Friday, June 12, 2020

Part 1: Planet Rothschild ....1763 -1820

Planet Rothschild
By M.S.King
About the Author 
M. S. King is a private investigative journalist and researcher based in the New York City area. A 1987 graduate of Rutgers University, King's subsequent 30 year career in Marketing & Advertising has equipped him with a unique perspective when it comes to understanding how "public opinion" is indeed scientifically manufactured. Madison Ave marketing acumen combines with 'City Boy' instincts to make M.S. King one of the most tenacious detectors of "things that don’t add up" in the world today. Says King of his admitted quirks, irreverent disdain for "conventional wisdom", and uncanny ability to ferret out and weave together important data points that others miss: "Had Sherlock Holmes been an actual historical personage, I would have been his reincarnation." King is also the author of The War Against Putin: What the Government-Media Complex Isn’t Telling You About Russia. King’s other interests include: the animal kingdom, philosophy, chess, cooking, literature and history (with emphasis on events of the late 19th through the 20th centuries). 

By Jeff Rense 
For over the past 30 years, I've worked in many key positions in broadcast journalism, as a TV news reporter, news director, anchorman, and, for the past 20 years, the producer and host of my own talk radio program. It has been quite a journey and all during that times I really never stop wanting to know the realities of news stories, large and small. Who?, What?, Where?, How?, When?... and, most importantly, Why? When applying those timeless questions towards the crucial subject of History, I have seldom been satisfied with the 'official explanations' for my inquiries and questions. The 'truth' is just not 'out there' nor is it accessible. There is too much sleight-of-hand and structural criminality. 

That's one reason I am so gratified that one of the most remarkable, insightful, truthful historians of today, M S King, has tackled the murky, imponderable subject of revisionist history, (realistic history that is) with his stunning epic, “Planet Rothschild”. Though I am generally cautious in bestowing blessings upon the work of others, 'NWO Forbidden History' caught my attention for a number of reasons. Through his writings submitted to, and also from his 'tour d' force' guest appearance on my show, King's mastery of the subject, formidable writing talent, and unique ability to break down the complex into simple bites - were already known to me. I was pleased when I learned of his project to reformat his Internet Classic into a hard copy version. 

As my regular listeners and readers are by now well aware, the world situation becomes gloomier by the day. It is only through a clear understanding of the past, that we can truly understand the present, and the dark future that is being planned for us. By distilling conspiratorial history into easy-to-understand, illustrated mini essays, “Planet Rothschild” serves as the perfect reference guide to help you navigate through the sea of lies which have been fed to us since childhood, and continue to be fed to us each day. “Planet Rothschild” makes an utterly unique and important contribution to the fields of economics and history - a contribution which we can all appreciate, and all understand.

From the days of the American Revolution, to the Jacobin French Revolution, to the coalition wars against Napoleon Bonaparte, to Andrew Jackson’s war on the Central Bankers, to Karl Marx’s war on sanity, to the American Civil War, to the Reds’ shocking wave of 19th century assassinations, to the conspiratorial founding of the U.S. Federal Reserve, to the horrific First World War to enslave Germany, to the Rothschild-Communist subversion of Russia's Czar, to the horrible World War against Hitler and Japan, to the Cold War, to the JFK assassination, to the "women's movement" to the Global Warming Hoax, to the "fall of communism", to the 9/11 attacks & the "War On Terror", and finally, to the looming confrontation with Russia and China - the common thread of the New World Order crime gang links all of these events together. 

At the heart of this self-perpetuating network sits the legendary House of Rothschild – the true owners of ‘Planet Rothschild’. Though an alliance with other billionaire families, universities, corporations, think tanks and media moguls worldwide; the cabal has, for 250 years, manipulated world events and political players like so many pawns on a global chessboard. 

If it’s true that “all the world is a stage”, then the House of Rothschild and its international partners are the writers, directors and producers of the exciting play called, ‘History”. The politicians are the actors and the TV talking heads are the narrators. The audience is humanity itself – most of which, unfortunately, have no idea that a rigged show has been, and still is, playing out before their eyes. It is a global monster-scam of unimaginable dimensions in which humanity is the target. 

Now, you can earn your 'Phd' in New World Order studies by reading this epic two-volume timeline thriller entitled PLANET ROTHSCHILD. It is a unique "blurb by blurb" chronological and photographical review that will enrich your depth of historical and economic knowledge like no other work of its kind. Travel through time in just under 600 easy-to-digest pages loaded with over 1200 images. This life-changing work is ideal as a permanent reference & study guide. You may not like what you find in its pages. Truth is not always easy to swallow. But you won’t be able to refute any of it; and nor will you ever look at world events in the same light ever again.

1763 – 1820
In 1743 a goldsmith named Amschel Moses Bauer opens a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany. Above his door he hangs a sign depicting a Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the Red Shield (German: Rothschild). 
Mayer Amschel Rothschild - Wikipedia
Amschel Bauer had a very intelligent son, Meyer Amschel Bauer. His father spent much of his time teaching him everything he could about the money lending business and in the dynamics of finance. After his father's death in 1755, Mayer went to work in Hannover as in a bank, owned by the Oppenheimer Family. Meyer's immense ability was quickly recognized and he quickly advanced within the firm. He was awarded a junior partnership. 
Mayer Amschel Rothschild - WikipediaRothschild family - Wikipedia
His success allowed him to return to Frankfurt and to purchase the business his father had established in 1743. The Red Shield was still displayed over the door. Recognizing the significance of the Red Shield (his father had adopted it as his emblem from the Red Flag which was the emblem of the revolutionary minded Jews in Eastern Europe), Mayer Amschel Bauer changed the family name to Rothschild. It was at this point that the House of Rothschild came into being. 

Through his experience with the Oppenheimers, Rothschild learns that loaning money to governments is much more profitable than loaning to individuals. The loans are not only much bigger, but they are secured by the nation's taxes.

The Rothschild Banking Dynasty becomes the richest family business in world history. (1) Forbes Magazine refers to Mayer Amschel Rothschild as "a founding father of international finance". (2) Rothschild’s five sons will later branch out to head banking dynasties in Austria, Italy, France, and England, becoming .lenders to the Kings of Europe, often financing both sides of the European wars that will so enrich them. . To this very day, the House of Rothschild and its allies remain the .dominant force behind world finance, Globalism, “environmentalism”, and ‘liberalism’. The Jewish-Zionist Rothschild Family will also play a major role in establishing Israel in the 1900’s (Zionism). There can be doubt; Mayer Amschel Rothschild is the original “Godfather” of the New World Order.
The House of Rothschild - WikipediaThe Rothschilds (film) - Alchetron, The Free Social EncyclopediaTABLE OF CONTENTS
1 - 1934 Hollywood Film: The House of Rothschild / 1940 German Film: The Rothschilds 2- 2002: Warren Buffett, Governor Schwarzenegger marvel at one of Lord Jacob Rothschild’s palatial European estates.
By M. S. KING TomatoBubble.com2015 M S KING
Just a few of the Rothschild Family palaces
Currency Act - September 1, 1764
The Currency Act of 1764 is a British law that imposes a monetary policy on its American colonies. The Act extends the provisions of the 1751 Currency Act and forbids the colonies from issuing debt-free paper currency as legal tender. This creates financial difficulty for the colonies. Benjamin Franklin, the colonial representative, urges the British to reject the Currency Act. The Currency Act creates tension between the colonies and Britain. When the First Continental Congress meets in 1774, it strongly objects to The Act as "subversive of American rights." It is a little known fact of the American Revolution, that the right of the colonists to issue debt-free currency, and spend it into circulation (as opposed to a private Central Bank lending debt currency into circulation), became one of the main causes of the Revolution.

