Voice of Truth@
There are already many articles that we have written about Truth, with capital letters, that "speaks softly so that whoever wants to listen to it ... wants and can listen to it". The meter already marks 650,000 articles read from www.soysanador.com, apart from all the other readings of the numerous websites that republish them. At this point, it seems that it was necessary to change the subject and throughout seven new articles, we are going to stop talking about the Truth to talk about the Anti-Truth, the false, the manipulation.
That our minds are being manipulated is something that at this point no one should doubt. It is an affirmation of first of Marketing, first of Psychology and first of "Conspiranoia". The handling, confusion, deception, distraction, form the core of antimatter gives Truth . The anti-Truth has been and is a constant of the past and present of humanity and has a single responsible called Power.
There are already many articles that we have written about Truth, with capital letters, that "speaks softly so that whoever wants to listen to it ... wants and can listen to it". The meter already marks 650,000 articles read from www.soysanador.com, apart from all the other readings of the numerous websites that republish them. At this point, it seems that it was necessary to change the subject and throughout seven new articles, we are going to stop talking about the Truth to talk about the Anti-Truth, the false, the manipulation.
That our minds are being manipulated is something that at this point no one should doubt. It is an affirmation of first of Marketing, first of Psychology and first of "Conspiranoia". The handling, confusion, deception, distraction, form the core of antimatter gives Truth . The anti-Truth has been and is a constant of the past and present of humanity and has a single responsible called Power.
We are not referring to the power -in lower case- of those who govern us -in appearance- since they are just unfortunate puppets. His job is to show his face, possibly his only merit and for that reason, he rewards them generously. We refer to those of the true POWER, which are those who handle them from behind the curtains (those who hide their faces), but also those who rule over those behind the curtains (these are not even physically between us), that we refer to as OO. Origin of Darkness on the planet.
To some and others in this article we will name them as "The Wizard" , for many reasons that we will be shelling throughout these seven articles under the title: "The Magician, the invisible manipulation"
For centuries, the main weapon of the Anti-Truth has been religion and today it continues to maintain a good part of that role, although duly updated to phenomena such as the New Age or Jihadism . But without doubt, the anti-Truth weapon par excellence of our times are the media. It is known that from the mass media we are taught a multitude of ideas, prejudices and are incited to conflict, addiction and submission , because they are bought directly or indirectly by power. Much has been said about this manipulation, but very little about what is profoundly relevant :
"What is it about the human being that makes us so vulnerable to repeat slogans, to believe dogmas or to incorporate emotions alien to us that always seek our slavery and suffering?"
In this article you will discover how the anti-matter of Truth is not triggered from obscure bunkers illuminati's, or from rotary or sets of those who once deserved to be called journalists. The Anti-Truth is a weapon that can be detonated from the outside, but that always fires in your own brain, because it is our own mind that manipulates us. This was designed in his day to condemn perpetuity to the human being to be a docile and productive flock.
The "Capataces" of POWER only have the information of that design and use it as opportunistic predators who are faithful servants of pain and hatred. The movie Matrix, which we will talk about later, explained it very well, but as always we were distracted by the details and "El Mago" kept the trick safe from our sight and our cognition. I'm insightful, as always.
Manipulation is common to all societies, times, countries and races because it does not depend on the time or place, but on people . Nothing is more democratic than manipulation, because we are all equal before it . The anti-Truth acts at an algorithmic and neuronal level from which none of us is safe.
^^^^ Scientists have carried out many experiments that show that magicians do not deceive our sight but that they directly cheat our brain
Propaganda, publicity, mind control, social engineering ... the specialized sections of the bookstores expose hundreds of books with attractive covers that alert us that governments, sects, religions, corporations and even extraterrestrials manipulate us with their dark interests. Another hundred promise us to understand and master the mind to free us from this manipulation. But none of us find the reason for this manipulation, which they have always hidden, as the magician conceals his trick of illusionism, because that is what a magician is for .
There are three fundamental facts that if accepted would leave the shelves of those bookshops half empty:
1º Our mind works in a biased, maliciously biased way. Any attempt to change its operation without modifying the "defect" has a short route.
2nd Part of this biased operation occurs because our brain was prepared in its day to be sensitive to external manipulations and carries "from the factory" an elaborate System of Artificial Implantation of Thoughts
3º The manipulations of the exterior can only be carried out with a faithful accomplice. Our mind is the necessary cooperator where manipulation is executed as a consequence of the modifications made according to the previous point.
Throughout these articles we will see how these three facts enclose the dark secret that the real manipulation, the deepest and therefore the most difficult to detect, is taking place inside you, you are your own manipulator. A long time ago, the ancient Sumerian Anunnaki gods designed certain processes in your mind sensitive to future interference from the outside.The same bioengineers who crossed their DNA with that of a hominid to create the human being, programmed your brain to leave open doors that could be used in the future as an invisible remote control.
the world in which we live begins in
our adulterated mind already in origin
Dear reader, no matter how aware you are and how strong your will is to not let you manipulate your brain works the same as other mortals. Your mind manages the information of the last declassified Wikileaks in the same way that a soccer fan reads the chronicle of Sunday's game, said with all due respect. I say this because it is very important that you know the tricks used by the magician / Power , "The Magician", to deceive us all without distinction and without NO ONE noticing ...
One of the most famous wizards,
David Copperfield in its infancy
In these articles we will not talk about the lies of newspapers or leaks, balloons, fallacies, recontextualization, euphemisms, indoctrinations, revisionisms, opinion makers, projectors or perverted uses of vocabulary. There are many ways to manipulate our opinion but we are going to go much further , to the last frontier of how to put directly into your brain a thought that is not yours, without you noticing and without the need for a means of communication ... Because no matter how much they tell you about "mind control", that's just the distraction, the real trick of "The Magician" is not to control your mind but to make your mind be the one that controls you , that's enough for you.
