of the
By Dr. Len Horowitz
Dedicated to securing life
for threatened Earth.
May this work
awaken the
“100th monkey”
to the energy
that activates
to direct
Divine destinies.
The most valuable truths are rarely known by mere mortals. Do
you exclude yourself from this company? You who incongruously aspire to learn life’s freeing truths while your corporal sovereignty
and spiritual domicile is used as fodder for corporate corruption and
political profiteering? To the “Pirates of the Sacred Spiral” you are
a vulnerable mortal enterprise. They have plundered your most precious treasure, and claimed the vessel of your soul. They have buried
humanity’s most valuable truths with lies and omissions. Savvy they
are in swaying, sickening, and conquering civilization. Flesh and
blood have slim chance to escape their reach. The pirates now secure life’s most empowering map. It guarantees them your wealthiest
inheritance DNA the immortal code—the Sacred Spiral.
Noah Webster, a leading Freemason, was privy to metaphysical secrets and spiritual truths. His enduring text defined the word
“code” as:
1: a systematic statement of a body of law; esp: one given statutory force 2: a system of principles or rules 3a:
a system of signals or symbols for communication b: a system of
symbols (as letters, numbers, or words) used to represent assigned
and often secret meanings 4: genetic code 5: a set of instructions for
a computer.
What are your dictatorial codes? Are you merely a biological
computer? Many “experts” say so. Some scientists allege you are
an organic stimulus-response machine simply responding to DNA
and blood’s encoded messenger molecules. You deserve the right to
know if it is so.
Consistent with Webster’s definition, you also follow forceful
laws of government. Some are dictated by science. Others are nature’s laws ascribed by most people to a Divine creative source. If
you wish to avoid pain and conflict here, or in the hereafter, you
simply comply with all these codes of law.
Moreover, you receive behaviorally influential signals from secret places while the alphanumerics of language animates your essence. Your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components
respond mysteriously and automatically to unseen bioacoustic and
unheard electromagnetic forces.
Yet, oddly missing from Webster’s definition of genetic code is
any mention of these messages and signals that enforce universal laws of physics and mathematics on life through your DNA. Webster simply stated, “genetic code n (1961): the biochemical basis of
heredity consisting of codons in DNA and RNA that determine the
specific amino acid sequences in proteins, and appear to be uniform
for all known forms of life.”(Webster’s Dictionary, 1994)
In contrast, remarkable as this may seem, suppressed evidence
suggests your genetic code may actually precipitate the entire material universe, and relay messages of Divine consciousness, giving
new hope for physical and spiritual salvation to Earth’s mystified
The promise of immortality is encased in your genes medical
marketeers say. “Genetopharmaceuticals” are promised to revolutionize healthcare. Fertility clinics boast live births to desperate parents. DNA possesses disease triggers, experts allege, that can be
switched “on” or “off” like a lamp. Humanoid cloning can save military casualties. For these reasons and more, people think little or well
about biotechnologists conducting risky genetic experiments. Most
people are ill prepared to awaken to the most painful truths about
this industry, its leaders, their investments, and associated threats to
varied life forms including you and the rest of nature.
It is said that human “misery loves company.” Thus, it is everywhere directed by mass mediated misery. Judging by rising rates of
divorce, obesity, sex dysfunctions, mood disturbances, children’s hyperactivity/ attention deficit/autistic spectrum disorders, and sales of
both prescription and over-the-counter pain killers, few are naturally
living comfortably anymore. Most people are suffering and dying
from the side effects of corporatist marketed existence; especially
choices made in the name of “healthcare.” Iatrogenic (drug and doctor-induced) illnesses now rank among the leading causes of death
in the United States a taboo subject for general discussion genetopharmaceutical industrialists neglect to mention this in pursuit of
widespread acceptance of their hyped “gene therapies.”
Surely there must be a sane alternative to slash, burn, and poison approach to physical salvation. Where are the cures for cancer,
AIDS, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and more that
pharmaceutical proponents promised to deliver decades ago? Failing
to manifest these “miracle medicines,” and despite poisoning and killing more people than ever with new “FDA approved” drugs with
greater side effects, genetic-based therapies are now promised by the
same spin-doctors.
Your “reality check” regarding those who controldrug and
DNA enterprises is desirable if only to save endangered species,
plants, and animals threatened by genetic engineering, laboratory
mutations, and microbial manipulations. The healthcare industry has
played right along with this admittedly dangerous, arguably foolish,
business. Most researchers and caregivers know nil about the nefarious history of genetics/eugenics/ and the biotechnology movement.
Fiscal facts regarding this industry’s primary beneficiaries have been
conveniently restricted. If DNA is so important, learning about it
so essential, and manipulating it so necessary, why would we not
need to know more about its stewards? Can you really trust these
What if Webster’s omissions were intended false directions? Suppose your genetic code holds a truth so freeing you would never pop
another pill for any ill ever again. It not only behooves you to know
“you’ve been had,” but that the greatest secret of DNA is transformational. That is, truthful knowledge about DNA could transform
your experience of life leading you to acquire powerful superhuman
abilities. Are you interested in co-creating heaven on earth in collaboration with a Divine source? Scientific secrets revealed in this
book declare this is your inherent birthright!
Indeed, this book is special. It was written for “intelligent lay
readers and above,” precisely like the award-winning national bestseller, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional? that I wrote a decade ago. In contrast to this 1993 to 1996
effort, which issued from insult and anger over the man-made origin of AIDS, I began to research DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral
prompted by love for humanity and scientific curiosity. This act of
contribution to the Creator and the created, however, was always
a collaboration. “Horowitz” was helped by others, some of whom
requested anonymity due to the controversial and risky nature of
this exposé. Several people helped guide, research, write, and edit
this book. They provided directions and subject matter I would not
have considered. For this reason, this text was written in the third
I thankfully acknowledge the following major contributors: Dr.
