Saturday, July 24, 2021

Part 1 :The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

This  is sobering reading, have no doubt. I think it might be time that we take Mind Control more seriously folks. There is a very real issue in how long these 'cretins' have been doing this not only to their own offspring, but also to society at large. At some point it starts to dawn on those not under their control, that a lot of strange things are going on. I don't think anyone can be seen on a theater screen, or tell a vision set for a significant time without being under Mind Control. Nor do I think, you can hold any political power on a Central or State Government without submitting to Control. Corporations, Churchs, same thing. Just disgusts me how the government got in bed with the occult. You are looking at mind controlled slaves running this government, at this time, so good luck trying to reason with this bunch.... sad

The Illuminati Formula Used to 
Create an Undetectable Total 
Mind Controlled Slave 
by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier

This book is dedicated to the two million Americans and counting who have been programmed with Monarch-type trauma-based mind control. This book is written to destroy trauma-based mind control before it destroys the human race. It’s time for this horrendous secret to end. It is also written as part of God’s end time work to propel people of faith to the high calling that is prophesied of the Body, but cannot be attained without men of faith understanding these things. Humanity’s great prophet said he came to heal those whose hearts had been broken-- literally split and crushed, and to free those who are captive. That work needs to go forward. 

Blood, sweat and tears are associated with this book. The blood of the innocent victims of this mind-control cries out in a single unison, along with the pungent sweat of those who have tried to minister help to the shattered humanity left by the sadistic programmers, and the pools of tears shed as this book was written, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge and avenge our blood on earth?" 

WARNING, READ THIS FIRST BEFORE READING THE BOOK. IF THERE IS ANY CHANCE you the reader have had mind-control done to you, you must consider the following book to be DANGEROUS. If you are consulting a therapist for DID (also known as MPD), it is recommended that you consult your therapist before reading this book. The complications that could result for those under mind control learning the truth--could be fatal. The co-authors take no responsibility for those who read or misuse this information. 

The reader’s mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truth in your mind. Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation, before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps the weather is too stormy to plant the truth. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest. The blessings that flow from planting the information of this book in your mind will require the presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love in your heart, this book is not for you. The information contained in this book is the biggest news-story of the 20th century, and still the biggest secret. It will challenge you, shock you, horrify you and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts to humble yourself and seek strength from God Almighty. 

The programming procedures, which are described in this book, are based on research and consultation with deprogrammers, exprogrammers, therapists, counselors and pertinent literature. To the best of our knowledge the statements made in this book are factual, although they may not reflect the latest or currently accepted methodology among each and every faction of the New World Order, which carries out Monarch-type programming. This book tends to devote more emphasis to Illuminati programming, which is the highest level of programming. For individual application in understanding a survivor of Monarch programming, therapists are admonished to use this material with consideration for the Monarch victim’s personal case and situation. The authors disclaim any responsibility for therapeutic work based upon this material. 

Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler have co-authored They Know Not What They Do, An Illustrated Guidebook To Monarch Mind Control. Both Fritz and Cisco bring years of experience in dealing with Monarch programming to bear on the writing of this book. Fritz has researched the Illuminati, while he has worked with victims of its programming. He has authored The Top 13 Illuminati Families, and several other books. 

Introduction by Fritz 
There are many dangers to the human race, some real and some imagined. I believe that the trauma-based mind control, which this book exposes, is the greatest danger to the human race. It gives evil men the power to carry out any evil deed totally undetected. By the time the astute reader finishes this book, they will be as familiar with how to carry out trauma-based mind-control as some of the programmers. Ancient and more recent secrets will no longer be secrets. 

Over the years, I have spent thousands of hours studying the Illuminati, the Intelligence agencies of the world, and the occult world in general. The centerpiece of these organizations is the trauma-based mind control that they carry out. Without the ability to carry out this sophisticated type of mind-control using MPD, drugs, hypnosis and electronics and other control methodologies, these organizations would fail to keep their dark evil deeds secret. 

When one of the mind-control programmers of the Church of Scientology, who has left Scientology, was asked about MPD, he said, "It’s the name of the game of mind control." Research into this subject will never be complete. This book has tried to give a comprehensive view of how the programming is done. The basic techniques were developed in German, Scottish, Italian, and English Illuminati families and have been done for centuries. Some report that some of the techniques go back to ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon to the ancient mystery religions. The Nazis are known to have studied ancient Egyptian texts in their mind control research. The records and secrets of the generational Illuminati bloodlines are very-well guarded secrets. 

Even when I’ve learned about the location of secret depositories of some of the Illuminati’s secrets in Europe, America, and Asia, their records and secrets are too well-guarded to be examined. The intelligence agencies, such as MI-6 began investigating these mind-control techniques early this century, but their records have been routinely destroyed and tampered with. There are some survivors and professionals who know that the British used programmed trauma-based MPD (DID) agents in W.W. I. 

In Jan., 1987, Richard Kluft submitted an article to the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis about 8 MPD patients who were between 60 and 72 years of age. Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich (1880-1949), who was professor of philosophy at Tubingen University, Germany studied MPD and demonic possession and wrote a classic study of it in 1921 entitled Possession Demoniacal & Other, which was translated into english in 1930. His classic work on this subject provides documented cases which reveal that the basic trauma-based mind-control was going on in Germany, France & Belgium long before the 20th century. Although he is unable to put together all the pieces and the clues for what they are, the reader of this book might enjoy reading the 1930 English translation of his classic work after they finish this book. Oesterreich research in early 1900s was the type of research that the Nazi mind-control programmers were very aware of. In 1921, the Germans such as Oesterreich would describe personality switches, by the term "somnambuliform [hypnotic states] possession" or "demonical somnambulism" or what might be called "Besessenheit von Hypnotismus und bösen Geistern." 

The ability to study both the spiritual & psychological aspects of mind control phenomena, is often lacking today. There are exceptions such as Dr. Loreda Fox’s book The Spiritual Dimensions of MPD. In the 1920s, the Germans also were aware that the human mind has a variety of ego-psycho-physiological states rather than one unified mind, which they termed "Sub jecklose Psychologie" or the psychology of having correlated psychological states rather than the concept of a single ego. The Germans and Italians under the Nazi and Fascist governments began to do serious scientific research into trauma-based mind control. 

Under the auspices of the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, Joseph Mengele conducted mind-control research on thousands of twins, and thousands of other hapless victims. Himmler supervised genetic research. The Nazi research records were confiscated by the Allies and are still classified. 

A trip can be made from downtown Washington D.C. on a gray government van which serves as a shuttle to the Suitland Annex where the government’s secrets are buried including research papers captured from the Nazi Mind-Control research. 

Most of Mengele’s concentration camp research is still classified. Much of it dealt with mind control. A researcher can visit the top floor, but underground below the top floor are the real secrets. The real secrets are lying in millions of sheets of classified documents hidden behind blast proof doors. There they have vault after vault, and row after row of top secret files that only a few privileged persons with security clearances above COSMIC--such as with a "C3" or "MJ" security clearance can visit. Everyone with these high security clearances, which I have identified, is connected to the Illuminati. Each underground area at Suitland Annex has its own subset of secret access words, known only to the initiated. 

Most of the OSS records have been destroyed, a few have been left, the important ones have been misfiled or remade. (This is according to a reliable British intelligent agent.) Also according to reliable inside sources the CIA is working night and day to remake old records, to expunge all the real dirty secrets from their records. The basement of CIA HQ is known as "the Pit," In the Pit documents are being shredded and burned on a round the clock basis. The large remains of these secrets are sold for landfill. The Illuminati have developed secrecy to a fine art. They train their people in the art of secrecy from the time they are born. Most everything they do, is done orally. They are trained not to write rituals and other things down. There is very little paper trail left by the Illuminati. 

The creation of slaves with photographic memories facilitates this secrecy. But this book is not about how they have managed to keep their trauma-based Monarch Mind-Control a secret. They have managed only to keep it a secret to the general public. They have not been able to completely cover-up the millions of wasted lives that their programming has ruined. For many years, they were able to shut-up and quietly discard their programmed multiples by labelling them Paranoid Schizophrenics. But therapists are now correctly identifying these people as programmed multiples and are not only diagnosing them better but giving them better treatment. After Candy Jones’s husband deprogrammed her enough that she could participate in writing a book exposing some of what had been done to her, the secret was out. (See The Control of Candy Jones Hypnotism and the CIA by Donald Bain.) Ever since then, the intelligence agencies and the Illuminati have been carrying out damage control. Their biggest damage control campaign has enlisted the power of Hollywood and the controlled Media. This campaign is known as the False Memory Syndrome campaign, or as those of us who know the facts like to call it ""the false memory spin-drome." 

The headquarters of the False Memory Spin-drom Foundation is located at 3401 Market St., Suite 130, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Some of the original founders were doctors of the University of Pennsylvania. The inside story about these early FMS doctors of the University of Pennsylvania is that they practiced Satanic Rituals during their work days. What is unusual about this--is that generally satanic rituals are performed at night, but these doctors did their coven work during the day. I know about these men. Now you can see why these men started the FMS! 

They started it to cover their own sins, because many of them were abusers themselves. In other words many of the FMS people are abusers of trauma-based mind-controlled slaves, or the victims of abuse who are in denial about their own abuse from trauma-based mind control. Martin T. Orn (the person credited with founding the FMS) had ties to the CIA. Two members of the FMS advisory board, Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with Hollida Wakefield, M.A. let the cat out of the bag when they publicly supported pedophilia (that is adults having sex with children). Their support of pedophilia came in an interview with a Dutch magazine Paidika, The Journal of Paedophilia (Winter, 1993). 

Although the False Memory Syndrome Foundation gets upset at any mention that there might be a conspiracy by the perpetrators of mind control, because conspiracies supposedly don’t and can’t happen, they want us to believe that all therapists are conspiring together to implant false memories of abuse into their clients, which could not be further from the truth. Monarch slaves typically run into a great deal of denial by their therapists that anything like this could be happening. The bottom line is that Multiple Personality Disorder (now referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder) is a recognized bona fide diagnosis. False Memory Syndrome is not a recognized medical or psychological diagnosis and does not appear in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III-R nor the recently released DSM-IV. 

Those who followed Fritz’s writings have learned about the close working relationship between the Mondavi’s and the Rothschilds (see his article about the Mondavi/Rothschild Napa Valley winery). Guess who got the court precedence which gives the FMS some legal ground to attack therapists? The precedence was supposedly a wife who went to a doctor who told her she had syphilis. The wife assumes she got it from her husband and divorces him. Then she learns she doesn’t have syphilis. The husband then sues the doctor. Upon this bizarre case rests the legal precedence for a third party to sue a person who gives advice, such as family members suing a therapist. 

Upon this weak precedence, an abusive father who worked for Mondavi in a winery in California successfully destroyed a legitimate therapist who was trying to save his daughter who was a programmed Monarch victim. Supposedly the therapist had implanted false memories of rape in his daughter, when the record shows that the daughter’s mother told the therapist the girl had been raped by the father. 

When a valid case of SRA and repressed memories went to trial in Washington state involving a police officer whose family was MPD, Dr. Richard Ofshe of the False Memory Spindrom showed up to cause mischief. And mischief he did work. The case involved the children of a ""Christian"" police officer named Ingram who had satanically ritually abused his family for years. The daughter won in court, but Ofshe of the FMS was not above writing a book full of lies and distortions about the case. Lynn Crook, who was the abused daughter in the case wrote up a paper exposing what FMS person Richard Ofshe did to her, The controlled media is giving full license and great coverage to the FMS people. 

