Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Part 3: The Contagion Myth...Resonance...Water...Food

The Contagion Myth

why viruses including

"Coronavirus" are not

the cause of disease

by  Sally Fallon Morell &

Thomas S. Cowan, MD



Recently, on a forum for scientists, laypeople, and health-care professionals who question the safety and efficacy of vaccinations—in other words a forum for people who question the practices of conventional medicine—a professional scientist made the following comment when one of the members pointed out that Koch’s postulates had never been met for even a single viral or bacterial disease. She said, “No virologist of any note took any notice of Koch’s postulates ever.” 

The comment says a lot about how virologists currently think, as Koch’s postulates are what anyone with common sense would use to prove that a microorganism causes disease—isolate the organism from a sick animal or human and then introduce it into a healthy animal or human to see whether it causes disease. In a sane world, Koch’s postulates are not something one can “discard.” 

In the mid-twentieth century, virologists apparently came to a fork in the road. With repeated failures to satisfy Koch’s or Rivers’ postulates, it became obvious that viruses don’t cause disease. The scientists could either admit this and all become postmen, butchers, and greengrocers—in other words get honest jobs—or they could proclaim that they changed the rules of logic, hope no one would notice, and possibly get fabulously wealthy and powerful from patents on antiviral medications and vaccines. It’s actually understandable that they took a flyer and chose the second route. Tragically, this farce worked, and the world became a much worse place for living beings to inhabit. 

The scientist quoted above later said: 

Polio alone revealed to them that out of every thousand people infected, around ten would show signs of illness and one would become paralyzed. Even the old works on neisseria [a type of bacteria said to cause meningitis and syphilis] from the old days, showed conclusively that the bacteria was carried extensively and routinely and that only around one in one hundred thousand would actually have clinical meningococcal disease presentation. So to toss in Koch’s postulate in order to dismiss an article is chasing an unrelated goose down another garden path. 

Suppose a professor theorizes that spraying a gentle stream of water (such as a shower) on people would kill them. To test the theory, one hundred people are sprayed. No one is harmed. Most people would conclude the theory was incorrect and spraying water on people, in fact, doesn’t kill anyone. But some researchers would persist. They would test a thousand people, then fifty thousand. . . . Finally, by chance, one subject dies. Of course, no honest or sane person would keep doing this experiment this long, but if it were done, the obvious question to ask would be whether something else happened to the person to kill him as it obviously couldn’t have been the water. Maybe he slipped in the shower, hit his head, and died; or maybe he had an aneurysm in his brain, which due to a fight with his wife right before being sprayed, happened to burst; or maybe he foolishly decided to spray the water into his airway to wash his dirty lungs. In any case, the cause of his demise is clearly not the spraying of water and the researchers would need to do an individual investigation to find out what had really happened.

For a prominent alternative leader not to understand the point of Koch’s postulates and write this in a public forum is cause for despair. One can only conclude that the depth of the delusion in the biological sciences is so deep that even scientists supposedly dedicating their lives to uncovering one aspect of the delusion can’t step out of the whole delusion and see things clearly. 

Another online statement by a prominent scientist goes even further: 

Koch’s postulate is completely wrong and irrelevant in our modern understanding of disease-causing agents. That is a set of principles developed in 1884! It was ten years before viruses were even discovered, and over sixty-five years before the immune system was discovered and of course one hundred fifteen years before the microbiome was understood. Most of the tenets of Koch’s postulates are wrong. Many, many well known infectious agents don’t fit it. If any doctor or scientist is out there using Koch’s postulate as “proof” that this Cov2 is not real, turn away because they have no idea they are talking about. Just like we moved away from the early 1600s geocentric model of the solar system, we have to move away from Koch’s postulates. 

This is like saying that because Newton formulated the laws of gravity over three hundred years ago, they are now out of date and it’s safe to jump off tall buildings! 

A remaining question is how to explain “measles parties” and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like herpes. Investigating these phenomena leads to some interesting conclusions about the nature of life. 

To understand what seems to be the contagious nature of childhood diseases like measles, mumps, and chicken pox, or STDs like herpes, gonorrhea, or syphilis, one must investigate the phenomena of resonance. If one plucks a string tuned to a certain frequency, the vibrations of the string will cause a second string tuned to the same frequency to vibrate and sound at the same frequency. The two strings are not touching; the connection is through a sound wave that travels between the strings. 

When confronted with the question of “what is a virus?” one could easily ask that question about anything in nature. We could say that a virus is made of chemicals—proteins, nucleic acids, minerals, lipids, etc. But what are these chemicals made of? They are made of atoms, such as sulfur, oxygen, and carbon. Atoms are made of protons and neutrons in a nucleus and electrons circling around the nucleus, sort of like the sun with the planets circling around it. And as in the solar system, 99.999 percent of this atom is space; that is, it seems to be nothing. 

This presents an obvious dilemma. How is it possible that this particle, which is made almost entirely of nothing, creates an entity we call a virus, or a foot or a chair, all of which seem solid? The only conclusion anyone of integrity can make is that we simply have no idea how this works. To make matters even worse, the top dogs of the science world, the physicists, tell us that all this stuff on earth can exist either as a space-filling particle or as a wave, which has no physical presence at all. In other words, both humans and viruses are made of waves of energy that have no discernible physical presence. How a collection of waves can write a book on viruses is anyone’s guess, but the fact that this occurs can’t be disputed.

The only rational conclusion anyone can come to is that physical reality is a kind of energy or wave pattern that crystallizes as physical reality under certain conditions. We and everything in the universe seem to participate in this dance of wave-particle manifestation. 

With this understanding, let’s turn to the results of a series of experiments carried out by a virologist named Luc Montagnier. Montagnier is credited with claiming to discover that the HIV virus causes AIDS. (He also claims that the Covid-19 “virus” is man-made.1 ) What he found can help us craft a realistic theory explaining the mystery of childhood illnesses like measles and STDs, which appear to be contagious (and also proves that even the misguided can sometimes redeem themselves). 

We need to be cautious about applying his findings too broadly. The vast majority of illness that seems to be contagious is in reality just people exposed to similar toxins or suffering from the same nutritional deficiencies. Hiroshima was not contagious; Chernobyl spread throughout Europe, but it was neither contagious nor caused by a virus. Sailors all getting sick on the same ship were not the victims of a virus; the likely explanation is that they all had a vitamin C deficiency called scurvy. Young people at college exposed to horrible food, severe psychological stress, and intense binge alcohol use are affected by toxins, not some elusive virus. 

