Monday, November 12, 2018


Securitization is Illegal and Unlawful
By Anna Von Reitz 
Securitization is illegal and unlawful. And it has been the backbone of the world economy since 1934. Think about that. 

I have pointed out that securitization of a man's Good Name and Estate is completely illegal and unlawful because it is an act of personage and results in enslavement --- both of which are crimes. 

And here to discuss the point further is an excerpt from British researchers published in 2010, with more explicit detail of exactly why securitization, or, as the Brits write it, "securitisation" is illegal in the U.S. and throughout most the world: 

Securitisation is illegal under US legislation – primarily because it is fraudulent and causes specific violations of R.I.C.O., usury, Antitrust and bankruptcy laws. And it flies in the face of public policy in numerous ways, as is expounded in extensive detail in an analysis to be published in our journal  Economic Intelligence Review 2009Q1 (7) with several pages of book, article and case references. 

To begin with, securitisation violates US State usury legislation. Secondly, all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ as well as ‘assignment’ securitisations are essentially tax evasion schemes, and the penalties for tax evasion in the United States are excessively severe. 

Thirdly, in all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations, the conflict of interest inherent in the sponsor also serving as the servicer constitutes fraud and conversion. In the fourth place, in all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations where the Special Purpose Vehicle [SPV] is a trust, the declaration of trust is void, as it exists for an illegal purpose. 

In the fifth place, off-balance sheet treatment of asset-backed securities (both for ‘true-sale’ and for assignment transactions) constitutes fraud. 

Sixth, all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations involve blatant fraudulent conveyances. In the seventh place, securitisation usurps United States bankruptcy laws and is accordingly illegal, as well as being also demonstrably contrary to public policy. 


In ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations, there are fraudulent transactions which serve as ‘predicate acts’ under US Federal R.I.C.O. statutes.

The specific R.I.C.O. sections are: Section 1341 (mail fraud); Section 1343 (wire fraud); Section 1344 (financial institution fraud); Section 1957 (engaging in monetary transactions improperly derived from specified unlawful activity) [‘the money you make from the illegal exploitation of my money, is my money’]; and Section 1952 (racketeering). 

Furthermore, securitisation constitutes violations of American antitrust statutes through market integration, syndicate collusion, price formation, vertical foreclosure, tying, price-fixing, predatory pricing, and the rigging of allocations. 

Securitisation also involves void contracts, given the lack of consideration, illusory promises, the absence of any actual bargain, the absence of mutuality – and finally illegal subject matter and the contravention of public policy. 

Securitisation is riddled with Fraudulent Transfer, Fraud in the Inducement, Fraud in Fact by Deceit, Theft by Deception (Fraudulent Concealment) and Fraudulent Conveyance: see the US securities regulations routinely breached in such activity, listed at the foot of this report and of most of these reports for THE PAST THREE YEARS, and other laws also routinely flouted in this context.

Manna World Holdings Trust 
Fraud and Piracy Explained 
By Anna Von Reitz 
First, the crime of fraud has no statute of limitations. If I discover a fraud that happened in 1860 (and I have) and I report it and take exception to it today, the crime and all the subsequent history tainted by it, is still very much alive, still actionable, and still deserving remedy, cure, and divine service. 

As a result, when something begins in error and fraud, it ends in the same status. No progress toward any actual and honest solution is made until the fraud comes to an end. 

As long as FDR's "Bank Holiday" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "State of Emergency" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "United States" continues to run amok, so does the rest of the world. And there is no way to fix this or end this condition absent the end of the fraud itself. 

Second, the crime of piracy also has no statute of limitations. If my great-grandfather's gold was stolen by pirates (thieves of any sort acting in international jurisdiction) he is still the lawful owner and I, as his heir, am still owed the return of that gold from Interpol or any other international law enforcement agency that obtains custody of the stolen property. 

Now those who are responsible for this ongoing Mess have sought to make things easy on themselves and difficult for the rest of us by trying to seize all private assets and to dump our private assets into trusts, which are then combined and commingled into larger trusts----all controlled by them. 

While they try to justify this as the act of valid Trustees, the actual owners and purported donors never elected them to the job and this is in fact just more piracy, more unlawful seizure of our assets in international jurisdiction, more false claims of rights and interests that do not exist.

The fact that the theft is more sophisticated and accomplished by paper transactions and keyboard strokes instead of cutlasses or broad axes, does not change the nature of the theft itself. Nor its affects on actual people. 

In the case of actual private assets (gold, silver, jewels, etc., ) that were deposited in Good Faith as Special Deposits in the banks, Manna World Holdings Trust is trying to claim control of those accounts and those assets with no valid authority at all. It's simply more piracy, more commandeering of assets, rights, and responsibilities that belong to others. 

Those assets belong to the people and/or organizations that deposited them. 

Is that concept somehow suddenly difficult for everyone to understand? 

And most especially, is it difficult for the bankers to understand?

Because if our deposits are not secure, what do we need banks for? 

As holding tanks serving to make consolidated theft easier on the criminals? 

