Monday, December 16, 2019

Part 5 The Great Deceit...The Anatomy of Prejudice

A Veritas Foundation Staff Study
Image result for image of Fabian Society's "coat-of-arms"
Leftist elements who dominate the field of "social science" have saturated "social science" literature with the theme that Jew-haters, or anti-Semites, by their very nature, gravitate towards the camp of the conservatives. 

Gordon W. Allport, well-known leftist and pro-Marxist, sums up this position for this school of thought:1 

"Whether the tolerant person is militant or pacifistic, he is very likely to be liberal in his political views. Prejudiced individuals are more often conservatives."  
"The fact that liberalism and radicalism both correlate positively with ethnic tolerance places a strong weapon in the hands of bigots (who are likely to be political conservatives)."

Professor Allport drags in the Marxian theory as an authority that "prejudice is fostered by capitalists in order to keep control over the proletariat which they exploit,"3

Allport's works are required reading in almost every college and university in the United States. His cohorts in collectivist beliefs practically dominate the entire field of what are called "social sciences". These views have found their reflection in all stages of social and political life in America. 

Paid professionals working for Jewish organizations, with the avowed intention of ferreting out anti-Semitism, have picked up this same chant. In a book printed by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith reference is made to a conservative organization as follows: 

"Although no evidence of anti-Semitism was apparent, and its purposes were well within legitimate political and economic bounds, the persistent attempts of notorious patrioteers to join its ranks could only excite suspicion." 

Further it is stated that: 

"A new movement has cropped up. There are many personalities in it who have not been participants in the Congress of Freedom, who are extremely conservative, and have never shown signs of religious prejudice. However, others in the new organization are either themselves anti-Semitic or are intimately associated with known anti-Semites. The new organization is called For America.4 

The anti-Semitic bogey 
This bit of semantic trickery could be applied to any organization of mixed ethnic content, including the Republican and Democratic parties. Practically every person in the United States is bound to associate with some anti-Semite. This includes those of Jewish origin. Cross Currents itself is a clumsy attempt to push conservatives into the anti-Semitic camp by some form of association. 

There is a further attempt to tie patriotic Americans into the anti-Semitic classification. Professor Allport in typical left-wing fashion tries to smear those who love their country with the anti Semitic label. He states: 

"Many studies have discovered a close link between prejudice and 'patriotism'''.

"Schools have always inculcated patriotism, but the terms of allegiance are often narrowly conceived.. ... The teaching of exclusive loyalty, whether to nation, school, fraternity, or family -is a method of instilling prejudice.5 

Using the symbol of "social science" to combat "patriotism" and "loyalty" is a crude attempt to implement the old socialist-communist line of undermining patriotism and family loyalties. 

The leaders of this "social science" must have been somewhat taken aback on July 4, 1963, when anti-Semitic bigots publicly distributed a leaflet which attacked Senator Barry Goldwater, national leader of conservatives, as a Jew. This attack has been continued in the most Hitlerian language. This included a studied attempt to disrupt and sabotage a mass rally of conservatives in Washington, D.C.6 

A flood of publications couched in the most extreme language have been distributed throughout the nation using Goldwater as a theme and ascribing to him a role in 'a so-called "Jewish plot" to control the nation. 7 

Even the ancient falsehood charging that Jews practised ritual murder of gentile children has been dredged out of medieval inquisitorial literature. By clumsy inference, even this is tied to Senator Goldwater. 

It has long ago been proved that the first ritual murder accusations were made against the early Christians. The scholarly eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica states: 

"'The Christians of the second and third centuries suffered severely under them.' Justin Martyr (100-165 A.D.) in his Second Apology vigorously defends the Christian community against this charge; Octavius Minucius Felix, Tertullian, Origen and other Church Fathers all referred to the subject and indignantly repudiated the atrocious libel that the Eucharist involved human sacrifice. The myth was revived against the Montanists, and in the later middle ages against various sects of heretical Christians.8 

In recent times, the blood ritual accusations have been made against Christian missionaries by anti-foreign Chinese in China. The Encyclopedia Britannica points out that: 

"The first occasion on which the medieval Jews were accused of the murder of a Christian child was at Norwich in 1144."9 

A concerted effort is being made to cripple the conservative movement by charging that Goldwater and others are part of a "Jewish plot" to control the world. 

These actions give the lie to leftist elements who have infiltrated such Jewish organizations as the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee that anti-Semitism is primarily a creature of the conservative movement.10 

Socialists fostered political anti-Semitism 
A study of the socialist and communist movements proves conclusively that the left-wing has actually been largely responsible for what is today called "modem anti-Semitism". 

In 1914, Nikolai Lenin; the head of the Bolshevik Party in Russia, praised an article written by Karl Marx in 1844 entitled "On the Jewish Question". Lenin declared that this article marked "Marx's transition from idealism to materialism and from revolutionary democracy to communism.11 The full text of Marx's article "On the Jewish Question" is distributed by the State Publishing House in Moscow, and is required reading for Soviet citizens.12 

Actually, this essay by Marx is one of the most bigoted attacks against the Jews as a community ever published in the history of anti-Jewish literature. In fact, the impelling motive for Marx's turn to socialism was his belief that the system. of private enterprise, i.e., "bourgeois society", was a Judaistic manifestation by its very nature. 

Marx declared: 

"The Jew who exists as a peculiar member of bourgeois society, is only the particular expression of the Judaism of bourgeois society. 

