The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
Chapter 7
. Engineering & Structuring Of An MPD System
A. Structuring of MPD Worlds
The purpose of the mind-control is to build
a System within the mind that is a human robot. It would do no good to
torture the slave and get thousands of pieces (fragments of the mind,
alter personalities) if these were not structured. Very few Multiples have
ever really gotten to see the deeper parts of their Systems. Many of the
early successes of therapists were actually only the integration of the
fronts of Systems, while the deeper cult parts were left fully functioning.
The integration of the front alters was only a ruse to allow the therapist
to think the patient was healed. The Illuminati’s organization, whose
identity still remains secret to the therapist, can continue to use the
‘healed" patient. Everyone was happy, therapist, client, and the abusers.
Also I might add the book publishers such as those who published Sybil
are also happy. Sybil is an occult first name--but the book, movie and
therapist give no hint that ritual abuse might be involved in her system’s
MPD (DID). The victim of When Rabbit Howls (a book & a movie) shows
clear signs of having a full-blown highly structured and programmed MPD
(DID) system, but the movie doesn’t even hint of programming or Satanic
involvement. The whole movie was a big slide.
The Illuminati know the details and minutiae of every new direction the
therapeutic community decides to take. Indeed, a number of their people
are leading the pack, providing leads and misleads. Their first goal is to
keep therapists on sideroads, away from the real issues. The second goal
is, if they do get onto something, to bring the slaves in, and structure in
defenses so that the therapists don’t go anywhere. And then when one
has success like we have seen, they eliminate front structures and front
alters, and turn to massive reprogramming, and skillfully linking primal
traumas with the new programs.
Bear in mind, the internal programming alters are also always alert and
will restructure the system constantly if alters work against their
programming. Restructuring is a process that can continually go on, not
something completed when the victim was a child. For instance, new
levels of alters can and are created when the victim is in their 30s, either
by the internal or external programmers. From observations, it is clear
that the most drastic changes are from the external programmers, who
can work much faster than the internal programmers.
In the beginning, the programmer must bring order out of the chaos he
has created. He must use some type of structure to place worlds. In
recent years, these have been solar systems, galaxies, and planets,
because they have gone to Star Trek, Star Wars, Alien types of
programming. Each planet may have a type of alter--a family, if you will,
of alters who are similar. They will not be able to travel to other solar
systems, or stars, or galaxies without transportation. Spaceships, and
teleporters have now replaced the elevator that the older systems used
to go up and down the worlds.
When the programming begins, it must be simple enough that a child can
understand it. One game that was excellent to teach internal structures
to child victims was Chinese checkers. An innocent game, but a great
vehicle to communicate placement of alters and structures. Alter
patterns would be placed upon the hexagram board with marbles. A
marble would represent an alter. Notice that alter colors (and/or jobs)
can be coded by what marble is chosen. A ruby alter can be a red
marble. A blue coded alter is a blue marble. Structures which are to be
superimposed upon each other in the child’s mind, are easy to
superimpose. Take one pattern - of marbles off, and place the
superimposed pattern of marbles over the same place. This is how
several different structures can be tied together in one locality in the
mind. This is one way structures can be layered in. The Hexagram
checker board was called "The House of David" in one victim.
B. The Creation of Roles Internal, External, Dependence, etc.
Many splits in the mind are not developed into full blown personalities.
Some are simply fragments which are given a single job assignment.
Generally, a System will have about half a dozen alters which frequently
take the body and hundreds of alters which only occasionally take the
body. Internally, the System must carry out the following functions:
Protect all information and history that relates to the creation and use of
the slave. All the structuring and codes of the System are also secrets and
need to be guarded. The programming and the very things that the slave
can think about need to be guarded. The slave is meant to be entirely
The best boss is the boss who gives a directive and can go do something
else while the person receiving the order carries it out without input and
supervision. The Monarch slave is the prime example of how to delegate
authority. The delegation of authority allows both the master and the
victim himself to blame the victim for the orders they carry out.
The satanic cults will hide their alters which make money for the cult
behind the blood and gore alters. This protects their illegal money
making operations. Alters must learn to function as designed by the
Programmer. If they can’t work together, the Illuminati will try to get
them to work together somewhat akin to a mechanic fixing a car. If the
alters can’t be fixed, they and their System will have to be thrown away.
The dramatic disparities of all the alters goes hand in hand with what at
first seems apparent, then not apparent, and then apparent again--there
is a unity beneath the multiplicity. Alter functions and abilities overlap
with other alters. No alter is entirely separate from several common
pools of intellect and dispositions that are attributable to the entire alter
Alters are real and separate persons. But the common traits that run
through an alter system are also real. One alter system may have a streak
of kindness and gentleness that runs through the entire system. There
may be a few alters which have been battered enough not to display the
trait, but the trait is so pervasive that it characterizes the System. The
programmers are also skilled at building in alters who can serve as
balancing points. Unless the system of alters has balancing point alters
who are calm, cheerful, and emotionally stable, a system could easily
self-destruct with all the shatteredness, pain and craziness that has been
intentionally built into the system.
Each level or world will have a balancing point. When the System is being
charted during the early programming process, a Mother of Darkness and
the Programmer and the Grande Dame will make a decision on how to
label the chart. By the time the child is four, the weaknesses and
strengths that characterize the alter System have been recorded on
charts and the child’s destiny in life determined. The chart will read
what occupation the child will be made into, and what its function for
the overall Illuminati plan will be. This determines what types of
programs and alters must be created.
Most people are still unfamiliar with multiplicity and their rigid thinking is
challenged by the concept that one mind can have several personalities.
On the other hand, they can understand perfectly that a computer can
wall off sections of memory, and they can understand perfectly that a
single human mind is superior to all the computers in the world
assembled together, and yet they can’t let go of their basic simplistic
foundational understanding of life that one mind has only one
personality. They will allow a computer this ability but not the human
The creation of multiple personalities also divides responsibility within a
person. A person who lives with a multiple, say for instance their
handler, will form widely divergent relationships with the different
alters. In terms of programming, each dissociated fragment of the mind
may be molded into something. Some fragments lend themselves to be
molded into full personalities, and some lend themselves into being
molded into single-purpose fragments, and some must be discarded. A
part of the mind can be developed into a full-blown independent
personality with all the idiosyncrasies that any other person has.
Bear in mind, that generally the Programmers consider color
identification and the coded numbers to be more critical for identifying
an alter than a name. A name humanizes the alter. Names are sometimes
attached later if needed by a handler. Some handlers simply refer to
their sexual alters by their generic name "kitten".
Others may have a specific cat name such as "Tabby", "Bast", "Hecat",
"Adandara" or "the Lion of Judah" for an alter. Keep in mind, if full blown
personalities are created, it happens for both the benefit of the victim
AND the programmers.
During the Monarch Programming an average System will have at least
1,000 alters, but not all of these will be personalities designed to hold
the body. For those who need to get a handle theologically on how to
approach this, it is suggested that they approach it as a city of persons. A
city has both a unity and a multiplicity about it. It also must carry out
certain basic functions if it is to survive. All cities have administrations
and city planners, and justice, and police, and garbage collectors, and
entertainment, etc. The early Illuminati researchers soon accepted that
their victim of multiple personalities is in essence a city of people, and so
they used that understanding to construct in the victim’s head, using the
victim’s creativity under torture and drugs to create all the structures
and features that accompany a geological land. The map of the Land of
Oz in the Wizard of Oz books was frequently used for the front parts of a
System, with some additions and subtractions.
The engineering of the structures within an Illuminati Monarch slave,
looks like the original designs were done by engineering specialists--
perhaps even Boolean algebra was used to develop the original designs.
However, once working models of systems were proven to function
without fail, lesser skilled programmers & technocrats could help
assemble a Monarch System of alters without fully understanding the
engineering and all of the demonology/magic behind it. Just like in a
city, some people have friends and know others, and other people are
strangers and enemies, so it is with an Illuminati system of multiples.
Some alters may be aware of each other, and some may even hate each
When building a system, the Programmers take advantage of their
knowledge of how multiplicity works. Two alters can have several
possible relationships which are:
a. two-way amnesia, where neither alter knows about the other’s
existence. This is what the Programmers want for most alters. They don’t
want multiples to even know they are multiples.
b. one-way amnesia,
where A alter knows B alter, but B doesn’t know A. This can be
accomplished by setting in one-way mirrors.
c. co-presence, two alters can come on top of each other at the front of
the mind and hold the body together. This produces some strange
behavior for the multiple as different alters synthesize their thoughts.
When a tough alter comes up behind a Christian alter, the Christian alter
may find himself letting loose of a cuss word without knowing where
exactly it came from. When a child alter comes up behind an adult, the
adult may find itself talking like a child.
d. co-conscious, this is when two alters are aware of what each other is
As the Programmers structure a System of alters, they build in No-talk
walls every so often where all communication and visibility between
alters is walled off. These No-talk walls are specifically built structures
and not the result of normal amnesia. A 13 x 13 grid may have, for
instance, 2 No-talk walls. Other methods will be used to divide all the
levels from each other. One method of dividing the levels is the level of
trance for level 3 will be different than the level of trance for level 10.
This will not hold true across the board, because some deeper alters are
not in deep trance. One Monarch slave, programmed beginning in the
1950’s, described her System,
Scattered Parts
Broken hearts, divided parts, they all live inside of me.
How many times can they divide my mind?
Broken hearts with divided parts scattered throughout my mind.
How many times can they wipe me out before I come back no more?
Can they instill a will in me that is not mine?
They broke my heart too many times and divided all the parts,
scattered them through time.
Some are good and some are evil.
How many times can they split my mind?
The lights, needles and pain went on much longer than we can explain.
Did these things happen, or is it what they wanted me to believe?
Does God exist or is it what I want to believe?
Does the store house exist where the computer is?
Are there computers in me that help split me?
Scattered parts, broken hearts, where do I exist?
Is there a castle built inside? If so, what person am I?
Lights, needles, and pain goes on today.
Or is it lies that are made up in a
mind split far too many times.
Broken hearts, divided minds, scattered throughout time.
I don’t want to mislead you.
Did the experiments work?
And they split me too many times?
Lights, needles, and pain.
They can wipe me out if I try to explain.
Butterflies, butterflies, lots and
lots of them.
I lay down at nights with them.
I wrap up in a blanket made of them.
I hear their hum as they lead me to
the lights, needles and pain.
The needles and pain make it so I can not
I get so sleepy, but I can not sleep.
The pain races through my mind and splits it one more time.
I have forgotten more than most will ever know.
The computer will show how many times they can split the mind, break
the heart.
Divided minds scattered throughout time.
How many times before I can come back no more?"
--received from therapist Denny Hilgers.
Our previous book They Know Not What They Do, An Illustrated Guide
to Monarch Programming-Mind Control, Oregon City, OR, 1995, p. 91,
has a good description of how extensive the internal structuring is:
"Many Systems never get to the point of seeing their internal world(s).
Further, most alters have only a small spot in which they are to reside,
and they don’t get to see but a tiny fraction of the entire System. After
these structures are built into the mind they continue to work and carry
out their function on a subconscious level. Sometimes it takes years of
work for a System to begin seeing their internal world. They can begin
doing this by turning lights on inside of their worlds.
To make a comparison, when a person looks at a clock they see the
finished result, the time it shows, but they don’t see all the mechanisms.
The structures in the mind are part of the mechanism to keep the System
of Alters structured in a way that is useful to the abusers, but often all
that observers will see is the finished result, the mechanisms stay hidden.
But we are exposing those mechanisms in this picture and on this page.
A therapist’s client may be responding in a way that makes no sense until
one realizes the internal structures that they are responding to. An alter
generally must maintain the spot in the mind which it is assigned. To
leave that location in the mind, means travelling through a System which
is filled with dangers and traps of all kinds. Only a few of our alters ever
ventured where they were not to go, and they always encountered many
obstacles. However, if an alter gets trapped behind mirrors, the alter
should not break the mirrors. If the alter is a Christian they can use the
blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to bind and cast out the demons which
are in the mirrors. The danger of the mirrors is the demonology involved.
Some things work and some things don’t. We are speaking from our years
of experience. The mirrors are deadly and they were everywhere in our
System, but they are deadly only if one can’t deal with the demonology.
The therapist should at least be aware that these images can be worked
with just as if they were real to manipulate situations involving them. But
if the structures are going to be worked or toyed with, the therapist and
survivor need to have an understanding about the structures. If you don’t
understand the mirrors, or the River Nile, or whatever then be careful
what you have the survivor do to them.
The structures (the images) that are built into the mind of the Monarch
slave are not trivial. An overview of the structures that are in our System
alone will show that they went to a great deal of effort to build all kinds
of internal worlds to house our thousands of alters.
A list of the internal structures that were contained in our System
Ant pits, Bee Traps w/ swarms, Black Glass Wall, Black Holes (vortexes),
Boxes (Dr. Green’s under J.J., boxes have buttons which access certain
parts), Candyland, Carpet (Magic), Castles, Castle dungeon (torture
chambers), Caves, Clocks (there are several incl. computer clocks),
Concentration camp, Cords, Desert, Doll House, numbered Doors by the
thousands w/ red hot nobs, Elevators, Emerald City (connected to the
castle), Eucalyptus Trees, Fields of "forget me" & island of "forget me not"
(JJ’s Prgrmg), Firewall, 2 Forests (singing forest with Cedars of Lebanon
and Oaks, and a dwarfs forest which has 3 kinds of trees), Fruit Tree
(programming tree), Glass, Glass coffin, Golden Keys, Graveyards,
Hallways with red doors, Hell Pit or Hell Fire (7 levels--pepperbox. There
is a glassy wall before the hell pit.), Hour Glass (matrix), House of David,
Icetown, Invisible Countries, Keys (clock key), Libraries, Light side City,
Marshlands, Mazes, Mirrors (constructed via access permissions) (Oneway), Moat, Mountains, Nursery (glass), Ocean, Paper Trees, Petra Secret
City, Playground, Poppy field, Portals (for altars and demons, like the
third eye), Rubicon (outer space beyond the stars), Rivers (Nile, Rio
Grande, Shenandoah, etc.), Room behind a closet (existence not
confirmed), Seeds, Serpent tree, Shafts, Shells, Shifting sands, Shoes
(gold, silver, and ruby slippers), Snake pits (traps), Spider chambers,
Stairway, Torpedo Town, Tin Woodsman’s Castle, Tree with square paper
boxes containing Dad’s music programming, Trojan Horse w/ armies,
Tunnels, Valley of the Dry Bones, Volcano (to destroy & remake the
system), Vortices (see Black Holes), Wasteland, Water (Moats),
Waterfalls, Wind, Wires, Worms, and a Yellow Brick Road."
In order to use the multiple in different life styles--they divide up a
system of alters into worlds of alters which rarely see each other. These
worlds are also called cities. The words "city" or "world" are
interchangeable when it comes to a Monarch System. Typically, they
received names such as Atlantis, City of Refuge, Shangri-la, and Troy.
Later, after Candy Jones exposed the programming, there was a major
shift about this time, and many of the Systems were programmed with
Solar Systems. Each planet had a different group or race of alter or
demon. The concept of Star Trek was helpful for this. Some of the
Systems programmed in the 1970s, used Star Trek as their basis. The
distribution of alters was similar to watching the various episodes of Star
Alters that were created at the same time and left in an area of the
System together are families. The programmers in their efforts to
dehumanize these alters will stick to animal names such as referring to
them as "litters". The front level of a System would often be given a
cover. The front level might see their world as a basketball court, or
several houses, or a dollhouse, or a street. The front world is set up to
deceive anyone from discovering the true structure of the system. The
programmers can link and unlink, and move alters around. Eventually
they get something neat and tidy on a sheet a paper.
A standard Illuminati System is built like a 13x13x13 cube with an
elevator shaft running up and down from the bottom to the top. The
elevator is constructed as a piece of DNA and alters can ride up and down
the elevator (go up or down in trance) to move when allowed. Most of
the alters have no sense of time, and most of the alters do not hold the
body very frequently. For various reasons most of the alters never grow
up. Obviously, if they don’t hold the body very much, and are dissociated
from everyone else’s memories, they have nothing to stimulate them to
grow up. However, the Programmers must have some of the alters who
can function as adults. For instance, alters who go into bars must think of
themselves as adults. The alters which will hold the body in public will be
hypnotically made into adults.
The Network likes to leave many child alters, because most of them are
pedophiles and they like the pseudo-pedophile experience of making it
with an alter that thinks it is four years old. Or just the opposite,
sometimes an adult alter will appear within a child victim, and this is a
clue that this is an access/reporting alter.
Many of the Illuminati systems, especially Mengele’s were set up on a
13x13 grid of alters. The grids are numbered top to bottom and side to
side but not in the fashion one might expect. The typical Mengele grid
will begin with 6 and proceed 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
However, the structure doesn’t have to be a grid, any geometric shape
works and has been used, such as a sphere, cube, or pyramid.
Dr. Star and his wife, who is an OTO programmer working out of Corpus
Christi, TX likes to structure an alter system in the shape of the Seal of
Solomon. The Yin-yang symbol is then equated with the entire Seal of
Solomon. The all-seeing eye is placed in the center of Star’s systems, just
like Mengele would put in an All-Seeing Eye. The hidden Sun of Tiphareth
is placed into Dr. Star’s victim’s systems, as well as the four elements,
and sulfuric acid. Alters are then placed in the various positions around
the hexagram.
Because therapists, (and Christian ministers) are generally unaware of
the deeper occult things, they usually miss seeing the occult philosophies
behind the structures. For instance, the elements of earth, wind, fire and
water are not just part of magic--they are in Druidism considered the
four zones (or directions) also called rings which are held together by the
fifth ring--balance. This is the basis of Celtic geometric art, metaphysical
maps, and ancient Ireland was symbolically divided into four regions with
a unifying fifth. This was the bardic view of the universe which is
presented in the Vita Merlini (written by Geoffrey of Monmouth in 1150).