What ISN'T There 2.0 
By Anna Von Reitz 
As I have noted before, many of the most interesting discoveries in the long bunny hole romp come from what ISN'T there.... that should be. 

We have discussed the missing Declaration of War related to the Civil War and the lack of a Peace Treaty ending it. We have noted the lack of an Executive Order ending FDR's "Bank Holiday" before, but let's examine that a bit more. What does it mean? 

What it means is that the banks we are familiar with aren't banks. 

They are securities investment and holding companies. 

And what have they "securitized" to promote their business and trade? 

Securitization is a process of assigning a value to an asset and then trading certificates, stocks, bonds, mortgages and other "tokens" of ownership interest. 

As our research into the Birth Certificate issue and our research into Foreclosures has yielded, the "U.S. Attorney Generals" have "securitized" the living people of this country and all our private property, too. 

But "securitizing" living people is against the law and is both illegal and unlawful, because doing so enslaves them. 

Both the international law and the Public Law of this country very clearly forbids it. 

Not only is slavery forbidden, but since 1926, voluntary peonage is also forbidden by Public Law. You can't volunteer yourself into indentured servitude, even if you wanted to. 

So how is it possible that since 1934 America has been the site of a booming slave industry based on "securitizing" living people and their private property? 

Answer: FDR's Bank Holiday, which is still in effect. You are all challenged to find any action anywhere rescinding or ending the so-called "Bank Holiday" via Executive Order (by which it was created) or Congressional Act or by any other means. [She is 100% correct here.I have tried in the past to get people to look at 1933 closer,but mostly I just get cyber stares DC]

The Bank Holiday ended "the normal course of business" in this country. Imagine that you are playing a game of checkers, and without overtly changing the playing pieces, the game is converted into a game of chess instead ---- all without any fully disclosed explanation or warning? 

That's what happened in 1934.

And that is what is still going on today. We are led to believe that normal business practices and procedures and assumptions apply, but in fact, they don't. 

When these banks that aren't banks offer "home loans" what they are really "offering" is that you "voluntarily" loan your home to them for their benefit. 

They then conveniently create credit on an accounting ledger --- all out of thin air, with nothing but the value of your home and labor at risk --- and set up an escrow ACCOUNT in your Name, without telling you. They charge you on average five times the value of any loan as interest and demand an unearned security interest in your labor and assets on top of it. Then, when you mysteriously fail to come forward and collect on the escrow ACCOUNT (that you know nothing about) they declare the funds "abandoned" and take all the mortgage payments that you paid to YOURSELF for their profit, too. 


This scam has been going on since 1934 and it still is. And that's just the mortgage-foreclosure scam. It gets worse. Much worse. 

See the next article for more.

What ISN'T There 3.0 
By Anna Von Reitz 
So we continue our investigation into missing pieces of history and also missing pieces related to the present circumstance. 

We left off with the fact that FDR'S Banking Holiday has never ended, with the affect that what we know as banks aren't really banks--- they are deceptively operating under the names of old banks, but in fact they are securities investment, trading, and holding companies. 

We briefly discussed how these "banks that aren't banks" have created securities to trade by "securitizing" living people which is grossly unlawful, and how they have profited themselves by false advertising and undisclosed mortgage escrow practices. 

So let's look at how they have contrived to do all this. 

Go back to the Trading with the Enemy Act and 50 USC 4307 (d) which allows the "voluntary" donation of property belonging to parties who are not enemies to the Alien Property Custodian (now the U.S. Attorney General). 

Now add that exactly such a contract is "offered" to your Mother at the hospital under color of law. She is coerced under false pretenses to sign a totally undisclosed and repugnant contract donating her child as a ward of the British Territorial State of State. 

So, the U.S. Attorney General takes the new "donation" and "enfranchises" it and copyrights its Name. As a result, the Trade Name our parents gave us is now "interpreted" as the name of a British Territorial Commonwealth Public Trust, instead of the Trade Name of a living American. 

All the assets attached to the Trade Name are now dumped into the Public Trust. 

And since Your Name is now registered as a Public Trust and no longer recognized as the Name of a Living Man, it can be "securitized" --- so they unlawfully convert Your Trade Name into the Name of a Public Trust, and that then ends the prohibition against slavery and involuntary peonage. 

You can do whatever you want to do to a corporation. It's just a legal fiction after all. 

What they try to ignore is that the legal fiction is now attached to a living man and a living man's assets, and they then act as Executors de son Tort to administer and manipulate both the man and the assets via the unlawful conversion of his American Trade Name to the name of a British Commonwealth Public Trust. 

This is a known crime called "personage". 

It gets worse. They don't stop there. The U.S. Attorney General then spins off two more primary corporations under variations of your Trade Name. There's a British Commonwealth Public  Transmitting Utility operating under Your Name in this form: Michael R. Doe and a Cestui Que Vie Estate Trust operating under Your Name in the form: Michael Ransom Doe. 

Then the Roman Catholic Church gets into the act and spins off its own versions of corporate municipal franchises operating under your name. And here, if possible, is where things take an even worse turn, because they define "your" Municipal PERSON as a criminal. 