Nobody is free to suffer the manipulation, because it happens before any event reaches our conscious system, that is to say that they are executed before the known psychological techniques do. When we are aware of something, that something has already been manipulated beforehand - in our own mind - and it is impossible for us to be aware of it. This is how our reality is created, because we feel and think it is "real", but it is only the "Matrix", a mental reality . Throughout this article we will discover what happens in our mind and what are the brain mechanisms that these parasites benefit -politicians, bankers or disinformation in general- exploit to their advantage.
If we want to find out how we are manipulated, we must modify our point of focus and direct our gaze towards our own interior. In many places you will read who controls the media and how they distort the news, but here you will find an unpublished truth. Truth is used to speaking softly but is strong as a diamond capable of cutting the thick glass of the cage -transparent- in which we live, locked in thinking we are very smart and very free .
Throughout these next seven articles we will know all this "self-manipulation" that will surely surprise you. It may make you sad, but it should not be so, it is very important that you keep this in mind:
So easy is that they manipulate us without us realizing how, once we have realized it, they stop being able to do it.
When one becomes aware of a problem it is already beginning to heal, but also, in the last article we explain the path that can make us free once and for all .
Getting away from a transparent and invisible cage is not an easy task. Moreover, if you are a regular reader of alternative blogs or a practitioner of personal growth techniques and courses and other "New Age" topics, you should know that the System is more interested in manipulating you than other more conforming and less curious people. You are a dangerous threat to the perpetuation of the System, so dangerous that despite having programmed your brain to control you, "they" wanted to make sure that your path to Knowledge did not end in the place where you dreamed it would end, but in the they want .
Do not think bad, think well
^^^^ Think well ...
Have you ever had the feeling that your brain has a life of its own and that you do not send it, just the opposite?
Do you often suspect that your mind wants to cheat you ?
^^^^ Think well ...
Our brain is a bridge between the external environment and the real world of each person, All the sensors of the body transmit information in real time to a super computerthat in milliseconds, filters, discards, classifies, interprets, distributes and stores millions of data . Such is the amount of information that the brain has to manage, in such a short time, that it can only be achieved if certain protocols of action are used . They are very well defined and efficient information flows, the algorithms of the brain.
Algorithm is a name that comes from the Persian mathematician Al-Juarismi and that means "sets of instructions defined, ordered and finite that allow an activity to be carried out without any uncertainty" and are usually represented as information flow diagrams.
The algorithms themselves are not bad, they are totally necessary, their value will depend on the intention with which they were created. For example, they could have been designed to leave small doors open for future use by an outside agent who knows them. Algorithms define how the brain or a computer manages information, but they are not the "programs" installed in it. Algorithms act at a higher level, they would be the " how", while programs (ideas, memories, concepts, emotions, or mechanisms of defense, denial, or projection ...) would be the " content ", or what we usually identify as Ego .
Algorithm is a name that comes from the Persian mathematician Al-Juarismi and that means "sets of instructions defined, ordered and finite that allow an activity to be carried out without any uncertainty" and are usually represented as information flow diagrams.
The algorithms themselves are not bad, they are totally necessary, their value will depend on the intention with which they were created. For example, they could have been designed to leave small doors open for future use by an outside agent who knows them. Algorithms define how the brain or a computer manages information, but they are not the "programs" installed in it. Algorithms act at a higher level, they would be the " how", while programs (ideas, memories, concepts, emotions, or mechanisms of defense, denial, or projection ...) would be the " content ", or what we usually identify as Ego .
The best way to understand what an algorithm is is by the most famous of them all, the Page Rank algorithm, whose latest update is called "Pigeon" or pigeon.
This algorithm, which almost all of us use a few times a day, was presented by Google on 9-1-1999. It is he who decides the relevance of web pages indexed in the search engine and quickly became one of the pillars on which the success of the company was based. The Page Rank, in fact is a set of algorithms that decides the selection of the pages and the order of exit , that the more than one million servers Google delivers when someone writes a keyword, something that incidentally happens about 1,000 million times each day.
Paloma, were there no other animals to name it that had no
relationship with Ishtar, Virgin or Holy Spirit?
Google's supercomputers index internet websites giving them a score related to a search word (the Page Rank includes more than 100 variables) which will determine the order of departure. Do not store web pages (save such amount of information would be unfeasible) but that the webs are in the "cloud", ie the World Wide Web (network of global scope, hence the three W). The search engine only saves the index of the pages and the information associated to them,used to select, sort and display them when a search matches them. If we explain all this is because our mind works in a very similar way, although the correct thing would be to say it the other way around because the creators of Google, like so many other good inventors, realized that nature has already invented everything before and that the best way to innovate is to observe it and imitate it.
Obviously, the search engine makes this selection and scoring websites taking into account the interests of its owner - Google Ink, Alphabet soon, for example, favoring those who are part of your business group or those that contain advertisingof its Adsense program (no matter how much Google denies it ...)
In Pigeon, the last big update (Google updates its algorithm around 500 times a year, mostly minor adjustments that go unnoticed) criteria were changed to favor searches local . Anyone who is using Google to document and reach final conclusions as accurately as possible, can see their work conditioned by how the search engine has selected, ordered and qualified the information.
Something like this happens to the human being, the algorithms of his brain respond to the interests of those who consider themselves their owners, the Anunnaki who modified the DNA of the human being and also his brain.
