Friday, January 20, 2023

Part 5 DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral ... Beginning Electrogenetics

Pirates of the Sacred Spiral 
By Dr. Len Horowitz
Chapter 6. 
Beginning Electrogenetics
“One does not need to believe in reincarnation to explain why many people feel they have ancient memories—lucid flashbacks to age-old emotion-packed events—or even Divine callings. These experiences may be associated with ancestral memories transmitted through hydro-electrified DNA. . . . This theory is adequately supported by recent advances in electrogenetics, protein crystal science, and structured water biochemistry. . . . Simply consider the subtle, yet powerful, frequency transmission capabilities and energy capacitance facilitated by DNA clustered-water Nucleosome resonances. Some of these may be encoded with a spiritual flow containing ancient data.” 
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. 
Healing Celebrations Lecture, 2001

Cells exist within an electro-energetic continuum where they are most often attached to other cells of the same type. The blood is one such pulsating vibrational tissue. It delivers vitally important nutrients and elements that also vibrate energetically—bioelectrically and electrochemically. Oxygen especially is “spiritually uplifting” in this way. Therefore, since the cells of the body require a steady supply of nutrients, they are typically located in close proximity to blood vessels for a steady stream of energetic elements and vibrational molecules. 

The extracellular matrix (ECM) occupies an intermediate position between the blood vessels and the cell membrane. This major anatomical area is worthy of further examination in light of determinations discussed in the last chapter. This chapter provides an introduction to advanced electrogenetic concepts including: 
1) the intravascular space and its components and energetics; 
2) the cell membrane and the attached glycocalyx; 
3) components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and; 
4) the ECM-glycocalyx-membrane interface. 

The intravascular space and its components has functions besides nutrient transport into cells. Toxin export away from the cells is another critical function. Another is a control function whereby soluble hormones and growth stimulants and inhibitors are selectively sent to cells from endocrine sources in distant locations. 

As discussed in the last chapter, cell membranes and the attached glycocalyx maintain electrochemical and anatomical roles vital to health and normal bioenergetic systems. The cell membrane can be thought of as the “gate-keeper” of the cell that controls the inflow and outflow of nutrients and electric currents to and from the cell’s interior. It regulates the active transport of nutrients such as minerals and amino acids, and the vitally important removal of toxins. For this reason, the cell membrane is an operational interface between the cell interior, other cells, and the components of the ECM. The cell membrane mediates adherence and communication with other cells, the ECM, and components of the immune system. 

Normal multicellular organisms require coherent and coordinated communication of each cell with every other cell in the organism. In order to synchronize cellular processes in a multicellular state a communication system must and does exist. For most of the last century biological science has concentrated almost exclusively on explaining the communication system of multicellular organisms by focusing on circulating chemical messengers carried by the bloodstream. This paradigm attributes communication at the cellular levels to molecular interactions, chemical concentrations, and chemical kinetics. This entire paradigm, though obviously important, is seriously limited, if not archaic, reflecting on more modern knowledge. It is as though the purveyors of mainstream science want to deny the energetic, bordering on spiritual, foundation of life. Beyond “separation of church and state,” why do you think this condition persists?  

Sure you could argue that cell membranes contain docking ports on their surfaces called receptors. Indeed, these allow cells to pick up distant chemical signals (hormones, neurotransmitters, prostaglandins, etc.) sent by other cells through the bloodstream, along with local chemical signals generated by components of the ECM and immune cells. However, as will be discussed later in this chapter, it is likely that even these cell receptors function as antennas for particular frequencies of electromagnetic energy.(Haltiwanger, 1998) 

For example, as you might expect, the cell membranes of cancer cells are different from normal cells. Cancer cell membranes have alterations in their lipid/sterol content.(Revici, 1961) The types of glycoproteins and antigens that they express is also different.(Warren et al., 1972; Hakomori, 1990) Cancer cells also exhibit the ability to express their own growth factors and the ability to ignore growth factor inhibition control exerted by the ECM. Is all or most of this energetically driven? 

To better understand the answer, how and why this occurs, you must consider the extracellular space and the components of the extracellular matrix that connect to the cytoskeleton of the cells. 

Magnifying the Extracellular Energy Apparatus 
As mentioned, the extracellular matrix (ECM) occupies an intermediate space between the intravascular space and the boundary of cells as shown in figures 6.1 and 6.2. In this position the ECM can be considered to function like a “pre kidney,” since all substances that have to be eliminated through the bloodstream and kidneys must first pass through the ECM. Thus, the ECM is also a transit and storage area for nutrients, water, and waste. 

The ECM pervades the entire organism and reaches most cells in the body. Certainly, under-acknowledged, the ECM has unique anatomic, chemical, and electronic functions. 

