How? How Could A Mass Atrocity in Three Acts Be Carried Out?
Peter Dale Scott: 9/11, Dick Cheney, & The Hijacking of the U.S. Government*

Mr. President,
As I outline in opening The American Deep State, I have been very concerned by the important and increasingly deleterious impact on American history of what I have called deep events: events, like the JFK assassination, the Watergate break‐in, or 9/11, which repeatedly involve lawbreaking or violence, are mysterious to begin with, are embedded in ongoing covert processes, have consequences that
enlarge covert government, and are subsequently covered up by systematic falsifications in media and internal government records.
One factor linking Dallas, Watergate, and 9/11, has been the involvement in all three deep events of personnel involved in America’s highest‐level emergency planning, known since the 1950s as Continuity of Government (COG) planning, or more colloquially inside the Pentagon as “the Doomsday Project.”
The implementation of COG plans on 9/11 was the culmination of decades of such planning, and has resulted in the permanent militarization of the domestic United States, and the imposition at home of institutions and processes designed for domination abroad.
In short, the COG process – the ultra‐secret COG process – has been used even against presidents.
Today, in 2018, I believe more strongly than ever that COG planning, or what the Pentagon called “the Doomsday Project,” is demonstrably the key to America’s response to 9/11: above all, Dick Cheney’s orders to President George Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft to stay out of Washington, until Cheney and his Chief of Staff David Addington had finished implementing the COG plans Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld had helped develop secretly (even when not in the government) over the preceding two decades.
I believe further that those implemented COG plans, so secret that even responsible Congressional committees have been unable to review them, are the key to post‐9/11 features of the deep state, such as warrantless surveillance, warrantless detention, and (as noted above), the permanent and perhaps illegal militarization of the domestic United States.
Very respectfully,
Peter Dale Scott
*Also Published As: Peter Dale Scott, “9/11, Dick Cheney and The Hijacking of the U.S. Government,”
American Herald Tribune, 12 July 2018.

Peter Dales Scott is the original conceptualizer and chronicler of the Deep State (originally he called it Deep Politics) as it manifested itself in the assassination of John F. Kennedy by elements of the US Government, the private sector, and foreign powers. Although trained as a political scientist he has been a professor of English and a poet. Daniel Ellsberg considers his works on the Deep State the most accurate and comprehensive treatment available, making most other books “read like government propaganda written for children.” Kirkus Reviews calls his first book “staggeringly well‐researched and intelligent.” He is the “dean” of non‐fiction research on the Deep State and the Shadow Government, and particularly on the use of secret channels and capabilities to subvert the president and the normal processes of government.
His Political Science Books:
The War Conspiracy (1972, OCLC 357579, out of print)
The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond (1976, co‐editor)
Crime and Cover‐Up: The CIA, the Mafia, and the Dallas‐Watergate Connection (1978)
The Iran‐Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in Reagan Era (1987, co‐ author)
Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (1991, 1998, co‐author)
Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993, 1996)
Deep Politics Two: Essays on Oswald, Mexico, and Cuba (1995, 2007)
Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Columbia, and Indochina (2003)
The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America (2007)
The War Conspiracy: JFK, 911, and the Deep Politics of War (2008, 2013 reissue and expansion of 1972 edition)
American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan (2010, 2014)
Dallas ’63: The First Deep State Revolt Against The White House (2015, 2018)
The American Deep State: Big Money, Big Oil, and the Struggle for U.S. Democracy (2017)
The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond (1976, co‐editor)
Crime and Cover‐Up: The CIA, the Mafia, and the Dallas‐Watergate Connection (1978)
The Iran‐Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in Reagan Era (1987, co‐ author)
Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America (1991, 1998, co‐author)
Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (1993, 1996)
Deep Politics Two: Essays on Oswald, Mexico, and Cuba (1995, 2007)
Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Columbia, and Indochina (2003)
The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America (2007)
The War Conspiracy: JFK, 911, and the Deep Politics of War (2008, 2013 reissue and expansion of 1972 edition)
American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan (2010, 2014)
Dallas ’63: The First Deep State Revolt Against The White House (2015, 2018)
The American Deep State: Big Money, Big Oil, and the Struggle for U.S. Democracy (2017)
Susan Lindauer: CIA’s Advance Knowledge of 9/11 Date Including Nuclear Possibilities*

