Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Part 2 Eyes Wide Open...Royal Whitewash.

 Eyes Wide Open
By Fiona Barnett
 Reader -- Fiona Barnett's Book is too Horrifying to Believe ...
Royal Whitewash

Ye shall know them by their fruit. (Matt 7:16)

The Catalyst
My private session with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse was scheduled for 3pm, 26 June 2013 at an inner Brisbane City hotel. My husband and I sat waiting in a hotel room when a young lawyer rushed in to greet us. Her arms cradled the 22-page written complaint I electronically submitted to the Commission, and remarked:

‘You’re obviously highly educated!’

‘No,’ I corrected her. ‘I’m highly intelligent. I received an abysmal education. I taught myself everything I know.’

The lawyer led us into an adjacent hotel room where two commissioners stood to greet  us. Federal  court judge  Jennifer  Coate  sat  opposite  me  at  a  large round  table. Child psychiatrist Helen Milroy sat to my right. The young female lawyer took her seat to my left. Judge  Coate  presided  over  our  meeting. She began,  ‘We’ve  read your  comprehensive submission. It’s good that you submitted this beforehand otherwise we would be spending the  entire  hearing  relaying  its contents. We  gained  the  impression  that  your submission contains a selection of what you experienced and that you know a lot more.’

‘Yes,’ I agreed. ’There’s much more. I selected the incidents where I could best identify a time, date and place. I also compiled this -...’ With two hands, I purposefully placed a fat, well-organised folder on the table.’ It contains some evidence to back up my complaint. Sorry about the hand-written contents page. I would normally type and reference  everything better than this, but I only had a few days’ notice that I would be attending today.’

The Australian public was given the impression that private sessions were a positive, cathartic experience where victims got to share their abuse in a supportive, non-judgemental environment. My experience was different to that. The next two hours felt more akin to a cross examination. It seemed Judge Coate was looking for holes in my testimony.

‘That’s good!’ retired Tweed Heads Detective Frank Natoli exclaimed. ’It means they took  you  seriously. They  were  seeing  how  you’d  hold  up  under cross  examination.’  He concluded,  ‘This  Royal Commission  is  giving  victims  a  false  sense of  hope.  They  won’t investigate their complaints.’

Detective Natoli was right. The first thing Judge Coate told me was, ‘Fiona, we’re not here to redress current victims’ complaints. We’re here to do something for future victims.’

But current victims ARE the future! I thought. This is nothing but a collect-and-contain operation. A wave of determination washed over my being. I asked, ‘What do you plan to do differently to avoid the pitfalls of the last child abuse royal commission?’

Judge  Coate  was  taken  aback. ’We’re  just  at  the information  gathering  stage. We haven’t yet decided what we’re going to do next.’

‘I imagine you’re overwhelmed at the response so far.’

The three women collectively sighed. We spent the next two hours exploring three separate but related matters:

1. How  the  NSW  Education  Department  and NSW Police  conspired  to  bury  pedophile ring operating within my local Tweed Shire.

2. My experiences as a victim of an international child sex trafficking ring.

3. How dirty police, Australia’s Psychology Board, and Bond University conspired to simultaneously frame me as (a) an adult perpetrator instead of a child victim of my  abuse  (in  which  case  my  child abuse  claims  were  true),  and (b)  psychotic because I said I was abused as a child (in which case my child abuse did not occur).

‘You’re obviously not psychotic,’ Professor Milroy observed. ‘Fiona, your submission was  impressive and  unique.  What  you  wrote  about  Elizabeth Loftus  and  false  memory syndrome: we weren’t aware of any of that beforehand.’

I reiterated the scientific invalidation of Loftus’ pro-pedophile writings that formed the basis of the previous Royal Commission’s dismissal of witness testimonies like mine. ‘God help  me  if  I  see Elizabeth  Loftus  in  your  report!’  I  warned. ‘You  need  to  stop  universities teaching  this rubbish. You  need  to  stop  health practitioners  automatically  labelling  child abuse victims borderline personality disordered. That condition is often just a  symptom of child abuse and it’s - . . .’

‘Recoverable?’ Milroy offered.

‘Y-yes,’ I stared at her like a stunned mullet. ‘The symptoms dissipate as the victim recovers her memories.’ I remounted my soapbox, ‘You need to stop the latest tactic being used against child abuse victims. They’re using a study which claims that child abuse victims are   more   likely   to   become perpetrators,   as  grounds   for   accusing   victims of being perpetrators. They’ve already tried to frame me as a perpetrator based on being a victim so you’d better nip that one in the bud!’

My  right  hemisphere  rapidly  scanned  and analysed  the  words,  body  language, eye appearance  and  micro  facial  expressions  of the  three  panel  members,  and  drew its conclusion: Milroy    empathic,  intelligent, genuine,  eye  single,  trustworthy. So,  when the hotel room turned a fuzzy white and voices became like a faint echo in a dark cave, I turned to Milroy, stared into her red teary eyes and confessed: ‘I’m dissociating.’

Hold it together, I told myself. You are here to give the children a voice. I  continued, ‘Detective Bob Sullivan of the NSW child protection squad told me in 2005 that only a Royal Commission had the power to investigate the Tweed Shire pedophile ring. Well, we have a Royal Commission – so let’s investigate!’


‘Are you going to investigate my complaints?’ I persisted.

Judge Coate ignored me.

I seized the commissioner’s eye and demanded: ‘Yes or no! Do you have the power and authority to investigate my complaints?’

The commissioner squared her body to mine, smiled bemusedly and coolly responded,


‘Right! That’s  one  point. Secondly,  is  it  within your  terms  of  reference  to make recommendations based on your investigations?’

‘Yes,’ she responded just as smoothly.

‘Right!’ I ran my finger across their collective presence and warned, ‘I’m holding you to that. Investigate my complaints!’

I shuffled through my folder of evidence and pulled out a document. ’I’ve included a newspaper  article about  my  university  lecturer  who  was recently  charged  with  sexually assaulting  two children. Bond  University  published  his  pro-pedophile  writings  on  their website. It says here:

In  his  book  Life  of  Crime,60   Professor  Wilson said  that  in  the  ‘sizeable  majority  of incidents’ adolescents were sexually provocative. ‘My findings were remarkably similar to  studies  in  California and  Scandinavia  which  suggest  child  victims  of adult  sex offenders are generally willing or active participants, and that they not infrequently initiate the sexual relationship,’ he wrote.

The Commissioners gasped.

‘This is what students are being taught in our universities?’ I raised my voice. ’It’s not acceptable!’ My heart beat faster as I pulled out another document. ‘This is an email sent to me from Tor Neilsen saying he witnessed sixty children raped in the very same location where I witnessed the same people committing similar crimes! Tor and I independently reported our experiences to the police!’ My frustration peaked as I turned to another section of my folder and  tore  out  an illustration  of  the  Order  of  the  Eagle ritual  banner. ’Look!’  I  thrust  it  at them. ’Look at this! I am the first person in the world to come forward and publish this! This was erected at every major pedophile ring meeting! Other victims out there must recognise this!’ I tossed the drawing on the table.


Finally, Jon spoke, ‘Let’s remember that there are victims who couldn’t be here today

. . .’ his voice broke as tears welled in his eyes, ‘because they didn’t make it.’

More silence.

I continued, ‘I’ve put my neck on the line time and time again for others.’ I lowered my head and fought back tears as I uttered words that caused me immense pain. ‘I’ve never asked for anything for myself…’ I struggled to continue. ’But I’m asking you now – investigate my complaints.’


‘Fiona,’ Commissioner Milroy spoke softly and pointed to my folder of evidence, ‘first we have to read that.’


‘Fiona, you’re obviously highly intelligent - . . .’

‘So what?!’  I  snapped. ’What’s  the  use  of  having intelligence  when  institutions continually prevent me from using it?! My life has been destroyed! They’ve continually ruined my finances, my health, my reputation - and now all prospects of employment!’


‘Fiona,’ Judge Coat asked, ‘Do you have any final questions?’

‘Yes,’ I wiped my tears and straightened my posture. ’What am I allowed to share with the public regarding what I experienced here today?’

The judge shifted awkwardly in her seat, ‘You can’t repeat anything you heard here.’

‘Show me the legislation.’


‘The legislation,’ my tone strengthened. ’Get me the legislation that states what you just said.’

The young lawyer’s eyes widened. She dove into a pile of folders. Minutes later she read out the relevant section.

‘Now,’ I told Judge Coate, ‘interpret that for me.’

Following Coate’s explanation, I sought clarification, ‘So, I own anything that I stated here and can share that with whoever I choose?’

Judge Coate nodded, ‘That is correct.’

‘But Fiona,’ Professor Milroy interjected, ‘you may be tested on how much what you say you said here indicates what we said.’

‘Thank you,’ I smiled. ’That was my next question.’ Oh sure, I thought. As if the Royal Commission  will spend  public  funds  prosecuting  a  victim  instead of  investigating  her complaints. What a great national news headline that would make.‘You’ll have to excuse my audacity,’ I offered, ‘but that is what has sustained me.’

‘Oh no, that’s fine,’ they all agreed.

It  was  time  to  go.  I  shook  Milroy’s  hand, peered  deep  into  her  brown  eyes  and expressed, ‘Thank you. I know you’re genuine.’

‘Fiona,’ Milroy implored, ‘keep making submissions.’

I mournfully shook my head, ‘What’s the use?’

I met Judge Coate’s handshake which was so firm I was reminded of the western ritual where  men shake  hands  to  establish  dominance. I  stared defiantly  into  her  right  eye  and returned her grip with enough strength to make my point but without committing an offence.

As I exited the room, the panel members stretched, sighed heavily and exchanged looks which said, That was intense!

Jon  and  I  had  barely  exited  the  room  when  he, grinning  from  ear  to ear  proudly exclaimed, ‘Oh, Fi! Milroy would have employed you on the spot! Well done!’

We  were  escorted  into  yet  another  hotel  room where  a  government  appointed psychologist waited to debrief me. I engaged in half an hour of intellectual discussion before tiring  of  it. You  must let  yourself  break,  Fiona,  my  brain warned  me.You  need  to  feel  the emotion before you leave.

‘They’re not going to do a thing,’ I complained. ’This is a whitewash! And I knew it would be. I knew not to get my hopes up. But still I did. A small part of me hoped that there would be justice for me. I’ve never asked for much’ I lowered my head as my whole being convulsed in emotional release. I wept sorely from some hidden chasm of despair. Minutes passed before I gathered myself enough to speak again. ’I just thought that maybe.  just maybe. for once something might be done for me. But I was wrong. There’s a part of me, buried deep within that’s reserved solely for justice. That part of me opened today for the very first time, but it just got shut right back down again.’

I did not realise it at the time, but a poorly sutured invisible wound was tearing open. My  session  with the  Royal Commission sparked  a  crazy  chain reaction  of  events  including going public, delivering a national press conference, re-entering intensive therapy, making police witness statements, speaking at an international conference, and writing this book.

*           *           *

Australia’s ‘Satanic Panic’

A   tightly   organised,   mafia-style,   hierarchically structured   crime   syndicate   has infiltrated  every aspect  of  Australian  government  and  society including the  judiciary, churches,   law enforcement, military,   child  protection,   hospitals,   educational facilities, childcare  centres,  and  Parliament. The network  has  numerous  branches  and countless members  who  profit  from  various illegal activities  including  drugs,  arms  and  child sex trafficking. It is a well-oiled clandestine machine fuelled by public ignorance and distraction.

Detecting members of this system and their tactics is like driving a new model of car: you suddenly notice all the other cars on the road of the same make and model.

Ritual Abuse (aka: RA, Cult Abuse, Satanic Ritual Abuse, SRA) constitutes one facet of the  child trafficking  machine. The  Australian  media  has reported  on  RA cases,  although references are limited and difficult to locate. Reporting of these cases peaked in the mid-1990s during the Wood Royal Commission.

Damage Control Psychological Operation

The CIA adopted a multi-pronged approach to bury the epidemic of SRA reports and control the Australian narrative. Here is a summary of their tactics:

- Establish a bogus investigation, to gather and contain victims and their evidence.

-     Assassinate all network perpetrators who risked exposing the trafficking 

- Focus the entire scandal on a handful of outed, now conveniently dead, scapegoats.

- Muddy  the  waters  by  labelling  the  pursuit  of pedophile  crimes  ‘homophobia’  and ‘moral panic.’

- Devise a bogus disorder to label and denigrate victims and their therapists with.

- Conduct bogus research to support the bogus disorder.

- Recruit dirty doctors and hired guns to defend the bogus disorder in the media and courtrooms.

- Create derogative newspeak to mock, devalue and discredit victims and their witness testimony; e.g., ‘conspiracy theorist’ and ‘hysterical.’

- Recruit agent journalists to promote the cover-narrative in the mainstream media.

- Support subsequent findings of bogus investigation with bogus disorder and research.

- Have   perpetrator   academics   teach   the  bogus research   and   bogus disorder   in universities  to perpetuate  the  lie,  deter  future  therapists from  understanding  the truth, and forever conceal the child trafficking operation.

