bush, after Bush, serving as U.S. President, ran afoul of Israel.)
According to Ostrovsky, commenting on the Letelier murder: "Nobody pointed the finger at the Mossad. And while the Mossad had no direct involvement in the hit ordered by Chilean DINA [secret police] Chief Manuel Contreras Sepulveda, it had played a significant indirect role in the execution through a secret deal with Contreras to buy a French-made Exocet surface-to-surface naval missile from Chile.
"The death squad didn't use Mossad personnel in killing Letelier but they certainly used Mossad know-how, taught to them as part of the deal Contreras made to supply the missile." 318 It was the Novo brothers, however, who took the fall and served time in prison. No Mossad agents, however, were charged with the crime.
It is interesting to note, nonetheless, that Michael Townley himself had very interesting further connections with Israel. His wife, Ines, although a Chilean Christian, had spent time on an Israeli Kibbutz with her first husband, and maintained a long-standing "devotion to the cause of Israel." 319
Part of Townley's deal with the federal prosecutors, in the case of the Novo brothers, involved a plea bargain in which his wife received immunity from prosecution, although she had been implicated in various terrorist enterprises alongside her husband. 320
However, Townley's other connection with Israel is far more significant, particularly in the context of our discussion of his connection with the Cuban Americans who have been implicated in the JFK assassination. During Townley's long career as an international adventurer, he served—apparently during the period from 1961-1966—as a mutual funds salesman for financier Bernard Cornfeld's Investors' Overseas Service (J.O.S)321
It was in Chapter 7 that we first came across the I.O.S, in examining the relationship of Meyer Lansky's Organized Crime Syndicate to the Israeli Mossad-linked Banque De Credit International (B.C.I).
Rosenbaum's B.C.I received its Lansky Crime Syndicate cash flow mainly through the Lansky-controlled Bank of World Commerce in Nassau, Bahamas. The middleman was a young Swiss, Sylvain Ferdmann, a courier for Lansky.
Ferdmann was not only an official of Rosenbaum's bank, and an associate of the Bank of World Commerce (controlled by Lansky's longtime crony, John Pullman) but—like Michael Townley himself—also a legman for Investors Overseas Services (I.O.S).
Townley's employer, Cornfeld, in fact, was initially sponsored by Rosenbaum who had emerged as a major money launderer for Lansky's global drug trafficking. Millions in small bills were transferred from Lansky's casinos, often masked as Israeli Bond sales and contributions to Jewish philanthropies through B.C.I and the I.O.S.
It is thus interesting, to say the least, that Michael Townley, with his Israeli Mossad connections during not only the period of the JFK assassination but also during his participation in the Letelier murder, should be associated with the Novo brothers who have been implicated in both crimes themselves.
That former New York Senator James Buckley's office should have, perhaps by coincidence, served as the meeting place where the Letelier assassination was planned is also interesting. As we've noted already, E. Howard Hunt (himself implicated in the JFK assassination) and Buckley's brother, publisher (and Hunt's ex-CIA support staffer) William F. Buckley, Jr. were longtime friends stemming from their CIA days.
Hunt's own longtime intrigue with the Cuban American community in anti-Castro activities as the CIA's chief liaison with the Cubans, of course, has long been widely noted.
Buckley, Sr. incorporated Pan-Israel Oil Co (headquartered in Jerusalem) with Buckley, Sr. as president. Directors of the company included several Israelis. Simultaneously, Israel-Mediterranean Petroleum, Inc. was incorporated under the laws of Panama. The principal offices of the firm were in Jerusalem at the same address where Pan-Israel Oil Co. was located. James L. Buckley was one of the vice presidents. All of the voting stock for the two companies was held in the voting trust. No members of the Buckley family, however, held votes. The voting trustees had Jewish names.
Pan-Israel and Israel-Mediterranean jointly owned eight petroleum licenses, all located in Israel. The two companies also owned Mana Oil Distributors and Tri-Continent Drilling Co., a subsidiary of the Pantepec Oil Company (later absorbed by Pantepec International Petroleum, Ltd.).
President of PIP, Ltd. was John W. Buckley who, with his brother James L. Buckley, served on the board of directors. These companies, together conducted global operations with oil properties in Australia, South America, Canada, Libya, Spanish Sahara, the Philippines and Israel. 322
That the Hunt- and CIA-linked Buckley family should also be so closely tied to the Novo brothers, implicated in both the JFK and Orlando Letelier assassinations is intriguing.
More so, perhaps, because the Novo brothers' associate in the Letelier assassination—at least—was himself intimately tied to the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate and an Israeli Mossad-sponsored money laundering operation.
Incredibly enough, however, there is yet another bizarre Buckley family link to a key player in the strange world of JFK's alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the JFK assassination conspiracy.
The European nobleman, however, traveled around the globe primarily in his capacity as an oil engineer. It was in this guise that he came into contact with the Buckley family. As early as 1945 DeMohrenschildt worked directly under Warren Smith, then the president of the Pantepec Oil Co., the Buckley family's Mexican oil company, established in 1914. DeMohrenschildt and Smith eventually formed the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Trust Co. The Buckley Family's Pantepec, interestingly enough, had, by that time, already shifted its focus to Venezuela. 324
Despite all these more tenuous Buckley links, there is, however, firm evidence of a link between the Buckleys and DeMohrenschildt. It turns out that in DeMohrenschildt's address book is listed one "Buckley, W.F."325
Hunt and DeMohrenschildt also both popped up in Cuba in 1956 in the stormy period before Fidel Castro pushed the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate off the island. While DeMohrenschildt said later that he was there on oil business, Hunt was attending a meeting of CIA station chiefs from the Caribbean and Central American regions.
In 1960 both Hunt and DeMohrenschildt also appeared in Guatemala when troops were being trained there for what was ultimately to be the Bay of Pigs debacle, initially intended for the purpose of toppling Castro. DeMohrenschildt said that he and his wife were on a walking tour of Central America. Hunt, however, was serving as the CIA's liaison with anti-Castro Cuban groups. 326
By 1963, however, DeMohrenschildt had settled in Dallas and had befriended Lee Harvey Oswald who by this time, was mixing easily with the anti-Castro Cuban elements that were directly under the thumb of the CIA's chief liaison with those forces—E. Howard Hunt.
The role of DeMohrenschildt in the JFK assassination conspiracy will probably never be known. In the end, the globe-hopping nobleman died (ostensibly by his own hand) on the morning of March 29, 1977 just shortly before he was scheduled to meet with an investigator of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. DeMohrenschildt's wife believed her husband’s suicide had somehow been induced.
Whatever the case, there is yet another bizarre coincidence, DeMohrenschildt had just met—before his death—with author Edward Jay Epstein. In Chapter 8, as we saw, it was Epstein who was the primary literary promoter of the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was under Soviet influence when he assassinated John F. Kennedy. The primary source for Epstein's theory was Israel's CIA ally, James Jesus Angleton.
Organization (OAS) that was fighting DeGaulle's decision to grant independence to Algeria.
Although the Church Senate Committee hearings on clandestine CIA activities later concluded that there had been no CIA involvement with the O.A.S,327 there is very strong evidence to the contrary.
General Maurice Challe, former commander in chief of French forces in Algeria and leader of the military revolt against DeGaulle in April of 1961, emerged as one of the key figures in the O.A.S. Although Challe insisted that he "'had no contact personally with any foreign countries' and that in fact he had deliberately avoided all such contacts so as not to incur any possible charge of having been brought in on foreign bayonets."
