Tuesday, August 2, 2022

4 of 4 The Dark Extraterrestrial Agenda And the Human/Divine Solution ... HealthCare Interference ..Annihilation of Humanity and Dangers of the Disclosure Movement ++

The Dark Extraterrestrial Agenda 
And the Human/Divine Solution
Channeled by Karl Morrison
HealthCare Interference 
Do the use of chemical additives like chlorine and fluoride pose significant health risks despite what many authorities say? 

There are public policies that are misguided and will be difficult to overturn as this battle has been waged for many decades now with respect to fluoride. Chlorine and fluoride both are harmful and have long-term negative health consequences from ingestion. It is simply taking a toxic substance at levels not immediately lethal and assuming lifelong exposure will not result in cumulative damage. Unfortunately, the latter is exactly what takes place, and the consequences to the body can be profound and quite severe. These are not only misguided policies but deliberate intentions promoted through the Extraterrestrial Alliance to take useful properties such as reducing levels of microbes in the water supply in the case of chlorine, and introducing fluoride as a known preventive of tooth decay, assuming this is doing a good deed and leads to healthier citizenry and a lower health cost burden. These were done without knowing the long term effects on health and well-being, because these kinds of studies are too daunting and not considered worthy of the money by those who would block this politically, in any event, in order to keep the clandestine plans in place. This has been allowed to continue for generations now and is indeed taking a toll on human life. 

Were key proponents of using low-fat diets rich in carbohydrates to prevent heart disease, manipulated to make them vitriolic, highly biased, and dismissive opponents of alternate views, through mind control by the Extraterrestrial Alliance with the goal of undermining human health and well-being? 

This is very much the case and you found it quite striking in reading the book recounting the history of the healthcare industry and its strange tendency to make pronouncements based on little evidence and defend them savagely, which is certainly quite unscientific conduct, but yet happens again and again across all fields of science on a regular basis. This was very much a deliberate plan of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to misdirect humans in this fashion to cause them to follow self-destructive dietary practices, and is one of many ways they undermine people to drag them down, weaken them, and shorten their lives. 

With so much prior association between sugar intake and deadly diseases, known now for centuries but not widely accepted, can we assume there has been heavy mind control manipulation of the medical establishment and nutritionists, as well as the public, to misdirect attention away from investigating the likelihood of a causal relationship? 

This is very much the case, and you have seen the footprints all over the story of nutritional guidance being faulty and compounding the problem of well-being under attack by having multiple harmful suggestions going at once. So the denial of saturated fat in the diet, which is a dietary essential ingredient and leads to health problems when minimizing fat and protein, things are worsened by the inevitable substitution of a high carbohydrate complement in order to make up for the lost calories. And this inevitably increases the sugar load, which is a true danger and causes multiple health problems that can be fatal. So the two go hand in hand to worsen things through a synergy, and the morbidity and mortality have escalated over time with the greater and greater number of individuals following such advice for extended periods of time. This is entirely sinister and designed to assist with killing off the human population. That is truly what is happening, and the true agenda behind it being orchestrated through manipulation of opinion leaders and all of the professionals rendering scientific opinions and dietary recommendations within government agencies as well as the medical establishment.

Accidents and Lifestyle Degradation 
Was the loss at sea of the great ship, the Titanic, caused by the Extraterrestrial Alliance arranging collision with an iceberg as a way to mock human pride in their achievement? 

This is very true, as we have told you before, and was done for exactly those reasons. It was simply to be a slap in the face, to humble humans, and make them fear innovation and moving forward aggressively with new technologies not yet proven. And this indeed created quite a setback both emotionally as well as practically speaking in terms of politics, planning, and the setting of expectations. This was foreseen and the reason they took this action—it was simply too great a chance to pass up to see humans fall flat on their face yet again as they do this over, and over, and over with every meaningful human achievement of greater capability. They will look for ways to spoil the party, and create a downside if at all possible, and will often participate and undermine things all along the way. 

This is how the advances in technology come to exist with built-in hazards—using toxic materials and harmful energies for their operation so the inadvertent and unavoidable exposure to humans causes unforeseen health problems. These, and many other examples, show the care and degree of sophistication and emphasis given to causing harm across the board. So they will do everything they can to see that harmful substances are used for cooking and for preparation of processed foods, and in every part of the agricultural operation from fertilizer, materials for feeding and treating livestock, for pest control, for preservation of the food, and from all of the mechanical steps in harvesting, extracting, cleaning, and preparing it. They ensure the blending of food with all of the added materials that may inherently be toxic—to assist in the processing and obtaining suitable shelf life under practical storage conditions requiring, as it does, chemical additives; as well as things done to change physical properties that are desirable, and colorants, and various additional materials to alter and enhance flavor. 

It takes relatively little effort to see to this while using mind control manipulation to dull curiosity, prevent detailed scrutiny of the undertaking, and make everyone involved complacent so they do not worry about long-term consequences, and will continue compounding basic problems over and over even as signs of trouble appear. This shows the level of depravity of those who truly run things from behind the scenes.  

What percent of traffic accidents are caused by spirit meddler attachments in people distracting their host on purpose to cause harm? 