- Restrict therapists from working with victims of extreme abuse, via new Health Board policy preventing   such,   and   policing,   which  targets dissident   therapists   for deregistration.

Pedophilia is NOT Homophobia

‘Homophobia’ is the propaganda angle the CIA chose to defend and bury allegations of government involvement in child sex trafficking. Hence the CIA-infiltrated Australian media subtly  shifted  reader focus  from  revelations  of  ritual  abuse  and VIP  pedophilia,  to accusations of ‘homophobia’ and minority rights violations. VIP pedophiles routinely ‘came out’ as gay to distract attention from child rape allegations.

‘Metaphor for Incest’

Early 1990s disclosures of ritual abuse and mind control were labelled a ‘metaphor for incest’ by Australia’s most recognised DID expert Warrick Middleton. ‘Metaphor for incest’ is precisely what Gold Coast Hospital head psychiatrist Dr Flanagan parroted at me in 1991. Flanagan and Middleton worked together for the Queensland Health Department. In 1995, journalist Richard Guilliatt quoted Middleton in his article which cast doubt over the validity of ritual abuse testimony:

‘I believe it is a metaphor,’ argues Dr Warwick Middleton, a Brisbane psychiatrist specialising in trauma. ‘It re-creates in the present a scenario that evokes the helplessness of the past.’ 61

Warrick Middleton failed to provide any scientific research to back his opinion that victims’  torturous PTSD  flashbacks  are  merely  metaphors. Metaphor is  best  treated  by academia rather than psychiatry. Here is my critique of Guilliatt’s 1995 introduction of the CIA’s new narrative to discredit the wave of SRA reports:

Therapy in Turmoil: The Memory Controversy
Richard Guilliatt, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 February 1995.

In a bizarre modern phenomenon, hundreds of women are dredging up lost memories of childhood abuse involving blood, sex and devil worship. The accusations are criminal
– but investigators have never proven a case of Satanic ritual abuse.

[Persuasive, misleading reporting. WA police proved and convicted a case of SRA in 1991. Sydney investigators actively buried SRA reports.]

By the late 1980s, this phenomenon had spread to both Europe and Australia, most notably with the ‘Mr Bubbles’ case in Sydney, when staff of the Seabeach Kindergarten in  northern  Sydney  were arrested  and  accused  of  occult  sexual abuse.  Therapists, private investigators and police began telling the media this was a problem of great consequence, and a four-part report on Channel 10 in late 1990 prompted police to form a task force…

In  Australia,  the  Mr  Bubbles case  collapsed  from lack  of  evidence. Although  the principal defendant in the Mr Bubbles case, Anthony Deren, later confessed to fondling adolescent girls earlier in his life, the evidence of occultism amounted to a handful of anti-Satanic books in his home and the fact that children at Seabeach chanted Ram-Sam-Sam, a common children’s song…

[Police  sabotaged  the  case  and  omitted  crucial evidence  from  court.  The  DPP prevented Professor Kim  Oates  (head  of  the  Child  Protection  Unit  at the  Camperdown  Children’s Hospital) testifying that his hospital staff found 5 children were sexually abused at Seabeach Kindergarten. The children reported Luciferian chanting, not ‘common’ harmless preschool songs as the agent-journalist persuades the reader to conclude.]

Although Satanic abuse stories are not as common in Australia as in the US, one Sydney rape counsellor estimates from her contact with therapists that about 300 women in NSW are being treated for ritual abuse. That estimate is supported by the Herald’s own calls to ‘survivor’ groups, therapists and sexual assault workers. Phoenix Van Dyke, the organiser of the ritual abuse support group Beyond Survivors, says she has been in contact with more than 200 women who believe they are survivors. The Sydney Rape Crisis  Centre  has  had  more  than 100  cases  in  recent  years  and  one  major  Sydney hospital about 30.

To  believe  these  women,  one  would  have  to accept  NSW  has  been  permeated  by brutal Satanic cults since at least the late `60s, a network of evil which has indulged in murder, prostitution, child pornography and other crimes without leaving evidence…

[‘To  believe’  is  persuasive  language.  NSW  Police buried  the  evidence,  ambushed  victims’ homes, removed kids from whistle-blowers.]

One middle-ground view of these stories is that satanic abuse ‘memories,’ although not literally true, may be a way for incest victims to symbolically represent the evil done to them. ‘I believe it is a metaphor,’ argues Dr Warwick Middleton, a Brisbane psychiatrist specialising in trauma. ‘It re-creates in the present a scenario that evokes the helplessness of the past.’

[Middleton presented subjective opinion and did not substantiate it with scientific evidence.]

But others are beginning to view Satanic ritual abuse as simply a form of mass hysteria sparked by a confluence of events in the early 1980s growing public alarm about child abuse, the rise of support groups and alternative counselling, the influence of Christian fundamentalism in the US and the popularity of ‘confessional’ TV chat shows such as Oprah,     which have given unquestioning coverage to stories of Satanism.

[Vague inference. There is no clarification of ‘others,’ their qualifications or associations. This is CIA propaganda aimed at swaying the reader’s opinion.]

Therapists  are  now  grappling  with  the  vexed question  of  whether  Satanic  abuse survivors are mentally ill people suffering delusions, vulnerable people influenced by their therapists or actual incest victims who have wildly distorted their abuse. If the latter  is  true, how  many  of  their  memories are  reliable,  and  how  can a  therapist possibly determine  what  is  fact  and  what  is fantasy? Remarkably,  however,  this debate  appears  to  be completely  bypassing  many  of  the therapists,  child  abuse workers and sexual assault counsellors who have banded together to combat ritual abuse. After  years  of  exposure  to  abuse cases, these  counsellors  are  adamant  that there is nothing unbelievable about the vivid detail of the stories they are hearing, and many view the current debate as a ‘backlash’ against their cause.

[The agent-journalist does not clarify how many and which ‘therapists’ he refers to, apart from Middleton who states an unproven opinion. He then introduces CIA concept that victims are  ‘deluded,’  ‘fantasists,’ their  memories  ‘unreliable.’  He  is  using  the  NLP equivalent  of writing, by repeating the word ‘unreliable.’]

Among  some  survivors  and  even  therapists,  the ‘backlash’  and  the  failure  of  police investigations are now cited as examples of the diabolical cleverness of Satanic cults, whose  influence reputedly  extends  to  the  top  of  our  society. ‘It’s  very  deliberately instigated by people who have an enormous amount to lose,’ says Janet. ‘I think it’s much more than a backlash … it’s actually orchestrated by ritual abuse perpetrators as a way of discrediting survivors.’

[Repeatedly placing quotation marks around the word ‘backlash’ is designed to persuade the reader to disagree with the professional’s testimony that she experienced a backlash.]

This  view  has  been fuelled by  allegations, currently  under  investigation,  that NSW police have been bribed by pedophiles. One therapist claims to have seen infra-red Federal  Police  photographs  of nocturnal  forest  rituals.  A  Child  Protection Services official talks about covens meeting around Australia on certain days of the year. Even the official  NSW  Government  booklet  on  ritual  abuse distributed  to  hundreds  of health workers since 1993 dismisses the growing body of contrary evidence as an example of society’s collective ‘denial.’

[The  agent-journalist’s  choice  of  the  word ‘fuelled’  is  subjective  persuasive  writing, not objective  news  reporting.  His  placing quotation  marks  around  the  word  ‘denial’ again persuades the reader to disbelieve the therapist’s witness testimony.]

Richard Guilliatt is still writing newspaper articles that subtly undermine the credibility of ritual abuse victims. His 2017 hit piece in The Australian targeted me.62

Wood Royal Commission

The ‘investigation’ referred to in the above article was the Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service (aka, Wood Royal Commission) which operated from 13 May 1994 to 30 Jun 1997. Justice James Roland Wood was appointed commissioner. The purpose of the investigation was to examine allegations of systemic and entrenched corruption within the NSW Police, namely that police were protecting pedophiles, and that some police were themselves involved in pedophile activities and ritual abuse. The Wood Royal Commission was to specifically examine multiple allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse at Sydney’s Seabeach Kindergarten.

The  Wood  Royal  Commission  was  sparked  by complaints  from  politician  Diedre Grusovin regarding  reports  of  a  child  trafficking  network involving  not  just  police,  but politicians, churches, child  welfare  services,  juvenile  detention  centres, the  Education Department,  media  moguls,  and entertainers. The  trafficking  operation  involved the ritual abuse of children who were pimped to Kings Cross brothels. The following Legislative Council document (dated 10 October 1990, p.8046) recorded Grusovin’s complaint:


The Hon. E.P. PICKERING: On 12th September Reverend the Hon. F.J. Nile asked a question regarding Satanism. The answer is as follows:

1.     Yes.

2.     No.  The  Hon.  Deirdre  Grusovin  alluded  to a network  of  pedophiles  and  said  that established networks, such as Satanists, could also be involved in these practices.

3.     I can assure the House that any allegations of child abuse or Satanism are and will continue to be thoroughly investigated by the New South Wales Police Service.

Wonderful Wollongong

Commissioner Wood chose Wollongong as his focus case because he had a big bloody mess to cover up:

For those whose memories do not extend back to the mid-1990s, Arena was a Labor politician in the NSW upper house, who gained national attention in 1996 when she named two people, retired judge David Yeldham and former state MP Frank Arkell as potential pedophiles. At the time, a royal commission into the NSW Police Service headed by Justice James Wood was in full swing, but Arena and others believed it was not doing enough to look at people in high places. Along with fellow Labor MP Deirdre Grusovin, Arena promised to name at least two Sydney men in a parliamentary speech, and the next day asked why the commission had not investigated Yeldham or Arkell. 63

Ordinarily, such allegations would have been met with probably successful defamation actions, but Arena spoke with the protection of parliamentary privilege, protecting her from being sued. Her speech caused an uproar and both men denied being pedophiles. But before long, Yeldham was revealed to have lived a double life as a homosexual, and he took his own life on November 4, 1996. Arkell was horrifically murdered on June 26, 1998, a fortnight after another Illawarra man, David O’Hearn, was killed in equally brutal fashion in his Albion Park home. The perpetrator in both cases was a 19-year old, Mark Valera, who claimed that both men had propositioned him sexually, and that he had been abused by his own father.

Frank  Arkell  (Wollongong  mayor),  David  O’Hearn (Wollongong  shopkeeper),  and Trevor John Parkin were ritually murdered. Parkin and O’Hearn were disembowell. O’Hearn was decapitated and his severed hand used to draw an inverted cross, pentagram, and the word ‘SATAN’ on his walls.64

Gareth Robinson: Wollongong's daily newspaper has been having a look. The Illawarra Mercury has published a  series of stories about the secret  lives of some of the city fathers, stories about a child sex ring, about priests and teachers abusing trust. There have  been  claims  of satanic  abuse,  none ever  proven, [note  the  same  subjective persuasive comment.] and a string of convictions in the courts. The line of inquiry into Wollongong itself runs long and deep. What was revealed at the Royal Commission goes    back  many  years,  to  another Mayor.  He  was  Tony  Bevan,  a  pilot, property developer, and one-time owner of Bevan's Real Estate Agency… There were complaints that Tony Bevan was having sex with young boys… Tony Bevan, who was known to offer boys the thrill of a ride in the plane he flew on regular shark patrols.

Victim: Tony Bevan started to take me up to the Kings Cross, which was during the week and every weekend.

These men were part of the Luciferian pedophile network that ritually abused and sex trafficked boys to the Kings Cross brothels. Incidentally, I witnessed children dropped by air into the shark infested waters to deter others from whistleblowing against the CIA trafficking network.

‘False Memory Syndrome’

In  1993,  Dr  Corydon  Hammond,  a  professor  at the  University  of  Utah’s School  of Medicine, conducted a seminar on federally funded mind control experiments. Topics covered  by  Hammond included brainwashing,  post-hypnotic  programming and  the induction  of  multiple  personalities  by  the CIA.  Hammond  contended  that the cult underground  has  roots  in  Nazi  Germany, and that  the  CIA’s  cult  mind  control techniques  were based  upon  those  of  Nazi  scientists  recruited  by the  CIA  for  Cold Warfare. (Researcher Lenny Lapon estimates in Mass Murderers in White Coats that 5,000 Nazis resettled in the US after WWII.) Hammond was forced to drop this line of inquiry  by professional  ridicule,  especially from  the  CIA’s False  Memory  Syndrome Foundation, and a barrage of death threats. At a recent regional conference on ritual child abuse, he regretted that he could no longer speak on the theme of government mind control.65

MK-ULTRA child rapist and killer Martin Orne co-founded the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. The  concept  of  ‘false  memory’  was  in  fact  the brainchild  of  Lt.  Col.  Michael Aquino, the US Army Intelligence Officer who headed Psychological Operations. In classic Psy-Op style, Aquino appeared on Oprah dressed in theatrical pop-satanism garb, to muddy the waters after multiple children identified him as a Luciferian pedophile. Aquino was implicated in  every  major  USA  case  involving  CIA child  trafficking,  ritual  abuse and  MK-ULTRA mind control, including the McMartin Preschool, Presidio Preschool, and Franklin scandals.

