Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Part 3: Overthrow of the American Republic...Black Tuesday: The Big Lie and Dark Truth...Big Noise or Truth? +++






May 13, 2002 

It has taken the better part of 60 years for the truth to emerge about Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, but it is now documented beyond dispute. The White House had prior knowledge of the impending Japanese attack on a large group of our old battleships, not just coincidentally but conveniently moored, by White House orders, in the center of a harbor in Hawaii. Over 2,000 common Americans were bombed to their death. 

For geopolitical reasons, the highest level of the American aristocracy, through its government puppets, felt it was a necessary ‘small price to pay’ to have the U.S. forced at last into WWII to fight against the Axis Powers. Among other reasons, it was to save Great Britain from being overwhelmed by the Nazis. The U.S. engaging in war with Japan invoked the terms of the Axis pact, bringing Germany to declare war shortly thereafter on the U.S. Previously, the Germans had been greatly reluctant to start a war with the huge, industrial might of the United States.1 

Ex-American soldiers who survived that war, if still living, have been too old and too tired to join any protest that many of their generation died because of treason. The American aristocracy had financed Hitler as a bulwark against the Soviets, and had profited throughout WWII in treasonous joint business with Nazi big business, names such as the Rockefeller's Standard Oil, General Electric, and Ford Motor Company. 2 

So, will it now take 60 years from the latest treason until all pertinent documents are released and undisputed, as to the role of the American aristocracy, or at least a split portion of it, and their prior knowledge, along with the Bush White House, as to Black Tuesday? And how many now reading this will expect to still be around on September 11, 2061? Like Pearl Harbor, did a faction of the ultra rich consider the World Trade Centers and loss of life a ‘small price to pay’ for geopolitical purposes? And what were those geopolitical purposes? 

In the view of a faction in the aristocracy, America was accumulating too large a population for the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights to be a valid form of organic law, needlessly guaranteeing to ‘everyone’ in this nation equal protection under the law and orderly processes of ‘law.’ From a heartless view of history, the United States is already an old Republic. From the beginning, the ultra-rich wanted only a basic parliamentary type of framework, with no shield against a powerful American monarch and an omnipotent central government. The Bill of Rights was forced to be added to the Constitution. Without it, the basic Constitution may never have been widely accepted by common Americans. Notice, that each provision of the Bill of Rights contains a form of the word ‘no’—a strong negative as a shield against a possible central tyranny. 

The upper class in the colonies was simply on the outs with the King of England over mercantile issues, including excessive taxes. They wanted to be separate and apart from the Crown in London. Yet, in the colonies, then as now, controlling the common people were the judges and the lawyers, who basically supported the Crown, the regime, the Establishment. The common colonists were deeply opposed to the colonial lawyers and judges whose chimneys were painted black as a warning. The lawyers and judges fled to Canada. With the coming of the Constitution, however, was an Establishment of elites, again calling themselves lawyers and judges, but actually pirates, determined to steal large blocs of land. One of those great thieves was John Marshall, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. He made rulings enabling his own family to steal huge tracts of land. No, he did not disqualify himself. A major law school honors this great swindler who ran the highest court in the land for some 35 years. (In Chicago, the John Marshall Law School sits wall-to-wall with the Chicago Bar Association Building.) 

A critic of the American class structure wrote a heavily documented but hard to find book, The History of the Supreme Court, by Gustavus Myers. He also wrote The History of the Great American Fortunes, documenting how every one of them is based on massive treason, huge crimes, and theft of properties. Too bad Myers, long gone, is not here to write about Bush/Clinton and their judges. 

To this day, with very few exceptions, the lawyers and the judges control, as from the beginning of this nation, ordinary Americans. Lawyers are officers of the court, pledged to support and not oppose the Crown—in current terms, the Establishment, the American aristocracy, Big Oil, Big Money. What lawyer dares to confront the dictators, the banker-judges, as we do as non-lawyers? In the history of this nation, the bulk of the lawyers and judges sent to prison for high crimes, bribery and such have been in the forty years we as a group have functioned as court-reformers. We have demonstrated endlessly that the law and the facts, promoted by the venal bar and the corrupt bench, do not decide matters in some of the really important cases in court.3 

What lawyer in court dares to point out that the important judges are banker judges, interwoven incestuously with the sinister private central bank, the Federal Reserve, masquerading as a government entity? A private pirate ship, a marauder and man-of-war, circulating their hot-air backed notes as ‘U.S. Dollars,’ and controlling the financial destiny of common Americans. 

So having now created an excuse, a portion of the American aristocracy wants to cancel the Bill of Rights. They created an emergency event, allowed, permitted, and condoned it to occur, with their prior knowledge and blessing, actually, a series of events, in which the ‘Arabs’ were not the principal players but just patsies. 

Notice the Word ‘No’ 

[1] Bill of Rights, First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press …” Since right after WWII, the CIA has dominated the American media. Over the years, we have mentioned, wherever we could be heard, that up to 1988, CBS News received a substantial secret subsidy from the CIA to insert intelligence gathering operatives and dirty tricksters in major domestic media market centers in the U.S. And the clandestine payments financed CBS’ overseas bureaus from which more intelligence was gathered than news was disseminated. All for the purposes of acting as a vacuum pump, sucking up foreign and domestic intelligence and seeking to neutralize dissidents, in the U.S. and overseas. As during the Civil Rights and Peacenik periods, CIA media assets interviewed political activists, not for putting the film or tape on the air,  but for selling the same to the CIA and the FBI, helping compile dossiers on government critics. CBS’ overseas bureaus were also used for CIA covert operatives to have ‘a place to hang their hats.’4 

About 1989, the CIA news media subsidy was transferred to ABC Network. Supposed experts, actually from CIA foundation funded groups but never so identified, often appeared on Nightline, the ABC program of Ted Koppel, a Canadian with an intelligence agency background. (Part of the recent ruckus to possibly replace Nightline is that the CIA is in the process of switching its media subsidy back to CBS.) 

