Saturday, March 6, 2021

Part 6 of 6: One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship...A Nation Undone.. Epilogue

NWO- Socialist Dictatorship

Dr John Coleman


The vast majority of the American people do not know that the nation has been at war since 1946, nor that we are losing the war. At the close of WWII, The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations at Sussex University and in the Tavistock Center in London, turned its attention to the United States. Its chairperson is Queen Elizabeth II, and her cousin, the Duke of Kent, is also on the board. The former methods deployed against Germany during WWII were now turned against the United States. Tavistock is the acknowledged center of "brainwashing" in the world, and in essence, has been conducting, and is still conducting a massive brainwashing operation against the people of the United States, since 1946. 

The main purpose of this endeavor is to assist Socialist programs at all levels of our society, ushering in the New Dark Age of the One World Government New World Order. Tavistock is active in banking, trade, education, religion and particularly, seeks to break down the Constitution of the United States. In these chapters we will be looking at some of the programs that are intended to make America over until it becomes a slave state. The following are some of the main Socialists organizations and institutions contending against the American people: 


"Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt...This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States... These 12 private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this country by bankers who came here from Europe and who repaid us for our hospitality by undermining our American institutions..." Speech made in the House by Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Friday, June 10, 1932. 

As has often been said, the Socialist's greatest triumph came with the Federal Reserve banking monopoly. Socialists-bankers came here from Europe and England to deceitfully ruin the people of this country through penetration and permeation of every facet of our monetary system. These Socialist change agents could not have accomplished anything without the full cooperation of traitors within our gates, and they found them in their hundreds, men and women who were willing to sell the American people out. A notable traitor was President. Woodrow Wilson, who punched holes through the trade barriers erected by President. Washington and kept intact by Lincoln, McKinley and Garfield. In 1913, Wilson introduced the Marxist graduated income tax system to replace the revenues lost from Customs duties and opened the gates to allow the Philistine bankers from Europe to enter our citadel through passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. 

Few people realize the American banking system was SOCIALIZED with passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The commercial banks (we have no merchant banks in the true British sense) have been "on the dole" i.e., welfare, since the Socialist banker-thieves were able to get control in that year. What we have in this country is welfare banking, almost identical to the banking system the Bolsheviks instituted in Russia. The Federal Reserve banks create debt obligation, so-called "money" which money does not accrue to the Fed through trading, but rather through theft from the people. The soft money is stolen directly from the people. The money that the Federal Reserve banks control, is not honest money; rather it is fiat money, always inflationary. 

Whom can we hold accountable? Whom can we charge with the theft of our money? No one knows who the stockholders of the largest banking system in the world are. Is this truly believable? Unfortunately, it is all too true, yet we let this diabolical situation go on year after year, largely out of ignorance of how the system operates. We, the People, are told to leave money alone, as it is too complicated for us to understand. "Leave it to the experts" say the thieves. 

What does the Socialists Federal Reserve do with our stolen money? One of the things it does is charge us usury, which the system calls the national debt and which they make into 30-year obligations. These Socialist bankers DO NOTHING to create wealth, they are parasites who live by eating up the substance of the American people. These parasites have the "right" to make money out of fresh air and then lend it to the commercial banks at usury and they do it on the credit of the people. 

This is involuntary servitude, for the personal credit of the citizen belongs to the citizen, and not to the Federal Reserve. By allegedly granting the Federal Reserve the right to take the individual credit of the citizen for itself, the Government of the United States allows this parasitical organization to violate the people's 5th Amendment rights, the rights of "life, liberty and property" guaranteed by the Constitution. 

Furthermore, the Federal Reserve Board has destroyed the Constitution. Remember, an attack on one part of the Constitution is an attack on the whole Constitution. If one part of the Constitution is torn down, all parts of it are desecrated. Powers delegated to Congress, by We, the People: Section 8, Article 5. "To coin money, regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin and fix the standard of weights and measures." This is article is found in the 17 enumerated powers delegated to Congress by the people. Nowhere did we give Congress the right to transfer this power over to a private banking institution. 

Yet, that is exactly what the Congress did in 1913. The bill was introduced for discussion just a few days before the Christmas recess. It consisted of 58 pages of triple-column and 30 pages of fine, closely-printed material. No one could have read it, less still understood it in the few days it was on the floor for discussion. Thus the Federal Reserve Act was ramrodded through the Congress and became an act of arbitrary power — which is what it is called when a bill is not properly debated and passes into law without being fully debated. 

Hundreds of excellent books have been written showing the unconstitutionality of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, so that there is no purpose served by going over it again in this book. Suffice to say that notwithstanding this, the greatest swindle in history, the Federal Reserve banks remain firmly in place as though its history was still a secret. Why is this? Probably it is through fear. Those who have sought to challenge this monstrous Socialist creation in a meaningful way, have been brutally murdered. Members of the House and Senate know that the Federal Reserve is THE heist of the 20th century, yet do nothing to rock the boat for fear of being thrown out of Congress, or even worse. [evict everyone of them DC]

The Federal Reserve banks were patterned after the Bank of England, a Rothschild Socialist institution which as able to attach itself to the United States following the Civil War, during which period, it leeched off both sides. The monetary system developed for the young American nation by Jefferson and Hamilton was a bimetallism system, 16 ounces of silver to 1 ounce of gold. This was our CONSTITUTIONAL money system, spelled out in Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 and it gave this country unheard of prosperity until the prostitutes of the European central banks were able to subvert it. They did this through the demonetization of silver in 1872, which led to the panic of 1872, all planned by the Socialists. 

The Socialists were able to debase our money system to where it was of zero value, then they printed Socialist (Keynesian money) with which they bought up all the prime businesses and real estate. In college courses in economics, the far left of Marx professors teach that Congress manages our monetary system, but Congress does not, it abdicated the responsibility and gave it into the hands of the 190 One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship Shylock international bankers to create a welfare, commercial banking system in America. The Rothschilds and their fellow Socialists of the international bank of Shylocks, have put the American people in debt for ever — unless we can find the right leader who will break this chokehold. 