Supposedly England, Wales and Scotland were also divided into 4 regions
with a unifying fifth too. And all these four regions Ireland, Wales,
Scotland and England are joined again in the U.K.
In Druidism, the four magical elements the Sword, Rod, Cup and Shield
are unified by the Cord while the four elements are unified by the spirit.
Ancient Druid stone statues of triple faced gods and goddesses still
remain today. Heads were considered sacred by the early Celts which is
why the heads of the top Grand Dames are preserved after they are
ritually murdered. If an outsider really wants to understand why
Illuminati systems are constructed in the fashion that they are--first
understand that there is a great depth of meaning behind what structures
are used to build an internal world. An ex-programmer talks about how
the programmers would call upon Satan in high level rituals to "Tell me
what to do, and I’ll do what you want" to gain wisdom in how to design
these alter systems. Within a System, a few alters will be given maps to
the System. There will be a structure "map" which takes the system down
through its progressive levels down to its fundamental or primal level.
There will also be internal world maps, maze maps, or what some call
programming maps.
How the Self of a Man Alter Consists of Shattered Shadow
Alters, A
Script, Mirrors and Assigned Demons
What really is an alter? An alter is a dissociated part of the mind, which is
developed BY the programmers to be a complete personality. We will
now explain what an alter is. If you were to look on the programmers’
charts found in his grey 3 ring binder, or his lap top computer you would
see graphs with alters with access codes. What are these alters? If the
programmers didn’t invest a great deal of programming and structuring,
each alter would not be a complete personality.
On the chart, the programmer will have a square on a grid where he will
record the cult name, the front name, the alter’s alpha-numeric pull up
code and its grid number. What seems neat and tidy is really not so neat
and tidy. That alter is really an alter with many shadows of itself. This is
a family of fragments of that alter which hold parts of itself.
There is a particular secret term that only the programmers use for these
fragments, but for purposes of discussion we will call these fragments
"family fragments" or "shadow fragments." For instance, a Gatekeeper
alter will have a shadow alter fragment that holds its fear, one that holds
its pain, one that holds its anger, and many that hold its memories of
abuse and torture. What appears on the grid as a square is in reality a
box holding lots of fragments. The programmers understand how
multiplicity works, so rather than chart an alter with 25 fragments
coming off of it--they name the whole mess after the main alter they
have created for that family of fragments.
The main alter really is a fictional persona created by the programmers
linked to numerous fragments of the mind. The mind of the child victim
will cooperate with the torture and programming. The programmer will
verbally discuss his programming scripts with his close assistants, for
instance, the Grand Dame who helps him; but he doesn’t record the
scripts down.
Historically, the Programmers have always individually tailored their story
scripts for each child. Because the best are master story tellers, who can
make a story come alive, they do not need to depend upon stale written
scripts. The Wizard of Oz, and Mother Goose books, etc. are read prior to
actual programming session, to enhance the programming session. The
final alters are recorded, but not the stories or the lies told them.
After a main alter has been created and shattered, the programmers find
this main alter within the mind and give it a personal history (via films,
virtual reality headsets, stories, etc.), give it a job within the system, a
place to live in the internal world, and its rules and guide lines on how to
function within the system. It will be given scripts about the outside
world. And shortly, we will explain those. This doesn’t mean that alters
don’t exist--they are physically part of the mental makeup of a multiple’s
brain--but an alter’s existence is not at all what it sees or what outsiders
see. Both the alter and the therapist see only a small part of the picture.
John O. Bearhrs (Limits of scientific psychiatry, Role of uncertainly in
mental health. NY: Brunner/Mazel, 1986, pp. 86-113.), who did
therapeutic work with Multiples, recognized some of the process that we
are describing. He wrote about how an alter when confronted with more
pain, guilt, and rage will dissociate this mental hazardous waste into
alters who function as internal garbage cans. He described a victim who
had a jolly front alter Diane with a winning smile. This front alter
dumped her pain on a small child alter Mary, who lived in an internal
"basement". However, in one particular case Mary didn’t want the pain
and she passed it to Karl (a 4 yr. old alter), who cried and yelled so loud
internally that Danny, a 12 year old alter who was characterized by
toughness and courage took the pain. However, the actual situation is
more subtle and complex than Beahrs realized. Every alter creates
shadow alters of itself to handle the anger, fear, guilt, betrayal etc. The
Programmers are totally aware of these shadow alters and they work with
If we picture an alter as a point in the mind--a dot or small circle, then
we can for the sake of discussion picture the shadow splits off of that
alter as rays coming out of that small circle. Now we have an image of
something looking like a sun with rays. Actually, in real life, after all the
torture, the shadow alters holding memories and all the programs
attached are simply one big mess that resembles the branches of a tree
with leaves.
The Programmers have made a thorough mess of the person’s mind--and
they need some clean way to deal with this mess they have created. So
the Programmers use the imagery that best resembles the mess they
have made. The victim is told they have a tree with branches and leaves
growing through them. This tree with its branches grows through out
every alter. The image of the vine and its branches is also used, because
then the programmers can bring in the Bible to make their programming
seem to be supported by God’s Holy Word. The original alter is told that
it is a mote of nothingness (a very tiny circle).
The programmers don’t chart all the family or shadow fragments of an
alter because they understand MPD (DID). The fragments will hold all the
memories of abuse, so the alter can function. The fragments will also
give the alter the appearance of the full range of emotions. If a main
alter gets angry or feels guilty, what is happening, is that it has accessed
its shadows to express the full range of emotions.
The Programmers abuse an alter and get the Shadow alters. Then they
hypnotically attach a memory cue (which is a code consisting of the
alter’s name, the date of the memory, and perhaps something else to
complete the code) to the main alter so that they can access the memory
anytime they want. Then they hypnotically & demonically build an one way mirror between this main alter and the shadow alters they have just
created. These one-way mirrors are like one way windows--the reason
they are referred to as mirrors is that they are put in the child’s mind via
Next, they ritually/magickly implant demons to guard the mirror(s) and
to guard each memory held by the shadow alters. This separates an alter
from knowing itself and its own abuse. The main alter has dissociated the
pain, etc. to its shadow alters of itself. The Programmers then use the
memory as blackmail to keep the main alter in line. The main alter has
dissociated the pain, but will recover the memory if either one of three
possibilities happen: a. the Programmer or handler says the memory code
3x, or b. if an event happens that triggers the main alter to remember, c.
the main alter tries to remember the abuse and the programming, and in
doing so they will be stepping outside of the circle assigned to them and
will "break the circle & break the mirrors."
Remember, how we described a Main alter as a small circle with the rays
(shadow alters) split off from it. The shadow or family alters of a Main
alter are the true history of an alter. The Main alter is given the script to
totally love the Programmer/Master. It should be angry at what has
happened to it. The ability to direct that anger is lost with the
dissociation, but might be retrieved if the alter remembered, so the
programmers transfer it by creating some outside person or object for
the alter to focus their hate upon.
Elaborate hate scripts are then given to the main alter. The love of the
Master now protects the Main alter from having to remember its pain.
Very few alters and very few non-multiple people would want to
remember such trauma and it is very unpopular in society to remember
past traumas (how often have you heard expressions "let bygones be
bygones", "the past is past", "don’t dig up old skeletons", etc.) As long as
the alter loves its Master, it is somewhat safe from remembering its own
traumas. And yet for a Monarch slave to regain its own mind, the alters
must regain their own memories. That is why to really break down the
programming, memory work is need. That Monarch slaves must regain
their memories to heal is a hard one for many people and ministers to
Most deliverance ministries pray that God would take away their bad
memories. Further, the programming holds the lies in place, and the
demonology holds the traumas, programs, and memories in place. A Main
alter is really in the middle of special purpose Shadow alters which have
been split from itself.
The Programmers do a reversal on this and tell the Main alter that it is on
the outside looking in. Vagabond Programming (which tells an alter it is a
vagabond) is then applied to teach the alter it doesn’t belong to the
inside world, nor to the outside world. It belongs nowhere. The Main alter
will perceive that it is on the outside looking in at mirrors. The mirrors
then guard the inside of the circle. To try to remember the truth is to
break the circle of mirrors. The circle of mirrors has magical significance,
because it ties in with the witchball or speculum which the witches have
used over the centuries to see beyond time and space. The steps that the
programmers do, can be explained on many levels. Many of these steps
are done for special occult reasons.
One of the first things taught to a child is "DO NOT BREAK THE CIRCLE".
This has both the internal meaning "don’t go after you own memories and
the external meaning "don’t leave the cult--the circle."
Special black mats (such as used in wrestling) have been constructed by
the Programmers. The first black mat is a circular mat with a 4’ radius.
The next black mat has an 8’ radius (with a donut hole with a 4’ radius)
so that it can fit over/around the first circle. From there you have
concentric donut shaped pieces of mat each four feet wider in radius
than the previous, which can all be joined together. Each of the
concentric circles will have a different colored circle painted on its edge.
The victim child while it is in the crawling stage will be placed onto the
middle dot and told to stay. They will be punished every time they move.
When they finally can do this obediently, they will be given the 4’ circle.
Toys will be placed outside of the painted line (which may for starters be
a blue line, then perhaps green, and then red). Just off of the mat are
interesting things like a full bottle, a blanket, a coat, food, toys, etc. The
child is cold, hungry and bored. Will the child obey and stay in its circle?
If it doesn’t it will be punished by being mildly shocked, or having its
head dunked into a toilet, or its hand punished, and it will be set back in
the circle until it’s will is broken and it learns to submit to the order to
stay in the circle.
This teaches the victim child several things: don’t step outside of
boundaries, don’t break the circle, it teaches them the colors that will be
used in the color programming of the internal world, and it is again
traumatizing. What they see, hear and do will now be done in obedience.
Does the reader see how hard it is for the child & its alters to move
outside of the scripts? Alert readers will realize that there are 13 colors in
Illuminati systems and that means 13 x 4 feet = the radius of the finished
13-concentric-circled black mat when all the pieces are laid down. This
means a large indoor area with a floor space of at least 124’ across in
needed. Military bases, hospitals, churches, and universities like Oral
Roberts University have gyms or auditoriums which the Illuminati use for
this stage of the programming.
Mother of Darkness alters train the children. The Presidio had a great
place for this training. This is the programming for the "Circle Will Not be
Broken" script. The Amish do something similar, to make their children
obedient, which is one reason the Monarch programming is easy to hide
within the Amish culture. This type of programming is referred to in
chapter 5 about the fronts and the Top Secret Amish Front. Let us briefly
mention, that some systems are simply concentric rings (levels of alters)
each assigned a different color.
Another twist to the color coding--an alter in some circumstances may
have two colors. An alter may be coded Black below white, so that when
it sees black color below white it is triggered. The sections on a soccer
ball, have been colored and used for a programming visual aid.
Various researchers who have tried to identify: What happens when a
normal non-multiple subject is hypnotized to not feel pain? Of course,
the subject consciously tells the hypnotist that he feels no pain, but
researchers such as the Watkins & Hilgards have demonstrated that the
subject under hypnotism dissociates the pain to another part of the mind.
In other words, hypnosis and MPD (DID) which are both forms of
dissociation are much closer in how they function than some people have
realized. In fact, some researchers, who are well aware of how close the
two dissociative functions are, have defined MPD (DID) as "spontaneous
hypnosis" (Beahrs, 1982; Bliss, 1986).
The non-conscious area of the mind that hypnotic subjects dissociated to
have been labeled "ego-states", "the hidden observer" and "a covert
cognitive structural system". The giving away of pain, fear, and other
traumas to Shadow parts is similar to what happens when researchers
observe a person who is directed in hypnosis to not feel pain,
unknowingly giving his pain away to a hidden ego-state. A hiding place
where alters can go, a place of light which gives energy, is created in a
The New World Order’s One-World-Religion and their Mind Control is
organized on the hierarchical system with a S.P.I.N. front. The Illuminati
and the occult world that they supervise has a strong hierarchical system
both worldwide and within the slave. Fritz has spent a great deal of time
researching and communicating to other how the hierarchy controls on a
large scale, and how it is miniaturized and how this identical hierarchy is
placed internally into the slave. However, the big cover for the
hierarchical arrangement is the SPIN principal.
What is the Spin Principle?
S-P-I-N = Segmented Polycentric Integrated Networks.
If one were to diagram a SPIN organizational chart it would not be a
conventional box type configuration such as an army company
organization chart. Rather, it would resemble a fishnet with interlocking
nodes with groups linked to many other groups and cluster around nodes.
There is no center to the network. It is like the brain’s electrical
connections, with an overlap of functions, so that good cells can take
over from damaged sections. A network (one of their buzzwords) is many
times more greater than the sum of its parts. The New Age author Marilyn
Ferguson does an excellent job in describing how the Conspiracy’s SPIN
network functions.
"This is a source of power never before tapped in history: multiple self sufficient social movements linked for a whole array of goals whose
accomplishment would transform every aspect of contemporary life. "
Because SPINs are so qualitatively different in organization and impact
from bureaucracies...most people don’t see them--or think they are
conspiracies. Often networks take similar action without conferring with
each other simply because they share so many assumptions. It might also
be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian
Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of SPINs, a network of many networks
aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose,
segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its center is everywhere. Although
many social movements and mutual-help groups are represented in its
alliances, its life does not hinge on any of them." Ferguson, Marilyn. The
Aquarian Conspiracy. Los Angeles, CA: J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1980, p. 217.
---The next 2 pages are charts showing an hour glass & its turning
mechanism, & how a section can have various codes, trance depths,
The programmers enjoy setting up double-binds. One of their tricks is to
create alters which are given negative spiritual roles with names to
match. An alter may be named unforgiveness", or "the one who doesn’t
trust anyone." For such an alter to trust someone, makes the alter feel
like it is giving up its name, and therefore its identity. By combining the
name with an identity that the alter doesn’t want to lose, the
programming intend to double bind the alter. The Satan alter within a
System will see itself as Satan. The alter Satan feels that he is on the
winning side in a war, due to the lies that have been told this child alter
when it was created. A girl child alter will be made to think they are the
evil male Satan. The point is that the identity of this alter is tied up with
their negative destructive role in the system.
Standard Roles Within An Illuminati Monarch Slave
(Note: that depending upon what the System’s occupation in life is, also
determines some of the types of alters created. If the System is a
politician, they will need special alters to deal with certain secret
activities. If the System is a baseball pitcher, they will need alters that
are trained to pitch.)
⌛Alien alters for contact, bonding w/ aliens, & acceptance of mock
alien invasion
⏳Angel (imitation) alters for divine messages, these may be seen as
Spirit Guide alters
⏳Angry alters
⏳Animal alters who are meant to act like animals
⏳Assassination alters (Deltas)
⏳Babysitter alters to look after keep them from popping out
⏳Blackmail alters (Betas, and Black Widows)
⏳Bird alters (used for half a dozen various internal purposes,
including ravens for suicide, doves for peace, orks to fly over the
internal mazes, owls for wisdom, etc. The dove may be part of a false
⏳Child alters
Clockmaker & Clockholder alters (Also the Grim reaper may be
associated with the clocks.)
⏳Core related alters to imitate or protect the core from anything
Coven alters to lead coven level meetings
⏳ Courier alters (Carrier Pigeons)
⏳Data alters to hold information (this encompasses a wide range of
alters, including alters who hold internal system information to alters
who hold information for their masters.
⏳Deaf & Dumb alters to prevent the System from hearing nonapproved users say access codes.
⏳Death alters to take near death traumas
⏳Element alters (Alr or Wind, Water, Earth, Fire) for magick &
⏳Espionage alters
⏳Firechild or Bomb child alters to make body feel like its burning
⏳Flooding alters (often flooding comes simply from Shadow
⏳Foreign Language alters
⏳Front alters for a good cover
⏳Gatekeeper alters to guard portals and gates
⏳Guard (or Blocker)
alters to guard important areas of the System
⏳ Justice alters--alters who mete out justice for disobedient alters
⏳ Hierarchy alters to take part in Illuminati hierarchy ceremonies
(there will be a big demand for many of these alters--different
ceremonies and different times of the year are given different alters).
⏳Hunts, alters created for the master’s sport of being hunted
⏳Loyalty alters which hold strong love & devotion to the master
⏳Martial Arts alters to protect the System if need be
⏳Mirror image alters, for deception
⏳Monster alters to scare the other alters
⏳Mouse alters to run the clocks (computer, and grids)
⏳Nothing alters, alters who believe they are nobody, or Mr. Nobody,
or "no-name.
⏳ Observation alters (these deep alters quietly observe all that goes
on in an alter system. They may be called Watchers.)
⏳Programmers, Internal (alters cloned after the original
programmers to reprogram the System, also known as Internalists.)
⏳Programming alters to help Illuminati program Protector alters to
protect almost everything in the System (essentially nothing is left
unprotected in the System.) In some systems, these alters may even
be known in the System as Warrior & Infiltration Alters. They may
include such titles as Keeper to the Pit.
⏳Ribbon Alters to send messages from computers to System areas
⏳Reporting alters to give the master reports regularly, esp.
important to monitor all activity by a therapist
⏳Ruling alters, such as Queens & Kings
⏳Run/return to master alters
⏳Satanic hierarchy alters, to insure that system is controlled by
⏳Sexual alters (kittens for porn, S&M, etc.)
⏳Scrambling alters to prevent alters from hearing
Shell alters (to hide real alters from therapists)
⏳Suicide alters (clowns, Russian Roulette alters, etc.)
