Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Part 5 :Selected by Extraterrestrials My life in the top secret world of UFOs...Engineering Problem with Manufacturing...Concept Plan...++

Selected by Extraterrestrials 

My life in the top secret world of UFOs.,

 think-tanks and Nordic secretaries 

William Mills Tompkins



1 Jessica said, “We’re alone, right?”

It was 10:45 pm. We were reviewing NASA’s complex 37 as a prototype for the proposed Apollo complex 39 production launch facility. Just Cliff and I with our shoes off and our feet on my desk. Then Jessica walked in. She was wearing a red-orange uniform of the day.

“I thought you went home?” Cliff said.

“Just finishing a little homework over in flight test,” she added.

Kicking off her shoes and flopping down in another thickly upholstered guest chair, she flipped her eyelashes and glanced at both of us. She slipped both legs up on the desk. Knowing we had observed what she wanted us to see, she said, “You guys were loud. Just because everybody has gone home like normal people and the Apollo design area is empty. Why were you guys shouting? There are 500 drafting machines all across this large empty design area. And yes, I understand you’re both pissed with that fucked up NASA situation at the cape, but you don’t have to shout about it.”

Strangely, she added, “We’re alone right?”

“That’s obvious,” I answered.

“There is something different about you two. Especially you, Billy.”

Smiling, and knowing what we would like to do to her, she added, “You guys can’t last long enough. You have got to last a whole lot longer.”

“What do you mean Jessica? I never did it with you.” Cliff said, “And you never accepted any of my attempts to let me in your pants.”

“You boys are very tempting but…” Silently, nearly telepathically, Jessica said to me: “You types have got to last a hell of a lot longer if you are really dedicated to cruising from here to the other side of the galaxy. More important, you need to accomplish your given destiny as cosmic explorers, separating the barriers between humans and millions of civilizations out in the universe.”

“What is she thinking about, Bill? I can barely understand what I think she is putting between your ears.”

“She just said we mortals here have.....”

Jessica said, “Oh, Cliff, you are so slow. Billy’s right.” She added openly; “You guys don’t live long enough. Sixty or seventy years won’t cut it. Not because of the distance between stars. But because you grow up to twenty years, spend four or six years at Caltech, get your sheep skin, a job in aerospace, put in your twenty years, they give you a shiny watch and dump you into retirement for a couple of years and you’re gone.”

“I am confused.” Cliff added. “What are you saying?”

“Simple. If you were a teenager for five thousand years you could contribute technically for ten thousand years and cruise this and other universes in one of those four kilometer galactic cruise ships for another five thousand. It’s imperative: you must get into biomedical and control your anti-aging cells.”

I said, “You’re right Jessica, what’s the first step?”

“Pull the minutes of president Eisenhower’s meeting with the Nordics on February 20, 1954 at Edwards. They suggested what you need to do.”

“So it’s true. Eisenhower did dance with the aliens in ‘54?”

“I’ll never tell.”

Cliff, still halfway in the dark, added. “Never tell what?”

2 Transformation

During lunch I gave a briefing on miniaturizing. Steve Thorson - another of our Cape field reps - hurried over to our table. He looked really sick. Cliff and I moved our chairs aside for him, and he sat down between us.

“You alright?” asked Jessica, from the other side of the table.

“Bill,” Steve answered, “I saw him turn. This guy - he turned right in front of me. I swear it! The son of a bitch turned into a fucking reptilian; just like what you told us about last month, when we were out on service tower 34, remember?”

I said, “Quiet down. Did you fly in this morning?”

“Yeah. I came right over from LAX. We were up on level l14. His slimy eyes looked like a potato bug; they almost knocked me over the railing. And his tongue forked out at me. I almost fell off the tower! His hands too…they were claws.”

“Did Phillips or Fletcher see him turn?” I asked.

“No. We were finished for the day. They had already headed down. I figured you guys would be at the new cafeteria.”

“You figured right,” Jessica added.

“Who was it?”

”Oh, that asshole from Huntsville; Orville something.”

“Orville Gilson?” asked Cliff.

“Yeah, that’s him! He humped over, didn’t stay reptilian for long though. He faced away and went back to human real quick. Seeing him change up close…it was really scary, just awful.”

“Do you think he was upset with us for checking into NASA stuff?” I asked.

“He was really pissed about something, but I don’t know what. Bill, his eyes, they…I don’t know, they’re full of something evil. Really.”

Jessica got up, came around the table, and wrapped her arms around Steve. “It’s okay now,” she said, holding him tight. “They’re not here.”

She and I knew different; the bastards are here and in Hollywood too, and we can’t stop them.

“I’ll never be the same,” said Steve. “Bill, you didn’t say how terrible they were. Their eyes are like the insides of an octopus’ open flesh. I didn’t know they were so vile.”

At that point, I had Cliff and Jessica escort Steve into my office to calm him down. The rest of us finished our lunch and reconvened in the conference room.

During the after-lunch session, I tried to get the Steve situation out of my head.

Continuing my briefing, “From 1946 to 1957,” I told everyone in the conference room, “there was a technical explosion unlike anything on this planet. Those years consisted of reverse engineering and miniaturizing several different extraterrestrial spaceships and their electronic and propulsion systems. In 1944 we were still using radio-type vacuum tubes and slide rules to manually calculate the checkout and launch of our missiles.

“Texas Instruments didn’t get their early calculators until the early 1960’s,” said Cliff, picking up the thread. “We’d broken down the extraterrestrial circuit-boards and microchip devices that separated the copper microchip functions, and established program data requirements from status, control, interrupt logic, interrupt control, scratch-pad RAM, timer pressure, power, status timer, and ports.