This is approximately 30% of accidents that are caused by spirit meddler attachments in the driver seeking to distract them at a key moment and cause mayhem. This, they have learned, creates havoc of all sorts and is a convenient way to not only cause mischief but generate more emotional anguish they can tap as energy for themselves. This is indeed their nature—to gain at the expense of their host. Anything that drags people down, they consider a win for their side. 

Does the Extraterrestrial Alliance contribute to snarling traffic? If so, how is that orchestrated? 

This, in fact, is done as a routine to the extent they encourage and assist the spirit meddlers. You already know that spirit meddler attachments are a very significant contributor to auto accidents by manipulating their host to distract them from within at key moments where inattention gets them into trouble and then there may be a collision. This is a beautiful way to cause traffic jams and long backups that not only reduce human productivity through lost time at work, and so forth, but also add greatly to daily stress. And this takes a toll on the health and well-being over a longer period of time to worsen things and even shorten the lifespan. There can also be an orchestration of events more directly through subliminal programming to cause people to converge on certain areas, and use certain roads simultaneously, and this will inevitably produce a logjam that can tie traffic up for hours. It is one of many ways they darken the human experience and while it may seem petty, the effects are quite real both in terms of lost revenue and the cumulative damage to people with significant suffering following years of extra stress due to this cause. 

Is there an ulterior motive behind the growing promotion of “toxic masculinity” as a scourge to be dealt with, in addition to the natural rebound in reaction to prior ages of male domination? 

This indeed is sinister and not simply because it is a blow against male interests in the ongoing battle of the sexes, but rather a shot across the bow to the discerning eye watching for signs of manipulation by the usual suspects—dark spirits and extraterrestrials—who do mischief and more on a constant basis to undermine human culture and progress. The concern of women is understandable when preyed on so often by men and treated disrespectfully as sexual objects. This is a cultural training that is a legacy of past disconnection and indifference to feminine feelings on the part of males, but is constantly improving. So to have a bold excoriation of maleness with a prejudicial label like “toxic masculinity” is discriminatory and demeaning—an exaggeration that can cause a dangerous overreaction that will be followed by a backlash as well. This will not help the war of the sexes or advance the feminine cause if it ends up alienating males and prejudicing females against them in the bargain. This is a prescription to continue the war, not to heal old wounds and bring everyone together to achieve a unity of sharing and expression. The latter would be a divine solution. This moves in the opposite direction, and is no accident because the very idea, and its timing, and the way it is being orchestrated, are aided and abetted by the Extraterrestrial Alliance through various leaders with positions of authority, and with organizations championing the cause of women’s rights, who are being manipulated as well. 

This is an exaggerated description of problems that continue to occur to some degree on a worldwide basis. But keep in mind that the very conduct itself is being orchestrated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance in the first place. So all of this is a merry chase to create perpetrators and victims and then counterpunching perpetrators and victims as well. It is like being in an echo chamber where an attack will bounce from place to place leaving victims in its wake. And none escape in the end, because all become tainted by the negativity that will reach them inevitably. This is the consequence of prejudice no matter what form it takes in its target, whether race, gender, politics, or religious convictions, it is a tried-and-true mechanism for mayhem. And those who fall prey to radical ideas are all puppets of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, because reasonable people who exhibit calm, centered, rational, and balanced thinking, and appreciate the future consequences of things they do, will more likely be in spiritual alignment and less susceptible to extremes of behavior and emotion being generated via the schemes of the interlopers. 

So you can be sure that there is something sinister behind all radical movements. It is not that all their ideas and thinking are faulty, it is the execution, it is the extreme nature of the implementation, and the manner in which they espouse their cause, that is the hallmark. There is a more sinister origin behind what is happening these days. One rarely sees reasonable people coming together to talk calmly and discuss or debate important ideas with the aim of reaching a working consensus, even though compromise may be required. While this can happen, and does on occasion, it is not the typical course of events but rather the opposite. People become attackers and challenge, confront, bully, and condemn those with opposite viewpoints. So things deteriorate into a shouting match, to obstructionism, to prevent people from speaking, to prevent access to events by those with differing opinions, and to descend many times into a shouting match leading to a pushing and shoving match. And then the violence may worsen from there, even requiring police action to restore order. There may well be casualties, people injured or even killed under many circumstances, when passions are ramped up to an excess level. This too, is the hallmark of Extraterrestrial Alliance in action, to gin things up, to create a state of unease that demands action in some way, and pushes people beyond their normal constraints to act in ways they would not ordinarily. 

So these pejorative terms, whether related to politics, religion, gender, or other human behaviors and characteristics, are a calling card. It is the extreme ideas that are in a vibrational alignment with the negativity of extraterrestrials and how they view human. In this way, those who fight other humans are enacting the depravity of their puppet masters and, in effect, are surrogates, but it is the human who bleeds and may, in fact, die as a consequence when things get out of control. 

The most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control show suicide rates for farmers, ranchers, and agricultural managers as a group being first and third in 2012 and 2015, respectively, compared to other occupations. Are people in charge of food crop production being targeted to undermine them more intensively by the Extraterrestrial Alliance in their efforts to pressure humanity? 