The Shylock international bankers, long before the advent of the Federal Reserve Board, looked upon the wealth of this nation with great avarice and were determined to put on pressure until they controlled it. The International Shylock bankers prevented the national bank, during President Andrew Jackson's term, from paying off the Civil War debt, in order to keep the American people tied hand and foot, which we still are. It is well-established that British intelligence fomented and prosecuted the American Civil War, which should have been called International Shylock Banker's War. British intelligence had their agents in place in the Southern States, penetrating and permeating every aspect of life. [why people cannot wrap their heads around this fact disgusts me, ally my ass DC]

When President Jackson shut down the central bank, British intelligence was ready. The Bank Act of 1862 was a Rothschild "scoop" part of the long-range plan to keep the American people in everlasting penury. Although Congress and a patriotic Supreme Court fended off the Rothschild swindlers, the reprieve was short-lived. 

Thanks to Trojan Horse Wilson, they got the upper hand in 1913 and plunged this nation into financial slavery, which is the state in which we find ourselves today. As we said in our chapters on education, the Socialists used education to lie to the American public about the Federal Reserve banks, which is one of the reason why it is still tolerated. Its gross excesses and crimes against the American people are not known, although they are spelled out in the hundreds of excellent books on the subject. 

But such books are above the ken of those who have less than an a certain standard of education, governed by Socialist control of the school text book industry, which is why so many millions of Americans of all ages find solace in television. Now, if Larry King would hold open, frank discourses opening up information about the evils of the Socialist Federal Reserve, and if the most popular talk show hosts of radio and television would do likewise, we might just get our people excited enough to do something about closing down the Federal Reserve system. 

The American public would learn that the first duty of the Congress is to provide and keep a sound monetary system for the United States. The public would learn that we do not have one single honest dollar in circulation. They would learn that the British East India Company and the Bank of England conspired with Adam Smith to pull all gold and silver out of the Colonies, to defeat the Colonists in an economic war that preceded the shooting war. 

The American public would learn that for the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks to be constitutional, a constitutional amendment would have to be drafted and ratified by all 50 States. 

They will begin to ask questions, "why wasn't this done? Why are we still allowing the private people who own the Federal Reserve to bilk us out of huge sums of money?" They might even put enough pressure on Congress to force it to abolish the Federal Reserve. The American people might learn on the Larry King Show, or from the Phil Donahue Show, that the Federal Reserve banks pay no income tax; that have they have never been audited and pay only $1.95 for every $1000 they receive from the Treasury of We, the People. "What a bargain," we might howl in rage. 

An aroused, enraged populace might even shock the Congress into action and force the closure of this Beast of Mammon. The American people would learn that the greatest period of prosperity was the period between the closing of the Shylock central bank by Andrew Jackson and the outbreak of the Civil War. They would learn that the Federal Reserve banks have Socialized commercial banking in this country and that our banks are working on the basis of the system described in the "Merchant of Venice," by Shakespeare. 

President Roosevelt told the American people that he was a friend of the poor and the middle class of America, but he was an agent of the Shylock International Banks and Fabian Socialism, from day one. He arranged huge loans to prop up the Socialist government in England, bankrupted by that country's failed Socialist policies, while his own people stood in bread lines, and in 1929, the same foreign interests manipulated the stock market crash that took billions of dollars off stock prices, which the predators were then able to buy up at 10 cents on the dollar. The Federal Reserve banks engineered the crash through the New York Federal Reserve bank. On pages 10949-1050 of the Congressional Record, House, June 16, 1930, we find the following: 

"More recently the Federal Reserve Board has made American industry the victim of a single series of manipulations in the interest of European credit which caused the stock market to crash and present industrial depression. Those manipulations began in Feb. 1929 with the visit to this country of the governor of the bank of England and his consultations with the Federal Reserve Board head, the subject of these conferences being anxiety as to the financial situation in Great Britain (reeling from Socialist programs that had bankrupted the country) and the fall of the pound sterling. 

"The British and French had invested $3 billion in the American stock market, and the purpose was to stop the drain of gold to the United States by breaking American security values. Their first effort in March, 1929, caused by public proclamations of the Federal Reserve (from its New York branch) calculated to scare investors caused a minor panic in March. The second effort, beginning in August, 1929, was made by sales and short sales of British and French investors by American bankers and the panic of October 1929..." The Federal Reserve banks were responsible for the 1929 crash and subsequent depression.  

Today, in 1994, the Federal Reserve Board, under the chairmanship of Socialist Alan Greenspan, is choking the feeble life out of the American economy, because Greenspan's masters in London have told him to keep inflation down to 1.5 percent, even if it means the loss of 50 million jobs. Today, our membership of the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements and our willingness to compromise our sovereignty by falling in line with the dictates of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bodes ill for the future and would indicate that the Committee of 300 is gearing up for another world war. 

Nowhere in the Constitution is there found a power that authorizes the United States Government to fund so-called international banks like the World Bank and the IMF. To find this power one has to look in Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-18, but it would be futile to search for it because it is not there. We have no constitutional power authorizing the funding of foreign banks, hence such action is unlawful. 

Spurred on by the Socialist in England, President George Bush pushed hard to pass the One World Government  New World Order trade bills of NAFTA and GATT which would rob the United States of its sovereignty and depredate industrial and agricultural jobs, throwing millions of Americans out of work. "Global trade" is an old aim of Fabian Socialism which it has striven to achieve since 1910, in its effort to break up the favorable trade position of the United States and reduce the standard of living of the American blue collar and white collar middle class, to that of Third World countries. 

However, Bush ran out of time and so the baton in the relay race was passed to President Clinton, who succeeded in having the NAFTA "treaty" passed with the aid of 132 "progressive (Socialist) members of the Republican Party." In 1993, the Fabian Socialist's dream of "global trade" took a giant step forward with the passage of NAFTA and the signing of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) measure that ended America's unique position of being able to provide a good standard of living and jobs for its unique middle class. 

It would take an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to make the NAFTA and GATT treaties lawful. First, there in is no provision or power in the Constitution that allowed Presidents Bush and Clinton acted in a 100 percent unconstitutional manner by getting involved in the details of these treaties, which are solely in the domain of the legislative branch. There is a constitutional prohibition against the three branches of government delegating their powers to each other, Pages 108-116, Congressional Globe, Dec. 10, 1867: 

"We agree in the proposition that no department of the Government in the United States, neither the President, nor Congress nor the courts, possess any power not given by the Constitution." 