Anatomically, the ECM consists of a reticulum consisting of polymeric protein-sugar complexes bound to water forming a gel state.(Oschman, 2000) The cytoplasm inside of cells also exists in a gel state. The liquid crystal properties of the molecules in these compartments allow them to undergo cooperative phase transitions in response to changes in temperature, pH, ion concentrations, oxygen concentration, carbon dioxide concentration, ATP concentration, physical factors, and other electrical fields. Thus, what was hither-to-fore largely ignored by mainstream medical scientists, the ECM contributes greatly to the organization of tissues, whole body coordination through communications and especially electrodynamics. 

Fig. 6.1. Ionic Charges Flow During Injury 
Cells that are damaged by physical trauma or metabolic alterations consistently show the same set of electrolyte and fluid abnormalities—they lose potassium and magnesium, accumulate sodium, and swell with water.(Cone, 1975) In this condition, they are energetically compromised and may be further transformed into cancerous cells. 

Healthy cells maintain, inside of themselves, a high concentration of potassium and a low concentration of sodium. But when cells are injured or cancerous, sodium and water flows into the cells and potassium, magnesium, and calcium are lost from the cell interior. This is accompanied by a fall in cell membrane potential.(Cone, 1970, 1975, 1985; Cope, 1978) The accumulation of water and Na+ causes cancer cells to swell, which changes their geometry, electrical conductivity, and their electrical connections. 

“During the process of cancer genesis, the cell becoming cancerous loses the calcium lining of its inner membranes, with potassium and magnesium also being lost.” (Nieper, 1985) 

The loss of the calcium lining on the inner cell membrane along with mineral and water abnormalities, and the development of a strong electrically negative cell coat, are all factors that contribute to a reduction in the electrical potential of cancer cell membranes. 

Given the composition and organization of the ECM is similar to the intracellular cytoplasm, cells can now be seen as organized structures with an internal architecture of cytoskeletal proteins that connect all components of the cell to the rest. Enzymes of the cell are attached to the cytoskeletal framework and membranes creating solid-state chemistry.(Ho, 1996) In fact, contrary to popular opinion, enzymes are not floating randomly around the cell, but connected to a whole bioelectrical network. 

In fact, as you may recall from figure 5.5, cytoskeletal filaments and tubules (within the cells) form a continuous system that links cell surfaces to the nucleus and all cellular organelle as well as other structures outside of cells. This communications network facilitates the passage of electrogenetic information— energetic communications—through the nuclear membrane to, theoretically, every cell. Thus, from the nuclear DNA the cytoskeleton attaches through cell membrane connectors to liquid crystal protein polymers located in the ECM to other cells and the entire organism. 

The liquid crystal protein polymers of the ECM are mostly composed of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and interweaving glycoproteins such as fibronectin. Fibronectins bind the ECM proteins to each other and to cell membrane proteins called integrins. With this in place, a continuous linkage occurs from cell to cell through integrins to intracellular liquid crystal proteins onward to and from nuclear DNA.(Oschman, 2000) 

Passages Through the ECM 
Physically, the ECM acts as a molecular sieve between the capillaries and the cells.(Reichart, 1999) The filtering aspect of the ECM is controlled by a combination of factors including the concentration of minerals in the ECM, the composition of proteoglycans, the molecular weight of the proteoglycans, the amount of bound water in the ECM, and the pH of the ECM. 

Fig. 6.2. Energy and Communication Systems 
The linking of the internal electronic communication system of the cell to the external electronic communication system outside of the cell creates a body-wide communication network that allows you to function as a biological hologram. 

As discussed previously, cells are organized resonating energy structures with an internal architecture of cytoskeletal proteins that connect all components of the cell to the ECM and to other cells. 

Special “linking” molecules (i.e., integrins) extend from the inside of your cells, through cell membranes to form connections between the liquid crystal (LC) proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the LC components of the cytoplasmic matrix (CM). Liquid crystallinity gives cells and organisms their characteristic flexibility, and exquisite sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which optimizes rapid intercommunication that enables organisms to function as coherent coordinated biological holograms.(Beal, 1996) This also explains the almost instantaneous energy differentials occurring in various parts of the body following the administration of energy therapeutics such as acupuncture, homeopathics, and clustered water solutions. 

Biological LC molecules such as DNA, hyaluronic acid, cytoskeletal proteins and cell membrane components are involved in maintaining both an inward and outward current between the interior of the cell, and the ECM. The inward current flows from the cell membrane to cell structures like mitochondria and DNA and the outward current flows back along liquid crystal semiconducting cytoskeletal proteins back through the cell membrane to the ECM. 

Holographic cell communications depend on maintaining the health of the extracellular energy conducting matrix and its structural and electrical connections with the cells. Glycoproteins that are anchored in the cell membrane play a key role in communications (i.e., energy signaling) between the ECM and cell interior and vice versa. 

Cell enzymes are also attached to the cytoskeletal framework creating solid state chemistry. Enzymes are not floating randomly within cells. 

