Thursday, April 30, 2020

Part 6: Eyes Wide Open...MK-ULTRA in Australia

 Eyes Wide Open
By Fiona Barnett
MK-ULTRA in Australia
…it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat,steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?
- Capt. George H. White

The  CIA  coined  the  term  ‘conspiracy  theory’  to discredit  whistle-blowers  like  me. Project MK-ULTRA is conspiracy fact. Irrefutable evidence of its existence sits in the US Library of Congress in a document titled:

Project  MKULTRA,  the  CIA‘s  Program  of  Research in  Behavioral  Modification,  Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources United States Senate Ninety-Fifth Congress First Session, August 3, 1977.

According  to  this  document,  MK-ULTRA  was  an umbrella  project  for  CIA-funded sub-projects conducted  in  respected  government  and  private institutions.  Experiments conducted  at universities, hospitals,  prisons,  and  research  facilities  used drugs,  hypnosis, electric  shock,  psychology, psychiatry,  radiation,  harassment  substances, and paramilitary devices and materials, to manipulate human behaviour.

The committee hearing was a whitewash. MK-ULTRA was far more sinister than the public were told. The following facts remain hidden from public understanding:

• Doctors and scientists, including the pioneers of psychology and psychiatry, routinely tortured, raped, and murdered children whom the CIA kidnapped and trafficked for Project MK-ULTRA.

• In the early 1970s, Australia became the main child recruitment location after Project MK-ULTRA’s US operation was publicly exposed.

• The Australian and US military and Intelligence services collaborated to train Australian DELTA child soldiers for special operations.

Evidence MK-ULTRA used Children
Evidence that MK-ULTRA doctors experimented on children is sparse. Here are three documented cases:

1. Robbers Cave Experiment
In  1953,  Muzafer  Sherif  (a  suspected Communist)  conducted  his  initial  MK-ULTRA experiment at Middle Grove in upstate New York, with Rockefeller Foundation funding. Sherif recruited  underprivileged  11-year-old  boys  from poor  families  with  offers  of  a  free summer camp. He deceived the parents and did not inform them or their children they were being  used  as  subjects for a  psychological  experiment.  The  aim  of  the experiment  was  to demonstrate that people could be taught to hate, and friends could become enemies. Sherif’s theory was that we are shaped by the group that were members of, and if you change the way groups operate, you can alter the way people feel and behave. Sherif pitted two peaceful groups of children against each other and used sabotage and provocation to incite the boys to turn  on  each  other.  His  first  experiment  failed. His  second,  successful  experiment  was conducted in 1954 at Robbers Cave in Oklahoma using boys selected based on observations of     their school playground behaviour. The subjects were divided into two groups: rebellious types versus placid types who prayed. The latter group were traumatised by the unbridled behaviour of the rebellious group. The subjects were not debriefed afterwards, and some were seemingly permanently detrimentally impacted.

2. Martin Orne & John Gittinger Named to Presidential Committee
The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments was established in 1994 to investigate the US government’s unethical human radiation experiments. On March 15, 1995, New Orleans trauma therapist Valerie B. Wolf and her clients, Claudia S. Mullen and Chris deNicola Ebner appeared before the Advisory Committee in Washington, D.C. to testify on the connection between the Radiation Experiments and Mind Control Experimentation on Children. Wolf submitted:

Generally, it appears that therapists across the country are finding clients who have been subjected to mind control techniques. The consistency of their stories about the purpose of the mind control and torture techniques, such as electric shock, use of hallucinogens,  sensory  deprivation, spinning, hypnosis,  dislocation  of  limbs  and sexual   abuse is remarkable. There is almost nothing published on this aspect of mind control used with children, and these clients come from all over the country, having had  no  contact  with  each  other… It  needs  to  be  made  clear  that  people have remembered these names and events spontaneously with free recall and without the use  of any memory-retrievable techniques, such as hypnosis.

Claudia S. Mullen testified:
Between the years of 1957 and 1984, I became a pawn in a government scheme whose ultimate goal was mind control and to create the ‘perfect spy’ — all through the use of chemicals, radiation, drugs, hypnosis, electric shock, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, brainwashing and verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. In 1958, I was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called the ‘Society’ (the Human Ecology Society). [Human Ecology Fund]

A Dr John Gittinger tested me, and Dr [Ewan] Cameron gave me the shocks and Dr Greene the x-rays. Then, I was told by Sid Gottlieb I was ‘ripe for the big A,’ meaning ‘Artichoke.’… The next year, I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to  learn  how  to  ‘sexually  please  men.’ Also,  I  was  taught  how  to  coerce  them into talking  about  themselves.  It  was  Richard Helms  (Deputy  Director  of  the  CIA),  Dr Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen who all planned on filming as many high  government  and agency  officials  and  heads  of academic  institutions  and foundations  as  possible, so  later,  when  the  funding  for  mind  control  and radiation started to dwindle, then the projects would continue — at any cost. I was to become a regular little ‘spy’ for them after that summer, eventually entrapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only nine when this kind of sexual humiliation began. [Martin Orne was the only pedophile not filmed.]

Another time, I heard Dr Martin Orne, who was the Director of the Scientific Office, and  later  the Institute  for  Experimental  Research,  state  that in  order  to  keep  more funding coming from different sources for the radiation and mind control projects, he suggested stepping up the amounts of all the ‘stressors’ used and also the blackmail portion of the experiments. He said, ‘It needed to be done faster, then get rid of the subjects, as it was asking for ‘us’ to come back and haunt them by remembering.’

3. Joseph Mengele & Ewan Cameron Killed Kids in Catholic Montreal
In 1997, Quebec Ombudsman Daniel Jacoby reported on his findings regarding the Duplessis  Orphans. His report  glossed  over  multiple  witness  accounts of orphans  being subjected to MK-ULTRA atrocities. In 1944, Quebec Premiere Maurice Duplessis, President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, MacKenzie King, and CIA Director Allen Dulles  reportedly  attended  a Quebec  Conference  to  finalise  a secret  agreement  where Quebec’s Catholic Orphanage children were given to the British and US military to be used as MK-ULTRA lab rats. Approximately 22,000 orphans were automatically certified mentally ill, to qualify them as subjects for MK-ULTRA research involving electrocution, lobotomy, rape, Deep-Sleep,   LSD   and   other   drug experiments  at   psychiatric   facilities   including Ewan Cameron’s Allan Memorial Institute, Saint Michel Archange Hospital and St Jean de Dieu.

The 1949 Saint Michel Archange Hospital yearbook contains a photo of what may be 38-year-old  Josef Mengele  (who  disappeared  from  Germany  in 1948)  bending  down  to examine  a  boy  in  a wheelchair.  Duplessis  Orphan  Sylvio  Albert Day recognised  Joseph Mengele  performing  lethal experiments  on  children  at St  Jean  de Dieu  hospital  in  1960. Concordia University’s student newspaper explains: 

During his time in power from the mid-1930s to the late 1950s (with one break where the Liberals re-took power), Duplessis transferred power to the Church by extending their responsibilities to include operation of most social services like orphanages. This gave the Church authorization to act as a government-sponsored agency—minus any form of public accountability.

At the time, federal funding allocated $0.70 to $1.25 per day, per orphan to the church. If an orphan was mentally disabled, they received $2.50 in subsidies. This precipitated a mass scale process of proliferating ‘orphans’ and intentionally misdiagnosing them as mentally disabled to qualify for the larger subsidy.

In  many  instances,  the  children  recruited weren’t legitimately  orphaned.  Nuns  and priests would travel to low-income neighborhoods throughout Quebec and Eastern US and convince parents to hand over their children, promising them a better future.

Bernard  Piché,  a  doctor  who  falsely  certified  the orphans  as  mentally disabled, admitted to not examining any children in 1999. In a statement, Piché said, ‘I did it because the nuns asked me to.’

The matching testimonies of the Duplessis orphans being tortured with electro-shock therapy,  forcible injections  with  powerful  drugs  and  other human  experimentation raises  serious  concern that  this  tragedy  was  part  of MK  Ultra—a US  government program which honed torture techniques and had a known human-experimentation centre in McGill University.

Sylvio Albert Day, a Duplessis Orphan, says that one of the priests was Joseph Mengele, a former Nazi doctor during World War II. Day’s job was to transport dead bodies into unmarked graves. Some of these bodies had to be cleaned because in 1942 Quebec law allowed nuns to sell unclaimed bodies to medical schools for $10.

At St Jean de Dieu hospital, Sylvio Day transported approximately 70 dead bodies in three months. That equates to Joseph Mengele and his MK-ULTRA doctors murdering one child per workday in a single hospital. Sylvio said the children were as young as 4, their skulls often had holes drilled into them, and one had its brain removed. Bodies not sold to medical schools were placed in cardboard boxes and stacked in mass graves in the ‘pigsty’ cemetery.

Martin Orne at University of Sydney
CIA  psychiatrist  Martin  Theodore  Orne  conducted MK-ULTRA  Subproject  84  at  the University of Sydney during a two-month lecture period in 1960. His experiment was jointly funded by the US Air force Office of Scientific Research (grant number AF-AFOSR-88-63) and the Human   Ecology   Fund (HEF)   under   the  project   title Attitude Formation, Decision Matrices. The HEF also financed Hans Eysenck’s Subproject 111 under the same title. Hence subprojects 84 and 111 were related and both influenced Australian operations. The HEF was a Cornell  University  based  CIA  cut-out  for financing MK-ULTRA  activities  including  Ewen Cameron’s crimes at Montreal's Allen Memorial Institute.

Martin  Orne’s  1960  visit  was  sponsored  by USEFA  (US  Educational  Foundation  in Australia), the Australian body of the Fulbright Scholarship and Lectureship Program.  The CIA  used  the  Fulbright program  to  insert  their  agents  or contractors  into  MK-ULTRA subprojects.

University  of  Sydney  Psychology  faculty  head, Alfred  Gordon  Hammer,  approved Subproject  84. Gordon  Hammer  (then  APS  Chair)  subsequently spent  two  sabbaticals  in Martin  Orne’s Philadelphia  laboratory  during  the  1960s  and 70s. Leading  up  to  Martin Orne’s visit, Gordon Hammer ran a weekly hypnosis seminar attended by University of Sydney students who became major contributors to MK-ULTRA hypnosis research: Frederick Evans, Wendy-Louise Walker, George Singer, Wendy A. Fairfax-Thorn, Jean Jones, Margaret Austin, Peter Sheehan, and Campbell Perry.

In  April  1960,  four  months  before  Martin  Orne visited  Sydney,  George  Hoben Estabrooks invited him to speak at a Colgate College symposium. Estabrooks, father of the Manchurian Candidate, boasted eight years later:

The key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests in splitting a man’s personality, or creating multi-personality, with the aid of hypnotism. This is not science fiction. This has and is being done. I have done it. It is child’s play now to develop a multiple personality through hypnotism.

Martin Orne’s presentation paper was later titled ‘Antisocial Behavior and Hypnosis.’ His experimental objective was to see if hypnotised subjects would carry out dangerous and harmful acts they normally would not. The resultant article, Social Control in the Psychological Experiment:  Antisocial  Behaviour  & Hypnosis,  published  in  the Journal  of  Personality and Social  Psychology, was  co-authored  by  Martin Orne  and  University  of  Sydney psychology student Frederick J. Evans. The abstract of the 1965 paper reads:

Rowland  and  Young  found  that  hypnotized subjects  were  willing  to  carry  out  such apparently antisocial actions as grasping a dangerous reptile, plunging their hand into concentrated acid, and throwing the acid at an assistant.

Frederick Evans and Martin Orne subsequently assumed positions at the University of Pennsylvania, the USA’s major MK-ULTRA research hub. Australian psychologists Peter W. Sheehan  and Campbell  W.  Perry  conducted  Manchurian-candidate  hypnosis  experiments with this Pennsylvanian research network. Campbell Perry became a board member of the CIA’s False Memory Syndrome Foundation headed by Martin Orne.

Wendy  A.  Fairfax-Thorn  was  a  student  in  Phil Sutcliffe’s  Psychology  department, studying hypnosis and multiple personality disorder with Subproject 84 psychologist Frederick J.  Evans.  In 1960,  Wendy  Thorn  completed  a  University  of Sydney  thesis  on  posthypnotic amnesia, then presented her paper Hypnosis and Suggestibility to the ABBPS. In 1961, the ABBPS financed a post-graduate research scholarship to ANU (Australian National University) for Wendy Thorn to study the placebo effect. Her resultant 1962 ANU thesis noted: ‘This study would have also lacked a great deal without the information, advice and materials supplied by  Professor  H.J.  Eysenck  (director  of MK-ULTRA  Subproject  111).From  1963  to 1964, Wendy  Thorn  participated  in  hypnosis research  with  Frederick  J.  Evans  while receiving assistance from the CIA-funded Studies in Hypnosis Project directed by Martin Orne. In 1963, Fred  Evans  attended  Harvard  on  a Fulbright  Scholarship  to  work  and  publish  with Martin Orne.  Wendy Thorn later collaborated with Fred Evans and Hans Eysenck on MK-ULTRA research at Maudsley Hospital Institute of Psychiatry (IoP) in London. Wendy Thorn and Fred Evans subsequently co-published a paper on hypnotic amnesia in 1966.

Phillip Sutcliffe had MK-ULTRA connections which led to Martin Orne commencing his MK-ULTRA hypnosis research at the University of Sydney. Peter Sheehan explained:

Phil had network connections with Martin Orne, and very quickly I got drawn into a very extensive program of research – that was funded in Australia and then through the network and the associations and working with Phil Sutcliffe, I then went across to work with Martin Orne in Philadelphia.

Phil Sutcliffe was influenced by his thesis examiner Hans Eysenck who directed MK-ULTRA Subproject 111.254 In 1959, Phil Sutcliffe received the first University of Sydney PhD for his  thesis Hypnotic Behaviour:  Fantasy  or  Simulation?  His thesis  examiners  were  Gordon Hammer, Robert W. White (Harvard), and Hans Eysenck of London’s Institute of Psychiatry which conducted CIA funded MK-ULTRA research. The examiners declared Sutcliffe’s work ‘a model  for  what  a  PhD thesis  should  be.’  Robert  White  headed  Harvard’s Social  Relations Department where MK-ULTRA doctors Henry A. Murray and Timothy Leary operated. After examining Phil Sutcliffe’s thesis in November 1959, Hans Eysenck applied for a CIA grant to direct MK-ULTRA Subproject 111. The CIA Chemical Branch Chief concluded, ‘Eysenck is one of the most skilful and productive psychologists on the international scene today and a grant to him would add prestige of the Society.’

Peter  Van  Sommers.  Phil  Sutcliffe  later connected with  Peter  Van  Sommers,  a University of Melbourne student who received a 1958 Fulbright Scholarship to become the first  student  in Experimental  Psychology  at  Harvard’s Social Relations  Department. At Harvard, Van Sommers placed electrodes in the brains of rats to create lesions used to control their behaviour.  Harvard retained  Van Sommers  until 1961,  after his  Fulbright scholarship expired, because his research was valuable to DoD (Department of Defence) projects. Van Sommers also spent time at the University of Pennsylvania which offered the world’s most cutting-edge  psychology  research laboratory.  In  the  late  1960s,  Van  Sommers visited  the Mecca of MK-ULTRA, Aldous Huxley’s Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California.