"Nevertheless," according to historian Alistair Horne, "some of [Challe's] subordinates appear to have made informal, and highly tentative, soundings with representatives of various countries that might be considered sympathetic, among them Portugal, Spain, Israel and South Africa."328
"Rumors of clandestine United States involvement ran extremely strong in France. Undeniably, during his time at NATO headquarters the popular Challe did make firm friends of a number of high-ranking United States generals who made no secret of their aversion to what DeGaulle was doing to NATO, going so far—over a plethora of Scotch—as to express enthusiasm for anyone who might rid France of her turbulent president, or, at least, force him to change his tune."329
"There were also rumors that the CIA had promised Challe United States recognition if they succeeded—in order to keep the communists out of North Africa. Any hopes, however, that all this may have engendered in the bosom of the conspiracy were to be swiftly dashed when [John F. Kennedy's] Ambassador to Paris, General James M. Gavin, firmly assured DeGaulle that if any rebels attempted to land on French bases where there were American troops, these would at once open fire." 330
There is further evidence that the CIA was engaged in intrigue with the OAS. According to historian Alexander Harrison, "In early December 1961, a 'Colonel Brown' of the CIA station in France requested a meeting with [OAS leader General Raoul] Salan. Brown offered Salan enough weaponry to equip an army of 50,000 men."331
Although some have speculated that the purported CIA operatives were not, in fact, really with the CIA, General Salan himself said, "I was sure they were serious, because they knew all the right people, and their credentials were perfect." In fact, in the end, some arms were indeed delivered.332 So there really is no question, really, that the CIA was indeed covertly supporting the OAS in its war against DeGaulle.
We do know that during this same time frame, the CIA did have one liaison, at least, to the OAS. He was E. Howard Hunt, the agency's political handler for the anti-Castro Cuban exiles.
In Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 we will examine Hunt's OAS connections further, particularly as they relate to the key players involved in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
In fact, during this time of CIA intrigue against DeGaulle, it is worth noting that the aforementioned OAS leaders—Salan and Challe—among many others "were known as Israel's friends in France,"336 according to Israeli historian Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi.
Ultimately, Israel rewarded Challe for his efforts. After Challe was released from prison in 1967, having been convicted of his involvement in attempting to topple DeGaulle, Challe was hired by Zim, the Israeli shipping concern, 337 part of the international corporate empire of one of the Mossad's most valued assets, billionaire Shaul Eisenberg, whose enterprises were an integral part of the economy of the state of Israel itself.
We first met Eisenberg in Chapter 7 where we learned of his partnership, along with Mossad officer Tibor Rosenbaum, in the SwissIsrael Trade Bank. But we will learn much more about Eisenberg and his ventures on behalf of Israel's drive for a nuclear arsenal later in these pages. More importantly, however, we will see how Eisenberg's activities tie directly into the JFK assassination—a story that has never been told before.
That Israel and its allies in the CIA would be conspiring against Charles DeGaulle during the same period when they were likewise conspiring against John F. Kennedy, as we shall see, is quite significant indeed.
Little Man's Little Man:
Meyer Lansky & Carlos Marcello
Chapter Eight Thick as Thieves
258 Andrew Cockburn and Leslie Cockburn. Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991), p. 16.
259 Ibid.
260 Tom Mangold. Cold Warrier—James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991), p. 307.
261 Ibid., p. 52.
262 Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1993), p. 54.
263 Cockburn, p. 42.
264 Ibid., pp. 42-43.
265 Ibid., p. 43.
266 Mangold, p. 362. 267 Ibid.
268 Steven Stewart. The Spymasters of Israel. (New York: Ballantine Books, 1980, p. 119.
269 Wilbur Crane Eveland. Ropes of Sand: America's Failure in the Middle East. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1980), p. 95.
270 Wolf Blitzer. Between Washington and Jerusalem. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 96.
271 Ibid.
272 Cockburn, p. 69.
273 Ibid.
274 Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), p. 173. Citing David Martin. Wilderness of Mirrors. (New York: Harper & Row, 1980), see pp. 120-124 in particular.
275 Richard Deacon. The Israeli Secret Service. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc., 1978), pp. 170-171.
276 Ibid., p. 171.
277 Ibid.
278 Wolf Blitzer. Between Washington and Jerusalem. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 89.
279 Ibid.
280 Seymour Hersh. The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy (New York: Random House, 1991), p. 144.
281 Cockburn, p. 80. 282 Ibid.
283 Stephen Green. Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations With a Militant Israel. (New York: William Morrow & Company, 1984), p. 164.
284 Cockburn, p. 147.
285 Cockburn, pp. 42-43.
286 Deacon, p. 35.
287 Cockburn, p. 42.
288 Mangold, p. 314-315.
289 Robert I. Friedman. The False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane—From FBI Informant to Knesset Member. (New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1990), pp. 34-35.
290 Alfred W. McCoy. The Politics of Heroin. (Brooklyn, New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1991), p. 25.
291 Alfred W. McCoy. The Politics of Heroin. (Brooklyn, New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1991), p. 58.
292 Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1993), p. 196.
293 Newsday report published in the Baltimore Sun, October 6, 1996.
294 Ibid.
295 Ibid.
296 Ibid.
297 Ibid.
298 Carl Oglesby. The JFK Assassination: The Facts and the Theories. (New York: Signet Books, 1992), p. 145.
299 Ibid., 149.
300 Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1993), p. 55.
301 The New York Times, December 24, 1974.
Chapter Nine A Little Unpleasantness
302 Washington Observer, April 15, 1972.
303 Sam Giancana and Chuck Giancana. Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America. (New York: Warner Books, 1992), p. 301.
304 Mark Lane. Plausible Denial. (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1992), p.93.
305 Ibid., pp. 99-100.
306 Ibid., p. 100.
307 The Spotlight, February 17, 1992.
308 Ibid.
309 Ibid.
310 L. Fletcher Prouty. The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World. (Costa Mesa, Calif.: Institute for Historical Review, 1990), p. 416. [468] Final Judgment 565
311 Lane, pp. 107-108.
312 Ibid.
313 Anthony Summers. Conspiracy. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1980), p. 193.
314 The Spotlight, October 28, 1991. 315 The Spotlight, February 17, 1992.
316 Ibid.
317 Ibid.
318 Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy. By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer. (New York: St. Martin's press, 1990), pp. 217-218.
319 John Dinges and Saul Landau. Assassination on Embassy Row. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1980), pp. 98-99.
320 Ibid., p. 396.
321 Ibid., pp. 96-97.
322 Washington Observer, November 1, 1971.
323 Jim Marrs. Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy. (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1989), p. 200.
324 Michael Canfield and Alan J. Weberman. Coup d'etat in America: The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. (New York: The Third Press, 1975), p. 29.
325 John Loftus and Mark Aarons. The Secret War Against the Jews. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994), p. 599.
326 Ibid., pp. 29-30.
327 Alistair Horne. A Savage War of Peace. (Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1977), p. 498.
328 Ibid., p. 445.
329 Ibid., pp. 445-446.
330 Ibid., p. 447.
331 Alexander Harrison. Challenging DeGaulle: The OAS and the Counterrevolution in Algeria. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1989), p. 70.
