Fruits From a Poisonous Tree
By Mel Stamper
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. They lived in a land
of shadows, and now the light is shining on them. (Isaiah 9:2)
While researching my first book, High Priests of Treason, I discovered
some of the most fascinating information anyone could ever hope to uncover
about money, finance and government. I will share it with you so that you
have a better understanding of the issues you will be reading about and
possibly facing in the near future. This knowledge could not be obtained
without years of research; I have saved you the trouble of traveling that same
forty miles of bad road. I do, however, advise any that wish to challenge
this evil empire as I have to verify cites and information that I supply. Get
educated on the facts before you act, and then act.
My investigation concentrated on the Judiciary; Internal Revenue
Service; Federal Reserve Bank, Inc.; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms;
offices of the Secretary of the Treasury and State; as well as the President
and the Congress. That investigation has disclosed, in my mind, a broad,
premeditated conspiracy by the International Bankers and their agents in the
United States government to defraud and enslave the Citizens of the united
States of America since 1900.
Examination into the Statutes at Large, United States Code, Code of
Federal Regulations, Congressional Record, Federal Register, the Internal
Revenue manuals, and other sources too numerous to mention, reveal a
conspiracy of such magnitude that I do not have the words to adequately
describe that betrayal to the American people. This is why I repudiated my
citizenship with the corporate government of the United States, its demonic
masters and their tool on earth, the United Nations, controlled by the
International Banking families. These families would slit their children’s
throat for a dollar, and they dearly love their children.
What I uncovered has clearly been designed to circumvent the intent and
restrictions of the Constitution for the united States of America by the de
facto government in operation today. I’m convinced that their purpose was
to implement the Communist Manifesto within the fifty States and enslave
us all. If you take the time to read that “Manifesto,” you will discover that
its principles are enshrined in our federal and state statutes. Engels and Marx
espoused that to create a classless society, a “graduated income tax” should be
used as the weapon to destroy the middle class of a country. Such a system is
in place, managed by the US version of the KGB, the ever-benevolent Internal
Revenue Service, which is not even a part of the government. For the proof,
refer to Diversified Metal Products v. T-Bow Trust Co., IRS and Steve Morgan,
within the United States’ Answer and Claim at paragraph 4: “Denies that
the Internal Revenue Service is an agency of the United States Government, etc.,” signed by Richard R. Ward, US Dept. of Justice (US District Court,
District of Idaho; Civil No. 93-405-E-EJL).
Deception, quick hands, sophistry and obfuscation all constitute the art
of magic. Those who practice in illusion are called magicians or, in the less
poetic sense, “politicians” – “now you see me; now you don’t.” The Congress
and the IRS are full of magicians who have created their web of deceit and
illusion in the tax laws, not by quick hands but by illusory language. Have you
ever questioned why your Christian name is spelled in all capital letters, when
we all know that English grammar requires the spelling of all proper nouns
in upper and lower case letters? I can assure you that it is not for clarity. Does
the word “person” in statutory law mean the same as in everyday language
usage? You are about to discover the answer to both of those questions.
In the beginning of the Twentieth Century, when the courts still had truly
honorable judges, they ruled some of those early tax laws unconstitutional or
unlawful. The IRS immediately removed themselves outside the jurisdiction
and venue of the courts, to the Philippines and Puerto Rico. By deceiving and
coercing the population, beginning with the War Tax Act of 1942, the Congress
and the IRS continued their unconstitutional and criminal activity to this
day. These criminal magicians have convinced the American population that
citizens of this nation are of a status that they are not – that they are subjects
of the federal government, which they are not – not collective sovereigns.
They led us to believe that we must do things that are not required to be
done or go to jail. Through the clever use of “IRS-speak” and the Congress’
“word art,” the Executive Branch promotes the fraud, the Congress turns a
blind eye to their misconduct (but they have hearings that they hope will
demonstrate their outrage to the voters), and then their dishonorable courts
ratify the alleged criminal misconduct by rubber-stamping the convictions of
innocent Citizens.
To illustrate my point on the complicity of the court in this
immoral scheme, I refer to a recent case before the Supreme Court, the
case of United States v. Sandra L. Craft, Case No. 00-1831, in hearing on
January 14, 2002. The Assistant Solicitor General, Mr. Kent L. Jones,
was asked a question from the court:
Q. “… some penalties for failing to file a return?”
A. “There are some penalties, but the penalties, like taxes, have to be
enforced against the property of the taxpayer, and if the taxpayer is allowed to exempt all of its property in this fashion, then there’s literally no way that the
taxes can be enforced through civil procedures.”
Q. “What about criminal procedures? Are there any criminal procedures
for – failure, continued failure to file – ?”
A. “Of course if you file a return, then you’re not exposing yourself to
any criminal obligations, and if you don’t file a return, it would be – I’m not
familiar with a statute that makes that a crime by itself. Now, it may be that
it’s a crime in connection with some intent to conceal, but just the fact that
you didn’t file – I’m not – even though I come before the Court on tax cases,
I’m not an expert on criminal tax matters, but it’s my impression that that
would not by itself be a crime.”
Q. “We’d better not let the word get out. I thought it was a crime, but I’ll
check.” (Followed by laughter)
Over three thousand Americans each year are sent to federal prison for
not filing a tax return, and the Assistant Solicitor General, Mr. Kent L. Jones,
admits to the Supreme Court that it is not illegal to not file a tax return.
The Supreme Court advises him, “We’d better not let the word get out.”
That supposed bastion in the protection of our freedom wants to keep it
a dirty little secret among the privileged few and to continue to permit the
imprisonment of thousands of innocent people and the resultant destruction
of their lives. That is something to laugh about?
This is a perfect point in the book to educate you on your proper status
as a Citizen of one of the Republic States of the Union. What you were taught
in public school was exactly what the federal and state government wanted
you to be taught. The most powerful tool of control of any population by the
government is ignorance of its subjects.
“A sovereign is one in whom supreme power is vested. He may
delegate whatever of his total authority he wishes. He can consent to
whatever outside authority he may choose or none at all. However, he
cannot be “subject” to outside authority; this would be in contradiction
to sovereignty.” (Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed.)
The creation of the enumerated powers in the United States Constitution
was done by delegation of authority. The power of the sovereign people
remained with the people. The federal government may exercise its
enumerated power only on their behalf. This relationship was well-stated by
the Supreme Court as follows:
“Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and
source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the
agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.” (Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Are you a Sovereign?
Those two questions and their answers hold the secret of our present day
condition of servitude to the de facto federal and state governments. There
have been massive fraudulent practices of the Congress and state legislatures
in the creation of legislation (statutes) that has regulated our lives and
commerce for over sixty years. Without a thorough understanding of your
correct relationship to these legal fictions and the statutes they have created,
you are doomed to a lifetime of servitude, which can be avoided.
I pray for more understanding and knowledge, as I do not as yet
know the impact or total paradigm of this deception. What I do know is
shocking but enlightening. I will attempt to explain as much as is possible
with that limited knowledge of the methods used to obfuscate the law and
your citizenship status, effectively placing you in a feudal relationship with
government forces.
In order for you to take cognizance of the full context of this conspiracy,
you need to understand the meaning of words of art used by the various
legislative bodies to entrap you. The words used in statutory law do not
have the normal, everyday, street meaning. By diagramming the statute, it is
possible to understand the intent of the law and its application. Get out your
old 10th Grade English Grammar Book and learn how to diagram sentences;
it will save you a world of grief.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect
Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.”