Aquino  and  Orne’s False  Memory Syndrome Foundation  (FMSF)  and its  Australian counterpart  (AFMA)  were  formed specifically  to  counter  the  tidal  wave  of disclosure  by victims of CIA child trafficking and Project MK-UKLTRA which began in the 1980s and peaked in  the  early  1990s  before  the  CIA effectively  shut  it  down.  The  FMSF  Board comprised  of former  CIA  and  military  doctors with  backgrounds  in  behaviour  modification  -  not ritual abuse.66  All members were accused pedophiles and/or CIA perpetrators. Like PIE, the FMSF offered legal support to accused pedophiles.Here are some facts about key False Memory associates:

USA ‘False Memory Syndrome’ Foundation (FMSF)
Martin T. Orne (Founder)
- Senior CIA MK-ULTRA psychiatrist.
- Raped and murdered countless MK-ULTRA child subjects.
- Co-Director, Unit for Experimental Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania.
- Experimented in hypnotic programming and dissolving memory.

Aaron T. Beck
- MK-ULTRA psychologist.
- Father of Clinical Psychology and CBT.

Campbell W. Perry
- Australian hypnosis expert.
- MK-ULTRA psychologist.

Elizabeth Loftus
- Conducted unethical bogus research, fabricated statistics, generalised narrow findings to population at large.
- Successfully sued twice for lying about child abuse victims.
- Avoided psychology deregistration by resigning.

Ralph Underwager
- Psychiatrist discredited in US courts.
-     Told Amsterdam pedophile magazine journalist it is ‘God’s will’ and ‘responsible’ for adults to rape children.
- Told  British  reporters  in  1994  that  ‘scientific evidence’  proved  60% of  all  women molested as children believed the experience was ‘good for them.’

Hollida Wakefield-Underwager
- Ralph Underwager’s wife.

Peter and Pamela Freyd
- Psychiatrists.
- Step siblings who married.
- Peter was sexually abused at age 11 and later prostituted himself.
- Accused of incest by their daughter.

Harold Lief
- Former Army Major in Medical Corps.
- Close colleague of Martin Orne.
- MK-ULTRA  psychiatrist  experimented  with behaviour  modification  and  hypnosis programming at the University of Pennsylvania’s Unit for Experimental Psychiatry.
- Employed  by  the  Freyds  to  retrospectively diagnose  their  adult  daughter  as  a ‘fantasist’ for accusing them of incest, after he joined the FMSF, and when he was not Jennifer Freyd’s doctor. He made this diagnosis after Jennifer had qualified as a PhD psychologist and university lecturer, and after she outed her parents during a 1993 conference presentation.

David Dinges
- Co-Director  of  University  of  Pennsylvania’s Unit for  Experimental  Psychiatry  with Martin Orne.

Margaret Singer
- Testified with Louis Jolyon West in Patty Hearst’s trial.
- Experts on cults and brainwashing.
- Investigated techniques used by North Koreans against American soldiers.
- Collaborated with CIA doctor Richard Ofshe.    67

Australian False Memory Association

Michael Cox (President)
- Accused by daughter of sexual abuse.
- Convicted   of   raping   two   stepsons   (his conviction   was   typically   overturned on technicality).
- President   CAFSA   (Citizens   Against   False Sexual   Allegations; CAFSA knowingly employed convicted  pedophile  Bob  Dutton;  CAFSA  was supported  by  MK-ULTRA hypnotist Peter W. Sheehan.

Robert Stanley (President)
- Member International Society of Hypnosis.
- Deregistered by Psychology Board for having sex with a client who died shortly after.    

Graham Dene Burrows
- Order of Australia Medal.
- Authored books on hypnosis.
- Provided   reference   in   failed   attempt   to reinstate   associate   Robert   Stanley’s psychology registration.
- Photographed hosting Martin Orne at his home on 22 August 1979.
- Victorian  Medical  Board  reluctantly  ‘investigated’ him  in  2011  after  the  media reported they had received 100 complaints about him in three days.69 (Used patient as   guinea   pig,   resulting   in suicide.   Destroyed   patient   medical  file   to prevent investigation into his over-prescription of drugs causing kidney failure.)
- Retrospectively diagnosed father as mentally ill and so not responsible for throwing his 4-year-old off a bridge.70  (Criticised by presiding judge. Accused of concocting the evidence by MP who demanded the University of Melbourne sack him.)

Jerome Gelb
- Co-founded the AFMA in consultation with FMSF.
- Branded ‘mentally unstable’ after bringing a loaded handgun to court. A subsequent police raid found a cache of illegal weapons (800 rounds, guns, knives, cattle prod)stored in his home.71

Edward Ogden
- Worked for the Victorian Police Force (who were outed by Dr Reina Michaelson as Luciferian pedophiles).
- Said, ‘Mind-control is a fantasy of the Cold War.’
- Involved in various drug experiments.

David Millikan
- ‘Cult investigator’ who said, ‘only middle-class people join cults.’
- Worked for the ABC with Nevill Drury.
- Co-authored ABC book with Drury promoting Christianity and New Age compatibility.
- Drury was a Luciferian and Shaman who took LSD at the Esalen Institute.
- Drury promoted Michael Aquino.
- Drury  wrote  the  only  authoritative  biography  of Rosaleen  Norton,  the notorious 1950s-60s ‘Witch of Kings Cross’ who worshipped Pan, Hecate, Lilith and Lucifer, and practised Kundalini yoga, out-of-the-body trance exploration, and Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic sex magick.

Jan Groenveld
- ‘Investigated cults’ with David Millikan.
- Daughter is a Satanic Ritual Abuse victim.
- CAN (Cult Awareness Network) member with MK-ULTRA US Army doctor Col. Louis Jolyon West (my perpetrator).
- Founded Australia’s Cult Awareness Information Centre.
-     Trained in MK-ULTRA developed Neuro Linguistic Programming.
- Influenced  by  Steven  Alan  Hassan  (CAN member  mentored  by  NLP  creator  John Grinder).

Yolande Lucire
- Demonstrated a Scientology approach to psychiatric medication.
- Agreed  to  not  administer  psychiatric  treatment to  a  Scientologist’s  daughter  who consequently killed her father.
- Member Australia’s Cult Awareness Information Centre.

Peter and Pamela Freyd were step siblings who married. They coined the term ‘false memory syndrome’  in  response  to  being  accused  of sexually  abusing  their  daughter  Dr Jennifer Freyd, a University of Oregon Psychology Professor who outed them at a 1993 mental health conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan. On 17 April 1995, Peter Freyd’s brother William wrote an open letter to WGBH-Boston, criticising the TV station’s inexplicable bias in favour of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation:

There is no doubt in my mind that there was severe abuse in the home of Peter and Pam…The False Memory Syndrome Foundation is a fraud designed to deny a reality that Peter and Pam have spent most of their lives trying to escape.72

Ralph Underwager was a founding FMSF member. In June 1991, Joseph Geraci, Editor- in-Chief  of  the pro-pedophilia  publication, Paidika:  The  Journal of  Paedophilia  interviewed Ralph  Underwager  in Amsterdam. During  this  interview,  Geraci asked  Underwager,  ‘Is choosing pedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individual?’ Underwager responded:

Certainly, it is responsible. What I have been struck by as I have come to know more about and understand people who choose paedophilia is that they let themselves be too much defined by other people. That is usually an essentially negative definition. Pedophiles spend a lot of time and energy defending their choice. I don’t think that a pedophile needs to do that. Pedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God’s will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people. A pedophile can say: ‘This closeness is possible for me within the choices that I’ve made.’ Pedophiles are too defensive. They go around saying, ‘You people out there are saying that what I choose is bad, that it’s no good. You’re putting me in prison, you’re doing all these terrible things to me. I have to define my love as being in some way or other illicit.’ What I think is that pedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness, they can say, ‘I believe this is in fact part of God’s will.’ They have the right to make these statements for themselves as personal choices. Now, whether or not they can persuade other people they are right is another matter.

‘Mr Bubbles’ Ritual Abuse Case

Ralph Underwager gave crucial evidence in Australia’s notorious ‘Mr Bubbles’ case in which   children   were sexually   and   ritually  abused   while   attending Sydney’s   Seabeach Kindergarten. Underwager was interviewed by Australia’s 60 Minutes in an episode, Witness for Mr Bubbles, which aired 5 August 1990. Reporter Mike Munro stated:

Six  weeks  ago  (17  June  1990)  we  brought  you a  story  that  a  number  of  people, including some in high places, wanted to keep secret: the case against Mr Bubbles. In that report, parents named Tony Deren as the man who had sexually assaulted their children.  Deren’s  wife  ran  the kindergarten  they  attended.  Tonight, we investigate another crucial aspect of this disturbing case. You remember, police listed seventeen young victims, and more than fifty (54) criminal charges were eventually laid. But when the Mr Bubbles case went to court, not one of the children was called to give evidence. The charges were thrown out, and Tony Deren was set free.

One of the key Deren witnesses was a hired gun from the United States, a psychologist named Ralph Underwager, who says he’s an expert in child sexual abuse. He testified that the children’s evidence had been contaminated, and they were too young to know what the truth was… This is Ralph Underwager, psychologist. He was paid $25,000 and gave crucial evidence in favour of Tony Deren; evidence which helped Deren walk free. Always the same story: three and four-year-olds being lured into bubble baths with a man who sexually abused them.

PROFESSOR KIM OATES: Having examined them, and talked with them, I’m absolutely convinced the children were sexually abused.

REPORTER: There’s absolutely no doubt?

OATES: No doubt at all

REPORTER: That’s the evidence Professor Kim Oates wanted to give in court. But he was never asked. As head of the Child Protection Unit at the Camperdown Children’s Hospital  in  Sydney,  he’s known  around  the  world  as  an  expert in detecting  child sexual abuse.

REPORTER: So, we have 18 children who were examined, five of whom your staff say were definitely sexually abused, and all of them from the same preschool. What’s your reaction to that?

OATES: Well, I think if you look at the incidence of significant child sexual abuse in the community, significant enough to lay physical findings in the preschool age group, I think it’s extraordinary.

REPORTER:  This  is  Debbie’s  medical  report. Once again,  it  was  positive;  there  was sexual abuse.

DEBBIE’S MOTHER: I was entirely spun out on that because I, at that point, had been trying to tell myself that, no, this wasn’t happening, it wasn’t true, who would interfere with my child.

ANOTHER CHILD: (wasn’t identified): I put some things in his body, and he put some things in my body, but I didn’t want him to.

REPORTER: Cindy’s medical report confirms she was abused. The doctor found signs consistent with traumatic dilatation of the anus.

REPORTER:This is Boroko Court House, Port Moresby, New Guinea. In 1972, Deren was  brought  here, charged  with  the  aggravated  assault  of  two young  girls.  He’d interfered  with  them  in  a swimming  pool. Something  Deren  admits. And  both charges were proven.

REPORTER: There’s no doubt scores of questions remain unanswered in the Mr Bubbles case, and some of them relate to Ralph Underwager, the expert witness Tony Deren paid  to  testify  on  his  behalf. Ralph  Underwager  was  imperative  to  Tony Deren’s defence.  As  a  supposed  independent expert,  he  testified  that  the  evidence  of the Bubbles children had become contaminated. And, they were too young to understand their   duty   to tell   the   truth.   But,   here   in   America, we’ve certainly   discovered Underwager’s reputation and credentials aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

DR ANNA SALTER: Well, he is someone who makes his living going around the country and testifying against children in child sexual abuse cases. He says the same thing in essentially every case. Which is every…

REPORTER: And Anna Salter knows what she’s talking about. A PhD from Harvard, and a master’s degree in Early Childhood. She says young children can be believed.

DR ANNA SALTER: This is consistent with the literature. If you look at what is the best legal textbook in the country today on children as witnesses, ‘Child Witness: Theory and   Practice,’ Malcolm   Meyers   says clearly   children   as  young as three   can comprehend the duty to tell the truth.

REPORTER: And this man is a highly respected legal scholar in America?

DR ANNA SALTER: I think he’s fairly clearly the chief leading scholar on child sexual abuse in the country.

REPORTER: Six American states have given Dr Salter a grant to check Underwager’s methods in court. And what did she find?

DR  ANNA  SALTER:  That  he  isn’t  accurate.  That what  he  says  in  court  does  not necessarily fairly represent the literature.

REPORTER: He distorts the facts?

DR  ANNA  SALTER:  Uh,  frequently.  Sometimes  he quotes  specific  studies,  and  he’s frequently wrong about what the studies say.

REPORTER: So, we thought we’d get Dr Salter to analyse the evidence Underwager gave under oath at the Mr Bubbles hearing, where he testified his qualifications had never  been  questioned.  But  in  an  American  case,  the  Swann  case,  this is  what  the courts said about Mr Underwager.