Rather than fighting the government for scraps of declassified documents which have had their secrets marked out, and which may even be fake documents manufactured by the CIA, I have decided that there is a much better approach to expose the Monarch Mind Control to the world. If a person could never go to Nepal, he can see pictures of it and believe it exists. If a person could get into the top secret records of the CIA and Office of Naval Intelligence and MI6, they could be given the exact RECIPE for creating a Monarch slave. I believe that by giving the step by step recipe, people will see that A. all the ingredients are available, B. it is possible to combine the ingredients, C. all it takes is the motive to do it, and that motive is self-evident. We’ll even provide some of the names and places as we go along. 

This book will provide the step-by-step recipe for making a Monarch Mind-Controlled slave, It is a trauma-based mind control which programs multiple personalities using every known technique of mind-control. Every type of mind-control technique has been combined into a group package which makes the total package almost impossible to break. It is this ability to synthesize all these methods into a group package which is so powerful. 

Edward Hunter, author of Brainwashing In Red China, testified in 1958 before a U.S. Congressional House Committee on Un-American Activities: 

"Since man began, he has tried to influence other men or women to his way of thinking. There have always been these forms of pressure to change attitudes. We discovered in the past thirty years, a technique to influence, by clinical, hospital procedures, the thinking processes of human beings. Brainwashing is formed out of a set of different elements ... hunger, fatigue, tenseness, threats, violence, and in more intense cases...drugs and hypnotism. No one of these elements alone can be regarded as brain washing, any more than an apple can be called apple pie. Other ingredients have to be added, and a cooking process gone through. So it is with brainwashing..." 

Hunter said brainwashing was a Red Chinese threat. He said that the chinese were the ones using these tactics. In reality, this mind control was being done in the U.S. and Hunter was a pawn to help justify the criminal activities of the programmers should they ever be found out behind their cover of "National security." 

The handlers of mind-controlled slaves carry around a black or grey 3 ring notebook or a laptop computer with the access codes and triggers. Some of the programmers and handlers have this all memorized. The deepest parts, core/gems/executive committee, false trinity etc. are charted in esoteric language such as Enochian, Hebrew (which is considered magical), and Druid symbols. I have never gotten the opportunity to look at one of these, although a number of the slaves who I’ve talked with have while they were being programmed. These notebooks have color coded graphs showing the arrangement of alters, the structure of the system, the training of the alters, the history of the alters and other details. All the primary tortures carried out on a slave are coded using dates/no.s(?DC) so that the programmers can pull up the memories. There is a standard set of hand signals, gestures, and codes that allow a handler to work with someone else’s slave, but the accepted code among the handlers is to leave another man’s slave alone. As one leading psychiatrist put it, "Different ideologies use the same methodologies of mind control." 

The Illuminati have secretly put in base programming that allows them ultimate control over many of the other groups’ slaves. This will be described within this book. 

For both the ease of reading and the ease of writing, I have dispensed with most footnotes. To provide my sources would double the size of the book, and many of them are confidential. (In the past, when I have attempted crediting information, some people have gotten bruised feelings for having been passed over or for being named. When information comes in from several sources, it becomes difficult to pass out credit.) I have made conservative judgement calls about what material I could use. 

Most of this information has been verified by several reliable sources. Confidential eyewitnesses are often the only source, when there is such a powerful conspiracy to keep this vast NWO mind control secret. Paper trails were not left or are not available. Programmed slaves who have worked for the military as mind-controlled slaves have witnessed their files expunged and sanitized. The New World Order in 1981 made training films for their novice programmers. Monarch slave Cathy O’Brien was used to make both the film "How to Divide a Personality" and "How To Create a Sex Slave." Two Huntsville porn photographers were used to help NASA and the NWO create these training films. Undoubtedly, other porn training films exist too. In others words, there is film evidence of the Monarch Total Mind-control but these porn films are kept in very secure sites. 

During the last few years, I have visited with ex-programmers, I have visited with hundreds of victims of the Monarch type programming. I have gone to programming sites, I have visited with therapists who work with the victims of this mind-control, and I have met several of the programmers of the CIA/Illuminati face to face in the adventures of trying to save people from their programming. 

I hope that God gives me the strength and the opportunity to get the information I have learned out to the world in general. When this information gets out, hopefully it will help lift some of the secrecy of the Monarch Programming. The Monarch Programming is a foundation rock of the New World Order that when pulled up, will reveal the most evil two legged bugs and slimy critters. When their rock is lifted, they will have to scurry to hide. Because the authors know what the programmers do, they must honestly record several areas of programming that will be controversial. The programmers are very much into demonology. Before therapists close their minds to this subject, the authors would like to point out, that they personally know of cases where Monarch slaves whose Christian personalities & other alters didn’t believe in demonology were talked into participating in real deliverance, and the slaves discovered much to their surprise that work they had unsuccessfully tried to do for years with their therapist was accomplished in a day or two. 

Some prestigious researchers have decided the subconscious doesn’t exist because they can’t find it--its mysterious. To the man in the street the concept "subconscious" is as mysterious as the concept "demon". Both have been the objects of intense research by U.S./Brit./Ger. Intelligence groups. In fact, many of the concepts in this book have been purposely obscured by the Illuminati’s control over the media and universities. These obscured concepts include M.P.D. (DID), recovered memories, hypnosis, demonic possession, aliens, mind-control, the subconscious, a conspiracy to bring in a NWO, truth, etc. The smokescreens of controversy will continue; but those who love the truth, if they seek it, will realize the importance of this book. 

It’s on public record that MK ULTRA, the mind control research which CIA director Admiral Stansfield Turner admitted to in 1977 spent millions of dollars studying Voodoo, witchcraft, and psychics. On August 3, 1977, at a Senate hearing the then CIA director Admiral Stansfield Turner disclosed that the CIA had been conducting mind control on countless numbers of unsuspecting victims for years, without their knowledge or consent. These CIA mind-control operations were carried out with the participation of a least 185 scientists and at least 80 American institutions, including prisons, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and 44 medical colleges & universities. Many of America’s most prestigious institutes of medical research, had cooperated with the CIA. as well as numerous big name corporations. Casey admitted that day that the CIA did mind-control consisting of drugs, hypnosis & electro-shock. A few of the victims of the Monarch Project were even awarded financial compensation for their misery. 

But what was admitted was admitted in the spirit of covering up the extent of the full truth. The compensation was actually hush money, because victims were given "gag orders" by judges not to talk about what had happened to them. It’s been a disaster for Monarch victims that so many ministers have ignored those words of their Scripture, "For we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices." 2 COR 2:11 This book is a must for those ministers who seriously believe "Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 2 COR 7:1. In 2 TIM 2: 19-21, believers who "nameth the name of Christ" are asked to purge themselves of their uncleanliness ( unclean spirits).

There are many top notch Christians in the churches today who are under mind-control, incl. many of the Christian leadership. I would like to remind Christian ministers that Isaiah the great prophet said, "The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning; he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned." Ignorance is not godliness. Isaiah learned to speak with the great-learned men of his day, just as Paul the great apostle could speak to the learned men of his time. One of the character traits of God is that He is all knowing. WHO says it is godly to be ignorant? The prophet Daniel said  God "reveals the deep and secret things." (Dan. 2:22a) God’s instruments will do this revealing. Jesus’ advice to his disciples was in effect to "Be wise as serpents, and gentle as a lamb". This advice certainly applies in helping the victims of trauma-based mind-control. Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians (1 Thes 5:14) says that in effect that different people need different counseling, but they all need to be treated with patience. 

The first step in suggesting a cure is to find out what happened. That is what this book is about. This book is about how the Occult Network creates the problem that therapists and a few ministers try to deal with. But the keys to open doors to healthy solutions for the victims of trauma based total mind control will reveal themselves in this book for the reader as this book reveals the nitty-gritty of how the total mind-control happens. Christ came to free the captives (Isaiah 61:1). Satanic ritual abuse has a history that is almost as old as history itself. Good King Hezekiah was a victim as a child of SRA. (2 Chr. 29) who got free. Moses confronted the satanic magic of Pharaoh’s magicians who could create live snakes from sticks. The Apostle Paul had to deal with Simon Magus, a leader of what is now known as Satanism. Solomon, one of the greatest men of faith, backslide and became one of the greatest satanists of all history. We have "no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (as per EPH 5:11). 

While we have no fellowship with evil, the mind-control programmers are counting on us being so ignorant of their devices that they can hide their control devices behind perversion & filth that many people shy away from. We must be strong enough to face evil and not shy away from it. The victims of mind-control must look evil in the face & not look away to gain their freedom. We, who want to help them, must be courageous & strong enough to do this too. 

This book is written for that divine goal "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." Eph. 4:13 If the body of Christ is to attain fullness, we need this book to weed out the hidden terrible cancer that is consuming the body from within. 

This book is written for ministers, secular and Christian therapists, and truth lovers of all kinds. If you love the truth this book is for you. If you see something good in the human race so that our species should be preserved as well as the spotted owl and the sand flea, then this book is for you. IF YOU LOVE THE TRUTH, this BOOK is for YOU. 

Glossary of How Basic Terms are Used In This Book 
For those readers who are not familiar with these basic terms let us introduce you to the definitions under which this book uses them. 

Alter-Our usage is trying to follow the programmers usage of this word. A dissociated part of the mind which has a separate identity and is given cue codes by the mind-control programmers to trigger that dissociated part of the mind to come to the front of the mind. The alter’s identity may be a gem, rock, a tape recorder, a poodle, a white kitten, a dove, a horse, or even think of itself as a person or a demon. It all depends on its programming. An alter is different from an alter fragment in that the alter fragment is a dissociated part of the mind which serves only a single purpose. The programmers will give an alter a history, and insure that shadow alters will provide a full range of accessible emotions. Sometimes the distinctions between alters and alter fragments is vague, but examples from the two ends of the spectrum are easy to tell apart. We use the word alter in this book to conform to what the programmers’ charts are encoding as alters. A typical main Mengele-created grid would be a grid of 13x13 principal A-coded alters, which is 169 principle alter personalities. In Illuminati systems, ceremonial "alters will consist of 3 alters placed on a spinning pedestal together into triad goddesses or gods. That means that an A-coded alter on some levels is actually 3 alters spinning together, which must be locked in place to communicate with, and then rotated to communicate to the other two. 

Beta--This is the second Greek letter, and it represents the sexual models and sexual alters that the Programmers are creating. The primitive part of the brain is involved in this type of programming. An early sexual abuse event will be used to anchor this programming. These sexual slaves will develop sexual abilities that are far beyond what the public is aware is even possible. They also receive the worst kind of abuse far beyond what most people’s imagination can picture. Beta alters generally see themselves as cats. 

Councils (illuminati)--The Illuminati has frequent meetings. Some of these meetings are organized to appear "acephalous" and "accidental" in their meetings, when in reality they are structured and planned. One group, MJ-12 has gone by the following names: the Group, the Special Study Group, the Wise Men, the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 5412 Committee, 303 Committee, 40 Committee, PI-40 Committee, and Policy Planning Group (PCG). Some of the formal policy and ritual groups have names that all Illuminati members who have gotten high enough to learn, will recognize: The Council of 3, Council of 5, Council of 7, Council of 9, The Grand Druid Council, The Committee of 300, and the Committee of 500 (known as Fortune 500). Many of the meetings are conclaves without formal names. The Grand Druid Council is not something fictional, but an actual body of people who formally meet and whose membership, we have been trying to keep track of. The groups which make decisions to control this planet are networked together. Each decision has its own origin and route that it takes. 