It appears that “We the People” of the United States, acting through
our representatives, were sovereign, because we are doing the creating of
this constitutional compact. But does that mean that you individually are a
If King Juan Carlos of Spain were to submit to a kidney transplant and
the recipient was a farmer from Ohio, would the farmer become a sovereign
king of Spain the moment the kidney was stitched into his body? Of course
To be King Juan Carlos of Spain, you must be the whole person; you must
be a living soul; you must wear a mask of your status. King Carlos would still
be a king regardless if he had the two kidneys or one. What makes him a king
and sovereign is that he was born with the title of sovereign (ruler’s mask);
nothing more. If he renounced that title, he would not be a sovereign but
would revert to a different class (common man’s mask) or subject of a higher
authority – that which would replace him. So being a sovereign requires that
someone or some force has declared that you are sovereign and has given you
the authority to exercise all of your powers over your subjects (citizens).
That could be done by God (as royalty claims to rule by divine right) or
by being elected to that lofty position by your subjects.
Since none of us have been declared by God to be sovereign or elected
to the position of sovereign by our fellow man, individually one cannot be
sovereign, as many in the Patriot community profess. Not only would the
declaration that you are sovereign be frivolous to the ears of the court, it
would be a blasphemy to the Lord God of the Universe, as he is the only true
Sovereign to whom we all owe our allegiance.
What you are is a unique species – a species described by God as a living
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
– Genesis 2:8 [In fact The Lord when He walked the Earth, taught that Men were in fact Sons of God. He said, if this was not so, I would not have told you so. dc]
That distinction is unique in the United States of America, because we
all – collectively as living souls – were given the highest possible status: that
of sovereign over the government we created. The authority for bestowing
that authority was “We the People.” When we act as a whole, then We the
People are the Sovereign of the United States of America, exercising our
power through our elected representatives. When we act as individuals, we
are acting in the capacity of living souls, each responsible for ourselves. The
court has described this concept as follows:
“A distinction was taken at the bar between a state and the people
of the state. It is a distinction I am not capable of comprehending.
By a state forming a republic (speaking of it as a moral person), I do
not mean the legislature of the state, the executive of the state, or the
judiciary, but all the citizens who compose the state, and are, if I may so
express myself, integral parts of it; all together forming a body politic.
The great distinction between monarchies and republics (at least our
republic) in general is, that in the former the monarch is considered
as the sovereign, and each individual of his nation as a subject to him,
though in some countries with many important special limitations. This, I say, is generally the case, for it has not been so universal. But
in a republic, all the citizens as such, are equal, and no citizen can
rightfully exercise any authority over another but in virtue of a power
constitutionally given by the whole community, and such authority,
when exercised, is in effect an act of the whole community, which forms
such body politic. In such governments, therefore, the sovereignty
resides in the great body of the people, but it resides in them not as so
many distinct individuals, but in their political capacity only. Thus A,
B, C, and D are citizens of Pennsylvania, and as such, together with
all the citizens of Pennsylvania share in the sovereignty of the state.
Suppose a state to consist exactly had a number of 100,000 citizens,
and if it were practicable for them all to assemble at one time and in
one place, and that 99,999 did actually assemble, the state would not
be in fact assembled. Why? Because the state in fact is composed of all
the citizens, not of a part only, however large the part may be, and one
is wanting.” – Penhallow v. Doane, 3 Dall. 93.
The protections we gave ourselves as living souls and a sovereign body
politic were incorporated into the Constitution as the first ten Amendments,
which are often referred to as the Bill of Rights. These rights were specifically
enumerated because, from our colonial experience, these rights were the most
often abused by the king and his agents and are deemed to be so fundamental,
that without them, there would be no humanity.
The Constitution was written in order to protect the commerce of the
independent sovereign states from foreign aggression and equal treatment
among the contracting states. The individual living souls of the states that
compacted together by the Constitution were protected in their fundamental
rights from its creation, the federal government, in the exercise of the
enumerated powers that we granted it and nothing more. The Constitution
did not create a sovereign government over the member states to the compact
or over the people of those states.
The Congress and the state legislatures are cognizant of the authority
delegated them by “We the People” – the sovereign body politic – under the
federal and state constitutions, and are specific when legislating law for the
sovereign body politic and for subjects of the federal government. In order to
gain control over us, “We the People,” they use “word art,” and by definitions
such as “person,” “including,” “states,” etc., they begin stripping away our
basic fundamental rights by sophistry. For their success, they depend upon
our apathy towards government and the general obscurity of knowledge
regarding our status vs. the citizen subject of the District.
“Person: In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person),
though by statute term may include labor organizations, partnerships,
associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in
bankruptcy, or receivers.” – Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 1142
Notice that there are two types of person described:
1. A human being (natural person with natural rights)
2. May include… (artificial entities or legal fictions with legal rights)
The significance in our jurisprudence:
The word “person,” in its primitive and natural sense, signifies the mask
with which actors, who played dramatic pieces in Rome and Greece, covered
their heads. These pieces were played in public places, and afterwards in such
vast amphitheaters that it was impossible for a man to make himself heard
by all the spectators. Recourse was had to art; the head of each actor was
enveloped with a mask, the figure of which represented the part he was to
play, and it was so contrived that the opening for the emission of his voice
made the sounds clearer and more resounding, vox personabat, when the
name “persona” was given to the instrument or mask which facilitated the
resounding of his voice. The name “persona” was afterwards applied to the
part itself, which the actor had undertaken to play, because the face of the
mask was adapted to the age and character of him who was considered as
speaking, and sometimes it was his own portrait. It is in this last sense of
personage, or of the part which an individual plays, that the word persona
is employed in jurisprudence, in opposition to the word man, homo. When
we speak of a person, we only consider the state of the man, the part he
plays in society, abstractly, without considering the individual”. – 1 Bouvier’s
Institutes, note 1.
As you can see from the definition in Bouvier’s, in our jurisprudence
the part the “person” plays in society – the “mask” he wears – determines
the natural or legal rights he may or may not have and the jurisdiction
of the different courts over his persona.
Article 3, Section 2, of the Constitution for the United States defines the
jurisdictions of the court. They are “Law,” meaning the common law with all
constitutional protections, “Equity,” “Admiralty,” and “Maritime,” meaning
contract law (private international law) with no constitutional protection. The
common law has jurisdiction over the natural person (mask) by use of Article
III courts; the remaining jurisdictions have jurisdiction over legal fictions (MASK), i.e., NON-NATURAL PERSONS, under Article IV courts. A
natural person can change his “acting role” in business and assume a different
mask, if he for instance enters into a partnership, corporation or contract. He
may still be a living soul, but his status (mask) under the Constitution has
MASK), and the court’s statutory jurisdiction over the STRAWMAN is now
During the early part of the 1800s up to the time of the War Between
the States, the power brokers were busy putting together a plan that would
increase the political jurisdiction of the United States. This plan was
necessary in their opinion because the United States had a minimum number
of subjects – the ones living in the District of Columbia and only the land
ceded to it by the states. The District was only ten miles square, land ceded
for the seat of government by Maryland and Virginia and some land outside
the District by other States, as was necessary for forts, magazines, arsenals,
and other needful buildings within the member states. So the acquisition of
land was also on the agenda.
Between the 1860s and the early 1900s, banking and taxing mechanisms
were changing through legislation sponsored by the European central banks.
Clever politicians and agents of the central banks of Europe closely associated
with the powers in England had enormous influence on the legislation being
passed in the Congress. It was the responsibility of the people to understand
their status with regard to the United States and the legislation being passed
by the Congress and their state legislatures. The largest majority of the
legislation did not apply to the states or to the people within the states, but
Congress did not deem it their necessary duty to make the distinction as to
which law applied to whom.
This distinction between the authority and jurisdiction of the United
States and that of the states was critical and taught in the home, school and
church. The true status was taught because there was no federal subsidy
program for the schools with required subject matter or revisionist history
that the government wanted taught and no incorporation of the church
restricting what could be taught because of a tax exemption. The teaching of
the Citizens’ status was unobstructed and detailed. They understood the clear
line established by the Constitution and the jurisdiction of the government
that flowed from the enumerated powers granted to it by that compact.