MARCH 5, 1773 
On This Date, March 5, 1770, Boston Massacre Happened – The MPS ...
Exaggerated images of “the massacre” were used to inflame the colonists.
The increase in British troops stationed in Boston leads to tension with the locals. Fights erupt between soldiers and liberty minded civilians. British troops are sent to Boston in 1768 to enforce the Townshend Acts, a series of laws passed by the British Parliament. The purpose of the Townshend Acts is to make colonial governors and judges independent of colonial control, to enforce compliance with trade regulations, and to tax the colonies without their approval. When an angry crowd of colonists - most likely led by provocateurs of a secret society known as The Sons of Liberty (3) - confronts a group of soldiers with taunts and snowballs, the frightened British soldiers overreact. Shots are fired and five American colonists are killed. The embellished news of the Boston Massacre serves the purpose of spreading the revolutionary spirit throughout the colonies.

DECEMBER 16, 1773 
What the Boston Tea Party Can Teach Us About Countering Corporate ...
The Boston Tea Party is an action by Boston colonists in the British colony of Massachusetts, against the British government and the monopolistic East India Company which controls all of the tea shipments coming into the colonies. After officials in Boston refuse to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists, dressed as American Indians, climb aboard the ships and destroy the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. 

The Tea Party is the culmination of a resistance movement against the Tea Act, which had been passed by Parliament in 1773. Colonists object to the Tea Act for a variety of reasons, especially because it violates their right to be taxed only by their elected representatives. The Boston Tea Party is a revolt against state sponsored monopolies (British East India Company) as much as it is about taxation. [we need one of them against the Apples,Microsoft's,and google's of today DC] 

It should be noted that, as was the case with the Boston Massacre, the Sons of Liberty orchestrated the event. Many members of this organization are true liberty loving patriots (Sam Adams, John Adams, Paul Revere), but others may have had ulterior, NWO-related motives for wanting to weaken the British Empire.

APRIL 19, 1775 
The Massachusetts Militia is storing guns and ammo in the town of Concord, MA. About 700 British troops are sent to seize the military supplies. Patriot leaders learn of the British plan and begin organizing. 

The night before the scheduled British raid, Paul Revere takes off on his famous "Midnight Ride" to warn the local militiamen (Minutemen). The first shots are fired as the sun begins to rise in Lexington, MA. The militias are outnumbered and fall back as the British advance upon Concord. At Concord, approximately 500 "rag tag" militiamen fight and defeat the King's troops. 

The "redcoats" retreat after a pitched battle in open territory. More militiamen arrive soon thereafter and inflict heavy damage on the British, firing upon from behinds trees as they march back towards Boston. The war for American independence is on! The Battle of Lexington and Concord will go down in history as "the shot heard around the world."
Paul Revere: The History and Legend of His Midnight RideWho Shot First? The Americans! - Journal of the American Revolution
1- Paul Revere’s ‘Midnight Ride’ – part real history / part mythology. 
2- The Battle of Lexington & Concord
MAY 1, 
Jewish Professor Adam Weishaupt, forms the secret order of The Illuminati in Bavaria (Germany). He is most likely a paid agent of Rothschild, also based in Germany. Weishaupt (code name Spartacus) recruits wealthy elites to his society. The Illuminati, or, Enlightened Ones, infiltrate Masonic lodges, which serve as cover for their activities. 
Today in Masonic History - Johann Adam Weishaupt Passes Away
They plot the overthrow of governments, the destruction of Christianity, and the future arrival of a world communal state (New World Order)..Bavarian authorities disband the Illuminati in 1784. But the tactics and goals of the order are clearly evident in the French Revolution of 1789, and future Communist plots. To this day, May 1 (May Day) remains a sort of ‘Holy Day’ to Communists, Anarchists, and “Progressives”.
Closeup Of A Dollar Bill With All Seeing Eye Stock Photo - Image ...CBS-logo-old | TV Calling
JULY 4, 1776 
Written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by 56 patriots, the Declaration of Independence officially breaks the colonies away from Britain, and sets forth the ideal that governments exist to serve the people, not to control them. 

America’s founders believe that rights come from God, not government. Prosperity follows when the power of the state is limited. Small government, God-given  rights, morality, stable currency, respect for private property, and minimal taxes represent the opposite of what the Illuminati and latter day ‘Red” revolutionaries advocate. 

These lines of the Declaration sum up what America, and the ‘4th of July’, are (or were) all about: 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” (4)
Thomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence "we" Quote 8 x 10 ...
Jefferson: Rights come from the Creator, not the State
During the war, Washington relies heavily upon a well-connected Polish-born Jewish money-lender named Haym Salomon for financing. Salomon is a member of the Sons of Liberty – the same secret society that had instigated the Boston Massacre and organized the Boston Tea Party. From the period of 1781–84, records show Salomon's outside fundraising and personal lending help provide over $650,000 (approximately $9 billion in 2015 dollars!) in financing to Washington in the war effort against Britain. (5)
File:Haym Salomon stamp.jpg - Wikipedia
Certainly, Salomon’s eagerness to finance the war must have had some profit motive (though he died in 1785 before he could be repaid), but it is also in line with Jewish Illuminati objectives to weaken the existing Empires of Europe while keeping them all in a “balance of power” situation in which one can be played off of another. Without Solomon’s money and other fundraising efforts, the colonies will have no chance of winning the war.
Haym Salomon Stock Photos - Download 10 Royalty Free PhotosBoyle Heights History Blog: The Travels and Travails of the Haym ...
Commemorative postage stamp, Chicago statue, and Los Angeles statue in honor of Haym Solomon.
Although the freedom-based, Creator-based ideology of American’s Founding Fathers represents the polar opposite of the goals of the New World Order / Illuminati system, it does appear that elements of the early NWO Mafia may have assisted the Revolution for the ulterior purpose of weakening the British Empire and then taking control of the new American nation. George Washington certainly was no Globalist Red, but he was indeed a Freemason. It was through the secretive Masonic lodges that Illuminati plotters operated. 