This is very much the case. There is mind control manipulation done of all human beings through subliminal messaging coming through the electronic devices such as television, radio, recorded music, and the Internet. When the messages to perturb people are further accompanied by natural disasters wreaking chaos so the major variable in agricultural work becomes highly unpredictable, this is a prescription for living a highly stressful life and to invite overwhelming negative consequences for emotional health. There is a lack of control and stability in people’s lives due to this widely varying climate manipulation. In addition, such individuals are given customized mind control manipulation to ramp up their fear, and this makes life unpleasant to begin with, and doubly so when a real threat comes along in the form of a bout of horrible weather, whether natural or artificially induced. 

Year after year living under these circumstances will take a toll and that is the reason for people reaching a breaking point and succumbing to their overwhelm by seeking a way out. This too, is programmed by the Extraterrestrial Alliance using mind control manipulation to plant the seeds and encourage those in despair to end things and escape, knowing it will spread the devastating consequences more widely, not only to relatives and friends but others in like circumstances and will cast a pall of gloom over many lives. And that is the goal—human suffering and loss of life. 

A viewer asks: “Are there widespread harmful effects involving environmental energies from the mass communication technologies?” 

This, in fact, is widespread involving every human being, and the reason is there is a sensitivity to electromagnetic frequencies in the environment, primarily, that are the cause of this. Some is targeted and focused to cause mayhem for particular targeted individuals of high interest to the Extraterrestrial Alliance, needing to be subdued or impaired to take them out of action, so to speak. But the general population is subjected to many environmental insults that cause genetic perturbation. This happens with many of the electromagnetic energies attendant to uses of technology. This includes the house wiring with alternating current as well as the cell phone emanations of microwave frequencies. All are designed to cause harm and this is a primary means of doing so. This genetic alteration builds through time and erodes function bit by bit. This tips the balance into causing defects on many levels and eventually in taking a toll on repair mechanisms, primarily. There will be a point of no return when the problems mount and then cannot be readjusted to regain homeostatic balance within a normal range. At that point, the consequences will become more and more noticeable as symptoms of illness or aging appear, and there will not be a discernible cause or explanation, nor will there be a feasible treatment. It is too vague and nonspecific, and beyond the reach of medical science at this point. All such damage can be undone through the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and all of these influences are currently included within the Protocol. So this gives more definition to why those energies are so destructive, and why this is a cumulative process but can be surmounted. 

Is the Extraterrestrial Alliance working to trigger a war between the U.S. and China, with Iran, or both? 

Both are possibilities and you are not done with North Korea yet either. There is a three-way race underway to keep friction going with many plans to increase tensions, disaffections, points of disagreement that can be a flashpoint to get hostilities going. There are many scenarios, including false flag operations, to be blamed on a foreign government but truly done by the Extraterrestrial Alliance as through the Mercenary Army Program. So there can be many things happening to create misunderstandings and misinterpretations that can be sold to the voters as an insult or grave danger that must be met with military force. This happens again and again. is the whole rationale for the so-called War on Terror that was ginned up by the Extraterrestrial Alliance as was true for all of the military misadventures through the Middle East over the last two decades. They see a wide scale war with the current superpowers as a grand softening up gesture to further demoralize and deplete humanity as well as a further culling of the herd, so to speak, and will work in earnest to bring this into reality unless humans are smart enough to turn to the divine for help. It can be prevented but only through divine intervention. Human governments are under the control of the Extraterrestrial Alliance. That is the sad reality you face. There cannot be political solutions here—it is far too late. 

Was the smallpox virus introduced by extraterrestrials to undermine humanity? 

As we have indicated to you, this is quite true and parallels the many other deadly pathogens, all of which are foreign to the Earth and introduced specifically by extraterrestrial interlopers to wreak havoc. 

Was the polio virus that ravaged young people in particular, introduced by extraterrestrials to undermine humanity? 

This is a perfect example of a virus that was repurposed and re-engineered by extraterrestrials to have devastating consequences, and this was true of smallpox as well. The problems posed by the microbial realm with the many deadly pathogens that can be quite devastating, particularly when highly contagious, are extraterrestrial in origin across the board. And this parallels quite closely the story with natural disasters. Many deadly adversaries are present in the environment and taken for granted as being natural when the plan of Creator for the world of divine human was to be a gentle and loving world in which there was no place for a deadly adversary of any kind. Earth was configured as a benevolent and loving nest to house human culture and to be an enjoyable, inspiring, and joyous environment. There is no place in this picture for deadly disease germs that can wipe out thousands to millions of humans who die with great suffering, or whose lives are taken through violent upheavals in the environment through severe weather or instability of the Earth’s crust, and so on. Such happenings are not part of the original configuration of Gaia and the biosphere it contains. They are artificially induced sources of destruction done by extraterrestrials and their higher technology, to drag down humanity and allow the extraterrestrials to feel victorious as conquerors. 