The people were in control at that precise moment because they knew
both their standing (mask) in relation to the United States and its legislative
jurisdiction and that of their State. The Federal courts did not interpret
legislation as broadly as they do now, because the people knew when the
courts were overstepping their jurisdiction by entering into litigation that was
reserved for the common law, as Admiralty is private International contract
law under Article IV authority.
The 14th Amendment added some confusion about the basic
understanding of status because it created a new class of citizen – United
States citizens that had not existed previously. The newly freed black citizen
knew nothing of the Constitution, let alone jurisdiction of the government
over different classes of persons. Prior to its adoption, Citizens or persons of
State status automatically were deemed Citizens of the American Empire,
but first and foremost, State Citizenship was paramount and American
Citizenship flowed from State Citizenship.
Before the 14th Amendment in 1868, there were no persons born or
naturalized in the United States; naturalization was a state function. Each
person had been born or naturalized in one of the several states. Following the
Civil War, the new class of citizen was recognized, and this was the beginning
of the departure from the Republic and the formation of a United States
democracy, whose situs is the District of Columbia. The American people
in the republic sited in the several republic states could choose the benefit of
federal citizenship just as one of the new United States citizens if they chose
to do so.
This Chapter will cover the particulars of the “dual legal system” that
has been established by the 14th amendment to the Constitution for the
United States. Its subject matter will encompass a general overview of adverse
conditions which affect the freedom and liberty of all Americans. Matters
included herein will be in reference to the police power of the state in its
relation and application to the Citizen (i.e., nationals) members of any given
state; moreover, any such state’s relations with other nationals of the American
To grasp the true understanding of the United States of America’s
governmental system in the original premise, one must imagine that the
government of the federation (the “United States”) does not exist. In such
case, each state in the Union would be a separate country; accordingly, under
the rules of international law, a sovereign state is a nation, much as is the
European continent at present.
STATE: A people permanently occupying a fixed territory
bound together by common law habits and custom into one body
politic exercising, through the medium of an organized government,
independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within
its boundaries, capable of making war and peace and of entering into
international relations with other communities of the globe. – Black’s
Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition
NATION: Nations or States are independent bodies politic; societies of
men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and
advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. – Bouvier’s Law
Dictionary, 1856 [i.e. state = nation]
The foregoing is the international definition of “state” and “nation.”
Now, adding the federal government back into the equation, the constitution
for the united States of America is nothing more than an international
agreement (or compact/charter) between the several republics of America and
their respective nations.
Accordingly, in the forming of the American federation, each state of the
Union gave up some of their inherent rights of statehood that they possessed
under the general rules of international law. However, one such right they
did not give up is the maintenance of their respective and individual nations.
This is further found exemplified in the protection provisions that are set
forth by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments in the Bill of Rights of the federal
To further expand on these premises, a citizen member of any particular
nation carries the quality of that nationality.
The state of a person in relation to the nation in
which he was born. A man retains his nationality of origin during his
minority, but, as in the case of his domicile of origin, he may change
his nationality upon attaining full age; he cannot, however, renounce
his allegiance without permission of the government. – Bouvier’s Law
Dictionary, 1856
In reference to domicile, such is in direct relation to one’s presence in a
country. In reference to one’s allegiance, such is to the nation or state of origin
or his membership thereof. In further reference of nationality and allegiance
that is inherent to our system of law, one has always been able to change his
nationality within the Union; such terms below encompass this legal issue:
By country is meant the state of which one is a member.
Every man’s country is in general the state in which he happens to have been
born. – Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856
The voluntary act of abandoning one’s country and
becoming the citizen (and national) or subject of another. – Bouvier’s Law
Dictionary, 1856
The conferring of the nationality of a state upon
a person after birth, by any means whatsoever. – Ballentine’s Law Dictionary,
Unknown to most Americans, such matter of natural right is available;
however, for political reasons, it has been kept a secret, which will be briefly
discussed in the next parts.
In a clear sense, all such qualities make up the international and
constitutional de jure premise of the Union – that is to say, each state is clearly
a nation by right. Accordingly, the United States of America in a purely legal
sense is based on the law of nations (natural law) – is not a state, nation or
country; hence, one cannot have the nationality of such. To truly maintain
nationality, land is required. The “United States” does (did) not possess land
to support premise of nationality; hence, the “United States” is not a state or
a nation, in regards to its composite stature as the government of the Union.
The “United States” in simple sense is a “corporate body” that has been
contracted by the several American nations to handle certain affairs.
It is common knowledge that after the American Civil War the Union
went through some dramatic changes. Among these changes was a dominant
makeover of the Union’s constitutional system. Such changes included amendments to the federal Constitution, which are commonly known as
the Reconstruction amendments – the 13th, 14th and 15th. As the people of
America have been taught, they believe that these amendments were for the
purpose of administering civil rights to the slaves. All such amendments have
served such purpose; however, such measures have eroded the civil law of
America – the common law.
Consequently, over the past one hundred thirty years, such civil law has
been destroyed and has been tacitly transferred to the police power of the
federal and state governments. This has been implicitly accomplished by
section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, of and through which such legal
operation is set forth:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the
jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein
they reside.”
In legal operation, it naturalizes everyone born in America to be federal
citizens at birth. This clause is referred to as the “naturalization clause”;
however, such citizenship is voluntary. It must be established that the
Fourteenth Amendment citizenship develops a character that is somewhat
repugnant to natural and international law.
In fact, said amendment induced a commercial-based constitutional
system of law. That is to say, everything that is encompassed in the
governmental de facto system is of a contractual nature, which imports the
creation of legal fictions and creates several conflicts of law. Another repugnant
factor that coexists with this de facto citizenship is the imposition of an
unnatural allegiance to the “United States.” Accordingly, Americans do not
realize that they have given up their liberties by not expressly terminating the
de facto citizenship at their age of majority; moreover, they further consent
(in a tacitly made commercial style agreement) to the induced constitutional
system and unnatural franchised citizenship by voting, pursuant to Section II
of Amendment XIV.
Conformably, said section of the amendment further establishes the “new
apportionment” of federal representation amongst the states of the Union
and also sets up the new – or rather, alternate – state governments, which,
as a matter of law, are de facto (insurgent). The law that is established under
the Fourteenth Amendment is private international law; hence, the states and
federal government represent only voting federal citizens, as set forth by the
legal operation of Section II of the Amendment XIV.
Consequently, this is where the dual system of law is set forth:
1) the
private law that is caused by the Fourteenth Amendment; and,
2) the
public law that is inherent in the original form of the constitutional system,
which includes the public law of each state (encompassed in their respective constitutions) and the public law that is set forth by the original form of the
Constitution for the United States of America.
To further illustrate the establishment of the dual system of law, we must
review what has truly transpired in relation to section 2 of the Fourteenth
Amendment. Based on the rules that are set forth and established by the law
of nations (and the alternate 13th Amendment), one cannot be subordinate
to the dominion of another without his consent; hence, by using syntax
(or rather, by applying sentence structure) to section 2 of the Fourteenth
Amendment you will find the following relevant wording set forth in “word
art”: “...the right to denied...except for participation in rebellion, or
other crime.”
In essence, what this accomplishes is an unwitting contractual agreement
by a native – now naturalized – “citizen of the United States” (federal citizen)
to unwittingly give up his de jure law form and accept the de facto law form,
which is in essence the police power of the federal and state legislatures
(i.e. voluntary servitude), such as established by the diabolical Fourteenth
Amendment system.
In reference to said system, in simple terms, the state legislatures are
acting in a quasi-war mode due to the induced voting rebellion (i.e. police
state). A U.S. citizen is in breach of allegiance to his native state by tacitly
and unwittingly declaring that he accepts the alternate governmental system.
Statutory law – state and federal – then controls him over his de jure law
form, which is the common law.