"Judaism has survived not in spite of, but by virtue of history. 

"Out of its own entrails, bourgeois society continually creates Jews. "What was the foundation of the Jewish religion? Practical needs, egoism. Consequently the monotheism of the Jew is in reality the polytheism of many needs. Practical needs or egoism are the principles of bourgeois society, and they appear openly as such so soon as bourgeois society gives birth to the political state. The God of practical needs and egoism is money. 

"Money is the jealous God of Israel, by the side of which no other God may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man and converts them into commodities. Money is the general and self-constituted value of all things. Consequently it has robbed the whole world-the world of mankind as well as Nature--of its peculiar value. Money is the being of man's work and existence alienated from himself, and this alien being rules him; and he prays to it. 

"The God of the Jews has secularized himself and become the universal God. Exchange is the Jews' real God."13 

Karl Marx explained carefully that his remarks were directed against the general Jewish community. He stated at the outset: 

"Let us consider the real worldly Jews, not the Sabbath Jews.... " 

He further declared: 

"We will not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but we will look for the secret of religion in the real Jew. 

"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical needs, egoism. 

"What is the secular cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his secular God? Money. 

"Very well Emancipation from huckstering and from money, and therefore from practical, real Judaism would be the self emancipation of our epoch. 

"An organization of society, which would abolish the fundamental conditions of huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would render the Jew impossible."14 

Five years after Karl Marx's death some of his personal notes were uncovered. In making a private notation on the defects of non-socialist materialist philosophy he complained: "... practice is understood and established only in its 'dirty Jew' appearance," * 

As pointed out previously, Karl Marx had been a student of Saint-Simon, the early French socialist, through the medium of Ludwig von Westphalen, the aristocrat friend of Marx's father. Saint-Simonians attacked Jews as having "a spirit of greed and cupidity" and declared that "we are up in arms against the Jewish spirit. . . . " and that the Jewish people are "the very incarnation of the capitalist system of exploitation. .. "15 

Heinrich Marx, the father of Karl, idolized Voltaire and his preachments.16 which set the tone of anti-Jewish teachings. These influenced the generation that brought about the French Revolution and the reign of terror as well as the socialists who followed. 

Voltaire declared: "Hebrews have ever been vagrants, or robbers, or slaves, or seditious. They are still vagabonds upon the earth, and abhorred by men, yet affirming that heaven and earth arid all mankind, were created for them alone."17

Jews pioneered private enterprise 
Modern anti-Semites who give lip-service to the principle of free enterprise omit the fact that the Jews were a primary force in bringing about the breakdown of reactionary feudalism and aided the emergence of private enterprise and the modern industrial system. The breakdown of feudal restrictions brought about by the development of the industrial system was a concomitant of the growth of personal freedom and the basic liberties which make up our modern society. 

In the authoritative eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the following observation is made: 

"In the ghetto, the pastoral semite, who had been made a wanderer by the destruction of his nationality, was steadily trained, through centuries, to become an urban European, with all the parasitic activities of urban economics, and all the democratic tendencies of occidental industrialism. Excluded from the Army, the land, the trade corporations and the artisan guilds, this quondam oriental peasant was gradually transformed into a commercial middleman and a practised dealer in money. Oppressed by the Church, and persecuted by the State, his theocratic and monarchical traditions lost their hold on 'his daily life, and he became saturated with a passionate devotion to the ideals of democratic politics."18 

During the Middle Ages, the Jew did not have to go through a slow transformation in breaking away from the oppressive feudal collectivists and regulations. The Jew was a ready-made product by the very fact that he was excluded from participation in the institutions which were holding society back from progress and development. Being denied membership in the guilds and not being allowed to own property, the Jew naturally gravitated. towards the development of an unrestricted free enterprise. He was actually driven to engage in free-lance industrial operations minus the guild restrictions and controls. The Jewish entrepreneur was also forced to use unskilled labor since the skilled craftsmen were denied him. This impelled the Jewish industrialists to seek out new methods, with the aid of mechanical devices, and the division of labor, which resulted in more efficient production and cheaper products on a mass volume. This basic impetus was necessary in order to undermine,and eventually overthrow, the ancient stratification and economic inertia of the feudal order. 

The same Encyclopedia Britannica observes: 

"The Jews, however, through no fault of their own, belonged to only one class in European society-the industrial bourgeoisie (capitalist--ed..). Into that class all their strength was thrown, and owing to their ghetto preparation, they rapidly took a leading place in it, politically and socially. When the mid-century revolutions made the bourgeoisie the ruling power in Europe, the semblance of a Hebrew domination presented itself. It was the exaggeration of this apparent domination, not by the bourgeoisie itself, but by its enemies among the vanquished reactionaries on the one hand, and by the extreme Radicals on the other, which created modern anti-Semitism as a political force,"19 

Intelligentsia yearns tor a closed society 
As pointed out previously, it was largely a resentment against the new freedoms including the freedom of trade, manufacture and selling, which caused the intelligentsia to yearn for a return to a controlled society where they had occupied a special and privileged position, Early socialism was clearly a device to return society into the hands of an elite which presumably would rule society on behalf of something called the 'collective will'. Saint-Simon, Fourier, Karl Marx, and all the other early socialistic advocates, were unanimous in condemning the fluidity and competition which was driving society into ever greater industrial and technological development, If these early socialists had been successful, then social progress would have been. arrested and the world today would be at  least 150 years behind the times. 