They were the programmers of some of these algorithms that make us so manipulable , a strategy to perpetuate themselves in their "divine" position on the back of a subjugated and enslaved humanity. As if it were Google's programmers, they devised them so that in the future the human brain would work according to their interest . An easy and assured manipulation for all "eternity", because the same manipulation is inside us and as such is protected by ourselves in a sad loop of deception .
Once these algorithms were programmed and the moment of their departure arrived (see Why the gods left? ), It was necessary to leave someone who knew them to take advantage of them. And so the religious and military orders were created, the embryo of the groups of foremen, the SEOs of darkness and their traps.
SEO means "Search Engine Optimization", and that is what professionals dedicated to studying the algorithms that Google uses to take advantage of them and benefit their clients by placing their pages in the top positions of the results of the most used search engine in the world. , something vital for any company today.
SEO, a branch of marketing with great professionals such as "Dx Media" ( www.dxmedia.net ) the company that gives its servers free to Habla Bajito.
Another famous algorithm that deserves to be mentioned is the one that decides the contents that are shown on our Facebook wall. Everyone criticizes but nobody knows exactly how the content shown is chosen. From what little is known is that the most important variable is the opinion of the contacts , a way of homogenizing the thought around the planet . The temptation to influence what 1,350 million users around the world think is irresistible for some and in a much darker and malicious project than Google and in the line of direct mental manipulation of false gods, which we will know in future chapters .
How they shaped our brain
Our brain was molded in different ways, with a cocktail of algorithms that allows easy manipulation from massive or individualized external stimuli . We could distinguish two groups of these algorithms, depending on their modus operandi. The first is the one formed by phenomena such as Dissonance and Dissociation, which are based on the momentary suspension of consciousness caused by the mental network that in the state of vigilance pilots the ship - the Conscious - falls for a few seconds or milliseconds. In this lapse, the brain can experience and record events without our knowing it . A time slot that can be very useful for directly access the network of the subconscious, as if a lightning hypnosis, very brief, it was.
Wicked attention of the world, the possibilities are huge ...
Dissonances :
Red-Blue Dissociation,
Dissonance Cognitive Dissonance + Shock Doctrine
The other group is formed by the biases, apparently malfunctions of our brain, which are necessary on the other hand, which lead us to errors of interpretation and to not realize them. Cognitive biases can be of many types, there are dozens of biases, but we are only going to explain two of them, those that most strongly intervene in the manipulation of people. [in the next article]
Bias Confirmation Bias
Both groups are tools that the manipulators use at their whim to manipulate us without us having the slightest suspicion of what is happening . It is the same situation that happens in a magic show, only that we know there that the magician is deceiving us. Magicians know, intuitively perhaps, these small doors that leave our brain open and use them to blow pigeons, make your assistant disappear, guess letters or even cut people into two halves - and without anyone being able to discover his trick ...
... as in real life, only that in reality we do not know that we are being cheated, and that "El Mago" also likes costumes, especially that of a politician, a newspaper editor or a marketing executive of a multinational.
The magicians take advantage of the moments of obfuscation of our brain , of the fall of the conscious, to change the cards or move those hidden panels that in a matter of milliseconds will start an Ohhhh in all the spectators. It is not that your hands are faster than our eyes, it is that for a short period of time our brain stops "catching them" and no matter how much we repeat the trick will still not be able to do it. If the magician is good and has known how to "turn off" our brain correctly, the trick will be totally safe . What happens in a show of illusionism, also occurs in real life at all cognitive levels and even at a collective level in society. For a magician, knowing how to explore this phenomenon means earning a living, but for someone with bad intentions the possibilities are immense ...
2 · Cognitive Dissonance
Observe this image and observe what you feel when you see it. If it is not a pleasant sensation, on the contrary, it is because you are experiencing an episode of Cognitive Dissonance .
The theory of "Cognitive Dissonance" is one of the most influential in psychology. It refers to the " internal tension or disharmony that a person perceives while maintaining at the same time two conflicting thoughts, two contradictory or incompatible ideas" . The logical inconsistency between two simultaneous but excluding cognitions impacts on the psychological state of the person and is studied that generates discharges at the brain level with the known results of discomfort , confusion and anxiety.
For this phenomenon, when the facts come into open opposition with a creed or belief,the individual tends to modify his appreciation of reality or to seek all kinds of justifications to reduce the level of contradiction without being forced to abandon his convictions to which he clings titanically. This is one of the great obstacles to a fruitful dialogue that leads us to sterile eternal discussion, fueled also by the duality of good and evil, that of the two teams, that of the good (in which everyone believes they are) and that of the bad guys (where you never meet).
The degree of dissonance that a person experiences depends on the importance that he / she gives to the thoughts in conflict, for that reason the dissonance associated to the death - and therefore to terrorist attacks - is perhaps the strongest. This is one of the most important reasons for the false flag attacks, as we will explain in the section dedicated to the " Conspiranoia ".
The Power, "The Magician" , knows how to multiply the effects of Dissonance by combining it with the doctrine of shock. The clearest case is the 911 attacks in New York, a masterpiece of experimentation with the individual and social mind . The Doctrine of Shock is one of the most powerful tools of manipulation and is based on the human being when subjected to a shock is more vulnerable to be implanted with new ideas, to bend their will or break their belief system.
On September 11, 2001 the world was in shock, which was used to implement a new model of society, something that otherwise would have been very difficult to achieve, and much slower. Something similar can be said about the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris or the strafing of European tourists sunbathing in a hotel in Tunis. Likewise, new forms of torture , those applied in Guantanamo for example, experiment with new ways of generating shock at the individual level, such as sensory isolation .