Delta--This is a Greek letter shaped like a triangle which symbolizes change in calculus. It has become a favorite word to use in naming things for the occult elite. Delta teams are 4 person assassination teams which usually are secret teams. Delta Forces is an elite unit that operates under the Joint chiefs of staff that is made up of highly trained total mind controlled slaves. Delta models are slaves whose sole purpose is assassination. Delta alters are alters within an Illuminati alter system which are programmed to be assassins. These alters are often some of the deepest in a system and in a Genie bottle or with Umbrella programming. 

Deliverance ministry-(This book is about HOW the mind-control is done, it is not a textbook on solutions.) The use of the term deliverance ministry in this book connotes any person(s) who via faith in God is able to pray for divine help in a fashion that a victim is helped from demonic activity. A deliverance ministry is a natural outgrowth of a life in harmony and fellowship with Yahweh God. However, this is not to be confused with Exorcism of the traditional Catholic or witchcraft nature in which certain spells and incantations are used in a prescribed method. "Deliverance" connotes divinely inspired faith, exorcism involves ritual. A deliverance ministry might perhaps teach a person about forgiveness, or how they can renounce an oath, or how to apply Jesus Christ’s atoning blood to their life. In this fashion, the person finds deliverance through biblical spiritual principles rather than the efficacy of some ritual or hocus pocus spell. This book is in no way meant as a blanket endorsement of every spiritual warfare tactic. If anything, this book suggests that ministers learn more about mind-control, as well as grow stronger in their walk with Almighty God. 

Illuminati--The Illuminati are 13 elite bloodlines which have maneuvered themselves into control over this planet. They lead double lives, one for society and a hidden one which is based on a gnostic luciferian philosophy which consists of lots of blood rituals. 

Monarch Programming--This was a specific Project carried out by secret elements of the U.S. government and intelligence groups. There were, according to someone a few years ago who had access to the computer(s) which contains all the names of active monitored human slaves, 40,000 actively monitored Monarch slaves. However, this book uses the term generically to include all victims who have suffered this type of trauma based mind-control. In the same way, that a brand name like "Hyster" is used to describe all lifts--when we use the term we use it in its broadest sense. This is the only way it can be used and technically correct, because as of this date, the authors have not seen who is on the active Monarch Program list of slaves. 

System-- This term is used in several ways. It is frequently used to refer to a victim of total mind control because the victim consists of alters, programming, implant(s), internal computers, and numerous dissociative states which function together as a system. The word is also used in this book to refer to the body’s functional physiological units, such as the respiratory system. The word is also infrequently used to denote the established social-economic-political system controlling the world, also known insiders as the Network. Other standard meaning may also occasionally be used for the word. 

Multiple Personality/Multiple personalities or MPD 
Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID 
is the situation where different dissociative parts of a single brain view themselves as separate persons. The DSM-IIIR definition of MPD is the guideline for determining MPD for this book. 

New World Order-- The New World Order is the global design for a One World-Government One-World-Dictator and its constituents. Insiders call themselves the "network" and "the neighborhood". 

Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)--This is used to represent all categories of ritual abuse which would be inspired by the desire to rob, kill, or destroy something worthwhile in a person, especially their freedom of thought. Many groups carrying out SRA do not mention Satan by that name. They may make Pacts to Baphomet, and call upon Rex Mundi, or Belair, or Lucifer, or the Father of Light, God, or Kali or even "Jesus" or "Jesus Christ" (there are demons which call themselves "Jesus", who are not to be confused with Yeshua or Yehoshua ben Joseph who is known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth.) SRA is not a value judgement by the authors against some group, the victims themselves on some level know that he or she is being abused. 

Switching--This is when one part (fragment) of the mind takes over from another, or in simple terms, this is when one alter personality (or alter fragment) takes the body from the alter which is holding the body. Switching can occur via the Programmers’ codes for calling up alters, or by external or internal stimuli that trigger an alter to come out. Switching will usually cause at least a flicker of the eyes, and for outside observers, who know the different personalities, they will observe another personality take the body. 

Chapter 1 
Science No. 1. 
The Selection and Preparation of The Victim 
A - Selection Based on Genetics and Dissociative Abilities 
B - Availability 
C - Mental and Physical Features 

One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically. 

The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a Master race in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed genetically (which it is), then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind-control. 

The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind-control is the ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from generation to generation. American Indian tribes (who had traumatic ritual dances and who would wait motionless for hours when hunting), children of Fakirs in India (who would sleep on a bed of nails or walk on hot coals), children of Yogis (those skilled in Yoga, who would have total control over their body in trance), Tibetan buddhists, children of Vodun, Bizango and other groups have a good ability to disassociate. 

The children of multigenerational abuse are also good at dissociation. The Illuminati families and European occultists went to India, and Tibet to study occultism and eastern philosophy. These Europeans learned yoga, tantric yoga, meditations, and trances and other methods to disassociate. These skills are passed on to their children via genetics. A test is run when the children are about 18 months old to determine if they can dissociate enough to be selected for programming or not. 

Mind-controlled slaves are created for different purposes, hierarchy or non-hierarchy purposes. The Illuminati create mind-controlled slaves who are to function within the Illuminati hierarchy. These slaves will usually have their genealogies hidden, and will be created to have excellent cover lives to insure that they are not detected. They will be given multifunctional programming, and will usually be used to help program other slaves. The abuse will not be as physically visible as it will be on the bodies of slaves who are not born to be part of the Illuminati elite. 

Members of Moriah’s (Moriah = the Illuminati) Luciferian elite will have undergone as much trauma as other slaves, however the torture scars and the control are better concealed. These children will often receive lavish experiences as well as talks to convince them that they are part of the elite. (By the way, body scars will show up better under black light, that is the same black light as used in clubs.) 

The Illuminati and other organizations have also programmed individuals who are simply expendable. These are sex slaves who are used up and killed very early in life, one-time use saboteurs, breeders, soldiers, drug couriers and so forth. The bodies of these people will often show visible torture scars. The expendable are the children of parents who were blackmailed into turning their children over to the CIA. This is all hidden by the power of the National Security Act. These are children, who have been sold by pedophile fathers, or pornographic parents. The programmers/masters program them with the expectation that they will be "thrown from the freedom train" when they get to age 30. (Freedom Train is the code word for the Monarch trauma-based mind-control. To be thrown from the Freedom Train means to be killed.) 

The CIA and the Illuminati are skilled at blackmailing parents to give up their children. They would watch the mail for porn. Pedophile and murderers who abuse their children are warned that they will go to prison for long lengths of time if they do not cooperate by selling their children into mind-controlled slavery. In return for the parent’s cooperation, they provide rich financial rewards to the parent(s). It’s clearly a case of "if you don’t cooperate you lose in life big time, if you do cooperate you win big time." 

Ministers are often set up with Betas (a sexual model) who then blackmail them. The ministers do not want to lose their status and profession via scandals, so they agree to turn their children over when young to the CIA to work with. The Illuminati like to blackmail these ministers when they are finished with their Seminary schooling and committed to the ministry at about 33 years of age. The idea of having nothing to fall back on after they have committed their entire life to one profession is too much for these weak willed men, and they buckle under the threats. If they don’t buckle under, the resulting consequences will remove them from ministry. 

The type of father who is most preferred by the Programmers to offer up their children for programming is the pedophile. If a father will abuse his own little baby girl, then the Programmers know that the man has no conscience. This father’s involvement in criminal activity (and thereby his vulnerability) can be continually increased. They want men who they believe will not develop any qualms later on in life about what they have done. A man, who waits until his daughter is a teenager to molest her, is usually esteemed to have too much conscience for the programmers. 

A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch slaves, and non-hierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a big distinction is that they are not programmed the same way. Since this book is giving the recipe for how to create a Monarch slave, we will have to cover the distinction between slaves within the Illuminati and those slaves who function outside of the Illuminati hierarchy. It is important to stress that the label "Monarch" is used in this book in a generic sense for the modern trauma-based total mind-control that is taking place. Whether an Illuminati mind-controlled slave is technically in the Monarch records or out of the actual Monarch Program data files kept on computer is merely a technicality. 

In my (Fritz’s) other writings, I explain about how the Illuminati created the CIA. I know that some of its directors were members of the Illuminati and I strongly suspect that the other CIA directors were probably full fledged members too. The two organizations need each other. If the CIA didn’t have the international backing of the movers and shakers of the world, it would have been exposed and done away with. Likewise, the Illuminati, because it is so secret, needs organizations through which it can work. The CIA is a front for the Illuminati, and the CIA in turn sets up fronts. 

Some of those fronts, are elaborate well-staffed, well-equipped programming sites, (such as many of the state mental hospitals, McGill Psychiatric Training Network consisting of 8 Montreal hospitals esp. St. Mary’s, NASA in Huntsville, AL; the Presidio, CA; and NOTS at China Lake, CA, to name a few. For a more complete list see Appendix B.) The Illuminati couldn’t do it alone without its fronts. 

Satanists within the Network & the CIA took over Boy’s Town, NE in the early 1950s, & used that famous orphanage for a constant supply of boys for programming. Boy’s Town is perhaps the most famous, but there are whole long list of others. 

When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grand Master (later Ipssimus) within the Illuminati. He had become skilled in music, in Kabbalistic Magic, in dancing, in abortions, and in torture (by the way, Mengele had a sadistic mother) and programming children. Many of the concentration camp children that Mengele programmed still survive and still love him to this day as "Daddy". 

Mengele disappeared from Auschwitz in Jan. 1945, several months before the final chaos began in the Third Reich. He disappeared so the Illuminati could smuggle him to the U.S., so that his exceptional knowledge of programming--honed and fined tuned on thousands of concentration camp child victims could be put to use on a grande scale in the U.S. He travelled worldwide but especially in western U.S. doing his programming accompanied by his pair of two black servants. 

American Monarch survivors remember his spotless German uniform, his shiny boots which he wore during programming, his thick German accent, his handsome features, his cleft chin, the space in his front teeth, the way he would jab with his thumb while programming, as if he were still saying "links, rechts" to lines of jews coming into the concentration camps. 

The reason Mengele was so excited to do the selection process of inmates coming into Auschwitz was that he was choosing inmates for his numerous mind-control trauma experiments. He was especially anxious to get identical twins, because his genetic research related to mind control needed persons of identical genetic makeup. 

Traditionally, the Illuminati had been having their children inspected by a woman with the rank of Grande Mother. She would determine the fitness of the children and then present them for a formal acceptance ceremony at age 3 to the Grande Druid Council. This procedure didn't change when Mengele came over--the programming just jumped from being an occult science to one that had full access to the Medical, Psychiatric, Judicial, Scientific and Governmental sectors via the power of the National Security Act and the Intelligence agencies. [we have not even started, and it's already messed up, f*#king Washington dc, I'm DC ]

The Illuminati's programming of multiples prior to Mengele's arrival were simplistic, compared to the sophisticated techniques engineered by the Nazi Germans (whose Mind Control research included some non-German nationals such as some Italians). 

Just as a victim who is killed by an 18th century musket is just as much victimized as someone killed by an M-16, so a victim of the pre-1946 programming was just as victimized as those programmed with more sophisticated techniques. For the Illuminati, the child's programming is planned by the Circle (another name for their organization) before it is born. 

From the Illuminati's perspective their plans involve generational spirits and positions within the hierarchy. The child is conceived according to their rituals, and the steps that that child will go through follows a well thought out detailed regimen for programming it. In contrast, the children from foster homes, or pedophiles do not receive the same regimen. 

