Saturday, May 2, 2020

Part 3: Atlantis, Alien Visitation &and Genetic Manipulation...Records of Blood and Stone.. I Shall Reverse the World..Reptilians, Priestesses, and Strange Genes

Atlantis, Alien Visitation, 
and Genetic Manipulation 
By Michael Tsarion

Records of Blood and Stone 
Of central importance to the proof of the war between the gods is the purely scientific accounts of the devastation that affected the Earth’s flora and fauna: 

What then has exterminated so many species and whole genera? The mind is at first irresistibly hurried into the belief of some great catastrophe; but thus to destroy animals both large and small…we must shake the entire framework of the globe. No lesser physical event could have brought about this wholesale destruction not only in the Americas but in the entire world…Certainly no fact in the long history of the world is so startling as the wide and repeated extermination of its inhabitants. 
(Charles Darwin - quote from journal, 
Voyage of the HMS Beagle) 
Animals that had been native for millions of years disappeared under circumstances that were suspiciously sudden…the loss of over 30 genera of large mammals…and many other species of large animals in North America alone. 
(Paul S. Martin, Who or What 
Destroyed Our Mammoths) 
At the end of the Pleistocene about 10,000 years ago, there was an extinction event that decimated the large terrestrial mammalian herbivores and carnivores of North America, South America and Australia. In North America alone, more than 32 genera of mammals became extinct …The cause of this extinction is debatable… 
(R. W. Graham, Evolution 
of New Ecosystems at 
the End of the Pleistocene) 
However ingeniously and with whatever subtlety we may deal with our evidence, the facts constrain therefore to one inevitable conclusion…the mammoth and its companions perished by some wide-spread catastrophe which operated over a wide area and not through the slow process of the ordinary struggle for existence…not the result of gradual accumulation…but the result of one of Nature’s hecatombs on a grand and wide-spread scale, when a vast fauna perished simultaneously. 
(Henry Howarth, The Mammoth 
and the Flood, 1887) 
From the masterpiece, When the Earth Nearly Died, by scientists Alain and Delair: 
In Europe immense herds of diverse animals utterly vanished off the face of the Earth for no obvious biological reason...

...Coincident with this dreadful slaughter upon the land was the deposition of myriads of contemporary marine shells, and the stranding at great elevations of marine mammals, porpoises, walruses and seals. 

In Siberia, “the picture is everywhere one of appalling disorder, carnage and wholesale destruction, with countless animals and plants frozen in positions of death ever since the day they perished. As a result, their remains are amazingly fresh-looking and are frequently indistinguishable from those of animals and plants that have died mere weeks ago. 

The magnitude of the biological extinctions achieved by the Deluge almost transcends the imagination. It annihilated literally billions of biological units of both sexes and every age indiscriminately. Only incredibly powerful flood waters operating world-wide could have achieved such results, and only a flood produced by the means previously suggested could have operated globally. is astonishing that such an unscientific explanation ever came to be formulated, yet in a short time both it and the concept of immense thick ice-sheets descending from a hypothetical northern mountain system, to cover all of northern and eastern North America and western and northern Eurasia, was enthusiastically virtually established fact. 

The evidence is perfectly unambiguous. Along with the removal of an “Ice Age:” like that which has been hitherto commonly envisaged, the evidence suggests that there is something seriously amiss with the last phases of standard geological chronology. 

Evidence thus converges from numerous directions to support the conclusion that, on the testimony of radio-carbon and other dating techniques, immense physical and climatic changes occurred on Earth some 11,000 years or so ago – when an Ice Age that probably never existed came to an end, and an apparently uniformitarian regime was abruptly terminated. 

The gigantic worldwide tectonic disturbances of the ‘late Pleistocene’ times occurred almost simultaneously on a near unimaginable scale – precisely what could be expected from a powerful external influence but not from the ‘Ice Age’ conditions conventionally believed to have existed then. 

Significantly, a drop in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field appears to have occurred sometime between 13,750 and 12,350 years ago...attended by various other important changes, including earthquakes, vulcanism, water table fluctuations and large scale climatic variations. Of these, severe earthquakes in particular may even induce axial wobble, and polarity reversals.

Studies have shown that at 10,178 BC, or over 12,000 years ago, the celestial Pole was inclined at an angle of 30 degrees from its present position. This in turn strongly suggests that the terrestrial axis then oriented differently from today. 

Archaeologists all over the world have realized that much of prehistory as written in the existing textbooks, is inadequate, some of it quite simply wrong… 

What! No Ice Age which came and went, spreading over hundreds of thousands of years as all good geologists proclaim? No smothering ice sheets which enveloped the British Isles and much of the northern parts of the Continent, changed the climate to Arctic conditions - although, strangely enough, much of our fauna and flora survived despite it - and compelled all the survivors to flee? No lengthy periods of ice alternated with warm and even sub-tropical climate interludes? No. Nothing of the sort. There was admittedly a tremendous convulsion of nature, which had the most direful effect upon the inhabitants of Scandinavia, the British Isles, and those in Northern Asia. It resulted in giving us, it is true, bitter cold, tremendous floods, and cruel dampness. That it affected the climate in the north adversely and permanently cannot be denied. It did other things as well. But no Ice Age. 
(Comyns Beaumont, Riddle 
of Prehistoric Britain) 
It was an event…sudden, rapid, devastating, and appalling in its magnitude, and destructiveness. It was a celestial impact of an immense cometary body… It rained or distributed rocks, stones, boulder clay, till, gravel, sand, and other material over great areas, utterly obliterating certain parts, elevating others, and entirely missing some regions. It created islands, drowned others, caused immense tidal waves which swallowed up coastal lands, consumed huge spaces with electric waves, set up volcanoes, and swept away cities and largely populated districts almost in a flash. 
It has been suggested…that the changes now at work in prehistory herald the shift to a “new paradigm,”…made necessary by the collapse of the first paradigm…
(Colin Renfrew, 
Before Civilization) 

When we hear of the coming of the angels of the Lord to humans, like Manu (India), Satyaravata (India), Khasistra (India), Yima (Iran), Noah (Semitic), Deucalion (Greece), Dwyfan (Wales), Nuada (Ireland), Bergelmir (Scandinavia), Coxcox (Mexico), and Nata (Aztec) warning of the coming deluge, we must understand that it is members of the “Sons of the Serpents” who brought the warnings and not, as is believed, the representatives of Jehovah.