The ECM is also a transit area for immune cells that move out of the bloodstream. These immune cells are involved in inflammatory reactions by secreting cytokines and digesting old worn out cells. They may also facilitate healing by carrying and delivering components from other areas of the body to the cell membrane. These migrating immune cells, as well as fixed cells, regulate cellular functions by secreting growth factors and cell growth inhibitors.(Reichart, 1999) All of these functions are heavily influenced, if not entirely regulated, by bioelectric phenomena. 

The ECM additionally functions as a storage reservoir for water, nutrients, toxins, and pH buffering proteins. 

In healthy conditions most of the water in the ECM is bound to the interweaving proteoglycans forming a gel which creates a physical barrier that limits, directs, and evenly distributes the flow of fluid from the venule end of the capillaries to the cells. 

When conditions create edema in the ECM, fluid flows more easily from leaky capillaries, but these large flows of fluid are variably distributed, which interferes with nutrient delivery, oxygen perfusion, and waste disposal. In edematous conditions, the ECM becomes more hypoxic, more acidic, and electrically more resistant. Bioflavonoids are some of the most effective nutrients in reducing capillary leakage, which helps reduce edema. In a sense bioflavonoids could be considered electrical nutrients because they help improve the electrical conductivity of the ECM by helping reduce capillary leakage and ECM edema. 

Furthermore, the biochemically active ECM is a metabolically and electrically active region that is involved in regulating cell growth. Cellular components of the ECM are involved in the local production of growth factors, growth inhibitors, and cytokines that affect the growth and metabolic activity of tissue/ organ cells. (Reichart, 1999) Immune cells such as leukocytes, lymphocytes, and macrophages that migrate into the ECM are involved in initiating the removal of old and damaged cells, and stimulating the growth of new cells.

Fibroblasts and fibrocytes are the main cells that produce the proteins and ground substance of the ECM in soft tissue. 

The glycocalyx (sugar cell coat) is produced by the cells of parenchymal organs and secreted onto their cell surfaces. The ECM and the glycocalyx work together to regulate information transfer to and from tissue/organ cells by both electrical field fluctuations leading to electro conformational coupling and soluble signaling molecules. 

Electronic functions of the ECM 
According to James Oschman, communication systems in living organisms involve two languages—chemical and energetic. (Oschman, 2000) Chemical communication in your body takes place mainly through your circulatory system. Energetic communications, according to Western Medical paradigms, take place almost exclusively in your nervous and endocrine systems. But Oschman and Mae Wan Ho (Ho, 1998) wrote extensively about an evolutionarily older solid-state electronic communication system that operates both in series and in parallel with your nervous system through liquid crystal, that is LC, protein polymers. It is through this LC continuum that information is carried in biological systems via endogenous DC electric fields, their associated magnetic fields, and ultra-weak photon emission, all in communication with DNA. 

This continuum of liquid crystal connections allows electrons and photons to move in and out of cells. In this system of energy propagation, Cytoskeletal filaments may function as electronic semiconductors, and like fiber-optic cables, integrating information flow both within the cell and between cells. 

Given this update on human bioelectrics, the extracellular connective system, spread diffusely throughout the body, clearly functions as an unrecognized organ. (See figure 6.3.) Medical doctors are trained to think of organs as discrete tissues that have  particular anatomical locations. We now understand connective tissues function as a specialized organ might. They integrate all parts of your body into a holographic matrix. Each organ, even each cell, is not only in communication with all other body parts simultaneously, but is being energetically activated, if not bioelectrically precipitated, at every instant. 

Fig. 6.3. Extracellular matrix (ECM) and Bioenergetics 
The ECM proteoglycans exist in fern shapes that allow electric charges to flow. 

Disorganized shapes of proteoglycans also exist and impair electrical current transit through the ECM. These chaotic shapes occur when tissue inflammation is present and toxins are present in the ECM. These health risks create areas of high electrical resistance within the ECM and organism as a whole. Likewise, tissues that are injured have a higher electrical resistance than surrounding tissues. The cell membranes and the ECM of injured tissues become less permeable to the flow of ions and more electrically resistant. Such damage results in the endogenous bioelectric currents avoiding these areas.(Wing, 1989) This reduction in electrical flow through an injured area also interferes with nutrient flow and wound healing. 

Decreasing the electrical flow through an injured area also results in a decrease of the cell membrane charge and transport of nutrients into your cells. Conversely improving the electrical conductance of the ECM will improve nutrient entry, cell membrane charge, and healing.(Wing, 1989) Correction of ECM toxicity can improve the electrical functions of the ECM. Therefore, the composition and degree of toxicity of the ECM-glycocalyx interface will affect the electrical field and the flow of biocurrents and nutrients to and from the ECM. 

But what about circulating vascular cells and migrating immune cells? Rather than being attached to connective tissue fibers, how do they communicate or energetically manifest? We believe these cells communicate both by chemical and resonant interactions. We understand that energetic communications in the body takes place through hard-wired bioelectronic systems, biologic fiber-optic systems, as well as through resonant interactions. 