332 Alistair Horne. A Savage War of Peace. (Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1977), p. 498.
333 Dan Smoot. "DeGaulle and the CIA." The American Mercury. October 1958.
334 Ibid.
335 Ibid.
336 Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. The Israeli Connection—Who Israel Arms and Why. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1987), p. 220.
337 Ibid.
According to Scelso's story, it was he, "Scelso," who had initially been placed in charge of the CIA's end of the assassination investigation, but— according to Scelso—Angleton "immediately went into action to do all the investigating."294 (This suggests, of course, that Angleton did have a very specific interest in controlling any evidence which did emerge.)
The testimony by Scelso also brought forth some interesting revelations about Angleton's organized crime connections. At one point in his testimony, a committee attorney, Michael Goldsmith, asked Scelso the intriguing question, "Do you have any reason to believe that Angleton might have had ties to organized crime?"295 to which Scelso responded in the affirmative.
Scelso went on to explain that the Justice Department had once asked the CIA to determine the true names of people holding numbered bank accounts in Panama because the mob was hiding Las Vegas "skim" money there. Scelso commented that "We were in an excellent position to do this and told them so—whereupon Angleton vetoed it and said, 'That is the [FBI's] business."296
When Scelso discussed this with another CIA officer, the other officer "smiled a foxy smile and said, 'Well, that's Angleton's excuse. The real reason is that Angleton himself has ties to the Mafia and he would not want to double-cross them. "297
Indeed, Angleton, Israel's point man at the CIA, was well-placed to help cover up the real truth about Israel's role—along with that of the CIA and the Lansky syndicate—and ultimately he did.
It was Angleton who emerged in the period of the Warren Commission
investigation as the leading CIA critic of Russian Soviet defector Yuri
Nosenko. Nosenko, who defected to the United States in 1964, claimed to
have been the KGB's case officer who handled Lee Harvey Oswald during his
sojourn in Russia (presumably as a defector.) Nosenko's most provocative claim was that, contrary to some suspicions—and allegations—the Soviet KGB had absolutely nothing to do with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Thus, those such as Israel's man at the CIA, Angleton, who wanted to hang the blame on the KGB for the president's murder, had what appeared to be a bona fide Soviet defector on their hands whose claims ran contrary to the propaganda line they sought to promote. Angleton was Nosenko's loudest and most vociferous accuser, determined to prove Nosenko a liar. Angleton subjected Nosenko to 1,277 days of torture, questioning and deprivation, but Nosenko stuck to his story. Angleton was clearly determined to disprove the one man who was clearly well-informed enough about the Soviet KGB to dispute the claim that the Soviets were behind the JFK assassination. Eliminating the Soviets as a suspect would, of course, shift suspicion elsewhere. Looking elsewhere for those with not only the means and the opportunity—but also the motive— to kill John F. Kennedy would have, of course, pointed in the direction of Angleton's own CIA and its allies in the Israeli Mossad. In Chapter 16 we shall see how Angleton did indeed play a key role in the JFK assassination cover-up.
Revelation of either a CIA role or an Israeli role in the murder of JFK would have inevitably destroyed not only America's relationship with Israel, but it would have brought the international house of joint CIA-Mossad/Lansky Crime Syndicate conspiracies tumbling down. And James Jesus Angleton, as the CIA's intimate liaison with Israel, would have been destroyed in the process. Likewise with his CIA patrons, Allen Dulles and Richard Helms.
(In Chapter 16 we shall review the activities of Angleton and Richard Helms further, particularly as they relate to the cover-up of the truth about the JFK assassination conspiracy. In Chapter 18 we shall see how Helms' close relationship with the Iranian secret police, SAVAK—created jointly by the CIA and the Mossad—tie Helms himself even further into the realm of conspiracy in the continuing cover-up of the JFK assassination.)
In his remaining years, Angleton habitually met with Washington
reporters, feeding them tidbits, stroking them with information, convincing
them all that they were getting "the inside story"—particularly in regard to
the matter of the JFK assassination. The ultimate parlay of Angleton's Kennedy assassination disinformation appeared in Edward Jay Epstein's book, Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald (published in 1978). Epstein, a Warren Commission "critic," first came to prominence as the author of Inquest, a book-length study of the commission, originally written as his master's thesis at Yale University, long a recruiting ground for the CIA. It was some years later, however, that Epstein came forth with Legend. As pointed out, however, by assassination researcher, Carl Oglesby, it was Angleton who was "Epstein's chief source for the narrative unfolded"298 in Legend.
Epstein's book presented the thesis that Oswald had been recruited by the Soviet KGB during his Marine service. Later KGB asset Oswald killed JFK, but not necessarily on the Kremlin's orders. Evidently, we are led to assume, Oswald got out of control.
Oswald's KGB connection, according to Epstein, was subsequently covered up by a Soviet mole in the CIA and then the FBI's legendary communist hunter, J. Edgar Hoover, helped in the cover-up, for reasons of his own—a fanciful story indeed. Whatever the case, it was Angleton who was Epstein's most important source of "inside" information in the weaving of this particular "legend." And interestingly enough, it was the controlled media which had otherwise scoffed at JFK conspiracy allegations that responded so favorably to this "new" conspiracy story.
As Carl Oglesby noted at the time Legend was published: "Time called Epstein 'a careful, academic researcher' and said his evidence that Oswald was a Soviet spy was 'strong.' The New York Times Review of Books called it "fascinating, alarming and perhaps enormously significant' and praised its 'explosive qualities.' The normally chaste Wilfred Sheed swallowed the whole Angleton kaboodle and chimed in on his own that `Cuba itself seems the most likely conspirator' with Oswald. 'This one," he concluded, 'is a beauty.'"299
(And as we shall see in Chapter 17, the controlled media's own extensive links with Israel and its lobby in America, particularly the Lansky Syndicate-funded Anti-Defamation League [A.D.L] of B'nai B'rith, accounts for the media's desire to place the blame for the JFK assassination elsewhere, other than on Angleton's CIA and his allies in Israel.)
Interestingly, many American conservatives (who were certainly no
admirers of the Kennedy administration) fell for the Angleton-sponsored
fantasy that the KGB was behind the JFK assassination. They wanted, more than anything perhaps, to believe that a communist had killed JFK. It was wholly in line with their anti-communist worldview and tailor-made for those who wanted to wave the proverbial "red flag." (This red flag, as we shall see in these pages, however, was, in fact, yet another Israeli false flag.)
Noting the conservative outcry that "a communist killed JFK," Peter Dale Scott has written of "the loud and irresponsible campaign of the American Security Council, the largest p.r. lobby for the military-industrial complex, to support the intelligence-fed claim that a KGB assassin 'had been trained at an assassin's school in the USSR for assignment later on the North American continent.’” 300
Since the publication of the second edition of Final Judgment, a former publicist for the American Security Council. William J. Gill, acknowledged to this author his own sincere belief (at the time) that there had been a communist role in the JFK assassination. He acknowledged that, for political reasons, he had indeed been a part of the effort to pin the assassination on the Soviets.
However, having read Final Judgment Gill concluded that, as he put it, "I think you have pinned the tail on the donkey." In other words, that he now believed that the Israeli Mossad was indeed the prime mover behind the JFK assassination. "It was an angle that I never even conceived possible— until now," he said. Gill described Final Judgment as "the most important book of the 20th century."
There is no question but that conservative elements did indeed stress the "communist" angle in the JFK assassination following the president's murder—for very obvious political motivations.
