A Veritas Foundation Staff Study

A Veritas Foundation Staff Study
Many people take the attitude that anti-Semitism is a European
phenomenon, and that the areas based on Anglo-Saxon tradition are
largely free from such excrescences. Nothing could be farther from
the truth.
As has been noted previously, the first large scale socialist movement in America was that based upon the teachings of the French
socialist Charles Fourier. Albert Brisbane, Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Horace Greeley, Charles A. Dana, and many
others, had pioneered socialism in America via the Fourierist philosophy. The works of Charles Fourier were widely disseminated
throughout America from 1830 on.1 In fact, the United States represented the largest contingent of the Fourierist socialist colonies.
These works were full of anti-Jewish oharges, reflecting the general
socialist claim that the system of private enterprise was a Jewish
Edmund Silberner, in his work "Fourier on the Jewish Question", says:
"Fourier attributed to commerce a multitude of sins. 'Trade',
he wrote, is nothing but 'a method of exchange in which the
seller has the right to cheat with impunity.' It stimulates a
'general egoism' and sacrifices collective interest to individual
"Convinced that the Jews were the incarnation of commerce,
the basis of Fourier's anti-Semitism is patent."3
Early American socialists had been inspired by such statements
from Fourier as:
"Ah! Has there ever been a nation more despicable than the
Hebrews, who have achieved nothing in art and science, and who
are distinguished only by a record of crime and brutality which
at every page of their loathsome annals makes you sick!"4
The above were widely read throughout the United States in
the early part of the 19th century.5
Interestingly enough, "Victor Considerant, a gifted popularizer
of Fourier's ideas, published in 1845, the Manifeste de La democratie,
many passages of which, as some unfriendly critics of Marx claimed,
reappeared three years later in a somewhat 'rewritten' form in the
Communist Manifesto." 6 The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx,
as we have noted before, was written as a sequel to Marx's contention that the Jews were a prototype of the capitalist system. Considerant himself, "where he expresses himself on the Jews speaks of
'the egotism and incivility of this people,' for whom the idea of the
Redemption is nothing else but 'its triumph and its domination over
all the other nations of the world.' "7
The transition from Fourierist socialism to Marxist socialism
occurred almost without effort. In 1848, Albert Brisbane, leading
American Fourierist socialist, and his disciple Charles Dana, the
publisher of the New York Tribune, met with Karl Marx in England
Brisbane called Karl Marx, "the leader of the people's movement"
and said that he could "detect the passionate fire of a daring spirit."8
N.Y. Tribune printed
Marx's anti-Semitisms
Marxian socialism also was reinforced in the United States by
a wave of German immigrants who fled Germany after the putting
down of the abortive revolution of 1848. Large numbers of German
immigrants immediately formed conspiratorial socialist organizations
in America and published many newspapers and radical tracts. The
anti-Semitism of the Fourierist socialists was reinforced by the anti Jewish position of Karl Marx. The visit of Brisbane and Charles
Dana to Karl Marx. in London resulted in Marx being retained as a
European correspondent for the New York Daily Tribune. Marx.
began almost immediately to insert his anti-Semitic line. In reporting about socialist agitation in what is now Poland and Czechoslovakia, he declared:
" ... the money lender, the publican, the hawker-a very
important man in these thinly populated countries-is very
generally a Jew, whose native tongue is a horribly corrupted
German." 9
In 1856 in a Tribune article aimed at the American public Marx
characterized loans by Jews to European governments as follows:
"Thus do these loans, which are a curse to the people, a ruin
to the holders, and a danger to the Governments, become a
blessing to the houses of the children of Juda."10
Marx in this same article tied his anti-Jewish barbs to the American scene by charging that Jews had been "enriched by the money
earned by the Hessians in fighting the American Revolution."11 At
that time, Karl Marx carried on the traditional socialist-communist
method of concealment by inserting this article in the Tribune
anonymously. It was only many years later that his authorship
was brought to light by modem left-wingers through the medium
of communist printing houses which included it in a volume of
selections entitled Karl Marx, On the Eastern Question.
The German immigrants of 1848 also brought with them the
philosophy of Fichte who, with Hegel, helped lay the foundation of
Marxian socialism. As previously noted, Fichte's anti-Jewish preachments not only helped launch the socialist movement, but eventually
spawned Marxism. The Fichtean teachings were broadcast throughout America as a result, and added to the anti-Jewish prejudice
that had been previously implanted by the Fourierist socialists.12
During the Civil War, the Fourierist socialists, along with the
German Marxist immigrants, blended themselves into the radical
wing of the Abolitionist movement, whose slogan during that time
was "Down with all slavery, both chattel and wages."13
A leader of this radical wing, Thaddeus Stevens, laid the basis
for much of the race hatred today, by his fanatic campaign of revenge against the Southerners. He also contributed to an attack
against Jews, laying the basis for the anti-Semitic outbursts later
reflected in the Greenback and Peoples Parties,14 Today Stevens
is lauded by both the socialist and communist movements.