⏳Tranced, (alters tranced deeply to move up and trance the body)
⏳Travel alters, which can sleep during travel or be oblivious to
where they are going
Next we will discuss how some of these types of alters are created. These
will be discussed in alphabetical order. It should be pointed out that
generally the Illuminati choose one of the early front Gatekeeper alters
to be the alter who knows the entire system as it is made. This often is
Gatekeeper no. 3. After the entire structuring is finished this alter will be
hypnotically programmed to forget that they know the entire system. By
the age of ten, an Illuminati system will have someone who knows the
entire system. However, these gatekeepers get heavy programming not
to remember.
Angry Alters
By the time the programmers are ready to create angry alters, the child
victim has been well conditioned not to get angry, but to passively accept
their abuse. The programmers have to get the child’s mind to break with
their prior programming to get angry. In order to do this, the child will be
tormented without end for several days. This is one of the worst parts of
the programming, and many children die in this stage. The Illuminati pick
their most gentle Mothers-of-Darkness systems to work with the male
programmers. If the gentle Mothers-of-Darkness slaves didn’t bring some
balance and affection to the child victims, the sadistic programmers
would probably kill all of the children at this stage of programming. For
more on this see Egyptian Armies just a little further.
Animal Alters (Meant to act like animals)
Although a large share of an alter system is dehumanized, there are
certain alters which will be created to actually hold the body and act like
animals. The alter may even be named "animal." A male or female slave
may have dog alters which bark like a dog and get into the correct
position to allow a Rottweiler/German shepherd/Doberman to penetrate
the slave sexually. This is accomplished by taking menstrual blood from a
dog in heat and smearing it on the victim.
Animal alters are created by the standard dehumanization methods, and
then shown films of what they are to become. Through hypnosis and
behavior modification, the alters eventually accept the role they are
tortured and programmed into taking. It’s hard telling what roles the
programmers have created, it could possibly be any animal, but cats,
dogs, donkeys, horses, rats, and mice are common examples.
Christian Front Alters
Most Illuminati Systems have Christian front alters. Some of the early
splits around 2 years of age are provided the chance to genuinely accept
Christ. From these alters, two things will be done. Front alters who are
Christians will be created, and satanic alters. In order to get dedicated
Satanic alters, Christian alters are severely traumatized and God is
blamed for not helping them. The Satanic alters will be deeply convinced
that God has abandoned them. The Christian alters will dissociate all the
trauma, and will believe that they are normal--nothing has happened out
of the ordinary in their life.
Christian alters will also, like all MPD/DID alters, tend to deal with
overwhelming problems by dissociation. Many Christian alters will deny
such basic things such as that a Satanic conspiracy exists. They often will
be far more zealous than the normal Christian, because they do not have
conflicting ego-states. If any situation calls for compromise of their
religious beliefs they can switch to someone else--and thereby escape
having to compromise.
There are many programmed multiples leading the Christian churches
today. Christian alters are coached via the modern church and their
handlers to only "spiritually minded" and not to challenge evil in the
natural world. Some walk around believing that God will cure everything,
which is true but not in the sense that some of the churches are
explaining. That doesn’t mean that all Systems will be "Pollyanish", but it
can happen. The original Christian alters will be shamed and then hidden
by the programmers. The "host" or "presenting" alter which holds the
body will often be a Christian. This really helps hide the entire mind control. Interestingly, a system of 20,000 alters may have only less than a
dozen Christians alters, but the one or two strong Christian alters will
exert a disproportionate influence on the System.
The Illuminati has had a hard time controlling the Christian alters they
allow. In their zeal to infiltrate, control and destroy the Christian
churches, they have opened many of their top slaves up to the love of
God, which has ended in the slaves trying to break free. Unfortunately,
most ministers know too little to help these people escape.
The clones are little children who have been put into robot costumes and
are trained to attack parts of the system which are not in compliance
with the programming. The heads of the clones can be unscrewed. The
clones can be taken out by various tactics--but there are hundreds of
clones and they each have been numbered. The serial numbers are
placed on them. An example of a clone’s number at the base of the neck might be 158.00. This may either be a model or actual serial no. but
often is tied to the birthdate of the victim, which is generally part or all
of the victim’s Monarch serial no.
To create the clones during the 1950s, movie scenes of the divers of the
Nautilus of the movie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea were shown. (With
later models, such as in Star Wars programming, the robots of these
shows suffice.) Some clones kill with a knife as the divers in the movie
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. When clones surface and take the body
they are cold. Programming is encased in a clone.
Alters, particularly cult alters, may not be able to see the clones. They
may be hidden in almost anything internally, including door knobs and
walls. However, there is the possibility for the therapist that a net made
of cloth woven of light can be dropped and the lumps will reveal the
clones. They may be behind mirrors too. Water has certain properties
that can stop clones, as well as magnets. Microwaves will take care of the
electronics. A little microwave can take out a group of clones. Clones
have many shapes--but they do not look like people. They usually have a
switch to be activated. Atlantis may be set up as the world for clones, in
accord with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea programming. Whatever the
style, robots & clones are popular items for programmers to install.
One of the major defects of the first few decades of Illuminati
programming, was that the clones were set up so that water would stop
them. Therapists could stop the clone armies by applying water on them.
Recent models have corrected that deficiency. But when the clones are
stopped, and the diver suits are taken off of the child alters, who are
inside of the robot suits, then a child alter will be found which is in the
same drugged state that it was in when it was being programmed. This
child fragment alter will often have an I.V. (wires and needles) in it, and
will be very druggy. It will be in its programmed war-like angry state. In
Druidism, a swan was something dirty like a pig in Judaism. Some alters
which are assigned to protect, are warned they will become swans. If the
Queen of the Clones becomes a swan, the clones will become helpless.
The Queen of the Clones (a triad) must do her job or be turned into a
swan. Changing subjects to alter clones, Cloning programs include, for
instance, Lollipop & Lobster programs.
The Deltas are alters trained to carry out special missions resulting in
death. The Deltas who are inactive are asleep. They must be activated.
The programming to activate them will be triggered if a mission is given
or if certain parts of the deeper parts of the system are tampered with.
Deltas will work as a team with the Beta’s to kill. An Illuminati System
will be "magically" twinned during programming to be a Twin with
another system’s Delta alters. And these two systems in turn are joined
in programming with another 2 person team, so that 2 person and 4
person teams can be constructed. This gives the Illuminati more
flexibility in what kind of missions it can send its slave out on. 4 person
assassination teams are very common. They had 2 four-man Monarch
slave assassination teams at Waco, Texas the day that the Waco Branch
Davidian building burned up.
How The Deltas Are Created
Illuminati Deltas are linked to the moon children, and are the offspring of
the moon child alter in the early cage programming. In the early 1950s,
the Illuminati would take a child and force it to watch another child, who
they have bonded with, be incinerated alive in a crematorium at high
heat which would not only melt the child but turn it to ashes. The form
of the child in ashes would stay in the shape of the child until the
crematorium door which would have glass in it for viewing would be
opened. A small gust of air would cause the ashes to lose their shape.
Watching through glass and feeling the fire and hearing the child scream
was a trauma for any child. The Presidio and some of the Illuminati-run
funeral homes which had this type of crematorium were employed for
fire traumas. The fire trauma was done so that the child would visualize
melting from heat. This melting trauma would then form the basis of the
good witch/bad witch programming where water on a witch makes her
melt like in the Wizard of Oz story. The Delta and Beta alters are then to
trance into their melted state whenever their programmers want them to
function. Their functioning state is the "melted state". The programming
is that the witches melt down to NOTHING.
After a few years, the programmers realized that they didn’t have to
have a real trauma to get the programming done, because they could
usually do it with a combination of hallucinatory drugs, hypnotic drugs,
and paper dolls. Paper dolls which when cut out are all joined together
would be placed on a grid similar to an alter grid on a platform. The right
hypnotic suggestions are made, and the child believes these paper dolls
are alive and are burned up. If the paper dolls didn’t work, they’d go
back to using a real child to get the job done. Later, the lower cat alters
are taught how to be hunted and hunt at the "life or death" Beltane hunts. These hunts helped train alters which are then used to create the
Deltas. The Deltas are not completed until later.
To create a trained assassin, the alters were desensitized towards pain
and death by being shown gory films with the eyes forced open. Hypnosis
was also used. The potential victims were devalued, it is believed the
Aryan alters which are very elitist and racist are used for Delta alters.
Satanic rituals were also involved in the creation of the Deltas. Deltas will
be trained in hand to hand combat--and know certain vulnerable places
to kill people incl. breaking the neck. Training included a great deal of
weapons training. In an early programmed multiple System, which was
created and programmed in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, the assassination
alters are placed behind a wall of ice. When the wall of ice is melted,
these assassination alters are freed and they will go about their
assignment to kill by using an ice-pick type needle poked into the heart
of their prey. These Systems were infiltrated into the U.S. during the
1930s to build a foundation for when the Nazi’s expected to win the war.
Later, American Delta alters were taught the art of assassination by
poking a needle through the eye of the victim. This kind of assassination
is apparently hard to detect.
How The Deltas Are Activated
The access codes for the Deltas are structured different than for the rest
of the System, except for the sexual/entrapment/espionage alters who
are designed very similar. The Deltas may be black color coded.
When the programmer wants to use these Delta alters, he will call them
up from their genii bottle or wherever they are hidden deep in the mind.
They will be commanded to melt. When they have melted into the
nothing state, then the programmer gives an exact script of everything
the Delta alter is to do, just like you would program a computer step by
step-- from step a to step z. For instance, the programmer might say, "At
a certain place you will be in the melted state until you hear the words,
"I’m going to Kansas City, where are you from Miss Ruby shoes?", at that
point you will remain in the melted state and do part B of the script." As
the programmer continues with the script, a Delta fragment will be given
NWO codes, bank account numbers, and major sports numbers (so other
NWO folks know who is going to win ahead of time). This fragment will
simply be a mental floppy disk. The Delta-Beta alters are habitually lied
to by their programmers when they are given their detailed scripts. If
they are carrying cocaine they may be told it is soap for needy children.
If they shoot someone, then they will be told all kinds of lies about the
person they are to kill. They never are really given a chance to step
outside of their deep trance and to ever hear the truth about what they
are doing. They live their lives in a surreal fantasy world where nothing
really makes sense. They don’t try to think for themselves, they just
follow orders.
Since a mission may call for other alters to hold the body, the
programmer must put together his Delta script so that two scripts can be
intertwined. The programmer may work out something so that the Delta
alter goes into a temporary sleep in the melted state while out on the
mission. This way the programmer doesn’t have to be present on the trip
to bring the Delta alter back into its functioning "melted" state. The Delta
alters can’t be out too long anyway because they are not used to
functioning in the outside world and they get tired fast. Several Delta
alters can switch so that they keep having a fresh Delta alter come out,
but eventually every one begins to get tired. That is another reason they
will work in another script with front alters.
The front alters are used to holding the body everyday. The front alters
will take a vacation, while the Deltas work on their detailed script of
carrying secret messages and maybe killing someone. During an airplane
trip, a travel alter will hold the body while the Deltas sleep in the melted
state. Delta alters (who by the way have photographic memories) are
given their scripts by programmers, not run-of-the-mill handlers.
Everything is too fine tuned in the programming for a run-of-the-mill
handler. Delta alters have an internal hour glass, this hour glass may be a
mural in their internal world that they look at. As long as they are
obedient, the hour glass sands do not fall. If they are disobedient, the
sand begins falling, and their life is on the line. There is no room for
mistakes. If the sand runs out, death is to happen. Large hourglasses are
often displayed in front of Delta-Beta slaves to remind them that there is
no room for mistakes, no slack for disobedience.
Their thinking is buried in fairy tales. They are programmed to see
themselves in fairy tales, they are programmed not to see their handlers
or anybody’s else’s face for that matter. Their handlers pretend they are
fairy tale characters or aliens. These alters do not have a chance to
understand what they are doing. If the programmers get tired of the
slave’s programming breaking down--and it does in part due to the severe
abuse they get from these sadistic programmers/handlers, then they will
simply give the slave an assignment in which the slave will end up dying,
i.e. a suicide mission. This type of suicide mission is happening all over
the United States with great frequency. An example would be a lady who
is getting too wise about the New World Order, so a Delta is assigned to
crash their car into the lady, and its written down as "just an unfortunate
ACCIDENT with fatalities." A shop owner refuses to pay the Mafia for
protection; so a Delta vandalizes and tears up the shop and has a fatal
shootout with the police.
Foreign Language Alters
The Illuminati/intelligence agencies realized when they started making
slaves with photographic memories that they could create different parts
of a slave’s mind to operate on different languages. Illuminati hierarchy
systems will employ foreign language alters for several purposes:
a. to facilitate the alter working in various situations, for example
French is helpful to work with Catholics in Quebec, and with the
Cambodian/Vietnamese criminal syndicate that the Illuminati set up in
this nation. A high profile example of this is Bo Gritz, an officer of the
Delta Force, who due to his photographic mind (created via brain stem
scarring) can speak Mandarin Chinese. Mandarin Chinese is not
normally an easy language for Americans.
b. to hide things in a system.
Examples of this include code words attached to Greek and Hebrew
letters for body programs. Another example is having latin phrases for
accessing deeper parts. If an entire area of a system is put in a foreign
language, and the system is not given any alters capable of translation,
then you have very effectively isolated an entire section. For instance,
systems are being created in their early teens which are sectioned off
into 5 or more languages, say for instance, German, Spanish, French,
Italian, and Arabic. Some of the Systems created in the late 1950s,
already were employing some of this. Since the very best Illuminati
programmer in the world is European, and speaks several languages you
can expect to start to see more and more of this "Tower of Babel"
programming (multi-language systems where parts can’t communicate.)
The reader realizes that such multi-language capabilities are always
secret until the person starts breaking down the programming. The
programmers tell alter systems that God wants this programming done,
because God confounded all the languages & then spread people into the
4 corners of the world.
Gatekeeper Alters
The Gatekeeper alters are just that. They protect the gates or portals to
all System levels. Infrequently, the programmers may also call them
"doorkeepers", or "tollmen" & "toll women". The victim may refer to them
as guards or blockers, although Gatekeepers are more than guards, they
are an entrance or portal to something. Gatekeepers may often be the
alter that was split to get a particular section. Each gatekeeper may be
at a deeper level trance than the one before it. When a Gatekeeper is
split it creates a natural link to the alters that are created from itself.
Then the Gatekeepers are given programming not to see what they have
created and what they are natural portals to. These steps create a
natural portal for the deeper alters. One-way mirrors are usually installed
between the Gatekeeper and the section they guard, so that the deeper
alters can see out, but the Gatekeeper can’t see in. Besides splitting off
entire sections from the Gatekeepers, clown alters will be created from
them to keep the Gatekeepers in line.
The first row of doors in a system--which the front Gatekeepers protect
are often set up as the "red door(s)". Deeper in the system, other
Gatekeepers will be stationed in front of important systems, and these
other doors will have a different color code than the first set of doors. To
train gatekeeper alters, they are taken to a door and by behavior
modification techniques (i.e. severe torture) they are taught not to go
beyond the door. They are to hold their place and not step through the
door. Then they are strongly programmed via hypnosis to forget the
training session, but not the lesson. The first row of Gatekeepers can
have no tie to the cult and no tie to the outside world. They are taught
they are vagabonds. The only real tie they are allowed to have is
themselves, and they are aren’t allowed to know who they themselves
The standard programming for Gatekeepers is to mess them up with love-hate double binds. Gatekeepers are often very melancholic and if they go
against their programming, they or the alters near them can easily
commit suicide. The Gatekeepers always receive heavy programming and
heavy trauma. Front line Gatekeepers may be near the front of a System,
but due to their heavy programming, what they say should be taken with
a big grain of salt. They usually provide outsiders with the lies the
programmers have so skillfully convinced them to believe. Illuminati
Gatekeeper alters are in 3 parts. The higher numbered gatekeepers have
a pedestal which they are rotating on. A cat, a butterfly and a porcelain
face are the three kinds of alters which are joined together and rotate.
The deeper Gatekeepers on Illuminati models must be locked in place
before conversation can ensue.
The Gatekeeper alters are non-sexual, and programmed not to see what
is below their feet which are the sexual alters. A stacking mechanism has
been created to call each gatekeeper alter out and stacked on each like a
deck of cards. This command for some systems is "Stand in order
according to rank & serial no. [said 3x]." Another stacking mechanism can
be achieved to place them all on the potter’s wheel according to order
with "See no evil, Hear no evil, do no evil" which originally was
accompanied by a hand movement of exposing cards. The NWO’s
Charismatic branch give their deeper gatekeepers Porcelain Face
Programming. Sometimes, the frontline Gatekeepers also get Porcelain
face programming. The movie Ghostbusters, which has been used for a
programming script on some slaves, has a very strong demonic
"Gatekeeper" in the show. Janus, the two-faced god, was a gatekeeper, &
the 1st month which is the gate to the new yr. (January) is named after
him. The Illum. Great Rite ritual has a Gatekeeper (male) and Keymaster
(female) to produce an AntiChrist child.
Hierarchy And Deeper Cult Alters
The deeper cult alters may be placed in a crystal ball and the Cabalistic
Tree of Life. The Mother-of-Darkness alters will be set up on the MaidenMother-Crone trinity of the occult. Stormy alters, and there may be 60 or
more deep level Stormy alters per system, are alters that are to be
involved in all the man-made "natural disasters" that are planned for the
period of anarchy. Sergeant alters are deeper call back alters who will be
commanders of programs for the AntiChrist takeover. The deep front
alters of the Mother-of-Darkness, Grande Dames, or Grande Master alters
will not be in a deep trance. They need to be fully alert for what they do
for the Illuminati. However, since they are only out at special points in
time, all they know is Illuminati life and philosophy. Illuminati philosophy
will include such things as "Pain is strength. The pain we suffer will give
us the strength to conquer."