One prominent "right wing" journalist of the time, Revilo P. Oliver— then a key figure in the John Birch Society—was actually called before the Warren Commission to elaborate on his controversial and widely-publicized theory that the Soviets had JFK executed because he [JFK] was not doing enough to advance international communism. However, shortly before his death in 1994 Oliver told associates that had he not been so ill, he would have relished the opportunity to write a favorable review of Final Judgment which had just been released earlier in the year. Oliver himself evidently realized that he, too, had been taken in by the Angleton-inspired myth. Needless to say, however, the myth the Soviets were somehow involved in the JFK assassination was an ideal cover story and one that James J. Angleton was very much the prime mover behind.
All of this is interesting and illustrates the lengths to which Angleton
would go in order to fabricate a story targeting his enemies for the blame—
and clearing his friends. However, Angleton's most provocative and widely
known statement, often presumed to be in reference to the JFK
assassination—came when he was quoted in The New York Times —two
days after he was fired from the CIA by then-Director William Colby.
Angleton's cryptic remark was as follows: "A mansion has many rooms.
I'm not privy to who struck John." 301 Angleton, however, insisted that the
reference had nothing to do with the JFK assassination. Angleton died a broken man on May 11, 1987—driven out of the CIA to which he had devoted his lifetime. Angleton was correct: "A mansion has many rooms." There was yet another secret room—so to speak—a shadowy intelligence operation working closely with Organized Crime and the CIA in a wide variety of ventures both in the United States and around the globe: James Jesus Angleton's beloved allies in Israel's Mossad.
Since the first release of Final Judgment—which was the
first JFK assassination book to seriously focus on James Angleton (based upon
leads provided by Mark Lane's Plausible Denial)—JFK researcher Lisa Pease
(who received a copy of Final Judgment from the author) has written two
excellent articles examining Angleton's critical role in the JFK affair. They
appear in the book The Assassinations (Los Angeles, Feral House Press, 2003)
edited by Miss Pease and James DiEugenio. Unfortunately, although Miss Pease
referenced Final Judgment, in passing in earlier renditions of her essays (when
they were first published on the Internet), she has since deleted those references,
perhaps out of fear of being associated with yours truly. In any case, Miss Pease
also rushes to assure her readers that she has found no evidence to support the
theory that Angleton was "controlled" by the Mossad, despite her suggestion
that other un-named writers have asserted as much. In fact, as readers of Final
Judgment know well, no such assertion is made in this book. Quite the contrary,
Angleton was a Mossad loyalist. No "control" was necessary.
Chapter Nine
A Little Unpleasantness:
JFK's War With Israel's
Allies at the CIA
JFK's battle with the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle
was just the beginning. By November of 1963, JFK was not
only fighting the CIA's Israeli allies over the nuclear bomb,
but he was also resisting efforts by the CIA to involve the
United States more deeply in Southeast Asia. In fact, JFK
planned to dismantle the CIA entirely—a move that would
threaten Israel's power base in official Washington. At the same time, the CIA and the Mossad were also engaged in efforts to undermine French President Charles DeGaulle. In the end, the intrigue against DeGaulle would prove to play a little-known but critical part in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
In 1972 the Washington Observer newsletter published perhaps what was one of the first hints—in print—that the Kennedy family itself suspected that the CIA had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
According to the Observer, "Back in 1963, shortly after President Kennedy's assassination, Robert F. Kennedy while he was still Attorney General, conducted his own private investigation, which ran parallel with the official inquiry into the assassination conducted by the Warren Commission. Kennedy's investigation featured trips to this country by an Inspector Hamilton, former Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard. Hamilton, an old friend of Joseph P. Kennedy, had been retained by the attorney general to help unravel the real truth about the murder of JFK.
"After long conferring with the members of the Kennedy family and making a few discreet soundings with his own contacts, Hamilton zeroed on the fact that the assassination of John Kennedy had occurred very shortly after his brother Bobby had made some preliminary moves for direct personal control of the CIA, whose leadership he blamed for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
"Hamilton, following the cui Bono ("whom does it benefit?") reasoning, reached the conclusion that Bobby's move to seize control of the CIA had something to do with the murder of his elder brother."302
That the Bay of Pigs debacle was a major bone of contention between
the Kennedy brothers and the CIA is now very much a recognized part of
history. The bitterness that developed between JFK and the CIA over the
failed attempt to invade Castro's Cuba was a serious point of conflict
between the president and the intelligence agency. The Bay of Pigs and its
aftermath was a sore spot between Kennedy and the CIA, but not the last. It
did, however, set in motion events leading to the final showdown between JFK and the CIA, what, in fact, was ultimately the assassination of the
American president. The family biographers of Chicago Mafia boss, Sam Giancana, who participated in the infamous CIA-Organized Crime plots against Fidel Castro (which we will examine in more detail in Chapter 11) report that Giancana was very much aware that the CIA was unhappy with the Kennedy's. "Within the CIA, the dismay at having been betrayed by both the President and attorney general, as well as the President's open promise to dismantle the intelligence agency's power, soon turned to hatred, creating a ripple effect that would blacken the moods of the men [Giancana] dealt with in his covert operations. These men expressed their outrage at the Bay of Pigs operation along with their fear that Kennedy now posed a very real threat to the CIA's continued autonomy, perhaps its very existence." 303
In his best-selling, Plausible Denial, in which he pinpoints the CIA's
role in the JFK assassination conspiracy, veteran JFK assassination
investigator Mark Lane commented on the CIA's move against the
president: "If the CIA operatives, officers, and former officers believed that the defense of their Agency and their nation required the elimination of President Kennedy because he was about to dismantle their organization, one could comprehend, while neither accepting nor condoning their viewpoint, that their concept of self-defense required them to use deadly force. Most relevant, therefore, is not what Kennedy was or was not about to do vis-à-vis the CIA, but what the leaders of the Agency believed he might do.
"John F. Kennedy made it clear that he planned to destroy the CIA. The New York Times reported on April 25, 1966, under a sub headline, 'Kennedy's Bitterness,' that 'as the enormity of the Bay of Pigs disaster came home to him, [Kennedy] said to one of the highest officials of his Administration that he wanted 'to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.'
"He clearly was not suggesting a modest legislative proposal or executive order to modify or reform the organization. The total destruction of the Agency was his apparent objective." 304
Lane points out that Kennedy's preliminary actions against the CIA had
already been set in motion and that the president was very clearly moving
toward ultimate evisceration of the agency. "Kennedy dealt with the CIA through the implementation of a three point emergency program designed to control the agency. He fired its most culpable and powerful leaders, he appointed a high-level committee, the Cuban study group, to investigate the misdeeds of the organization so that he might determine what additional short-range limitations were required and, in the interim, he dramatically reduced the powers and jurisdiction of the Agency and established strict limits as to its future actions through National Security Action memorandum."
"Kennedy then sought to control the Agency by sharply reducing its ability to act in the future through National Security Action Memorandum 55, 56 and 57. These documents, in theory, eliminated the ability of the CIA to wage war. The CIA would not be permitted to initiate any operation requiring greater firepower than that generated by handguns." 305
According to Prouty, "Nothing I had ever been involved in my entire career had created such an uproar. N.S.A.M 55 stripped the CIA of its cherished covert operations role, except for small actions. It was an explosive document. The military-industrial complex was not pleased." 306
However, Kennedy's conflict with the CIA went well beyond the issue
of Cuba. The burgeoning issue of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia had
positioned the president at odds with the CIA even further. By late 1963 JFK's conflict with the CIA was in full force and although it was not the subject of heated public discussion, the word was leaking out through official and un-official channels that there was something afoot at the highest levels.
