It appears that things are about to go hot,and the American people could be on the verge of getting some long sought answers on the events of September 11th 2001.Do not be surprised if certain 'folks die' before the upcoming 17th anniversary.Going to put this up in 3 parts today,the who and why comes next.Trumps litmus test fast approaches.....

9/11 Truth
From Campaign Promise to a
Presidential Speech on 9/11 2018?
Citizen Intelligence Briefing for
Donald J. Trump
United States of America
Robert David Steele
Earth Intelligence Network

Tim Haines, “Donald Trump on 9/11: ‘You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center’,” RealClear Politics, 17 February 2018.

Tim Haines, “Donald Trump on 9/11: ‘You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center’,” RealClear Politics, 17 February 2018.
Mr. President,
On 15 February 2016, speaking to a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina, you promised that under your watch, We the People would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Throughout the campaign you were alone among prominent public figures to express skepticism on 9/11 by observing that the same builders who constructed the Twin Towers were now working for you and that the design of the buildings made it impossible for planes to have brought them down and that something else had to be involved, such as bombs. You were right on the mark!
It is now known that the 9/11 Commission was a complete cover‐up, similar to the Warren Commission in the aftermath of the assassination of John F. Kennedy by a multiplicity of actors including Zionists, led by Lyndon Baines Johnson with the collaboration of the leaders of the CIA, FBI, and the Secret Service.
As the Deep State begins to panic in the face of your successful domestic and foreign initiatives that threaten to overturn fifty years of atrocities in our name and the looting of our treasury by the 1%, there is one major step you can take to educate the 99%, earn the confidence of the 73% who did not vote for you (47% not voting at all), and smash the fake news media that continues to parrot the 1% propaganda line accusing you of treason:
Deliver the truth about 9/11.
The memoranda that follow could not have been collected so quickly without the original disbelief of the Families of 9/11 of the false government narrative; the persistent efforts of Richard Gage and the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth; the independent critical thinking of so many others; and the on going outreach of Dr. (PhD) James Fetzer, former Marine Corps officer, who is perhaps the single most authoritative author on the topic of false flag operations (I myself have managed a false flag operation for CIA). His established access to half the contributing authors enabled this Briefing to be created in less than 30 days – an independent investigation could do much more in the 40 days remaining between now and 9/11 2018 when you plan a speech on the 17th anniversary of 9/11. Will that speech consist of platitudes? Or will that speech blow the lid off 9/11 and charter a deep long‐term investigation that sets a new standard for truth in the public interest?
As Andrew Kreig points out in his memorandum, a petition for a criminal investigation was delivered on 10 April 2018 – just over three months ago – to U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman, Southern District of New York. Mr. Berman works for you. The fastest,cheapest way for you to fulfil your campaign promise to get to the bottom of 9/11 is to direct Mr. Berman to act rapidly on the petition and report his preliminary conclusions to you by 1 September 2018 – in time to impact on your planned speech for 11 September 2018 and arouse the greatest possible public outrage going toward the November elections.
9/11 was a false flag operation – an inside job planned by the Zionists and Saudis and executed with the complicity and complete protection of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, among others. Emboldened by 9/11, the Deep State and Shadow Government have since executed a number of other false flag operations across America, all with an anti‐gun agenda, while also seeking to increase funding for a militarized police state that engaged in unconstitutional mass surveillance and warrantless search.
To defend the 2nd Amendment,
you must disclose 9/11 Truth.
The single most shocking memorandum in this collection, one that places Rudy Giuliani in the center of the conspiracy (along with Dick Cheney and the Bush Family as well as Zionists Larry Silverstein, Stephen Roth, and Charles Hurwitz) is that of Tom‐Scott Gordon. 9/11 was at root a massive commercial insurance fraud covered up as a terrorist incident that in one day converted a $2B liability into a $7‐12B insurance fraud bonus, while eliminating all asbestos claims against Kaiser Aluminum; it provided a pretext for war on Afghanistan to reboot the opium crop eradicated by the Taliban and war on Iraq to steal their oil; and it provided a cover for laundering $240 billion in off‐budget gold used in the Gold War against Russia as organized by President George H. W. Bush and then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. The second most shocking memorandum is that of Fred Burks, summarizing what we know about the covert economic war – undeclared by Congress and unknown to the US public, against Russia.