A notable promoter of Marx's anti-Jewish influence in America
was Joseph Dietzgen, who journeyed to the United States from
Germany intermittently between the years 1849 and 1884.15 Dietzgen's primary book, The Positive Outcome of Philosophy, was widely praised by Karl Marx, who introduced Dietzgen
to an assembly of International socialists, with the words: "Here
is our philosopher."16 In his book "Dietzgen contemptuously linked
evil spirits with the Polish Jews."17 In order to demonstrate Marxian
dialectics, Dietzgen had used the example: "Goblins exist in fancy,
in idea, and Polish Jews exist in a tangible form, but they both
Following the Civil War, there was an upsurge of the Greenback-Populist Parties. This has been generally lumped together
under the designation of "The Populist Movement." 19
The Populist movement has been characterized in both socialist, communist and general left liberal literature as "progressive" and
as a basic foundation for the leftist movement of today.20
Bigotry marked early socialists
Richard Hofstadter, in a recent work, traces the link between
the Greenback-Populist tradition and the anti-Semitic movement in the United States starting with Thaddeus Stevens, Brooks Adams
and Henry Adams, and continuing in modern times through Father
Coughlin and Ezra Pound. He makes the interesting observation
that "Henry Ford's notorious anti-Semitism of the 1920's along with
his hatred of Wall Street, were the foibles of a Michigan farm boy
who had been liberally exposed to Populist notions."21
The same author notes that Carey McWilliams in a book on
anti-Semitism "deals with early American anti-Semitism simply as
an upper-class phenomenon. In his historical account of the rise of
anti-Semitism he does not mention the Greenback-Populist tradition."22 What Mr. Hofstadter fails to realize is that the attempt to
wed anti-Semitism to the "upper class" and the conservative movement is an old communist-socialist device. McWilliams' record in
socialist-communist activities is so extensive that limitations of space
prevent its full publication here.23
Hofstadter observes:
"One feature of the Populist conspiracy theory that has been
generally overlooked is its frequent link with a kind of rhetorical, anti-Semitism. The slight current of anti-Semitism that existed
in the United States before the 1890's had been associated with
problems of money and credit. During the closing years of
the century it grew noticeably. While the jocose and rather
heavy-handed anti-Semitism that can be found in Henry Adams'
letters of the 1890's shows that this prejudice existed outside
Populist literature, it was chiefly Populist writers who expressed
that identification of the Jew with the usurer and the 'international gold ring' which was the central theme of the American
anti-Semitism of the age."24
What is not generally known is that the Populist movement was
held together and directed primarily by socialist forces. The Populists' platform in 1891 came out "For the union of the labor forces of
country and cities, for the nationalization of railroads, telegraph
and telephone; ... ", and also inserted the old socialistic demand
for "a graduated income tax... "25
Out of the Populist movement came such people as socialist leader Eugene V. Debs who was "a socialist oriented Populist".26 There are indications that people like Thomas J. Morgan "had been in the Knights (Knights of Labor-s-ed.), the Socialist Labor Party, the Populist movement, and the Socialist Party.... "27
Positive evidence of the socialist nature of the Populist Party is seen in this declaration by American Fabian socialists in 1895:
" ... all these facts show that the People's Party is collectivist and the political hope of socialism in this country, and as an organ of practical educational socialism, and working for the union of the farmer and the factory employee, we say 'Aid The People's Party'''. (Populist is the general designation of The People's Party-ed) 28
The very beginning of the Populist era was marked by a merger of the Socialist Labor Party, comprising mostly of foreign born, and the Greenback Party (1880).29 This socialist cadre dominated the Populist thinking, including its anti-Semitic aspect, until Populism eventually developed movements such as the Socialist Party (1901) and the International Workers of the World (LW.W., 1905).30 The Communist Party (1919) grew out of a split in the Socialist Party ranks.
Modern anti-Semites
have socialist roots
However, another off-shoot of the Populist movement developed into what may be loosely termed American fascistic movements. The anti-Semitic coterie in this country generally expounds the theme which was belabored in the Populist movement. Populists espoused the view that the capitalist system is a Jewish conspiracy and a part of a "Jewish world plot." Many modern anti-Semites by an intellectual sleight-of-hand have added the communists and socialists as agencies to this "Jewish world plot." There is an amazing parallel between the development of anti-Semitic movements in this country and in Europe. AI; was shown, the European nazi and socialist communist movements both grew out of the same root, that is, Marxian-Lassallean anti-Semitic socialism. In the United States during roughly the same period, the Populist movement, guided by socialist tacticians, gave birth to the socialist-communist movements, and also to the anti-Semitic groups.