On October 3, 1963, the dean of America's newspaper columnists, Arthur Krock, was writing frankly in the New York Times of Kennedy's war with the CIA—a war which was intensifying over the issue of Vietnam. Krock's front-page article, in fact, was entitled, "The Intra-Administration War in Vietnam."
But what is so astounding about the column is that Krock quoted a
high-level administration source as having suggested that if there were ever a
coup d'etat in the United States, one might expect that it would be the CIA
which was responsible—this just weeks before JFK was murdered. The significance of this astounding column is that it was Arthur Krock who affixed his name to this explosive report: Krock was a longtime close friend and confidant of the Kennedy family and had even ghost-written several published works on behalf of the president's father, Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy.
The columnist was a key Kennedy link in press circles and would have been the first and foremost choice of President Kennedy if JFK had wished to utilize the press to bring his conflict with the CIA into the public arena. As Mark Lane so aptly described the column: "This was John F. Kennedy sending out a message to the American people through his trusted conduit Arthur Krock." 307
This column remained forgotten in the wake of the president's assassination, but it was in 1992 that Lane surfaced the prophetic warning and began bringing it to the attention of American audiences who now had a renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination.
Lane described the column: "Krock pointed out that John F. Kennedy had
gone to war against the CIA. He concluded that Kennedy no longer could
control the CIA. The columnist stated that President Kennedy sent Henry Cabot Lodge, his Ambassador to Vietnam, with orders to the CIA on two separate occasions and in both cases the CIA ignored those orders, saying that it was different from what the agency thought should be done. In other words, the CIA had decided that it,not the president,would make the decisions as to how American foreign policy should be conducted."308
Lane pointed out that a source for Krock's column was a report filed for the Scripps-Howard newspapers by foreign correspondent Richard Starnes who had interviewed a number of high-ranking administration officials and others who expressed their concern about the CIA's intransigence.
According to Krock's column: "Among the views attributed to United
States officials on the scene, including one described as a "very high
American official . . . who has spent much of his life in the service of
democracy . . . are the following: The CIA's growth was "likened to a malignancy" which the "very high official was not sure even the White House could control . . . any longer."
"If the United States ever experiences [an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government] it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon." The agency "represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone."
"Whatever else these passages disclose, they most certainly establish that representatives of other Executive branches have expanded their war against the CIA from the inner government councils to the American people via the press.
And published simultaneously are details of the agency's operations in Vietnam that can come only from the same critical official sources. This is disorderly government. And the longer the President tolerates it—the period already is considerable—the greater the real war against the Vietcong and the impression of a very indecisive Administration in Washington.
"The CIA may be guilty as charged. Since it cannot, or at any rate will not, openly defend its record in Vietnam or defend it by the same confidential press 'briefings' employed by its critics, the public is not in a position to judge. Nor to this department, which sought and failed to get even the outlines of the agency's case in rebuttal.
"But Mr. Kennedy will have to make a judgment if the spectacle of war within the Executive branch is to be ended and the effective functioning of the CIA preserved. And when he makes this judgment, hopefully he also will make it public, as well as the appraisal of fault on which it is based.
"Doubtless recommendations as to what his judgment should be were made to him today by Secretary of Defense McNamara and General Taylor on their return from their fact-finding expedition into the embattled official jungle in Saigon." 309
It is ironic, indeed, that Krock's column concluded with its reference to the trip by McNamara and Taylor to Southeast Asia.
For, as Col. Fletcher Prouty points out, upon their return they "reported to the President that it looked to them, after their visit to Saigon, as though things could be put under control and that we would be able to withdraw all personnel from Vietnam by the end of 1965.
"Now we can see why they chose that date," comments Prouty. "This was the date the President had used in his own discussions with his closest advisers. They all knew that he planned to announce a pullout once he had been re-elected." 310
It was soon thereafter, however, that John F. Kennedy was indeed gone from the scene and the president's plans for withdrawal from Vietnam, so carefully drawn, were now being reversed by the new President.
In his book Plausible Denial, Mark Lane summarizes the events which
occurred: "Just four days after the death of President Kennedy, Lyndon
Johnson signed N.S.A.M 273 that began to reverse the policy of withdrawal
from Vietnam and signified the beginning of the escalation of the conflict.
The CIA had prevailed. The effort in Southeast Asia was to become a
massive land-based war." "During March, 1964, Johnson signed N.S.A.M 288 that repudiated Kennedy's plan to end the U.S. military participation in the war that year. In the months that followed, Johnson increased the military commitment from under 20,000 troops to approximately a quarter of a million." 311
"Years later . . . after the deaths of more than 50,000 Americans and more than a million Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians, the war finally ended with the military defeat of the United States."312
However, as we have seen in Chapter 6, the war in Vietnam proved a boon to the CIA's allies in Israel, allowing the Middle East state to flex its muscles in the region.
And in Chapter 12 we shall see that a joint CIA-Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate venture in the international drug racket out of Southeast Asia proved so very profitable, conducted under military cover in the midst of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
It was not until the release of Plausible Denial that the extent of the
CIA's involvement in the JFK assassination was fully outlined. Suspicion
of the CIA's complicity was commonplace over the years, but Lane's book
proved the matter once and for all. And, significantly, his book was a
written summation of a libel trial in Miami some years previously in which
the jury had concluded that the CIA had indeed been involved in the JFK
assassination conspiracy and cover-up. Hunt, of course, was the CIA's chief political liaison with the anti Castro Cuban community during the period leading up to the JFK assassination and who had, subsequently, over the years, been mentioned as a suspect in the assassination conspiracy.
(Hunt had organized, on the CIA's behalf, several anti-Castro Cuban groups, including the Revolutionary Democratic Front. Hunt's Cuban point man in the RDF, Antonio de Varona, in fact, personally received funding for the RDF from Meyer Lansky himself.) 313
Marchetti's article suggested that there was then so much growing suspicion that the CIA had been involved in the JFK assassination that the CIA had decided that it would sacrifice Hunt and say that Hunt was a "renegade" operative involved in the president's assassination.
However, according to Marchetti, the CIA intended to say that Hunt and
his co-conspirators had been operating independently—that the CIA as an
institution had not been part of the conspiracy.Although the editors of The Spotlight felt Marchetti's article served, if anything, as an advance warning to Hunt about what his former employers had in mind, the ex-CIA man decided to sue, even though he ultimately admitted under oath that he believed The Spotlight's story seemed plausible. When the case finally went to trial in federal court in Miami, the newspaper suffered a devastating loss. The jury found in favor of Hunt and ordered The Spotlight to pay $650,000 in damages.
Fortunately—for The Spotlight—an error in the trial judge's instructions to the jury gave the populist weekly grounds for an appeal. When the case was successfully appealed and ordered for retrial, Mark Lane—an attorney—stepped in for the defense.