The most ominous sign that conspiratorial influence was at work during the earliest days of the United States can be found in the Great Seal of the United States, first established in 1782. The Seal depicts an eagle with the 6-pointed Jewish Star of David above it. The inscription reads: “E Pluribus Unum” – (out of many, one). Is that a reference to the uniting of the colonies, as we have been taught? Or is it really a reference to “the chosen people”? 
All Seeing Eye Dollar Bill Images, Stock Photos & Vectors ...
In 1786, a reverse side was added to the Seal. The all-seeing illuminated eye above the pyramid with the Latin phrase: “Annuit Coeptis”(He favors our undertaking) and the Roman numeral 1776 (Declaration of Independence? …Or founding of Weishaupt’s Illuminati?). But the ‘dead giveaway’ is the inscription at the bottom: “Novus OrdoSeclorum” (New Order for the Ages) – New World Order![I don't think you can say it any clearer DC]
Great Seal of the United States - WikipediaThe Great Seal of the United States : Found(ing) in Translation ...
NWO Symbols and the Star of David are right under our noses, and in our wallets. There is a legend that during the design of the Great Seal, Washington asked what compensation Haym Salomon wanted in return for his financial contributions to the Revolution. He replied that "he wanted nothing for himself but that he wanted something for his people".(6) As a result, the 13 stars representing the colonies were arranged in the shape of the Star of David.
BeyoncƩ | Illuminati SymbolsKanye West | Illuminati Symbols
Lady Gaga Hidden Eye | Illuminati Symbols
Degenerate modern celebrities like Kanye West, Jayzee, Rihanna, Beyonce & Lady Gaga have all sold their souls to the powerful geo-political force. Above, they make hand-symbols of the Illuminati pyramid and eye.
The American Revolution had begun badly for the 13 colonies. The colonists themselves were divided as to their loyalties with as many as one third wishing to remain British subjects, at least at first. The best that General George Washington’s ‘Continental Army” can do against the better equipped British is to limit direct combat and harass the British instead. 
Christmas 1776: Washington Crosses the Delaware | Brook Hill ...
 Christmas, 1776: Washington crossing the Delaware River
As American “minutemen” and Washington’s Army draw the ‘redcoats’ into a battle of attrition, Ben Franklin visits Paris to persuade the French to help the colonies. After Washington’s surprise Christmas Day 1776 attack against the British & Hessian mercenaries, followed by victory at Saratoga in ‘77, the French are sold. French military assistance will play a huge role in reversing the course of the war. The British grant the colonies full independence in 1783.
Cornwallis Surrenders – Common Sense with Paul Jacob
 1781: General Cornwallis surrenders to Washington
A More Perfect Union
Drafted during the early years of the war, and ratified in 1781, the “Articles of Confederation and Permanent Union” establishes a very decentralized government for the colonies. Under the Articles, the colonies (now referred to as “States’) are sovereign entities. For six years after the end of the war, the colonies are not truly a united nation, but rather a league of allied states living under mutually agreed upon rules. 

America’s founders are divided. Though all of them believe in freedom and limited government, one camp (The Federalists) prefers a stronger central government to help organize the nation’s affairs. The other camp (the anti-Federalists) fear that any centralized American government might become corrupted and dangerous to the people’s liberty. [let's applaud those who knew the truth from the beginning about central governments 

JUNE 21, 1788 
Some of America's founders believe that the Articles of Confederation are too weak for the government and the new nation to survive. For this reason, the Continental Congress approves the US Constitution in 1787, in Philadelphia. Months of contentious debate follow before the States ratify the Constitution, the framework of the Federal Government. 

The checks and balances built into the Constitution establish 3 branches of government, and limit the power of each. George Washington will be chosen as the first US President. The document also limits the power of the masses of people. The founders know that "democracy” results in mob rule, in which a "majority" of people can be manipulated into voting themselves the wealth of the productive people. Under the Constitution, taxes and state spending are minimal, and only gold and silver coins are recognized as currency. There is no authorization for income taxes, central banking, and social welfare schemes. 
The Mission Statement for the United States of American - CountablePatrick Henry Poster, Guard with jealous attention the public ...

The Constitution and its original 10 amendments (The Bill of Rights) serve as a leash on government growth and power, and a guarantor of personal liberties, such as rights to free political speech, to own firearms, and to be secure from unlawful searches and seizures. 
The proposed Bank of the United States is to be a Central Bank with a 20-year charter. It is the brainchild of New York banker Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton, born in the British West Indies and educated in a Jewish school there (7), is an agent of the New York-London moneylenders. Hamilton had previously founded the Bank of New York in 1784. 
Jefferson versus Hamilton – Brewminate
1- Hamilton was London’s banker boy. 
2- Jefferson wanted no part European Central Banking.
As President Washington's Treasury Secretary, Hamilton clashes with Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton and the New York bankers believe in strong central government and debt-based central banking and currency issue. Virginians Jefferson, James Madison (father of the Constitution) and the southern agricultural class believe in decentralized government and local banking. The roots of the future American Civil War can be traced, in part, to the Jefferson-Hamilton feud. 

Jefferson argues that centralization of power away from private mints and banks is unconstitutional and dangerous. He wrote: "…banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies." (8) The New Yorker Hamilton argues that if the nation is to grow, it needs a standard coinage supported by a Central Bank and excise tax.

President Washington listens to Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s position on the Central Bank, but is ultimately taken in by Hamilton. The Father of America has a blind spot when it comes to the smooth talking, foreign- born deceiver. Others are not so easily fooled. In later years, President John Adams will describe Hamilton as: 

"…the most restless, impatient, artful, indefatigable, and unprincipled intriguer in the United States, if not in the world." (9) 

Along with establishing an excise tax, Hamilton’s Bank is a private company with some foreign shareholders. To cover the government's interest payments to the Bank, Hamilton imposes an excise tax on whiskey.

When Pennsylvania whiskey farmers rebel (Whiskey Rebellion), Hamilton convinces Washington to allow him to personally lead 12,000 troops to enforce compliance. Brute force is used to collect the taxes needed to pay the interest to the foreign shareholders of the Central Bank. 
Whiskey Rebellion - HISTORYChapter 6 The Revolution Within - ppt download
When men were men! Angry whiskey farmers attack, tar & feather 
Hamilton's tax collectors for the Central Bank.
When government uses up the money it collects in taxes, it resorts to borrowing. It can borrow by selling bonds to investors, or to foreign governments. But when governments borrow from a privately owned Central Bank, the Bank is actually creating new money "out of thin air" and then lending it to the government at interest. The injection of new money into the economy has the effect of reducing the value of existing money (inflation). The government must then tax its citizens to repay the loans (Bonds) to the Central Bank, plus interest. 

If the government were to simply create its own debt-free currency to cover its bills, there might still be an inflationary effect, but the government would not carry debt, and therefore not need to tax its people to pay principal and interest to the Central Bank.  

It makes no sense for a government to pay interest to a Central Bank on new currency when it can simply create the currency itself, interest free![I really cannot understand why more people cannot understand the correctness of what King is saying here.DC]

The other way in which a Central Bank preys upon people is by lending to the nation’s banks. The banks can then increase the number of loans to their customers by borrowing money themselves from the Central Bank (again, created out of thin air.) The local bank borrows at a lower rate from the Central Bank, and then re-loans the money to you at a higher rate. Consumer debt is thus maximized as constant inflation erodes the value of existing money. 

Consumers do not benefit from debt as they would believe because the new money pumped into the economy artificially drives up the price of whatever they are buying. 

In short, behind its academic cover, Central Banks are legalized counterfeiters and loan sharks. When a Central Bank, owned by private shareholders, controls the money, every dollar of currency must be loaned into circulation at interest. Therefore, there will always be more total debt outstanding than there is money in circulation. Those who control this perpetual debt machine always become powerful enough to control the government. 
The French Revolution is a period of radical upheaval in France. Unlike America’s Revolution, which put limits on government power, the atheistic radicals of France seek total power. Their rallying cries of “Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality” are empty words that attract gullible mobs. 

The revolution leads to the rise of the mad killer Robespierre, and the Jacobins. From 1793-1794, the “Committee of Public Safety” operates as the dictatorship of France. A “Reign of Terror” is unleashed. King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette, and 40,000 others are executed, mostly by public guillotine. The Jacobin mobs single-out priests, nuns, and the wealthy for special brutality. 