The socially disenfranchised Jew, forced to be a free agent, played a vital part in showing the rest of the world that a free and untrammelled enterprise, without restrictions, could create wonders in production and distribution of goods. This demonstration of the superior efficiency of free and unrestricted industry and commerce gave an impetus to the growing force of freedom which had been trying to break out of the feudal shell for centuries. Socialists and feudalists united in attacking the Jews as a menace to their program.

Today, in Soviet Russia, the greatest threat to the huge continental collectivism is the spirit of business enterprise. Large numbers have been executed by the Soviet terror machine on the charge of "profiteering". Recently, a number of persons were executed by firing squad after "having manufactured pens, razors and similar articles privately...." Newspaper accounts report that "a relatively large number of Jews have figured among those accused of economic crimes," 20 

Thus, Jews again appear in the role of promoting private enterprise within the greatest collective tyranny of all times. History seems to repeat itself in this case. 

Every branch of the socialist movement used the anti-Jewish theme, likening capitalism to Judaistic practices. The socialist groups picked up the anti-Jewish line of thinking as expressed by Voltaire, who declared that "the Jew is the cruel enemy of all the people." 21 This same influence made itself felt during the French Revolution, when the Jews had considerable difficulty in securing equal rights and full grants of citizenship from those who claimed to liberate all peoples. 

An anti-Semite coined "socialism" 
Ironically, the original creator of the term "socialism" and the first user of the word "socialist" in its "present ethical meaning" was also one of the architects of modem anti-Semitism. He was Pierre Leroux, "one of the most important disciples of Saint-Simon" who used the word "socialism" in an article entitled " 'De l'individualisme et du socialisme' in Revue encyclopedique for 1834".21A In ascribing to the Jewish people a pioneer role in the development of the private enterprise system, Leroux, like Marx and other early socialists, took the position that "This merchant is a real Jew. It is applied, in familiar style, to all those who show great greed for money and eagerness to make it." "It is quite evident, is it not, my friends", wrote Leroux, "that when we speak of Jews we mean the Jewish spirit, the spirit of profit, of lucre, of gain, the spirit of commerce, of speculation, in a word, the banker's spirit".21B Thus, the birth of the term "socialism" and the cancer of modem anti-Semitism flowed from the.same source. Both were a reactionary excrescence of a recently overthrown feudal order. 

Charles Fourier (1772-1837), called "the father of socialist anti-Semitism", complained that "to grant the Jews citizenship" was "the most shameful of all the recent vices of contemporary society." He branded the Jews as "parasites, merchants, usurers", who "pillage the country like pirates and were guilty of mercantile depravities". 22 

Modern socialism and anti-
Semitism have common origin 
Edmund Silbemer, in his "The Anti-Semitic Tradition in Modem Socialism", declares: 

"The doctrinaire may argue that it is absurd to speak about Socialist Jew-hatred, since no 'genuine' Socialist can be an anti-Semite. Yet whatever the doctrinaire may wishfully think, it is not in their power to alter facts which conclusively prove that many great Socialists were anti-Semitic. "Socialist anti-Semitism is indeed almost as old as modem Socialism,and is not limited to any particular country." 23 

The movement known as Blanquism, being led by Louis Auguste Blanqui (1805-1881), which originated the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the armed seizure of government, used anti-Semitism as a part of its political program. The Encyclopedia of Social Sciences states: 

"There can be no doubt that the Marxian concept of proletarian dictatorship can be traced to Blanqui and that Blanquis' ideas as formulated in his 'Instruction' anticipated the strategy of Lenin and of the Bolsheviks." 

They also make the significant observation that: "Marx came in contact with Blanquism in his early years and during the period of the first International, where Blanquist delegates under the leadership of Eudes were given adequate recognition." 24

Blanquists called the Jews "an insatiably devastating element in all countries" and asserted. that "Semitism must therefore be eliminated from Aryan society." 25 

Every variety of the Marxist, Anarchist and Lassallian movements regularly included anti-Semitic statements in their social program. The general position taken by all of these movements was the same as that reflected by Karl Marx when he declared: 

"It has been proved that the task of abolishing Jewry is really the task of abolishing the Jewish spirit of bourgeois society. the inhumanity of modem living practice, the culminating point of which is the money system." 26 

Until the terrible anti-Jewish excesses of Nazi Germany, the anti-Semitic movements were considered progressive ones by the socialists of Germany and France and other countries. 

Socialists promoted anti-Semitism 
The German socialists believed that the 'anti-Semitic movement was fundamentally progressive because they said when antiSemitism runs its course "it will ultimately be beneficial to us." 27 

Wilhelm Liebknecht, head of the Second Socialist International, declared: 

"Yes, the anti-Semites plough and sow, and we social democrats will reap. Their successes are therefore not at all unwelcome to us." 28 Liebknecht was a close confidant of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Like Karl Marx, Liebknecht had publicly observed that the Jews were the ''most rapacious tyrants of private property." 29 In conjunction with August Hebel (1840-1913) Liebknecht organized the German socialists into the Social Democratic party in 1869. Hebel is credited with having issued the classic remark that "anti-Semitism is the socialism of the stupid man." 30

Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) whose ideas were inspired by the French Revolution, laid down the fundamental principles of socialism as later followed by Marx and Engels in the development of their so-called "scientific socialism".31 