Hierarchy slaves will in turn be used to program and train other hierarchy children, while CIA slaves and Mafia slaves and KKK slaves etc. will be discarded. This is why a Presidential Model is "thrown from the Freedom Train [the name of the Monarch Program in the Underworld]". Women and men in the Illuminati will continue to help with the programming their entire lives. 

The Illuminati is programming such vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to help. Moriah's total membership worldwide numbers in the millions. The Illuminati regimen for their children is far more controlling than the CIA's programming. Not everyone in the Illuminati gets their mind-split and becomes a programmed multiple. However, everyone does get some type of mind control. 

Those who have been spared multiplicity still must participate in a two week intense mind-control session that might be compared to the Army's Ranger school. Those who participate in this have learned obedience. Those who haven't learned obedience, are forced into ritual gladiator type duels or other punishments to eliminate them. 

Finally, a traitor’s death as pictured on one of the Tarot cards is waiting. Sharon Tate was left hanging in the No. 12 Tarot Card’s "hangman position" from the house rafters. 

The best therapists will quietly admit that traditional therapy is inadequate. Unless God intervenes, people who are born into the Illuminati don’t escape it while alive. This book isn’t a mere exercise of academic thinking, but is written with the assurance that freedom is possible, there are viable answers. 

Some children live in foster homes, or with adopted parents, or in orphanages, or with caretakers and guardians. Because these children are at the mercy of the non-related adults, these types of children frequently are sold to become mind-controlled slaves of the intelligence agencies. 

In review, remember that because many of these organizations are controlled by the Illuminati; an Illuminati slave may often work for one of these front groups, while the Illuminati maintain control over the base program. The intelligence networks were started by and run by the Illuminati. They are Illuminati fronts. [cannot be more blunt then that DC ]

The use of slaves crosses many organizational boundaries within the overall Network. If a slave is to be used as a Delta model (assassination), they may be selected for strength and dexterity. The Delta Force is the army’s elite unit made up of Monarch slaves. 

If they are to operate as a Beta model (sexual slave), they will be chosen if they can master technique. Occasionally they might in some circumstances be selected for how pretty the programmers expect the child to become. Some parents have produced good looking children and are actually sought-after to bear children to sell into the Mind Controlled Slavery "Freedom Train" System. However, vastly more important for Beta Sex Slaves are their ability to be programmed to have charm, seductive skills, charisma, and creativity. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the programmers can put almost any kind of body to use as a sex slave. 

Almost any sex slave can fit somewhere into the script of the Illuminati/New World Order/crime syndicate "porn" movies. (I place porn in quotation marks--because what they call porn doesn’t resemble what the public thinks of porn--we’re not talking Playboy type porn, we’re talking ghastly horrible atrocities that are as sick as anything done in the Nazi concentration camps). For instance, it takes little acting ability or beauty to have one’s head chopped off while having sex. 

There are different types of sexual slaves, but the Illuminati wants to get Beta alters which are sharp, talented, skilled, and resourceful. They will use these Beta alters, such as the Black Widow alters, for espionage and blackmail. To make sure that the child’s mind develops properly, the baby will be interacted with so that those areas of the brain that are important to develop will develop to the maximum. It is a well-known fact, that areas of the brain grow according to how much stimulation and use that area of the brain receives. For this reason, Grande Dames, who are involved in programming, will spend time drawing and showing faces to the child and seeing if the child can recognize identical faces. Almost any other item will be used, candy canes with stripes (match the candy canes with the same no. of stripes), trees, or pencils. The child must learn to match identical items very early--even before they can speak. This is so they will be able to build mirror images into their mind. 

All the senses are trained for building the mirror images; for instance such as silks and cottons can be used for the sense of touch. The child will have to match textures. The Programmer, the Grande Dame, and Grande Mothers will teach the child to have good abilities in copying, reflecting, repeating, echoing, or re-echoing, and mirroring. They will be taught for hours how to re-echo something verbatim. Some of these teaching methods are almost like games.For instance, 20 pins will be in a box and the small child is given a short time to decide how many pins are in the box. 

A certain level of intelligence and creativity is needed for time to be wasted on programming. You can not program a mind which is weak. Most of the people programmed are very intelligent. One study of multiples said that multiples were 130 or above in I.Q. and then mistakenly blamed their multiplicity on their I.Q. Attempts to program people with low intelligence or no creativity were discovered to be a waste of time. Methods are used to greatly enhance the victim’s intelligence and creativity. The Illuminati will also work on enhancing their psychic abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance. 

The head programmers have their own little mottos about building solid structures which they like to express to new trainees. These include, "An unstructured house [mind of the slave] is like unto a house without walls", "A house undisciplined is like unto a house without walls, it will crumble within itself’, and "A house divided against itself will not stand." 

Much of the structuring will be discussed in chapter 7, but the structuring begins at birth for the victim, so this chapter will discuss the first steps. 

In order to build a solid good house, one needs to have a solid foundation. In order to build a solid foundation, one needs to know how the land lays and what the weaknesses of the land are--if it is sand or rock or clay, etc. One needs to design one’s house to take advantage of the natural lay of the land. Will storms come from this or that direction? Where will the house need extra protection? The very same principles pertain to programming--because a structure is being built. 

Many evil geniuses within the Illuminati added their contributions to the Monarch programming. One of the most important was John Gittinger of Oklahoma, because he was the genius who could understand how a little child’s mind was when it was in infancy. In order to work with something, you must know what you are working with. John Gittinger, who is no longer alive, worked at programming for years. His contribution was in the mental assessment area. John Gittinger (b. 1909) was the director of psychological services at the state hospital in Norman, Oklahoma. He got a master’s degree at age 30, and joined the CIA’s MK Ultra Mind Control in 1950. He was a high school guidance counselor and a Navy lieutenant commander during W.W.II. In the late 1970s, he moved back to Oklahoma. He was heavy set and goateed. Its been said he looked like the actor Walter Slezak. He had an insatiable curiosity about understanding human personality. [since all our personality's come from The Father the number is infinite, and no joe jiving freak playing mind games here on Earth will ever be able to come to grips with that DC]

When the Illuminati looked around for men skilled in personality assessment to assist the Monarch Programming, John W. Gittinger was one of their men who they selected. Gittinger was not the only researcher into personality that the CIA hired, but he was their top man in terms of the programming of children. From the end of W.W. II until he began with the CIA in 1950, Gittinger was studying how to assess personality. At the Oklahoma State Hospital, he had large numbers of adults who could be studied. [No two personalities are alike, so there is nothing to assess, only groups to manipulate DC]

After Gittinger started doing personality assessment for the CIA. most of his work became highly classified. The Rolling Stone article of July 18, 1974 asked why years of research into personality assessment should be so secret. In fact it was so secret, that Gittinger was not allowed to talk to journalists, even though it was public knowledge that Gittinger did personality assessment work/research. The reason that such an apparently benign science was kept secret is that it plays a major part in the success of the Monarch Programming. 

John Gittinger designed the PAS (Personality Assessment System). This is an extraordinary method to evaluate human behavior and predict their future behavior. As far as we know, most of the PAS is still classified SECRET. The PAS is based on the ability to differentiate different types of people. 

There are 3 major differentiations (or dimensions). They are called the E-I dimension, the R-F dimension, and the A-U dimension. People are born with their original placement within each of these three spectrums. In other words there are 3 axes that can be graphed to describe a baby’s personality. The baby might be graphed-- I (Internalizer), F (Flexible), and A (Role Adaptive). 

If the baby were graphed this way (i.e. I-F-A), then the Programmers would automatically know this child’s mind will become a social or religious reformer. The child’s programming charts would then be labelled some suitable occupation such as "Environmental Activist", "Pentecostal church reformer", "Consumer Advocate", or "Activist against Narcotics". 

The programming for that child then would follow 6 month goals to develop that mind-controlled slave into one of the best in that occupation. (In fact, one of the co-authors of this book, Fritz, is indeed IF-A. which helps explain why he is trying to reform society and religion with this book. While it took Fritz many years to find his correct nitch in life, programmed multiples are steered in the correct direction very early in life with all the breaks and all the money needed from the Network to open opportunities.) 

There are three possibilities for the child in regards to his original personality components. He can express the component, or suppress or repress it. As the child goes through life, he has two periods within which he can change (suppress or repress) his behavior/personality. In the PAS, the first period is called "compensation" and the second is called "modification". The amount of punishment for a personality trait and pressure to change from others will determine the amount of change which the child’s mind will perform on its original personality. The activity level of a person at each point in their life is also measured. The intensity of each of the scores is also rated. 

The actual PAS system is far more detailed than the example above, but it serves to give a simplified idea of how it works. The essential dynamics of an entire personality can be written in a short code which might be written for example 12(E-uc Fcu + A+u+u)H+. However, even that code is shortened E-uc can be written simply i’. The basic 3 dimensions to personality provide 8 basic types. However, the PAS allows for 6 basic positions in each of these 8 basic types which yields 216 discrete basic types. 

Next, the person can change their predisposed primitive personality initially 5 different ways, and this then gives (30)³ or 27,000 different types. The second change can be done on 4 types of modification which makes for 1,728,000 types. Then the programmers can factor in activity level, their "Normal" level (intelligence base), age, sex, and education, and life experiences. In other words, what appears to be simple has a high degree of calibration to it. 

The person who was best with the PAS was its brainchild Gottinger himself. His intuition along with his PAS system, gave him an uncanny idea of how a person's  mind works now, and how it would work in the future. He sadistically reveled in putting his skill to use programming children. 

The actual assessment codes that have appeared on programming assessment charts which the Monarch child assessment teams have used to evaluate, describe, & assess a child to be programmed follow the standard symbols created for PAS. Some about Gittinger’s work has escaped the secrecy of the intelligence agencies. Concerning the Gittinger Personality Assessment System see "An Introduction to the Personality Assessment System" by John Winne and John Gittinger, Journal of Community Psychology Monograph Supplement No. 38. Rutland, Vermont: Clinical Psychology Publishing Co., Inc. 1973. See also the Rolling Stone magazine article, July 18, 1974, "The CIA Won’t Go public". Because so little is known about the PAS test, it needs to be explained some. 

Observations in relation to the Wechsler Intelligence Test provided the initial ideas behind the PAS. The digit-span subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Test, which rates the ability to remember numbers forms the basic test used for the E-I dimension. What Gittinger discovered was that short order cooks had good number-memory which = Internalizer personality or "I". A high digit span in any person tells much about them. People who don’t separate themselves well from their environment are Externalizers = E. The "I" personality was a good baby. The "E" type who prefers doing to thinking is a "too-curious" baby, who will make demands. I’s would often be pressured to become more outgoing, and E’s are often pressured by parents to be more self-sufficient, and to progress from crawling (which they like) to learn to walk. 

Pure Internalizers become more withdrawn after several drinks, and uncompensated E's are more likely to become sloppy drunks, garrulous. Based on the E-I dimension, predictions can also be made for how LSD will affect a person. This is the E-I dimension. The block design subtest shows whether a person is a Regulated (R) or a Flexible (F) person. This is the R-F dimension. The regulated person had no trouble learning by rote but didn’t understand what he learned. The Flexible person on the other hand had to understand something before he learned it. R children could learn to play the piano easily, but the great concert piano players were F children who had persevered to master what they considered drudgery. 

The third dimension is the Role Adaptive (A) or a Role Uniform (U) person. A could be defined as Charisma, while people tend to ignore the U. The CIA has 40 patterns that a skilled observer looks for, and these then are related to the PAS and Wechsler subtests. 