Mr. President,
Though it’s impossible for most Americans to grasp to this day, without question US Intelligence possessed advance knowledge of the 9/11 attack in its precise configuration. Sworn civilian testimony in the Southern District of New York Federal Court in June, 2018 by Dr. Parke Godfrey, professor of Computer Technology at York University in Toronto and Kelly O’Meara former Chief of Staff for GOP Rep. Andrew Forbes of Long Island, has confirmed the following:
1. Godfrey testified under oath that in April, 2001, I shared a message from my CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz. In precise detail, I told Godfrey, my closest friend in Washington, that the CIA expected a major terrorist attack involving airplane hijackings and/or airplane bombings to strike the World Trade Center, as a known target in New York. The attack – according to the CIA’s advance knowledge that was shared with me could possibly include a mini‐nuclear device to bring down the Towers. He testified that I told him the attack was expected in late summer or early fall of 2001.
2. Godfrey testified that my warnings continued throughout the summer of 2001. In August, I warned the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was “imminent.” I said his “family should stay out of New York until it was over,” because we expected “mass casualties.” “Thousands would die.” I told him “the attack would finish the cycle started in Iraq.”
3. Godfrey testified that he informed the FBI in 2004 about my “highly accurate” 9/11 predictions.
4. On 18 June 2008, in covering my appearance in court, the New York Times made no mention of the disclosure to the court of CIA’s advance warnings of 9/11—a significant FAKE NEWS betrayal of the paper’s New York readers. Nevertheless, Godfrey’s earlier testimony under oath makes the timing of the CIA’s advance knowledge of 9/11 irrefutable. The Agency has lost its deniability. Despite so much agitated buzz in the summer of 2001, no action was taken to stop the terrorists. Why? One could of course also ask why the New York Times continues to cover up all of the evidence relevant to 9/11 truth.
5. Godfrey did not know, but in April and May, 2001, my CIA handler Dr. Fuisz demanded that I warn Iraqi
diplomats in New York that Washington intended to declare War on Iraq if it was discovered that Baghdad possessed intelligence on the attack, but failed to deliver it to us.” He instructed me to use precise language,saying “the threat originated at the highest levels of government– above the Secretary of State and the Director of the CIA.” There are only three such people – President George Bush; Vice President Dick Cheney; and perhaps also Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld although he is not in CIA’s chain of command to the President.
Mr. President, I pray that you mandate a new independent commission that will hear the testimony of myself and others with respect to how the CIA chain of command – from me to George Tenet was aware in advance of the details of 9/11, and very likely complicit in all aspects of 9/11.
Reference: Susan Lindauer, Extreme Prejudice: Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq (CreateSpace, 2010).
*Also Published As: Susan Lindauer, “CIA's Advance Knowledge of 9/11 Date Including Nuclear Possibilities,” American Herald Tribune, 21 July 2018.
911 POTUS Lindauer CIA Advance Notice
Susan Lindauer is an American author who has been a journalist and press aide. She is a peace activist. She graduated from Smith College in 1985 and then earned a Master’s degree in public policy from the London School of Economics. Since the publication of her book, Extreme Prejudice, she has appeared regularly on selected television shows and in print media.
Mr. President,
I wish to do what no one else has done – including the 9/11 Commission – and focus on two personalities in particular, Ashton Carter and Philip Zelikow, both of whom I believe to have been witting agents of the Rothschilds and perhaps witting agents of the Zionist state of Israel. At the end I link to my nine‐page analysis, “Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon,” as published in 2015 and more recently reposted in support of this letter to you.
A careful study of Ashton Carter’s history suggests that he has been nurtured and cultivated by the Rothschild banking family for decades, to serve their interests. From his selection as a Rhodes Scholar (an estate originally administered by Nathan Rothschild) to his varied roles at Harvard and particularly the Belfer Center (“advised” by Nathaniel Rothschild) to his employment as a senior partner at Global Technology Partners, LLC (acquired by Rothschild North America) to his service as Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and then Secretary of Defense where he championed elective wars not approved by Congress, all of which were financially exploited by the Rothschilds, he appears to be at a very minimum a witting agent – an undeclared witting agent – of the Rothschild foreign banking family, and perhaps also a witting agent – an undeclared witting agent – of a foreign power, the Zionist state of Israel.
In 1998, as a senior partner at GTP, Carter co‐authored an article with John Deutch and Philip Zelikow entitled “Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger.” Their 1998 Foreign Affairs article actually predicted that the complete destruction of the World Trade Center would give America its “New Pearl Harbor.”
Amazingly, two of the three authors who wrote the article on catastrophic terrorism went on to play key roles in the interpretation of and response to the events of 9‐11.
As you may be aware, after the botched 1993 WTC bombing, which was perpetrated by corrupt elements of the FBI, WTC security was “tightened” to the point that the only people with a reasonable shot at even attacking the WTC, much less seriously damaging it, much less demolishing it, were the people who controlled that security apparatus.
Others have shredded the official narrative with respect to the how it all happened. My intent here is to focus your attention on the who. I strongly endorse the memorandum to you by Christopher Bollyn. That memorandum addresses the largely external personalities and the decades‐long timeline of Zionist false flag activities and Zionist calls for a catastrophic terrorist event in the USA.
What no one has done is properly investigate Ashton Carter, Philip Zelikow, Larry Silverstein, the executives of the complicit insurance company that paid out without investigation, and the many individuals across New York and within the US Department of Defense, all led by Vice President Dick Cheney, who allowed 9/11 to happen and made 9/11 happen.
Philip Zelikow, Carter’s co‐conspirator in foreseeing the 9/11 event, let the cat out of the bag. On September 10th, 2002 – the eve of the first anniversary of 9/11 – Zelikow, speaking to a crowd at the University of Virginia, admitted that the real purpose of the “New Pearl Harbor” was to spur the United States to defend Israel:
“I’ll tell you what I think the real threat is and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against Israel. And this is the threat that dare not speak its name, because the Europeans don’t care deeply about that threat, I will tell you frankly. And the American government doesn’t want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell.”
Unlike Philip Zelikow, Ashton Carter is not Jewish. Why would he help orchestrate a “New Pearl Harbor” designed to create a whole‐new‐world in which the US bankrupts itself, morally and fiscally, by waging permanent war against Israel’s enemies?
The answer appears to be that although Carter is not Jewish, he is a “kosher gentile.” Carter has made a career of serving as token goy in groups of hard‐line Jewish Zionists. For example, he is the token goy (alongside kosher co‐authors Dennis Ross and Michael Makovsky) behind JINSA’s Carter‐Makovsky‐Ross Report railing against the Iranian nuclear program.
Ashton Carter is such a close associate of Paul Wolfowitz, the 9/11 mastermind who began working on the New Pearl Harbor project while studying under Leo Strauss in the 1960s, that Carter’s appointment as SecDef has been called “the second coming of Wolfowitz.”
You yourself have pointed out that we have spent trillions in the Middle East and have nothing to show for all that money spent. What you have not yet done is called a spade a spade, and in defense of both an American First national security strategy abroad and American gun‐rights at home, come out forcefully on the matter of false flag attacks and how they are being used to manipulate the American public and US national security policy and spending.
The exploitation of America by Zionist Israel is continuing on two fronts during your administration:
They continue to lie about Iran’s nuclear program while refusing to admit they have a nuclear program ten times larger funded by the US taxpayer; and they are funding terrorist groups and false flag fake Sarin gas attacks to further destabilize Syria; and
They continue to work with neo‐conservative allies and traitors across the US homeland security front, to sponsor false flag school and club shootings in support of the liberal left’s anti‐gun agenda.
As you consider your speech to be made on 9/11 2018, I urge you to prepare by mandating a deep investigation, including the pulling of all NSA stored data – emails and telephone calls – for the top two dozen from Dick Cheney to Larry Silverstein to Ashton Carter to Philip Zelikow – and others mentioned in other memorandums especially that by Christopher Bollyn.
I believe you already know the truth of 9/11. I beg of you, lead the American public to the truth of 9/11, and in this way, set America free from the Zionist / Rothschild scourge against all humanity.
911 POTUS Jewett Zionist Agents Carter and Zelikow
Ed Jewett has spent decades in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) arena as a technician, instructor, systems planner, regional systems administrator, and as the association executive for a state chapter of emergency physicians, He has done pioneering work in disaster and mass casualty incident management and training including digital simulations. He has edited and written on situational awareness, simulation gaming, and edited a 20‐chapter e‐book on performance psychology.
See Especially:
Christopher Bollyn: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 and the War on Terror: Israel’s History of False Flag Operations against the U.S.A.
Mr. President,
As a military officer and also contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton, I was assigned to the Joint Interagency Operations Center at U.S. Central Command, where I identified, tracked, and reported on terrorists, their financial donors, networks, banks, and activities.
Part of my mission was to investigate, discover, and expose all acts of “waste, fraud, and abuse” by Terrorist Financing Operations Director Dov Zakheim who was my senior supervisor. It was believed that Dov Zakheim had secretly arranged for $2.3 trillion dollars to be misappropriated through Pentagon channels when he had been the Pentagon Comptroller.
I was assigned the task of penetrating Dov Zakheim’s terrorist financing operations, which involved his son Roger Zakheim (a lawyer at the House Armed Services Committee), an Iraqi named Abdullah Azziz (with close ties to Rudy Gulliani) and the law firm Covington and Burling.
The auditors investigating this matter were conveniently killed in a missile strike upon the Pentagon Office of Naval Intelligence on September 11, 2001. This missile strike was concealed as a “plane attack”, which was a deception operation.
I briefed your attorney Michael Cohen about these matters in 2015 and 2016—which may be one of the reasons he has been targeted by Deep State Shadow Government loyalists.
Evidence and expert testimony confirm without a doubt that the attacks on September 11, 2001 against the Pentagon (as well as the World Trade Center and the Solomon Building in N.Y.) were a well‐planned, well‐financed, psychological operation – a false flag attack on American soil – designed to trigger and manipulate the American people, the Congress, and the U.S. Military into a full‐scale war‐mobilization posture with the intent of overthrowing, scattering, and re‐making the Middle East and Africa for the direct political, cultural, and economic benefit of the Zionist state of Israel.
9/11, although seemingly coherent, has led to a multi‐trillion dollar nightmare for Americans. Because of your success in attacking the Deep State with your sealed indictments and other measures, and because of the failure of the DNI‐CIA‐FBI‐DOJ “Russian Hoax” as well as great fear that your forthcoming summit with President Vladimir Putin will be a great success, I fear for your life and pray for your safety.
You are our Chief Law Enforcement Officer, not just our Commander‐in‐Chief. It is my hope that this memorandum, combined with the other memoranda you are receiving from other informed patriots, will be helpful to you during the Helsinki summit, where I and many others hope that you and President Putin will share intelligence on 9/11 – who did it, how they did it, why they did it – face to face.
I believe that your leadership in placing the truth about 9/11 before the public will finish the job of taking down the Deep State and the Shadow Government – it will help you shut down the pernicious Zionist/Saudi penetration and subversion of the US economy, government, and society and it will help you demonstrate to the larger public, most of whom did not vote for you, that under your leadership, the US Government can be trusted to clean house and tell the truth.
911 POTUS Bennett Zionist Agent Zakheim
Scott Bennett, a U.S. Army Psychological Operations Officer, worked at U.S. Central Command’s Joint Interagency Operations Center. Bennett was assigned to “Terrorist Threat Financing” and tasked with discovering terrorist financing networks (domestic and foreign), instruments, and bank accounts being used to fund Islamic terrorists, working with multiple U.S. and foreign military and government agencies. He also worked at U.S. Special Operations Command as the Liaison Officer at the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism Office, and prior to joining the Army, the Bush Administration from 2003‐2008. He has also worked for Booz‐Allen‐Hamilton. He is the author of Shell Game: A Whistleblowing Report (CreateSpace, 2016).
Web: www.shellgamewhistleblower.com
Phi Beta Iota: Our best guess is that 9/11 only cost $10 billion, inclusive of the $7 billion used to cover the insurance fraud in which the insurance company was assuredly complicit. The rest was simply stolen. Who exactly benefitted remains to be properly investigated. Our operating assumption is that both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were a party to the fraud and the theft and should be properly investigated to include a total take‐down of all of their communications known to be held in copy within NSA unprocessed databases.
Dear Mr. President,
During your presidential campaign you made some courageous statements about 9/11. You demolished Jeb Bush’s campaign by implying that George W. Bush deserved blame, not praise, for 9/11, which happened while he was president – he did not “keep us safe.” You derided “those people who knocked down the World Trade Center” and said such people wouldn’t have been there if you were president. And most interestingly of all, you told us to elect you so we “will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.”
You also made statements that, taken at face value, were egregiously false and libelous. You repeatedly claimed that Muslims danced and celebrated in New Jersey as the Towers came down. As the fake news MSM reported (correctly, for once) that was just not true. But if you had substituted Israelis for Muslims your statement would have been true. A team of Israeli spies was indeed arrested after they were caught wildly celebrating the completion of their successful operation. There is also some evidence, including a police audio tape, that other Israeli operatives were caught red‐handed trying to blow up bridges and tunnels in New York on the morning of September 11, 2001.
