By Alex Christopher
The symbol of power in the days of the Roman Republic, of the Roman Empire, and. later, of
Benito Mussolini's Fascist government in Italy. Fasces consisted of a bundle of birch Of elm
rods bound together by a red strap. The blade of an ax projected from the bundle. Servants
called lectors carried these bundles ahead of such officials as magistrates, governors, and
emperors. The fasces stood for the official's power to punish people or put them to death, and
also symbolized unity. Fasces also appear on the back of some American dimes.
A FASCIST form of government is headed, in most cases, by a dictator. It involves total
government control of political, economic, cultural, religious, and social activities.
Fascism resembles Communism. But unlike Communism, which calls for the government to
own all industry, fascism allows industry to remain in private ownership, though under
government control. Other important features of fascism include extreme patriotism, war like
policies, and persecution of minorities.
Political life. In most cases, fascists have come to power after a nation has suffered an
economic collapse, a military defeat, or some other disaster. The fascists win mass support by
promising to revive the economy and to restore national pride. They may also appeal to a fear
of Communism or a hatred of Jews and other minorities. In time, the fascists may gain control
of the government through peaceful elections or by force.
After the fascist party takes power, its members replace the men and women in the executive,
judicial, and legislative branches of the government. In most cases, on individual usually a
dictator with great popular appeal becomes the leader of the government. Sometimes, a
committee ofpany members holds the government leadership. Fascists permit no other political
party and no opposition to their policies.
The fascist desire for national glory leads to an increase in military spirit and a build-up of the
armed forces. After the military forces become strong enough. they may invade and occupy
other countries.
Economic life. A fascist government permits and even encourages private enterprise as long as
such activity serves the government's goals. However, the government maintains strict control
of industry to make sure it produces what the nation needs. The government discourages
imports by putting high tariffs on certain essential products or by banning imports of those
products. It does not want to depend on other countries for such vital products as oil and steel.
The government also forbids strikes so that production will not be interrupted. Fascism outlaws
labor unions and replaces them with a network of organizations in the major industries. These
organizations, which consist of both workers and employers, are called corporations, but they
differ from those in other countries. Fascist corporations supposedly represent both labor and
management. In reality, these corporations are controlled by the government. Through the
corporations, the government determines wages, hours, and production goals. As a result, a
fascist country is sometimes called a corporative state.
Personal liberty is severely limited under a fascist government. For example, the government
limits travel to other countries and restricts any contact with their people. The government also
controls the newspapers, radio, and other means of communication in its country. It issues
propaganda to promote its policies, and it practices strict censorship to silence opposing views.
All children are required to join youth organizations, where they exercise, march, and learn
fascist beliefs. A secret police force crushes and resistance. Opposition my lead to
imprisonment, torture, and death.
Fascists consider all other peoples inferior to those of their own nationality group. As a result, a
fascist government may persecute or even kill Gypsies, Jews, or members of other minority
The word fascism comes from ancient Roman symbols of authority called fasces. Many
historians trace the beginning of modem fascism to Napoleon I, who ruled France as a dictator
during the early 1800's. Napoleon carried out many liberal reforms and was not a true fascist. But fascists later adopted many of his methods. Napoleon promised his people that he would
restore the glory of France through military conquest. To prevent opposition, he established one
of the first secret police systems. Napoleon also controlled the French press and used
propaganda and strict censorship to win support of his programs.
Now let us take a look at some of the places that we can find the symbol of fascism in our own
country. Take a look at your old Mercury head dimes on the back you will find the symbol of the
fasci. Next you will find the fasci on the Seal of our Senate, the Seal of the National Guard of
the United States, and last but not least or last of the list is the wall behind the speaker in
Congress has two huge fasci hanging on it.
These are very serious and dangerous times. The average gullible American has absolutely no
thoughts as to what is about to come upon him. Awake! Awake! This is a very serious and
dangerous anti-Christian and anti-Christ, ( anti-Christ means any opponent or enemy of Christ,
whether it is a person or a power and is a false claimant of the attributes and characteristics of
Christ. A denier of Christianity) movement that has been working politically and socially since
the French Revolution to destroy the sovereignty or this Nation and all nations around the world.
This secret society came first in Europe during the French Revolution, and from there to Russia.
George Washington, even though he was a deceived Freemason, was nevertheless a loyal
American, and was very aware of this International Revolutionary force to destroy all governments and religions in his own time. The secret society of the Illuminati founded in 1776 came
creeping into American even when the 13 original colonies were united.
However, even before the colonies were united, the Constitution adopted, and our Republic
established, fifteen Lodges of the Order of the Illuminati were formed in the thirteen Colonies.
This was the Colombian faction of the Illuminati and it formed the Columbia Lodge of the
Order of the Illuminati and was established in New York City in 1785 the New Empire of the
York. Rite Mason's which were here to establish the New World Order to do away with the, The
Old World Order. Members of this group were and included Governor DeWitt Clinton, and
later Clinton Roosevelt; see the Clinton's have always been bad news, Charles Dana and Horace
Greeley. The following year a Lodge was established in Virginia with which was identified
Thomas Jefferson strongly defended him as an enthusiastic philanthropist.