Electronics Underlying Healing and Regeneration 
By this time, you should clearly understand that cells are intimately interconnected bioacoustically and electromagnetically. They generate their own sound frequencies and electromagnetic fields, and they also harness external electromagnetic energy of the right wavelength and strength to communicate, control, and drive metabolic reactions. Again, much, maybe even all, of this is mediated through the DNA. 

How is all of this engaged in bioelectric and bioacoustic regeneration and healing? 

Before we answer this vitally important question, we need to take you a couple of steps further in understanding the DNA regulated body electric. 

Most of the molecules in your body are electrical dipoles, meaning that they possess two types of bioenergetic capabilities. These dipoles electronically function like transducers in that they are able to turn acoustic waves into electrical waves and electrical waves into acoustic waves.(Beal, 1996) This natural property of biomolecular structures enables cell components, and whole cells, to oscillate and interact resonantly with other cells. According to Smith and Best, authors of Electromagnetic Man, the cells of your body and cellular components possess the ability to function as electrical resonators. (Smith and Best, 1989) 

Professor H. Frohlich has predicted that the fundamental oscillation in cell membranes occurs at frequencies of the order of 100 GHz. Furthermore, biological systems possess the ability to create and utilize coherent oscillations and respond to external oscillations. (Frohlich, 1988) This information is simply ignored or even suppressed. Lakhovsky predicted that cells possessed this capability in the 1920s.(Lakhovsky, 1939) 

Because cell membranes are composed of dielectric materials, a cell will behave as a dielectric resonator and will produce an evanescent electromagnetic field in the space around itself. “This field does not radiate energy but is capable of interacting with similar systems. Here is the mechanism for the electromagnetic control of biological function.”(Smith and Best, 1989) 

Electric fields induce or cause alignment in dipoles. Dipole molecules function as a result of their polarization processes within electric fields. When biological tissue is exposed to an electric field in the right frequency and amplitude windows, a preferential alignment of dipoles becomes established. Since cell membranes contain many dipole molecules, such electric fields will cause preferential alignment of the dipoles. This may be one mechanism whereby electrical fields can alter membrane permeability, membrane functions, and through the liquid crystal cytoskeleton and ECM, generalized regeneration and healing. 

Both internally generated and externally applied electromagnetic fields can affect cell functions. The primary external electromagnetic force is the sun, which produces a spectrum of electromagnetic energies. Life evolved utilizing processes that harness the energy of light to produce chemical energy, so in a sense sun light is the first nutrient. 

Endogenous weak electric fields are naturally present within all living organisms and apparently involved in dipole pattern formation, membrane alterations, and tissue regeneration.(Nuccitelli, 1984) 

As discussed in figure 6.3, regeneration is a healing process where your body can replace damaged cell networks and organs apparently bioelectrically! 

Some of the most important biophysical factors implicated in tissue repair and regeneration involve the natural electrical properties of the body’s tissues and cells.(Brighton et al., 1979) Two examples are cell membrane potentials and protein semi-conduction of electricity. The body utilizes these fundamental bioelectronic features to naturally produce more electrical currents that are involved in repair and regeneration.(Becker, 1961, 1967, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1990) Robert O. Becker has repeated shown experimentally, and through published research, that the flow of endogenous electrical currents in the body is not a secondary process, but is, in fact, an initiator and control system used by the body to regulate healing in bone and other tissues.(Becker, 1970, 1990; Becker and Selden, 1985) 

Using this example of broken bones, the proper production and conduction of endogenous electrical currents is required to stimulate primitive precursor cells to differentiate into osteoblasts and chondroblasts.(Becker and Selden, 1985; Becker, 1990) Once the bone forming osteoblasts are created, they must maintain a healthy cell membrane electrical potential and have available certain critical nutrients in order to form the polysaccharide and collagen components of osteoid. Endogenous bone electrical currents created through piezoelectricity are also required for deposition of calcium crystals.(Fukada, 1957, 1984; Becker et al., 1964) 

Thus, when the biophysical electrical properties of your tissues are considered, it makes sense to develop treatment protocols that support your body’s innate biophysical electrical processes to potentiate healing and tissue regeneration. 

This also affirms that the applications of certain frequencies by frequency generating devices, including toning and color therapies, human hands-on-healing, prayer or chanting for healing, and many other bioacoustic and electromagnetic therapies discussed in Chapter 12, can impact cellular resonance, metabolism, and electrical functions. 

Bioelectric Stealthing and Healing 
To reinforce your memory, recall that cell membranes are composed of phospholipids, sterols, and embedded proteins including electrically active surface glycoproteins. The composition directly affects membrane permeability and the electrodynamics of cell signaling and cell capacitance. 