In violation of the First Amendment, the central government has ordered the monopoly press not to discuss openly facts tending to show prior knowledge of Black Tuesday by the highest level of the central government as puppets for the aristocracy. (‘Newsies’ rise to the top for helping cover up political assassinations.)5 

An elite group in Congress, part of the CIA, sits on the House and Senate Committees overseeing the intelligence community. Among other things, these committees decide how much of the secret CIA/NSA and National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) budget goes to control the media. As we have pointed out many times, heading the CIA’s ‘Black Budget’ has been Congressman Henry Hyde (R-Ill.). In violation of the Constitution’s mandate for ‘Separation of Powers,’ Hyde sits in both the legislative and executive branches of government at the same time. In the 1980s, Hyde was in charge of the Daddy Bush/Bill Clinton/Ollie North operation involving the guns and dope transported through the CIA airport at Mena, Arkansas. 

The First Amendment also provides: “Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people peaceably to assemble …” (emphasis added). Separate from Congress, the White House has created a Commissar of Homeland Security. So far, the dictator of that agency refuses to be questioned by Congress, which does not use its power of the purse to cut him off. 

Homeland Security has nameless, faceless operatives interfering with freedom of speech and the press, but also the right of the people to peaceably assemble. And notice, the monopoly press does not dare use the term, as we do, of ‘secret political police’ to identify the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the NRO, which controls who, if anyone, is allowed to use the satellites in space. 

In current terms, the right of the people to peaceably assemble means the right to easily and quickly travel by plane across the country, for example, to attend and participate with other like-minded persons in activities such as criticizing the government. Since Black Tuesday, there are undisputed examples where dissidents have been delayed from boarding an airplane flight, without explanation, by nameless, faceless government operatives, so that such activists missed their flight and could not arrive in time for a distant meeting of other political activists. 

‘Homeland Security,’ translated back to fit the 1933 – 1945 Nazi era, means the Gestapo (pronounced in German, geh-SHTAP-o, an acronym of Ge(heime) Sta(ats)po(lizei), or state secret police). And translated back into the 1954 – 1990 Soviet era means the K.G.B., (pronounced in Russian as KAH-GAY-BEH, an acronym of Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnost’i, that is, Commission of State Security). 

More on the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances” (emphasis added). Since Black Tuesday, the secret political police has interfered with the transmission of some e-mail, sabotaged the posting on some websites of items critical of the government, has interfered with some radio talk-show broadcasts, and thus abridged the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Being able to petition the government also means the right of access to public courts, to open court proceedings, to open court records. In too many instances, cowardly judges, cowed by the aristocracy that installed them on the throne of court power and permits them to remain there, are afraid of the right of access, open court hearings, and open court records. 

[2] Second Amendment: “… the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” (emphasis added). What judges would block attempts to cancel such rights? Installed and controlled by the American aristocracy, members of the judiciary are not independent and are generally chicken-hearted. (One day we will do a story about outspoken judges who were persecuted or assassinated.) 

Upon consolidating his power in 1933, Adolph Hitler, installed by the German aristocracy funded by American and British big business, proceeded to immediately round up the guns of ordinary Germans. American gun control laws are generally, almost verbatim, patterned after the Nazi anti-gun laws. In a pinch, the only remedy ordinary Americans have against central government tyranny comes out of the barrel of a gun. It is the very reason for the Second Amendment. Narco-terrorist street gangs and competing dope gangs shooting up the big city police cannot be used as an excuse to disarm the people. Who in power is doing anything effective against the CIA funding their covert activities by flooding the U.S. with dope while the DEA bosses corruptly look the other way? 

[3] Third Amendment: “No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. (emphasis added). From the beginning of this nation,  the purpose of this was to prohibit the mix of civilian and military, more or less under the same roof. On occasion, since Black Tuesday, the U.S. military, under secret or other orders of Homeland Security, has been ordered to take over the airports, restricting who if anyone can travel quickly and easily. 

[4] Fourth Amendment: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause …” (emphasis added). Gross violations of this started before Black Tuesday and have escalated since. All that is necessary to invoke Homeland Security is for the Bush Justice Department, without public or legal formality, to secretly designate a person as a ‘domestic terrorist,’ and his or her Fourth Amendment rights are cancelled. Here is an example from the Bush crime family crony, the Clinton administration. 

We taped a one-hour show for our public access cable TV program, Broadsides, entitled, “Corruption from Chicago to the White House” about how the Clinton White House was tied to their corrupt Democrat and Republican surrogates in the Chicago area. Local cronies of Bill and Hillary, without a search warrant, seized the master tape of the program and will not return it to us. We have received no remedy although we have had litigation in ten different state and federal courts. The cowardly judges will not order the return of our master tape. We were put on a ‘domestic terrorist’ and ‘enemies’ list by first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, without specifics or legal formality. As a reprisal for us seeking a remedy against Hillary (who was not at the time a public official, the title First Lady not being a government position authorized by law), the Chief Judge of the Federal Appeals Court in Chicago, without legal formality or hearing, had me and a television assistant banished from all the federal courts in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana. Repeatedly refusing us a remedy, the U.S. Supreme Court is a dead letter. 

So, the American Republic and its Bill of Rights are in the process of being overthrown. Our motto? Stop cursing the darkness and light a candle. 



May 16, 2002 

Old-timers remember that bad times have a positive good. They cause the real stuff to come out. Why? For the simple reason that people in key managerial positions get laid off in a bad recession or full-blown depression. And if they cannot find good work, or any work suitable to their talent, what more do they have to lose? They start talking. They put details into the ears of loudmouths. And so the common Americans find out what is really happening. The 1930s was such a period. You do not know that? Well, maybe you forgot to talk to your elders. 73s

Is now such a period? Details are beginning to circulate in higher and higher circles of the monopoly press. The liars and whores of the press are forced to deal with the growing understanding that there was prior knowledge, at the highest level, as to Black Tuesday. Maybe George W. Bush himself did not know all the details. But did Daddy Bush know? Some think so. 

A fictional book by Richard Condon and movie were entitled, Winter Kills. It was about an Irish patriarch who arranged with a criminal cabal to have his son as the president. Because of the conflicting forces at work, his father had the son assassinated. After all, the family boss was in with some really bad people. When the movie first came out, it was quickly withdrawn and suppressed. Why? 