“This allowed us to develop prototypes of single-microchips the size of 173 x 208 mils,”

I interjected, “giving us the capability to provide sufficient functions to operate an entire missile or space vehicle engine checkout on one microchip. One guy in his lab actually copied their liquid bonding element, which simulated the 4 x 6 circuit-boards containing thousands of microchips that we now have in our S-IVB Apollo stage.”

“Something’s up,” I said. “We don’t know how well NASA is informed in this technical advancement. This is entirely different from our contract.”

“That’s right, Bill, it is giving us the capability to fully automate the entire checkout and launch,” Cliff added.

I continued, “We have six levels of backup in any minor or catastrophic malfunction during the entire mission. And yes, incorporate our DM-18 missile type System Management Development Plan that includes precisely four sequential phases: concept, definition, development, and operation.” I added, ”So, are we in agreement here to include this in our unsolicited proposal as education of NASA?”

Absolutely, Bill,” Cliff said.

3 Admiral Pe Re Riis

It had been raining all night and the 5:50 a.m. drive in this morning was really squirrely. In my Apollo office, holding his open leather Navy flight jacket closed around his neck slurping his coffee in an unusual way, Cliff hit me with: “Bill, how do you think she will take it? She must know; hell her buddies could have photographed the same coast lines from their ships parked in orbit. You know, way before Leaf Ericson made his run. Maybe even 500 years before.”

“You’re right, but I don’t think Jessica or her buddy in propulsion will expose their identity to support Admiral Riis’s maps.”

“Wait a minute, who gave the charts to you, Cliff?” I said.

“Jessica showed them to me last month. We were all up to our ears with nine projects. Then you and I got them out weeks ago and…hello…what the hell is this?”

“Who gave them to Jessica?”

“I don’t know.”

Just then we heard that familiar click-clack of four inch heels. In walked Jessica into the office. She was in another shiny, new, orange-red short uniform of the day. Closing the door behind her, smiling with that lusty grin, and with one arm pointing to the Moon and the other hand on her hip, she snapped into three, 360 degree spins with the flimsily skirt flying straight out. Well thongs weren’t in fashion then but striper strings were. Jessica’s gorgeous little bare cheeks at the top of those long legs were unbelievable.

“Cliffy, I didn’t expect you to be here this early. I guess you love it too?” She popped her little bottom down on my desk facing me; opening and crossing her legs as she often does.

I forgot to ask her what day it was or where you got Admiral Riis’s charts. Cliff covered for me and asked her. Jessica said. “When I was in Dr. Sorenson’s area library the charts fell in my hands; that’s all.”

Trying desperately to regain my control I said, “Wait just a minute, what hall? Sorenson’s office is in the Tank and you, little girl are not cleared in there. And those big charts can’t just fall out of those twelve by four-foot long steel vellum file cabinets with four foot wide steel drawers. They are classified above Q and have locks supporting steel bars pushed down through all the handles; no way, girl.”

“Somebody has to pull the four-foot-long steel bars up and out before anyone can pull those heavy steel drawers out.”

Sheepishly rolling those big blue peepers she answered in a small, quivering voice, “Well Billy; like I said the charts just fell in my soft little hands.”

“Bullshit Jessica; you had to do all of that and then fish under all the other documents to find Admiral Riis charts, you little thief."

Cliff said, “You stole them, didn’t you?”

“Oh no, Cliffy, I didn’t. Maybe I sort of borrowed them, ‘cause nobody back in that part of the planet has ever studied them. And you guys don’t have anything to do again this month anyway.”

I interrupted again and added, “It’s my understanding that someone in the other part of the Tank was assigned the Riis maps last year. Those people worked for over seven months and dropped them.”

“Okay, Bill, we have studied all five maps that we have and there is no way that Riis could have made those maps in 1513 unless somebody gave him a UFO to chart the entire American coastlines.”

“You’re right again, Cliff. Until we get our geophysical satellite in orbit and computerize the outlining of the American coast, nobody on this planet could actually outline the contents correctly.”

“ Alright, what are we saying?”

“There is no way you can cover this up. Somebody was operating in our skies in the sixteenth century.”

“Well little boy Billy, those maps were made before the last ice age,” Jessica said.

Banging his fist on my desk, Cliff scolded, “You’re out of your cotton-picking mind.”

“Cliffy, you look again and study those coast lines as they are now, and compare Dr. Klemperer’s copy of the Admiral’s land mass charts and flop a copy down of pre-Ice Age contents. They’re ancient anyway; you can cover it up.”

Just then, in strutted Jessica with her mini flying: “Cliffy, you can take that jacket off now because I am here to warm things up,” she said, adding, “Hey, those maps were made before the last ice age…”

4 The real world that they don’t know exists and are not preparing for

It was 2:10 a.m. Cliff, Jessica and I were in my Apollo office. We were ready to call it quits.

“Cliff, I said, “This idea, of forty-eight to fifty-four launches per year through 1990, is simply not understood by NASA or the contractors. But, under the table, certain individuals in NASA are possibly acquiring thousands of acres, sixty miles north of the proposed complex 39 for Saturn launch centers and forty miles south for NOVA Truck launch centers.

Quietly, Jessica added, “And in the Think Tank you, Billy, and those other guys are laying out these launch center facilities for a massive program to build United States Naval communication station facilities on Mars and all the inhabitable planets and their moons in the solar system.” She stamped her red pump on the wood floor to wake us up, “Do you guys understand what I just said?”

”Yes, Jessica,” I answered. “Those facilities will have the most advanced radar receiving antennas available to give us a ‘heads up’ on incoming black hat aliens. Think of it this way: the Apollo and NOVA truck missions are only Phase I. We have been given permission to leave this planet and occupy the solar system for the first time in the history of this planet.”

“And, Bill, Phase II is for us to move out into the universe and go to the ten nearest stars.”