In review, glycoproteins secreted from the cell interior, and cellular components of the ECM, create the glycocalyx covering of cells. Some of these glycoproteins are components of cell membrane receptors making them important in signaling processes such as activation by growth factors. These glycoproteins characteristically have a negative electrical charge. Diseased and cancer cells, however, have excessively high concentrations of negatively charged molecules on their exterior surface, which act as electric shields. This appears to cloak, “stealth,” or shield cancer, and similarly electrically-polarized cells, from immunological attack.(Cure, 1991, 1995) 

Cell membrane glycoproteins act as molecular chemical receptors and electromagnetic or electric field antennas.(Adey, 1988) Instead of heralding this knowledge, the pharmaceutical industry and mainstream medicine has focused exclusively on chemical communications mediated by chemicals or drugs that travel through the bloodstream, and then through the ECM, to target organs and cells. Many of these signaling molecules are produced naturally by endocrine cells, or are secreted by cells embedded within the ECM or cells that migrate into the ECM such as macrophages, T-cells, and B-cells. When these soluble signaling molecules are presented to the target cells they either activate or inhibit cellular metabolic reactions by activating cell membrane or cytoplasmic glycoprotein receptors.(Reichart, 1999) 

This limited, and largely repressive, biomedical model is justified using knowledge that chemical signal activation of cell receptors will cause the receptor’s molecular structure to shift from an inactive to an activated conformational state. This is a phase transition. When a receptor is activated it will bind to and activate other membrane bound proteins or intracellular proteins/ enzymes. The outcome of receptor activation may: increase the transport of certain molecules or mineral ions from one side of the cell membrane to the other side; increase or inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in metabolic synthesis or degradation; activate genes to produce certain proteins; turn off gene production of other proteins or cause cytoskeletal proteins to change the shape or motility of the cell. When the receptor protein switches back to its inactive conformation it will detach from the effector proteins/enzymes and the signal will cease.(Van Winkle, 1995; Haltiwanger, 2002) 

More truthfully and wholistically, cell receptors can also be activated by electrical fields. Vibrational resonance having particular frequencies and amplitudes can trigger cell membrane activations through a process known as electro-conformational coupling.(Tsong, 1989) Electrical oscillations of the right frequency and amplitude can alter the electrical charge distribution in cell receptors causing the cell receptors to undergo conformational changes just as if the receptor was activated by a chemical signal! 

Ross Adey has extensively described this and more in his publications. He has shown that the application of weak electromagnetic fields of certain windows of frequency and intensity act as first messengers by activating glycoprotein receptors in the cell membrane.(Adey, 1993) This electrical property of cell receptor-membrane complexes allows cells to scan incoming frequencies and tune their circuitry to allow them to resonate at particular frequencies. (Charman, 1996) 

Adey and other researchers have reported that one effect of the application of weak electromagnetic fields is the release of calcium ions inside of the cell. Adey has also documented that cells respond constructively to a wide range of frequencies. 

These include frequencies in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range of 1-10 Hz—a range of frequencies known as the Schumann resonance frequencies. These are naturally produced in the atmosphere. Part of the natural “background radiation,” they emanate from the cosmos, or as Dr. Horowitz prefers to call it, the “Creator’s Orchestra.”(Adey, 1993)

Fig. 6.4. Special Structural Energetics 
The DNA and proteins of a healthy cell exist in a normal electronic configuration where a significant proportion of cell water is structured or bound in concentric rings around the helical structures. In addition, negatively charged sites on the protein matrix have a preference for association with potassium rather than with sodium (Cope, 1978; Haltiwanger, 2004). 

The ability of cell proteins to stay in their normal configurational state depends on your cells being free from chemical, physical, or hypoxic damage. When physical, chemical, or hypoxic damage occurs to a cell many cell proteins will change to an abnormal damaged configurational state. In that state “the cell proteins lose their preference for association with potassium rather than sodium, and lose much of their ability to structure water” (Cope, 1978). 

Each cell membrane consists of a layer of non-conductive fatty material sandwiched between two layers of conductive minerals and protein molecules. This structure facilitates its functions as a selectively permeable barrier that maintains a concentration gradient of different minerals between the intracellular and extracellular compartments. This gradient creates an electrical potential difference across the membrane which also plays a role in energy transmissions and network communications from DNA through the ECM.  

Adey has also reported that certain frequency bands between 15-60 Hz have been found to promote cancers. Frequencies in this range have been found to alter cell protein synthesis, mRNA functions, immune responses, and intercellular communication .(Adey, 1992) 

The ECM also contains nerve fibers connected through the autonomic nervous system back to the brain, which then regulates hormone homeostasis by feedback control through the hypothalamic-pituitary gland axis. 

Resonance in the Extracellular matrix (ECM) 
Your body uses electricity (biocurrents) for controlling growth and repair.(Borgens et al., 1989) Some of these bio-currents travel through hydrated liquid crystal semiconducting protein-proteoglycan (collagen-hyaluronic acid) complexes of the ECM. Key elements that support this physiologic function include proper hydration and normal protein configurations which allow for body water to be structured in concentric nano meter thick layers.(Ling, 2001). The production of normal ECM components, and proper ion concentrations, are also important in this system of bioenergetic regulation. 