George Washington sent a letter to a G. W. Snyder in which he stated: "It is not my intention to
doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread to the
United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."
"The idea I meant to convey was that I did believe the Lodges of Freemasonry in this country
had, as societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets".
Russia is a perfect example today of what the Illuminati. plans are for the world. There are about
I 1/3 billion persons, or about a third of the world's population, who now live under Communist
rule. Contrary to what they would have you believe Russia has not done always with
communism in that country it only looks that way to you because of the media propaganda that
you are getting.
Political Science: is a plan to keep people in fear to control and keep your focus out of focus and
off of the important things that is going on so that you don't get to smart or have time to think
and figure things out so you can cause trouble for them. They keep your back bent over working
your hands to the bone and keep just enough turmoil going in the world to put you and your family in a state of fear. Fear of, are you going to be able to work, will you be able to make
the mortgage payments on everything so you can keep the house, car, furniture and your sanity.
They want everyone to live in a state of STRESS, because stressed people are more open to a
suggestion or solution to make life easier.
There are no accidents, everything is planned.
Sun worship, the worship of Lucifer was camouflaged throughout this world. Those who obeyed
the pagan precepts were actually bowing their knee before Lucifer, not before God the Father.
Their God is not the Christian's God, so remember that when you see, "In God we Trust", all
over your money. etc.. That is their God not ours. And that is their money not ours.
To begin this study, let us take a closer look at the name "Lucifer" itself. The name "Lucifer"
in Latin means "Light-Bearing" and may also mean the planet Venus, which is the "morning star" at "dawn." In Greek mythology, Lucifer was personified as a male figure bearing a
torch. Hence, we have the origin of the light-Bearer of the Olympic eames. The Greek
transliteration of the name of this incarnation of Lucifer in the myth was Teitan. In middle
English his name was Titan, which also meant "Sun-God." A distorted record of the rebellion
of Lucifer and that of the rebel giant Nimrod has been preserved in Greek mythology. Titan, the
personification of Lucifer, was the ancestor of a race of giant humans here on earth who were
overthrown by the Olympian gods. Today. the word titan means "one gigantic in size or
power." The word titanism toady in our language means "spirit of rebellion" or a defense of and
revolt against the established order or authority".
There is one group of people that took the worship of the Sun-God to such a level of belief
which was that for the Sun-eod to bestow life on the world, he needed also to receive life
from it. To show the murderous character of Lucifer displays in people. and what human
beings can be led to do by his false religious spirit, we will explore some of the reasons behind
the rites of human sacrifices.
To some ancient people the heart was the seat and symbol of life, and bleeding hearts of
men and animals were presented. to the sun-eod to maintain him in vigor and enable him to run his course across the sky.
When the Israelites turned their back from their original worship they adopted the worship of
the pagan gods. They too were led by paean high priests to sacrifice human beings. "They
joined themselves also unto Baalpeor and ate the sacrifices of the dead. They sacrificed their
sons and their daughters to Lucifer and shed innocent blood of the children.
The ignorant Israelites were not sacrificing their children to gods, as they thought, but unto
Lucifer. Over 1000 years later, the sacrifices of the Gentiles which the Israelites adopted were
actually "Sacrifices to Lucifer."
As history has documented, that greatest object in pagan worship was the sun, who was
symbolized all over the world as a heavenly bull. The pagans displayed the cosmic god in their
arts as a bull standing on its hind legs with a tail, hoofs and horns, with a man's head and arms,
with a three prong pitchfork in his hand. So the ancient cosmic symbol of the Sun-god, with
hoofs, a tail, horns and a pitchfork, is where we today get our symbol for Lucifer as having
hoofs, a tail, and horns, with a pitchfork in his hand.
In the ancient astrological system, it is the Sun-god who is the ruler and main god of the zodiac.
All the gods of heaven (the stars) were considered offspring of the sun. According to pagan
philosophy, all the star gods you have heard about in school were actually manifestations of the
heat, fire and light which flowed from the sun. It was believed that it was the Sun-god who was
the source of all things, and all the other gods were but emanations of the sun, "flesh of his
flesh." Therefore, all the manifestations of the gods of nature were just manifestations of the
one god, the Sun. whose worship by primitive man was in reality to Satan. Even Lucifer's
name means "Day Star." the "Illuminated One," or "Shining: One."
The word Baalim (the Sun-eodl is a term to describe the whole system of Sun worship.
Augustine said in his book, The City of God, that all the learned pagan doctors declared that all
the chief gods of the Greek-Roman world were "one and the same Jove.
In pagan philosophy, the stars controlled the affairs of the human race. Hence, the science of
Astrology claims to interpret the will of the star gods. The chief star gods of the pagans were the
gods of Astrology, which were believed to be just emanations of the one god, the Sun-god, the
ruler of the Zodiac. Astrology is the foundation of all the pagan sciences of the occult, whose
author is Lucifer, and his spirit guides are his angels.
