Friday, January 27, 2023

Part 3 Dead Men's Secrets Tantalising Hints of a Lost Super Race ... Somebody Misreading the Time ... Did Space Giants Experiment With Us ... ++++

Dead Men's Secrets 
Tantalising Hints of a Lost Super Race 
By Jonathan Gray
Chapter 7 
Gentlemen,” she enquired, “would you please tell me how old these are?” 

The veteran Maori guide, Rangi, was conducting a party of Australian geologists around one of New Zealand’s thermal attractions. She led them to a volcanically formed protuberance and paused. 

One learned member of the group gave the site a cursory examination and stated that in his opinion the rocks were 50 millions years old. 

“Are you sure?” she asked. 

“That figure would be close.” 

“What do you other gentlemen say?” queried the guide with a twinkle in her eye that evidently passed unnoticed. 

“Ten million years”…

“No, nearer to twenty million,” came the replies. Whereupon the genial lady straightened herself, beamed at the three sages in her inimitable style and said: “Thank you, gentlemen. Now let me tell you something. I stood on this very spot just ten years ago and watched these rocks being formed.” 

MISREADING THE TIME can be downright embarrassing. Particularly for a man professing to know so much. 

Misreading the time concerning our own origin might even be considered dangerous. Especially if it sets us on a false trail as to who we are, our sense of purpose and what’s in store for us. 

You will have noticed in the events of earlier chapters a time factor. 
1. An original super civilization was annihilated and our planet swept totally clean by a Deluge, about 3400 B.C. 

2. The earliest postdiluvian nations sprang into existence ready made, about 3,000 B.C. 

3. Primitive cultures were offshoots from the civilized world of 3400 B.C. and later; all societies had degenerated more or less. 

Now, some dear person will refer me to “Stone Age” tribes like Aborigines who have been in Australia for 20,000 years. 

Have they??? 

The time factor is so important, that if we can go back without interruption 20,000 years, then you can toss out almost everything we have so far discussed. 

The question is, HOW FAR BACK WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY CAN WE GO? As far as dates are concerned, where does fact end and speculation begin? 

The answer is, ABOUT 3,000 B.C. And the reasons for my stating this are compelling. 

Yes, I know that much older dates have been suggested by historians. For example we’re told that man already had a brain larger than ours 60,000 years ago and left drawings in 30,000 B.C. that would do justice to a modern painter. 

Now think about it. If this is so, then why would man have waited so long to develop cities and the type of agriculture associated with them? We should expect that those isolated civilizations which developed independently would be somewhat spread out over this period. Even one civilization from 20,000 B.C. would be strong proof against my account of the worldwide Flood. But, I repeat, the oldest cultures on earth all go back to about the same time—3,000 B.C. 

What does the evidence show? 

For one thing, the written records of no nation on earth are older than about 3,000 B.C. That is generally agreed by historians. 

But get this. Even modern dating techniques cannot take us back further than about 3,000 B.C. Dr. W.F. Libby, a foremost authority on modern dating methods, who won the Nobel Prize for his research on carbon- dating, was shocked to discover this limitation: 

“You read statements in books that such and such society or archaeological site is 20,000 years old,” he noted. “We learned rather abruptly that these numbers, these ancient ages, are not known accurately; in 69 fact, it is at about the time of the First Dynasty of Egypt that the first historical date of any real certainty has been established.”1 

Does that shock you? 

Consider the much acclaimed carbon - 14 dating method. This is based on the radioactive decay rate in organic matter. It is a fact that every living thing absorbs cosmic radioactive carbon-14 from the atmosphere. At death, this intake ceases and the radiocarbon in the organism begins to disintegrate. The amount of remaining C-14 is used to calculate how long ago the organism died. 

The accuracy of this dating method has come under some criticism lately. For example, a living mollusk from salt water can show age dates of 3,000 years (as though it had been dead for 3,000 years). 

Under normal conditions, radiocarbon dating is reliable to about 4,000 years ago. Then the disparity runs wild. You see, this dating method depends on the assumption that atmospheric radiation has remained constant. 

The trouble is that any traumatic environmental change occurring in the past would have accelerated the decay rate, adding to “apparent age,” if calculated on the assumption of uniformity. 

Thus an upheaval like the Deluge would play immeasurable havoc upon readings prior to about 3,000 B.C. It’s as simple as that. 

Let’s not underestimate the impact of the Deluge. The thing to remember is that this event was a universal catastrophe. It encompassed epic changes: mountains rising and falling, tidal waves rushing faster than the speed of sound, as well as thousands of Krakatoa's belching out dust to darken the atmosphere for centuries. Anything that could happen did happen. Seismic and atmospheric distortions persisted for hundreds of years. 

Get this. The earliest civilized cultures that can be dated go back no further than the post-Deluge period. 

And the same can be said for primitive men. Here are some bones found in caves near Rochebertier, in France. How old are they? “Twelve thousand years,” we’re told. But notice these script characters on them. What nags at me is this. They resemble and in some cases are identical to the script of Tartessus (of the period 2500 to 2000 B.C.). Are we to believe 70 that a script, once developed, would remain relatively unchanged for 10,000 years? It does not happen. So what do the two scripts really demonstrate? Just this—that the cultures must have been of the same period. Do you see? 

The same is true of Paleolithic antler bones found at Le Mas d’Azil and La Madelaine. These are inscribed with signs identical to Phoenician script from about 2000 B.C. 

And painted pebbles from Le Mas d’Azil are marked with signs and symbols that were once predominant throughout the Mediterranean—again, between 3000 and 2000 B.C. 

What does this all mean? Simply that “Stone Age” and “civilized” cultures existed at the same time! And, by the way, not 12,000 years ago. 

Yet we are still asked to believe in a long progression, first from caveman to Stone Age, thence to wandering hunters, to settled farmers, and later to cities and civilization. 

I feel sorry for the evolutionist, but that will not do. 

There is enough evidence now to show that these groups existed simultaneously, each aware of the other. On this point, ancient literature agrees with the latest archaeological findings. 

Just as even in today’s “Space Age”, there live “Stone Age” tribes on all continents except Europe. 