All such citizens within the jurisdiction of the corporate United States
are considered belligerents along with the nationals that run the de facto
state governments. In the rudimentary form of the constitutional system
of the Union, the legislatures could not create law that affected citizens at
large (individual State Citizens); hence, some of the law established by the
statutory scheme is pursuant to international rules of war.
As the law has been applied and is fundamentally being followed, the
general constitutional provisions that have been craftily utilized to create
this “silent hostility” can be found in the body of the original Constitution
in Article IV, section 4 – “The United States shall …protect each of (the
several states) against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of
the Executive, against domestic Violence.”
In fact, this establishes a system of law that is based on maritime
principles. Unknown to Americans, all courts of the United States – state
and federal – are being operated under the principles of such law. Hence,
note that all the courts in the United States of America display military flags
(regular flags with gold fringe). Civil flags are hung vertically and never on a
Accordingly, the states (governments) are acting in a quasi de jure capacity
and asserting their sovereignty over their citizens de facto. Voting Americans
– or, as they also have accepted this system, all United States citizens – have
voluntarily been induced to unwittingly:
1) become enemies of the state;
become residents of their states (hence, not true nationals under the law of
3) accept a feudal system of law (and land ownership); and thus,
4) give up their natural right to sovereignty that is protected by their state
constitutions (and the law of nations).
Although the American governmental system is de facto, the de jure
system of law, along with its several nationalities, is preserved. This is evident,
as nothing in the original federal constitution has been repealed; thus, it is
still in full force and effect. Under the rule of international law, the de facto
governmental system cannot be forced on people of America that do not
wish participate in it; thus, the de facto statutory construction can be applied
only to consenting U.S. citizens (even if it is unwittingly so); hence, is not
mandatory for – thus, cannot be forced on – those State Citizens who wish
not to rebel against their de jure law to partake in the insurgent system.
In planned effect, these matters have created a legal or, rather,
induced political phenomena – federalism. The antithesis of federalism is
nationalism. To give a general background of the reasoning behind the two
terms, the founding fathers, such as Thomas Jefferson, were concerned with
the Federalists’ ulterior motives. Jefferson sensed that the Federalists were
primarily interested in turning America into one big commercial plantation
under their rule. The Constitution reflects the general concerns of Jefferson:
the document’s predominate commerce clauses make obvious its commercial
Accordingly, if one would observe the political scheme that evolved
in America, he would establish that in the early 1800s Jefferson ultimately
overthrew the Federalist Party with his Democratic Republican Party. This
took the Union out of the control of the elite (Federalist) and put it under
the control of the American people. Soon after its establishment, the party
split into two parties. The two parties are still in existence: today they are
known as the Republicans and Democrats – the same snake with two heads.
These two parties, unbeknownst to most Americans, are acting secretly
as the Federalists. Our real system of American law allowed too much freedom. On a mass basis, people could not be controlled to direct their
labors toward the goals of the Elite. Instead, the current feudal system was
induced unwittingly via the voluntary system put into place by the Fourteenth
Amendment. To keep matters under the perpetual control of the Federalists
(elitists), socialism was introduced. Karl Marx, drafter of the Communist
Manifesto in 1848, said: “Socialism leads to Communism.” To implement
socialism on a Union-wide basis, the Fourteenth Amendment was enrolled
via force of the Civil War. The general purposes of such obvious, yet covert,
measures were to tame and train the masses to become a commercialistic
economic slave force whereby the Elite would profit. [And so it has been dc]
Communism is nothing more than another name for Federalism. It
is basically a system that controls many nations centrally with the aim of
commercialism. Accordingly, if one would investigate, all ten planks of the
Communist Manifesto are applied in American law.[ Now the vision I had in 1980 about Democracy being in fact 'perfected communism' makes sense! dc]
When societies, which are small local communities, are not allowed
to govern themselves through their customs under the rule of natural law,
they become prone to social breakdown. Many would agree that American
society has seen a total breakdown. This is largely due to the combining
of states (nations) to act as one under the dictatorial control of the federal
If America is to repair its apparent social degeneration, the police power
of the states has to be negated and the civil common law has to be restored
to the peoples (nations) of America. As the real intent of the Fourteenth
Amendment took well over a century to accomplish, we can find that Congress
passed law (found codified in Title 8 USC § 1401) that made America one
nationality: “The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States
at birth – A person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction
thereof.” Such is the language from the Fourteenth Amendment.
Fortunately, as this politically-imposed nationality is a fraud, a remedy
is provided pursuant to international law. Under Title 8 of the United States
Code, section 1481, the de facto federal nationality can be legally terminated.
This returns one to his original status under the principles of the original
constitutional system. Then, under de jure constitutional premise, interference
by the “United States” is protected by the 9th and 10th Amendments in the Bill of Rights of the federal constitution. Such is exemplified in the following
legal definitions found in Black’s Law, Sixth Edition.
Constitutional Liberty or Freedom:
Such freedom as is enjoyed by the
citizens of a country or state under the protection of its constitution, the
aggregate of those personal, civil, and political rights of the individual, which
are guaranteed by the Constitution and secured against invasion by the
government or any of its agencies.
Constitutional Right:
A right guaranteed to the citizens by the United
States Constitution and state constitutions and so guaranteed as to prevent
legislative interference therewith.
Once one corrects his status, he is no longer under the jurisdiction of
the police power of the federal or state governments. One is then an alien
as to the de facto political system, i.e. nation/body politic; moreover, one
is also an alien in every state wherein he is not a national. This plays an
important part in reference to the U.S. code in reference to protections and
remedies. Accordingly, as one is no longer in breach of allegiance to his state
government when his status is corrected, he is protected from its unlawful
actions. Such unlawful actions are called actions done under color of law. The
term “color of law” is another way of saying private law, or the law created
under the police power of the state legislature (as it is not of the common
law, i.e. custom and usage). Under the Fourteenth Amendment system, de
jure nationals (a ward, in sense) are protected from such state actions by the
federal government.
Title 18 USCA § 242.
Deprivation of rights under
color of law. (Criminal) [In part]
“Who ever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or
custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, or District to the
deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by
the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments,
pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, ... shall be fined
under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
Note that a person has to be an alien to be protected from actions done
under the color of law. This means that if a state employee or officer violates
your natural rights that are secured by the federal and/or state constitutions,
he can be put in jail; moreover, the state itself is not immune from such
actions. They can be sued for their employees’, officers’, and their own actions. As the states are not paying their debts pursuant to money based on
substance, as largely caused by the socialist system of government, the United
States is bankrupt, and has been since 1933. All activity that they are involved
in is fundamentally commercially based, such as their money system, traffic
citations, taxes, etc. Accordingly, it has been held that the state governments
are not immune from their commercial activities against lawful Americans.
As the de facto law system fundamentally sets up a system that is based on
commercial law, the states are liable for all damages that are done to a person
that is not willfully participating in the de facto political system.
The state governments are basically quasi-political subdivisions of
the federal government as they are composed of “rebelling” Americans
(in treason). The state governments cannot violate the natural rights of a
non-participatory American. If any such governments do violate anyone’s
rights thereof, they and their employees will be held liable for their actions.
American’s problems will not see any correction until either a peaceful or
violent revolution is ceased and the original system put back in place. Until
then, Americans must enforce their natural rights that are held under the
law of nations and claim their true nationalities. It is the obligation of every
American to enforce this right and make others aware of the hidden agenda
that has been inflicted on us, which agenda is purely that of a commercial
interest held by the World Elite.
In 1865, the 13th Amendment opened the floodgate for the people
to volunteer into servitude in order to accept the benefits offered by the
United States. The 13th Amendment prohibits involuntary servitude; it does
not prohibit voluntary servitude. In 1870, the 15th Amendment gave that
new class of citizen the right to vote in that democracy. Benefits came with
this new citizenship, but with the benefits also came duties, liabilities and
responsibilities that were totally regulated by the Congress for the District of
Columbia and its subjects only.