The eye Omniscience; the All-Seeing: Eye; Divinity; the faculty of intuitive vision. The eye
is a symbol of all sun gods and of their live-giving power of fertilization by the sun; their
power is incarnated in the god-king. It is also the mystic eye; light; enlightenment; knowledge;
the mind; vigilance; fixity of purpose, but also the limitation of the visible. The 1,000 or 10,000
(Remember Bush's 1,000 points of light), eyes of the sky gods are the stars, the eyes of the night, representing omniscience; never-sleeping watchfulness. The "eye" as applied to sacred
architecture is the opening heavenwards in the center of the dome of a temple, cathedral, lodge,
or any other traditionally constructed world center, it represents the solar door giving access to
celestial regions. The eye of the heart is spiritual perception; illumination,; intellectual intuition.
The eye can also depict the androgyny as being formed of the oval female symbol and the circle
of the male.
The single eye is either symbolic of evil as with the Cyclops or monster of destructive power, or
as the single eye of enlightenment, the eye of God and of eternity, the self-contained. A
triangle with an eye in the center is the All seeing Eye, omnipresence and omniscience. In the
occident the right eye is the sun, the eye of the day, and the future, with the left eye as the moon,
the eye of the night, and the past. The peacock feather can take on the symbolism of the eye.
The All-seeing eye is suggested as the Pole Star and illumination; the eye of the mind.
Egg. The Cosmic Egg, also symbolized by the sphere, is the life principle; the undifferentiated
totality; potentiality; the germ of all creation; the primordial matriarchal world of chaos; the
great Round containing the universe; the hidden origin and mystery of being; cosmic time and
space; the beginning; the womb; all seminal existence; the primordial parents; the perfect state
of unified opposite; organic matter in its inert state; resurrection. The cosmic egg is a symbol of
the origin of the universe, suddenly burst asunder, a whole, it had yet contained everything
existing and potential in the limited space of the shell The egg as the origin of the world is
found in Egypt, Phoenicia, India, China, Japan, Greece, Central America, Fiji and Finland. The
golden egg is the sun. The serpent encircling the egg. Out of the egg grows the white flower
(silver), the red flower (gold), and the blue flower, (the flower of the wise). The egg is also the
sealed hermetic vase in which the Great Work (a Masonic term) is consummated. In Egyptian
the Cosmic Egg from which the sun. Ita. was hatched was laid by the Nile Goose. All this was
taken one step further by the secret socialites, and introduced into the Christian religion on our
day of Easter, a celebrated date of the resurrection of Jesus. What most Christians do not know
is that Easter is one of the names given Semiramis. This name is traced back to the pagan
goddess Astarte or Ishtar. In the spring of each year, Ishtar the fertility goddess, was
commemorated by decorating the Ishtar egg, a symbol of impregnation, or fertility. From Ishtar
comes our English word "Easter."
The Phrygian Red cap of Liberty
Is a cap that goes back to ancient Roman times and all though it is called the cap of liberty it
does not necessarily mean your liberty, it is a hat for rebellion and conquest and during the
French Revolution it was worn by the French Illuminati Freemasonry that were overthrowing
the French Monarchy.
These are pictures of the phrygian red cap of Liberty, some
of these pictures are from Masonic books. The design of
the gates guarding the entrance to the Temple of the Grand
Orient de France displays their style. Marianne Maconnique (the statue) is prominent in French Masonic Symbolism with her Phrygian cap on.. Next you see the little red
hat causing trouble all over the world spring up even in the
United States military.

(1) The metal that you see is from the French Revolution days. On the blue background you
will see a red cap of liberty and around the edge are the words, "SOCIETY OF THE
JACOBINS 1793". It is a proven fact that in every county that this Phrygian red cap of liberty
shows up in the country is bound for trouble and to be taken into a Dictatorship.
(2) Notice on these coins from Mexico and Cuba all of the many different symbols for the
Masonic Order such as the Phrygian red cap of liberty, the New Day Dawning or a sunrise, a
Shield, keys, and a wreath. What I have found is that every countries money has Masonic
symbols on it in some fonn.
(3) This is the symbol of the United States Army and War Office as you look on it you will
notice that at the top of a pike is the Phrygian (Iacobin) Red Cap of Liberty. Does this mean that
secret societies have control of our military also?
(4) This is the central symbol on the flag of Nicaragua, where they have been having trouble
in recent time. You will notice that in the center of the Masonic triangle is the Phrygian red cap
of liberty which is the Jacobin society.
That the 6-6-6 shaped Trilateral logo has deep globalist significance is also
revealed in the occult teachings of Alice Bailey, founder of the Lucis Trust and
World Goodwill. In her works, we discover references to a triangle of powers three
major centers (in Britain, "centres") of spiritual and physical influence-being set up
on Earth in the last days by "Sanat Kumara",an occultic code name for Satan.