There is no provision for giving away U.S. sovereignty in the Constitution, but that is what our Trojan horse enemies did when they negotiated directly with  these One World Government — New World Order purveyors of the NAFTA and GATT treaties, in pursuance of the International Socialist agenda. 


The "sacred cow" of the Fabian Socialists was getting other people's money (OPM) to fund their Socialist excesses. We know about the $7 billion dollar loan engineered by John Maynard Keynes to bail out the failed Socializing of the British people via the Labor Party. We also know about the Socialist scheme to fund other foreign countries via the so-called foreign aid appropriations bill, an event that costs the American people close to $20 billion annually, where we play Santa Claus to some of the most undeserving nations in the world, whose failed Socialist policies we continue to prop up. The House and Senate fail lamentably to even make a pretense of screening bills for their constitutionality before they allow them to come to the floor. If they did their job properly, foreign aid bills would never reach the floor of the House and Senate. This is a crime against the American people, best described as sedition. 

Foreign aid serves two purposes; it destabilizes America and helps the Committee of 300 take control of the natural resources of countries funded by coercion of the American taxpayers. Of course there are countries that have no natural resources, such as Israel and Egypt, but in these cases, foreign aid become a geopolitical consideration, but still remains, involuntary servitude or slavery. Foreign aid began in earnest with President Roosevelt when he gave away an estimated $11 billion to Bolshevik Russia and $7 billion to the British Labor Party Government. 

Is their any grant in power in the Constitution of the United States that would make provision for this astonishing annual giveaway? 

The answer is, "NO" and it would require an amendment to the Constitution to make foreign aid legal, but it is doubtful whether such an amendment could be properly drafted, as foreign aid violates the clause forbidding slavery (involuntary servitude). To put it bluntly, foreign aid is treason and sedition. The members of the House and Senate know it, the President knows it, but this does not stop the annual theft of billions of dollars from the American workers. Foreign aid is theft. Foreign aid is involuntary servitude. Foreign aid is Socialism in action. 


Of all the people most hated by the Marxist/Fabian Socialist/Communists and their American cousins, none outranks the unique American middle class, which has long been the bane of the existence of Socialism. The middle class is what made America the mighty nation it became. Trade wars were and are aimed at the middle class, personified by the so-called "global economy." The criminally degenerate efforts of Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt, and later, Carter, Bush and Clinton, to smash down the trade barriers that developed and protected the middle class, are told elsewhere in this book. What we want to do in this chapter is to look at where the middle class stands in mid-1994. 

The middle class is the greatest social triumph of the 20th century for our Confederated Republic, which was properly and well run, up to 1913. Born out of sound monetary policies, trade barriers and protectionism, the middle class was the rampart against all of the hopes of Karl Marx to bring revolution to America were dashed to pieces. The expanding middle class which began in earnest between the time that Andrew Jackson outlawed the central bank, and the Civil War, continued during both world wars. But since 1946, something has gone wrong. Elsewhere we have explained the war waged against the American middle class since 1946 by the Tavistock Institute, a war we are losing hands down. 

The equality of blue-collar workers in good-paying industrial jobs with an assured future was the first target of the Club of Rome's Post Industrial-Zero Growth blueprint for the destruction of our industrial base. Blue collar workers enjoyed parity income with white collar workers and together, they formed a formidable middle class, not the "working class" of Socialist European countries. This was THE political fact recognized by the Socialists as a big obstacle to their plans to ruin America. Thus, industry, which supported the middle class, had to be eviscerated, and it was, and still is, being cut up, section by section, with NAFTA and GATT doing the slicing. 

One thing I have always emphasized is that the Socialists never give up. Once they set their goals, they will pursue them with a tenacity of purpose that is almost frightening. I have traced the decline of the economic and political power of the middle class to the beginning of the 1970s, following the implementation of the Club of Rome's Post Industrial-Zero Growth plan. By 1973, the foundation-floor upon which the middle class rested, began to show signs of serious sinking as job prospects and earnings prospects began collapsing. So much so, that by 1993, for the first time ever, job losses among white collar workers equaled job losses of blue collar workers. Since the 1970s, and particularly in 1980, the Census Bureau reported middle class incomes plummeting. 

What Socialism achieved through the destruction of trade barriers, increased taxation and an ongoing onslaught against the work-place, is the emergence of a new class in America, the working poor. Literally millions and millions of former blue collar and white collar workers have fallen through the yawning cracks in their former solid middle class foundation, jobs based on industrial employment, protection of trade. The middle class found itself making up the more than 60 million Americans, roughly 23 percent of the population, who can be described with accuracy, as the working poor, those whose incomes are less than enough to cover the cost of the basic necessities of life.(Yet, we can afford to give $20 billion in "foreign aid" to strangers). 

One of the most destructive shots fired against the middle class in the trade war was the so-called oil shortage generated by the deliberately planned 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict combined with war on nuclear power stations. The Socialists have closed down nuclear energy — the cheapest and safest form of energy and the least polluting, and made our industrial heart beat on oil — better yet, imported oil. Had the nuclear power program for this country not been utterly savaged by the Socialist-controlled "environmentalist" shock troops, the country would have by now experienced a zero need to import oil, so detrimental to our economy in general and, in particular, to our balance of payments situation. In addition, by shutting down nuclear power stations, the Socialists slashed an estimated one million jobs annually from the payrolls. 

The rising cost of oil fanned by the Arab-Israeli war and loss of nuclear energy, forced productivity lower, which in turn considerably lowered wages, impacting on the economy, as lower wages discouraged spending. Starting from 1960, we find that the median family income rose by almost 3 percent annually right up to the 1973 Arab — Israeli War. No doubt this is what Kissinger meant when he said the war had a far wider impact on the American economy than at first thought. 