Concerning primitive people, Thor Heyerdahl, the “Kon-Tiki” explorer, observed correctly that their intelligence is “exactly like our own “2 
In other words, ‘stone culture” implies neither “dim-witted” nor “prehistoric.” There’s no 20,000 B.C. here. 

I hear somebody asking, “But didn’t the first men look like apes?” Surely the transition to our present appearance must have required hundreds of thousands of years? 

It is time for the truth. One thing you should know about discovered specimens of the earliest men is that they look remarkably like us. 

Here’s a short checklist: 

Perfectly preserved bodies of “ancient” cavemen found near the Bay of Biscay were almost identical to those of present-day man. 

Fossil skulls characteristic of “modern” man have been found in “ancient” strata in Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Ethiopia, Tanzania 71 and the Middle East. In some places, fragments of modern man have been found in strata below (hence “older than”) bones of “Stone Age” man. 

Regarding a skull found in Kenya, evolutionist Richard Leakey wrote in the June 1973 issue of National Geographic, “Either we toss out this skull or we toss out our theories of early man…It simply fits no previous models of human beginnings.” This skull “leaves in ruins the notion that all early fossils can be arranged in an orderly sequence of evolutionary change.” You have to admire the man for his honesty. 

In Australia, an excavation produced modern man and Neanderthal (“Stone Age”) man in a contemporary environment. “This raised the disturbing possibility that there may have been no ancestor of man—that he appeared fully formed.” The comment on this occasion came from A.A. Abbie, at the time Professor of Anatomy and Histology at Adelaide University. He added, “A Neanderthal man in modern dress would not attract much attention today. It appeared that geologists and anthropologists have wasted time looking for a ‘missing link’ between man and his ape-like ancestors, which probably did not exist.”3 

But haven’t there been “ape men”? Yes, and quite simply, these were degenerates from the main stock, the result of interbreeding from isolation. With such a limited gene pool, the appearance of bad genetic traits increased considerably, producing birth defects and physical mutations. 

As to physical deformities, Harold G. Coffin, of the Geoscience Research Institute in Berrien Springs, Michigan, U.S.A., has a point to make. He refers to “the recent discovery that the classic descriptions of Neanderthal man were based in large part on the (skeletal) remains of…a man suffering from severe osteoarthritis.”4 

Researchers Straus and Cove agree that this “arthritic old man…has his counterparts in modern man similarly afflicted with spinal osteoarthritis. He cannot…be used to provide us with a reliable picture of a healthy, normal Neanderthalian.”5 

Sir Ambrose Fleming asks: “Even if these fragments are of humans and show unusual features, why should they not be examples of deterioration rather than evolution?”6 

Monkey-faced men? Today I saw one driving a bus. Arthritic spines? The bottom line is, you cannot time-slot a man by his posture or by the shape of his head. “Long aeons” ago has nothing to do with it. 

Most of us have seen those elaborate charts in books which show geological ages, from the first simple life form to the emergence of man. Millions of years are postulated. You have to admit, they look very convincing to the point of being overwhelming. 

Once again, I have news for you. With all due respect, these charts, so painstakingly prepared, cannot be further from the truth. They are largely hypothetical, you see; they assume the theory of evolution to be correct— and build on that. They assume that the earth’s strata was deposited in a uniform, steady fashion over a tremendously long period of time. They assume that the uniform action of nature has never been interrupted by catastrophe. 

This assumption is called “uniformitarianism.” 

Let me tell you how Dr. Henry M. Morris put these standard evolutionary assumptions to the test. Dr. Morris set out to calculate the age of the earth from various natural processes such as the uniform decay of the earth’s magnetic field, the erosion of lands, and the gradual influx of chemicals into the ocean. In fact, he compiled a table of seventy separate natural processes of worldwide change. And do you know, the majority of these chronometers yielded a young age. More importantly, the processes showed extreme van-ability ranging all the way from 100 years to 500,000,000 years for the age of the earth.7 

You realize what this means? Quite simply, it proves there is something wrong with the basic premise of uniformity. Evidently nature has not always behaved as it does now. 

The other day my neighbor assured me that an orderly evolutionary sequence spanning millions of years was indicated by the rock strata with its “ascending” fossils. For example, coal beds were laid down 340 million years ago, dinosaurs ruled from 130 to 65 million years B.C., and man appeared just a million or so years ago. 

I’ll tell you something. In most parts of the world this theoretical sequence never occurs. Remains of marine and land animals arc mixed up in every possible sequence. Human relics are found even inside coal beds. As if that were not tricky enough, these remains of human origin sometimes occur with or beneath the bones of dinosaurs. Can you see what’s wrong? The evidence shows they were deposited at the same time—not millions of years apart. The man and the dinosaur died together, you see. (And before the coal was formed!) 

Figure out what this does to the theory of evolution. For one thing, it does not allow for the vast periods of time needed for the organic evolutionary process. 

The truth is, each successive layer of sediment with its dead bodies was deposited wave upon wave by the Deluge and sorted further by local currents. 

Remains all over the world—often perfectly preserved—attest that countless billions of creatures were buried suddenly and violently in a water-borne disaster. Animals from different geographical zones and all climatic areas of the world are found heaped together in one common graveyard. 

Sometimes lower strata contain fossils of smaller creatures, while in the higher strata larger animals are found. This is a logical consequence of an advancing global flood. Often the first to be engulfed were the smaller, less mobile creatures, whereas larger animals escaped to higher ground, to be overtaken later. These successive burials were accomplished within a year. Think it through. 

I’m not talking about the raw material of our planet, which is possibly some 5 billion years of age. Life on earth is quite a different matter; this is a recent event. 
(Moreover, if we are totally honest about this, we should not ignore the substantial new scientific evidence suggesting that even the earth’s raw materials may be measured in terms of only thousands of years of age.) 

In an interview with Science and Mechanics, July 1968, Immanuel Velikovsky expressed surprise that the body, brain and mind of man, a tremendously sophisticated biological apparatus supposedly spanning millions of years of time, was able to produce a recorded history of only a few thousand years. 

Doesn’t it make you wonder? Could it be that man is not so old, after all? 

