So yesterday a short video I watched mentioned this books name, and I did a search on it. I am glad I did, as I see it as a confirmation of much of my research on the same subject. Not only that but I see many of the same issues and thoughts I have been pondering over the last six months or so of self censorship, not out of fear, but rather because I choose to be my humble self rather then the exalted self of ego.
This work should be required reading for every American at this time. I can so relate to Mel when he said toward the end of the Intro..." Because of my knowledge of government corruption, I am becoming incensed while organizing my thoughts for this introduction." This work from 2008 is unfinished because we as Americans have to be the deciders of our fate as to what and how much central government we want as a people. I am going to remind the Trump people of a promise he made of a Brand New Government, and anything less should be flat out rejected. None of the old(exile them to snake island, they will be in their element) can be involved with the new, they had their chance to do the right thing. Remember the real history of this land is in the Law books, not History books.
Fruit from a Poisonous Tree
by Mel Stamper
Melvin Stamper has experienced a remarkable life journey few of us will ever
experience. His background in law and criminal investigation has enabled
him to uncover facts of the crime of the millennium, exposing the motive
along with the conspirators. The subtle and not so subtle threats from the
government agencies that he was investigating merely served as a motivating
force and conformation of his investigation. Experience is the one factor we
must all use in determining credibility of another, and Stamper’s experience
in law, analytical thinking and detection rivals that of any other in the
investigation of a crime involving government subterfuge and cover-up.
This author served his country as a U.S. Marine in Southeast Asia, a police
chief, railroad special agent, CIA intelligence source, industrial engineer,
pilot, law professor, legal researcher, private investigator, and an ombudsman
with the Department of Defense; his analytical skills were honed by all of his
experience and education for the investigation of his life – the United States
My personal relationship with the author has spanned two decades, and
he never stops amazing me with the information he uncovers.
Get comfortable and hold on to your hat!
J. Randolph Appleby,
Municipal Judge, retired,
Newark, New Jersey
Several months prior to the writing of this book, I began questioning my
motivation for doing so. I had a comfortable lifestyle with no real bone to pick
with anyone, especially the government. I had achieved a comfortable financial
position – well educated, firmly established in the legal profession and most
importantly of all, I had a loving, caring family. What then motivated me to
take on both the state and federal governments, the proverbial biggest bullies
on the block?
The answer is that I had discovered that both the state and federal
governments have been lying to and stealing from We the People. Of
all criminals, the ones that are personally repugnant to me are liars
and thieves. These species of criminal I cannot abide in any manner,
from any source, especially the government. Ergo, the years of research
uncovering the story you are about to read. The government and the
international Global Elite have systematically stolen our wealth and
our birthright as Americans. The title of this book, FRUIT FROM A
POISONOUS TREE, explains the theft of our wealth and identity, and
the book tells what we can do about it.
This story is not about high drama, but it has that. It is not a story about
insatiable greed; it has that also. This story is about the planned, deliberate
destruction of the United States of America by the archenemies of this nation
who have been around since its inception – the Global Elite, whose identity
you will discover.
During my investigation I became so overwhelmed by the government’s
deceit and unabashed arrogance that I went back to the history books trying
to identify the point at which our republic swerved onto the destructive
path towards democracy – where our creation, the government, servant
of the people, became the master and we became the servant – where the
nonproductive, who are consumers of the public treasury, elect politicians
who promise them even more government benefits at the expense of the
majority of productive, wealth-producing Americans. That is the democracy
we live in today and our founding fathers’ worst nightmare.
This change from a republican form of government to our present
democracy was silent and insidious. There are many contributors to this
metamorphosis who we might fault, both inside and outside of government,
such as teachers, clergy, judges and politicians, but laying blame would solve
nothing. Ultimately “We the People” are to blame; we are responsible. We have
permitted both state our and federal governments to have control over our
children’s education, which has resulted in the dumbing down of generations
so that most of us cannot detect the slow perversion of our freedom.
Thomas Jefferson cautioned us that “freedom is not free; the price you
must pay for freedom is eternal vigilance.”
As a people we have for many years been apathetic to the Congress, the
President and the Judiciary, so much so that we never noticed the subtle,
diminishing changes that were occurring to our freedom, right in plain sight.
We have not been vigilant.
Somewhere along the way this plan for a republic went dreadfully
wrong. Without any constitutional authority, the republic was transformed
into a democracy. Now the President makes law by Executive Order, again
without constitutional authority. The Congress is powerless because of fierce
partisanship and the constant pursuit of money from the international
corporations needed to perpetuate their political lives. The result is that
they do nothing to check and balance the other runaway branches of our
government. The agencies that were created by Congress to make and
enforce regulations and administer the draconian laws of the Congress and
the Executive branch now answer only to the diseased, corrupted body of the
Executive branch, which answers to no one but the international cartel of
bankers, philanthropists and senior level policy wonks.
These incomprehensible laws of Congress, especially the taxing statutes,
are patently unconstitutional in their application to the citizens of the fifty
states. But this seizure of the productive people’s wealth for the benefit of the
non-producing minority and the imprisonment of those who resist this theft
have been ratified by a corrupted federal judiciary and Supreme Court. That
briefly sums up our present day democracy and the state of the union.
Where did it all go wrong? You are about to find out, and you are not
going to like it one bit.
I truly believe that many of the problems we have with government and
the judiciary today stem from the deliberate bastardization of the English
language by those in government.
The laws of English grammar are totally inflexible. It is absolutely
impossible for any English-speaking nation that prides itself on the assertion
that it is a nation of law and not of men, without adhering to a strict discipline
in the use of the English language and grammar, to be anything other than a
nation of men without law. Proper English is essential in the drafting of those
national laws; otherwise tyranny will always be the end result.
The Supreme Court has pontificated that the Constitution is a living,
breathing document, and that, as such, it must evolve with the changing
society that it governs – that they, this majestic body of legal intellectuals,
in this process of an ever-evolving society, must interpret the organic
Constitution for us, the ignorant masses.
The Constitution is written in plain English so that anyone with a fifth
grade education can understand its simple meaning. It isn’t written in Russian
or Chinese and doesn’t need interpretation. Does the Constitution get cold
or hot, sick or diseased? Does it get old and senile?
The Constitution is not a living, breathing document. It’s a dead
tree! – a dead tree that was processed into paper so that eternal ideas and
heavenly concepts of men governing themselves could be preserved for future
generations. It was written by noble visionaries that we call our founding
fathers. That is what the Constitution is, period!
The visions and concepts immortalized in the Constitution cannot
evolve with our society, because man by the very nature of being man rarely
rises to a higher level of nobility. We as a species usually evolve to a lower base
of decadence – immorality – one notch above a slug; that’s the nature of man
and it has been so since the Garden of Eden.
The United States Constitution – this document that the learned justices
say must evolve to keep up with our society – is why we were the only nation
in the entire existence of the human race to ever promise life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness to all of its citizenry and then deliver on that promise.
Look around and determine for yourself if we are a moral society that must
have an evolving Constitution to keep up with us.
Our government has taken from us our common law and the protections
it afforded us and replaced common law with government-made vulgar law,
called statutory law, that strips us of our freedom by creating legal fictions
and compelling performance from those legal fictions which common law
did not.
As a nation we have more citizens in prison than any country in the
world – over two million – and ninety percent of the crimes of which they are
accused are victimless crimes. The law they violated most likely was paid for
by corporations to protect them from us.
We, however, are the problem, because we operate like the tool of
the new king and we do his bidding without questioning whether the
law is a good law or a bad one. It is our responsibility as jurors to ask
those questions, but we have let the prosecutor and the judge tell us
what the law means instead of using God’s gift of intelligence to discern
for ourselves. We are responsible for determining not only the facts but
also the law. If that were not true, then we would still have legal slavery
and be prosecuting people for helping slaves escape under the Fugitive
Slave Act. That law was interpreted and upheld by the courts of the
time. Decent jurors who did not agree exercised their right of jury
nullification, the most cherished right we as Americans possess.
We now have replaced morality with abortion on demand, and if we do
not kill our children in the womb, we tax them to death the moment they are
born. Does it not seem immoral to permit a Congress to spend money that
it does not have so that every future generation will be obligated to pay, from
their labor and property for their entire life, on a debt that is sixty or eighty
years old? The moment your child is born, she has a debt to the Federal
Reserve Bank, Inc., of $22,000 and rising. It is not only immoral; it is the
thing of which violent revolutions are made. If we do not stop this insanity
here and now, our grandchildren will, and it will not be pleasant. Waco,
Texas, is the example of what the New King wanted us to see, because that is
our future if we do not comply with the King’s demands.
We permitted our government to negotiate and pass the NAFTA and
GATT treaties, which guaranteed that this nation will never again be an
industrial or technological world power, assuring that our people are doomed
to a third-world agrarian life within the next fifty years.
As I write this introduction, my book is finished and I have reviewed its
contents. Because of my knowledge of government corruption, I am becoming
incensed while organizing my thoughts for this introduction. My antagonism
was so great while I was researching that I expatriated my citizenship from
the corporate UNITED STATES. That expatriation document is in the first
chapter of this book and sets the tempo for the remainder. I hope that if
nothing else you will come away from this reading experience a wiser and
more determined citizen of your state, with a passion for recovering what was
ours and what was stolen from us.
Melvin Stamper. JD.
Sui Juris
In 1798, Thomas Jefferson instructed that “Congress has not unlimited
power to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically
Wilson Nicholas, a delegate to the Virginia convention that ratified
the Constitution, said, “Congress has power to define and punish for
counterfeiting, and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against
the laws of nations; but they can not define or prescribe the punishment for
other crimes whatsoever without violating the Constitution.”
Chief Justice Marshall said: “The police power unquestionably remains,
and ought to remain, with the States.”
Until this past century, federal courts upheld the view that the federal
government could deal only with crimes specifically mentioned in the
Constitution. In 1911 the Supreme Court said:
“Among the powers of the State not surrendered – which powers therefore
remain with the State – is the power to so regulate the relative rights and
duties of all within its jurisdiction as to guard the public morals, the public
safety, and the public health, as well as to promote the public convenience
and the common good.”