In 1913, the United States began using international private law
(Admiralty) because that facilitated an increase of “persons” and property for
the United States, giving the District Courts booty and prize jurisdiction
over enemy property within the confines of the American Republic; subject
persons and property having the same status. Admiralty is a form of Military
law, and jurisdiction is based upon contract. The adhesion contracts between
the State Citizen and the federal government began to grow. This increase
in subject citizen population became the cornerstone for the strategy of
expansion, as now the federal government had many subjects because of
the benefits derived from the contracts. Federal Admiralty jurisdiction was
proper, because the former living soul (mask) was replaced with a legal fiction
person (mask) voluntarily by contract.
Central banking for the United States was legislated into existence by
the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment in 1913; it gave the central
bankers all of the support they needed to finance their fiat money scheme.
In 1917, the United States entered World War I and the Congress passed the
Trading with the Enemy Act and the Emergency War Powers Act, opening the
doors for the United States to suspend constitutional restrictions otherwise
mandated by the Constitution. Even in times of peace, every contrived and
created social, political, or financial emergency was sufficient authority
for the officers of the United States to overstep its peace time power and
implement volumes of “law” that would increase the wealth of the United
States at the expense of the “persons” (mask) who were now duty bound to
support it. All of the agencies that were created temporarily in time of war
were not dismantled after the war, so the federal government got larger. The
War Powers Act of 1917 was terminated after the war, but the agencies and
departments created for that purpose still remain. There is always a declared
emergency in the United States and its states since the resurrection of the War
Powers Act of 1933, but when the statute is read carefully, it applies only to
their 14th Amendment subject citizen. This is the main reason for obscuring
the fact that there are two different classes of “person” within the American
Empire, as well as two distinct United States. If you are not taught the facts
in school, how else will you learn?
The statutory construction appears with crystal clarity when we consider
the language used by the Supreme Court to describe the different definitions
of the “United States.”
“This term has several meanings. It may be merely
[1] the name of a
sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in the
family of nations,
[2] it may designate territory over which sovereignty of the
United States extends, or
[3] it may be the collective name of the states which
are united by and under the Constitution.” Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt.
Thus, in Hooven, it is readily discernible that there are two literal
UNITED STATES consisting of definitive landmasses or geographical areas.
The third definition [3] in Hooven consists of the fifty States united under
the Constitution. The second definition [2] designates the geographical
area consisting of the District of Columbia and all territory over which the
political sovereignty of the UNITED STATES extends. Congress expresses
the sovereignty of this second UNITED STATES under authority of Article
1, §8, Clause 17 and 18, and Article 4, §3, Clause 2 of the Constitution with
no constitutional restrictions placed on said plenary powers. Congress, in
legislating for the District and its Territories, always defines the words “State”
and “United States” in its public laws to only include such geographical
Col. Edward Mandell House, who was the agent provocateur of
Rothschild, the head of the European Central Banks, was assigned to
oversee the President and the Congress in the implementation of the central
bankers’ plans. House is attributed with giving direction and strategy to be
implemented by the president and the senators to enslave the American
people with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and Amendments 16 and
Support for the legal presumption that the American people had
volunteered to participate in the United States democracy was legislated with
the 17th Amendment in 1913 in that participation in federal elections for
U.S. Senator established the legal presumption necessary in determining that
you were a federal citizen.
The scheme also provided for the control of the courts via the 1913
creation of the American Bar Association, whose parent organization was
the European International Bar Association, which was the creation of
Rothschild. This allowed the International Bankers to control the practice of
law, in that the only ones permitted to practice before the courts were those
who were educated under their brand of law, which was only Admiralty and
Contract law. Common law of the people was to be replaced as it gave the
natural man many jurisdictional protections from the bankers’ legislation.
When the Congress made its first attempt to throw out the common law
and replace it with Admiralty law, the Supreme Court rejected the proposed
rules of court, explaining that the proposed rules would bring into existence
a national police state. So, Roosevelt stacked the high Court and waited for a
case upon which the demise of the common law could be accomplished. Erie
v. Tompkins came along in 1938 and gave the court the opportunity that the
Constitution did not. Thereafter, Common law at the federal level was to be
no more.
The 1930s were an eat, drink and be merry time, with the majority of
the population living the good life with no care in the world and no attention
to what was happening in Congress. The stock market crashed, and those not
on the inside were not warned to take their money out of the market and,
as a result, lost everything. This set the stage for socialism and Roosevelt’s
New Deal. It was a new deal, all right – a one-sided deal, as you are about to
Contract law is above the Constitution and under the jurisdiction
of Equity/Admiralty courts, so the governments began to contract with
everyone. The 1930s saw federal legislation providing for the registration
of babies through applications for birth certificates. Government workers
could get maternity leave with pay. The States pushed for registration
of cars through applications for certificates of title and for registration of land through registration of deeds of trust. Constructive trusts were created
secretly by adhesion contracts, giving benefits either present or future and
as a result, each of the people blindly walked into the trap of United States
democracy and its jurisdiction by the signing of contracts, thereby agreeing
to be sureties for the debts of the United States and collateral for the Federal
Reserve Bank, Inc.
The Great Depression supplied the diversion needed to keep the people’s
attention away from what the government was doing. The Social Security
program was implemented, along with numerous other socialistic “New Deal”
programs that invited the American people to volunteer to be the sureties
behind the United States’ new registered property and adhesion contracts
through the legal presumption that they were 14th Amendment United States
subjects. We are permitted to contract with anyone, even the government, so
for the promise of benefits from the federal government, we traded away our
unalienable rights and put on a mask of the subject person.
Massive registration of property through United States agencies, including
the States of the Union as instrumentalities of the federal government in
bankruptcy, assured the United States and its officers and instrumentalities
(the states) that they would become wealthy beyond their wildest expectations,
as predicted by Colonel House.
Edward Mandell House had this to say in a private meeting with
Woodrow Wilson (President, 1913-1921) From the private papers of
Woodrow Wilson:
“Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological
property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that
will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we
can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as
a charge back for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to
register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our
Chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation
of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans,
by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be
rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through
taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and
given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none
the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if
by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible
deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by
floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.
This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations
and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for
any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly
be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and
without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office
of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against
All of this was done without disclosure of the material facts that
accompanied each application for contract registration. That fraud would
have been sufficient reason to charge all the United States officers and elected
officials with treason, unless a legal remedy could be legislated for the people
to recoup their property and collect for the damages they suffered as a result
of the fraud if ever discovered.
If a legal remedy was available, and the people chose not to or failed to
secure their remedy, no charge of fraud could be brought, even to a common
law court. The United States Congress needed only to provide the legal
remedy. It was not required to explain it or even tell the people where the
remedy could be found; if they did that then the entire conspiracy would
be revealed and every cherry tree in Washington would be decorated with
hanging bodies of Congressmen and bankers. The attorneys did not even
have to be taught about the remedy in law school. Remaining quiet, Congress
had plausible deniability if the people discovered the deception. The majority
of the legislators did not have to have the intricate details of the law explained
to them regarding the bills they were passing; the pressure was on by the
leadership to pass this legislation, and that was all they needed to know. If the
people failed to exercise due diligence, the United States became the holder
in trust of all the land and labor of every subject in the American Empire. If,
however, the people did discover their legal remedy, the United States would
have to honor it and release the registered property back to the people, but
only if the people were cognizant that they had a remedy, and only if they
exercised it in the proper technical manner. It was a great plan, and it has
worked for over 70 years.
Having established plausible deniability, even if the people became
enlightened that they had a remedy and pursued it, the attorneys, judges,
and legislators could claim that they did not understand the people’s claims,
especially if the technical requirements for achieving it were not followed
pursuant to the statutory requirements. Requiring the public schools to teach
civics, government, and history classes out of federally-approved politically
correct textbooks written by the publishing houses owned by the owners
of the Federal Reserve would assure that the people would not discover the
remedy for a long time, if ever.