The book and movie seemed to point in real life to John F. Kennedy and his gangster-CIA linked father, Joseph P. Kennedy. In the beginning, the Kennedy family blocked the further presentation of the movie. Years later, it did finally get shown on television. We taped an interview with the movie producer, who told us how the Kennedy clan set out to destroy him and his film production. We played a few minutes of the interview on our recorded phone message. At that time, it was the only outlet available to us and our reports. That was before public access cable TV, before the Internet, and before more open talk radio. 

Now the monopoly press is laying people off because advertising, their source of income, is way down. So stories are beginning to circulate, in and out of the mass media, even by the press-fakers themselves. Did not George W. Bush order the military to stand down on September 11, 2001? Or, was it Daddy Bush, former head of the secret political police? 

Popular websites such as www.rense.com are putting the terrible truth of high level prior knowledge of Black Tuesday right on the screen, right in the faces of millions of Americans, some of whom may have been previously naive or poorly informed. So now, with Jeff Rense doing his best to educate everyone, there is no reason not to be well-informed. And those devils in high places, wrapping themselves in the flag, will not make it all go away. As we have pointed out in prior website stories, there is a split in the American aristocracy. One part supports (for the moment) George W. Bush, the occupant and resident of the White House. The other candidate, Albert Gore, Jr., is considered by many to be the actual elected but not inaugurated president, having won the popular vote by 600,000. Some contend that a corrupt ‘Gang of Five’ on the U.S. Supreme Court installed ‘Dubya,’ whose illegitimacy haunts even those who call themselves independent. 

The opposing faction in the aristocracy, establishment, ruling class, whatever you call them—to put it crudely, do not want to be forced to deal with him the way they dealt with President John F. Kennedy. Accused (falsely) by them of being soft on communists and ‘in’ with Moscow, JFK was the victim of a public execution by the ultra-rich, right after high noon, his brains being blown out in an open car, by military-style triangulating sniper fire. News-fakers, key players in the ‘lone assassin’ cover-up story, were thereafter rewarded by being pushed right to the top of the monopoly press.1 

To temporarily side-step some of the problems, the Federal Reserve has been secretly (or not so secretly for some) pumping up the stock market. Used in part, have been billions and billions of dollars siphoned off (some call it ‘embezzled’) from Enron and multiplied through book-keeping hocus-pocus and derivatives to create, at least on paper, trillions of dollars.2 

Because of economic dislocations, lay-offs, pocket-book worries, many Americans may be inclined to sweep the Democrats into a majority in the House and more so in the Senate. (Because of antiquated state laws and due to a ‘don’t give a damn’ attitude of the U.S. Supreme Court, third parties in America are not given a good chance in elections. The monopoly press, in an unwritten policy, ignores third party efforts. In Europe, to their credit, without such hang-ups, third and fourth party persons sit in their parliaments and have a fair chance at the instruments of government.) 

Sensing all this, the GOP movers and shakers are in favor of somehow, if possible, removing their own man, George W. Bush, and maybe Richard Cheney also, from the chair if not the spotlight. Could a land invasion by the U.S. of Iraq stop the U.S. elections?3 

The Republicans, as a front for a part of the aristocracy, fear a Democratic congressional majority, and may find reasons to consider impeachment resolutions against George W. Bush. 

(Some supposedly ‘well-educated’ persons often do not seem to understand any of this. What did they learn in college after all, at great expense to their elders? In bad economic times, can they truly expect to make annually in wages what it costs annually to go to a fancy private college or university? In not comprehending any of this, some such university graduates would require that we re-invent the wheel of history for their quick benefit. I notice in reading some of the letters and e-mail from apparent college-types, they spell ‘coup’ as ‘koo,’ and spell the term ‘martial law’ as if describing a federal law man, as in ‘marshal law.’) 

In 1999, I began to describe on radio talk shows and elsewhere that the then upcoming 2000 presidential election may not be conducted in a manner that we as ordinary Americans are accustomed to from past history. If necessary, was the monopoly press fully prepared to explain it away, if we had elections cancelled? In 1972, a study was undertaken by a think-tank, made up of the CIA, the military and the Rand Corp. Their opus, Project Star, instigated by a would-be dictator, President Richard M. Nixon, laid out ways the press could persuade ordinary Americans to accept terminating elections and instituting martial law. 

Have we all forgotten how close to martial law we came in the fall of 1973, when Nixon tried, by extra-legal means, to stop the Watergate investigations? In what was called ‘The Saturday Night Massacre,’ he summarily axed the investigators. In 1974, the aristocracy, having used Nixon enough as their punching bag, slapped him down through their high court stooges in Washington. A week before Nixon’s tearful televised resignation in August, 1974, Gen. Alexander Haig, then White House Chief of Staff, took away from President and Commander-in-Chief Nixon the ‘football’—the nuclear trigger code box that a Marine carries around while always close by the president. 

And when in 1981, through various snipers, the aristocracy warned newly inaugurated President Ronald Reagan that they were aware of the ‘October Surprise’ treason by which he was installed. Gen. Alexander Haig came up from the White House situation room and proclaimed haughtily, “I’m in charge here!” Under martial law directives, in a national emergency, Haig would be correct. Because Reagan was lazy, VP George Herbert Walker Bush more or less ran the White House until Bush was himself elected president in 1988. Some contend that, in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s 22nd Amendment, Daddy Bush actually served three terms as president. 

The attempt to warn or assassinate Reagan was falsely blamed on ‘lone nut’ John Hinckley Jr., whose family, failing in the oil business, was bailed out by Daddy Bush. And several weeks after this situation, in a related move, the CIA attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul 2 and falsely blame the Bulgarians. His predecessor, Pope John Paul 1, was murdered by being poisoned 33 days after becoming pope.4 Among other things, the pontiff wanted to stop the CIA and the gangsters from encroaching on the Continental Bank of Chicago, owned in part by the Vatican and the Queen of England. Now taken over by the Jesuits/French Rothschilds jointly with the Japanese underworld, the Yakuza, it is called a unit of Bank of America Chicago. Among other things, their specialty is judicial bribery funds offshore. So, in the apparent plan by the GOP to remove their own man, George W. Bush, will it be just a big noise or the Big Truth? 