At the founding of this Republic, there were only four federal crimes:
treason, counterfeiting, piracy, and crimes against the law of nations. Now
there are three thousand federal crimes, three hundred thousand federal
administrative regulations, many of which are punishable as crimes, and about
eighty-five thousand local governments with five hundred thirteen thousand
elected officials, or one in every five hundred people. We have an estimated
forty-five million laws – state, federal and local. God, the Creator of the
universe, gave us only ten laws with which to live our lives, and although I
fail often, I try to conduct my life by those Ten Commandments. It would be
impossible, however, to obey forty-five million laws.
Those millions of laws and the government enforcers are destroying our
In 1900, one in every fifteen dollars went for government use; in the year
2000 it is nearly one in every two. We must contend with sixty-five times
more laws than our grandfathers did at the turn of the 20th Century, the most
cruel and unjust of those being the tax laws.
Every federal program takes on a life of its own, so it will be extremely
difficult to transfer power from the federal government to the states. It is
difficult to change, much less kill or transfer a federal program once it has
been established, even after it has outlived its usefulness. The New Deal view of an all-powerful central government must be replaced with a firm separation
of powers if this republic is to survive.
Increasingly in the last hundred years, powerful corporate interests
have deliberately subverted the intent of the Founders by financing the
appointment of judges who would enhance corporate and federal power and
weaken the constitutional system of checks and balances.
While many today attack the New Deal as representing the demise of
constitutional government in America, the assaults actually began in the late
1800s, when federal courts led by the Supreme Court started chipping away
at state sovereignty. This allowed the federal government to assume numerous
duties and responsibilities that under the constitution had been reserved to
the states or the people.
Recalcitrant southern states did not turn to the Supreme Court to leave
the Union before the Civil War, partly because the Constitution does not
grant the federal courts the right to control state sovereignty. The Constitution
did not create a judicial supremacy, and there is extensive evidence that
the Founders never granted the Supreme Court the power to rule over the
President, Congress, or the states.
Every July 4th we honor the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
By signing that document, the founding fathers, many of whom were Deists,
pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to the premise that all men
are created equal, endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, to be
secured by a government that was subject to and inferior to the consent of
the governed.
The British pursued them as traitors to the king. Of the fifty-six original
signers, nine did not live to see freedom, five were imprisoned, and seventeen
lost everything they had. Their sacrifice for the Constitution of the United
States has guided this nation through a continuing effort to bring liberty and
justice for all. Can any of us do less?
The courage of America’s founders was based on their belief in God’s
Providence. George Washington called America’s liberties “the object of
Divine protection.” James Madison, President and signer of the Constitution,
affirmed their beliefs, saying, “Before any man can be considered as a member
of civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the
At the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin began the
tradition of prayers in Congress, saying, “In the beginning of the contest
with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayer in
this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, sir, were heard, and they were
graciously answered. I have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the
more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it
probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”
If our liberty and nation were still under God’s protection, none of us
would be reading this book; we would be in full measure out in pursuit of our
happiness. By rejecting God’s plan for our future, we have chosen to adopt
man’s temporal plan, and we must suffer the consequences of that choice.
Many years of legal research has led me down many paths in pursuit of
truth. I didn’t receive Truth in law school or at any time during my formal
education, with the exception of a one-room schoolhouse in Kentucky. That
school didn’t receive any federal funds for education, so the subject matter the
teacher taught was not restricted. Our teacher had a remarkable understanding
of the national and state Constitution and the framers’ intent, along with
Thomas Jefferson’s negotiations with the State legislature documented in the
Kentucky Resolutions – fascinating reading then; visionary in the present
In later years far removed from that one-room schoolhouse, what I
received at public schools supported by federal grant money was revisionist
history and omission of the truth in everything other than the sciences. After
all, I had an education controlled by the federal government’s money. I was
taught what the federal and state governments wanted me to learn – nothing
more, and certainly not the truth.
The old axiom that “truth is the first casualty of war” is as close to any
truth that you will ever find in your investigation of the federal government.
That being the case, we have been lied to by our government and have been
at war with our national government for a very long time, and I believe that
is the truth.
As I write, for each of us within this country, our liberty is perishing – that
liberty crushed beneath the constant growth of state and federal government
power. More than ever before, the federal, state, and local governments are
confiscating citizens’ property, trampling rights, and decimating opportunities
for any prosperous future you may have hoped for. Since 1933, a concentrated
effort has been made to impoverish the people of America. Our wealth has
been systematically stripped from us by rapacious taxation and outright theft
in the form of usury (interest) and fractional reserve banking policy.
Federal agencies publish an average of over two hundred pages of new
rulings, regulations, and proposals in the Federal Register each business
day. The expansion of the federal code is one of the most obvious measures
of the increase of administrative control over the citizen. The politicians’
effort to socially engineer society by an endless multiplication of penalties,
prohibitions, taxes and prison sentences, is a dismal failure. What has been
lost in their effort is our freedom.
The attack on the individual’s rights has reached a point in our lives where
a citizen has no right to the use of his own land if the bureaucracy determines
it to be a wetland, no right to the money in his pocket or bank account if
an IRS agent determines he has taxes owed, and no right to his property if a
duck, flying south for the winter, lands in a puddle in his backyard. A man’s
home is his castle, except when a politician wants the land the house is built
on for a low cost housing project.
In America today, a citizen’s use of his own property is presumed illegal
until approved by multiple zoning and planning commissions. Since 1985,
federal, state, and local governments have seized the property of over two
hundred thousand Americans under asset forfeiture laws, often with no
more evidence of wrongdoing than an unsubstantiated assertion made by an
anonymous government informant.
Government officials now exert vast arbitrary power over citizens’ daily
lives, from Equal Employment Opportunity Commission bureaucrats that
can levy a $145,000 fine on a St. Louis small businessman because he did
not have 8.45 minorities on his payroll … to the Minnesota and Wisconsin
departments of natural resources, which regulate property so that you may
not use the lake or swamp contained on your land because an endangered
mouse species lives nearby.
Federal agricultural bureaucrats can prohibit Arizona farmers from selling
fifty-eight percent of their fresh lemons to other Americans.
Customs Service inspectors can destroy import shipments without
compensating the owners.
Federal bank regulators are officially empowered to seize the assets of any
citizen for allegedly violating written or unwritten banking regulations.
Federal regulations dictate what price milk must sell for, what size
California nectarines can be sold, what crops a person may grow on his own
land, what apparel items a woman may sew in her own home, and how old
a person must be to buy a beer, even though he is old enough to die for his
The Internal Revenue Service is carrying out a massive campaign against
the self-employed that seeks to force over half of America’s independent
contractors to abandon their own businesses.
NAFTA and GATT agreements are forcing small industries into
bankruptcy because their customers have moved to Mexico or Indonesia.
Government agencies are more out of control than ever before, and the
Supreme Court, the supposed bastion and protector of the Bill of Rights, has
ratified the power of these federal employees.
Privacy is vanishing beneath the rising floodtide of government power.
Government officials have asserted a de facto right to search anybody, any
time, on the pretext of “terrorism.”
The average American now has no freedom from having government
agents strip-search his children, rummage through his luggage, ransack his
house, sift through his bank records, and trespass in his fields. Today, a
citizen’s constitutional right to privacy can be nullified by the sniff of a dog.
Federal officials have given rewards to hundreds of airline ticket clerks for
reporting the names of individuals who paid for their tickets in cash, thereby
allowing police to confiscate the rest of people’s money on mere suspicion of
illegal behavior.
Local police are conducting programs in two hundred thousand
classrooms that sometimes result in young children informing police on
parents who violate drug laws.
The number of federally authorized wiretaps has almost quadrupled since
1980 (except the ones intended to catch spies of our nuclear secrets), and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation is trying to prohibit development of new
types of phones that would be more difficult to wiretap. The demagogues in
Congress are rabid with the intent of taking away our right to carry and bear
arms. Could this description of events occurring in the United States today
have applied to pre-war Nazi Germany?
Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are increasingly under assault.
The proliferation of vague federal regulations have had a severe chilling effect
on the free speech of millions of businessmen who cannot criticize federal
agencies without risking reprisal that could destroy them. Thanks to a 1992
federal appeals court decision and a late 1993 congressional uproar, even
pictures of clothed children can now be considered pornographic, thus greatly
increasing the number of Americans who can be prosecuted for violating
obscenity laws by taking pictures of their own children.
The government is manufacturing more criminals now than ever
before. It is increasingly choosing the citizen-target, creating the crime, and
then vigorously prosecuting the violator. During the past fifteen years, law
enforcement officials have set up thousands of elaborate schemes to entrap
people for “crimes” such as buying plant supplies, asking for a job, or shooting
deer. Hundreds of private accountants have become double agents, receiving
government kickbacks for betraying their clients to the IRS.
Total federal spending has increased from under $100 billion in 1963
to over $3 trillion in 2002, and as spending has grown, so has bureaucratic
control and political power. Since 1960, the federal government has created
over a thousand new subsidy programs for everything from medical care to
housing, from culture to transportation. Subsidies are the twentieth century’s method of human conquest: slow political coups d’etat over one sector of the
economy and society after another. Government subsidies have become a
major factor in squeezing out unsubsidized developers, unsubsidized schools,
unsubsidized theater producers, and unsubsidized farmers. The money is
extorted out of the lifeblood of the citizen by rapacious and unlawful taxes
while the subsidies slowly smother his freedom. A government powerful
enough to give you everything is powerful enough to take everything away.
Former President Clinton set aside 1.7 million acres of Utah to be
protected by the federal government. That sounds warm and fuzzy until you
understand that the land federalized was the nation’s largest reserve of soft
coal. The electric utilities must now buy their coal for electrical generation
from Indonesia – soft coal owned by the Lipo group, the same organization
that donated millions to Clinton’s election campaign.
Beggaring the taxpayer has become the main achievement of the welfare
state. The federal tax system is turning individuals into sharecroppers of
their own lives. The private economy has become an agent of the federal
government. At least fifty percent of the total productive resources of our
nation are now being organized through the political market in the form
of taxes. In that very important sense, we are more than half socialist. The
average American now works over half of each year simply to pay the cost of
government tax and regulation.