Passing state and federal statutes that subjugated the citizens to rules
and regulations added another firewall of protection against the people ever
discovering their remedy. The media, owned by the same people who own the
Federal Reserve, was fashioned to report politically correct news day after day
ad nausea, until few people believed there was any hope for relief from the
system and totally forgot all of their previous history of liberty and freedom.
If the people could be separated from their money and their time in pursuit
of the remedy, it could be obscured long enough so that that the solutions
could be lost in millions of law library books across the country and equitable
estoppel by laches could be argued against the few who discovered it.
The majority of elder Americans know there is something terribly wrong
with all the conflicts in the law and the “facts” they were taught in school;
not so with the newer generation. How can the American people be free and
subject to a government’s fancy at the same time?
In 1933 the United States established its insurance policy with HJR
192 and recorded it in the Congressional Record. The Federal Register
publication of that law was not required at that time. An Executive Order
issued on April 5, 1933, paved the way for the withdrawal of all gold in the
United States. Representative Louis T. McFadden brought formal criminal
charges on May 23, 1933, against the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve Bank system, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Secretary of
the United States Treasury (Congressional Record May 23, 1933, page 4055-
4058). Those charges are still not acted upon and are still in committee. HJR
192 passed on June 3, 1933. Mr. McFadden claimed on June 10, 1933: “Mr.
Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the
world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal
Reserve Banks…”
HJR 192 is the insurance policy that protects the legislators from
conviction for fraud and treason against the American people. It also protects
the American people from damages caused by the actions of the United
HJR 192 provides that the one with the gold paid the bills. It removed
the requirement that the United States subjects and employees had to pay
their debts with gold. It actually prohibited the inclusion of any clause in all
subsequent contracts that would require payment in gold. It also cancelled
the clause in every contract written prior to June 5, 1933, that required an
obligation to be paid in gold. It provided that the United States subjects and
employees could use any type of coin and currency to discharge a public
debt as long as it was in use in the normal course of business in the United
States. For a time, United States Notes were the currency used to discharge
debts because there was 40% gold and 60% Treasury guarantees behind the currency, but later the Federal Reserve and the United States provided a new
medium of exchange through paper notes and debt instruments that could
be passed on to a debtor’s creditors to tender the debtor’s debts. Tender and
payment are not the same. Tender merely changes the legal character of the
debt, where gold and silver would extinguish the debt.
In the 1950s, the Uniform Commercial Code was adopted in most of the
States as a means of unifying the generally accepted procedures for handling
the new legal system of dealing with commercial fictions as though they were
real. Security instruments replaced substance as collateral for debts. Security
instruments could be supported by presumptive adhesion contracts. Debt
instruments with collateral and accommodating parties could be used instead
of money. Money and the need for money was disappearing, and a uniform
system of law had to be put in place to allow the courts to uphold the security
instruments that depended on commercial fictions as a basis for compelling
payment or performance. All this was accomplished by the mid-1960s.
The commercial code is merely a codification of accepted and required
procedures which all people engaged in commercial activity must follow. The
basic principles of commerce had been settled thousands of years ago, but
were refined as commerce become more sophisticated over the years. In the
1900s, the age-old principles of commerce shifted from substance to form.
Presumption became a major element of the law. Without giving a degree of
force to legal presumption, the new direction in enforcing commercial claims
could not be supported in Equity/Admiralty courts and had no chance in
common law. If the claimants were required to produce their claims every
time they tried to collect from the people, they would seldom be successful.
The principles articulated in the commercial code combine the methods of
dealing with substantive commercial activity with presumptive commercial
activity. These principles work as well for us as they do for the entrenched
powers. The rules are neutral and respect neither side of a dispute, as they are
ancient in origin.
The entrenched powers that engineered the scheme for the people
to register their property and person with the United States and its
instrumentalities gained control of the peoples’ property and right to
property through registration and licensing. The United States became the
trustee of the titles to everything. The definition of “property” is the interest
one has in a thing. The thing is the principal. The property is the interest
in the thing. Profits (interest) made from the property of another belong to
the owner of the thing. The International Bankers made profits by pledging
as surety the registered property of the people in commercial markets, but
the profits do not belong to the Bankers. The profits belong to the owners
of the thing. That is always the people. The corporation government shows only ownership of paper – titles to things. The substance cannot appear in
the fiction. Sometimes the fiction is manufactured to appear as substance,
but fiction can never become substance; it is an illusion. This is why the
proper spelling of your name in upper and lower case is never used in court
documents. The ALL CAPS spelling represents the legal fiction, which the
government holds title to and jurisdiction over, as it is the creation of the
government. The substance cannot appear in the fiction. What will happen
when you appear and claim the name ascribed on the complaint? You and the
fiction become one and the same; you have changed masks from a natural
person to an artificial one.
The profits from all the registered property had to be put into trust for
the benefit of the owners. If the profits were put into the general fund of the
United States and not into separate trusts for the owners, the scheme would
evidence fraud. The profits for each owner could not be co-mingled. If the
owner failed to use his available remedy (fictional credits held in a constructive
trust account, fund, or financial ledger) to benefit from the profits, it would
not be the fault of the government or their banking co-conspirators. If the
owner failed to learn the law that would open the door to his remedy, it
would not be the fault of the swindlers. The owner is responsible for learning
the law so he understands that the profits from his property are available for
him to discharge debts or charges brought against his legal fiction person by
the United States or other commercial entities.
If the United States has the “gold,” the United States pays the bills (from
the trust account, fund, or financial ledger). The definition of “fund” is
money set aside to pay a debt. The fund is there to discharge the public
debts attributed to the United States subjects, but ultimately back to the
accommodating parties – the American people. The national debt is that
which is due to the owners of the registered things – the American people
– as well as to other creditors.
If the United States owes a debt to the owner of the thing, and the owner
is presumed (by accommodation) to owe a public debt to the United States,
the logical thing is to ask the United States to discharge that public debt from
the trust fund. The way for the United States to get around having to pay
the public debts for the people is to claim the owner cannot be an owner if
he agreed to be the accommodating party for a debtor person. If the people
are truly the principal, then they know how to handle their financial and
political affairs (unless they have never been taught). If the owner admits by
his actions of ignorance that he is an accommodating party, he has taken on
the debtor’s liabilities without getting consideration in exchange. Here lies
the fiction again.
The owner of the thing does not have to knowingly agree to be the
accommodating party for the debtor person; he just has to act like he agreed.
The legal presumption that he is the accommodating party is strong enough
for the courts to hold the owner of the thing liable for a tax on the thing he
actually owns.
Debtors may have the use of certain things, but the things belong to the
creditors. The creditor is the master. The debtor is the servant. The Uniform
Commercial Code is very specific about the duties and responsibilities a
debtor has. If the owner of the thing is presumed to be a debtor because of
his previous admissions and adhesion contracts, he is going to have a difficult
time convincing the United States that it has a duty to discharge public debts
for him. In addition, the federal courts are staffed with loyal judges who will
look for every mistake the people make when trying to use their remedy and
use the mistake against them in dismissing any action they bring.
There is a very powerful tool the people can use to help them get to the
real issues when they find themselves up against the power of presumption.
The law provides for either party of an admiralty action to object to a line of
questioning. When you object in that court setting, you must tell the judge
why you object or he will overrule your objection. The reason is:
“This line of questioning assumes facts not in evidence.”
You can request that evidence of the Plaintiff’s claim be entered into
evidence. If the judge overrules this fundamental principle of establishing
subject matter jurisdiction and the right to make a charge, there is a major
procedural error in the proceeding. Your objection has preserved the error for
appeal. Granting in personam jurisdiction to get to the bottom of the issue is
vastly better than arguing, “I’m not that person.”