The Sisters of Light (the level before the Mothers of Darkness) will be
under the leadership of a Queen Mother. She will direct them to abduct a
handsome male for breeding purposes. After the handsome male is used
for breeding to get a male child for sacrifice or a female to raise as a
Sister of Light, then the handsome male will be sacrificed. The Sisters of
Light wear white for this ceremony. Because these alters only know the
traditional ways, they don’t have a realization of what they are doing. An
Illuminati multiple will carry on ritual functions at a number of different
levels in the occult.
There will be different alters for different levels and different ritual
dates. The back part of a hierarchy system will not be worked until a
sealing ceremony involving Egyptian magic at the age of 19 in late Apr.-
May. Three keys are given at the ceremony, which is tied to astrological
events. The 19 also represents 9 + 10 doors in the system. Then the back
(deeper hierarchy) alters will begin to be used. This back half of the
System will be shaped by pathworkings of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. In
the first levels of witchcraft, they will think they are worshipping a male
& a female god.
By the third level they will be informed they are worshipping one god Lucifer. Some Illuminati groups, which are Jewish, worship a female god
at the coven levels. The secret Illuminati set of documents that the
Bavarian government confiscated in 1784 and published as Die
Originalschriften der Illuminaten Sekte, Munich has an accurate
organizational chart on p. 32 of these reprinted Illuminati papers. There
were 130 or levels. Six of these are functional. Monarch slaves who have
internal worlds with 13 levels, with 6 functional and 6 hidden are not
much different than the actual hierarchy structure.
In the Illuminati covens, each coven will secretly have a copy of The Book
of Ages, which is vellum, and is basically a Who’s Who of the Illuminati,
and a copy of The Book of Generations, which explains the 13 bloodlines
and what belongs to what generation. A handwritten magickal Book of
Shadows will also belong to the coven. Only the Keeper of the Books and
the coven leader will know about these things. The coven will also have a
Keeper of the Seals which pertains to vows and oaths. After Halloween,
the coven leader (priest or priestess) will secretly send all the coven
records to headquarters in Europe.
It is important to realize that the internal structuring of an Illuminati
alter system will correspond to the external structures of the Illuminati.
This may not be an exact one-to-one correspondence. Understanding the
Illuminati hierarchy ranks, which by the way had remained secret until
Fritz Springmeier’s recent Newsletter From A Christian Ministry in Jan.
‘93, is important.
Within the male membership in the hierarchy you will find the following
Grande Druid.
Grande Master.
5-star general (Servant of the
Ipsimus (or Royal Ipsimus).
Supreme Master.
Bards are wise men within Druidism.
Within the female side, are the
Sisters of Light (9 grades).
The Mothers of Darkness (11 grades).
Grande Mothers (13 grades).
The Grande Dames.
The Queen Mother.
Each of the 13 bloodlines have their own governing monarchies, upon
which the numerous mob crime families are modelled.
This particular arrangement may have developed from Basque witchcraft
rather than Druidism. Generational thrones (kings, princes, priests) are
very important. The Kings are called Olympians. All of these bloodlines
cooperate by having councils. The AntiChrist, the Keepers of the Dawn,
the Order of the Quest, and the Order of the Garter have identified three
groups as preserving the plans for the world rule.
Egyptian Armies
The Egyptian armies are hundreds of fragments which have been
programmed to have uniforms and to function as parts of an army. The
main gods or spirits of Egyptian magic may be the names of the captains
of the armies, such as the following names Isis, Osirus, Horus, Set and Ra.
Thoth can be another name. In the Temple of Set, alters with Egyptian
names abound, and aren’t restricted to fragment armies. The armies are
built to protect various internal structures.
The technique to make these armies are to torment the victim child in
such a way that they make the child very angry. At the peak of the
child’s rage, they split the mind. The result is lots of child alter
fragments which are angry. These are collected and shaped into an angry
army of little children. When an adult Monarch slave, triggers a
protective army the adult alter finds themselves with angry children
alters who are like a large crowd of toddlers who are screaming their
heads off. There is no way to reason with these child fragments. Imagine
trying to reason with a little 2 year who is screaming. Without anyway to
reason with them--the adult alter has little defense against such an army.
Flooding Alters
Flooding alters can be used as singles or as a group of alters. There is
almost always a number of flooding alters in a system. They are
developed by using drugs which lower dissociative barriers. The drugs
were used when these alters held the body and the drugs caused all the
dissociative walls to come down. These alters hold the memory of this
flooding. Drugged alters in weird states can also be pulled up to make a
system feeling crazy.
The Gem alters are early child splits. These alters are treated as bad as
possible. They are literally defecated upon, and pissed upon. They are
intentionally dehumanized and taught to think as little as possible about
themselves. At some point, these alters who have no self-esteem are told
that they are something precious as Satan’s gems. But they are warned
that if they ever talk to someone on the outside, bombs will go off.
Various bomb mechanisms are constructed using other alters and
imagery. If these bombs go off, these alters will be so dysfunctional,
incoherent and in shock that the therapist will not be able to work with
the System again. The Gems are then used to transmit the mind of Satan
to the System. Beyond the gems, and the hour glass disciples, there may
be a stage which has more memories hidden. If a therapist gets that far,
see how to raise the curtain.
Looking Glass People
The "Looking Glass Images" is the Illuminati name for mirror image alters,
who are split off of main alters in order to confuse everyone but the
controller. Sometimes these alters can be spotted because an alter will
say, "I don’t know if I’m inside or outside, I think I’m inside." As
previously mentioned, many alters also have shadow alters created from
themselves to take their pain. It will be appropriate to discuss the
overlays that the Illuminati place over real alters. The Illuminati will try
to hide real alters with pseudo alters, mirror alters, mirror images and
other tricks. Some alters are demons, and others are simply illusions of
the mind. Shell alters prevent therapists from talking to the real alters.
Mirror Images
Mirror images are purpose fragments whose job is to confuse both victim
and therapist. When an event happens, the abusers will fragment the
alter who participated in the event, and create mirror images of that
alter. This means that no one has the full memory. An alter doesn’t know
if the mirror image is itself or something else. It’s very confusing. A
triangle is formed by
a. an alter
b. its mirror images
c. demonic mirror images.
When an alter tries to recover a memory it goes round and round in a
vicious cycle and finally concludes the memory is false. If one alter holds
a memory, an alter close to it will have no feelings attached to the
memory and will find it difficult to accept the memory as its own. It’s
like wearing someone else’s coat, it may fit, but it just isn’t your own.
Mirror images, & pseudo-alters are layered in, so that it becomes
perplexing to identify where an alter starts & where it ends. Therapists
may think they have integrated alters, & actually only integrated their
mirror images.
Looking Glass People are similar to the mirror images. The Programmers
may create a looking glass alter by having a drugged alter(s) of the victim
endure the trauma of seeing someone’s face peeled. Then the victim’s
face is also pretended to be peeled--by pulling off something like elmer’s
glue which has formed a surface on the victim’s face. Then the dead
person’s skin is placed over the victim being programmed. The Looking Glass People are charted on grids and contain lots of the programs. They
are confusing to the regular alters, because they appear internally like
mirror images.
Programmer Alters
Internal programming alters, which are "clone images" of the 3 primary
external programmers will be placed into a Monarch system. Of course
the programmers want to remain anonymous, so these programming
alters are faceless & wear white robes. They are given vast power in the
authority structure of a system, & can move wherever they need to
move. When programming is discussed by a victim & therapist, they will
Reporting Alters
These alters are programmed to record everything. They lack an
overview of reality. They are child parts that only know their job. The
reporting alters will be involved in the recontact cues. Recontact alters
are alters which are unaware of the abuse. The programmers may
promise these recontact alters favors if they "report to Daddy." For years,
many therapists have worked with clients and never realized that the
secret and well hidden reporting alters were reporting everything back to
the handler.
Scrambling Alters
This is one of the hardest type of programs for the victim to master. To
make sure that the victim’s mind is very alert a drug is given which
clouds the thinking. The alters must try exceptionally hard if they are to
concentrate and learn what their job is. They will learn how to take
something being said and scramble it. When alters are not supposed to
hear something, these alters will be called up by the internal
programmers & they will sit on top of other alters and scramble
everything they hear. These alters are technicians who usually enjoy the
mastery they have over their difficult assignment. Therapists can give
them a new job scrambling incoming cult messages. Scrambling programs
(linked to triggers for scrambling alters) have at times been given names
such as "AC DC" & "FLIP FLOP."
Sexual Alters
The early sexual trauma is designed to familiarize the child with sex, and
to access the primal part of the mind. The torture and sexual abuse
eventually becomes gratifying to the mind. The mind does a reversal,
pain becomes pleasure. At any rate, the programmers are trying to get a
type of nymphomaniac. They accomplish this on one level. The sexual
alters have no feelings attached to what they do, and their masters never
allow them to enjoy sex. They are not to have climaxes, although they
may be coached how to fake it. (For punishment if a slave gives trouble,
the programmers might even hypnotically or surgically sew up the clitoris
to insure the slave receives no gratification. The arab sheiks of Saudi
Arabia will cut off--destroy-- the clitoris of their Monarch slaves in the
same fashion that the Muslim world does with all their females.) The
Programmers have been heard to program their slaves, "Don’t be a
hustler and don’t pick up strays."
The programmers must now ‘‘groom’’ these alters. Little boys begin to
be orally sexually molested when they are three. That is the standard
age. Females (and some males) need to learn how to appear and act
seductive. The programmers understand human nature. They understand
that there is a spectrum of female sexuality, where on one end of the
spectrum females guard their bodies with their minds, and on the other
end they guard their emotions with their bodies. When a woman guards
her emotions with her body--she is the type who craves sex for the
physical pleasure of sex. There are an entire cluster of behavior traits
that go with this type of personality, such as the way they walk, use their
eyes, stare at men, the way they dress etc.
The sexual groomers and programmers will teach the sexual alters these
clusters of behavior. The sexual alters will also pick up lots of expertise
naturally during the years of having to sexually service hundreds of
abusers in every fashion imaginable. When Roseanne Barr, a Monarch
slave, in her recent T.V. interview with Barbara Walters said, "I’m been
screwed every possible way," she was not exaggerating. The Gumby
Programming is to make the slave think their body is like Gumby and is
flexible to move into any position. The slave is repeatedly threatened
with their life, if they do not perform perfectly.
The sexual techniques of the world have been collected and improved
upon by the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies such as MI6, & the
CIA. There are techniques to use with old men, for porn movies etc.
which the common people aren’t even aware of. The intelligence
agencies and the military, when they use a male Monarch slave for covert
activities, will find a female slave whose personality matches the male
and pair them sexually during the period that the male slave is used on
covert operations. This is done to ensure that the other side doesn’t take
advantage of the male’s sexual desires. Subjects such as how to train
alters for espionage & prostitution could be books in themselves.
The Illuminati have male instructors who teach small classes of females
about the power of seduction & how the male brain shutdowns when
their sexual organ gets involved. Finishing schools like at Youngstown, OH
teach sexuality performance based on fear of death. The male & female
sexual slaves usually are highly skilled technicians who don’t have
emotions attached to what they do.
There are some examples in professional literature which will serve to
illustrate how the alters in an Illuminati system are named. A therapist in
a professional magazine provided the names of a client’s alters, which
were Karen J, Karen Jo, Karen Ja, Baby Alpha, Middle Alpha, Adult Alpha.
One of Frank Putnam’s clients, (who had PET scans done showing how
different alters have vastly different PET brain scans, which are not
exhibited by people who only pretend to have MPD), had a Pam 1, and a
Pam 2. These three methods here are common methods for
nomenclature. In a 13x13x13 grid of alters, the top 2 sections of 169 each
will usually have a quite a number of duplicate names. Our hypothetical
Mary, would have a Mary 1,2, 3...11, 12, 13. She might have Eves 1-13
also. On the charts these would be Eve A, Eve B, Eve C, etc. She could
also have a George Ann, a Georgee, a Georgette, a plain George, and a
little child George, and several alters attached to these who have no
names. Sometimes alters will be set up with first names and a surname,
so that a family of alters will all have the same last name (surname).
Some alters are not named by their abusers, they must fend for
themselves in figuring out what to call themselves. They only have access
codes to pull them to the front of the mind.
There seems to be no end to the variety of names of alters. Some are
named after the quality they have like a robot named Steel, or a crazy
alter being named Dementia, or a animal alter being named Animal.
However, a number of names keep popping up in System after System, so
for what it’s worth here are some popular names that Fritz has seen
occurring as alter names: the Adepts, Alexis (or Alex), Angel, Anna,
Baker, Charlie (or Charles), Crystal, Death, Jezebel, Lilith, Queen, Sadie,
and Samantha. This is not a scientific sampling at all, just an observation
based on dozens of alter systems which have shared some of their alter’s
Boxes And Self-Abuse
We will now discuss one method of placing boxes into an alter system.
Between the age of 4 and 4 1/2, an Illuminati child would be taken to
Scotty’s castle, CA for programming. A cedar chest would be placed in
front of a table. Two Illuminati children well into their programming
would be assigned to guard the chest, which would be called the Doctor’s
box. They would have "clean slate" alters who knew nothing but their
hypnotic commands to guard the doctor’s boxes. Expendable children
would be coached to come into the room and try to get into the box. The
Illuminati children would be given strict orders to kill them if they tried
to get into the box. If the children failed in their guard duty, they either
got more programming or were in turn expended. The Illuminati children
had sharp swords with which to guard the box, which had 3 seals on it.
Internally, Mengele would then hypnotically program in countless boxes
with 3 seals.
Locked up in the boxes would be self-mutilation and body programs, etc.
Therapists should know that these boxes are deadly. After reaching the
level of obedience where they would kill for the programmer, the
Illuminati children would be placed in a deep well for a well-trauma, and
then while deep in the well would be given various orders such as "cut
yourself," "probe yourself (electroshock oneself)" and other self-abusive
things. The well torture would usually work at teaching the "clean slate"
alters to abuse themselves.
During many programming sessions, the victim is told "you must pass a
test, will you pass the test?" There is something that is more motivating
in these words, than if the truth were said, "you must endure these
traumas, for our enjoyment and to become a slave for And to quote a
line from the film When Rabbit Howls, "The worse things got, the more of
us showed up." The mind keeps protecting itself by dissociating the
overwhelming abuse.
Programming is layered in. Layer after layer of programming is put in.
Each alter or alter fragment is used as if it were a component of a large
system. The result is that no alter or fragment is the whole, only a cog in
a great machine. Can a single cog rebel against the whole machine? It is
very difficult for a single component of thousands of components to rebel
against its abusers, when it doesn’t even have the ability to realize they
are abusers and not the alter’s natural order giver.
Besides programs, items are placed into the mind too. Examples include
vaults, safes and doors which need combinations & keys. The Illuminati
Programmers see the layering in of programming as demonic. They feel
the scripts, and movies are more "fronts" than the actual layering
mechanism. They believe, as one ex-Programmer said,
"This programming involves an organization system, established by
horrendous trauma, for the alter personalities involving internal mental
imagery, which is driven by demons, who provide the power. Undoing it
requires an understanding of the mental processes involved, the imagery
or blueprint used, and the spiritual dynamics." 296S
Now we will go into the various systems that are programmed in. The
Programmers place into their slaves a combination of the following
standard systems to make up the victim’s programming:
a. Kabbalistic Tree of Life
b. Carousel
c. Castle
d. Cave and well
e. Chess Board
f. Double Helix
g. Flowers
h. Helix
i. Hour glass
j. the Mensa system
k. Pentagram
1. Pool of Death
m. Potter’s Wheel
n. Puppet System
o. Solmetric
p. Spider Web
q. Spiritual structuring
r. Stairwell
s. a Telescoping system
t. Tornado System
u. Umbrella
Also an internal timing clock (system) keeps time according to the
rotation of ritual dates, which helps ‘justify" the SRA, for "it’s that time
of the year." Just a quick note: different programmers have different
preferences for how they do things. It also may depend on what site they
are using for the programming. Drugs and videos are frequently used to
get the person to adopt the script they are to accept internally.
However, harmonics and electronics are increasingly being used. Ritual
and magical ceremonies may or may not have rigid scripts.
A. Kabbalistic Tree of Life
While the Kabbalistic Tree of Life means little to most people, it is a very
important--essential structure for Illuminati systems. Therefore, in
describing how these systems are built it is important to describe this
crucial magical tree. The reason all these following items such as Trees of
Life and goddesses are placed into slaves is because THESE SLAVES ARE
The slaves are a reflection of the world view of their programmers. You
and I wouldn’t bother with all this because we are not into magic. That
we find ourselves reporting all this, does not mean we endorse any of
this. We don’t. But the programmers didn’t ask us what to place into
their slaves. If you have a low tolerance for understanding the Illuminati’s
cabalism, skip on down to the Carousel system.
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is put into upper level Illuminati slaves. It is a
very deep program laid in at about section (level) 11.
The Cabala is the basis of
⌛a. Freemasonry
⌛b. The magic of the Illuminati Monarch programming
⌛c. The key to the spiritual mysteries of the Scripture (according to
Because the word Cabala is a word originating in the Middle East it can be
spelled with a Q, a QU, a K and a C. All these spellings are O.K. It can be
spelled with one b or two, etc. Golem in the Cabala are ancient medieval
mind controlled slaves--are these precursors to what we have today?
WHO liked to program this? Mengele, and Wheeler (Dr. Green & Dr. Black)
were skilled in the Cabala, especially Dr. Green (Mengele). Some of the
Rothschild programmers have been too.
Mengele learned from the leading Jewish Kabbalists, during concentration
camp days--Mengele himself was an Ipsimus in Illuminati. Undoubtedly, it
is standard programming and many other Illuminati programmers must be
doing it too. WHAT is it? The Cabala is synonymous with Hermeticism or
Hermetic magic. The Cabala was jewish-babylonian magic. The jewish
black magicians brought it to Europe. It began to get widespread notice
in Europe after Enlightenment period. The great pyramid according to
the occult is a symbol of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life--the branches of the
tree form the four streams or lines to the base of the pyramid. Because
the Cabala is the basis of their hermetic magic, Illuminati systems will be
fairly consistent in the make of a slave’s internal Tree of Life and Tree of
Evil. A Maiden/Mother/Crone triad goddess will sit at the top of the
structure and will be married to the AntiChrist & Satan. The Kabbalistic
Tree of Life area of the System may have up to 12 other trees.