We speak of millions of years for terrestrial life only because evolution demands that it be so. It needs the time. In other words, evolution has an answer it likes, and is trying to make the questions, and the facts, fit its answer. 

The exaggerated time element must be rejected. 

Constant media bombardment has moulded our attitudes, until we accept the evolutionary time viewpoint almost without question. Those who 74 influence us try hard to ignore the real nature of their proffered sacred cow. It is 100 percent speculation. 

It is not within the scope of this work to present the growing mass of scientific evidence for a dramatically ‘recent” time scale; this is reserved for a subsequent book. 

Does it really matter what we believe concerning our roots? It does, very much. 

By having lost our historical links to our early ancestors, we have lost much of our heritage; and in rediscovering these links, we may begin to find ourselves. As William Fix observes: 

The question of our origin is of supreme importance: it is the basis of our identity and destiny. The models with which we identify profoundly influence our behavior: the man who believes he came from a beast may be more inclined to behave like a beast. The image is not only degrading; it is dangerous.8 

So now, having swept aside the false, conventional view of prehistory, with its idea of a lowly form of man living in caves, using stone tools and incapable of producing the wonders of the past, we at last see a door opening to us. 

Now we are ready to conceive of that past as awesome and fantastic—as it really was. 

Well, almost. Two loose ends remain. One is the “space gods” theory. Could intelligent man’s sudden appearance conceivably be the result of a visit by galactic astronauts? Let’s see. 

Chapter 8 
Erich von Daniken caused a sensation in the seventies when he claimed that sophisticated ancient relics were the result of a space visit to earth. Now it is time for the truth. 

Von Daniken, like others, assumed that early man struggled for endless millions of years as a primitive dumb and stupid creature, unable to accomplish anything on his own. 

Then we find man quite suddenly (in the last few thousand years) nurturing a technology so intricate, so sophisticated, that it suggests intellectual maturity from the start. 

You don’t have to be smart to sense there is something wrong here. So, faced with the new evidence of high technology in ancient times, and realizing that man could not have obtained such advanced thinking capabilities and complex technology simply by evolving from nothing, Von Daniken’s camp suggested that maybe galactic visitors were responsible. These alien giants crossbred with primates to produce modern man, then left behind artifacts from their visit. 

Did they? You have to admit, it’s an interesting theory. Of the following facts we can be sure: 

1. None of the out-of-place artifacts is composed of material unknown to earth. 

2. Their technological makeup conforms with the development of our own modern civilization.  

3. Interbreeding would have been, we must face it, a virtual impossibility. That’s right. Aliens, you see, would need a carbon based physiology. Not only that. These giants would need to be physically adapted for entering the human female. But wait. Their chromosomes would have to be interchangeable, even for artificial insemination. Chromosomes and genes must both match up, which is extremely unlikely and does not happen even between animals and humans of the same planet! 

4. And of course you realize that if these were to match, they would already be of the same or closely related species—and man would be already intelligent. 

5. Still unresolved, the problem of the origin of intelligence is only removed to another planet. You have to account for civilizations on two worlds now, instead of one, and you still have to find out how the first began. Now naturally, if evolution cannot account for it on this planet, it is equally impossible to explain a more highly intelligent man evolving on some other planet. 

6. Memories of “gods” from the skies are explainable as the recollection by primitive people of visits from contemporary civilizations who had aircraft. Similar reactions have occurred in our day. 

With whatever good intentions, the “space gods” theory was born in careless research; since then it has been perpetuated through the use of faulty reasoning and sensationalism. 

Its promoters are correct, however, on one point: Human intelligence cannot be the product of chance evolution. Man did appear suddenly—at the top, not at the bottom. Man is a created artifact, far more wonderful than any computer. He was carefully planned and endowed with the gift of language and the most amazing intellect, as well as a feeling for handcrafts and technology. 

And something else was implanted within man: both the capacity and the need to communicate with his Maker, the prime Intelligence. Consequently, there is a part of every person which is restless, seeking unattainable goals, yet experiencing futility and emptiness until it finds identity and peace with the Creator. And that makes all the difference. 

One remaining question deserves an answer. If the early world was so advanced, then why is there such a paucity of physical evidence? Four reasons coming up: stay tuned. 

Chapter 9 
Consider, for a moment, the awful possibility that your hometown was forever wiped out. Can you imagine what future generations might find? 

Has it occurred to you that our noblest buildings today are scarcely more than facades supported by thin tendons of steel? 

Even with no disaster, our main cities would be little more than rubble in a thousand years. Our motorways would be crumpled pieces of hardness beneath vegetation. Our once complex railway network would be red dust blowing in the wind. 

Make no mistake about it. Few house chattels would survive the corrosion of time. Generally, paper books cannot last more than a few centuries (hence the need to recopy). Plastics will eventually disintegrate when exposed for long periods outside. The same goes for everything metallic. Yes, that’s right. Hair dryers, automobiles and carpets would be reduced to dust, along with photographic plates and film. 

What is more, all iron and steel buildings would rust and crumble to earth. Nothing would be left except a few stone structures downtown and maybe a few statues. Stone is the only indestructible material; it will survive a dead civilization. Isn’t it ironic? Nature allows dressed blocks of stone to survive, but not thick iron girders. 

Probably there would not be one item left in the suburbs to show that they even existed—except for the odd stone axe-head.  

In the event of a total catastrophe, the survivors would be driven to the countryside, to live primitively. They might, for a time, be able to salvage and use certain elements of their civilized technology. 

Eventually the last machine would break down, with nobody remembering how to repair it. The transistors, toasters and x-ray machines, though revered, would be useless. 

To the grandchildren and their descendants they would become legends. The “magic mirror” that could see events far away; the metal bird that could fly above the clouds; the room that could move up and down inside big houses—these would become “magical” myths of a people whose survival instinct would direct them back into the rapidly encroaching forests. 

Archaeologists 4,000 years later could claim that twentieth century man was not yet familiar with iron. (If they found cassettes with tapes, these would be a meaningless puzzle to them.) What do you think of that? 

Texts speaking of gigantic cities with houses several hundred feet high would be classed as myths. 

Do you begin to see the picture? It is this very situation of meagre clues that confronts us in relation to the original super world. I can think of four reasons for this. 