The Jacobins (forerunners of the Communists) are eventually displaced by more sensible elements of the revolution. Robespierre himself is executed. The “Directory” will control France from 1795-1799 as the monarchies of Europe wage a war against Republican France. 
THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. by Webster, Nesta: (1988) | Chris Fessler ...
The works of early 20th Century British historian Nesta Webster exposed the genocidal French Revolution as the work of occultists aiming to overthrow civilization and bring about “world revolution”.
Though historians portray The Revolution as a "spontaneous uprising" of the oppressed, the funding of the movement, and the disciplined organization of the radicals, suggest otherwise. Was Rothschild money behind the revolt? Could this be the meaning of the French Revolution’s theme color, red? (Rothschild is German for "Red Shield"). Many more "spontaneous” red revolts will follow over the centuries to come.

The Jacobins (forerunners of the Communists) are eventually displaced by more sensible, Republican elements of the revolution. Robespierre himself is then executed. The “Directory” will govern France from 1795-1799 as the worried 26 monarchies of Europe (led by Great Britain), as well as the displaced Jacobin Reds of the NWO, continue to wage war against a divided France. 
Maximilien Robespierre - WikipediaA Guide to the French Revolution
Robespierre gets a taste of his own medicine as the Directory takes control. 
But the Red Jacobin Clubs are still in operation. 
In his Farewell Address to Congress and an adoring American public, the great General and President George Washington uses the occasion to advise America on how to secure its future happiness and prosperity. Washington's prescient warnings come from his extensive knowledge of history. His wise and prophetic advice includes: 

 Maintain religion and morality as supports of a free people. 
 Beware of the formation of political parties.  Avoid alliances & foreign military entanglements. 
 Balance the Federal Budget and avoid state debt. 
 Keep the government’s spending and taxes low. 
 Do not weaken the U.S. Constitution with amendments. 
 Do not allow sectional differences to divide the Union. (10) 

In Europe, the early New World Order/Red crime gang is already in operation. Eventually, the Globalists will attack America (and the world) in each area that Washington warned about. 
George Washington Farewell Address: Advice for the 2018 mid-termsWhy You Should Pay Attention to George Washington's Warning on ...
Once regarded as a sacred American historical relic, 
Washington’s prophetic advice has long since been forgotten. 
French military hero Napoleon Bonaparte completes his successful Italian campaign, defeating Austrian, Sardinian, and Neapolitan forces before capturing Rome. The French General’s stature as a military genius and leader is now such that he can defy the Atheistic Directory's orders to dethrone the Pope and get away with it. Napoleon is by now a legend in the making, soon to be a political force in his own right – a force beyond Illuminati-Rothschild-NWO control. 
Napoleon Crossing the Alps - WikipediaItalian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars - Wikipedia
1- Napoleon crosses the Alps. 
2- Napoleon enters Rome. 
The NWO gang was behind the French Revolution, 
but they cannot control Napoleon Bonaparte. 
The French Campaign in Egypt and Syria (1798–1801) is Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign to protect French trade, undermine Britain's access to India, and promote scientific enterprise in the region. 

Napoleon approaches the Egyptians not as a conqueror, but as a liberator who respects their religion and culture. This position earns him solid support in Egypt and the admiration of Muhammad Ali, who later succeeds in declaring Egypt's independence from the Ottoman Turks. 

An unusual aspect of the Egyptian military expedition is the inclusion of a large group of scientists and scholars. This deployment of intellectual resources is an indication of Napoleon's devotion to higher learning. Much of what we know today about ancient Egypt is the result of this mission. The discoveries include the deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics by way of “The Rosetta Stone”. 
Really Can't Believe What a State the Pyramids Are Itn Thou You ...Rosetta Stone – World Archaeology
1- Napoleon at the pyramids. 
2- The Rosetta Stone was etched in hieroglyphics and Greek. 
The known Greek figures allowed the French to decipher 
the unknown Egyptian, and translate into modern languages. 
John Robison was a prominent physicist and professor of philosophy at Scotland’s Edinburgh University. He worked with James Watt on the early steam car and he later invented the siren. The Illuminati had attempted to recruit him but he 29 declined. In 1798 he writes. “Proofs of a Conspiracy Against the Religions and Governments of Europe” in which he exposes the secret societies behind the terrorist French revolution. 

His warning to Europe is stark: 

"An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all existing governments ... the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of their unknown superiors." (11) 

French priest Abbe Barruel independently developed similar views that the Illuminati had infiltrated Freemasonry, (12) leading to the excesses of the French Revolution. In 1798, the Reverend G. W. Snyder sent Robison's book to George Washington for his thoughts on the subject. Washington replied: 

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That individual of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.” (13) 

Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments ...Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®Pin by JERRY BUECHER on MORE LIGHT... in 2020 (With images ...

Robison was a big man of science and letters. George Washington agreed 
with his observation about Illuminati & Jacobin infiltration of freemasonry.

After amassing an enormous fortune from his base in the Hessian city of Frankfurt (Germany) Mayer Amschel Rothschild sends his five sons abroad to expand the Rothschild Family Empire throughout Europe. Each of the brothers will emerge as dominant financial players, and behind-the-scenes political players, in their respective new countries. The five sons and the five sub-dynasties they will operate are as follows: 

Anselm: Stays in Frankfurt to run the German operation. 
Salomon: Vienna, Austria
Nathan: Manchester, and then London, England 
Carl: Naples, Italy 
Jacob: Paris, France 

Of the five, Nathan in London ("The City of London") will become the wealthiest and most powerful of the brothers. His power surpasses even that of the other existing Jewish family dynasties that own The Bank of England (Montefiores, Goldsmids, Mocattas)

The London Rothschilds are the beating heart of the centuries old movement to tear down European civilization and erect The New World Order in its place. 
THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD (1934)Nat Rothschild Agrees to Sell ARMS Stake - WSJ
1 & 2 - The Jewish-produced 1934 Hollywood film, The House of Rothschild made no effort to hide the historical power of the 5 sons, especially Nathan of London (played by George Arliss - brother in center). 3 – Today, young Nat (Nathan) Rothschild, great-great-great-great grandson of Nathan is being groomed as the next Family Patriarch.  
A Story of the Rothschild Family That Has So Much Money, No One's ...The Family ‹ Philanthropy :: The Rothschild Archive
Rothschilds need to save "The System" BBC - YouTube
Then and now: the immense wealth of the Rothschild Family STILL commands obedience. 
(Above: Sir Evelyn de Rothschild with gold bars, and commenting on BBC TV)
Napoleon the war hero returns to a deeply-divided and chaotic Paris. With the help of allies in the French Senate, Napoleon stages a bloodless coup and is named First Consul. A plebiscite (popular vote) is held soon afterwards. Napoleon's ascension to First Consul is overwhelmingly approved by the French public. 

The New World Order gang created the Revolution in order to overthrow the Monarchy. Now, with the rise of Napoleon, the NWO has lost control of France.
Move over Directory. Napoleon Bonaparte is now the Boss!

The Communistic Jacobins (working for their secret New World Order Rothschild bosses in London) want their bloody dictatorship back. They openly call for the death of Napoleon. One leftist agitator, named Metge, publishes a pamphlet comparing Napoleon to Roman ruler Julius Caesar, who was killed by daggers wielded by Brutus and others. Metge openly calls for “the birth of thousands of Bruti to stab the tyrant Bonaparte.” . 
Last words of Julius Caesar - Wikipedia
Jacobins plotted to stab Napoleon, as 
Caesar had been by Brutus & others.
Indeed, one of the Jacobin plots which is foiled is the "Conspiration des poignards" (Conspiracy of the Daggers) in October 1800. The Jacobins plan to stab Napoleon, as Julius Caesar had been, as he arrives at the Paris Opera House. Informants are able to foil the assassination plot, but the Jacobins will again try to kill Napoleon.