These are other magical trees. There are 10 circles or rooms which are
joined by 22 lines that make up the Kabbalistic Tree of Life called The
Cabala for short. There are 4 worlds of the Cabala--3 pillars to the tree
which are also given different names to these pillars at different times.
As just mentioned, there are 10 spheres of the Tree of Life and they are
joined by 22 paths. The Mother-of-Darkness alters (at least some of them)
are placed in a Tree of Life, and they do what is called pathworking". The
spheres of the tree (also called rooms) are called "sephiroth" and they
along with the 22 paths that join them are the "file drawers of this
universal file cabinet." Before the first sphere there are 3 veils of
negative existence--the Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur. Alters in male
and female systems in the Tree of Life will consider themselves to be
gods or goddesses. Their names will often reflect god or goddess names.
Chesed is a sphere which may be called a ‘‘Hall of Masters’’ or the
‘‘Sphere of the Adepts". Geburah is called "Hall of Karma" or "Hall of
Judgment". The Illuminati alters of course believe in Karma. The center
of the tree is called Tifareth which means Beauty or Harmony.
Understanding of the mysteries of sacrifice may be attached here.
If we think of the Tree as three pillars--the right, center and left pillars,
then we start with describing the right pillar from the top room down--an
Illuminati system will have Ishtar! Venus/The Morning Star/Lucifer in the
top room. The next room below this will be an alter of destruction, an
alter of change, unbinding and freeing. The final right pillar room at the
bottom is associated with virtue/white/victory/endurance. In the middle
pillar at the top is The Crown. This is the Bride of Saturn (Satan, and the
AntiChrist). The room in the middle pillar one down from the top is the
Blue Room. Sometimes front Mother alters are in the blue room.
Other rooms have other colors assigned, which then tie in with the
computer color coding. The blue room is the balancing point, an
important room, the center of all things, associated with the twinning.
The next room down is the Foundation. This room is the meeting point
for the ethereal and the earth. The next and final room down on the
middle pillar is the Kingdom. It has the life force of the first male child
who was sacrificed by the slave. This is the feet on the earth room. The
far left pillar has 3 rooms. The top left is associated with Midnight/the
Mother/and water.
The next room down is associated with Discipline and control.
The next room down is an alter that performed an eating the dove
ceremony. Each of these 10 rooms will not only have its own name, but
each room’s alter will have its own magical name, which is not to be
confused with its access code. The alter associated with Wisdom
"Chokmah" (and maybe even named Wisdom) is usually full of good
information. In the occult literature, the tree is said to be attached
upside down--that is its roots are in heaven. This applies to the internal
programmed tree. Malkuth is the top of the tree. Malkuth is the "Gate of
There seems to be more gatekeepers at these lower levels. The Lord of
the Earth is the power of Malkuth. How it is put in? Our answer applies to
Illuminati Mother-of-darkness level systems. Before a Mother-of-darkness
system is 16 years old they will have gone through all the ceremonies
involved in the creation of the alters which correspond to the rooms of
the Kabbalistic Tree of Life which is placed in each system. There is one
alter assigned to each of the 10 rooms of the tree. Each one is created by
a particular Illuminati ceremony.
After the age of 16, the System will be guided on a personalized pathway
by the system’s own demons and the life force of the sacrificed baby
under the tree which relates to the story of Lilith. Lilith is not a single
driving force, but the demon Lilith is joined with Zerodieth and Lucifer.
Between age 16 and 19 the deep Satanic alters are working on
"pathworking." This pathworking will be completed before they are 19.
The ceremony at 19 will include the 1,000 points of light ceremony at the
super secret Mother-of-Darkness castle of Chateau des Arnerois (Castle of
Kings) close to the Belgium-French border in Europe and about 20
kilometers as the crow flies west from Luxemburg. This will be a sealing
ceremony with the Mothers dressed in black. Guards and heavy forest
protect the large castle from view.
The people in the nearby spooky village of Muno, Bel. basically belong to
the castle. The castle has a cathedral inside with a dome with 1,000
lights. The words 1,000 lights is an Illuminati buzz word. When the
President used it to describe the White House’s Christmas tree, hierarchy
people knew what he was signalling. The cathedral has a great hall with
columns on either side, and the Queen Mother’s throne will be set up
there. Only a single male waving an incense ball and robed in white with
a red mantle with gold symbols will participate in 1,000 lights ceremony.
Down in the secret basement is where an innocent child is sacrificed
everyday to provide blood to write in a huge book the record of how
Satan is bringing his plans to fruition. The strongman protecting the tree
of life is Lilith/Zerodieth/Lucifer spirits amalgamated. Behind the 1st line
of the tree are 880 demons, and tens of thousands more are attached to
this whole apparatus. For 24 hours after one of the Queen ceremonies,
the Queen alter is a queen and can have anything she wishes. As
previously stated, at 19, three keys are given, and the back part of the
System begins to be worked. The System has an alter lay on a throne (like
in Egyptian days) with a lily. The death, burial and resurrection ceremony
also is done sometime in here. There are 9+10 doors to the tree which
make up the number 19 (which is the year the system is sealed).
This is tied to an astrological event. Note that every 19 years the full
moon appears on the Summer Solstice day and this relates to the internal
sun dial and what is called "moon swing." The Kabbalistic tree needs
balance and becomes operational with balance. Special rituals are chosen
for each individual, so the rituals from one alter in one system to another
will vary. Individualization may actually be a choice from a selection --
that is menu of options--rather than actually totally unique.
The "Becoming" ritual at 19 begins in the ceremony of inhaling a dying
mother-of-darkness’s breath. Consciousness of the tree is achieved by
balance. The Prana children are attached to the tree and its ceremonies.
Lily became white when Moon child drew down the moon & exchanged
herself for the goddess. She then drew down the stars of heaven (milk
from the breast of the goddess). The lily she held in ceremony was the
female challis to hold this essence or light of light. (this ceremony has
sexual tones to it...) As Lily died in the ceremonies--drinking something
from a special cup and laying down on an altar with candles at her head
and feet) night was born. The liquid was wine with lily essence in it as
well as Rue, which is a strong smelling European plant. Two things
happen as lily is consumed--one conceives and one dies from poison.
this death and conception relate to moon cycles? Night = Nuit Noir =
Black. She has names in two terms. She is death, permanence which
preserves earthly attainments i.e. position, glory, possessions, etc. What
other items are involved with this programming? The rooms of the tree of
life have names. Essentially, every Illuminati hierarchy victim, has the Kabbalistic tree of life placed in them. This tree lies below the other
trees. The circles that make up the internal Kabbalistic Tree of Life are
called rooms or quads by the various survivors. Alters can use the internal
Tree of Life to work magic internally. It also reminds deeper alters of cult
The circles of the tree are rooms that can be entered into. Mt.
Qabbalah is a figurative mountain in the Cabala. What kind of
demonology is programmed in with this? In the Cabala, demonology is
important. Ashmedai is Asmodeus which means king demon. Lilith is an
important demon in Kabbalah and is found in Ill. Mother of darkness
systems. Lilith’s story from the Cabala about mating with Adam and
killing her son, is used in Ill. ceremony and programming. The blood of
1st born is placed in a box in the System under each tree.
This according to the programming gives the "eternal life force to the
tree." This is in line with occult doctrine of the power of blood, and also
serves as a misapplication of the biblical "life is in the blood" concept.
Metatron is a lesser top god of the Kabbalah, and is receiving lots of
Hollywood attention in recent movies. The four mothers of demons are
Lilith, Naamah, Agrath, and Mahalath (a.k.a. Rahab). In the Cabala each
demon has its own seal. Samuel & Amon of No are important demon
leaders in the Cabala. At least one System of the Mothers (and we can
assume others do too) uses the Bilair, Bilar, Bilid cabalistic names for
Satan, rather than Satan.
The Shekinah rules the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
This is not the Shekinah of God Almighty, but from the self-proclaimed
"father of light" Lucifer. There is a "Tree of Evil" said to be below the
Tree of Life which is all spirit and not alters. This Tree of Evil has spirits
attached to each room rather than alters. In contrast, both alters &
spirits are attached to the 10 rooms of the Tree of Life.
Various precious
stones are attributed to each of the sephiroth rooms, as well as occult
archangels. Again if we look at the right pillar at the top is Beelzebub
with Chaigidel as assistant. The Knowledge Abyss separates this room
from the room below.
This next room is Astarte with Gamchicoth as her
The final room on the right is Baal with Hareb Serapel.
middle pillar at the top is Satan & Moloch in joint rulership. Below that is
the Daath room. The room below is Belphegor, and the bottom room on
the middle pillar is Lilith with Gamaliel as assistant.
The far left starts at
the top with Lucifuge. Then below that is Asmodeus. And the final room
on the left is Addramalech. Finally, below the bottom middle pillar live
the four elements of life; air, water, wind, and earth. Note that what is
at the bottom is really at the top. On the other end, the pyramid with
the all-seeing eye rests on the two Cabalistic Trees. Ratzkiel is the
archangel of Chokmah.
The angels which carry out Ratziel’s directions
are the Auphanim (the wheels), a name full of symbolism and
programming possibilities. Tzafkiel, the Archangel of Binah is the Keeper
of the Akashic Records, where all the System’s days, lessons, and lessons
to learn are kept. Since the library records are spiritual, during
deprogramming they will have to be wiped out. However, I’m told that
there is someway to retrieve them. Some therapists are using sodium
pentothal or whatever to get access codes--but there is another way to
recover some of the records.
What Are The Codes Like?
Gematria might play a role in Monarch codes. Gematria is a Cabalistic
teaching about numbers meaning letters. Gematria is used a lot by
Moriah. These are the magical numbers that also serve as letters to the
Hebrew alphabet. Certain deeper alters are good at working at astral
levels. These alters have "ASTRAL" or "CRAFT’ codes, and code names,
which will include codes from the names of herbs, spices, jewels, and
alpha-numeric codes. Simple equation codes are also used in the deeper
levels. HOW does this program relate to the twinning? Many survivors
have roses incl. red roses. The Red Rose in the Cabala is associated with
the Tree of Life. The Red one is assoc. with one part of the tree and the
white with the other part. When paired together they make a blue rose
which is the Rose of Malkuth. It may be possible that Red Rose and White
Rose were used in the twinning and that a Cabalistic blue rose results in
such a Monarch twinning. That last statement is only a supposition.
Speaking of roses, Rosemary (the Rose of Mary) is an occult term for a
woman who conceives a dark child. It is also associated with a fragrance
of the Mint family.
The Willow Tree Vs. Oak Tree As A Programming Hanger For Moriah's
Alters of an Illuminati System, due to programming, will perceive a tree
growing in them which has roots in their feet and its trunk and branches
extending throughout their body. Upon this tree, fruit (programs) are
placed. Illuminati programs may be to cut a "tree" limb off (which is
actually the victim’s arm), or for a certain part of the body to get hot, or
for a certain part of the body to physically change in some way. These
are attached via the tree imagery. Both oak and willows are trees are
used. Why might a programmer choose a willow tree rather than an oak
tree in the basic programming? The answer lies in why a tree is used in
the first place. A tree is used because of its imagery and because of its
magical powers according to Druidism. There are a number of images a
tree provides and there are a number of magical powers too. We will
discuss the contrasts to develop our answer. The oak is a well-known
powerful Druid item, but the willow tree is also sacred. The oak is so
well-connected to the Druids that some of the other sacred trees of the
Druids are not quickly recognized as sacred.
Let us look at the intrinsic
imagery advantages of the willow and then the magical properties it
might contribute. The combination of the two, will then provide us with
the complete answer as to why a willow tree rather than an oak tree
might be used.
The imagery of a tree is used because it has branches, leaves and a root
system. These items are manipulated for programming purposes. For
instance, in the Alice In Wonderland programming, the girl jumps
hypnotically into the tree and falls (hypnotically falling deeper and
deeper) into the roots of the tree. The deep root system of the willow is
an advantage over the shallow root system of the oak. When a storm
comes the willow bends and doesn’t break, while the oak is rather stiff
and breakable. Since these trees are programmed into a person a flexible
tree that can’t be broke is an advantage. The wrapping around imagery
of the branches gives a great deal of flexibility for programming and a
stronger imagery than the oak. The willow draws water from deep below.
The tree is "the tree of life" (the programs are the life of the system),
and the Bible is used to "validate" the programming. For instance, the
tree of life by the river (REV 22) is used.
There are some other images that are important too. During Illuminati
rituals the willow branches are used as whips to "cleanse" people the
victims of programming. The image of a willow branch could easily
trigger the memories of being punished (whipped and being cleansed),
and this in turn would help hold the programming in place. The fruit of
the trees are the programs--and some of the fruit can be eaten and some
not. Sometimes children’s stories about lunch pails hanging from trees or
fruit in the trees is used to create a place for the individual programs are
hung--or this could be a place for the front programs, and the more
important programs are stored away somewhere more secret. Bear in
mind, the trees in the programming sing and are able to wrap themselves
around people if they are going where they aren’t supposed to go. The
willow has that flexibility naturally, so it is easier to imagine it wrapping
itself around a person.
Magical Properties
Most everything that is done programming-wise has a dark spiritual
significance to it too. The programmers will look for things that serve
their purpose both here and in the spiritual realm. The willow tree is
used to make witches wands, and help to make witches brooms. (Birch
can also be used.) It is planted around Druid/Celt graves to protect them
spiritually. It is believed to also have magical sexual powers. It is possible
that some of the programmers might prefer the magical sexual powers of
the willow, rather than those properties said to come from the mighty
oak. This is not all of the willow’s magical powers.
It is connected with
February and April in different ways, and magically connected with
spring. It’s possible that the person receiving a willow tree might be born
in this time period. Is it possible that what type of tree is selected could
sometimes be related to when a person is born. Some programmers might
be into being time appropriate--this would depend upon the beliefs of
the programmer(s).
The imagery of the willow’s magical sexual
properties could be worked into the programming, as certain alters might
be asked to make certain brews, or taste of certain things hypnotically.
This would be done at such a deep level it might not be known. Just as in
the case of the Alice In Wonderland programming, when the person drops
clear to the bottom of the tree roots they find themselves small and they
go through a door. But when they come back the alter is not going to
remember the trip and what they ate on the hypnotic trip down the tree.
Further considerations on the choice of Trees. It is possible that the we
can question the question. That is perhaps the question is not that the
oak or the willow tree was used to the exclusion of the other--but that
BOTH trees were used in the programming. Generally, this seems to be
the case. In one particular case, it is possible that in a double system
(with a dormant third system as a final backup), the oak tree being the
more obvious Druidic symbol and quite strong was used in the front
system, and the totally secret second system has the willow utilized.
When the one person attempted to snap the oak tree at ground level in a
crude attempt to deprogram themselves, the root system regenerated
itself through the first mirror image, and what came back was more spirit
and more deadly. Remember, the tree serves as an umbilical cord linking
via its roots the person to their spiritual life force (which are the evil
spirits which command and drive the system.) However, when the oak
tree and its mirror images and the spiritual protectors (hideous spirits)
were properly done away with, and then further deprogramming was
done, a crack seems to have developed behind the pyramid crystal which
allowed the person’s original set of alters to experience a new or double
Since that has happened it seems there has been an increased
drawing to willows. In other words, for this particular victim it is
conjectured that the front system (the fully operational set of alters) has
an oak, and the duplicate set of alters which were each broken off of
each of the original set) have a system with a willow tree. The trees roots
of course are the umbilical cord to the source (the waters) that spiritually
feed it. These relate to the soul ties. These roots have to be dealt with
spiritually. They are so interwoven that they tie a person completely up
with their roots and programs that are interwoven and wrapped around
each other. Other high level Illuminati survivors also have a front tree
and a back tree.
Another consideration is that the trees have flowers planted around
them. Uprooting the trees are not sufficient for deprogramming, because
the flowers are the deeper generational material and will regenerate the
trees. Touching Lilith’s box under the tree can release owls and monkeys
and other animals that are dangerous. A generic code often can be used
to take out the flowers.
What Are The Other Trees?
Other important occult trees are the Tree of the Knights Table, and the
Tree of Alchemy. There is such a thing as Tree Magic, which involves
many kinds of trees and tree spirits. The Axle tree according to world
wide occult belief has the earth revolving about it. Many survivors of
course have the oak, willow or ash trees placed in as their principle tree
or as their back up tree. The final back up tree in an Ill. System might be
the occult Yggdrasil tree (ash tree). The Yggdrasil tree has 3 roots
(spiritual, terrestrial, and infernal) and has a cosmic egg attached to it.
Generally only one tree is mentioned, but a back up tree exists, and then
third tree which is a back-door back-up tree. Therapists should be
cautioned that these trees often come in groups of 3.
What are the Backups?
Beside the principle tree, the programmers will often plant a flower that
represents the generational ties. If the tree is taken out the flower will
regenerate the tree. The petals, the flower center, the stem and roots
represent different generations of the victim.
Understanding the Maiden-Mother-Crone combination in the Mothers-of Darkness. Therapists are going to find Illuminati slaves having 3 alters
placed together. This is part of how these systems are structured. The
maiden is set up on the pedestal as the "a" alter. The first programming
chart which shows all the "a" alters in the system consists only of the
young maiden mothers. The mother or second figures are close behind
the a’s. However, the crone part of the triads is meant to hide in the
background. They serve as the power of advice behind the scenes. These
Mother of Darkness triads participate in various ceremonies. Their initial
initiation ceremonies included water torture with electroshock, which is
the death, burial and resurrection ceremony.