Numerous ancient cities now lie below ground level; many are covered by desert sands or swallowed by dense jungle; while others still may lie intact under the mile-deep ice of Antarctica. 

On the other hand, exposed remains can disappear so fast. Take, for example, the 4,000-year-old ruins of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia. As recently as the sixteenth century there still stood immense walls with massive rivets of silver in the stonework as well as lifelike statues of men and women in a thousand animated poses. Even until last century, travellers could admire and sketch imposing colonnades. Of these there is no trace today. The Spaniards and more recently the Bolivian government plundered them for building materials. 

Again, many scale replicas of ancient apparatuses probably perished when the Spanish conquistadors melted down all the gold artifacts they could find in Central and South America. 

The scale of destruction over the centuries will never be known. 

The destruction of printed records has been much greater than was originally thought. 

The great library of Alexandria once contained one million volumes in which the entire science, philosophy and mysteries of the ancient world were recorded (including a complete catalogue of authors in 120 volumes, with a brief biography of each author). In a single act of vandalism, Julius Caesar destroyed 700,000 priceless scrolls. In the seventh century, the Arabs completed the wipeout. Do you know how they did it? They used the books as a fuel supply to heat the city’s 400 public baths for six months. 

Totally destroyed also were the papyri of the library of Ptah in Memphis. Carthage, with a library of 500,000 volumes, was razed in a seventeen-day fire by the Romans in 146 B.C. 

The library of Pergamos in Asia Minor (with 200,000 volumes) likewise perished. 

When the famous collection of Pisistratus in Athens was wiped out (in the sixth century). surprisingly Homer’s writings escaped. 

In the eighth century, Leo Isaurus burned 300,000 books in Constantinople. In China, Emperor Tam Shi Hwang-ti issued an edict (213 B.C.) to destroy innumerable books. 

Thousands of Druidic scrolls in Autun, France, on philosophy, medicine, astronomy and other sciences, were obliterated by Julius Caesar. Not one survived. 

Much classical literature was systematically destroyed by the papal Inquisition. 

Spanish conquerors searched out and destroyed the entire Mayan literature (except for four documents now in European museums). It was related that Mayan scholars screamed in agony as they saw their life’s purpose go up in flames. Some committed suicide. 

The Council of Lima (1583) decreed the burning of the knotted cords (“quipas”) on which the Incas had recorded their history and that of their predecessors. 

What a story of carnage, in which the greatest depositories of knowledge from the ancient world are lost forever! (Yet somehow the Indian books escaped.) Did you know that even of the Greek and Roman literature, less than 1 percent has come down to us? 

Is it any wonder we are ignorant of our early heritage? I agree with Andrew Tomas that “we have to depend on disconnected fragments, casual passages and meagre accounts. Our distant past is a vacuum filled at random with tablets, parchments, statues, paintings and various artifacts. The history of science would appear totally different were the book collection of Alexandria intact today.” 1

Undeciphered still are writings at Easter Island, tablets at Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan, and Mayan scripts. Some finds will remain unsolved forever. There are no inscriptions awaiting us at Tiahuanaco or Machu Picchu. 

Then there are many museum relics, whose significance may have eluded us. 

A methodical reexamination of pieces labelled “art objects,” “cult objects” and “unidentified objects” would yield much new data. So would a systematic exploration of museum vaults. 

It is a well-known fact that museums are in the habit of “burying” objects that do not coincide with current theories, or that are not beautiful to look at. The vaults of the Smithsonian Institution and the Museum of Prehistory of Saint Germain-en-Laye are full of crates of incomprehensible objects that nobody is studying.2 

Could it be that many objects we have discovered had a purpose that we do not yet understand? The ancients may have achieved results similar to ours by quite different processes. (For instance, look at what happened to German technology. It diverged tremendously from that of other countries in just twelve years, from 1933 to 1945, when Germany was progressively isolated from the rest of the world.) 

Then again, is it possible that some of the antediluvian artifacts we have found cannot yet be identified, simply because they are ahead of our technology? 

A point to remember. As any technology advances, its methods and equipment do not become more complex; they become simplified. (Take, for example, printed circuits, silicon chips.) Such equipment may not be recognizable to a civilization of inferior knowledge. 

The point is we may be looking at objects—quite exciting objects— without recognizing them. Who would have expected that items in Baghdad Museum, long labelled as “ritual objects,” would prove to be components of batteries? Do you see what I mean? 

Here is a tantalizing thought. Some authentic and incredibly ancient documents are known to be safely locked away. We may never see them. These forbidden treasures are known to be concealed in four places: 

1. Catacombs beneath the Potala in Llasa, Tibet 
2. Vaults in the Vatican Library, to which even the pope does not have access 
3. Morocco, where Muslim leaders are fiercely opposed to making them public 
4. A secret place known to a few initiated rabbis (believed to be in Spain) 

But this is not all. There must be numerous lost cities undiscovered. Hold it, I hear you say. That’s overdoing things, isn’t it? An occasional ruin, maybe, but numerous lost cities? There aren’t any unknown areas in this day and age! 

On the contrary, there are many totally unexplored areas left about. Quite a lot of things occur in out-of-the-way corners of the world—and some not so out-of-the-way—that most persons never hear of. 

Still not explored from the ground are immense expanses of the interior of Central and South America, New Guinea, Asia and Australia. 

Although Europeans have lived and worked in India for some centuries, building bridges, railways and modern cities, the jungles have scarcely been investigated. There are remote villages that have never seen a white man. 

In the trackless Central Australian desert, a structure from an unknown civilization was discovered when vehicles from a nearby atomic test site drove into it purely by accident.3 

What you shall see in Part Two is just a hint of what still awaits us in desert, jungle and ocean. 

The largest unexplored jungle area in the world is the Amazon Basin. This region is so little known that a river tributary 200 miles long was only recently discovered—and then only by satellite. The Amazon system comprises 50,000 miles of navigable “trunk rivers” and an estimated 16,000 tributaries. The jungle on each side of the rivers is almost totally impenetrable, at least for a European. I know of settlers who have lived on riverbank clearings for forty years and never ventured more than a mile back into the jungle. 