The World Health Organization and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) planning for pandemics has previously reserved lockdowns of economic activity only for the most severe of pathogens. Category 1 represents an ordinary flu season with up to 90,000 deaths, and Category 2 causing 90,000-450,000 deaths, so COVID-19 would be classified currently as Category 2. The CDC said for Category 2 and 3 pandemics, governments should consider school closures of less than 4 weeks, along with moderate efforts to reduce adult social contacts, such as by encouraging telecommuting. Why have there been widespread and prolonged lockdowns of schools and businesses which have become indefinite in some states? 

The reason for these more draconian measures is that the Extraterrestrial Alliance is using politics and the media to catastrophize this pandemic and raise the fear level as well as program people through subliminal messaging to believe lockdowns are the answer.  routine strategic manipulation by the interlopers to shape political discourse, social policy, and personal beliefs and feelings, to sometimes unite in a common cause even though it is a folly of some sort, or to clash through creating differences that are irreconcilable. And this may lead to demonstrations, riots, and a ramping up of passions along with prejudiced thinking, depending on the desired outcome. 

As we told you at the outset of the pandemic, the main objective was to cause a financial collapse, not so much killing large numbers of people. For the economic consequences to be greatest there needs to be imposition of many constraints and hindrances on human movement and ability to gather, so mandating lockdowns so there can be no public access to schools and businesses causes a catastrophic economic collapse to be sure. Many millions of people have lost their livelihoods, so things are far from normal and many will never recover. The data as well clearly show that with the current viral disease, the death toll and degree of suffering are much more a product of the lockdown and its negative effects than caused by the virus itself. There is something deeply wrong with this picture when the evidence is blithely ignored by mainstream thinkers, institutions, and government officials charged with constructing and enforcing public hygiene guidelines. So the reason for all of the disparities is that this is orchestrated to happen, and things will not change until the interlopers relax their grip on your minds to allow changes in policy for enough of the population to allow normal human interactions to take place once again on a large enough scale.

Alien Secret Space Program 
(Mercenary Army Program) 
A viewer asks: “Is the use of the Mercenary Army Program (also known as the Secret Space Program) abductees increasing, in what we would consider geopolitical warfare, as opposed to what many would consider exopolitical warfare?” 

This organization has value to the interlopers on many levels. This has been true throughout history. There have been many humans all through recorded historical eras who have been co-opted and, through manipulation, been usable as minions to serve the extraterrestrial agenda. This ranges from slaves in mines, in factories, in agricultural work; to servants in deployment of propaganda, carrying out selective missions to do sabotage, to do targeted killings, and to serve as a sort of palace guard. Each is thoroughly and totally controllable through mind manipulation to be loyal, to be incorruptible and to do their work unfailingly, unflinchingly, including the killing of other human beings on command. This is routine. It is nothing new. The advent of more advanced human technology creates the need for comparable forms of extraterrestrial surrogates, or a kind of mercenary complement, to use humans to do their dirty work. This takes the extraterrestrials away from the action, where they are at no risk whatsoever. They can send their human guardians forth to carry out mischief and worse, while not exposing themselves whatsoever to human awareness or reprisals. It will simply be something done by humans to humans, and will be accepted as unpleasant and unexpected perhaps, but nothing extraordinary, when the reality is far from ordinary. This is not human engineered, and orchestrated, and implemented activity at all—it is extraterrestrially orchestrated, organized, engineered, and using humans as a weaponized biological puppet and a mercenary warrior—to do the most horrendous of tasks in service to the Extraterrestrial Alliance in working against humanity. 

What is different today, from a generation ago, is that a decision has been made by the extraterrestrials to trim back their involvement with human, and end the enterprise altogether. This changes everything because now it is not just a question of being toyed with, manipulated, suppressed, misled, and misdirected, with an ongoing suppression and manipulation for the amusement of the interlopers and their personal gain in various ways. It is now a question of whether humans will or will not survive. The so-called Secret Space Program, which is truly a Mercenary Army Program, as has always been the case, has special value now and a special  role to play for that possibility. The number of recruits has been greatly increased, so there will be a huge number of human warriors for this purpose, to carry out mass annihilation of humanity without hesitation. 

This they do already on a small scale. This is one of the training exercises for all recruits, to take them through a series of graphic and grizzly tasks to test their ability to be fully controllable with complete suppression of their own morality, and their own sensibilities. So they will then be unhesitating and able to let go of any recollection of what they have done personally, in carrying out a heinous act against harmless civilians, for example. This preparation has paid off because they have a quite large army available and, in addition, are making countless human clones for the lower-level military tasks, and to be a complete police squadron to mop up any hold-outs, any pockets of resistance that might be left. And they are completely expendable because they are soulless, robotic beings of human biology and have no other value than to be an expendable weapon. This is what humanity is facing and the legacy of this program. 

So keep this in mind when you hear increasing talk and excitement about the whistleblowers from the Secret Space Program offering a new partnership with benevolent extraterrestrials who want to help humanity, help by sharing advanced technology to overcome lifelong historical problems of inadequate energy without pollution, and advanced care for people in need, and so on. This will be the further undoing of humanity because it is all a sham. It is to throw people off guard and to make them accept the idea of extraterrestrials having greater say and greater control of human culture. 