DR  ANNA  SALTER: The  court  remains  convinced the  psychologist  did  not  have  the qualifications to testify  as  a  doctor.  The  trial  court  ruled that  the psychologist’s proposed testimony was not proper because there was no indication that the results of the doctor’s work had been accepted in the scientific community.

REPORTER: In the Mr Bubbles case, he said his qualifications were never in question.Now, the second incident, in the Mr Bubbles case, was where Underwager said that 90 percent of accusations against child molesters are wrong. Now, is that backed up scientifically?

DR ANNA SALTER: No, that’s gobbledegook. I don’t know of any study that would support that…

REPORTER:  Ralph  Underwager  was  hired  to defend  Polly’s  father.  And  as usual,  he testified that nothing had happened. It was all a delusion, and Polly had simply made the whole story up. But then,Underwager was cross-examined by Polly’s lawyer, Eric Vaughan.

LAWYER: He used the theory that it was a delusion of the child that she was doing a favour for the mother by saying this happened when it really didn’t happen, to gain the favour and to be the apple of the eye of the mother.

REPORTER: A delusion that she was continually raped over four days.

LAWYER: That’s right.

REPORTER: The jury took only an hour to decide Polly Barnes was telling the truth, and that Ralph Underwager’s testimony that nothing had happened, could be ignored. In fact, Underwager’s evidence was rejected so much, the jury awarded Polly three and a quarter million dollars… So, while Underwager was being rejected here in America, he had no such trouble at the Mr Bubbles hearing in Australia where he testified that the children were too young to tell the truth… Ralph Underwager has testified for the defendants in about 400 child abuse cases.

Wood RC Cover-Up

The Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service Final Report was published on 1 May 1997. Three volumes of this report were devoted to pedophilia inquiries. Volume Four, Chapter 5 (pp.99 -116) were solely devoted to the subject of Ritual Abuse. At the end of this chapter, Commissioner James Wood concluded:

5.13 From a common sense perspective, while it must be recognised that apparently respectable and successful members of the community do commit child sexual abuse, a quantum leap in credibility is required to suppose that they would do so in the bizarre, ritualistic way described, which includes the infliction of serious, even fatal, injury and mutilation upon their own children.

James  Wood’s  examination  of  Ritual  Abuse amounted  to  a  blatantly  biased white washing.Wood devoted the entire content of Chapter 5 of his report to discrediting victims, parroting  critics’  unscientific  reasons  for why  Ritual  Abuse  does  not  exist  in Australia, excluding the evidence for Ritual Abuse’s existence, and listing alternative possible reasons none scientifically evidenced  for the epidemic of SRA reports in Australia. James Wood’s list of alternative explanations included:

- Mental illness
- Substance abuse history
- Urban legend
- ‘Metaphor for incest’
- Lying to get compensation
- Exposure to ritual themes in books, film or television.

Concerning the last point, Forensic Psychology academics told my post graduate class the  media do not  influence  people’s  thinking and  behaviour. Horror  movies,  violent  video games and rock music do not influence people to commit heinous crimes.By contrast, Wood claimed  film  and television  influence  people  to  believe  that heinous  crimes  have  been perpetrated against them.

In his Final Report, Commissioner Wood said Ritual Abuse does not exist from a law enforcement perspective because:

1.Rarely, if ever, are bodies of the ‘victims’ or their graves found, nor do neighbours,friends or relatives report children missing in the numbers required to account for the allegations;

2.there is rarely, if ever, any evidence of the kind which can be confirmed by modern forensic technology;

3.signs of physical injury in the form of scarring, burns and the like, are not found upon medical examination  of  ‘victims’  who  report  torture  of the  most  extreme  and prolonged  kind;  more often  than  not  the  medical  examination  fails to  confirm  the abuse as alleged;

4.in cases of criminal conspiracy, inter-group jealousies or disputes inevitably develop and throw up an informant. In cases of RA, this rarely if ever occurs. Similarly, a co-conspirator who is otherwise in trouble, and prepared to supply information in  return for         an immunity or assistance in sentencing, rarely emerges;

5.again, contrary to experience with child sexual abuse generally, most of  the offenders are reported to be females;

6.although many ‘victims’ claim that photographs are taken and videotapes made of the activity, visual records of the kind are rarely found, nor does the large amount of child pornography in circulation portray the bizarre and ritualistic activities described; and

7.so many people tell the same story and allege the involvement of so many others in the events that it is difficult to see how there could not be independent evidence, or knowledge of it on the part of persons outside the alleged rings.

I will address James Wood’s 7 points:

1a. Bodies  and  graves  are  indeed  found.  Police and  doctors  who  are  part  of  the trafficking Network write bogus reports to coverup the deaths. I witnessed Leonas Petrauskas write a fake death certificate saying a child was stung by a blue bottle, to cover Paul Keating’s crime. When I made a witness statement to Terry Frost at Tweed Heads Police, he said my accounts matched numerous ‘unsolved murders’ in the Sydney areas I named, and he would urgently send my statement to Sutherland detectives.

b. Most bodies are disposed of. I witnessed bodies being fed to dogs, cremated in factory furnaces, dissolved in chemical pools, and thrown from a helicopter into the ocean. Bodies are commonly fed to pigs (Paul Keating had a pig farm). I am sure you can think of a few other ways of disposing of dead bodies. Just watch TV for inspiration…

c.Most child murder victims are bred by cult members and slave breeders for the purpose of ritual sacrifice. Their births are never registered. Many children are legally stolen from  parents  via  Child Protective  Services.  Thousands  of  babies were  stolen  from  ‘unfit’ mothers and ‘adopted.’ Many children are  trafficked by  pedophile parents,  and when the innocent  parents  find  out and  report  the  matter  to  police,  dirty  cops write bogus  reports against  the  innocent  parents  who subsequently  lose  custody  of  the  child  victims.  I later received  a  call from  a  lawyer  who told me the  Sutherland detective  in  charge  of  my case covered up the sex trafficking of her client’s son in this manner.

d. My cult grandparents’ neighbour who resided at 12 McAlister Ave was also a cult member. His obese wife ‘committed suicide’ after she had a nervous breakdown following the multiple ‘cot deaths’ of her young children. I witnessed one of these ‘cot deaths’ when I was five years old. The preschool boy was ritually sacrificed by the neighbour and my step-grandfather in the front room of the neighbour’s house. Leonas Petrauskas wrote the death certificate.

2.Again,  there  certainly  is  evidence.  Network members  in  positions  of  authority routinely fabricate circumstances surrounding victims’ deaths. Doctors and police routinely falsify death certificates and police reports. Take for example the 1986 murder of Sallie-Anne Huckstepp by dirty cop Roger Rogerson who protected the Sydney child trafficking operation that  James  Wood  investigated.  Sallie-Anne  was  writing  an  article  about the  Sydney child trafficking network when Rogerson’s contract on her was fulfilled. Sallie-Anne was found dead in Sydney’s Centennial park. The usual police coroner was not on duty the day police were called to Sallie-Anne’s body. The substitute officer arrived and was instructed to record the death as suicide by drowning in a pond. The honest police officer noted struggle marks on Sallie-Anne’s arms and wrote the death up as suspicious. This led to an investigation during which    the officer gave what he thought was a confidential testimony; however, by the time he arrived back at his station, everyone knew what he had just said. He was consequently victimised, traumatised,  and  transferred  1000  kilometres away  to  Murwillumbah  police station. Yet NSW police continued to hound the man; they raided his home multiple times in search of grounds for charging him - such as a pencil taken from work. The clean cop was forced to retire from the police force. He withdrew to a farm out the back of Mount Warning and never recovered from the trauma of what the corrupt NSW cops did to him. So, if that is what accidentally emerged because a good cop happened to be on duty on the wrong day, imagine what convicted murderer Roger Rogerson’s minions routinely covered up every other day?

3a. As part of their Order of the Illuminati practises, bloodline victims like me must not be physically flawed or scarred, and sacrifices must be without blemish. My abusers were experts  at  administering torture  techniques,  including  electrocution,  that do  not  leave physical evidence. It is possible to beat someone in the gut through a phone book to hide superficial evidence of the beating, a traditional police method.

b.  Some  victims  do  carry  scars,  but  police  and medical  staff  do  not believe  victim accounts of how these were acquired. DID victim Jennifer Haynes (who made history when her dissociative parts were granted permission to testify in court) appeared on 60 Minutes (26 May 2019) to discuss her horrific child abuse. Her physical scarring is so severe she wears a colostomy bag and can never have children. Yet her testimony was ‘consistently faced with ridicule and disbelief.’ (Note  that during the initial show trailer, Jennifer mentioned being subjected to ‘ritual abuse’  yet 60 Minutes subsequently edited this out of the broadcasted episode.)

c.Any leakage of physical evidence is routinely covered up. I accidentally suffocated during a ritual and was transported to Sutherland Hospital for resuscitation. To cover for the incident, my perpetrators told hospital staff one of the cult members was my mother, and duped medical staff release me into her care.

4. The notion that an informant would voluntarily step forward is the most ridiculous point  on  James Wood’s  list. Like  the  mafia,  pedophile  ring membership  is  a  life-long commitment. As the famous Hotel California song says, ‘You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.’ At six years of age, deep in the National Park, I witnessed the fate of a ‘traitor’ who tried to leave the pedophile ring. Each of the man’s four limbs was tied to a different vehicle. The four vehicles then accelerated in opposite directions. I certainly was reluctant to talk after being made to watch that.

5. I witnessed male and female ritual abuse perpetrators, and believe me, the women were as debauched as the men. However, a disproportionate number of men were involved in my abuse, and in the abuse of the numerous other ritual abuse victims who contacted me.

6.  As  for  Wood’s  reference  to  an  alleged  lack of videotape  and  other  evidence, consider the 2004 disappearance of the video evidence that Dr Reina Michaelson submitted to      the  Victorian  Police Commissioner.  The  video  footage  featured  men in Victorian  Police uniform  raping  preschool  children at  a  Mornington  Peninsula  childcare  centre.  The video footage ‘disappeared’ in police custody. Reina told me she was subsequently slapped with a ‘D-Notice’ on the grounds that what she knew about the government’s involvement in child trafficking could undermine the public’s confidence in the government.

7. When examining ritual abuse from a law enforcement perspective, James Wood ignored the following ritual abuse case which preceded his ‘investigation’ by three years:

David Humphries, Sydney Morning Herald, 13 March 1991.

PERTH: Perth police say they have proved a link between organised child sex abuse and devil worship, following the conviction on Monday of a young man on 22 charges of indecent assault and dealing and of evil intent. The head of WA’s child sex abuse unit, Detective-Sergeant   Roger   Smart,   said   the conviction   of   Scott   Brian  Gozenton demonstrated the link. Satanic practices ‘and the associated abuse perpetrated on children is prevalent in the United States and Britain and no-one can now doubt that the link can be made here,’ Sergeant Smart said.

Gozenton,  20,  pleaded  guilty  to  all  charges  and was  remanded  until  April  5  for sentencing  after the  District  Court  was  told  that  13 witchcraft  covens  operated  in Perth. Judge Kennedy was told that Gozenton had been a victim of sex abuse as an eight-year-old and had been recruited as a teenager into a satanic cult where adults practised bizarre  sex  with  each  other,  their  own  children and  teenage recruits.  The more  bizarre  and perverse  the  orgies,  the  closer  cult  members felt  to  the  Devil,Gozenton’s barrister, Mr Mark Trowell, said. ‘The real villains are those individuals who visited their perversity on this young man,’ Mr Trowell said. Gozenton was a tragic result of sexual abuse perpetrated by a school caretaker against himself and six other boys for three years. Shame prevented him from revealing his ‘terrible secret’ and he became introverted, rebellious and distant from his parents. ‘At the age of 14, he was approached by a school chum about a new family where rebellion was encouraged and someone like this young man could get a sense of belonging,’ Mr Trowell said. He said the coven was attended by about 20 adults of both sexes, their young children and the teenage recruits. Rituals were both homosexual and heterosexual, he said.

His client had recognised cult members at earlier hearings but had refused to identify them  for  fear of  reprisals,  Mr  Trowell  said.  ‘These  evil  people kept this  young  man under their spell and direction for four years while these offences against him were committed. He…was instructed to establish a junior coven for the purpose of recruiting junior members from school and the Scout group with which he was associated.’

Mr Trowell said the initiation rituals mostly involved touching of genitals and, apart from  three  charges of  oral  sex  were  ‘not  unduly  perverse.’  The evil  design  charges related to attempts to recruit others into the cult, where Gozenton had the code name of Death. He said Gozenton had been seeking to extricate himself from the satanists, established a stable  relationship  with  a  woman  and  improved relations  with  his parents and did not deserve a jail sentence.

Mr  Chris  Drew,  for  the  Crown,  said  the  charges against  Gozenton  were ‘extremely serious’ and that jail was the only option available.