The leftist Encyclopedia of Social Sciences states: "in perceiving that every economic organization must be regulated by law Fichte held that it must be controlled by the commands of a state...." 32 

"Fichte's ideas have, therefore, acquired a double influence in the history of socialist doctrines".33 

The philosophy of Fichte influenced the collectivist movements of Proudhon in France and Ferdinand Lassalle in Germany over 50 years after the publication of his work. Fichte was very frank about the anti-Semitic nature of his socialism and declared: 

"The Jews must not be granted civil rights, unless one night one could cut off all their heads and replace them by others in which there would not be a single Jewish idea."34 

Fichte reflected in large measure the anti-Jewish bias enunciated by Voltaire and his coterie,35 Fichte was also praised by Adolf Hitler as one of the ancestors of the Nazi thesis. 36 

The anti-Jewish manifestations in the socialist movement were so pronounced and so consistently voiced that it would take a huge volume to record them. 

Starting with Fichte, at the end of the 18th century, the anti-Semitic diatribes of German socialists continued steadily for at least 100 years more. Beginning about 1830, the anti-Jewish rantings of Charles Fourier, the French socialist, were distributed throughout Germany. As previously explained, Karl Marx gave an impetus to anti-Jewish propaganda in his essay "On the Jewish Question". Hereafter, the Marxian theme was to be that "bourgeois society is of a completely commercial Jewish character" 37 

In 1845, a year after the publication of Karl Marx's infamous anti-Jewish characterization of the industrial system, Moses Hess, also of Jewish ancestry, said of the Jews that "in the natural history of the social animals they had the world-historical function to develop the beast of prey out of humanity."38 

Moses Hess was an original member of the world's first Communist Party organized by Marx in 1845, which contained seventeen members. Of this number, fourteen were either capitalists or sons of capitalists, and a number were of Jewish background.39 

Ferdinand Lassalle was the leading organizer of the socialist movement within Germany. He was of Jewish birth. He also displayed anti-Jewish colors. He declared: "The workers' movement has to be freed from capitalists and Jews."40 

Marx abused "a Jewish nigger" 
A rivalry between Marx and Lassalle for control of the German socialist movement soon gave rise to a stream of vilification which culminated in Marx's characterizing Lassalle as "a Jewish nigger"41 

An outstanding researcher of anti-Semitism in the socialist movement, Edmund Silberner, wrote: 

"Even after the unification of the German Socialist movement (1875), the party press used the words Judaism, Judaization, and Jew--Jzulentum, Verjudung, Jude-as synonymous with exploitation, cheating, and swindling. It reprinted the well known anti-Jewish passages of Marx's essay on the Jewish question."42 

In 1881, the official socialist newspaper Sozialdemokrat called Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor of Germany, a "revolutionary despite himself. On the path that he incites the masses to follow, the Jews are being killed today, and tomorrow it will logically be the turn of the court chaplains, Imperial Chancellors, Kings, Emperors, and all the rest of the 'unproductive' gang."43 

It is interesting to see that the killing of Jews as an "unproductive" element was tied in by the German socialists to the Marxist aim of killing off the financial and political rulers of Germany. 

Shortly before his death, Friedrich Engels began to give lip service in opposition to anti-Semitism in Germany. The influx of thousands of young German Jews into the socialist movement had made the anti-Jewish theme in the socialist movement somewhat unpopular. However, in 1890, Engels could not resist a last blow against the Jews by the expedient of directing his barbs against Jews outside of Germany. He declared that "the Polish Jew is a caricature of the Jew".44 

The same anti-Jewish manifestations occurred in all European and American socialist parties during the 19th and 20th centuries. The French socialist movement was saturated with anti-Jewish feeling throughout its long history. Taking over the anti-Jewish calumnies of Voltaire and certain kindred elements during the French Revolution, the French socialists can properly be given credit for laying the basis for modem anti-Semitism. Marx's labelling of the capitalistic system as a Jewish manifestation was written in Paris in 1843-44. Charles Fourier's violent anti-Jewish propaganda was echoed throughout the 19th century by his leading disciple, Alphonse Toussenel (1803-1885). During the same period that Marx was distributing his violent anti-Jewish diatribes, Toussenel published a book Les Juifs, rois de l'époque (1845). This book attained tremendous success in the course of the 19th century. Toussenel, like Marx, called the system of private enterprise "industrial feudalism". He wrote that this system "is personified in the cosmopolitan Jew. Europe is entailed to the domination of Israel This universal domination of which so many conquerors have dreamed, the Jews have in their hands."45 

Toussenel hatred of the Jews was so strong that he approved of the anti-Semitism of all the preceding centuries. 

Condoned Dreyfus frame-up 
The Paris Commune (1871) was used by Karl Marx, and the subsequent Bolshevik leaders, as a shining example of an attempt to institute socialism by violent means. The Paris Communards established a reputation for murder, shooting of hostages, and the destruction of some of France's greatest art treasures. 