“Yes, Cliff, and I wonder how many people on this planet understand what we are really accomplishing. Jessica,” I asked, “who gave us permission to implement all of these unheard of missions out into the galaxies?”

Always fluttering, and flipping her shoulders back and forth with her pinky in her mouth, she answered. “Billy, you know I am just a little girl, not privileged to important things like that.”

“Oh, boy, we are really in trouble.”



My concept plan that I presented to my staff on the Apollo S-IVB Stage included both the NASA contract requirements and summary studies in Advanced Design over several years before NASA existed. There were two classes of Naval space vehicles. These were to defend against alien threats utilizing existing rocket propulsion.

The first class was a Naval exploratory missile type with three to six personal. The second class included pre-Nova truck transports to build bases on the Moon and on several planets in our solar system. After extensive consideration of both concepts, we didn’t want to utilize NASA’s contract requirements for the SIVB and horizontal hangar with open doors at both ends.

I became very concerned about NASA’s abilities and methods. They were not going to be successful developing the Apollo program. Utilizing my vertical assembly and check out launch Think Tank modular concepts for the entire Apollo program continued to concern me. The possibility of at some time developing an unsolicited proposal on facility redesign, for the NASA technical people, became increasingly important. We wanted to use what we called the L-shaped modular vertical assembly and checkout building for our assembly and checkout at our system integration and at the proposed Launch Complex 39. The L-shaped modular cranes erect the S-IVB stage from the horizontal trailer to a vertical position in a low bay assembly building.

I made many trips to the Cape investigating NASA’s early Apollo research facilities. I was not trying to jeopardize our contract with NASA on the S-IVB Stage. However, I had already designed and had DAC engineering approval accepting the L-shaped module / control center for our entire new Huntington Beach systems.

In all of these locations, including NASA’s undefined Complex 39, my design included expansion of addition vertical assembly and L-shaped modules to meet NASA’s production mission launch requirements. These L-shaped modules contained my fully automated electronic check out and launch computer control equipment packaging concept (SM-42107) for the Saturn S-IVB mission viewing retro rockets. Unlike NASA’s requirements for the NASA Douglas S-IV contract manual control, we decided that an automated system was necessary to provide mission reliability.

My L-shaped modules were also air-conditioned, so that all of our systems for check out and launch operations would be in a controlled environment allowing changes in open electronics. NASA, in our contract, required us to use an open hangar, which was called the Special Assembly Building. With our electronic check- out equipment, from the beginning of the program, the building was inadequate. It required north and south lean-to extensions that would have been quadrupled in size just to handle the entire manual system checkout and launch control equipment racks. My design solved many problems.

1 Star girls, from Out There?

Still on our first margarita and looking at Jessica’s low-cut top, Bob said, “Both of you girls have absolutely perfect size 32C, but today you forgot your bras.”

“Oh, Bobby, you are such a flirt,” added Jessica.

I said, “Don’s steaks are tops here; you guys just got to order ‘em.”

“Oh, Billy, I am for Caesar salad today.”

“Me too,” Christy agreed.

“Are both of you out there ‘no-meat’ girls?” Bob said, “I’ve never seen either of you even eat a hotdog.

“Well,” said Christy, running both hands down her slim little body, “a girl’s got to keep her figure.” Reaching over, pulling Bob’s face around to look her straight in the eyes, Christy added, “Just keep your big blues looking at my legs Bobby, and forget that bitch Jessica.”

For some reason, a thought flashed in my head that it was more than that. It was like they both didn’t like greasy food. I remembered the only fish they ever ate was halibut. Never even ate the fries when they ordered fish and chips. Was it the animal fat they didn’t like? What about a raw, prime rib dinner? Does meat upset their little tummies, or is their digestive system different?

Given the subject, Jessica said, “Bob, you have been trying to get in Christy’s pants ever since you crashed the Key Club party at the Kit Cat Club last March; I can see if you get one more margarita in her, you will get what you really want.”

2 Tight schedule

Before proceeding to design the Apollo S-IVB-stage checkout and launch test systems, given the NASA contract schedule and the plans for increased launching of Saturn V’s, our conventional transportation of the S-IVB and the GSE (ground support equipment) from the Huntington Beach facility to the Sacramento test center and on to Cape Canaveral was accomplished using U.S. Naval landing dock-ships, which were to be tied up at the Navy Ammunition Center in Huntington Beach.

This is where we are building our production Apollo S-IVB and GSE manufacturing. The Navy was also to transport the S-IVB back down the Sacramento River out to the Pacific, down through the Panama Canal, up the Atlantic Ocean, to the Cape Canaveral canal docks. This long transportation system would not be sufficient to meet the expanded production launch schedules. So, we modified the Douglas built Air Force C-133 to fly our S-IVB’S to the Cape. In other words, we had to modify the C-133 to take the weight of the S-IVB secured on top of the fuselage of the C-133’s. This necessitated Douglas to build more of the C-133’s to meet the NASA Moon mission requirements, and it kept my boss’s boss happy.

It was obvious to us that assembling the Saturn V stages should be undertaken in an environmentally controlled structure. It, too, should be designed first to handle the 4-bay vertical check out and assembly areas with the expansion of the high bay structure to be expanded on a modular basis to accept additional stages. In addition, the other side of the L-shaped modules should be added to meet higher launch schedules. The Boeing first stage could be barged in to the area and tailored directly into the large assembly building. North American Rockwell second stage should be set up opposite of the Douglas S-IVB in an L-shaped module, low bay check out.

Instead of moving the assembled Saturn V’s on barges to the launch pad area - as indicated in the NASA documentation requirements, and as previously discussed - I thought that NASA should use the large tractor on a freeway concept.