Could this be a reference to the mission of the Trilateral Commission?
The Order of Skull &
Bones operates as a
Black Lodge of
This is its logo.
The logo, or symbol,
of the
Trilateral Commission.
Lodge -Of:intemational Freemasonry. Bonesmen, as its members refer to
themselves, claim their initiation ritual to be of a special race and caste, while all
those outside the aider are denigrated and described as "vandals and gentiles." I
demonstrate in my book that the influence of Skull & Bones extends far beyond
the hallowed walls of Yale University. Its power is in its clannish alumni. The
present membership of this odious secret society includes former President George
Bush, columnist William F. Buckley, Senator John Kerry, and many others,
However, the Order of Skull & Bones is only one of numerous fraternities, secret
societies, orders and organizations used by the illuminati to recruit its future
The Owl is a symbol of the secret societies (Bohemian Society) because the
owl is wise and they can see things in the
The Trinity is a theological concept of great symbolic importance. The Trinity is the doctrine
of unity of God in three persons. After the tenth century the Holy Spirit was replaced by the
figure of the Dove, or the Trinity. A triangle with its apex pointing upward and "God's eye"
inside it, is another symbol of the Trinity. Other traditional symbols of the Trinity include three
overlapping circles, three arcs enclosed by a circle, (as referring to a rainbow), the three leaf
clover, the Tau cross with three arms of equal length, the Y-shaped "fork" cross, three tendrils
on a grapevine, a pair of scales with three weights. All of these are used in Freemasonry.
The Triads are distinguished from Trinities in that the latter are a three-in-one while the
members of Triads are distinct, such as the Astrological Sun-Moon-Venus, the Zoroastrian
Fire-Light-Ether, and the Taoist Great Triad of Heaven-Man-Earth, the divine, the human and
the natural, with man the mediator between the celestial and terrestrial. The Triad, like the
Trinity is often symbolized by a triangle, sometimes by a trident.
In Taoism the Tortoise. one of the four Spiritually Endowed Creatures, represents the Triad,
with the upper shell as the waters and the earth, and the central body as man. Tortoise, the
waters; the moon; the earth Mother; the beginning of creation; time; immortality; fecundity;
regeneration. The tortoise is frequently depicted as the support of the world as the beginning of
creation and the all-sustaining. The tortoise represents the mass confuse. The Cosmic Tree
grows out of the back of the tortoise. The Four Spiritually Endowed, or sacred, Creatures, with
the dragon, phoenix and ky-lin; it represents the watery element, the yin principle. Winter, the
northern region and the color black, the color of primordial chaos. The tortoise is also called the
Black Warrior, and then becomes strength, endurance and longevity. The dragon and tortoise
banner was carried by the imperial anny as a symbol of indestructibility since both creatures
survive a fight, the dragon being unable to crush the tortoise and the tortoise being unable to
reach the dragon. The tortoise frequently appears with the crane as a longevity symbol.
Upon pasting through the entrance to a
Masonic Temple you enter what is called
the "Great -Hall" where they conduct
their business of the day.
In modem occultism, the initiate, if once a Christian,
must take a ceramic cross, tum it upside down and break
the cross-har downwards to show he or she has rejected
his faith. Ignorant Christians wear this thinking it is a
sign for peace. The origin of the word peace was stamped
on this because, when a witch casts its spells, they get
peace or mind after breaking the cross.
The Peace Sign
The Rainbow is the modem 1980's version of the peace
sign. However, the veiled deception of this evil occult
sign borrowed from God's word, means today that the
Luciferians are building a rainbow bridge between
man and the over-soul who is Lucifer. Read Hidden
Dangers of the Rainbow.
The Lambskin or white leather apron, which is
an emblem of innocence, and the badge of a
Mason; more ancient than the Golden Fleece
or Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star
or Garter. Masonry has used the lamb, which
in the Old Testament has always been
representative of the coming Messiah.
The symbol that is used to represent the entrance to Solomon's Temple are two pillars set up in
front of the porch of King Solomon's Temple. The one on the right, the other on the left. The
one on the left is called Boaz, and signifies strength, the one on the right Jachin, and signifies to
establish. In strength I shall establish my kingdom. These pillars were thirty and five cubits in
height and were adorned with chapters of five cubits, making forty cubits
They were adorned with lily work, net work and pomegranates, denoting peace, unity and
plenty. The lily from its purity denotes peace, the net work from the intimate connections of its
several parts denotes unity, and the pomegranates from the exuberance of its seed, denotes
plenty.They were further adorned with globules or balls, representing globes celestial and
terrestrial and signified universality of Masonry.