There are the full range of
Satanic holidays for the Mothers and a look at the frill range of holidays
will provide a person with the type of ceremonies that the Mothers carry
out, which include the two solstices. Different Mother-of-Darkness alters
participate in different ceremonies. The inside of their black velvet
gowns are color coded so that within the ranks of the Mothers are a
whole series of ranks (grades). All of these Mother parts have been told
they are divine goddesses. The following information will clarify this
The Mother or "A" Parts
The Mother part of the Goddess Trinity is the high point in all cycles.
Traditionally her color is red, the color of life force. The Mother is
associated with adulthood and parenthood. The Mother is ripeness and
balance. Mothers actively work magick. She is a nurturer. She is confident
and has no indecision. The Mother knows what she is. She is the full
moon. Summer is the Mother’s time of the year, the full moon is her
monthly point of power. She is honored by Beltane (May 1), Summer
Solstice, and Lunasa (Aug. 1). As stated before there are certain rituals
which call for Mothers rather than a maiden or a crone.
Maiden Or "B" Parts
The young maiden part of the mothers is the equivalent to the
"apprentice" level of the mystery schools and Freemasonry. The myth
holds that the maiden will be eternally youthful. Even with the aging
process, the goddess can experience youthfulness in the mind. The
maiden is the creatress of new ideas. She also is the armed hunter of the
Mother’s laws. She is the Guardian of the Balance. She is aware of her
sexuality. She is independent and not controlled by men. She is the WayShower, the Keeper of the Keys. You will find the maiden in the following
New beginning rituals
Plans for conception
The birth of a child
The first menstruation for girls
Puberty rituals for boys
The Crone or "C" Parts
These alters rarely show themselves. They stay in the shadows and pass
on advice. The crone aspect of the Triad of Goddesses has been called
the Terrible Mothers, the Hag, the Dark Mother, and the Wise One. She is
associated with black, death, winter, menopause, wisdom, counsel,
reincarnation, and the initiator into the deepest of the Mysteries. The
waning Moon is her monthly time of power. The crones number is 9. 9 is a
number of wisdom and sacred magick. Nine is also a moon number, which
means spiritual completion and wholeness. The crone has a cauldron. She
is the great recycler. She is the ultimate teacher. She contacts the Spirits
and is an expert on demonology. She is the Keeper of the Spiritual
Records. She is the shadow behind the Mother’s throne. According to the
occult, she is the elder of unlimited wisdom. There are certain rituals
which call for the crone, such as Winter Solstice. The crone completes
the wheel or cycle of existence of the Mothers of Darkness. She is most
likely in the system the most dehumanized of the three that sit on the
The following are a sampling of the goddesses you will find. Since the
names of these goddesses are not secret, it is possible for people who are
not in the occult to track down what the popular goddess names are.
Here are a few that are placed into systems:
ASET (Isis) (Maiden)--She dwells in the sky as the silver sheen. Isis or Aset
is the best known of the Egyptian goddesses. Her name means throne.
She is a ruler. She is the mother of the Anti-Christ figure of Horus. She
has a horned crown or a solar crown. She has lots of titles.
BAST (Maiden)--Bast is the mother goddess of all cats. Bast looked like an
18’ giant with a cat head. Internally, in the system she will look hugh.
Black cats were sacred to Bast. The internal Bast may like obsidian and
cats-eye. Bast corresponds to Yesod (the Foundation) on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
CAILLECH (Crone)--Caillech was the Scotch and Irish Crone figure. She is
known as the black mother. A derivative of her name is Caledonia. She
was the Spirit of disease. Caillech means an old woman, a hag, or a
veiled one. California is named after a version of her name. Some think
her name is a derivative of Kali.
HAT-HOR (Mother)--Hat-Hor is also known as Het-Hert. She is the womb
of Horus. She is Queen of the Dead, or Queen of the West. In mythology,
Hathor, when turned loose on the earth, slew humans until blood ran in
the rivers. She is the avenging Mother. She is identified with the heavenly
cow who made the Milky Way, and the Nile Goose, who laid the Golden
ISHTAR (Mother in the swamps)--Ishtar is Lady of heaven, goddess of the
moon. Istar had a lion throne and a double serpent scepter. Ishtar went
down through 7 gates into darkness and then returned in order to try to
find her lover Tammuz. Sometimes Istar is accompanied by dragons. She
was originally a Babylonian goddess.
KALI (Crone)--Kali or Kali Ma is the best known Crone goddess. She will be
deep in an System. One image of her in mythology is squatting over the
dead Shiva devouring his penis while physically eating his intestines. This
is an actual Satanic ritual that Mothers-of -Darkness participate in. Kali
has both creation-& destruction abilities. Kali’s necklace in Indian legend
consists of skulls with magical sanskrit letters. Kali was and is worshipped
by a great number of people, especially the Hindus. One group of
worshippers has been the Thugs, who relate to the Assassins and the
Knights Templars. Another group of Kali worshippers are the gypsies who
left India in the middle ages and over the next following hundreds of
years travelled all over the world. Originally, blood sacrifices of male
animals or men were made to her. There is a reported decrease in India
of such blood sacrifices from what it was a century ago. The favorite view
of Kali is the black Kali named Dakshina Kali. She is usually shown black
and naked, full-breasted with dishevelled hair and a wild grimace.
KORE-PERSEPHONE (Maiden)--A great mother of Greek myth. Kore means
"maiden" in greek. In mythology, she watched the grain grow among the
wildflowers, especially red poppies. She became the mistress of the
underworld. She guards the chasm that goes into the earth. She marks
each spirit of the dead on their forehead with pomegranate juice.
Pomegranates are used in ritual. Kore returns in Spring to see her mother
Demeter. According to Greek legend Kore was raped in Hades. She is also
known as the Queen of the Dead. A similar Illuminati ceremony takes
place where a male wearing a mask acts like Satan. Kore makes the
journey to Hades by herself without her mother. The Greek mystery
schools, which included many great Greek thinkers, have had rituals
around Kore.
MAAT--Maat’s name means "She whose name is Truth". Her symbol is a
red ostrich feather. A ritual vow is "by the Feather of Maat." Maat’s
presence might explain why a System is infatuated with feathers. Maat is
the one in legend who "is the pattern" --the one who "will find a way to
weave us back into our proper places in the tapestry."
B. Carousel
The Carousel in real life is used as a device to teach dissociation, and
how the alters are to go up and down in trance. Sometimes you will see
parents who seem to be so loving having their children ride for long
periods on a carousel. They might actually be programming them in
An internal carousel is built into an internal system. Mirrors and shadows
are placed around and perhaps in it. The carousel spins and moves up and
down repeatedly. In the center of the carousel, the Programmers often
place something or someone important. They will often put this at the
bottom of the DNA double helix and have the double helix elevator shaft
coming up the center of the carousel. The carousel’s bottom side will set
on top of the system’s switching mechanism. And the core will sometimes
be placed in the center of the carousel somewhat underneath it. The
switching mechanism is the main control for turning the system (the
Grandfather clock so to speak.) The carousel may have umbrella
programming immediately on top of it. (This could be Illuminati Delta
alters, which can be one of the deepest things put in.)
The carousel must be approached from the back side. At times an
internal key, which often looks like an old key is needed to enter the
Carousel. Many Illuminati systems are given a key or set of keys, and at
times when they enter therapy the front alters give this to their therapist
not knowing what the key is, but knowing it is important. The co-authors
believe that these keys are carousel keys. A false trinity will be assigned
to guard this, which will consist of the False Prophet, The Beast or
Dragon, and the Hoofed One. The false prophet and the Beast (dragon)
come out of the book of Revelations.
The Hoofed One is a rare occult term for Satan, not to be confused with
the popular usage of the Horned One in the occult. The two terms are
different. If several carousels are built into a system, then they will have
other guards than the false trinity. In many Illuminati systems, there are
13 silent splits made from the core called silences, and at this time
during the splitting process guards are made to the Carousel/core. The
method of doing this is to place black covers over the eyes of the victim,
and then probes are inserted into the base of the skull, as well as electric
shocks being applied body-wide and in the subcortical part of the brain.
The victim has their mouth restrained from screaming. The pain from this
is about as excruciating as a human can stand. First, the fear part of the
brain is activated. Then the logic part is activated, and the victim is told
repeatedly "Be good, obey." Next, the fear is stimulated, and then the
pain. The head will have excruciating pain, and so will the body to the
point of nausea and sickness. An alter will be created to carry the pain,
and one to carry the fear, and one to carry the anger. These will be
identified and used to guard the carousel. Six alters will guard the
carousel. They will be identified and linked to the most important
carousel, which guards the core. To attempt to think about the carousel,
on the part of an alter, may bring up these guards, and the system will
abreact in memories that are almost unbelievably painful.
If a therapist accidently triggers this, get the little child guard to back up
or go to sleep. Make sure the heart of the victim, and lungs continue to
The alters within the victim’s system may have "aged" slightly since their
primal trauma, and may appear about 2 years of age. Most alters this
young do not know how old they really are. Therapists will attempt to
associate the memory and provide anchors from the early memory to the
present. Association strategies are worked out by the therapist to deal
with the particular trauma in relation to what alters are there to help
and were involved in the trauma. The association may be done in steps.
Older helping alters can help assess the age of the infant alter by
answering questions about size, teeth, physical abilities, verbal abilities
etc. Verbal abilities of illuminati infants may be advanced beyond norms.
C. Castle
A castle system will contain a moat, drawbridge, turrets, gargoyles, a
torture dungeon filled with actual memories of torture, secret passages,
lots of levels, & rooms including a library. Child alters are often hidden in
the castle. Disobedient alters may be locked up in the castle. Lots of
traps are placed around and in the castle. The castle will house some
alters and also some deadly programs. When castle alters get stirred up,
the victim may internally see the castle lights go on. The castle walls may
have a grid on them. The castle may be guarded by monsters.
D. Cave and well
A gatekeeper will guard the cave. Disobedient alters may be put down
the well. This system deals with a lot of darkness. Catacombs may be
connected to the cave and well. Falling down the well is one way to get
to the abyss (see the film Labyrinth). Usually there is only one entrance/exit to this cave.
E. Chess Board
This system utilizes the Alice In Wonderland story. It is put into male
slaves. The pieces of the chess board move in various ways setting off
different programs. The devil will equal the black king. A program might
sound like this: "Black knight moves two spaces and one right. White
knight moves two spaces and one left. White knight challenges black
knight. Black Queen moves 5 spaces." The victim who receives this
programming must be the type of thinker who would play chess
reasonably well. The script can be shown via videos while the victim is
under hypnotic drugs.
F. Double Helix
This is a very important system. The double helix pattern is used as an
elevator shaft running up and down the worlds created for the alters. In
general, each world lays at a trance level. The double-helix is put in at
programming sites where they have full medical facilities, such as
Letterman Hospital, Presideo, CA. The codes up and down the elevator
are alpha-numeric with lots of numbers. Because the way the double
helix shape twists, one can ride the elevator and get off a level 1, 3, 5, 7,
9 but you have to ride it the other way to get off at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.
Because the double helix is the centerpiece of how the different
physiological states of the mind are being layered, taking the victim
down to these different physiological states and levels is very risky and by
the time it is through it involves lots of blood transfusions for the victim.
The Caduceus is a double helix with snakes at the top. The Caduceus is
an occult symbol used in ancient Babylon, ancient Hindu India, and by
Chinese occultists. Mercury in occult lore carries a staff called a
caduceus. Mercury’s staff is a cabalistic symbol. William Heller’s book on
the Kabbalah on page 78 states, "Mercury’s staff, called Caduceus, and
made of intertwined black-and-white twin serpents, heralds more
forthcoming splits into duality. Once again, it reflects the ambivalent
mind, its conscious, and subconscious states, its waking thoughts and
imaginative dreams." So according to cabalistic doctrine, the caduceus
represents the various states of the mind.
G. Flower system
This system is attached to other systems, and utilizes the power of peer
pressure and generational ties. The flowers will often be bright. The bud
of the flower will represent one person, the stem and the flower
represent others. This system might be connected to the Umbrella, the
Trees, the Triangle and the Star. A flower can regenerate an internal tree
because of its generational roots. Flowers are also used as elevator
shafts, such as a sunflower. One has to jump into the center of the flower
and go down the stem to reach a lower level. Flower fields such as the
poppy field are used as a hypnotic trigger to put an alter into deep
H. Helix
This is a simplified version of the double helix.
I. Hourglass
Three hour glasses will be placed around the x-y-z axis in a quadrant. A
quadrant consists of a section of alters in a world and their mirror
images. The hour glass programming also includes a suicide program. 12
disciple alters will be placed within the hourglass. Each disciple has to
memorize a disciple lesson. If something triggers them, they will begin to
fall through the hourglass. If each of these 12 disciples falls through the
hourglass like sand, then a sleeping giant like in Jack in the Beanstalk
will wake up, . When the Giant awakes, he will kill the body. And of
course, a mirror image of the Giant alter will be made also to help insure
that at least one of the giants get the job done.
J. Mensa
This is a program put into slaves who have photographic memories. It
involves lots of numbers and math. It’s overall structure looks like a
triangular-shaped fish net, with all the nodes or knots of the net
containing a triangle. The core is placed at the center of the triangle and
is surrounded by more triangles. There are circles of alters within circles
of alters. Circles within circles. The a circle can rotate and seems never
to end. The programming is meant to be non-ending. There are also
triangles within triangles. The effect of using a structure like this to
house the alters is that they feel trapped in endless circles and mazes of
triangles within triangles. The codes in a Mensa system will be equations
(sometimes called union force codes), bar codes, and number sequences.
K. Pentagram system
One pentagram system has pentagrams within pentagrams. The
geometric lines grow from pentagram to pentagram by lines running in
opposite directions. This has the same effect as circles within circles.
L. Pool of Death
One or more of these can be placed into an alter system. They often are
found inside the main castle. Dead alters and body parts and torture
fragments, are all dumped into these system garbage dumps. The Spirits
of Death and Destruction control these pools of Death. Variations of this
may be called Lakes of Death, and Waters of Death. In some systems, this
is overseen by Taskmaster alters.
M. Potter’s Wheel
This is the equivalent to a computer utility program. The way it functions
is that the Programmer pulls the alters he wants to work on up on the
potter’s wheel in order to work on them. When they are pulled up on the
potter’s wheel, they can be asked to stand in order and rank. Then the
alters will come to the front of the mind on top of each other in their
prearranged sequence. The Charismatic movement programmer’s like to
use this, because the Programmer can become god, and the slave
becomes the clay.
Can the pot talk back to the potter? The Bible verse in ISA 45:9 is used,
"WOE unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with
the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it,
What maketh thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?"
The next verse again repeats its woes upon those who question parents
who fashion a child. As is typical of a number of Illuminati programs, at
first glance they look like they are merely perversions of the Bible, but a
closer look reveals that they are actually ancient occult rituals. For
instance, the Illuminati believe "As above, so below." This is druidic
philosophy, even though it sounds somewhat like something from the
Bible. In the book Invocation of the Gods Ancient Egyptian Magic for
Today, pg. 203, the book gives a magical invocation that supposedly has
been found in ancient Egyptian magical papyri. At any rate this
invocation’s wording is powerful in English for a Monarch slave. The
Invocation is called The Potter’s Wheel.
"Hear the sound of the potter’s wheel As it spins! Khnum!
See the clay on the potter’s wheel As it spins! Khnum!
Feel the hand of the Mighty Lord Form the seed to contain a soul
As it spins.
See the soul, on the Wheel of Life As it spins! Khnum!
Birth to death on the Wheel of Life See the soul, on the Wheel of Life As
it spins!
And with death we are born anew While the vessel that’s tossed aside
Will return to the potter’s wheel
As it spins!"
This is just one more example of where programming and magic
N. Puppet System
In this system the body feels totally disjointed and controlled by strings.
Mengele enjoyed this program. He would say, "Dance Marionette dance."
In other words, to paraphrase, "dance slave for me the controller".
Demons are laid in to pull the strings of the puppet. The internal
controller may be a demon or a demonized alter. It can be attached to
other systems such as the Pentagram system. In a previous part of the
book, it was discussed how the victim’s body is paralyzed by drugs and
then electroshocked in a way that the person seems to be the
Programmers puppet. This is put in when the child is very young. This
puppet programming is very convincing to a small child, and is a very
nasty program for the slave to experience.
O. Solemetric system
This is used for government/business/research slaves who must perform
complex tasks and they want their minds to be less fragmented or not
fragmented. The mind can be programmed and divided from itself
without creating alter personalities. Because the divisions in the mind
due to dissociation and programming lies are not as deeply structured,
victims who get solemetric systems have strong demonic forces and lot’s
ritual to hold their systems in place.
P. Spider Web system or Black Widow Spider System
This system is set up just for blackmail and destruction via entrapment of
unsuspecting people who are perceived as threats to the Illuminati. This
system is found in lots of women coming into churches with decent by
naive ministers. The system has a web with connectors and silk strands. A
target person will be symbolically placed into the web and then the black
widow alter(s) will entrap the victim. This is programming to take down
pastors of churches with sexual entrapment. The spirit Viper found in ISA
59:5 is placed into this system to protect it. There will be egg alters
which will devour the victim, and Gatekeepers are assigned to guard the
Q. Spiritual structuring
The spiritual structuring is not a single structure. A few people have
worked with the deeper elements of the programming to help victims and
also know what the Illuminati programmers have done and what their
agenda is, have come to realize that the spiritual structuring is the most
important part of an Illuminati system. What you will now read is known
only to an exclusive few. Spiritual castles (Grandfather, Father, Mother,
and Grandmother castles) and spiritual temples (to Moloch and Baal etc.)
are constructed internally. Entire spiritual worlds are constructed
internally. The most primal parts of the mind, and the key early alters
and the core essence are usually taken to spiritual constructs within the
Illuminati slave. The gems are empowered by the light of Lucifer (an
alter-demon combination). But even more deeper than that are the
generational ties.