During the first two years after 9/11, I may have been the only one of the more than 2,000 Muslims in Madison, Wisconsin who did not firmly believe that 9/11 was a false flag operation designed to smear Muslims and Islam. Certainly all of my Muslims friends and acquaintances believed this. Most of them were terrorized into silence by surprise visits from the FBI. It wasn’t until late 2003 that I seriously investigated 9/11 and learned that my co‐religionists – and many other Christian and even Jewish 9/11 “truthers,” were right. Muslims were framed for 9/11, with malice aforethought.
Polls show that the vast majority of Muslims, worldwide and in America, knows or suspects that 9/11 was a false flag event. Yet this fact is almost never reported; and articulate Muslims representing the Muslim‐majority view of 9/11 are never allowed to make their case in mainstream media, academia, think tanks, or other institutions of power in America or in Europe.
You have said “I think Islam hates us” and tried to ban Muslims from entering the US. These misguided
remarks and policies are based on the false and libelous official story of 9/11, and the equally false and libelous official stories of the many other Israeli‐sponsored false flag operations that have continued to drive the bogus “war on terror” (i.e. the hoax war that Israel uses to suck blood, treasure, and spirit from the USA).
Right now you are not managing our Middle East policy – and especially our policy toward Zionist apartheid Israel with its massive covert nuclear arsenal funded by the US taxpayer – on the basis of evidence, truth, or even a semblance of respect for the public interest. To your great credit, you have stated that we have gotten nothing for our seven trillion dollars spent in the Middle East. I totally support your view on that.
I beg of you, as a US‐born citizen, please keep your campaign promise and make sure the American people find out who really “knocked down” the three World Trade Center towers. One participant, WTC owner Larry Silverstein—a close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu—has already admitted to participation in the demolitions – and briefed his plans for a 2002 re‐build a year before 9/11. Please have each of the 103 people on this list http://www.whodidit.org/cocon.htm properly investigated, including proper analysis of all stored NSA data on their network of calls and emails in the year prior to 9/11, and give America a chance to know the truth, to be liberated from the Deep State and its Zionist underbelly, to see that you mean it when you say we will find out who really planned, executed, and then covered up the 9/11 atrocity on US soil that murdered over 2,000.
American Herald Tribune,” 11 July 2018.
911 POTUS Barrett Muslims Framed
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist‐Islamologist, is one of America’s best‐known critics of the War on Terror. He is Host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly LIVE call in radio show. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op‐eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host
Mr. President:
When you were campaigning for the presidency in Bluffton, South Carolina, on February 15, 2016, you told voters that under your watch they would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” And so we implore you, while you are now involved in exposing FBI corruption, to also investigate the agency’s reluctance to examine the explosive destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers—namely, Buildings 1, 2, and 7—on September 11, 2001. As you know, the events of that day are responsible for much of the worldwide carnage that continues to this day. Thus, 9/11 remains an issue of grave importance to the United States of America.
I’m Richard Gage, a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 30 years, member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and one of 3,000 members of the non‐profit organization Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which I founded in 2006.
The FBI has been made aware of the gross inadequacies of the investigations into 9/11 that have been carried out over the past seventeen years by various official entities, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the 9/11 Commission.
The FBI has also been made aware of the real investigative work being done by AE911Truth. In fact, in 2008 the then‐assistant director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, Michael Heimbach, praised our work noting that it was “backed by thorough research and analysis.”
Yet ten years later, here we are, still with no credible WTC investigation—only a series of missteps and misstatements by FEMA and NIST, which we have documented in our our 50‐page booklet Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7.
When obtaining licensure, architects and engineers commit themselves to upholding their respective profession’s code of ethics. The 3,000 architects and engineers with whom I work are meeting this ethical obligation regarding 9/11: They are challenging the false assumptions and lies that have created an endless “post‐9/11 era,” in which $5.6 trillion has been spent by the U.S. government on waging wars and implementing unconstitutional policies.
Here are some of the questions our architects and engineers are asking—questions that remain unanswered and ignored by officialdom to this day:
How did the elevated building mass of the upper section of each Twin Tower (Buildings 1 and 2) destroy the 80,000 tons of structural steel at nearly free‐fall speed, as if the steel framing weren’t even there?
Given that open‐air jet fuel fires burn at only about 600° F. (per manufacturers specifications) and that normal office fires burn at only 1,500° F or so and that the melting point of steel is above 2,700° F, what thermal energy source could have produced the several tons of molten metal observed flowing out of the South Tower shortly before its collapse? This lava‐like flow of metal was also seen under the rubble for weeks in the aftermath of the Twin Towers and Building 7 destruction by numerous witnesses—even by the World Trade Center’s structural engineer, Leslie Robertson.
What explains the chemical evidence of thermite, an incendiary material found on the ends of steel beams and in pools of molten iron in the World Trade Center debris? In Appendix C of its BPAT Report, FEMA documented “evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting.” This is clearly not a feature of gravitational collapse, of hydrocarbon fuel, or of normal office fires. Yet NIST summarily dismissed this key evidence when its engineers took over the investigation from FEMA.
What is the source of the billions of previously molten iron microspheres which are well‐ documented in samples of the World Trade Center dust? Both the United States Geological Survey (USGS), in its “Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust Report,” and engineering consulting firm RJ Lee Group, Inc., in its December 2003 “WTC Dust Signature Report: Composition and Morphology,” document these once‐molten droplets of iron. But neither of them explains how these microspheres got there! Importantly, the microspheres contain the chemical signature of thermite, an incendiary material used by the military to cut swiftly and cleanly through structural steel.
Why did Building 7, the third WTC high‐rise to collapse, descend at free‐fall acceleration during its seven‐second collapse? Video analysis shows the upper portion of the steel‐framed structure accelerating at the maximum rate of gravity. Even NIST acknowledged this can only mean one thing: The structure below offered “no resistance.” And the only possible way there was no resistance, according to the laws of physics, is that the structure was “removed.” What removed it?
What mechanism can account for the simultaneous failure of the critical number and distribution of columns required to produce this rate‐of‐gravity acceleration? NIST now attributes the catastrophic collapse of Building 7 to a new phenomenon called “thermal expansion” due to “normal office fires”—with little or no contribution from falling debris or from diesel fuel. Based on this outlandish claim by NIST, are we to suddenly accept that our understanding of fire science, building materials, and structural behavior has been deeply flawed all along? If so, then why has the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) steadfastly resisted all proposed post‐9/11 changes to structural building codes?
On the subject of Building 7, please read the potent five‐minute executive summary testimony by AE911Truth, titled Undisputed Facts Point to the Controlled Demolition of WTC 7 and delivered to NIST on a December 18, 2007, teleconference call in response to NIST’s preposterous new theory. Then watch our fifteen‐minute, made‐for‐PBS documentary on the destruction of WTC 7, narrated by actor Ed Asner.
Why did more than 100 FDNY first responders describe, in great detail, the sounds of explosions and flashes of light immediately before and during each tower’s collapse? Why did we not know about these thousands of pages of FDNY “oral history” evidence until August of 2005—and only then after a court order mandated their release? FDNY’s own chief of safety, Albert Turi, and its top chief, Ray Downey (who is the “premiere collapse expert in the country,” according to a fellow chief), bothspoke of the presence of explosives in the towers prior to their failures. Why were 118 FDNY testimonials that referred to multiple, violent explosions ignored and unreported by the 9/11 Commission and by NIST and FEMA? [This blog is currently republishing those oral interviews D.C]
What was the energy source that pulverized 400,000 cubic yards of concrete into a fine powder in mid‐air? Through what mechanism was the energy source applied? Why did that powder blanket lower Manhattan as each of the three buildings was collapsing? Calculations show that the energy requirement for this pulverization and the rapid expansion of the subsequent dust clouds was far greater than the available gravitational potential energy of the structures. This simple energy imbalance alone proves the official explanation impossible. Is this the same energy source that is responsible for the vaporization of more than 10,000 steel file cabinets and of 1,100 human bodies that were never found, not even the smallest traces of DNA?
How were four‐ton steel members ejected from the Twin Towers at 70 miles per hour and why did they land up to 600 feet away? A simple gravitational collapse would only allow up to 100 feet of “drift,” so what provided the energy required for them to travel six times that distance?
Why were virtually no floors found at the base of either Twin Tower? There were originally 110 floors in each Tower—each of them one acre in size. What could explain the disappearance of a total of 220 acres of four‐inch thick concrete floors (180,000 tons of concrete) and of each floor’s steel decking and trusses?
What caused the explosive ejections of pulverized building materials that appeared as many as 60 stories below the rapidly descending “collapse” of each Tower? These “squibs,” readily visible in all of the publicly available videos, indicate that building materials were being ejected at a speed of more than 160 feet per second.
Why does the seismic evidence collected by Columbia University’s Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory corroborate the evidence that supports the explosive demolition theory instead of the official collapse theory?
Why did NIST refuse to test for residue of explosives, citing the nonsensical, unscientific rationale that such tests would not necessarily have been conclusive”? Meanwhile, an international team of scientists found and documented nano‐thermitic explosives residue in the World Trade Center dust. The National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 921 document, “Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations,” requires such testing when there is “high order damage,” as there obviously was at the World Trade Center.
Finally, how can we allow this September 2007 admission by NIST to go unexplained: “We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse of the Towers”? Inexplicably, NIST did not
even attempt to “analyze the structural behavior after the initiation of collapse.”
We have carefully documented all of the above evidence in our video documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence—Experts Speak Out which uses basic physics and simple, rational forensic inquiry to expose the fraudulent nature of the official explanation of the World Trade Center destruction.
In addition, we have publicly presented the evidence of controlled demolition to audiences in well over one hundred U.S. cities and in dozens of foreign countries. The response at these presentations has been stunning. After hearing us recite the facts, at least eighty‐five percent of attendees who initially believed the official story of “fire‐weakened steel” change their minds, decide to support our theory of “explosive demolition with explosives/incendiaries,” and agree with our call for a new, independent investigation with subpoena power.
The body of clear, scientific evidence that we present has been vetted, to one degree or another, by our more than 3,000 building professionals, as well as by hundreds of physicists, chemists, and other science‐based experts who have signed our general petition. So compelling is the evidence that we were invited to be interviewed on C‐SPAN’s Washington Journal. Since its airing in August 2014, our 40‐minute interview has become the most‐watched video on the entire C‐SPAN website, with more than one million views.
This deeply incriminating evidence raises urgent concerns for our country’s counterterrorism, law enforcement, and public safety professionals. Indeed, the evidence led Joel Hirschhorn, Ph.D., a senior staff member of the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and an AE911Truth.org petition signer, to suggest, “First, let the technical truths emerge. Then, if necessary, cope with the inevitable political and conspiracy issues.”
Mr. President, AE911Truth’s top representatives are prepared to come to Washington, D.C., to meet with you. We are determined to fulfill our patriotic duty to obtain justice for the 9/11 families and to ensure the future safety of our fellow Americans. We have the technical expertise to defend your demand for the truth about the criminal destruction of all three World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. Humbly, we offer ourselves in service to your mission to Make America Great Again.
Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 28 years, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a 501(c)(3)educational charity. In his architectural career, Gage designed most types of building construction, including numerous fire‐proofed, steel‐framed buildings. Most recently, he worked on the construction documents for a $400M mixed‐use urban project with 1.2 million square feet of retail and 320,000 square feet of mid‐rise office space, plus a parking structure, totaling some 1,200 tons of steel framing. Gage has delivered his live multimedia presentation 9/11: Blueprint for Truth more than 500 times in 37 foreign countries and 110 American cities to audiences ranging in size from 30 to 3,000. He has appeared in more than 550 radio and television spots.
Phi Beta Iota: A&E911Truth has earned over 3,000 signatures from those with verified academic degrees and professional licenses, and an additional 20,000 non‐architects and engineers, all calling for a new, independent investigation–with full subpoena power–into the September 11, 2001 destructions of the World Trade Center Buildings, 1, 2, and 7. A&E911Truth has not focused on and takes no position on the Pentagon or the Shanksville, PA aspects of 9/11. A&E911Truth disputes the no planes, nuclear, and directed energy weapons theories; as others dispute their exclusive focus on thermite. Any independent investigation must consider all possibilities together.
Mr. President,