By order in architecture is meant a system of all the members. proportions, and ornaments of
columns and pilaster; or. it is a regular arrangement of the projecting parts of a building, which,
united with those of a column, from a beautiful. perfect, and complete whole. From the first
formation of society, order in architecture'may be traced.. When the rigor of seasons obliged
men to contrive shelter from the inclemency of the weather. we learn they first planted trees
on end and then laid others across to support a covering or canopy. The bands which
connected those trees at top and bottom are said to have given rise to the idea of the base
and capital of pillars. and from this simple hint originally proceeded the more improved
art of architecture. The five orders are thus classed The Toscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite.
The ancient and original orders of
Architecture revered by Masons are no
more than three: the Doric Ionic and
Corinthian. which were invented by
the Greeks. To these the Romans have
added two: the Toscan. which they
made plainer than the Doric; and the Composite, which was more ornamental, if not more beautiful, than the
Corinthian. The first three orders
alone, however, show invention and
particular character, and essentially
differ from each other; the two others
have nothing but what is borrowed,
and differ only accidentally; the Tucson is the Corinthian enriched with the Ionic. To the Creeks, therefor, and not
to the Romans, are we indebted for
what is great, judicious and distinct in Architecture. They also allude to the five senses of
human nature - hearing, seeing, feeling. smelling and tasting.
Hiram Abiff, a workman of King Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, some how became the focal
point in a ritual that is performed in the initiation of a Mason. Hiram Abiff, was slain and then
was supposedly raise out of the grave to eternal life. In the ritual today the initiate is
supposedly raised out of the grave by the lion's paw, (master mason) to eternal life.
Hiram Abiff, was in possession of a secret password, known as the grand Masonic word which at one time was,..... Jehovah". but is now "Mah-Hah-Bone" He was also a workman in brass and other metals at King Solomon's temple.
Hiram Abiff, was in possession of a secret password, known as the grand Masonic word which at one time was,..... Jehovah". but is now "Mah-Hah-Bone" He was also a workman in brass and other metals at King Solomon's temple.
A mason in a lodge room may not always realize that the designs, set-ups and movements are
based on worship of the sun, and generative forces of nature as practiced by the sex cults in
ancient times.

To start, we need to study the symbol system of the Sun-god worshipers. The serpent which was
said to be the very thing Satan used to deceive Adam and Eve became eventually one of the
most sacred symbols of Sun worship! The serpent became a symbol of the "Great Benefactor
and Healer" of mankind. The serpent was worshipped as the "God of Healing" and
"Life-Restorer. The serpent, the god of healing, was generally represented in the pagan arts
entwined on a stick. staff or a slock of a tree.

Here we find the origin of the strange symbol that the American Medical Association (AMA)
uses today. This medical insignia was originally the symbol of the Egyptian god Hermes, thus
came the word hennetic. The word hermetic means the hidden knowledge of magic, occult
sciences. Not only was the serpent worshipped by the ignorant pagans as "The Great
Benefactor" for mankind, the serpent ironically enough was worshipped also as the "The Great
Enlightener." In Egypt, one of the common symbols of the sun. or sun god, is a disc with a
serpent around it. The original reason of that identification seems just to have been that. as the
sun was the great enlightener of the physical world, so the serpent was held to have been the
great enlightener of the spiritual, by giving mankind the "Knowledge of Good and Evil."
The pagan wreath encircling the glove
is also used as the emblem of the
United Nations. To Masons who understand the symbology, the U.N. is a
continuation of the one-world project
begun by Bacchus "the seed of Cush,
or Nimrod.
Likewise, world government has always been the goal of Freemasonry.
Hence, tile ivy wreath around the
Square and Compass, as pictured in
Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, identifies the Brotherhood with
Nimrod's Mystery Babylonian world
The 33rd degree Mason Almand Hammer owned stock in this company.
Square and Compass with "G", "Arm
and Hammer", and "Hammer and
Sickle" in the center.
The ancient Mayans of the Yucatan in Mexico worshipped the serpent god under the name of Can. Can means "serpent" in the Mayan language, as Can or A-Can was the ancient Sumerian and Ancient Scottish word for serpent. Here we find the origin of our word canny, shred or serpent like. The Babylonians worshipped Con the serpent and Vul, the god of fire. The Romans simply combined the two words into "Vulcan," the Roman god of fire from when also comes our word "volcano."

This seems to be how the Mayans and Mexicans named their goods. They too combined two
words to describe their serpent god. "Kulkul" means "beautiful bird" and "Can," serpent. .
Hence, "Kulkulcan," which means "Bird Serpent" in the Mayan language. This is the exact
same meaning for Quetzalcoatl, The Mexican pagan messiah in central Mexico.
Interestingly enough, the cosmic symbol for Quetzalcoatl was a feathered serpent! Here is
another interesting observation.
The origin of the word "Vatican" also derived from two words. The Latin word "vatic" or "vatis" means "prophet or soothsayer:' The combined word, "Vatican," appears to mean "divination by the serpent"! The symbol for Astrology is often shown in pagan arts as a serpent in a circular position with his tail in his mouth. This represented eternal life.
There is the strong evidence from Scripture that the serpent originally had wings and flew, instead of having legs as the evolutionists say.