Everything in 9/11 seemed to be
a script to cause a global shock
Cognitive dissonance, the snake
and the tree of knowledge
The "Cognitive Dissonance" also appears when our beliefs are not in harmony with what we do , something that is easy to happen in a society like ours. Not only that, this kind of dissonance has been fostered openly and in many different ways throughout history. Since the beginning of our era, religion has used cognitive dissonance through all kinds of dogmas and norms, especially by promoting this deadly sequence:
Temptation is "an instigation that induces the desire to do something that goes against our belief system" , that is, temptation provokes an internal struggle that usually ends in the disturbing Cognitive Dissonance and later in the self-punishment of the remorse , a bad solution.
Temptation >> Sin >> Punishment / Guilt / Remorse
For the temptation religion is directly the incitement to sin on the part of the Devil , something that the Bible staged - metaphorically as always - in the episode of Eve and the serpent under the Tree of Knowledge. Let's now reveal the true meaning of the most famous apple (at least before Steve Jobs founded Apple), which Eva accepted from a reptile and marked the destiny of the human being forever.
The apple of Eve
The first and symbolic pair of humans was strictly prohibited (direct order of Jehovah / Enlil in his role of " god ") to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. However, his behavior was the opposite of his beliefs (ie an episode of Cognitive Dissonance) and both bit him (sin) through the snake (the devil or Lucifer / Enki) that made Eva doubt (doubt and temptation) . They fell into temptation and ended up biting an apple,symbol of fertility in many cultures and by extension of sexual sin. The story continues with the anger of Jehovah, symbolized in the expulsion from paradise and that curse so naive for all his offspring to have to go dressed or have to work. An expulsion that is the allegory of the long emigration of the first humans in South Africa (see The gold and the birth of the human being ), through the valley of the Rift , to end up populating the whole planet .
The first and symbolic pair of humans was strictly prohibited (direct order of Jehovah / Enlil in his role of " god ") to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. However, his behavior was the opposite of his beliefs (ie an episode of Cognitive Dissonance) and both bit him (sin) through the snake (the devil or Lucifer / Enki) that made Eva doubt (doubt and temptation) . They fell into temptation and ended up biting an apple,symbol of fertility in many cultures and by extension of sexual sin. The story continues with the anger of Jehovah, symbolized in the expulsion from paradise and that curse so naive for all his offspring to have to go dressed or have to work. An expulsion that is the allegory of the long emigration of the first humans in South Africa (see The gold and the birth of the human being ), through the valley of the Rift , to end up populating the whole planet .
But ... why a sexual sin?
At first the human being was only fertile with the Anunnaki themselves, but could not procreate with each other. The Bible, as encrypted and chaste as ever, metaphorized that "Adam and Eve lived without knowing sexual intercourse" (actually refers to "sexual act between them") until the demon proposed the temptation of sex, or the biblical carnal shame This is the metaphor with which Genesis narrates the new genetic modification of the human being in which the geneticist creators endowed the new creatures with reproductive autonomy .
Being able to procreate among them is what the Bible explains as sexual sin, an idea that implied the risk that, at some future moment, the control of humanity would get out of hand. The Anunnaki leader Enlil reluctantly accepted the plan, with the condition of adopting a series of limiting precautions and remote control of the human being . This new genetic modification, clearly negative for humans, is what the Bible narrates -metaphorically- as the punishment of the angry Jehovah and the expulsion from paradise .
Sexual sin in allegory of "reproductive sin"
More than a punishment it was a curse, and the woman-with all her descendants-took the loss. Eve was the one who would fertilize the new pure humans, not mestizos . That is what the "Parirás con dolor" refers to, in clear allusion to her reproductive capacity that is also manifested in menstrual pains, as we already reveal in "El punishment de Eva". The woman has been suffering for centuries misogyny, abuse and violence of gender, which are nothing but the reflection of that curse and the hatred and depreciation that those dark beings have always felt for the human race. Having children, especially if they are the fruit of Love , is paid dearly in the blackened world they gave us.To the beings that are incapable of feeling love, it produces an uncontrolled rage that others feel , even more if by that love a new life is generated ...
The curse to all the Eves has left many pages of horror throughout of all history, especially in the Middle Ages. It is not a well-known fact, but from the archives of the Inquisition throughout Europe it is found that 85% of the victims of torture and of the bonfire were women , as an eternal prolongation of the price that Eva had to pay for breeding humans in your belly.
Many aberrant apparatuses to inflict pain were designed specifically for women , some clearly destined to physically and symbolically destroy their reproductive capacity, regardless of the sadistic-sexual pleasure found in it by the tormenting Dominican monks, precursors of BDSM (see Adiós Roma )
From the apple to the "vaginal pear", one of the many instruments of torture specific to women product of the rage of darkness towards the female reproductive capacity. This version, is the light, others had sharp
barbs at the ends to cause even more destruction.
The Apple (*), symbol of fecundity (by the resemblance of his heart to the female sex) is the real reason for the expulsion - or curse - of Adam and Eve after the most important bite man has ever given. That bite that the Apple company wanted to honor in its logo.
(*) note: the original Bible only speaks of a fruit, like a Sumerian tablet dated 2300 BC
Of course, there are many versions of the Apple logo. One of them refers to the poisoned apple that bit Snow White (another allegory of Jehovah's punishment of humans). According to her, the logo is a tribute to the great British mathematician Alan Turing , who laid the foundations of modern computing . Accused and condemned for homosexuality he committed suicide with an apple sprayed with cyanide . Again the apple associated with the guilt of sex and original sin.