From 1974, real wages of blue and white collar workers fell by a whopping 20 percent. By 1993, the number of workers forced to take part time jobs who were formerly fully employed in blue collar jobs, almost doubled from the year before. Likewise, white collar workers in stable industry-related jobs, found themselves becoming "permanent temporaries" in ever increasing numbers. The number of temporary former blue collar workers is now around 9 percent, with white collar workers in the same category around 10 percent of the total workforce. The foundation upon which the middle class was built was not only cracking and sinking, it was beginning to totally break up. 

Although government statistics only admit to an average unemployment rate of between 6.4 percent and 7 percent, the real rate is closer to 20 percent. With the downsizing of defense contracts an estimated loss of 35 million jobs is the reality of the situation when we take into consideration the impact of NAFTA and GATT on the job market. North Carolina's textile industry is expected to shed two million jobs in the second year of a fully operational GATT. 

Irving Bluestone of the Institute of Policy Studies says his survey of steady, industry-related jobs, the sole source of wages that support a middle class family, found that 900,000 good-paying industrial jobs were lost each year starting in 1978 to 1982, that is, almost 5 million high-quality blue collar jobs in five years. There are no other statistics of a similar nature covering the period 1982 to 1994, but, if we take the same number, 900,000 — and we know the number is higher — then it is reasonable to suppose that in 12 years the number of such jobs lost, and which will never return, amounted to 10 million well-paying long-term industrial jobs. Now we begin to get the real figures about unemployment, and not only that, we get the real picture of the QUALITY jobs lost forever, thanks to the onslaught of the Club of Rome and the Tavistock Institute against the American workplace. 

President Clinton will pay a price for his trade war on the American people, that price will include a single term. Clinton has plumped for a global economy, which inevitably means employment insecurity in America. Bringing down the last trade barrier by GATT has sent our economy whirling into the maelstrom of decreased spending as a cause of increased joblessness. Clinton is learning the hard way that you can't have your cake and eat it. Global economy + deficit reduction = HUGE JOB LOSSES. There is no chance that the country can take another four more years of Clinton's Socialist administration, with a rising tide of temporary, low paid jobs swamping former well-paid, long-term industrial jobs. 

The middle class is vanishing, but their voice can still be heard, and their message must be, "to hell with a global economy and to hell with deficit reduction. WE WANT GOOD PAYING, STABLE, LONG TERM EMPLOYMENT!" Even though the United States is just lately been forced into a global economy, the devastation is clearly visible with hundreds of solid, stable corporations forced to lay off their trained work force in droves. 

What we have today in 1994 — and this has developed since the Arab Israeli War — is a Wall Street/Las Vegas economy. McDonald stock is high, but flipping hamburgers is no substitute for a well-paid long term industrial job. So while McDonald stocks do well on Wall Street, can the United States make do with an economy in which well-paid jobs are becoming an endangered species? An article in the Los Angeles Times said that in 1989, one in four American jobs were part time, a frightening rise over the 1972 figures, but the ratio in 1993 was one in three, or one third of all jobs in American were temporary jobs. The bottom line is that no industrial nation can survive the rate of attrition in well-paying industrial jobs and not go whirling out of control into an abyss of destruction. 

The United States is losing the battle against the forces of Socialism spearheaded by the Tavistock Institute. In the next two years we are going to be faced by a huge increase in competition forced upon us by "global economy" where nations with millions of semi-literate people will be taught to turn out goods at slave-labor pay rates. What will the workforce in the United States do then? May we remind you that this is the logical result of policies implemented by Woodrow Wilson, policies that were to destroy the internal market of the United States. Our workforce of skilled industrial blue collar workers will very soon be haunted by the specter of no jobs at all, and we are going to find these workers grabbing at any kind of a job to halt the slide of their standard of living, or, indeed, just to keep bread on the table. 

Clinton ran his campaign on promise to the middle class. How many of the  jobless remember his speech, 'The rich get the goldmine and the workers get the shaft"? That was before he was ordered to meet with Jay Rockefeller and Pamela Harriman who told him very bluntly, "you are delivering the wrong message. The DEFICIT is what the message is." Thereafter, Clinton suddenly began to preach the Socialist gospel of cutting the deficit, without mentioning that it could only be done at the cost of millions of jobs. 

Then Clinton did the other thing Socialists are good at; he made a promise that government would reshape everything. But the worry has grown; Clinton hasn't been able to convince workers that a lower deficit is better than full employment. A recent poll showed that 45 percent opposed to 26 percent of Americans thought unemployment a more serious problem than the deficit. Clinton also told us that we are enjoying a recovery, but this does not ad up, as contrary to the normal pattern, when recovery means less people are working at involuntary part-time lower-paid jobs, this time the percentage has GROWN. In 1993 there were more than 6.5 million people working in temporary lower-paid jobs. 

Of the much vaunted claim that the Clinton administration created 2 million jobs last year, we should note that 60 percent of these jobs were in restaurants, health care, bars, hotels (bellmen, porters, doormen). The drive to "globalize" (read destroy) the American domestic market begun by Woodrow Wilson, has gone into high gear with Clinton. The dramatic results from this destructive program can be measured by the following: 

■ In Automobiles, imports rose from 4.1 percent to 68 percent from 1960 to 1986. 

■ Clothing imports rose from 1.8 percent in 1960 to 50 percent by 1986. 

■ Machine tool imports rose from 3.2 percent in 1960 to 50 percent in 1986. 

■ Machine tools are THE most important indicator of the true economy of an industrial nation. 

■ Electronic imports rose from 5.6 percent of the market in 1960 to 68 percent of the market in 1986. 

The Fabian Socialists with their false "global economy" promises completely undermined the United States as the greatest industrial nation the world has ever seen. The tragedy contained in these figures translates to MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of good paying, long term, stable jobs, which are now lost FOREVER, sacrificed on the alter of Fabian Socialism's dream of a One World Government — New World Order dictatorship. The American worker was lied to by Presidents Wilson, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, Bush and Clinton, who have jointly and severally committed high treason against the United States. As a result of this treasonous policy carried out by a succession of Presidents, domestic investment, public and private fell by half from 1973 to 1986, sloughing off millions of good-paying long term jobs. 