University of Sydney: Australian Occult & MK-ULTRA Epicentre
During  the  1950s,  ‘60s,  and  ‘70s,  most  leading universities  in  Australia  (including Sydney, Western Australia, Melbourne, and Canberra’s ANU) had staff and students in the MK-ULTRA  network.  The University  of  Sydney  remained  the  epicentre of  MK-ULTRA  in Australia. My key MK-ULTRA perpetrators attended the University of Sydney. Harry Bailey graduated  medicine  in  1954.  Leonas Petrauskas  graduated  with  a  diploma in Tropical Medicine in 1957 while Antony Kidman studied there. Kidman and Telford Conlon completed second  year  Chemistry  together in  December  1959,  the  same  year  Conlon’s future  wife Patricia Anne Carden passed third year English. John Manning Ward was History professor (1948-1979) while Anne was a history major, and Rosalind Croucher studied law in the 1970s. Ward became Vice-Chancellor (1981-1990). Holsworthy anaesthetist Colonel John Overton(Antony Kidman’s next-door neighbour) graduated medicine in 1962 with heart transplant surgeon Victor Chang. Actor John Bell graduated from Sydney University in 1962.

My key perpetrators belonged to multiple secret societies including the Freemasons, Jesuits, Rosicrucians, Theosophical Society, the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis), and self-styled esoteric groups. The various organisations were intertwined. Senior Australian Freemasons are  closely  tied  to  the international  heads  of  Rosicrucianism.  The  OTO incorporate  Jesuit teachings.

Theosophy Society & OTO at University of Sydney
The University of Sydney has a long occultic history. In 1882, the University of Sydney founding Chancellor John Smith became Sydney’s first Theosophical Society member. John Smith was mentored by Emma Hardinge Britten who co-founded the Theosophical Society and the OTO. 

Smith was one of the select few to receive a letter from one of the ‘Masters’ (Morya   and   Koot Hoomi), Helena P.  Blavatsky’s   spiritual   guides  to establishing the Theosophical  Society.   Blavatsky incorporated Buddhist  Shambhala  mythology   into her occultic society  and  claimed  to  be  in  contact with  a Great  White  Lodge  /  Brotherhood of Himalayan ‘Masters’, a group of highly developed humans. ‘Master Morya’ is described as a man ‘living on the earth but possessed of developed senses that laughed at time and space.’ OTO  members  are designated  a  number  preceded  by  the  title of  ‘Frater’  which  means fraternity brother of the ‘Great White Brotherhood.’ Australia’s OTO Headquarters proudly advertised the following address - until my Candy Girl documentary was released:

PO Box 362
Wentworth Building
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006

The Wentworth Building also contains the university of Sydney University’s student services, student union, medical centre, banks, hairdresser, and shops. Gregory Tillet published the following on the University of Sydney OTO website:

The History of the OTO in Australia
The original, pre-Crowleyan Order had, however, been brought to Australia around 1908 by Vyvyan Deacon, who became the first Grand Master for the Order in Australia, having received his authority from the Outer Head, Theodor Reuss. Deacon (Frater Memnon) established the Order in Sydney and Melbourne and, during a visit to New Zealand in 1920-2l, attempted to lay the foundations of the Order there.

Between 1914, when the active work of the Order in Australia commenced, and 1930, when Deacon returned to-London, the Order attracted, and influenced, a number of eminent Australians. Notable amongst them were several involved in the arts and literature.

The  Order  became  dormant  after  the  departure of  its  Grand  Master,  who  died  in London in 1938; his archives, authorities and regalia (such of it as survived the Blitz) were entrusted to his daughter's guardianship until a successor could be appointed. Forty-four  years  later  the guardianship  was  relinquished,  and  the  authority and symbols of office were passed to Frater Memnon's successor. Frater Iacchos who, upon his appointment issued a decree, ‘Of The True Secret of The O.·.T.·.O.·.,’ in which he re-affirmed the original, pre-Crowleyan traditions and working of the Order.

The O.·.T.·.O.·. in Australia works the traditions of the Order established by its founders, revised only insofar as has been necessary to remove later accretions.

The  Crowleyan  Order  was  established  in Australia in  the  1920's  by  Frank  Bennett (‘Frater Progradior’) who had been trained by Crowley as a missionary to Australia.

His work attracted a degree of hostile publicity but failed to achieve any real influence. Its limited activity ceased when Bennett returned to England.

The international OTO Handbook lists Australia’s OTO contact as:

Kylie McKiernan
Quartermaster, Australia & New Zealand
PO Box 667
Toongabbie NSW 2146

Kylie  McKiernan  is  the  Chief  Risk  Officer  for  the ABC  (Australian  Broadcasting Commission)  at their Sydney  office.  The  ABC  is  linked  to  the BBC  which  covered  up  the Luciferian  pedophile crimes  of  Jimmy  Savile.  In  2015, British  Intelligence  agent  Paul  Barry mocked and slandered me on national television after I publicly spoke about my experience of government child sex trafficking which implicated the University of Sydney OTO.

The OTO International Handbook contains specific instruction not to publicly perform ritual animal sacrifice:

Don’t sacrifice animals or perform any other actions or practices which might adversely affect the Order’s reputation or legal standing, including public performance of the Mass of the Phoenix, Liber Jugorum, or explicit sexual acts at official or public-access events.

My perpetrators were members of the University of Sydney OTO. Nicole Kidman and I witnessed her father Antony Kidman perform an OTO ritual murder of a five-year-old boy in the University of Sydney Great Hall. The ritual reflected Aleister Crowley’s quote:

For  the  highest  spiritual  working  one  must accordingly  choose  that  victim  which contains the greatest and purest force, a male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence  is  the  most satisfactory  and  suitable  victim…  But  the bloody sacrifice, though  more  dangerous,  is  more efficacious;  and  for  nearly  all purposes human sacrifice is the best.

Alf Conlon
University  of  Sydney  Philosophy  Professor  John Anderson  influenced  psychiatrist Alfred Austin Justin Conlon and his  ‘small but persuasive group’ of Australian intellectuals called the Directorate of Research and Civil Affairs (DORCA). In 1939, Conlon was a 32-year-old medical student at the University of Sydney, and an elected member of the university Senate.  When  war  broke  out, Conlon  became  the  university's Manpower  Officer, which brought him into contact with the army hierarchy. 

As Manpower Officer, Conlon’s expressed goal was to save Australia’s intellectual cream from becoming cannon fodder for the British Empire. In 1942, Conlon convinced Brigadier Victor Stantke (Army Education Director) that the Army needed its own special research section. With zero military training or experience, Conlon became an Army Colonel. Conlon persuaded Prime Minister John Curtin to form, and appoint Conlon Chair of, the Prime Minister's Committee on National Morale. Conlon then convinced General Thomas Blamey (Commander-in-chief of the Australian Military Forces) that     the  research  section  should be  upgraded  to  a  directorate  which  advised  on the  civil government of Australian territories, particularly Papua New Guinea. The result was DORCA. The    PNG campaigns (1944 – 1945) are partly attributed to General Blamey and  PM Curtin falling under DORCA influence.

DORCA  was  staffed  by  University  of  Sydney employees  and  graduates  who were heavily involved  in  the  occult,  associated  with intelligence  groups  ASIO  and  CIA, had communist connections,   and   demonstrated  massive international   influence.   Conlon assembled the following DORCA (later ASOPA) team:

- Camilla Wedgwood (English anthropologist, DORCA lecturer).

- Margaret Mead (American cultural anthropologist, married MK-ULTRA anthropologist Gregory Bateson).

- William E.H. Stanner (anthropologist, ANU lecturer, Aboriginal rights activist, advisor to my pedophile rapist PM Gough Whitlam).

- Julius Stone (lawyer).

- James  Plimsoll  (banker,  later  head  of  External Affairs,  Governor  of  Tasmania,Australian UN representative).

- James McAuley (DORCA lecturer, CIA/ASIO agent, poet, founding member of occultic Liberal Catholic Church).

- Harold ‘Hal’ Stewart (poet, Shin Buddhist, homosexual).

- Ida Leeson (Mitchell Librarian, member of Theosophical Society and Rudolph Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society, Marxist lesbian feminist activist, pushed for a totalitarian New World Order).

- Peter A Ryan (journalist, WWII spy in PNG).

- J.  Keith  Murray  (Queensland  University agriculture  professor,  PNG  Administrator, DORCA Principal).

- Ralph Piddington (DORCA Deputy Principal).

- Julius Stone (Oxford scholar, Sydney University law professor, radical Zionist, leftist minority rights activist).

- Herbert  Cole  ‘Nugget’  Coombs  (economist,  first Governor  of  the  Reserve  Bank  of Australia, Governor Commonwealth Bank, ANU Chancellor, advised seven PMs over 30 years, drove business and politics behind the scenes).

- John  Robert  Kerr  (wartime  intelligence  officer, Governor  General  of  Australia, UNESCO Ambassador, my pedophile rapist).

- Ian  Hogbin  (DORCA  lecturer.  ANGAU  officer Eddie  Stanton  wrote  of  Hogbin  in  his diary: ‘He likes native boys.’)

- John Andrews (DORCA lecturer).

- John Legge (DORCA lecturer).

- Theodore ‘Ted’ George Henry Strehlow (Anthropologist. Leading expert on Australian Aboriginal language, legend and ritual. DORCA lecturer.)

High IQ Kids
John Kerr and John Ryan became Alf Conlon’s right-hand men. Conlon, Kerr, Ryan, Stewart,  Hogbin, Plimsoll,  and  McAuley  all  graduated  Fort  Street High  School,  a  selective school for intellectually gifted students located next door to the University of Sydney. Other DORCA  staff  graduated  from alternative  selective  schools  like  Sydney  Boys High.  This  is relevant to Conlon’s hidden eugenicist agenda, indicated in this tribute:

Alf Conlon (1908–61) was a visionary. He would not have known it, but his ideology had similarities with the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci. Conlon had a belief that the ideas that shape society come from a fairly small elite united by shared intellectual premises, and he sought to use the chaos of the war to establish a new kind of elite in  Australia.  What  Gramsci  termed ‘organic intellectuals’  Conlon  thought  of  as  his intellectual underground.  When  the  war  had  begun  to  pose a  direct  threat  to Australia,  he  could  see  that the  fallout  was  going  to  destroy  the  credibility of  the existing elites and undermine the derived power of the conventional establishment. He recognised  the  possibility  of  using  the  chaos to  build  a new  power  group  with progressive ideas, organic to Australian society and based on intellect. No Marxist, Conlon insisted his ‘New Men’ would be a classless elite, yet those he had in mind were lower-middle-class boys like himself who had come to university through the selective State school system. The poet James McAuley was typical of Conlon’s incipient elite: brainy, ambitious, contemptuous and, most importantly, a product of Conlon’s alma mater, Fort Street Boys High, Sydney, as were Hal Stewart, Ian Hogbin, Jim Plimsoll and a brilliant law graduate named John Kerr.

The Manor

ASOPA’s Sydney headquarters were located directly next door to The Manor at 2 Iluka Road, Clifton Gardens, Mosman. The Manor is a 30-room mansion which contains an Egyptian temple. The Theosophical Society rented The Manor in 1922, purchased it in 1925, and in 1951 created The Manor Foundation Ltd to own and administer the property.

In a 1983 court case, occupants of The Manor claimed to practise a religion there for the  purposes of  tax  exemption  status,  and  supplied  the following  examples  of  rituals conducted there:

‘…there was also a number of specific spiritual and educational disciplines to which they were expected to subject themselves. 

These involved attendance at a service of the  Holy Eucharist  which  was  a religious  ceremony  of  the Liberal  Catholic  Church,somewhat similar to a communion service in the Anglican Church. This was held in the Manor Chapel each morning. There was also held each morning in the temple a short service of  the Egyptian  rite, which  is  the  Theosophical ceremony of  invocation...  A solemn benediction service, also a service of the Liberal Catholic Church, took place every  Monday  night  in  the  Chapel. Also  on  Monday  nights  a  further Egyptian rite service was held in the Temple.’

National   Archive   documents   reveal   ASIO suspected   the   Theosophical Society headquarters were  a  major  Communist  hub  where  Soviet spies  gathered  to  plan  their infiltration of Australia. Leaders of the Theosophical Society, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) met at The Manor to plan their cultural takeover of Australia via the University of Sydney which housed the national OTO headquarters. Camilla Wedgwood’s cousin, James I. Wedgwood, a Theosophist and Freemason, established the OTO in Australia.

Theosophy Legacy
During  the  1920s,  the  Theosophical  Society  had about 7,000 members in the USA, 2,500   in Australia,   and   20,000   in   India.  Theosophy was closely   linked   to  the   Indian independence movement,  the  Indian  National  Congress,  whose most  famous  leader  and revolutionary, Mahatma Gandhi, became associated with and influenced by Theosophy while studying law in London (1888 to 1890). Gandhi attended Theosophical Society meetings and met with Madame Blavatsky and Annie Besant.

The Theosophical Society took control of early Australia's social and political systems. Theosophy is based on the notion of Aryan superiority. The Theosophist Society members influenced  our second Prime  Minister  Alfred  Deacon  to  create the  White Australia  Policy. Alfred Deakin’s daughter Ivy Deacon co-founded Australia's first Eugenics Society with the Australian Theosophical Society’s leader, and members of the Order of the Star in the East. Ivy Deacon’s  son,  Alfred  Deakin  Brooks,  became  the first  head  of  ASIS  (Australian  Secret Intelligence Service).

The Theosophists and Co-Masons created Australia’s first abortion clinic, started our Eugenics  movement, and  controlled  Australia’s  Kindergarten  Union who  provided  public childcare. Theosophist  and Co-Mason Edith Cowan  (who is on our $50 note) was the first Australian  to  advocate  for  forced sterilization  and  government  removal  of  children from Australian citizens. Edith Cowan, who pushed to sexualize children, created Australia’s Child Protection Society and Children's Court, the two government organisations responsible for a massive child trafficking operation where children are still taken from innocent parents and handed to pedophile foster parents for sex trafficking.

Walter Burley Griffin, who designed Australia’s capital city Canberra, belonged to the Anthroposophical Society, an elite version of the Theosophical Society. Canberra’s town plan is based on Freemasonic, occult symbology and sacred geometry.

2GB Radio Pedophiles
In 1926, the Theosophical Society founded one of Australia's first public broadcast radio stations,  2GB. They named 2GB after Hermetic occultist Giordano Bruno. Initially operating out of The Manor, 2GB promoted the Theosophical Society, Freemasonry, Eugenics, racism, and  anti-Christian  sentiment. 2GB  broadcast  the  Sunday  mass  from the  Liberal  Catholic Church (LCC), an occult group which met in a Redfern church building. The LCC was initiated by Charles W. Leadbeater and Camilla Wedgwood’s brother James Ingall Wedgwood. The LCC fused Freemasonry, Theosophy, and the OTO (who held their initial ritual in the LCC’s Redfern  church).  Leadbeater  was  a prominent  Theosophist  leader  who  trained under Madame Blavatsky, co-authored books with Annie Besant, and pursued, ‘a certain kind of meditation  connected  with  the  development  of the  mysterious  power  called  kundalini.’ A notorious pedophile, Leadbeater served as headmaster at the English Buddhist Academy in Ceylon, and wrote numerous books on clairvoyance, the astral plane, and the chakras.