High taxes have created a moral inversion in the relationship between
the citizen and the state. Before the income tax, the government existed to
serve the people at least in some vague nominal sense; now the people exist to
provide financial grain for the state’s mill. Federal court decisions have often
bent over backward to stress that citizens’ rights are nearly null and void in
conflicts with the Internal Revenue Service. IRS seizures of private property
have increased by six hundred percent since 1980 and now hit over three
million Americans each year.
Not only do we have more laws and regulations than ever before, but the
laws themselves are becoming less clear, consistent, or coherent. An example is
the tax code. In 1913, a debate was held on the Senate floor regarding the first
income tax act under the 16th Amendment. Senator Elihu Root commented
about the complexity of that first law. His comment was humorous then; it
is hilarious now:
“I guess you will have to go to jail. If that is the result of not understanding
the Income Tax Law, I shall meet you there. We shall have a merry, merry
time, for all of our friends will be there. It will be an intellectual center, for no
one understands the Income Tax Law except persons who have not sufficient
intelligence to understand the questions that arise under it.”
All the confusion over an eighty-page Act then is exponentially
compounded now by the current ten thousand-plus page Internal Revenue
Code 26 USC, along with more than thirty thousand pages of implementing
Internal Revenue regulations – 26 CFR and some borrowed from 27 CFR. It
is now practically impossible for citizens to keep track of government’s latest
Today the law has become a tool with which to force people to behave in
ways politicians approve, which is politically correct, rather than a clear line
that citizens can respect in order to live their lives in privacy and peace.
With the proliferation of retroactive regulations, government
agencies now have the right to change the rules of the game at any
time, even after the game is over.
The “Rule of John Ashcroft,” whereby federal officials on a whim create
new rules to bind and penalize private citizens, has replaced the Rule of Law
– the classical concept endorsed by the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780
as a restraint on government power.
Each night we are deluged with “cop” shows that reveal how far out of
its box the beast of government has crawled. Government agents dressed
like military commandos wearing black jumpsuits, bulletproof vests and
armament that would give a seasoned military force pause to reflect, wear full
head masks to conceal their identity. No one busy doing the constitutional
work of the Republic needs to wear ski masks concealing their identity.
Criminals and outlaws wear masks, not constitutional officers. They bash in
doors and throw the inhabitants to the floor, screaming children watching in
horror as their parents are manacled and dragged off to prison.
The government is supposed to set the example that we the citizens are
required to emulate. When the government breaks the law, then there exists
no law. We have anarchy. That, I am afraid, is the state of the union as of
In the famous Supreme Court case of Elkins Et Al v. United States, 364
U.S. 206, the Court, reinforcing judicial integrity, stated:
“In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled
if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent,
the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its
example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it
breeds contempt for law, it invites every man to become a law unto himself,
and it invites anarchy.”
The time in which Justice Brandeis spoke was a simpler time, and the
government had not broken the chains with which the Constitution bound it
down. Unfortunately, the federal judiciary has opted out of the Separation of
Powers doctrine of the Constitution, and now has become self-regulating.
The courts do not maintain their independence as a judiciary. Without
constitutional authority, the system elevates judges above the law. The courts
are no longer our courts of justice or a bastion of freedom. With the passage
of the War Powers Act of 1933, they have become the Executive’s tool. The
judges are little more than organized crime families. They have invaded the
people’s court and now only impersonate and give lip service to justice by
exchanging obfuscation and sophistry in place of a justice system, void of any
form of judicial integrity.
Enforcing judicial standards on judges under this system is impossible.
Even though the court has rules, the judges make up their own rules as they
go or break the rules with impunity whenever it is convenient for them to
do so.
How can you take a judge to court when the judges control the court and
have granted themselves immunity from prosecution? How do you call the
police when it is the police who are breaking the law? The judges’ dishonesty
is contagious, and the government as teacher has sewn the seeds of discontent
and anarchy.
The LORD God Almighty has granted a judge immense power to judge
His creation, we the people. But along with that power comes immense
responsibility in that the LORD on the Day of Judgment will hold each
judge to a higher standard of judgment.
The people have learned their lessons well. They follow by example, and
the example of the courts and the criminal justice system has led the people
to behave criminally, just as Justice Brandeis predicted.
Government now appears more concerned with dictating personal
behavior and political correctness than with protecting citizens from the
private violence of murderers, muggers, and rapists. In 1990, for the first
time in history, the number of people sentenced to prison for drug violations
exceeded the number of people sentenced for violent crime. The number of
people incarcerated in federal and state prisons in 2001 was almost four times
the number incarcerated in 1980, and America now has a higher percentage
of its population in prison than any other country in the world – two million
people. If those on probation and parole are taken into account, the number
controlled by the justice system is over six million. So much for “the land of
the free and home of the brave,” which is now just another oxymoron akin to
“military intelligence.”
Unfortunately, the more that government has tried to manage people’s
behavior, the more unmanageable American society has become. Gangs
have replaced families, resulting in a greater proliferation of drugs and
illegal weapons. Our babies are becoming parents with no jobs or education, spiraling an entire generation of children into grinding poverty and third
world expectations of life.
We have lost our moral compass as a people and have embraced a secular
view of morality rather than God’s. This observable fact, as America has
entered the new millennium, is the circumstance of the New World Order,
as envisioned and planned for a very long time by the International Banking
cartel and the United Nations.
Oppression has become more refined and more insidious in recent
decades. We frequently see scenes like IRS agents dragging Amish tax resisters
out of their scanty homes or the Los Angeles police beating a suspect. We
can expect to see the frequency of similar scenarios escalate as we are pushed
forward into a global government and the New World Order.
The fact that only a minimum number of people physically resist
government agents is not confirmation that the state is violating fewer people’s
rights. The level of tyranny imposed by government agencies is less evident
today primarily because the vast majority of citizens capitulate to government
demands before the government resorts to enforcement. America is ripe for
a cataclysmic revolution. The lack of an armed uprising is not evidence of a
lack of discontent and hostility. Six corporations presently control all forms of
media (newspaper, TV, radio, etc.) in the United States, and they have been
diligent accomplices in a massive cover-up of federal crimes and oppression
of the people.
Many Americans apparently believe politicians and policy experts have
been wise enough to create a government that does not crush the people it
was created to protect and serve. The question of individual liberty is now
often marketed as a question of a ruler’s intentions toward the citizen. But
lasting institutions are far more important than transient intentions.
The last seventy-five years have seen the sapping of most constitutional
restraints on capricious government power. American political assessment
suffers from a predisposition to appraise government by exalted ideals rather
than by insipid and shocking reality. We have a romantic tendency to judge
politicians by their dictum rather than by their day-to-day actions and a
tendency to view the growth of government power by its promise rather than
by its results.
The decline of liberty is not primarily from specific acts of government,
but from the collective force of hundreds of thousands of decrees, hundreds
of taxes, and thousands of officials with unrestricted power over other
Our political leaders say they have tried to improve the quality of life
by multiplying the amount of intimidation, by militarizing police power, giving one group of people the power of invention over others as to how they
must conduct their affairs.
The power accumulating in a central government is not put on display
at the Smithsonian Institute; it is exercised in day-to-day life. The larger it
becomes, the more oppressive it will become, regardless of the intentions of
those who advocate larger government.
The average American’s understanding of liberty and the threat to its
survival has declined sharply since the nation’s birth. The Massachusetts
colonists rebelled after the British agents received “writs of assistance” that
allowed them to search any colonist’s property.
Modern Americans submit passively to law enforcement sweep searches
of buses, schools, and housing projects without valid search warrants. Virginia
revolted in part because King George imposed a two-pence tax on the sale
of a pound of tea. Americans today are complacent while Congress imposes
billions of dollars in taxes, increasing the projected federal debt into double
digit trillions.
Federal agencies have the power to act as prosecutor, judge, and jury in
suits against private citizens. Maine revolted primarily because the British
Parliament issued a decree confiscating every white pine tree in the colony;
modern Americans are largely complacent when local regulatory agencies
impose almost unlimited restrictions on individuals’ rights to use their own
The initial battles of the Revolution occurred after British troops tried to
seize the colonists’ private weapons; today, residents in Chicago, Washington,
D.C., and other cities submit to de facto prohibition on handgun ownership
imposed by the same government that grossly fails to protect the citizen from
private violence.
The 1775 Revolution was largely a revolt against growing arbitrary
power. Nowadays, seemingly the only principle is to have no political
principle: to judge each act of government in a vacuum – to assume that
each expansion of government power and nullification of individual
rights will have no future impact. The Founding Fathers looked with
horror at the liberties that they were losing, while modern Americans
focus myopically on the freedoms that they still retain.
America needs fewer laws, not more prisons. The Founding Fathers
realized that some amount of government was necessary in order to prevent a
“war of all against all.” By trying to seize far more power than is necessary or
granted by the Constitution over American citizens, the federal government is
destroying its own legitimacy. We face a choice not of anarchy or fascism, but a choice of limited or unlimited government. Because it is a necessary evil, it
is necessary to vigilantly limit government’s disruption of citizens’ lives.
We the people delegated to ourselves the responsibility as the ultimate
protector of the Constitution. We the People are the ultimate court. When
our government is unwilling or refuses to abide by the constitutional mandates
we required, it is our sacred duty to stand up against that government and to
either alter or abolish it.
But oppression remains an evil that must be minimized in a free society.
The ideal is not to abolish all government, but to structure it so as to achieve
the greatest respect for citizens’ rights and the least violation of their liberty.
The question is not whether Americans have lost all their liberties, but
whether the average American is becoming less free with each passing year
– with each session of Congress – with each new shelf row of Federal Register
American liberty can still be rescued from the encroachments of
government. The first step to saving our liberty is to realize how much we
have already lost, how we lost it, and how we will continue to lose our liberties
unless fundamental political changes occur.
I would propose that the Constitution be amended to require that the
entire House of Representatives be composed only of females and the Senate
be composed only of males. That would be a natural balance of power. It
works in families; why not Congress and the American family?