Also in my unsolicited proposal to NASA, I recommended that Douglas Marketing should sell to NASA my Air Force 375 Weapon System Development Plan (concept phase, definition phase, acquisition phase, and operational phase), for the entire Moon and planet production program. The real mission to the Moon is to build a 2,000 man Naval base on the Moon. People just don’t seem to understand this.

3 Key Club episodes – interference into everything

We continue with the exploits of the Key Club and Al Sorenson, the somehow “boss of everything.” It was also an unofficial policy to have pool-and-dinner get-togethers at different section chief manager’s homes. There were two split groups: One was restricted to just the same attendees as the Key Club, the engineering managers, and their secretaries; and the second was for the engineering managers and their wives.

The swimmers had the choice of bathing suits, while others were nude only. When we were with the secretaries, the wives would be transported to shopping sprees in Beverly Hills. Similarly we would escort our wives and not put in a request to the secretaries. I could imagine the horrendous catfights that would break out if we had an all-together party. Children were never allowed at these get-togethers.

One night, my secretary Jessica and I visited Jerry Conner’s home in Woodland Hill, over in the San Fernando Valley. This was for one of his famous swimming parties. On the drive over, Jessica was wearing her six-inch plaid mini, completely exposing her gorgeous legs. She pulled down the wide armrest between us. As usual, she slid over against me, putting her hand on my leg. Looking straight ahead, she started to move it up my leg, flipping sandals, bouncing and rotating her bare bottom to Dean Martin on the radio. Her little blue string disappeared between her lovely nude folds. Not saying a word, but contacting me telepathically, she said, “Now, Billy, you’re not going to disappoint me again tonight, are you, sweetie? Come on now; you know I am not letting any of those hunks do me, not even Sorenson.”

I was thinking, “WHAT AM I GOING TO DO THIS TIME TO HOLD HER OFF?” Oh shit, I forgot again; Jessica reads my mind.

“That’s right; I do. So stop thinking of ways to keep us apart. I know you must continue to remain professional. But you can do me on the bottom in the deep end; nobody can see us there. That will hold me till you drive me home in this gorgeous caddy of yours. And yes, Billy; that’s what these big leather back seats are made for. You haven’t said a thing. Do you understand, Billy?”

Once we arrived, the catering service opened the door with champagne and canapés.

“Ummmmm, canapés, first class,” Jessica said, putting her hand on her chest and nodding. She said, “Thank you, Sir,” to the server, adding to me, “Billy; I know you don’t have any idea what a canapé is.”

“It’s these little pastry puff cups filled with gourmet mixtures that I am sticking in your mouth. Yummy; thank you sweetie.”

I was thinking, How the heck am I going to resist her this time?

“Stop that right now, Billy.”

Thinking again, I nearly gave in to her last month when she started rubbing in the pool. “Yes, and I am going to do it again tonight.”

Skipping dinner in the house, I put my hand on her shoulder and I escorted her over to the backyard pool area, where half the guests had already arrived. Instantly I noticed that all of the attendees were naked.

Some of the top engineers on the Apollo program, who were very professional, during work hours, were boisterously laughing and playing the grab ass game with all of the pretty young things running around.

Al Sorenson and his secretary, Melissa, were already pressing their bodies together in the deep end. I could tell that she was overpowering him, but he seemed to like it. In the shallow end I could understand the unspoken, flirty glances between Barbara from Corporate and Bob Carter continuing, even though he is married.

And what will Sherry do now that she gave in to Fred Delouse at last month’s swim? Her husband must know. They’re paired off again; she’s all over him.

Looking in my eyes, Jessica, this exquisitely beautiful star girl, proceeded to strip down, tossing her little blue string at my face. It hooked on my ear and blow across my nose. Somebody in the pool hollered “Ringer!”

She always has an audience taking her clothes off. Now completely nude, apart from her four-inch heels, Jessica then made a slow 360, making sure that I had full view of all of her assets.

“See anything you really like, Billie boy?”

I tried to calm down. This will be my third time at these swim parties, and I knew I shouldn’t, but I kept looking in her eyes to keep from looking at her adorable little bottom. Jessica always has a coy look on her face, and particularly when I meet her eyes after ogling her gorgeous little body. This is getting more complicated every month.

“Hey guy, are you going to undress and go for a swim, or am I going to have to push you in with all of your clothes on?” she asked. She then laughed when I gave her another look. I finally got partial control and took off everything but my jocks. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the pool.

The cold water was just what I needed to slow me down. That didn’t last long, however. As soon as I resurfaced Jessica began to hug me. Her plump nipples returned my arousal. I tried to push her away, but she got a grip on me and got it nearly up between her legs.

She started to kiss and wrapped her legs around me. I pulled away and gave her a hard shove. Stunned, she floated backwards into another couple. She gave me an angry scowl, and started to throw a makeshift tantrum.

The guy she ran into grabbed her around her breasts and pulled her close to him. She started sobbing as he felt her up and kissed her neck. Her sobbing stopped as he tickled her legs.

He then took the girl he was already with and told them to kiss. Jessica and the other girl pretended to make out while the other guy and I watched.

Jessica then took control and started to drift towards me. She hissed, “Maybe the two of us can make you forget about her! I know you are spoken for.”

“I’d love to; can’t now.”

Then the guy moved in and said, “Hey, I’ll take it from here, Bill.” It was then that I noticed that the guy was Paul Wilson, one of the engineering chiefs.

He grabbed the two girls and sandwiched himself between them. He put Jessica up front and tried to make out with her while the other girl kissed his back. I took this as a sign it was time to get out of the pool.

There were towels on a rack right next to the pool steps. I grabbed one and started to dry off. Then Ralph Malone came up to me scratching his head.

I said, “Hey buddy, its one hot night, that pool is boiling over.”