In fact, there have been individuals who managed to straddle both movements intellectually. An example is Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) who shared the ideas of both the socialists-communists and the anti-Semites. Dreiser's life span covered the period of development, which included the Populist movement, and culminated in his membership in the Communist Party at the time of his death in 1945.31
Dreiser had written:
"If you listen to Jews discussing Jews, you will find that they are money-minded, very pagan, very sharp in practice, and usually, so far as the rest is concerned, they have the single objective of plenty of money by means of which they build a fairly material surrounding. . . . The Jews lack, if I read the Pennsylvania Bar Association correctly, the fine integrity which at least is endorsed and, to a degree followed by the lawyers of other nationalities. Left to sheer liberalism as you interpret it, they could possess America by sheer numbers, their cohesion, and their race tastes, and as in the case of the negro in South Africa, really overrun the land."32
This disclosure of Dreiser's anti-Semitism coincided with the beginning of the brutal treatment of the Jews by the Nazis in Europe in 1933. As is fairly obvious, his position on the Jews matched the classic exposition of professional anti-Semites. It is interesting to note that Dreiser reflected anti-negro feeling as well. Upon Dreiser's death, ignoring his anti-Semitism, the communist New Masses observed:
"It was with deep sorrow that Soviet intellectuals and the Soviet reading public learned of Theodore Dreiser's death... The Soviet people were aware that in Dreiser they had an earnest and high-principled friend... On the occasion of his death commemorative meetings and lectures were held in Moscow, Leningrad and other Soviet cities... The State Publishing House is to issue a new edition of his collected works." 33
British socialists export bigotry
Another major influence of socialist anti-Semitism in America came from England, in the shape of anti-Semitic insinuations by Fabian socialist leaders. At the turn of the century, a socialist book entitled Merrie England (1895) authored by Robert Blatchford, leading British Fabian socialist, sold over a: million copies in the United States.34 Blatchford in this work used the Jew as his favorite example of a usurer who lends money for public works, explaining that "the Jew gets his interest forever." 35 Merrie England was distributed in the United States by the American Fabian Society and other socialist outlets. Blatchford was also the editor of the British socialist newspaper the Clarion which had a large circulation in America.36
Silberner, in an article on British socialist anti-Semitism, mentioned that Robert Blatchford in the Clarion "expressed concern over the influx of 'poor unshorn and unsavoury children of the Ghetto' into England. The number of Jewish aliens in East London said Clarion was alarming, 'and their increase appalling.' It also declared that their habits were 'unclean,' and that 'their presence is often a menace and an injury to the English working classes.'"37
Strong anti-Jewish attitudes were also expressed by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the husband and wife team heading the British Fabian Socialist Society. Beatrice Webb (nee Potter) began making anti-Semitic observations as far back as 1887. Edmund Silbemer writes that while still single Beatrice Webb:
"... spent a few weeks in the East End of London as a working girl and investigator of 'sweated' labour. On the basis of this research she drew some far-reaching conclusions about the Jews in general, which were published in a leading British magazine, The Nineteenth Century (1888). There she states that 'the love of profit as distinct from other forms of money-earning' is 'the strongest impelling motive of the Jewish race'. Jewish workers, noted Miss Potter, have 'neither the desire nor the capacity of labour or trade combinations'. They are deficient in 'social morality'. It is by competition only that the Jews seek success, and in the process of competition they do not recognize any moral rules. Their competition, she concluded, is unchecked by the social feeling of class loyalty and trade integrity." 38
In a treatise entitled Industrial Democracy written by the Webbs, they refer to Jews in England as "a constant influence for degradation."
Life is cheap to leftists
Upon the killing of 150 Jews in the Palestine Pogroms of 1929, Chaim Weizmann reported that Beatrice Webb exclaimed to him: "I can't understand why the Jews make such a fuss over a few dozen of their people killed in Palestine. As many are killed every week in London in traffic accidents, and no one pays any attention."39
This type of cold-blooded reasoning is typical of socialist morality in respect to human life. It reminds one of the Stalinist attitude that the murders of millions of people is a mere statistical item under the heading of "liquidations." Stalin had once remarked, "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." 40 Beatrice Webb's low value of human life has been echoed in America by such persons as Stuart Chase, an early Fabian socialist, who in 1932 advocated enforcement of socialist planning "by firing squad if necessary." 41
The Rand School for Social Science (American Socialist Society) and its political associate the League for Industrial Democracy, filtered the English Fabian socialist attitudes into the United States. Such Fabians as the Webbs, H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw and G. D. H. Cole all reflected anti-Semitic bias.
A socialist straddles
nazism and fascism
Bernard Shaw, who, with the Webbs, laid the foundations for the Fabian socialist movement in Britain and America, is the perennial darling of the leftist literary set. However, they fail to mention the fact that he characterized the Jews as "the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the riffian, the oriental parasite, in a word the Jew." 42 During that period, Henri Bernstein, the French Jewish writer, sarcastically referred to Shaw as' "Dear socialist, multimillionaire and anti-Semite" 43 Bernard Shaw's advice to the nazis on the Jewish question was "Force the Jews to wed Aryans" and thus he claimed the Jewish question would be solved.
In the American Hebrew in 1938 there was the following observation:
"Mr. Shaw has often been a conundrum to our more ordinary folk, and never more so than with regard to his attitude toward Hitler and nazism. He has indulged in glowing praise of the nazi dictator, has described Austro-German Anschluss as a highly desirable event' and has publicly given the Hitler salute. .. 'I appreciate,' he declares, 'the political sagacity and courage with which he (Hitler) has rescued Germany from the gutter and placed her once more at the head of Central Europe.' "44
Bernard Shaw's fascistic bent was curiously coupled with an intense sympathy for the communist world. All totalitarianisms fascinated him 'since they fitted into his plans for a rigid collectivism' therefore he declared:
"You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; "45
Since Shaw characterized Jews as "the real enemy" and "the oriental parasite" it is understandable why he had such a sympathy for the Hitlerian system. It cannot be said that he was one-sided in his attachment to totalitarianisms. He once wrote:
"We, as socialists, have nothing to do with liberty. Our message, like Mussolini's, is one of discipline, of service, of ruthless refusal to acknowledge any natural right of competence.... "46
Another who laid the early foundation for British and American Fabian socialism was H. G. Wells. His opinion of the Jews was pinpointed in The Outline of History, a book which is required reading in almost every high school and college in the United States. There, he stated:
"The Jews looked for a special savior, a messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bringing the whole world at last under the benevolent but firm Jewish heel" 47
It is important to note that over two million copies of The Outline of History were sold, most of them in the United States. However, the Fabian socialist tactic in America, just as in Britain, was to avoid public admissions of anti-Semitism and even to make political capital by claiming to be opponents of anti-Semitism. This double standard is not unusual in the socialist movement, and is quite evident in the communist world. The Jew thus eternally represents the entrepreneur, the capitalist, in other words, the man who upsets established norms by new advances in sales methods, production and technology.