Nano‐thermite (a finely‐granulated version of thermite, an incendiary long used to weld railroad tracks and to disable artillery using thermite grenades) has been oversold by those who claim that it holds the key to understanding how the Twin Towers were taken down. This thesis, promulgated by the lame stream media as the predominant if not exclusive “9/11 truth movement” view, is very easy to disprove, thus further confirming that what you call the “fake news” media is totally complicit in maintaining an official narrative that is false.
It is a law of materials science that, in order for an explosive to destroy a material, it must have a detonation velocity equal to or greater than the speed of sound in that material. Nanothermite does not satisfy that condition for either concrete or steel, which makes it a non‐starter for this role.
The speed of sound in concrete is 3,200 meters/second and in steel 6,100 meters/second. The highest possible detonation velocity for nanothermite in the scientific literature is only 895 meters/second – 28% of what is required for concrete, and 15% of what is required for steel.
This means it would not be physically possible for nanothermite to have been responsible for blowing apart the Twin Towers insofar as it cannot blow apart either concrete or steel, the primary constituents.
While nanothermite may have been used in an auxiliary role (for the purpose of cutting through specific joints and trusses), its explosive force is only 1/13 that of TNT, which is the universal standard. It would have made no sense to use nanothermite in lieu of other more powerful explosives, which is revealed by the estimate of Neils Harrit, a proponent of the nanothermite hypothesis, that it would have taken from 29,000 to 143,000 metric tons of nanothermite for each tower. Q.E.D.
Other means – not at all investigated by the 9/11 Commission which appears to have been more of a cover‐up Commission – were used to achieve the vaporization of the Twin Towers. It remains for you, Mr. President, to fulfil your campaign promise to get to the bottom of this, and give us a new independent 9/11 investigation on the who, why, how, and costs of the 9/11 atrocity.
911 POTUS Hightower Not Nanothermite Alone
Mark Hightower holds both BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering from San Jose State University. His initial work experience was in the chemical industry, and then he worked for NASA where he retired in 2015 after 25 years of federal government service, where he worked on space life support systems for future long duration missions, hazardous materials management, arc jet testing of heat shield materials for spacecraft entry into planetary atmospheres, hyper velocity free flight aerodynamic testing of spacecraft and aircraft models in enclosed terrestrial ballistic range, facility water management including drinking water, storm water, industrial waste water, water conservation and reclamation, pollution prevention, above ground storage tanks, and climate change risk management.
Mr. President,
I was a White House Policy Analyst to President Ronald Reagan and for over a decade the Senior Military Affairs Writer for the Naval Postgraduate School, the leading science and technology graduate research university of the Department of Defense.
From years of one‐on‐one interviews with the highest ranking military officers and civilian Pentagon officials – all of whom I can identity to you by name – I can tell you with 100 percent certainty not only that the “Official Story” of who attacked this country and how they did it is a Hitleresque “Big Lie” but that there are dozens upon dozens of “Burning Facts” each of which standing alone proves that the Official Story is completely false and that 9/11 was an inside job made to happen.
My focus in this memorandum for you is the Pentagon attack, which most others tend to ignore. The Official Story of the Pentagon is false in every respect, including these key elements: when the attack happened (the first violent event was almost eight minutes prior to the “official time”); the source of the damage (major destruction was due to pre‐planted explosives); and the aerial vehicle that was destroyed (a plane smaller than a 757, provablynot Flight 77, and on a flight path different from the Official Story).
The first explosion went off inside the outer ring almost eight minutes before the Official Story says Flight 77 was anywhere near Washington. Key Pentagon witness April Gallop’s wristwatch was stopped by that explosion at 09:30 (the Official Story says the Pentagon was hit at 09:37:46). The digital clock embedded in the Doubletree Hotel security camera shows that the billowing black smoke began at 09:34:10 – well before the alleged impact more than three minutes later.
Many Pentagon witnesses – some of whose names I can provide to you – reported sequences of explosions “like firecrackers going off” inside the building before the wall collapse, conclusive evidence of pre‐placed explosives. Multiple witnesses including Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton reported the “overwhelming” smell of the explosive cordite, and literally hundreds of Pentagon employees shouted out to one another that “bombs” had gone off.
In addition to the above high‐level challenges to the Official Story, below are four additional scientific & technical observations that are documented by multiple experts and sources:
1. At the Pentagon’s first press briefing of Sept. 12th there was no mention of Flight 77 or a 757. It wasn’t until its Sept. 15th press briefing – four days later —that the Official Story was put out, the day after the government allegedly ‘found’ the ‘black boxes’ — a Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and Flight Data Recorder (FDR) — in the Pentagon rubble. But:
2. The NTSB report on the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) the government claims was from Flight 77, an American Airlines 757, allegedly ‘found’ in the Pentagon rubble states that it was a ‘magnetic tape model’ but the airline quickly put out a press release that it could not have been from any of its American Airlines 757s whose CVRs were “the modern solid‐state version”; and as the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) ‘found’ near the CVR had to have been from the same plane, as the two ‘black boxes’ are located near one another in the rear, the FDR also could not have been from any American Airlines 757.
3. Absolute proof that the Official Story cannot be true is this Photo of what the Pentagon claims is the exact impact point of a massive 757 smashing at over 500 miles per hour into the red circle (Column 14 in Wedge One) — and yet the visible column in the dead center of that very ‘bulls eye’ where the maximum force of a plane would have hit is not only still in place, it’s still vertical:
4. There was massive destruction, fire and deaths in the two innermost rings of the Pentagon, the fourth‐in B Ring and the fifth‐in A Ring – two rings further in than the furthest the Official Story claims any part of a plane penetrated: only to the third‐in C Ring (alleged) ‘Exit’ hole.
Others have focused on the anomalies at the WTC, including yourself. What has not yet been stated in these other Presidential memoranda is the fact that massive explosions went off in the basements of both WTC Towers before the plane impacts — 14 seconds before in the case of WTC 1 and 17 seconds before in the case of WTC 2. WTC 7, of course, was not hit by an aircraft at all and was an obvious controlled demolition. Fifty seven pages of “Burning Facts” — hard forensic evidence — proving that the Official Story is false — can be found in the Petition filed by the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry demanding a Special Criminal Grand Jury to finally investigate the real cause of the collapses of WTCs 1, 2 and 7.
I produced the documentary “Behind the Smoke Curtain" that has been viewed by over half a million
citizens. The facts in that video lead to the inescapable conclusion — explicitly stated in the final third which ‘names names’ — that 9/11 was an Act of War in service to a foreign power aided and abetted by a treasonous Fifth Column of dual U.S.‐Israeli citizens and Israel‐first loyalists placed in all of the key government and military positions to plan, execute and cover up the attacks by the then incumbent Vice President and Secretary of Defense — the true Axis of Evil of 9/11. The degree of complicity by the then incumbent President remains to be seen.
I urge you to fulfill your campaign promise and personally lead an independent investigation into 9/11 that finally properly interrogates — under oath and with no wiggle room — all of the key known ‘persons of interest’ and that finally presents the American public with The Truth. Only With The Truth Can You Make America Great Again.
911 POTUS Honegger Pentagon Truth I
Barbara Honegger, MS, has served tours in the Ronald Reagan White House and at the Department of Justice. From 1995 to 2011 she was Senior Military Affairs Writer at the Naval Postgraduate School, the top U.S. military science and technology graduate research university. She is the author of October Surprise on the Iran side of the Iran/Contra scandal and has since 9/11 been among the leading researchers and public speakers documenting the falseness of the official narrative, producing, among other works, the YouTube documentaries Behind the Smoke Curtain and 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour, and the white paper The Pentagon Attack Papers. Her work has been recognized by both U.S. and international Truth Movement organizations. She is a Board Member of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and a founding member of Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth. She holds a BA from Stanford, an MS from JFK University, and masters level certification in national security decision‐making from the Naval War College. Ms. Honegger has run twice for Congress in California.
Mr. President,
9/11 was a nuclear event on the NYC end. On 9/11, employees of the DOE and IAEA visited ground zero in NYC. They were dressed as utility employees. Among their number was Jeff Smith, one of my volunteer editors (Veterans Today) and also an IAEA inspector. Jeff is a particle physicist.
Years after 9/11, I received documents that were allegedly a 2003 DOE report on 9/11. I contacted Jeff Smith and sent him the documents which he shared with colleagues at the DOE at Los Alamos. They confirmed they had penned the report which had been given to the White House, leaders of congress and the Pentagon. The report stated that some type of nuclear weapon was used and that the weapons had been made from material stolen from the Pantex facility in Amarillo, Texas.
I confirmed there had been an FBI/CIA/Pentagon investigation into nuclear smuggling and independently confirmed that this was also tied to an FBI investigation known as the AIPAC spying scandal. Veterans Today board member and advisor, Gwyneth Todd, then the head of the Middle East desk at the National Security Council and assistant to Condoleezza Rice took part in a sting operation that netted a top presidential advisor who was passing nuclear secrets to Israel. The investigation was quickly quashed, the FBI agents transferred and there was an attempt of Gwyneth’s life. She is now in hiding. Not only were nuclear pits stolen but the technical information allowing them to be “sorted” and remanufactured had been transferred to Israel by high ranking Bush and Clinton administration appointees.
9/11 appears to have been carried out by a joint Israeli/Saudi Arabian task force with help from within America’s highest political circles, and “cover” from many elements of the US Government led by Dick Cheney. The degree to which rogue elements of the US military and secret intelligence community were complicit at multiple levels from the Joint Chiefs of Staff down to individual watch standers has not been properly investigated.
Many countries warned us months in advance, and the US Government was literally at war with itself from the summer of 2001 onwards – White Hat elements centered on a joint task force out of Fort Lee, New Jersey, while Black Hat elements, including the director of the CIA and the three directors of the FBI (past, acting, and Mueller) were all engaged in trying to prevent ABLE DANGER and other White Hat elements from stopping the planned false flag event.
On 9/11, there were additional attacks on the George Washington Bridge and the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels. Those involved were arrested and the arrests made on the George Washington Bridge, armed Israeli nationals with thousands of pounds of explosives, was reported on national news. In all, the task force arrested over 80 individuals, both Saudi and Israeli nationals. All but 5 were turned over to “officials from Washington” and flown out of the country. While it was reported that the flight carried
the bin Laden family “to safety,” in fact most on the flight were Mossad agents, Israeli citizens.
It is my understanding that documentation on both the fact of 9/11 being a nuclear event and the fact of
9/11 being an Israeli/Saudi false flag event with insider help from within the US Government, has been provided to the mainstream media, all of whom have refused to stray from the official narrative, which is a travesty. [ I totally believe this is so DC]
It is my hope that you will honor your campaign promise, get to the bottom of this matter, and use your speech on 9/11 2018 to liberate America from the scourge of Zionist and Saudi Arabian influence.
Gordon Duff is a Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as an accomplished global intelligence specialist. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence network and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. His business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology. He publishes frequently at Veterans Today and New Eastern Outlook.
Joe Olson: 9/11 Twin Towers “Clean Nukes”, WTC 7 Conventional Demolitions
Mr. President,
“Clean Nukes.” The Twin Towers and most of the World Trade Center (apart from WTC‐7, which came down seven hours later in a classic controlled demolition) appear to have been demolished – much of it vaporized – using “clean nukes.”
The technical term is “minimum residual radiation” (MRR, also sometimes called “reduced residual radiation,” RRR). Residual radiation is what remains by way of radioactive contaminants after the initial radiation of the first minute has worn off. Because the fission products are the “dirty” part of the nuclear blast, two factors are central in order to keep the device as “clean” as possible: (1) the fission‐fusion mix of the thermonuclear device, i.e., the share of the total yield delivered by the fission primary and fusion secondary, respectively; and (2) the conditions under which the nuke is fired, whether it’s an air burst, ground burst or underground explosion, and whether the underground explosion takes place in an unobstructed shaft and whether any structure stands on top of the shaft, i.e. the energy can be channeled. Actual MRR appears to have been a 400‐ton equivalent requiring 4 pounds of uranium.
See also: Andre Gsponer, Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: Military Effectiveness and Collateral Effects (2005).
DOC (1 Page): 911 POTUS Olson Nuclear
Joe Olson is attended the University of Houston and passed multiple Professional Engineer examinations. He has been self‐employed since 1980, retiring in 2009, performing design services on hundreds of projects in multi‐story, commercial properties in twenty states. He is the co‐author of Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory, and author of over one hundred major web posted articles on science fraud in global warming, sustainable energy and peak oil, a partial bibliography is at FauxScienceSlayer. He has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM radio and interviewed with Dr. James Fetzer, “Unequivocal 9/11 Nukes” at RealDeal.blogspot, among others.
To be continued...
Mr. President, I pray that you mandate a new independent commission that will hear the testimony of myself and others with respect to how the CIA chain of command – from me to George Tenet was aware in advance of the details of 9/11, and very likely complicit in all aspects of 9/11.
Very respectfully,
Susan Lindauer
*Also Published As: Susan Lindauer, “CIA's Advance Knowledge of 9/11 Date Including Nuclear Possibilities,” American Herald Tribune, 21 July 2018.
911 POTUS Lindauer CIA Advance Notice