The Devil Made Me Do It
Royal Commissioner James Wood also ignored the Australian 60 Minutes episode that aired in the late 1980s called,The Devil Made Me Do It. It aired one year after an episode, Satan’s Children, in which a 15-year-old English girl Teresa detailed her experience of Ritual Abuse. Reporter  Ian  Leslie presented  both  episodes. The  Devil  Made  Me  Do It  involved  a discussion panel including Senator Fred Nile plus two former coven pedophile ring members, a  young  man  from  Sydney  and  a young  woman  from  Adelaide. The  Adelaide woman  was under  police  investigation  for  her involvement  in  criminal  activities  (including  the ritual murder  of  babies)  which,  she  said,  were committed  on  campus  by  a  coven  comprised of University of Adelaide staff and students.

Elizabeth Loftus: CIA Psychologist
Royal Commissioner James Wood used the gangrenous writings of CIA psychologist Elizabeth Loftus  to  dismiss  multiple  witness  accounts  of organised  pedophilia  and  ritual abuse. Wood’s Final Report referenced Loftus’ 1994 book, The Myth of Repressed Memory: False Memories and Allegations of Sexual Abuse, to support his conclusions:

a. ‘False memories’ of Ritual Abuse can be artificially created as a result of third person suggestion,

b. A  victim  of  Ritual  Abuse can’t  experience dissociation  and  repression  of  traumatic memories, and

c. Ritual Abuse victims are female ‘attention-seeking’ hypochondriacs whose flashbacks may be attributed to overly zealous female therapists.

Loftus’  1994   book  was  not   a   scientifically conducted,  peer   reviewed   research publication. It was just a book.

At the time of her 1994 book release, Loftus had published one study relevant to her ‘false memory’ theory, an experiment which examined university students’ memory for films of car accidents.73

In 1995, Loftus co-published the notorious Lost in a Shopping Mall study. 74  75  76  77  78 Loftus’ assigned  University  of  Washington  postgraduate student  James  Coan  as  chief  co-investigator for her mall study. Subjects’ family members were asked to provide James Coan with three true childhood stories about the subjects, and to describe a typical family shopping trip. Based on the shopping trip descriptions, a false story was created for each subject about getting lost as a child during a shopping trip. Subjects were told their family members said the events  ‘had  happened.’ The  subjects  were  asked  to  repeat  the stories  and  to  try  and remember more details. Finally, the subjects were told that one of the memories was false and asked to choose the false memory.

Elizabeth  Loftus  conducted  and  published  this research  before  receiving ethical approval for the study. Loftus added a second interview plus another evaluation scale to the research protocol long after the study was approved on 10 August 1992.

James Coan reported in his 1993 honours thesis that only 6/24 subjects completed the study, and zero subjects created a false memory.79 80  Crook and Dean (1999) analysed Loftus’ data and discovered only 2/24 subjects likely completed the study.81 First year psychology students are taught, a minimum of n=10 subjects is required for valid statistical analysis. So, Loftus  blatantly  lied when  she  reported:  ‘Of  the  24  total, 19  subjects correctly  chose  the getting-lost memory as the false one, while the remaining five incorrectly thought that one of the true events was the false one… These findings reveal that people can be led to believe that entire events happened to them after suggestions to that effect.’82

The raw data from the shopping mall study were subpoenaed by defence attorneys in Burgus v. Braun. Loftus successfully obtained a gag order for her fraudulent data. The case settled on 31 October 1997 and the data returned to Loftus.

Elizabeth Loftus published another lab experiment in 1996.83 This examined, ‘whether imagining  events from  one’s  past  can  affect  memory  for childhood  events.’ A  total  of  38 undergraduate psychology  students  (young  female  university students  studying  the  same course)  participated in  the  study  for  course  credit.  Loftus  asked the students  to  imagine described events such as tripping over or falling through a window.

The  characteristics  of  Elizabeth  Loftus’  samples made  it  inappropriate  for  her  to generalise findings  from  her  studies  to  the  population  at large.  And  yet  Loftus  drew conclusions from these severely flawed studies about the reliability of child abuse memories, and the possibility that a parent or therapist could create false memories of child abuse in a person  who  has  experienced trauma  of  the  most  severe  kind. Loftus  basically equated  a psychology student’s experience of watching a car crash film or imagining themselves falling over      – with real life accounts of being systematically raped and tortured throughout one’s development. That is beyond preposterous.

Elizabeth Loftus’ conclusions failed to hold up under cross examination. In 1994, Lynn Crook  successfully sued  Loftus.  Lawyer  Barbara  Jo  Levy  asked Loftus,  ‘If  you  are  asked  to testify about your experiments of implanting false memories, would you use those first six?’ Loftus replied, ‘No, I don’t think I will use the first six’ (Transcript, p.61).

In December 1995, two women filed ethics complaints against Elizabeth Loftus with the American  Psychological  Association,  claiming  she had  misrepresented  their  successful recalled memory lawsuits to the media. Loftus resigned from the APA in January 1996, so the APA dropped their investigation.

A Washington Post article entitled, In the Sharon Case, a Grilling to Remember (27October 2006) described a damning cross examination of Elizabeth Loftus:

But when Fitzgerald got his chance to cross-examine Loftus about her findings, he had her  stuttering  to explain  her  own  writings  and  back  pedalling from  her  earlier assertions.  Citing  several  of  her publications,  footnotes  and  the  work of  her peers, Fitzgerald got Loftus to acknowledge that the methodology she had used at times in her  long academic career was not that scientific, that her conclusions about memory were conflicting, and that she had exaggerated a figure and a statement from her survey of D.C. jurors that favoured the defence.

In 2003, Nicole Tau successfully sued Loftus for invasion of privacy. At age six years, during  a videotaped  interview  by  a  medical  doctor,  Tau had  accused  her  mother  of  child abuse.  Tau subsequently  forgot  her  abuse  but  spontaneously recalled  it at  age  17  years. Corwin  and  Olafson (1997)  published  an  article  about  the case,  favouring  the  notion  that repressed memory of childhood abuse can be recalled. Elizabeth Loftus set out to discredit Tau by hiring a private investigator to locate Tau. The PI lied to Tau’s family by pretending to be Corwin’s research assistant. Loftus subsequently  published an article based on the  PI’s interviews with Tau’s family in which she identified Tau as a victim of crime. Tau filed an ethics complaint  against  Loftus  in  1999 with  the  University  of  Washington  who  upheld the complaint.

During a 2013 TED Talk about memory, Loftus intentionally misrepresented the basic facts of Nicole Tau’s case by saying it was about a ‘woman’ who ‘accused her mother of sexual abuse based on a repressed memory.’ Loftus knowingly omitted crucial facts of the case: that Tau  was  six  years  old when she  made  the  report,  then  forgot  the  memory, and  then spontaneously and accurately recalled the memory 11 years later at age 17 years.

CIA Infiltrated Australian Therapy Industry
A  1994  FMS  newsletter  documented  the influence the  CIA  pedophiles  had on Australian therapists. The following is a letter to the FMA from Jerome Gelb (the psychiatrist who took a loaded handgun to court):

The Australian False Memory Association has now been formally organized. The links between the AFMA and Australian professionals seem strong and the fact that the Australian Psychological Society [APS] has already established guidelines for recovered memory situations indicates a positive and determined approach by professionals to deal with the problem.

A  letter  from  Dr  Jerome  Gelb,  a  psychiatrist  in Australia,  affirms  this  optimism.  He states, ‘I am writing to keep you up to date with events in Australia regarding FMS and Recovered   Memory Therapy.   Australian  Psychiatrists   are,   apart from very   few exceptions, fully aware of the iatrogenesis of so-called repressed memories, MPD and Satanic Abuse. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists has been helpful in publishing on the issue.’

Dr Gelb mentioned the television and newspaper articles that have recently appeared in Australia noting that they understand the iatrogenic nature of some memories. Dr Gelb said that he had published a detailed letter to the Editor in the December 1994 RANZCP Journal of Psychiatry and that the journal of Australasian Psychiatry, Vol 2, No 4, August 1994, pp 179-180 had published his article, ‘Reality Revisited.’

Dr Gelb went on to write that, ‘I feel that public opinion in Australia is supportive and the media is also. Most importantly, Australian Psychiatrists are almost universally wary of American therapy fads and are highly critical of poorly trained therapists and the inappropriate use of suggestion, persuasion and memory recovery techniques of all kinds. Please let your membership know of these developments.’ 84

*           *           *
CIA-Dictated APS Recovered Memory Guidelines

The APS Guidelines Relating to Recovered Memories were introduced on 27 October 1994. According to the 1994 US FMS newsletter, the APS Guidelines Relating to Recovered Memories were adapted from a book written by MK-ULTRA hypnosis researchers Australian Peter W. Sheehan and Kevin M. McConkey which was based on their hypnosis research.85 Peter  Sheehan  and  Kevin McConkey  both  conducted  hypnosis  research with MK-ULTRA psychiatrist  Martin  T.  Orne. 86  Kevin  McConkey  was  the  current  APS  President, and  his hypnosis book was currently in press, when the APS introduced their Guidelines Relating to Recovered  Memories that  he  co-authored.  Here are  the  key  points  from  APS Guidelines Relating to  Recovered  Memories  that  stopped  Australian psychologists  acknowledging  the existence of ritual abuse and mind control, and treating victims of extreme abuse, for the following 25 years:

- Memories can be altered, deleted, and created by events that occur during and after the time of encoding, and during the period of storage, and during any attempts at retrieval.

- Although  some  clinical  observations  support  the notion  of  repressed  memories,empirical research on memories generally does not. Moreover, the scientific evidence does  not  allow  general statements  to  be  made  about  any relationship  between trauma and memory.

- The available scientific and clinical evidence does not allow accurate, inaccurate, and fabricated memories to be distinguished in the absence of independent corroboration.

- Assumptions  that  adult  problems  may  or  may not  be  associated  with  repressed memories from childhood can’t be sustained by available scientific evidence.

- Psychologists should be alert to the role that they may play in creating or shaping false memories.

- Psychologists should seek to meet the needs of clients who report memories of abuse and should do this quite apart from the truth or falsity of those reports.

- Psychologists  should  explore  with  the  client the meaning  and  implications  of  the memory for the client, rather than focus solely on the content of the reported memory.

- Psychologists  should  be  aware  that  research  is needed  to  understand  more  about trauma-related memory,  techniques  to  enhance  memory,  and techniques  to  deal effectively with childhood sexual abuse.

Let me place things into perspective: The men who wrote these APS Guidelines trained under Martin Orne who, according to US Congressional witness testimony, raped, tortured and murdered children in the name of national security and psychological research. Here is my retort to the above points:

- There is zero scientific evidence to support the claim that mainstream therapists can create false memories. Only MK-ULTRA doctors possess the knowledge and military technology to radically alter memory. Memories can only be deleted during and after encoding  using  unethical  hypnosis,  illicit drugs,torture,  and  cutting-edge medical procedures.

- ‘False memory syndrome’ is not a recognised mental health condition, has no clinical history or symptomatology (when Repressed Memory has both) and does not feature in the DSM.

- A  range  of  studies  using  various  methodologies across  cultures  support  a  causal relationship between trauma and dissociation (alterations in memory and identity). One research team found, ‘strong empirical support for the hypothesis that trauma causes  dissociation,  and  that dissociation  remains  related  to  trauma  history when fantasy  proneness  is  controlled.  We  find little  support  for  the  hypothesis  that the dissociation-trauma   relationship   is   due   to fantasy   proneness   or   confabulated memories of trauma.’ 87

- The APS basically ruled that unless the therapist can find a third-party witness to the abuse, they should not work with  or even acknowledge as substantially true  the client’s abuse memories. The APS should apply the same rule for every experience a client brings to therapy, otherwise that is bias. Courts consider an individual’s witness testimony  a form  of  evidence,  yet  the  APS  does  not. Perpetrators  are adept  at concealing their crimes and eliminating witnesses, a fact the APS ignores.

- Genuine belief in a client’s testimony is essential for establishing rapport and eliciting client trust. Therapists can’t possibly meet the therapeutic needs of Extreme Abuse victims  unless  they  believe  and understand  the  abuse  account.  A  client  will trust sufficiently  to  disclose  their  abuse  details, and  therefore  integrate,  only  once  they perceive the therapist sincerely believes them. Empathy and belief can’t be feigned toward hypervigilant high IQ victims.

- Victims  will  never  process  and  heal  from extreme  childhood  abuse  unless  therapy focuses on   the   actual   abuse   memories,  including   the thoughts   and   feelings experienced during the childhood trauma incident, instead of what the adult victim presently thinks and feels about their memories of Extreme Abuse.