Wesleyan evangelist Gordon Moyes became the conservative ‘Christian’ face of 2GB. I attended one of Moyes’ famous crusades in Tweed Heads when I was a teenager and well recall his façade of respectability, impeccable grooming, and neat navy suit. Moyes preached to my generation on whether teens should kiss. . . all the while gangraping children with fellow Freemasons. ‘Big Tim, Little Tim’ documents Tim Roy’s experiences of ritual rape committed by multiple 2GB radio announcers including Gordon Moyes,  who committed suicide while under police investigation; and Alan Jones, whose television appearances were momentarily suspended during police inquiry.

In 1973, Alan Jones was forced to resign from his position as a teacher at The King’s School in Sydney for sexually grooming students. On one occasion, ‘one of the masters found a letter, written by Jones to a boy, that had been left behind in a classroom desk. In it, Alan spoke of thinking about the boy late at night, expressing his love.’  Two of Alan Jones’ close associates  were  key  members  of  Sydney’s pedophile  network,  lawyer  John Marsden, and underbelly  cop  Roger  Rogerson.  According  to multiple  reports,  all  2GB  celebrities were pedophiles,  including  financier  John Singleton.  Tim  Roy’s  father  worked at  Daruk  and sex trafficked Daruk boys to entertainers.

James McCauley

Founding member of the Liberal Catholic Church, James McCauley was an Australian Academic, Marxist  (later  anti-communist)  and  CIA/ASIO asset.  A  famous  Australian  poet, McCauley dedicated  his  poem Winter  Nightfall  to  his  friend Camilla  Wedgwood.  McAuley used sarcasm to inform the public that the Luciferian Order was operating in Australia:

A   great   number   of   the Australian   university intellectuals   who   gravitated   to Communism did so by an interesting path: The fact that many of us danced in diverse incoherent snatches instead of performing to the strict choreography of Stalin is not decisive. The eccentrics, the dissenters even from the orthodoxy of dissent, might re-explore Nietzsche, or Stirner, or Sorel, or the anarchism lighted up by the Spanish Civil War (as I did – along with exploring the literary esoterism's of Blake, Mallarme, Rilke, George and so on). Never mind, we were all ‘enlightened’; we all belonged somehow to the order of illuminati. 

John Kerr was a Globalist and CIA agent who became principal of ASOPA in 1946, and later the first Secretary-General of the South Pacific Commission. In 1957, Kerr joined the executive  board  of  the CIA’s  anti-communist  advocacy  group, Association  for  Cultural Freedom.   In   1964,   Kerr and   future   NSW  Premier   Neville   Wran   helped defend   the counterculture Oz magazine (a propaganda tool used by the British Round Table) when it was prosecuted for obscenity. PM Gough Whitlam appointed Kerr as Governor-General in 1974.

Weaponised Anthropology via ASOPA
ASOPA claimed their purpose was to police the Pacific Islands to expand Australia’s sphere of global influence, and to train teachers and administrators for Papua New Guinea (PNG).  

They  were  in  fact studying  native  tribes  for weaponized  anthropology,  a  Marxist method for understanding culture in order to find the key to subverting and destroying it (i.e., to  social  engineer a  replacement  Luciferian  culture).  

ASOPA graduates  attended  field assignments in the Pacific Islands, including PNG and Manus Island, where they developed Australian   colonies   and conducted anthropological,   medical,   and   anti-viral   research connected  to  MK-NAOMI.  Key anthropologists Camilla  Wedgewood  and  Margaret Mead worked together at ASOPA.

Margaret Mead
A bisexual in later life, Hofjuden eugenicist Margaret Mead promoted the notion of sexual evolution throughout life. Mead pioneered Australia’s sexual revolution and promoted sexual activity amongst pre-teen Western children based on her false reports of witnessing PNG tribal children engaging in sexual intercourse. Mead was subsequently outed as one of the  greatest  academic  frauds  of  the  20th Century  (yet  the  University  of Queensland’s Anthropology faculty celebrate her birthday). Mead was a member of the Society for Psychical Research,   an   occult   group   that consulted  spirits.   A   MK-ULTRA   operative,   Mead was instrumental  in  the  Stanford  Research Institute’s Changing  Images  of  Man  project. The Stanford University faculty committee planned the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) at the Bohemian Grove pedophile summer camp of 1939 and established it in 1946. By 1965, most SRI projects were of a military and intelligence nature. Protesting Stanford students forced SRI to relocate off-campus in 1970.

In 1968, the US Office of Education commissioned SRI to examine alternative future possibilities for the year 2000 and to derive policy implications for educating youth in ways more relevant to the NWO agenda. SRI reported which ‘changes in the conceptual premises underlying  Western  society would  lead  to  a  desirable  future.’ SRI’s  conclusions  were published in a book called Changing Images of Man (1974).   A blueprint for a vast social engineering  project,  the  book  blatantly attacks  Protestant  Christianity. Its  Introduction to Chapter 4 reads:

At  various  times  in  history,  man's  image  of himself  was  shaped  by  mythology,philosophy, and religion. In our contemporary culture, science has added a dominant formative contribution to our conception of the nature of the human being, through biology and life sciences, physics, psychology, brain research, evolutionary theory, and the growing investigation of consciousness states and parapsychological phenomena.

Camilla Wedgwood
Zionist  Camilla  Wedgwood  was  of  the  Darwin-Galton-Huxley-Wedgwood  dynasty. Her  parents were  first  cousins.  Camilla’s  father  Josiah Wedgwood  was  a  British  Labor politician, Army Colonel connected to Intelligence, and Zionist involved with the WW1 Jewish Legion and Mule Corp. Josiah was well involved with the Theosophical Society who published his book, The Future of the Indo-British Commonwealth, which promoted the creation of a NWO via universal Brotherhood, and determined Christianity is not the answer. The foreword by  then  Prime  Minister  of  South  Africa read:  ‘The  New  World  Order  will  be  a  world of individualism  controlled  by  Britain  and America.’  The  SRI Changing  Images  of  Man  book parroted Josiah Wedgwood’s content.

Camilla Wedgwood was into occultism, Freemasonry, and the Theosophical idea of a New World Order. She was a student of Rudolph Steiner, European spy, Freemason, member of  the  Order  of  the Illuminati,  and  OTO  co-founder  who  claimed the  ‘Luciferic  Impulse’ manifested  on  Earth  in 3000  BC.  Camilla  Wedgwood’s  mother  Ethel was  in  a  sexual relationship with Luciferian Theosophist Rudolf Steiner and translated most of his writings.

Camilla Wedgwood was a left-wing feminist who lectured at the University of Sydney. Appointed Principal  of  the  university’s  Women’s  College  in 1935,  Wedgewood  promoted Margaret Mead’s false reports of sexual activity between tribal PNG children as the basis of condoning sex between prepubescent Western children, and she used her academic  position to  encourage  sexual promiscuity among  young  women.  She  tellingly  said  post-war  social change was the result of the intersection of ‘the revolt of women and the revolt of youth.’ In 1944, Alf Conlon commissioned Camilla Wedgwood as Lieutenant Colonel in the Australian Army where she served as a DORCA research officer. Wedgewood served two field years in PNG, and as senior ASOPA lecturer in Native Administration.

Operation Matchbox
Operation Matchbox was the codename for Australia’s version of Operation Paperclip. Under  Matchbox, Britain  secretly  organised  the  recruitment  and transfer of  at  least  127 German scientists and engineers (including 31 Nazi party members and six SS) to Australia between  1946  and  1951. Matchbox  remained  top  secret  until  a  journalist  accidentally uncovered the secret operation in the National Archives of Australia.

Operation   Matchbox   transferred   chemical   and biological   weapons   experts   to Australian Military laboratories. In 1948, Operation Paperclip recruited Erich Traub, head of the Nazi’s bioweapons projects. Nazi bioweapons expert Vincent Zigas was recruited the same year. Vincent Zigas came from Estonia, a country which provided Nazi Germany with a National Legion during WWII. Vincent Zigas and Nazi physician Leonas ‘Leo’ Petrauskas (my main perpetrator  and  handler)  were  the  ‘dearest  of friends.’  When  Operation  Matchbox recruited Leonas Petrauskas to Australia in 1949, Zigas purchased him a house to help him settle in. National Archive documents confirm Leonas Petrauskas initially worked at Sydney’s Concord Military Hospital.

A 1949 document of the Commonwealth Investigation Service (ASIO’s forerunner) lists Leonas  Petrauskas  and  ‘E.  Traub’ as  having  passed  their  security  check  for employment eligibility  in  PNG.  Petrauskas  and Zigas  completed  a  four-month  ASOPA  course taught  by Camilla Wedgwood and James McAuley before travelling to PNG where they shared a house together. Vincent Zigas became close friends with James McAuley and the godfather of his son.

Camilla Wedgewood introduced Leonas Petrauskas to Margaret Mead (wife of MK-ULTRA founder Gregory Bateson) on Manus Island in 1955. In the Preface of her 1956 book New  Lives  for  Old,  Margaret  Mead thanked  ‘Leo’  Petrauskas  for  assisting  her  in PNG,  but misspelt  his  surname  ‘Petrauskis.’   In 1960,  Petrauskas  followed  up  research  into heart disease  and  influenza  by  Camilla’s  nephew John  Wedgwood.  He  also  oversaw  computer-based personality assessment at Saint Barts Hospital, London. Significantly, Leonas Petrauskas was involved with two Wedgwoods plus Margaret Mead in the space of 10 years.

While in PNG, Leonas Petrauskas wrote a study on the effects of poisoning by a Cone Fish sting on a child. Petrauskas obtained a postgraduate qualification in Tropical Medicine at the University of Sydney in 1957. I witnessed Leonas Petrauskas use the cover of a blue ringed  octopus  sting  to account for  the  death  of  the  young  boy  murdered  and raped  by necrophiliac Paul Keating at Kurnell Beach in Sydney.

Leonas Petrauskas’ Occult Connections
Leonas Petrauskas came from Lithuania, a country with a strong pagan history. He connected  with  the Theosophical  Society  shortly  after  arriving in  Australia.  All  the  new immigrant  events  that Leonas  Petrauskas  participated  in  were  held at  the  Theosophical Society.  Leonas  was  involved with  the New  Australians  Cultural  Association (NACA)  an organisation formed to assist newly arrived European immigrants settle into Australian life. Adyar  Hall,  a  frequent  home  to  NACA events,  was  owned  by  the  Theosophical Society. 

Adyar  Hall  was  also  used  by  the  pro-Nazi Rationalist  Association,  and  the Australia First Movement led by P.R. Stephenson (Aleister Crowley’s associate). Leonas Petrauskas gave a talk for NACA at Adyar Hall in 1949. A previous NACA Vice-President was a leading member of the Theosophical Society.  Another NACA Vice-President was the grandson of a Prince initiated into Egyptian Freemasonry by Alessandro Cagliostro, an early occultist whom Aleister Crowley claimed to be an incarnation of. Eugene Goossens was notable NACA patron who was introduced to Thelema by Rosaleen Norton, the notorious Kings Cross Satanist. Goossens became Vice-President of CIA/ASIO front, The Australian Congress of Cultural Freedom with Ian Clunies-Ross (CSIRO head) serving as an Executive Member.

Project MK-NAOMI in PNG

MK-ULTRA was related to MK-NAOMI, a joint CIA/US Army chemical and biological weapons project based at Fort Detrick, Maryland, that ran from 1953 to 1970. The project involved, ‘developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery systems for use against  humans  as  well  as  against animals  and  crops.’  MK-NAOMI  received  CIA funding through MK-ULTRA Subprojects 13, 30 and 50.

Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, an American physician, received the 1976 Nobel Prize for research on the PNG kuru disease. In 1957, Frank McFarland Burnet organised with Joseph Smadel of Fort Detrick to send military-trained Gajdusek to study the Kuru Virus Vincent Zigas discovered in PNG. Joseph Smadel had conducted military virus research with his colleague Joshua Lederberg. Frank McFarland Burnet employed Vincent Zigas to study the Kuru Virus in PNG and collect samples of it for Burnet’s Melbourne laboratory.Gajdusek’s studies in PNG were financed by the US Army under a contract titled, ‘Field Studies on the Control of Infectious  Disease  of  Military Importance,’  in  connection  with  research at  Fort  Detrick. Gajdusek sent samples of the virus to Smadel at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.  Smadel was at the centre of all US bioweapons research. Gajdusek, Zigas, and Petrauskas worked together in PNG in 1959. Between 1955 and 1977 Zigas regularly joined Gajdusek at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, USA.

In  1957,  Zigas  met  with  Alex  Sinclair,  military psychologist  and  protégé  of  William Walters Sargant,  the  British  end  of  MK-ULTRA.  Sinclair was  sent  to  PNG  to  study  the psychological effects of the Kuru Virus.  Sinclair later gave a speech, Forcible Indoctrination to the Papua New Guinea Scientific Society. Sinclair was involved with ECT (electroconvulsive ‘therapy’) and Deep Sleep Therapy brainwashing methods, and supported Sydney MK-ULTRA doctor  Harry  Bailey.    Alex Sinclair  subsequently  engaged  in  a  Military Psychological Operation to influence PNG citizens’ support of Australia’s presence in their country.

At   Fort   Detrick,   Carleton   Gajdusek  transmitted a   ‘kuru   like   syndrome’   into chimpanzees. The results of his experiment were published in Progress Report No.8 of the Special Virus Cancer Program. This program was used as cover for the extension of Project MK-NAOMI at Fort Detrick.

Theodosius Dobzhansky

The American  Eugenics  Society  published  Carleton Gajdusek’s  Kuru  research  in 1962. Soviet geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky was Chairman of the American Eugenics Society the year before Gajdusek’s Kuru research began.  Dobzhansky received a Fulbright Research Scholarship in 1959 to study the effects of Kuru and implement a eugenics policy of restricting the movement of the Kuru infected Fore tribe in PNG. Dobzhansky did this while undertaking a PhD at the University of Sydney, which he received in 1960.Dobzhansky was friends with Julian Huxley, and his daughter grew up to marry a CIA case officer.

PNG Pedophiles
Paediatrician Carleton Gajdusek turned out to be a pedophile after he was convicted and sentenced for raping seven boys (of the 56 children) he brought back from PNG to use as live-in sex slaves. Gajdusek openly admitted to raping boys and approving of pedophilia. ‘He remained unrepentant about his sexual relationships with the young boys. He often said he thought American law was unduly prudish and argued that he had chosen boys only from cultures where man-boy sex was common and unremarkable.’   Robert Gallo contributed $60,000 to Gajdusek’s bail. In 1970, Robert Gallo spoke to NATO scientists on how to create AIDS-like viruses.

CSIRO Bioweapons Development
The  Fulbright  scheme  was  used  to  station bioweapons  experts  in  Australia.  Arthur Galston (who  helped  develop  Agent  Orange  at  Fort Detrick  in the 1950s)  received  a  1960 Fulbright Scholarship to work with the CSIRO.  A 1956 Fulbright scholarship was given to Joshua Lederberg of Fort Detrick to study Clonal Selection Theory with Sir Gustav Nossal and Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet at the University of Melbourne. Joshua Lederberg became key to bioweapons development after discovering bacteria can swap genes. His connection to Fort Detrick bioweapon research began in 1949. Joshua Lederberg received the 1958 Nobel Prize  and  moved  to  Stanford  University. He became  President  of  Rockefeller  University, a member of the Defence Science Board and the mysterious JASON Group. Lederberg currently advises government on bioweapons and bioterrorism.