Ed Jewett: 9/11 – The Zionist‐Rothschild Use of Agents –Carter and Zelikow Particularly

Mr. President,
I wish to do what no one else has done – including the 9/11 Commission – and focus on two personalities in particular, Ashton Carter and Philip Zelikow, both of whom I believe to have been witting agents of the Rothschilds and perhaps witting agents of the Zionist state of Israel. At the end I link to my nine‐page analysis, “Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon,” as published in 2015 and more recently reposted in support of this letter to you.
A careful study of Ashton Carter’s history suggests that he has been nurtured and cultivated by the Rothschild banking family for decades, to serve their interests. From his selection as a Rhodes Scholar (an estate originally administered by Nathan Rothschild) to his varied roles at Harvard and particularly the Belfer Center (“advised” by Nathaniel Rothschild) to his employment as a senior partner at Global Technology Partners, LLC (acquired by Rothschild North America) to his service as Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and then Secretary of Defense where he championed elective wars not approved by Congress, all of which were financially exploited by the Rothschilds, he appears to be at a very minimum a witting agent – an undeclared witting agent – of the Rothschild foreign banking family, and perhaps also a witting agent – an undeclared witting agent – of a foreign power, the Zionist state of Israel.
In 1998, as a senior partner at GTP, Carter co‐authored an article with John Deutch and Philip Zelikow entitled “Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger.” Their 1998 Foreign Affairs article actually predicted that the complete destruction of the World Trade Center would give America its “New Pearl Harbor.”
Amazingly, two of the three authors who wrote the article on catastrophic terrorism went on to play key roles in the interpretation of and response to the events of 9‐11.
As you may be aware, after the botched 1993 WTC bombing, which was perpetrated by corrupt elements of the FBI, WTC security was “tightened” to the point that the only people with a reasonable shot at even attacking the WTC, much less seriously damaging it, much less demolishing it, were the people who controlled that security apparatus.
Others have shredded the official narrative with respect to the how it all happened. My intent here is to focus your attention on the who. I strongly endorse the memorandum to you by Christopher Bollyn. That memorandum addresses the largely external personalities and the decades‐long timeline of Zionist false flag activities and Zionist calls for a catastrophic terrorist event in the USA.
What no one has done is properly investigate Ashton Carter, Philip Zelikow, Larry Silverstein, the executives of the complicit insurance company that paid out without investigation, and the many individuals across New York and within the US Department of Defense, all led by Vice President Dick Cheney, who allowed 9/11 to happen and made 9/11 happen.
Philip Zelikow, Carter’s co‐conspirator in foreseeing the 9/11 event, let the cat out of the bag. On September 10th, 2002 – the eve of the first anniversary of 9/11 – Zelikow, speaking to a crowd at the University of Virginia, admitted that the real purpose of the “New Pearl Harbor” was to spur the United States to defend Israel:
“I’ll tell you what I think the real threat is and actually has been since 1990 – it’s the threat against Israel. And this is the threat that dare not speak its name, because the Europeans don’t care deeply about that threat, I will tell you frankly. And the American government doesn’t want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell.”
Unlike Philip Zelikow, Ashton Carter is not Jewish. Why would he help orchestrate a “New Pearl Harbor” designed to create a whole‐new‐world in which the US bankrupts itself, morally and fiscally, by waging permanent war against Israel’s enemies?
The answer appears to be that although Carter is not Jewish, he is a “kosher gentile.” Carter has made a career of serving as token goy in groups of hard‐line Jewish Zionists. For example, he is the token goy (alongside kosher co‐authors Dennis Ross and Michael Makovsky) behind JINSA’s Carter‐Makovsky‐Ross Report railing against the Iranian nuclear program.
Ashton Carter is such a close associate of Paul Wolfowitz, the 9/11 mastermind who began working on the New Pearl Harbor project while studying under Leo Strauss in the 1960s, that Carter’s appointment as SecDef has been called “the second coming of Wolfowitz.”
You yourself have pointed out that we have spent trillions in the Middle East and have nothing to show for all that money spent. What you have not yet done is called a spade a spade, and in defense of both an American First national security strategy abroad and American gun‐rights at home, come out forcefully on the matter of false flag attacks and how they are being used to manipulate the American public and US national security policy and spending.
The exploitation of America by Zionist Israel is continuing on two fronts during your administration:
They continue to lie about Iran’s nuclear program while refusing to admit they have a nuclear program ten times larger funded by the US taxpayer; and they are funding terrorist groups and false flag fake Sarin gas attacks to further destabilize Syria; and
They continue to work with neo‐conservative allies and traitors across the US homeland security front, to sponsor false flag school and club shootings in support of the liberal left’s anti‐gun agenda.
As you consider your speech to be made on 9/11 2018, I urge you to prepare by mandating a deep investigation, including the pulling of all NSA stored data – emails and telephone calls – for the top two dozen from Dick Cheney to Larry Silverstein to Ashton Carter to Philip Zelikow – and others mentioned in other memorandums especially that by Christopher Bollyn.
I believe you already know the truth of 9/11. I beg of you, lead the American public to the truth of 9/11, and in this way, set America free from the Zionist / Rothschild scourge against all humanity.
Very respectfully,
Ed Jewett
Reference: Edwin Jewett, “Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon,” Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, 10 July 2018; first published 30 October 2015. 911 POTUS Jewett Zionist Agents Carter and Zelikow