After starvation and toxicity are accounted for, we can admit that some diseases can be spread by a kind of energetic resonance as predicted by a careful and accurate study of the nature of physical stuff, carried out by Luc Montagnier. 

Here’s how the experiment goes: first, one puts DNA or RNA in water (beaker one). Then one puts a collection of nucleic acids (the chemicals that make up the DNA and RNA) in a separate water beaker (beaker two), in another part of the room. Then one introduces an energy source, such as UV or infrared light and shines that on beaker one, which contains the formed DNA or RNA. In time, the exact same sequence of DNA or RNA will form out of the raw materials in beaker two. 

There is no possibility of physical connection between the two beakers. The only conclusion one can draw from this simple experiment is that the DNA or RNA in the first beaker has a resonance energy picked up by the second beaker. This resonance energy then becomes the blueprint for the formation of the identical piece of DNA or RNA in the second beaker.2 This revolutionary experiment is clear and simple—and repeatable. 

This formation of DNA or RNA in the second beaker can happen only if both beakers have water in them. Without water, no resonance is possible. Even in our string example, it is the water vapor in the air that is resonating. 

When one applies this discovery to viruses (or exosomes) said to cause measles, chicken pox, or herpes, it is possible that since these particles called viruses or exosomes are simply packages of DNA or RNA, they emit their own resonant frequencies. In a way not yet determined, each frequency creates an expression that we call a disease; however, the frequency will create what we call illness only if there is a purpose or reason for the illness. 

Chicken pox is a universal way for children to live a long life. Children who experience chicken pox have less disease (and especially less cancer) than do children who haven’t had chicken pox. The same holds for measles, mumps, and most childhood “infectious” diseases.3 

Why do measles and chicken pox seem to be infectious? One child puts out the message through exosomes that now is time to go through the detoxifying experience called chicken pox. Other children in their home or class or town receive the message and begin the same detoxification experience. In the end, the children are all better off for having “sung” together. 

With an illness like herpes, resonance may also be at play. (Also, a collagen deficiency may contribute to the genital irritations in patients with herpes and other STDs.) 

So when two people come together in the highly charged act of sex, a situation in which this resonance acts strongly, it is no surprise that the couple might resonate together and create identical DNA or RNA, in a manner similar to what occurred in the beaker. To a virologist, this looks like the appearance of a new contagious virus. To a realistic observer, it is two people forging an intimate genetic connection. This observation, rather than proving contagion, teaches us about the mystery we call life. It teaches us again that the materialistic conception of the “wily attack virus” is an impoverished, inaccurate view of the world. And it teaches us to forgo simplistic explanations and look into the deepest mysteries of life if we are to create a world of health and freedom. 

The discoveries about the resonant properties of genetic material can also help us explain how humans and animals adjust to new situations—a new toxin or new electromagnetic frequencies—not by competition and survival of the fittest but through the harmonizing of shared experience. 

Imagine a situation where the human community is confronted with a new toxin. The new toxin can be neutralized only by an enzyme that is not usually made by human beings. But one member of the community has a randomly generated mutation that allows her—and only her— to make the toxin-neutralizing enzyme. She does well, whereas others sicken and some die because this randomly generated mutation gives her an adaptive advantage. According to the theory of genetic mutation and natural selection, her genes will slowly spread throughout the population. But what if she is a sixty-year-old postmenopausal woman, or a man who does not have children? Then the helpful gene would die out. If we’re lucky, the carrier of the gene will be a thirty-year-old man about to get married. He and his wife have six children with three carrying the autosomal dominant mutation. One of those three dies in a car crash, the other becomes sterile following a Gardasil vaccine, and the third passes the adaptive gene on to her two children. In ten thousand years, that adaptive gene will have spread throughout the population through natural selection. Unfortunately, the toxin either has killed everyone off by then or is long gone, so the mutation is useless. It’s clear that the theory of natural selection following random mutations cannot explain how humans and animals adapt to new situations in time for these mutations to be useful. 

So how do we adapt? Our threatened cells produce exosomes containing DNA and RNA, which have a unique resonance. The pattern of this genetic material will quickly pass to others through resonance (especially if they are in close contact). This is the role of “viruses” in nature; they are physical-resonance forms of genetic material that code for changes happening in the environment. They provide real-time genetic adaption. It’s a totally ingenious system that we have missed by assuming that viruses are hostile and dangerous. A war on viruses is nothing more than a war on the forward evolution of humanity.





If the practice of medicine were conceived properly in the Western world, doctors would begin by ascertaining four basic factors: the quality of the water their patients drink; the quality of the food they eat; the level and type of toxins, including mental and emotional toxins, to which they are exposed; and finally the level and type of electromagnetic fields to which they are subjected. The vast majority of medical problems can be understood by gathering patient information on these four areas, and the vast majority of health problems can be helped or even solved, by “remediating” these four core issues. 

Water, especially the water that supports life inside our cells and tissues, has amazing properties. We are accustomed to think of water existing in only three states: solid, liquid, or gas. However, water—and only water—also has a fourth state, sometimes called coherent water, structured water, or simply the gel phase. Each phase of water has unique characteristics in terms of bond angles (the angles between the hydrogen and oxygen molecules), charge, motion characteristics, and many other physical properties. 

Dr. Gerald Pollack, author of the groundbreaking book Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life,1 along with biologist Dr. Gilbert Ling, were the first to describe the fourth stage of water and delineate its properties. Pollack coined the term EZ (exclusion zone) water. Fourth-phase water will structure itself against a hydrophilic (“water-loving”) surface. Instead of moving randomly, the water molecules line up and form a crystalline structure that can be millions of molecules deep; this structure excludes every mineral and every other type of molecule or chemical from its midst. The water outside the EZ is “bulk” water, which contains minerals and dissolved compounds. It is basically “disordered,” whereas EZ water is “ordered.” Water is called the “universal solvent” because any hydrophilic substance will dissolve in it. EZ water is a pure crystalline “structure” consisting solely of hydrogen and oxygen. 

