We already know the "H" and the "T" in detail, let's talk now about their union and the resulting symbol, but leaving aside the religious-symbolic justification of the "Hierosimilae Templum", which we have already known in previous chapters .
The scope of the new joint symbol "HT" goes far beyond the symbolism of the Temple of Solomon. Let us first synthesize the second part ("H") and the third part ("T") of the series of articles dedicated to 666:
About the "H" , or Hagall rune, we can draw a conclusion: Hagall is a symbolic world related to the lineage of ENLIL , via the gods Perun and Hel.
About the "T" , or Tau cross, we can draw another conclusion: Tau is a symbolic world relative to Merope / Pleiades, origin of the ENKI lineage .
the symbol H + T refers to the sum of the two lineages ENKI and ENLIL, that is to say the Anunnaki as a whole , united over their rivalry in pursuit of a common goal: the Earth and its project "man". The union of the "H" and the "T" opens a new symbolic universe that revolves around the history of the Anunnaki (the two lineages - Pleiadian and Niburian - together) on our planet:
We could summarize everything said about it in this image:
From the new Hagall-Enlil / Tau-Enki combination arises the Hierosimilae Templum symbol and with it three new symbols are also born, whose influence on humanity has been decisive
1st The symbol of the cult of SATURN, the "Lord of the Rings".
2º The Triple Tau, fundamental symbol of FREEMASONRY and the "Cross of Jerusalem"
3rd The symbol of the IHS -the Eucharist- and the logo of the JESUITS, whose religious and laity make up the group with the greatest power in the shadows.
It seems clear that the HT symbol, the icon of the two Anunnaki lineages, has penetrated the depths of our civilization. The coat of arms of the Nazi army "9.SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen" is an omen that this is not a good thing.
Let's go by parts....
1st Hagall / Tau and Saturn
The first of the three applications of the union symbol "HT = Anunnakis" that we are going to delve into is that of the planet Saturn. With it it will be explained why the cult of the planet of the rings is so widespread throughout the planet. No one is free to worship Saturn, even if they are not aware of it.
Saturn outshines the Sun, "official" NASA photograph, without retouching. Down with the Black Sun symbol
Saturn is the planet of 6 , the sixth planet counting from the Sun and its day - Saturn-day or Saturday - is the sixth day of the week . The association between the planet and the 6 goes through the figure of the triple 6, that is, the hexagon (6 triangles + the 6 angles + the 6 vertices) , due to the strange phenomenon of its atmosphere, see Lottery and the cult of Saturn comes from the Nazi symbol of the "Black Sun", which refers to an eclipse in which Saturn covers the sun, as in the beautiful photograph taken by the Cassini probe.
The Black Sun or Solar Wheel is an ancient Norse symbol that represented the day of the end of the world The Sun was the door through which they arrived and it was the door through which they left the last time, specifically through an alignment -eclipse- between the Sun and Saturn.
As in any eclipse, in that of Saturn the star intervenes and breaks the electromagnetic balance between two other bodies and the respective forces that unite them. The great energy released by the potential difference and the consequent change , is capable of opening a wormhole, what is called a " stargate ". This is the reason why the planet of the rings (the Lord of the Rings) has reached universal cult status, directly as Saturn or represented as the black cube. and also that the Sun has always been a reason for worship in all civilizations, as we will relate later.
The three monotheistic religions worship Saturn. Hollywood too.
The worship of the eclipse of Saturn is the hidden motif behind the worship of the Kaaba, in Mecca, and the shape of the caps, the solids of the priests or the Hebrew Tefillim. And from the mythology of the Mr. of the Rings (rings of ... Saturn), that we remember was the dark lord. A cult anchored in the collective subconscious for many centuries but with a view to the future, in its programmed return. In other words, Humanity continues to be honored and confidently "waiting" for a moment that, however, will not occur, because its plans failed.
Saturn devouring his son - Peter Paul Rubens.