The Amazon contains some of the most solid jungles and hostile environments to be found anywhere. Surprisingly, this now mysterious region was once the center of a very intense and highly active population. Large cities flourished here, with high volume commercial traffic to the Andes. 

Despite satellite technology, we face almost insurmountable problems in locating any remains. 

A pilot over the Amazon may spy towers, villages or ruins, pinpoint them and report them. A few days later, someone setting out to verify the data will find they have already vanished—swallowed again by the jungle since that forest fire or whim of weather that exposed them. 

Karl Brugger mentions that the “Transamazonica spur of the road between Manaus and Barcellos on the lower Rio Negro, built in 1971, was overgrown by tropical vegetation within a year. The technicians even had difficulties locating the approximate direction of the road. It is not surprising therefore that there are no more signs of ‘white cities.’”4 

Again, there are vast stretches where the fog never lifts, and in others it doesn’t clear until late afternoon. 

There is an area in Eastern Ecuador from which natives have been carrying out thousands of artifacts belonging to what they describe as giant pyramids and immense deserted cities. But don’t get carried away. This is a forbidden region; local Indians still massacre inquisitive outsiders. 

Intruders in the Matto Grosso region of Brazil can expect a similar welcome. Yes, believe it! Documented accounts are numerous. Once an entire patrol of 1,400 vanished in the jungle without trace. This trackless, unexplored “green hell” swallows visitors. The ruins clasp their secret. 

Think of it. Five thousand years ago (when our forefathers were supposed to be existing in caves or crude settlements) a highly advanced culture reached over the whole globe—from Siberia to Antarctica, from Greenland to Africa. 

This super world vanished so completely we thought it never existed. It is not unlikely a whole empire could disappear like this. The more advanced the culture, the more easily it could vanish without a trace. If it were so advanced, then its powers of destruction must also have been enormous. More on that later. 

What an epic! The wonder is that despite wholesale obliteration of evidence, many thousands of pieces do survive—written records, oral traditions and physical remains.

There now follow about one thousand of the more interesting exhibits. Yet these can never be more than a tantalizing peep at this astonishing, unknown world, shrouded in opaque clouds of mystery. 

In this section, each “island” paragraph clue is coded as follows: 

O -An Oral tradition 
W -A Written or pictorial record 
S -A currently or recently Surviving object

Chapter 10 
From the coffin came life…after 2,100 years! 

It was May 1985. Chinese archaeologists had just cracked open a Han Dynasty tomb in the Fenghuang Mountains. Beside the corpse were containers of ancient seeds. “Let’s cover these with a damp cloth,” motioned one of the men to his colleague. “We don’t want them to crack.” 

For some days the partners excavated further, unaware that something peculiar was happening. Until the lifting of the cloth; that’s when the shock came. Still alive, would you believe, after 2,100 years, forty seeds had sprouted into tomato plants. 

But the implications went deeper. Until now, the tomato was held to have been discovered, together with its native South America, only four centuries ago—concomitant with the development of ocean travel. We must now reexamine history. 

Dead men do tell tales, you see. Tales of journeys long forgotten. 

Stand by for adventure…—gigantic adventure. 

Come with me now, far back into the center of the Great Unknown. Our destination: a strange planet (albeit our own), 5,000 years in the past. 

What is our purpose, our main objective? To unravel some geographical mysteries: 

1. Did ancient races have luxury ocean vessels equipped with sophisticated instruments to travel the earth’s surface? 

2. Could there have been global communication in the distant past which equalled that of modern times? 

Now I realize that an affirmative answer to either of these questions will throw the whole of prehistory into confusion. 

Ought we not to ask such questions? It seems to me that the classical method of research into antiquity has gotten bogged down and therefore cannot come to the right unassailable kind of conclusions. 

I set before you a mere sampling of known discoveries. Make no mistake. The implications arc dynamite. 

1 (S): Two Roman ships were found in the 1920s at the bottom of Lake Nemi, and between 1927 and 1932 were restored, only to be destroyed by German bombers toward the end of World War II. 

These luxury cruisers contained accommodation for 120 passengers in 30 cabins of 4 berths each, plus crew’s quarters; were richly decorated with mosaic-tiled floors; walls of cypress panelling; metal columns, marble statues; and paintings in the lounge. There was a library; a ceiling sundial; a salon where a small orchestra entertained the passengers; a large restaurant and kitchen; copper heaters which provided hot water for the baths; and modern plumbing, with bronze pipes and taps. 

The underwater part of the hull was sheathed with lead, fastened with copper nails. 

EGYPT 2 (W): Egyptian open-sea ships were up to 350 feet long and 60 feet wide, with as many as four decks. 

GREECE CHINA 3 (W): Ancient vessels from 250 to 600 feet long and capable of carrying a crew of up to 600 were far larger than anything built by later European explorers.1 

GREECE ROME 4 (W): Large luxury ocean liners over 500 feet long contained temples and swimming pools; also dining halls of marble and alabaster. 

SUMERIA 5 (W): An Akkadian dictionary of the Sumerian language contained a whole section on shipping. It catalogued as many as 105 Sumerian terms for various ships, by size, destination or purpose. A further 69 Sumerian terms connected with the manning and construction of ships were translated into the Akkadian. 

UGARIT, SYRIA, 1400 B. C 6 (W): A catalogue of ships details the types and uses of cargo vessels, passenger ships, fishing smacks, racing boats, troop transports and warships. 

SUMERIA 7 (W): Ancient texts refer constantly to a type of ship used by the “gods” called “elippu tebiti” (“sunken ship”—what we would today call a submarine). 

INDIA 8 (W): A 3,000-year-old document contains eight chapters of plans for craft that could travel in the air, on water or under the sea.2 

BRITAIN CHINA 9 (W): Legends of sophisticated flying water craft come to us from Britain and China. 

10 (S): Maritime computer: On Easter Day, 1901, divers working in a very old shipwreck on the seabed off Antikythera Island, Greece, brought up, among other relics (mostly statues), a metal artifact fused by the sea into a lump. 

The object collected dust for 50 years, until restored by acid baths.  