I Shall Reverse the World 
Now if we are to answer the question of how evil has really come into the world and if it is correct to state that it did so because of alien interaction, then the question appropriately arises as to how we are still battling with the problem of evil today. Why is it not all over and done with given that the conflict began in pre-diluvian times? Surely, if “evil” had conquered, then today there would be no question of “good” being an alternative or a presence in the world. And if “good” had triumphed, then today we would all be living in peace and harmony. 

The reason why we are still resolving this today, why good and evil still operate side by side, personally and collectively, is because there was a variable, in the days of old, that prevented resolution. This variable was unforeseen by either side and caused the end game to be delayed, literally by millennia. The variable had to do with the global war mentioned previously. 

The use of the weapons of mass destruction caused the planet Earth itself to react violently. It is written that the ferocity of the war caused the very moisture in the atmosphere to completely evaporate. The air was literally incinerated or irradiated. It was either this conflagration or some other related event that effected the Roche Limit, and which caused a dramatic alteration in the magnetism of the Earth. As a result, the Earth deviated on its normal orbit and upset the movement of other neighboring planets and bodies. The course variations allowed debris from the previously destroyed planet, Tiamat, to re-enter the Roche Field where it fell to Earth, again causing havoc. Much of this effluence was salt water from the once vast oceans of Tiamat, thus causing the second deluge of prehistory. These global cataclysms caused the polar axis to alter, resulting in the great “Pole Shift” that destroyed almost all the flora and fauna on the planet. This event is universally recorded and is now scientifically confirmed. (See When the Earth Nearly Died.) 

The warlocks of Atlantis, who were never many to begin with, suffered heavy losses in the destruction of their continent, Atlantis. It can be conjectured that there were less than 100 of these totally alien beings left, though there is little to no certainty about this. They also lost most of their sophisticated alien technology. And the “Sons of the Serpents” together with their Adamic wards suffered enormous casualties also. It may be conjectured that there were only about 1,000 true “Sons of the Serpents” left in existence. 

This global war and its devastation also meant that the Earth would now have a different climate, equator, and continental placement. The great continents of Appalachia, Oceania, Tyrhennia, Beringia, and Fennoscandia sank beneath the waves, as did smaller islands such as Lochlann, Lyonnesse, Hy Brasil, and Avalon, to mention a few. The great Miocene Ocean that occupied most of what is today Russia had entirely emptied its basin. Its waters became the Mediterranean, and the Caspian and Black Seas. The waters of the planet Tiamat, after pouring into our atmosphere, helped to submerge the continents and eventually became the great oceans we have today. And so, the great pre-diluvian civilizations once occupying these continents were gone forever. 

The pillars of heaven were broken-the Earth shook to its foundations-the heavens sunk lower towards the north - the sun, the moon and the stars, changed their motions-the Earth fell to pieces, and the waters enclosed within its bosom burst forth with violence and overflowed it…the grand harmony of nature was disturbed 
(from Astronomical Revelations 
by Larry Brian Radka). 
The Quiche Indians of Guatemala recorded this event as follows: 
The waters were agitated by the will of Hurakan, the Heart of Heaven, and a great inundation came…masses of sticky material fell…the face of Heaven was obscured and a heavy darkening rain began…There was a great noise above, as if by fire. Now men were seen running, pushing each other, filled with despair… 

And, the Bible, in its customary oblique and disheveled manner, records it thus: 
The Earth is utterly broken down…moved exceedingly. 
(Book of Isaiah) 
For this they are willingly ignorant of...the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. 
(2 Peter 3:5) 
Behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste and turneth it upside down and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. 
(Isaiah 24) 
I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 
(John 21, 22) 
The Laplanders of northern Sweden preserved these accounts. Their ancient books have God saying: 
I shall reverse the world. I shall bid the rivers flow upward; I shall cause the sea to gather together itself up into a huge towering wall which I shall hurl upon your wicked earth-children, and thus destroy them and all life. 

From maverick catastrophist and researcher Comyns Beaumont, we read: 
The Flood, to the world generally a vague and nebulous tradition, really conceals the most appalling visitation and its ravages in the British Isles and Scandinavian lands may be retraced to more considerable extent by the effects of what geologists term the “Drift” Age. It was no mere ice drift. It was sudden and terribly swift and violent. 

It took several hundred years for any sense of normalcy to return. These events are still etched in the human race memory, in our very DNA. Man’s various nightmare fears and daytime phobias arise from such physiological experiences in the ancient past. Fear of thunder and lightning, of the dark, of water, of caves and enclosures, of loneliness, or spiders, insects, and other creatures, fear of the ocean, of silence, of strange peoples, and so on, come from this. The myriad omens and superstitions, found in every clime have their roots in these collective experiences. 
Julian Jaymes, author of “The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind,” claimed that this period thousands of years ago was a time of intense psychosis for the emerging human race. 
(Jack Barranger, Past Shock). 
The coming of the original “Serpent Race” was probably around 50,000 years ago (but could have been as recently as 30,000 years ago). Genetic experiments and hybridization took place some time after the building of Atlantis, for which the services of Neanderthal Man seems to have been required. 

The wars of the “gods” probably began around 13,000 years ago, with the Pole Shift following soon after. The Earth attains a semblance of normalcy as the centuries pass.

Later the historical period commences, post 11,000 years. In the historical or postdiluvian epoch, humankind seems a strange mixture of primitivism and advancement. All the incredible inventions with no seemingly antecedent stages of development.

After the war the remaining “Sons of the Serpents” decided that in order to survive as well as avoid direct attacks from their enemies, they would disperse in smaller contingents to the corners of the Earth. With them would go the remaining members of the Adamic Race. So, in history, we hear of the coming of civilization to the various provinces of the Earth. As the historians and mythologists have known, these sundry cultures and their beliefs bear curious yet undeniable similarities, mainly because contingents of the same people were spreading the knowledge to these different locales—same people, similar paradigms and symbolism. Commensurate with this comes the ambiguous symbols of the snake, the serpent, and the dragon.