The ground substance of the ECM contains an electrical field that fluctuates in response to the composition of proteoglycans, especially the degree of negative charge, which depends on the concentration of sialic acid residues and the ion/mineral content of the ECM. These fluctuations/oscillations of the electric field of the ECM, when strong enough, can lead to local depolarization of portions of the cell membrane and changes in membrane permeability. These oscillations of electrical potentials can also affect, through resonance (and electrochemical coupling), the conformational structures of cell membrane receptors. 

Receptors can switch back and forth between conformations, which will lead to turning on the activity of membrane embedded enzymes and opening and closing ion channels. 

Electrical field fluctuations that occur in the ECM, and these field fluctuations, are also involved in cell signaling mechanisms. A number of researchers such as Becker and Adey believe that natural weak endogenous electric fields actually control the chemical processes involved in cell membrane signaling. This means that measures that enhance or disturb the production of these natural electric fields can impact cell-signaling processes and health status. 

Using this knowledge, electromedicine has advanced to the point where you can dial up and administer frequencies that will act like pharmacological agents. In fact, the Merck Index already lists the resonance frequency of nearly every drug. 

Likewise, the natural oscillating electrical potential of the ECM can be adversely affected, or constructively supported, by exposure to external electromagnetic fields. Adverse electromagnetic field exposure can be initiated by exposure to high-tension power lines, electrical transformers, and electronic equipment such as computers and cell phones. Constructive support includes the use of certain nutrients and devices like infrared emitters, phototherapy equipment, acoustical (sound) wave generators, multiwave oscillators, and microcurrent equipment that emit electromagnetic fields and electrical currents in physiological ranges, or other technologies including frequency attenuators. 

The Bioelectrical Control System 
Healthy ECM function depends on internal cellular machinery that produces proteins, sugars, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and proper reading of the genetic code. In addition, this electrogenetic control system depends on the availability of construction materials, like amino acids lysine and praline, needed for collagen production. Other important factors in this bioelectrical system include cofactors of protein and sugar to produce enzymes such as zinc, magnesium, trace minerals, vitamin C, bioflavonoids and B-complex vitamins; and the availability of endogenously produced and ingested precursor molecules such as glucosamine, mannose, galactose, etc.(Haltiwanger, 2002) 

Central to electrogenetic control are bio currents in the ECM that pass through the cell membrane into the cell, and the electrons produced in the cells that pass out through the cell membrane. Dr. Merrill Garnett, introduced previously, spent four decades studying the role of charge transfer and electrical current flow inside of cells.(Garnett, 1998) He concluded that biological liquid crystal molecules and structures such as hyaluronic acid, prothrombin, cytoskeletal proteins, and cell membranes are involved in DNA expression and maintaining inward and outward biocurrents. 

In review, inward current flows from the cell membrane to DNA and the outward current flows back along liquid crystal semiconducting cytoskeletal proteins back from DNA through the cell membrane to the ECM. 

Dr. Garnett reported that this inward and outgoing energy system fails during carcinogenesis. Electron transfer systems and normal cell development is disrupted at this time.(Garnett, 1998) Electrical charges stored in the cell membrane (capacitance), and electrical charges of oxygen free radicals, are normally transferred to DNA and are involved in DNA activation. This helps create an electrical field around the genome. Then, DNA is very effective in transferring large amounts of this electrical charge along its long axis. In fact, new research shows that DNA molecules may be good molecular semiconductors.(Li and Yan, 2001) 

Electrical pathways from cell membrane fats to DNA are involved when cells use aerobic mechanisms of ATP production.(Garnett, 1998) As a corollary, these natural electrical pathways are transiently disrupted in healthy cells during wound healing, and permanently disrupted in cancer cells that rely on anaerobic glycolysis for energy production. 

Dr. Garnett theorized that an alternating current oscillating circuit exists inside of cells between the cell membrane and the DNA that is conducted over electronic protein polymers. This circuit is activated during cell differentiation to trigger the expression of genes.(Garnett et al., 2002) This theory is being increasingly supported by rapidly advancing science. It means your cells routinely use electrogenetics to control almost every activity. 

According to Dr. Garnett, the part of the DNA coiled around protein structures called nucleosomes may exhibit electronic inductance. “As a coil, it has electronic inductance, and since we have a series of coils, we have a series inductance circuit.”(Garnett, 2000) 

DNA current passes initially through the helix in a state where it can discharge its field energy. Hence we have a pulse within the DNA interacting with other biomolecules like those in cellular membranes. 

Additionally, Dr. Garnett developed Poly MVA, a water soluble and fat-soluble liquid crystal polymer compound composed of palladium and lipoic acid. This new pharmaceutical is able to enter cells to reestablish electrical connections between cell membranes and DNA. Garnett’s research shows that liquid crystal polymers like prothrombin, hyaluronic acid, and palladium-lipoic acid complex, normally produces fernlike structures. These types of structure reflect cymatic energy manifestations that behave like molecular antennas and electrical conductors. 