In 1960, Frank Macfarlane Burnet won a Nobel prize for his virus research. Macfarlane developed the Myxoma bioweapon with his CSIRO colleagues. Joseph Smadel of Fort Detrick also made contributions to the Myxoma bioweapon, at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.   Ian Clunies-Ross   (CSIRO   head),  Macfarlane, and Frank   Fenner   injected themselves with Myxoma to demonstrate the rabbit-killing virus was harmless to humans. Fenner said of his CSIRO work experience:

If they can kill rabbits like that, we could get something that killed humans like that, it’d be wonderful. (Laughs) That’s the sort of attitude you had to have if you were in that game.

Frank  Macfarlane  Burnet  was  Australian  head  of the  PNG  fieldwork  conducted  by Vincent Zigas and Daniel Gajdusek (of Fort Detrick). The bioweapons research was funded by eugenicists connected to Macfarlane’s friend, Leonard Huxley. Erich Traub had been active at Fort  Detrick  from  1949 onwards.  That  same  year,  Macfarlane used  Traub’s  research  on mice infected with the Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus to help explain how immunity was formed against retroviruses (like Kuru). Macfarlane was also connected to early MK-NAOMI operations at Fort Detrick. Erich Traub was also affiliated with the US Naval Medical Research Institute.  At the time, the Navy was focussed on viruses and diseases in PNG.

Frank  Macfarlane  Burnet  was  a  member  of  the Australia’s Defence  Research  and Development Policy  Committee  which  planned  to  develop bioweapons  to  wipe  out  the ‘teeming hordes’ of Asia. Macfarlane attended a 1957 meeting with the DoD to discuss Australia’s use of Biological Weapons shortly after returning from the UK’s notorious Porton Down Chemical and Biological Weapons research centre. Porton Down was the facility MK-ULTRA scientist Frank Olson visited to study MI6 Mind Control operations using psychoactive drugs, and it is connected to Olson’s Fort Detrick and Project MK-NAOMI.

Frank Macfarlane Burnet was an outspoken eugenicist who proposed reducing the world population by billions. DoD documents released in 2003 show Macfarlane advocated pre-emptive  biological warfare  against  Asian  nations  to  stop their  numbers  threatening Australia. Macfarlane was involved with the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) via his close friend Francis Noble Ratcliffe of the CSIRO who established the ACF under Julian Huxley’s guidance.  Chief  Justice Garfield  Barwick  was  the  first  ACF  head,  and  a 1960s  USEFA  (US Educational Foundation in Australia) Director with Leonard Huxley.

Ford Funded ASOPA
During  the  Cold  War,  half  of  all  Ford  Foundation grants  served  the  CIA.  In  1963, Leonard Huxley brokered a deal with the Ford Foundation for $200,000 of funding to assist ASOPA. In 1964, Ford Foundation beneficiary Margaret Mead visited former ASOPA lecturer William E.H. Stanner at ANU where he headed the Research School which focussed on Pacific Studies.

ANU: MK-ULTRA Research University
Alf Conlon was instrumental in forming the Australian National University (ANU) which he  intended  to  be a  full  research  university. According  to  the  1946 ANU  Act,  Conlon, 'Nugget' Coombs, Douglas 'Pansy' Wright and others planned the Canberra facility to ‘provide facilities for postgraduate research and study both generally and in relation to subjects of national importance to Australia.’ ANU was to contain one medical research, one physical sciences, and two social science schools. These schools corresponded to key CIA MK-ULTRA research interest areas, and Conlon’s goal of introducing a new sociology.

ANU was part of Conlon’s plan to attract Australian physicist Marcus Oliphant (who helped develop the atomic bomb) and other Australian scientists back to Australia. Coombs arranged for Oliphant to meet Australian Prime Minister Ben Chifley, when Chifley and his advisers  were  in  London  for  the  1946 Commonwealth  Prime  Ministers'  meeting. Oliphant became ANU Director of the Research School of Physical Sciences, and he encouraged his Birmingham  scientists  to  follow.  Oliphant’s reputation  was  tarnished,  and  his security clearance lost when two of his Birmingham physics students, Alan Nunn-May and Klaus Fuchs, were exposed as Soviet spies in 1949 and 1950. ANU’s first Psychology professor, Cecil A. Gibb, had the usual Mk-ULTRA qualifications and connections:

- Fort Street Boys High old boy.

- University of Sydney graduate.

- Head Army psychologist.

- PhD supervised by Raymond Cattell, University of Illinois. 

- Australian UNESCO Advisory Committee, 1960-64.

- UNESCO Delegate, 1962.

- ASS Fellow.

- Australian American Association.

- American Field Service Scholarship Scheme.

- Rotary President, 1973-74.

ANSTO, CSIRO & the University of Sydney
The security military agreement made between Australia and the USA in 1951 led to the establishment  of  the  AAEC  (Australian  Atomic Energy  Commission)  in 1953  and  the construction of two underground multi-story CIA research facilities: the AAEC nuclear reactor at  Lucas Heights in  1958,  and  Pine  Gap  in  1967.  The  AAEC opening  at  Lucas  Heights  was attended by Herbert Coombs, Justice Michael Kirby, and Gough Whitlam. In 1987, the AAEC was renamed ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation).

The AAEC’s sister organisation was the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation). In 1981, parts of the AAEC were split off and joined to the CSIRO. Founded in 1949, the CSIRO is a federal government agency responsible for scientific research including genetic engineering, industrial  chemistry,   and radio astronomy.   The CSIRO established  a research  laboratory  (‘National Standards Laboratory’)  at  the  University of Sydney in 1939 which had three divisions, Electrotechnology, Metrology and Physics.

Richard Casey, ASIO & ASIS
Richard   Gardiner-Casey   helped   found   the organisations  involved   in my   child trafficking. His mother’s maiden name Gardiner was preserved due to the value placed on the Gardiner  Illuminati bloodline.  My  father-in-law  and  his  sisters are  typically  proud  of  their Gardiner heritage also. My father-in-law’s mother was a Gardiner and blood relative of Toni Gardiner (renamed ‘Muna’), the English mother of the current King Hussein of Jordan.At my husband’s annual Easter family gathering, those with Gardiner heritage (called ‘Innies’) sat together, while the ‘Outties’ were ostracised to a separate dining table.

Richard Casey was crucial to the establishment of Australia’s Intelligence agencies. ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) and ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Service). ASIO was modelled on MI5 and it functions like the FBI. ASIS is our external security force and comparable to MI6 and the CIA.

Casey became Minister for External Affairs in 1951, the year of the military agreement between Australia and the USA. Casey met with MI5 at ASIO’s new Melbourne headquarters in 1952. He established ASIS that same year and had it report directly to his position. Casey appointed as ASIS head Alfred Deakin-Brookes, grandson of former PM Deakin, and son of his friend Herbert Brookes. Casey founded ASIS with the backing of MI6. The CIA later helped develop  ASIS  by  providing  equipment  and officer  training.  ASIS  remained  tied  to  MI6 and joined its 1952 covert radio network. In September 1953, Richard Casey travelled to the USA and met with CIA Director Allen Dulles.

Richard Casey held numerous influential positions:

- WWI Army Major.

- Elected MP in 1931 for anti-communist United Australia Party.

- Australian Treasurer 1935 – 39.

- Represented Australian PM to British Government (1924 – 1939).

- First Australian ambassador to the USA (1940 – 42).

- Heavily involved with the UN, from 1951.

Frank Cain (1994). The Australian Security Intelligence Organization: An Unofficial History. Frank Cass.

- Minister in charge of the CSIRO (1950 – 60).

- Minister for External Affairs (1951 – 60).

- CSIRO Executive, 1960.

- Oversaw USEFA (1954 - 60), helped secure funding for establishing USEFA in 1959.    

- First non-British Governor-General, 1965 - 1969

- Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) patron, 1966.

Casey’s War on Communism
As   Prime   Minister   Stanley   Bruce’s   UK representative   (1924-39),   Richard  Casey received information from MI5 regarding members of the Communist Party of Australia (CPA) travelling  to Soviet  Russia.  This  served  as  the  impetus  for the  formation  of  ASIS  and redevelopment  of ASIO.  Casey  also  developed  long-term  contacts with  US Intelligence organisations. Churchill subsequently stationed Casey as an intelligence operative in Cairo (1942)  and  Bengal (1944).  Upon  returning  to  Australia,  Casey became  President  of  the conservative Liberal Party and set about infiltrating the CPA. He associated closely with ASIO Director-General  Col. Spry,  bypassing  the  Attorney-General ministry  responsible  for  ASIO. Casey likely influenced Spry’s decision to recruit anti-Communist university graduates to ASIO, including  Michael Thwaites  (Oxford  Rhodes  Scholar,  WWII  Naval Officer,  a  Old  Premiere’s grandson).

In  1950,  the  CIA  established  the  US Congress for  Cultural  Freedom  to  combat communism   and Soviet   propaganda.  Its  Australian   branch was called   the Australian Association for Cultural Freedom (AACF). In a letter (dated 11 June 1958) to founding AACF secretary H. Richard Krygier, Richard Casey said, ‘I am indeed sympathetic towards the aims of your association.’ Notable AACF members were Sir Eugene Gossens (Vice President), and Ian Clunies-Ross (CSIRO head). 

Initially  called  the  Oxford  Group,  Moral Rearmament  was  a  Christian-spiritualist movement founded by Nazi supporter Frank Buchman who planned to use MRA to create ‘…a one-world religion based largely on Teutonic, Aryan, and other pagan traditions mixed with Christianity. Buchman saw Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism as being compatible with his brand of Christianity… Hitler, too, had an affection for Islam and Buddhism…’ 

MRA was hijacked and then directed by the CIA’s Psychological Strategy Board and managed under the code name ‘Packet.’  MRA was used as part of a Cold War Psychological Operation  aimed  at ‘intellectuals, scholars  and  opinion  forming  groups’ for purposes of breaking down ‘world-wide doctrinaire thought patterns which have provided an  intellectual basis for Communism.’

Kim Beazley: ASIO Agent & Child Trafficker
Australia’s MRA operation was led by Kim Beazley Snr, the CIA-ASIO spy who served as an ALP MP for 32 years. Leonas Petrauskas informed me that Beazley ‘ran kids for ASIO’ as part of a ‘dirty tricks’ counter-intelligence operation which used child prostitutes like me to compromise and control politicians. Beazley coordinated my trafficking to Parliament House and Fairbairn Air force Base, Canberra, and Bohemian Grove, CA.

In 2014, I went public regarding a 1985 ritual held inside Bathurst City Hall. Leonas Petrauskas drove me to the event which Kim Beazley Snr jointly presided over with Australian sporting icon Richie Benaud (OBE). The Bathurst City Hall ritual occurred on the same date as the  Bathurst  1000  racing event,  which  coincided  with  the  55th  birthday  of Australian cricketing legend Richie Benaud. Richie Benaud attended Kim Beazley Senior’s MRA Pleasant Sunday Afternoon gatherings, as did his closest friend and former cricket teammate Brian Booth who grew up in Bathurst and led Benaud’s funeral service.

Kim Beazley’s children were raised in MRA. His daughter Merrilyn described MRA as a cult, while her brother Kim Christian Beazley Jnr was pro-MRA. 

Beazley Jnr was a renown CIA supporter  like  his father,  starring  in  a  staged  expose documentary  about  Pine  Gap  in  the 1980s. Former  Ambassador  to  the  US  and  Minister  of Defence,  Beazley  attended  the Bohemian Grove Luciferian pedophile revels in 2012.

Beazley Snr promoted MRA propaganda in leading Australian newspapers, under the headings:

- MRA Wins Red Leaders     

- MRA the Greatest threat to Communism     

- MRA a Good Antidote Against Communism     

- MRA Changes a Red Killer     

- MRA is Communism’s Greatest Threat in the Battle for Men’s Minds 

Like Scientology, MRA was used in the CIA Occultism in High Places program which granted the CIA ‘secret channels right into the minds of leaders not only in Africa and Asia but also in Europe.’ Beazley Snr achieved this by travelling overseas to attend MRA events and conferences in Europe and America, where he formed relationships with leftist or communist international leaders before feeding them MRA propaganda. Beazley used MRA to form a strong relationship between Australia and Japan. Jim Wilcott, a CIA accountant based in early 1960s Japan, claimed MRA ‘was covertly supported and used by the CIA.’

The  MRA’s  ASIO  network  included  Richard  Casey who  attended  MRA Pleasant Sunday  Afternoon (PSA)  gatherings  at  which  Beazley  preached  anti-communism.   Casey hired  an  early  intelligence agent,  Michael  Rayner  Thwaites  (AO),  a  poet with  no  relevant qualifications besides his MRA membership and anti-Communist stance. Thwaites told the media  MRA was ‘a tremendous asset to me in my work in ASIO.’ Thwaites attended the international MRA conferences as did Beazley Snr who wrote the foreword of Thwaites 1980 book,  Truth Will Out: ASIO and the Petrov.

H.V.  Evatt  (Former  ALP  leader  and  Communist sympathizer)  accused  Beazley  of working for ASIO. Evatt was suspicious when he discovered Beazley went behind his back and delivered information regarding probable Communist spies to the Prime Minister. Beazley admitted to such but denied ASIO involvement. Beazley Snr served as an executive with key MK-ULTRA organisations:

- CSIRO Advisory Council (1965 - 72, under the auspices of Richard Casey and Leonard Huxley.

- ANU Council (1951 - 72, when Leonard Huxley was ANU Vice-Chancellor).

- Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Vice-Chair (1967 - 69, concerning Defence and Intelligence issues).

Communists Targeted
The CIA targeted Australian Communists via various direct and indirect means. In July 1949, ASIO raided the headquarters of the Communist Party of Australia whose membership had reached  approximately 6,000. In  1950,  Menzies’ government  tried to introduce  the Communist Party Dissolution Bill.

ASOPA Communist Spies
After the war, DORCA became ASOPA (Australian School of Pacific Administration). ASOPA originated at Holsworthy Army barracks as the Military School of Civil Affairs in the late  1940s  before  moving  to Mosman.  ASOPA  was  shut  down  in  the  1980s after  ASIO determined it was heavily infiltrated by Marxist Communists and operating as a Fifth Column. ASOPA  subsequently  became  the  offices for OzAid  Centre  for  Pacific  Development and Training, famously at the heart of the Clinton Foundation scandal tied to child trafficking.

Leonas Petrauskas: Double Agent
Leonas played for the Lithuanian basketball team. Lithuania shifted between Soviet and  Nazi occupation.  Leonas  was  an  officer  in  the German-Lithuanian  Army,  working  at hospitals under Nazi control that focused on eugenics. His daughter Krista Petrauskas loaned my  researcher  Steve McMurray  her  father’s  original  Nazi  papers  for me to  view.  Leonas’ family admitted he was close to the Luftwaffe for the purpose of navigating and escaping war torn areas, and said he saved the life of a German soldier.