Bush White House in ‘Big Lie’ 

The Bush White House contends that they had no specifics giving them prior knowledge of Black Tuesday. Up until August, 2001, the leading expert on counter-terrorism of the federal establishment was John O’Neill, at the time Deputy Director of the FBI. O’Neill was compiling specific evidence that an attack was expected on the twin towers of the World Trade Center, as well as on the Pentagon, using hijacked U.S. commercial airplanes as missiles. Daddy Bush, as former head of the secret political police, on behalf of his son, George W. Bush, caused  O’Neill to be ordered to cease and desist from investigating Osama bin Laden. According to O’Neill, implicit in this order was that O’Neill’s investigation of Osama was intersecting, if not actually running afoul of, the Bush family business dealings with the Carlyle Group and the financially powerful bin Laden family, at the time headquartered, among other places, on the U.S. East Coast. Daddy Bush has been a heavily paid Carlyle Group consultant to the bin Laden family. Contrary to prior false reports in the monopoly press, the bin Laden family was not on the outs with Osama. In fact, they reportedly were secretly funding him through Saudi banks, including their correspondent accounts in major U.S. banks which Bush Junior refused to freeze. Included were accounts in Citigroup and Algemene Bank Nederland, ABN-AMRO, and their American flagship, La Salle National Bank of Chicago, a reputed center for bribing public officials such as judges. 

Through foundations and other financial devices, the bin Laden family reportedly contributed heavily to Harvard University in joint espionage propaganda book publishing, as well as Harvard University business received through U.S. national security contracts. Right after September 11, 2001, when commercial airplanes were grounded, the Bush White House ordered the FBI to arrange an airplane to whisk some 24 bin Laden family members out of the U.S. 

In August, 2001, disgruntled at being handcuffed in his investigations of Osama, O’Neill resigned as FBI deputy director. He was appointed as the new security chief of the World Trade Center. His first day of work? September 11, 2001. He was somehow lured into going to the WTC offices of the FBI where he perished in what some firemen contend were explosions of demolition devices in the FBI offices, separate and apart from the plane crashing into that tower. Was it a coincidence that few if any FBI personnel reportedly were in the twin towers that day? 

Several weeks before he died, O’Neill shared documents and details with seven French highly-skilled journalists. Having interviewed him at length, two of them wrote a book (so far only available in French. The English language edition is pending.) referring to O’Neill.5 

According to some of the foreign journalists and their documents, the O’Neill Affair and all that is involved could put Daddy Bush in jail as an accomplice to the murder of every American who died on Black Tuesday, and of course, to the treason involved. According to this data, George W. Bush most likely would be named as a federal criminal defendant or as a criminal co-conspirator along with Daddy Bush. 

According to network news personnel, the Bush White House has reportedly been threatening one TV network with serious sanctions if they go too far with any of the French CIA details and those of the various European journalists to do with the O’Neill tapes and documents. Among the sanctions is the Bush White House threat to have the U.S. Secret Service credentials removed from certain Washington and White House reporters, thus forbidding them entry to federal government and White House press conferences, and denying such reporters entry into the White House. 

According to network news sources, the Bush White House is threatening to order the CIA to cut off the clandestine subsidies given for decades to certain news networks to subsidize their overseas bureaus, not to gather news but to suck up intelligence information to convey to the American espionage community. 

Some well-informed sources contend that, for some time now, and without even legal formality of the secret court housed in the Justice Department (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court), the FBI has been trying to retrieve O’Neill’s documents and tapes in the U.S., France and elsewhere, by ‘black bag’ jobs, i.e., breaking and entering—an FBI specialty going back all the way to the Bureau’s infamous origins early in the 20th century. Hey, what is the reason that none dare call this treason? 



August 11, 2002 

When the mass media all start hollering about the same thing at the same time, watch out! They would have you believe that one medical doctor/biomedical scientist is somehow the ‘lone assassin’ in the anthrax deaths and illnesses following Black Tuesday. Despite his direct denials, carried by the American monopoly press and not just through his lawyer mouthpieces, Dr. Steven J. Hatfill is considered in the supposed ‘FBI investigation’ as ‘a person of interest.’ 

Background and Details 

Starting just before Black Tuesday, top officials in the Bush White House, including apparently George W. Bush himself, were already taking Cipro, the antibiotic useful against anthrax. This was several weeks before the news-fakers began to headline stories of death and illness from anthrax arriving in the mail. The maker of Cipro is Bayer, A.G., a left-over of Nazi big business, and still financially interwoven with elders of the Bush family. (This one detail, by itself, tends to show  prior Bush White House complicity and knowledge of what the anthrax terrorism is all about.) 

Further, to understand all this: 

[1] Right after 9-11 began a series of five or more mysterious murders, deaths, foul play, and strange disappearances worldwide, of microbiologists—world-acclaimed researchers specializing in the field of infectious diseases and biological agents such as anthrax, and the field of DNA sequencing. Foremost in mentioning these suspicious situations were those mostly in the alternative media, such as the popular website by Jeff Rense, www.rense.com. According to some very savvy sources, these happenings were to cover up the role of the CIA and the Bush family in anthrax terrorism. 

[2] Daddy Bush and his cronies run Carlyle Group, a secretive zillion dollar enterprise that has quietly gobbled up struggling and healthy firms in defense contracting, telecommunications, and aerospace work. As we have pointed out in our website series on Greenspan and Bush, the Bush family launders illicit funds in the hundreds of billions of dollars through a joint account with the Queen of England, whose bank manager, Andrew Fisher, left to join the Carlyle Group, a US private equity firm, as reported in The Financial Times of London on December 19, 2001. 

As we reported in Part 3, the Carlyle Group reportedly has a financial interest in BioPort Corp., the sole Department of Defense contractor for supplying anthrax vaccine, and is financially interwoven with the bin Laden family and other members of the Saudi royal family. Among those who are, or have been, on Carlyle’s board are: 

• Colin Powell, once senior advisor at Carlyle, former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and, as of this date, Secretary of State. 

• Frank Carlucci, implicated in the overthrow of the Portuguese government in Lisbon, 1974, and once a top official of the CIA. 

• James Baker III, former U.S. Secretary of State in the Daddy Bush White House; Baker reportedly was implicated in the apparent massive bribery in the fall of 2000, of top Democratic Party officials in Southern Florida, to sabotage the recount of the presidential ballots to favor Bush.1 

Just after the anthrax terrorism stories first appeared in the monopoly press, the Bush White House ordered National Guard sentries to guard the BioPort plant in Lansing, Michigan. (New York Times (10/6/01), which, of course, omitted mentioning the Carlyle Group.) The purpose, as we pointed out in Part 3, was to stop the key people of this privately held firm from revealing to journalists the true ownership of BioPort. 