Loftus Legacy in Australia

Elizabeth Loftus was discredited, professionally disciplined, and successfully sued in the USA for her blatant lack of ethical conduct and unscientific methodology. Despite this, Loftus’ unproven opinion regarding memory: (a) was the basis for Royal Commissioner James Wood’s dismissal of multiple independent reports of Ritual Abuse; (b) provides the Australian blueprint for dismissing the nature and existence of extreme child abuse within mental health, education, and forensics; and (c) underpins all psychology teaching and educational texts in Australia. Most Australian psychology textbooks are American imports. Mine were. A 2014 study examined three undergraduate psychology textbooks and found, all three concluded that child abuse memories are likely false.88  All three textbooks referenced Loftus’ writings. Owing to this unfounded and illogical embracement of Loftus’ opinion:

- Australian universities and educational materials teach psychology students that most child  abuse memories  are  false,  and  repressed  trauma memories  are  particularly unreliable.

- Regulatory bodies deter psychologists from acknowledging the validity of repressed child abuse memories and working with implicit trauma memories.

- Australian psychology students receive no training in the Trauma Model approach.

- Australian therapists receive zero training in recognising or treating ritual abuse and mind control.

- NSW Victims of Crime counselling services forbade the use of scientifically validated, effective  tools like EMDR  for  processing  implicit  abuse memories  (until  I  publicly accused them of withholding treatment). A therapist can only use EMDR if they tape the sessions; yet this is not required for other, less effective treatment modalities.

- University  criminology  lecturers  do  not  teach future  Australian  law  enforcement officials that child trafficking is run as a single, integrated global operation.

Failed Wood Royal Commission
During  a  1997  parliamentary  hearing,  Senator Fred  Nile addressed  the Mr Bubbles case and the Wood Royal Commission’s mishandling of it as follows:

The Hon F Nile: I seek the indulgence of the Attorney General. I wish to ask him a question without notice. Why did the children who attended the Seabeach Kindergarten,      of the Mr Bubbles case notoriety, receive more than $500,000 compensation? How is it possible that the Government of New South Wales, through the Victims Compensation Fund, is able to pay compensation to the children who were at the Seabeach Kindergarten even though the Wood Royal Commission refused to make any findings about the case and the Director of Public Prosecutions was unable to successfully prosecute the perpetrators of the alleged assaults?

Government officials subsequently deemed the Wood Royal Commission a ‘failure.’ In May  2002,  the House  of  Representatives  Standing  Committee  on Legal  and Constitutional Affairs conducted an inquiry into crime in the community. An excerpt from  Volume 2 of their Report (published August 2004) reads:

Almost  immediately,  the  Committee  received substantial  submissions  covering  all aspects  of the Inquiry.  From  New  South  Wales  came  very serious  allegations  of corruption  in  New  South Wales  policing,  including  allegations  of protection of pedophiles,   ‘doctoring’   of   police   statistics, corruption   of   the   newly   introduced promotions system for duty officers, the failure of the Wood Royal Commission and the  systemic  failure  of bodies  set  up  to  investigate  such issues.  Instead  of  being applauded for seeking remedies, the whistle-blowers received punitive treatment…

Subsequent Cases
Reports  of  organised  pedophilia  and  ritual  abuse continued  to  surface  in  multiple locations   around Australia,   following   the   failed  Wood Royal Commission   and   the subsequently established Police Integrity Commission also headed by James Wood. Here are some case examples:

1. Brisbane ABC, CJC Pedo Network  
Senator Bill Heffernan stated in the Australian House of Parliament (29 May 1998):

Recently  I  made  a  speech  in  which  I highlighted the  code  of  silence which  protects worldwide child sex  networks;  in  particular, Australian pedophile  networks.  These networks include people in the judiciary, parliament, clergy and the Public Service. Many of these people live in an abhorrent culture in which is included as a ‘spoils of office’ the right to have sex with children.

These   people   put   themselves   at   continual risk of   serious   compromise   in   their workplaces as perpetrators, as too do those people who knowingly ignore or turn blind  eye  to  this  ultimate betrayal of  our  children. Honourable  senators  should be concerned at recent developments involving the Criminal Justice Commission, the body set up to investigate official corruption in State after the Fitzgerald inquiry. One of the senior members of this body, Mr Bob Hailstone, a former priest and manager of the ABC  in  Brisbane,  and  director  of  the corruption  prevention  division  of  the  CJC [Criminal Justice Commission] has left the CJC in what could only be called exceptional circumstances.

In November last year a State police pedophilia task force raided Hailstone’s house at 31 Dudley Street, Bardon and took possession of a great deal of obscene material. Last week Eric Goh, a man who lives with Hailstone at 31 Dudley Street, appeared in the Brisbane  Magistrates  Court  on  charges  of possessing  for  sale  indecent  or  obscene material. These charges raise serious issues of concern.

I have in my possession a letter which I will now read into the public record, and which records  disturbing incidents  alleged  to  have  occurred  at Mr  Hailstone’s  house.  The letter was written by a man, Mr Phillip Wood, shortly before he died. Hailstone recently resigned from the CJC rather than face disciplinary charges including association with an inappropriate person. It seems to me that the whole period of Hailstone’s service with the CJC should be examined, particularly as this body has failed in the past to investigate pedophilia allegations. The letter written to a Brisbane solicitor reads as follows:

Dear Malcolm,
This is my account of the incident on 30th June 1996. On 30th June 1996 I attended a luncheon party at the home of Mr. Robert Hailstone, 31 Dudley Street, Rainworth. In attendance were a total of fourteen persons, including Mr. Robert Hailstone – it then mentions a second and third person – the others I either didn’t know or can’t remember their names. During the course of the luncheon, some of the guests and the host were talking about having sex with young Asian boys, especially during their holidays  in Thailand. This conversation was somewhat disturbing  to  me  as  I  regard pederasty as  anathema,  but  I  said  nothing.  Later  on, the conversation was about the church and their involvement in it, some of the group having been to church that day.

This triggered a hostile reaction in me, and I asked them how they could be involved in an institution that so vocally condemns homosexuality. This prompted an outburst of abuse by one  of  their number  to  me,  with  me  responding  by  calling them  a  bunch  of  churchgoing pedophiles and saying that they should be outed (meaning to publicly expose them).

I then left the house. As I was reversing out of the driveway (there were a number of cars parked there) I clipped the wing mirror of one of the cars. This bought the lot of them out onto the driveway, shouting abuse and kicking the driver’s side of my car breaking the driver’s side window. I was bleeding from the broken glass and being physically attacked by a number of persons. In an attempt to escape I reversed into a tree and drove into the side of a car parked in the driveway. In the melee that followed one of their number managed to turn off the ignition of my car and remove the key. I was then left alone in my car whilst they huddled together a few metres away. I used a spare key and drove out of the driveway. I was covered in  glass  and  blood  and very  shaken  up,  but  I  drove  to  my  home in  Victoria Point  without incident. I had arrived at the luncheon at approx. 12:15 pm and arrived at my home at 3:30 pm.

Mr Robert Hailstone, who is a director of the CJC had stated to me on a couple of occasions that he could have anyone in Queensland arrested on a trumped-up drug charge. With this in mind, l was afraid to report the incident to the police. l paid for the repairs to the side of my car ($920) and made two separate claims to the NRMA insurance company for the damage to the front ($2785.18) and rear ($870.89) of my car. I hope that this account is comprehensive enough.

Yours Sincerely,
Phillip J. Wood

Madam President, this letter was dated 8 November 1996. Mr Wood was found dead in his home on 10 November 1996.

*           *           *

2. NSW Central Coast Coven  

Evil in the Woods
Miranda Wood & Martin Chulov, The Sun Herald, 8 Aug 1999, p7.

The Police Integrity Commission is probing a shocking series of allegations that pedophiles have been protected by police and officials entrusted to care for the children.  Police have uncovered evidence of central coast sites used in satanic rituals, to which drawings made by children who claim to have been abused, bear an eerie resemblance. One mother's traumatised child tells of adult groups hanging him from a cross, killing animals, performing sexual acts on cult members and watching orgies. A child from a separate family, who does not know the other child, tells an identical story.

The Sun-Herald has seen evidence of the rituals.
One mother, Genevieve, who has fought a four-year campaign to have authorities probe her claims said her case was similar to 33 other cases reported to the Department of Community Services. Medical evidence has proved that both Genevieve's children have been abused. ‘I'm coming across more and more women who  tell the same story,’ she said. ‘I've spent years trying to get  help for my children, but there are people who don't want this to come out. As he comes to feel  safer, he has given more detailed explanations of what has happened to him and his brother. They held laser lights in their eyes to disorientate them. They were locked in basements and they had to watch each other being abused. He couldn't have possibly made all of this up.’

Genevieve said the boys had told her the names of those who assaulted them, and they could recall seeing at least 30 people at rituals in the bush. She said she believed the cult's rituals had been passed through generations of satanic covens. ‘My son can recognise members in the street and he even knows their names,’ she said. The children called the bushland site ‘the woods.’ They would take long walks through the bush and it was always at night. The ceremonies were held at night,’ Genevieve  said.

The drawings by each child also show the same violent acts and symbols used by the cult. One of the symbols Genevieve's son drew was the same symbol on the ceremonial table police have taken a photo of at the bushland site.

Genevieve said the children were afraid to tell of the ritualistic abuse after cult members threatened to kill them and their mothers. Cult members also told them a bomb in their stomach would explode if the truth was revealed  a trait associated with worldwide satanic covens. Genevieve said her son could also remember being drugged and hypnotised. ‘He said they dressed in black robes and had eye and mouth pieces cut out,’ she said. ‘I know they're pretty dangerous people. I have had warnings outside the house telling me to stop investigations. We're fearful for our lives. The boys never want me out of their sight.’

She is now battling to let the truth come out and protect other children from a fate similar to that of her sons. Genevieve said: ‘It's an absolute nightmare. You try to get help and you have the door slammed in your face repeatedly. I'd do anything to stop this from happening again. After a while they make you feel as though you dreamed it all up. The laws and the attitudes need to change.’

Commissioner  James  Wood  headed  the organisation  (Police  Integrity  Commission) which investigated  this  case,  which  subsequently  went nowhere.  Are  the victims  and witnesses now dead?

3. National ALP Pedophile Network  

SA Parliamentary Speaker of the House, Peter Lewis, stated (1 April 2005):

There are a large number, but not a high percentage, of people in high places and positions of trust who take it for granted that they can indulge their sexual appetites for children of both sexes so long as they arrange to cover it up and get away with it. It’s a national problem and MPs involved seem to know each other.

On 4th April 2005, Peter Lewis resigned his position as Speaker of the South Australian Parliament. He resigned amidst allegations that certain ministers and journalists thwarted his attempts to expose high-end pedophilia rings by reducing his concerns about pedophilia to ‘homophobia.’ Lewis stated during his parting speech:

I…was quietly, and as quickly as possible, bringing some of the people who had made the allegations to the point where they might pluck up enough courage and confidence and swear the truth of those allegations, enabling them to be more carefully investigated. But they were being ‘bumped off’ that is, murdered and viciously assaulted  quicker than I or the people who were helping me could get them to write down their allegations and then swear that what they were saying was true…

The most outrageous thing of all, is what appears to be the related and organised activities of those pedophiles in high public office  that is, the judiciary, the senior ranks   of human services portfolios, some police and MPs, across the nation, especially within the ranks of the Labor Party.

Yet you only have to recall in recent years the investigations, charges and successful convictions against such people as Darcy, Liddy, Wright, Wells, a former senator and other current and past MPs in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria to understand my concern. They have not acted alone or in isolation, it seems to me.It is not surprising that we find pedophiles in the jobs and roles of leadership.

*           *           *

4. Melbourne Priest Luciferian Pedophile Ring
In 2006, the Catholic Church’s Melbourne diocese acknowledged as ‘substantially true’ allegations that a priest took part in ritual murders in the 1960s and paid compensation to a surviving victim.

Gary Hughes, The Courier Mail, 26 May 2006.

A Catholic priest took part in satanic murders and rituals that included child sexual abuse. The Catholic Church’s Melbourne Archdiocese has accepted claims about the rituals  as  ‘substantially true’  and  paid $33,000  compensation  to  a  man who  was a victim   of   the   rituals   as   a   child.   The archdiocese’s   independent   sexual abuse investigator, barrister  Peter  O’Callaghan, QC, described  the details  of  the ritualised murders  and sexual  abuse  provided  by  the  victim  as ‘extraordinary…  but  I  have  no reason or justification for doubting his credibility,’ Mr O’Callaghan said in a letter to the victim’s lawyers in 2000.

Earlier during a formal interview with the victim, Mr O’Callaghan said he was satisfied the man was telling the truth.’ I see no reason why I shouldn’t accept what you say,’ he said. ‘Amazing as it is, I accept it…’

In a sworn statement given to the archdiocese, the victim said he was first abused by the priest in Melbourne in the early 1960s, when he was serving as an altar boy at the Sacred Heart Church in Sandringham. The priest has since died. In his statement the 56-year-old victim, who wishes to remain anonymous, gave details of at least three deaths    a young woman, a young man and a child  that occurred during satanic rituals over a number of years. Two victims had their throats cut and a third was killed with an axe. Animals were also killed during the ceremonies. ‘I have some gruesome memories of killings,’ the victim said…

The independent compensation panel made a $33,000 ex-gratia payment to the victim in 2001 after his claims had been investigated by Mr O’Callaghan. The archdiocese is paying for counselling for the man, who has been diagnosed as suffering from complex post-traumatic stress disorder.