Fred Bell, whose works link health science and metaphysical esoterics. Fred was instrumental in initiating this project. He approached
me in 1998 to collaborate on a second edition of his fascinating book,
Rays of Truth Crystals of Light. Though I have yet to be able to carry
out Fred’s request, sidetracked by three other writing projects, his
kindness and direction inspired my earliest consideration of electrogenetic expression as it relates to consciousness.
Other personal friends and colleagues who were early contributors included Drs. Lee Lorenzen and Masaru Emoto. They introduced
me to electrogenetically influential “structured” or “clustered” water.
Dr. Emoto’s first book, The Message From Water, was inspiring.
Dr. Steve Haltiwanger’s heroic efforts in advancing bioelectric
knowledge and related therapies requires highest honorable mention.
Steve contributed much to this work as you will read in Chapters 5
through 7.
Another deserving honorary accolades is Dr. Michael Hyson. He
applied his knowledge of the science of bioacoustics to help dyslexic
and autistic children while working with free dolphins. His contribution describing dolphins’ sonic healing capabilities is amazing and
humbling. Moreover, Michael’s collaborator, Paradise Newland, an
expert in the fascinating field of “language sculpting,” helped edit
much of this work, and brought her “aloha” spirit along for the creative journey.
Dr. Gary Tunsky volunteered to research and report on the cloning industry in Chapter 11, “Cloning Around With Life.” His skills
as a gifted health educator and communicator are readily apparent
and greatly appreciated here.
This book would have remained largely incomplete without the
brilliant work of Iona Miller and her husband Alan. These doctors
spent the better part of four decades pioneering what is finally becoming officially accepted in the genetic world pertaining to bioholographics and neuroelectrified consciousness. Iona’s permission to
edit or freely reprint large sections of her team’s valuable work for
inclusion in Chapter 12 was most generous.
Coverage of electrogenetics in this text was greatly inspired by
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the awesome research of Dr. Merrill Garnett. His beautifully written
book, The First Pulse, is essential reading for cancer researchers and
others interested in the fundamentals of complete organic bioelectric
metabolism and healthy genetic expression.
Many thanks also go to Peter Gariaev, the Russian investigator
whose work in DNA-wave bio computing paved a high speed lane
of research into the greatest quietly held truths about genetically precipitated life, including those in the spiritual domain.
And finally, the late Dr. Stephen Jay Gould must be acknowledged
for his unpublished paper “Nano-structured Aqueous Solutions as a
Support Base to Optimize Coherent Cellular Communication.” This
work came to me through the Internet. Dr. Gould, a famous Harvard
paleontologist whose early works argued the evolutionary basis of
genetic diversity apparently began to embrace creationistic theory
and its underlying science shortly before his death from cancer in
In essence, as a labor of love, DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral
does two things well. It slam dunks the notion, using hard science,
that we are spiritual beings long before we become physical. This
knowledge stands as a tribute to our Creator; a monument to His/Her
bioacoustic and electromagnetic forces of creation. Secondly, this
book lifts a heavy curtain of deception concealing DNA’s profiteers
and power mongers. Given humanity’s current focus on genetics,
and the common concerns we face with the rest of nature, I pray this
book will inspire your greater appreciation for life and the sanctity
of the Sacred Spiral.
Leonard G. Horowitz,
D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
Chapter 1.
Introduction to Blood,
DNA and the Meaning of Life
“Is not music the food of love?”
Richard Brinsley Sheridan,
The Rivals, 1775
If absolute power corrupts absolutely the “Pirates of the Sacred
Spiral” are beyond imagined evil. Most loving and intelligent
people cannot fathom what you are about to learn. The pirates,
named herein, include the world’s wealthiest individuals, financial
institutions, and cartel-controlled multinational corporations. In
health science and medicine they prey on people’s blood and
ignorance for the power and control. DNA is a major focus for
this lust. The “Sacred Spiral” produces physical supremacy, if
not spiritual salvation.
These “pirates” navigate global biotechnology markets in
quest of this booty. Their captains, like deceptive dictators, direct
their crews of scientists and Big Pharma reps. Their battlefields
stretch beyond hospitals that have grown monumentally like tributes to medical deities, towering Babylonian temples wherein
hight science priests and priestesses direct human sacrifices.
Rhetoric flows from their forked tongues to mystify the sick and
dying. Friends’ and families’ poisoned blood, shed spirits, and
sickened environments, issues from their worshipped warships.
They wage “welfare” campaigns against social woes, yet humanity is increasingly injured. The economic ransoms collected by
these thieves weigh heavily and catastrophically on the common
folk. Their mass market is made by media mogals and network
magicians. They fare in withheld secrets that, if widely known,
would free their captives slaves of fear, ignorance, and
physical dependence. Knowledge is, indeed, power! The power
of their withheld academic and spiritual truths is so freeing, the grand global pirate fleet would sink if the average person conceived of their lethal enterprises.
In earlier works, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse
(Tetrahedron Inc., 1999) and Healing Celebrations: Miraculous
Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and
Modern Science (Tetrahedron Inc., 2000), a Divine plan called
the “Covenants of Promise” was discussed in relation to blood a
most extraordinary sacred fluid. The word covenant, meaning
“contract,” in fact, derives from the Hebrew word bereat, which
means “to cut.” This implies the shedding of blood.