Without moving from Genesis, we find another manifestation of this hatred towards humans and the reluctance raised with reproductive autonomy . In in the conflict between the step-brothers children of Adam and Eve.Cain fruit of the human-Anunnaki cross and Abel fruit of the human-human cross, of which the latter went quite badly stopped. A very current episode, because in these final times a battle is being fought between the sons of Cain - the Aryans - and the Semites (sons of Shem, son of Abel) symbolized in the battle of Gog and Magog that is being waged in the ancient lands froterizas of both lineages, nowadays the Kurdistan see Enlist at the End of the World . Soon we will publish the article in full deciphering the story of Eva and Adam (Eva was first created and we will write it from now on).
At first glance, the episode of the expulsion of Eve and Adam seems exclusively linked to fertility , but it is not so. There is something still missing, because you do not have to see a Tree of Knowledge with the ability to procreate. Fecundity is sin and punishment is the metaphor of the tree, which refers to the true punishment of Jehovah (regardless of the woman's life sentence). Knowledge is synonymous with Cognition, because the Tree refers to Cognitive Dissonance, that is to say the conflict between freedom and dogma, the curse of doubt, temptation, remorse and guilt ...
To have called it the Tree of Cognitive Dissonance would have been to give too many clues and it is not your style. And when saying "Cognitive Dissonance", we refer to the manipulation they did in our minds and that includes other traps that we will explain throughout these seven articles. As for "Original Sin", that of sex according to the manipulation of religion, is also a reference to guilt because, by our experience as therapists, nothing generates more guilt and more self-punishment than sexuality.
The "Tree of Knowledge" of the Bible, should be called "Tree of Cognitive Dissonance", because this was the punishment with which Jehovah / Enlil, in representation anunnaki, condemned Eve and Adam on behalf of the human race.
These different manipulations of our cognition are the chain with which Jehovah / Enlil bound us to limit our mental capacity . It was his insurance policy before the great unknowns that could be opened with the passing of the centuries in that new phase in which humans could already procreate among themselves . They manipulated our mind to get away from peace and happiness and above all, to avoid what they fear most: our reconnection with the Source and with the Unit. As always they wanted to leave it in writing, in an encrypted form as usual in the most read book in all history, but nobody seems to have understood anything.
The Apple of Eva, 21st century
For centuries, the chain " Temptation >> Sin >> Punishment << Guilt / Remorse" has been the great tool used to weaken and subdue the human being . The suffering self-inflicted directly by these damn words has been enormous, although not minor compared to the one that has been generated in his name, from penances and corporal punishment to the torture of the Holy Inquisition.
Leaving aside this horrible past, the curse of dissonance has not always ended in horrific instruments of torture. Centuries have passed and now there are effects of dissonance much more "civilized"that can go unnoticed, even if they cause a more subtle and refined torture and, above all, more continuous torture. Perhaps it does not cause such acute pain, but the scope is infinitely superior to that achieved by the inquisitors , a great evolutionary step for the darkness that, moreover, no longer depends on the inquisitors. In the new versions of the punishment of Dissociation, people self-torture, in a kind of practical self-service of very practical punishment. Welcome to the "Do it yourself" of suffering ...
Temptation and sin are concepts that have fallen into disuse today, but such a productive tool could not be lost and has simply been updated. Today, self-punishment continues to be an important social good. I am not referring to extreme diets, tattoos and piercings, to the "Ice Challenge", in the fashion of extreme seers or balconing, or to drugs, or to reality shows like "Survivors" or "Killer". Karaoke ", neither to the bulls, nor to boxing, nor to the" 50 shades of Gray ", nor to vote for the PP ... all forms with which humans self-treat, to the delight of sadistic masters. I am referring to something more subtle and much more friendly, the neo-temptation, well intentioned crusades that apparently "only pretend to help people". ..
Only apparently, let's see some small examples, such as the anti-smoking crusade, the cholesterol one, the diets or the anti-abortion crusade:
Only apparently, let's see some small examples, such as the anti-smoking crusade, the cholesterol one, the diets or the anti-abortion crusade:
The anti-smoking crusade
The crusade of cholesterol or diets
The Crusade against abortion
Without entering into any judgment on the goodness and harm of these crusades , what is evident is that they are an inexhaustible source of contradictions and guilt that the person experiences from the Cognitive Dissonance . From these modern temptations and remorse emanate in torrents of punishment, frustration and guilt, which lower the vibration and disharmonize us completely. It is not a trivial issue, the consequences of temptation 2.0 make up almost all of our conversation or interior noise and fill the waiting rooms of psychiatrists.
Obviously, in self-service of self-torture there are other important dishes like the "Emotional Brain", the intrusive mind or the codes 666 , but the Dissonance and its side effects contribute a lot to that in Spain the third best-selling drug is the anxiolytic Lorazepam . Also, according to Time magazine, in the list of best-selling products in history (not only pharmaceuticals) the second place is occupied by a drug to reduce cholesterol, Lipitor, which has reported Pfizer sales of 141,000 million of dollars. The business of suffering, in all its many facets, far exceeds that of prostitution and arms trafficking . Of course, we include the palliative treatments that we self-proclaim like drugs, and medicine, intimately linked to suffering, since a large number of diseases are induced directly or indirectly, but that is another issue.
Dissonance and Doubt
"Doubts are sown by the devil" but before explaining the scope of this wise saying it is necessary to make a point. To question everything that TV and newspapers say is healthy and necessary, but that is not to doubt, that is to draw conclusions for oneself, without prejudice and without delegating the power of opinion to others. "To put in doubt" is not the same as to doubt , it means not supposing anything and not allowing others' judgments, or their deceptions, to contaminate ours.