EZ water is neither liquid nor solid, but rather is similar to a gel. To picture this fourth phase of water, imagine Jell-O (a coherent, non-solid, non-liquid, non-gaseous mixture of unfolded proteins and water). The embedded water is arranged in clusters of molecules that organize themselves into a regular (“coherent”) structure that we see as a gel. Jell-O is 99 percent water, yet water does not come out of Jell-O if it stays at the right temperature. Our bodies are 45–75 percent water, yet when we cut ourselves, water does not flow out because the water in our bodies is “structured” against the various hydrophilic surfaces in our tissues. 

EZ water has a negative charge. In contrast, bulk water has a positive charge, making the water in our cells a kind of battery. The energy that charges the battery is heat and light energy ranging from the infrared through visible light through UV. This is why we feel better when we are in the sunlight, especially in the early morning or evening, which contains a lot of infrared light. This is why saunas (and heat in general) make us feel better. Heat and light help your intercellular and extracellular water form larger EZs. Fever does the same thing, which is why we should not suppress a fever. 

Water from melting glaciers and from deep wells and springs are good sources of structured water because EZ water is created under pressure. Holy waters from the river Ganges and from Lourdes, with known healing properties, contain high amounts of structured EZ water.2 

Recent studies have revealed that relaxed muscles contain mostly EZ water, whereas contracted muscles transition to mainly bulk water.3 

Anesthetics and drugs that reduce pain reduce the size of the EZ zones in our cells. 

EZ water is the perfect “structure” for life processes because this fourth phase water gel can be shaped by the proteins, minerals, nucleic acids, lipids, and other substances in our body to form any shape or configuration of gel. This gel has an infinite number of binding sites, which allow it to change in response to a new stimulus. This stimulus can be in the form of chemicals such as hormones, energies such as thoughts and feelings, or even the resonant energies of the earth, sun, and stars. The shape of this gel unfolds the nucleic acids embedded in it, thereby controlling the expression of the genetic material. The structured EZ water in our cells, sometimes only a few molecules deep, is like a fine mesh of wires that carries energy and information. 

Toxins and EMFs damage the gel in our cells, interfering with virtually every physiological process. This damaging of the gels is a huge factor in disease; in essence, it is the unified field principle behind health and illness. 

Consider the lens of the eye, one of the purest examples of a structured water gel in the body. The lens of the eye is a crystalline water structure, organized—as are all tissues—by a unique composition of proteins, lipids, minerals, nucleic acids, and other components. These components form the casing or housing for the crystalline water that forms the bulk of the lens. The lens must be transparent to light, and this requirement determines how the water is organized. When all is well, the lens is a soft, flexible, transparent gel. If we disturb the crystalline nature of the gel with things such as toxins or electromagnetic field exposure, the gel becomes distorted, unable to maintain its characteristic transparency. This is what we call a cataract. If we are able to detoxify the gel, the lens can heal. Unfortunately, eye doctors know nothing of this dynamic so they resort to some sort of surgical intervention to replace the diseased lens. This is not healing, it is mechanical intervention, a temporary fix that can never resolve the underlying cause. 

Consider the characteristic joint disease called osteoarthritis. In the healthy situation, the joints are surrounded by negatively charged gels called bursa. These gels not only physically protect the underlying bones (themselves a denser type of gel), but, because they are negatively charged, when two opposing bursa come together the negative charges repel each other, thus ensuring smooth movement. When the gels are sick and not forming properly, we lack the protection for the underlying bones. The negative repulsion is lacking, and movement is painful. If nothing is done the bones begin to erode against each other, a process we call osteoarthritis. Again, as conventional medicine knows nothing of the underlying dynamic at play, the only treatments are pain medicine or joint replacement, both of which often have major negative effects for the patient. 

A final example involves the whole area of inflammation and fevers. Our cells and tissues are meant to contain perfect crystalline gels. If a toxin becomes dissolved into the gels, the body attempts to rid itself of this toxin. The way the body does this is to elevate the temperature (we call this a fever), which partially liquifies the gels so that the toxins can be flushed out in mucus, after which we feel better, meaning we reconstitute our perfect gels once again. Fever and inflammation is simply a detoxification process, not a disease that needs to be suppressed. 

Until doctors understand these simple principles, we must suffer under a medical system that cannot heal. That is one of the biggest tragedies of our time. 

Jell-O is fractal in nature—meaning that any small piece of the gel has the same molecular shape as the larger gel. Examination of the smallest molecular units of the gel reveals it to be the same form as the macroscopic unit. This feature allows information to pass via all levels and to connect the molecular level to the macroscopic level. Here, we can only hint at the crucial importance of the coherent nature of water as the basis of life. 

Preliminary findings indicate that when structured water is exposed to a Wi-Fi signal from a nearby router, the size of the EZ diminishes by about 15 percent.4 This finding has profound implications for the interaction of EMFs and the structure of water in our cellular gels. If a nearby Wi-Fi router causes such a change, we can only imagine what the millimeter waves of 5G do to the structured water in our tissues. 

Since human beings are made up of 70 percent water by volume and over 99.99 percent of the molecules in a human being are water molecules, we need to pay attention to the quality of the water we drink. Health professionals’ foremost concern should be the type of water and other liquids their patients are consuming. 

Water consumed by healthy nonindustrialized peoples had four characteristics: First, the water was free of toxins. This is in complete contrast with the municipal water that most people drink. Today’s water contains chlorine and chloramine, which are toxic to our microbiome, as well as to the rest of our body. Today’s water contains fluoride, an industrial waste that is toxic to the enzymes in our tissues, enzymes needed for every chemical transformation that happens in our bodies. Water also contains microplastics, which can line and congest the intestinal wall, and aluminum, which predisposes us to electrical sensitivity as well as a laundry list of diseases. Municipal water contains residues of many pharmaceutical drugs, including birth control pills, statins, and antidepressants. 

Second, traditionally consumed water was abundant in vital minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iodine. 

Third, all traditionally consumed water was at least partially structured and organized into EZs because in nature, water moves in vortex patterns. Water bubbles up from the ground in springs, swirls in pools, flows over rocks, and forms eddies and vortices. Water flowing in vortex patterns becomes more “coherent,” becoming increasingly structured. The structure actually persists for some time, and does not revert to incoherent bulk water just because it stops flowing. 