Two months after the Dagger Plot is foiled, the Jacobins nearly succeed in blowing up Napoleon's carriage with a bomb (Plot of the Rue Saint-Nicaise or "The Infernal Machine"). Napoleon and Josephine (who faints) both survive the massive blast, but 10-12 innocent bystanders are killed, and dozens more injured or maimed. 

Napoleon uses public outrage over the bombing to annihilate the remnants of the violent and conspiratorial Red Jacobins.

After years of persecution at the hands of atheistic Jacobin radicals and also the Directory, Napoleon moves to protect and preserve the Roman Catholic Church that he had spared from extinction during his Italian campaign. Raised Catholic, Napoleon is himself is a Deist (14) (belief in a Creative force) who retains a special fondness for the moral principles and ceremonies of the Church. Napoleon is also impressed by Islam, and believes that people of all faiths should have freedom of conscience. 

The Concordat of 1801 between Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius VII reaffirms the Roman Catholic Church as the majority church of France and restores its civil status. While the Concordat restores ties to the Papacy, the balance of church-state relations tilts in Napoleon's favor.
July 15, 1801 – Signing of the Concordat of 1801 Between Napoleon ...The Concordat and Organic Articles, 5 April 1802, (1921). 'Projet ...
The Concordat reassured French Catholics, angered Red Atheists, and improved relations with the Vatican.
MARCH, 1802 
The Treaty of Amiens ends hostilities between the French Republic and the United Kingdom. It is signed in the city of Amiens on March 25, 1802 and celebrated as the "Definitive Treaty of Peace" between Napoleon and Britain. In retrospect, it appears to have been a British ploy more than a sincere desire to make peace with France. 
Treaty of Amiens - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Peace Treaty of Amiens. Was it just a British trick to buy time? 
MAY, 1803 
The Peace of Amiens lasts only one year and was the only period of extended peace during the 'Great French War' between 1793 and 1815. Britain does not evacuate Malta as promised. Instead, the British protest against Bonaparte's annexation of Piedmont and his Act of Mediation, which establishes a new Swiss Confederation, though neither of these territories are covered by the treaty. 

These phony pretexts for starting a new war against Napoleon culminate in a declaration of war by Britain, and the reassembly of another coalition against France. Having failed to kill Napoleon from within France itself, the NWO Mafia and the Royal Families of Europe will continue to wage a series of on and off "coalition wars" on post-revolutionary France. At varying times, Great Britain (the chief instigator), Russia, Austria, Prussia, Spain and other minor Kingdoms unite in opposition to Napoleonic France. The ensuing wars that follow are known as the Napoleonic Wars, although Napoleon didn't start these wars with Britain and friends. 

It is important to note that without Rothschild funding, these wars would not have been possible, at least not in the long term. The Old World Order (Monarchies) and the New World Order (Rothschilds-Illuminati) both seek the demise of Napoleon Bonaparte. 
Influence of the Napoleonic Wars and Violence on English Society ...The Mad Monarchist: The Netherlands in the Napoleonic Wars
The Napoleonic Wars were a series of wars declared against Napoleon's French Empire by opposing coalitions, led by Britain and funded by Rothschild. 
Napoleon needs money to finance France’s war effort against the European powers, but he is unwilling to borrow from big bankers. Napoleon once wrote: 

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” (15) 

Instead of crawling to Rothschild, Napoleon raises money by proposing to sell the massive Territory of Louisiana to the United States. President Jefferson jumps at the offer. Napoleon’s move also closes a possible front in the western hemisphere from which Britain could wage war against French territory. 
Planet rothschild [the forbidden history of the new world order v1The Louisiana Purchase (French: Vente de la Louisiane "Sale of ...
Cartoon above depicts nobles and peasants crawling to Rothschild. Napoleon did borrow money, but he also utilized other means for finance. The Jefferson-Napoleon deal DOUBLED America's territory. 
1795 - 1804 
Meanwhile, back in the fledgling U.S.A., in 1795, London’s banker-tool Alexander Hamilton is forced to resign his Treasury position in disgrace when it was discovered that he is sleeping with another man’s wife (Maria Reynolds Affair). 
On July 11, 1804, Hamilton is killed in a duel with Thomas Jefferson’s Vice President, Aaron Burr; a political rival whom the arrogant Hamilton had insulted and defamed. Though dueling was illegal in New Jersey, Burr returned to Washington and finished out the remaining 8 months of his term as Jefferson’s first Vice President.
Hamilton duel | Meme Generator The Duel - Hamilton and the U.S. Constitution | PBS LearningMedia
 Hamilton had many enemies. He finally messed with the wrong guy. 
Napoleon's lasting reforms include higher education, a tax code, road systems and sewer systems. His set of civil laws, the Code Civil—now known as the Napoleonic Code—is prepared by committees of legal experts. Napoleon participates actively in the sessions of the Council of State that revises the drafts. The Code forbids privileges based on birth, allows freedom of religion, and specifies that government jobs must go to the most qualified. Other codes are commissioned by Napoleon to codify criminal and commerce law. A Code of Criminal Instruction is also published, which enacts rules of due process. 

The Code will be accepted throughout much of Europe and remain in force even after Napoleon's eventual defeat. It is a revolutionary idea that spurs the development of the middle class by extending the right to own property. Napoleon also reorganizes what had been the Holy Roman Empire, made up of more than a thousand entities, into a streamlined 40-state Confederation of the Rhine. This confederation will provide the basis for the German Confederation and the unification of Germany in 1871. 
Napoleonic Code: Why Was One Of The Most Influential Civil Codes ...
The Napoleonic Code sought to eliminate undeserved privileges and establish true justice. 
In 1791, the French Revolution in Europe had also inspired a Revolution in the French Caribbean colony of Haiti. The after-effect of the 13 year conflict will ruin Haiti, which remains an unhappy land to this day. The Revolution begins as a slave uprising but eventually degenerates into a genocidal race war targeting French settlers in Haiti – including many who are opposed to slavery and friendly toward the Blacks. 

Even after slavery had been abolished, radical elements of the Haitian Revolution continue to incite racial hatred toward the innocent Whites who were far outnumbered by the Blacks and Mulattos. In 1802, a notorious killer named JeanJacques Dessalines takes over Haiti by betraying his more reasonable, and actually pro-French, Black predecessor, Toussaint L’ouverture. 

Napoleon had previously sent troops to retake Haiti, but as many as 40,000 died of Yellow Fever. Now, pre-occupied with European Wars, there is little he can do to save the Whites of Haiti. The smart Whites get out, but many of the “bleeding heart liberal” types refuse to see the danger of being such a small minority under Black Jacobin rule. 

In 1804, Dessalines orders the genocidal massacre of the remaining White population of Haiti. His secretary Boisrong-Tonnere declares: 

“For our declaration of independence, we should have the skin of a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!” (16) 

Squads of Black soldiers move from house to house, killing entire families. The weapons used are silent ones; such as knives and bayonets rather than gunfire. This is so that the killing can be done more quietly, thus giving no loud gunfire warning to other intended victims. Killings take place on the streets. Plundering and rape also occur. White children are beaten and stabbed to death; and white women are raped and pushed into forced marriages under threat of death. 