Many ancient cultures, like that of the Hebrews, required
animal sacrifices and blood rituals for spiritual purification, even
eternal salvation. Christians too, as written in Ephesians 2:12,
refer to the shed blood of Christ as giving new hope and eternal
life to faithful followers. The reason blood is so important is
explained in this text in unprecedented measure. The Creator
apparently conceived of a vehicle with which His/Her Majestic
Essence might be readily transmitted. Blood, the sacred liquid
containing the electrogenetic coil, is that instrument for spiritual
sustenance. After reading this book, you too will understand why
the blood carries such Sacred Spirit, and how DNA the Sacred
Spiral expresses Divinity. You will learn that these two body
parts, blood, mostly water, and DNA, are precisely designed to
deliver Divine love and energetic empowerment to every nook
and cranny of your perfectly designed “vehicle of consciousness.”
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood,” records Leviticus
17:11, “and I have given it to you on the alter, to make atonement for your souls. For it is the blood by reason of the life that
makes atonement.”
The word atonement here, and in the Bible, has at least three
important meanings in relation to blood, bloodlines, and the spiritual enabling instrument called DNA: 1) “at-one-ment,” or becoming one with the Creator; 2) “a-tone-meant,” or an intended sound, electromagnetic frequency, or mathematical vibration.
These, you will increasingly learn in this book, the bioacoustics of life, precipitate the material body, inspire its bioelectric
and biochemical functions, and unifies people with love, that is,
Divine resonance, and 3) “a-tone-meant,” or the meaning of a
tone reflecting the meaning of life as a creative concert of life sustaining spectrum of sounds, electromagnetic frequencies, and
bioacoustic resonances interacting with matter, in this case the
human body.
The three emphasized descriptives in the above paragraph
characterizing the word atonement form the phrase “one intended meaning.” And this Divine revelation involving blood is, quite
literally, the true and complete meaning of life! DNA is the instrument through which your Divine destiny, service to others in
co-creative processes, and universal Oneness resonates.
Technology for Good or Evil
It is well known that blood contains life sustaining and health
restoring properties. What has not been well understood, prior
to this publication, is that the blood’s central function, besides
delivering the especially Sacred element oxygen throughout the
body, is to unify every part of the body with the Supreme Source
of intelligence. The symbolic shedding of blood by Christ, restored spiritual integrity and eternal life for His faithful followers. Was this energy or spirit what Adam, or our fore bearers, lost
due to sin?
The word “sin,” by the way, sources from the early Greek
archery term meaning “to be off the mark.” Like most of us, have
you been “off the mark” in expressing your Divine inheritance
and dazzling perfection?
The Bible tells us Adam’s original sin imparted death; death
implied mortality, and mortality evidenced separation from God.
Get ready, because we are about to return you to the “Garden of
Eden,” thus bringing Heaven to Earth. To solve this mystery, we will advance scientific understandings regarding the dynamics
of Divine reunification for personal and global healing, and for
eternal spiritual salvation. All of this revolves around your blood,
the sanctity of bloodlines, that is, your genetic inheritance your
“Sacred Spiral” and its evolution from Creator to created.
Alternatively, humanity’s blood is currently undergoing mutational disintegration in lethal measure. Due to geopolitical and
economic forces that will also be discussed herein, rather than
maintaining the sanctity of blood lineage, international blood
bankers are delivering contaminants. Infectious agents have, during the past several decades, entered humanity’s bloodstream.
Included in this increasingly lethal mix is “mad cow disease”
prion proteins, hepatitis and herpes viruses, pathogenic genetic
recombinants such as Mycoplasmas viral and bacterial hybrids;
toxic fungi, and new immune-suppressive agents such as monkey kidney tissue-derived cancer viruses (e.g., SV-40 and simian
foamy retroviruses). These and other bloodborne beasties, genetic
mixtures, and microbial menaces, have been scientifically linked
to increasingly deadly epidemics. This subject was central to Dr.
Horowitz’s earlier books including Emerging Viruses: AIDS &
Ebola Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron Inc., 1996).
As he effectively argued here and in Death in the Air: Globalism,
Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, many of today’s most lethal germs
have been man-made, by intent, to serve as biological weapons
for pharmaceutical industrialists, and even population control.
Some of them can alter human genetics and bloodlines forever!
Sadly, the Bible prophetically warns against much of this.
For reasons that will become more apparent in the following chapters, throughout history political forces, even secret societies, have compulsively fixated on blood as central to their
nefarious achievements. Power mongers revered blood. Pagan
and demonic rituals evolved around blood sacrifices and blood
drinking for spiritual empowerment. Records memorialize the
ceremonial drinking of blood from sacrificed animals, virgin women, and even children, for the acquisition of power. The
search for the Holy Grail was conducted because it was believed
to be filled with the spiritually empowered blood of Christ. This
blood fixation dominated the lives of the Templars, Europe’s royalty, including the British oligarchy, and other political leaders.
Today, blood holds the promise of temporal, extended, and
perhaps even eternal life. Nazi scientists typed blood stolen from
their captives. Blood typing was then used as a means of granting
extended life or sentencing Hebrews, Blacks, and other ethnic
races to death. On a similarly hideous note, many world leaders
have been implicated by several reputable authors, and independent investigators, in abusive occult sexual and sacrificial
practices using blood.
Blood worship, in a sense, is practiced by modern science
and law. Practitioners in these fields look to reveal the secrets for
extending life or, in the case of criminals identified through DNA
blood analyses, to determine imprisonment or death.
As mentioned above, largely negligent blood bankers have
collected, frozen, stored, and distributed blood for use in emergencies and life-threatening surgeries. Diets, medical deities proclaim, should be predicated on blood types.
Indeed, it is by design that “blood work” is central to all healing arts and sciences. The blood contains oxygen-rich red blood
cells, and white blood cell body guards. Both are vital to health
and longevity, and both rely completely on DNA for power.
Purposefully, the Hebrew name for the original Maker of
genes and blood is “Yah-vah,” which means “to breathe is to
exist.” Indeed, the Creator’s name relays an important message.