On the other hand, the definition of doubt is:
" Hesitation or lack of determination before various
possibilities of choice over beliefs, news or facts."
If after investigating, analyzing and reflecting one is left in the vacillation of doubt, it is when things can begin to not be well, since that entails a state of uncertainty that nothing contributes. At that point, the Certainty shines by its absence, also the Trust and with it a small part of your well-being. The doubt understood as indetermination can be due only to a postponement of the decision, which is correct, but it can also mean a paralysis of the action , or the definitive suspension of a decision , at which time it begins to be really harmful.
On the contrary, doubt can be good when whoever doubts is a person with humility and will, then live as healthy ignorance and can become an excellent source of knowledge that leads us to search and reflection. From this point of view, I consider myself with pride one of the most doubtful people that exist . Reaching the point of equilibrium between this doubt and the ability to recognize the certainty that the connection with "Unity" provides, is the best way to find the treasure of Truth.
Doubt is by definition the opposite of certainty , and Certainty is one of the wonderful effects that human beings experience when they are in Unity with Source , as I explained about "The Devil's Office" in Mpumalanga. If certainty is the fruit of Unity , doubt-as indeterminacy between two decisions or two judgments- is the daughter of darkness .
The popular proverb says that "Doubts are sowed by the devil"
One of the consequences of poorly managed doubt is insecurity, something much more common than we think. It is not something that only affects insecure people, the safe ones also suffer it although they manage it in a better way, as long as they are not in reality a tremendous insecure pretending security . It is normal that this is so, because we live in a society that fosters Dissonance and consequently doubt. The psychological stress and anxiety that is provoked to us are self-interpreted as insecurity. From there to low self-esteem there is only one small step. Many people suffer from low self-esteem, which greatly limits their abilities and irreparably takes them away from happiness, that word so worn that it should be a right and not a chimera. In severe cases, the deficit of esteem with oneself can degenerate into psychological and even physical illnesses.
The Cognitive Dissonance, rather its ignorance, has led some to draw an aberrant conclusion. For some people, among them scientists supported by their experiments, the human being is happier when they direct him, when he has less freedom. If in their experiments people prefer to have few possibilities of choice, which is true, does not mean that we have any attachment to servitude, slavery or tyranny. If humans have lived and live without freedom, it is not for pleasure and it is abhorrent that someone can justify it as if it were the product of an inevitable human weakness .
Perhaps it does not seek to justify the dictators of the past, already condemned by society (except in Spain where the tyrant Francisco Franco remains active in many monuments, politicians and judges), but to those dictatorial regimes of those hundreds of films futuristic that Hollywood indoctrinates us.The list is long, but to name a few The Hunger Games, Oblivion, Divergent, The Island, Demolition Man, Minority Report, Resident Evil, Total Challenge, Watchmen, Dark city, V for vendetta, Equilibrium, Elysium, Battlefield Earth, Gattaca, Daybreakers, Insurgente, 2033, Terminator, Metropolis, Vice, Sin city, Persecuted, Robocop, 2013 Rescue in Los Angeles, Snowpiercer, Yo robot (and many more) and success series such as The Strain, Revolution, Falling Skies or Defiance .
Compliance or applause to totalitarian regimes, another of the many
tentacles of Jehovah's curse / manipulation / Enlil
All are films that prepare our minds to accept a new form of political organization , which make tyranny everyday, as they have done for a long time with violence. I am talking about the New World Order -NWO- which is not an illuminati or Zionist invention, but that was already put into practice in the Jesuit reductions of the seventeenth-seventeenth century, in South America, see "Final game with three bands".
But as much as they bombard our subconscious, to affirm that the human being prefers to have little freedom is a great falsehood, there is no living being that does not love to be free. Moreover , the more awareness you have, the more you appreciate and love to Freedom. What the experiments indicate, and our experience as therapists, is that the human being is afraid of having to decide and take responsibility for doing so. And why that fear? Exactly, it is because of the Cognitive Dissonance and the punishing chain consequent of the " Temptation >> Sin >> Punishment << Guilt / Remorse ". This, and the anxiety that causes us, is what scares us and is what makes us run away as if we had seen the coconut.
The explanation of those experiments and that dictatorial regimes - or those disguised as free democracies Spain today - can be "acceptable" or kind to some is in the unconscious and Jehovah's happy punishment for having bitten the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge /Cognition. The only thing that can be accused to the human being is to try to avoid that punishment and its unpleasant consequences. Wars would be fought without soldiers if they had to kill someone by their own decision , but they do so with determination when they receive orders or do so for their king , their homeland or their god. When a superior force decides for us, the Dissonance disappears and with it the remorse, the doubts and the guilt. The curse of Jehovah stretches its black tentacles around us like a giant octopus that survives all civilizations .
This is also the reason why social groups that demand acts very opposed to almost all human belief systems, such as killing, tend to have a strong chain of command. This minimizes the inherent psychological problems . This is the case of mafia cartels, armies and some secret societies. The image of the left, which in itself is already a disturbing and offensive dissonance, the legionaries pay tribute to the "Christ of the Good Death" in Spanish Holy Week. The photo is current, "Marca España".
Procession of the "Christ of the Good Death", there are too many words.