The programmers, who themselves are generational satanists, are part of
a plan where the generational legal rights of Satan are accumulated upon
an individual. In the Scriptures it says that the sins of the fathers are
visited upon the third and fourth generation. This gives Satan a legal right
to the generational victim. Each bloodline has its Prince demons attached
to it--just like in the Bible the Prince of Persia was both a man & and a
demon. Hidden within spiritual constructs such as black diamonds, and
diamonds, are further demonic constructs.
The thrones of the generational Prince Demons are attached to the
primal human part of the victim. This is entirely spiritual--beyond that
there are no words to describe it. It is very real to the survivor when
therapists get to that point (which is very rare!). The power of the
Illuminati is that it is generational. They build upon that, when they build
a system. Some of these genealogies have not been free for many
generations. If you want to spoil a structure, one need to bind the
strongman. The strongman in an Illuminati system is the generational
ties. All ties to the bloodlines need to be renounced. The Programmers
will take little Illuminati children to crypts of their ancestors in order to
better attach the generational spirits. The womb holding the premature
child is used as a temple in the Moon Child ceremonies. After the child is
born the womb structure will spiritually serve as a temple for the primal
human parts of an Illuminati slave. Whether the therapist can realize
these things or not, in the very least, they are aware of the saying
"Father like son", and are aware how traits may skip a generation but how
a grandson may mirror a grandfather. The generational aspects to
Illuminati slaves are a major role in the Illuminati
R. Stairwell
The stairwell is just as it sounds, it is a stairwell that is placed into a
system. The stairwell can be used as a trap for alters who are unwise
enough to be lured by programming to go into it. The stairwell system
connects various levels. There are booby traps and demonic entities
attached to the system. Stairwells may be sealed up with Gatekeepers
assigned to protect them. If an alter proceeds down a stairwell to get to
other levels they need to realize that they initially will hit "tornado (also
called whirlwind) programming" and flooding of memories. The tornados
will spin the victim inward and disorient them. The alter holding the body
will feel as if it is out of control and going to die.
S. Telescoping
Any telescoping object (such as a telescoping army drinking cup, or a
telescoping rod) can be used to give the visual picture for the child to
follow when it is being programmed. A telescoping system often has a
time level, a function level and an age level. The game of Chutes and
Ladders along with Jacob’s Ladder have been used to place the story line
into children.
T. Tornado System
This is a free floating system that moves around areas that the
programmers want protected. When it hits an alter(s) it causes confusion,
spinning, and switching, as well as a feeling of losing control. It’s part of
the elemental back up programs discussed within a few pages.
U. Umbrella
This is associated with military programming. An umbrella protects
something, such as the Delta assassination alters. An umbrella must be
taken down from the inside and so must this protective shield of the
Umbrella program. One Umbrella system had 7 gates to it.
Defenses In Death
What would happen if a slave physically got away from its master or
handler? This has happened countless times and the mind-control is so
solid that the handlers don’t have too much to worry about. Mind controlled slaves have gone to therapists for years and never gotten free
of the mind-control. The therapeutic process that the establishment has
schooled them in and then requires them to adhere to, prevents the
therapist from doing things that might really set the victim free.
Therapists are often loath to give any help in any thing that smacks of
spirituality. The spiritual issues in many of these slaves are the most
crucial issues facing them. If they don’t resolve these spiritual issues, the
deeper alters will continue to adhere to their blood oaths of allegiance to
their Satanic abusers and their oaths to serve Satan loyally. 319s
Each cult which programs, makes sure that they place in lots of loyal
alters, which therapists call persecutor alters because they torment the
alters who want freedom. If therapists try to eliminate these persecutor
alters, they will fight back with the full tenacity and strength that the
survival instinct gives to anyone. Their persecutor role needs to be
validated, and then redirected toward productive ends. Many persecutor
alters see life simply as following their instructions and that they are
protecting the system from greater harm by stopping therapy. During
programming that was the case, but if their System has reached a good
therapist and has good support team of other people, their fears no
longer apply. The cult will attempt to show them that their fears do still
apply. Hopefully, the support team for the system of alters will work as
hard at protecting as the abusers do to reinforce the fear. Many of the
programmers have been associated with the military.
One of the tricks that the military learned is a defense in depth. The
Russians employed defenses in depth with great success in 1943 in the big
battle of Kursk during W.W. II. The first defense is that the slave has no
awareness of the MPD (DID) or that they are being used as a slave. Some
of the alters will realize that something is wrong, but the mind control is
too strong for them to see clearly. Essentially the System is in trance all
the time, even the front alters, they do not perceive reality like people
who are not in trance all the time.
The next line of defense is that the fronts of an alter System don’t have a
clue about the abuse or what their system has been designed for. The
front alters will have alters which are loyal to the master, and alters who
are full of craziness and disinformation. If the victim keeps probing
(which many don’t) they will discover an occult involvement. Even if they
discover that the System is related to the occult world, the programming
is still intact. If the person finds out he is MPD, and finds out that the
System was part of the occult world, then he still is captured by all the
programming which is intact. Walls, fire walls, mazes, suicide
programming, internal armies, programmed craziness and many other
tactics sap the strength of the front alters if they try to deviate from the
straight and narrow programmed way of behaving. WHEN THE FINAL CALL
BACK IS GIVEN--many Monarch slaves are programmed to kill their
therapists because the Illuminati will be able to hide/protect them once
they leave their place in society and return for the final callback.
Reporting alters hidden well in the System, observe and secretly report
back to the Network everything a therapist does. The alters have fix me
codes to call for help such as "FIX ME", "QUEEN OF HEART", "THREE LITTLE
internal programmers will work night and day to stop or reverse any work
done toward freedom.
There are so many levels, suicide programs and so many other defenses a
person’s body is not strong enough to attack the programming head on.
There are for instance Bells of Destruction programming, The War in the
Heavens suicide programming, the Gethsemane Suicide Programming, the
Octopus suicide programming, the Injection of Bleach, the overdose of
drugs, the go insane program, just to mention a few. The slave will be
given a whole batch of these types of programs which may all go off at
once if the slave doesn’t comply with keeping the mind control secret.
One internal protective programming line is The Man without a Country
story. Another is a water program but in with Scripture from Jer. about
Ahab stomping the grapes. Another is for the slave to think they have
been turned into a fragile paper doll. The paper doll programming is put
in by making the skin very sensitive to any touch, and then attaching that
memory to the hypnotic suggestion of being a paper doll. An octopus
suicide program chokes the slave if they are disobedient. A mush the
brain is triggered by a fanning movement. If the slave touches the
programming, Armageddon programming is activated in those who have
Bible programming. The four horsemen on their different horses ride out
and bring their different mental tortures to the slave’s mind. Winged
monkeys (possibly alter fragments) from the Wizard of Oz story
programming are called "watchers". They watch alters.
The slave is conditioned that if any programming or demonology is taken
out, it will come back seven times seven stronger. The Bible (MT 12:43-
44) is used to put in this programming. Actually, this is more than
programming, there is a principle in operation here. Therapists need to
be cautious about pulling things out, if they do not understand what the
ramifications will be. We want the victim to have hope, not to make the
task look harder. One of the primary protective programs is the JUDAS
PROGRAMMING. Anyone who betrays the abusers is labelled "Judas" and is
programmed to go out and act like Judas by hanging themselves. If that
mind control program doesn’t happen, the Illuminati warn their people
"Remember Tom Collins", who was the son of an Illuminati Grand Mother,
who became a Christian, started exposing the Illuminati in churches, and
was gunned down in a grocery parking lot.
Finally, the members are warned that they will be sacrificed on a cross
like Christ in what is termed "a traitor’s death." Usually, mind-controlled
slaves will police their own actions and thoughts. The therapist may hear
their Monarch client talk about the Dove, fire, Moriab, and water as
protectors. They may talk about a little bird dove who is part of
protection which flies into the ebony trees. The basic defensive
programming placed into the early Illuminati models was based upon the
4 BASIC ELEMENTS--fire, wind, water, and air. When the programming is
touched by anyone, the elements of the earth come alive. For instance,
if the programming is touched the following programs based on the four
elements come alive:
WATER--victim will freeze like ice, will suffocate like inhaling water, will
boil like being placed in boiling water, will feel a drip drip drip on the
head, and will flood with memories. This is why some Monarch slaves do
not like to swim.
FIRE--Victim will burn inside and outside. The victim will remember fire
torture, and perhaps their face melting. This is why some Monarch slaves
don’t like to light a match or a fire. Slaves will have their programming
reinforced with the warning, "If you disobey us, Satan will take your
ability to resist burning away, and you will burn in hell." The alters have
no way to conceive that God could love them, so they feel if they are to
have any chance not to burn in the afterlife of hell they must obey. The
fire programs which activate when they disobey reinforce this warning.
Often victims report a "Ring of Fire" burning within.
EARTH--the victim will remember being dropped down a well, being
buried alive in either hot sand, or a casket. Earth means "life or death".
The earth "swallows people up." The victim may feel dehydrated from
memories of being buried in hot sand (hot earth). This is why some
victims have a fear of being buried alive. In fact, this can be done
internally where alters are internally placed in caskets and buried. Alters
are also internally thrown into internal wells. The Illuminati programmers
say, "ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUST’ to mean that the earth will bring
death. Sometimes even volcanoes erupt (earth and fire) out of the ocean
(water) and destroy parts of a system. Internal earthquakes also happen
quickly and then the entire system will be shifted and shuffled.
AIR or WIND--Vortexes suck the person down and away, a strong wind
takes the alter(s) into the Rubicon of Outer Space and the body
dismembers itself as it goes away. The mind doesn’t understand why it is
being torn apart, only that it is being torn like a tornado. The alter may
also go into a bubble and float away.(This effect is put in w/ drugs and
hypnosis.) They will dissociate and nothing is real.
How does one place into a child these types of programs? Let’s say the
programmers want to put in the Tumbleweed Program where the child
feels like it has become a tumbleweed & can’t ground and get its
bearings on anything. Let’s say the programmer also wants the child to
lose his arms & legs while being blown away. The child is dehydrated so
the mind is overheated and hallucinating. Special drugs are also given to
the child to make it more delirious, make it more suggestible, etc. The
little child by this point has no mind of its own. Heavy fans with hot air
are placed upon the child. It is hypnotically told that it has no arms and
no legs. The child is too weak to think for itself. It is almost comatose.
The child will be left for perhaps 8 hours as a script which keeps
repeating itself is played on a voice box. The child will hallucinate the
script or the video it is being shown. When the child can give the script
back to the programmer exactly like it is meant to be, then the
programmers know they can stop. The child alter is to take on the
identity of the tumbleweed. If it responds like many Main alters--it will
pass this ability on to splits that it creates for this purpose. These splits
created for the tumbleweed script will be clean slates for the
programmers to manipulate. By the way, smelling salts are used to wake
up child victims who are too comatose.
Overview Of The Princess Programming
The Omega programs prevent integrating the Multiple personalities, and
they hold the body programs, and run the computers. If major tampering
is done with the System, which threatens to totally wipe out the Omega
programs, then one of the backup programs is the Princess programming.
The princess programming is a back up program. It can be triggered
several ways. One method is by astral communication between loyal
alters and their Illuminati programmer. However, the main triggering
factor is that the System has recognized that serious tampering has been
done to the System. If serious deprogramming occurs, the Princess
program with "Sleeping Beauty" kicks in.
The programming is contained within a box, which is opened up upon the
appropriate cues. The way it operates is that it kicks in when the handler
loses control over a system. The princess who is kept sleeping by spiders
which bite her in a coffin, wakes up and looks for the prince to come.
Daddy demon and the dark princess are now ruling from the castle
dungeon. A System’s dwarfs and Thor continue to guard as well as the big
guard cats like Bast. Darkness sets in on all the top sections of alters, and
thick walls and pain come, then a webbing much like a body-suit-cocoon
will envelope all but alters loyal to the master. It becomes hard to
breathe and the alters who had sought freedom from the programming,
now find themselves being tranced out.
Alters who are cold and in lots of pain are called up by code to torment
the body. The Outer Darkness of a System (sometimes called the
Rubicon) gets thicker.
If Gatekeeper and Kitten alters have porcelain face programming, then
they will get their porcelain masks back as the Omega programming kicks
back in. The porcelain masks have cords back to the black princess. The
black princess’s coffin has cords to Papa.
The core will give her energy to the dark side, and alters who want
freedom will receive very little energy. They will be very tired. Those
alters who liked the light side and freedom are now under attack. They
will be isolated by walls and then incapacitated by a cocoon which leads
to death.
The alters who do not want to be part of Satanism will be worked over,
and they will continue to be worked over until they shatter. If need be,
they can be taken to the castle dungeon and played movies of torture
which have been coded and entered into the mind via codes.
Internal voodoo will be carried out to scare alters into complying. The
worlds will reestablish their compasses. The internal BEAST computer
along with the dark princess run the show. The box which opens up, sets
off the suicide programming.
The primary tool in fighting the suicide programming is the will to fight.
If the will to fight is strong, a way to fight through the walls can be
found. If the walls are broken down, then a strategy of isolating the
castle’s programming can be carried out, and eventually the black
princess can even be retrieved. Since the princess and daddy demon are
running things via spiritual and demon processes, the battle at this point
involves spiritual warfare, although there are probably other methods to
solve the situation.
The castle programming will be isolated by closing the portals, and other
safeguards. The Black Princesses can be turned from their course. The
Black Princess can be retrieved. The castle’s power can be shut down.
The Princess programming can be beat, but it takes hard work. A system
must make decisions to continue fighting the programming with all their
creativity, strength and will power.
A rebirthing program will go off. This rebirthing program is controlled by
a System of clocks. The clocks are the stabilizing heartbeat and are tied
to the eternal life force. There are also clocks which control the steps to
the Princess Programming. These clocks bring about steps which will take
the System down the road to no-return. These clocks can be frozen and
by freezing them, one can stop the next step from taking place. In the
rebirthing program, umbilical cords and strings run from alters back to
the black princess. The black princess is in the torture chamber of the
dungeon and the strings carry the torture memories to alters in sections
wanting freedom, especially those holding the body. If those alters want
to stop the intense pain to the body they need to freeze those strings and
stop the torture memories from coming up from the torture chamber.
The umbilical cords are "feeding" the alters from the black princess. The
Kittens alters, most likely due to programming, will want to protect the
core so they do not want to stop the process of control that the black
princess is exerting over them. In other words, they will find it hard to
save themselves. Internal Voodoo will come from a dollhouse, and only by
dealing with inside the doll house can it be stopped. One option is to
create shields to protect alters from the voodoo.
Christians have the shield of faith which really can function in real life,
and an internal shield of faith has protected and shielded Christians from
Voodoo. The darkness and what people (alters) call "walls" can be flooded
with the blood of Jesus, which often drives back the darkness and can
give freedom to work. The soul ties that are involved with the princess
programming and the masks need to be broken and bound. The System
may be able to find someone or some place to get wisdom or
understanding about their System. The System also needs to cut their
soul ties to their Illuminati programmers. The rebirthing program is also
giving directions to the dark princess. There is an umbilical cord which
ties the dark princess to the rebirthing program. The blood of Jesus can
stop this tie.
Backup Programming
One of the backup programs is designed to deal with someone who has a
good understanding of a system, and tries to take a system out via
spiritual warfare. A camera is designed to reflect an image onto a mirror
and the deprogrammer works with the mirror images. The deprogrammer
has great success with the mirror images, because the camera can merely
shift its view, and the things the deprogrammer is trying to get rid of
disappear. However, since the alters that are collaborating with the
deprogrammer see all the correct things happen, they sincerely think
they are being deprogrammed. When the deprogrammer finishes the
alters feel better, see their worlds come together, but the work has only
been a sham. Other backup programs provide the deprogrammer with
mirror images and sham alters to talk with. The deprogrammer never
talks to the real human elements. If we try to give a summary of the
different backup programs we could include
a. each grid has programs attached to its grid no. and each section has a
computer, as well as connecting computers between sections---both the
programming and the computers have the power to reprogram
b. the 4 elements of nature coming alive programs
c. the princess program (based on Sleeping Beauty)
d. a plutonium or atom bomb set up activated by lasers to protect the
internal hierarchy.
The Monarch programming creates very complex systems that are as
sophisticated as an Apollo spacecraft. There is no way all the possible in
and outs can be covered. However, the reader can watch a movie
"Labyrinth" to get a good idea of what the end product is like for the
mind of the victim. The movie represents what the internal world is like
for an alter who is trying to understand its mind. It would be worthwhile
to finish this chapter on structuring by covering this movie which
illustrates the end product. The bizarre movie Labyrinth may be shown
again on HBO and is available from some video stores. In fact, the video
stores have a hard time meeting customer demands for this popular
video. One of the co-authors knows a girl who has watched "Labyrinth"
twenty times.
"Labyrinth", A View of a Monarch's Internal World
In 1986, a movie called "Labyrinth" was produced by Cherry McFadden.
The movie was Monty Python’s "Terry Jones" scripted. The movie is a
portrayal of what the internal world inside a Monarch mind-controlled
slave looks like. The Monarch slave has an internal world built inside their
mind in which the hundreds and thousands of alters must live in. The
alters are given a psychotic world of fiction in which they must live in as
An alter of a Monarch slave will have two worlds, the external world of
reality, and their own internal world which, because of the programming,
will seem more real than the real world. Hogel, a gnome, tells Sarah,
"Things are not what they seem in this place." The internal worlds of the
slave can be shifted and rearranged by the internal programmers. The
internal programmers can change codes, eliminate alters, and carry out
extensive deception to other parts of the System. As in the Monarch
programming, the movie's castle reminds one of Emerald City. The movie
Labyrinth seems weird and occultic. Gargoyle elves (similar to coven
demons) dance magic and a sweet girl played by Jennifer Connelly moves
from one weird scene to another, while an occasional shot gives us the
hideous ruler of the Castle played by David Bowie. These demons also
guard the baby that represents the innocent core.