It also generates an uplifting frequency, even Holy Spirit. (It is,
therefore, other than “doG” spelled backwards as you will better
understand from a forthcoming discussion in Chapter 3.) It is the
creative breath that delivers oxygen to red cells, and these in turn
deliver this critical spiritual element (infinity number eight (8)
on the Periodic Table of Elements) to every cell and tissue in the
body essential for aerobic energy metabolism and life on Earth.
By Divine design, your white blood cells are central to your
immune system. They function like a metaphor for self-esteem
and correct spiritual identity. What some people call Divine
“consciousness” within your physical “Temple of Yah” precisely
reflects the functioning immune system. White blood cells, after
all, are those that assess the difference between self and other,
normal cells versus cancer cells, healthy host proteins versus invading or infectious agents bacteria, viruses, fungi and more. So
if you are estranged from your Creator lacking “Yah consciousness” and accurate spiritual identity that is, you fail to grasp who
you are on the highest personal (including spiritual) level, then
your immune system ceases to function optimally. Such immune
cells frequently fail to recognize the difference between self and
other when their hosts have yet to know who they are as divine
beings. This helps to explain the central importance of spiritual
health, and personally-supportive attitudes, on general health and
longevity. Once again, this is all mediated through the blood
principally by way of DNA.
The Truth About DNA and its Pirates
In the coming pages you will learn the truth about what we
respectfully refer to as the Sacred Spiral DNA. You will entertain
the metaphysics of its creation and function, its myths and metaphors. You will review ancient stories bearing on its profound
capabilities. Then you will engage the most advanced science in
the fields of genetics, physics, electrochemistry and more to gain
a full appreciation of DNA and its value.
In forthcoming chapters, information will be revealed to you
concerning the origins of genetic science, the earliest DNA laboratories at Rockefeller University in New York, and the central
role this research has played in eugenics and ongoing, more advanced, methods of population control.
You will learn about the extraordinary composition of DNA,
its sacred geometry, clustered water matrix, and bioacoustic reception, electromagnetic transmissions, and methods of communication for cellular “up-regulation.” That is, you will learn about
the energetic functions performed by DNA upon which every
chemical reaction and physical manifestation within cells, tissues, organs, and entire organisms, depends. In other words, you
will learn how and why DNA is centrally responsible for manifesting and maintaining your earthly existence. Indeed, DNA is
far more than a static blueprint for body building through protein synthesis, as the “pirates” have maintained. DNA the Sacred
Spiral is, in fact, the ideal super conductor, and micro-antennae,
designed to perfection beyond the reach of the wildest imagination, for physical re-spiritualization.
Given this stunning ability of DNA to function as a receiver
and transmitter of virtually the Creator’s love the Divine Cosmic
Song and Eternal Sound it is also apparent, based on the most
recent scientific revelations, that DNA’s energy signaling is influenced and interrupted by other sources of energy. These include
natural electromagnetic frequencies from space, as well as those
coming from our own planet. Also, man-made energies such as
radio, television, and cellular phone signals can impact DNA
structures and functions. All of these environmental sources of
energy, including many frequency pollutants, can affect you and
your loved ones, both positively or negatively.
The health outcomes of energy signaling simply depends on
the intent of the energy whether it serves, foremost, an organically creative function. In politics, you are either part of the problem, or part of the solution. This is, likewise, the case in health
science and DNA function. You either provide energy signals and
current flows consistent with the wiring of the human organism,
or you “fry your circuits.”
Take, for example, your radio or television reception. Like a
radio receiver, you either tune it to the correct frequency to hear
the music clearly, or else you get disturbing agitating static. The
more static energy you receive the more annoyed you become. Keep it up and you become highly stressed. Go beyond this and
you will become psychotic.
Alternatively, you can be healed by tuning into energy frequencies that are consistent with the natural tuning of your organism, that is, the way in which your DNA and cells have been
fine-tuned by nature, or the Creator, to receive and interpret energy signals. In short, your DNA is both a crystal receiver and
harmonic player developed to perform symphonies transmitted
by a Divine orchestra.
This subject will be presented in more scientific detail when
we consider genetic environmental interactions.
Given the information in the forthcoming chapters, you
will likely concur with our conclusions. The lessons of DNA
and environmental interaction, once learned, would provide the
intelligence needed to regain freedom from the ignorance currently used to control populations. We will furthermore detail
documented projects, conducted by the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and other untrustworthy institutions, that have
been developing such covert capabilities for mass mood, behavior, mind, and genetic control. The realm of genocide through
genetic expression for disease induction is pertinent to these discussions and the pirates’ prowess.
The issues related to genetic engineering for good versus
evil also engage the topic of genetically modified organisms
(GMOs). These range from microbes and manipulated meals to
entire human clones. These subjects too will be covered in the
forthcoming pages.
More esoterically, such critical genetic laws and political
determinations might be held in a prophetic scriptural context.
Revelations of Bible codes in recent years, such as those found
in the Book of Genesis (i.e., “GENE-Isis”), relay warnings and
data concerning the need to understand how pure original DNA
serves our global and universal ecology. This subject, too, will
be brought to the forefront in this text. DNA, its sacred geometry,
and its meaning for life lived with a greater spiritual sense, will
be closely examined.
Finally, there are many yet to be answered questions and political urgencies surrounding DNA that we advance in this book.
The Human Genome Project and Genomes for Life Project are
two controversial topics tormenting to these authors. Who is really behind these projects? Where and why have they begun?
What may be achieved? Is there a dark side to these genetic
determinations to which the public was never privy? Could recent scientific and technological advances achieved by these vast
enterprises be used deleteriously without the public’s knowledge
or consent? If so, how might space-based or land-based electro-genetic frequency weapons be developed and deployed? Have
there already been efforts made in this domain? The answers to
these questions may surprise you.