These symbols have been both revered and feared for millennia by almost every culture on the globe and yet, outside the folk traditions themselves, there is no credible theory to account for why that should be. Are there not a myriad other things worth worshipping? Why is it that so few scholars have dealt with this anomaly? 

Another interesting anomaly of these cultures is the use of the letter and phonetic sound “K.” (See also “C” and “CH.”) Almost all the names of the tribes of the north American Native Indians have the “K” sound or letter, for example: Oklahoma, Muskogian. Choctaw, Nakota, Dakota, Cherokee, Mohawk, Yaki, Comanche, Chickasaw, Seneca, Iroquois. The word America has the strong “K” sound, as do the words Celt, Cain, Caan, Cham, Khan, Cohen, Canaan, Conn, Carn, Clan, Kieran, Karen, and Christ. There are many personal names that also have it. 

As the “Sons of the Serpents” were dispersing, the original “Serpent Race” began converging in the equatorial regions of Mesopotamia and in Asia Minor. These were the areas that now could support life all year round. It is these “Dark Ones” who established what are known as the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations, as well as all the high profile “Empires” to come. And it is upon the foundations of these dynasties and cultures that the post-diluvian or historical periods rest. The horrendous events that are associated with these belligerent nations aptly testify to who was behind them. And since it was these Brotherhoods that began recording history, they commissioned the accounts to be composed in their favor, to be biased toward their deeds and agenda. Their aristocratic scions were to be history’s main dramatis personae. As a result of their bias, the date of their arrival was artificially pushed back to over 400,000 years. This was a political move to give their line ancestral supremacy. The biographies of the “gods” and the details of past events were also embellished and distorted, while the facts pertaining to the happenings in the Garden of Eden were doctored to the absurd form that exists today. These stories are said to come out of Asia Minor, but they actually refer to events that happened many millennia prior to the dates proffered.

Professor W. B. Emery writes in Archaic Egypt: 
At approximately 3400 years B.C. a great change took place in Egypt and the country passed rapidly from a state of advanced Neolithic culture…to two well organized monarchies…at the same time writing appears. Monumental architecture and the arts and crafts developed to an astonishing degree…there appears to be little or no background to these fundamental developments…  

Reptilians, Priestesses, and Strange Genes 
The Atlanteans did not let go of their hatred toward their enemies. Periodically, they continued seeking them in hope of exacting vengeance. They also continued their genetic experiments. However, this had to be done in a more limited manner because their technical hardware had been largely destroyed in the wars. They also studied why things had gone so wrong for themselves since their arrival and first experiments. They decided that their main error was the experimentation on Homo Sapiens (also Erectus, Cro-Magnon, etc.) for it was certainly that which brought them problems. But humans were not the only life forms on the Earth. So, it was decided that experiments would be made on animal DNA instead. They began looking to the fauna, making genetic tests on certain animals. It was found that the DNA of the reptiles was the most suitable for their purposes. The alien masters then crossed their own DNA with that of certain reptiles, and it is from this that the “Reptilian” (dragon) beings of the storybooks were born. 
And on Earth shall be monsters, a generation of dragons of men and likewise of serpents. 
(Clement: Apocalyptic Fragment) 
In the Babylonian Legend of Creation, we read: 
Men with bodies of birds of the deserts, human beings with the faces of ravens, these the gods created and in the Earth the gods created for them a dwelling…in the midst of the Earth they grew up and became great, and increased in number. 

Atlantis researcher Andrew Collins provides the story of Amram, father of the lawgiver Moses, who had a personal encounter with such beings or their masters: 
I saw Watchers in my vision, the dream-vision. Two men were fighting over me, saying... and holding a great contest over me. I asked them, `Who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?’ They answered me, `We have been empowered and rule over all mankind.' They said to me, `Which of us do you choose to rule you?' I raised my eyes and looked. One of them was terrifying in his appearance, like a serpent, his cloak many-colored yet very dark... And I looked again, and... in his appearance, his visage like a viper, and wearing...exceedingly, and all his eyes...

The “Reptilians” did indeed serve their masters well. They were part alien, part reptile, with no human DNA at all. Some, like their creators, looked entirely humanoid. Others were distinctly reptoid. They operated from the limbic mode of consciousness and possessed the physical endurance and strength, not to mention the guile, of the humble Earth reptile. From these beings, we inherit the term “coldblooded evil.”

The Reptilians preferred to live beneath the ground or in dark caverns, their needs being seen to by other genetic mutants or even by compliant Adams who still remained in the ignorant state. They periodically demanded live sacrifices to be made to them and would go in search of the enemies of their masters. Some of these genetic creations had wings, others were polymorphic. So, we have it contained and recited in most of the myths that the archetypal “hero” comes into conflict with a beast, a great serpent, or hybrid demon. Their combat is the staple method of proving prowess. It became a custom that when a prospective hero did overcome one of the dragons, that they would wear the symbol of the serpent on their heraldic shield or banner, in the same manner as the native Indians collected and wore human scalps. The hero was then also considered “blooded.” Many of the demeaning “hazing” rituals of so-called upperclassmen are throwbacks to this concept. 

When the moral “Sons of the Serpents” in their diasporas came upon a welcoming tribe or a suitable place to reside they set up their base. It is from these regions that we find traces of great advancement, amid later primitivism. At these new locations, the “Sons of the Serpent” would also continue their genetic studies and work. They had “fixed” the Adamic peoples so that they would be intelligent and creative. They also made it possible for the Eves to reproduce sexually. This was primarily to pacify the normal urges of the now freed male Adams. And it is known that members of the “Sons of the Serpent” would “mate” with the Eves, producing exceptional progeny.

The euphemism that has come down to describe a female reserved for crossing with part alien being was “virgin.” The offspring of these relations were referred to as being of “virgin birth.” Other terms which implied genetics are “Blood” (as in “Blood of the Lamb”), “Seed” (as in “Seed of David”), and “Immaculate” (as in the “Immaculate Conception.”) This latter term connotes progeny who were created genetically, rather than sexually. Properly, it was to designate that they were special children, the offspring of the gods. Eventually, the “Sons of the Serpents” interacted with human women in the normal sexual manner. The progeny of these conceptions were always regarded with awe and even fear. For instance, in the Book of Enoch, we read of the birth of Lamech’s strange son: 
I have begotten a strange son. He is not like an ordinary human being, but looks like the children of the angels of heaven to me. His form is different and he is not like us…it does not seem to me that he is of me but of the angels… 

Behold, I thought then within my heart that conception was due to the Watchers and the Holy Ones…and the Nephilim…and my heart was troubled within me because of this child. 