Leonas  deserted  the  Nazis  and  fled  to  Australia through  the International  Refugee Organisation where  he  served  as  a  doctor  specialising  in internal  medicine.  A  letter  of reference (dated 30 April 1948) signed by ‘Dr T. Maavere’ states that Leonas Petrauskas was employed in the Medical Department of PC International Refugee Organisation Ludwigsburg Resettlement Centre from 1 July 1947 until 1 May 1948. He added: ‘I know him as honest most reliable and hardworking internist and I recommend him highly.’

The  IRO  was  a  haven  for  European  Fascists who were  later  recruited  by  Western Intelligence organisations including ASIO.  Australia’s intelligence agencies were convinced Leonas Petrauskas was a Nazi or they would not have let him in. Considering he immigrated to  Australia  at  his father’s  height  of  power,  and  his  associates in  Australia  and  PNG,  it  is evident Leonas Petrauskas was a loyal Communist rather than a National Socialist. Leonas Petrauskas and his associates were likely double spies for Soviet Russia.

Kipras  Petrauskas, Leona’s  father,  was  a  famous Lithuanian  actor  and  opera  singer with  the National  Opera  Foundation.  Kipras  used  his opera singer  status  to  provide propaganda for one of the earlier Soviet revolutions. Kipras Petrauskas was highly influential in      Soviet Russia from 1951 to 54. He received the Stalin Prize in 1951, the Order of Lenin (the highest Soviet award for both civilians and military personnel), the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, and he won the Popular Artists Award of the USSR. Kipras represented Lithuania within the Soviet Union. Shortly after Leonas migrated to Australia, Kipras was made Deputy to the Supreme Soviet Union, the highest branch of government within the Soviet Union, and the only body with the power to pass constitutional amendments.

Leonas Petrauskas’ daughter Krista Petrauskas was also in the Theosophical Society, and closely associated with the AMORC Rosicrucian Order, a Luciferian Freemason group attended by Aleister Crowley and praised by Lenin. According to Krista, Rosicrucian Master Bergio Panikian (relative of the current Grand Master of AMORC Australia) ‘saved her life.’ ASIO investigated AMORC for many years, suspecting it was a front for Soviet Communists and enemies of the West. Krista associated with KGB spy Jim Cairns and his Marxist mistress Junie Morosi who worked for the CIA. Cairns was prominent in the Labour Party and a Marxist who started the counterculture in Australia.

Assassinated Soviet Spies
Three of my key perpetrators were seemingly assassinated for being Communist spies: Patricia Anne  Conlon,  University  of  Sydney  Vice Chancellor  John  Ward,  and  Chinese  heart surgeon Victor Chang.

Patricia ‘Anne’ Conlon (nee Carden) was Alf Conlon’s daughter-in-law. Anne went by her middle name to distinguish herself from her mother Patricia. Her biography reads:

Patricia  Anne  Conlon  (1939-1979),  feminist, Labor movement  activist  and public servant, was born on 2 November 1939 at Neutral Bay, Sydney. Anne was educated at St Joseph's Convent School, Neutral Bay, Monte Sant' Angelo College, North Sydney (dux 1956), and—on a teacher's scholarship—at the University of Sydney (BA, 1961; MA, 1973) where she became senior student at Sancta Sophia College.

Renowned for her soprano voice, she competed in the City of Sydney Eisteddfod, and performed in choral and musical productions at school and university.

Disappointed  at  missing  first-class  honours  in history,  Carden  taught  in  public  high schools (which  she  found  unrewarding)  before  and  after spending  1964-65  on  a postgraduate  scholarship at  the  University  of  Saskatchewan,  Canada. At  St  John's College, Sydney, on 29 September 1967 she married Telford James Conlon, a physicist belonging to a Labor-connected family.

In 1968 she became research assistant to John Manning Ward, professor of History at the  University of  Sydney,  and  in  1973  completed  her  master's thesis,  Eyewitness Accounts  of  Australia—1815-1850.  Her  son  was  born  in  1971  and her  daughter  in 1974.

A   founding   member   (1972)   of   the   Women's Electoral   Lobby,   Conlon   stood unsuccessfully as the Australian Labor Party candidate for Mosman at a by-election for the Legislative Assembly in July 1972. Next year she was a convener of W.E.L.'s first national conference in Canberra. She helped to produce submissions on conciliation and arbitration legislation to the Federal government, on the disadvantaged position of single mothers to R.F. Henderson's commission of inquiry into poverty, and with Edna Ryan—on the minimum wage for women to the 1974 national wage case.

Awarded  a  grant  by  the  Australian  National Advisory  Committee  of  International Women's Year 1975, Conlon and Ryan expanded their research into a book, Gentle Invaders (1975), which was notable both for the depth and quality of its evidence, and for    its  pioneering  work  on  the  history  of women  and  labour  in  Australia.  Conlon published articles  on  issues  involving  women  in  the Electrical  Trades  Union's  E.T.U. News, Catholic Weekly and Australian Quarterly. An article based on her thesis had appeared in 1970 in the Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society. In 1976 she was appointed lecturer at the Australian Trade Union Training Authority.

A founding member (1977) of the New South Wales Women's Advisory Council, Conlon became special projects officer with the government's Women's Co-ordination Unit in February 1978. She worked on the Anti-Discrimination Act (1977), on an amendment to the  maternity-leave  provision  and  on  the  welfare of  women  prisoners.  Her achievements impressed the premier Neville Wran.

Tall   and   striking,   auburn   haired   and   freckled, Conlon   was   witty,   energetic, compassionate  and extremely  loyal.  At  Sancta  Sophia  she  had been  volatile  and chronically unpunctual. Although she retained her Catholic faith, she broke for a timewith  the  institutional  Church  because,  she believed,  it  had  failed  to respond  to  the women's cause. She was a good debater, and had presence and authority, but did not seek the limelight, preferring to be a 'backroom operator' and to rely on an impressive network of friends and supporters. Politically astute, she was one of the few women in WEL  who  belonged  to  the  Australian  Labor Party;  she  disavowed  the  prevailing philosophy that women should remain lobbyists and not join political parties.

To her profound grief, her marriage collapsed and in January 1979 she was divorced. Six months later she was diagnosed as suffering from cancer. 

Survived by her children, she  died  on  13 December  1979  at Mater  Misericordiae  Hospital North  Sydney. Hundreds of people packed a requiem Mass at nearby St Mary's Church; typically, she had meticulously arranged her own funeral, even the hymns sung by the choir of her old school. She is commemorated by an annual memorial lecture sponsored by the W.A.C. and by a building at Mulawa Training and Detention Centre for Women which bears her name.

Here are some details Anne Conlon’s biography missed:
- Anne grew up in Greenwich where Antony Kidman lived. She was born one year after Kidman, making them contemporaries.

- Anne’s  husband  Telford  Conlon  was  close friends,  co-authored  research  articles, worked in labs, and participated in the Sydney music and theatre scene with Antony Kidman.

- Telford  wrote  Defence  science  technology  policy in  Canberra,  was  involved  in  MK- ULTRA mind control genetics research, and with the CSIRO at Lucas Heights.

- Anne performed in the July 1960 production of The Fairy Queen at Sydney University Great Hall with Shakespearean actor John Bell.

- Anne received a social sciences scholarship to train at the University of Saskatchewan under MK-ULTRA professors Humphrey Osmond and Abraham Hoffer.

- Anne worked as Special Projects Officer for pedophile ALP Premier Neville Wran (Fort Street Boys  High  School  graduate,  implicated  in corruption  scandals,  daughter  was charged with murder).

- The Carden family has a history of HOGD affiliation. In England, Anne Rule Carden,whose son James immigrated from England to Australia, was a member of both the HOGD and Theosophical Society.

- Anne's father John 'Jack' Carden strangled her mother to death at their Neutral Bay home on 5 January 1984. During his court appearance, John Carden said why he killed his wife: ‘I have been blamed and abused for everything. I could not do anything right. I just could not take it anymore.’

Fabian Society
Patricia Anne Conlon was associated with the Australian Fabian Society and helped them advance socialism via Cultural Marxism (gradual and reformist activities instead of overt revolt).

The  Australian Fabians  are  closely  tied  to  the  ALP.  Numerous ALP  ministers  were active  members  of  the Fabians  while  in  office,  including  Gough  Whitlam, Bob  Hawke (Communist  Party  associate),  Paul Keating,  and  Neville  Wran  –  all  University  of  Sydney graduates, all pedophiles.

Faked Death
Anne Conlon said she was wanted for ‘treason’ and faked own death on 13 December 1979. She hid at the University of Sydney’s Sancta Sophia College for five years, serving as a dorm supervisor under the alias ‘Veronica’ (or ‘Ronnie’) before being ‘discovered’ and died when I was 14 years old. Anne copied British Labor Party minister John Stonehouse who faked his own death after MI5 realized he was a Soviet spy.  Anne Conlon’s National Archives file is sealed for reasons of ‘national security’ which further supports the notion she was a spy.

John Madden Ward
John Ward attended Fort Street Boys High School followed by the University of Sydney where he was heavily influenced by Marxist lecturer John Anderson. Ward hid Anne Conlon at Sydney University’s Sancta Sophia College during his Vice-Chancellorship, and I recall the two having sex in her bed. John Ward was seemingly assassinated shortly after his retirement from  Sydney  University  in  1990.  Ward,  his family,  and  several  loyal  university  staff  were aboard the rear carriage of a steam train returning from an excursion to the Hunter Valley. A bizarre series  of  events,  including  sand  being  scattered on  the  train tracks  and  someone pulling a handbrake, caused Ward’s carriage to be struck and decimated by another train.Ward, his wife, daughter, and key staff were killed.

Victor Chang
Less than a year after the hit on Ward, famed Chinese heart surgeon (and Delta Special Forces Colonel)  Victor  Chang  was  assassinated.  NSW detectives  initially publicly  blamed Chang’s murder on the Triads, one of Britain’s assassination groups.

It seems my perpetrators, united by their involvement in MK-ULTRA and pedophilia, had divided  loyalties.  One  faction,  including ‘Comrade’ Gittinger,  Petrauskas,  the  Conlons, Chang and Ward, were loyal to Communist Russia and China. The opposing group, including the Beazleys, Kerr, Hawke and Casey, served the British Monarchy. This scenario makes more sense of the coup that the CIA conducted against Whitlam.

1975 CIA Coup
The  existence  of  ASIS  remained  top  secret, even from  the  Australian  Government, until  1972  when Gough  Whitlam’s  ALP  government  targeted  ASIO and  ASIS  for  exposure. Lionel Murphy authorised raids on ASIO headquarters in 1973. Whitlam established the First Hope Commission (1974-77) to investigate our intelligence services, and he removed both ASIO and ASIS directors in 1975.

Whitlam threatened to name the CIA agents in Australia and refused to renew the CIA’s lease on Pine Gap. Consistent with his election promise to ‘expose Pine Gap!’  Whitlam  visited  the underground  base; however,  during  a  subsequent press conference at which journalists asked him what he saw at Pine Gap, Whitlam (famous for his wit) became uncharacteristically vague and incoherent, muttering there was nothing to see. Whitlam presented as hypnotised.

The CIA conducted their coup against Gough Whitlam in 1975. The film Falcon and the Snowman is based on the events surrounding this. During Whitlam’s revolt against the CIA, they referred to the British Queen’s representative as ‘Our man Kerr.’ The British Queen, in her role as Australia’s Head of State, dismissed the Australian Prime Minister through her Governor-General,  Sir  John  Kerr,  amid  a manipulated  ‘constitutional  crisis.’  Sir  Garfield Barwick (Fort St Boys High Old Boy, Chief Justice of the High Court) advised Kerr to remove Whitlam.

Governor-General and CIA agent John Kerr enacted archaic legislation to dismiss Whitlam. Traitor Bob Hawke assisted the coup by calming the Unions who were about to mass strike  in  protest  and  shut  the  country  down.  Like  all  Trade  Union  leaders, Rhodes  scholar Hawke attended leadership training at Harvard.

USEFA: MK-ULTRA Funding Body
The Rhodes and Fulbright Scholarships were used to indoctrinate and train Australians of  influence  and power  in  England  and  the  USA.  USEFA  (US Educational Foundation  in Australia) was the Australian body of the Fulbright Scholarship and Lectureship Program.  The  CIA  used  USEFA  to transfer  MK-ULTRA  doctors  between  Australia  and the  USA.  For example, only two psychology Fulbright Scholarships were provided in 1956, to: Raymond Cattell  who  attended  the  University  of Melbourne  where  Oscar  Adolph  Oeser  headed Psychology; and Daniel L. Adler who attended ANU. He attained his PhD with MK-ULTRA co-founder Kurt Lewin.

USEFA was based at the ANU during its crucial years. The USA funded USEFA from its 1959  inception  until 1965,  via  the  IIE  (Institute  of  International Education),  a  CIA  conduit founded  by  Elihu  Root  (CFR  founder, Carnegie  Endowment co-founder,Pilgrim’s Society member) and CFR member Stephen P. Duggan (aka, the ‘Apostle of Internationalism’).

Academy of Social Sciences in Australia
Founded in 1942 under the name Social Science Research Council of Australia, ASSA (Academy  of Social  Sciences  in  Australia)  became  a  nexus  of Intelligence  and  MK-ULTRA operatives. For example, the 1956 ASSA Council included the usual suspects:Alfred Conlon, Herbert C. ‘Nugget’ Coombs, Oscar A. Oeser, and Cecil A. Gibb. To further illustrate, ASSA is composed of four panels of fellows. ‘Panel D’ (Education, Psychology, and Social Medicine) was staffed by MK-ULTRA researchers: Ronald Taft, Peter W. Sheehan, John Phillip Sutcliffe,Jacqueline Goodnow, Kevin McConkey, and Alan Richardson.

ASSA was influenced by UNESCO and funded by the Carnegie Corporation. The ASSA Council met with the heads of UNESCO Australia in October 1956 to decide the direction of their eugenics program in Australia. ASSA headquarters were located at ANU where Leonard Huxley  served  as  chair.   ASSA  worked alongside  the  AAS (Australian  Academy  of Science).  Leonard Huxley sat on the AAS Council in 1956 and became Vice-President the following year.

Leonard Huxley: Australian MK-ULTRA Coordinator
Thomas Huxley (1825-95) established the Huxley-Wedgwood family connection to Australia and PNG when he spent three years (1847-49) exploring the region. He met his wife in Sydney and later unsuccessfully applied for a position at the University of Sydney. His great grandson, Leonard George Holden Huxley (1902-88) closely associated with his relative Julian Huxley while attending Oxford on Rhodes Scholarship. Together Leonard and Julian helped establish and coordinate MK-ULTRA in Australia. Leonard Huxley served as an executive on numerous boards and committees:

- University of Adelaide, Council (1953-60)

- ASS Council (1956); Vice-President (1957)

- ANU Vice-Chancellor (1960-67), Council (1956-59)

- USEFA Board (1960-65, oversaw Fulbright Lectureship granted to Martin Orne).

- CSIRO Board (1960, with Richard Casey).