Beatrice and Sidney Webb summed up the socialist-communist attitude on the Jew, in writing about the fate of the Jewish people in the Soviet Union, after the Bolshevik Revolution:
"Its condemnation of profit-making trading, as of usury, bore harshly on the Jews of White Russia and the Ukraine, whose families had been for centuries excluded alike from agriculture and the professions, and confined to the towns of the Jewish Pale. In 1921 the New Economic Policy temporarily enabled many of them to resume their businesses; but by 1928 the all pervading collectivist enterprises of the trusts and the cooperative societies, aided by penal taxation and harsh measures of police, had killed practically all the little profit-making ventures to which the Jewish families were especially addicted."48
The Webbs reflected the perennial socialist and nazi theme; that the Jew is the main factor in the rebirth of private enterprise wherever the opportunity presents itself.
The leftists who are so anxious to tar conservatives with antiSemitism have naturally concealed the true nature and development of anti-Semitic thought. This tactic is purely political. It is designed to discredit conservative thought and to make it a disreputable scapegoat. Hitler used the same one enemy concept.49
The leftists' accusation is just as invalid as that of the anti-Semites who claim that all the evils of the world are due to an imaginary "Jewish Plot."
Leftist emotionalism
in Jewish groups
Prominent Jewish groups have been enlisted in support of leftist-liberal distortions. AP, brought out in the previous chapter, such Jewish organizations as the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith and the American Jewish Committee have followed the same line in ascribing to the conservative movement either actual or potential anti-Semitism. This shows not only poor scholarship and inadequate research, but also the large degree of leftist emotionalism that has replaced reason in these organizations.
All those not belonging either to the leftist or to the anti-semitic extremes are abused by both sides, and the anti-semites accuse all who disagree with them, including Barry Goldwater, of aiding the "Jewish plot" to control the world. Both extremes are obsessed with "plots" which either do not exist or are inconsequential. Leftists have had the advantage among the extreme movements, for they have managed both to plant anti-semitism and also to reap the harvest as "defenders" of the Jews.
In reality, the mechanics of leftism in Jewish life in America is the exact opposite of the role ascribed to them by the anti-semites. The Jews do not use the radical movement as part of a "plot" to control the world. It is the radical socialist-communist amalgam that plots to use the Jews, and everybody else, plus every conceivable institution, in its march to secure control over all of society.
The bulk of the Jewish population in the United States trace their ancestry to nations that are now behind the Iron Curtain, and the pressure and influence of their land of origin has a tremendous bearing upon the Jewish climate of opinion. Russian and Polish Jews were largely of a socialistic bent due to persecutions by the old governments on the one hand, and the energetic attempts of leftists to infiltrate and influence Jewish life on the other. American Jewry, as a result, has inherited a heavy load of socialistic tradition from some of the most backward nations of the European continent.
One result has been the establishment of Jewish socialistic organizations in this country that are almost ludicrous in their composition. Organizations such as the Jewish branches of the Workmen's Circle are hard put to it to find members who are actually workingmen, since the majority are usually business men or professional men. But they retain a traditional leftist climate of opinion.
The largest Yiddish newspaper in the United States is the Jewish Daily Forward, a socialist paper, which also has helped to spread and maintain the fiction that socialism is a natural defender of Jewish rights. Thus, the permeation by socialistic-communistic forces into American Jewish life has proceeded under the false pretense that they are the defenders of the Jewish people.
Traditionally the Jews were thus even more enthusiastic than the other Americans over the overthrow of the Czar in 1917, and their enthusiasm carried over illogically into considerable sympathy for the communist tyranny which later destroyed the free government. The lasting power of such emotionalism was never better exemplified than in the existing tolerance still shown by so many Jews toward Communism, despite overwhelming proof of antiSemitism in Russia, and of the settled policy of the Soviet to help fanatical Arab nationalists to annihilate the State of Israel and its inhabitants. Comparing this with the Jewish reaction to Hitler's anti-Semitism shows the reluctance of those indoctrinated with socialistic propaganda to accept the facts of life in relation to anti-semitism perpetrated by the Soviet Socialist Republics.
Political anti-semitism
means collectivist tyranny
Protagonists of anti-Semitism generally avoid mentioning the political implications of their campaign against the Jews. They fail to spell out the process of disenfranchising, expropriating and eliminating the Jewish people and their holdings. Such a process can only be enforced and carried out by a totalitarian collectivist government, after annulment of all our Constitutional liberties. As during the Spanish Inquisition and the Hitler heyday, the numbers of victims among the gentiles would far exceed those of the persecuted Jew. While the estimated 5 million Jewish victims of the Hitler terror form an indelible blot upon the Nazi regime, it is often overlooked that over 20 million gentile non-combatants were killed in the anti-Semitic vortex. Such tyrannical suppressions of necessity connote rigidly organized socialistic forces.50
Fundamentally, the Jewish question is used by all these extremists as a means of decoying the general population into enslavement. The socialists have often pictured the capitalist as a kind of universalized Jew. Both the nazi and the Marxist-Fabian socialist alternatives spell tyranny for modern civilizations. Both claim to be based upon "science". The nazis used the scientific catchword "goo-politics", just as the socialist-communists use the term "social science". The long-continued attempt of the socialists to raise antiSemitism to a science was as fraudulent as their later effort to fasten this illegitimate offspring of their own on innocent conservatives.