Lamech's father, Methuselah, eventually consults the prophet Enoch about the strange grandchild. The latter says to the concerned grandfather: 
This child which is born to you shall survive on the Earth, and his sons shall be saved with him. When all mankind who are on the earth die, he shall be safe. And this posterity shall beget on the earth giants, not spiritual, but carnal. Now therefore inform thy son Lamech that he who is born is his child in truth; and he shall call his name Noah, for he shall be to you a survivor. 

In his work called Metamorphoses or the Golden Ass, we read about the god Apollo saying strange words regarding the birth of the goddess Psyche: 

On some high crag, O King, set forth the maid, 
In all the pomp of funeral robes arrayed. 
Hope for no bridegroom born of mortal seed 
But fierce and wild and of the dragon’s breed 

There is even some evidence of cloning experiments in the Bible: 
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man…And Adam said. This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 
(Genesis 2: 21) 
From almost the first genetic experiments, there were hardly any fully human beings alive on Earth because the pre-visitation Engis and Neanderthals were mostly annihilated, apart from a small contingent kept alive to perform the most menial and labor intensive tasks such as building and mining. These beings were treated in an appalling manner. Eventually (apart from some intriguing references to Hollow Earth existences), there would be only full alien and part alien, part human DNA in the Earth’s humanoid species. The Eves who were receptive to the counsel of the “Sons of the Serpent” in the garden became the first that were “awakened” and exalted by their more advanced cousins. They were initiated into the secrets of technology. 

The word secret comes from secretion, meaning fluid of the body, particularly the female menstrual fluids. The concept and phenomenon of the “Holy Grail” comes from the mysteries of the female cults after their residency with and tuition from the “Sons of the Serpent.” 

It is from this exodus to Lemuria that we have the great female cults, when females were chief initiators, oracles, and keepers of the mysteries, which is recorded even in the Arthurian romances of later ages. Celtic myth is full of anecdotes about the warrior queens who command great magical abilities. That this was changed in historical times is due to the supremacy of the evil masters again taking control of civic and cultural events. The hybrid progeny of the original fully alien masters could also eventually reproduce both sexually and genetically. Many dynasties and their tyrannical “royal” lines and leaders owe their existence to this, as a close study of their symbolism, deeds, and history reveals. This is the origin of the royal or “holy bloodlines,” like the Merovingians, Hapsburgs, Hanoverians, and Guelphs (Windsors). 

The ubiquitous walking on the long red carpet or standing on the red-square and cutting the red-tape are maintained as cryptic references to this bloodline. 

The “Serpents” had great physical strength and stature and could live for many hundreds of years. 
A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, who can stand before the children of Anak. 
(Deuteronomy 9:2)
The Arabian historians spoke of the strange Adites: 
They were depicted as men of gigantic stature; their strength was equal to their size, and they easily moved great blocks of stone. 
(Lenormant and Chevalier, 
Ancient History of the East, Volume 2) 
In July 1877, four prospectors moved through along the hills of Spring Valley near Eureka, Nevada…Using their picks, the prospectors soon chipped out human legs and foot bones that had been encased in solid quartzite…from knee to heel, the bone was thirty-nine inches long. 
(Charles Berlitz, World of the 
Odd and the Awesome) 
A human skeleton 17 feet tall was discovered at Gargayan in the Philippines. 
(From Matrix II by 
Valdamar Valererian) 
When one of these curious beings finally passed on, the survivors would erect a great monument in their honor. We know these structures as the cyclopean temples that are found in places of ancient civilization. These edifices are not tombs, but cenotaphs. They are “biographies” in stone. Their amazing harmonic and geometrical properties were encoded therein, as a means of commemoration to the life and acts of the great being in whose honor the building was erected. The death of one of the original negative aliens was attended by similar rituals. The places on Earth where one of these original aliens were laid became a zone that later experienced great upheaval and conflict (like Northern Ireland and Palestine, for example). 

Scientists and biologists in the service and pay of the Elders of Atlantis have been continually desecrating these sacred temples. Many have paid with their lives, as there are powerful apotropaic spells working around the structures. But the object is to extract DNA samples from the mummies to further their present nefarious necromantic experiments. 

The “Serpents” possess great knowledge of geomancy and constructed their sites and cities with precision. The Nazca lines in Peru and the Glastonbury and Kingston zodiacs are evidence of this knowledge. The secret fraternities have preserved these geometric secrets for many centuries. Later, as the Atlantean sorcerers gained power again and were successful in infiltrating a culture established by their humane scions, they would instigate the atrocity of human sacrifice. Appearing and presenting themselves as the gods of the “fathers,” they would seduce and then ritually slaughter countless thousands. The unfortunate victims would not resist, as they were under the impression that the gods were angry with them for some disobedience. It may have been that some form of mind-control, probably incorporating soporific narcotics, was also employed in this. All over the world, we read of the scenario of a once exalted civilization suddenly descending into debauchery and bloodlust, whereas we rarely hear or read of the reverse taking place. 

As mentioned above, the phenomena of evil came into the world and into the consciousness of humankind via genetic manipulation. From that moment, every human being had to deal with an inner dichotomy, had to decide which proclivity to choose, the human or the alien. This is the choice we are each still making. The “good” feel disturbed by the negativity in their natures and have striven to curb it. The “evil” feel as disturbed by their conscience and seek to suppress it in a variety of ways. And what goes on within the individual manifests collectively. The inner predicament has its environmental concomitant. The post-diluvian empires, nations, and states are designed from the Atlantean pattern. All the abhorrent phenomena that plagues Earthly life today have their origins in these times. 