President Vladimir Putin and the government of Russia are to be admired for their restraint but they made a mistake in not publicizing what they know about this Gold War from 1998‐2001, an undeclared war with George Tenet, Buzzy Krongard and John Brennan at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as its managers. As Martin Armstrong and I have recently outlined, William F. Browder is very likely a lead CIA asset for that Gold War, and the Magnitsky Act – as you and your family appear to realize – is a fraud based on lies advanced by long‐time CIA asset John McCain and his loving sidekick, Lindsey Graham.
The Gold War concluded on 9/11 when by prior arrangement the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) suspended all oversight and documentation of individual trades despite having no impairment to its computers or operations, so that Vice President Dick Cheney and his cohorts could launder the $240 billion in off‐budget gold assets into the legal economy.
The other memoranda – twenty‐seven all told – make clear that airplanes were not the cause of anything; that pre‐planted explosives brought down all three WTC buildings and blew up the Pentagon (the holes were blown from the inside out); and that this was without question an inside job in which Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, using the secret Continuity of Government (COG) program (part of the secret intelligence community that persists in threatening you with assassination, defamation, and impeachment); and that the Zionists did all the heavy lifting in persistently pressing their neo‐conservative allies and servants in the USA, and then executing the plan. The Saudis simply provided logistical support and documentation for the patsies. This plan was a decade in the making, with over thirteen countries warning us in advance, and yet the entire US Government – the FBI particularly –either failed to do its duty, or was complicit in this pre‐planned mass atrocity.
Not clear from these memorandums, but explored by a number of authoritative authors, is whether nuclear or directed energy was an aspect of the WTC catastrophe; who exactly planted the explosives in the Pentagon; who exactly controlled the fake news media with such absolute discipline as they repeated a false narrative over and over; why the insurance company and the City of New York were complicit in the immediate destruction of a crime scene; how the entire US Government was persuaded to lie about test results on everything from dust samples to debris forensics; why Louis Freeh resigned as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) three months early; and why Robert Mueller, his replacement, spent his entire tenure covering up for Dick Cheney and all those who planned and executed the greatest deliberate mass catastrophe is US history….and so on.
These are questions for an independent investigative endeavor such as proposed by the Bobby Mcilvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act. A good starting point would be a deep interrogation with no exit for Dick Cheney, Larry Silverstein, and all the others mentioned by name in these memos. It is my personal view that between now and November 2018 you should take four initiatives:
01 Direct Attorney General Jefferson Sessions to direct U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman, Southern District of New York to act with dispatch on the demand for a criminal grand jury, and report to you in a preliminary manner by 1 September 2018. Use that – and your direct calls to any of the authors in this volume all of whose direct cell numbers are being provided to you under separate cover – as a foundation for your speech on 9/11 2018 when we all hope you will commit to the Bobby McIlvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act and demand a Congressional vote on that act prior to the
November 2018 election.
02 Clear the fake news scum out of the White House. Stop wasting real estate on liars who hate you. They are doing everything they can to undermine your authority and discredit your administration. Do not offer them the time of day, much less desks and accommodations to promote endless disinformation and propaganda contrary to the best interests of the American public.
03 In the space vacated by the press corps in the White House, install a Trump Studio and a new “truth channel” coordination team that allows you to dispense with Twitter and directly engage – with two‐way communications – 200 million US voters. BitChute (based on BitTorrent which does not require data centers and cannot be censored or manipulated) is immediately available as the core for your new truth channel that integrates text messages, emails, videos, posts, shared documents, and polls – all impervious to #GoogleGestapo censorship, manipulation and the digital assassination of conservative and progressive voices now characteristic of Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, and YouTube.