He smiled and said, “Yeah, along with the other girls it seems like your secretary is a little out of control. But hey, who isn’t at these parties?”

“Earlier tonight I saw Sorenson in the house having his way with Conner’s wife, Kitty. I couldn’t believe that John was ok with the whole thing! Sorenson just finished eating dinner, and then ravaged the poor lady on the dining room carpet.”

“Hey Ralph; Kitty is no poor lady. She has slept with half of the short badgers in Engineering. And with a body like she has, like I said she is no... lady. Can you believe what a guy would do to get a promotion?”

“Wait a minute; I thought the wives were not supposed to be at the ‘secretaries only’?”

“Well, Bill, Kitty just told me, that they were training for next month’s wives’ party. And that she really loves…sex.”

You got to be kidding?”

“Yeah, alien agenda again,” I said. The lack of morals in this organization is out of this world. I thought: the only reason I go to these things is to keep Sorenson off my back.

“If I stopped showing, and he demands participation, with his pull, he would somehow keep me out of the Think Tank. Prevent me from contributing to accomplishing the secret missions.”

Malone nodded in agreement, “That’s the same feeling I get! The politics of the Apollo Engineering Department are completely warped!”

“Since when is infidelity a necessary requirement for advancing in the company?”

“Since some of these damned aliens infiltrated our missions!” I said.

”Could they somehow, telepathically, get us to accept that having sex with each other every other week is okay?”

“They know exactly how to play the boss to get their agenda! He’s compromising our space missions by using the secretaries.”

“Oh no; it’s a lot more than that!”

“Sometimes I wish one of the alien secretaries would turn into a reptilian beast and show Sorenson what he’s putting his thing in.”

Malone laughed uncomfortably and said, “Hey: it’ll happen one day; when he least expects it.”

It was the policy of Al Sorenson, after dinner, to take the clothes off of the chief’s wife who was hosting the dinner. He would then have sex with her on the living room carpet, in full view of everyone, and thereby establishing the manager’s absolute loyalty. Ralph Malone, my good buddy and our section’s attorney, would always add his comments on activities. Like, loyalty to whom? Engineering management? Douglas management? NASA? Who the fuck are we loyal to?

Ralph said: “When NASA discovers the Douglas Key Club and the alien influence over the entire program, the shit is going to hit the fan.”

“Well, maybe;” I added, “but it’s also possible that one of the alien black hat bunches could have a foot in NASA’s door and is pulling all the strings.”

To my understanding Al Sorenson and the Key Club never penetrated the Advanced Design Think Tank. As the Think Tank never existed in Douglas to 99.9% of Douglas people, there was nothing to penetrate.

How frequently the Key Club was involved in influencing the outcome of Douglas military and space contracts, or for that matter, the entire Moon program, was difficult to determine. It was common at that time for aerospace companies - during the final contract negations - to either retain or acquire the services of “pleasant company in pleasant surroundings.”

But that had nothing to do with the influence and the agendas of the aliens. Was Sorenson also being influenced by the aliens? Which aliens wanted us to develop the capability to leave the planet? Was it the Nordics? Was it the Reptilians, who made themselves look like Nordics, pretending to help us, but continued to throw us under the big space bus and preventing us from accomplish the star missions? The Key Club simply added more confusion to the most complicated technical program on the planet.

4 Capability of retaliating

I was knowledgeable of events that few experts in aerospace were privy to. This resulted in my evaluating the requirements of the NASA Apollo contractors and I found them incapable of accomplishing their missions. I studied and approached every problem differently from the way that type of project was normally developed. I was always thinking of a different, simpler and far more capable way the task could be accomplished, and in far less time.

Talking to Cliff, I said, “I forgot to tell you I had two of my flashes last week from the black hat guys out there.”

Sarcastically, Cliff asked, “Was it in color this time, and what did they want now?”

“It is always in color. First of all, I saw hundreds of our fighters; Navy and Air Force chasing the bogies. "

Cliff asked: “UFO’s?”

“Yes. We can never get close enough to force them to land. Our Sidewinder missiles are still frozen on the launch mounts. They exceed our speed ability. Over thirty percent are pulled into larger space ships and never come back. They want to increase deteriorations of our tissues, organs and bones preventing us from living longer lives.”

“Well, that’s a dumb thing to do to their crop.”

“Agreed. Their primary intent now appears to prevent us from developing the capability of retaliating against their threats. That is, to develop the technology to design Naval spacecraft carriers and combat them out in the galaxy. The flash was gone but it seemed real.”

“Cliff, we need to up the priority on this.”



The Apollo Saturn V (C-5) space vehicle is nearly 400 feet high in its vertical launch configuration. It consists of the Boeing 5 engine S-IC first stage, Interstage I, North American 4 Engine S-II Second Stage, Douglas 1-engine S-IVB Third Stage (having through extremely Advanced Design completely replaced the original third Stage), Interstage II and the Apollo Lunar/Command Module, containing the Lunar Landing Module and the Returning Astronaut Capsule. Apollo weighs 6-7 million pounds.

There was a continuous problem when we tried to launch missiles vertically. We, at Douglas, encountered this for years. Even the Germans had the same problems with their V-2 rockets. To counter this problem on our S-IVB stage of the Apollo, I conceived an L-Shaped Modular building for vertical stage check out, combining it with my theater step-down control center concept. Operators were facing the S-IVB vehicle attitude control thrusters on the upper floor. We standardized configuration in our system integration, at the vehicle engine test center in Sacramento. I sold it to Dr. Debus, in my unsolicited briefing at NASA headquarters. The nearby figure shows how Tompkins’ design was implemented at Complex 39.