[3] The first death victim of anthrax by mail was Bob Stevens, 63, the layout/ photo-editor of American Media, Inc., which has its headquarters building in Boca Raton, Florida. They publish supermarket tabloids, including National Enquirer, The Sun, The Globe, and The Star. Their specialty is eye-popping details of celebrities and politicos, their sex-mates, and the clothes they wear … or do not wear. 

Their strategist and general counsel has been David Kendall, the arm-twisting Washington, D.C. attorney and close crony of Hillary Clinton. For example, in 1996, in the U.S. District Court in Chicago, we as television journalists sued Hillary Clinton, at the time ‘First Lady,’ for unlawfully putting us on an ‘enemies’ list and ordering the secret political police to hound us. Why? Because of a 1992 documentary we cablecast, proving Hillary’s business partner: (1) was in violation of export and other laws, and (2) was unlawfully supplying known worldwide terrorists with missile parts. We had their secret notebooks, telexes, and such put up on the TV screen. The result? Right before the 1992 presidential election, Hillary’s business partner, whom we fingered, was arrested. 

As attorney for Hillary Rodham Clinton, David Kendall apparently blackmailed the U.S. District Judge, George Marovich. As shown by us in the undisputed court records, the judge was the owner of a suburban shopping mall, and his secret, silent business partners are/were mafioso and top corrupt Chicago-based IRS officials. 

Failing to recuse himself, Judge Marovich took the unprecedented step of dismissing our suit because he did not have the time or inclination to hear and consider all the highly specific dates, details, and circumstances involved in proving our claims. On appeal, as further reprisal, the Federal Appeals Court in Chicago refused to consider our mandatory appeal and ordered that we be barred from all the federal courts in three states. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to remedy this unlawful cancellation of our First Amendment rights. 

The supermarket tabloids mentioned were about to publish certain undisputed photos of George W. Bush. From the photos, witnesses, and circumstances, he is apparently highly drunk and/or stoned on some dope, and dancing totally nude on the top of a tavern bar or table. 

The layout/photo-editor of the tabloids, Bob Stevens, received an envelope in the mail and, being nearsighted, put the envelope addressed to him up close to his face. It contained deadly, weapons-grade anthrax spores, which went directly into his nose. 

Days later, spores were detected in the nasal cavity of Ernesto Blanco, a 73- year-old mail supervisor at The Sun. “Health authorities also found anthrax on Mr. Stevens’ computer keyboard, prompting them to evacuate the offices on Monday and conduct tests on all employees and others who had been in the building over the last several weeks.” (From “Signs of Fear, but Not More Anthrax, in Florida,” New York Times, 10/10/2001.) 

The hundreds of workers in the building had to work elsewhere for several weeks while the building was cleaned. Did American Media, Inc., publisher of the supermarket tabloids, get the message? Will they ever now publish the apparent photos and details scandalizing George W. Bush, White House resident and occupant? Probably not. 

[4] In this series, we have mentioned that the British particularly relish attacking the U.S. central government with specific, truthful details about the prior knowledge by Bush as to Black Tuesday, and such. Obviously, sooner or later, this type of situation would lead, as we state, to: ‘The Overthrow of the American Republic.’ It is the truth. Unfortunately, the Brits are publicizing these details, not for the good of common Americans, but to further the British agenda of restoring us to subjects of the British monarchy, and returning this continent to being British colonies. 

The British government owns and controls the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), and in their hard-hitting on-line and audio/video program series, Newsnight, they reported in their March 14, 2002 episode: “Last year’s anthrax attacks which killed five US citizens could have been the climax of a secret, CIA-funded project which went disastrously wrong. This is the astonishing suggestion raised in an investigation by tonight’s Newsnight.”2 

Their documentary had numerous interviews with experts on the subject, one of whom said that the CIA had conducted paper studies, which could have gotten out-of-hand. 

Knowledgeable European sources contend, however, that the BBC, as ordered by British Counter-Intelligence, apparently completely omitted from the BBC documentary any reference to the role Daddy Bush and his cohorts in the CIA played regarding anthrax complicity and prior knowledge. Now, the American press-fakers seek to blame the whole anthrax matter on one ‘lone assassin’ medical doctor/biomedical scientist, Steven J. Hatfill, who apparently did do some hush-hush covert work for the CIA, but is the patsy in the anthrax matter. 

Also, note that the British have a way of stopping the printing, airing, or telecasting of certain subjects in advance. Called in their lingo a ‘D-Notice,’ it lists topics that are ‘off limits,’ and puts the media under notice that if anyone goes on the air or in print with a subject on the forbidden list (such as tying the Bush family directly to anthrax/CIA/via mail), the media outlet is subject to immediate seizure by the British government of all its facilities, presses, studios, transmission towers, and such, and no court can or will reverse that seizure. 




September 2, 2002 

Do ordinary Americans understand espionage? Probably not. The oil-soaked, spyriddled monopoly press are not about to explain such things. Spies pretty much keep such matters in their own circle. Often, to understand current events, you need a good handle on the techniques of Empire. 

It is no longer disputed. The United States of America has become the only remaining world power. Our enemies, once headquartered in Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo, are now trading partners with Washington, D.C. If they once tried to penetrate our secrets, to crush us, they now use their central banks to try to level off big movements against the so-called U.S. Dollar. And the Moscow government, once the center of our U.S.-created enemy, is now a U.S. trading partner, ready to greatly supply our oil needs.1 

To the American aristocracy, the true enemy has always been, and still is, the American common people. Unlike those overseas, we ordinary folk have never had a real revolution yet we tend to be rebellious. Any great American populist prairie fire that would tend to engulf the central government has to be turned around. So aristocracy-selected and government-paid agents provocateur have always been put in place to blunt the effects, for example, of the black/white equal rights demands of the Civil Rights Movement, and the anti-Vietnam War movement. 

Such gathering firestorms had to be and have to be controlled so as to never point the flaming finger at the ‘Powers That Be’—the establishment, the ruling class or whatever else they are called. 