04 Introduce #UNRIG – The Election Reform Act of 2018 – whose twelve provisions illustrated below will give #WalkAway Democrats (there are also #WalkAway Republicans) viable options for being part of a new informed inclusive democracy under your direct leadership. People, not parties, are the heart and soul of your future success in Making America Great. If you do this I believe you will increase your base from 27% to 70% as shown in the second graphic. Herman Cain could work with Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Cynthia McKinney (no, she is not a communist nor a supporter of Islamic terrorism) to educate the public and help you force a vote on this Act prior to the November 2018 elections.

Take our hand, we beg of you. You’ve got the 1% on the run but you have not connected with nor empowered the 99% that are your reserve.
Disclose the truth about 9/11; create a truth channel that by‐passes both the mainstream and social media controlled by the Deep State and their Zionist under‐belly; and introduce the #UNRIG Election Reform Act of 2018.
Do these three things, now, and you will be the greatest president in modern history, making America great again at the same time that you do what no other US president has done in history: get us to full employment at home at the same time that you create perpetual peace abroad. War is a profit center for the 1% – peace is vastly more profitable but its benefits are widely distributed across the 99%. We cannot have prosperity for the 99% at home without peace abroad.
“The truth at any cost lowers all others costs.” The truth is your greatest weapon, Mr. President. 9/11 Truth is as good a starting point as you are going to have with the 73% who did not vote for you. Give them 9/11 Truth, a truth channel for everything else, and the #UNRIG Election Reform Act to guarantee them ballot access and a vote that counts, and you will be the greatest President ever.
Very respectfully,
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele is a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy who was recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. A published author with many books on intelligence and election reform, some with forewords by US Senators and Congressmen, he is also the top English‐language reviewer for non‐fiction books, with over 2,500 substantive reviews posted across 98 categories of reading. Today the CeO of Earth Intelligence Network (non‐profit) and Open Source Everything, Inc. (for profit), he is committed to creating a truth channel that cannot be censored, manipulated, or used to digitally assassinate conservative or progressive voices. He is the founder of #UNRIG, and also a Commissioner and the Chief Counsel for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.
Overview & Call for Presidential
9/11 Truth Summit
David Ray Griffin: Proposal for a Presidential 9/11 Truth Summit

Dear President Trump:
In the opening chapter of my 2017 book, Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World, I wrote:
During the debate on September 16, 2015, Donald Trump made a criticism of George W. Bush, after which Jeb Bush said, “There’s one thing I know for sure: he kept us safe.”
Trump replied: “Say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.”
As to why this fact could seem debatable, Jeb Bush and some commentators interpreted Trump’s statement to mean that he was blaming George Bush for 9/11. However, Trump’s basic statement was simply that the president had not prevented the attacks. “He was president, OK?” said Trump. “Blame him, or don’t blame him, but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.” As several commentators pointed out, Trump was obviously right on this point. (p. 19)
As to why the World Trade Center came down, you, as a builder, knew that the towers could not have come down without explosives. Rather than blaming Bush, you suggested that the hijackers’ planes had been equipped with explosives. However, the authorities had hidden from the public the fact that WTC 7 also came down just as quickly as the Twin Towers, although it was not hit by a plane.
Bush and Cheney argued that WTC 7 was brought down by fire. But as I pointed out later in my book, “the WTC 7 fires melted steel, iron, and even molybdenum, all of which have melting points far higher than ordinary building fires can reach.” Moreover, “the building came down in free‐fall for over two seconds, which by physical principles could happen only if explosives and/or incendiaries had simultaneously removed all 82 steel support columns.” (p. 275)
It would be good if you would point out that the Bush‐Cheney account is refuted by physics, thereby raising the question: Why did they lie?
Mr. President, America – and indeed the world thirst for the truth about 9/11. As 11 September 2018 approaches and you reflect on what you might say on that day, I urge you to convene a televised presidential summit of truth‐tellers; let America hear the truth under your leadership.
911 POTUS Griffin Truth Summit Needed
Yours truly,
David Ray Griffin