We are planning the Apollo missions to the moon to establish minimum facilities there. The liquid propelled NOVA rocket trucks may be assembled and checked out in similar launch centers and will transport construction materials. The NOVA vehicles will weigh ten million pounds and the solid propellant booster will weigh 20 million. Construction was estimated one hundred million dollars each.

The Boeing S-IC stage and The North American S-II stages were just rocket boosters. The Douglas S-IVB Stage was more complicated. It contained systems required for the mission, even providing electronic power and command functions for the in-orbit stage separation, rotation maneuvers, re-assembly, and checkout of a converted vehicle and restart the J-2 engine. It would guide the space ship into lunar orbit, ready for the descent and landing of the Lunar Module on the Moon’s surface.

My responsibility, as Engineering Section Chief of the Douglas S-IVB Stage facilities electrical ground support equipment installation checkout and launch test systems, was to be fully knowledgeable of all the Apollo vehicle systems. But, to accomplish this task, I found it necessary to understand the mission requirements, as well as the entire Apollo vehicle checkout and launch at (a) the proposed NASA Launch Complex 39 Launch Operations Center in Florida, and (b) the Mission Control Center at Houston, Texas. Also, we needed to provide accessibility to handle stage alignment and assembly as the Complex 39 ceiling heights increased from fifty feet to one hundred and ten feet.

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“Hey Cliff,” Bob said, “How do I know that they are aliens" ?

Rolling his eyes, Cliff answered, “You hear people say I saw a UFO last week; well I think it was… maybe it was?”

“Well I get that too, but if it’s close - like here at Douglas, parked 1,000 feet above our runway - I know that SOB is one for real. Now, if I saw one of those little gray aliens passing out hamburgers with fries at Deans on the Beach, I’d buy into that too. But girl aliens that look just like Marilyn Monroe: that’s harder for me.”

“Okay, Cliff,” Bob countered, “how about Bill’s Jessica and Christy, the other Zombie?”

They were only Zombies at first. Jessica never looked that way after the first month.

It took several years for us to accept that the star girls really were aliens. Even though, the first time I laid eyes on them, for that microsecond I felt that they were alien. But the best indication is that everything is fine; I just feel all right. It was many years before I realized that my secretary was a Nordic alien.

1 The 18,000-foot encounter

The Apollo contractors were sometimes required to utilize the military transport system in place of first class airline flights to and from the NASA facilities. This was supposedly used to save transportation money. We at Douglas Engineering, on the S-IVB contract, surprisingly enough got bumped off the beautiful first class United Airlines (with free margaritas) to the Naval Air Transport Command or the Air Forces C-118’s, both of which are military versions of the Douglas DC-6.

On a trip back from Cape Canaveral my tickets were rescheduled to an Air Force C-118, which would land at LAX, with a layover in Denver. It was a night flight. The beautifully clear night sky was intoxicating. Fortunately, there were twelve commercial airline-type seats located behind the flight cockpit. There was a lot of Navy equipment that the Air Force had to deliver to LAX. Two hours out of the Cape, one of the other Douglas engineers, who had been sitting in the cockpit jump seat that’s located between and behind the pilot and the co-pilot, came running back to where the rest of us were dozing and told me, “You have to come up front immediately! We might encounter a UFO!”

Elmer Wheaton, our Vice President of Engineering, had assigned me another hobby, which was disseminator of extraterrestrial documentation. This, of course, was for our Civilian Saucer Investigation. I did some of my investigations of UFO sightings at White Sands, New Mexico, on missile programs. Our Douglas engineers and technicians knew of my positions and almost nailed me when I got to the bases.

The Douglas engineer who had been in the cockpit was aware of my position on this subject in engineering and wanted me to hear all of the communications about this vehicle. I immediately went up and took the jump seat position; three other engineers gathered behind me and the pilot gave me a headset and microphone. We were talking to an American Airlines DC-6 who said, “This fifty-foot, brilliant, regular saucer had passed in front of me going eastbound.”

Another United DC-6 had encountered what was thought to be the same vehicle, but about eight minutes earlier. Our co-pilot immediately triangulated its direction. From the present speed, he determined that we were aiming towards a head-on collision with the UFO. At that time we were at 18,000 feet and it was thought that the UFO was at the same altitude. They collectively estimated that we should see the vehicle within three minutes, and we did. We were at 240 knots and the American Airlines pilots thought that the UFO was at 200 knots.

When we first saw this white dot getting brighter it was directly in front of us. Almost before the pilot and the copilot decided to make an emergency bank, it went directly underneath us. We were all looking down on top of it and it was really clean and sharp-looking. For some reason, none of us seemed to realize that we were in a head on collision with another craft, and we were not afraid. I felt that the extraterrestrial vehicle essentially affected our minds to accept that.

It was brilliantly silver, with no exhaust trail, and made no noise. The pilots estimated that it was two hundred feet below us. We didn’t have enough time to make the bank before it was gone. There was no air thrust or air concussion. The copilot called the Tower and also talked to both the United and the American Airlines’ crews. They thanked them for the heads up.

A military air transport, I believe it was a C-5A, was flying at a higher altitude and also reported an encounter. All of us turned in separate reports after landing and the Air Force C-118 crew turned in a classified report to Blue Book. At that time all commercial and military, and some private, companies were required to report written sighting of UFOs, immediately after landing at their destination. I wrote my report and turned it into the CSI but was unable to contact our C-118 crew for post-flight reports. It was customary that both the Navy and the Air Force reports of UFO were to be classified.

2 Futurist, what it all means

It is most important to understand one very pivotal situation we find our planet in. First, we must remember that when we were first exposed to the aliens, their missions and interests concentrated on our military bases and large Naval ships. That can only mean that their spaceship, parked in our orbit is a Naval Spacecraft Carrier…a mother ship or worse…mother ships.