Water flowing in vortices also picks up oxygen from the air and becomes more oxygenated. In contrast, most municipal water is stagnant in tanks and then flows through linear pipes with no vortex movement possible. This water is devoid of structure and coherence, and also completely devoid of oxygen; this lack of oxygen has a deleterious effect on our microbiome. 

Finally, traditionally consumed water was exposed to the sounds and wavelengths of the natural world. Water flowing in mountain streams is exposed not just to the minerals, microbes, and other constituents of the forest, but also the sounds and energies of the life of the forest and of the entire natural universe, including the stars, sun, and moon. 

It’s clear that most water is sick and toxic and a major contributor to illness. If we are ever to change the course of the disease patterns in our world, it must start with clean, healthy water. Clean, healthy water should be completely free of any toxins: no chlorine, no fluoride, no aluminum, no lead, no pharmaceutical residues, no microplastics—nothing should be present that is not a natural component of water flowing in a healthy mountain stream. 

Currently the only way this is possible is to purify the water down to the nanoparticle level. This is a monumental task but one that can be accomplished with the proper equipment. It is truly unfortunate, even tragic, that our water must be cleaned and “purified” in order for us to consume it, but until the world wakes up to the fact that poisoning the water is a completely unacceptable practice, we’ll have to take these precautions. 

Whole-house water purifiers do exist that can filter the water and then add minerals while oxygenating and structuring the water by letting it flow in a vortex pattern. There are also less expensive ways of creating clean, structured, well-oxygenated water (see Appendix A). 

Drinking well-oxygenated water is important. In addition to their highly structured quality, the two most sacred and medicinal waters in the world, the water of the grotto at Lourdes (coming from a very deep spring) and the water in the Ganges river (coming from glaciers in the Himalayas), are likely highly oxygenated.5 

High oxygen levels help explain why the waters of Lourdes and the Ganges have been associated with healing of a variety of diseases. Oxygen is essential and foundational for a healthy life; increasing the oxygen levels in our tissues improves the function and in particular the energy generating capacity of our tissues. Oxygen deficiency has been widely associated with the development of cancer through the well-known Warburg effect; that is, the switch from aerobic to anaerobic fermentation processes in our cells. Hypoxia, the condition of low oxygen levels in the tissues, is a typical symptom of Covid-19. 

Conventional researchers often claim that we can get oxygen into our bodies only though our lungs, so how do the oxygen levels in our water affect our health? Like so many other “truths” in science, the idea that we only absorb oxygen through our lungs is incorrect. If one uses sensitive oxygen measurement devices, one can demonstrate that soaking in a tub of highly oxygenated water and drinking highly oxygenated water will cause the oxygen level in the blood to rise.6 This proves that at least some oxygen is absorbed both through the skin and the GI tract. 

Highly oxygenated water contributes to our health in another important way, as shown in a study of plant growth. Research has shown that watering plants with highly oxygenated water stimulates their growth and improves their health and resistance to disease.7 For many scientists, this makes no sense because we are told that plants don’t use oxygen but rather they breathe out oxygen. How is it possible that exposing plants to oxygenated water increases their health and vitality? 

The answer is clearly that the oxygen doesn’t affect the plants directly but that the oxygen is used by the microbes in the soil. Watering plants with oxygenated water stimulates the growth of healthy aerobic bacteria in the soil. Plants don’t primarily eat or absorb nutrients from the soil; rather, they (like us) eat the “waste products” of the bacteria in the soil. If we feed the microbes in the soil healthy nutrients including oxygen, the healthiest microbes will flourish. These put out the healthiest nutrients, which are absorbed by the plants to create healthy, flourishing plants. 

So it is with us. We don’t actually absorb the nutrients directly from our food, at least not solely. Rather, we eat food and drink water to nourish the billions of microbes in our gut. If we increase the oxygen level in the water we drink, we grow healthy aerobic bacteria in our GI tract. These aerobes use the water and the food we consume to make the highest quality nutrients for us to absorb. And with plenty of oxygen, these healthy microbes will not switch to an anaerobic metabolism that produces toxins. 

Life is a complex dance of nature, microbes, and organisms. Oxygenated water produces the conditions in which the healthiest microbes flourish and produce robust, vibrant, disease-resistant people, plants, and animals. Microorganisms that don’t have enough oxygen become anaerobic and produce toxins that cause diseases like botulism, tetanus, cholera, and typhus. 

Recent research indicates that drinking oxygenated water improves wound healing,8 enhances lactic acid clearance in athletes,9 improves immune status,10 and protects against muscle fatigue.11 Oxygenated water is a much better choice for athletes than steroids! In addition, conditions of low oxygen promote cancer growth.12 

Currently most people consume devitalized food and oxygen-deficient water; antibiotic use is rampant and most people therefore have a predominance of toxic, disease-causing anaerobic bacteria in their GI tract. And, after all this we blame our illnesses on a virus that we can’t even find! 

The final step in the production of healthy water is the exposure, as in nature, of the water to the sounds and energies of nature. This can be accomplished through the exposure of the finished water to birds, frogs, trees, and other living things, or even through exposing water to sacred sounds, to music, to healing vibrations, to a blessing—or even to healthy, loving vibrations in the household. This crucial finishing step recreates the process through which nature “produces” water fit for consumption. All animals will naturally seek out such water. All animals when allowed free choice will eschew the toxic, dead, industrial water consumed by the vast majority of the people in the world. 

As we will see in chapter 8, fermented beverages like kombucha and kefir achieve a kind of structure through the fermentation process and an effervescence that structures water around each bubble of air. Gelatinous bone broth carries the structure of collagen, which helps create healthy collagen throughout the body, down to the smallest structures in our cells —water structures itself against the hydrophilic surfaces of this collagen. The water we get in fruits and vegetables is also structured. 

Well-oxygenated water for drinking and bathing should be the first thing patients receive when they enter a hospital or nursing home. Until then, see Appendix A for sources of healthy options, which are the best we can do as we go about the long and tedious process of reclaiming our world.