The feathered serpent that has been displayed in pagan arts and worshipped as the god of healing, is none other but "that Old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world."
While Satan changed the image of the serpent into something to be adored and worshipped, the goat, from antiquity, symbolized the Devil. The goat. known for its agility, stubborn character and having its own way, is what Astrologers say people are who are born under the sign of Capricorn. the He-Goat. Witches in the Middle Ages were widely reputed to worship the Devil in the form of a goat. In southern Europe the site where the witches met was called a synagogue; in Germany it was called a blocksberg. These meeting usually took place at midnight. It was brought out during the trials that witches claimed they came to their meetings by being carried by the Devil; others were able to fly by anointing themselves with oils from the bodies of murdered infants; still others rode broomsticks, or a cow or a goat.
It is interesting enough, however, that these modern witches exalt the hom gods and the pagan goddesses such as the Egyptian pagan trinity Oriris, Isis, Horus, which originated in the worship of the Sun, his wife Semiranis (the moon), and Tammuz (the Morning Star).
Modem day witches who worship the gods of cosmic forces claim now to work magic and cast spells for the general good of the community. This kind of witchcraft is called white magic. Those who practice casting spells that injure people practice what is known as Black Magic.
The group called Wicca which mean "Witch", is, however, nature worship. Just as the ancient Ball worshippers in Babylonia believed it was the cosmic Star gods that were responsible for pouring out the rain from Heaven and caused fertility among the plants and mankind, so do these ignorant people in these modem witch covens teach their little ones these things.
Kings of pagan nations often were considered the incarnation of the Sun-god, and to identify with the Sun-god the kings would adopt the name of his god.
Baal worship was basically a fertility cult that taught its followers that the Sun-god and Moon-goddess controlled the seasons, brought fertility.
The Pentagram symbolism is based on that of the number five which, according to Astrology, stands for the living world of nature. such as Air, Fire Water, Earth, and the Spirit, or the five senses, of their god and pagan goddess who used the elements, according to witchcraft, to create the Universe.

The number five in Astrology also represents the four directions and the center, for the five
senses (smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing).
These people of these secret groups see themselves as a microcosm (miniature universe); to the point that they think themselves as rulers of nature, and as the miniature image, the potential master of all things. So, the Pentagram (five pointed Star) with one of its point projecting upwards is imagined in Witchcraft as a man's body with arms and legs extended, and is a symbol of the dominance of the divine spirit.
Then they are portrayed as good people, who fight
against the evil forces of this world such as
"Wonder Woman," with her sign of white magic
(the Pentagram) displayed on her forehead. It is
said that a reversed Pentagram with two points
upward is a symbol of Black Magic, and of those
who do worship the Devil. The two points of the
star pointed upwards suggests the horns of the
Devil symbolized as a goat attacking the Heavens
with his horns. This five pointed star which has
two points upward was, and is today worn as an amulet by open Devil worshippers, and by many modem day magicians and wizards.
Doesn't it give you chills to know that they who call themselves Freemasons, and the ladies who call themselves "The Order of the Eastern Star" display this evil sign in their lodges?

There are many sects of modern witchcraft today, and many variations found in their rituals. In
some covens the cakes they use in their communion are made into the shape of a crescent,
which is the symbol of the Moon-goddess. These cakes, by the way, are make of salt, honey,
wine, meal, oil and in some covens, blood. They are eaten in honor of the Egyptian god Horus
or whatever god the coven exalts. The crescent is also representative of the female sex organs.
In ancient witchcraft the cakes were round with a cross drawn on them that represented the first letter of the name of the ancient dead and risen pagan messiah "Tammuz," who was the incarnation of the Sun-god, and the son of the MOON goddess (the Queen of Heaven). Even the Israelites, when they turned from the worship of our Creator, made these same cakes that honored the pagan Queen of Heaven and her god-child Tammuz.
Today, the Roman Catholic Church dedicates these same cakes to the Virgin Mary whom they ironically call the Queen of Heaven. These cakes are called by Roman Catholics "Hot Cross Buns." The name of this pagan goddess the Israelites worshipped and dedicated these cakes to is found in Judges 2: 13. Her name to the Israelites was Ashtaroth. To the early Romans her name was Venus, the goddess of love.
The Sun-god and Moon-goddess who created the whole Universe, according to these witches. To honor this pagan belief, a ritual called "The Great Rite" is strictly observed among these so-called "good" witches. Since the High Priest in a coven is believed to be the incarnation of Pan, the Sun-god, and the High Priestess is the incarnation of the Queen of Heaven, the Moon-goddess when they perform "The Great Rite" ritual, which is engaging in sacred prostitution.