We already explained in Lottery and the cult of Saturn, the story that led Saturn to devour his children ... now we explain that the painting includes the triple six in the sky: three stars together of the type of 666, in its version of " Hagall Rune " . 2nd Hagall / Tau and the Triple Tau
The squares are a basic symbol in Masonry and three of them, combined " tetris" , make up the triple Tau, the sign of the "Royal Arch". It is the second application of the symbol of the union of symbols "HT = Anunnakis" .
the sign of the triple cross Tau or "Triple square" reed with three ancient carpenter's squares
The Triple Tau is a sign formed by three "T" joined at the base, the sign of the Masonic triple square that refers to Hiram Abí, the master builder of the Temple of Solomon, the central character of Masonry together with the king Solomon. In legend, Tubal-cain (Enki) gives Hiram Abiff a hammer in the form of Tau.
The Triple Tau within the triangle is the sign of the " Holy Royal Arch " or "Royal Arch", a degree of Freemasonry present in all major Masonic systems. ..
The "Royal Arch" is the Supreme Order, the result of the union of the two English Grand Lodges, in 1801. It is governed by a council of 72 members (like the 72 demons of " The Clavicles of Solomon "). It is the heir and the culmination of ancient Freemasonry, closely linked to the Temple of Solomon.
A fourth squad added to the Triple Tau generates the cross of the Order "Knights of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem" ...
Order of the Holy Sepulcher, the third great order of warrior monks that operated in Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades.
These four squares are known as the "Jerusalem Cross" and it is the emblem of the Order that was created in its day by the King of Jerusalem, at the beginning of the Crusades (a position held by King Juan Carlos until recently, see from Chosen to the Fallen ).
At present, the order continues to exist, although far from the power held by the heirs of the other two orders with which they competed in the Crusades: the Jesuits - heirs of the Temple - and those of Malta - heirs of the "Order of Saint John" . That despite the coverage the Vatican has always given to those of the Holy Sepulcher , which have their headquarters a few meters from St. Peter's Square.
Both the Royal Arch of Freemasonry and the Orders of Chivalry perfectly represent the archetype of the "club of the elect" , the maximum expression of the "Privilege effect" (aside from those sloppy and insatiable imitators that are political parties, in Spain PP and PSOE ). Both are clear examples of the desire of human beings to be part of the exclusive club of the privileged , a desire even stronger than that of the powerful "Don Dinero". It is a sad inheritance from ancient times, from when intermediaries were created that, in the beginning, were only kings and priests.
3rd Hagall / Tau and the Jesuits
The third application of the union symbol "HT = Anunnakis" opens a whole symbolic universe, vital in religion: the symbol of the sacrament of the Eucharist -the IHS- and, as if that were not enough, it is the logo of the Society of Jesus .
That two such important signs are actually the sign of the false Sumerian Anunnaki gods is too serious to allow us to know. Hence, it had to be duly camouflaged. To hide the true origin of the IHS symbol, it was "invented" that it is formed from the Greek name of Jesus: ΙΗΣΟΥΣ, which would be an abbreviation: IHΣ , the final Σ being replaced by the Yes, and the I for the J, basically to mislead . And if we speak of confusion, we must cite the version that IHS is equivalent to the initials I esus H ominum S alvator and the conspiracy version could not be absent: IHS corresponds to I sis,H orus and S et (*).The IHS appears already in the first centuries of our era and has been found in the emblematic catacombs of Priscilla, the leading priestess of the Montanists, the true martyrs murdered by the Roman Empire in the early Christian church. In 1541, Ignacio de Loyola adopted the symbol as a seal of the Jesuit order, rematándolo with three nails of Christ and circling of the sun . His inspiration was not accidental , although he surely did not know what kind of symbol he was actually handling. As the Company's logo, it has had different versions throughout history, from whose study its obscure origin can be deduced. In them, the "H" and "T" have been separated to the current version, that neither touch , and "T" (Babylonian Tau Cross) has become the traditional cross of Christianity ... the machine to "make mistakes" running at full speed .