To flush out Whites who went into hiding, the monster Dessalines proclaims an amnesty for all Whites. When the terrified Whites resurface, they too are murdered. One of the most diabolical of the massacre participants is Jean Zombi, 39 a mulatto known for his brutality. One account describes how Zombi stops a White man on the street, strips him naked, and takes him to the stairs of the Presidential Palace where he kills him with a dagger as Dessalines watches. In the Haitian ‘Voodoo’ cult tradition, the figure of Jean Zombi is the prototype for the “zombie”. 

The massacre results in the deaths of between 4,000 to 5,000 people of all ages and genders. (17) But because the victims were White and the perpetrators were Black Jacobins; the historians who serve The New World Order have forgotten them. 
Jean-Jacques Dessalines - Death, Facts & Life - BiographyHaiti - WikipediaThe Haitian Revolution 1804-1805
Under orders from Dessalines, the “Black Jacobins” of Haiti carried out the first open manifestation of the New World Order’s ‘War on Whites’. Because of the Yellow Fever outbreak which had devastated his Caribbean forces, Napoleon is unable to save the French of Haiti. 
The Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte | COVE

Napoleon, by a very wide margin, is elected "Emperor of the French" in a November, 1804 plebiscite. He is crowned by Pope Pius VII as Napoleon I at Notre Dame Cathedral. The story that Napoleon seized the crown out of the hands of the Pope during the ceremony, to avoid subjugating to the Pope's authority, is not accurate, as the coronation procedure had been agreed upon in advance. 

After a string of stunning victories, France establishes itself as the leading continental power of Europe and builds alliances of its own. Napoleon is now ‘larger than life’ – a development which has the British and NWO types seething. 
On the first anniversary of his coronation, Napoleon defeats Austria and Russia at Austerlitz. This ends the Third Coalition War against him. To commemorate the victory, Napoleon commissions the ‘Arc de Triomphe’. 

Austria has to concede territory. The subsequent Peace of Pressburg leads to the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and creation of the Confederation of the Rhine with Napoleon named as its Protector. Napoleon later states, "The battle of Austerlitz is the finest of all I have fought." (18) 
Arc de Triomphe | Paris, France Attractions - Lonely PlanetBattle of Austerlitz - Wikipedia
 The famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris commemorates Austerlitz. 
French Emperor Napoleon and Russian Tsar Alexander I discussing a ...
In 1805 and 1807 Russia suffers major losses in battles with Napoleon's armies. Napoleon's forces, though victorious, are weary from fighting and unable to pursue the Russian armies further. Finally, Czar Alexander I makes peace with Napoleon with the Treaty 41 of Tilsit (1807). The Russian ruler accepts France's continental position, and vows support of Napoleon. For his part, Napoleon believes Alexander has extended him a hand of friendship. 

Napoleon is very tolerant in his attitude towards the Jews. As a result, he has won the respect of many of them. But he has his motives. Historian Rabbi Berel Wein reveals that Napoleon was primarily interested in seeing the Jews assimilated, rather than prosper as an alien community: 

"Napoleon's outward tolerance and fairness toward Jews was actually based upon his grand plan to have them disappear entirely by means of total assimilation, intermarriage, and conversion." (19) 

This attitude can be seen from a letter Napoleon wrote in November 1806, 

"It is necessary to reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilization and to public order in society in all the countries of the world. It is necessary to stop the harm by preventing it; to prevent it, it is necessary to change the Jews. ... Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will cease to have Jewish interests and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French." (20) 

Again, privately, in an 1808 letter to his brother Jerome, Napoleon makes his assimilation plans clear: "I have undertaken to reform the Jews, but I have not endeavored to draw more of them into my realm. Far from that, I have avoided doing anything which could show any esteem for the most despicable of mankind." (21) 
Lecture: A Jewish Tour of Paris – France Revisited - Life in Paris ...
Napoleon's outreach to the Jews was intended to eventually 
assimilate them as Frenchmen. To a hard-core Jew, this is a big ‘no-no’! 
In response to complaints about Jewish money lenders, Napoleon had, in 1806, suspended all debts owed to them. In 1808, he goes a step further and issues a decree that the money lenders refer to as "The Infamous Decree."  

Napoleon wants the Jews to move away from their traditional money lending practices and become farmers and craftsmen instead. His decree severely restricts the practice of lending, and annuls all debts owed by married women, minors, and soldiers. Any loan that had an interest rate exceeding 10 percent is also annulled. 

Napoleon's religious tolerance is admired by many of the Jews. But his efforts to regulate usury upset the Jewish money-lenders and seal his fate. That is why, to this day, they refer to Napoleon's decree as "The Infamous Decree." The Rothschilds of Europe must destroy Napoleon before his anti-debt monetary philosophy can take hold in Europe. 43 
1808 -1814 
British international intrigue draws Spain into war against its former French ally. The years of fighting in Spain take a heavy burden on France's Grande ArmĆ©e. While the French win battle after battle, their communications and supply lines are severely tested. French units are isolated, harassed, and slowly bled to death by guerilla fighters. 

The Spanish armies are repeatedly beaten, but time and again they regroup and hound the French. This drain on French resources leads Napoleon to call the conflict, "the Spanish Ulcer". 
Napoleonic War in Finland (With images) | Historical maps, History Spanish Guerrillas in the Peninsular War 1808–14 ...
At the peak of the French Continental Empire, Spanish Guerrillas take a heavy toll on French forces. 
Meanwhile, back in the fledgling U.S.A., the 20-year charter of Alexander Hamilton’s Monster Bank is set to expire. President James Madison had opposed the Bank in 1791, and has no desire to renew the charter. The “Federalists” (Hamiltonians) in Congress favor its renewal and close relations with Britain. The 44 “Democratic-Republicans” (Jeffersonians) want to kill the Bank and view Britain with suspicion. 

The vote to renew the charter is close, but the anti-Bank faction prevails. The New York-London Bank is allowed to die. At this time in history, the British are “coincidentally” escalating tensions with America. Britain is already at war with Napoleon and is blockading France. Under the blockade, US ships are being harassed and sailors taken prisoner. The young American Republic appears to be headed for a 2nd war with its ex ‘Mother Country”, which by now belongs to Nathan Rothschild and friends. 
James Madison - Presidency, Facts & Life - BiographyFirst Bank of the United States - Wikipedia
Author of the U.S. Constitution and 4th U.S. President James Madison allows the Philadelphia-based National Bank to die. 
Napoleon and Czar Alexander I of Russia had been enjoying friendly personal relations. By 1811, however, tensions increase as Alexander comes under intense pressure from political forces within the Russian nobility to break off the alliance with France. Fearing another two-front war, Napoleon threatens serious consequences if Russia forms an alliance with Britain. 

By 1812, advisers (intriguers) to Alexander suggest an invasion of the French Empire and recapture of Poland (now an ally of France). On receipt of intelligence reports on Russia's war preparations, Napoleon prepares for a preemptive offensive campaign against Russia. The invasion begins on June 23, 1812. 
Alexander I of Russia Facts for KidsAlexander I of Russia - Wikipedia
1- Court intriguers persuaded Alexander to break off his alliance with Napoleon 
and join up once again with Rothschild-Britain instead. 
2- Painting depicts meeting between Alexander and Napoleon during happier days. 
MAY 11, 1812 
British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval enters the lobby of the House of Commons. He is on his way to a meeting whose purpose is to discuss how to diffuse the rising tensions with the United States – an important goal for Preceval. (22) A man named John Bellingham then draws a pistol and shoots Perceval at close range. Perceval is killed. Bellingham is tried and hanged just one week later. 