See Especially:
Christopher Bollyn: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 and the War on Terror: Israel’s History of False Flag Operations against the U.S.A.
Scott Bennett: Memorandum for the President: How 9/11 Was Funded*

Mr. President,
As a military officer and also contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton, I was assigned to the Joint Interagency Operations Center at U.S. Central Command, where I identified, tracked, and reported on terrorists, their financial donors, networks, banks, and activities.
Part of my mission was to investigate, discover, and expose all acts of “waste, fraud, and abuse” by Terrorist Financing Operations Director Dov Zakheim who was my senior supervisor. It was believed that Dov Zakheim had secretly arranged for $2.3 trillion dollars to be misappropriated through Pentagon channels when he had been the Pentagon Comptroller.
I was assigned the task of penetrating Dov Zakheim’s terrorist financing operations, which involved his son Roger Zakheim (a lawyer at the House Armed Services Committee), an Iraqi named Abdullah Azziz (with close ties to Rudy Gulliani) and the law firm Covington and Burling.
The auditors investigating this matter were conveniently killed in a missile strike upon the Pentagon Office of Naval Intelligence on September 11, 2001. This missile strike was concealed as a “plane attack”, which was a deception operation.
I briefed your attorney Michael Cohen about these matters in 2015 and 2016—which may be one of the reasons he has been targeted by Deep State Shadow Government loyalists.
Evidence and expert testimony confirm without a doubt that the attacks on September 11, 2001 against the Pentagon (as well as the World Trade Center and the Solomon Building in N.Y.) were a well‐planned, well‐financed, psychological operation – a false flag attack on American soil – designed to trigger and manipulate the American people, the Congress, and the U.S. Military into a full‐scale war‐mobilization posture with the intent of overthrowing, scattering, and re‐making the Middle East and Africa for the direct political, cultural, and economic benefit of the Zionist state of Israel.
9/11, although seemingly coherent, has led to a multi‐trillion dollar nightmare for Americans. Because of your success in attacking the Deep State with your sealed indictments and other measures, and because of the failure of the DNI‐CIA‐FBI‐DOJ “Russian Hoax” as well as great fear that your forthcoming summit with President Vladimir Putin will be a great success, I fear for your life and pray for your safety.
You are our Chief Law Enforcement Officer, not just our Commander‐in‐Chief. It is my hope that this memorandum, combined with the other memoranda you are receiving from other informed patriots, will be helpful to you during the Helsinki summit, where I and many others hope that you and President Putin will share intelligence on 9/11 – who did it, how they did it, why they did it – face to face.
I believe that your leadership in placing the truth about 9/11 before the public will finish the job of taking down the Deep State and the Shadow Government – it will help you shut down the pernicious Zionist/Saudi penetration and subversion of the US economy, government, and society and it will help you demonstrate to the larger public, most of whom did not vote for you, that under your leadership, the US Government can be trusted to clean house and tell the truth.
Very respectfully,
Scott Bennett
*Also Published As: Scott Bennett, “How 9/11 Was Funded: The Man behind the Missing $2.3 Trillion,”American Herald Tribune, 11 July 2018. 911 POTUS Bennett Zionist Agent Zakheim

Web: www.shellgamewhistleblower.com
Phi Beta Iota: Our best guess is that 9/11 only cost $10 billion, inclusive of the $7 billion used to cover the insurance fraud in which the insurance company was assuredly complicit. The rest was simply stolen. Who exactly benefitted remains to be properly investigated. Our operating assumption is that both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were a party to the fraud and the theft and should be properly investigated to include a total take‐down of all of their communications known to be held in copy within NSA unprocessed databases.
Kevin Barrett: Muslims Were Framed for 9/11 – Fake News MSM Silences Us*

Dear Mr. President,
During your presidential campaign you made some courageous statements about 9/11. You demolished Jeb Bush’s campaign by implying that George W. Bush deserved blame, not praise, for 9/11, which happened while he was president – he did not “keep us safe.” You derided “those people who knocked down the World Trade Center” and said such people wouldn’t have been there if you were president. And most interestingly of all, you told us to elect you so we “will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.”
You also made statements that, taken at face value, were egregiously false and libelous. You repeatedly claimed that Muslims danced and celebrated in New Jersey as the Towers came down. As the fake news MSM reported (correctly, for once) that was just not true. But if you had substituted Israelis for Muslims your statement would have been true. A team of Israeli spies was indeed arrested after they were caught wildly celebrating the completion of their successful operation. There is also some evidence, including a police audio tape, that other Israeli operatives were caught red‐handed trying to blow up bridges and tunnels in New York on the morning of September 11, 2001.
During the first two years after 9/11, I may have been the only one of the more than 2,000 Muslims in Madison, Wisconsin who did not firmly believe that 9/11 was a false flag operation designed to smear Muslims and Islam. Certainly all of my Muslims friends and acquaintances believed this. Most of them were terrorized into silence by surprise visits from the FBI. It wasn’t until late 2003 that I seriously investigated 9/11 and learned that my co‐religionists – and many other Christian and even Jewish 9/11 “truthers,” were right. Muslims were framed for 9/11, with malice aforethought.
Polls show that the vast majority of Muslims, worldwide and in America, knows or suspects that 9/11 was a false flag event. Yet this fact is almost never reported; and articulate Muslims representing the Muslim‐majority view of 9/11 are never allowed to make their case in mainstream media, academia, think tanks, or other institutions of power in America or in Europe.
You have said “I think Islam hates us” and tried to ban Muslims from entering the US. These misguided
remarks and policies are based on the false and libelous official story of 9/11, and the equally false and libelous official stories of the many other Israeli‐sponsored false flag operations that have continued to drive the bogus “war on terror” (i.e. the hoax war that Israel uses to suck blood, treasure, and spirit from the USA).
Right now you are not managing our Middle East policy – and especially our policy toward Zionist apartheid Israel with its massive covert nuclear arsenal funded by the US taxpayer – on the basis of evidence, truth, or even a semblance of respect for the public interest. To your great credit, you have stated that we have gotten nothing for our seven trillion dollars spent in the Middle East. I totally support your view on that.
I beg of you, as a US‐born citizen, please keep your campaign promise and make sure the American people find out who really “knocked down” the three World Trade Center towers. One participant, WTC owner Larry Silverstein—a close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu—has already admitted to participation in the demolitions – and briefed his plans for a 2002 re‐build a year before 9/11. Please have each of the 103 people on this list http://www.whodidit.org/cocon.htm properly investigated, including proper analysis of all stored NSA data on their network of calls and emails in the year prior to 9/11, and give America a chance to know the truth, to be liberated from the Deep State and its Zionist underbelly, to see that you mean it when you say we will find out who really planned, executed, and then covered up the 9/11 atrocity on US soil that murdered over 2,000.
Very respectfully,
Kevin Barrett, PhD
* Also Published As: Kevin Barrett, “Muslims Were Framed For 9/11: Fake News MSM Silences Us,” American Herald Tribune,” 11 July 2018.
911 POTUS Barrett Muslims Framed

Richard Gage, AIA: 9/11 Explosive Evidence As Identified by AE911Truth Not Addressed