In the years of those and related commotions, those of us who really understood were heckled and kept from being widely heard. The doors of the monopoly press were closed to us. Or we were marginalized as ‘conspiracy theorists,’ paranoid nuts, or worse. And, if you had not been heard there then, to many fellow Americans, you have not truly arrived. What happened to those who the ultrarich could no longer ignore? People such as Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others had to be assassinated and the bloody deeds falsely blamed on patsies and lone gunmen. And the scapegoats blamed for the crimes did not know they were operating on parallel tracks from the true aristocracy-arranged assassins. A device of high-level deception is the use of the parallel tracks, carefully insulated from one another, like wires in a heavy-duty two-wire cable. 

In time, the events known as 9/11 may be considered as the most treasonous and outrageous examples of this type of the craft of intelligence. On one track are the Arabs. Is it difficult to unearth an example of history, and somehow mobilize the Christian world against the Moslem world? Was it made clear to us in studying history in the more ordinary schools, that the Muslims were the winners in the Crusades? And which group really were the infidels? 

Notice the spy tricks. Right after the political assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA handed the mass media the whole alleged background of the aristocracy-designated ‘lone assassin,’ Lee Harvey Oswald. Similarly, right after Black Tuesday, a portion of America’s secret political police, the FBI, released supposed pictures and details of the alleged Muslim hijackers. In round-the-clock coverage following the events, the press whores carefully ignored the myriad undisputed details. Namely, that at least seven of the so-called FBI-fingered plane grabbers were alive, according to them and their next of kin, and that such persons never left their overseas locations. And, that someone apparently duplicated or stole their identities. 

Also suppressed have been details that some of the purported hijackers were stationed on, if not actually trained on, U.S. military air force bases, where they also resided. 

After all, censorship often is simply failure to mention known facts when and where it would enlighten readers, viewers, and listeners. The four commercial airplanes involved in Black Tuesday were Boeing aircraft of a type and model that are equipped with computer hardware and software installed for emergency ground control. On the one hand, the cockpit crew can send a silent signal to the ground controllers of an attempted hijacking in progress. The ground crew can then override the airplane’s on-board computer and remotely control the plane to land at the nearest possible airport capable of handling such a plane. 

On the other hand, on behalf of a group within the American aristocracy, some treasonous U.S. military and other officers and operatives in and out of the government used the built-in system, unknown to the cockpit crew and commotion-makers onboard, to render the airplane’s onboard controls inoperative, so the planes were secretly controlled from the ground. Smashed up was the U.S. Constitution to make way for a new Hitler for America. 

The airplanes’ indestructible black-boxes either have not been publicly revealed or have been tampered with to conceal that neither the so-called ‘hijackers’ nor the cockpit crew knew the planes were being remotely controlled. The cockpit voice recorders, as well as the flight recorders, were tampered with so as to conceal the parallel track deception. The ‘black boxes,’ if ever publicly disclosed, would show how the cockpit crews struggled in vain to regain control of the planes, the onboard controls of which had been secretly over-ridden from the ground.2 

There are substantial questions whether any of the Arabs as would-be hijackers were even on those planes. If they were, they were told it would be a standard hijacking, whereby the plane and passengers would be held hostage while the plane was forced to land and publicized demands were made by the hijackers.

Not detailed in the monopoly press was that some fire-fighters who survived Black Tuesday contend there were explosions in a portion of the twin World Trade Center towers, separate and apart from the impact of the planes hitting the buildings. Was it a mere coincidence that a company specializing in the demolition of old, no longer needed tall buildings was in charge of clearing away the debris after the WTC disasters? Were within-the-building explosives remotely detonated to implode the towers as is done with old buildings? There are good reasons to believe that within-the-building explosives caused the mysterious collapse late in the evening of Black Tuesday of World Trade Center Building 7. 

To explain away growing questions about a U.S. military stand-down on the morning of Black Tuesday, the press whores are circulating stories a year later, that only four unarmed military aircraft were available to guard the whole domestic northeast sector of the U.S. And that some of those pilots understood, or so they now say, that if necessary, they were to ram the airplanes in-flight, thus sacrificing their own lives. 

In exclusive stories since 1995, we have told about the small group of flag officers, U.S. admirals and generals, who, invoking the Uniform Military Code, vowed to arrest Commander-in-Chief Clinton for treasonous dealings with Red China and others. Surviving flag officers, aware of the specific treason of 9/11, have made some details known to more independent-minded journalists. As they vowed to do with Bush crime family crony, Bill Clinton, they would like to arrest Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush, and Daddy Bush for the most infamous bloody crime against the American common people. 

Who in the monopoly press dares ask pointed questions? Why was the steel of the collapsed towers not kept for analysis? Why was it hauled away, with the aid of reputed underworld truckers, and then sold overseas for scrap to those nations pledging absolute secrecy of the contents? Certain flag officers contend their treasonous Commander-in-Chief, supervised by Daddy, ordered this to be done. 

Time will tell, whether we have a Congressional election in the usual manner. If confronted by a new, rebellious Congress, would Bushfraud (that is what we call the usurper), close down the U.S. legislature? He apparently has that power, conferred on him by a little known term, namely, ‘to prorogue,’ that is, to order the discontinuance of a session of parliament.



September 5, 2002 

Is the U.S. presidency cursed? Or, are the American people cursed? Which is it? Judge for yourself. 

Early in the 19th century, as a result of White House-ordered, violent mistreatment of American Indians and White House violations of solemn treaties with the Indian tribal leaders, the Indians put a curse on the U.S. presidency. Starting with 1840, so the curse goes, every president elected in a year ending in zero will either die in office, be assassinated or be removed. 

Ronald Reagan, elected in 1980, survived a 1981 attempted political assassination, falsely blamed on a lone nut gunman whose family was in business with then vice-president George Herbert Walker Bush. Take your pick. It was either a scheme to blackmail Daddy Bush or to shove him by murder into the Oval Office. 

Seldom mentioned is the fact that in the U.S., reporters must get press credentials from the U.S. Secret Service, which checks out their background. Outspoken types do not get credentials, but without them, they cannot attend important  press conferences. To avoid becoming unemployable, no paid press correspondent would dare criticize those who guard the president. 