The most recent example of congressional action and loss of liberty can
be found in the new PATRIOT Act (short for “Uniting and Strengthening
America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
This act of Congress primarily expands existing law, giving federal law
enforcement agencies greater intelligence-gathering power, and has the effect
of curtailing or eroding constitutional protections for citizens. In the wake
of September 11th, most of us believed that the law might be reasonable in
granting enforcement agencies these expanded powers. But the facts as have
been revealed by Congress do not support that contention. That tragedy
occurred not because of inadequate anti-terrorism law, but because of the
federal intelligence agencies’ own internal procedural failure.
The PATRIOT Act does not, therefore, help us to fight terrorism better.
What it does do is:
1. It upsets the balance of power in our government, putting unnecessary
power in the hands of the Executive, and brings us one step closer to what
Chancellor Hitler achieved in pre-war Germany.
2. Increases the administrative burden on presently overburdened
intelligence agencies; making terrorism more difficult for them to fight.
3. Destroys many of our hard-won unalienable rights and liberties for
which so many of our ancestors and our own generation fought and died.
The Patriot Act is a complicated law. I have assembled for this Chapter
the sections which I feel are most troubling. Specifically, the Patriot Act:
1. Permits agents of law enforcement to enter and search your home, in
secret, without ever informing you. The U.S. Constitution requires not only
probable cause to search, but that you are notified of the search. Section 213 of
the Patriot Act disembowels the notice requirement of the 4th Amendment.
2. Section 216 of the act permits agents of the government to tap your
phone or computer without probable cause having been established. Under
this section, a judge MUST authorize a warrant as long as law enforcement
agents certify that the surveillance is “relevant to an ongoing criminal
investigation.” No probable cause of criminal activity is required to issue the
warrant, and the criminal activity does not have to have anything to do with
terrorism. This violates the probable cause provision of the 4th Amendment.
So for all intents and purposes, the 4th Amendment is a dead letter.
3. In addition, Section 218 permits the government agent to carry
out secret searches and wiretaps without showing probable cause merely by
certifying that there is a “significant” foreign intelligence purpose. This also
evades the 4th Amendment protection.
4. Section 411, in tandem with section 802, expands the power
of government to designate a group as a “foreign terrorist organization.”
Any group which endorses so-called “terrorist activity” which under 802
may be otherwise a lawful protest activity, can be designated as a terrorist
organization. This would enable government to designate such groups as the
California Tree Huggers, Protestors in Puerto Rico objecting to bombing
of their land, or those Protestors against the World Trade Organization, as
terrorists, such as in Seattle, New York, Chicago and Washington. Good-bye,
1st Amendment.
5. Section 411 also allows the government to indict anyone who provides
material support or assistance to a terrorist organization. It is now possible for
the federal government to determine that a domestic organization is in fact a
terrorist group, i.e. the Michigan Militia, or Save a Patriot, American Rights
Litigators, or any group who may disagree with government policy. One man
makes the determination of terrorist – the President. No evidence is necessary
and no court can stop that designation. No more 5th Amendment!
6. Section 412 of the PATRIOT Act permits the government to arrest
and detain immigrants indefinitely for nothing more than a visa violation.
In fact, of the one thousand, two hundred known immigrant detentions
since 9/11, the ACLU determined that only about five had been detained on
terrorism-related charges.
7. Section 802 creates the crime of “domestic terrorism.” This
criminalizes any acts of any member of the public that merely appear to
the government’s determination to be intended to “influence the policy of
the government by intimidation or coercion” or to “intimidate or coerce
a civilian population.” This section would make just about any act of civil
disobedience in protest against government policy into an act of domestic
terrorism. Anyone who responds in writing to the IRS by objecting to one
of its decisions could and probably will be labeled a domestic terrorist. There
goes the 5th Amendment.
Our Congress, at the urging of the President and the Attorney General,
has enacted criminal, unconstitutional legislation. As an example of its new
application, we now see what is planned for the rest of us.
Attorney General John Ashcroft said, “If you don’t agree with the
government, YOU are a terrorist.”
Attorney General Ashcroft pushed the U.S. Patriot Act through an
overwhelmingly dim-witted Congress soon after September 11th. He has
subverted more elements of the Bill of Rights than any Attorney General in
American history. This is the same man who was beaten by a dead man in his
bid for the Senate.
Under the Justice Department’s new definition of “enemy combatant”
(which won the enthusiastic approval of the President and Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld) anyone can be defined as an “enemy combatant,” very
much including American citizens, and they can be held indefinitely
by the government, without charges, a hearing, or a lawyer – in short,
incommunicado. Good-bye the entire Bill of Rights.
Now more Americans are also going to be dispossessed of every
fundamental legal right in our system of justice and put into camps.
Ashcroft’s terrorism FBI guidelines:
“The nature of the conduct engaged in by a terrorist enterprise will justify
an inference that the standard [for opening a criminal justice investigation] is
satisfied, even if there are no known statements by participants that advocate
or indicate planning for violence or other prohibited acts.”
That conduct can be simply “intimidating” the government, according
to the USA Patriot Act. This book would qualify under those guidelines.
The following words of Thomas Jefferson from the Kentucky Resolutions
sound as though they were written yesterday in describing the Patriot Act.
“That if the acts before specified should stand, these conclusions would
flow from them; that the general government may place any act they think
proper on the list of crimes, and punish it themselves whether enumerated
or not enumerated by the constitution as cognizable by them: that they may
transfer its cognizance to the President, or any other person, who may himself be the accuser, counsel, judge and jury, whose suspicions may be the evidence,
his order the sentence, his officer the executioner, and his breast the sole
record of the transaction: that a very numerous and valuable description of
the inhabitants of these States being, by this precedent, reduced, as outlaws,
to the absolute dominion of one man, and the barrier of the Constitution
thus swept away from us all, no rampart now remains against the passions
and the powers of a majority in Congress to protect from a like exportation,
or other more grievous punishment, the minority of the same body, the
legislatures, judges, governors and counselors of the States, nor their other
peaceable inhabitants, who may venture to reclaim the constitutional rights
and liberties of the States and the people, or who for other causes, good or
bad, may be obnoxious to the views, or marked by the suspicions of the
President, or be thought dangerous to his or their election, or other interests,
public or personal…”
Jefferson’s statement is as valid in 2003 as it was in 1798. It lends a
chilling historical prospective to the present “Patriot Act” and our present
condition compared to events in America in 1798 brought on by the Alien
and Sedition Act (Whiskey Rebellion).
Congress and the other branches of the federal government are not a
party to the Constitution; they are products of it. The Constitution vests
Congress with certain delegated authorities under Article I; nothing more.
Within its own borders, state authority is antecedent to that of the United
States, and as parties to the Constitution, the several states have both the right
and responsibility to correct their agent, the United States, when ambition
seeks to abuse or expand powers which have been delegated.
Of more immediate importance where the instant matter is concerned,
those who exceed the law, whether of the State or the United States, are
accountable to the law of the land and, ultimately, to the People of the land
within the several States. Operation under color of law is outlaw, criminal,
and accountability must be in law. Judges, magistrates, attorneys for the
Department of Justice, and enforcement people do not have immunity when
they exceed the law as it is written.
This War on Terrorism is not a war at all. Congress is the only
constitutional body that can declare war. It is a convenient tool being used
by the President to expand power and control over each of us Citizens –
nothing more. The government will not be happy until the last vestiges of
our Constitution are torn from us, leaving no protection from the servitude
expected from us all.
The federal government has never kept its word in either the conduct of
internal policy (Constitution), in treaties with the Indians or in international
The course of conduct being displayed by the government is merely
ensuring that new generations of “terrorists” are being created at home as well
as abroad.
The Constitution was written and the federal government created in
order to insure that all of our liberties were protected even during times of
war. They have failed miserably in that task. Ashcroft now says that “we will
protect you, but some of your liberty must be surrendered to enable us to
protect you.” Rubbish!!!
It is time that all Americans with courage say to the federal government,
“Go to Hell!” There can be no higher expression of patriotism than opposing
your government when you believe they are wrong. That should be the
responsibility of our state governments, but they have bought into the federal
agenda because it expands their power and control over us and they are no
better than the federal fascists that they emulate.
Freedom is a word not often reflected on by us. Thomas Jefferson said,
“Freedom is not free; the price we must pay for freedom is eternal vigilance.”
Collectively we have not been vigilant, and now we can see the result of our
It is not too late to correct our agent, the federal and state governments.
Individually we are not a threat to the vested interests of the new king, but
collectively we can still control if we wake up and smell the dead rotting
corpse of this once great republic. Together we must demand that they cease
and desist in their plan for world domination and control over us before the
United States of America crashes, smoking and burning, upon the scrap pile
of history.
When I left the battlefield of Southeast Asia, I vowed that I would never
again take up arms against another human being, and I never will. But as
long as I have a breath in my body and a right of freedom of expression, I will
educate, agitate, and indoctrinate as many of my fellow Americans as possible
in order to stop or delay this march into madness that we are now on.
The Administration forced a vote on the Patriot Act before many
legislators even had a chance to read it. That is the way the world elite always
slip in legislation that destroys our freedom. That is the way the War Powers
Act of 1933, the Federal Reserve Act, and the 16th and 17th Amendments
to the Constitution all were passed into law. Then, NAFTA, GATT and
countless other laws were shoved down our throat because Congress has
no backbone or are co-conspirators in treason. The Patriot Act passed by a
majority of 337 to 79.
We must prevent these changes from becoming malignant and spreading
to the body politic. Insist that the Congress require these anti-terrorism laws
be re-examined in a few years before they become permanent. This is your
Mel Stamper ³ 17
only chance to protest what may end up being the most significant event in
our nation’s history – events that your grandchildren will not forgive you for
if you do nothing.
Some people argue that we live in a “lenient” society that has more than
enough liberty – that we can afford to lose some. Others have argued that
only those people who are criminals or buying and selling drugs or gun
owners have concern about the Bill of Rights.