Poly MVA acts as an electrical shunt. It causes cells that utilize anaerobic glycolysis to undergo membrane rupture. It thus specifically targets cancer cells leaving aerobic cells that utilize efficient oxygen-dependent electron transfer undamaged. (Garnett, 1998; Garnett and Remo, 2001) Aerobic cells are protected from Poly MVA electrocution because their functional mitochondria are normally engaged in electron transport ending with oxygen as the final electron acceptor.(Garnett and Remo, 2001) 

Fig. 6.5. Electrogenet- 
The electrogenetic transmembrane axis and energy flow affects membrane composition, electrical potential, and membrane permeability. All of these factors affect energy production, nutrient entry, cellular detoxification, and the synthesis of cellular components. Any condition, illness, or change in dietary intake that affects this energy axis will affect the composition of your cell membranes, their associated minerals, membrane potentials and capacitance, and your health. 

To reinforce this important understanding, electrical potentials are created in biological structures when an insulating (dielectric) material separates charges. In cells, the cell membrane functions as a leaky dielectric. The dielectric characteristics of a material include both conductive and capacitive properties. 

When two areas of variable charge are connected, a current will flow in an attempt to equalize the charge difference. A material with an electrical potential possesses the capacity to do work. The ability of cell membranes to store electrical charges is known as bio capacitance. 

The location of mineral layers on each side of a cell membrane is important to this energy transfer circuit. These layers create a virtual sandwich of two plates of conducting material separated by an insulating material, or dielectric. The primary function of these dielectric membrane “plates” is to store electrical energy like a battery. A number of capacitors exist in biological tissue, but instead of metal plates, like in batteries, you have hydrated minerals layering each side of your dielectric membranes, plasma membranes, mitochondria, photoreceptors and more. 

The membranes of cell organelles like mitochondria in animals, and chloroplasts in plants are, likewise, biological capacitors that maintain the ability to accumulate and store charge, and give it up when needed to do work as with running any type of machinery, mechanical or biological. 

As the above diagram depicts, genetic material electrically functions between two cell membranes. Inward electrical current flows from the cell membrane to DNA and outward current flows back from DNA along a liquid crystal semiconducting cytoskeleton. From here, the energy passes through the cell membrane to the ECM. Given this electrogenetic transmembrane axis, electrical fields are readily available throughout the organism to accomplish work. 

Healthy cells have membrane potentials between -60 to – 100mV. As with DNA electro-measurements, the negative sign of the membrane potential indicates that the inside surface of the cell membrane is relatively more negative than the immediate exterior surface. The transmembrane potential and electric field surrounding healthy cell membranes is enormous. Conservatively, it ranges from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 volts/meter. 

This electrogenetic transmembrane energy appears to fail during carcinogenesis. Electron transfer systems are disrupted as is the normal cell capability to reproduce. 

According to Dr. Garnett, membrane capacitance, and electrical charges of oxygen free radicals, are normally transferred to DNA and are involved in DNA activation and energy semi-conduction for bioregulation and reproduction. This system is grossly undermined in cancer cells, and generally overlooked by the cancer industry. 

As a corollary, these natural electrical pathways are transiently disrupted in healthy cells while they are involved in wound healing. 

Dr. Garnett has also theorized that an alternating current oscillating circuit exists inside of cells between the cell membrane and the DNA. Logically, the energy is conducted along the electronic protein polymers forming the intra and extracellular matrices. These circuits are all simultaneously activated during, for instance, fetal development when cell differentiation further triggers the expression of genes. This theory has been increasingly supported by rapidly advancing science. It means the electrogenetic transmembrane axis is vital to biological systems control and development. 

Poly MVA’s general utility, however, is limited by its high cost as a pharmaceutical and, regretfully, its failure to cure cancer. The drug simply arrests the electrical malevolence of cancer, and secondarily the malignancies themselves, so long as it is used. 

Final Facts About the Electrical ECM 
ECM proteoglycans can exist in fern shapes that allow electric charges to flow, or in chaotic shapes that impair such transit through the ECM of electrical currents and nutrients. These disorganized shapes occur when tissue inflammation is present and toxins are present in the ECM. These factors create areas of high electrical resistance. Tissues of the body that are injured or diseased have a higher electrical resistance than the surrounding tissue. The cell membranes of these tissues become less permeable to the flow of ions and more electrically insulated. This results in the endogenous bioelectric currents avoiding these areas of high resistance.(Wing, 1989) The reduction in electrical flow through an injured or diseased area is one factor that inhibits healing. 

Preserving, enhancing, or regenerating this natural flow of energy speeds healing.(Becker, 1985) 

Likewise, correction of tissue inflammation and ECM toxicity can improve the electrical functions of the ECM and DNA. The composition and degree of toxicity of the ECM-glycocalyx interface will affect the electrical field and the flow of bio-currents in the ECM. The electrical field and biocurrent conduction in the ECM in turn will affect: cell membrane capacitance, permeability of the cell membrane, signaling mechanisms of the cell membrane, intracellular mineral concentrations, nutrient flow into the cell, waste disposal, and DNA-directed energy metabolism. (Wing, 1989; Oschman, 2000). 