What is not generally publicized is the fact that the Communards were saturated with anti-Jewish feeling. Typical of French socialist anti-Semitic leaders of the Paris Commune was Benoit Malon (1841- 1893). Malon denounced the Jews as "an egoistic and hardhearted people" and "a particularly harmful caste of rapacious hucksters and unscrupulous usurers." Malon introduced into socialist circles 'one Edouard Drumont.46 

Drumont was the leading anti-Semite of France and edited a periodical called Libre Parole which laid the basis for the infamous Dreyfus frame-up by French anti-Semites in 1894. Captain Alfred Dreyfus was sentenced to Devil's Island on the trumped-up charge of spying for Germany. Drumont, who had been born a Jew, was the main source of the invective which was responsible for railroading Captain Dreyfus into the infamous penal colony. This incident was eventually exposed by Emile Zola, among others, and Dreyfus was exonerated. 

On January 20, 1898, the entire French socialist press published a manifesto of the socialist group in parliament. This manifesto called for "non-participation in the Dreyfus affair on the ground that while the reaction wishes to exploit the conviction of one Jew to disqualify all Jews, Jewish capitalists would use the rehabilitation of a single Jew to wash out 'all the stains of Israel.' "47 

One of the signers, Jean Jaures, the leading orator of the French socialist movement, declared: 

"What is it still if not these Jews, closely knit together among themselves, who are separated from other men as enemies and who are isolated effectively by blood, religion, lucrative profession, and by a common hate of the rest of humanity, who control all business, all wealth, who bend all free men under the yoke of money? What is therefore the Jewry if it is not a dangerous State within a State?"48 

The volume of anti-Jewish expressions by the French socialist movement steadily grew. In 1911 Pierre Myrens, a socialist deputy, published the following statement: 

"The kike (le youtre) is an Israelite by religion, a Jew by race, and, moreover, a capitalist."49 

Pioneer communist an anti-Semite 
In the same year Victor Merrick, a prominent socialist, declared.: 

"I, a Socialist revolutionary, firmly intend to attack the Jews whenever I see fit."50 

Incidentally, Merrick joined. the group splitting off from the Socialist Party after the Bolshevik Revolution and became one of the founders of the French Communist Party. 

Any discussion of modem anti-Semitism. is, of course, incomplete without considering the role of the German Nazi movement under Hitler. The extermination of millions of Jews in the streets, in concentration camps, and in the gas chambers, is one of the modem horrors which has made an indelible impression among men and women throughout the world. 

There has been a consistent attempt among leftist and so-called "liberal" circles to picture Nazism as completely opposite and unrelated to the socialist-communist movement. The Columbia Encyclopedia, in comparing the communist and Nazi movements declares that "they are at opposite poles in their ideologies and their stated aims." 

The Hitler regime was categorically listed as a Nazi tool whereby "the big bankers, manufacturers and landlords figured to overcome the general crisis of capitalism and to liquidate once and for all the menacing threat of socialism, on both a national and international scale."52 

Communists reflected the general attitude of the socialist-communist movement when they began to chant, "Hitler, the agent of German monopoly capital.... " 53 

However, after World War II, Norman Thomas, the socialist leader, began to have a change of heart about the analysis of the Nazi regime. He declared: 

" ... The Nazi government established a rigor of control over the whole economic system and a degree of planning completely inconsistent with the economics of private capitalism or anything remotely like 'free enterprise.' The government could remove the heads of the great corporations." 

He further stated: 

"The social and economic consequences of former triumph under the German form were revolutionary, unless one insists on reserving the word revolutionary for a triumph of the working class. In no way was Hitler the tool of big business."54

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., of Fabian socialistic persuasion, wrote: "There are important differences between communism and fascism which one must understand if one is to cope with each effectively. But, from one viewpoint, the similarities are vastly more overpowering and significant than the differences."55 

An important point continually emphasized by leftists was that the anti-Semitic basis of the Nazi movement was entirely foreign to both the socialist and communist camps. However, recent events have demonstrated that anti-Semitism has been practised in Soviet Russia and other Iron: Curtain countries on a massive scale, except that it was more subtle and devious in disposing of its victims.56

Nazis and socialists have 
common ancestors 
Actually, the nazi and the socialist-communist movements have a common ancestor and a single origin, historically speaking. 

As previously noted, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) influenced Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the development of the socialist-communist forces. "His (Fichte-ed.) political theory had socialistic aspects which influenced Lassalle."57 After Fichte, the philosopher, Hegel assumed the development of the theory of the collectivist State. Marx, Engels, Bakunin, Proudhon, and the whole host of .the socialist-communist ideologists based their socialistic ideas on the Hegelian premise. 

William L. Shirer writes: 

"On Fichte's death in 1814, he was succeeded by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel at the University of Berlin. This is the subtle and penetrating mind whose dialectics inspired Marx and Lenin and thus contributed to the founding of communism and whose ringing glorification of the State as supreme in human life paved the way for the second and third Reich's of Bismarck and Hitler. To Hegel the State is all, or almost all. Among other things, he says, it is the highest revelation of the 'world spirit'; it is the 'moral universe'; it is 'the actuality of the ethical idea ... ethical mind ... knowing and thinking itself'; the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State ... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges ... '''58 [ So very sad that so many have chosen to give credence to such a lost soul, the blind leading the blind DC]

What Mr. Shirer fails to point out is that the same foundation gave rise to the socialist movements as well. 