It proved to be a bronze machine with complex dials, moveable pointers, inscribed plates and a sophisticated system of interlocking gears (more than twenty gear wheels, a differential gear and a crown wheel). 

On one side was a spindle that set all the dials in motion at varying speeds as soon as it was turned. 

The pointers were protected by bronze covers on which long inscriptions could be read. 

It could work out and exhibit the motions of the sun, moon and planets, calculate their positions, the movement of tides and the time of day. Signs of the zodiac were included. 

To use the computer, one could set a particular planet on the scale, turn the gears for so many months or years and a number would show through a hole in the case, telling you where the planet would be. 

Here is first-class precision mechanics, as accurate as any that can be made today. 

This computer was used for navigation purposes; a mechanism for checking one’s position at night. First century B.C., but doubtless of a much older technology.3 

As Dr. Derek Price, a Cambridge scientist, observed, “finding something like this is like finding a jet plane in the tomb of Tutankhamen!”4 

NORWAY 11 (W): Early sea travellers used a “magic stone” for all-weather navigation, which was able to “find the sun, even when behind clouds and fog.” 

Pilots today have compasses with crystal polarization, capable of finding the exact position of the sun when it is not directly visible. This legendary “stone” was based on the same principles. 

It was probably cordierite (from the magnetic rocks of Italy, Finland and Norway), whose fine, clear crystals are better known as water sapphires. 

Its most important quality is change of color, varying from yellow to blue when the natural alignment of its molecules forms an angle of 90 degrees with the plane of polarization of sunlight. 

These items of equipment were simply the result of a much earlier technology—one anteceding both the Vikings and the Greeks. 


That’s right! 

There was a time when the whole world was known. Travel around it was regular, safe and profitable. 

Then most nations lapsed into a subsistence economy, the trade routes dead and forgotten. 

RECORDS OF OTHER NATIONS 13 (W): A Tibetan record of at least 300 B.C. contains a map of “a green land lying far across the eastern sea” (i.e., the Pacific). 

14 (W): Greek navigators spoke of islands in the “western sea” (i.e., the Atlantic) with a great mainland beyond (America); also regions where “for 30 days on end, the sun sets for little more than an hour, and for several months the night is faintly illuminated by the western twilight” (the Polar regions); and “countries where there was a day for 6 months and night for 6 months.” 

15 (W): Egyptian priests told the Greek Solon that the Atlantic “is a real sea and the surrounding land may be most truly called a continent” (i.e., America). 

16 (W): According to interpretations of texts by Plato and Diodorus, Phoenicians traded with America around 1000 B.C. 

17 (W): Seneca (first century) speaks of lands between the east coast of Asia and the west coast of Europe (e.g., the Americas); he says that “one day, vast new lands will offer themselves to human view.” 

18 (W): Strabo (born c. 60 B.C.) writes of “other inhabited lands” and says that “a huge continent will be discovered one day.” 

19 (S): An underwater rock carving in Lake Assawompset, Massachusetts, was temporarily exposed when the waterline receded during a drought in 1957. It clearly portrayed a ship of ancient Phoenician or 92 Minoan style (suggesting it was incised when the sea level was lower, and the level of in-shore waters corresponded). 

20 (S): A stone found in 1885 near Morganton, Tennessee, bore an inscription speculated to be recent Indian. However, when the stone is turned upside down the letters spell a message in ancient Canaanite: “For Jehu”—an example of an inscription having been looked at upside down for almost a century!5 

21 (W): The Micmac clan of the Algonquian nation wrote in 2,000 characters of pure Egyptian hieroglyphics. 

22 (S): Arab remains in America are fairly numerous. 

23 (S): A stone labyrinth with Minoan-like inscriptions and of a similar construction to that of 3,500 years ago, stands at Mystery Hill, New Hampshire. 

24 (S): An American “Rosetta Stone” called the Davenport Stele (found 1874, in the lower levels of an Indian burial mound) contains inscriptions in three languages: hieratic Egyptian, Iberian Punic and Libyan. Harvard professor Barry Fell, in America B.C., remarks that this stele is genuine because neither the Iberian nor the Libyan scripts had been deciphered at the time it was discovered.6 

25 (S): Two-way trans-Atlantic trade around 2500 B.C. is indicated by woodworking tools and fishing gear found in the Great Lakes area, and in ground slate knives found in Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. 

26 (S): Distinctive pottery of North America (1000 B.C.) closely matches Baltic pottery of the same age.

27 (S): Manfred Metcalf found a stone which bears a Phoenician script used around 2000 B.C. (Columbus, Georgia).7 

28 (S): In 1970, the Bat creek Stone from Tennessee was positively identified as being of Hebrew origin; so was an amulet recovered from a very old tomb. Caches of coins dating from the Hebrew Bar Kokhba rebellion against Rome in AD. 132—135 have been unearthed in Kentucky and Tennessee. 

29 (S): In 1973, Mrs. Joe Hearn was digging in her backyard when she unearthed a metal tablet containing a cuneiform script called Classic Ur II, which was in use in the Middle East 4,000 years ago.8 

Similar authenticated finds are common all through the United States; inscriptions on buried temples, on tablets, on gravestones and on cliff faces. 

30 (W): The ancient Popul Vuh of the Maya speaks of a land “where whites and blacks dwelt together in peace” (an unusual statement for a land whose people are neither white nor black!) 

31 (S): Sculpted heads dated from as early as 1500 B.C. show unequivocally bearded Jews, African Negroes and other distinctive racial types. 

32 (W): In both the Mayan calendar and the Near Eastern calendar, the same sequence of animal types is used in the same order to represent each month. Even the origination date for these calendars is the same— approximately 3000 B.C. 

PERU 33 
(S): Many finds in Mexico and Peru display Chinese and/or Buddhist features. 

34 (W): There are “oriental” aspects to Aztec religion and astronomy. 

35 (W): Asian-sounding names are inscribed on an ancient tomb. 

36 (S): Similarly complicated rules were worked out for a board game known as “pachisi” in Asia and “patolli” in Mexico. 

37 (S): Thousands of inscriptions on South American standing stones and dolmens contain letters from early European and Mediterranean alphabets. (The same is true of weapons, implements and crockery found in South America.) 