Illuminati Mothers-of-Darkness alters trained in observation chart what they see a child do. A child’s behavior with certain toys, certain hand responses, and certain social responses can be observed and used to assess how this child would score on the PAS test. EEG (Electroencephalogram) patterns co-relate to the PAS digit-span test. This allowed them to use the EEG patterns to overcome cultural bias in the test. It also gave the Monarch programmers the perfect tool to assess small children before they have verbal skills. 

David R. Saunders, at the Univ. of Col. working with the CIA. wrote a paper in 1961 showing the connection between alpha waves and digit span. In 1960, Mundy-Castle wrote about the connections between EEG printouts and Wechsler-Bellevue Test variables. Here is the tip of the iceberg that EEGs were being used to determine pre-verbal personality in children. And Salvatore et al wrote at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston, Mass, clear back in 1954 about the "predictive potential of Gittinger’s theory" in an unpublished research paper. (The Massachusetts Mental Health Center was an early participant in all this.) 

The child’s guardians must teach the small victim obedience. They must teach the child to keep its eyes open and to hold still. These skills are important, because the child will be subjected to the EEG's in vast amounts. The hospital equipment would be something like an 11-channel Grass EEG machine where 11 electrodes are placed on the child’s head, and brain wave patterns are printed out charting such things as background, variability, discharges, background suppressions, sharp waves, etc. 

The electrodes will have designations such as T3, T4 etc. In special programming sites, a machine with electrodes will be hooked up to the child’s head for repeated tests. The newer machines accommodate up to 30 1/2 diameter pads (electrodes) which are attached with electrode adhesive tape or small needled ends to the child’s scalp. The child’s hair will be parted in an area, and the electrodes will be hooked to the skull. The attendant will tell the child, "Don’t move. Keep your eyes open. Look at this point. Don’t blink. Don’t move your body." Then this procedure will be repeated for 45 minutes to an hour. 

Eventually hundreds of readout from electrodes clipped to the skull of the child will chart the brain waves of the child. From these brain waves, the programmers can determine what type of personality the child has. This personality assessment criteria and ability is one of the guarded secrets of the programming. Should unexpected behavior crop up, the slave may be hauled in for more EEG's. The PAS tests would reveal to Gittinger what a person’s weaknesses were. The PAS shows what a person wants. And these are called the soft spots of a person’s personality. Also the PAS shows mental weaknesses, on where a person will be unstable and can be broken down. 

Certain types of stresses will have a cumulative effect of hurting a person. A stress-producing campaign is run against CIA targets, and by doing this they can neutralize a potential enemy. This information collected from children who are potential victims for the Monarch programming, is essential for knowing how to structure that child’s programming. For instance IFU children often are autistic, IRU are schizophrenic children, and IR or IF are fantasy prone. It will be further explained shortly how this aids programming. 

An Internalizer personality would be important deep inside an alter system, while an Externalizer would be useful for a front personality. (Internalizers are predisposed to the production of mental fantasy.) By knowing what the child was, the programmers know what they already have, and what they must add or build into the thinking of the alters they will create. 

Likewise, some alters need to be R and some F. And some need to be A and some U. Regulated (R) personalities like to have narrow limitations on their activity. This makes them suitable for programming. The R’s readily accept authority, and will not try to step out of the range of their habits. The R has a marked ability to learn without understanding. They easily learn material by rote, because they do not need to understand it before they will learn it. This is another asset they have that the programmers like. 

The programmers may or may not want an A (Role Adaptive personality). A future country singer needs charisma -- a future computer programmer doesn’t. Without being able to finely determine what is there, the programming could not be fine tuned. If the child is good in math it will have its programming scripts steered in that direction. If it has artistic brainwaves, then the programmer will use art work in programming. 

The art work of the european artist M.C. Escher is exceptionally well suited for programming purposes. For instance, in his 1947 drawing "Another World", the rear plane in the center serves as a wall in relation to the horizon, a floor in connection with the view through the top opening and a ceiling in regards to the view up towards the starry sky. Reversals, mirror images, illusion, and many other qualities appear in Escher’s art work which make all 76 or more of his major works excellent for programming. The use of these kinds of elements will explained later. 

Five children each given the same Alice In Wonderland script will each use the script differently during programming. The programmer takes the child’s own creativity and works with that unique creativity. The child must create the images itself if the programming is to hold. It won’t work if the images are someone else’s. The child organizes its internal world to suit his/her own experiences such as castles, boxes, rooms, and dollhouses. The PAS type testing will continue during the early years of the slave’s life to make sure the programming has not driven the child crazy or psycho. The child will move down the script decided for it for its whole life, based on these early tests. More about how this works later. 

The EEG tests run frequently on children to be programmed also show brain tumors, and medical problems beside just the brain wave patterns. The PAS tests can show how easy a person can be hypnotized. If the testing by the EEG’s doesn’t reveal a child who can be easily hypnotized, they will be rejected for programming, even though modern drugs and extreme torture in some cases will be applied to "salvage" children they really think they need to program but are clearly not easily hypnotizable. EEG’s can also be used to see what state of consciousness the brain is in. The Monarch Programming is based on structuring MPD alter systems which is covered in Chapter 7. 

The success of this structuring (its excellent fine tuning) comes from the initial testing, which means programs are properly built on whatever foundation the mind has. The CIA front Human Ecology Society tested the PAS. In 1962, the CIA moved Gittinger’s base of operations to another CIA front on Connecticut Ave., Washington, D.C. called Psychological Assessment Associates. 

Because Gittinger believed genetic-based differences exist in people, which is one of the bases for the Monarch Programming, his work was not accepted by main stream psychology. In 1974, Gottinger described the PAS system, "...the Personality Assessment System (PAS): (a) indicates the kinds of internal and external cues to which the individual is most likely to respond; (b) suggests the types of stimuli that are most likely to produce behavioral change; (c) provides an understanding of the inter-, intra-, and impersonal environments in which a person is most likely to function efficiently; and (d) offers insight into what constitutes stress and predicts probable behavioral response to such stress, including maladjustments, should they occur. 

"In the area of experience, the PAS offers a method for obtaining specific clues to personality structure and functioning. Thus, the PAS: (a) allows for direct inferences concerning an individual’s primary response style: (b) suggests the quality of the compensations and modifications he has achieved in response to social and environmental pressures; (c) provides an understanding of personality development in terms of the interaction of primary structure, environmental pressures, and adaptive tendencies; (d) offers a procedure for evaluating the surface or contact personality developed over time; and (c) makes possible the assessment of the fundamental discrepancies between the surface personality and the underlying personality structure--discrepancies that typically produce tension, conflict and anxiety." Winne, John F. and John W. Gittinger. "Journal of Community Psychology Monograph Supplement No. 38. Rutland, Vermont: Clinical Psychology Publishing Co., Inc. 1973, p. 99. 

Wow! Gottinger’s description of PAS is specifically the needs & goals that the programmers had when they initiate programming the personality splits in tiny 18-month old children! People associated with the following listed organizations may assist the Network to use their child for trauma based programming. Children from families where one or both parents belong to the following organizations are often routinely sent off in early childhood for trauma-based mind control. 

We are now in 3rd and 4th generations of people who are programmed multiples. (And even into deeper generations in some Illuminati bloodlines.) What can’t be covered here is the enormous secret drama involved in Moriah finding and implementing control over parents via prescribed or illegal drugs, fear, blackmail etc. so that they will assist them in getting the children programmed. 

If the motherly instinct is too strong, the mom may be prescribed tranquilizers, so that there is a stable house for the child’s front alters to grow up in. Unreliable non-multiple fathers are "debriefed" by Ilium, multiples who debrief & then erase their memories of what is happening to their children. Parents may have only a limited view.

Organizations Practicing Trauma-Based Mind Control (These groups form what insiders call "the Network." They are the backbone of what is known as the New World Order.) 

Air Force Intelligence 
Army Intelligence (such as CIC) 
Atomic Energy Commission 
British Intelligence, in. MI-6, MI-5, & the Tavistock Institute 
Bureau of Narcotics 
Bureau of Prisons 
Catholic Church (incl. Jesuits) 
Central Intelligence Agency, CIA (aka Agency, Company, Langley) Charismatic movement 
Church of Satan 
Church of Scientology 
Club 12 & Club 41 
Country Music Industry 
Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA 
Department of Justice 
Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI 
Freemasonry (esp. the Palladium Rite, 33º and above degrees,Quatuor Coronati Lodge, SRIA, and other Masonic affiliated organizations) 

German Intelligence (Shaback) 
The House of Saud in Saudi Arabia (which has un-programmed slaves too) 
The Illuminati (also known as The Circle, Moriah, Moriah-conquering wind, Gnostics, Luciferians etc.) at all levels is involved in trauma-based mind control as perpetrators & victims, incl. Frat. Saturni-Orden Fraternitas Saturni, THFS, FOGO, Golden Dawn, AntiC.Lucif. Dyn, etc. 

Ku Klux Klan (different KKK groups) 
Mafia Masons (see Freemasonry) 
Mod in Mossad (Mossad le Aliyah Beth) 
Mormon Church 
NASA (National Space Admin.) 
National Security Agency NSA 
National Programs Office 
National Science Foundation 
Naval Intelligence (ONI) 
Neo-nazi groups 
OTO (there are 4 groups) 
P.4 (elite MI6 section) 
Palo Mayombe 
Process Church and its offshoot Chingun etc. 
Professional Baseball, such as the L.A. Dodgers 
Russian government & intelligence groups (GRU & KGB & KGB’s successor, historically an early group known as Spets Byuro #1 called "Kamera" in Russian which means "Chamber" did drug/hypnosis mind control research. The Spetsbureau was responsible for assassinations.) 

Satanic Hubs, Soc. of Dk. Lily, Children of Lucifer (UK) 
Temple of Power (previously known as Temple of Set) 
US Army--esp. the Delta Forces & the 1st Earth Batt. 
Veterans Administration 
Werewolf Order Some 
Witchcraft groups besides Satanism & Moriah 

If the Illuminati’s preferred plan is followed, it has 4 beginning foundational stages to prepare the victim for programming. Let’s list these, and then afterwards explain in detail these first 4 stages. One programmer named the stages 2,3, 4 as stages 1, 2, 3, but the In utero preparations and preliminary ceremonies actually form an initial first stage. The first stage is the initial ceremonies & the In Utero traumatization. The second stage is to have a premature birth, the third stage is to provide intense love for the child for the first 18 months by 2- 3 selected Illuminati caregivers, and the fourth stage is to pull that love away and split the mind of the child permanently. Not every Illuminati child is born premature--but many are, because that is the preferred method for programming. 

Foundation Step 1. Preparation of the Children by Spiritual Preparations & In Utero Traumatization--The Moon Children 

The preparation for someone to be programmed also concerns the ability of a person to be demonized. Generational satanic families are sold out to Satan, and their children belong to Satan in a way that non-generational children do not. Because of the generational curses, because of the genetic bent toward the occult, because of the generational demonic forces, the Illuminati children are very good candidates for Monarch programming. Part of the programming includes the layering in of demonic forces, and the participation in blood rituals in order to draw in the most powerful of demons. An indepth review about this important but controversial subject is in chapter 10. 

The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages, many of them it is believed were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals. Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic. 

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a Satanist who was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. He also was a leader in a number of other Masonic rites as well as an OTO leader, a chief in Stella Matutina, and a MI-6 (Br. overseas intelligence) agent. His writings have been important within 20th century Satanism and with black magicians. He wrote Moonchild which was first published in 1917. The idea of the Moonchild is that via black magic a perfect soul can be captured. The belief in reincarnation, which is prevalent among the Illuminati and Satanic groups, lends itself to the belief that souls compete for a particular embryo. On page 107- 108 of Moonchild the idea is expressed, "To produce a man who should not be bound up in his heredity, and should have the environment which they desired for him." This perfect soul in a proper person is called Homunculus. 