After the second deluge (Pole Shift), the roles of the genders changed. The proclivities of the male became exalted and women slowly suffered the removal of their power and status. Aggression, violence, and conquest became dominant. Meat eating (unheard of in the pre-diluvian epoch) was necessary during the times of tribulation and was later maintained. Class divisions were established, slavery was again promoted, blood sacrifice compelled, carnality indulged in, and the subjugation of nature exalted into a veritable religion. Coming down from these times, commensurate with the artificial municipal life, were the vast mind-control strategies that are still today in evidence. The Urantia Book and others provide a commentary on the life of humankind in the post-diluvian epoch: 
Acquired inheritance, cities and industry, domestication of animals, practical family organization (male at the head), racial and cultural separatism, strong executive head, military strength, conquest and territorialism and enslavement of foreigners. 
(Urantia Book) 
States are as the men, they grow out of human characters 
Perhaps we will never fully understand the mystery of that original mutation from egalitarian to state society. Certainly no standard explanations are adequate. 
(David Watson, The 
Pathology of Civilization) 
In individuals, insanity is rare, but in groups, parties, nations and epochs it is the rule. 
(Fredrick Nietzsche)

What Goes on in the Bible? 
The Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion. 
(President John Adams) 
From the advent of the first historical empires, over 10,000 years have elapsed. We have long attempted to answer the dilemma of evil and its permutations. We have been lead to believe that it is a natural, if pernicious, part of life, something we each have to work out as we exist and evolve. We are made to think that evil comes into being because of the erstwhile movement of nature. We do not see the ramifications of this false contention. If we embody it, then we subliminally regard nature and its order as ontologically inferior. Nature is ignorant we think. If it could bring about a propensity in its highest creation that undermines its own order, then, by implication, it cannot be intelligent or worthy of reverence and care. It is this attitude which then leads to the desecration of nature, animals, and indigenous peoples as well. The Druids did not permit themselves the luxury of cutting a single living thing with a sharpened edge. Compare this to today’s savagery and carnage. 

In a sincere desire to discover the origins of evil and in a need to circumvent the drive, personally and collectively, we have turned to the philosophers and to the scientists and priests. For all their musings and pontification, the academic philosophers have come up relatively empty when providing clear understanding of this matter for all humanity. Science does not exalt the moral question to any intense degree. Scientists cannot even find consensus on the mysteries of the physical Earth. Orthodox geologists have generally failed to account for anomalies pertaining to the origin of life, of the hominids, the later genus Homo, and the fossil record. The alumni of the Earth sciences consciously manufactured the fallacious theory of the Ice Age and the Pleistocene Epoch. They advocated “Uniformitarianism” stating what they knew to be untrue, that geological and evolutionary changes take place over extremely long periods of time and at very slow rates. The concept of the Ice Age does not come anywhere near to accounting for the paroxysms that occurred on the Earth and are recorded in the legends of the native peoples. It was concocted to lead people astray from the realization of occurrences that not only shaped the Earth but that impacted humans physiologically and psychologically. Moreover, the elitist world of science has brought its fury to bear on the lives, careers, and advancement of their detractors, genius mavericks, and revisionists, such as Immanuel Velikovsky, Ignatius Donnelly, and Comyns Beaumont. Edmund Halley was the first scientist to account for the Biblical Deluge by polar displacement: 
When he first argued his case before the Royal Society of London in 1692, the revelation was so startling that his paper was not published until 30 years after. 
(Larry Brian Radka, 
Astrononomical Revelations) 
Those diligent scholars who have done their homework jettisoned the “Ice Age” theory as completely untenable. Since 1995, the science is in proving that there was neither a “Pleistocene Epoch” nor a long lasting “Ice Age” of the type habitually advocated (see Appendix B). 

It is our belief that the hypotheses and theories promoted by the establishment scholars were always known to be inadequate and scientifically suspect, for it is far beyond the dictates of reason that Darwin, Wallace, Agassiz and Lyell, etc., could get their facts so wrong by mere accident. The reasons why things went so wrong is understood when it is realized how much was at stake for the establishment if scholars and the masses should ever connect the destruction on Earth with the coming of extraterrestrial entities. 

The descendants of these visitors are now in total charge of the Earth and obviously deem it essential that the history of the Earth, of its geospheric and topographical evolution, be made to appear the result of gradual changes and the effects of ice that descended upon the northern continents. It was of paramount importance that humans did not look back to the pre-diluvian epochs. 
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. 
(Luke 8:17) 
To get the word out, their opponents have had to resort to fiction and fantasy, to music and film, in which they tell the tale, knowing that it is unlikely that the average reader or viewer will go beyond their entertainment value, or indulge in deeper, heuristic analyses.

Those of a questioning bent, disenchanted with the quandaries of materialistic science, frequently turn to religion. Its representatives have lauded themselves as having the question of evil in hand, as possessing the special abilities and knowledge, which alone address mankind’s epistemological conundrums. For 2,000 years, Christianity and the major religions have sought to account for the presence of evil. They have not succeeded in giving us any clear answer. In attempting to answer one question, they have fostered thousands of new ones. And some might argue that along with science, religion is one of the most adroit exponents of evil in the world today. And indeed, when we review the canon of Christianity, we have good reason to feel frustrated. One may well ask, what is going on in the Bible? Let us then take a brief look. 

We are told by the religions that man has two natures, good and evil. One is then compelled to ask why God would instill such propensities in his own creations who are made in his image? [The Infinite One True God can NEVER be contained[caged] in any Book, as a book is a finite setting,whereas the Spirit of God is infinite DC]

We read that God created man and woman. This implies that God is not man or woman “himself.” Yet, consistently, the post-diluvian religions all over the globe, constantly depicted and referred to God as male? They do this even when, in the case of Hebrew, the name for deity is of feminine gender. 

We are told that man was not originally evil. He became that way after the disobedience of Eve in the Garden. Why would God create something born in his image and then deny him some aspect of knowledge and then even banish him from paradise after it had been received? 

We must also ask why God would condemn his creations for something that was not a conscious transgression? Why the tests imposed on those who must already be innocent in nature? 

Then we are told that the parents sinned, only after they fell under the influence of the evil one, Satan. So we ask, why would God allow his newly created beings to be in the proximity of this “evil one?” Who created the serpent? [The Paradise Son of God, the Creator of this neck of the Universe. DC]
Nowhere in the Genesis account is there any mention, direct or indirect, of Satan’s involvement, and yet it has become common practice for the Church to portray the serpent as an emissary of Satan, or even as Satan himself. 
(Laurence Gardener)

Why would God himself know evil, before man was even created, unless God had already brought evil into the world? 