38 (S) Pottery 5,000 years old is almost certainly Japanese in origin.9 

39 (S): During my 1967 expedition to remote jungle villages in the Amazon headwaters, I came upon Egyptian hieroglyphics on metal plates. 

40 (S): Every race in the world is represented in statuettes found in a very ancient city on the seabed, just off shore, near Guayaquil. There are Aryans, Semites, Caucasians and a race looking remarkably like modern Japanese. 

41 (S): Artifacts found in caves deep in the jungle near Tayos include:10 
• Several superb wood statues carved in the Pacific Oceanic island style and depicting Negroid men and women 
• A mahogany Adam and Eve with definite Semitic features 
• Bronze images of Egyptian princesses and Assyrian gods 
• A plaque of a Caucasian man writing with a quill pen 
• Phoenician bronze calendars 
• A large aluminum sheet depicting the Greek goddess Athena. 

42 (S): A plaque found in the Amazon jungle was carved in pure Libyan—which was also spoken by the Zuni Indians of southwestern U.S.A.! 

43 (S): An inscription discovered 150 miles from Cuzco relates that its authors (from the era of Egypt’s first king Menes) had arrived from the Indus Valley (Pakistan). 

44 (S): Images of symbolic white, yellow and black men, as well as a fourth race (unidentified); also animals from other parts of the world and several figures resembling Egyptian sculptures, stand on the Plateau of Marcahuasi. 

45 (S): A piece of pottery found at Nazca bears the faces of five girls— one white, one red, one black, one brown and one yellow. This indicates that the Nazcans had knowledge of every racial group around the world, and possibly even models to work from. 

(S): Cotton-weaving looms in Peru and Egypt were almost identical, even to the point of each having eleven working parts. 

47 (S): Ideograms of the Aymara Indians of the Lake Titicaca region exactly correspond to ancient signs in the Canary Islands, in the North African Sahara, in Ethiopia, and among the Phoenicians, halfway around the world. 

(S): A row of stone sculptures embedded along a surviving wall at the ruined city of Tiahuanaco, portray heads of virtually every known race on earth, and some that are not identifiable. 

(S): Copper trepanning instruments of Tiahuanaco (for opening the brain) were identical to those used by the Egyptians—as were the methods used! 

50 (S): Inscriptions relating to Egypt have been found in some caves at Teyucare. At Villarrica (further south) are carvings resembling Germanic and Scandinavian runes. 

51 (S): At the mouth of the Rio de la Plata, a dagger and helmet were found with inscriptions from the time of Alexander the Great. 

52 (S): The old Irish (according to their legends) maintained a very early connection with a “golden civilized race across the Western Ocean”— and in the cordilleras of the Argentine, today, there is actually an Indian tribe speaking pure Gaelic or Erse!  

53 (S): Near Manaus, over 600 miles inland, was found a pot buried with an Arab inscription “sakad-bahar” (“riversea”), dated at 4,000 years old. 

54 (S) Over 2,800 graffiti, some very ancient, have been found in Brazil, many in the heart of the jungle or on mountaintops. There are “pre-Egyptian,” Phoenician and Sumerian scripts and hieroglyphics. (At least 2,000 photographs of these have been taken.) The earlier Indians had many ancient traditions of an advanced civilization that flourished thousands of years ago to the north and west of the central highlands. 

55 (S): Phoenician inscriptions have been found which give the names and dates of the rulers of Tyre and Sidon. 

56 (S): In the province of Amazonas, the French engineer Apollinaire Frot came upon an ancient carved rock hidden by dense jungle close to a river, which recorded the journey of a proto-Egyptian priest to what is now Bolivia. The inscription gave directions to silver and gold mines. Stage by stage, such markers ran across central Brazil. 

57 (S): In the dead cities of the Matto Grosso are found the same names of the zodiacal constellations that we use today! 

58 (S): Ceramics and ornaments found on the island of Marajo, at the mouth of the lower Amazon, depict human faces from every race in the world, and identical inscription symbols to those in ancient Mexico, China, Egypt and India. 

59 (S): Petroglyphs in Kazakhstan (over 3,000 years old) portray a sorcerer casting a spell over a circle of beasts—remarkably similar to one in the “Three Brothers” cave of France. 

60 (S): Carvings resembling Scandinavian and Germanic runes have been found. 

61 (S): Cloves from the Moluccas have been excavated in Syrian rubble of 2500 B.C. 

62 (S): Artifacts and records show that the Sumerians sailed to both Britain and India. 

63 (S): Peanuts (native to South America) have been dug up from sites in China dated 2335 B.C. 

64 (S): Richly patterned clothing embroidered in Chinese silk has been recovered from a “Bronze Age” Celtic grave near Hochdorf. 

65 (S): African Negro, Armenian, Phoenician, Egyptian and Greek facial features are still identified among the indigenous populations of Southeast Asia, Indonesia and the Pacific Islands. 

66 (S): Headdresses worn by chiefs and warriors of the same region bear great similarities to the helmets of the classical Greek warriors of Alexander’s time. 

67 (S): Rock engravings in the Southern Sahara area of Africa show females wearing clothes and exhibiting tattoos similar to those 15,600 miles away as the crow flies, in the South Pacific. 

68 (S): An early stone carving clearly shows an ancient ship with three masts—much larger than anything used by the islanders. 

69 (S): Wooden tablets bear hieroglyphics in detail similar to that used in the Caroline Islands and also to the archaic Indian writing of the Indus Valley, on exactly the opposite side of the world. 

70 (O): Polynesians were aware of the treacherous passage beyond the southern extremity of Cape Horn and of the Antarctic, “once inhabited by several nations”; they remembered also that in the midst of Antarctica was a mighty cliff of red rock. (Remarkably, an identical landmark was recently discovered in Antarctica’s heart; several hundred miles inland, it could not have been observed from the coast. Nor could any Polynesian have traversed the white continent in its present state to see that red cliff and tell about it.) 

71 (O): Numerous striking similarities exist between the languages of Hawaii and ancient Greece. 

What happened to the records of such world-circling by ancient fleets? 

72 (S): Cave art of a Mayan (Central American) character has been found. 

CHINA 73 (S): Mayan jade artifacts have been discovered. 