He is one of the most published authors on 9/11 and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 and 2009 along with the 9/11 Truth Movement, for his objective analysis of this false flag event. Below are two quotes:
“There are literally dozens of problems in the official account of 9/11 sufficiently serious to show the official story to be false. But the clearest proof is provided by the video of the World Trade Center building # 7 coming straight down in absolute free fall. Even though this proof has existed in plain sight for all these years, the fact that 9/11 was an inside job, and hence a State Crime Against Democracy, has remained a hidden fact. “
“All the proffered evidence that America was attacked by Muslims on 9/11, when subjected to critical scrutiny, appears to have been fabricated.”
Phi Beta Iota: David Ray Griffin is the most prolific analyst of this event. Below are his books on 9/11 in reverse chronological order. He is also a theologian with many books of deep value to anyone of faith.
2018 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation
2017 Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World
2011 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed
2010 Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
2009 The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False
2009 Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?
2008 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press
2008 The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover‐Up, and the Exposé
2007 Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory
2006 Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action
2006 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, Vol. 1
2004 The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions
2004 The New Pearl Harbor : Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11
Eric Hufschmid: Please Find the Courage to Declare 9/11 a False Flag Operation
Mr. President,
Many attentive citizens and groups, including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, have provided ample evidence that Building 7 and the two World Trade Center towers were demolished with explosives, thereby proving that the 9/11 attack was a “false flag” operation, and that the US military started wars in the Middle East with people who had no responsibility for the 9/11 attack. However, our evidence is still being ignored or ridiculed by journalists, government officials, military officials, and school teachers.
There are three negative consequences for America if you, Mr. President, allow the lies about 9/11 – lies that justified a seven trillion dollar war across Central Asia and the Middle East that you yourself have said has given us nothing:
First, you will continue to be opposed by the Deep State that uses the lies of 9/11 to justify more and more money for both a police state at home and elective wars abroad – wars that create new terrorists when we are not funding, equipping, and training the terrorists directly, as with ISIS.
Second, those of your citizens who know the truth will continue to be marginalized, ostracized, and in many cases put out of work as the Deep State seeks to keep their voices from being heard.
Third, the majority of the public, most of whom did not vote for you in 2016, will continue to believe these lies and not see that you are our single best hope for taking down the Deep State and ending the “endless war” that they need in order to continue to loot the USA and the rest of the world.
I wrote one of the definitive books on 9/11, accompanied by a DVD, that others have described as “exhaustive.” There is no question but that 9/11 was an “inside job” but there is only one person, you, Mr. President, who can drive this point home when you give your 9/11 anniversary speech on 11 September 2018.
I, and many other people around the world, have been impressed over and over with your ability to stand up to incompetent and dishonest journalists and government officials. You have caused the expression “fake news” to become popular around the world, and your recent accusation that Maxine Walters has a low IQ is likely to inspire more people to complain about their incompetent government officials. If you would find the courage to make a public statement that the 9/11 attack was a false flag operation, you would be able to put an end to this abuse very rapidly because you would give credibility to the “crazy” conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attack. You would cause people around the world to start discussing an issue that the controlled journalists and think tanks continue to obscure with lies.
Very respectfully,
Eric Hufschmid
James Fetzer: Three Proofs We Have Not Been Told the Truth About 9/11

Mr. President,
The Impossible Entry. The footage of the South Tower hit exemplifies several anomalies, including a Boeing 767 flying at an impossible speed, an impossible entry into the building (in violation of Newton’s laws), and even passing through its own length into the building in the same number of frames it passes through its own length in air—which is impossible, unless this 500,000 ton, steel and concrete building posed no more resistance to its trajectory in flight than air. Some have claimed that this was a “special plane” that could fly faster than a standard Boeing 767, but no real plane could violate Newton’s laws. The structure of the building, moreover, meant that it actually intersected with eight different floors. Each of those floors consisted of steel trusses connected at one end to the core columns and at the other to the steel support columns, which would have posed massive horizontal resistance. Any real plane would have crumpled external to the building.