Regarding the “Pirates of the Sacred Spiral,” many mischievous activities have centered at The Institute for Genomic
Research (TIGR) in collaboration with leading globalists and
pharmaceutical industrialists. Dr. Horowitz’s earlier investigations exposed these formidable threats as leading suspects in
the anthrax mailings, and worse. To the time of this writing, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has maintained the source
of these mailings a mystery. You will learn why. Evidence will
be presented linking the Pirates of the Human Genome Project
to the individuals and institutions underlying various genocidal
atrocities that have been committed under the guises of “public
health” and/or “national security” during the past century. The
individuals and institutions that have served this darker side of
DNA research, technologically steeped in the planet’s medical,
pharmaceutical, and petrochemical industries, are hereby exposed for those who care to serve justice.
These data may help explain current geopolitical trends
and economic agendas, from the growing reliance on genetically modified consumables, and increased risk of bioterrorism,
to medical and pharmaceutical “advances” alleged to address
emerging diseases. You will discover that the pirates and their
close associates profitably play with mutating microbes, related disease epidemics, and exploding rates of man-made illnesses
including cancers.
In the prehistoric era, cavemen and women sought to control fire and light for their heat and sustenance. Today’s focus
on DNA by wealthy global industrialists is the same. Besides
genetic scientists and pharmaceutical industrialists, energy industry executives power brokers know that DNA is the central
processing station for human electricity and evolutionary destiny. If “knowledge is power,” revealing its secrets is the key to
personal empowerment, spiritual evolution, and even planetary
salvation. This best explains, as you will shortly learn, why the
world’s most powerful energy industrialists direct the Pirates of
the Sacred Spiral.
Chapter 2.
DNA and the Bock Saga
“Just as my fingers on these keys
Make music, so the self-same sounds
On my spirit make a music, too.”
Wallace Stevens,
Peter Quince at the Clavier, 1923
Among humanity’s greatest challenges is “the effort it
takes to adopt new perspectives,” wrote Australian author
and spiritual teacher Les Whale. “It is not easy to use old belief
systems to steer a course towards the best possible future.” His
article on the “Bock Saga: An Ancient Time Capsule” appeared in
the June July, 2002 issue of Nexus, the Australian journal directed
by Duncan Rhoads an internationally respected purveyor of suppressed truths. It was Duncan who initially broke the HAARP
story for international readers.(Whale, 2002)
HAARP, the High Altitude Auroral Research Project, you
learned in previous books, was not a musical instrument designed
to play Divine symphonies. If anything, it is an instrument for
altering potentially numerous things from the weather to human
behavior.(Horowitz, 2001)
HAARP was developed by the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company, ARCO, in collaboration with the United States Government’s
Department of Energy (DOE). It has been avidly discussed by
Alaskan medical investigator and co-author of Angels Don’t Play
this HAARP, Nick Begich.(Manning and Begich, 1995) Dr. Begich also contributed to Dr. Horowitz’s pre-9/11, 2001, prophetically titled book, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and
Toxic Warfare.(Horowitz, 2001) As noted in these sources of
intelligence, this global energy director Anglo-American governments prefer to call an “atmospheric heater,”
is ultimately controlled by the Royal Family of Britain through
their subordinates. This family, and the European-based bankers that largely control the British monarchy, you will learn, occupies a central sphere of influence among the “Pirates of the
Sacred Spiral.”
Previous books also linked HAARP to several nefarious
undertakings besides the potential beaming of electromagnetic
frequencies directly into human DNA for disease induction and
mass population control. In forthcoming chapters this potential is
further explained. Naturally this outcome largely depends upon
the genetic predisposition to disease activated by these signals.
Likewise important are individual risk factors posed by illness producing lifestyles and environmental toxicities. All of
these risks, exposed in Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism
and Toxic Warfare, are best explained by considering the contemporary application of “non-lethal warfare” in which propaganda
plays a major part. Included here is the exposure of targeted
populations with combinations of chemicals and biologicals that
the public is psycho-emotionally directed to endorse.(Horowitz,
“This challenge is constantly in conflict with established
belief systems relating to our past, present and future,” author
Whale continued, “for these belief systems are the central wheels
of the academic hierarchy, involving all aspects of humanity including religion.”(Whale, 2002)
Indeed, the mass mind rests largely assured concerning the
government’s general benevolence towards We the People. If
HAARP, or other admitted governmental projects were offensive, “Big Brother” would engage the threat. At least that’s what
most people wish to believe. Newsworthy items like the Central
Intelligence Agency’s (CIA’s) use of electromagnetic frequency
weapons, drugs, and shock “therapies” to investigate and facilitate mind control and population manipulations gets very little press to date. We perceive ourselves as insulated against such
abuses or attacks by both law enforcement officials and the “independent media.”
“Many of us are only just coming around to the realization
that civilization was indeed thriving and highly evolved in our
ancient past,” yet, throughout the millennia, dark forces consistently arose to control such developments. “With each day
that passes,” Whale wrote, “and each new discovery that comes
to light, the truth of this political coercion and population manipulation is more and more difficult to ignore or deny.”(Whale,
Whale’s Nexus article asked readers to consider the modern
practice of burying time capsules to send future generations information and artifacts reflecting modern times. Likewise, he
documented, ancient civilizations did the same in ways ranging
from stone carvings to story telling. Later you will learn how
DNA apparently functions similarly. Buried information resides
in DNA’s water matrix in its crystal hydrated lattices perhaps for
even millennia, to eventually reveal to its holder ancient ancestral memories, even personal history and experiences.