74 (S): Mayan blood groups and racial features exist. 

75 (S): Egyptian influence at least 2,000 years old is seen in many of the native philosophies, rites and wooden carvings. 

Five structures identical to 3,000-year-old step pyramids in the Middle East, exist in the eastern Sepik district. 

77 (S): Remains of an ancient sun worshippers temple of Egyptian style, and an idol facing the rising sun, with features half-man half-bird, were discovered in 1964 on New Hanover Island. 

78 (S): South American sweet potatoes called “kamar” were grown and called “kumara” throughout Polynesia. 

79 (S): The sailing vessels, lodges and totem poles of the Indians of British Columbia and Alaska closely resemble those of the Maori. 

80 (S): A reed musical instrument of ancient Greece is virtually the same as one played in the Solomon Islands and the Andes highlands of South America. It possesses an almost identical structure; even the pitch is the same. 

81 (W): In 338 B.C., Shi Tzu recorded the presence of pouched animals, which were introduced to China about the time that Emperor Chao despatched ships to a southern land called Chui Hiao to collect these same creatures. 

82 (W): Chinese records prior to 338 B.C. mention a great southern continent on which dwelt fierce black people who used a strange weapon (the boomerang). 

83 (S): Archaeologists have unearthed carved stones in Persia depicting world maps, including one describing a southern continent, dating back to 3000 B.C. 

84 (W): The Egyptian explorer Khnumhotep returned with a wild report of a “vast continent” where animals carried their young in pouches and the natives threw a weapon that came back to the hand. 

85 (S): Eucalyptus resin (obtainable only from Australia) was found in the embalming of a woman of 1000 B.C. in the Jordan Valley. 

86 (S): Chemical analysis of some Egyptian mummies has revealed the presence of eucalyptus oil—indicating contact with Australia in the days of the Pharaohs. 

87 (W): Confucius, the Chinese philosopher, wrote in his Spring and Summer Annals (481 B.C.) of the observation of two solar eclipses, one on April 17, 592 B.C. and the second on August 11, 553 B.C., on what appears to have been the coast of Darwin, Australia. 

88 (W): A map in Taiwan Museum shows the southern coastline of New Guinea, and Australia’s east coast to Victoria and Tasmania. It is 2,000 years old. 

89 (S): Aborigines of the Kimberleys of northwestern Australia greeted the first white man with ancient secret Masonic hand signs; they also had customs, religious features and words clearly of Egyptian origin, as well as Middle East blood groups and racial features. 

90 (S): The Wandjina cave art of the Kimberleys shows people clothed in garments unknown to primitive tribesmen, but like those worn by Egyptian and Phoenician seafarers of 3,000 years ago. (The tribesmen say that the people in the artwork came over the Indian Ocean.) 

91 (S): An inscribed bronze plate of Phoenician origin (dated from 600 B.C.) was found preserved in the tidal mud off the coast of northwestern Australia, near Derby and close to a very ancient mine. 

92 (S): A non-Australian man appears in rock images on a cliff west of Alice Springs, Central Australia, wearing a miter of Babylonian or Egyptian style. 

93 (O): Aborigines claim that an uninhabited secret city called Burrunju (once inhabited by gigantic white men) is even now concealed in the northern hinterlands. It was a vibrant “place of much activity.” 

94 (S): Egyptian death beliefs and rites (including mummification) are held by Arnhem Land and Torres Strait natives; the incisions and method of embalming are identical to the practice of 2,900 years ago in Egypt.

95 (S): The name Ot appears on what may be Phoenician carvings, found near Adelaide in 1931. (Was this the same Babylonian admiral Ot who went off to South-East Asia in 636 B.C. and disappeared?) 

96 (S): Many strange symbols, ships and figures, of Egyptian, Phoenician and Syrian style have been found carved on rocks along the Hawkesbury River, New South Wales. 

97 (S): A small axe blade of Middle East style, widely used by shipbuilders 2,500 years ago, was found near Penrith, New South Wales. 

98 (S): Phoenician-style engravings were discovered on a marble slab in North Queensland. 

99 (S): Also unearthed were:* A Ptolemy IV bronze coin (of 221 to 204 B.C.), near Baron Falls, North Queensland, 2 feet below ground in a rain forest (c. 1910)* In the same district, a large rock of sandstone carved in the form of a scarab beetle, a religious object of ancient Egypt. 

100 (S): In 1977, museum curator Rex Gilroy found in a mountain cave on the Atherton Tableland, Queensland, some Aboriginal paintings which included 3,000-year-old Egyptian Masonic signs. (The identical detail of the symbology could not possibly have been invented by the Aborigines themselves.) 

101 (S): A statue of the Egyptian god Thoth in the ape form of pre-2000 B.C. with the papyrus flower, was found at Gympie, Queensland, in 1966. Over the last century, this location has yielded a Middle Eastern spoon, an Egyptian scarab beetle pendant, as well as numerous Phoenician and Egyptian pottery fragments and drawings. 

102 (S): In the same district, a stepped pyramidal structure constructed of crude lumps of stone, rises in bushland in eighteen terraces to a height of 104 100 feet. Another twice the size stands in dense scrubland near Sydney, New South Wales. (As with the five similar structures in New Guinea, these are identical to 3,000-year-old step pyramids in the Middle East.) 

103 (S): Ancient Aboriginal legends tell how people in large ships like birds (the bird-headed prows of the old Phoenician triremes?) sailed into Gympie (now 34 miles inland), dug holes in the hills, erected the “sacred mountain” and interbred with local inhabitants. Interestingly, evidence of ancient mining and smelting was recently found here. 


Fiction couldn’t challenge your imagination more. And yet here it all is, fact after fact, story after story, about the lives and discoveries of a people thousands of years ago. 

Now naturally these exhibits will not be popular with some people. The majority of the scientific community has greeted them with deathly silence because of early indoctrination in evolution. It tries to ignore them for the sole reason that it cannot explain them. 

However, in this chapter we have begun to tie up the apparently disconnected threads which stare us in the face—and make sense of them. Undeniably, we are confronted with an incredible past, of which there remains but an imperfect and diminishing echo. 


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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...