Out of the Populist movement came such people as socialist leader Eugene V. Debs who was "a socialist oriented Populist".26 There are indications that people like Thomas J. Morgan "had been in the Knights (Knights of Labor-s-ed.), the Socialist Labor Party, the Populist movement, and the Socialist Party.... "27
Positive evidence of the socialist nature of the Populist Party is seen in this declaration by American Fabian socialists in 1895:
" ... all these facts show that the People's Party is collectivist and the political hope of socialism in this country, and as an organ of practical educational socialism, and working for the union of the farmer and the factory employee, we say 'Aid The People's Party'''. (Populist is the general designation of The People's Party-ed) 28
The very beginning of the Populist era was marked by a merger of the Socialist Labor Party, comprising mostly of foreign born, and the Greenback Party (1880).29 This socialist cadre dominated the Populist thinking, including its anti-Semitic aspect, until Populism eventually developed movements such as the Socialist Party (1901) and the International Workers of the World (LW.W., 1905).30 The Communist Party (1919) grew out of a split in the Socialist Party ranks.
Modern anti-Semites
have socialist roots
However, another off-shoot of the Populist movement developed into what may be loosely termed American fascistic movements. The anti-Semitic coterie in this country generally expounds the theme which was belabored in the Populist movement. Populists espoused the view that the capitalist system is a Jewish conspiracy and a part of a "Jewish world plot." Many modern anti-Semites by an intellectual sleight-of-hand have added the communists and socialists as agencies to this "Jewish world plot." There is an amazing parallel between the development of anti-Semitic movements in this country and in Europe. AI; was shown, the European nazi and socialist communist movements both grew out of the same root, that is, Marxian-Lassallean anti-Semitic socialism. In the United States during roughly the same period, the Populist movement, guided by socialist tacticians, gave birth to the socialist-communist movements, and also to the anti-Semitic groups.
In fact, there have been individuals who managed to straddle both movements intellectually. An example is Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) who shared the ideas of both the socialists-communists and the anti-Semites. Dreiser's life span covered the period of development, which included the Populist movement, and culminated in his membership in the Communist Party at the time of his death in 1945.31
Dreiser had written:
"If you listen to Jews discussing Jews, you will find that they are money-minded, very pagan, very sharp in practice, and usually, so far as the rest is concerned, they have the single objective of plenty of money by means of which they build a fairly material surrounding. . . . The Jews lack, if I read the Pennsylvania Bar Association correctly, the fine integrity which at least is endorsed and, to a degree followed by the lawyers of other nationalities. Left to sheer liberalism as you interpret it, they could possess America by sheer numbers, their cohesion, and their race tastes, and as in the case of the negro in South Africa, really overrun the land."32
This disclosure of Dreiser's anti-Semitism coincided with the beginning of the brutal treatment of the Jews by the Nazis in Europe in 1933. As is fairly obvious, his position on the Jews matched the classic exposition of professional anti-Semites. It is interesting to note that Dreiser reflected anti-negro feeling as well. Upon Dreiser's death, ignoring his anti-Semitism, the communist New Masses observed:
"It was with deep sorrow that Soviet intellectuals and the Soviet reading public learned of Theodore Dreiser's death... The Soviet people were aware that in Dreiser they had an earnest and high-principled friend... On the occasion of his death commemorative meetings and lectures were held in Moscow, Leningrad and other Soviet cities... The State Publishing House is to issue a new edition of his collected works." 33
British socialists export bigotry
Another major influence of socialist anti-Semitism in America came from England, in the shape of anti-Semitic insinuations by Fabian socialist leaders. At the turn of the century, a socialist book entitled Merrie England (1895) authored by Robert Blatchford, leading British Fabian socialist, sold over a: million copies in the United States.34 Blatchford in this work used the Jew as his favorite example of a usurer who lends money for public works, explaining that "the Jew gets his interest forever." 35 Merrie England was distributed in the United States by the American Fabian Society and other socialist outlets. Blatchford was also the editor of the British socialist newspaper the Clarion which had a large circulation in America.36
Silberner, in an article on British socialist anti-Semitism, mentioned that Robert Blatchford in the Clarion "expressed concern over the influx of 'poor unshorn and unsavoury children of the Ghetto' into England. The number of Jewish aliens in East London said Clarion was alarming, 'and their increase appalling.' It also declared that their habits were 'unclean,' and that 'their presence is often a menace and an injury to the English working classes.'"37
Strong anti-Jewish attitudes were also expressed by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, the husband and wife team heading the British Fabian Socialist Society. Beatrice Webb (nee Potter) began making anti-Semitic observations as far back as 1887. Edmund Silbemer writes that while still single Beatrice Webb:
"... spent a few weeks in the East End of London as a working girl and investigator of 'sweated' labour. On the basis of this research she drew some far-reaching conclusions about the Jews in general, which were published in a leading British magazine, The Nineteenth Century (1888). There she states that 'the love of profit as distinct from other forms of money-earning' is 'the strongest impelling motive of the Jewish race'. Jewish workers, noted Miss Potter, have 'neither the desire nor the capacity of labour or trade combinations'. They are deficient in 'social morality'. It is by competition only that the Jews seek success, and in the process of competition they do not recognize any moral rules. Their competition, she concluded, is unchecked by the social feeling of class loyalty and trade integrity." 38
In a treatise entitled Industrial Democracy written by the Webbs, they refer to Jews in England as "a constant influence for degradation."