Why, as we read in the Book of Job, would God give Satan, a being that cannot be trusted, the right to test Job? Why would God not already know whether Job was a true servant or not. Is there a limit to the omnipresence of Jehovah? [Nope The One True God IS IN US ALL.DC]

One cannot also conceive of the reason for the existence of any being, like Satan, who has no good in him at all. What would be the point of creating such as being, or in sending him to test those who themselves must be morally pure?[Lucifer and Satan are sons of the Paradise Creator Son, not winged creatures from the imaginations of men DC] 

If Satan could even have the ability to aspire toward supreme Godhead, and if there are hierarchies of angels, etc., then perhaps God can indeed be surpassed? What are we to make of this? 

We find that Jehovah told a lie. Eve did eat of the prohibited “tree,” but did not, as was warned, die. So how and why would a God that puts such currency in morality tell lies? 

God promised Noah after the Flood that he would never visit the world with like calamity again...but there have been innumerable devastations unleashed on earth, which taken together would rival and even surpass the horror and death-toll of a prehistoric aeon. [You would begin to hope that more sons and daughters have caught on to  Christ's Father is not the god of the old testament DC]

Why does God create mankind and then lamenting his great evil nature proceed to destroy all his creations? Why not confine the act to mankind alone? And would it not have been simpler to create man and, thereafter, not expose him to sin? [It  cannot be just handed to man, his arrogance precludes that DC]

If it is true, as the Bible declares and theologians state that the “sin” involved Adam and Eve being made conscious of their “nakedness,” does this mean that God and the Serpent and the others that were around were clothed? 

We read that Cain after slaying Abel is banished forever by the Lord, but is then endowed with the “mark” to prevent anyone from slaying him. But why would the Lord want Cain’s life spared? How would anyone know Cain’s past deeds and want to kill him? And how could any “mark” matter one way or another? Is there a mark that denotes that one has committed fratricide? And furthermore, who would be in the position to kill Cain, since he and his parents were, supposedly, the only beings alive in Creation?[Not true,there were others on the planet. Remember God Finished on the 6th day, and RESTED on the 7th. Adam and Eve and everything that came with it happened on the 7th day, different Creator. DC] 

We read that when Moses encounters Jehovah at the “Burning Bush” God tells his prophet that He is the “God of Thy Fathers.” How can this be? And what does it mean? Moreover, why does Moses ask to know God’s name, if the “Chosen People,” the Israelites, already knew it? 

Among the many Commandments that were levied by Jehovah was one categorically forbidding “magical” practices by any of the “Chosen.” Why, in this case, were Moses and Aaron doing the “rod and snake” trick in front of the Pharaoh and his priests? Where do the exceptions begin and end? 

Why does Jehovah, who commissioned Moses to secure the freedom of the “Chosen People,” then continually “harden Pharaoh’s heart” to prevent their easy release? Does this not smack more of human politics? 

Why is it that we read of Jesus experiencing Baptism from John? Why would the sinless son of God need to go through a ritual that is reserved for the sinners seeking repentance and conversion?[He said 'for righteousness sake' DC] 

Jesus openly rebuked all public prayer. So why was this made the staple thing in later Christianity? [To follow Christ is a way of life, not a religion DC]

There is no precedence for celibacy in the Bible, so why did this become vogue in Christianity? 

And what of the character of Jesus? We are told that he is the embodiment of love, compassion, and forgiveness. But we read of him turning over tables, talking about bringing a sword rather than peace, and stating in Luke: 
But those mine enemies which would not that I reign over them, bring hither and slay before me... 

And regarding the mission, destiny, and message of Christ, why would God send his son, a pure soul, into the so-called vale of death to rise again from that state back to the godhead that he already once enjoyed? Was this necessary for the simple transmission of a spiritual message? What would be the purpose of such an exercise? What does it say about the omnipotence of the God of the Testaments? [Christ willfully partook of own Creation,The god of the ot is not connected to Christ, and that is of it's own doing DC]

If paradise could be lost once and then regained, what is to prevent the scenario repeating ad infinitum?[I think that is where The Ancient of Days comes into play, they that have eyes to see front and back, from their unique perspective in the Universe DC] 

And what of the character of Yahweh (Jehovah)? Is there not inconsistency there also? 

If he, Jehovah, is in reality the only God or the only real God, then why the constant remonstrations about worshipping other gods. What would Jehovah have to fear? Is it the free will of people that is remonstrated against? 

According to conventional interpretations, does he not banish Satan and human sinners to perpetual agony in hell? Satan could not be the creator of hell, for nowhere does it say that he was, and if he was, why would he stay in it? Is Jehovah not the creator of both evil and hell? Nowhere in the text does it state the contrary. And if God is good, why send any of his creations to everlasting perdition for any reason? Why not just destroy that entity, since, according to Genesis, this is what was done to the first creation. Surely, this would be less misery to the wretch. God condemns eternally and his mortal creations suffer interminably for the slightest moral deviation or infraction? So we ask, who is evil, the one who acts it out, or the one who created the propensity in the first place? [Evil was NOT created, it grew out of self disillusionment DC]

Does it not seem strange that the God who promised to take care of all his people and never bring another deluge would be so conspicuously absent during all the subsequent horrors of history? 

So it goes on and on throughout the Bible text. No wonder that Pliny the Younger when asked by the Emperor Trajan about Christianity replied that it was a: 
...degenerate sort of cult taken to extravagant lengths. 

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of...Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all. 
(Thomas Paine)

I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one-half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth. 
(Thomas Jefferson) 
The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ. 
(Thomas Jefferson) 
What influence in fact have Christian ecclesiastical establishments had on civil society? In many instances they have been upholding the thrones of political tyranny. In no instance have they been seen as the guardians of the liberties of the people. Rulers who wished to subvert the public liberty have found in the clergy convenient auxiliaries. A just government, instituted to secure and perpetuate liberty, does not need the clergy. 
(President James Madison) 
Thanks to scholars, we now know that the Book of Genesis is a simulacra of earlier Sumerian, Akkadian, and Egyptian originals, in which the experiences of the dramatis personae are suggestively similar. The net result is that the Christian hegemony has no answer for the existential predicaments of man. In fact, they have made these worse. They espouse no answers or remedies that do not themselves foster the repression of the natural instincts. Surely, after 2,000 years of such labyrinthine diversions, theological nonsense, and prevarication, it is time to hand out the “pink slip” to the representatives of religion and pay no more mind to their hyperbole. 