In the late 1890s, as the germ theory gained prominence, a new invention came on the scene: the stainless-steel roller press. This gleaming contraption allowed manufacturers to extract oil from hard seeds like corn kernels, cotton seeds, and soybeans. Primitive stone presses worked only for oily seeds like sesame, flax, and rapeseed and for oily fruits like olives, coconuts, and palm fruit. A traditional stone press extracts the oil slowly and without heat, so the final product is natural and tends to be healthy. 

Oil from cottonseed—a waste product of the cotton industry—was the first fabrication of the new mechanized press. Like all industrial seed oils, cottonseed oil oozes out of the crushed seed as a dark, smelly gunk, something no one in his right mind would consume. High-temperature processing, which involves alkaline chemicals, deodorizing, bleaching, and hydrogenation (a process that turns a liquid oil into a solid) transforms the dark gunk into a product suitable for its initial use: candles. Proctor & Gamble, located in Cincinnati, perfected the refining process for this industrial product. But with electrification, the candle industry declined. What were they going to do with the expensive processing infrastructure in which they had invested? Feed the oil to people, of course. 

The result was a profound change in the food supply, something the world had never seen. It took about forty years for industrial seed oils—as both hard, partially hydrogenated fats and as liquid cooking oils—to replace animal fats for cooking and baking; cheap industrial oils from cottonseed, corn, and soybeans made the processed-food industry possible —so cheap and so profitable that the industry had plenty of money for marketing campaigns and plenty of clout to influence university research and government policy. For years, health organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO) have recommended a diet containing industrially processed vegetable oils instead of natural animal fats. 

No dietary change has ever been as deleterious to health as the advent of industrial seed oils, usually called “vegetable oils”; loaded with chemicals, intrinsically rancid, and lacking the many essential nutrients that humankind gets exclusively from animal fats like butter, lard, poultry fat, and tallow, they are a recipe for poor health. Chronic disease such as heart disease and cancer, kidney problems, Alzheimer’s, and immune disorders have increased in lockstep with the increase in vegetable oil consumption. Moreover, the type of fat molecules in vegetable oil (omega-6 linoleic acid) can make our bodies more sensitive to the effects of electromagnetic radiation. 

We have trillions of cells in our bodies, and every cell is surrounded by a membrane composed of a double layer of fat molecules, called the lipid bilayer. These molecules are mostly saturated because, after all, they are animal fats. The other main component of the cell membrane is cholesterol. Together, the saturated fats and cholesterol ensure that the cell membrane is waterproof, thus allowing a discrete chemistry and a different electrical potential inside and outside the cell. The remarkable membrane is engineered with channels and receptors so that only certain compounds get in and out. 

Embedded in the cell’s interior are the mitochondria, which help create energy. They are like tiny electric motors inside our cells. These too have a membrane composed of a double layer of fat molecules, most of which should be saturated, in order for the mitochondria to support efficient energy generation for our cells and bodies. 

As we explained in chapter 8, the structures in your tissues serve to create microscopic enclosures where water structures itself against billions of hydrophilic surfaces. The areas of structured water have a negative charge. Inside the cell, structured water fills the spaces, creating what amounts to a web of fine wires to carry electric current through the cell and on to other cells. Good health depends on keeping this gelled structure protected and intact—protected from poisons, EMFs, and even negative emotions. The goal is to keep our own internal currents as safeguarded as possible against interference from 5G and other outside EMFs. Saturated fats serve as a kind of insulation in cells and tissues. On the other hand, the types of fat molecules in vegetable oils—called polyunsaturated fatty acids—do not provide the stability these structures need. When built into our cell and tissue membranes, the cells become “floppy” and “leaky”; they can no longer provide effective barriers that our cells require to function properly. 

Having adequate saturated fat in our cell membranes is especially important in the Internet age because 5G and other EMFs increase the permeability of the cell membrane,1 which can result in a kind of starvation of all our tissues, with all sorts of unfortunate consequences— from fatigue to cancer. 

At least half the fat molecules in the cell membrane need to be saturated in order for our cells to function optimally. The fat molecule in our lung surfactants needs to be 100 percent saturated for the lungs to work properly.2 If our diet is lacking in saturated fat, the body will put polyunsaturated or partially hydrogenated fatty acids in the lung surfactants, making respiration difficult, with lung disease such as asthma and pneumonia likely consequences.3 Chronic lower respiratory disease includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and bronchitis. The lungs simply cannot work properly in those who consume a lot of industrial seed oils. 

Saturated animal fats also supply cholesterol, which is needed in the cell membranes to ensure the cells are waterproof so they can have a different electric potential on the inside and outside of the cell. Another important compound we get uniquely from animal fats is arachidonic acid, which is required for tight cell-to-cell junctures. 

A key function of saturated animal fats is to serve as carriers for a trio of fat-soluble nutrients: vitamins A, D, and K2. The levels of these vitamins were much higher in the diets of our ancestors and of nonindustrialized peoples, for three reasons. First, most of the fats that our ancestors consumed were animal fats—butter, lard, poultry fat, and tallow. Second, they ate the whole animal—not just the muscle meats but also the organs, marrow, skin, and blood. The fat-soluble vitamins are concentrated in these organ meats, especially the liver. Even as late as World War II, Americans typically ate liver once a week, giving them a consistent dose of vitamin A. 

Third, animals were raised on pasture in the sunlight, which serves to maximize the amounts of these key nutrients in our food. Egg yolk from a chicken raised outside, the old-fashioned way, contains several times more vitamin D than does an egg yolk from a chicken raised in confinement— the “modern” industrial model.4 

Nothing can happen in the body without vitamins A, D, and K2— from growth to hormone formation, to energy production, to reproduction—this triumvirate of nutrients works together to protect us against toxins and enhance immunity. Vitamin A is particularly important for healthy lung function.5 The best sources are cod liver oil, organ meats from healthy animals (think liver, liverwurst, scrapple, pâté, and terrines), egg yolks from pastured hens, butter and cream from grass-fed cows, fish eggs, shellfish, oily fish, lard from pigs raised outdoors, and poultry fat and poultry liver from birds raised in the sunlight on green grass—all food items that conventional public health officials discourage us from eating or that modern industrial agricultural practices make it difficult to obtain. 

Modern eating practices rob us not only of these nutrients but of minerals as well, because the fat-soluble vitamins play a key role in mineral assimilation. Smoothies made from organic vegetables contain minerals, but these largely go to waste without the fat-soluble vitamins. 