It is not about justifying the passivity and submission that many people seem to live with the amount of abuse and lies that surrounds them, but to denounce that the brain of these people may be pushing them, deliberately and without their knowledge, to act like that. It is demonstrated that Cognitive Dissonance and its "collateral damages" are not activated if they force us to do something against our will. At the subconscious level this can cause the person to feel more comfortable with conformist and submissive attitudes , in a reflex similar to that of laboratory mice that know that by pressing a certain button they receive an electric shock or a dose of food.The mental-and chemical-comfort that avoids dissonance and guilt, could be the explanation also for such incredible things as there are totalitarian parties that win elections, and I do not mean North Korea but Spain, year 2015 .
Although the subtle threat of Cognitive Dissonance conditions our individual and collective life for millennia, we have not remained idle and we have learned to defend ourselves . The price to pay for our autonomy as a species has been high, but in reality, the damage does not lie so much in the Dissonance itself, but in the defense mechanisms developed in our mind to avoid the anxiety that causes us to experience it. If Jehovah's punishment was sin, guilt and remorse, his effective antidote is self-justification and chocolate ice cream.
Hieroglyph: Cognitive Dissonance and its Antidote
Self-justification - or self - deception - is the most widespread method and usually gives excellent results, who has never tried it before. However, it has a very cumbersome side effect, because it alone generates one of the largest amounts of that weary mental noise that keeps us busy all day . If you do not agree with this statement, I invite you to analyze the mental conversations that your brain keeps - you do not know with whom - and you will see how the binomial fault-self-justification is the usual topic. We spent the day rationalizing what we see,what we do, what we feel, what we say ... This ability is very useful for a scientist in his laboratory, say, but not when he goes on vacation. A rationalization without control can lead you to replace the experience with the mental self-report of the experience .
It replaces the contemplation of a work of art for its mental story-rationalization-that we make of that work, in a process of gradual distancing between the human being and the wonderful experience of feeling . Currently, in a new twist to this process, we already replace the self-report of the work we contemplate by videotaping or taking a selfie. Less work, now we do not even have to think about telling what we see, the iphone of the company of the bite in the apple does it for us. Progress.
We no longer live the sunsets, we make a selfie and publish it on Instagram. The image is not enjoyed, it is stored directly in the memory, but not in ours, but in the mobile phone. It is worth noting that the word "experience" does not exist in the dictionary, although it should, but every time we are further away from its potential meaning, we are increasingly using the word to live more for below its possibilities .
However, the consequences of self-justification are more visible when they are projected outward (then self-deception disappears) and invade the realm of social relations. ¿ Who has not supremely bored listening to the endless justifications of his interlocutor? The person who is only worried in his self-justification loses the ability to listen to the interlocutor, because instead of trying to understand his words or empathize with them, he is focused on his inner dialogue and on what he is going to say next . The richness of the conversation is lost and the person is isolated from the thoughts of others, since they never penetrate the most superficial and temporal layer of thought.
The self-justification carried to its maximum reaches the point of making disappear determined events that generate anxiety, either by the Dissonance or by its emotional content. Scientists have shown that the need for justification goes beyond all truth. In one of them, a group was asked to choose a photo of a woman from a group of slides according to their attractiveness. Then he taught it again to justify his choice, but before they were given the exchange for another image. The surprising thing is that only rarely did people realize the change, the majority justified their decision with vehemence. Justify and confirm to avoid Cognitive Dissonance leads us to lie, even to ourselves.
Anti-dissonance defense mechanisms: Self-
justification or "deceiving oneself", or a little bit
With the mechanism of self-justification at full power, "complete" events of our consciousness disappear as if by magic. "El Mago" is so good that he not only knows how to deceive us easily, but also that he has managed to make us ourselves .
But our mind has a wide repertoire of defense mechanisms and resistances capable of keeping us away from Cognitive Dissonance and the relevant anxiety. Another is that we modify our criteria to break the conflict that is generated before the equality between two opposing beliefs or behaviors. It is an induced modification as a defense against Dissonance, but we love to believe that we have taken it with total freedom and autonomy. All magicians are excited to make us believe this, either in front of an urn or in front of a stage. Many false flag attacks respond to this sophisticated way of changing our beliefs. The truth is that We sell ourselves by a handful of endorphins that calm our anxiety.
A "El Mago" loves generate dissonance because it is a way to shape our beliefs to their desires without us realize that we are being led to it.
The human brain is wisely programmed to avoid anxiety, a wise survival mechanism as we will see later. Paradoxically we live in a world designed to generate that anxiety , a society sown with opportunities to fall into cognitive contradictions, we only need to watch a television news program full of news that tests our beliefs and our own humanity. For this reason, almost as a survival mechanism , many people opt for the comfortable and safe option of not thinking too much about things. Maybe so, seeing a child blown up by a missile in Gaza or literally fossilized alive by hunger may be more digestible. As I said so many times,"Nobody said that the Truth was easy" and "The Magician" takes advantage of it.
Many other people restrict their cognitive world to the "group" , since in their bosom the collective mind prevents dissonances from forming and the few doubts are usually innocuous, like knowing if the goal of Sunday should have been canceled out of play. It is the key to the success of the gregarious sense that the human being manifests so often.
In my opinion, treating these people as "sheep" is an act of arrogance and ignorance. Without defending this option of life, much less, I only say that you can not judge happily and that, if you do so, at least consider the mitigating factor of " defense mechanism" . It is just one more strategy that we have been forced to implement to survive, with a minimum of sanity , in a hostile world that is already beginning to take shape in our own minds .
Anti-dissonance defense mechanisms:
belonging to the "group "
Another anti-dissonance defense, very popular, is that sport that almost everyone has practiced on some occasion, the "not listening" or the "not wanting to see" . When we suspect that admitting certain things will awaken the awkward Dissonance we prefer to go crazy or keep our way of seeing things up and down, even knowing that deep down we are not right or that we are defending an evident error.