The Nazi movement can be traced back to the main trunk of Lenin-Marxian-Lassallian socialism as early as the year 1863. In that year, Bishop Baron Wilhelm Emanuel von Ketteler "adopted Lassalle's socialistic view, and published his Die Arbeitsjahre und das Christenthum" (The Labor Question and Christianity) 59 

The Fabian socialist Encyclopedia of Social Reform, in 1898 stated: "He (Lassalle-ed.) claimed that he had converted the king, Bismarck, and Bishop von Ketteler of Mainz." 60 Bishop Ketteler, however, had embraced the socialist cause as far back as 1848, the year of the publication of the Communist Manifesto. He then denounced "irresponsible capitalists" and "largely endorsed the socialistic program of the day." 61 "Ketteler, who had been under the influence of Lassalle, had hopes that the church would make productive associations her special care." 62 

In 1877, Adolf Stocker organized "The Christian Social Workingman's Union". His principles were "adopted from the teachings of the Jew Lassalle."63 This group was the leading Christian socialist movement among the Protestants while Archbishop Ketteler organized the Catholic Christian Socialist Movement in 1862.64 Both organizations were inspired by the socialist teachings of Ferdinand Lassalle, who inspired the founding of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (socialist). This party eventually gave birth to the Communist Party of Germany, after a split-off of socialists from the parent body, following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. 

To recapitulate; the Jewish people, due to their exclusion from the collectivist guilds of the Middle Ages, were among the first to engage in industry and commerce as free enterprisers, and, uninhibited by guild rules, they greatly contributed to the growth of modem industry. Their isolation from the regular controlled channels of production and commerce encouraged them to serve, largely, as the pioneers of the new system of private enterprise. Many Jews, as a result, were in on the ground floor of the new rapidly expanding social order of new unrestricted manufacture, trade, and banking systems. They gained wealth, but at the same time their social position still suffered from anti-Jewish restrictions which were a hangover from the Middle Ages. 

They sent their children to the universities, where they were saturated with the socialistic theories of Fichte, Hegel, Marx, Engels and Lassalle. 

Large numbers of these university-trained Jews in time flooded the secular socialist movement. They could join only the Marxian Ketteler's Catholic Socialists originally called themselves the Christian Social Workingman's Association, while Stocker's Protestant Christian Socialists called themselves Christian Social Workingman's Party. Lassallean socialist parties since the other two socialist groups were restricted to Roman Catholics or Protestants. By the end of the 19th century, the large Jewish membership in the European Marxian socialist parties had the effect of discouraging open anti-Semitic declarations.65 However, as has been shown, Marxian socialist anti Semitism continued on well into the 20th century. The Christian Socialist movements, having no Jewish membership, continued their public expression of anti-Semitism without any inhibitions. 

In Austria, as elsewhere in Europe, the socialist movement was strongly anti-Jewish. When Adolf Hitler came to Vienna in 1907, both the Protestant and the Roman Catholic Christian Socialist movements were in full swing. Hitler was attracted to the Pan-German movement of George Ritter von Schonerer, whose violent anti-Semitism was studied assiduously by the future German dictator.66 According to the American editors of Mein Kampf, the Schoenerer movement was a development of protestant Christian socialism headed by Adolph Stocker. 67 

Socialist anti-Semitism attracted Hitler 
From 1907 to 1913, Adolf Hitler saturated himself with the Christian Socialist doctrines as reflected by the Christian Social Party. The leader of the Christian Social Party "was Dr. Karl Lueger, the burgomaster of Vienna and leader of the Christian Social Party, who more than any other became Hitler's political mentor.... "68 

The leading organ of the Christian Socialists was the Volksblatt. Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that "I turned more and more to the Volksblatt. ... "69 At first, Hitler said he was not anti-Jewish: 

"I did not agree with its sharp anti-Semitic tone, but now and then I read explanations which made me stop and think. 

"At any rate and because of this, I gradually learned to know the man and the movement who rules Vienna's destiny: Doktor Karl Lueger and the Christian Socialist Party, 

"When I first came to Vienna I was inimical to both of them. 

"In my opinion, the man and the movement were 'reactionary'. My usual sense of justice made me change this opinion as I had the opportunity of getting acquainted with the man and the movement; and slowly my fair judgment turned into open admiration. Today more than before I look upon this man as the greatest German mayor of all times. 

"How many of my deliberate opinions were thrown over by my change of attitude toward the Christian Socialist Movement! 

"When because of this my opinions in regard to anti-Semitism also slowly began to change in the course of time, it was probably my most serious change. 

"This change caused me most of my severe mental struggles, and only after months of agonizing between reason and feeling, victory began to favor reason. Two years later feeling had followed reason, and from now on became its most faithful guard and monitor."70 

A socialist Jew fathered nazism 
Thus the movement which began with the harangues of Ferdinand Lassalle, born a Jew addicted to anti-Semitism, but finally buried in a Jewish cemetery, eventually established the basic principles of National Socialism or Nazism. This is recognized by the American editors of Mein Kampf, who observe that "a more typically Jewish labor leader was Ferdinand Lassalle, whom the nazis almost never attack because he affirmed the nationalist State and influenced Bismarck. Lassalle's influence also survived in the Christian Labor Union Movement,"71 The Christian Socialist Party of Karl Lueger, the mentor of Hitler, was a direct descendant of Archbishop Ketteler's Christian Socialist movement based on the socialistic theories of Ferdinand Lassalle, 

On April 14, 1921, a leaflet was distributed calling for a mass meeting of Nazis signed "Summoner: For the party management: -Adolf Hitler." Emblazoned on this leaflet was the declaration: "Lassalle's words that 'A Worker's movement has to keep itself free from Jews and capitalists' is forgotten."72 

The foul seed of anti-Semitism, so widely planted and carefully cultivated and exploited by the founders of the socialist movement and their successors, finally grew into monstrous maturity in Hitler's National Socialism.