Industrial seed oil production fills our bellies but starves our cells; the same can be said for industrial grain production. A triumph of industrial processing is the Chorleywood method, whereby grains of wheat can be transformed into loaves of bread in their plastic bags in two hours; also the high-temperature, high-pressure extrusion process, which produces dry breakfast cereals like Cheerios and Wheaties out of wheat, oats, and corn. 

Traditional, non-industrialized cultures from around the world did not eat grains in this way; instead, they subjected them to a long, slow fermentation process, such as soaking oats overnight or even for several nights before cooking them into a sour porridge.6 Naturally leavened sourdough bread is a fermentation process that takes several days. In Africa, parts of the Middle East, and also in medieval Europe, slow fermentation of grains was the first step in creating nourishing beverages like sorghum beer and small beer—beverages of low alcohol content and high levels of nutrients, especially B vitamins. Small beer was a common beverage, even for children, in colonial times—Benjamin Franklin consumed it for breakfast, and George Washington had a recipe for small beer involving bran and molasses.7 Such a beverage would have nourished the gut flora by providing structured water around the fizzy bubbles and B vitamins galore. 

Grains that haven’t been soaked, sprouted, or fermented are difficult for humans to digest and contain many “anti-nutrients,” compounds like phytic acid, lectins, and enzyme inhibitors, which block digestion and can even lead to mineral deficiencies. Modern grain products—including trendy “health” products like oat bran muffins and granola—fill the belly but do not nourish. Sometimes they even poison. The extrusion process used to make breakfast cereals creates neurotoxins;8 gluten in wheat becomes toxic without proper preparation. 

Careful preparation transforms grains into real food—increasing B vitamins and liberating minerals for easy assimilation. The food industry “solves” the problem of modern grain processing by adding synthetic vitamins. In any event, overt deficiencies are rare in America, not because of the synthetic vitamins added to grains, but because most Americans eat plenty of meat. 

An interesting symptom in some Covid-19 patients is “Covid toes”— red, inflamed toes, similar to pellagra toes (which is caused by a niacin deficiency). 

Pellegra Toes (t); Covid Toes (b) 

Scientists have observed a threefold depletion of NAD (a form of niacin) in the cells of Covid patients, a condition blamed on the coronavirus. However, exposure to wireless technology and microwave radiation can also deplete cellular forms of niacin.9 The obvious defense is to limit EMF exposure and consume ample B vitamins, especially niacin. Proper preparation of grains and sufficient animal products will ensure adequate levels of the B vitamins. 

Other obvious products of the Industrial Revolution are refined white flour and sugar (and its modern evil twin, high-fructose corn syrup [HFCS]). Refined sweeteners and white flour are the quintessential “displacing foods of modern commerce.” Ironically, these refined foods actually play an important role in the diets of those avoiding animal fats. The body has such a great need for saturated fat to maintain the membranes and surfaces in the tissues that it has a backup plan in case our diets do not contain adequate amounts: it makes saturated fat from carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates.10 Unfortunately, this backup plan will not provide the fat-soluble nutrients we get from animal fats nor the B vitamins in their natural forms that we get from properly prepared whole grains. Instead, consumption of refined carbs serves as a fast track to the chronic diseases from which Westerners suffer—diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, high blood pressure, and cancer. The vast majority of Covid-19 victims suffer from one or more of these preexisting conditions. 

Diets based on vegetable oils or even on olive oil often lead to cravings for refined carbohydrates; a return to animal fats is the first step to resolving the need for refined carbs. 

The embrace of “plant based” diets (whether vegan, vegetarian, or just low in animal products) is another trend that contributes to nutritional starvation. Although some people report improved health when they embark on a “plant based” diet, deficiencies will develop over time. The decision to avoid animal products often comes with resolutions to “eat better” in general and avoid processed food. Removing sources of vegetable oils, white flour, and refined sweeteners from the diet is only part of the process for regaining good health; the other part requires the consumption of nutrient-dense food. Although plant foods have a definite role to play in human diets, they are far less dense in vitamins and minerals than are animal foods. 

Long-term vegetarianism, especially veganism, often results in deficiencies of complete protein; the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K2; vitamin B12; and four key minerals: zinc, sulfur, iron, and calcium. On the other hand, plant foods like beans, nuts, and grains tend to be high in copper, and a high copper-to-zinc ratio can dispose one to electromagnetic sensitivity.11 Lack of iron, of course, leads to anemia and fatigue; sulfur supports mechanisms for oxygen transport in the blood. Both zinc and sulfur supplementation seem to help Covid-19 patients. Best sources are animal foods like red meat, liver, and egg yolks. Vitamin A from animal fats and liver helps ensure that iron goes into the red blood cells where it is needed and that all minerals are used effectively. The body has a harder time using iron added to processed foods, like breakfast cereals and white flour, so it ends up in the soft tissues where it does not belong—so-called toxic iron—rather than in the bloodstream where the iron in red blood cells carries oxygen to the tissues. 

Covid-19 and zinc deficiency have many symptoms in common: cough, nausea, fever, pain, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, loss of taste and smell, loss of appetite, fatigue and apathy, inflammation, and decreased immunity. Zinc-rich foods and even zinc lozenges provide real protection against this disease. 

One effect of 5G seems to be the stimulation of calcium channels in the cell membrane. This drives calcium into cells, essentially poisoning the cell, while lowering the ionizable calcium in the blood. The ionized calcium in the blood is used in the coagulation pathways to help clotting and prevent uncontrolled bleeding. If it drops too low, people hemorrhage. During the 1918 pandemic, many doctors noted that their patients died from hemorrhage, not pneumonia. Some doctors reported that IV calcium lactate kept people from dying. Soon after, Royal Lee from the Standard Process company formulated a flu product called Congaplex, which contained calcium lactate—the same form of readily available calcium as in raw milk. In addition, raw whole milk from pastured cows contains compounds that strengthen the immune system and help us deal with stress and EMF's. 12 

The greatest tragedy of the germ theory has been its application to milk, nature’s perfect food. Today, most milk is subject to pasteurization; in fact, most milk is ultra-pasteurized, a process that flash heats milk to 230 degrees Fahrenheit, way above boiling point, ostensibly to rid milk of harmful germs, but actually to lengthen shelf life. Unfortunately, pasteurization greatly lowers the vitamin content—one dairy industry study found that pasteurization resulted in lower amounts of all the B vitamins, especially B2, B6, and B12—and these were studies of milk that was merely pasteurized, that is, heated to 170 degrees.13 It’s likely that ultra-pasteurization results in the destruction of up to 100 percent of the vitamins in milk. The minerals will remain, but the enzymes the body needs to assimilate these minerals are destroyed. Pasteurization destroys beta-lactoglobulin, which is needed for the intestinal uptake of vitamins A and D.14 

Pasteurization in the name of the germ theory has resulted in the destruction of most of the goodness in milk, a prime food for growing children in Western culture. Pasteurization also renders milk proteins allergenic; many people with milk allergies turn to “milk” made of almonds, peas, oats, or soy, which have dubious nutritional value. 