*           *           *

Gary Hughes, NEWS.com, 26 May 2006.

The  most  extraordinary  thing  about  today’s allegations  of  murders  during  satanic rituals involving  a  Melbourne  priest  is  not  that  they’ve been  made,  but  that  the Catholic  Church admitted  in  writing  that  it  accepted  they were  substantially  true. Indeed ‘extraordinary’ was the word used by the Melbourne Archdiocese’s experienced sexual abuse investigator Peter O’Callaghan QC to describe the allegations when they were put to him in 2000…

The  statement  provided  to  the  Archdiocese  by the  victim,  who  wants  to  remain anonymous, makes chilling reading. He details how the Catholic priest, who has since died, first began abusing him at the age of 11 in 1961 when he was serving as an altar boy at the Sacred Heart Church in the bayside suburb of Sandringham and attending a Catholic school, where the priest was chaplain. The priest got the victim alone in a room on the pretext of giving him a sex education lesson and sexually abused him. Later  the  priest  would  sexually abuse the  boy  in  his  car  and  at  the  Sacred Heart Church’s presbytery, where the victim was lured on the promise of playing with toy soldiers.

But it’s the accounts of satanic rituals and the victim’s eyewitness reports of murders that are harrowing. In the statement he details at least three murders, a young girl, a youth and a young child. He says the victims were mostly drugged and appeared to be in a daze before having their throats cut or being hacked with an axe. He says he was forced to take part in the rituals and was sexually abused during them by the priest and others involved in the ceremonies.

While claims of satanic rituals and ritualised sexual abuse by victims are nothing new, what makes these allegations different is the Melbourne Archdiocese’s acceptance of the claims as being true. To our knowledge, it is the first time the Catholic Church in Melbourne has done that in writing.

Some of the rituals, which occurred over a three-year period, took place in an old house owned by the Catholic Church in Sandringham. The house was later demolished, and a new Sacred Heart Church built on the site. Other rituals took place at other locations around Melbourne. The victim would be driven to and from the locations by the priest.The victim said during one of the final sexual assaults by the priest he was threatened with a carving knife and told he would be killed if he ever talked to anyone about what he had seen or what had been done to him.

The victim first contacted Victoria Police in 1998 and was told details would be passed to the homicide squad. He says he heard nothing more. 

In  a  letter  to  the  victim  dated  January  5, 2001, the  then  head  of  the  Melbourne Archdiocese, Cardinal George Pell, apologised for the ‘wrong and hurt’ he suffered at the hands of the priest.

The victim’s decision to speak out follows the conviction in the United States earlier this month of Catholic priest Gerald Robinson for the ritualistic murder of a nun. He said he believed there were other victims of ritualised abuse in Australia who were too afraid or embarrassed to speak out. Robinson was charged with the murder of the nun 26 years ago after a female victim of child sexual abuse went to authorities with claims that the priest had been involved in satanic rituals.

The victim in the two articles is James Shanahan. Cardinal George Pell, who signed the (5  January 2001)  letter  of  apology  to  James,  was  one  of James  Shanahan’s  Luciferian pedophile perpetrators.

5. Bathurst, NSW Police and Clergy Pedophile Network  

In 2008, a decade after the Wood Royal Commission ruled that Ritual Abuse does not exist  in  Australia, the  greatest  Ritual  Abuse  scandal  in Australia’s  history  broke  into mainstream media. The following two newspaper articles refer to this case:

Gemma Jones, Herald Sun, 27 Aug 2008.

POLICE are investigating claims that up to 40 boys were sexually abused by a pedophile ring of priests and teachers at an exclusive NSW school… A former priest at the school has  been  charged  with  33 counts,  a  former  teacher  has  already been convicted  of several offences and two other teachers are under investigation.

In his first interview, a brave young man who used the internet to expose the abuse revealed the full extent of the horror at the school. He is one of two victims who have told The Daily Telegraph how they were herded into a prayer room by a priest chanting ‘hypnotic’ spells in tongues. Inside the prayer room, the boarders who attended the school in the 1980s said they were subjected to horrendous sexual abuse or forced to assault each other.

A former boarder now aged 35, who can’t be identified because of a court suppression order, started at St Stanislaus in the ’80s because it was the only private school in the area his family could afford. He alleged the abuse began after a priest took him aside for private tutoring about the Catholic Church and God two months after he arrived at the school and the horror turned into a twice-weekly event. ‘They got a group between eight and 12 of us together and they’d just start chanting and I would wake up during these sessions and see what was going on,’ he said. ‘It was like an orgy.’

The second victim, who declined to give permission to be named, yesterday described the horrific night-time prayer sessions in the staff’s quarters under candlelight. ‘You’d pass out … they spoke in tongues … another element was called laying on hands, that was the basis on which he would engage in physical contact,’ the victim said. He said the students were all small in stature and many of them emotionally troubled. ‘I know of people who have been contacted, they said, ‘Yes, you’re right but I haven’t told my wife what happened to me I’m not going to tell you guys (police),’ he said. Police last night confirmed 13 alleged victims had already come forward.

*           *           *

Abuse at St Stanislaus College ‘Involved Night Orgies’
Angus Hohenboken, The Australian, 28 Aug 2008.

ORGIES involving up to 60 schoolboys, priests and teachers are among allegations levelled  at  former staff  members  of  a  NSW  Catholic  boarding school.  The  Seven Network  last  night  reported claims  that  nine  former  teachers  and  priests from  St Stanislaus  College  in  Bathurst,  in eastern NSW,  had  committed  sexual  abuse  on students during ‘hypnotic’ night prayer services in the 1980s.

An alleged victim, whose identity was withheld for legal reasons, said the number of victims involved in the encounters had grown over time. ‘It started out on a one on one basis and then in small groups of between eight and 12, and then on one occasion there was a large group of at least 60...’

The victim whistle-blower was Tor Nielsen. The group of 60 Tor referred to were 60 children  raped  during a  Luciferian  ritual  in  Bathurst  City  Hall. This pedophile  orgy  was attended  by  visiting NSW police  officers  who  boarded  at  St Stanislaus College  during  the famous Bathurst car race.

Suspicious St Stanislaus Deaths
Tor Nielsen did a letter drop in Bathurst to expose the pedophile ring. Consequently, his lawyer who failed to silence Tor ‘fell’ from an eighth story apartment. Another witness died under suspicious circumstances, the day before he was due to testify in the pedophile trials.  The  deceased  was  a lawyer and  a  former  St  Stanislaus  College student whose  son attended the school. He worked at Frederick Jordon Chambers in Sydney. One morning, the chambers clerk found the lawyer hanged to death by his tie from a bookshelf in the basement. He   was not suicidal. Staff witnessed him in a normal mood and working on one of his cases, thirty  minutes before  his  time  of  death.  Although  attending police  considered  the  death suspicious, it was later ruled a suicide.

6. Brisbane, Queensland  
Brisbane Grammar Counsellor Ritually Abused Students, Royal Commission Told
Joshua Robertson, The Guardian, 4 Nov 2015.

A counsellor at a prestigious Queensland private school ritually hypnotised students before masturbating them, slapping them in the face and putting acupuncture needles in one child’s genitals, the royal commission into institutional responses to child sex abuse has heard. The scores of alleged victims of Kevin Lynch at Brisbane Grammar school included a boy who was sexually abused in a grief counselling session given after learning his father had committed suicide…

One  alleged  victim  of  Lynch,  known  only  as BQK,  told  the  commission  that  the counsellor’s ‘treatment was built around his convincing me that I could harness the power  of  my  orgasms  to  gain an  edge’  in  studies  and  sport. ‘He  would regularly
masturbate me to the point of ejaculation and sometimes would make me ingest my own semen,’ he said. Lynch also slapped the boy in the face to ‘psyche me up about winning a metaphorical race. Other times he would use acupuncture needles and put them  into  my  testicles  or  stick  his thumb  in  my  anus,’  BQK  said. BQK  told the commission he ‘assumed this was a normal treatment method’ and did not appreciate he had been seriously abused until ‘well into my adult life.’

He said he could not understand why Grammar staff had not questioned why Lynch operated out of a room that had two heavy, soundproof doors, red and green light signals  controlling  student  access,  and had significant  stocks  of  tissues  and  towels, which he used to wipe up semen. The room was set up as a ‘sick conveyer belt of victims for Lynch,’ he said…

My  husband  worked  at  Brisbane  Grammar School.  We  lived  in  a  school-owned apartment on Gregory  Terrace  with  my  baby.  I  contended  with the  school’s  coven  which involved an English teacher and ground staff who targeted my daughter. They posed as a new church that I was invited to. My suspicions were aroused when the English teacher’s young obese daughter broke down in terror at a ‘church’ meeting, as though we were at a coven gathering.

James Wood’s Sexist Conclusion
In his Final Report, Royal Commissioner Wood concluded Ritual Abuse victims to be:

…nearly always women, who during therapy for a variety of personal problems, reveal previously unrecalled  memories  of  bizarre  childhood victimisation  at  the  hands  of multiple  offenders, and  who  are  frequently  diagnosed  as  suffering from multiple personality disorder.

The Australian victims documented in the above newspaper articles are male. Most of the  Sydney pedophile  network  victims  who  contacted  me  are male.  This  contradicts Commissioner Wood’s sexist dismissal of Ritual Abuse victims as crazy, hysterical females.

Bill Heffernan Reiterates
Twenty  20  years  after  the  failed  Wood  Royal Commission,  Senator  Bill  Heffernanraised the same concerns regarding VIP pedophiles:

Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan says Former Prime Minister a Suspected Pedophile
Jane Lee, Sydney Morning Herald, 21 October 2015.

A  former  Australian  prime  minister  is  on a  list of ‘alleged  pedophiles’  that  Liberal senator Bill Heffernan claims forms part of a police document. Senator Heffernan used a  Senate  estimates committee hearing  on  Tuesday  to  discuss  the list  of  28  people, which  he  said  formed  part  of police  documents that  had  been  ‘signed  off’ by Gary Crooke, QC, the former senior counsel assisting NSW’s Wood royal commission into police corruption in the 1990s. Mr Crooke declined to comment when contacted by Fairfax Media on Tuesday.

Many  of  the  people  on  the  list  and  otherwise named  in  the  documents were ‘prominent,’ including  a  former  prime  minister,  Senator Heffernan said:  ‘They  were delivered to me by a police agency some time ago because no one seems to want to deal with them.’ Every Commonwealth attorney-general since Philip Ruddock had  seen the list, Senator Heffernan said…

Senator   Heffernan   had   shown   the   documents to   the   Royal   Commission   into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse but was told they were not part  of its terms of reference.

Proof Child Abuse Royal Commission is Corrupt
The federal Child Abuse Royal Commission is a farce. It was implemented to gather information, cover up any evidence of Australia’s massive pedophile network, and give the public  a  false  sense  of security  that  something  is  being  done to  remedy the  child  abuse epidemic. I can prove the Royal Commission is corrupt, with a single example.

In 2015, the Royal Commission hired lawyer Gail Furness to assist them. That year, Gail Furness questioned both Gerald Ridsdale and George Pell. Gail Furness’ cross examination of George Pell in Rome was so poor, Australian lawyers noted, the most basic criminal lawyer could have performed better. Owing to her abysmal effort, George Pell escaped answering vital  questions  about  his coverup  of  pedophile  priests  including  Gerard Ridsdale.  Gerard Ridsdale has been convicted of raping over 60 kids so far (a fraction of his estimated victim total). One incident involved Ridsdale raping a girl on a church altar, after the child’s own father delivered her naked to the altar (an act which reeks of ritual abuse).

Royal Commission Hides Pedophile Priest Network

A Melbourne newspaper identified Gerard Ridsdale and numerous other priests as members of a massive pedophile network that shared victims across Victoria.89  The article does not name George Pell as part of this network, when he certainly was. Hardly surprising, since 300 journalists were charged for revealing Pell’s conviction. The article states:

At the centre of a number of these networks was Melbourne’s seminary - Corpus Christi - which has produced about 1000 priests over almost 100 years, including jailed Cardinal George Pell and convicted child rapist Gerald Ridsdale. According to a conservative snapshot from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child      Abuse, at least 75 convicted and alleged sex offenders emerged from Corpus Christi. The true figure is not known.

*                       *                      *

In a statement of claim which lawyers plan to file in court this week, the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, alleges Vears took him to the seminary in October 1976 and left him to wait in a communal living room with four or five other boys.   A second priest, Ryan, then allegedly picked the boy from the group, took him back to a bedroom and sexually assaulted him. ‘I recall that seminarians would come out through the corridor into the sitting room and select a boy to go back with them,’ said the former St Peter’s altar boy.