Unlike the Twin Towers, WTC‐7 came down in a classic “controlled demolition” at 5:20 PM that day, about seven hours after the destruction of WTC‐1 and WTC‐2, which I prefer to refer to as “demolitions under control”, since they were clearly not classic controlled demolitions. You can see the penthouse kink, where all the floors fall at the same time and, after about 6.5 seconds, there is a stack of debris (mostly floors) equal to about 12% of the height of the original. By contrast, the floors of the Twin Towers remain stationary, waiting their turn to be “blown to kingdom come” (in the memorable phrase of Morgan Reynolds).
For a video overview of the science and politics of 9/11, see “9/11: Who was responsible and why”
Very respectfully,
James Fetzer, PhD
911 POTUS Fetzer Impossible
Sander Hicks: 9/11 Truth Can Unite the Public Against the Deep State

Mr. President,
An opportunity exists for you to unite the public by fulfilling your campaign promise to get to the bottom of 9/11 and disclose the truth. 9/11/18 is coming soon. Please use your speech on that day to finish the job of burying the Deep State.
As a long‐time New Yorker, I saw with delight how you courageously stood up to Jeb Bush and the 9/11 cover‐up, in the GOP race for President. Now that you are President, it’s time to show more independence from corrupt US intelligence agencies. Your comments in Helsinki will make more sense to more people if you can show that there really is a Deep State, and it is evil. The time has come for you to put your presidency on the line for the truth about 9/11.
As President, you have the authority to replace US Attorney Geoffrey Berman, who has since April 2018, failed to respond to a Petition for a Special Grand Jury regarding the mysterious building collapses of 9/11. This new legal action was undertaken by the 60‐attorney strong “Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry.” The 54‐page petition contains over 57 categories of strong evidence of serious crimes on 9/11. For Berman to ignore it is to perpetuate a cover‐up. Absent evidence to the contrary, Berman works for the Deep State, not for you, or the public.
The 9/11 Cover‐Up has produced the murder of righteous US citizen whistle‐blowers, such as Barry Jennings, of the City of New York, and Dr. David M. Graham of Shreveport, Louisiana. Graham got close to two of the “19 Hijackers” and their Saudi handler, one year before 9/11, outside Barksdale Air Force Base. After numerous trips and conversations with local FBI, I believe Deep State components of US military intelligence were handling the hijackers before 9/11. Dr. Graham died of a mysterious poisoning, linked to Shreveport FBI, in 2006. He is survived by State Senator John Milkovich, who is a fan and a real ally of yours, Mr. President.
Your enemies, the Neoconservatives, will pay any price in our blood and treasure for Zionist ends. They appear to have enabled a joint Zionist‐Saudi Arabian plan for 9/11, and then controlled the official
investigations. The key 9/11 “hijackers” were protected by CIA and FBI as well as the Pentagon from its own DIA operation Able Danger. Surely this qualifies as obstruction of justice, if not treason! The key 9/11 “hijackers” Al‐Hazmi and Al Mihdhar, lived with an FBI informant in San Diego before 9/11, and received wire transfers from “Bandar Bush,” Saudi Prince Bandar.
You promised us, Mr. President, on 15 February 2016, that you would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” Please, Mr. President, fulfill that promise now, in time to impact on this year’s midterm elections.
Very respectfully,
Sander Hicks
Grand Jury Petition,, Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, 10 April 2018
Sander Hicks, The Big Wedding: 9/11 the Whistle Blowers, and the Cover‐up (Drench Kiss Media, 2005)
Sander Hicks, Slingshot to the Juggernaut: Total Resistance to the Death Machine Means Complete Love of the Truth (Soft Scull Press, 2012)
911 POTUS Hicks 911 Truth Can Unite Public Against Deep State