Let's see the scheme of the evolution from 666 to the current anagram of the Society of Jesus:
The Jesuit logo is 666
After all this process of "makeup", it is difficult to relate the logo of the Society of Jesus with 666. However, we can use the shortcut that led us directly to relate them. It was through various seals used for the invocation of "demons", some in the "Great Grimoire of Pope Honorius" , one of the medieval texts of High Black Magic and the first that mixes black magic with Christianity. See Gotia and the Pleiades
The Great Grimoire of Pope Honorius (1760), has been considered the most "diabolical" of all the Black Books, since it invokes the power of the Virgin, the Saints and Jesus himself (¡¡¡) to make pacts with spirits and demonic entities .
It may seem strange, but this is the usual procedure of the leadership of the Society of Jesus - and of other Catholic groups - and Pope Honorius III is proof that this was already common practice in the church centuries ago. Honorius III was the first to promote religious orders , especially that of the sadistic Dominicans, in charge of the Inquisition .
The religious orders were the first link in the plan of darkness in today's civilization - after Jesus - and gave rise to the orders of warrior monks, who were the seed of the current structure of those who rule from behind the curtains.
However, the Jesuit logo has an excellent alibi.
The IHS present in the host, the chalice and the tabernacle of the Catholic rites
The supposed monogram of Jesus is supported by his presence in the Eucharist, the basic sacrament of Catholicism. IHS is the sign marked on the hosts and in the tabernacle that Christians use in communion .
Its presence in the rite of the "body of Christ" is related to the way in which the 666 code is implanted in people , as we will see in the second part of this article, that it is already exceeding the maximum recommended size. Go preparing for the greatest derision that can be made to Jesus, to the most powerful religion on the planet and to the human being in general.
In the recent Year of Faith , which Pope Francis closed on 11/24/2014 in an interesting ritual in Rome , the breakdown of the Jesuit logo in the "H" (Hagall rune) and the "T" could be better verified. (Tau cross), along with the Anunnaki solar cult. We will also speak extensively about the cult of the sun in the third part of this article. The "Seal of Solomon" with "h" and the original 666 code highlighted.
By the way, we can already find the lowercase "H" in the sign known as "Seal of Solomon", in the book "The Clavicles of Solomon", see Gotia and the Pleiades ). This book contains instructions for the evocation of seventy-two demons and today it has revived in popularity since it was re-edited by Aleister Crowley, the great Satanist. The circle continues to close rapidly. Despite the wide field covered by the three applications of the union symbol "HT = Anunnakis", it must be clear that we are always circling around the same concept, whatever the graphic form used . This Jesuit logo, whose "IHS" is lowercase, like the Saturn symbol, proves it. Our civilization and our history, however you look at it, is built around the "HT" union . The Anunnaki are among us, be it physically as in ancient times or astral as in our days.
The Eucharist
The first thing that surprises us when observing the sacred sacrament of the Christian Eucharist with the glasses of Truth is the pagan character of the ritual. In Roman religion, a host meant "being that is sacrificed in honor of the gods" and it was used for the smaller animals that were going to be sacrificed (the larger ones, such as oxen or horses, were called victims).
Priest levitates in full ritual of sacrifice and stamp of the "First Communion", the first time a Christian receives the consecrated "host"
The church does not hide that the sacrament of the Eucharist refers to a sacrifice , but with their usual verbiage they have reconverted it to "the self-sacrifice that Jesus made to save men." Therefore, we all agree that the ingestion of the Host in the Mass ritualizes, in one way or another, a sacrifice.
In case the character of the ritual sacrifice of the most important sacrament of Christianity is not clear, it must be remembered that Jesus is called "Lamb of God", since the lamb was one of the most common "hosts" or animals for sacrifice ( possibly taste like meat more priests who were the offerings of the holocaust after eating ). In addition, the lamb was the animal that directly replaced the first-born son that was used to be sacrificed to the gods in even older times.
According to the dictionary, sacrifice is an "offering that is made to the divinity" and for all this it is clear that the Eucharist is implicit the offering to the ancient gods, those who received the sacrifices of living beings. The same gods who plotted to eliminate Jesus, applying their " Final Solution " magic . Modern child sacrifices to the god Baal, the "calf", in Palestinian lands
The Eucharist continues to represent the same ritual that Abraham was required to sacrifice a lamb, which in turn represented the sacrifice of children to Baal or Moloch. And it continues to represent the same ritual that Zionism has carried out in the Gaza Strip, in various altars such as playgrounds or schools preferably, see Gaza, the children's war.