The same thing occurring at St Alipius Presbytery, a single-story residence adjoining St Alipius parish school and St Alipius Catholic church in Ballarat, Victoria. In 1972 to ‘73, Gerard Ridsdale, George Pell and a third priest lived together in St Alipius Presbytery. Gerard Ridsdale served as the St Alipius parish school chaplain. Four St Alipius school teachers and priests were outed as pedophiles: Robert Best, Edward Dowlan, Gerald Leo Fitzgerald, and Stephen Francis Farrell. All, except Fitzgerald (who could not stand trial because he was dead) were convicted of sex crimes. One of Ridsdale’s child rape victims disclosed being forced to procure more child victims from the school playground and lure them to the St Alipius presbytery to be sexually assaulted by priests.

Gail Furness actively hid the existence of a pedophile ring in St Alipius presbytery as follows. Furness questioned Gerard Ridsdale about his violent rape of a 10/11-year-old girl in the  St  Alipius  Presbytery kitchen,  an  incident  which  George Pell  witnessed. A  newspaper article accurately reported the facts of the crime as follows:

Padraic Murphy, Herald Sun, 9 April 2014.

A PRIEST [George Pell] who allegedly witnessed predatory pedophile Gerald Ridsdale raping a young girl 40 years ago has been slammed by a judge, but the clergyman’s identity has been withheld from the public.

*              *               *

Ridsdale pleaded guilty on March 18 to the rape of the girl, then 10 or 11, at St Alipius presbytery, Ballarat, in 1972 or ’73. A summary of the court plea details: ‘In around 1972 or 1973 when (the victim) was aged 10 or 11 she was cutting up vegetables in the presbytery kitchen at the St Alipius Primary School. Ridsdale came in and said he had lots of shiny rocks to show her. (The victim) remembers this was around the time of the VFL football grand final.’ The court heard that Ridsdale then took her into his room, and showed her adult magazines, and she ran back into the kitchen. When she ran he chased her, grabbed her, told her to bend over and then raped her. A summary said: (She) believes that another priest[George Pell]living at the house at the time walked through the door to the hallway and exited out the back door as this occurred. She knows that this priest [George Pell] saw what was happening…’

Gail Furness misrepresented the content of the victim’s police witness statement and the facts of the case, and led the defendant, while questioning Gerald Ridsdale, by putting the following two blatant lies to Ridsdale:

1.   The Presbytery was a two-story building that contained two upstairs bedrooms.

2. Gerald Ridsdale raped the victim in the privacy of his ‘upstairs’ bedroom.

Prior to Gail Furness’ cross examination, Gerald Ridsdale had been charged, convicted and sentenced based on the following facts:

1. The presbytery is a single-story building,

2. Gerard Ridsdale raped the victim in the communal kitchen, not his private bedroom.

So, Gail Furness moved the location of a child’s rape from a public to a private setting. Why?  Because  if the  rape  occurred  in  a  public  place, this suggests  every  priest  in  the presbytery was comfortable   with   pedophilia,  and   the  only people comfortable   with pedophilia  are pedophiles. It indicates the house was full of pedophile priests. Indeed, it later emerged that Cardinal George Pell was the priest who witnessed Ridsdale raping the girl in the kitchen, and that George Pell himself was a rampant pedophile. Hundreds of victims made police statements against Pell, yet the police only ran with one simple case.

The Australian government has consistently covered up the true nature and extent of Pell’s crimes. The Australian government and the Royal Commission allowed Pell  to leave the country knowing his crimes. The Australian government paid Gail Furness $5 million for her services to the Royal Commission.

What the Wood Royal Commission Concealed
My contact with multiple victims over five years enabled me to piece together the sealed contents of the Wood Royal Commission files. James Wood buried evidence of a CIA child trafficking operation where children were recruited for a human compromise racket and as MK-ULTRA experiments. Subjects were obtained through MK-ULTRA institutions including Hillsong Church and Daruk government boys’ home where they were subjected to ritual abuse and mind control. Daruk and Hillsong children were prostituted to venues like Club Costello
boy brothel in Kellett Street, Kings Cross, frequented by prominent politicians, judges, police, entertainers and businessmen. Multiple victims of the Wood Royal Commission era pedophile network that Senator Heffernan referenced, named the following perpetrators:

- Gough Whitlam (ALP Prime Minister, my pedophile rapist).
- Bob Hawke (ALP Prime Minister, my pedophile rapist).
- Kim Beazley Snr (ALP Minister, my pedophile rapist).
- John Kerr (ALP appointed Governor General, my pedophile rapist).
- Bob Carr (ALP politician who campaigned to lower the age of consent).
- Marcus  Einfeld  (Federal  judge.  Found  guilty  of  perverting  the  course of  justice.

Defended  pedophile  entertainer  Don  Lane  on marijuana  charge.  Defended  my pedophile rapist Lionel Murphy against corruption charges).

- David Yeldham (Judge who suicided after Franca Arena named him in Parliament as a pedophile, sparking the Wood Royal Commission).

John Marsden (President NSW Law Society, President NSW Council for Civil Liberties, member  NSW  Police Board.  My  father’s  lawyer.  Ivan  Milat’s lawyer.  Named  in Parliament as a pedophile).

-Roger Rogerson(Police detective who protected Sydney’s underbelly including Club Costello  boy brothel.  Escaped  drug  trafficking  and  murder convictions  on  appeal, before a subsequent murder conviction stuck in 2014).

- Frank Arkell (Wollongong Mayor ritually murdered after being named in Parliament).
- Kerry  Packer  (Media  mogul.  Roger  Rogerson shot  12-year-old  Dean  Henry,  son  of Kings Cross prostitute, as he fled being raped by Packer).
- Frank Houston (Hillsong Church founder, serial pedophile, child trafficker).
- Graham Kennedy (TV star).
- Don Lane (TV star).
- Bert Newton (TV star).
- Stuart Wagstaff (TV star).

In 2018 Bert Newton made a bizarre reference to the pedophile antics of his TV star buddies Graham Kennedy and Don Lane during his TV Logie Awards speech:

Graham Kennedy was always the sort of man who nurtured young talent. He enjoyed giving young people a chance on television, he was a great mentor, he mentored a lot of young people. You knew if you went to his dressing room it was locked, he  will be inside doing some mentoring. Don Lane was a mentor too. He did a hell of a lot of mentoring.

Daruk and Engadine BoysTown
Daruk government boys’ home was used to procure kids for sex trafficking to Club Costello  boy  brothel in  Kings  Cross.  Tim  Roy’s  father,  who sex  trafficked  his  own  sons  to members of Sydney’s entertainment industry, worked at Daruk.

At age 13, Stephen Masters was thrown into Daruk government boys’ home where he was subjected to ECT (electrocution). Stephen publicly declared Daruk was a CIA research facility   where   boys   were subjected   to   MK-ULTRA   experiments   involving circumcision,biochemical  exposure,  drugging,  and electrocution.  Stephen  said  boys  (notably  a child surnamed  Rogan)  were  murdered  by hanging  and  their  deaths  recorded  as ‘suicide’ or ‘absconded.’ Victims’ bodies were disposed of in the coal furnace that heated Daruk.

Stephen  Masters  believes  Medical  Officer  John Munger  headed  the  MK-ULTRA research conducted on Daruk boys. The Australian government is protecting the identity and whereabouts of John Munger who is not listed with the low-level Daruk perpetrators due to be prosecuted in early 2020. Police informed Stephen Masters that John Munger served in the Australian Navy, yet no photo is available of him. Daruk staff occupied a house on the street corner directly outside the Daruk entrance; Stephen believes this was where the MK-ULTRA records were safely stored off-site.

Stephen Master’s was incarcerated in Daruk with Les Murphy who, with four others including John Travers, was imprisoned for the 1986 ritual rape and murder of 26-year-old nurse Anita Coby. I say ‘ritual’ because I heard unpublished details of Anita’s murder from two unrelated sources who viewed Les Murphy’s file, the lawyer husband of my high school friend, and a prison guard I bunked with during my parole officer training in Sydney. The latter vomited when she read Murphy’s file detailing how he and his accomplices had sex with deep cuts they made in Anita’s body.

Serial killer Ivan Milat’s victims were found chopped up and scattered over a wide area of bushland, which indicates satanic ritual. I surmise that Milat was the fall guy for a group cult  effort.  Stephen  Masters reported  two  encounters  with  Ivan  Milat  to police.  The  first involved  Milat  offering  15-year old  Stephen  and  his  inebriated  teenage  mate  a lift.  Milat detoured to Club Costello boy brothel in Kings Cross where Stephen recognised 16-year old Les  Murphy  working  behind  the  bar.  Stephen deduced  Ivan  Milat  drugged and  raped  his young mate in Milat’s car that evening, and that that Milat had a system  of  scouting and collecting child victims, drugging them in preparation for rape by pedophiles at Club Costello, before disposing of their bodies afterwards.

Both  Ivan  Milat  and  John  Travers  (Anita  Coby’s killer)  spent  time  in Engadine’s BoysTown juvenile detention facility, where my father and I were subjected to years of ritual abuse.  Australians question  where  the  likes  of  Milat,  Murphy and  Travers  got  the  idea  to murder people the way they did. Such behaviour is not innate  it was taught by Luciferian pedophiles who ran Engadine BoysTown and Daruk. We will never know how many murders Milat  and  Murphy  committed separately  or  together.  The  unsolved 1965  Wanda beach murders where two 15-year-old girls violently stabbed and slashed at Cronulla carried all the hallmarks of Ivan Milat.

Milat, Marsden & Murphy
John Marsden was Ivan Milat’s lawyer. In 1971, Marsden secured Ivan Milat bail for rape and armed robbery charges and helped him flee to New Zealand. Australian authorities allowed Milat to leave the country knowing he was on bail for serious offences. I wonder how many NZ victims Milat sourced, abducted and killed for the NZ VIP pedophile network I heard about  from  NZ  victims and  witnesses.  When  Milat  returned  to Australia in  1974,  John Marsden had him acquitted of the rape and armed robbery charges. Milat was never charged for breaching his bail conditions by leaving Australia. My father knew the Milat brothers who told him they were never caught for a series of bank robberies during which they routinely raped young female bank tellers.

Daruk resident Ray Leary was sex trafficked to Club Costello boy brothel where he was raped by John Marsden.90  Ray Leary also witnessed Les Murphy working behind the bar at Club Costello, and said John Marsden used Les Murphy, whom Marsden frequently visited in prison, to threaten him. Indeed, a judge found John Marsden used Les Murphy to persuade a witness to change his position. John Marsden escaped conviction for pedophilia, yet the NSW Victims Compensation Tribunal awarded compensation to one of his victims.

John Marsden came out as gay after Deidre Grusovin used parliamentary privilege to name him as a pedophile. Pedophile Prime Minister Gough Whitlam attended John Marsden’s funeral, while accused pedophile Justice Michael Kirby delivered Marsden’s eulogy.

Age of Consent Bill
James  Wood  did  not  recommend  any  action against  the  accused  VIP  pedophiles. instead, he recommended lowering the age of consent so men could legally have sex with teenagers. Premiere Bob Carr subsequently introduced his NSW Age of Consent Bill in 2003. The leftist media labelled any opposition to Carr’s Bill ‘homophobia.’ When an MP who voted against the Bill used parliamentary privilege to threaten naming a senior MP accused of raping a 15-year-old boy, Premier Bob Carr referred the matter to the Police Integrity Commission headed by James Wood.91

‘Ritual Abuse’ Stated in PM’s National Apology
I campaigned for five years to undo the damage James Wood did to the credibility of Australian Ritual Abuse victims and their therapists. On 17 October 2018, I tweeted to our Prime Minister:

@ScottMorrisonMP When you issue your ‘National Apology to Victims and Survivors of institutional Child Sexual Abuse’ this Mon 22 Oct, please acknowledge victims of ‘Ritual Abuse’ by using these very words. This will gain you credibility with the many RA victims
and the therapists.

If  only  the  Prime  Minister  included  those  two words,  I  reasoned,  then  victims  and therapists could reintroduce ‘Ritual Abuse’ to their vocabulary, and SRA victims would have a voice. My tweet received the most public attention on the PM’s twitter account that day. On 22 October, the PM included in his National Apology:

The crimes of Ritual Sexual Abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes.

My  therapist  exclaimed:  ‘From  now  on  I’m including  the  words, “ritual  abuse as acknowledged by the Australian Prime Minister” in all my medical reports!’

Pièce de résistance
On  18  June  2014,  Sydney  child  trafficking victim Dean  Thomas  Chisholme  Henry attended  an Assessment  and  Inquiry  Session  at  Silverwater Prison  with  Vicki  Cosma  and Darren  Latimore (Officers  with  the Royal  Commission  into Institutional  Responses  to  Child Sexual Abuse). During this session, Dean Henry provided verbal testimony concerning his child abuse experiences which the Commission Officers recorded and submitted in transcript form to the Royal Commission. In this transcript, Dean Henry listed names of men his prostitute mother sold him to as a child. On page 5 of the transcript, Dean Henry named the following man as one of his pedophile perpetrators:


*           *           *

Victorian Pedophile Network
notes 60-92@ 

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