Among the big names deposed during the Hunt case were: former CIA Director Richard Helms; former CIA Director Stansfield Turner; former CIA chief for the Western Hemisphere David Phillips; and former CIA and FBI man (and Watergate celebrity) G. Gordon Liddy. The most damning evidence against Hunt came, however, when attorney Lane presented the deposition of former CIA operative Marita Lorenz
Upon arrival in Dallas, according to Miss Lorenz, they met with not only E. Howard Hunt, who was functioning as the CIA operatives' paymaster, but also nightclub operator Jack Ruby who later executed the president's alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.
When Hunt himself took the stand, attorney Lane, while questioning Hunt, pointed out numerous inconsistencies in Hunt's testimony. Hunt himself had told several stories, over the years, about where he had been on the day the president was assassinated.
It was Miss Lorenz' testimony, however, that convinced the jury that the CIA had been involved in the Kennedy assassination. The jury found in favor of The Spotlight and dismissed Hunt's claim.
Leslie Armstrong, a Miami resident who was jury forewoman in the case, issued a statement in conjunction with the release of Lane's written account of the trial:
"Mr. Lane was asking us [the jury] to do something very difficult. He was asking us to believe John Kennedy had been killed by our own government. Yet when we examined the evidence closely, we were compelled to conclude that the CIA had indeed killed President Kennedy." 314
In his best-selling Plausible Denial Lane recounted this exciting trial and demonstrated other compelling evidence that he uncovered which proves that the CIA did indeed have a hand in the president's assassination But in Chapter 16 of Final Judgment we will look more closely at the activities of both E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, examining remarkable evidence which points further toward the involvement of the Mossad—alongside the CIA—in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
But there are other interesting connections, in the meantime, that
should be explored. Lane has described how Miss Lorenz had gone even
further in her testimony, naming other CIA operatives who had been in the
two-car caravan organized by Frank Sturgis in which Lorenz traveled from
Miami to Dallas. According to Lane, "Before Miss Lorenz testified, I asked
her, Will you tell me the names of the people who traveled with you in
that two-car caravan?"She said that she wouldn't name names. 'That could get me killed,' she said. 'Don't ask me that question. I want you to promise me that you won't ask me that question.' However, " according to Lane, "Mr. Hunt's lawyer asked her that question and she answered it, to my surprise. She said that it was the Novo brothers."
"After her testimony to Hunt's lawyer, I asked Miss Lorenz, 'Why did you tell them?' She said—referring to Hunt, the CIA and his lawyers—`If they are so dumb as to ask me that question, then it is not my fault if I give them the answer. It's on their heads,’ said Miss Lorenz. `If you had asked me, it would have been a different story. However, if the CIA—through Hunt and his lawyers—asked that question, then it's on the record and it's their fault, not mine.’"
"Townley was questioned by the FBI who asked Townley to show them where in New York City he had his first meeting with the Novos. Townley pointed out a building at 500 Fifth Avenue and showed the FBI the office on the 41st floor where the first meeting was held." 315
According to Lane, research indicated that the meeting was held in the office of then-U.S. Sen. James Buckley (C-N.Y.). Now a federal judge on the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Buckley is the brother of former CIA operative and conservative fortnightly National Review founder William F. Buckley, Jr.
(E. Howard Hunt was William F. Buckley's immediate superior in the CIA during the period that the two served together in the CIA in Mexico for nine months in the period of 1951-52.)
According to Lane, "The testimony by Townley made reference to a William Sampol who worked in James Buckley's office. Sampol was a cousin of the Novo brothers."316
Lane points out that the murder of Letelier took place during the time that George Bush was director of the CIA: "There is evidence that Bush was given information that indicated that the Chilean government was responsible for the murder of Letelier. However, Bush gave information to selected friends in the news media the story that Letelier was killed by his own supporters who wanted to make him [Letelier] a martyr.
According to Lane, "It was William F. Buckley, Jr. who took that story from Bush and ran with it. The media followed Buckley's lead, but the story turned out not to be true." (In Chapter 20, as we shall see, it was George Bush who, in many ways, had very close connections to a number of the key players in the strange netherworld of international intelligence as it is linked to the JFK assassination.)
As Lane points out: "The Novos were both convicted of the Letelier murder and sentenced to prison. These are the brothers that Marita Lorenz testified were in the two-car caravan of killers traveling from Miami to Dallas for the purpose of assassinating President Kennedy." 317
Evidence now available from former Mossad operative Victor Ostrovsky
suggests that Israel's Mossad, in fact, was indirectly connected with the
Letelier assassination for which the Novo brothers (implicated in the JFK
assassination) were later convicted. (It was Ostrovsky, coincidentally enough, whom we learned in Chapter 2, had exposed a Mossad plot to assassinate the former director of the CIA, George Bush, after Bush, serving as U.S. President, ran afoul of Israel.)
According to Ostrovsky, commenting on the Letelier murder: "Nobody pointed the finger at the Mossad. And while the Mossad had no direct involvement in the hit ordered by Chilean DINA [secret police] Chief Manuel Contreras Sepulveda, it had played a significant indirect role in the execution through a secret deal with Contreras to buy a French-made Exocet surface-to-surface naval missile from Chile.
"The death squad didn't use Mossad personnel in killing Letelier but they certainly used Mossad know-how, taught to them as part of the deal Contreras made to supply the missile." 318 It was the Novo brothers, however, who took the fall and served time in prison. No Mossad agents, however, were charged with the crime.
It is interesting to note, nonetheless, that Michael Townley himself had very interesting further connections with Israel. His wife, Ines, although a Chilean Christian, had spent time on an Israeli Kibbutz with her first husband, and maintained a long-standing "devotion to the cause of Israel." 319
Part of Townley's deal with the federal prosecutors, in the case of the Novo brothers, involved a plea bargain in which his wife received immunity from prosecution, although she had been implicated in various terrorist enterprises alongside her husband. 320
However, Townley's other connection with Israel is far more significant, particularly in the context of our discussion of his connection with the Cuban Americans who have been implicated in the JFK assassination. During Townley's long career as an international adventurer, he served—apparently during the period from 1961-1966—as a mutual funds salesman for financier Bernard Cornfeld's Investors' Overseas Service (J.O.S)321
It was in Chapter 7 that we first came across the I.O.S, in examining the relationship of Meyer Lansky's Organized Crime Syndicate to the Israeli Mossad-linked Banque De Credit International (B.C.I).
During the criminal trial in 1970 of one of Lansky's Florida
lieutenants, Alvin Malnik, it was publicly revealed that one of the key
money laundering channels for the illegal proceeds of Lansky's narcotics,
vice and gambling rackets was B.C.I, the brainchild of the Israeli Mossad's
former Director-General for Finance and Supply, Tibor Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum's B.C.I received its Lansky Crime Syndicate cash flow mainly through the Lansky-controlled Bank of World Commerce in Nassau, Bahamas. The middleman was a young Swiss, Sylvain Ferdmann, a courier for Lansky.
Ferdmann was not only an official of Rosenbaum's bank, and an associate of the Bank of World Commerce (controlled by Lansky's longtime crony, John Pullman) but—like Michael Townley himself—also a legman for Investors Overseas Services (I.O.S).
Townley's employer, Cornfeld, in fact, was initially sponsored by Rosenbaum who had emerged as a major money launderer for Lansky's global drug trafficking. Millions in small bills were transferred from Lansky's casinos, often masked as Israeli Bond sales and contributions to Jewish philanthropies through B.C.I and the I.O.S.