We are not regular, paid journalists. In fact, I head a court reform group founded by me in 1963. I would rather not use the whole story to tell all of our travails with the Secret Service, but this part lists a few examples. Prior to Internet and public access cable TV, and more widespread talk radio, our only way to ‘broadcast’ our findings was through a bank of 30 telephones hooked together, playing a 5-minute recorded message of our work. In 1975, we began ‘broadcasting’ exclusive details of the suppressed story of three or more genuine plots to assassinate President Gerald Ford, installed but not elected, following the Watergate downfall of President Richard M. Nixon. Itching to be president by such political murder was Vice-President Nelson A. Rockefeller, who was not elected but installed by operation of the 25th Amendment, added to the U.S. Constitution eight years prior through a stealthy campaign by the Rockefeller Family. 

In 1975, for a period of time, all of our phones were blocked, without court order or legal process, by the Secret Service, which did not like our candid details about their duplicitous cover-up on behalf of the American aristocracy of the plots against Ford. 

In 1985, two Secret Service agents tried to directly scare us. Without a court order or search warrant, they tried to force their way into my private residence. This was ten days before the second Inauguration of Ronald Reagan. They did not like our outspoken, exclusive stories about the criminality of Ronnie and his sidekick, George Herbert Walker Bush. 

Standing defiantly at my door on my braces and crutches as a paraplegic, I told them I did not accept the validity of their ‘Commission Books’ (how they describe their credentials) and that false ones were used as part of the trick in 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas. Further, I said, “The only way you are getting in is to knock me down and break in the door, or use a ‘black bag job.’ ” 

As an alternative to the stand-off, they finally agreed to sit in the back of a car while I and a pal sat in the front. Using a small flashlight, they pointed to an alleged letter they received threatening harm against me. “Look, I am not a candidate for president. Hence, you have no jurisdiction in supposedly guarding me.” 

They asked, “Who do you think sent this letter to us threatening you?” 

Sarcastically, I replied, “Oh stop this. You sent it to yourself as an excuse to come here to harass me.”

While I had their attention, I pointed out how agents of their service violated all kinds of their own regulations, failing to inspect and guard while John F. Kennedy’s motorcade slowed down to a crawl while navigating a tight hairpin turn in Dallas. 

Then, I dared tell them, “Look, throughout history, to kill the king, you need the aid of the palace guard. It is you and your agency that have been complicit in every political murder of a president in U.S. history.” 

So, bet on it. This story is not going to sit well with the U.S. Secret Service. 

Since he went to university, George W. Bush has reportedly had sexual liaisons with a homosexual pal. This ostensibly went on all during the years Dubya was supposedly in the Reserves; and when he was a business partner with Osama bin Laden’s older brother in the enterprise named Arbusto Energy; through the time when Dubya was Texas governor, and continues as Dubya is the occupant and resident of the Oval Office. 

Bush’s reputed male sex-mate is the local government head in a sizeable venue. Some reporters who travel with Bush and report on his sayings and doings, contend the person in question has often traveled with Bush and has repeatedly stayed at Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas. The reporters do not find any of this unusual. George W. Bush’s father has long been accused of being part of a Washington, D.C. pedophile ring, also operating in Chicago. Some details emerged from the accusations in a book called The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp. In the beginning of the book, the author, a Lincoln, Neb. lawyer, praises his mentor, William Colby, once director of the CIA. 

DeCamp asserts he was an assistant to Colby when Colby headed the CIA’s Phoenix Assassination Program in Viet Nam, that supported the U.S. military in murdering men, women, and children who were supposedly part of the Viet Cong infrastructure. 

I was on a radio talk-show with DeCamp, who in answer to my question, “Was Colby murdered?” said that he and other close friends of Colby knew Colby was murdered, yet it was made to look like a canoe accident. As we have pointed out in our website stories, Colby was the general counsel of the Nugan Hand Bank, the CIA’s worldwide money laundry for covert operations, including political murders.1 Up to the time he was snuffed out, Colby was the unlisted general counsel of Household International and Household Bank, successors and alter ego of Nugan Hand Bank. Household is headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Prospect Heights. 

At the time of his death, Colby’s wife held a top position in an enterprise similar to the World Bank. As former director of the CIA, prior to his demise, Colby  joined with the former head of the Soviet Secret Political Police (KGB) in a business venture to market an espionage board game. 

Also, as we have pointed out, since about 1993, Colby was assisting 24 highly patriotic flag officers who felt authorized and justified, under the Uniform Military Code, in seeking to arrest their Commander-in-Chief, Clinton. 

The Secret Service is puzzled by George W. Bush’s reputed male sex-mate. Several times when he was talking to Bush, he would start crying hysterically like a woman, apparently beset by some deep, dark, medical secret threatening his very existence. As the Secret Service and some White House reporters are fully aware, Bush’s reputed sex-mate has AIDS. And Bush reportedly has the onset of AIDS in a terminal form, though not yet fully evident on his face and skin. 

Foreign journalists stationed in the U.S., working on their own on this story, contend the AIDS story is quite true. Some of their news editors, however, out of an over-abundance of caution, if not chicken-heartedness, demand documents, proof and witnesses that at this point are obviously not public record. Disregarding the known undisputed circumstances, they try to dismiss this all by waving their hands and proclaiming, as if they were know-nothings, “How do we know this is not a black ops tactic?” The news bosses are not persuaded when someone mentions that criminal defendants have been sentenced to the electric chair on undisputed circumstantial proof, with no actual witnesses. 

Notice this Washington byline item: “ ‘We’ve got to do whatever it takes, even if it means sending SWAT teams into journalists’ homes to stop these leaks,’ admonished James B. Bruce, vice-chairman of the CIA’s Foreign Denial and Deception Committee.” (NewsMax.com, July 28, 2002.) 

And notice this opening paragraph in The New American, an alternative magazine: 

“He wasn’t the first choice to rule, and he seemed ill-suited to his political position. His awkwardness in public speaking often gave the impression that he was slow and poorly educated. From early in his reign, he seemed determined to repeat and magnify the mistakes of his father, who had governed before him. With his nation facing threats from foreign powers, he insisted on expanding his executive powers, and created special tribunals to try and punish enemies, both foreign and domestic. By doing so, he precipitated a conflict—and ultimately civil war—with his government’s legislative branch, eventually leading to his trial and execution as a traitor” (New American Magazine, 9/9/02, page 25). 