In 1787, Bellingham had been a midshipman on a vessel that was taken over by mutineers and sunk. In 1803, he briefly worked in Russia, where he was imprisoned for sabotaging a Russian ship, also lost at sea. These incidents suggest that Bellingham is a political radical, and not just a "crazed lone gunman". The odd manner in which Bellingham is so quickly executed, the lack of investigation into a possible broader conspiracy, his link to a mutiny, his arrest in Russia, and the looming Bank War with the U.S., all suggest that the killer is a radical patsy, used by higher authorities to eliminate a disobedient Prime Minister. 

Perceval’s murder will be the first in a long series of political murders, and attempted murders, which will plague Europe and America for the next 200 years. In many of these cases, it will be an emotionally unstable ‘lone’ radical who is used to carry out the dirty deed. 
Assassination of Spencer Perceval - WikiwandJohn Bellingham and the assassination of Spencer Perceval - News ...
The murder of Perceval makes war with the United States inevitable.
JUNE, 1812 
THE STRANGE ‘WAR OF 1812’ BEGINS (1812-14) 
The murder of Prime Minister Perceval delays the effort to improve relations with the United States. Had Perceval lived, the British wartime policy of European trade restrictions and harassing of American vessels would have been lifted, and peace maintained. 

War commences just 5 weeks after the assassination. The same Hamiltonian/Federalists, who wanted to re-charter The Central Bank also oppose Madison’s decision to fight the British. After the war ends in 1814, the Federalists will be perceived as unpatriotic and their political party collapses. 

Perceval’s successor, Robert Jenkinson (Lord Liverpool) will later lift the trade restriction orders, which are the stated cause of the war. But by that time, the gesture is meaningless as the war is already started. Whether Liverpool was being sincere, or whether he was just trying to shift the blame for war onto the United States, is unclear. 

What is known is that the House of Rothschild financed both sides of the war! (23)
General Andrew Jackson | The War of 1812: A History From Beginning to End eBook ...
American General Andrew Jackson will emerge as a 
heroic figure from The War of 1812. More on Jackson, later on. 
The Russians avoid Napoleon's objective of a decisive engagement and instead retreat deeper into Russia. A brief attempt at resistance is made at Smolensk in August, but the Russians are defeated in a series of battles. Napoleon resumes his advance. 

Owing to the Russian army's scorched earth tactics, the French find it hard to forage food for themselves and their horses. The Russians eventually offer battle outside Moscow. The Battle of Borodino results in about 44,000 Russian and 35,000 French dead, wounded or captured. 

Although the French win, the Russian army has withstood the major battle Napoleon had hoped would be decisive. Napoleon's own account: 

"The most terrible of all my battles was the one before Moscow. The French showed themselves to be worthy of victory, but the Russians showed themselves worthy of being invincible." (24) 

Napoleon retreats with most of his Grand Armee intact. On the long march home, typhus wipes out most of his men.
Napoleon And Russian Campaign Stock Photos & Napoleon And Russian ...Scrub Typhus- Etiology, Epidemiology, Symptoms, Pathogenesis ...
The retreat from Russia proves disastrous for Napoleon. Contrary to popular belief, it was neither the Russian Army nor, nor hunger, nor the cold that wiped out most of his returning Grand Armee. It was the lice spread disease of typhus. (25) 
From his base in London's financial district, (“The City”) Nathan Rothschild single-handedly continues to finance Britain's war to defeat Napoleon. Shipments of gold to the European continent fund the Duke of Wellington's armies and also those of Britain's allies, Prussia and Austria. The Rothschild brothers co-ordinate their activities across the continent, and develop a network of agents, shippers, and couriers to transport gold across war-torn Europe. Were it not for Rothschild's limitless fortune, the Allies would surely have had to make peace with Napoleon by now. 
The Duke of Wellington: Forging the 'Iron Duke' - BBC Teach
The Duke of Wellington's Army 
was funded by Nathan Rothschild 

BORIS KARLOFF, GEORGE ARLISS, THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD, 1943 Stock 7w049 HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD Grosset & Dunlap movie ...Greenbriar Picture Shows: Twentieth-Century Still In The Banking ...Boris Karloff filmography - Wikipedia
The 1934 Hollywood film openly portrays the Allies begging Rothschild for finance! Boris Karloff, best known for his 1931 role as the Frankenstein Monster, plays the part of a Prussian (German) “anti-Semitic” Count who despises the Rothschilds. Karloff is deliberately made-up to resemble the monster. 
There is a lull in fighting over the winter of 1812–13 as both the Russians and the French rebuild their forces. Napoleon is then able to field 350,000 troops. Emboldened by France's failure in Russia, Prussia joins with Austria, Sweden, Russia, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal in a new coalition. Napoleon assumes command in Germany and inflicts a series of defeats on the Coalition, culminating in the Battle of Dresden in August 1813. 

Despite these stunning successes against multiple armies, the losses continue to mount against Napoleon. The French army is eventually pinned down by a force twice its size and at the Battle of Leipzig. This is by far the largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars and cost more than 90,000 casualties in total.  
Battle of Leipzig - WikipediaBattle of Leipzig | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Battle of Leipzig marks the first time Napoleon was defeated in battle. 
SPRING 1814 
Napoleon withdraws back to France; his army having been reduced to 70,000 soldiers and 40,000 stragglers, against more than three times as many Allied troops. The French are surrounded as British forces press from the south, and other Coalition forces position to attack from the German states. Paris is captured by the Coalition in March 1814. 

On April 2, 1814, the French Senate declares Napoleon deposed. When Napoleon learns that Paris has surrendered, he proposes that the army march on the capital. His Marshals then mutiny. They confront Napoleon and force him to announce his unconditional abdication only two days later. 
Treaty of Fontainebleau (1814) - Wikipedia29 - The First Abdication - Napoleon
"Sorry Boss. But you have to step down." 
APRIL, 1814 
The combination of Rothschild’s endless money, cunning British intrigue, limitless allied manpower, "the Spanish Ulcer', and the disastrous typhus-infested retreat from Russia were all just too much for the French to overcome. After Napoleon's abdication, King Louis XVIII is installed as ruler of France. Napoleon is exiled to the island of Elba off the Italian coast, where he is given authority over the island's 12,000 inhabitants. 
Where and why did Napoleon get exiled to? - QuoraElba - Wikipedia
While in exile, Napoleon plans his next move. 
AUGUST, 1814 
British forces occupy Washington DC. They set fire to the White House and other important buildings including the Treasury, The Capitol, and the Library of Congress. Less than two days after sacking Washington, the British are forced to leave when a violent hurricane tears through DC. The freak storm extinguishes fires, kills British troops, and damages many of their ships. 
War of 1812: Special relationship where Britain burned down White ...
The Redcoats burn the White House 
before a storm chases them away. 
President Madison and the rest of the government then quickly return to the Capitol City. Legend has it that a storm sent by “Divine Providence” drove the British away. Later that same year, Britain and the US will make peace. 

Separated from his wife and sons, and aware of rumors that he might be shipped to a remote island in the middle of the Atlantic, Napoleon stuns Europe by escaping from Elba with a handful of supporters and soldiers, in February of 1815. Soon after landing on the French mainland, a regiment of French soldiers, under orders to arrest him, confronts their former Emperor. Napoleon approaches the regiment alone, dismounts his horse and shouts: 

"Here I am. Kill your Emperor, if you wish." (26) 

The soldiers respond with, "Long Live the Emperor!" and march with Napoleon to Paris! 