Life is cheap to leftists
Upon the killing of 150 Jews in the Palestine Pogroms of 1929, Chaim Weizmann reported that Beatrice Webb exclaimed to him: "I can't understand why the Jews make such a fuss over a few dozen of their people killed in Palestine. As many are killed every week in London in traffic accidents, and no one pays any attention."39
This type of cold-blooded reasoning is typical of socialist morality in respect to human life. It reminds one of the Stalinist attitude that the murders of millions of people is a mere statistical item under the heading of "liquidations." Stalin had once remarked, "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." 40 Beatrice Webb's low value of human life has been echoed in America by such persons as Stuart Chase, an early Fabian socialist, who in 1932 advocated enforcement of socialist planning "by firing squad if necessary." 41
The Rand School for Social Science (American Socialist Society) and its political associate the League for Industrial Democracy, filtered the English Fabian socialist attitudes into the United States. Such Fabians as the Webbs, H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw and G. D. H. Cole all reflected anti-Semitic bias.
A socialist straddles
nazism and fascism
Bernard Shaw, who, with the Webbs, laid the foundations for the Fabian socialist movement in Britain and America, is the perennial darling of the leftist literary set. However, they fail to mention the fact that he characterized the Jews as "the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the riffian, the oriental parasite, in a word the Jew." 42 During that period, Henri Bernstein, the French Jewish writer, sarcastically referred to Shaw as' "Dear socialist, multimillionaire and anti-Semite" 43 Bernard Shaw's advice to the nazis on the Jewish question was "Force the Jews to wed Aryans" and thus he claimed the Jewish question would be solved.
In the American Hebrew in 1938 there was the following observation:
"Mr. Shaw has often been a conundrum to our more ordinary folk, and never more so than with regard to his attitude toward Hitler and nazism. He has indulged in glowing praise of the nazi dictator, has described Austro-German Anschluss as a highly desirable event' and has publicly given the Hitler salute. .. 'I appreciate,' he declares, 'the political sagacity and courage with which he (Hitler) has rescued Germany from the gutter and placed her once more at the head of Central Europe.' "44
Bernard Shaw's fascistic bent was curiously coupled with an intense sympathy for the communist world. All totalitarianisms fascinated him 'since they fitted into his plans for a rigid collectivism' therefore he declared:
"You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; "45
Since Shaw characterized Jews as "the real enemy" and "the oriental parasite" it is understandable why he had such a sympathy for the Hitlerian system. It cannot be said that he was one-sided in his attachment to totalitarianisms. He once wrote:
"We, as socialists, have nothing to do with liberty. Our message, like Mussolini's, is one of discipline, of service, of ruthless refusal to acknowledge any natural right of competence.... "46
Another who laid the early foundation for British and American Fabian socialism was H. G. Wells. His opinion of the Jews was pinpointed in The Outline of History, a book which is required reading in almost every high school and college in the United States. There, he stated:
"The Jews looked for a special savior, a messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bringing the whole world at last under the benevolent but firm Jewish heel" 47
It is important to note that over two million copies of The Outline of History were sold, most of them in the United States. However, the Fabian socialist tactic in America, just as in Britain, was to avoid public admissions of anti-Semitism and even to make political capital by claiming to be opponents of anti-Semitism. This double standard is not unusual in the socialist movement, and is quite evident in the communist world. The Jew thus eternally represents the entrepreneur, the capitalist, in other words, the man who upsets established norms by new advances in sales methods, production and technology.
Beatrice and Sidney Webb summed up the socialist-communist attitude on the Jew, in writing about the fate of the Jewish people in the Soviet Union, after the Bolshevik Revolution:
"Its condemnation of profit-making trading, as of usury, bore harshly on the Jews of White Russia and the Ukraine, whose families had been for centuries excluded alike from agriculture and the professions, and confined to the towns of the Jewish Pale. In 1921 the New Economic Policy temporarily enabled many of them to resume their businesses; but by 1928 the all pervading collectivist enterprises of the trusts and the cooperative societies, aided by penal taxation and harsh measures of police, had killed practically all the little profit-making ventures to which the Jewish families were especially addicted."48
The Webbs reflected the perennial socialist and nazi theme; that the Jew is the main factor in the rebirth of private enterprise wherever the opportunity presents itself.
The leftists who are so anxious to tar conservatives with antiSemitism have naturally concealed the true nature and development of anti-Semitic thought. This tactic is purely political. It is designed to discredit conservative thought and to make it a disreputable scapegoat. Hitler used the same one enemy concept.49
The leftists' accusation is just as invalid as that of the anti-Semites who claim that all the evils of the world are due to an imaginary "Jewish Plot."
Leftist emotionalism
in Jewish groups
Prominent Jewish groups have been enlisted in support of leftist-liberal distortions. AP, brought out in the previous chapter, such Jewish organizations as the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith and the American Jewish Committee have followed the same line in ascribing to the conservative movement either actual or potential anti-Semitism. This shows not only poor scholarship and inadequate research, but also the large degree of leftist emotionalism that has replaced reason in these organizations.
All those not belonging either to the leftist or to the anti-semitic extremes are abused by both sides, and the anti-semites accuse all who disagree with them, including Barry Goldwater, of aiding the "Jewish plot" to control the world. Both extremes are obsessed with "plots" which either do not exist or are inconsequential. Leftists have had the advantage among the extreme movements, for they have managed both to plant anti-semitism and also to reap the harvest as "defenders" of the Jews.