The magical work upon which this is based is said to be derived from Bacon, Albertus Magnus and Paracelsus who were all reported in occult circles to have captured souls and placed them into brass statues. The Hittites, the people of Asia Minor and Syria have long sought the ability to create a superman and a superwoman. The Illuminati’s inside occult history places the Hittites in their ancestry. 

Clear back in 1917, long before superman appeared in comics and movies, Aleister Crowley was writing about a Superman. The magical idea is to capture a soul from the 4th dimension. In the book Moonchild, the villa used to produce a Moonchild was called "The Butter-fly-Net". The Monarch Project then which is named after the Monarch butterfly is also an allusion to the Moonchild project where Butterflies are an allusion to souls (what Christians call demonic spirits). [no, Christians do not call souls demonic spirits, demons have no soul DC]

The actual rituals carried out to create a Moonchild are described in detail in three of Crowley’s writings. A vague description of the rituals can be seen by reading the book Moonchild. The ritual took place at a villa nicknamed The Butterfly Net. The villa was really an occult temple laid out in sacred geometrics. It had figures of satyrs, fauns, and nymphs. It had statues of Artemis. Lots of silver objects and crescents and 9- pointed stars were at the villa, because these objects all relate to the Moon in magic. The woman who was pregnant was surrounded by objects related to the moon. The moon’s influence was repeatedly invoked. A small triangular silver altar to Artemis was used. There was a sacred spring where the woman was washed. The number 9 which is sacred to the moon was used along with its square 81. Prayers were made to Artemis, and there was the reenactment of the capture of Diana by Pan. The woman was coached to identify herself with what is known as Grandmother Moon (in the book she simply is called the Moon or Diana) by identifying her thoughts and actions with the deities one is wanting to invoke. 

The creation of the Moonchildren within the Monarch Project involves high level magic by the circle of Illuminati black magicians involved with a particular individual’s programming. It should be noted that Grande Master and Grande Dame alters will understand demonology, but the sections (levels) of alter above them, are not informed. 

One of the biggest secrets kept from most of the slave’s alters is that their System was demonized while a fetus. First, this would give religious front alters the information they need to get them on the right track towards healing, and it could also adversely affect the programming lies of some of the front alters who don’t realize how premeditated all the trauma and torture is. The front alters of victims themselves remember the cover story that the moon children were produced via torture in the cages as little children. 

The Illuminati have also planned that every one of the ten commandments of God will be violated in their favor with the child. They prefer the child to be born out of wedlock so that it is a bastard. This breaks God’s commandment on adultery, and also gives them more leverage to destroy the child’s self-esteem. This entire plan involves generational curses which are spoken and unspoken. During Illuminati ceremonies, Ceremonial pacts which concern having the child out of wedlock to mock God are made. 

While the Illuminati destroy any godly spiritual foundation, they are creating a solid rock hard foundation of "love" (adoration or idolatry) within the new born upon which they will build the programming. The second commandment is "Do not take the Lord’s name in vain". In the Black Mass, the names of God are invoked to get spirits with blasphemous names such as Yahweh Elohim. Most parts of the little child will never even hear the Lord’s name--he will only hear the name of his master, who will someday be presented to him as "God". The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. The child is being bonded to his future programmers. Much later, great attention will be given to set up staged events to insure that the victim being programmed hates God. 

In Utero Traumatization 
The formal Monarch Mind-Control project was developed from observations of high level Satanic families. These families had no qualms about the concept of traumatizing the fetus. Italian generational witchcraft is called the Ways of the Strega. These generational occult bloodlines, esp. in Tuscany and Naples, are very much into generational ancestor spirits. These were the ones that Aleister Crowley went to learn how to create Moon Children. 

Remember, that Italian and German generational Illuminati families were studied by the Italian fascists and the German Nazis to develop a scientific understanding of mind control. The Illuminati families in Germany were secretly and scientifically studied in the 1920s to determine what exactly was happening and how to systematically improve the Illuminati’s control over the people they were already programming. 

Discipline and training has been lavished for centuries upon the children of these elite bloodlines. The contribution of the 20th century was the systematic collection and scientific study of all the various methodologies into one cohesive programming package. This research was begun on a large scale in 1940s, and has been systematically added to since then. 

Families who wanted dissociative children learned that dissociative babies could be born if the child in the womb is tortured. Thin needles are inserted through the mother into the fetus to prick the preborn child. Mothers, who are pregnant with children to be programmed, are also severely traumatized during their pregnancy with a whole assortment of traumas, which simultaneously traumatizes the babies which they carry. For instance, the father may purposely abandon the pregnant mother in the middle of a forest, or blast the mother with loud frightening music, and then follow this up with love. 

Foundation Step 2. 
The Trauma of a Premature Birth 
A premature birth is important because the naturally occurring events around a premature birth insure that the child is naturally traumatized. Studies (such as Fenaroff, 1972) have found that only 7-8% of the live births were premature, but 25 to 40% (about a third) of all battered children were born premature. 

It appears that the satanic cult involvement with causing premature births may be reflected in this type of statistic. Some of the Illuminati induced premature births have made the newspapers, because the preemies set records for being born so small. Premature labor is induced the fact that a premature birth happens is not natural, but the traumas that occur to the preemie are. 

Specialized drugs (not just the exogenous oxytocins normally used to induce labor) are used on a mother to place her in a deeper trance than a twilight sleep. (Remember, that the underdeveloped liver & kidneys of the preemie make it difficult to naturally purge meds from the preemie’s body.) The mother will begin the process of delivery at this time. However, the mother must be brought out of this deep sleep in order to push the baby through the birth canal. The baby is too weak to help with the birthing process. 

This is the hardest type of birth that there is, because the baby is not able to help the mother in the small ways that a full term baby would. The strain on the heart of the mother is extreme. The Illuminati have learned that a mother can usually give 2 or 3 preemie births like this before she risks death to try it again. If this type of birth is repeated too often the woman’s heart will fail. This is why the Illuminati will have their breeders give 2 or 3 preemies for programming, and then have their breeders switch to full term babies which are used for sacrifice. 

If we describe how breeders and babies are used we must speak in general terms, because each bloodline, each baby, each mother is a separate case. However, there are some patterns that should be pointed out. A bloodline will often want a female’s first born male to be sacrificed to their belief system and the Lilith programming which is given the alters who function within the Kabbalistic Tree of Life which is built in during Mengele’s programming for the deeper sections (levels) of alters which are trained in Illuminati black magic. (This subject will be dealt with later.) 

The Illuminati breeders may be women who were preemies themselves. Sometimes they skip a generation with the trauma of a premature birth to get a mother with a good sound heart. Some of these breeders have excellent bloodlines, but during their own preemie birth their brains were damaged and they don’t have the super-intelligence the Illuminati wants for programming. However, they still need to have had enough creativity to have allowed themselves to become a programmed multiple. 

When breeders are used by the Illuminati to obtain babies for programming, the Illuminati selects women who are themselves programmed multiples. They are used for breeders, because genetically they have genes for intelligence, even though they aren’t brilliant. These women of lesser intelligence will only make the beginning Priestess level of the women and might obtain a rank in that level of High Priestess. 

All these women, no matter their circumstances have been made to believe that offering their babies to Satan is the highest honor, so many of them do not have normal qualms about their job. It is important to interject that the Illuminati are Luciferians, but worship Lucifer/Satan. Satanists are organizationally a separate set up, with a separate history, but both groups have many common practices, including child sacrifice. There is a science in how the Illuminati hides bloodlines, sometimes families are used as breeders for other important bloodlines. It will only be mentioned in passing here, because it is relevant to the selection process of how children are slated to be programmed. 

The Illuminati is fully aware of rare blood types and other genetic properties that run in bloodlines, and breed individuals to get certain traits, and they also take into consideration that certain weaknesses such as weak hearts or AB- negative blood with no RH factor will call for special attention.) The criteria for non-Illuminati cults for their breeders is much lower. Often these are the cults’ leftovers. That is the difference between the good breeding of the Illuminati, and the degenerate thinking of the openly satanic groups. 

The Satanic groups which are organized into hubs, and some of the lesser occult groups like the KKK., have women which are kept under lock and key to serve as breeders. Breeders are kept from having outside talents that would help them function in the outside world. Some are not allowed to have driver’s licenses and other basics. 

 How does the occult world manage to work things out within a hospital setting? The independent satanic cults may not use hospitals. I have worked with enough first hand information to be familiar with some of the cults which have home births attended by their own midwives. An example is the Satanic cult in Seminole & Garvin counties of Oklahoma where their section houses in the countryside have had unrecorded home births for years. 

First hand information also confirms that hospitals in Tacoma, Vancouver, Portland, and San Francisco are used by the Illuminati for premature births. By extension, it can be understood that many hospitals across the United States are now staffed with a large number of nurses and doctors who are loyal to the occult world (called by insiders the "Network") headed by the Illuminati. The preemies are attended to by satanic witches who are nurses, many of them multiples themselves. Further on in this book, we will cover how the Illuminati is turning out a great number of pediatricians via programming to insure control over the preliminary programming stages. 

If the occult world wants a mother to see her preemie, the occult nurses on night shifts will quietly let cult mothers in to bond with their preemies. There is a lot of corruption that goes on unnoticed too. These doctors and nurses have taken lots of preemies for the Network to use for programming experiments. If the mother is a low income mother, the Freemasons will let them use their network of hospitals for free. 

Some of these premature children are described as dead and taken with the excuse that "they can’t breathe". They then are used for programming experimentation. The Illuminati, working in conjunction with other occult groups, schemes up methods by which they can get other people’s babies. This gives them additional children to work on. By giving low income mothers free births at Masonic hospitals, the occult world can later contrive some reason for stripping a low income mother who is on drugs of her guardianship of her baby. They take these children, some of them drug babies, for programming uses. 

The mothers of different animals are examples of how important touch is to any baby. A mother cow, or dog will nudge its offspring soon after it is born. They will also begin to teach the baby immediately after it is born. Studies have learned that most mammals lick their newborn, which has been observed to be critical for the healthy physical development of the baby animal. The Illuminati want the same development for their offspring. Research showed that rocking and stroking preemies helps them develop motor skills and respiratory functions. It takes the place of the licking animals give their offspring. The stroking even helps cardiac (heart) functions during the preemies sleep. Giving stimulus to a part of the brain will cause that part of the brain to grow. Although the premature child cannot speak, it still craves attention. Even if it hurts, the child wants--even needs-- to be held. The child can be touched, and it will crave that touching even if it hurts. Already the mixing of love and pain is beginning. Their skin will be thin and sensitive to touch. It will hurt to be touched and preemies can even have their skin bruised by a sheet. 

A premature birth will create a fighter spirit within the child. If the child does not have a strong instinct for survival, and does not fight to survive the premature birth, then it will not fight to survive during the tortures of the programming. By having a premature birth, the selection process has already started. Which child will be a fighter? The preemie will be emotionally deprived of getting to suck on a real mother’s breast, but will be fed with an eye-dropper or bottle. 

Often a transdisciplinary team will be created at the hospital to take charge of the preemie. They will run one of the various standard assessments, perhaps the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) or the Bayley Scale of Infant Development. Objectives will then be developed for the short and the long term based on each infant’s identified needs. The NBAS will look at :
a. the ability to shut out disturbing stimuli, 
b. responsiveness to auditory & visual stimuli, 
c. muscle tone & motor skills, 
d. irritability, 
e. capacity to cuddle, 
f. skin color, 
g. reflexes. 