To try to understand any of this perversion so you can teach others how to avoid it, the reader simply needs to realized that this abominable practice of sacred prostitution found today in modem witchcraft is nothing new. All ancient heathen worship of the Sun-gods had within its philosophies Phallicism. What is Phallicism? It is the veneration and worship of male and female sex organs. The union of male and female organs is symbolized in witchcraft as a point within a circle, and also as two triangles uniting to make a "Hexagram," better known today as the "Star of David." The truth is, King David of Israel never carried this emblem that is now the symbol of IsraeL This emblem was adopted from witchcraft by some Jewish priests who had explored deep into the Babylonian religion during their captivity in Babylon. From here sprang witchcraft in another garb called the Cabala.

Often the Hexagram is displayed as a symbol of the 7 planets that serpentine their way through the Zodiac. The Sun in the center is displayed in a circle with a point in its center.
The chief gods of the Zodiac, which were but emanations of the Sun-god, all had a sacred number. To keep it short and to the point and to help us understand why this mysterious number 666 was given to john of the Revelation, warning us not to be identified with it, it is necessary now to examine some ancient pagan numerology.
Ancient Astrology teaches that one of the sacred numbers of the Chief god of the Zodiac (the sun) was the number one. The Sun symbol, we saw earlier was a Heavenly Bull and a serpent.
Originally. the letters of the various alphabets had. and still have to some extent, a numerical significance. The English language has lost track of this, for there are no numbers that identify with each letter of our alphabet. The first letter of the alphabet in many languages still carries with it a reference to the Sun-god (one) whose main symbol was either a serpent or a bull. Take. for instance, the first letter in the Hebrew and Chaldee alphabet. It was a symbol of a bull and sometimes the buffalo.
To honor the Sun. the god (one), the Heavenly Bull-god, the first day of the week (Sunday) and the first of everything was dedicated to the bull-god as sacred. The first day of the month, the first day of the year. the first born son and the first fruits of the harvest and of the flocks, were kept sacred and dedicated to him.
The number 2 in ancient Astrology is considered a female number and a symbol for the Mother goddess who, according to pagan belief. is the second member of the godhead.
The number 3 is a sacred number identified with the pagan godhead of Baal, Ishtar, and Tammuz. Some times the number 3 represented a triple aspect of the Sun-god as the ruler of Heaven. While the sun appeared in the sky it was symbolized as a Heavenly Bull. The Serpent was the symbol of the sun in the spiritual realm of things. However, when the sun sinks into the Western ocean at the end of the day and spends the night in the realm of darkness and the dead, he then becomes the fish god, Lord of the Underworld. The Fish-god was known as Dagon. This name Dagon, is" derived by combining two words. nag means Fish, and On means Sun. Hence, the part man and part fish gods worshipped in the Old World. To the Romans he was Neptune, who was ever displayed in ancient Roman arts as part man, part fish, with a pitchfork in his hand.

The Pope declares in his
own words "New Day Dawning" 70s
The ancient Mayans of the Yucatan in Mexico worshipped the serpent god under the name of Can. Can means "serpent" in the Mayan language, as Can or A-Can was the ancient Sumerian and Ancient Scottish word for serpent. Here we find the origin of our word canny, shred or serpent like. The Babylonians worshipped Con the serpent and Vul, the god of fire. The Romans simply combined the two words into "Vulcan," the Roman god of fire from when also comes our word "volcano."
The origin of the word "Vatican" also derived from two words. The Latin word "vatic" or "vatis" means "prophet or soothsayer:' The combined word, "Vatican," appears to mean "divination by the serpent"! The symbol for Astrology is often shown in pagan arts as a serpent in a circular position with his tail in his mouth. This represented eternal life.
There is the strong evidence from Scripture that the serpent originally had wings and flew, instead of having legs as the evolutionists say.
The feathered serpent that has been displayed in pagan arts and worshipped as the god of healing, is none other but "that Old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world."
While Satan changed the image of the serpent into something to be adored and worshipped, the goat, from antiquity, symbolized the Devil. The goat. known for its agility, stubborn character and having its own way, is what Astrologers say people are who are born under the sign of Capricorn. the He-Goat. Witches in the Middle Ages were widely reputed to worship the Devil in the form of a goat. In southern Europe the site where the witches met was called a synagogue; in Germany it was called a blocksberg. These meeting usually took place at midnight. It was brought out during the trials that witches claimed they came to their meetings by being carried by the Devil; others were able to fly by anointing themselves with oils from the bodies of murdered infants; still others rode broomsticks, or a cow or a goat.
It is interesting enough, however, that these modern witches exalt the hom gods and the pagan goddesses such as the Egyptian pagan trinity Oriris, Isis, Horus, which originated in the worship of the Sun, his wife Semiranis (the moon), and Tammuz (the Morning Star).
Modem day witches who worship the gods of cosmic forces claim now to work magic and cast spells for the general good of the community. This kind of witchcraft is called white magic. Those who practice casting spells that injure people practice what is known as Black Magic.
The group called Wicca which mean "Witch", is, however, nature worship. Just as the ancient Ball worshippers in Babylonia believed it was the cosmic Star gods that were responsible for pouring out the rain from Heaven and caused fertility among the plants and mankind, so do these ignorant people in these modem witch covens teach their little ones these things.