In reality, the mechanics of leftism in Jewish life in America is the exact opposite of the role ascribed to them by the anti-semites. The Jews do not use the radical movement as part of a "plot" to control the world. It is the radical socialist-communist amalgam that plots to use the Jews, and everybody else, plus every conceivable institution, in its march to secure control over all of society.
The bulk of the Jewish population in the United States trace their ancestry to nations that are now behind the Iron Curtain, and the pressure and influence of their land of origin has a tremendous bearing upon the Jewish climate of opinion. Russian and Polish Jews were largely of a socialistic bent due to persecutions by the old governments on the one hand, and the energetic attempts of leftists to infiltrate and influence Jewish life on the other. American Jewry, as a result, has inherited a heavy load of socialistic tradition from some of the most backward nations of the European continent.
One result has been the establishment of Jewish socialistic organizations in this country that are almost ludicrous in their composition. Organizations such as the Jewish branches of the Workmen's Circle are hard put to it to find members who are actually workingmen, since the majority are usually business men or professional men. But they retain a traditional leftist climate of opinion.
The largest Yiddish newspaper in the United States is the Jewish Daily Forward, a socialist paper, which also has helped to spread and maintain the fiction that socialism is a natural defender of Jewish rights. Thus, the permeation by socialistic-communistic forces into American Jewish life has proceeded under the false pretense that they are the defenders of the Jewish people.
Traditionally the Jews were thus even more enthusiastic than the other Americans over the overthrow of the Czar in 1917, and their enthusiasm carried over illogically into considerable sympathy for the communist tyranny which later destroyed the free government. The lasting power of such emotionalism was never better exemplified than in the existing tolerance still shown by so many Jews toward Communism, despite overwhelming proof of antiSemitism in Russia, and of the settled policy of the Soviet to help fanatical Arab nationalists to annihilate the State of Israel and its inhabitants. Comparing this with the Jewish reaction to Hitler's anti-Semitism shows the reluctance of those indoctrinated with socialistic propaganda to accept the facts of life in relation to anti-semitism perpetrated by the Soviet Socialist Republics.
Political anti-semitism
means collectivist tyranny
Protagonists of anti-Semitism generally avoid mentioning the political implications of their campaign against the Jews. They fail to spell out the process of disenfranchising, expropriating and eliminating the Jewish people and their holdings. Such a process can only be enforced and carried out by a totalitarian collectivist government, after annulment of all our Constitutional liberties. As during the Spanish Inquisition and the Hitler heyday, the numbers of victims among the gentiles would far exceed those of the persecuted Jew. While the estimated 5 million Jewish victims of the Hitler terror form an indelible blot upon the Nazi regime, it is often overlooked that over 20 million gentile non-combatants were killed in the anti-Semitic vortex. Such tyrannical suppressions of necessity connote rigidly organized socialistic forces.50
Fundamentally, the Jewish question is used by all these extremists as a means of decoying the general population into enslavement. The socialists have often pictured the capitalist as a kind of universalized Jew. Both the nazi and the Marxist-Fabian socialist alternatives spell tyranny for modern civilizations. Both claim to be based upon "science". The nazis used the scientific catchword "goo-politics", just as the socialist-communists use the term "social science". The long-continued attempt of the socialists to raise antiSemitism to a science was as fraudulent as their later effort to fasten this illegitimate offspring of their own on innocent conservatives.
* * *
The Science of Man
is Blacked Out
The Science of Man
is Blacked Out
1.Sotheran, Horace Greeley, p. 83.
2 Karl Marx was obviously influenced by the Fourierist fight against 'egoism' which is another term describing the principle of individual freedom. For n detailed Marxist description or exposition of this fight against 'egoism' read Karl Marx Selected, Essays, translated by H. J. Stenning in 1926, passim.
3."Edmund Silberner, "Fourier on the Jewish Question", Jewish Social Studies, Oct. 1946, p. 257.
4 ibid, pp, 24849.
5 Some of these works were Theorie de funile uniuerselle; Theorie des quatre mouvements; La Eausse industrie.
6 Max Nomad, Political Heretics, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1963, p. 28.
7 E. Silberman, "The Fourierist School and the Jews", Jewish Social Studies, Vol. IX, 1947, p. 347.
8 Franz Mehring, Karl Marx, p. 199.
9 New York Daily Tribune, Friday, March 5, 1852, p. 7.
10 Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 779, quoting an article in the New York Daily Tribune, Jan. 4,1856, entitled "The Russian Loan."
11 id, p. 779.
12 Sotheran, Horace Greeley, pp, 108-110. The socialistic ideas of Fichte were widely disseminated during the 19th century, beginning in 1830, by Edward Everett, who eventually became Governor of Massachusetts, U. S. Ambassador to England, President of Harvard University, and Secretary of War under President Zachary Taylor.
13 James S. Allen, Reconstruction, International Publishers, N. Y., (Soviet publishing outlet in America) 1937, p. 24.
14 Hofstadter, The Age of Reform, p. 77n.
15 Joseph Dietzgen, The Positive Outcome of Philosophy, Charles H. Kerr & Co., {socialist publishing house} Chicago. 1928, pp. 7-35, "Life of Joseph Dietzgen",
16 "The Positive Outcome of Philosophy" quoting Marx at the International Congress at The Hague in 1872, p. 15.
17 Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 895.