Every part of the preemie’s body will be violated. A Catheter will likely be put in the little baby’s bladder, because preemies’ urinary tracts tend to close up, and bed sores must be avoided too. They will also usually be given I.V.s. This will give them more fluid to eliminate. This is healthy for the Preemie to keep their kidneys well. However, it also serves as part of the natural traumatic process. Some will be given oxygen. The preemie will be adjusting to the light, temperature, sound, humidity and gravity of the new world it has been thrust into. Their hearts will have problems (some of these like Mitro-valve prolapse may stay with the child for a life-time), and also often difficulties with their lungs. 

Studies on preemies have shown that they tend to have a sober affect with few smiles, and then the smiles come only if their eyes are averted from who is in front of them. They are less social and they depend upon the primary person (usually a caretaker at the hospital) to give them assistance and encouragement to interact socially. (Als & Brazelton, 1981) 

When the child is born, the Illuminati make sure that its first view is of one of the people who will help program it. Often this is a Grande Dame within the hierarchy, but it might also be a male programmer. Over the following months, the programmer figure will repeatedly talk to the child in loving cooing tones. The most loving soothing words are all that is permitted at this stage. The child is being naturally bonded to the programmer. Mengele was the best of experts at this type of bonding. 

The programmers talk to each other in terms like, "this child is a piece of clay." They view themselves as the potters to that clay. When the Preemie is born it copes with the pain by being dissociative. The soothing voice of the programmer is said and heard in hypnotic tones. The hypnotic voice of the programmer is taking advantage of the dissociative trance-like state of the child in pain. The hypnotic voice is grooming the child from the womb. 

Hypnotic cues are placed into the child’s mind even at this young age. Hypnotic cues use all the senses. In reality, the programmers are even hypnotizing the little babies. Soon the preemie’s eyes will open when the preemie senses the presence of the programmer in the room. The preemie’s eyes will follow the programmer around as he or she walks around the child’s room. The child’s eyes are following the voice of the programmer. 

Ronald Shor, a respected researcher into hypnotism, wrote in the Amer. Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 13, 1959, pp. 582-602, 

"Only in the fetus can one conceive of an ideally pure trance state, that is, a state in which there is a total absence of a functioning reality orientation. In the developing organism in utero the first momentary experiences exist concretely, independent of any structured background of experience. The only organization that can take place at first is that which is genetically given. But except for this natural, ontogenetically undeveloped state there is always some degree of structuring." 

In other words, if you want to hypnotize someone, the ideal is when they are a fetus, because the baby soon begins to get a grasp of reality--that reality gives the child something to compare with what the hypnotist is wanting to program in. Notice, also the awareness on Shor’s part, that there is some structuring of the mind done naturally via genetics. 

This again underscores the importance of why the programmers like multi-generational victims--because they pass via genetics some of the mental structuring needed for the smooth programming of the next generation. By looking into the preemie’s eyes and talking, the programmer begins to teach the baby. The preemie learns that its primary caretaker is its controller. The controller controls its access to its bottle and everything else in its life. The Illuminati are teaching the child to view its controller as God from the first second it is born. They want the child to worship the programmer. The programmer is literally saving the preemie’s life. By talking & cooing to the child, the programmer’s voice becomes more real to the child than itself. 

The controllers begin stretching the mind of the child as soon as it is born. The two or three people who control the early baby’s life begin teaching it with hypnotic voices as soon as it is born. Subliminal tapes are used to teach the baby immediately. The goal is to teach the child to read and speak much earlier than other children. In the Monarch Program’s controlled setting, children who can read at six months, can still be programmed for social skills. In an uncontrolled setting, children taught this earlier tend to have their intellectual skills outstrip their social skills, and they develop serious problems with their peers and schools. 

Children can be hypnotized easier than adults, but it has to be done differently, especially if the child is preverbal. Rubbing the child, stroking its head, and patting the child help soothe the child into relaxing. The hypnotist must not make rapid tonal changes in his voice. These are reasons why gentle Illuminati women programmers are such an asset at this stage. The newborn child is taught obedience. It is allowed to cry to develop its lungs, but at some early point it is taught not to cry. Tape is placed over the child’s mouth, and it is told over and over "no" with the index finger gesturing. They get approval if they don’t cry. This type of programming is called behavior modification, and will be further covered in a later chapter. 

The baby is rigidly taught total obedience. In review of step 3, one tried and often used technique is to have the baby born premature. The baby must undergo lots of trauma, and must learn to be a fighter to survive. Babies have been taken by induced labor or C-Section at premature ages intentionally to insure that the baby will suffer trauma. When the premature baby leaves the comfort of the womb it experiences trauma. By taking the baby prematurely, it also gives the programmers an advanced start on the programming. 

Foundation Step 3. 
Love Bombing the Child Until about Eighteen Months 
The third stage is smothering the child in love. The love is given so that it can be taken away in the fourth stage. Unless love is given so that it can be taken away, there is no trauma. Illuminati children are never spanked in the first year and a half. They are very lovingly controlled. (This pattern of smothering new converts in love called "love bombing" in preparation for removing that love and acceptance to get obedience is done by some cults to new members too.) 

The Illuminati child learns about their body. Their bowels are allowed to function properly and they are kept meticulously clean. They must be taught to appreciate their body, before the trauma of stripping them of everything they value. Dissociation does not have to be taught to the child, because they have a genetic leaning toward it, and the premature birth has taught them to dissociate. All in all, the child has been allowed only to build a relationship with its programmer(s). The child has learned to trust, obey and adore the programmer during the first 18 months of its life. Its mind is lining up with hypnotic suggestions, cues, and is being obedient.

Foundation Step 4 
Fracturing the Mind 
The fourth stage is built upon the foundation of dissociation created in the first & second stages, and the love created in the third stage. (The demonology of the first step also helps pull in demons associated with programming, tunneling in the mind, and multiplicity, which are used in the fourth foundational step.) 

Often in the fourth step, the child’s mind will fracture along the same dissociation fracture lines that the trauma of the premature birth created. If the child is not a premature baby, it will need some additional help to want to dissociate. The child can have its senses overwhelmed repeatedly to the point that it learns to react to its surroundings by what appears on the outside as a numbness, and mentally is simply dissociation. 

Everything imaginable can be used to overwhelm the caged little child’s senses and create dissociation. Rotten foul odors of the child’s excrement, of ammonia, and rotten food while it huddles in its cage will overwhelm the child’s sense of smell. Being fed blood overwhelms the sense of taste. The chanting of the Programmers dressed in Satanic garb, banging noises, rock music and the electric hum, and ultrasonic stimulation overwhelms the child’s sense of hearing. The child’s natural developing sense of shapes is taken advantage of by spinning the child and making it feel like it is going to fall. The child will also be deprived of sleep and drugged. Together all this will provide the dissociative base for splitting the core. 

The fourth stage is to strip the child of everything nice and lovely in the world. The child is caged and tormented by electric shock. The child’s senses will be overloaded and they will become numb. Eyewitnesses have described these hundreds of numbed children as "zombies". This stage and the programming put in after the foundational dissociation is created will form the next chapter. 

In the fourth step, the child is starved, cold and naked. When they finally see their beloved master or beloved adult caretaker appear after suffering from 42 to 72 hours, they are excited and they dissociate the pain of the previous hours of deprivation. Help appears to be on the scene. At that point the programmer/beloved adult shows his/her most vicious side, and the child in order to deal with how this loving caretaker has not only rejected them but is now hurting them dissociates along the same fractures of dissociation created by the trauma of the premature birth. The details of how the mind is split will be dealt with further in the next chapter. 

In review of steps 3 and 4, part of the programming is to have the primary initial abuser bond with the child. A close loving bond is needed between a child and the initial abuser so that a clean split is created when the initial mind-splitting trauma is carried out. The clean split occurs when the child is confronted with two irreconcilable opposing viewpoints of someone who is important to them. The child can’t reconcile the two extremely opposite views of the same person, one being a loving caretaker, and the other being the worst kind of abuser. The person the child trusted the most is the person the child fears the most. 

Some professional therapists have come to realize that this is how the core is split. Jody Lienhart, a multiple herself, in her Ph.d dissertation correctly identifies the double bind of having two extremely opposite views of the most important person in the child’s life as the fundamental splitting mechanism. She writes in her 1983 dissertation on p. 6-7, 

"Implicit in each of the studies of childhood trauma is the pervasive nature of paradoxical communication. Frequently, this double bind communication style appears during the formative, preverbal stages of childhood in which the interpretation of these messages is confused. This results in insufficient experimental learning which would allow translation of the confused appropriate messages... " 

This study presents the theoretical assumption that multiple personality is developed through early childhood state-dependent learning. [That means that learning is linked to a state of mind.] Furthermore, it is hypothesized that this learning occurs as a result of the hypnoidal effects of childhood trauma such as abuse and sexual molestation. The child, unable to translate the paradoxical nature of the messages he receives, fragments into a trance state. Furthermore, it is suggested that memories incorporated during each of these hypnoidal experiences are similar to knowledge acquired during state-dependent learning. 

Lienhart used her own memories as the basis for the type of trauma that suggests in her dissertation could create MPD. That trauma for her was her uncle forcing his penis into her mouth and almost choking her. The child is not in a position to flee, so the mind dissociates. She happened to have experienced a common trauma used to split a core. In order to split the core, the mind has to be trained to dissociate. 

The ability to dissociate is obtained by being genetically bred from dissociative parents, by having a premature birth/traumatic birth if possible, and by the conditioning done at the original programming center (between 18 mo. & 3 years) where intermittent electric shock along with the all the senses being overwhelmed, along with sleep deprivation and drugs create a dissociative base to split the core. The initial sadistic abuse to split the mind, is called "severing the core." 

Each person’s original mind is like an open computer. The original computer like mind in order to continue working, when confronted with overwhelming trauma, splits a part of the mind off and walls it up with amnesia barriers. From this area further splits can be made. One of the major technical feats to make computers useable was to figure out how to be able to wall off and protect memory in the computer from being accessed and used. When they succeeded in engineering isolated memory the other problems were minor. 

When someone has been traumatized from the fetus on up--there is no single core such as therapists usually look for. The Core for the programmers is the unsplit essence of the mind which drives or provides energy for the System. This Core is not an alter, but is an essence that the programmers hide. The Core is not an alter. The programmers do not touch the core in the fashion they do alters. They hide the core. 

Part of the drama that is carried out during the entire victim’s life, is that their mind tries to protect this untouched core essense of their mind from being touched. If they think anyone, the therapist or the abuser are going to tamper with it, the mind and its parts will protect that core. As strange as it may seem, when a therapist talks about integration, they often scare the victim’s mind that the integrity of the core and its innocence will be violated, and the victim’s mind does everything it can to avoid contaminating the integrity of their core, i.e. they sabotage therapy and return to their programmer who understands their safety issue. 

Initially, in the 1940s, the Illuminati researched what would happen if the Core was allowed to meet up with the alters, and they discovered that the brain’s essence or energy will work to pull the mind back together. Therefore, the Core is separated and hidden from all the alters. In Illuminati systems, it is usually placed in the middle of its first splits, which are also sources of energy and which are well hidden. 

They are dehumanized parts which function as gems, which are programmed as in the Alice In Wonderland story to change shape and color if they are approached, which rarely happens. These parts will be discussed in other chapters including how a system is structured. 