King Louis XVIII flees. Napoleon quickly raises another army. He will once again confront the Rothschild-funded British and Prussians at the decisive Battle of Waterloo in Belgium. 
By M. S. KING TomatoBubble.comBy M. S. KING
He's back! Defying orders to arrest Napoleon, the troops join him instead.  
JUNE, 1815 
Again financed by The House of Rothschild, The British, led by the Duke of Wellington, and the Prussians, led by Gebhard von Blucher, amass their armies near the north-eastern border of France. Napoleon is forced to preemptively attack France's enemies before they can unleash a massive, coordinated invasion of France, along with other members of this latest Allied coalition. 

The Battle of Waterloo is fought on Sunday, June 18, 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium. The French army nearly wins the great battle. It is only the late arrival of Prussian reinforcements that suddenly tilts the battle against the French. 

The defeat at Waterloo marks the end of Napoleon's Hundred Days return from exile and ends his rule as Emperor once and for all. The very word "Waterloo" has since been synonymous with one's final defeat. 
Napoleon Bonaparte - Quotes, Death & Facts - BiographyBattle of Waterloo | National Army Museum
Napoleon's strategy to divide the British and Prussian armies, 
and then destroy them separately, almost worked. 
JUNE, 1815 
The Rothschild Brothers utilize courier pigeons to rapidly communicate amongst themselves and their agents. The network provides Nathan Rothschild with political and financial information ahead of his peers, giving him an advantage in the financial markets. After the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, Rothschild receives word of the battle's outcome long before anyone else. 

Rothschild will use the "insider information" of Wellington's victory to become Britain’s supreme master. He orders his brokers to sell off his holdings. Other brokers assume that Rothschild has therefore learned that Britain has lost at Waterloo. A panic sell-off drives the market down to historic lows. Rothschild then buys up the devalued market at bargain prices. 

When the public learns of Britain’s victory over Napoleon, the stocks skyrocket to new heights. Nathan Rothschild multiplies his massive fortune by 20 times!

After the final defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon is exiled to the island of St. Helena, 1000 miles off the coast of West Africa. King Louis XVIII is installed on the throne and, predictably, allows Napoleon’s “Infamous Decree” against usury to expire in 1818. The Rothschilds are back in control! 

Rumors of Napoleon return will continue to occasionally circulate throughout Europe. Napoleon is neglected by his British captors, and will finally die in 1821, at age 51, from what appears to be arsenic poisoning. 
May 5, 1821: Napoleon dies in exile. Napoleon Bonaparte, the ...The Death of Napoleon: such a big mystery?
Napoleon dies. The legend lives. His coffin is still on display in Paris. 
After Napoleon’s defeat, the European powers hold a series of meetings in Vienna, Austria. Political boundaries are redrawn. Old disputes are settled. These conferences are known as Vienna “Though many nations participate, the Congress is run by the “Big Four” (Britain, Prussia, Russia, & Austria). The most notable decision reached at Vienna is the consolidation of 360 small German states, into a German Confederation of 38 states. 

Arrangements made by the Four Great Powers ensure that future disputes will be settled in a manner that will avoid the wars of the previous twenty years. Although  the Congress of Vienna preserves the “balance of power” in Europe, it does not check the spread of the Red revolutionary movements that are being born, and will spread across Europe some 30 years later.’ 

"Balance of Power” politics serves the interests of the Globalist planners in that it allows for a disobedient nation, or nations, to be checked, challenged, and controlled by a group of other nations of equal power. The Rothschilds and their agents will soon wield enormous financial influence in 3 of the “Big 4” nations. Only Russia still remains free of Rothschild’s reach. 
Lessons, warnings in a centuries-old peace – Harvard GazetteCongress of Vienna - Wikipedia
The Congress of Vienna consolidated German states and redrew the borders of Europe. 
Madison and Monroe Chapter 8,Section 2. American System Made by ...
Five years after America’s Central Bank was killed, and just two years after the White House is burned, the Second Bank of the United States is chartered by many of the same Congressmen who voted against the re-charter in 1811. After the War of 1812, Madison and other anti-Bank Jeffersonians had a “change of heart” when they found it difficult to cover war debts. Was there a deal made to re-establish a Bank in order to call off Rothschild's British attack dogs? 

The timing of the re-charter, the timing of the Perceval assassination, the timing of the war, and the sudden decision to now accept a Central Bank, suggest that the very strange War of 1812 was actually a Bank War. Like the first Bank, this one also has a 20 year charter, is also a privately held corporation, and its principal shareholders are also linked to the New York-London axis. The Bank has the power to engineer debt driven "booms" by creating money "out of thin air" and then lending it into the economy at interest. 
By 1819, the Bank has already created its first boom-bust real estate bubble. The Bank's easy debt money drove prices up, and its "tight money" adjustment drove prices down. When the bubble from The Panic of 1819 pops; borrowers are unable to repay their loans and property values crash. 

Bankruptcies and bank runs follow. 
Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, and The Panic of 1819 - Jimmy PolkThe Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies: Murray N. Rothbard ...
By 1819, the new Central Bank will already have created its first disastrous bubble –
in real estate and also stocks. 
With the recent death of King George III, Revolutionary Arthur Thistlewood and his gang of conspirators hope to exploit his death and bring a French style revolution to Britain. At their Cato Street meeting place in London, the group plots to kill Britain’s Prime Minister as well as all of his Cabinet Ministers. In the ensuing chaos, the radicals would then institute a “Committee for Public Safety” to instigate and oversee a radical Revolution similar to the murderous French Revolution of just 30 years earlier. 

After the plot is uncovered, five of the main planners are executed and five others sentenced to prison. As was the case in France, Thistlewood’s masters and financial backers remain in the shadows. The Red monster is still alive and growing in Europe. Britain's Red Revolution was foiled and the traitors were hanged.

visit Mike King site here, for more real history


footnotes 1-26
1- Internet Search Term: rothschild richest family world history 
2- Internet Search Term: fortune magazine Rothschild a founding father international finance 
3- Internet Search Term: sons of liberty boston massacre 
4- Internet Search Term: declaration of independence 
5- Internet Search Term: haym salomon 
6- Internet Search Term: haym salomon wanted nothing for himself but something for his people 
7- Internet Search Term: alexander hamilton jewish school 
8- Internet Search Term: jefferson banking establishments are more dangerous armies 
9- Internet Search Term: john adams impatient artful indefatigable and unprincipled intriguer 
10- Internet Search Term: washington farewell address 
11- Internet Search Term: Robison proofs conspiracy an association has been formed 
12- Internet Search Term: abbe barruel 
13- Internet Search Term: washington not my intention to doubt that doctrines of the illuminati 
14- Internet Search Term: napoleon deist 
15- Internet Search Term: napoleon when a government is dependent upon bankers for money 
16- Internet Search Term: boisrong-tonnere we should have the skin of a white man 
17- Internet Search Term: massacre haiti 1804 
18- Internet Search Term: napoleon battle austerlitz is the finest of all I have fought 312 
19- Internet Search Term: berel wein napoleon's outward tolerance and fairness toward jews 
20- Internet Search Term: napoleon necessary to reduce destroy, the tendency of jewish people 
21- Internet Search Term: i have undertaken to reform the jews 
22- Internet Search Term: spencer perceval the evangelical prime minister page 177 
23- Internet Search Term: 
24- Internet Search Term: naploleon most terrible of all my battles 
25- Internet Search Term: napoleon grand armee typhus russia 
26- Internet Search Term: napoleon here i am kill your emperor if you wish


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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...