As of this time, mid 1994, apart from the pathetic slogans offered by the political candidates of both parties, the middle class crisis has not been, and is not being addressed. This is not to say that the politicians are unaware of it. On the contrary, they hear from their constituents every day, as they grow more and more angry over problems they do not understand, an anger that leaves them with little patience with the Washington government's inability to bring these problems that are affecting them so drastically, under control. The politicians will do nothing to look for solutions to the crises, because the solutions that are readily available run contra to the Club of Rome's dictatorial, Post Industrial Zero Growth blueprint. Any effort to bring the middle class disaster to national attention, will be choked off before it can get started. 

There is no other crisis that compares with the middle class crisis. America is dying. Those who could turn things around are unwilling or afraid to do so, and the situation will continue to deteriorate until the patient becomes terminally ill, a point soon to be reached, probably in less than 3 years. Yet, no attention is being paid to this, the most massive change taking place, which truly compares with the massive changes wrought by the Civil War. The last election reflected the situation in voter turnout; people have got tired of voting and seeing no results. The crisis condition of the United States remains, so why take the time and trouble to vote? There is no confidence in America's future — that is what being without a meaningful job or any job at all does to the human spirit. 

Since the 1930s, the power hungry continue to grab more and power. The Communist Party U.S.A., also known as the "Democratic Party" got their Socialist President Roosevelt to pack the Supreme Court with justices who regarded the Constitution merely as an instrument lo be twisted and squeezed to suit Socialist programs. The 10th Amendment became their football, to be kicked all over the place. I analyzed major Supreme Court decisions since the "packing house" was established, and found that this court never, in a single instance, prevented the power-hungry from grabbing what they wanted. 

States rights were trampled underfoot by the Roosevelt stampede and it continues to this very day. Beginning with the Roosevelt administration, government has expanded and contracted the Constitution like an accordion player playing the right tune. What the Supreme Court did, and what it is still doing, is redistributing the rights and powers vested in We, the People, in favor of the Federal Government. That is why we are faced with the imminent death of the middle class, and the destruction of the Constitution of the United States. 

What is needed is an urgent program that would turn the country around and save the middle class. Such a program would call for the utter defeat of the Democrat Party, which party has lied to and misled the American people since the Wilson administration: an education program that would excise Socialism in its entirety, abolish the false unconstitutional "separation of Church and State," a house cleaning of the Supreme Court (which could be closed down during the procedure), the Federal Reserve closed down and the national debt abolished. 

When Warren G. Harding was elected to the White House, the United States was in chaos as it is now. Credit was overextended, the Federal Reserve was madly manipulating the currency and causing inflation with the attendant massive crop of business failures. Commodity prices had been artificially lowered by foreign pressures, and unemployment was widespread. The Federal Reserve-created National Debt had ballooned. We were still at war with Germany, a ruse to suck more "reparations" out of that country. Wilson's taxes were at an all time high. 

On assuming office, Harding made a list of what ailed the United States and then forced the Congress to stay in session for two years to solve the problems. Harding attacked the Shylock International Bankers and their Wall Street allies. He said what Jesus Christ before him had said, "I will drive you out of the temple." Harding told the Shylock bankers that there would be no more foreign entanglements, no war foreign wars, no national debt, "the last of which ail-but destroyed the Republic." 

Harding relieved the credit crunch and enacted new tariff taxes that protected local industries. Government employees were cut to the bare minimum, a budget was established. Immigration was restricted to protect our borders against the hordes of anarchists flowing in from Eastern Europe and to protect our labor market. Harding instituted new tax regulations that cut income taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars each year, and he signed a treaty of peace with Germany and told the League of Nations to fold up its tent and depart our shores. 

But Harding did not live long enough to enjoy his signal victories over the Philistines, whom he had driven out of our camp in total disarray. 

On June 20, 1923, while on a political trip to Alaska, he fell ill and died. His death was caused by kidney failure, the clearest indication that a powerful poison had somehow been administered to him. We need a man like Warren Harding, whose courage knew no bounds. We must search and find the "new Warren Harding" who will restore the programs that would have saved America from the monstrous grip of Socialist evil doers. 

The nonsensical "deficit reduction is king" notion must be brought into proper perspective. If the deficit was zero tomorrow, the crisis of the middle class would not be eased. Even Clinton's $50 billion public investment program has been forgotten. Wall Street' s eviscerating of our industries must be stopped, which means exposing the gnomes of the bond market. The trade barriers erected by Washington and maintained by Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley must be reinstated. A drive must be made to educate the public about what unlimited, untaxed imported goods, also known as "free trade," does to our economy. This would bring a dramatic return to full employment: It would also bring the Nation into direct confrontation with the foreign powers who rule this country.

The "brave new world" of Clinton is without substance. There are no foreign markets for American goods, and this is how it has always been. The only thing that has changed with a "global economy" is that our defenses were breached and imported goods came flooding through gaping holes in the dykes. This is at the root cause of the middle class crisis. Whereas, it was always that American manufacturers were able to supply a rising local demand because of steady blue and white collar jobs, our position became untenable when Wilson said that we must not be afraid of "competition!" In 1913, the United States had a closed market with full employment, a rising economy and long range prosperity, Customs revenues paid the government bills up to 1913, when the Socialists got Wilson to tear down the dykes protecting our standard of living. 

In a closed market, our manufacturers could afford to pay good wages: by so doing they created purchasing power and an effective demand for their products, which meant full employment, long term permanent job security. All that Socialist (Democrat) Presidents from Wilson to Clinton have offered the American worker is a slim chance to sell some goods in China, Japan or England, in return for a low-paid job of sorts, so that by degrees, especially with the full force of NAFTA and GATT brought to bear on them, they will find themselves accepting a constant lowering of their standard of living and be thankful for the opportunity to work at any job, no matter what it might be. This is called, "free trade." This is the future of the American middle class. 

The net effect of "free trade in a global economy" will be the disappearance of the American middle class, (clerical, blue collar and white collar) the class that made America great. The top 500 companies shed more than 5 million middle class workers over the past 13 years. Some future leader may react in alarm when the full extent of the ravaging of the middle class becomes dearer. At that time, the only alternative for the leader of this nation, will be to stem the tide of "free trade," which means a return to tough, trade barriers. That will be a humiliating defeat for the Socialists who run the Democrat Party, but one which they will have to accept if America is not to become like Russia; the possessed and the dispossessed. 