Some might think my perception is too negative; they are probably
correct. But being a sentinel for freedom is my responsibility and yours as
well if we wish to remain a great nation. On my way to Hawaii three weeks
after the New York tragedy, I was sitting next to a young woman who worked
for the World Bank in Washington. She maintained those sentiments. As I
excused myself and moved to another seat, I told her that I was not going to
spend the next seven hours listening to an idiot mouth concepts about which
she had absolutely no understanding of the gravity of her conclusions. [ I think this man's perception is extraordinary and spot on. dc]
In my opinion, most of the general population who espouse those beliefs
do not have the brains God gave a goose. They don’t realize that once the
freedom is given away, it will never be returned, and the rights which are used
by criminals to evade incarceration are the same rights which protect each of
us. If one is denied that right, so too will all be denied that right.
In undergraduate school, I took several American history courses, as that
subject has been of interest to me for the last thirty years and it is an excellent
foundation for law. But I discovered that what was written in the history
books was not the same as what was written in the settled case law of that
same time period. The law is where the true history of a nation is found, not
in a revisionist history book.
This nation’s history is composed of many great dreams and ambitions
which were sacrificed upon the altar of “pragmatism,” “necessity,”
“circumstance” and “thousands of dead heroes.” Our constitutional rights are
like that.
The government has never simultaneously observed all the first Ten
Amendments to the Constitution for the United States of America as they
are actually written. The government, all three branches, has always been
quick to say, “That’s not what they meant,” as if we are too stupid to read the
simple language of that compact and understand the founders’ intent; and
that’s in good times.
In dreadful times, when things get difficult and Americans are concerned,
distressed, or angry, things get suddenly worse. This has been true from the
very start of our nation.
Here are some examples of American history that we were not taught in
The second President, John Adams, a founding father (a forefather of
Yours Truly), someone who should have known better, got the Alien and
Sedition Acts passed. That law allowed the deportation of any non-citizen
who was judged to be dangerous to the United States even if the country was
not actually at war. No trial was required. The Sedition Act made criticizing
the government a prison offense. These laws were passed and used to silence
the public’s opposition to Adam’s foreign policy, especially used to imprison
newspaper publishers of the opposing political party (Thomas Jefferson’s
Democratic Republicans). A long time ago, right? That may be so, but it was
the beginning of a tradition within our body politic.
In the twentieth century, there was the infamous Sedition Act in World
War I. It was used to jail social reformers, activists, and other people with
whom the government disagreed and, if they were non-citizens, to expel them.
Specifically, it made speaking out against war a prison offense. Prominent
journalists and civil libertarians were jailed for merely reading from the
Constitution. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the famous “liberal” Supreme Court
justice, voted to uphold this curtailment of the First Amendment with his
now famous statement comparing the activism for peace during war to
“shouting fire in a crowded theater.” I have often believed that a judge is a
lawyer with a 50 I.Q. – nothing more.
The next shameful event in our history which still plagues us to this day
was the “War Powers Act of 1933.” This Act permitted President Roosevelt
to make law in the form of Executive Order, bypass Congress and create his
socialist state. We (citizens of this country) were ever after to be considered
enemies of the United States who must be licensed to engage in any
commercial activity. With the aid of the Federal Reserve (the same people
who created the Depression), the President confiscated our gold and silver
coin and replaced it with worthless pieces of paper and a debt system that will
eventually destroy this great country. Our land and our labor were pledged to
the Federal Reserve Bank, Inc., as collateral for a debt system that could never
be paid. How can this most important event in our history not be taught in
Everyone knows about the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during
the Second World War. All people of Japanese descent, even natural-born
Americans, were subject to detention in prison camps. The federal government
jailed 120,000 men, women, and children for three years for the crime of
being Japanese. The Supreme Court upheld the capture, internment, and the
effective seizure of their property. That fact alone confirms my theory that
they all have IQs of 50 or lower.
The Smith Act, also passed during this period – in 1940, before America’s
entry into WWII – mandated the fingerprinting and registration of all aliens in the United States. To be an unregistered alien was against the law. This
law also outlawed all organizations that advocated the overthrow of the
government, perhaps a reasonable measure in war, but this law was passed
during peacetime. The Smith Act was abused to jail labor leaders, socialists and
communists who were opposed to the ways of the robber-baron capitalists,
the very ones who created the conditions for the Great Depression.
The Red scare of the 30s and the communist witch-hunt, of the 40s
and 50s ruined many American lives. Their only crime was to know the
“wrong people,” or to hold liberal opinions, or to have such opinions in their
youth and the gall to stand up to demagogues and others who used anti-Communism as the key to increasing their own power.
The 1950 Internal Security Act, passed by a super-majority to override
Truman’s veto, required registration of people and groups who were
communists or who had beliefs similar to communists. It created detention
centers around the country, which would be filled with FBI-identified
subversives if the President declared an emergency. Those detention centers
are still in existence and new ones have been built all over this country to
hold us. There are over forty-three of them at present under the direct control
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
More recently, many are familiar with the history of the civil rights and
anti-Vietnam War movement. Did you also know that the FBI’s operation
Co-intelligence Program (CointelPro), approved at the highest levels of
government, had as its object the suppression of those who worked to change
the system? It was used to intimidate the membership, discredit leadership,
and even put into jail those who fought for freedom and peace, in a manner
that was not only grossly immoral but also completely illegal. That was only
thirty years ago.
And there is Watergate and Nixon’s inches-thick list of enemies. He used
the power of the IRS, FBI, Customs, and other federal agencies to harass or
eliminate his political opponents and everyone he suspected of disloyalty or
political opposition. That took place only twenty-five years ago.
And now, after twenty-five years of drug war and a drug-war friendly
Supreme Court, we’ve seen our protections under the 4th and 5th Amendments
eroded to nothing. All of these deprivations of liberty are always under the
pretext of some alleged war.
We’re at a watershed point in our nation’s history. Not everyone who cries,
“We must fight terrorism!” is really a friend of the Republic and freedom.
Some people think that we should live in a society with a lot fewer “civil
rights.” They believe that some opinions should be illegal, some activism
should be forbidden. It is this type of individual that permeates the Congress
and the federal judiciary.
Will these new laws affect you?
Maybe not at first, perhaps. They’ll be used to stop people with whose
opinions you disagree – to jail civilian militiamen from Montana and
Michigan; to put a stop to the KKK, ACLU, Operation Rescue, or Green
Peace. Depending on your political beliefs, that’s a good thing, right?
But the way of judging such a law is not how it operates today, but how
it will operate when your most feared enemy is in control. Who is your most
feared enemy? If no one you know now qualifies for that position, imagine
what use these new laws could be put to by Hitler, Stalin, Osama bin Laden,
or even George Bush, Jr.
How would you safeguard your freedom and those of your friends and
family when your opinions are labeled as terrorist?
My point is this: freedom walks a very narrow road. On one side of that
road stands conformity, censorship of ideas, and the use of force to compel
people in their role as citizen or antagonist. On the other side stands social
engineering and political dissent. The only thing in the middle of the road is
dead skunks and ignorant people.
That narrow road is supported by the Bill of Rights and the settled case
law which support our rights. There’s nothing magical about the Constitution;
it’s a dead tree ground into paper so those immortal, heavenly concepts of
freedom and self-government could be memorialized. It’s a document written
by people for people and interpreted by other people. It can be followed
or it can be ignored. If it’s followed, there are a few precious, fundamental
restrictions on government actions against the individual.
There is in the Constitution, for instance, a guarantee of due process of
law before life, liberty, or property is taken from you. This isn’t a guarantee
that you won’t be wrongly prosecuted, or that you won’t be investigated or
even punished for your beliefs. It’s only a guarantee of exposure to other
people, your fellow peers and the press, including some judges, who will be
watching to see that the rules are being followed.
Sometimes that exposure is enough to make the difference; sometimes
it’s not. The judges are there only to make sure that the rules were followed.
Justice does not reside in the courtroom. If you want justice, go to church:
that’s in God’s hands. All the judiciary cares about is if the rules were followed;
nothing more. The same Congress that has legislated our freedoms away
writes the rules.
But when by our apathy we set aside those few guarantees contained
in the Constitution – when we allow searches made in secret, the seizure of
property without trial, the detention of people without proof of a crime or
opportunity to defend themselves – then that form of democracy becomes a
paradigm for disaster. Our silence is freedom’s death knell.
People suffer because those who have and exercise power are imperfect
people. They always make mistakes. They get eager in protecting us and, in
so doing, forget that the actions of the over-eager bureaucracy are the clear
and present danger to the people. Some of them have a desire to exercise and
abuse their power, to silence their antagonists, to persecute those who are
different from them, to make others bow to their demands. Those types of
individuals make great prison guards, politicians and judges.
A strongly respected constitution helps keep a restraint on all that.
Nothing but God can stop a government that is resolute to ignore its
Constitution. The War Powers Act, Alien and Sedition Acts, Red scare,
Watergate, CointelPro and now the Patriot Act, are examples in our shameful
history that illustrate a government completely out of control.
But the Constitution was drafted in order to make things safer by
introducing safeguards. Competing interests and the Separation of Powers
doctrine between the three branches of government, each jealously protecting
its own power, are the instruments by which our freedoms are enforced or
should be.
When they are not, then you’d better watch your ass if your opinions are
unpopular, unpalatable, or even dangerous to the status quo. The first rule
of “Watching Your Ass” is making sure that you don’t look or sound like an
Enemy of the State. It’s called the “Ostrich strategy.” Self-censorship is always
the first step in the loss of freedom, lest you draw attention and the power of
those who might do you harm for speaking your opinion.
Self-censorship makes it easier for further more draconian steps to be
taken, as no one says: “Stop! This is unconstitutional.” We fear that if we said
that, we might be singled out for government reprisal.
“When Hitler attacked the Jews, I was not a Jew, therefore I was not concerned.
And when Hitler attacked the Catholics, I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I
was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists, I
was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned. Then they attacked me
and the Protestant church - and there was nobody left to be concerned.”
This quote is from a pastor who opposed Nazism in Hitler’s Germany.
He was speaking for the reaction, or lack thereof, of all people of good will
in Germany to the events that transpired there. It’s the silence of people of
good will that allows manifest evil and fascism to entrench itself. “Evil can
flourish only when men of good will do nothing” is an ancient maxim that
has profound meaning in our time.