Mr. President:
When you were campaigning for the presidency in Bluffton, South Carolina, on February 15, 2016, you told voters that under your watch they would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” And so we implore you, while you are now involved in exposing FBI corruption, to also investigate the agency’s reluctance to examine the explosive destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers—namely, Buildings 1, 2, and 7—on September 11, 2001. As you know, the events of that day are responsible for much of the worldwide carnage that continues to this day. Thus, 9/11 remains an issue of grave importance to the United States of America.
I’m Richard Gage, a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 30 years, member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and one of 3,000 members of the non‐profit organization Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which I founded in 2006.
The FBI has been made aware of the gross inadequacies of the investigations into 9/11 that have been carried out over the past seventeen years by various official entities, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the 9/11 Commission.
The FBI has also been made aware of the real investigative work being done by AE911Truth. In fact, in 2008 the then‐assistant director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, Michael Heimbach, praised our work noting that it was “backed by thorough research and analysis.”
Yet ten years later, here we are, still with no credible WTC investigation—only a series of missteps and misstatements by FEMA and NIST, which we have documented in our our 50‐page booklet Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7.
When obtaining licensure, architects and engineers commit themselves to upholding their respective profession’s code of ethics. The 3,000 architects and engineers with whom I work are meeting this ethical obligation regarding 9/11: They are challenging the false assumptions and lies that have created an endless “post‐9/11 era,” in which $5.6 trillion has been spent by the U.S. government on waging wars and implementing unconstitutional policies.
Here are some of the questions our architects and engineers are asking—questions that remain unanswered and ignored by officialdom to this day:
How did the elevated building mass of the upper section of each Twin Tower (Buildings 1 and 2) destroy the 80,000 tons of structural steel at nearly free‐fall speed, as if the steel framing weren’t even there?
Given that open‐air jet fuel fires burn at only about 600° F. (per manufacturers specifications) and that normal office fires burn at only 1,500° F or so and that the melting point of steel is above 2,700° F, what thermal energy source could have produced the several tons of molten metal observed flowing out of the South Tower shortly before its collapse? This lava‐like flow of metal was also seen under the rubble for weeks in the aftermath of the Twin Towers and Building 7 destruction by numerous witnesses—even by the World Trade Center’s structural engineer, Leslie Robertson.
What explains the chemical evidence of thermite, an incendiary material found on the ends of steel beams and in pools of molten iron in the World Trade Center debris? In Appendix C of its BPAT Report, FEMA documented “evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting.” This is clearly not a feature of gravitational collapse, of hydrocarbon fuel, or of normal office fires. Yet NIST summarily dismissed this key evidence when its engineers took over the investigation from FEMA.
What is the source of the billions of previously molten iron microspheres which are well‐ documented in samples of the World Trade Center dust? Both the United States Geological Survey (USGS), in its “Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust Report,” and engineering consulting firm RJ Lee Group, Inc., in its December 2003 “WTC Dust Signature Report: Composition and Morphology,” document these once‐molten droplets of iron. But neither of them explains how these microspheres got there! Importantly, the microspheres contain the chemical signature of thermite, an incendiary material used by the military to cut swiftly and cleanly through structural steel.
Why did Building 7, the third WTC high‐rise to collapse, descend at free‐fall acceleration during its seven‐second collapse? Video analysis shows the upper portion of the steel‐framed structure accelerating at the maximum rate of gravity. Even NIST acknowledged this can only mean one thing: The structure below offered “no resistance.” And the only possible way there was no resistance, according to the laws of physics, is that the structure was “removed.” What removed it?
What mechanism can account for the simultaneous failure of the critical number and distribution of columns required to produce this rate‐of‐gravity acceleration? NIST now attributes the catastrophic collapse of Building 7 to a new phenomenon called “thermal expansion” due to “normal office fires”—with little or no contribution from falling debris or from diesel fuel. Based on this outlandish claim by NIST, are we to suddenly accept that our understanding of fire science, building materials, and structural behavior has been deeply flawed all along? If so, then why has the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) steadfastly resisted all proposed post‐9/11 changes to structural building codes?
On the subject of Building 7, please read the potent five‐minute executive summary testimony by AE911Truth, titled Undisputed Facts Point to the Controlled Demolition of WTC 7 and delivered to NIST on a December 18, 2007, teleconference call in response to NIST’s preposterous new theory. Then watch our fifteen‐minute, made‐for‐PBS documentary on the destruction of WTC 7, narrated by actor Ed Asner.
Why did more than 100 FDNY first responders describe, in great detail, the sounds of explosions and flashes of light immediately before and during each tower’s collapse? Why did we not know about these thousands of pages of FDNY “oral history” evidence until August of 2005—and only then after a court order mandated their release? FDNY’s own chief of safety, Albert Turi, and its top chief, Ray Downey (who is the “premiere collapse expert in the country,” according to a fellow chief), bothspoke of the presence of explosives in the towers prior to their failures. Why were 118 FDNY testimonials that referred to multiple, violent explosions ignored and unreported by the 9/11 Commission and by NIST and FEMA? [This blog is currently republishing those oral interviews D.C]
What was the energy source that pulverized 400,000 cubic yards of concrete into a fine powder in mid‐air? Through what mechanism was the energy source applied? Why did that powder blanket lower Manhattan as each of the three buildings was collapsing? Calculations show that the energy requirement for this pulverization and the rapid expansion of the subsequent dust clouds was far greater than the available gravitational potential energy of the structures. This simple energy imbalance alone proves the official explanation impossible. Is this the same energy source that is responsible for the vaporization of more than 10,000 steel file cabinets and of 1,100 human bodies that were never found, not even the smallest traces of DNA?
How were four‐ton steel members ejected from the Twin Towers at 70 miles per hour and why did they land up to 600 feet away? A simple gravitational collapse would only allow up to 100 feet of “drift,” so what provided the energy required for them to travel six times that distance?
Why were virtually no floors found at the base of either Twin Tower? There were originally 110 floors in each Tower—each of them one acre in size. What could explain the disappearance of a total of 220 acres of four‐inch thick concrete floors (180,000 tons of concrete) and of each floor’s steel decking and trusses?
What caused the explosive ejections of pulverized building materials that appeared as many as 60 stories below the rapidly descending “collapse” of each Tower? These “squibs,” readily visible in all of the publicly available videos, indicate that building materials were being ejected at a speed of more than 160 feet per second.
Why does the seismic evidence collected by Columbia University’s Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory corroborate the evidence that supports the explosive demolition theory instead of the official collapse theory?
Why did NIST refuse to test for residue of explosives, citing the nonsensical, unscientific rationale that such tests would not necessarily have been conclusive”? Meanwhile, an international team of scientists found and documented nano‐thermitic explosives residue in the World Trade Center dust. The National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 921 document, “Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations,” requires such testing when there is “high order damage,” as there obviously was at the World Trade Center.
Finally, how can we allow this September 2007 admission by NIST to go unexplained: “We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse of the Towers”? Inexplicably, NIST did not
even attempt to “analyze the structural behavior after the initiation of collapse.”
We have carefully documented all of the above evidence in our video documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence—Experts Speak Out which uses basic physics and simple, rational forensic inquiry to expose the fraudulent nature of the official explanation of the World Trade Center destruction.
In addition, we have publicly presented the evidence of controlled demolition to audiences in well over one hundred U.S. cities and in dozens of foreign countries. The response at these presentations has been stunning. After hearing us recite the facts, at least eighty‐five percent of attendees who initially believed the official story of “fire‐weakened steel” change their minds, decide to support our theory of “explosive demolition with explosives/incendiaries,” and agree with our call for a new, independent investigation with subpoena power.
The body of clear, scientific evidence that we present has been vetted, to one degree or another, by our more than 3,000 building professionals, as well as by hundreds of physicists, chemists, and other science‐based experts who have signed our general petition. So compelling is the evidence that we were invited to be interviewed on C‐SPAN’s Washington Journal. Since its airing in August 2014, our 40‐minute interview has become the most‐watched video on the entire C‐SPAN website, with more than one million views.
This deeply incriminating evidence raises urgent concerns for our country’s counterterrorism, law enforcement, and public safety professionals. Indeed, the evidence led Joel Hirschhorn, Ph.D., a senior staff member of the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and an AE911Truth.org petition signer, to suggest, “First, let the technical truths emerge. Then, if necessary, cope with the inevitable political and conspiracy issues.”
Mr. President, AE911Truth’s top representatives are prepared to come to Washington, D.C., to meet with you. We are determined to fulfill our patriotic duty to obtain justice for the 9/11 families and to ensure the future safety of our fellow Americans. We have the technical expertise to defend your demand for the truth about the criminal destruction of all three World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. Humbly, we offer ourselves in service to your mission to Make America Great Again.
Very Respectfully,
Richard Gage, AIA
cc: Board of Directors, AE911Truth
: 911 POTUS Gage 9‐11 Anomalies Not Addressed
Phi Beta Iota: A&E911Truth has earned over 3,000 signatures from those with verified academic degrees and professional licenses, and an additional 20,000 non‐architects and engineers, all calling for a new, independent investigation–with full subpoena power–into the September 11, 2001 destructions of the World Trade Center Buildings, 1, 2, and 7. A&E911Truth has not focused on and takes no position on the Pentagon or the Shanksville, PA aspects of 9/11. A&E911Truth disputes the no planes, nuclear, and directed energy weapons theories; as others dispute their exclusive focus on thermite. Any independent investigation must consider all possibilities together.
Pre-Planted Explosives?
T. Mark Hightower: 9/11 Twin Towers Cannot Be Explained by
Nano‐Thermite Alone

Mr. President,
Nano‐thermite (a finely‐granulated version of thermite, an incendiary long used to weld railroad tracks and to disable artillery using thermite grenades) has been oversold by those who claim that it holds the key to understanding how the Twin Towers were taken down. This thesis, promulgated by the lame stream media as the predominant if not exclusive “9/11 truth movement” view, is very easy to disprove, thus further confirming that what you call the “fake news” media is totally complicit in maintaining an official narrative that is false.
It is a law of materials science that, in order for an explosive to destroy a material, it must have a detonation velocity equal to or greater than the speed of sound in that material. Nanothermite does not satisfy that condition for either concrete or steel, which makes it a non‐starter for this role.
The speed of sound in concrete is 3,200 meters/second and in steel 6,100 meters/second. The highest possible detonation velocity for nanothermite in the scientific literature is only 895 meters/second – 28% of what is required for concrete, and 15% of what is required for steel.
This means it would not be physically possible for nanothermite to have been responsible for blowing apart the Twin Towers insofar as it cannot blow apart either concrete or steel, the primary constituents.
While nanothermite may have been used in an auxiliary role (for the purpose of cutting through specific joints and trusses), its explosive force is only 1/13 that of TNT, which is the universal standard. It would have made no sense to use nanothermite in lieu of other more powerful explosives, which is revealed by the estimate of Neils Harrit, a proponent of the nanothermite hypothesis, that it would have taken from 29,000 to 143,000 metric tons of nanothermite for each tower. Q.E.D.
Other means – not at all investigated by the 9/11 Commission which appears to have been more of a cover‐up Commission – were used to achieve the vaporization of the Twin Towers. It remains for you, Mr. President, to fulfil your campaign promise to get to the bottom of this, and give us a new independent 9/11 investigation on the who, why, how, and costs of the 9/11 atrocity.
Very respectfully,
Mark Hightower
Reference with additional facts and links: T. Mark Hightower, “Nanothermite: If it Doesn’t Fit, you Must Acquit!” James Fetzer Blog, 26 August 2011 911 POTUS Hightower Not Nanothermite Alone

Mark Hightower holds both BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering from San Jose State University. His initial work experience was in the chemical industry, and then he worked for NASA where he retired in 2015 after 25 years of federal government service, where he worked on space life support systems for future long duration missions, hazardous materials management, arc jet testing of heat shield materials for spacecraft entry into planetary atmospheres, hyper velocity free flight aerodynamic testing of spacecraft and aircraft models in enclosed terrestrial ballistic range, facility water management including drinking water, storm water, industrial waste water, water conservation and reclamation, pollution prevention, above ground storage tanks, and climate change risk management.
Barbara Honegger: 9/11 Pre‐Planted Explosions 8 Minutes Prior to Alleged Impact*

Mr. President,
I was a White House Policy Analyst to President Ronald Reagan and for over a decade the Senior Military Affairs Writer for the Naval Postgraduate School, the leading science and technology graduate research university of the Department of Defense.
From years of one‐on‐one interviews with the highest ranking military officers and civilian Pentagon officials – all of whom I can identity to you by name – I can tell you with 100 percent certainty not only that the “Official Story” of who attacked this country and how they did it is a Hitleresque “Big Lie” but that there are dozens upon dozens of “Burning Facts” each of which standing alone proves that the Official Story is completely false and that 9/11 was an inside job made to happen.
My focus in this memorandum for you is the Pentagon attack, which most others tend to ignore. The Official Story of the Pentagon is false in every respect, including these key elements: when the attack happened (the first violent event was almost eight minutes prior to the “official time”); the source of the damage (major destruction was due to pre‐planted explosives); and the aerial vehicle that was destroyed (a plane smaller than a 757, provablynot Flight 77, and on a flight path different from the Official Story).
The first explosion went off inside the outer ring almost eight minutes before the Official Story says Flight 77 was anywhere near Washington. Key Pentagon witness April Gallop’s wristwatch was stopped by that explosion at 09:30 (the Official Story says the Pentagon was hit at 09:37:46). The digital clock embedded in the Doubletree Hotel security camera shows that the billowing black smoke began at 09:34:10 – well before the alleged impact more than three minutes later.
Many Pentagon witnesses – some of whose names I can provide to you – reported sequences of explosions “like firecrackers going off” inside the building before the wall collapse, conclusive evidence of pre‐placed explosives. Multiple witnesses including Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton reported the “overwhelming” smell of the explosive cordite, and literally hundreds of Pentagon employees shouted out to one another that “bombs” had gone off.
In addition to the above high‐level challenges to the Official Story, below are four additional scientific & technical observations that are documented by multiple experts and sources:
1. At the Pentagon’s first press briefing of Sept. 12th there was no mention of Flight 77 or a 757. It wasn’t until its Sept. 15th press briefing – four days later —that the Official Story was put out, the day after the government allegedly ‘found’ the ‘black boxes’ — a Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and Flight Data Recorder (FDR) — in the Pentagon rubble. But:
2. The NTSB report on the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) the government claims was from Flight 77, an American Airlines 757, allegedly ‘found’ in the Pentagon rubble states that it was a ‘magnetic tape model’ but the airline quickly put out a press release that it could not have been from any of its American Airlines 757s whose CVRs were “the modern solid‐state version”; and as the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) ‘found’ near the CVR had to have been from the same plane, as the two ‘black boxes’ are located near one another in the rear, the FDR also could not have been from any American Airlines 757.