To sum up the tragedy that has come down on America: A global society means a middle classless society in America. "Free trade" has already eroded the standard of living of the middle class to where it is no longer comparable with what it was in 1969. The American middle class was not made by "free trade" or a "global economy." The middle class was made out of trade barriers and a secure protected market for locally manufactured goods. Trade barriers did not give rise to inflation. Starting with Woodrow Wilson, a succession of Presidents has lied to the American people and generally, succeeded in getting this blatant lie accepted as truth. 

Socialism is a ghastly failure. Putting aside its pious platitudes of enriching  the lives of the ordinary people, Socialism's sole purpose was always to enslave people and gradually bring about the New Dark Age of a One World Government — New World Order. Even when in full control of the British Government, and notwithstanding the billions of "foreign aid" dollars America poured into the British treasury to shore up Socialist programs, Socialism proved to be a colossal flop. 

Sweden was one the countries that elected to go the Fabian Way. We have already met the Socialist idealists, Gunnar Myrdal, and his wife, both of whom played a major role in wrecking education in America. For more than 50 years, Stockholm was the pride of Socialists everywhere. Myrdal was a minister in the Swedish cabinet for many years, and played a leading part in introducing Socialism to Sweden, its leaders well contented they had proved that Socialism works. 

From the 1930s onwards, Sweden was synonymous with Socialism. All politicians of whatever party were committed Socialists, their differences being only in degree, not in principles. French, British, Indian and Italian Socialists flocked to Stockholm to study the "miracle" at work. The foundation of Sweden's Socialist state was its welfare program. But where does Sweden's proud Socialism stand today, in 1994? Well, it is not exactly standing, it is more like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, leaning more and more toward capitalism with each passing month. 

Sweden's politicians are learning that voters do not vote altruistically, and that the age of ideal Socialism is dead and only remains to be buried. The Swedish Socialists who blatantly interfered in South African politics and marched in protest against the United States involvement in Vietnam, are discovering that their Socialist vocabulary is outdated in a country where everything has gone to hell. Swedish Socialists sat down at the table to sup with International Socialism, only to find that their dinner guest had departed with the silverware. Sweden fell victim to the lies and false promises of Socialism. Today, the country is in an economic shambles and it will take fifty years for Sweden to work itself out of the mess, that is, presuming it will be permitted to do so. Britain was destroyed by Socialism a long time ago. Now, it is America's turn. Can the United States survive a near fatal overdose of Socialist poison, administered by the Socialist Communist Democrat Party of the United States? Only time will tell, and time is what the American blue collar, white collar, clerical worker middle class no longer has. 

Implicit in all of the programs of the Wilson, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Bush and Clinton presidencies, although not spelled out, is that the socializing of the United States is the great goal toward which Socialism is working. This will be accomplished through new forms of ownership, control of production — meaning the choice to destroy industrial plants is theirs — is essential if  the Socialists are to advance their plan to move the United States, and then the rest of the world, ever more swiftly and surely into a One World Government New World Order of the New Dark Age of total slavery. 

The absolutely false picture that Socialists have painted of themselves as a benign, friendly organization whose only interests in bettering the lot of the common people is not correct...Socialism has another brutal, vicious face, one which history reveals will not hesitate to kill if that is what it takes to Socialize the United States. 

Nothing can describe the vicious side of Socialism better than the statement made by Arthur Schlesinger: "I don't know why President Eisenhower doesn't liquidate Joe McCarthy the way Roosevelt did Huey Long." Huey Long's "crime" was that he truly loved America and all of its people, the very first American politician to fully understand what Roosevelt was doing to the United States. Huey Long spoke out for the middle class, which he correctly perceived as the target of the Socialist, and he spoke out against Socialism on every possible occasion. 

Great hatred of Long was expressed by the Socialist/Marxist/Communist machine in the United States, whom they called, "the personification of the fascist menace — the man most likely to become the Hitler or Mussolini of America." So hungry were the little people of America for a spokesman for their downtrodden situation, that it is believed Long received up to 100,000 letters a day. Roosevelt went into a rage at the mention of the name of Huey Long and feared that Long would succeed him as the next President of the United States. 

A blizzard of Socialist propaganda flew against Huey Long. There never was such an unprecedented campaign of all-out hatred directed against a single individual; it was frightening, it was awesome. Roosevelt went into near epileptic fits every time Huey Long revealed further truths about the Socialists programs Roosevelt was about to impose. Huey Long lashed out at Roosevelt's British Fabian Socialist "deals," urging the people to: "Defy this kind of autocracy, defy tyranny." Roosevelt tried to have Long impeached for tax evasion, but Long came out of it without a blemish to his character. 

The Roosevelt camp were left with only one option: "Murder Huey Long." The cause of deep concern was Long's move to assert Sates rights. He refused so called "federal money" and told a wildly enthusiastic audience in Louisiana that he was going to sue the Federal Government and get an injunction to remove all federal agencies and their offices from the borders of the State of Louisiana. Roosevelt took great fright; this was an action of which the Federal Government lived in daily fear, one that could sweep the States and cut back the functions of the Federal Government until it was operating inside the confines of the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution of the United States, its wings clipped, its agencies confined to the District of Columbia. 

"Defy this kind of autocracy, defy this kind of tyranny" Long cried when he  discovered that the Federal Government was attempting to block the sale of Louisiana State Bonds, bonds which would provided the revenue the State needed to replace the "Federal funds" he ordered the State not to accept. In 1935, with Roosevelt as nervous as a cat up a tree, Long went to Baton Rouge to visit his friend, Governor Allen. As he left the Governors office, a man shot him. The assailant, a close friend of Roosevelt, was Dr. Carl Weiss, who was gunned down by Long's guards, too late to save him, and Weiss lay dead. 