The owner of the thing, after learning the law and discovering who he is
in relation to the United States, can file a UCC 1 Financing Statement and
Security Agreement registering his interest in the artificial entity (PERSON)
the United States created after Mom applied for a birth certificate. That
was the act of registering her biological property, her baby (substance), with
the State. The United States holds the paper title (form), not the substance
(baby). Until your Financing Statement is filed, the United States is the
holder of the title to the artificial entity. Its name is spelled in all capital
letters – JOHN HENRY DOE. When John Henry Doe files the Financing
Statement supported by a Security Agreement signed by the artificial entity
(JOHN) and the owner (John), he becomes the holder in due course of the
title to JOHN. The UCC and the State commercial law are very specific
about the effect of a registered security interest. It has priority over most
other interest claimed (only claimed) in the same thing. The evidence that is
missing in the court is the registered claim over the person (JOHN).
The owner also must notify the Secretary of the Treasury that he is going
to handle his own affairs in the future. He can file a “Bill of Exchange” with
the Secretary through which he exchanges his person’s accepted-for-value birth
certificate and social security numbers for a charge-back of all the presumed
charges brought against his person since the birth certificate was issued.
The owner can also reserve a non-cash Federal Reserve routing number
and any number of non-cash instrument numbers by filing an amendment
to his Financing Statement or just including his reservation on his original
Financing Statement. Each bank account opened in the name of the owner’s
person has a routing number. If an account is open, it is available to process
cash items. If you write a check to the plumber, it can be converted to cash
at your bank. You cannot write a check on an account that has been closed.
Those accounts and their routing numbers are reserved for non-cash items
for the person (JOHN) that opened the account originally. Accounts that
have been closed by the bank, instead of the person, should not be used for
non-cash items. Once this is done, you are in a position to begin receiving
reimbursements against the obligation the United States owes to you for
money and time it has received that belong to you.
The owner of registered things who has learned the law and what his
rights are and who has filed his Financing Statement, Security Agreement,
and Bill of Exchange, and reserved his non-cash account routing numbers, can
issue an instrument indicating his UCC registration number, his registered
Federal Reserve routing number, the name of the public party making a
charge against his person, and the amount of the debt to be discharged.
Think of the whole transaction in relation to a hot air balloon. The
balloon represents your public person (JOHN), which is an empty entity
that can function within the public maize of fiction, transmitting benefits
from the public to you in the private IF it is filled with hot air. You cannot
go into the public because you are not a fiction. JOHN has no lift until it
is filled with hot air. That hot air comes from an IRS default notice, court
judgment, credit card bill, utility bill, traffic ticket, or some other instrument
that has a $ amount and JOHN’s name on it as the presumed debtor. The
bill is the hot air. It fills up the dead JOHN. You can now discharge JOHN
and put JOHN’s accrual account with the charging party back to a zero
balance. You as the secured party over the assets put up as security by JOHN
to you as collateral for the debt JOHN owes you, can discharge JOHN with
a negotiable instrument for the same $ amount as the charging instrument.
The charging party that receives your non-cash item can 1) process it through
a United States department, 2) give it to a third party, 3) keep it to increase
its liquidity.
When you, as the owner of a thing, registered it with the United States
or one of its subdivisions, you let the United States hold the legal title to your
thing based on misrepresentation and failure to disclose material facts to you
at the time of registration. You probably retained possession of the thing. The
United States invested the title and made a profit. If you did not specifically
authorize the United States and its agents to invest the legal title, the profits
made from that title belong to you, because as the owner, you remain the
equitable titleholder. Legally all the profits from the investment of the titles
to all your registered things must go into a fund for your benefit. If they did
not put the profits in a trust fund of some sort, it would be fraud.
Just acquiring the titles through what is promoted as mandatory
registration is fraud. If the scenario attributed to Mandell House is now in
full application in the United States, which it is, the officers of the United
States could be charged and convicted with treason IF they had not provided
a remedy, which they did.
House Joint Resolution 192 on June 5, 1933, is their insurance policy
to assure they are not convicted of treason. That does not mean they cannot
be charged with treason, but the courts will dismiss based on failure to state
a claim upon which relief can be granted. Because you have a remedy outside
the court, you cannot sustain a charge of treason.
The problem in the past with trying to discharge public debts with
instruments that could not be processed through your corner bank was that
those discharge instruments did not route through the Federal Reserve, the
bean counter for the federal debt. That debt is first and primarily owed to the
people who are the equitable titleholders of all the substance in this country.
If you try to discharge a public debt with your discharge instrument, and you
do not route it through the Federal Reserve, it appears you are receiving a
benefit from the United States without exchanging it for something of value.
This is not technically correct because you have a right to be reimbursed,
whether or not you apply it toward the debt the United States owes you. You
are the substance; it is the fiction.
If you do route your discharge instrument through the Federal Reserve,
where the national debt owed to you can be reduced by the amount of the
instrument, you have made an exchange that fits nicely into their accrual
bookkeeping system. Your PERSON’s charge from the charging party within
the United States commercial scheme is discharged, and the debt the United
States owes to you is discharged by the same amount. That is a quid pro quo,
and everyone is happy, EXCEPT those who are not interested in the money
but just want to be in control from behind the scenes.
To accomplish this quid pro quo exchange:
1. Your claim to being one of the people must appear on a public register
(the Secretary of State);
2. You must have an account with the banker for the United States (the
Secretary of the Treasury);
3. You must have given notice of your reservation of routing numbers
through the national debt accountant (the Federal Reserve);
4. You must refer to the insurance policy that covers your remedy
(House Joint Resolution 192);
5. You must make your instrument negotiable so it can be used by the
United States for a profit;
6. You must transmit your instrument back into the public through an
agent (your registered debtor);
7. You must use only a non-cash item for this exchange;
8. You must do a banker’s acceptance of a charging instrument to attach
to your non-cash item; and
9. You must understand that you are not getting something for
Reserving your routing numbers to use on your discharge instruments
is not as difficult as was thought during the previous decade. Every person
has opened bank accounts in the past that have been closed for one reason
or another. On the bottom of the checks for those closed bank accounts
there is a routing number to the particular bank and a routing number to
the particular account. Each check has a check number. When you put the
check number together with the two routing numbers, you have a means of
tracking each item that goes through the worldwide banking system. The
routing numbers on the bottom of the checks from accounts your person has
closed will never be reassigned. They are attached to your person’s NAME
forever and kept in the records of the Federal Reserve.
Bank accounts that are still open and active are used for cash items.
Checks written on these open bank accounts can be taken to the particular
bank and CASHED. This is the type of instrument used in commercial
transactions everyday. There is a fund attached to the check from which the
debt evidenced by the check can be paid.
Bank accounts that are no longer open and active cannot be used to
process cash items. They can be used only to process non-cash items. They
require special handling. Title 12 of USC and CFR explain how and when
receiving banks are to process non-cash items. A closed bank account
associated with your debtor’s NAME has routing numbers that can route
your discharge instrument through the Federal Reserve to reduce the national
debt to you and increase the balance of the bank account of the party that is
charging your debtor. It is a win-win situation.
The charging party is instructed to mail the discharge instrument to the
Secretary of Transportation. Title 46 has sufficient evidence to support the
proposition that the Secretary is the trustee over some or all vessels mortgaged
by the United States. If your debtor PERSON is presumed to be a vessel, it is
regulated by the Secretary of Transportation through the Maritime Ministries
Administration; that is the proper party to assist in processing your non-cash
item. The Secretary of Transportation can forward the item to the Secretary
of the Treasury, who already has been notified to prepare for non-cash activity
in your treasury direct account on the Bill of Exchange.
The Secretary of the Treasury is directly related to the Federal Reserve.
Between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, your non-cash item can be
directed to the proper parties to settle the account and get everyone into that
quid pro quo position we want.