-  Australian/American Educational Foundation, Chair (1965-69)

- Australian Radio Research Board, Chair (1958-64)

- National Standards Commission, First Chair (1950-64)

- Radio Frequency Allocations Committee, Chair (1960-64)

- National Library of Australia, Council (1961-72)

- Committee on Space Research, Delegate (1959-60)

- Australian Institute of Physics, First President (1963-65)

Leonard    Huxley    approved    the    Fulbright Scholarship    of Stanford    University anthropologist John D. McCaffrey in 1956. MK-ULTRA co-founder Gregory Bateson was one of John McCaffrey’s referees. John McCaffrey’s Fulbright research proposal outlined a visual approach to recording feedback from Aborigines via their artwork. This study mirrored an unethical MK-ULTRA experiment by US Military doctor Alexander H. Leighton at the Japanese War  Relocation  Centre  at  Poston, Mojave  Desert.  Both  studies  aimed  to learn about the concept   of   feedback   which   is   relevant   to understanding human personality.    The significance of  feedback  was  discovered  in  a  brainwashing experiment at  McCaffrey’s Stanford University.

Julian  Huxley  wrote  a  letter  (dated  7  October 1953)  to  the  wife  of ASIO  founder Richard Gardiner Casey, suggesting she ask her husband to facilitate the anthropological study of Indigenous Australians as follows: (a) release an amateur anthropologist from his federal Government position to pursue an expedition financed by a major US University;(b) finance the  research  of  professional anthropologist  Ted  Strehlow  (expert  in Aboriginal spiritual knowledge including myths and ‘ritual’ and who previously taught at Conlon’s DORCA), and (c) appoint Strehlow as a Social Studies Professor at ANU. Huxley said of Strehlow:

He has just made some colour films, one of which I saw, on some Aboriginal totemic ritual – it is the most wonderful record of a primitive ritual that I have ever seen. He still  appears  to  have  difficulty in  getting  money  –  a  trivial  sum  – to  put  a good soundtrack on it. I wonder if the Minister for Territories [Richard Casey] could help in this?...   In haste – just leaving for Tasmania.

Ted  Strehlow  subsequently  received  funding  in 1954  from  the  Academy of  Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) for his study, Pre-White Organisation of Aranda Tribe and Effect of Contact with White Settlers.  In 1955, Strehlow received funding for a pamphlet titled, The sustaining ideal of Australian Aboriginal Societies.  Strehlow went on to develop the ASSA Aborigines  Project  which  was headed  by  ASOPA  Principal  Charles  D.Rowley, with contributions from Ronald Taft and John Phillip Sutcliffe.  Two other MK-ULTRA operatives received ASSA research funding in 1956: Oscar A. Oeser and John Phillip Sutcliffe.

Oscar Adolph Oeser
Oscar Oeser was recruited as a British Intelligence officer by Ian Fleming, author of the James  Bond series.  Oeser  employed  Tavistock  founder  Eric Trist  to conduct  research  in 1935.   Oeser  was the founding  Professor  of  the  University  of Melbourne Psychology Department, and 1956 Chair of the APS. In 1956, Oeser was in contact with Richard Gardiner Casey who founded Australia’s intelligence organisations (ASIO and ASIS) in association with the CIA and MI6. As Minister for External Affairs, Richard Casey held authority over the USEFA Fulbright Scheme in Australia until he left office in 1960. Oeser’s name appears in the 1959 recommendations list for Fulbright Lecturer/Research scholars. Oeser received Leverhulme, Carnegie and Rockefeller scholarships to tour Asia, Europe, UK and the USA.

Australian Links to CIA Personality Research
University of Western Australia. In 1949, psychologist Ronald Taft commenced work for  the  Rockefeller-funded Institute  of  Personality  Assessment  and Research  (IPAR)  with ‘veterans of Henry Murray’s OSS Assessment team.’ In 1961, University of Western Australia’s Professor  Taft  received  a  CIA Human  Ecology  Fund  (HEF)  research  grant to study  the Relationship between Health, Personality and Environmental Factors in Groups.That same year, Martin Orne received HEF finance for Attitude Formation, Decision Matrices. Robert E. Goodnow also received CIA funding for his ‘Personality Studies’ in 1961.

Jacqueline and Robert Goodnow. Ronald Taft and Alfred Hammer were closely tied to Jacqueline Goodnow,  the  Australian  child  psychologist  who specialized in  personality  and cognition. Jacqueline interned at MK-ULTRA hub St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, DC. The  Freemasonic Scottish  Rite Schizophrenia  Research  Project  (SRSRP)  was based  at  the hospital. Winfred Overholser,  the 32⁰ Freemason who ran St. Elizabeth’s (1937-1962) was directly involved in the SRSRP project. In 1951, Jacqueline married Robert E. Goodnow who co-founded Psychological  Assessments  Associates (PAA)  with  CIA  head psychologist  (my perpetrator)  John  W.  Gittinger.  Robert  Goodnow was  PAA  President  and contributed  to Gittinger’s clandestine Personality Assessment System research.  In 1951,the Goodnow's conducted PAS research and psychological assessment for Gittinger and the US Military in Munich, Germany. In 1959, Jacqueline followed Robert on his CIA-financed travel to locations including Hong Kong where she became a research fellow with the University of Hong Kong and conducted intelligence testing on Chinese children in 1960.

MK-ULTRA  victim  Karen  Wetmore  said  PAA conducted  personality assessments  on children at Vermont State Hospital. The PAA folded after its CIA operation was exposed. In 1971, The Washington Post reported, ‘the new operating group is seeking to divest itself of the  CIA  financial  sponsorship.’  A year  later,  Sidney  Gottlieb,  head of  CIA  mind control operations,  fled  to  Australia  and disappeared  without  a  trace.  The Goodnows’ official association with PAA ended in 1974 - the same year Gittinger first assessed me in Australia.

The  Goodnows’  son  Christopher,  born  in  Hong Kong,  completed  his  PhD with  Sir Gustav Nossal (Jesuit-schooled, Jewish eugenicist, University of Sydney biology major, works as a UN WHO consultant and for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

Macquarie University. Jacqueline and Robert Goodnow returned to Australia in 1972 and  joined  the Macquarie  University School  of  Behavioural Sciences founded  by  Ian  K. Waterhouse (an Australian Military Psychologist, and former Tavistock Clinic student). Peter Van  Sommers  became Associate  Professor  at  Macquarie  that  same  year. Alfred  Hammer became Emeritus Professor at Macquarie also.

MK-ULTRA Transferred to Australia 237S
Antony Kidman also returned to Australia in 1972. John W. Gittinger regularly visited Australia to oversee MK-ULTRA, and train and supervise MK-ULTRA perpetrators including Antony  Kidman. Gittinger  used  me  to  demonstrate  his  methods. MK-ULTRA’s  1971  public exposure in the  US preceded  mass IQ testing in NSW  government schools, recruitment  in government  children’s homes  and  other  institutions,  and  the  removal  of all  psychiatric patients from Milson Island in the Hawkesbury River north of Sydney (which became a MK- ULTRA  research  facility).  I  deduce  the  CIA transferred  the  operation to  socialist  Australia where it was easier to conduct clandestine child recruitment.

Antony Kidman studied psychology at the University of Sydney during Martin Orne’s 1960 lectureship. From 1969 to 1972, Benjamin Weiss supervised Kidman in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington DC. St. Elizabeth’s was an LSD research hub and served the Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Program (SRSRP). The lab was co-founded by LSD mind control researcher Joel Elkes and run by Erminio Costa who made critical discoveries regarding LSD effects on the human brain. Costa, Elkes, and Weiss attended Scottish Rite sponsored events on Schizophrenia. Weiss later received hundreds of thousands of dollars in SRSRP research funding, and he chaired an SRSRP event.Kidman, Costa and Weiss published a research paper together in 1971.

Maudsley IoP: Australian MK-ULTRA Base

The Institute of Psychiatry (IoP), Maudsley Hospital in London was the ‘staging ground for European and African MK-ULTRA operations.’ Evidence suggests it was also a staging ground for Australian operations.

In  1936,  Julian  Huxley  encouraged  his  friend Julian  Trevelyan  to participate  in  a mescaline study  at  the  Maudsley.  Julian’s  brother  Aldous Huxley later  wrote  about  his experiences  of taking mescaline.   Julian  Trevelyan  married  the great-granddaughter  of Charles Darwin, making him related to the Huxleys.

Most pre-WW2 IoP finance came from the Rockefeller Foundation, which enabled an exchange  of  doctors between  the  London’s  Maudsley  and  Nazi Germany. The  IoP  was initially Tavistock clinic’s competitor; but came under Tavistock control when the British Army and Intelligence crowd, including John Rawlings Rees and Eric Trist, commenced operations there. Julian Huxley later promoted the IoP work of Eliot Slater, the British Eugenics Society Vice-Chair who worked extensively with William Walters Sargant (who served MI5 and MI6).

From the late 1950s onward, the IoP was home to MK-ULTRA Sub-project 111 directed by Hans J. Eysenck. Australian psychologist Donald W. McElwain conducted psychological experiments  at  Maudsley in  the  early  1950s.      Australian psychologist Wendy  Thorn travelled  to the IoP to conduct research with Hans Eysenck who lectured at the University of Sydney  during  his  1977  Australian  tour.    Other  Australian-Maudsley connections  are apparent from William Sargant’s involvement at the hospital, since he influenced serial killer Harry Bailey. MK-ULTRA sleep deprivation researcher Ardie Lubin was based at the IoP until he left to study with Jacqueline Goodnow at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.   Antony  Kidman’s  connection to  the  IoP  is  evidenced  by  Nicole Kidman visiting the Maudsley  (now  IoPPN)  in  2016  to  create  the Dr  Antony  Kidman Scholarship  in  Health Psychology.

MK-ULTRA ‘Inescapable Shock’ Research
American banker and businessman, Joseph Seligman (d. 1880) was patriarch of the Hofjuden Seligman family. His home served as the first headquarters of Rothschilds’ B'nai B'rith assassin group. CIA psychologist Martin Seligman continued the murderous legacy:

The  CIA’s  ‘enhanced  interrogation  techniques,’ outlined  in  a controversial  report released earlier this month from the Senate Intelligence Committee, was influenced by a  Penn  professor’s  research. Psychology  professor  Martin  E.P.  Seligman famously conducted studies at Penn in the 1960s that revealed a ‘learned helplessness’ in dogs subjected to  repeated  electric  shocks.  Instead  of  adjusting  their behaviour  upon receiving multiple shocks, the dogs remained in place, providing valuable insight into the  workings  of  depressed  or  abused persons.  Now,  his  research  is being  used  for torture rather than healing according the Senate report.

Martin  Seligman  conducted  torture  research  at America’s  MK-ULTRA  hub, the University of Pennsylvania. He and Steven Maier electrocuted dogs trapped in cages. They observed some dogs became unresponsive and lost the ability to avoid the torture. Seligman called the resultant condition ‘Inescapable Shock’ - but changed this to the more palatable ‘Learned Helplessness.’

Learned helplessness: The condition in which a person suffers from a sense of powerlessness arising from a traumatic event or persistent failure to succeed.

Louis Jolyon West and B.F. Skinner repeated Seligman’s electric shock experiments at Harvard using intellectually disabled children, some three years old. Martin Seligman spent a 1975  ‘sabbatical’ at  the  Maudsley  IoP  where  he  met  Hans Eysenck, studied  phobias  and obsessions,  and developed  Learned  Helplessness  methods. Seligman attended  the  IoP alongside Stanley Rachman with whom he previously collaborated on Learned Helplessness research.

Seligman’s Learned Helplessness formed the basis of the CIA Torture Program. In 2001,  Seligman  met with  top  CIA  psychologists  and  agents  at  his house  for  what  became known as ‘the start of the program.’ This meeting occurred just months after Seligman met with Antony Kidman at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). The meeting included at least one Mossad agent plus psychologist James Mitchell who was paid $81 million to develop the CIA torture programme.

In 2014, a US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report concluded: (a) the CIA ‘enhanced interrogation’ program was counter-productive to its expressed goal of gathering intelligence;  (b)  James Mitchell  developed  a  ‘menu’  of  20  torture techniques  including waterboarding  and  sleep deprivation;  and  (c)  Mitchell  used  SERE (Survive, Evade,  Resist, Escape) tactics to develop the CIA torture program. SERE tactics were derived from Chinese brain-washing techniques used on US POWs during the Korean War. SERE includes MK-ULTRA methods found in the Kubark Manual (1963) and the CIA Phoenix Program.

(Incidentally, on 24 February 2004, Martin Seligman was one of only 40 or so guests who attended The Edge ‘Billionaires Dinner’ at Monterey, CA with child trafficking pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.)

The APA (American Psychological Association) commissioned an independent report to determine the role their organisation played in Seligman’s CIA torture programme. The report revealed direct collusion at the highest levels of the APA which ensured psychologists like Martin Seligman and James Mitchell could participate in abusive torture methods.

In  2010,  the  US  Army  awarded  Martin  Seligman a  $31  million  no-bid contract  to develop  a ‘resilience  training’  program  for  soldiers.  The resultant Comprehensive  Soldier Fitness Program was an unethical research project under the guise of an exercise program.  Martin  Seligman’s  unethical experiment  denied  soldiers’  rights  to informed consent  and forced  them  to  abandon  critical thinking  and  respond  more  obediently using Positive Psychology. In a component called ‘Spiritual Fitness’ soldiers were told religion is essential to achieve  better  mental  health.  Positive  Psychology promotes  Tibetan Buddhism,  meaning Buddhism was the religion forced on soldiers during Seligman’s experiment. The US Army admitted the experiment’s purpose was to produce an ‘indomitable army.’

Seligman & Kidman
Antony Kidman became a lifelong associate of Martin Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania where he studied under Aaron Tim Beck, father of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). Kidman and Seligman subsequently published books together and
introduced CBT and Positive Psychology to Australia.

Martin Seligman conducted Learned Helplessness research at the IoP while Antony Kidman was involved with Learned Helplessness at the University of Sydney’s Kolling Institute of Medical Research, which is located at the Royal North Shore Hospital. The resultant 1975 paper, The Experimental Contusion Injury of the Spinal Cord in Sheep, was co-authored by J.D. Yeo,  W.  Payne,  B.  Hinwood,  and A.D.  Kidman.  The  researchers  used an ‘impounder’  to simulate spinal trauma, paraplegia and sensory loss in the hind limbs of sheep.The spinal injury created a neurological response like electric shock, only more intense. While the other three  researchers  were  interested  in  paraplegia and  observing  the efficacy  of  treatments applied to  spinal  cord  trauma,  biochemist  Kidman focused  on  the post-trauma  effects  of norepinephrine. Kidman and his colleagues found: (a) A fourfold increase in the levels of or norepinephrine; (b) Low levels of dopamine within one hour have not been substantiated in more  recent  work  by  other laboratories;  and  (c) The  time  interval following the  trauma  is important and further work on monoamine ‘turnover’ is necessary to elucidate this complex problem.  The  cause  of  the  Learned Helplessness  phenomena  was  unclear at  that time of Kidman’s  sheep  research,  with  some  theorising  it  was  a  rapid norepinephrine  depletion following the initial shock or trauma.  The resultant article cited a 1974 paper concerning a similar experiment with cats.  The cat study is cited in a 2007 article (titled, ‘The Role of Stress  in  Recovery  of  Function  After Spinal  Cord  Injury’)  which  also cites  Seligman’s 1975 Learned  Helplessness  Theory.  In  other words,  Kidman’s  sheep  experiment was  linked  to Seligman’s Learned Helplessness research via relevant citations, plus its aim,method, and neurotransmitter observations.