1 Gordon W. Allport, Professor of Psychology of Harvard University and editor of the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. Ref.: Who's Who in America, 1956·57. Gordon W. Allport has a long record of consistent association and activity on behalf of communist and socialist causes. The following is a partial record of his associations in communist fronts alone: Gordon W. Allport signed the petition published in New Masses demanding civil liberties for communists. Ref.: New Masses, April 2, 1940, p. 21 (New Masses cited as a communist magazine by the U. S. Attorney General, Sept. 24, 1942.) Signed statement printed in the Daily Worker to discontinue the uri-American Activities Committee. Ref.: Communist Daily Worker 2·5·43, p. 6. Member of the National Committee to repeal the McCarran Act, listed as a communist front created to defend the Communist Party (Ref.e Internal Security Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee April 23, 1956). Allport is cited as belonging to 8 communist front organizations in Appendix Part 9 of the Special Committee on unAmerican activities, House of Representatives 1944, pp, 350, 353, 668, 1125, 1206, 1240, 1356, 1650. . .. 
2 G. W. Allport, The Nature of Prejudice, Doubleday & Co.,·Anchor Books, 1958, pp. 403·404. 
3 ibid., p. 226. The quotation in full, is as follows: "In the preceding chapter we stated briefly that the Marxist view that prejudice is fostered by capitalists in order to keep control over the proletariat which they exploit. "This theory improves in credibility if we enlarge it to mean that exploitation occurs in many ways in addition to the economic and that any form of exploitation brings prejudice in its train."
4 Forster and Epstein, Cross Currents. N. Y., published by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Doubleday, N. Y., pp. 144, 152.
5"G. Allport, The Nature 0/ Prejudice, pp. 380, 475. 
6 The lea8et distributed by fascistic group in front of the National Armory, Washington, D. c., July 4, 1963, entitled "National Dump Goldwater Rally". 
7 An example, is a publication calling itself The Thunderbolt which called Senator Goldwater a "kosher conservative" and "Jew Goldwater". This publication also charged that the Jews in this country were guilty of child ritual murders. This ancient falsehood springing from the bigotry of the Dark Ages in Europe is being revived as an appeal to the more ignorant element of the population.
8 Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, VoL 23, p. 373. 
9 id. 
10 In the New York Times of May 12, 1956, p. 11, an article reporting on proceedings of the American Jewish Committee quoted them as warning about "the danger from a possible coalition of bigoted agitators with political dissidents among the ultraconservatives." The same group reported that agitators "are interlarding openly anti Semitic and anti-Negro appeals with legitimate stan de being favored by ultraconservatives." 
11 Nikolai Lenin, The Imperialist War, International Publishers, N. Y., 1930, authorized edition by the V. I. Lenin Institute, Moscow, p, 47. 
12 Dagobert D. Runis, Karl Marx-A World Without Jews, Philosophical Library, N. Y., 1959, p. XII (This is a translation and critical commentary of Marx's essay "On Ute Jewish Question", See also, "Karl Marx: Father of Modem Anti-Semitism" by Zygmund Dobbs, Plain Talk Magazine, Sept., 1949, p. 35.
13 Karl Marx Selected Essays, translated by H. J. Stenning, International Publishers (Soviet Publishing House) N. Y., 1926, pp. 91-93. This translation is the officially quoted communist translation in the English edition of Lenin's works.
14 ibid., p. 88 
15 Scripta Hierosolymita, Edmund Silberner, pp. 380·381. 
* Houston Peterson, ed. Essays irl Philosophy, Pocket Library, 1959. "Theses On Feuerbach", pp. 195·96. This chapter was a reprint from the official communist translation appearing in The German Ideology by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels issued by International Publishers. 
16 Leopold Schwarzschild, Karl Marx-The Red Prussian, p. 12 
17 Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary, Vol. VI, pp. 278.279.
18 Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, Vol. 2, p. 135.
19 id,
20 New York Times, July 7, 1963, p. 4. 
21 Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 724.
21A "Encyclopedia 0/ Social Sciences, Vol. 9, pp. 413-14. 
21B Jewish Social Studies, Vol. XII, 1950, article by Edmund Silberner, "Pierre Leroux's Ideas on the' Jewish People", pp. 368,369.
22 Scripta Hierosolymitana, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1956, by Edmund Silherner, "The Anti-Semitic Tradition in Modem Socialism", pp, 378.379. . 
23 ibid., p. 378 
24 Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, p. 585
25 Edmund Silberner, "French Socialism and the Jewish Question", Historia Iudaica; April, 1954, p. 5. 
26 Karl Marx, The Holy Family, p. 137, quoted in Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, pp, 754-55. 
27 Historic Iudaica, Silberner, April, 1953, p, 11. 215 
28 Historia Iudaica, Silberner, April, 1953, p. 14. 
29 Historic Iudoica, Silberner, April, 1953, p. 17 (Remark of Wilhelm Liebknecht in Grund·und Boden/rage) 
30 Historic [udaica; Silbemer, April, 1953, p. 14.
31 Friedrich Engels stated in a preface to his Socialism: Utopian and Scientific in 1882: "We German socialists are proud of the fact that we are derived not only from Saint-Simon, Fourier and Owen but also from Kant, Fichte and Hegel." (Extracted from George Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 744) 
32 Encyclopedia 0/ Social Sciences, VoL 6, p, 224. 
33 id. 
34 Silberner, Scripta Hierosolymitana, pp. 382-383. 
35 See Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 744££ and Edmund Silberner, Scripta Hierosolymitana. pp. 282-3. . 