Raw, whole milk (especially from grass-fed animals) is a complete, easily digested food. It contains every nutrient that babies and children need for growth; it protects them from asthma and respiratory illness;15 it ensures plentiful calcium that is easily assimilated for strong teeth and bones. For the elderly, raw milk is equally nourishing; it protects the bones and nourishes the tissues, even when the digestive fires have waned. 

Raw milk is an excellent source of glutathione, a compound our bodies use for detoxification. Only glutathione from fresh, denatured whey proteins will work—that means from raw milk, not from pasteurized milk or whey powders. Alexey V. Polonikov of Kursk State Medical University proposes that “glutathione deficiency is exactly the most plausible explanation for serious manifestation and death in Covid-19 infected patients.”16 Raw milk can be of immense help in protecting us from this disease. 

Another important source of nutrients missing from modern diets: gelatin-rich bone broth made from the bones and cartilaginous portions of the animal, which nourishes the cartilage in our own bodies—and our bodies contain more cartilage than muscle. Bone broth is rich in glycine, an essential element in collagen that helps maintain structured water inside and outside of cells. Glycine helps create strong collagen in certain types of lung surfactants and throughout the body, and it supports detoxification. 

Animal feet, heads, bones, and skin did not go to waste in your grandmother’s kitchen. They were thrown into a pot and simmered on the back of the stove to make a rich broth—basically melted collagen. This broth then formed the basis for nourishing soups, stews, sauces, and gravies—or given as just a mug of broth for optimal energy and good digestion—a much better choice than coffee! Unfortunately, the food industry has figured out a way to imitate homemade broth—the broth based gravy that your grandmother served appears in imitation form as a kind of goop made with water, a thickener, artificial colorings, and artificial flavorings, especially monosodium glutamate (MSG), a neurotoxin. MSG appears in many canned and dehydrated soups and stews, bottled sauces, “broth” in aseptic containers, salad dressings, seasoning mixes, soy foods (which are intrinsically bitter), and even vegetable oils. Rarely labeled, MSG is a neurotoxin, not a nutrient, and another source of starvation for those who consume mostly processed food. 

Another important component of traditional nutrient-dense diets is fermented food and beverages. Raw fermented foods supply beneficial bacteria to the intestinal tract, preferably on a daily basis. These bacteria help digestion, liberate minerals, break down anti-nutrients, supply vitamins (especially B vitamins), and protect us against toxins. In fact, a recent study links fermented vegetable consumption to low Covid-19 mortality.17 Fermented condiments like raw pickles and sauerkraut, fermented sauces like ketchup, and fermented beverages like kefir and kombucha are critical components in a diet that truly nourishes and protects. Unfortunately, the modern diet replaces raw fermented condiments with canned versions, makes heat-treated ketchup loaded with additives, and promotes truly toxic and heavily sweetened soft drinks instead of artisanal fermented beverages. 

The public first learned about the benefits of lactic acid–producing bacteria in fermented foods, especially fermented milk products like yogurt, from bacteriologist and Nobel Prize winner Ilya Mechnikov, a contemporary of Louis Pasteur. Mechnikov is credited with the discovery of macrophages, which turned out to be the major defense mechanism in our innate immune system. He proposed the theory that white blood cells could engulf and destroy toxins and bacteria, which met with skepticism from Pasteur and others. At the time, most bacteriologists—always assuming that natural processes are detrimental—believed that white blood cells ingested pathogens and then spread them further through the body. 

Unlike Pasteur, who believed that all bacteria were bad, Mechnikov credited the good health and longevity of Bulgarian peasants to their daily consumption of (fermented) yogurt and the lactic acid–producing bacteria it contained.

Mechnikov, a colorful and passionate figure, twice attempted suicide— the first time by an opium overdose and the second time by injecting himself with the spirochete of relapsing fever (akin to malaria).18 He concluded that it was his habit of eating Bulgarian yogurt that protected him against the spirochete toxins and allowed him to survive. He also experimented on himself and others by drinking cholera bacteria during the 1892 cholera epidemic in France. He and one volunteer did not get sick, but another volunteer almost died. He then discovered that some microbes hindered the cholera growth, whereas others stimulated the production of cholera toxins. He concluded that the proper cultivation of intestinal flora could protect against deadly diseases like cholera.19 We get these protective bacteria on a daily basis when we eat lacto-fermented food. 

An important component of fermented foods is vitamin C. Successful treatments for Covid-19 cases include large doses of vitamin C (oral or IV). Your best dietary source is fermented veggies like sauerkraut, which is manyfold richer in vitamin C than is fresh cabbage. 

The food-processing technology that accompanied the Industrial Revolution has allowed us to ruin just about every common ingredient that we put into our mouths, even salt. Salt is a critical nutrient for health, and especially for maintaining the difference in electrical potential in our tissues, which can protect us against EMFs. But modern processing removes all the magnesium and trace minerals from salt, and it adds an aluminum compound that prevents clumping—so your salt will pour when it rains. The solution is to use unrefined salt on your food and in your cooking, salt that contains a wealth of trace minerals and provides us with a daily source of magnesium. One and one-half teaspoons of unrefined salt (the minimum adult requirement for sodium and chloride) actually provides about twice the minimum adult requirement for magnesium. 