One would think that this leaves humankind in a void when it comes to the question of evil and its exact origins and denouement. But it does not. As I have shown, the ancients had more than enough to say about the coming of evil into the human arena. Behind the veneer of fairy folklore, of myth and legend, lie the answers. 

This Place is Terrible! 
The world is run by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. 
(Benjamin Disraeli) 
…because they are born from men and from the holy Watchers in their beginning and primal origin, they shall be evil spirits on Earth and evil spirits they shall be called…and the spirits of the giants will afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the Earth and cause trouble…And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women…
(Book of Enoch) 
Now we must come to the present and seek to discover how active these alien masters and their progeny are in the seemingly diverse and complex human arena. Is the great war still going on and is the end-game perhaps in sight, to be concluded in our own time? 

Many authors, who have made researches into the subject of alien visitation, such as Brinsley Le Pour Trench, Erich von Daniken, and Zacharia Sitchin, continually assert that the Annunaki have left this planet and are one day to return to save us from ourselves and correct the injustices and wrongs of humankind. These authors believe that the alien “gods” are essentially benevolent; that they are, in fact, our elder brothers with our welfare at heart. This author is, however, far from subscribing to these and other kindred theories. 

Along with Comyns Beaumont, William Bramley, C. S. Lewis, and others, the author believes that the aliens have never left this planet and are, in fact, themselves responsible for the origin and presence of evil in the consciousness of mankind.

Though it is unlikely, but not impossible that none of the original alien visitors still physically live, their offspring certainly do exist and continue to bring mankind to the brink of spiritual degradation and physical annihilation for their own selfish purposes. Descendants of the beings known as the “Sons of the Serpents,” those ancient Lemurians, are amongst us also continuing in a plethora of subtle and ingenious ways to bring “Homo Atlantis” to awareness of their origins, history, and plight. In the following section, attention will be drawn to some of the ways that they do this. 

In their creations they continually emphasize that they and their forefathers have been engaging in a veritable “Battle of Armageddon.” This battle is going on every second of every day. It is not yet won by the light bearers because we, the children of Earth, against the very coding of our DNA are as yet resistant to taking up arms against our deadliest enemies who have kept and will continue to keep us in utter servitude. It is time to draw Excalibur from the stone again. But do not wait for any King Arthur to return from the physical grave. Arthur is us, Arthur is you! 

Upon investigation, we find that there is much evidence to indicate that the alien visitors and their dark progeny have been and still are with us, that they are, in fact, at the very helm of the echelons of society, making use of powerful secret societies, such as the Masonic and Rosicrucian fraternities as their cover for centuries. It has been uncovered that the members of such bodies permeate and influence all areas of government, politics, education, religion, and business. This has been the case certainly since the Renaissance. 

It is for the individual reader to decide for themselves, whether such fraternities and enclaves, even whether the entire occult genre, were before, or are now, under the control of the progeny of the Atlantean Nephilim. 

It is the contention of this author in his present state of understanding that it is unlikely that occultists and occultism have been, or are, exclusively in the hands of the Atlantean offspring, and although people may be evil, symbols and edifices are inherently not. Clearly, both sides make use of the same machinery. In the final analysis, it matters little what weapons are used and what field is chosen for battle. It matters greatly though–to know the enemy. In its education of these matters, humanity has continually been helped, even occasionally from those behind the veils of secrecy.

Not only were many of the founders of the U.S. Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe, which helped them to establish the United States for a “peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few.” 
(Peter Tompkins quoting M. P. Hall 
in Secrets of the Great Pyramid) 
I have been convinced that we, as an Order, have come under the power of some very evil occult Order, profoundly versed in science, both occult and otherwise, though not infallible, their methods being black magic, that is to say, electromagnetic power, hypnotism, and powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the Order is being controlled by some Sun Order, after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself. 
(Duke of Brunswick, Grand 
Master of World Freemasonry). 
While the real “Brothers” died ignominious deaths, the spurious Order which tried to step into their shoes became exclusively a branch of the Jesuits (Illuminati) under the immediate tutelage of the latter. True-hearted Masons ought to reject with horror any connection, let alone descent from these. 
(Madame Helena Blavatsky, 
The Secret Doctrine) 
… there exists... another class of adepts belonging to a brotherhood also and mightier than any other they have to be ranked with the adepts of the Black Arts. These are our Roman Catholic “Fathers” and clergy... A hundred times more learned in secret symbology and the old religion than our Orientalists will ever be…There are more profoundly learned Kabbalists in Rome and throughout Europe and America than is generally suspected...Thus are the “Brotherhoods” of “black” adepts more powerful and dangerous…than any host of Eastern Occultists. 
(Madame Helena Blavatsky, 
The Secret Doctrine) 
Speak I of ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming of the Children of Shadows. Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of the earth-man… In the form of man they moved amongst us, but only to sight were they as men. Serpent headed when the glamour was lifted…Crept they into councils, taking form that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o’er man…to destroy man and rule in his place. 
(Emerald Tablets of Thoth 
– the Atlantean) 
Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. 
(President Woodrow Wilson)
We get the truth even from the “horse's mouth.” 
We form an association of brothers in all points of the globe…Yet there is one unseen that can hardly be felt, yet it weighs on us. Whence comes it? Where is it? No one knows…or at least no one tells. This association is secret even to us the veterans of the Secret Societies. 
(Guiseppe Mazzini, Head 
of the Bavarian Illuminati) 
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court…of the temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretation. It is not intended that he shall understand them, but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them…The true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry (those of the 32nd and 33rd degrees). 
(Albert Pike, Grand Master of 
American Scottish Rite Freemasonry) 
In spite of the efforts of Science Fiction and Fantasy writers, it appears that humans are very far from a complete understanding of the forces that have shaped history or the evolution of terrestrial societies. Because they are in charge of the world’s media, the alien masters have been industrious and successful in putting Atlantis in front of us as a long lost paradise, where wise priests presided over semi-enlightened, sublimely contented people, at one with their environment. If one’s discrimination is, however, still operating and if one has read through the masterpieces of Tolkien, MacDonald, Le Guin, and C. S. Lewis, it will be realized that these tales of Atlantis are pernicious fiction. They are part of an ongoing propaganda campaign, accepted by those within the “New Age Movement” who have been duped by the nostalgic reveries of bygone days and golden ages where all was peace and plenty. It is a truism that mankind is at home in nature, not in any kind of metropolis. This probably holds true for all ages on the Earth. 