Over time, butchering and burning a lamb each holiday and in each church became unfeasible and that is why the ritual was long ago replaced by a piece of bread, whose origin would be in the "Matza", a bread that is consumed for the Jewish holiday of Passover , which was the spring festival in which the resurrection of Mithras was celebrated (date Jesus was assassinated). The church, aware that it was better to erase the clues of its true origin, "invented" the elaborate theory of transubstantiation - change of substance - whereby through consecration, bread and wine become body and blood of Jesus Christ.
For dozens of years the Church was entertained discussing whether "in the host the Body and Blood of Christ is received and not Christ in its entirety or if, on the contrary, in the Eucharist the body, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ are consumed. ", which seems more like a discussion of a cannibal tribe than a discussion of theology. The subject was not trivial and was one of the great differences that caused the schism of Protestantism. As for the wine, which wants to represent the blood of Jesus, its origin is in the ritual banquets of the cult of Mithras (whose life is so similar to that of Jesus, see Francisco, mass adoration of Mithras . In them, the sacred drink wasthe wine, which represented the blood of the divine bull of Mithras .
The Church's brilliant masking solution ended up being even worse because, if what was intended was to hide the immolation of a living being as an offering to the ancient gods, the new justification converts millions of parishioners into cannibals, who take communion and They "eat the body of Christ" every Sunday. And he turns priests into vampires, as they pour a cup full of human blood on the altar . We are not joking about Jesus, on the contrary, we are denouncing those who have been making fun of Jesus for 2014 years, or at least, making fun of those who practice these rites with all the good intention of their hearts.
The Eucharist hides the great mischief that is done with the faithful. If the hosts are embossed with the IHS sign -which comes from 666-, it is not a mere coincidence, since in the voluntary act of receiving the host a person gives permission for the last of the 666 codes to be implanted. , the one that gives them the name and is the origin of the symbolism of the number of the Beast.
Thus, in the act of receiving Communion, code 666 is implanted. It is an accurate name, since this code is programmed so that the bond that every human being has - "as standard" - with the Source (through the pineal gland) , be replaced by a tie with "them", a tie with the OO. Origin of Evil on the planet. This type of bond is not the heritage of a religion and can be activated in various ways, as we already explained what happens at the Western Wall , the sacred place of Judaism. In addition, there are numerous programmed tricks around the world to make this happen, generally after a simulation of the act of giving permission or in some ritual.
The effect of the 666 codes on people varies in each case and depends a lot on the level of consciousness and the strength of each one . In this case, we are also faced with a link that does not have to start being used immediately, but can be executed at any time and with any intensity, depending on each person and their changing circumstances . The tie with the OO. It may represent those who have it implanted from minimal almost imperceptible effects to mental disorders or physical somatizations of all kinds , although the common effect will always be the loss of the ability to feel and offer Love. Thus, the fact that a large part of humanity can wear this tie with the dark ones "who descended from heaven to earth", it is directly related to that exclamation that sometimes escapes us when reading a newspaper or a history book: "How is it possible that ...?"
When we refer to the slavery of the human being , we refer, among other things, to the 666 codes and the most representative of them all, 666. We remember that in the next article we will explain in detail the 666 codes, and their alternative of Light.
The host does not always have the "IHS" in relief. In this photograph, the 666 / asterisk is directly printed. Any questions?
This energy technology, which seems more like magic to us, can be difficult to believe and assimilate, but that has never changed a Truth . In any case, it is not our job to convince, we do our job and each one must do theirs . Of course, we want to make it clear that revealing what actually happens in a misa does not make the parishioners or priests accomplices and I apologize if anyone who reads this paragraph may feel very offended. I said, each one has to do their job ... and also assume the just responsibility that I take .
The Host
The small animals that were offered in sacrifice were called "hosts", the name by which today the wafers of bread that substitute them are named. The host, moreover, has a second meaning, as much or more important, since its shape concerns that of the Sun and is also shown to the parishioners inside a monstrance or Monstrance, which is usually adorned with the sun's rays .