The ECM can be cleared of toxins by a variety of measures. Detoxification strategies could include the use of antioxidants and the support of antioxidant pathways, oral enzymes, homeopathic and herbal preparations, chelation (intravenous and oral), infrasonic devices, multiwave oscillators, microcurrent devices, and phototherapy units (lasers and LEDS). 

Some clinicians use live blood microscopy to see if their therapies are increasing the entry of wastes into the bloodstream. If a live blood slide shows a marked increase in wastes after a treatment compared to a slide obtained before treatment, then the clinician can tell that his/her treatment is cleaning the walls of blood vessels and removing toxins from the extracellular space. 

The body’s biocurrents and the electrical field of the ECM, along with those associated with the DNA, controls cell differentiation and the metabolic activity of mature cells. Mesenchymal cells will differentiate under the influence of DNA propagated electrical fields: fibroblasts to fibrocytes, myoblasts to myocytes, chondroblasts to chondrocytes, and osteoblasts to osteocytes.(Becker, 1985) 

The DNA bioelectric control system’s contribution to cell differentiation, cell growth, and repair can be assisted by: use of certain types of structured waters that enhance the liquid crystal properties of ECM polymers, promoting cell production of ECM proteins and proteoglycans; providing exogenous growth factor controls and mediators of inflammation, promoting internal production of growth factors and inflammatory mediators by ECM cells, and other methods yet to be discussed. 

Pathology of the ECM 
The ECM can be a storage site for nutrients, or it can be a dumping ground for toxins. Such menaces can disrupt the metabolic and electrical functions of the ECM, ultimately effecting electrogenetic expression. 

Deposition of pathological deposits of proteins and toxins in the ECM can lead to degenerative processes. For example, amyloid can lead to Alzheimer’s disease, and immune complex depositions such as those following routine vaccinations, can lead to autoimmune inflammatory illnesses. Inflammatory processes engaging the biochemical and bioelectric mechanisms discussed earlier can lead to the deposition of crystals, calcium, cholesterol, and edema within the ECM. 

Fig. 6.6. Membranes and Mineral Transport 
When a cell shifts into a diseased or cancerous state, embryonic genes are activated. This results in the production of different proteins, enzymes, and membrane components than are produced in normal cells. Cancer cells regress to anaerobic embryonic metabolism for energy production. Their normal electrogenetic expression is generally disrupted. 

The electro-pathology of cancer is associated with aberrant in: cell membrane permeability, cellular energy production, intracellular magnesium concentrations, and other factors that affect cellular mineral concentrations leading to increased intracellular sodium and water and a loss of potassium. 

The principle of using directed active cellular transport as a therapy was described by Hans Selye in 1962. He wrote, “Most diseases appear to be based upon fundamental pathological disturbances of the cell such as membrane permeability, structural alterations, and disturbances of metabolic pathways.” Agents proven useful for these pathologies are shown in the above diagram developed from the work of Hans Nieper. These “mineral transporters” have been proposed to help “jump start” proper membrane bio capacitance and electrogenetic regulation of intra and intercellular communications. Contributed by Steve Haltiwanger (2002). 

Acidification of the ECM 
As briefly mentioned, the ECM is also a buffering system for acids excreted by the cells. Impairment in the ability to excrete these acids, or over production of acids by metabolic dysregulation, will first lead to acidification of the ECM. Chronic acidification of the ECM will eventually lead to increased acidification of intracellular compartments, which can create impairment of cellular metabolic processes, especially aerobic energy production. Eventually disruption of cellular organelle functions and structures will occur. Excessive acidification of the ECM will also eventually lead to saturation of the buffering capacity of ECM proteins. This will result in mobilization of calcium, magnesium, and heavy metals from the skeleton. 

When such demineralization or “mineral spilling” occurs, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals are chronically mobilized from the bone for use as mineral buffers. These minerals will be lost through the kidneys, burdening these organs, and can eventually produce mineral deficiencies—possibly total body depletion of these minerals. 

In essence, excessive and prolonged acidic conditions will result in increased mineral mobilization from the skeleton. Such a condition will first create osteopenia (i.e., reduced bone) and in the long run will eventually progress to osteoporosis (i.e., bone holes) and compression fractures. 

Last, but not least, increased mobilization of heavy metals will also lead to metabolic stress on the kidneys as these organs attempt to excrete these metals by use of glutathione detoxification. If the glutathione system becomes depleted due to excessive toxic burden, these heavy metals will accumulate in the kidneys. Heavy metal accumulation in the kidneys may account for a significant amount of hypertension in middle-aged people. This mechanism is one reason that the incidence of hypertension rises in postmenopausal women. According to Dr. Haltiwinder, supporting kidney glutathione detoxification can reduce hypertension in some individuals.(Haltiwanger, 2002)

next 196s
DNA and the Electrodynamics of Cancer

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