I am not saying that the U.S. government is filled with Nazis. God
willing, that specific species of human lunacy will never return. But the
lessons learned in the fight against fascism should always live within us like a
festering boil on the surface of our consciousness. Don’t be silent, and don’t censor yourself. Speak out against those in power and let them know you
disagree and that you are watching their every move.
This is the responsibility of citizens in a Republic. I believe a Republic’s
strength does not result from voting. In our country, half don’t vote because
there isn’t much in the way of a choice: There is Daryl, my brother Daryl
and my other brother Daryl – not a penny difference between them. But
we still have a strong country because people have a right and feel safe in
expressing dissatisfaction. This operates as a relief valve for our frustrations
and criticisms of those in power.
There’s a partition between our leaders and us that has grown larger with
each passing year and each new shelf row of Federal Register publications.
Many of our representatives are hearing only the call from the President
and Attorney General to give them more power in order to make us safe
from terrorism, no matter the cost, no matter the loss of precious freedom.
Absolute safety can be achieved only in a police state, and then it is the state
that is the source of all terrorism. This has been the story of human societies
from time immemorial.
Few of these new laws are made for the prosecution of a war on foreign
terrorists. We already have every legal tool needed to do this. The purpose
of most of these changes is for the collection of more information about
Americans, without the regulation of a judge and the restrictions imposed
by the Constitution. The law already allows intelligence and investigative
agencies to spy on foreigners without any serious obstacle. These laws can
be only for the monitoring and imprisonment of those living in the US who
have differing opinions of what makes for a fair and just society, citizen or
foreigner. The government’s opinion may be diametrically opposed to your
Our war right now is against terrorists in the Middle East. The first people
targeted in this country will be Arabs and Muslims. Since I’m not Arab or Muslim, it is none my concern. Next will be the civilian state militias. Since
I am not a member of the militia, it is none my concern. Next will be the
Christians with their belief in a power higher than the government.
Will there be anyone left to object?
We as the unified voice of We the People must, when the first of us is
targeted, shout out from the highest hill…
Go to Hell!
By Melvin Stamper, J.D., sui juris
To: Madeleine Albright
Washington, District of Columbia
This is to certify that I; Melvin Stamper, was born January 7th, 1940, in
the Sovereign Republic State of Kentucky. I presently live upon the land of
the Sovereign Republic State of Florida. I am not a Resident or Citizen of the
UNITED STATES Government (Corporation), whose situs is Washington,
the District of Columbia. My relationship to that Federal entity as far as
jurisdiction is that of a non-resident alien to the Corporate United States
I am a free and natural human man, described by the Lord God as
a Living Soul, living under the common law and the fear of God. I have
assumed among the Powers of the Earth, granted by the Lord God Almighty,
the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s
God entitle me. Therefore, in order to secure the Blessing of Liberty to my
posterity and myself, to re-acquire my Birthright as a member of the Sovereign
Body of “We the People,” I hereby Asseverate and Revoke my Citizenship,
if any ever existed, with the Legal fiction known as the UNITED STATES
Government (Corporation).
I further rescind any and all feudal contracts with that Federal government,
its agencies and with the State of Florida and its agencies. I have rescinded
the Social Security number, fraudulently issued me by the government at the
tender age of 13, as I was legally incompetent to enter into a legal contract
with the government. The government by misinformation led me to believe
at that time that I was required to secure a Social Security Account number
in order to gain employment, which is simply not true. The government
agent who obligated me to the Social Security System knew or should have
known that there existed serious liabilities to anyone who accepted a Social
Security Number. That Agent had a fiduciary responsibility to inform me of
the true nature of the Social Security Trust Account and the obligations and liabilities that the Trust involved. By the government’s silence on the matter,
the government established, by fraud, a Constructive Trust Agreement with
me which must be vitiated. Since receiving that Account, I have through
my religious instruction come to the belief that the Social Security number
may be what is referred to in the Holy Bible, Book of Revelation 13:16-18
and 14:9-10, as the mark of the beast or at the least its precursor. For me to
participate in that program and continue to use that number may place my
eternal soul in jeopardy. This I will not and cannot do.
The money which I have paid into that Socialist system for over forty
years, including the monies paid by my employers’ demand, is hereby made
for full reimbursement to me. I do not wish, nor am I permitted by God,
to make myself a ward of the State, as would be the case if I accepted the
Social Security benefits. I demand the same treatment that was given to the
people of the Philippines who were participants in the Social Security Trust
and choose Citizenship of the Philippines over that of the United States. As
the Social Security program is not a feudal contract, in that Congress gave
no property rights to a Social Security Trust Account, I demand the contract
be voided and all monies returned, as would be the case for any fraudulent
contract or Constructive Trust Agreement. The United States Government
Corporation should not enrich its self from the Fruits of a Poisonous Tree.
I emphatically deny that I have ever filed for bankruptcy protection. Nor
have I ever given my Power of Attorney to anyone or to the State of Florida or
any of the union states or the UNITED STATES (Corporation) government
for the purpose of instituting a bankruptcy action in my name. Nor granting
that my Labor and or my Property of whatever kind, or wherever situated,
be held as collateral in any bankruptcy proceeding of the State or Federal
governments. Nor any scheme, using my labor and property as collateral, to
support or fund a fiat money scheme of the Federal Reserve Bank, Inc. and/
or the State of Florida and/or Federal UNITED STATES Government.
Three generations of a proud and patriotic family will suffer the anxiety
of their spirit as a result of my having chosen to recognize the malignant and
treasonous misconduct of this government and speak out against it. Some of
my reasons for repudiating that Citizenship status are defined in the following
Articles and by the totality of this document, are made a part hereof.
I have lived a productive and eventful life, now in anticipation of the
end and God’s mercy. Undoubtedly the singularly most horrific moment of
that life was the conviction to repudiate my Citizenship of the UNITED
STATES. Those words, “REPUDIATE MY CITIZENSHIP,” crushed the
very soul within me. I stand now beneath that flag I served with pride for
nearly forty years. The memories of our brave young men, my comrades in
arms, who defended the Constitution, who never had a life, flood before me. They sacrificed all of their tomorrows so that I might have mine. Those
memories will always remain with me and be remembered with humble
honor and gratitude.
The awful knowledge and horror of betrayal by my own government of
which I was once so proud, is an unbearable sorrow that I must now carry to
my grave; but I shall do so a free man. Perhaps the American people are like
the frog that is heated slowly to a boil in a pot of water. If we had detected the
heat sooner, we could have jumped out, saving the Republic and ourselves.
But, alas, our grandfathers were asleep at the helm and not as vigilant as
they were instructed to be by Thomas Jefferson. Americans are now awakening
to the cataclysmic reality of a Fascist, one-world government, having replaced
our intended Constitutional Republican Government.
The Declaration of Independence for the united States of America clearly
outlined the necessary course each citizen must take when his government
became insufferable. Over the past sixty years, nearly all of our unalienable
rights have been stripped from us through the sophistry and obfuscation of the
Courts and blood lust of the Congress for spending debt-based money borne
on the back of the American people. What they have done is egregious, but
as the Declaration of Independence points out, “... all experience hath shown
that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to
right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed.” By
sufferable, I believe they meant survivable.
That same Declaration also declared: “We hold these Truths to be self
evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty,
and the Pursuit of Happiness – That to secure these Rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the
Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it...”
Since 1933, beginning with the confiscation of our Gold and Allodial
property, rather than “secure” our Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness, our government has persistently and systematically reduced our
standard of living. But this Evil seemed survivable, so we just suffered and let
it pass, letting the water get a little hotter.
Since 1933, our government has refused to “secure” our Right to Life,
Land or Liberty by persistently increasing our burden by Regulations,
prohibitions, legalized abortion and unlawful taxes. They have bastardized
our Judicial System with Statutory Law, replacing the Common Law and the
protections which it afforded us with the severe and brutal Equity/Admiralty
jurisdictions, where the Constitution is of no protection. They have lied and
withheld the truth about the jury’s power to judge the law as well as the facts,
all but turning the jury system into a prosecutor’s tool and not our protection
from overzealous prosecutors that it was intended to be.
They have increased our Prison population to nearly one and a half
million inmates, the largest imprisonment of its own citizens of any country
in the world. They now prepare plans for new prison construction for the
new millennium, projecting twenty years in advance and building cells for
our as yet unborn children, as though all or most of our offspring will be
criminals. This reality alone reduces the expression, “The home of the brave
and Land of the Free” to mere illusion and an oxymoron. But these evils
were/are also sufferable, and we let the water get hotter.
Now, the United States government not only refuses to “secure” our
Right to Life, it is openly seeking to diminish or even eliminate that Right in
order that a foreign people we neither know nor see might survive. Thanks
to the UN (New World Order), NAFTA, GATT, and every whore, coward
and traitor elected or appointed to American public office that voted in favor
of those dastardly Treaties, our very survival as a people is now at stake. Our
government’s Evils are no longer sufferable.
The La Paz portion of the NAFTA agreement provides for the forfeiture
of a thirty-mile wide strip of American soil to a foreign power (the UN)
across the entire 1,935 miles of border between Mexico and the U.S.A.
Roughly sixty thousand square miles of American soil is being surrendered
without a single shot being fired. That’s more land than is contained in Rhode
Island, Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Vermont,
Massachusetts, and Hawaii combined, constituting the single greatest act of
treachery in the history of this nation. Even more land is being surrendered
as National Parks are converted to UN Biospheres. Thank the Lord that the
legislature of Kentucky flat out refused to go along with the surrender of any
of their land to a UN Biosphere.
There is no provision in the Constitution for Congress, the President,
or the Courts to surrender any portion of our national sovereignty to any
foreign government.
I am positive that there’s no provision in any State constitution for those
States along the Mexican border to surrender any portion of their State
sovereignty to a foreign power. Those legislators who swore to uphold the
national Constitution have violated their oath to God and the American
people’s trust. Our incumbent politicians are guilty of treason and should so
be accused and tried.
The justification for surrendering our sovereignty to the UN (New World
Order) is found in their ecological argument. “The Earth is overpopulated and
its resources are inadequate to support our species. The human population
must be reduced by at least half if our species are to survive.”