The golden rays around the host leave no doubt that we are facing a ritual of solar worship, despite the fact that the church justifies them as the "rays that symbolize the graces conferred on those who worship" ...
The host is also usually engraved with the IHS inscription, the significance of which we have just explained . But not everything has to be critical of the church, we must thank it for its realism in representing the Sun in white, as it truly is . From so much painting it yellow we have come to believe that it is, despite the fact that every day we see it white in the sky.
Recently, in church there is a fierce debate about whether the host should be put in the mouth or whether the parishioner can touch it with his hand. No comment.
The "Custody" is the container in which the sacred host or body of Christ is kept - custody - thanks to the miracle of transubstantiation. As we can see in the animation, the form that underlies a custody is that of 666 / Asterisk , see Surviving 666 1st part . The different shape of the arms of a Custody , leads us to another very important sign, which some connoisseurs of Sumerian religion will recognize, the "Wheel of Anu" ... Two examples of custodies with a design exactly like the "Wheel of Anu"
These images show the similarity between the Custody and the "Wheel of Anu" , the star-shaped sign that represents the god "Anu", supreme head of the Sumerian Anunnaki pantheon and father of Enki and Enlil. Plagiarism or continuation of the cult?
But there is still another Catholic sign more like the symbol of Anu than the Eucharistic custody itself. In fact, it looks more like a modern redesign by a prestigious graphic designer than the logo of a Catholic NGO. We are talking about the Caritas logo, which would not resist a plagiarism lawsuit if Anu filed it .
But let's not get carried away by the anecdote, let's go to the hidden meaning of the sign ... that someone will have already said that the Caritas cross means the church (a cross) in movement and it is true, because those wavy diagonal bands are a shape graph of suggesting a vibration or energy and this is the clue that we are going to follow next and what it will take us to the wormholes and the Sun ...
Wheel of Anu, worship of the Sun
There is a date in the recent history of humanity that no one talks about but that in one sense or another marked many people. December 2012 is an event that has gone down in history not because of what happened, but because of what stopped happening. In that same summer, the London Olympic Games delighted everyone with an unsurpassed collection of symbols and hidden messages that added even more expectation to the Mayan prophecies of 2012.
One of the most shocking scenes of the Opening Ceremony of those Olympic Games was the staging, in full solo XXI, of an ancestral sun worship ritual , an obsessively repeated image in the history of the human being. The divinization of the star has nothing to do with the fact that " sunlight represents life and the fertility of the fields ", as the most stale and easy story explains. Solar divinization has to do with the ancient Sumerian gods , because the Sun was the door through which they came to this planet that they made their own, long before Adam collected fallen leaves to cover himself.
21st century, worship and terror of the Sun televised live all over the planet
The origin of this obsession with the solar cult is in "those who descended from heaven to earth", according to the Sumerian tablets found. We are going to analyze it carefully, we try to reveal the Truth but we do not beg for any act of faith.It is a pity that the school does not have a guarantee and / or maintenance service that reviews and updates in adults all those outdated knowledge, which over time have been proven wrong, such as Gravity, which has ceased to be that force of attraction vector that Newton imagined . Today, we know that Gravity does not exist as such, but is simply the result of the negotiation of active electromagnetic forces between two bodies .
These forces are what keep a body orbiting around another, as in "old Gravity", only now we know that what happens is that the space-time field is curved by the action of the mass of a star, so similar to how a ball would deform a tension sheet with its weight , the curvature of space-time caused by the ball is what traps other smaller stars in their orbits .

The spacetime field weakly deformed by the Sun compared to that caused by a black hole, a true suction funnel where space and time are deformed
The stars maintain a balance between the force of attraction and that of electromagnetic repulsion with respect to all their companions in the universe, even the most distant ones, although in a much weaker way. Under certain conditions the "gravitational / electromagnetic" attraction becomes very strong , too strong to be counteracted by repulsion and it is at this point when we speak of a "Black Hole" from which nothing, not even light, will be able to escape .