Huey Long was transported to hospital, where he lingered between life and death. In his near-death state, Long had a vision of Americans from all walks of life who needed his leadership. He cried out to God, "Oh Lord, they need me. Please don't let me die. I have so much to do, God, I have so much to do." But Long died, felled by a Socialist assassin. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, all tried to protect America against the ravages of the Socialists, all paid with their lives. So did Congressman L.T. McFadden, Senator William Borah, Senator Thomas D. Schall and President Kennedy, after renouncing Socialism. 

Socialism is far more dangerous than Communism, because of its inherent, evil slow approach to forcing drastic, unwanted changes upon the people of the United States. There is only one way to overcome this violently dangerous menace, and that is for the whole people to be educated to where they recognize what they are up against and toss Socialism out, neck and crop. This can and MUST be done. "Unity is strength." There are more of our patriotic people than there are Socialists. All we need is leadership and an educated people to stand fast in the face of the vicious tyranny which every president Since Woodrow Wilson has helped fasten around our necks. The Socialists can't shoot us all! Let us rise up and smite the Philistines in a show of great unity. We have Constitutional power to do just that. 


Americans and indeed the world sat around waiting for the hammer of Communism to strike, little realizing that a greater danger to the Republican nation state such as ours, was Socialism. Who in the Cold War era feared Socialism? The number of writers, commentators and forecasters who said this, could be counted on one hand. Nobody thought that Socialism was anything to worry about. 

The Communists played a major trick on us, keeping our collective eyes fixed on Moscow while the most terrible damage was being wrought at home. I have always maintained throughout the twenty five years I have been writing, that the greatest danger to the future well being of our nation lay in Washington, not Moscow. The "evil empire" mentioned by former President Reagan is not Moscow but Washington and the Socialist camarilla controlling it. 

Events unfolding as we come to the close of the 20th century bear out the accuracy of that contention. In 1994 we have a Socialist at the helm of the nation's affairs, ably assisted by a Democrat Party that adopted Communism/Socialism in 1980, and with more than 87 percent of the Democrats in the House and Senate showing their Socialist colors, attempts by the people to change the course of the nation via the ballot box are not going anywhere.

The "surplus to requirements" population of the world — and this includes the United States — is already being decimated by laboratory made mutant viruses that are killing hundreds of thousands of people. This process will be speeded up in terms of the Club of Rome's Global 2000 genocidal blueprint — after the mobs have served their purpose. The experiments begun in Sierre Leone with Lassa fever and media visna mutant viruses is being brought to perfection in the laboratories of Harvard University in August of 1994. A new, even more deadly virus than AIDS is about to be released. 

Already released and working with deadly efficiency are the new flu viruses. These mutant flu viruses are believed a 100 percent more effective than the "Spanish flu" viruses tested on French Moroccan troops in the fading days of WWI. Like the Lassa fever viruses, the "Spanish flu" virus got out of control, and in 1919, swept the world and killed more people than the total military casualties  of both sides in WWI. There was no stopping it. Casualties in the United States were horrendous. One out of every seven people in big cities in America were swept away by "Spanish flu." People fell ill in the morning from fever and a debilitating tiredness. Within one or two days, they died — by the millions. 

Who knows when the new flu mutant viruses will strike? In 1995 or perhaps the summer of 1996? Nobody knows. Also waiting in the wings is Ebola fever, its proper title, "Ebola Zaire" named after the African country of Zaire, where it first surfaced. Ebola fever cannot be stopped; it is a merciless killer, which acts fast and leaves its victims horribly contorted and bleeding from every opening in the body. Recently, Ebola Zaire has surfaced in the United States, but the news media and the Centers for Disease Control are saying little about it. Research experiments have been going on with Ebola viruses at the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute involving this and other highly dangerous viruses. 

What is the purpose behind unleashing these dreadful killer viruses? Population control is given as the reason, and if we read the statements made by Lord Bertrand Russell, Robert S. McNamara and H.G. Wells, the new killer viruses are merely what these men said was coming. In the eyes of the Committee of 300 and the Socialist camarilla, there are just too many unwanted people on the earth. 

But that is not the whole story. The real reason behind the planned global mass genocide is to create a climate of instability. Destabilize nations, set people's hearts fluttering with fear. War is part of that plan, and in 1994, war is everywhere. There is no peace on earth. Miniscale wars rage in what was the Soviet Union; in former Yugoslavia the war goes on between the factions artificially created in the first place by British Socialists. South Africa will never again be the land of peace it once was; India and Pakistan are not far behind. This is the result of years and years of careful Socialist planning. 

There are 100 more nations today than there were in 1945. Most of these are built on a shaky alliance of tribal-ethnic divisions with religious differences, differences in culture. They will not survive, having been created and placed on the shelf to await the destabilization process. The United States is being thrust into similar divisions thanks to clever long range Socialist planning. America in 1994 is ripe to be riven apart by racial, ethnic and religious differences. America long ago ceased to be "one nation under God." No nation can survive cultural differences, especially where language and religion play a crucial role. 

The Socialist are forging ahead through President Clinton to exploit this fact of life, which we try to hide every 4th of July. The next decade will be one in which these divisions boil up and over. America will be divided by income, lifestyle, political outlook, race and geography. A huge wall, which the Socialists have been building since they put President Woodrow Wilson in office, is almost finished. This wall will divide America into the have and have nots — with the middle class in the latter category. America WILL become like any other Third World country. Beautiful cities will be ruined by lack of social services and police protection as local and state governments, deliberately starved of revenues, are unable to meet the rising costs of services and protection. 

Crime will spread to the suburbs. Formerly safe suburbs will be come crime infested suburbs. It is all part of the Socialist plan to break up major cities and scatter population groups — even into your safe neighborhoods, which in ten or more years are likely to be as crime ridden and gang-infested as the inner cities of major American cities are now. 

Illegitimacy rates won't be controlled by abortion, because abortion is directed toward stemming the middle class birth rate. Madame Kollontay's Socialist abortion and free love was always intended as a brake on the middle class becoming too powerful. The illegitimate birth rate will grow and grow among the working poor. There is now a population explosion of illegitimate babies who are growing up fatherless with mothers unable or unwilling to care for them. This is Fabian Socialism in action, the evil dark side of Fabian Socialism that was always kept out of sight. 