18 Dietzgen, The Positive Outcome of Philosophy, p. 354.
19 R. Hofstadter, The Age of Reform, "By 'Populism', I don't mean only the People's {or Populist} Party of the 189Q's; for I consider the Populist Party to be merely a heightened expression, at a particular moment of time, of a kind of popular impulse that is endemic in American political culture." p. 4. "The Populist spirit captured the Democratic Party in 1896, and continued to play an important part in the politics of the progressive era." p, 5.
20 See Reconstruction, James S. Allen (communist) ; History of the Communist Party, William Z. Foster (communist), pp. 85, 18; Socialism in Thought and Action, Harry W. Laidler, (Fabian socialist), Macmillan, 1920, N. Y., p. 106; Encyclopedia of Social Reform, 1898, 2nd edition, pp. 1001·1004, 1429·1430, edited by W. D. P. Bliss (founder of American Fabian Socialist Party).
21 Hofstadter, The Age 0/ Reform, pp. 80·81. Other anti-Semitic exponents who reflect the populist tradition are such persons as Conde McGinley, Charles B. Hudson, Gerald Winrod and Gerald L. K. Smith. (There is some question about the true role of Gerald L. K.' Smith, due to his kiss-of-death tactics. He keeps moving all over the country ruining the chances of conservatives by endorsing them. The' motives in back of these tactics should be thoroughly looked into by proper investigative bodies. Too many times Smith has furnished the leftists with effective ammunition just in the nick of time. His posing as the leader of the MacArthur for President Movement was one such example.)
22 id.; p. 81n.
23 See all Government Appendices relative to Communist and other left-wing 1Il0V& menta, especially Appendix IX of the Uri-American Activities Committee of 1944, and the Fourth Report of the Un-American Activities Committee in 1948·1955. There are hundreds of entries 'of McWilliams' communistic associations. ' Among his Fabian-type socialist activities McWilliams has been an editor of The Nation from 1945-1951. This publication has been' the voice of American Fabian socialism for several generations.
24 Hofstadter, The Age of Reform, pp. 77·78. Hofstadter also writes: "By the time the campaign of 1896 arrived, an Associated Press reporter noticed as 'one of the striking things' about the Populist Convention at St. Louis 'the extraordinary hatred of the Jewish race. It is not possible to go into any hotel in the city without hearing the most bitter denunciations of the Jews as a class and of the particular Jews who happen to have prospered in the world'." p. 80. Henry Adams, mentioned above, had once declared: "By rights, he should have been a Marxist." Van Wyck Brooks, Opinions of Oliver Allston, p, 132.
25 W. D. P. Bliss, The New Encyclopedia of Social Reform (Fabian socialist) p, 889.
26 Shannon, The Socialist Party of America, p, 3.
27 ibid., p. 68.
28 American Fabian, March, 1895, p. 5.
29 Columbia Encyclopedia, 2nd edition, p. 1845.
30 Wm. Z. Foster, History of the Communist Party of the United Stales, p. 110.
31 Columbia Encyclopedia, 2nd ed., p, 563.
32 Quoted by Spiro in Marxism and the Bolshevik State, p. 901 from The Nation; April 17, 1935.
33 ibid; p. 903.
34 ibid; p. 894.
35 Blatchford, Merrie England, p. 56.
36 Sister M. Margaret Patricia McCarran, Fabianism in the Political Life of Britain, 1919-1931 states: "To abolish capitalism was its (Clarion) constant preachment and its preachers were all Fabians." p. 439n.
37 Edmund Silberner, "British Socialism and the Jews", Historia Iudaica, XIV 1952, pp. 40·41.
38 Edmund Silberner, Hierosolymitana, pp, 386-7.
39 Edmund Silbemer, "British Socialism and the Jews", Historic Iudaica, XIV, p, 38.
40 ScIdes' An Encyclopedia of Great Quotations, p. 658.
41 See Keynes at Harvard, p. 79.
42 Quoted from the Morning Post (London) December 3, 1925, in Spiro, Marxist,
and the Bolshevik State, pp, 888·889.
43 id.
44 American Hebrew, July 15, 1938 quoted in Spiro, Marxism and the Bolshevik
State, pp. 888-889.
45 Bernard Shaw, Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism, p. 470, Brentanno's N. Y., 1928.
46 Margaret Cole, The Story of Fabian. Socialism, p. 197. It must be remembered that Shaw was not the only one to idolize Mussolini. During the early days of the New Deal fabian socialist infiltrators in America also patterned much of the N.R.A. and other administrative legislation after the Italian fascist model.
47 H. G. Wells, The Outline of History, Garden City Books, 1961, p, 417 (revised and brought up to date by Raymond Postgate, Postgate was an old Fabian socialist and brother of Margaret Cole, veteran Fabian socialist leader. The above quotation of Wells was also referred to in an anti-Semitic attack in The Southern Patriotic Breeze, Dec., 1953, p. 6.
48 Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation? Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y., 1937, p. 150, Vol. I.
49 Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 152-153. Karl Marx actually laid the basis for the "one enemy" concept where he mentioned that: "A particular social sphere must be identical with the notorious crime of society as a whole, in such wise that the emancipation of this sphere would appear to be the general self-emancipation. In order that one class should be the class of emancipation par excellence, another class must contrariwise be the class of manifest subjugation." Karl Marx Selected Essays, article: "A Criticism of the Hegelian Philosophy of Right" translated by H. J. Stenning, International Publishers (communist) N. Y., 1926, pp, 33-34.
50The term "nazi" was an abbreviation for the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
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