36 Adolf Hitler, My New Order, Reyna! & Hitchcock, N. Y., 1941, p. ·32, 123 
37 Franz Mehring, Karl Marx (endorsed hy the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow) Covici, Friede, Inc., 1935, N. Y., p. 101. 
38 Quoted by Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 754, from Jewish Social Studies, April, 1945, p. 194·5, p, 141. 
39 Schwarzschild, The Red Prussian, pp. 133·134. 
40 Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 754. 
41 Marx-Engels Briefwechsel, Dietz Verlag, Berlin, 1950, endorsed by the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute, Moscow, Vol. III. The full paragraph of Marx's characterization of Lassalle follows. Note the use of the vulgar English term "nigger" rather than the Gennan word "neger", "Es ist mir jetzt völlig klar, dass er, wie auch seine Kopfbildung und sein Haarwuchs beweist,-von den Negern abstammt, die sich dem Zug des Moses aus Ägypten angeschlossen (wenn nicht seine Mutter oder Großmutter von väterlicher Seite sich mit einem nigger kreuzten) , Nun, diese Verbindung von Iudenrum und Cermanentum mit der negerhaften Grundsubstanz müssen ein sonderbares Produkt hervorbringen. Die Zudringlicbkeit des Burscben ist auch niggerha/t." 
42 Silberner, Historia judaica; April, 1953, p. 6. 
43 Edmund Silberner, "German Social Democracy and Problems Prior to World War I" in Historic Iudaica, April, 1953, Part 1, pp. 11-12 quoted as an article in Sozialdemokrat, Aug. 18, 1881. 
44 Letter to Paul Ernst, dated June 5, 1890, quoted in Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 792. 
45 Silberner, Scripta Hierosolymitana; p. 379. 
46 Edmund Silberner, "French Socialism and the Jewish Question", Historic judaica, April, 1954, Part I, pp. 7-9. 
47 Edmund Silberner, Historia judaica; April, 1954, pp. 13-14. Among those who signed were the deputies Gabriel Deville, Gerault-Richard, Jules Guesde, Jean Jaures, Alexandre Millerand, Gustave Rouanet, Marcel Sembat, Edouard Voillant and Rene Viviani. 
48 Jean Jaures, De L'etat Chez Kant et Fichte in a series Les Origem Jean. Iaures; III, Etudes Socialistes, I, 1888·97; 84-87, Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 790. 
49 Edmund Silberner, Historic Iudaica; April, 1954, p, 16. 
50 Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 798. 
51 Columbia Encyclopedia, 2nd edition, p. 1362. 
52 William Z. Foster, History of the Communist Party of the United States, International Publishers (communist) 1952, p. 295. 
53 id. 
54 Norman Thomas, A Socialist's Faith, W. V. Norton & Co., N. Y., 1951, p, 53. 
55 A. M. Schleisnger, Jr., The Vital Center, Houghton Mifflin, 1949, p. 59. 
56 See Schultz, Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union, and Capt. J. L. Goldberg, Soviet Anti-Semitism, .Look Magazine, Oct. 24, 1961, VI. 25, No. 22.  
57 Columbia Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., p. 672 (Ferdinand Lassalle 1825-1864---ed.) 
58 William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Crest Books, Creenwich, Conn., 1%3, pp. 143-144. 
59 Encyclopedia Britannica, nth ed., Vol. 15, p. 763. 129
60 Encyclopedia of Social Reform, W. D. P. Bliss, 1898, p. 806. 
61 Encyclopedia of Social Reform, W. D. P. Bliss, 1898, p, 254. 
62 Encyclopedia Britannica, Llth ed., Vo\. 25, p, 305. 
63 Encyclopedia Britannica, Llth ed., VoL 2., p. 136. 
64 Bliss, Encyclopedia of Social Reform, 1898, pp. 254·255. 
65 Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State. ''With the steady influx of the Jewish masses into the Marxist movement it became imperative for the German, Russian and other national bureaucrats to conceal the antiSemitism of the founders of the movement, and often their own. Since it was impossible for them to make an honest study and presentation of the subject, for it would have inevitably involved the exposure of Marx and Engels-the only alternative was the introduction of a brand of anti-Semitism with its supposedly underlying warmth and sympathy for the persecuted Jews." pp. 786-787. 
66 Bullock, Hitler, p. 21. 
67 Hitler, Mein. Kampf, p. 824n. 
68 Shirer, The Rise and FaU of the Third Reich, Simon & Schuster, N. Y., 1960, p.24.
69 Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 71. 
70 Hitler, Mein Kumpf, pp. 71-73. "Nevertheless, Lueger's newspaper, the Volksblatt, read by Hitler was so violently anti-Semitic that the Archbishop of Vienna rebuked it in a pastoral letter which denounced 'heathenish race hatred'." p. 72n. 
71 Hitler, Mein. Kampf, p. 442n.
72 Hitler, Moo Kampf, Appendix, pp. 530·31. "The meeting was attended by more than 4,800 persons."  


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