The Bock Saga relays one such story intimately related to
this book DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral. Despite its origin
dating back more than 50 million years, “according to the Saga,”
Whale wrote, “it was decreed over 10,000 years ago that the
surviving Bock family would release the information in 1984,
and not before. It was perceived that by this date, human genetics would once more have the capacity for understanding and
integrating this knowledge, wholeness, and oneness. This would
enable people to live in harmony with nature, and each other, and
therefore properly utilize the wisdom.
Reflecting on George Orwell’s 1984, it appears the Bock
family’s faith concerning the maturity of human DNA was somewhat misplaced, in the general political sense. This prematurity
of spiritual readiness is particularly apparent when reflecting on secreted projects like HAARP and the CIA’s Projects MKULTRA and MKNAOMI. These later projects involved biological,
chemical, and electromagnetic population controls.(Horowitz,
1998; 2001; Horowitz and Puleo, 1999) Rather than learning to
live in harmony, that is, living a meaningful life of service, during the past few decades generations have witnessed the ongoing
degradation of the planet’s ecosystems, depletion of natural resources vital to various species’ survival, including air and water
pollution and many new arguably meaningless wars. Besides
this, a constant barrage of agitating communications emanate
from our mainstream sources of intelligence. All in all, these
symptoms of a global disease process seem far removed from
any provable conspiracy. Generally, people seem most willing to
believe each assault on human health and the planet’s integrity is
serendipitous rather than calculated.
Even in the face of these shortcomings, the Australian teacher reasoned, if the Bock Saga is true, as time will surely tell, this
knowledge what has become myth holds tremendous hope for
our civilization, and those of our progeny.
The Bock Saga involves DNA, as well as the spiritual context
of this matter advanced by our latest scientific understandings
concerning DNA’s bio acoustic and electromagnetic functions.
The Bock Saga
The modern emergence of the Bock Saga began in the 1980s
in an area near Helsinki, Finland. Here a group called The Positive Foundation began to excavate a site wherein the remnants of
Lemminkänen’s Temple was found.(Whale, 2002)
Lemminkäinen, according to a play entitled “The Kalevala,
a Finnish Epic” (based on Ursula Synge’s Land of Heroes: A
Retelling of the Kalevala), was an ancient times hero a Blacksmith who miraculously “forged heaven itself,” and “made the
foundations of the air.”
Another friendly hero, Väinämöinen, visited the saga’s antagonist Mistress Louhi to compete with Lemminkänen for her
daughter’s hand in marriage. Lemminkänen was an impressive
suitor. His songs were said to weave the universal ethers into all
sorts of matter. According to the play, the great mystical creator, Lemminkäinen, failed to win the marriage contest.
“According to the Bock Saga,” Whale wrote, “within the
Temple’s hidden halls there is to be found a repository of human
knowledge and existence on our planet dating back millions of
The Bock Family Treasure
Ior Bock, born in 1942, was the last remaining son of the
Bock dynasty, at the time Whale wrote. He was still alive.
According to Ior (pronounced ee-or), the Saga was largely
based on the memorization and performance of sacred sounds.
These were heard and experienced from generation to generation. “Each descendent was taught from the age of seven to
the age of 27, based on his communications with Ior. “It took
20 years to comprehend and master this” vocal and intellectual
tradition.(Whale, 2002)
Throughout most of his young adult life, Ior gained livelihood as the head guide of the Finnish Museum Fortress of Viapori in Sveaborg. “In the summer of 1968,” Whale told, “Ior
made his first academic presentation at the museum. In the years
that followed, he became a very well known and respected historian,” and involved himself in the development and production
of a number of television documentaries.
Whale detailed the controversial emergence, in 1984, of the
Bock family saga by Ior, and wrote that it almost cost Ior his life.
At first, Ior’s stories were “met with a great deal of disbelief.”
He was accused of making the Saga up. In 1999, he was stabbed
in the back a number of times by a lone attacker at his sister’s
apartment in Helsinki. His heart stopped for several minutes before paramedics managed to revive him. The stabbings left him a
quadriplegic. Yet, he continued to tell the Bock Saga. “His mind
is still very clear and he smiles, even though nearly all that he
had has been taken from him,” Whale reported.
Many of Ior’s early detractors “are now reconsidering their
position due to the astounding and significant discoveries made
over the past few years, discoveries which seem to confirm that
the Saga is indeed based on fact, not fiction.”(Whale, 2002)
Sounds Like the “Healing Codes”
As you will learn in greater detail in the next chapter, by
1999, Dr. Horowitz published a book that presented much of this
ancient arcana presented in Bock’s Saga, yet drawing from the
King James Bible. The book Healing Codes for the Biological
Apocalypse is an amazing text that for the first time in at least
3,000 years recovered and revealed to the public six specific
frequencies of sound associated with all creation. The creative,
destructive, and miraculous manifesting power of the King of
Kings is mediated through the spoken word, sounds, and music.
These revelations initially came from the Bible code in The Book
of Numbers. Ancient Levi priests, well studied in Pythagorean
mystery school math, included the numerical sound frequencies in the verse numbers. The numbers related mathematically,
harmonically, and by definition in Webster’s Dictionary, to the
prophesied gathering of 144,000 humble servants of God, to be
assembled in the End Times to sing Yah’s praises in such a way
as to instantaneously, and miraculously, deliver this entire planet
back from death’s door.
Later, renowned musician and spiritual teacher, Jonathan
Goldman, contacted Dr. Horowitz with a question. “Are there
three notes missing from the ancient Solfeggio scale?” he queried.
“Indeed there are,” Dr. Horowitz replied. “In Pythagorean
math, nine is ‘completion.’”
Taking the original six tone revelations, Dr. Horowitz extrapolated the final three by simply following the Pythagorean
pattern advanced in the column of three digit numbers. This revealed a total of nine notes that Dr. Horowitz called, “God’s
perfect circle of sound with all nine tones harmonically linked
to the 144,000 number.”