Kings of pagan nations often were considered the incarnation of the Sun-god, and to identify with the Sun-god the kings would adopt the name of his god.
Baal worship was basically a fertility cult that taught its followers that the Sun-god and Moon-goddess controlled the seasons, brought fertility.
The Pentagram symbolism is based on that of the number five which, according to Astrology, stands for the living world of nature. such as Air, Fire Water, Earth, and the Spirit, or the five senses, of their god and pagan goddess who used the elements, according to witchcraft, to create the Universe.
These people of these secret groups see themselves as a microcosm (miniature universe); to the point that they think themselves as rulers of nature, and as the miniature image, the potential master of all things. So, the Pentagram (five pointed Star) with one of its point projecting upwards is imagined in Witchcraft as a man's body with arms and legs extended, and is a symbol of the dominance of the divine spirit.
Doesn't it give you chills to know that they who call themselves Freemasons, and the ladies who call themselves "The Order of the Eastern Star" display this evil sign in their lodges?
In ancient witchcraft the cakes were round with a cross drawn on them that represented the first letter of the name of the ancient dead and risen pagan messiah "Tammuz," who was the incarnation of the Sun-god, and the son of the MOON goddess (the Queen of Heaven). Even the Israelites, when they turned from the worship of our Creator, made these same cakes that honored the pagan Queen of Heaven and her god-child Tammuz.
Today, the Roman Catholic Church dedicates these same cakes to the Virgin Mary whom they ironically call the Queen of Heaven. These cakes are called by Roman Catholics "Hot Cross Buns." The name of this pagan goddess the Israelites worshipped and dedicated these cakes to is found in Judges 2: 13. Her name to the Israelites was Ashtaroth. To the early Romans her name was Venus, the goddess of love.
The Sun-god and Moon-goddess who created the whole Universe, according to these witches. To honor this pagan belief, a ritual called "The Great Rite" is strictly observed among these so-called "good" witches. Since the High Priest in a coven is believed to be the incarnation of Pan, the Sun-god, and the High Priestess is the incarnation of the Queen of Heaven, the Moon-goddess when they perform "The Great Rite" ritual, which is engaging in sacred prostitution.
To try to understand any of this perversion so you can teach others how to avoid it, the reader simply needs to realized that this abominable practice of sacred prostitution found today in modem witchcraft is nothing new. All ancient heathen worship of the Sun-gods had within its philosophies Phallicism. What is Phallicism? It is the veneration and worship of male and female sex organs. The union of male and female organs is symbolized in witchcraft as a point within a circle, and also as two triangles uniting to make a "Hexagram," better known today as the "Star of David." The truth is, King David of Israel never carried this emblem that is now the symbol of IsraeL This emblem was adopted from witchcraft by some Jewish priests who had explored deep into the Babylonian religion during their captivity in Babylon. From here sprang witchcraft in another garb called the Cabala.
The chief gods of the Zodiac, which were but emanations of the Sun-god, all had a sacred number. To keep it short and to the point and to help us understand why this mysterious number 666 was given to john of the Revelation, warning us not to be identified with it, it is necessary now to examine some ancient pagan numerology.
Ancient Astrology teaches that one of the sacred numbers of the Chief god of the Zodiac (the sun) was the number one. The Sun symbol, we saw earlier was a Heavenly Bull and a serpent.
Originally. the letters of the various alphabets had. and still have to some extent, a numerical significance. The English language has lost track of this, for there are no numbers that identify with each letter of our alphabet. The first letter of the alphabet in many languages still carries with it a reference to the Sun-god (one) whose main symbol was either a serpent or a bull. Take. for instance, the first letter in the Hebrew and Chaldee alphabet. It was a symbol of a bull and sometimes the buffalo.
To honor the Sun. the god (one), the Heavenly Bull-god, the first day of the week (Sunday) and the first of everything was dedicated to the bull-god as sacred. The first day of the month, the first day of the year. the first born son and the first fruits of the harvest and of the flocks, were kept sacred and dedicated to him.
The number 2 in ancient Astrology is considered a female number and a symbol for the Mother goddess who, according to pagan belief. is the second member of the godhead.
The number 3 is a sacred number identified with the pagan godhead of Baal, Ishtar, and Tammuz. Some times the number 3 represented a triple aspect of the Sun-god as the ruler of Heaven. While the sun appeared in the sky it was symbolized as a Heavenly Bull. The Serpent was the symbol of the sun in the spiritual realm of things. However, when the sun sinks into the Western ocean at the end of the day and spends the night in the realm of darkness and the dead, he then becomes the fish god, Lord of the Underworld. The Fish-god was known as Dagon. This name Dagon, is" derived by combining two words. nag means Fish, and On means Sun. Hence, the part man and part fish gods worshipped in the Old World. To the Romans he was Neptune, who was ever displayed in ancient Roman arts as part man, part fish, with a pitchfork in his hand.
The Pope declares in his
own words "New Day Dawning" 70s
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