4. There was massive destruction, fire and deaths in the two innermost rings of the Pentagon, the fourth‐in B Ring and the fifth‐in A Ring – two rings further in than the furthest the Official Story claims any part of a plane penetrated: only to the third‐in C Ring (alleged) ‘Exit’ hole.
Others have focused on the anomalies at the WTC, including yourself. What has not yet been stated in these other Presidential memoranda is the fact that massive explosions went off in the basements of both WTC Towers before the plane impacts — 14 seconds before in the case of WTC 1 and 17 seconds before in the case of WTC 2. WTC 7, of course, was not hit by an aircraft at all and was an obvious controlled demolition. Fifty seven pages of “Burning Facts” — hard forensic evidence — proving that the Official Story is false — can be found in the Petition filed by the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry demanding a Special Criminal Grand Jury to finally investigate the real cause of the collapses of WTCs 1, 2 and 7.
I produced the documentary “Behind the Smoke Curtain" that has been viewed by over half a million
citizens. The facts in that video lead to the inescapable conclusion — explicitly stated in the final third which ‘names names’ — that 9/11 was an Act of War in service to a foreign power aided and abetted by a treasonous Fifth Column of dual U.S.‐Israeli citizens and Israel‐first loyalists placed in all of the key government and military positions to plan, execute and cover up the attacks by the then incumbent Vice President and Secretary of Defense — the true Axis of Evil of 9/11. The degree of complicity by the then incumbent President remains to be seen.
I urge you to fulfill your campaign promise and personally lead an independent investigation into 9/11 that finally properly interrogates — under oath and with no wiggle room — all of the key known ‘persons of interest’ and that finally presents the American public with The Truth. Only With The Truth Can You Make America Great Again.
Very respectfully,
Barbara Honegger, M.S.
*Also Published As: Barbara Honegger, “Pre‐Planted Pentagon Explosives Went Off Almost Eight Minutes before Any Alleged Impact on the Building,” American Herald Tribune, 14 July 2018. 911 POTUS Honegger Pentagon Truth I

Gordon Duff: 9/11 NYC Was a Nuclear Event Crafted by Israel Overseen by Dick Cheney

9/11 was a nuclear event on the NYC end. On 9/11, employees of the DOE and IAEA visited ground zero in NYC. They were dressed as utility employees. Among their number was Jeff Smith, one of my volunteer editors (Veterans Today) and also an IAEA inspector. Jeff is a particle physicist.
Years after 9/11, I received documents that were allegedly a 2003 DOE report on 9/11. I contacted Jeff Smith and sent him the documents which he shared with colleagues at the DOE at Los Alamos. They confirmed they had penned the report which had been given to the White House, leaders of congress and the Pentagon. The report stated that some type of nuclear weapon was used and that the weapons had been made from material stolen from the Pantex facility in Amarillo, Texas.
I confirmed there had been an FBI/CIA/Pentagon investigation into nuclear smuggling and independently confirmed that this was also tied to an FBI investigation known as the AIPAC spying scandal. Veterans Today board member and advisor, Gwyneth Todd, then the head of the Middle East desk at the National Security Council and assistant to Condoleezza Rice took part in a sting operation that netted a top presidential advisor who was passing nuclear secrets to Israel. The investigation was quickly quashed, the FBI agents transferred and there was an attempt of Gwyneth’s life. She is now in hiding. Not only were nuclear pits stolen but the technical information allowing them to be “sorted” and remanufactured had been transferred to Israel by high ranking Bush and Clinton administration appointees.
9/11 appears to have been carried out by a joint Israeli/Saudi Arabian task force with help from within America’s highest political circles, and “cover” from many elements of the US Government led by Dick Cheney. The degree to which rogue elements of the US military and secret intelligence community were complicit at multiple levels from the Joint Chiefs of Staff down to individual watch standers has not been properly investigated.
Many countries warned us months in advance, and the US Government was literally at war with itself from the summer of 2001 onwards – White Hat elements centered on a joint task force out of Fort Lee, New Jersey, while Black Hat elements, including the director of the CIA and the three directors of the FBI (past, acting, and Mueller) were all engaged in trying to prevent ABLE DANGER and other White Hat elements from stopping the planned false flag event.
On 9/11, there were additional attacks on the George Washington Bridge and the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels. Those involved were arrested and the arrests made on the George Washington Bridge, armed Israeli nationals with thousands of pounds of explosives, was reported on national news. In all, the task force arrested over 80 individuals, both Saudi and Israeli nationals. All but 5 were turned over to “officials from Washington” and flown out of the country. While it was reported that the flight carried
the bin Laden family “to safety,” in fact most on the flight were Mossad agents, Israeli citizens.
It is my understanding that documentation on both the fact of 9/11 being a nuclear event and the fact of
9/11 being an Israeli/Saudi false flag event with insider help from within the US Government, has been provided to the mainstream media, all of whom have refused to stray from the official narrative, which is a travesty. [ I totally believe this is so DC]
It is my hope that you will honor your campaign promise, get to the bottom of this matter, and use your speech on 9/11 2018 to liberate America from the scourge of Zionist and Saudi Arabian influence.
Very respectfully,
Gordon Duff
911 POTUS Duff Nuclear Zionist Cheney 
Gordon Duff is a Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as an accomplished global intelligence specialist. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence network and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. His business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology. He publishes frequently at Veterans Today and New Eastern Outlook.
Joe Olson: 9/11 Twin Towers “Clean Nukes”, WTC 7 Conventional Demolitions

“Clean Nukes.” The Twin Towers and most of the World Trade Center (apart from WTC‐7, which came down seven hours later in a classic controlled demolition) appear to have been demolished – much of it vaporized – using “clean nukes.”
The technical term is “minimum residual radiation” (MRR, also sometimes called “reduced residual radiation,” RRR). Residual radiation is what remains by way of radioactive contaminants after the initial radiation of the first minute has worn off. Because the fission products are the “dirty” part of the nuclear blast, two factors are central in order to keep the device as “clean” as possible: (1) the fission‐fusion mix of the thermonuclear device, i.e., the share of the total yield delivered by the fission primary and fusion secondary, respectively; and (2) the conditions under which the nuke is fired, whether it’s an air burst, ground burst or underground explosion, and whether the underground explosion takes place in an unobstructed shaft and whether any structure stands on top of the shaft, i.e. the energy can be channeled. Actual MRR appears to have been a 400‐ton equivalent requiring 4 pounds of uranium.

Construction Favoring
Nuclear Effect & Containment.
WTC 1 & 2 exemplified a novel tube‐within‐a tube design that created open office space with 47 massive core columns and 240 external support columns. This allowed the deeply buried nuclear devices to have their full force channeled upwards and destroy the inner tube from the bottom/up, but caused the external tube to blow apart from the top/down. The buildings were converted into millions of cubic yards of very fine dust (which is itself a signature of the use of nuclear devices) and, when it was done (about 9 seconds for South Tower, 11 for North), there was no stack of debris in their footprints, where the result of a classic controlled demolition would have been around 13.5 floors to debris (roughly, 12% of the height of the original 110 floors for each structure). Additional explosives may have been used as a supplemental means of destroying the buildings. Many floors appear to have been unoccupied – free of both occupants and furniture – prior vacancy rates having been accelerated by a 40% increase in rental rate to encourage tenants to vacate.
Radioactivity Indications
in USGS Dust Studies.
The contrast between the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC‐7, which collapsed about seven hours later as the effect of a classic controlled demolition, was striking. Instead of vaporization in every direction, all the floors of WTC‐7 came down at the same time. There was no conversion into millions of yards of very fine dust. And, when it was done, there was a stack of debris of about 5.5 floors (or 12% of the original 47 floors). Studies of dust samples from 35 location in Lower Manhattan confirmed elements that, in their quantifies and correlations, were indicative of a nuclear event, including Barium, Strontium, Thorium, Uranium, Lithium, Lanthanum, Yttrium, Chromium and Tritium.
Nuclear Vaporization versus
Thermite Melting.
0.13 pounds of thermite required to heat each pound of steel to its melting point. The decorative Aluminum Cladding + Iron Oxide + high heat = thermite spheres, which were residue. With 400,000 tons of missing steel and concrete – much of it vaporized – nuclear energy is posited. The directed force spared “the bathtub” any horizontal stress such that it continued to function as designed.
Very respectfully,
Joe Olson
Structural Engineer
Primary Reference: Tahil, William, Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of the World Trade Centre (2006). See also: Andre Gsponer, Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: Military Effectiveness and Collateral Effects (2005).
DOC (1 Page): 911 POTUS Olson Nuclear
Joe Olson is attended the University of Houston and passed multiple Professional Engineer examinations. He has been self‐employed since 1980, retiring in 2009, performing design services on hundreds of projects in multi‐story, commercial properties in twenty states. He is the co‐author of Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory, and author of over one hundred major web posted articles on science fraud in global warming, sustainable energy and peak oil, a partial bibliography is at FauxScienceSlayer. He has been a guest on Coast to Coast AM radio and interviewed with Dr. James Fetzer, “Unequivocal 9/11 Nukes” at RealDeal.blogspot, among others.
To be continued...
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