Monarch slaves very frequently have castles built into their internal
world. Some slaves will have a whole series of castles, some are King’s
castles, some are Queen’s castles, and some are castle’s shaped liked
pyramids with all-seeing eyes in them. The story line of the movie Labyrinth is that the girl, Sarah, searches for her baby brother, Toby,
who is captive in a castle in a dream world. Actually, this represents an
alter searching for the innocent core from which it split off from. Often
the core (the original innocent child personality which split off
personalities in order to remain innocent is locked up in the castle by the
programmer who serves as Master of the castle. Often in deprogramming,
the core is taken to a castle dungeon in a terrible backup program called
the princess program which was just described on a previous page.
The princess programming (which is a back up program) functions, when
the regular programming goes down (which is rare). When the Princess
back-up program kicks in the toad is kissed, the princess core is woke up,
etc. etc. Parts of the Princess program seem portrayed towards the end
of the movie. In the movie, David Bowie, who in real life was a satanist &
a rock star who committed suicide, plays the part of the Master of the
Castle. The girl soon goes into the dream world (internal world of her
mind). She must go through a labyrinth if she wants to get to the castle.
Although the movie is fiction, it is close enough to how a Monarch’s mind
thinks, that an adult Monarch slave might well have his or her
programming reinforced if they saw this film. It also would trigger many
Monarch slaves and create fear in them. Monarch slaves have many clocks
built into their systems. They have internal clock makers and internal
clock keepers. In the movie, clocks pop up everywhere just like in a
Monarch’s mind.
Some Monarch slaves are programmed to see their internal world, and
others are programmed not to be able to see their internal world. In
other words, many Monarchs may not have the ability to see a great deal
at first of this programming due to further programming, and yet these
images work in the deep recesses of their minds to keep their minds
within the confines of the programming. David Bowie has the magical
ability to rearrange time on the clocks. The handlers often mess with the
internal and external clocks of a slave, so that the slave is disoriented
about what time it is.
Alters within a Monarch system are not allowed to stray from the path
assigned to them. If they try to move out of their assigned spot in the
mind, then they encounter traps, mazes, tunnels and demons just like in
the movie Labyrinth. An internal world of a Monarch’s mind will have
brick walls, doors and vortex tunnels just like in the movie. When the girl
falls into a vortex, she has magician hands all over her. Monarch victims
speak of what vortexes are like and they often describe hands coming out
of nowhere. The movie begins with an oak tree.
The oak tree is an important part of the Illuminati programming. The
Master programmer in the castle, wearing a triangle medallion around his
neck and looking veracious (David Bowie) sings, "Voodoo. ..Babes with the
power.. .magic magic...slap that baby and make him magic, dance magic." Cobwebs are built into the Monarch
minds, and when an alter goes where it shouldn’t they often get
cobwebbing over them. The tunnels in the movie are full of cobwebs.
As the girl moves forward toward the magic demon-invested Castle she
comes across many things--all of which relate to internal items built into
a Monarch slave’s mind. Some of the things are slightly different in the
movie than in a slave’s mind--but the concepts are the same. For
instance, the actual Thor figure looks like the Iron Man of the Wizard of
Oz series rather than the iron robot that they portray. But the match is
close enough for the imagery to portray what it is meant to represent.
During programming, bracelets with pieces will be given to the child to
teach them how the alters are to revolve. A bracelet like this is owned by
the girl. The girl encounters a dwarf. The dwarfs in the internal world
"mine the jewels" (that is the programming). The Jewels are the
particular programs that run a Monarch system of alters of an MPD (DID)
mind. The dwarf in the movie is told by David Bowie (the Programmer)
that he has "lost his Jewels"--that is that he has lost his programming! The
dwarf in the movie decides to help the girl. In Monarch programming the
dwarf helps an alter by bringing it programming! Some help! The goblin
(demon) is asked by the girl to find a portal. The goblin opens a door and
it appears to be a broom closet. He opens it again and it appears as a
door. This is the exact way the programming is. Portals and doors in the
internal world have cover stories. At first they look like one thing--but if
the mind can get by the first look--they will turn out in reality to be
something else.
There is cover programming over everything--so that the slave doesn’t
trust his own mind. For instance, besides lots of clocks undisguised,
clocks are disguised in a System as any object, but they can be
recognized by the trained observer because they are gold colored. In the
movie, objects are constantly changing.
Many monarch’s fear the rocks coming alive--just as they do in the movie
Labyrinth. In the bottom of the slave’s mind--put in at the deepest
hypnotic levels possible are the hell pits. The movie shows the hell pit
and even calls it the "hell pit." Notice that as she goes into this strange
world that the clocks can be turned around. This is true in the
programming. The clocks can be turned by the programmer so that the
slave can be told it is January when it is December.
A cover program can be entered so that the slave has memory of what he
was supposed to have done in December. These false memories are laid
in with real torture memories and tied to emotions. The false memories
lack certain characteristics of real memories--and yet still they can at
times be difficult to separate from the true memories, especially if the
mind-controlled slave is in programming.
The following is the story line of the movie as it happens in this bizarre
movie. Early in the movie we see a witch with an hour glass. When the
girl gets to the castle it is guarded by a mechanical monster that
resembles in some ways Thor of the programming. Notice that portals
and holes open up. When they open up another level, protectors attack
them and they must run back down their tunnel to save themselves. The
Monarch slave will get feelings of being crushed if an alter ventures
where it shouldn’t in the mind. When the girl asks the dwarf "How can I
believe anything you say?" She is told, "What choice do you have?" Fire
demons come out dancing. They take out their eyeballs and eat them.
They say "Bad luck down the path." What the fire demons represent are
the Gamma programming and the threats that the Gamma programming
has upon the victim.
The programming tells an alter that it will lose its head or other horrible
threat if it doesn’t comply with the programming. "Let’s take off her
head" the fire demons say, as they act out the various programs--
decapitation, delimbing, etc. They also want to throw her into the pit of
eternal flames. They go down a chute into the eternal hell pit. It is even
called the eternal pit in the movie! The hell pits of a slave will generally
smell like sulfur--which is exactly what the movie’s hell pit does. A
guardian of the pit (looking like a dog) comes out. Guardians within the
Monarch’s mind are generally far more horrifying than this dog. The
guardian must give permission for passage. Another trap appears--as the
slave’s internal world is filled with booby traps. The name of the dog the
guardian rides on is Ambrosius, similar to Ambrosia. A peach with poison
is given to the dwarf. The slave is programmed to fear poisoned fruit.
(This is another fairy tale turned into programming.)
David Bowie is called an "adept" who creates dream bubbles. The slave’s
mind will have adepts who are the programmers. The movie s adept puts
a princess in a bubble. Then she goes by memory back to when she was
at a Satanic ball where people wear masks of birds, goats, and pigs.
Illuminati ceremonies include balls like this with masks. This Love story is
reliving programming of the girl that she is a Queen, that she is married
to Satan, and that this is a bonding ceremony. Everyone is grabbing her.
People who have been to this Illuminati ceremony will recognize it. Next,
she sees mirrors. When she shatters the mirrors (a no-no in the
programming) she begins falling. Generally, if a slave shatters the mirrors
in their mind--they fall into suicide programming. She falls into a
junkyard. Then a satanic seed comes alive from her fruit. It is a worm. An
old hag gives her a teddy bear. The programmers and parents of slaves
frequently give stuffed animals. The teddy bear without hands represents
to the victim their helplessness. The old hag says "like a little bunny
rabbit...Don’t you...Bitsy Boob" All this is Monarch programming stuff.
Then she sees a book about the labyrinth. The Monarch’s mind has
libraries and diagrams of their own system but these are kept guarded by
the mirrors, the demons, and programming. The girl Sarah finds a book
(the files) of how the labyrinth is built. Actually, you can too.
If the original programming was Wizard of Oz programming--then when
you looked at the front of the Wizard of Oz series books you would find a
map that helped build the internal world. Some of the items on that map
will likely be found in your Monarch system (but not all). If your Monarch
system has Star Trek programming it is possible they will have an internal
world similar to the diagrams shown in this book where Star Trek
programming is covered. In other words, there are books which do show
the labyrinth, just as the movie Labyrinth has Sarah find a book showing
the internal world. But if an alter finds a map, this does not mean the
alter can travel freely in its system’s mind!
In working with a mind-controlled slave, we discovered one of the
methods to get over the Wizard of Oz mazes was to fly with the Orks.
However, an alter caught in the mazes was frightened to stay put by the
demons that surrounded it. (This is so well portrayed in Labyrinth.)
This happens in real life to Monarch alters which stray into the mazes.
They are lost and then they can’t come out and take the body. They are
simply lost in the mind. The old hag gives her slippers! Slippers are
important triggers or cues to go places internally. She is given a horsey
and told she loves it. "Take back the child you have stolen." A ferris
wheel is shown. (Carrousels were used greatly in programming.) Then she
breaks an hour glass. Hour glasses are internal clocks. Then she
encounters levels, doors and tunnels. An Iron robot representing Thor
comes out and bangs bangs bangs.
The banging is the split brain headaches that the internal Thor causes the
victim’s mind to experience. A child is placed into the robot. Often
during the programming, child alters are programmed to put on a robot
like suit and serve with other children as clone solders in a clone army.
(The sea divers of the Walt Disney movie "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"
were used to program child alters into how they were to get into robot
suits.) These child alters form armies that attack if an alter tries to fight
the programming. These children alters are like children screaming--it is
impossible to reason or talk to them. Armies of these alters are difficult
to stop in the mind.
In the programming, the brave are told they are brave and vice-versa.
The character says "I have no courage." But is told "You are a man of
courage." More clocks and a bell appears. A red and blue guardian
appear. Perhaps these colors represent the color programming. Rocks and
cannons represent the protectors and the earthquakes they cause
internally in a Monarch’s mind. When she enters the castle it is a carbon
copy of Esher’s drawing entitled "Relativity." (See The Graphic Work of
MC. Esher, figure 67.) She runs up stairs and gets nowhere. Escher’s
drawing, according to ex-programmers, are used for programming. The
Master sings, "Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for you." David appears
everywhere from every angle. This is how the internal programmers,
which are clones of the real programmers appear everywhere in the mind
of the slave. He sings, "Just as I can be so cruel...look without your heart
beat. ..I must live within you."
She says, "Give me the child [the core]" and the programmer says, "I have
been generous. ..but I can be so cruel .... I have reordered time...turned
the world upside down...all for you." The internal and external
programmers can be cruel. The victim is trauma bonded to them. They
are cruel and kind to the victim, just like Mengele was to his thousands of
The internal worlds can be turned in a Monarch system, by turning the
hour glasses which are on X, Y and Z axes. The hour glasses are turned
with hand signals and codes that are similar to what pilots use to tell
their degree positions in the sky. The programmer sings, "I ask for so
little, just let me rule you, and you can have everything you want...just
love me, fear me, and do as I say." He tells her that her kingdom is great.
Internally alters are given great titles, and are made queens, etc. Their
internal worlds give them all they need, and that the real external world
will never understand them. She is told repeatedly "Your kingdom is
great." "Bow down and worship me, and you get everything." At this point
she realizes she has dominion over the demons.
When one listens to the programming, it seems that it is powerful and in
control. The movie does a good job of showing how a slave’s mind has
both an internal and an external world. A hall appears with daisies.
Daisies were used in programming. When she leaves the internal world,
she finds that the internal world is right there with her in her external
world. She is surrounded by internal cues. Then she embraces and
accepts her internal world toward the ending of the movie. Many systems
have an owl in their system which represents the master. In the movie,
an owl representing the master appears at various times & then flies
away at the end. Toward the end the Master sings, "Power of Voodoo..."
The internal world is full of goblins, dwarfs, worms, a hat, door knockers,
Fury 1,2,3,4,5 and many other things. Ravens are in the movie. In real
life, the programmers take alter fragments, which are splits which are
not developed into full blown personalities and they program them to
have a single task, for instance to think they are a raven and to bite the
body when ever they take the body.
Whole flocks of demons which take the form of ravens may wait inside
the mind waiting for their release to bite the body. When triggered by
the internal programmers when an alter crosses the boundaries set down
by the programming, a flock of ravens may come forward and "take the
body" (as they say in MPD) of the slave and the Monarch slave will bite his
or her flesh and viciously tear it with its teeth.
By watching the movie Labyrinth, and using this as a guide, the viewer
will begin to understand the horror and control that the internal world
holds over the alters of a Monarch slave. Few Monarch slaves ever tell
other people what is going on in their minds, now you have been
privileged to find out. To learn this much for a Monarch slave comes with
a high price. The price is paid by reliving for a second time what has been
done to them, fighting off the suicide programs that click on when the
slave’s mind disobeys. The slave must also fight off torture memories
that recycle. These torture memories are activated by the programming
when an alter disobeys its programming. As one Monarch survivor
described it to me, "This all can be wrapped up by defining it as the
raping of the body, soul and spirit."
The Structuring Done in Monarch Star Trek and Star Wars
The original Monarch programming often used the Wizard of Oz books and
film as the basic programming. The Alice and Wonderland story then was
overlaid, along with many other fictional fairy tales to complete the Mind
Control of a Monarch Mind-controlled slave. However, in recent years a
superior story line has appeared. It has more flexibility and more secrecy.
This is the Star Trek series.
In recent years, Star Trek is being used as a basis of programming. Those
who are programmed with Star Trek programming can attend annual Star
Trek Conventions which are held in New York City since 1972.
The child’s mind is tortured until the point they will accept anything.
They are told to build certain structures in their mind. These structures
may be castles, or rivers or submarines or airfields, etc. In the case of
Star Trek programming they have detailed maps and diagrams that have
been created to go along with the Star Trek program. (The real reason or
the ulterior motive of these Star Trek maps was to create a blueprint for
programming. Some pages of these are included for you to look at.)
Then particular alters are placed within these structures, and they are
hypnotically given cues that will pull them to the front of the mind when
the alpha-numeric cue is said. Many of the more secret alters can only be
accessed by a combination of several different cues which go to different
senses--such as the person must be in a corner contacting 3 points, a
certain ring must be turned & a certain code said for the alter to come
The advantages of the Star Trek story line is that
a. almost any type of scenario can be fit into the programming script
because the Star Trek characters in the series, encounter about anything
b. have holograms, which can serve as substitutes for mirror images in
the programming,
c. alien programming can be introduced in order to promote the mock
alien invasion being planned by the Illuminati, and
d. the Star Trek series has its own language which can be used for trigger
codes, which Monarch slaves can study, and learn.
The use of this klingon
language will make it very difficult for ordinary people to break into the
slave’s programming.
Michael Aquino, Satanist and Colonel in the U.S. army, has enjoyed using
Star Wars for programming. Aquino wrote his own version of the Star
Wars, which he uses for programming. The programmer becomes Darth
Vader, which then is reproduced as an alter within the victim.
In the Star
Trek series, Data was a dehumanized "person" who stored vast amounts of
information. Monarch slaves are always created with libraries, and
volumes of information. This information is stored in various ways and
can be retrieved in a variety of ways. Data of Star Trek lends himself to
become the model for an alter of a Monarch system to copy. In other
words the child is shown Data, and is steered in the right direction to
create an internal person named Data.
Any child if it is drugged, tortured, threatened with death if they don’t
follow directions, with weakened and confused minds will get to the
point where the child will create a Data alter in its mind, rather than die.
Once in place, the Data alter will think of itself as the movie character.
Every time the child sees Star Trek or pictures of Data, it will reinforce
the programming.
The transformer room technique of beaming in Star
Trek is what magicians have tried to do for centuries and which has been
called "bi-location-physical projection" as well as other things. This is said
in magic to be mental control over the molecules of the body via demonic
power. Whether magicians have ever done this, who knows, some
certainly claim the power.
The Illuminist is a power structure placed into some Monarch slaves. It is
constructed from parts of numerous demons, rather like a demonic
Frankenstein, & is portrayed in Star Trek, the Next Gener. as the
crystalline body. A cartoon series was created for Star Trek. In this series,
children watch such things as Kirk in a magical universe of Megas-tu
which has a Guardian of Forever. Two other spin-out shows were Deep
Space Nine and S.T. Voyager. In other words, a child could watch 5
different Star Trek series. If the child’s parents had cable T.V. the child
be virtually immersed into the various Star Trek shows.
some of the children who have been programmed with this are doing
exactly that.
Fritz has personally worked with someone who has Star Trek
programming. They sit for hours and immerse themselves totally into all
kinds of Star Trek details. We have two Star Trek Technical Manuals.
Fritz’s father is an engineer and designed quite a few things. Fritz himself
has worked as a manual/computer draftsperson for the Federal Highway
Administration as well as for his father off and on over the years. Based
on that experience, he realizes the enormous amount of work that went
into these Technical Manuals for the Star Trek series is simply
mind boggling. One manual is 183 pages and the other is in the
neighborhood of 250 pages. The amount of engineering and computer
drafting that went into these manuals is astonishing. Why did someone go
to such extremes? These manuals are as good as if NASA were planning to
build an Enterprise spaceship. The plans are done more professionally
than engineering designs that we have seen groups like the United
Nations drawing up. Why did all this engineering, design and drafting
happen for a fictional T.V. show? To create a book to sell? The books..
could hardly be best sellers. One originally sold for $13 U.S. and the other
for $6.95. One reason so much work and money was put into these
Technical Manuals is that they are used for programming helpless victims
of the Monarch Mind Control.
Body Manipulation & Programming
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