All celestial bodies have their potential black hole inside them , and not only the stars, all atoms as well. What is above is below . The existence of black holes has already been theoretically demonstrated in Einstein's equations of General Relativity and is supported by astronomical observations, and even in laboratory experiments . It is not unreasonable to think that advanced technology civilizations can take advantage of them to massively access our solar system or move through the universe.
Einstein also said that mathematically the reverse effect is possible, that is, the white hole .
If a black hole swallows everything that comes close to it, the white hole is a place where the opposite occurs, where collapse turns into expansion. Therefore, it is a place from which matter would spontaneously appear in a Universe at a different distance (and time?) . The concatenation of the two holes is known as "Wormhole" , as it is as if a worm took the shortcut of going through the interior of the block, to reach the other side without having to go around it.Thus, if something penetrates the black hole it ends up exiting through the white hole to any other part of the universe, going through a tunnel that is a distortion of space-time. Wormholes are shortcuts in space-time that allow us to join two very distant points , which is the same as saying that they make it possible to travel millions of light years, something inconceivable with the technology we use today. The distance is the main argument of the skeptics to deny the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization, but it loses all the force with the new knowledge that little by little is opening for us.
But yes, not everything is as simple as in theory ...
For this tunnel between universes to exist - or for a potential black hole to become a reality - a great deal of energy is needed to unbalance electromagnetic forces in just the right amount.
The "vibrating" wheel of Anu, hidden symbol in the Custody of the hosts of the Eucharist
The collapse of a star can provide this energy spontaneously (scientists believe that in the Milky Way there may be 100 million black holes of collapsed stars) . This energy-vibration principle is what is hidden behind the "Wheel of Anu" , a symbol used by the leader of the Sumerian-Anunnaki pantheon (left image) that alludes to the technology that allowed them to arrive in our Solar System.
The necessary energy can also be obtained, redirected, when the electromagnetic forces that unite the stars are altered by some planetary conjunction or eclipse, as we have previously explained what happened with Saturn, origin of the cult of the planet. Hence, to use the wormhole of the sun astronomy must be taken into account, in this sense it is significant that human civilizations as ancient as Sumer, Egyptian, and Maya shone in Astronomy.
We are crossing the boundaries of what we have learned at full speed, but what we have just explained has already been reproduced in the laboratory :
The black hole, from theory to laboratory.
More recently, Narimanov and Kildishev, two North American scientists, laid the foundations to build for the first time an electromagnetic black hole capable of absorbing the light that surrounds it. Months after the publication of their work, Tie Jun Cui and Qiang Cheng, from the University of Nanjing, in China, have built an apparatus that works according to its principle and that, through a cylindrical structure formed by concentric rings, a black hole capable of trapping electromagnetic radiation inside.
The secret to getting the light to “ bend ” into the device and be trapped is to make the Permittivity - a physical constant that describes how an electric field affects and is affected by a medium - gradually increasing from the outer surface. towards the interior of the cylindrical ring structure. At the point where the shell meets the nucleus, the Permittivity of the ring must be set to the proper value so that the light is absorbed rather than reflected.
We will speak again of Permittivity, or the "Formula of Intent" . We will do it in the next chapter, where we give a scientific explanation of the "Creator" -God as some call him-, especially for all those skeptics who need physical reasons to understand those difficult things that are so easily understood from LOVE.
The black hole has been reproduced in the laboratory, but the entry and exit - or "wormholes" have not yet been demonstrated. However, there are images taken from SOHO probes in which a multitude of large mysterious objects are seen around the sun. The vast majority are distortions of the lenses, comets, etc. but some, like the one on the left, have no other explanation than that of a ship moving away from the star leaving a huge white trail in its wake.
Also for the skeptics we include this other nice image, if the one above needs to be interpreted, this one does not. It is not Photoshop or a lens distortion, it is a photograph of the NASA space shuttle "Atlantis" as it passes in front of the Sun.[for an object that is some 93 million away from the Earth, and another object, that at most orbited the earth when it was in flight, this pic raises more questions then answers in my opinion. DC]
note: InterstellarThe powerful gravitational forces that the traveler would be subjected to inside a wormhole is one of the main obstacles to solve before its use in interstellar travel. This is one of the many themes bravely tackled by Christopher Nolan in the recently released movie " Interstellar ." The articulated monolith tribute to "2001 Odyssey ..."