If that argument is accurate, then there is not enough food or resources
to sustain all currently living human life. In any other time throughout the
history of human society, such shortages as described by the ecological pundits
would precipitate violence and unimagined wars, as individuals, families and
entire nations struggled for scarce resources in their survival against other
human competitors. Such has been true since time immemorial. Under such
extreme circumstances, where a foreign power or population might threaten
your survival and mine, we would inevitably deduce that foreign power or
population was our mortal “enemy.” After all, for them to survive, we must
die or at least condemn our children and ourselves to a diminished life span.
According to Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution,
“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against
them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
If the world is on the threshold of a life-or-death Malthusian battle
over scarce resources, what more “aid and comfort” could this government
possibly provide to a foreign people or power than to voluntarily surrender
our nuclear technology to China for political campaign contributions – the
surrender of our land and sovereignty to the UN, as well as our very lives, so
that some foreign competitors, our mortal enemies, might survive.
Will the American People just sit back like the frog and let the water
boil, letting this government sacrifice their children’s lives and futures to
benefit some foreign slaves or aborigines? I don’t think so, and I for one,
in the capacity of a Citizen, want no part of this moronic agenda with that
insane policy.
The United States Constitution is a Contract between the Federal
government and the States of the Union. Its fundamental and guiding
principle is the idea that the State is always a potential source of corruptive
power and ultimate tyranny.
Originally the Federal government’s responsibilities were confined to
a few enumerated powers, involving mainly national security and public
safety. In the realm of domestic affairs, the Founders sought to guarantee
that federal interference in the daily lives of citizens would be strictly limited.
They also wanted to make sure government would have a minimal role in the
domestic economy and that it would be financed and delivered at the state
and local levels, not by an evil and pestilential Central Banking System, as is
the Federal Reserve Bank, Inc.
In Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, the enumerated powers of
the federal government to spend money are defined.
These powers include the right to “establish Post Offices and post roads;
raise and support Armies; provide and maintain a Navy; declare War...”
and to conduct a few other activities related mostly to national defense. No
matter how long one may search, it is impossible to find in the Constitution
any language that authorizes at least ninety percent of the civilian programs
that Congress crams into the federal budget everyday.
The federal government has no authority to pay money to farmers, run
the health care industry; impose wage and price controls, give welfare to
the poor and unemployed. They have no authority to provide job training,
subsidize electricity and telephone service, lend money to businesses and
foreign governments, or build parking garages, tennis courts, and swimming
pools. But they do.
The Founders did not create a Department of Commerce,
a Department of Education, or a Department of Housing and Urban
Development. This was no oversight: they did not believe that government
was authorized to establish such agencies. They were correct; Congress is
forbidden by the Constitution to establish any such agencies.
The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution states clearly and
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution ...
are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
In other words, if the Constitution doesn’t specifically permit the federal
government to do something, then it doesn’t have the right to do it. May
God have mercy on your soul for bankrupting and enslaving our people.
The Bill of Rights clearly defines the most often “government” abused
individual liberties. It forbids the Federal Government to violate any of these
unalienable rights of the people and reserves all other rights of a sovereign
not delegated to the United States, to the States: the States’ authority and
sovereign rights would be determined by the people in their individual state
Constitutions. All sovereign rights not delegated to the Federal or State
Governments by the people remains with the people.
On April 19th, 1993, at Waco, Texas, the United States (Corporation)
showed its utter contempt for the unalienable Rights of its Citizens and
the Sovereigns of its creation. Eighty-six men, women and children were
murdered by Agents of the FBI and BATF, with the sanction of the Executive
Branch of that government. An internal investigation by the Department of
Justice (the fox asked to investigate the fox in the hen house), determined
that the agents of the government perpetrated no criminal acts. The majority
of this nation’s population knows it was murder and will never forgive nor
forget this manifestly evil work. I can no longer abide in this government’s
unlawful conduct and moral bankruptcy, because as a citizen, by proxy, I am
guilty also.
This is one of the many reasons, I must sever my relationship with the
UNITED STATES (Corporation) government, to ease the heavy burden on
my soul these foul deeds have laden it with. The water has gotten too hot for
I am not anti-government, anti-military, or anti-American. For twelve
years I served in the United States Marine Corps in both active and inactive
duty all over the world. I served an additional nine years as a Police Officer,
always defending the Constitution of the United States of America, always
in harm’s way. Veterans like me joined the military because of our love of
Country and our constitutional obligation. At all times I have defended our
Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic. When I volunteered,
I never imagined there were any real “domestic enemies.” Today I know otherwise. The following is a partial example of the activities of those
“domestic enemies.”
In 1997, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette exposed the “Tuskegee Experiment.”
It was conducted for forty years, from 1932 to 1972. According to the
Associated Press, “The government withheld treatment from 399 black men
with syphilis so they could study how it spreads and kills.”
That’s not an “experiment;” that’s genocide. Whether it happens to
one Black man or ten Eskimos or three Hispanics, it is wrong and violates
everything this country stands for. President Clinton publicly apologized
on behalf of this government to the aging male survivors. But it wasn’t just
the 399 men who were damaged. Their spouses also got the disease, causing
their children to be born deformed. All told, 6,000 Americans were sickened,
deformed or killed as a result of The UNITED STATES Government’s
“Tuskegee experiment” to study how syphilis kills. President Clinton didn’t
bother to acknowledge their suffering.
In 1977 during the Senatorial Select Committee on Intelligence hearings
(reported in “Project MK-Ultra; the CIA’s Program of Research in Behavior
Modification”), the CIA revealed that over forty universities and institutions
were involved in extensive testing and experimentation using covert drugs
on unwitting citizens at all social levels. In 1977, the University of Maryland
newspaper reported that during the 1950s and 1960s, forty-four colleges,
fifteen research foundations, twelve hospitals, and three prisons knowingly
participated in MK Ultra experiments, but people that were experimented
upon were never informed or asked to consent to be “guinea pigs.”
Project MK Ultra was one of the biggest military experiments (there were
one hundred forty-nine sub-projects) and lasted for years. It included human
drug and biological testing by the Department of Defense (DOD) under
the direction of the CIA over entire American communities. The Bureau of
Narcotics and even the IRS participated in MK Ultra. When you see these
government documents, they are more frightening than the rumors because
our government actually admits to participating in these experiments.
In 1950, the UNITED STATES government released bacteria – “serratia marcescens” – that cause pneumonia and urinary tract infections into the San
Francisco Bay. The bacteria were “aerosolized” by the surf and blown inland
to study how effective an offensive biological weapon would be against the
people of San Francisco. According to the report, it blew fifty miles inland.
People died as a result of that experiment. Incidentally, the amount of “serratia marcescens” still remaining in San Francisco is three times the national average.
It follows that we can legitimately ask how much of the syphilis that we have
in the South today is a direct result of conducting the Tuskegee experiment
for forty years when they could have stopped it? How much of today’s other diseases are a result of government “experiments”? Is it possible, as some have
published, that AIDS is a product of one of these government experiments?
At the U.S. Army Biological Weapons Research facility at Fort Detrick,
Maryland, “weaponized” mosquitoes were developed. They actually grew
viruses inside mosquitoes, placed the mosquitoes in balloons, released the
balloons from aircraft over American communities and infected people. They
had to infect people to tell how far the disease went and how far it would
spread. How many of today’s diseases are direct results of those experiments?
Tuskegee was not a one-time anecdote; it’s just the tip of an iceberg that
indicates they’re still doing experiments on the American people.
Another experiment was done in 1966 at Kessler Air Force Base. In 1966,
12,000 recruits at Kessler received the “mycoplasma vaccine.” Obviously
another experiment.
“MK Ultra” considered various means of controlling human behavior; it
was literally a mind control project.
“MK Action” was funded with CIA money through the Geschickter Foundation at Georgetown University. In the 1977 congressional hearing,
Dr. Geschickter testified that during the Vietnamese War, the CIA didn’t
know if various Vietnamese nationals were double agents. Therefore, the
CIA included a material in the anti-cholera vaccine given to pro-American
Vietnamese, which made them glow when they were exposed to an ultraviolet
light and helped identify those who rejoined the Viet Cong. This may be
a clever wartime strategy, but it illustrates that as early as the 1960s, our
government used vaccinations for purposes other than the prevention of
The 1977 Senate Hearing report (Biological Testing Involving Human
Subjects by the Department of Defense) actually says that unwitting American
people were involved in open air testing. For example, it says, “The Army was
using live organisms which we know can infect human beings.” The Food
and Drug Administration allowed it; entire cities were involved in the testing
of these biological agents.
Our government even placed biological warfare agents in the New York
City subway to see how many people would be infected. They did the same
thing in Pennsylvania’s Kittatinny and Tuscarora turnpike tunnels. You would
drive through and receive aerosolized bacteriological agents.
“MK Naomi” – a biological project from the 1950s through 1969 which
exposed six entire towns (including Ft. McClellan, Alabama; San Francisco,
California; Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and St. Louis,
Missouri) to biological warfare agents dropped out of aircraft to see how
many people would become ill. They say MK Naomi ended in 1969. Why
should I believe them?
On page 160 of the 1977 “Human Drug Testing by the CIA” Senate
report (S. 1893), they discussed “EA3167” – a compound they could rub
up against you and it would absorb into your skin and kill you. They tested
it in Pennsylvania and Kentucky prisons. It was applied to the skin through
some type of adhesive tape. They also did this on military and civilian people
without telling them what they were exposed to or getting their informed
consent. As if anyone would volunteer!
The primary excuse for nearly going to war again with Iraq in February,
1998, was the suspicion that Iraq had been conducting biological experiments
on its own prisoners. If those experiments are evil for Iraq, how then can they
be legal, moral or ethical, in the United States of America? Have you clones
of hydrocarbon base gone completely insane?
In 1997 Congressional hearings, the Army admitted conducting these
experiments but argued, “We just didn’t tell you about it because nobody was
hurt and there was no problem.” No problem?
I have a serious problem with this outrageous conduct. Title 50, Chapter
32, Section 1520, permits the government to experiment on us with biological
and chemical agents. Thanks to a treacherous Congress, it is now legal for the
DOD or their contractors to experiment with biological and chemical agents
on the American people.