Now take your diet of processed food—your frozen dinner, your canned soup, your carryout meal, and your leftovers—and zap it with the microwave. Little that nourishes will be left in such food-like substances.20 

The impression created in numerous books and in the media is that a “healthy” diet is dry and unsatisfying—containing skinless chicken breasts, lean meat, vegetable juices, and rough whole grains—could not be further from the truth. A healthy diet requires no sacrifice in taste and satisfaction, only care in purchasing and preparing our food. Rich, whole raw dairy products including plenty of butter, fatty meats, natural bacon and charcuterie, eggs (especially the yolks), artisan sourdough bread, genuine bone broth, satisfying sauces, natural sweeteners, plentiful unrefined salt, interesting condiments, and refreshing fermented beverages —these provide the kind of diet that truly nourishes and protects—and they are becoming more and more available commercially. If your diet contains mostly processed foods, you can be assured that your body is in starvation mode—especially if you heat up your food in a microwave oven. 

For practical suggestions on adopting a nutrient-dense diet, see Appendix C.




Chapter 7 

1.Dan Evon, “Did This Nobel Prize Winner Say COVID-19 Was Created in a Lab?” Snopes, April 29, 2020, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/luc-montagnier-covidcreated-lab/. 

2.L Montagnier et al, “Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived From Bacterial DNA Sequences,” Interdiscip Sci. 1, no. 2 (June 2009): 81-90. doi: 10.1007/s12539-009-0036-7. Epub March 4, 2009. 

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Chapter 8 

1.Gerald Pollack, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life (Seattle, WA: Ebner & Sons, 2001). 

2.https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/gerald-pollack-electrically-structured water.31363/page-4 

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4.Personal communication with Gerald Pollack, PhD, July 7, 2020. 

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6.Stacey A. Reading and Maggie Yeomans, “Oxygen absorption by skin exposed to oxygen supersaturated water,” Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 90, no. 5 (2012): 515-524, https://doi.org/10.1139/y2012-020. 

7.ST Kyoren et al, “Effect of high concentrated dissolved oxygen on the plant growth in a deep hydroponic culture under a low temperature,” IFAC Proceedings 43, no. 26 (2010): 251–255; “Dissolved Oxygen for Better Growth: Part I: What Is It and Why Do Plants Need It?” https://www.questclimate.com/dissolved-oxygen-better-growth-part-plantsneed/. 

8.Daniel Ladizinsky, MD and David Roe, PhD, “New Insights Into Oxygen Therapy for Wound Healing,” Wounds 22, no. 12 (2010): 294300.. 

9.N Fleming et al, “Ingestion of oxygenated water enhances lactate clearance kinetics in trained runners,” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 14, no. 9 (2017), DOI 10.1186/s12970-017-0166-y. 

10. R Grubera et al, “The influence of oxygenated water on the immune status, liver enzymes, and the generation of oxygen radicals: a prospective, randomized, blinded clinical study,” Clin Nutr. 24, no. 3 (June 2005): 407–14, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2004.12.007. 

11.MV Ivannikov et al, “Neuromuscular Transmission and Muscle Fatigue Changes by Nanostructured Oxygen,” Muscle and Nerve 55, no. 4 (April 2017): 555–563. PMID: 27422738 • DOI: 10.1002/mus.25248. 

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2.Sally Fallon Morell, Nourishing Fats. Grand Central, New York, 2017, pp. 85–86. 


4.Ibid, 113-114. 

5.Joaquin Timoneda et al, “Vitamin A Deficiency and the Lung,” Nutrients 10, no. 9 (August 21, 2018): 1132. doi: 10.3390/nu10091132. 

6.Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD, “Be Kind to Your Grains … And Your Grains Will Be Kind To You,” The Weston A. Price Foundation, January 1, 2000, https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/food-features/be-kind-to-your-grains-andyour-grains-will-be-kind-to-you/. 

7.George Washington, To Make Small Beer. George Washington Papers, 1757, New York Public Library Archive. 

8.Weston A. Price Foundation, “Dirty Secrets of the Food Processing Industry,” December 26, 2005, https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/modern-foods/dirty-secrets-of-thefood-processing-industry/.

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12.Sally Fallon Morell, “New Evidence That Processing Destroys Milk Proteins,” March 21, 2020, https://www.realmilk.com/health/new-evidence-that-processing-destroys-milkproteins/; https://www.realmilk.com/wpcontent/uploads/2020/06/CampaignforRealMilkSept2011PPTasPDF.pdf, 4–12. 

13. Sally Fallon Morell, “What Pasteurization Does To The Vitamins In Milk,” October 31, 2018, https://www.realmilk.com/health/pasteurization-vitamins-milk. 

14.HM Said et al, “Intestinal Uptake of Retinol: Enhancement by Bovine Milk BetaLactoglobulin,” Am J Clin Nutr. 49, no. 4 (April 1989): 690–4. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/49.4.690..

15. B Sozańska, “Raw Cow’s Milk and Its Protective Effect on Allergies and Asthma,” Nutrients 11, no. 2 (February 2019): 469. Published online Feb. 22, 2019. doi: 10.3390/nu11020469; https://www.realmilk.com/health/raw-milk-protective-againstasthma-and-allergies/. 

16.Alexey V Polonikov, “Endogenous deficiency of glutathione as the most likely cause of serious manifestations and death in patients with the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19): a hypothesis based on literature data and own observations,” https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340917045_Endogenous_deficiency_of_glutath ione_as_the_most_likely_cause_of_serious_manifestations_and_death_in_patients_with _the_novel_coronavirus_infection_COVID19_a_hypothesis_based_on_literature_data_and_ow. 

17.Sally Robertson, BSc, “Study links fermented vegetable consumption to low COVID-19 mortality,” News-Medical.net, July 8, 2020, https://www.newsmedical.net/news/20200708/Study-links-fermented-vegetable-consumption-to-lowCOVID-19-mortality.aspx.. 

18.“Ilya Mechnikov – Biographical,” Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB. 

19.Louisa Williams, ND, “Dr. Ilya Metchnikoff Drank Cholera and Lived!” April 17, 2020, https://www.louisawilliamsnd.com/post/dr-ilya-metchnikoff. 

20.Merinda Teller, MPh, PhD, “Debunking the Myth That Microwave Ovens Are Harmless,” The Weston A. Price Foundation, November 5, 2019, https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/debunking-the-myth-that-microwave-ovensare-harmless/..

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