The new underclass now coming up in America will consist of millions of unemployed and unemployable, which means a huge floating, unstable population that can only turn to crime for survival. Suburbs are going to be flooded with the underclass and its street gangs. The police will not be able to stop them—and for a while they will be allowed free rein to do the destabilizing work for Socialism. 

The beautiful suburb in which you now live is likely to be the ghetto of the year 2010, populated by thousands of gangs whose members live by the sword. "Going to Mayberry" will become more common as these vicious young thugs expand their areas of operations. 

The vast majority of Americans are totally unprepared for what lies just ahead. They are lulled into complacency by Socialist promises that can never be fulfilled. While the United States faces its "Dunkirk," our people look more and more to government to solve problems that were created by Socialism in the first place, problems neither President Clinton nor his successors have any hope of solving, simply because it is deemed necessary to DESTABILIZE America. 

Bitter hard times lie ahead, all the Democrat Party promises are just so much sounding cymbals. Lacking education, training, jobs — with industrial employers either wiped out or relocated in foreign countries — unemployed mobs will roam the streets in search of a living they were promised by the Socialists. When they have done their work, and America is destabilized, the "excess population" will be wiped out by mutant virus diseases, faster than we can ever imagine. 

This is what the SOCIALIST predicted they would do, but few paid any attention to the promises of Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells. Americans are more  concerned about baseball and football, to the extent that historian of the future will marvel at how mass political psychology was not recognized by the people, and resisted. "They must have been fast asleep not to see it" will be the harsh judgment of future historians. 

Can anything be done to stop the ravaging of this nation? I believe what is needed is to arouse the super-wealthy in the conservative ranks — and there are many of them — and get them to support a foundation that would teach a crash course on the Constitution of the United States, based solely on the reading of the Annals of Congress, the Congressional Globes and the Congressional Record. These documents contain the finest information about the Constitution together with a great deal of information about Socialism and its plans for a One World Government — New World Order, the new Dark Age of slavery. 

Armed with this information, millions of citizens could challenge their representatives who vote for unconstitutional measures. For instance, if 100 million informed citizens challenged as unconstitutional Crime bill, and gave notice that they would not obey the provisions of the measure because it is 100 percent unconstitutional, it would never have passed the House and Senate. This is the only route left for patriotism to express itself. It can, and it must be done. 

The hour IS late. To those who respond to the Socialists plans to bring the United States down to the level of any Third World country, "this is the United States, it can't happen here," I would say, "IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING." Who would have thought a few scant years ago that an unknown, obscure governor of a relatively unimportant state would become the President of the United States — even though 56 percent of the voters voted AGAINST him? This is SOCIALISM IN ACTION, forcing unpopular, unwanted changes upon the United States. 


At 9.40 a.m. Friday, September 30, 1994, Richard Blanchard, a 60 year old architect was shot in the neck after stopping for a red light at the edge of San Francisco's Tenderloin district. As Blanchard sat in his car in broad daylight, waiting for the light to change, two 16 year old thugs approached him, pointed a gun at him and demanded money. At that moment the light changed and Blanchard tried to drive away. He was shot in the neck and today lies totally paralyzed and on life supports in hospital. 

As the law now stands, the 16-year old thug may not be named nor can his photo be published. According to a report in the San Francisco Examiner, Blanchard's friend, Alan Wofsy stated: "It means someone in San Francisco is not safe stopping at a red light during a regular working day. It takes away the whole innocence of life. The idea that you have to be vigilant in carrying out your normal daily tasks because your life may be taken away, means there are no more  boundaries to civilized behavior. Another part of this tragedy is that this is a man whose hands were everything to him. Over nothing a man is reduced from being a wonderful architect to being a paraplegic."

The police response to this nightmare was, "roll up your windows and lock your car doors. If someone sticks a gun in your face give him whatever he wants. It's not worth losing your life over a watch or your wallet." This is the legacy of Socialism: "Yield to criminal thugs because the police cannot protect you, and having been disarmed by Socialist legislation that is 100 percent unconstitutional, you can no longer protect yourself." 

After arch-Socialists Art Agnos and Diana Feinstein (both former mayors of San Francisco) left office, San Francisco was what they had made it, a Socialists nightmare. Had Mr. Blanchard been allowed his constitutional right to carry a gun in his car, the thugs, knowing this, would likely have thought twice about approaching him, or any citizen bearing arms. But thanks to the unconstitutional actions of Socialists like Feinstein, the citizens of California and many of the other States have been disarmed and are now advised to "stand and deliver" in the face of criminals carrying guns. What would the Colonists, who refused to pay a tax of one penny a pound on tea, think of modern America and such an official admission of total, abject failure by the State to protect its citizens? 

Blanchard's tragic story is repeated a thousand times a month across the United States. What is needed is a return to the Constitution, with a sweeping away of all gun laws and soft Socialist laws that protect criminal thugs like the one who shot Blanchard. Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms. If this were widely advertised and generally known that citizens were exercising that right, the crime rate would plummet. No thug would dare to approach a motorist with a gun in plain view. 

The tidal wave of Socialism is sweeping all before it. That tidal wave has to be confronted very soon and turned back, otherwise the United States is headed for extinction in the manner of ancient Greece and Rome. Police departments teli us they are understaffed and don't have the financial resources to confront the crime wave. Yet, in the same breath Clinton forces through an unconstitutional so called "Crime" bill that is largely a Socialist transfer program with very little help for our police 

In Washington D.C., the nation's crime capital with more restrictive laws on gun ownership that in any other city, the mayor recently appealed to the President to send in the National Guard to deal with black on black gang violence. Clinton said no, but he did authorize money from the budget to assign park police and the secret service to street patrols. The results were dramatic; a 50 percent drop in gang-related shootings. 

Then, the money ran out and the secret service and park police were withdrawn from the streets of Washington D.C. Shootings and violence returned. "We just don't have the money to continue that program," a White House spokesman told ABC television. WHY NOT? How can we afford to give away $20 billion in FOREIGN AID, which is 100 percent unconstitutional and yet cannot afford to fund essential crime prevention programs in Washington, the one place where the Federal Government does have jurisdiction in matters of police protection? That is the legacy of Socialism, the road to slavery. 



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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...