It has been claimed that the representatives of an extraterrestrial race have met physically with at least one human secret space program experiencer to promote their message for humanity, which is essentially the golden rule, that we need to become more in service to others, raise our consciousness, and forgive ourselves and others. What can possibly be wrong with this? 

The message of love and charitable kindness is divine and well-intentioned and has nothing wrong, per se. The difficulty we see in such representation is that it is coming about through manipulation and misrepresentation of the true origin of the messenger. The extraterrestrials who interact with humans directly in the physical sense, are all working against humanity. There are no good ETs and bad ETs as far as earth plane is concerned. All are bad, all are serving darkness, and all have designs on the planet and wish ultimately to eliminate humanity altogether. This is what you are facing and why your choice is so important to align with the divine realm. We have the only power available to you to make the difference needed here, to push the interlopers out once and for all, so you can prevail and you can heal and return to a light being mode. 

Once again, the individuals who have such experiences are subjected to heavy mind control manipulation to believe they are serving humanity, and are on the side of good, and are being selected for a special place as a leader, all of which serves the ego and is a corruption, for the message is false. The beings involved are simulations and are not true in their appearance. There are Reptilian shapeshifters who can take the appearance and demeanor of any type of being and create a perfect simulation of an extraterrestrial race appearing on the scene, and offering to be of assistance. And the story is being developed here, with disclosure, to create a false reliance on extraterrestrials to be of assistance to humanity. 

This has great appeal, and the reinforcement is being arranged at this very moment through all of the discord happening throughout the planet in every sector of society, in almost every nation. The civil unrest, the combat, the actual wars, the acts of terrorism, the levels of crime, all are contributing confusion, disaffection, and creating the appearance of chaos and helplessness on the part of human to run their own affairs. This is a setup that will be used to promote the so called benevolent extraterrestrial who will step forward offering to help and they will point to the more evil extraterrestrials as the enemy, and that we need them to save the day. 

The reality is they are all collaborating together and all are working against humanity. If we give them the key to the kingdom it will be the undoing of humanity. This is what is at stake and it is time to be forthright here even though this will be a very painful message to the true believers in Disclosure. But things must come out into the open and the reality must be faced. All who embrace this plan will not only be helping the darkness but aligning with the karmic burden that will result. This will have tremendous negative consequences for all involved in supporting such a notion. 

So we are not saying to cause harm to anyone. We are only saying be cautious. Listen to your heart. And invite the divine realm to help guide humanity. That is a simple step you can take. And that can be enough to help things be sorted out and for the light to prevail. We do not want discord. We do not want warfare. We do not want killing. We do not want reprisals. We do not want people fighting with one another, making enemies and harboring grudges and resentment. We know these are very strong human traits and traps for the unwary, and almost avoidable for those with high stakes in the game. But this must be worked through. 

So we will do our best to support all who line up with love and light. But please know that love thy neighbor is not enough. When the extraterrestrials get going and bring human destruction on a massive scale, loving thy neighbor will not be enough. You need divine help. And this can be avoided through simply taking sides now to include the light in your plans and intention. It is that simple.

                           Annihilation of Humanity and 
                    Dangers of the Disclosure Movement 
A viewer asks: “I have been thinking about the meaning of the “four horsemen of the apocalypse” in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Is this a reference to the four races of extraterrestrials who have been harassing humanity? 

We have been told that these predictions can be averted if enough humans turn to Creator and ask for assistance in healing these interlopers. Is this a correct interpretation of this prophecy?” This indeed is accurate. You are providing the key interpretation in linking this ancient prophecy to the events of today. You indeed are in the end times, not that things will end with certainty, but that an ending is possible. To know who wants to see this happen, how they are manipulating you to weaken you, and how they will move forward to implement their dark plans, are central in responding effectively to the threat at hand and turning the tide in time to prevent that dark eventuality. People need to be awakened to the truth of things, that they are in the crosshairs and being lined up as sitting ducks to be mowed down by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. 

This symbolic prophecy does have true meaning for today. This eventuality has been a real possibility all the way along, and in fact has been forestalled again and again by the divine realm to redirect things, to misdirect your opposition, and stay their hand, for a time at least, while you are receiving some assistance and some strengthening as well, with the hope it will be enough for human to begin to take charge and do what is needed to turn the tide yourselves. Divine inspiration is allowed under the rules of engagement. This you have been receiving, and the many lightworkers among you are pointing to the truth of things and sounding the alarm in various ways, that evil is at hand. The problem is few are listening, few have open minds and open ears, but that does not mean you cannot try to reach them. It is your only hope, to awaken enough people to line up with you and request assistance from the divine, to heal the interlopers so they will withdraw and allow you to heal at long last. 