Andrew Kreig: U.S. Attorney Has Received a Petition Demanding
9/11 Investigation

On 10 April 2018 compelling 9/11 evidence was delivered to U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman, Southern District of New York. Mr. Berman works for you. The fastest, cheapest way for you to fulfil your campaign promise to get to the bottom of 9/11 is to direct Mr. Berman to act rapidly on the petition and report his preliminary conclusions to you by 1 September 2018 – in time to impact on your planned speech for 11 September 2018. Berman was a law partner of Rudy Giuliani's from 2016 until his appointment.
The 54‐page petition and its 57 exhibits detail the evidence that explosives were used to destroy the WTC buildings during the attack on Sept. 11, 2001. The non‐profit Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry demands that the U.S. attorney's office for the Southern District of New York convene and submit the evidence in the petition to a grand jury. The petition's executive summary and full text are posted on the Lawyers' Committee website, as of April 9. [I wonder if anyone who reads this will follow up and help out with that,not going to hold my breath though,bookmarked for next DC]
The petition seeks the first major criminal inquiry on the destruction of the Towers and WTC 7, which collapsed in near free‐fall that afternoon even though it was not hit by any airplane. Official U.S. reports and the major media have blamed the attacks in New York and elsewhere on 19 airplane hijackers as well as overseas terrorists primarily linked to Al Qaeda.
The petition seeks a formal probe of the evidence, which it argues shows that pre‐installed explosive devices caused the tower collapses, not two hijacked airplanes and related fires.
A grand jury can require document production and sworn statements by other suspects and witnesses.
Previous inquiries have generated considerable criticism. Former U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham (D‐FL), for example, has protested that The Senate‐House Intelligence Committee Joint 9/11 Inquiry that he had co‐chaired had been given an unrealistic deadline in 2002 that prevented completion of its work. Later, a 10‐member national commission, known as The 9/11 Commission, issued a report in July 2004 that left many serious researchers and 9/11 victims' family members complaining about many unanswered questions, especially after significant new evidence arose.
Civil litigation by victim's families and others has been repeatedly stalled or otherwise sidetracked. Hurdles include sovereign immunity claims, lack of subpoena power, and settlements, which can prevent litigants from continuing to seek evidence.
Mr. President, the families of 9/11, the first responders of New York City, and the public at large have been lied to for over sixteen years now. You promised to get to the bottom of 9/11. Directing that this petition be honored is something you have the power to do and it will take only one telephone call to the Attorney General, Jefferson Sessions. Can we count on you in this matter?
Very respectfully,
Andrew Kreig
911 POTUS Kreig Lawyers Petition for Criminal Investigation
Robert Steele: 9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations, and Your Legacy

The public needs to understand the truth about 9/11 and all of the follow‐on domestic false flag operations organized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of the larger police state /anti‐gun agenda. The National Rifle Association (NRA), one of your strongest allies from the early days of your campaign, should be fully engaged as you continue to defend the Second Amendment.
Talking Points for the Public
01 False flag attacks originated in maritime warfare, where both pirates and conventional naval ships would fly the flag of their enemy so as to get close enough for a surprise attack. The USA has always excelled at wars based on lies (Spanish‐American War, Mexican‐American War) but actively embraced false flag operations when Ed Lansdale found how easy it was to fake guerrilla movements in order to elevate a CIA‐controlled Army captain (Ramos) to the presidency. Since then false flag events have been a staple of CIA covert operations. I myself have managed a modest false flag operation for CIA. 02 9/11 was conceived by Israel, logistically‐supported by Saudi Arabia, and both allowed to happen and made to happen under the direction of then Vice President Dick Cheney. Both the CIA under George Tenet and the FBI under Louis Freeh, Thomas Pickard, and Robert Mueller obstructed justice and conspired to shut down all early warnings such as ABLE DANGER, and then cover up the truth of 9/11.
03 Thirteen countries warned us months in advance of 9/11 – then Vice President Dick Cheney demanded they all keep their warnings secret, and months in advance of 9/11 scheduled a national counterterrorism exercise that would allow him to control the day. He moved the East Coast strip alert aircraft to Alaska, the FEMA command center was set up on the piers of NYC the night before, the evidence of how he contrived to execute 9/11 to justify foreign wars is voluminous, just hushed up.
04 In addition to its purpose in justifying a US invasion of Afghanistan to revive the drug crop and Iraq to control the oil fields, 9/11 was used to covertly liquidate $240 billion in gold assets that had been used to wage a Gold War against Russia from 1998‐2000, under the day‐to‐day direction of Buzzy Krongard.
05 The first to question the official narrative were the Families of 9/11, some of whom had the integrity to refuse government “hush money.” Subsequently under the leadership of Richard Gage, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have completely demolished the false government narrative.
06 The false government narrative succeeded only because the mainstream media – including Fox News
– was complicit in what has become the legal propagandization of the American public, and the success of what some call #GoogleGestapo at repressing Alternative Media views, especially conservative views.
07 Most if not all mass casualty events since 9/11, notably the Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, Orlando, San Bernardino, and Las Vegas, have been false flag events. Those that actually died were patsies. The fastest way to de‐legitimize the anti‐gun agenda is to disclose the truth to the public about these events.
08 There are many people who can answer any questions you have, extemporaneously: Richard Gage, Webster Tarpley, James Fetzer, and Christopher Bollyn come to mind. Your advisors will tell you they are liars. Not so. A wealth of detail is available online at 9/11 @ Phi Beta Iota.
09 If you demand the disclosure of the truth, and then create a Trump Truth channel able to engage 200 million US voters directly a two‐way channel you will Make America Great Again. The truth at any cost lowers all other costs. Throw in the Election Reform Act to give #WalkAway Democrats some
options, and you win HUGE.
Very respectfully,
Robert David Steele