The only proviso Congress imposes on them is that at least two
unspecified local officials be notified within the subject community, and they
could be the garbage collector or the water meter reader. Once that major
communication event occurs, the test can begin within 30 days. But we are
not told; our children aren’t told. No problem?
“And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven,
having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried
mightily with a strong voice, saying, ‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and
is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a
cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine
of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed
fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through
the abundance of her delicacies.’ And I heard another voice from heaven,
saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and
that ye receive not her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and
God hath remembered her iniquities.’” – Revelation 18: 1-5
As one of God’s people, I must now also leave Babylon the Great and
not partake of her sins any longer lest I receive her plagues, for her sins have
reached unto Heaven, and God will remember her iniquities. May God have
mercy on the United States!
On every front, with blinding speed and inexhaustible power, the evil forces
of darkness of the New World Order are closing a Ring of Fire on freedom. In
every domain and field of human endeavor, the choking, suffocating idolatry
permeates all fields of human thought, corrupting our language, destroying
truth and justice, demolishing integrity and virtue, enacting totalitarian
legislation and controlling education and communications.
Above all, the
vilest evil is the destruction of our unborn children – a thing so horribly vile
that even maggots in filth do not do. Then the attack on our faith and its
foundations of Biblical thought and experience, demonizing God’s followers
as religious right-wing zealots to be held in ill repute, ever rapidly expanding
its deviancy of evil, closing the parameters on the just, as the UNITED
STATES collapses inextricably into Babylon.
What malevolent force of darkness captains the ship of State for Columbia,
the Gem of the Ocean? God save me, but the UNITED STATES government
is no longer sufferable. I can tolerate its pernicious and predatory conduct no
longer as a citizen of the UNITED STATES (Corporate) fiction.
I hereby repudiate, rescind, renounce and disavow any CITIZENSHIP
status with the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT that I may have
inadvertently acquired, by any scheme, for the reasons detailed in the
foregoing Articles. My birthright now being re-secured as a member of the
Sovereign Body of freemen and women known as Americans, I hereby pledge
my allegiance. America demands no less from me in that freedom has never
been free. My love for the united States of America has never been stronger.
So help me GOD; Lord Jesus come quickly.
Dated this 2nd day of September in the Year of Our Lord Nineteen
Hundred Ninety-eight.
Melvin, Stamper, J.D., sui juris
“Whereas the right of expatriation is a natural and inherent right of all
people, indispensable to the enjoyment of the rights of Life, Liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness; and whereas in the recognition received emigrants
from all nations and vested them with the rights of citizenship; and whereas
it is claimed that such American citizens, with their descendants, are subjects
of foreign states, owing allegiance to the governments thereof; and whereas
it is necessary to the maintenance of the public peace that this claim of
foreign allegiance should be promptly and finally disavowed: Therefore, any
declaration, instruction, opinion, order, or decision of an officer of the United
States which denies, restricts, impairs, or question the right of expatriation, is
declared inconsistent with the fundamental principles of the Republic.”
The above statute reads like it was meant for foreigners who come to this
country from all over the world. Definitions are all important in the reading
of any legal writing. The definition most important in the above statute is
the words “foreign states,” so let’s look at some other statutes, Supreme Court
decisions and dictionary definitions that shed more light on those words.
The Constitution was made for States, not territories,” wrote Daniel
Webster. “The Constitution of the United States as such does not under
it extend beyond the limits of the States which are united by and under it,”
wrote author Langdell in “The Status of Our New Territories,” 12 Harvard
Law Review 365, 371.
Judicial note should be taken that the United States Constitution always
denoted “Citizen” and “Person” in capital letters prior to the 14th Amendment;
thereafter, “citizen” and “person” were not capitalized. The distinction
between “citizens of the United States” and “Union States Citizens” has been
fully recognized by the Congress and the Courts as follows:
“We have in our political system a government of the United States and
a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments
is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own who owe it
allegiance, and whose rights, within its jurisdiction, it must protect.” a
[Emphasis added]
The Federal Government is a “state”. b
Foreign State. A foreign country or nation. The several United States are
considered “foreign” to each other except as regards their relations as common
members of the Union. (Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1407)
Congress identifies these citizens of the “District” as “individuals” or
citizens who reside in the “United States” and who are subject to the direct
control of Congress in its local taxing and other municipal laws. Asking one
question can clear up the distinction between the two types of Citizen:
Are both classes of Citizenship the same and, if not, what is the
Citizens of the Union States have the right of suffrage (right to vote);
District citizens have no such right.
If you are not a United States citizen of Washington, D.C., or the
territories and possessions, then what are you in relation to the federal
At first that term does not seem to describe your relationship to the
federal government, but Federal Income Tax Law and the Supreme Court
enlighten greater understanding of the term. The revenue laws do not use the
term “sovereign citizen.” Those laws refer to United States Persons, Resident
Aliens and Nonresident Aliens. U.S. persons are defined to include, among
other things, citizens and residents (i.e.: resident aliens) of the United States.
Treasury Decision (TD) 2313
The Supreme Court decision on a tax case determined the issue. Brushaber
v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. Inc. (240 U.S. 1) 1916 is often cited by the IRS
as demonstrating its authority to collect income tax and that the income
tax is constitutional (limited application). What the IRS fails to mention,
and what is not apparent from looking at the court’s ruling in the case, is
that the case concerned income from within the United States accruing to a
nonresident alien, which is subject to the federal income tax because he was
involved in a trade or business with a federally-chartered corporation.
Treasury Decision 2313 in elaborating on the case makes this apparent:
“Under the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States
in the case of Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railway Co., decided January
24, 1916, it is hereby held that income accruing to nonresident aliens
in the form of interest from the bonds and dividends on the stock of
domestic corporations is subject to the income tax imposed by the act
of October 3, 1913.” (Treasury Decision 2313)
It is based upon the decision of the Supreme Court in a lawsuit
brought by a citizen of New York, living in Brooklyn, against the Union
Pacific Railway Co., a federally-chartered corporation. The purpose of the
suit was to prevent the railway company from withholding the 1% tax from the dividends payable to the New Yorker. The state citizen lost that
case. In reliance upon that decision, the Treasury Department referred to
the New Yorker as a nonresident alien who, as such, was not exempt from
the withholding of taxes from dividends payable by a domestic corporation
(i.e., chartered by the federal government)!
The fact that TD 2313 called
Mr. Brushaber a nonresident alien seems proof enough that citizens of states
are nonresident aliens for all purposes of the Code, and if this is true, then
a corporation chartered in a state is foreign, while only federally-chartered
corporations can be domestic. So, anything done in a state is done without
the United States.
The Treasury Department actually confirmed their understanding by
their analysis of the Brushaber case on the status of a sovereign citizen as
being a nonresident alien for revenue purposes.
A nonresident alien is anyone who is neither a citizen nor a resident
(alien) of the United States. Since the sovereign citizen is not a “citizen of the
United States” under the Code (by virtue of the definition in the regulations),
and since he does not fit the definition of a resident alien, by elimination, he
must be a nonresident alien!
The term “alien” must apply to the sovereign citizen, because he is alien
to the status of subject citizen, and he does not fit the special definition of
resident found in the 14th Amendment. It may also be said that, since the
sovereign person does not live within the political jurisdiction of the United
States, he is nonresident thereto. Thus, he can be nonresident to the place, as
well as nonresident and alien to the status of subject citizen.
Under the language of the Code, as interpreted by the tax regulations, the
sovereign citizen may be liable for the tax applicable to the nonresident alien.
The Code subjects nonresident aliens to taxes upon income which is received
either from a trade or business “effectively connected with the United States,”
or from a source “within” the United States. Do not assume that this means
some place as foreign as France or Japan. It appears to refer to the fifty states,
just as clearly as did TD 2313.
As to taxability of nonresident alien income, in order for such income
of the nonresident alien to be taxable, it will have to emanate from sources
within sovereign federal areas or from an activity that is effectively connected
with the political jurisdiction of the United States by reason of the ATF laws,
patents, copyrights, federally-created entities, etc. If it emanates from any of
the fifty states and is not “connected” with those federally-controlled activities,
such income is not taxable to the sovereign citizen. Once again, the problem
is to find a court that will apply this truth. To do this, one must show to the
court that an activity in one of the fifty states is “without” the United States.
To do this, it is suggested that a standard form subpoena, as issued by the
clerk of any United States District Court, be marked as an exhibit.
Point to the return of service which states that it is signed “under penalties
of perjury pursuant to the laws of the United States of America.” Then attach
it to a motion which cites 28 USC §1746(1). This statute defines that form of
verification is applicable only “without” the United States! Also cite 28 USC
§297, showing that the fifty “freely associated compact states” are referred to
as “countries.”
Combined with the Brushaber case and TD 2313, one would make it
hard for the court to deny that income from within the fifty states is without
the United States.
Since you have always been a non-resident alien of the United States, it
seems absurd that you would be required to prove it with rebuttal evidence,
but that is exactly what you have to do. The government and the courts are
not going to let you easily out of the system that it took them so long to put
in place to fund their criminal activity.
Through its regulations, the government has made it difficult to
expatriate, as they require that you leave the country and do the deed at a
Consulate or Embassy. However, President Bush may have made the task
a little easier since he has Declared War against Terrorists as (6) formally
renouncing U.S. citizenship within the U.S. (but only “in time of war”) (Sec.
349 (a) (6) INA); Simply address the Document to the Attorney General per
the regulation.
There exist mountains of supporting evidence and court decisions
regarding your true status, and it seems absolutely preposterous to require you
to jump over obstacles in order to expatriate, but if it were made easy, then
everyone would be doing it. Again, this is one of the most important decisions
of your life, so do not approach it in a cavalier manner. Study as much as you
can, and ask the good Lord for direction before making that decision. The
preceding is an example of one individual’s Expatriation Document. Do not
copy it word for word, as you can see it was a heartfelt effort and of a personal
nature, as yours should be. Notice that taxes were not even a consideration, as
having taxes as one’s motivating reason makes the attempt a failure.
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