The United States and its co-business partners are debtors to you. You are
the creditor, not only over your debtor PERSON, but also over the United
States, the legal titleholder over the registered things to which you are the
equitable titleholder. You are the primary creditor, so if the United States has
other creditors, like the international bankers, they cannot jump to the front
of the line. Their claims are subordinated to your claims if your claims are
registered and if you understand the law surrounding what you are doing.
Now that you have a better understanding of the “person” (mask) and
“contract” and “jurisdiction” let’s get back to the issue of sovereignty.
It is important to differentiate between sovereign power and unalienable
rights. Sovereign power is subject to nothing, except what the sovereign
expressly agrees to or consents may be done. Unalienable rights are simply
those rights which cannot be taken away as they are deemed to be God-given
and fundamental, without which no civilized society can exist, but they may
be waived.
In this context it may be understood how the people may remain
sovereign, even in the area where the federal government exercises its
sovereign jurisdiction. By consent or by waiver, the people may be
without those fundamental rights, as in those Federal jurisdictions; at
least it appears that the federal government operates on that ideology.
(Hooven v. Evatt, 324 US 652, 671-672)
Although there might be some waiver of rights, it is impossible to convert
the natural born (sovereign) Citizen of this country into a subject (person) of
his government. (M’Ilvaine v. Coke’s Lessee, 8 US 209)
The framers acknowledged that the proposed Constitution for the united
States of America was to be a document of “We the People,” not of the States.
It was to become a compact that provided for the people to be its beneficiaries in perpetuity. It was intended as a compact between the individual Citizen on
the one hand and, on the other hand, the people as a whole, acting through
their representatives. (Glass v. The Sloop Betsey, 4 US [4 Dall.] 8)
The Constitution was a compact drawn between the people and effective
between the states. It created a union of States, not a union of people.
The people are not members of the union; only the States are members.
This is critical to your understanding of your proper relationship with the
government. One is a Citizen of his state. National Citizenship is derived
from state citizenship. Implicit to this process is the recognition that the true
sovereignty was not with the States, but rather with the people as a whole.
(Gaines et al. v. Buford, 31 KY 481, 500-501)
By virtue of this contract, three concepts of “United States” came into
existence. First is the concept that the United States is a sovereign nation
in the family of nations. This requires foreign governments to deal with the
government of the United States of America rather than with each State
or Citizen separately. Second is the idea that the United States is sovereign
over its territory. This refers to the sovereignty of the government over that
territory that is subject to its exclusive legislation, not to the territory of
the fifty States. This is usually conceived to be the political jurisdiction of
the United States. Third, the term is merely the collective name of the fifty
States which are united under the Constitution. Federal sovereignty is not
sovereignty over “We, the People.”
Everything in our system operates on a contract principle. We give
something to government and get something in return. If there is no benefit,
there is not reciprocal obligation. It is a maxim of contract law that a contract
is not enforceable, lacking equal consideration inuring to both parties of
the agreement. No state and no citizen surrendered any sovereignty to any
government. It was merely agreed that the national government, the state
government and the people would be bound to obey proper laws made under
the authority of that compact. They would suffer penalties if they did not.
This is a common law viewpoint applicable among free men. It does not
make the sovereign people subject to their government. The beneficiaries
and their descendants remain bound because the compacts have created
governmental entities pertaining to specific territories. If a person lives in the
territory, either he obeys the common law of the territory thereof, or he is an
Article 1 of the Constitution deals with the structure and powers of
Congress. If Congress does not have a power to legislate in some area, then
generally the other branches have no powers there either. If there is no law,
there is nothing for the executive branch to enforce and nothing for the
judiciary to interpret. The function of Congress is to make our laws, to the extent that the Constitution permits law making, and to make the laws for
the municipal government of the District of Columbia, where there are no
constitutional restrictions.
Article 1 also deprives the states of power to do those things for which the
national government was formed. Our government is a limited government
and this is made clear by the fact that it can act only within those powers that
are specifically delegated. The enumerated rights are set forth in Article 1,
Section 8, and Article IV, Section 3. By this enumeration Congress has power
to make laws insofar as they are necessary and proper for the exercise of its
enumerated power.
Particularly important is the power given to the government to have
exclusive legislative jurisdiction over the seat of government and such other
lands as are ceded to the government by the states for its military functions.
This is a power limited in its territorial scope, but not otherwise. Because
this special power has no constitutional limitation, unlike Congress’ other
enumerated powers, it is similar to the power of a sovereign. It is called the
“political jurisdiction” of the United States. It operates in Washington, D.C.,
and in all areas ceded by the states to the federal government as enclaves. A
similar power operates in the possessions and territories of the United States,
but it has its source in a combination of the property power and the power
to acquire territory. This is described as inherent powers. Sovereign power,
like admiralty law, is deemed a necessity in those “uncivilized” territories.
Such sovereign power of the federal government does not operate within
the fifty states. As we will explore later, all federal courts are of Admiralty
Constitutional guarantees do not generally apply in the sovereign
federal areas, except insofar as Congress chooses to enforce them. Although
a fundamental right should still exist since it is deemed unalienable, Congress
can take the position that since “We the People” delegated sovereign power,
all of the people must be subjects in those areas, because there cannot be two
sovereigns ruling in the same place.
Having such power, it was not hard to predict that Congress would
expand its power beyond proper Constitutional limitations. This expansion
of power is manifestly evident in the application of the taxing power. That
power is limited by the Constitution: direct taxes must be apportioned and
indirect (excise) taxes must be uniform. These limitations, however, do not
apply where the government has sovereign power. While enumerated powers
are exercised all over the country, they are limited by the Constitution. The
sovereign powers in territories and areas ceded by the states are not limited
by the Constitution, and those citizens have little or no Constitutional
Congressional power over federal funds has also been used to expand
government authority. This is done by virtue of the practice of the federal
government placing conditions on its grants of federal assistance. After all, the
sovereign Citizen has the right to contract, even with the federal government.
If you sell a right, it is gone, even though “unalienable.” By this process the
federal government has invaded every conceivable facet of the lives of citizens
within the fifty states, regardless of the Constitution and its restrictions.
States, individuals and companies have all surrendered rights in exchange
for Federal Reserve notes (fiat money) by entering into invisible contracts
with the federal government. They do so by the use of such things as bank
accounts, Social Security accounts, credit cards, etc. These invisible contracts
have given the Federal Government jurisdiction over the majority of
Americans, tried in Federal Equity/Admiralty Courts where the Constitution
has no standing, as you have a contract with the government, and you never
even knew it.
Powers not delegated to government by the Constitution belong to the
people except to the extent that the people in their State constitutions have
given them to States. The reality is that government has grabbed a lot more
power than was given them under the Constitution and the Supreme Court
has ratified the seizure. The Supreme Court in 1932 decided that any law
enacted by Congress or the States was not open to challenge by anyone who
had received any benefit under such law. Nor could the law be invalidated
if there were some way to construe or apply such law in a manner not in
conflict with constitutional limitations. (Ashwander v. T.V.A. (1932) 297 US
However, whenever either a voluntary act or a questionable law appears
to deprive the citizen of an unalienable natural right, if the Citizen is not
aware that such is the effect of that act or law, the courts must prevent
such deprivation. The Supreme Court has ruled that an unconscious and
unintended waiver of any such right does not strip the Citizen of that right,
but the district courts continually disregard that principle.
An example of the distinction is given by the Supreme Court in its
requirement for unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury, located at
28 USC 1746. There is a different declaration for one who is within the
United States used on all IRS 1040 Forms and one who is without the United
What is the only way one can be guilty of perjury? If one tells a lie under
Oath or Oath of Office, period! There is no other way. How then can a
Citizen who is filing his 1040 tax form be under penalty of perjury if he is
not under Oath? The answer is he can’t. The only ones who can file that form
are government employees who are under Oath of Office.
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