Positive Psychology: MK-ULTRA Mind Control
Positive Psychology began in the 1960s with humanistic and existential psychology, which emphasized  reaching  innate  potential  and creating  life  meaning. MK-ULTRA  doctor Abraham Maslow coined the term ‘Positive Psychology’ to describe his work. Albert Ellis, the ‘unsung  hero  of positive  psychology,’  demonstrated  his  original work at  a  1960s  Esalen Institute seminar.

Positive   Psychology   is   fundamentally   connected to   both   Cognitive  Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Learned Helplessness. Walter Reed Army Hospital psychologist Aaron T. Beck developed CBT with Albert Ellis. Positive Psychology is based on CBT.  Beck explained the similarities between CBT and Positive Psychology during a 2012 Beck Institute Workshop. Aaron  Beck  and  Albert  Ellis  influenced  Martin Seligman  and  Antony  Kidman  and  their introduction  of  CBT  and  Positive  Psychology  to Australia.  Seligman  introduced  Positive Psychology in his first address as American Psychological Association President in 1998, with fellow APA member Antony Kidman in attendance.

Kirk  J.  Schneider  criticised  Seligman’s  Positive Psychology  for  distorting  reality.  He found high levels of positive thinking to correlate with ‘Positive Illusion’:

What  the  researchers  don’t  help  us  to understand  –  and  what  will  be essential  to understand if we are ever to substantively broach human vitality – is how positivity ratios  also  appear to  correlate  with  destructive  human  tendencies. For example,  a growing  body  of  research  appears to  suggest  that  what  the  researchers call  high positivity – a disposition to pleasant, grateful, and upbeat feelings – also correlative with a dimension called ‘positive illusion’ (relative inaccuracy regarding reality); and that negativity (or what is generally characterized as mild to moderate depression) is correlated   with   relatively   greater   accuracy concerning   reality. These   findings, moreover,  also appear  to  square  with  recent  correlations between highly  positive people  and  suppressed psychological  growth,  inability  to  self-reflect, and racial intolerance.

Positive Psychology reduces the individual’s ability to critically think and understand reality, effects consistent with the goals of the eugenics project we know as MK-ULTRA.

Positive Psychology correlates with Positive Illusion -inaccuracy regarding reality.

CIA Positive Psychology & Buddhism Conferences
Since 2006, Sydney has hosted yearly conferences that jointly promote Buddhism and Positive Psychology. The Happiness and its Causes conferences are organised by the Dalai Lama and the Vajrayana Institute. The Dalai Lama is a well-documented CIA asset with a long history of receiving CIA funding.

The  Dalai  Lama  himself  was  on  the  CIA's payroll from  the  late  1950s until  1974, reportedly receiving $US15,000 a month ($US180,000 a year). The funds were paid to him  personally,  but  he used  all  or  most  of  them  for  Tibetan government-in-exile activities,   principally   to   fund offices   in   New  York   and Geneva,   and   to  lobby

In 1959, the Chinese ousted the Tibetan government run by the Dalai Lama and his band of aristocratic, nepotistic monks who collected taxes, and jailed, tortured and skinned alive  dissenters.  The  monks’ torture  and  mind  control  methods  were documented  and developed  by  Hitler  and  the CIA.  The  Dalai  Lama  was  paid  $1  million to endorse  Keith Rainere’s child trafficking NXVIM cult. He also covered up sexual assaults committed by Tibetan Buddhist monks.

The first Happiness and its Causes conference was held in 2006 at the Sydney Masonic Centre. Happiness   Conferences   mainly  feature  Positive Psychology   practitioners, ecumenical religious leaders, and journalists (especially from the leftist, anti-victim ABC) who promote Positive Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism. Notable speakers include:

- Antony Kidman (My MK-ULTRA perpetrator.)

- Michael Kirby (Accused pedophile judge.)

- Bob Carr (Accused pedophile politician who attended Bohemian Grove.)

- Sue Hawke (Daughter of my pedophile rapist Bob Hawke.)

- Paul Ekman (US Army Chief Psychologist, CIA / MK-ULTRA psychologist.)

- Martin Seligman (Promoted Positive Psychology’s potential role in schools.)

- Sarah  Edelman  (Psychologist  at  Antony Kidman’s  UTS  Health  Psychology Unit.Theosophical Society sells her meditation CDs.)

- Graham Burrows (Martin Orne associate, Australian False Memory Association.)

- B. Alan Wallace (Stanford University Tibetan Buddhist.)

- Stephen  Meek  (Principal  Geelong  Grammar School.  First  Australian principal  to approve the Positive Schools program. Implicated in covering up pedophilia at Geelong Grammar School since 2004. Testified (2015) to Child Abuse Royal Commission that he    was more interested in protecting his school’s reputation than exposing pedophile staff.

- Tim Sharp (Positive psychologist. Founded Australia’s Happiness Institute. On World Happiness Forum. Lectures at Kidman’s UTS.)

- Russ Harris (Leading Australian Acceptance Commitment Therapy trainer, said ACT ‘has many parallels to Buddhism.’)

- Toni  Noble  (Lead  author  of  the  pro-pedophile Safe  Schools  Framework. Proposed using Positive Psychology to achieve ASIO Director’s stated objectives –‘greater social cohesion’  to  combat ‘youth  militant  extremism’  –  during  keynote address,  2015 Positive Schools Conference.)

ABC journalist conference speakers included Norman Swan (who interviewed Antony Kidman about treating psychosis with genitive CBT, months prior to Kidman’s death), Sophie Scott, Margaret Throsby, Anne Deveson, Geraldine Doogue, Julie McCrossin, Richard Glover, Natasha Mitchell, Margaret Coffey and Phillip Adams.

Paul Ekman, Dalai Lama & the CIA
In the late 1960s, Paul Ekman conduct weaponized anthropology research on the very same  PNG tribe that Leonas Petrauskas,  Vincent Zigas  and  Carelton Gadjusek exploited  in their MK-NAOMI research. Ekman’s PNG research was funded by DARPA and AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research). Ekman collaborated with MK-ULTRA hub, the University of  Western  Australia,  on  weaponized anthropology  in  PNG.  UWA  lecturer Ronald  Taft channelled CIA money into similar studies.

Paul and his daughter Eve Ekman operate the Paul Ekman Group who do contract work for  the  CIA and FBI,  and  offer  training  in  lie  detection,  body language  analysis  and  other methods relevant to CIA interrogation and mind control operations. Two key employees are

(1) Paul Kelly, whose experience includes Army Interrogation and Psychological Operations, liaises with  police,  military,  NSA,  FBI,  and  CIA,  and (2) John Pearse,  who  worked  in  New Scotland Yard’s Anti-Terrorist Branch, and designs and delivers counter-terrorism seminars.

The 2016 Happiness Conference, attended by the Dalai Lama, headlined Eve Ekman. In 2000, B. Alan Wallace, Paul and Eve Ekman developed the Cultivating Emotional Balance project with the Dalai Lama. In 2001, Paul Ekman was invited to join the CIA Torture Program initiated  at  Martin  Seligman’s house.  An  email  from  Kirk  Hubbard,  CIA Senior Behavioural Scientist, notes, ‘I have been in contact with Ekman and he is eager to do work for us.’ Ekman denied joining the program but admitted his research assisted CIA interrogators.

Kidman & Liz Mullinar
Liz Mullinar was Nicole Kidman’s first agent and promoter who helped orchestrate her success. Mullinar cast the 1987 film The Right-Hand Man. Filming for this movie took place in 1985, in Bathurst, at the same time as the Bathurst City Hall Luciferian ritual.  The shoot began 9 October 1985 and went for 10 weeks.

Liz Mullinar said she is a victim of a pedophile ring involving her Anglican father. She founded Heal for Life which was Australia’s leading SRA clinic, until reports emerged that the centre employed Satanic cult members. I corresponded with Mulliner immediately following Kidman’s  death  and  public exposure  as  a  pedophile,  but  she  denied any knowledge  of Kidman’s overwhelming and blatant involvement in pedophilia, Luciferianism,ritual abuse, and mind control.

Liz Mullinar was Chair of the Belvoir Street Theatre which Nicole Kidman owns shares in. Antony Kidman was linked to Belvoir via a play produced there in 2008. Kidman donated to the production of The Pillowman, plus an employee at the Health Psychology Unit Kidman headed assisted with production. The play featured the violent sadistic murder, mutilation and crucifixion of children by a psychotic killer – in the manner I witnessed Kidman crucify a young boy in the University of Sydney Great Hall.

Bruce Spence associated closely with Liz Mulliner and Antony Kidman. He was also involved in the Nimrod Theatre, and appeared in films including Mad Max, Dimboola, Blue World Order, The Matrix, and he voiced Sauron in Lord of the Rings. Spence was a University of Sydney OTO member who participated in the crucifixion ritual murder in the Great Hall. After I first reported Bruce Spence as my perpetrator, he responded by poking fun at me in a TV show which attempted to discredit my testimony. The program featured a group of people investigating a Luciferian cult, wearing tin foil hats. Bruce Spence played a Luciferian dressed in OTO ritual robes who devoured a baby before instructing a samurai sword wielding young female MK-ULTRA assassin to murder a pedophile hunter and ‘make it look like an accident.’

Bathurst Founded on Freemasonry
While  designing  Bathurst’s  belltower,  architect Henry  Bialowas  realised the  entire town was originally designed according to hidden math and sacred geometry that depict the solar system and planets, and astrological themes. Bathurst was planned around the golden ratio and divided into squares that are numbered in a spiral formation. The central square, which contains a Catholic church, was intentionally left unnumbered because it sits at the omega point - which can’t be named, numbered or bound, and begins and ends in infinity. Freemason Thomas  Mitchell  was  Bathurst’s  town  planner. Mitchell  belonged  to  the  59th Regiment attached to its own Freemason military lodge, and his patron, George Murray, was Grandmaster of the London Lodge.

Bathurst  contained  several  Freemason  lodges, one  of  which  David  Waddel was Deputy.  David’s daughter  Leila  Ida  Nerissa  Bathurst-Waddel,  an artist and  musician,  was Aleister Crowley’s mistress. (A ‘Bathurst’ family in the UK was related to the British Royals). Leila  Bathurst-Waddel  helped establish  the  OTO  in  Australia  and  she became its  highest- ranking member. The OTO has a female chapter called the Order of the Eagle into which I was
initiated. Leila Bathurst-Waddle was posthumously inducted into the Order of the Eagle in April 1999. Russian Helena Blavatsky was posthumously inducted in 2000. During the Bathurst Luciferian  ritual  I attended,  the  cult  hung  a  large  satin Order  of the  Eagle  banner  on  the Bathurst City Hall stage.

Engadine Medical Centre
When I knew Leonas Petrauskas he lived within walking distance of my grandmother’s Engadine house  and  owned  and  operated  the  local Engadine  Medical Centre  with  fellow Luciferian John Melov. In 2015, an Engadine resident named Pat told Steve McMurray and I that Petrauskas referred her to Harry Bailey. Pat described both physicians as unethical and how  her  prescription  of experimental medication  resulted  in  her growing  a  beard.  Pat’s husband  described  bizarre  experiments  being performed  on  children  at  a small  private Engadine hospital that Petrauskas and Melov owned and operated. He saw a five-year-old girl submerged in a tub of ice with tubes protruding from her orifices.

‘Cowboy’ Harry Bailey
Referring  to  the  Tulane  University  psychosurgery experiments  he conducted  with Robert Heath (contractor to MK-ULTRA Subproject 68), Harry Richard Bailey boasted:

It was cheaper to use Niggers than cats, because they were everywhere, and they were cheap experimental animals.

Harry  Bailey  received  a  15-month World  Health Organization  fellowship to  study psychosurgery, ECT  and  Deep  Sleep  Therapy  with  Ewen Cameron  and William  Sargant. Upon returning to Australia, he headed the new Cerebral Surgery and Research Unit at Callan Park Psychiatric Hospital in Sydney. In September 1957, the Sydney Sunday tabloid published an article about a Callan Park experiment, headlined: ‘Human Guinea Pigs in Test: A Sydney mental specialist and 15 other volunteers deliberately sent themselves temporarily insane in recent mental research tests.’ In this article, Bailey promoted LSD as a potential treatment for ‘mental cases’ and said his experiments were aimed at identifying the brain area affected by schizophrenia. Harry Bailey was appointed Medical Superintendent of Callan Park in 1959. In 1961 he entered private practice in Macquarie Street, where Sydney’s early gay and lesbian activists protested after Bailey tried to ‘cure’ a man’s homosexuality with lobotomy. Bailey’s research associate Robert Heath did the same. Heath also paid a prostitute to have sex with a suicidal gay man whose brain response was read via an ECG.

MK-ULTRA at Chelmsford
Harry Bailey founded a private hospital with doctors John Herron, Ian Gardiner and John Gill. Chelmsford Private Hospital became Australia’s worst psychiatric disaster where over 1,400 patients were subjected to hypnotic drugs, ECT and DST in a mostly experimental fashion  without  informed  consent. The  entire  Chelmsford  medical  team were previously involved  in  a  eugenics  program  of forced  adoption  at  Sydney’s  Crown Street Hospital for Women where babies were taken from ‘unfit’ mothers and given to mothers deemed more appropriate.  A massive 64% of unwed mothers had their babies stolen at Crown Street Hospital. Harry Bailey used hypnotic drugs to make the reluctant birth mothers comply. He directly  ordered  the abortion  of  twin  fetuses  without  the  consent  of a  woman  who  was under the influence of hypnotic drugs.

Harry  Bailey  was  William  Sargant’s  Deep  Sleep Therapy  protégé  and  the two maintained contact during Bailey’s MK-ULTRA work in Australia. Sargant authored Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing, a book lauded by Aldous Huxley. Harry Bailey competed with Sargant by seeing how long he could keep Chelmsford patients in a state of Deep Sleep. Ewen Cameron caused permanent damage to over 50 patients with his brainwashing experiments. Harry Bailey topped that statistic by killing at least 85 patients at Chelmsford Private Hospital via ECT, Deep Sleep Therapy, and drug experiments.

Harry Bailey sexually seduced vulnerable Chelmsford patients, as young as 18 years old, and coerced them into signing their wills over  to him. This was the case
with Sharon Hamilton, a Chelmsford victim whose $100,000 estate went to Bailey following her suicide.Bailey also raped victims while they lay in drug-induced comas. In 1974, Bailey placed a young woman named Bronwyn Colefax in a drug-induced coma and repeatedly electrocuted her for a fortnight until her leg shrank to half its size and her brain was permanently damaged.

A  1967  coronial  inquest  into  five  Chelmsford deaths  went  nowhere.  The hospital closed in 1979 following multiple complaints. Bronwyn Colefax became the first victim to sue Harry Bailey who ‘suicided’ via a drug overdose in 1985 while under investigation. The Grande Council, including Antony Kidman and Leonas Petrauskas, congregated in the University of Sydney’s Maclaurin Hall to decide ‘Cowboy’ Harry Bailey’s penance for threatening to expose MK-ULTRA in Australia.