We offer prophetic visions like this to people because they are ill-defined and too abstract to be forceful and effective. We can hint at things only, and that is the reason prophecy of a true sort will always be indirect and likely symbolic, a metaphorical description but not a literal explicit one. That would be leading, to come and spill the beans and give you the cast of characters, the whys and wherefores, and tell you what to do. This would undercut your authority and your  rescue and deliverance, while beneficial, would at the same time disempower you further. And so, the change for the better would not be your doing but ours, and you would gain no real credit or growth in that happening. The test of you is to awaken within yourself and help others awaken in sufficient numbers to know what is needed, at least in the general outlines, and to take action in requesting divine help. That is not so very difficult but will require belief. This is what you lack as a people, because your faith has been eroded through the years and you’ve been subjected to relentless programming to diminish belief, all of which works against you. 

Reaching out to the divine means first accepting and believing in the divine, otherwise the outreach will be meaningless if done in a halfhearted way with little belief in its reality and in the possibility of being acted on with any degree of certainty, and if coupled with lack of belief in the worthiness of the self to be rescued in this way, you will certainly be doomed. So even though the solution can be simply described and, indeed, is simple in its execution, it does require being in alignment and if one is not, there may be a considerable time needed to cultivate greater belief in order to be an effective spokesperson on behalf of humanity to elicit the help you need. This is yours to see to. We can only do so much here. That is why winning will be credited to you even though we do most of the work, it still must be at your strong and steady request, and that alone requires you to be in divine alignment and worthy. 

Is the planned annihilation of humanity by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to be a very precise, very surgical culling of humans while preserving as much animal and plant life as possible? 

It is surgical only to the extent humans are the target. So the actions taken will be focused on them entirely. There will be collateral damage as well on wildlife. This is of no concern to the extraterrestrials. There are many sources of creatures in the universe that can be used to populate a planet if that is desired. Keep in mind these beings have no real appreciation for the wonders of life and do not value animals any more than human, except as a potential source of food. They do not take appreciation in the beauties of nature because they are loveless beings, and that fine appreciation is an aspect of love and love energy. 

Will the Secret Space Program mercenaries be the “boots on the ground” while the technology used to locate, round up and root out humanity will be predominantly manufactured by and utilized by the Greys who expect to do what’s needed from the safety of cloaked ships? 

This is a correct scenario in some respects. The plan is to use the Secret Space Program mercenaries as the point of the spear and will be the initial warrior force brought to bear on human population centers for mass extermination. This will involve as well, environmental destruction through the usual capabilities that the extraterrestrials command, to cause violent upheavals in the planet and its weather. So they can use these as a further means to render humans helpless with respect to the normal protective agencies and military units. As we have said before, the Anunnaki are essentially cowards and look to others to carry out their dirty work. The mopping up operation to carry things to the final conclusion will be done by an army of human clones. It is these that are being contributed by the Arcturian Greys, and they will be deployed accordingly by the Greys into the field to carry out their duties and mission to finalize human destruction. As a separate activity, they will be acquiring and sequestering those humans of personal interest to them for their hybrid optimization program. And those humans will be moved into underground shelters for the time being, and essentially enslaved to serve out this function, to be, in effect, laboratory animals for their genetics program. 

How long does the Extraterrestrial Alliance expect the entire human annihilation operation to take, assuming everything goes according to their plans? 

This entire operation can take place and be completed within months. That is because of the power of their technology, which is Anunnaki, and not from the alien Greys but may be used by them on occasion. They are the transport arm for bringing materiel and warriors into position and for sequestration of the human guinea pigs for further alien Grey research. 

Will the Secret Space Program membership be disposed of once they have carried out their annihilation duties, or will they be needed to police a core breeding stock of humans to continue to serve the alien Grey breeding program? 

There will be a few who are preserved more or less as low-level officers in charge of groups of human clones who will do the large portion of guard duty and further annihilations as needed. But most of the Secret Space Program membership will themselves be exterminated when humanity has been taken care of. 

You have told us that if the Extraterrestrial Alliance comes forward publicly, the long awaited expectation and goal of the Disclosure Movement, that humanity will be lost. Can you explain why this is so? Why will it be harder to heal the interlopers if they begin working more out in the open? 

This is simply a contest between energies of acceptance or being non-committal and not contributing to the problem. In the case of the many today who are currently asleep and being subjugated to not think about extraterrestrials or accept their existence, under those circumstances it is much, much easier for the divine realm to use prayers for human safety and protection to counteract the effects of interlopers about whom the average citizen knows nothing and has no desire to interact with them, let alone support their efforts in any way. Under such circumstances, the small number of humans who are awake and aware of the extraterrestrial presence being sinister can work together to get much effective divine support to limit the extraterrestrial influence, because even though most people are still asleep, they are not fighting the idea that humans need help and even to be rescued from potential annihilation. 

This will change with the disclosure bringing into the open the existence of the extraterrestrial presence. If done artfully and it persuades and convinces people to support the extraterrestrial initiative to be a greater force—ostensibly for good, but a greater force nonetheless, with an increasing role and responsibility to shepherd humanity forward. If many people believe the lies and want the extraterrestrials to have more authority and feel personally this is a good thing and want them to have a role in society, this will create a much larger constraint on what the divine realm can do because humans, through free will, are in charge of the world. If they believe the ETs are here to help, the divine realm must allow this to play out unopposed because humans want that to happen. Even though it is done in ignorance, human desires and intentions must always be honored. That is the agreement we have with humanity, that they will run their world themselves and the divine will not intrude unless invited specifically to have a certain role. is why so much is at stake on whether the Disclosure Movement proceeds—it will potentially shift greatly, the energies to support the darkness and that is why it will be the undoing of humanity if the extraterrestrial menace cannot be explained to warn people what is truly at stake. 