Using this knowledge, Jonathan Goldman produced an
amazing studio production called Holy Harmony a compact disc
recording that relays each of the nine tones forming a ring of
sound. He combined Gregorian chants with tuning forks specifically milled to the exact frequencies of the ring. Most people
have called their listening experience extraordinary. The third
tone, 528Hz, is used by some of the world’s leading genetic biochemists to repair damaged DNA.(Horowitz, 2000; Goldman,
Bock Saga and Secret Sound of DNA
Approximately three thousand years ago ancient Levi priests
translated the original Torah into the Greek Septuagint. At that
time, they developed the chapters and verse numbers found in
today’s Bibles. They used these numbers to encrypt these six
sacred tones. Only those privy to this sacred secret knowledge could access the numbers. The tones provided powerful
vibrations electromagnetic frequencies now known to impact
DNA.(Horowitz and Puleo,1999)
Science has now embraced what the Bock Saga foretold the
understanding that the primary function of DNA is in relaying
wave-particles of sound and light (i.e., phonons and photons)
throughout the organism. This is how, for instance, homeopathic
medicines, and even Bach Flowers, have been known to elicit
very rapid, virtually instantaneous, responses from experiential
to physical affects. The electromagnetic frequencies of sound
and light received, and then transmitted through the DNA structured water protein crystal-lattice complex, are the only mechanisms that can account for these successful and widely observed
phenomena. This is covered at greater length in the next chapter
under “How DNA Works.” According to the Bock Saga, humanity has only recently re-evolved to comprehend this basic understanding. “It is, therefore, understandable that the Saga should
come to light at this time,” Whale wrote.
“The Saga deals with a sound system that was utilized and
understood in complete detail many millennia ago technology
based on light and sound that also incorporated a spiritual understanding of how to work with “nature orally,” (i.e., “naturally”).
But somewhere in the darkened mists of our past, that knowledge
was lost and, therefore, so was our ability to utilize it.”(Whale,
An additional revelation was advanced in Healing Codes
for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Joseph Puleo, and by Dr.
Horowitz in his video production by that title. This involved the
“alphanumerics” of sound. Dr. Puleo determined that all of the
letters in the English language were perfectly reflected in the Pythagorean number skein. In other words, each English letter had a
corresponding number.(Horowitz and Puleo, 1999) Dr. Horowitz
later surmised, after integrating the “reverse speech” theory of
David John Oates,(Oates, 1999) that the English language was
alphanumerically related to the spiritually empowered Hebrew,
Sanskrit, and Aramaic languages, but backwards!
Whale continued to relay relevant details linking the Bock
Saga, the oral tradition of these musical teachings, to the alphanumerics of sound like those described by Drs. Puleo and
The Saga, given as an oral transmission, conveyed and
maintained in correct form, via the Ring, the alphernas
beten or alphabet, the kela of sound. The alphabet is in the
origin Rot (pronounced root) language and the Van (Finnish)
language. The teachings reveal a natural sound code within
the language, which contains and retains keys of information. The sound system creates an internal logic within the Saga. It is understood that this system creates an encoding
within the brain that triggers genetic memory. In this way,
the narrator of the Saga transmits the information, thus enabling the listener, after 20 years of learning, to take the Saga
forward.(Whale, 2002)
Likewise, Dr. Puleo prophesied in Healing Codes for the
Biological Apocalypse that certain “matrices of thought” could
be opened up, and the human mind’s link to spiritual realms
expanded, by simply receiving, reviewing, and then using the
Pythagorean patterns of math and/or these sounds. The ancient
Solfeggio scale he explained, used in the original Hymn to St.
John the Baptist, was reputed to hold the power to “uplift mankind to ‘God kind.’”(Horowitz and Puleo, 1999)
Similarly, Whale noted, “contained within the word saga
itself sa meaning ‘receiving’ and ga meaning ‘giving’ in both
Rot and Van languages is an understanding that one must first
receive before being able to give” the gift of spirit. This is, in
fact, precisely what DNA does. It receives the gift of spiritual life
in the form of sounds, and then transforms these tones to light
energy signals (i.e., photons). These photons transmits outward
from the Sacred Spiral to impact organic matter, including your
material makeup.
The “Holy Grail of languages,” Whale added, one small part
of the majesty of the kela of sound, could yield humanity’s physical and spiritual salvation. “Human history, philosophy, health,
well-being and, most importantly, the understanding that we are
all one, are critical parts of these teachings,” Whale wrote about
the Bock Saga. “In antiquity, at a time when this knowledge was
common, there existed a communal philosophy: one breeding,
one information system, one giving system, one Ring, which
created health and well-being.”
This is all closely tied to DNA, the “Healing Codes” composing “God’s perfect circle of sound,” and its primary functions creation, destruction, and miracles. Until recently, this knowledge
was obviously hidden from the masses by a privileged few “Ring
Lords.”(Whale, 2002; Goldman, 2002)
The Origin of Civilization
According to Bock
The Saga is a mythical mystery “so huge that it defies description,” wrote Whale. Best known as the Väinämöinen and Lemminkäinen mythology, this knowledge proposed that humans
evolved from the animal kingdom due to naturally occurring
hybridizations, or genetic experiments. Sounds and music were
believed involved as goats and monkeys mixed to crossbreed
mankind. According to Ion Bock, this occurred during the “Paradise time,” which preceded the age of Atlantis, the time following Atlantis, and the current “New Times.”
Why goats and monkeys, one might ask? This sounds absurd
unless one considers the theological alchemy. This concept bears
certain similarities to Darwin’s theory of evolution and Judeo-Christian theology.