Nolan, advised by the theoretical physicist and expert in relativity Kip Thorne, builds the story of a humanity forced to search for a new home among candidate worlds too far from Earth . As an alternative, a ship goes through a wormhole that "they" prepared near Saturn. "They" are very advanced beings who master mobility between dimensions and are not identified in the film, but those who usually read these articles will easily recognize.
It is the same extraterrestrial superior intelligence that the movie "2001 A Space Odyssey" symbolizes with the famous black monolith . Interstellar does not hide its claim to be the successor to Kubrick's mythical film , in fact it updates and improves it: the robot that controls the ship has the same shape as Kubrick's monolith . Interstellar has earned a place in the Olympus of cult films , surpassing even its predecessor. The symbol of the Eclipse of Saturn (Black Sun) in a frame from the film 2001
Stanley Kubrick, renowned Freemason, expressed in his film "2001 Space Odyssey" the idea that a non-human intelligence had intervened in the evolution of humanity and represented it with a black -rectangular- monolith. It is the same symbol as the black cube, the black sun, etc - the eclipse of Saturn that appears on various occasions in the film. A symbol that is behind the great ritual of the demolition of the towers of New York.
Nolan also gives us a suggestive reflection on how time changes to the compass of gravity , according to the theory of General Relativity ( gravitational time dilation , the more gravity the time passes slower). When the astronauts return from a mission of just one hour on a high-gravity planet, they find the companion who remained on the ship very old, since twenty-seven years have passed for him. It is applied relativity, like when a fly rests relaxed in the seat of our car that circulates at more than 100 km / h. Enki and his trident (that of the devil and that of Neptune) in the movie "The Immortals" released on 11/11/2011
And this is the answer why we keep talking about Enki and Enlil etc beings that were already considered immortal and worshiped in Sumer 7,000 years ago . We have already said that all of them are here in astral -or in another dimension- waiting for their return. Although it is true that the leading role has passed more to the "new generations", their children and grandchildren. So it seems that they are less Immortal than we were led to believe.The "Persistence of Memory" Salvador Dalí's painting with the famous melting clocks
Talking about the ancient gods is not only a story of how the past is projected into the present. For the flies it would be past , present and future exactly as for us. A reflection that our ancestors very possibly made before beings of very advanced technology, who lived - live - in a "time" very different from ours. They proclaimed themselves immortal gods and we believed them.
Reflections like this make Christopher Nolan's film a jewel, but without a doubt the most important is the one that we transcribe below and that almost no critic has considered worthy of mention. For me, it is the most important statement that has ever been heard in a movie theater:
Love is something else that we still do not understand , an artifact of a higher dimension that we do not perceive with consciousness and that transcends the dimensions of Space and Time.
This valuable phrase refers to a great truth that so far has escaped to scientists, religious, philosophers, film critics and all those beautiful phrases published on Facebook or write words of love in the sand on the beach. We are at the gates of the great transformation and the Truth begins to reveal itself :
LOVE IS SOMETHING WE STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND, IT IS A DIMENSION in itself, it is the FIFTH DIMENSION OF THE UNIVERSE, which can TRANSCEND THE OTHER FOUR (*) Love is not only having a partner, it is not only an energy, it is not only a feeling, a vibration, a phrase, a promise or a commandment, LOVE IS ALL OF THIS AND MUCH MORE, LOVE IS A DIMENSION OF REALITY .
(*) In the last article of this series we develop a little more the five dimensions or properties of the universe: Space, Time, Spin and Magnetism. Just a little because, it is not easy to explain something that, as the movie says, we still do not understand.
In my opinion, this is information that changes everything.
Its scope is tremendously relevant for humanity , especially because we are on the verge of being able to understand and live this new scientific-ethical-social-religious paradigm . I apologize if I am being pretentious with a "supposed" scoop about a new world and a new science , but I am writing in the afternoon of Kings, and I feel the excitement of the children who sense that this much desired gift is coming . The great gift of Humanity, that "Scalextric" that we had wanted so much and that they never brought us.
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