And under the 14th Amendment of the British Territorial United States Constitution, criminals can be enslaved. And they can be subjected to Bounty Hunting by the British Territorial Government and its assigns. 

So here you are, hapless Joe American, naturally an innocent Third Party, being ruthlessly subjected to all this fraud and confidence crime by foreign governments that are both under obligations public and private to protect you and which are instead conniving to pillage and plunder and enslave you. 

Perhaps the only question in your mind right now is --- why isn't President Trump nuking Rome and London? 
See the next article in this series.

What ISN'T There 4.0 
By Anna Von Reitz 
One of the things that "isn't" there is any conscious agreement by our Mothers or Fathers consenting to any of this. 

The entire process is predicated on forcing unknowing women to sign away their children into lives of debt slavery, and doing it under color of law --- pretending that there is some mandate by their lawful government demanding this, while on the other side of their lying mouths, the miscreants responsible are claiming that this is all "voluntary". 

It's not mandated by our government. It's not allowed by our government. It's against our Public Law and against the Geneva Conventions and against at least a dozen United Nations Declarations. 

Maybe someone should inform the Government of Westminster what their American Bar Association and United States Bar Association members are doing here? 

Oh, wait, we did that twenty years ago.... 

Maybe someone should tell the Roman Catholic Church? 

Oh, wait, we did that twenty years ago, too.... 

Maybe someone should complain to the U.S. President? 

Ah, yes, well, did that more than twenty years ago.... 

It's racketeering, identity theft, and credit theft on a vast international scale, carried out by private, for-profit governmental services corporations and members of the Bar Associations, and all supported by the treasonous and/or clueless Generals and Admirals of the U.S. Army and Navy and clerics of the Roman Catholic Church. 

So let's look for some other missing elements.

Does anyone have a peace treaty ending the Second World War with Hungary or Bulgaria? No? Curiously, they are both named as "enemies" in the Trading with the Enemy Act and are the only parties that could still be considered "Enemies". 

Which means, baldly, that these animals have been knowingly preying upon their friends and Allies in gross breach of trust and violation of their commercial contract obligations--- exactly as our Final Civil Judgment of 2014 finds. 

It means that this is the thanks that we get for saving Britain's butt in World War II, and the thanks we get for our religious tolerance of the Roman Catholic Church, too. 

So, Campers, are you inspired enough to sit down and write some nasty notes and take action to clean up this mess? Peaceful actions of course. They've only killed us on paper so far, so it's time to return the favor and take out the entire B.E.A.S.T. System. 

The Capper, What ISN'T There 5.0 
By Anna Von Reitz 
We aren't "there". 

Not even in the so-called Civil War. 

Our States and our lawful Federation of States doing business as The United States of America were never involved in the Civil War. We were Third Parties throughout. The entire action involved The Federal States of States, not the States. 

That is, the Civil War was fought over and by the Confederation of States, not the Federation of States. 

Georgia never fought in the Civil War. The State of Georgia did. 

Note that it is the original Federal State of State --- "The State of Georgia" we are talking about, not the Territorial franchise doing business as "the State of Georgia" --which did not exist prior to the Civil War. And should not have existed afterward. 

Two different Unions. Two different jurisdictions. Two different populations. 

And they, Britain and Rome, knowingly came in here and pretended that we were part of their mess and subject to their debt collections. They "sponsored" their commercial mercenary conflict on our shores without our participation or consent and then blamed us and billed us for it, as if we were parties to any of this. 

Then they just continued their abuses and "presumptions" through the First World War and the Second World War and all their endless warmongering ever since. 

It had nothing to do with us, then or now, except that we have been unconscionably presumed upon and imposed upon by the most obnoxious guests --- pirates and con artists --- ever since. 

So all the miseries that have been visited on us as innocent Third Parties being dis-served by treaty partners who owed us far better, are crimes. Pure and simple. It has nothing to do with politics, though it does have something to do with diplomacy --- or lack of it. 

As a Christian nation --- which we are, and they aren't --- we could forgive them, but only if they repent and stop their reiteration of crimes: put an end to false claims against our assets and our people, properly discharge their duties and obligations, hand over the physical assets and profits naturally belonging to our States and People and stop interfering with and misrepresenting and imposing upon us. 

The United States of America is a unincorporated Federation of fifty noble State republics, the lawful government of a generous and gallant and peaceful people.

The U.S. is a Confederation of States of States that went off track a long time ago under the guidance of the British Monarchs and the Popes of Rome and treasonous members of Congress. 

The original Confederation of Federal States of States disbanded in 1860 and the members, all Federal States of States, fought the Civil War. The surviving Federal States of States entered a process of "Reconstruction" that has never been completed. British Territorial States of States usurped at this point and began a rampage of criminality and Roman Municipal STATES OF STATES joined the fray. 

Our country has been in a crisis ever since because our Hired Help can't obey their treaty obligations, the Public Law, or find their butts with both hands. Time to wake up, Virginia. 

And that includes the General Staff, the President, and members of Congress.

see also
 For the Bar Members to See and Know--- And Everyone Else, Too

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