It is thus interesting, to say the least, that Michael Townley, with his Israeli Mossad connections during not only the period of the JFK assassination but also during his participation in the Letelier murder, should be associated with the Novo brothers who have been implicated in both crimes themselves.
That former New York Senator James Buckley's office should have, perhaps by coincidence, served as the meeting place where the Letelier assassination was planned is also interesting. As we've noted already, E. Howard Hunt (himself implicated in the JFK assassination) and Buckley's brother, publisher (and Hunt's ex-CIA support staffer) William F. Buckley, Jr. were longtime friends stemming from their CIA days.
Hunt's own longtime intrigue with the Cuban American community in anti-Castro activities as the CIA's chief liaison with the Cubans, of course, has long been widely noted.
However, what is not so widely known is that the Buckley family—
including brothers James and William—had substantive links to Israel
through their various family oil enterprises. In 1971 the Washington Observer
newsletter shed some interesting light on the Buckley family oil concessions in
Israel, established by Buckley's father.Buckley, Sr. incorporated Pan-Israel Oil Co (headquartered in Jerusalem) with Buckley, Sr. as president. Directors of the company included several Israelis. Simultaneously, Israel-Mediterranean Petroleum, Inc. was incorporated under the laws of Panama. The principal offices of the firm were in Jerusalem at the same address where Pan-Israel Oil Co. was located. James L. Buckley was one of the vice presidents. All of the voting stock for the two companies was held in the voting trust. No members of the Buckley family, however, held votes. The voting trustees had Jewish names.
Pan-Israel and Israel-Mediterranean jointly owned eight petroleum licenses, all located in Israel. The two companies also owned Mana Oil Distributors and Tri-Continent Drilling Co., a subsidiary of the Pantepec Oil Company (later absorbed by Pantepec International Petroleum, Ltd.).
President of PIP, Ltd. was John W. Buckley who, with his brother James L. Buckley, served on the board of directors. These companies, together conducted global operations with oil properties in Australia, South America, Canada, Libya, Spanish Sahara, the Philippines and Israel. 322
That the Hunt- and CIA-linked Buckley family should also be so closely tied to the Novo brothers, implicated in both the JFK and Orlando Letelier assassinations is intriguing.
More so, perhaps, because the Novo brothers' associate in the Letelier assassination—at least—was himself intimately tied to the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate and an Israeli Mossad-sponsored money laundering operation.
Incredibly enough, however, there is yet another bizarre Buckley family link to a key player in the strange world of JFK's alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the JFK assassination conspiracy.
This link came in the person of the colorful Russian nobleman,
George DeMohrenschildt, who befriended Oswald upon the young
American's return from exile (some would say "CIA service") in the Soviet
Union. DeMohrenschildt, who is reputed to have worked for various
international intelligence agencies, had a long-standing relationship with the
CIA, dating back to the days of the CIA's predecessor, the Office of
Strategic Services (O.S.S), in which, incidentally, E. Howard Hunt himself
had served. 323 The European nobleman, however, traveled around the globe primarily in his capacity as an oil engineer. It was in this guise that he came into contact with the Buckley family. As early as 1945 DeMohrenschildt worked directly under Warren Smith, then the president of the Pantepec Oil Co., the Buckley family's Mexican oil company, established in 1914. DeMohrenschildt and Smith eventually formed the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Trust Co. The Buckley Family's Pantepec, interestingly enough, had, by that time, already shifted its focus to Venezuela. 324
Despite all these more tenuous Buckley links, there is, however, firm evidence of a link between the Buckleys and DeMohrenschildt. It turns out that in DeMohrenschildt's address book is listed one "Buckley, W.F."325
DeMohrenschildt's career also seems to have intersected on a regular
basis with that of William F. Buckley, Jr.'s friend and CIA mentor, E.
Howard Hunt. Both Hunt and DeMohrenschildt had worked for the Agency
for International Development (A.I.D); Hunt for the Economic Cooperation
Administration (E.C.A), a subsidiary of A.I.D and DeMohrenschildt in the late
1950's for the International Cooperation Administration, the A.I.D subsidiary
which was the successor to the E.C.A. Hunt and DeMohrenschildt also both popped up in Cuba in 1956 in the stormy period before Fidel Castro pushed the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate off the island. While DeMohrenschildt said later that he was there on oil business, Hunt was attending a meeting of CIA station chiefs from the Caribbean and Central American regions.
In 1960 both Hunt and DeMohrenschildt also appeared in Guatemala when troops were being trained there for what was ultimately to be the Bay of Pigs debacle, initially intended for the purpose of toppling Castro. DeMohrenschildt said that he and his wife were on a walking tour of Central America. Hunt, however, was serving as the CIA's liaison with anti-Castro Cuban groups. 326
By 1963, however, DeMohrenschildt had settled in Dallas and had befriended Lee Harvey Oswald who by this time, was mixing easily with the anti-Castro Cuban elements that were directly under the thumb of the CIA's chief liaison with those forces—E. Howard Hunt.
The role of DeMohrenschildt in the JFK assassination conspiracy will probably never be known. In the end, the globe-hopping nobleman died (ostensibly by his own hand) on the morning of March 29, 1977 just shortly before he was scheduled to meet with an investigator of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. DeMohrenschildt's wife believed her husband’s suicide had somehow been induced.
Whatever the case, there is yet another bizarre coincidence, DeMohrenschildt had just met—before his death—with author Edward Jay Epstein. In Chapter 8, as we saw, it was Epstein who was the primary literary promoter of the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was under Soviet influence when he assassinated John F. Kennedy. The primary source for Epstein's theory was Israel's CIA ally, James Jesus Angleton.
It was during the same period of JFK' s war with the CIA that the CIA
was actively engaged in an effort to topple French President Charles
DeGaulle, lending aid and support to the Israeli-backed French Secret ArmyOrganization (OAS) that was fighting DeGaulle's decision to grant independence to Algeria.
Although the Church Senate Committee hearings on clandestine CIA activities later concluded that there had been no CIA involvement with the O.A.S,327 there is very strong evidence to the contrary.
General Maurice Challe, former commander in chief of French forces in Algeria and leader of the military revolt against DeGaulle in April of 1961, emerged as one of the key figures in the O.A.S. Although Challe insisted that he "'had no contact personally with any foreign countries' and that in fact he had deliberately avoided all such contacts so as not to incur any possible charge of having been brought in on foreign bayonets."
"Nevertheless," according to historian Alistair Horne, "some of [Challe's] subordinates appear to have made informal, and highly tentative, soundings with representatives of various countries that might be considered sympathetic, among them Portugal, Spain, Israel and South Africa."328
"Rumors of clandestine United States involvement ran extremely strong in France. Undeniably, during his time at NATO headquarters the popular Challe did make firm friends of a number of high-ranking United States generals who made no secret of their aversion to what DeGaulle was doing to NATO, going so far—over a plethora of Scotch—as to express enthusiasm for anyone who might rid France of her turbulent president, or, at least, force him to change his tune."329
"There were also rumors that the CIA had promised Challe United States recognition if they succeeded—in order to keep the communists out of North Africa. Any hopes, however, that all this may have engendered in the bosom of the conspiracy were to be swiftly dashed when [John F. Kennedy's] Ambassador to Paris, General James M. Gavin, firmly assured DeGaulle that if any rebels attempted to land on French bases where there were American troops, these would at once open fire." 330
There is further evidence that the CIA was engaged in intrigue with the OAS. According to historian Alexander Harrison, "In early December 1961, a 'Colonel Brown' of the CIA station in France requested a meeting with [OAS leader General Raoul] Salan. Brown offered Salan enough weaponry to equip an army of 50,000 men."331
Although some have speculated that the purported CIA operatives were not, in fact, really with the CIA, General Salan himself said, "I was sure they were serious, because they knew all the right people, and their credentials were perfect." In fact, in the end, some arms were indeed delivered.332 So there really is no question, really, that the CIA was indeed covertly supporting the OAS in its war against DeGaulle.