It is commonly known that many persons involved in the sciences are overwhelmingly cold blooded and inhuman. But such persons are also found in the political, sociological, and psychological sciences. They are found involved in the medical professions and they are behind many other industries. They appear to be the paradigm authors in modern times, leading mankind to destruction with every new diversion. Are such beings the progeny of the Necromancers of Atlantis? Are they “Homo Atlantis” who chose to hearken to the alien DNA instead of the homo sapiens strains? Are these scions of ancient sorcery involved in the governments and media today?

According to the traditions of many isolated peoples, the first great emperors in Asia were god-kings who came down from the sky, displayed amazing superhuman abilities, and took over. 
(John Keel, Our Haunted Planet). 
…because they are born from men and from the holy watchers in their beginning and primal origin, they shall be evil spirits on Earth and evil spirits they shall be called…and the spirits of the giants will afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the Earth and cause trouble…And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women…
(Book of Enoch, Chapter 15). 
When all mankind who are on the earth die, he shall be safe. And this posterity shall beget on the earth giants, not spiritual, but carnal...
(Book of Enoch) 
I am offspring of the serpent-nature and a corruptor's son. I am the son of he who...sits on the throne and has dominion over the creation beneath the heavens...
(Book of Acts) 
Only by magic could they be discovered, only by sound could their faces be seen…But ye know, the Masters were mighty in magic, able to lift the veil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place. Came they to man and taught him the secret, the Word that only a man can pronounce; swift then they lifted the veil from the serpent and cast him forth from the place among men. 
(Emerald Tablets of Hermes). 
And so in numerous movies, not all of which are created by perverse personages, we see the great tale cryptically and repeatedly insinuated. (See Highlander, The Hunger, Scanners, Superman, The Hidden, Conan the Barbarian, Sword and the Sorcerer, Battle Star Galactica, V, Beastmaster, The Dark Crystal, Cocoon, Red Sonja, Lifeforce, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the Invisible Man, Frankenstein, Dracula, Flash Gordon, Trancers, Bladerunner, Terminator, The Omen, The Time Bandits, The Devil Rides Out, Quatermass, Dr. Who, Blake’s Seven, Space 1999, Star Trek, The Last Wave, They Live, It Came From Outer Space, The Brain from the Planet Arrous, The Creature Walks Among Us, War of the Worlds, The Tripods, Six Million Dollar Man, Freejack, Tron, Planet of the Apes, The Eiger Sanction, The Time Machine, Things to Come, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Golem, Android, Five Million Years to Earth, Star Wars, He-Man: Masters of the Universe, What Planet Are You From, Fifth Element, Fallen, Independence Day, Moonraker, and Jacob’s Ladder.) 

In earlier chapters, we reviewed theories of how alien beings arrived and colonized the planet Earth, influencing her entire history. We also looked into the probable manner in which evil came into the world and into the personality of man. We hinted that it may not be at all natural, meaning that it may not arise due to the inviolate forces of nature, but only from perpetual and unnecessary tampering with, or circumventing of, such forces. For why would nature “create” a phenomenon so inherently destructive to herself? But more pressing for us at this point is the reminder that the resolution of the war between the forces of good and evil was not concluded in pre-diluvian times. The “Dark Ones” were drastically reduced in physical numbers and they had lost most of the technology that channeled their powers. 

What was left of this computer hardware was often sequestered in areas that we now refer to as the inner sanctum of a temple, or as the “Holy of Holies,” etc. Only the “initiated” could enter such precincts, others being threatened with death and damnation if they became curious and dared. The Biblical references to the Arc of the Covenant and Moses’ warnings about its powers clearly denote some kind of unpredictable and deadly radioactivity. It is also rumored that the arc contained the remains of the leader of the “Fallen Angels” or others of his 200. The word arc comes from arche, meaning the first, the original, or even, the originator, and also from arca, which translates as “tomb.” And the Israelites declared the so-called arc to “contain” God himself. Words like arcadia, monarch, archon, and arktos contain this strange prefix. 

The loss of the majority of this technology was of singular irritation to the alien visitors and was sorely lamented. And so, in the post-diluvian times, they set about energetically manipulating events that we now read as history to bring them to the point where they could reproduce the technological hardware that was so invaluable. This is an act that was begun by the Council of Elders in Asia Minor over 11,000 years ago. They have compelled us to the heights of technological expertise at the expense of other areas of human development, as lamented by innumerable philosophers, romantics, social critics, and activists. 

I wonder why progress looks so much like destruction. 
(John Steinbeck) 
The major advances in civilization are processes that wreck the societies in which they occur. 
(Alfred North Whitehead) 
Regarding the practicality of their meta-plan, they knew it would take centuries to come to fruition. However, there was no choice but to commit to it, since it meant that they could finally vacate their prison Earth and roam the infinite skies, or perhaps even return to their own planet. The Renaissance, the Industrial Age, and the present Silicon Age stand as testaments to their success. It is our belief that the end game is to be played out in our times and that it is in fact being played out as we write. Unfortunately, this is not the place to chart the entire machinations of these beings from 11,000 years ago. We can, instead, make reference only to a period closer to our own age, one that is of paramount importance in the understanding of all that has been hitherto mentioned. We are referring to the late Renaissance and Elizabethan ages. For it was in the sixteenth century that something very important occurred that moved the agenda of the Atlanteans dramatically forward. However, the “official” historians have cleverly camouflaged this “something.” 

History is distorted by diachronic and synchronic manipulation. And those revisionists who attempt to bring the truth to the attention of the masses are constantly being thwarted and undermined by the minions of those who stand to be exposed. 
The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind. 
History is the lie commonly agreed upon. 

Stargate and Quarantine


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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...