Darwin suggested that man evolved as a result of genetic
mutations and survival of the fittest. In science, monkeys and
chimpanzees have been routinely used in most advanced genetic
When considering survival of the fittest, the subject of competition, the hunter versus hunted, or the eternal battle between
good versus evil, comes to mind. Perhaps serendipitously, the
“goat” in Webster’s Dictionary includes by definition, “the licentious man,” or someone lacking in legal or moral restraints,
“marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness,” “especially
disregarding sexual restraints.” This is symbolized by a principle
Satanic symbol the “Baphomet” or goat’s head. Another sheep
relative, the ram has traditionally symbolized the alpha male the
leader of the species.
Also, the Baphomet that adorns the cover of the “Satanic Bible” depicts a goat’s head with a man’s body. This is also commonly used to symbolize Satanic power in the occult.
Given the above, it is easy to imagine, monkeys from whom
man was said to originate in the image of God and goats, symbolizing the darker side of man, combined to form the genetic
basis for our current human species a hybrid actualizing good
and evil.
The Saga left out who, or what, conducted the initial genetic
experiment(s).(Whale, 2002)
Author Les Whale continued his interesting discussion regarding the “origin of humanity.” The Saga held that creation
“occurred around the North Pole, where the Sun circled and never set.” Around the Pole was “a land that became the ‘Motherland’ . . . [and] at its center was ‘Hel,’ meaning “clear,” “home,”
and “complete.” The Motherland was called Odenma or Uudenmaa, from which the phrase garden of Oden or Eden derived.
This home of the world’s first people was described as a tropical
paradise. The Saga purports this region to currently be southern
Human beings were known as pi-pol (pronounced pee-pol,
or people). All knowledge, Ion Bock stated, could be understood
“within the Pol and the Ring.” “Ringlands” were established on
the outskirts of Udenmaa where the Vaner people lived. “Their
language was Van,” Whale reported, “meaning ‘One.’” Curiously, the binary mathematics used primarily in physics and computer language is based on 0 and 1 a ring and a pole, or a “One”
and a “Ring.”
The philosophy of unity was central to the Vaner culture.
“Within the kela of sounds which make up the Rot language was
the knowledge of how to be one with nature and our plan-et,
plan meaning ‘plan’ and et meaning ‘family’ a family plan to
create wholeness,” Whale wrote. “Men and women were equal.
The man had his-story (history) and the female had miss-story
(mystery).(Whale, 2002)
Integrating the concept of God, the Bock Saga held that Oden
also entertained knowledge of the Court of Aser. Yehova meaning “give to the Court of Aser” was in Uudenmaa. “Hel” (or Hell)
was at the center of this tropical garden. Whale reported that this knowledge was considered necessary for a healthy and complete
life. “The name Yehova was eventually changed to Jehovah,”
he wrote, “and ‘God [implying good] within became ‘God in
Heaven.’”(Whale, 2002)
Whale contrasted the life in Oden for the Vaner people with
more modern Judeo-Christian traditions. He made special note
of the cultural differences regarding the sexes with reference to
certain genetic and evolutionary ideas. “From the beginning of
Christian times,” he wrote, “the heathen system (and all it represented) was hunted down and removed or destroyed. Women
were excluded from this new system because much of the missstory, the female mystery, had become taboo, ta meaning ‘to
give’ (to germinate the seed, which is feminine), b standing for
borg (meaning cast-el or ‘castle’), the breeding system, and oo
representing Oden the Sun and knowledge to make things grow
Other authors, including Dr. Joshua Hovey in this text, have
correlated certain aspects of DNA, mathematical sequences
found in The Book of Genesis, what we generically call “biblical
genetics,” and certain aspects of cosmology and the lunar cycle.
The Mayan calendar, for instance, in contrast to the more modern
Roman calendar, according to advancing research, also relates to
genetic sequencing according to some authors.(Hovey, 2002)
“Under the heathen system,” Whale continued, “Shiva represented the energy of the Sun reflected by the Full Moon once
a month; and the knowledge of the Moon and monthly cycles.
The male and female essences sperma and sav were regarded
as whol-i (holy), and when respected and shared correctly they
created a healthy genetic mix, and whole i-moo-en (immune,)
meaning ‘in the mouth’ system.”
Here, in ancient mythology, is the relationship between genesis, genetics, and the spoken word. Also implied is the concept
of wholistic health hinging on oral functions.
Neurophysiologists teach that one-third of the sensory-motor-cortex of the brain is devoted to the tongue, oral cavity, the
lips, and speech. In other words, oral frequency emissions (i.e.,
bioacoustic tones) spoken, or sung, exert powerful control over
life, vibrating genes that influence total well-being and even evolution of the species.
All of this, according to the Bock Saga, and the Bible, largely
depends on words from the lips syllables of language and underlying alphanumerics and/or Pythagorean mathematics. (Horowitz, 2000)
Along with modern Judeo-Christian theology, Whale argued,
“the original importance and meaning of the [creative] language
was changed, lost or corrupted.” Under our contemporary ideology, and modern culture, “respect for and sharing of sperma
and sav became taboo in other words, restricted and forbidden.
. . .
Instead of sperma and sav being honored, they became ill-used and wasted . . . Women were denied their natural worth and
equality. . . . Men and women could no longer understand history and mystery to assimilate the seed of knowledge. . . .” As a
result, much like the story of Adam and Eve, humanity declined
in its ability to co-create wholeness and harmony with the Great
Creator in Oden.
In the next chapter, you will see how these basic myths and
theologies have carried over into modern science in the realm of
genetics and DNA expression. You will see more clearly how this
same concept of sounds, emanating from the lips, carry creative
energies as seen with prayer and appreciated in Judeo-Christian theology, spiritual healing practices, and electro-genetic science.
DNA and the Myths, Metaphors
and Metaphysics of Creation
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God bless you. Thank you very much.
Please, part 4.
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