Who? Who Planned and Executed and Covered‐Up 9/11?
Trump does not need a memorandum, all he needs to do is read WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? by Dr. Judy Wood
Let me introduce you to Dr. J. Douglas Beason
Dr. J. Douglas Beason, a Senior Level executive, is Chief Scientist and Technology Adviser, Headquarters Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. He serves as the primary adviser to the commander on all scientific and technical matters concerning space and cyberspace research and development programs. Dr. Beason serves as the senior authority for all AFSPC scientific and technical matters, and he is delegated the authority to guide the substantive scientific and technical program activities within the command. In this role he interacts with other principals, operational commanders, combatant commands, acquisition, science and technology, and international communities to address cross-organizational science and technical issues and solutions. Dr. Beason represents AFSPC science and technology on decisions, high-level planning, and policy throughout the U.S. government, industry, academia, the international community, and other scientific and technology organizations at venues that affect the command.
New weapons and how they may change war subject of talk Thursday at Museum
Light-wave energy in the same spectrum of energy found in home appliances may soon be used in a new generation of weapons. On Thursday, the Laboratory’s Associate Director for Threat Reduction, Douglas Beason, will talk about America’s new directed energy weapons in a talk at the Laboratory’s Bradbury Science Museum.
The talk is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m., and is free and open to the public. After the talk, Beason is scheduled to sign copies of his new book, “The E-Bomb: How America’s New Directed Energy Weapons will Change the Way Future Wars will be Fought,” at the Otowi Station Bookstore next to the museum.
Beason, who was named Los Alamos’ Threat Reduction Directorate (ADTR) leader in January, is a leading expert in directed energy research. At the talk, he will describe the development of a new generation of weapons that discharge light-wave energy. The technology that supplies the same spectrum of energy found in microwave ovens or television remote control devices is a revolution in weaponry, perhaps more profound than the atomic bomb. Beason will discuss these new weapons and answer the questions that everyone is asking: What is directed energy? How do these new weapons work? How lethal are they?
According to Beason, the first directed energy weapons are being tested now and their deployment is being planned for today's battlefields.
The E-Bomb: How America's New Directed-Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Future Wars Will be Fought
In science fiction, futuristic soldiers are often shown wielding light emitting weapons – Flash Gordon’s ray gun, Captain Kirk’s phaser, and Darth Vader’s light saber. Today, this imagined future of science fiction is on the road to reality. After more than two decades of research, the United States is on the verge of deploying a new generation of weapons that discharge light-wave energy, the same spectrum of energy found in your microwave or in your TV remote control. They're called "directed-energy weapons" – lasers, high-powered microwaves, and particle beams – and they signal a revolution in weaponry, perhaps, more profound than the atomic bomb.
Thanks for the information,I will definitely take a look sir
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