Now that our Naval telescopes are locating other planets, we will be exploring them and their moons. We are planning with NOVA and Apollo to go to our Moon and build large Naval bases and research centers there. And we are planning to explore other planets and their moons in our one Solar System.

This puts us at a pivotal evolutionary juncture with intelligent creatures from other stars: their planets either passed us in their development ages ago or have not yet reached our technical achievements. The unbelievable, lightning speed of our technical development - assisted by friendly aliens - may mean that no two civilizations in a galaxy are ever technologically compatible. As the late Astronomer Carl Sagan said, “To us the ETs would be either gods or brutes. This may be hard for the public to take.”

It is now accepted by technology in the Douglas Advanced Design that societies that evolve before us on other stars planets would regard our civilization here on earth as exceptionally primitive.

From an aerospace concept engineer’s perspective, I can say without reservation that you, reading this volume, will live much longer and happier than previous generations. Our Navy spacecraft carriers will first explore our Milky Way Galaxy, then the galaxies in our universe and on into parallel universes.



As usual, Elmer Wheaton hit me up to bring the new guy on the block, Dr. Howard Fitzgerald, up to speed on precisely what we were trying to accomplish in the Tank. So, I set to explaining. The Tank had accepted the hypothesis that we were confronted with benign and hostile extraterrestrials, alike. Dr. Fitzgerald was a psychologist, so of course he had already drilled Elmer extensively on several aspects of our operation last week, indicating that I would brief Fitzgerald.

“Well, Mr. Tompkins, it’s apparent that you’re the big picture person on this effort,” he said.

“No, doctor, I’m the only one here with nothing to do. Could I get you a cup of coffee?”

“Humph. Then, is there a better-informed senior analyst on this project who I can communicate with, on my level?” he said.[this should be an interesting chat, sort of like Spock and Scottie...DC]

Asshole, I thought. We really don’t need you, anyway. It occurred to me just how astounding and unreal this program actually was to some people.

“I will try to explain how we got to where we are now,” I told him, “and you can question our more experienced staff later.”

“Tompkins,” said Fitzgerald, “I need to sit down with the principals who are studying all of those damn Europeans clamoring to build spaceships and get to the stars. (The 1,442 people we discussed earlier.) You know, the no-nonsense people. I also need to talk with your top man, the one who gets a hold of their specs somehow, then dreams up those wild, two mile-long spaceship battle-cruisers Wheaton showed me last week. Absolutely astounding.”

Oh, shit, I thought. We’re going to be psychoanalyzed.

“I’m extremely concerned that your corporation is funding a rough idea like this.” I thought again, where are these people located? Are they from somewhere in the Tank or floating in space?

“Well, doctor, I can explain our approach…”

“No, I need to talk to your senior designer; not to a clerk who tells me what the guy’s written. I must see him right now.”

Elmer, who was standing behind him, said, “Dr. Fitz, you’re talking to him now.”

Fitzgerald stepped back: “Oh, um, yes. Well then, I’ll have that coffee now.”

“Sugar and cream?” asked ‘Barbara from Corporate,’ stepping in.

I escorted Fitzgerald into the conference room and explained to him about 1,442. I explained that we, in the Tank, had taken up their mission and were presently designing intergalactic Naval spacecraft carriers. Dr. Fitzgerald was dumbfounded.

Elmer said, “That’s enough for now, doctor. Please understand that we are working around the clock to develop the weapons to counter the alien threats.

1 Costume party, Leonardo we love you

There were five of us working in Advanced Designed in 1954, all using Dr. Klemperer’s unconventional propulsion schemes methods. We had to take those approaches and conceive what the systems would look like and how they would be powered. I know that it was extremely naive of us at the time, but we collectively thought of how we could reveal who we were on Earth to the extraterrestrials. How do we talk or communicate to them? What should we say?

Jim Jenkins said, “Why don’t we use Leonardo’s drawing of a naked man with his arms outstretched to show the aliens what we look like.” This is the basis of our current ET symbol, suggested by Jim Jenkins.

One of our lady friends jumped in and said, “Hey, what about a picture of a girl. You know that life on this planet wouldn’t exist without us!”

She was upset that we were only thinking about men. We were trying to show them who we are and how we’ve developed and some of our history. We wanted them to know that we were going into the galaxy and other galaxies.

I kept saying, “Nobody knows what capabilities we have.”

This was back in 1954. We were designing systems, communication systems, propulsion systems, and space vehicles with other smaller vehicles on them. We were the thinkers that brought the ideas to life, eventually. This wasn’t an assignment; this was what we liked to do in our spare time. We were trying to figure out if we sent out a capsule if anyone would respond. We wanted to believe the notion that we could teach another alien species about us. We were working on propulsion systems that would hopefully reach and go beyond the confines of our earthly gravity. At that time, we didn’t realize that our minds could telepathically communicate and that there are nineteen different alien civilizations on, or visiting, this planet.

We had an engineering dance every year at a country club in Pacific Palisades. It was a costume party. Different guys designed extraterrestrial outfits. My wife and I made us costumes out of cardboard with red and orange cloth, and long radio vacuum tubes coming out of a silver shoebox on our backs. I also got some crash- helmets from the flight test. Here’s the actual photo of Mary and me in these outfits. Two of the couples wore Navy dress swords.

I turned and laughed to my friend Jim, “Do you think that they are friendly?” as I pointed to the brigade. How preposterous to think that we were dressed up like aliens and were cowering before a few swords. We spent the rest of the night dancing and shooting the breeze.

When the guys and I openly discussed our project to reveal who we were on earth with our spouses, the topic of sex always surfaced. We were still contemplating on what we should send off in our capsule to outer space. How do we tell the aliens how we procreate? Those questions were stirring though our heads. All of the guys and their gals started to trickle out of the dance. They went to their cars and hotel rooms to put our theories of procreating into action. A capsule was built later and fired out into the galaxy. It never washes ashore like the note in the bottle.