And I'm not just talking about your boss in the office ...
Anti-dissonance defense mechanisms: "There is
no deaf but he does not want to hear"
As we see, the consequences of the punishment of Jehovah and the Tree of Knowledge / Cognition are varied and few get rid of them. The "Cognitive Dissonance" has the annoying property of expelling us abruptly from "our beloved comfort zone" , which has led us to develop a multitude of strategies to avoid it, to the point where it has been but the remedy that sickens it . They are behavioral mechanisms that in no way enrich the experience of living but quite the opposite.
Harmony, peace, truth, happiness, strength, are some of the traveling companions that we have been losing on the long road of exile that began when Jehovah expelled us from paradise for having grown up and having known sexual sin. The sin of procreating among us, of bringing new humans to the planet and above, doing it for love.
But the curse of Jehovah and his people does not end there. On Red and Blue Dissociation we have already spoken on other occasions but it is important to do it again in this new context because it will expand our understanding of a subject that is not anecdotal, although it may seem so.
2 · Red and Blue Dissociation
Dissociation ( or "separation of two or more things that were joined ") is a brain process that involves a momentary alteration in thoughts during which certain information that comes to mind is not associated or integrated with others, as in normal conditions. That is, there are times when we are not aware of what we are thinking and therefore the brain is recording things without us noticing or simply experiencing things that have not happened .
This is because the neural network of the conscious suffers a fall and the subconscious for a moment takes control.The network of the unconscious, always hidden in the background, is now at the superficial level of our mind and therefore it is very easy to communicate and influence directly on it . To understand ourselves it is as if, for brief moments, we enter a hypnotic flash that we do not notice.
The "Red and Blue Dissociation" will prepare an ideal scenario for "The Wizard" to execute his tricks.
In psychology, a dissociation refers to a distancing from reality or between physical and emotional experience. It is a very serious issue and deserves a dedicated article where to denounce, for example, the tortures of sensory isolation created to generate it and the multiple experiments of mind control that invariably start from generating this dissociation in the first instance. At this moment and for the purposes of collective mental manipulation, we are going to focus only on the "Red and Blue Dissociation".
The red-blue dissociation is a cerebral dissociation between the two hemispheres, which occurs because our brain processes those colors separately in the two hemispheres of the brain ...
This phenomenon has been known for a long time because it is what allows the classic vision with glasses in three dimensions, whose lenses are of different colors. Two different images, one red and the other blue, are captured separately by our eyes and sent to the brain, where when they come together they create the illusion of a new three-dimensional image .
This phenomenon is the reason why the popular image of the Divine Mercy is the only case, that I know, in which the code 666 is implanted only by looking at it . We dedicate an entire article to the picture of Jesus with the two red and blue rays coming out of his heart, an image that Pope Francis has brought back to life by announcing by surprise a significant extraordinary jubilee dedicated to her. It will be at the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in December 2015, Francisco and the Jesuits ride again.
The properties of this combination of colors are known by the police who use it in their sirens and by soccer clubs from around the world that wear it in their kit, like FC Barcelona , San Lorenzo de Buenos Aires, Atlante de México , the Basel of Switzerland, the Steaua of Bucharest, the Bayern of Munich (in 2015), etc. Many want to take advantage of the mental distortion of red and blue, which, however brief or small, has promising possibilities.
There are even those who dare to distort the properties of red and blue to give the news, with what purpose? The messages that are directed to us in a state in which the subconscious has taken over for a few seconds, will be recorded at a deep level without our knowing it. Manipulating has never been easier.
In moments of suspension of consciousness by dissociation, people are very permeable to any outside influence. This is known to the political parties, who often share the red and blue, since they are based on the ease with which their propaganda penetrate and implant the minds of the voters. On the other hand we have already explained in "Everything for the Kurds that bipartisanship is only a reflection of the religious duality (good and evil) initiated in Manichaeism , which in turn is a direct inheritance of the two sides in which originally The ancient Sumerian Anunnaki gods are divided and fought, it is a conflict that humans We have inherited and perpetuated through duality and bipartisanship. The Red and Blue dissonance bears his signature.
The importance of this peculiar phenomenon of our neural machinery becomes evident when we see that the great experts in algorithms, the programmers of Google, are already experimenting with the commercial exploitation of the "red and blue dislocation". It is not conspiracy fantasy, it is something admitted by Google's own managers, who have acknowledged being responsible for the mysterious WebDriver Torso Youtube account (although they have not explained their true intentions).
One of the thousands of videos that
Google uploads on Youtube
In Torso WebDriver, more than 300 videos with red and blue squares are moving every day in order to experience the behavior of the users in the Red and Blue dissociation. That despite the fact that the slogan with which Google was created is "Do not be evil" , a little sarcasm.
The Red-Blue Dissociation is a modern experiment, in fact it all started with the Divine Mercy in 1934. The Cognitive Dissonance already has a few more centuries, but it was also a long-term experiment (the different life cycles of those who they created it they allow to make them through many human generations). An experiment of success, judging by the cruel history that the human being has lived, that however normalized it is, it is still terribly sadistic. A success that is confirmed in our modern times, in which the privileged - those who eat and drink of everything without limits - we can not even enjoy our privileges,either by cancer, by depression, by loneliness, by addiction or by suicide. Of course, we are a very advanced society that is strongly opposed to experiments with animals. It's a pity that we still ignore - and we will BOTH - the experiments with humans.