We do know that during this same time frame, the CIA did have one liaison, at least, to the OAS. He was E. Howard Hunt, the agency's political handler for the anti-Castro Cuban exiles.
In Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 we will examine Hunt's OAS connections further, particularly as they relate to the key players involved in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
One of the few American conservatives to recognize the strange
dynamics between DeGaulle and the CIA was Dan Smoot, who commented
perceptively as early as 1958 that: "In the current liberal-internationalist
smear of DeGaulle, the lefties hammer that DeGaulle is anti-American; but
they never tell why."333 He pointed out that DeGaulle was angry about CIA
support for the anti-DeGaulle left in France, and commented that largely
DeGaulle was more, instead "anti-CIA, which is something else again." 334
He added, "The New York Times was almost hysterical about DeGaulle
coming to power—You can understand why."335 In fact, during this time of CIA intrigue against DeGaulle, it is worth noting that the aforementioned OAS leaders—Salan and Challe—among many others "were known as Israel's friends in France,"336 according to Israeli historian Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi.
Ultimately, Israel rewarded Challe for his efforts. After Challe was released from prison in 1967, having been convicted of his involvement in attempting to topple DeGaulle, Challe was hired by Zim, the Israeli shipping concern, 337 part of the international corporate empire of one of the Mossad's most valued assets, billionaire Shaul Eisenberg, whose enterprises were an integral part of the economy of the state of Israel itself.
We first met Eisenberg in Chapter 7 where we learned of his partnership, along with Mossad officer Tibor Rosenbaum, in the SwissIsrael Trade Bank. But we will learn much more about Eisenberg and his ventures on behalf of Israel's drive for a nuclear arsenal later in these pages. More importantly, however, we will see how Eisenberg's activities tie directly into the JFK assassination—a story that has never been told before.
That Israel and its allies in the CIA would be conspiring against Charles DeGaulle during the same period when they were likewise conspiring against John F. Kennedy, as we shall see, is quite significant indeed.
All of these connections illustrate the cycle which continually links key
players in the international intrigue between not only the CIA and the Israeli
Mossad, but also the Meyer Lansky Organized Crime Syndicate—three
powerful forces all of which desired the removal of John F. Kennedy from
the White
Little Man's Little Man:
Meyer Lansky & Carlos Marcello
Chapter Eight Thick as Thieves
258 Andrew Cockburn and Leslie Cockburn. Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship. (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991), p. 16.
259 Ibid.
260 Tom Mangold. Cold Warrier—James Jesus Angleton: The CIA's Master Spy Hunter. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991), p. 307.
261 Ibid., p. 52.
262 Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1993), p. 54.
263 Cockburn, p. 42.
264 Ibid., pp. 42-43.
265 Ibid., p. 43.
266 Mangold, p. 362. 267 Ibid.
268 Steven Stewart. The Spymasters of Israel. (New York: Ballantine Books, 1980, p. 119.
269 Wilbur Crane Eveland. Ropes of Sand: America's Failure in the Middle East. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1980), p. 95.
270 Wolf Blitzer. Between Washington and Jerusalem. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 96.
271 Ibid.
272 Cockburn, p. 69.
273 Ibid.
274 Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), p. 173. Citing David Martin. Wilderness of Mirrors. (New York: Harper & Row, 1980), see pp. 120-124 in particular.
275 Richard Deacon. The Israeli Secret Service. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc., 1978), pp. 170-171.
276 Ibid., p. 171.
277 Ibid.
278 Wolf Blitzer. Between Washington and Jerusalem. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 89.
279 Ibid.
280 Seymour Hersh. The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy (New York: Random House, 1991), p. 144.
281 Cockburn, p. 80. 282 Ibid.
283 Stephen Green. Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations With a Militant Israel. (New York: William Morrow & Company, 1984), p. 164.
284 Cockburn, p. 147.
285 Cockburn, pp. 42-43.
286 Deacon, p. 35.
287 Cockburn, p. 42.
288 Mangold, p. 314-315.
289 Robert I. Friedman. The False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane—From FBI Informant to Knesset Member. (New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1990), pp. 34-35.
290 Alfred W. McCoy. The Politics of Heroin. (Brooklyn, New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1991), p. 25.
291 Alfred W. McCoy. The Politics of Heroin. (Brooklyn, New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1991), p. 58.
292 Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1993), p. 196.
293 Newsday report published in the Baltimore Sun, October 6, 1996.
294 Ibid.
295 Ibid.
296 Ibid.
297 Ibid.
298 Carl Oglesby. The JFK Assassination: The Facts and the Theories. (New York: Signet Books, 1992), p. 145.
299 Ibid., 149.
300 Peter Dale Scott. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1993), p. 55.
301 The New York Times, December 24, 1974.
Chapter Nine A Little Unpleasantness
302 Washington Observer, April 15, 1972.
303 Sam Giancana and Chuck Giancana. Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America. (New York: Warner Books, 1992), p. 301.
304 Mark Lane. Plausible Denial. (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1992), p.93.
305 Ibid., pp. 99-100.
306 Ibid., p. 100.
307 The Spotlight, February 17, 1992.
308 Ibid.
309 Ibid.
310 L. Fletcher Prouty. The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World. (Costa Mesa, Calif.: Institute for Historical Review, 1990), p. 416. [468] Final Judgment 565
311 Lane, pp. 107-108.
312 Ibid.
313 Anthony Summers. Conspiracy. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1980), p. 193.
314 The Spotlight, October 28, 1991. 315 The Spotlight, February 17, 1992.
316 Ibid.
317 Ibid.
318 Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy. By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer. (New York: St. Martin's press, 1990), pp. 217-218.
319 John Dinges and Saul Landau. Assassination on Embassy Row. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1980), pp. 98-99.
320 Ibid., p. 396.
321 Ibid., pp. 96-97.
322 Washington Observer, November 1, 1971.
323 Jim Marrs. Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy. (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1989), p. 200.
324 Michael Canfield and Alan J. Weberman. Coup d'etat in America: The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. (New York: The Third Press, 1975), p. 29.
325 John Loftus and Mark Aarons. The Secret War Against the Jews. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994), p. 599.
326 Ibid., pp. 29-30.
327 Alistair Horne. A Savage War of Peace. (Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1977), p. 498.
328 Ibid., p. 445.
329 Ibid., pp. 445-446.
330 Ibid., p. 447.
331 Alexander Harrison. Challenging DeGaulle: The OAS and the Counterrevolution in Algeria. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1989), p. 70.
332 Alistair Horne. A Savage War of Peace. (Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1977), p. 498.
333 Dan Smoot. "DeGaulle and the CIA." The American Mercury. October 1958.
334 Ibid.
335 Ibid.
336 Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi. The Israeli Connection—Who Israel Arms and Why. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1987), p. 220.
337 Ibid.
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