In 1990, the Chelmsford Royal Commission concluded John Gill, ‘must bear a large part of the responsibility for the consequences of Chelmsford both in terms of the suffering and sometimes deaths of  patients.’  John  Gill  was  charged  with manslaughter and  maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm, but our High Court ruled the deaths occurred too long ago to prosecute,  and prosecution would  constitute  an  ‘abuse  of  process.’  John  Gill continued practising. Ian Herron was referred to the DPP regarding his involvement in the deaths of a police officer in 1974 plus a journalist in 1976, but no charges were laid. In 1980, a court awarded ‘compensatory   and   aggravated  damages’  against Ian   Herron for   ‘wrongful imprisonment, assault and negligence’ against a former patient.

Chelmsford, Scientology & the CIA
I met Bronwyn Colefax who gave me the facts surrounding her Chelmsford case. In the early 1980s, Bronwyn’s lawyer warned the CIA were involved in Chelmsford and would tap her phone. The CIA employed their cult cut-out, the Church of Scientology, to exact damage control measures in the Chelmsford aftermath. The Scientologists established an advocacy and support service, Citizens Commission on Human Rights, for the many Chelmsford victims who  came  forward  after Bronwyn  Colefax  tested  the  legal  waters. The Scientologists collected victim witness testimonies and evidence, thus enabling the CIA to target any victim who threatened to expose the fact that Chelmsford was a MK-ULTRA research centre.

Legal Hypocrisy
An  investigative journalist wrote  a  2016  book about Scientology in Australia  which included  a chapter  about  Scientology’s  involvement  in Chelmsford.  The chapter  simply restated the facts of the Chelmsford Royal Commission findings concerning John Herron, Ian Gardiner, and John Gill. In late 2018, a judge ruled the chapter defamed the Chelmsford doctors,  ordered  publishers  to  pay the Chelmsford  doctors’  legal costs,  and  ruled  the defendants  must  prove  the  facts  of  the  original Chelmsford  case.  So, 30  years  after  the Chelmsford doctors escaped prosecution because High Court judges ruled the case was too old, a judge decides the case is not too old. Bronwyn Colefax is outraged at the decision which she believes is an ‘abuse of process.’ Such a ruling would be impossible if Australia had a Bill of Rights. Australians have no Freedom of Speech; this sad fact, combined with our harsh defamation laws, protects Australian perpetrators. The only thing that makes sense of thisjudicial decision is that the CIA are desperate to continue the coverup of the MK-ULTRA crimes their doctors committed at Chelmsford Private Hospital.

MK-ULTRA and the Australian Cults
The  CIA  began  using  cult  cut-outs  to  conceal MK-ULTRA  mind  control activities,  in 1963. Australian cult cut-outs included Scientology, Mormonism, Buddhism, Yoga Ashram, Hare Krishna, Orange People, Kenja, Christian life Centre (aka, Hillsong) and the OTO. These child abuse cults provided fertile ground for MK-ULTRA victim recruitment.

The  Orange  People  were  led  by  Indian  guru Bhagwan  Shree  Rajneesh. The  cult established a large following in Sydney and Western Australia before moving to Oregon in the USA. The cult renamed themselves Osho and many Australian members settled on communal properties  in  and around  Byron  Bay,  including  a  40-hectare commune called  Gondwana Sanctuary.

Kenja was founded in 1982 by Ken Dyers who joined the Church of Scientology after leaving the Australian Army. In 1993 he was charged with sexual offences against four young girls but escaped conviction. He was charged with child sexual assault in 2005 but suicided before the case could return to court.

Hare Krishna’s cult headquarters are located on a northern NSW farm. As a parole officer I encountered numerous cases of child abuse perpetrated at the Hare Krishna farm. Yet my true understanding came through my father who closely associated with its members, and the home midwifery association my mother worked with. The Krishna cult had its own midwife who delivered babies whose births went unregistered. My father attended Luciferian rituals, and  witnessed  an  underground  arsenal,  at  their Eungella  compound.  My  younger siblings  were ritually  abused  by  members  of  this  cult,  notably a witch  who  used  the  cult pseudonym ‘Roochie’ and claimed her Indian-looking son, the product of an affair in India, was      the result of a miraculous conception by Krishna. Roochie subsequently reverted to her original name, Sharon, and joined the Usana pyramid selling scheme which I discovered to be another satanic cult front.

The Family stemmed from the US Children of God pedophile cult which changed its name  following negative  publicity.  Yoga  teacher  Anne  Hamilton-Byrne  led the  Australian branch of The Family. Hamilton-Byrne was guided by Swami Muktananda, who worked with Wyatt  Woodsmall,  who  instructed NXIVM  co-founder  Nancy  Salzman  in mind-control. Another  notable  cult  associate  is  Julian  Assange whose  mother  married Leif  Meynell-Hamilton, a musician and member of The Family.

The Family was alternatively called Santiniketan Park Association, or The Great White Brotherhood - a term coined by Luciferian Helena Blavatsky and pedophile Charles Webster Leadbeater (high-ranking Freemason, Theosophist, and member of Aleister Crowley’s OTO). According to Leadbeater, a colony was to be established in Baja California by the Theosophical Society under the guidance of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, for the intensive selective eugenic  breeding  of  the  sixth  root  race (i.e.,  a  branch  of  the  Aryan  fifth  root  race). Leadbeater’s  cult  location  moved  from  California to  Australia.  Hence  the  idea  behind The Family was to foster an Aryan bloodline which would eventually reincarnate a New World leader.

Anne Hamilton-Byrne acquired 28 babies and young children during the 1960s and ‘70s. Some were the natural children of cult members, others stolen via a network of cult doctors,  social  workers  and lawyers.  One  child  victim,  Sarah  Hamilton-Byrne, said  in  her biography  that  medical  practitioners in Melbourne  and  Geelong  stole  infants  by  telling mothers their babies had died at birth.  The children’s identities were changed using false birth certificates or deed poll and given the surname 'Hamilton-Byrne.' They were told Anne Hamilton-Byrne was their biological mother, and to address adult cult members as 'Aunty' or 'Uncle.' (My perpetrators were similarly called my ‘family’ and I had to address members as ‘Aunty’ or ‘Uncle.’). Hamilton-Byrne dressed the children alike and dyed their hair white. The kids were isolated from society and home-schooled at Kia Lama (Uptop), a rural property at Taylor Bay on Lake Eildon, Victoria where they were subjected to MK-ULTRA mind control methods  including  isolation, beatings,  starvation,  drugging,  and  sensory deprivation.  They were  administered  LSD  and subjected  to  sensory  deprivation  in  a  dark  room when  they reached adolescence.

The  Family  recruited  middle-class  professionals, with  one-third  of  members  being nurses and other medical practitioners. It had numerous intelligence connections. Michael Stevenson-Helmer, a 19-year-old law student interested in eastern religion, later became a Family cult leader. Stevenson-Helmer comes from a prominent Jewish family including CIA agent Sir Zelman Cowen (Royal Australian Navy, B'nai B'rith member, Governor-General 1977-82) and KGB Agent Dr John Helmer who was also involved with The Family. Richard Casey visited ‘Kai Lama’ where they hid the kidnapped children, and he is rumoured to have made personal donations to the cult. The ‘Santinekitan’ property was owned by CIA agent Sir John Latham.

Raynor  C.  Johnson  was  The  Family’s  true founder.  A  member  of  the Society  for Psychical Research, Johnson worked for the University of Melbourne Physics Department at a  time  when  the institution  supported  the  RAAF  (Royal  Australian Air  Force).  Johnson recruited members to The Family by referring them to Hamilton-Byrne's hatha yoga classes. Raynor    Johnson   and    Anne Hamilton-Byrne    were    mentored    by    Thomas Maughan (Theosophist,  Chief  Druid,  British  Navy Intelligence  Officer).  MK-ULTRA  founder  Aldous Huxley mentioned Raynor Johnson in his letter to MK-ULTRA doctor Humphrey Osmond:

I  liked  the  things  you  said  for  Dr  Raynor Johnson’s  chapter  on  drugs  and  spiritual experience  in  his  latest  book.   An  interesting book  –  tho’  perhaps he  multiplies spiritual entities beyond what is strictly necessary.

Anne Hamilton-Byrne had other ties to RAAF Intelligence: she was raised on an RAAF base, and married an RAAF Lieutenant. Australian military children like her were commonly recruited  into  MK-ULTRA.  Hamilton-Byrne  married  RAAF  Intelligence Officer  Lionel  Harris who,  she  said,  was  killed  by a  KGB  officer  in  1955  while  working  for  ASIS. Another  RAAF connection  was  psychiatrist  Lance Howard  Whittaker,The  Family’s  principal  MK-ULTRA doctor. Whittaker was an RAAF Wing Commander during the cult’s heyday.

During the 1960s and  ‘70s, Family  cult member Marion Villimek owned Newhaven Psychiatric Hospital in Kew, a private facility staffed exclusively by Family cult members and associated  MK-ULTRA  doctors. 

At Newhaven, Whittaker  conducted  mind  control research with Ronald Conway (RAAF,Freemason, Oscar Oeser protégé,and pedophile) and LSD studies with  MK-ULTRA  psychiatrist  John  Mackay. 

The Family  used  Newhaven  to  recruit  new  cult members from its patients, and to administer LSD to cult members. In the late ‘60s, an early cult  recruit was  given  LSD,  ECT  plus  two  lobotomies.  In 1992, Newhaven  closed  after  an Inquest was ordered into the 1975 death of a Deep Sleep therapy patient.

Whittaker abandoned his wife and children at The Family property. He commenced work at the Mayday Hills Psychiatric Hospital in Beechworth in 1970, where he used sodium amytal on patients during therapy sessions, and he subjected severely psychotic patients to three-day Deep Sleep Therapy comas.

Sarah Hamilton-Byrne escaped the cult, alerted police who rescued the other children, and went on to graduate from high school and medicine. Police raided Kia Lama on 14 August 1987. Anne Hamilton-Byrne and her husband William subsequently fled overseas for six years. Police eventually extradited the couple back to Australia and charged them with conspiracy to defraud and commit perjury by falsely registering the births of three unrelated children as their own triplets. Lawyer Elizabeth Whitaker, wife of psychiatrist Howard Whitaker, acted as their co-defendant. The Hamilton-Byrnes pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of making a false declaration and were fined $5000. Anne Hamilton-Byrne lived to a ripe old age of 94 years. Police dropped a charge against Howard Whitaker who maintained the respect and support of  Victoria’s  medical  fraternity.  The Australian  government’s  coverup  of The  Family  is indicative of Project MK-ULTRA.

Satyananda  Yoga  Ashram renamed  themselves Mangrove  Yoga  Ashram  after  the federal Royal Commission exposed them as Luciferian pedophiles in 2014. Children as young as four were starved, tortured, drugged, beaten, had their heads flushed down a toilet, and subjected to ‘horrific’ sexual and physical abuse at Satyananda Yoga Ashram in  the 1970s and 1980s. Nine victims testified to the Royal Commission. One victim described being subjected to a Tibetan Buddhist black magic ritual at age six years. She was taken into a dark room lit with candles where a group of male swamis chanted, and gang raped her. The men restrained the girl while the Indian ashram leader raped her, cut her chest with a knife, and licked her blood.

Dr Sandra Smith is a psychiatrist who taught yoga at the Yoga Ashram and lied  to the Royal  Commission under  cross  examination  about  the  abuse  that occurred there.  Sandra Smith and her lawyer husband Keith Allen implicated in a separate Royal Commission matter. Keith Allen was cross examined (in CS42) regarding a 2001 incident where he conspired to conceal the repeated rapes of two boys by Newcastle diocese Anglican priest George Parker. The  Anglican  diocese  Vice  Chancellor,  Paul Rosser,  defended  the  pedophile  priest.  The presiding judge, Ralph Coolahan, also worked for the Anglican Diocese. Keith Allen, a trustee of the Newcastle Anglican diocese, acted for victim Steven Smith. Keith Allen sent his client Steven Smith to his wife Dr Sandra Smith for a psychiatric evaluation, without disclosing to the  plaintiff  that  the  doctor was  his  wife.  Dr  Sandra  Smith  then  leaked  the sensitive information  she  gathered  during  her assessment  of  the  plaintiff  -  to  defendant George Parker’s   attorney,   Paul   Rosser.   Anglican diocese records   of   George   Parker’s   church attendance were  subsequently  doctored  to  contradict  the sexual  assault  dates  and  times provided  by  the priest’s  victims.  Notably  the  crucial  date  on which  George  Parker  raped Steven  Smith  and another  boy,  was  erased.  The  missing  entries collapsed  the  case  and provided  an  excuse  for corrupt  Judge  Coolahan  to  set  George  Parker free.  While  cross examining  Keith  Allen,  the Royal Commission  accused  him  of  evidence  tampering, as  the following newspaper article explains:

Ian Kirkwood, Newcastle Herald, 9 August 2016

…In other evidence, Mr Allen was taken to a church register that the defence of priest CJC used in a 2001 trial that was discontinued by the Director of Public Prosecutions after the document appeared to show that the priest was not in the place that his victims, CKA and CKB, had said he was.

The commission heard that there were very few alterations through any of the pages of  the  register except  for  the  page  that  was  pertinent  to  the trial.  The  commission heard  that  numbers, apparently  relating  to  the  number  of worshippers,  had  been rubbed out and altered. A crucial date, April 29, 1975, was not in chronological order, and  two  signatures  for  the  one  person appeared  to  be  in  different  handwriting. Solicitor Peter O’Brien, for victims CKA and CKB, put it to Mr Allen that ‘this document, sir, is a forgery, isn’t it?’

Fresh charges were laid against George Parker years later, but he died before facing court again. Keith Allen and Paul Rosser are still practising law instead of being charged with a criminal offence as the Royal Commission suggested.

I was contacted by a former child patient of psychiatrist Sandra Smith. In the 1980s, Dr Sandra Smith concealed the sexual and ritual abuse disclosed by the 13-year-old patient and her older sister. Sandra Smith told the victims’ mother that the sisters’ disclosure was a form of ‘childhood sexual fantasy’ and that ‘young girls often fantasise this way about their fathers.’ Sandra Smith’s psychologist colleague agreed with her diagnosis. Sandra Smith and her  colleague  recommended  the  two  sisters attend  family  therapy  with  their  perpetrator father,  which  occurred.  Dr  Sandra  Smith  further advised  the  teenage  victim  to  visit  the Satyananda Yoga Ashram as a form of therapeutic intervention. Decades later, the girls’ father served prison time for abusing his younger daughter (the older sister refused to testify). He also was convicted of sexually abusing his daughter’s friend.

Krista Petrauskas
Leonas  Petrauskas’  daughter  Krista  Petrauskas also  associated  with  the  Kundalini practising Satyananda  Yoga  Ashram  located  in  Berowra  on the  NSW  Central  Coast.  Krista stated  in  email: ‘I lived  here  for  the  best  part  of  a  year.  The  shit hit  the  fan  in  1986  or thereabouts  after  a murder.’  Krista  also  part-owned  a  Buddhist cooperative  with  Kabbala expert Ayya Khema in Obi, Queensland. Ayya Khema was influential in the USA and  helped establish Buddhism in Australia.

Krista was involved with James McGarry, a hypnotist who likes to dress up in robes and founded the Academy of Esoteric Sciences (in 1985) and Academy of Human Sciences (1977).  Immediately  after  we filmed  my Candy Girl  documentary  and  contacted Krista Petrauskas, she contacted McGarry. After I detailed Krista’s crimes to the NSW Police, she and McGarry wiped their social media accounts, sold their properties, and disappeared.

MK-ULTRA in Hillsong Church

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