Saving Humanity 
Is it possible for a Creator’s plan to fail? Or is it by definition predestined because it is Creator’s plan?

It is very possible for Creator’s plan to fail. Creator has had many plans that have failed and, in fact, the entire enterprise of humanity can fail. That is what is at stake this very moment. Will humanity prevail and continue on—growing, learning, expanding, and returning to spiritual alignment once again, having been corrupted and oppressed and subjugated for many centuries now? This is an open question. We expect this will be so and now are more actively doing our part out in the open to help reinforce this message. This needs to be heeded because that is exactly what is at stake. 

If Creator’s plan fails, then humanity will fail and will be no more. These are the stakes. The choice is yours. We will not force this on anyone. It must be chosen by each and every human, under the most difficult of circumstances, when all are being subjugated and programmed to disbelieve in themselves, to disbelieve the existence of the divine, and disbelieve in their glorious future potential. We cannot make this happen. So the issue of destiny is a concept that refers to potential but the potential can always change. 

It changes as time loops forward and back, with each iteration all acts impinge on one another, even in a small way, but nonetheless having an influence. Every human thought affects the entire universe to some degree, even though almost imperceptible. So the human has the ball, so to speak. We are here to support you. Your actions determine whether our plan will succeed or not. We are helping to the extent we can under these rules, but we are using this as a way to test your capability to survive on your own, to create your own destiny. This is a misperception of the relationship of humanity with Creator, largely courtesy of religious mis-instruction that human is a mere supplicant, and beholden to God, and must wait and hope and pray for salvation, for they are helpless. 

The opposite is the case. Humans are the beings with true power in your world. You must step into that power and take action. Our plan depends on you. You can act here and now, in this moment, and let us into your heart. We will go home with you, and help you to be happy, and strong, and prosper. It is a choice. You can have Creator’s love within and shine that forth in everything you do, or you can close the door once and for all. We do not wish to see that happen. We are keeping the light on for you. 

How is the light winning when the darkness seems so prevalent and even seems to be increasing? 

What you are seeing about you at the current time is in a very real sense a last gasp of the opposition, for they can see the tide is beginning to turn in a serious way, in favor of the light. And they are simply creating a backlash to try to overwhelm those aligned with the light, to discourage them, to distract them, to disempower them yet again.

If people stand strong and hold the light within, and shine the light without, they will prevail and nothing can stop them. We are staying the hand of the interlopers who have the capability to completely destroy the planet and everything on it. This is being prevented from happening. You are safe from this level of calamity. But if you choose to partner with them, if you choose to give in to them, if you choose to trust them and let them have even greater control, this will be a slippery slope from which you may not regain your footing. This is the part left to you to decide. We will not do it all. This is the test. If humans can survive on their own and make things happen in alignment, they will continue to grow and flourish. You are in charge of our plan, not us. 

What would be the most obvious changes that could be observed once the Extraterrestrial Alliance leaves? I assume the weather would drastically change for the better immediately, i.e. no hurricanes anymore, no earthquakes, etc. Could we expect it to play out that way or would it be less obvious for some reason? 

This indeed will be observable. There may be some dark doings as a carryover by the members of the Mercenary Army Program. It is uncertain what their fate might be if there should be a withdrawal in the future. There are many trade-offs involved in changing history. Much depends on the nature of the manipulations and the underlying factors that can be done in the past to prepare for a change in the present. 

We are endeavoring to serve all. That may well be an impossibility. They consider the MAP to be personal property. They will not want to leave any secrets behind that could be discoverable, so it is one thing to get them to withdraw, and it is another to create increased risks for them in other respects. They may wish to erase any traces to their knowledge base and technological capabilities. So they may endeavor to remove any infrastructure, human or material, that could be exploited against them, if in the future they change their plans and return. There may be dark doings in the planning that have been ordered to take place, which they may simply allow to continue. The withdrawal may happen in stages, so the effects will be perceptible more in stages than with a sudden shift where everything is now neutral or positive. 

The corruption of humans will not be undone by them, but only through prolonged healing efforts. The corruption of individuals to have many dark beliefs that are faulty and will not serve them, will not go away on its own. So people who have become corrupted will remain corrupted, it is just they will not be given new marching orders from the interlopers. It is possible that the extraterrestrials will withdraw before the dark spirits are dealt with, so that will require a concerted effort to continue the work of healing in earnest to remove that menace to a full extent. 

At the moment, the energies are too uncertain to give you a clear picture, let alone a timetable for the sequence of events and consequences that will play out. But any lessening of difficulties  will be a blessing and without the wholesale annihilation of humanity looming, everything else will not only seem more manageable but be more manageable. 

Can Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help us create a better and more balanced collective future for all, and might be a more certain path to future and better interaction with our galactic family? 