2 The encountered: 1960

It was 6:00 a.m. I had taken the north road from my futuristic home, viewing the San Fernando Valley this morning. I drove my new Cadillac through the Santa Monica Mountains west to the beach. Turning south on the Pacific Coast Highway, on my right was the expanse of the Pacific Ocean, shimmering and sparkling like radiant silver in the early morning sunlight. My whole body came alive; I know I can do it today.

Pushing the envelope all day and into the night it was happening. The time now is a quarter past midnight. Leaning way back in his chair, putting his feet up on another chair: Cliff Noland never does that. He was my number one is in charge of the Apollo when I am out of the plant. Like me, only seventeen when he enlisted in the Navy. Learned to fly, was going to make it a career. Only served one hitch and he got his sheepskin in double E.

Now I am fairly good looking but Cliff is marvelously handsome. Walking tall, nearly six feet, he can stop any girl in her tracks. And Cliff really is a nice guy. Stretching his arms, rubbing his hands through his dark wavy hair, closing his eyes, he said: “I’ll bet you’re tired too!”

“Yep, I am beat.” “Okay, Cliff, This is not something that will go away.”

“I don’t want her to leave either.” I sensed his uneasiness of my secretary, this very attractive extraterrestrial female.

“Holy Cats, Bill; she is unbelievable. And the two of them being here?”

“I know what you’re thinking Cliff; what does this really mean?” “Let’s go over it again and then try to understand how their presence here is beneficial to them!”

“I am almost certain that this exquisite thing, my secretary Jessica, really is an alien. Think about it: her phenomenal understanding of deep space mission operations, her verbal suggestions. She also telepathically stuffs my brain with concepts that challenge almost everything in NASA’s contracts. All of this imposes limitations that prevent us from accomplishing the missions.”

Folding his arms behind his head, “You’re right on, there, Bill.”

I added, “Then, without my knowing it’s her, she slips ideas in my head that would piss off everyone at NASA’s Headquarters. I mean, with simple suggestions that accomplish the functions of the mission. I think the two of them - Jessica and Christy - operate here in pairs, you know, like a buddy system?”

Cliff nodded, “Bill, that other star girl, Christy Pierson, in propulsion. I have been trying to get in her pants for two years. And, yes, I am nearly convinced that they are instructed to, as you say, operate in pairs.”

“Just like when we talk she repeats every word in ‘my head’ before I even get a chance to say it. Kind of fun, though.” Cliff went on, “After work one night I was alone in the blueprint files.”

“Wait a minute, Cliff; that’s locked up after 10:00 p.m.”

“I found the gate over the blueprint request counter that pulls down was still up, so I climbed up over the counter to get in.”

Continuing, Cliff said. “I was walking around in there looking for a specification and she walks up behind me, just like Jessica in one of those blue cocktail minis. Clips my arm, leads me to a different part of the files. Walks right up to a file cabinet, opens it, and with her dainty little fingers slips out the file that I needed. And with that naughty little smile and shining, big blue eyes she makes a sharp 180, the mini flips up and she trots out to the counter.”

“Hold it; stop right there. Now you are going to describe her exit up and out over the counter, right? This is really important to our understanding of why the aliens are here. Well, yes it was spectacular.”

“Okay, Cliff; get to it.”

“Well, this is a little difficult in her four-inch heels. I am right behind her in case she needs help. Up goes one leg, looking back at me, with a big smile, she hesitates and telepathically said: “I love this. Are you having fun too?”

I busted out, “Oh yes, you have the most adorable little bottom I have ever seen. After the view, she swung her other leg over and hopped down on the outside. I clumsily followed pulling the gate down behind me.”

“Bill You won’t believe her apartment…”

“Hey, back to Jessica,” I said. “Then, there is this other part, in the morning when we meet in my office. She may not say a word; seldom good morning. Her eyes open wide, flash, pupils expand; I swear they change and she is inside me.”

"Even though the program is in a crisis situation, whenever possible she always manages to walk close, rub her hips up against me. Somehow, touch my hand when passing documents. Careless though, dropping her notepad or some report. Bends over facing away from me, looking back with that smile. She really makes a lasting impression. Under other conditions things might be different. I just can’t give in to her sexual charms. Sometimes I still get the feeling that she is an informer of some type.”

“Do you sense that with Christy, Cliff?”

“Yes, directed by someone trying to get control of your ability to understand the big picture, or to foresee ahead in the program, what was not going to work.”

“Yes; be careful, your thoughts are showing, and conceive the one and only system approach that would provide a successful mission.”

Getting bothered, I said, “Do you think it is possible that these two Star Girls are controlling our minds? Could they be here under orders from out in the galaxies? With a mission to assist us in developing a Naval ‘deep water space’ battle group capability and help them out there?”

“Holy cats, Bill do you know what you just said? Listen to yourself. Where did that come from?”

“Have we, you and I, encountered these strikingly attractive, almost always scantily clad females who we received psychic information from; to make this mission to the Moon and Mars a success? I mean are we selected for this?”

“Bill, slow down, you are way out there now.”

“Cliff, I am nearly convinced that these sexy females are not just monitoring us – they are commissioned to see that it happens."

”Whoooooow, Bill, could you be right?”

“I am also very concerned that we are being watched by others, and I don’t mean our twin Star Girls. Not just a normal check on the program but a very sinister intrusion into our thought processes. Reptilians come to mind.”

“That’s wild, too, Cliff.”

Cliff added, “We haven’t solved our problem with aliens on the program – even who is wearing the white hats?”

I said, “and more important, who is wearing the black hats, but we have enlightened ourselves a little looking through a bigger window."




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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...