A dissociative carousel is also attached around the core. After the core is hidden, the rest of the alters will be programmed not to look for the energy/synthesizing part of the system. The real "core" or primal part of the unconscious will have an adult representative of it in a Monarch System. 

This primal part has a Toddler switch upon which all the programming is built. An event(s) in the child’s life is used to build the programming upon. The Illuminati know about the various base programs and the foundational traumas, and some of this is kept secret from programmers who come from front organizations of the Illuminati. 

There are a number of parts which will be called "cores"--simply because they were early parts, but there is no intact single person who represents all of the mind. All that is left are fragments of the mind, each segment walled off with amnesia. The alters who perceive themselves to be "cores" are alters who have been programmed to think they are the core alter. 

The mind has a way of knowing the truth, and these alters may realize that their programmed story line is suspicious, but they won’t know what is "fishy" about it, so they tend to be in denial about their identity. These substitute or mock cores will often be in denial that they are even MPD. In some cases, where Scripture was used to program with, the core was told that it would be "blessed by multiplying as the seeds in the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea" if "thou hast obeyed my voice", which is misuse of Gen. 22:17-18. Alters which represent the "sands of the sea" pop up if an alter tries to get to the core. (See chapter 10k about scriptures used in programming.) 

The Initial Splits 
The initial part of a person’s mind before splitting occurs is called the core. Theoretically, the core makes parts to protect itself. The initial splitting is called "splitting the core" and there is an art or science in knowing how to split a core. However, I disagree with the standard core model". I believe it is more accurate to say that the initial splits are stronger because they somehow are integrated closer to the mind. Later splits made from later splits, are in a sense less connected to the full mind. 

During a torture session, the initial splits are always the strongest. So when they torture someone and get 20 personality splits, they will use perhaps the first 13 and discard the rest or use them for single task jobs. Discard areas are created in the mind---these are variously called concentration camps, garbage dumps, or whatever. The victim’s mind is trained to create these dumping grounds for the splits that the programmers don’t want to use. As the programming got refined, so did the methods for discarding unwanted splits. 

In children, who receive programming at a very early age, the initial splits may be done in the womb. If the fourth step is carried out in a timely fashion at 18 months after the in utero trauma and a premature birth, then during the first 18 months the mind will never have a chance to pull itself together. If however, the fourth step is not done at around 18 months and no further trauma is maintained, the child’s mind will pull back together by the age of two and a half. The initial splits are the most energetic and the easiest to manipulate. 

In Illuminati systems these early parts are dehumanized into thinking they are gems and crystals. These gems and crystals then "power" the entire mind-control system that is programmed over the following years into the child’s mind. The gems are not perceived as alters, so the proxy core wouldn’t integrate with what is perceived as an inanimate object. 

The proxy core is allowed to want to move toward health with a therapist, it is programmed to move toward healing, but to lead the therapist away from the true core. She or he is programmed to believe it is the true core. The real core & its first splits, which are the gems, are placed hypnotically at the mind’s deepest levels--in an area of the mind few therapists ever search. As outlined above, other initial splits are led to believe they are cores. Part of the reason there is a illusive search on the part of therapists for a core, is that people have not accepted the reality that there is no one person (personality) in charge of a Monarch System who can simply decide to quit coping with life by stopping their MPD. 

Many therapists want to believe that some person is the "real" person and the rest are simply subordinate alters created to handle the core’s trauma. I believe this is an inadequate understanding of what is happening. The elements that make up who a person is--i.e. personality elements such as memories, are fractured. These fragments have in turn often been built up into full-blown personalities with all the elements of full-blown personalities. 

There is no "real" person, just as if you smash a mirror into a thousand pieces, there is no single piece that is the "real" original mirror but rather simply fragments that can in turn operate as mirrors. However, there is still a primal self. 

Early splits are led to believe they are the core. The cult will hide the initial splits beyond recognition. Some of the third wave of splits will be created into what are named Silence alters. They are trained never to talk. (At least some Illuminati alter systems call these early splits "Silences".) These early splits are then hidden and used to blackmail other alters who were created later. 

The other alters, who are formed after the Silences (who are pre-language alters) are convinced that if they don’t behave the Silences will have something drastic happen to them. Some of the pre-talking Silence alters are then placed in places such as Moloch’s Temple to keep as hostages. 

Alters are created down the road to guard the Silences. They guard in the full sense, controlling the Silences, and any access to the Silences. Since the Silences are early splits they are more important for the full integration of the mind, which the programmers want to insure doesn’t happen. Probes are pushed into the brain at the base of the skull, in a very precise and methodical way during the initial core trauma. This is done to create guards for the carousel. For more about the early primal splits see the section on Carousel in Chapter 7 on structuring, and the next chapter on how the trauma is done. 

Because the Programmers will tamper with the alters so much to get the satanic alters and the special purpose alters which they want, they need to use some of the first splits as front alters. They need strong front alters who have a sense of who they are. If they waited until later to get front alters, the alters wouldn’t be as strong and would have already lost their identity. The 3rd wave of alters created often will in turn be split to provide alters to build the front section of a System. The front "cores" which are decoys will be set up with opposites, one alter will love the programmer the other will hate him. One alter will trust the programmer, the other will fear the programmer. 

Therapists spend all their time trying to reconcile this conflict which is placed out front as a decoy to keep them busy. Meanwhile, the gems along with the rest of the loyal cult alters will have the ability to create whatever is needed within the System. The entire system of alters is always shifting and many of the true alters are in hiding. The person is made to feel like he or she has been sliced like meat much as a bologna slicer makes slices of bologna. 

This layering program is very dangerous and severe. Overlays of all kinds, demonic, hypnotic illusion, etc. are layered over real alters so that even the identity of what is a real alter is hidden. The point is that decoys which keep therapists busy are created, while the entire structure shifts and rearranges and restructures itself to keep itself hidden. 

Often the Illuminati encourages early front splits to learn about Christ and legitimately accept Him at a very early age. This acceptance will be used as the basis of the trauma to create strong satanic alters. Just as the handler will bond with the child to split it, the handler will allow some early parts of the System to bond with Christ in order to enhance the trauma that "God" will do to the System. This also allows the handlers to have a balancing point. 

Without the full range of capabilities within a Slave alter system-- a dangerous imbalance toward evil could propel the slave into situations where they don’t have the ability to succeed. In many ways, the slave’s world becomes a microcosm of the real world, having a mixture of adult and child alters, Christian, secular, and Satanic alters. 

Another thing which happens with the first splits is the creation of mirror images. Some of the time, in the early splitting procedures, the child creates extra splits. In the early stages, these strong extra splits are made into mirror images of regular alters. Some of these mirror images are known to be placed into the mind before any splitting occurs. 

As long as the victim’s dissociation exists, the potential for mischief exists for the programmers. This is why integration can be a positive goal for a Monarch multiple if the deprogrammer knows what he is doing. After suffering decades of the most horrible traumas imaginable and the most severe abuse as slaves, most slaves have minds which are habitually dissociative. These older minds of slaves require a miracle to cease remaining permanently dissociative. It does take a great deal of brain energy to maintain the amnesic walls, and the minds of people in their 70’s and 80’s will stop maintaining those walls and these elderly will begin to remember. But by that time, they are considered senile, and their memories are discontented 

Further Selection Considerations 
The Illuminati have their own criteria as to who they select. The preference is that they be blue-eyed blond Caucasians and not to have obvious physical defects or visible scars. The Freemasons also reject physically defective candidates. After they test the child for its intelligence, creativity, and dissociative skills, they will bring the children before the Grande Druid Council. 

Formal approval of girls and boys into the Illuminati is done at a presentation by the Queen Mother and the Grand Druid Council at age three. However, the children have already been inspected by the Queen Mother before a formal physical inspection. Sexuality is an important issue for the physical part of the Illuminati inspection of little boys and girls. This is part of the physical criteria, as well as the physical health of the child. Creativity, strength, bloodlines, and intelligence will also be taken into consideration. 

The standard Trauma-based mind control which produces programmed multiple personalities is started on children before the age of 6. After the age of 6, it is difficult to follow this type of MPD/DID programming. However, this does not mean people aren’t programmed after age 6. Trauma-based personality splits remain isolated in the mind better than hypnotic-based personality splits, but most people can be hypnotized to create alter personalities. Some SRA survivors have programming but don’t have alter systems. A rare few do not have systems, but only a few dissociative states, such as a night self, and a day self. A wide variety of approaches have been experimented and operationally carried out. This book will concentrate more on the Monarch Systems which are created by programming infants. This is usually the most devastating, traumatic, controlling, effective approach. 

The Catholic Church has long said give me a child by the age of 5 and they will be Catholic. The Catholic Church is one of the largest parts of the network that carries out Monarch Mind Control. It is a fact, that if the Jesuits can place in their programming--what they call the "Keys to the Kingdom" Monarch Mind Control within a child, they will control his destiny. One Jesuit priest is on record as stating that there is nothing he can’t make anyone do with torture. The Jesuits developed torture to a fine art in the inquisition. Imagine the expertise they have brought to the Monarch Program which begins torturing children at 18 months onward with every sophisticated torture device invented. If the Jesuits brag that they can convince adults to do anything via torture, what about baby children? 

While the Monarch programming is done with children, one variety of it is done on adults. Adults who are selected are also chosen on the basis of the ability to disassociate and their availability. There are certain tests given by the branches of the military which identify people who disassociate well. Their "Cumes" --that is their accumulated school records are also examined. This type of person may be singled out and sent to get programming. Some of these persons end up in the various intelligence agencies, where they are trapped for their entire lifetimes. Some of the victims of the programming are war vets, Americans who were POWs, people in mental hospitals, people who just happened to work for Illuminati connected companies, and people going into acting

The intelligence agencies often begin mind-control on adult individuals when an individual joins their organization. If an intelligence or military group can exercise a high level of external control over an individual, they may not need the level of programming that some of the occult cults and the Illuminati need. The Illuminati place their membership among the world at large, and with the requirement that centuries of secrecy be maintained. This secrecy can only be maintained by insuring that strong early programming is done to create fail safe systems with large number of dark alters and heavy layers of demonic forces. (Many will scoff at the concept of demons being layered in, but whatever name one wants to call these forces, they are being layered in, and exert a powerful force behind the programming.) 

The programming will break down if memories are recovered, so demonic imps are layered in to protect the memories from coming out. The entire phenomena will be gone into great detail and explained in rational terms in the course of this book. No matter how a therapist explains these demonic imps, they need to be dealt with if the memories are not to be protected. There are various methods for controlled memory retrieval--journaling, hypnosis, safe rooms with screens, deliverance etc. which we will not go into at this point, because we are providing the recipe, not the solution. 

While most Illuminati victims are in-house from their own occult bloodlines, a certain renegade group of Illuminati programmers have proved to the Illuminati that they can adequately program non-Illuminati children. I am familiar with some of the people involved in this, but will not mention names. 

What we have covered in this chapter is how premeditated, deliberate, and precise the plans are by the programmers for the lives of these Mind controlled slaves. The programming places their lives on very rigid scripts. There are different uses for mind-controlled slaves. What applies to one slave may not apply to another one. Not everyone is a good candidate for programming. Sometimes only part of a family will be programmed. Whatever the particulars about the programming, it will be sufficient to place the individual’s mind totally under the control of the handler. We have also given the details of how the candidates are selected, tested, prepared and the programming initiated. 

The next chapter covers more on how trauma & fear serve as the base of mind-control.

Chapter 2 Science # 2 The Traumatization and Torture of The Victim


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