In a world of great inequality, there are many things that need to change in fundamental ways. That is always the hardest to achieve. In throwing off a bad practice with evil origin that has become a cultural norm and rewards a certain class of individuals at the expense of others, there will be powerful resistance to change such an idea because those with power are the beneficiaries. There needs to be an opening of minds and hearts to feel a kind of empathy for those who suffer from the inequities inherent in the system. Only an act of compassion through a higher awareness will allow any kind of change to occur. In a normal world, that would happen through the inherent goodness and spiritual alignment of the majority of humans in residence. But the world is heavily corrupted through ongoing manipulation, power, and control by the interlopers who have corrupted your government and your institutions, to keep humans suppressed in their thinking and complacent and insensitive to the suffering of others. 

As long as people have a bare minimum, they are accustomed to expecting little more. That is not a prescription for throwing off the chains of oppression, or a true renaissance in an awakening that greater possibilities can be brought into existence through an up-swelling of desire. The creation of fertile environments for creative change, and bold innovative thinking to try new strategies, will allow a wholesale change in the organization and objectives of Earth’s institutions, to break with hidebound tradition and create new paradigms and reward systems to encourage creativity and imagination to raise everything up to new heights. That could be done within a generation in the absence of outside manipulation. 

So how will that happen when you are not in control to begin with? You cannot vote in a new government and have the expectation anything will change for the better. It will change the names and faces but the same games will continue—the same tried and true diversions and manipulations and unfair practices. You need divine help to break out of your cages and create a new world from top to bottom built on freedom and true equality and fairness. This will require a sea change in human thinking and perspectives because you have been subjugated for so long and have been rendered complacent in having low expectations for human betterment. The divine help you can access is fully up to the challenge here, to right the wrongs of the past and transform things into a vastly greater existence. That cannot happen until the problem of evil is solved. It is standing squarely in your path and it controls you. That can only be eased through divine intervention to bring healing of sufficient magnitude, for those who oppress you, that there can be enough of a shift in their intentions to allow something better to begin happening. 

You were created to solve the problem of evil in the galaxy—exhibited by the fallen angelics and the extraterrestrial species they have corrupted through possession, and as is inflicted on most human beings as well. You are being threatened by those very alien beings because their level of corruption underlies their subjugation and manipulation of humanity—to keep you dimmed down, dumbed down, and subjugated. If you are successful in healing them sufficiently so they will withdraw, making it possible for you to continue healing the entirety of humanity sufficiently, you will all ascend to a higher dimension and take up new roles throughout the universe. 

If you are successful and humanity is not ended by your alien extraterrestrial controllers, you will continue working on their healing from these higher dimensions, serving as a source of inspiration and providing them with divine assistance much in the same way as you obtain now from beings in the light and the angelics serving the light and protecting and bringing healing for humans in the physical. As roving ambassadors for the divine, you will interact with many such worlds and will continue to raise up the very dark extraterrestrials who have harmed humanity so greatly through the ages. You will see from your divine perspective that they became corrupted by the fallen angels and this nearly reached the point where humanity became so corrupt they were unable to help themselves in the face of the alien intrusion that has put humanity at risk at this very moment. 

Time will tell if you can be successful, but you will need the Lightworker Healing Protocol to accomplish the specific and deep divine healing needed for the task at hand, to counter these evil and savage beings who have their designs on you and your world. If things work out for the better, you will continue to rescue them from their near annihilation—through depravity, and risking a total disconnection from the divine. That will be the greatest of achievements by any beings anywhere, and you will be on record for all of time as the greatest of divine representatives for your achievements. 

The first order of business is to achieve a withdrawal of the dark extraterrestrials from your realm. And then, removal through a healing enterprise to engage with and raise up the dark spirit influence that has corrupted everything. When this has successfully enabled a divine outreach to start them on a better path, then humanity, at long last, will have enough freedom in the range of possibilities that healing can begin in earnest for the tremendous backlog of karmic wounding that has accumulated through the ages of continued oppression. You have existed more as slaves than as free human beings. You all share that slave mentality of low expectations and meager belief in yourselves, let alone an awareness of, and belief in the divine realm as part of your heritage and potential. That is your destiny, to once again rise to those heights. That cannot happen with evil in your way. 

The healing will only happen if you request it. It is a test of you, in fact, to see: “Will you do it? Will you awaken, and awaken enough of your brethren to join you in the effort of requesting divine assistance to begin this transformation? And will you bring yourselves back from the brink of annihilation to regain strength, overcome your oppression, and initiate a new dawning era of enlightenment, through healing the wounds of the past? Will you return at long last to your true potential that has been denied you for thousands of years of enslavement by these interlopers corrupting you through evil to settle for less and live in a state of diminishment?” That can all change if you choose for it to happen and take action. It will only happen at your direct request. We are waiting to see what you choose and whether you can do your part and live up to the promise inherent in your creation—to be change agents in solving the problem of evil—that will benefit the entire universe and change the destiny of everyone and everything within it. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some truth mixed with some lies. I prefer Rudolf Steiners take- the evil ones go the eighth Sphere, a cosmic burn barrel if you will.

Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...