Who are they talking about? Why British King Charles I, hundreds of years ago. Right next to this paragraph, they have a picture of the king alongside one of George W. Bush. The king set up the infamous Star Chamber Court where the accused had no rights and were dealt with in secret. 

King Charles I, unhappy with the legislative branch, dissolved Parliament. Does George W. Bush, if faced with a rebellious Congress, have the power to shut them down? The answer seems to be yes, using a little-known power called ‘to prorogue,’ that is, to discontinue or suspend a session of a legislative body. 

Some months ago, I made the highly controversial statement that Bush, faced with the truth of prior knowledge of Black Tuesday and other matters, would seek to compromise the situation by having Al Gore made an interim emergency administrator of the U.S. central government. True, there is no provision in the U.S. Constitution for the emergency that some suspect is soon upon us. 

And what exactly may be coming? 

1. Three electors (members of Tennessee’s Electoral College, those who on behalf of the voters cast the vote as to who gets that state’s presidential electoral vote) have been reportedly fingered for accepting bribes, knowing that Gore won his home-state presidential vote, but casting the state’s electoral vote for Bush. With those electoral votes, it would make no difference what the outcome was of the Florida electoral vote mess. Gore would have more than enough electoral votes, which would include those of his home state, to be declared the winner, Gore having already won the nationwide popular vote by a 600,000-vote margin. 

2. George W. Bush’s reputed male sex-mate is reportedly implicated, if not directly knowledgeable, in how the GOP reputed bagmen, James A. Baker III (former Daddy Bush’s Secretary of State), and Marc Racicot (once Montana governor, now head of the Republican National Committee and once Enron lobbyist/attorney) ostensibly heavily bribed Democratic officials in Southern Florida to stop, at a crucial point, the recount of the Florida vote, thus fraudulently staging a Bush/Gore stand-off. 

3. Bush’s male sex-mate reportedly has IRS tax problems arranged to be ‘disappeared’ by Bush. 

4. The TV networks in New York have an almost-secret huge computer for voting results. Get this. They supply the vote totals to the local and state boards of Election Commissioners, rather than the local officials supplying the figures to New York. Thus, the way is opened up for the networks to falsify presidential voting totals. In Tennessee, ‘corrupt’ means that some 300,000 presidential election votes were falsely switched from Gore to Bush, making Bush appear the winner in Gore’s home-state, where Gore most always won.  

Time will tell, whether George W. Bush will proceed further down the road like apparent misfit, British King Charles I. 

Supplement and Update September 9, 2002 

Following publication in website article form of the first part of this chapter, some network and foreign correspondents apparently confronted the reputed male sex-mate of George W. Bush, who did not ostensibly deny its contents, but simply referred to our story as a ‘smear job.’ This reputed arrangement with George W. Bush and his male sex-mate is not a private matter, as it has great national security ramifications. 

Reportedly financially failing MSNBC ran on-line a review of a new book about the super-secret Skull & Bones Society.2 Mentioned in these books is that students at Yale have been selected to be pushed to the top by the American aristocracy, including members of the Bush family. To be initiated, they are forced to divulge their entire sex life and other deep personal details. These satanic rituals are carried out in a windowless building at Yale, known as The Tomb. Also, new members engage in homosexual acts while they lie in a coffin. (A recent scheduled documentary by Connie Chung of CNN on the Bush family and Skull & Bones was cancelled after CNN heavily promoted the same. Was it just a warning to George W. Bush, or blackmail, typical of the press-fakers?) 

Following up on chapter 13, two important reputedly incriminating photographs of George W. Bush were in the custody of American Media, Inc. One was an authenticated photograph of George W. Bush lying in the satanic ritual coffin while engaging in homosexual acts with his male sex-mate, Victor Ashe, mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee since 1988. Ashe would later become Bush’s frequent companion, staying on occasion at his Texas ranch. To obstruct the use of these two reputedly authentic pictures, the American Media picture editor, Bob Stevens, was snuffed out by way of anthrax-by-mail. 

In October, 2001, after the murder death of Bob Stevens, the FBI ordered the entire American Media building to be closed and sealed. Some months later, the FBI reportedly refused to permit officials of the publisher to retrieve important pictures on a computer hard disk inside the building. Some familiar with the situation contend that they were the two mentioned pictures. 

If you understand how the American monopoly press is the best propaganda machine in the world, you would smile to yourself at the fact that White House press correspondents, as well as foreign journalists, are well aware of the antics of Bush and Ashe, his male sex-mate. 

The CIA-funded ABC Network News seems to be engaging in a stealthy type of counter-attack and diversion. As of this date, ABC is planning to air a segment of its Prime Time program that contends that they have interviewed the purported mistress of Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein. His reputed mistress, says ABC, reveals that in their sexual encounters, Saddam uses Viagra. 

Of course, ABC is not prepared to discuss that the Bush family wants to assassinate Saddam Hussein. Why? Because Saddam has direct testimony and proof that Daddy Bush engaged in a treasonous deal. First, the elder Bush encouraged Saddam to go to war against neighboring Iran. Little known is that religious objects deeply important to Iran are actually located in Iraq, and Saddam was to prevent Iranians from visiting these religious sites in Iraq. Daddy Bush then stirred up the Iranians over this. The result? In September, 1980, began the Iraq-Iran war, which went on until 1988. 

Saddam Hussein is, so far, a living, direct witness who, in addition, has documents supporting his testimony of treason committed against the American people by Daddy Bush


chapter 11

1 Read Day of Deceit: The Truth About Pearl Harbor by Robert B. Stinnett, paperback, 2001, and Pearl Harbor: Mother of All Conspiracies, by Mark Emerson Willey, paperback, 2000. 

2 See, Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler by Antony Sutton, Trading With the Enemy by Charles Higham, “Henry Ford and the Nazis” in the Nation Magazine, and “Ford and the Fuhrer,” January 24, 2000. 

3 See our website series, “Coca-Cola, the CIA, and the Courts.” 

4 For background, read Killing Hope U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, by William Blum, paperback, 1995. 

5 See our website story, “Liars and Whores of the Press."

chapter 12

1 See our website story, “Liars and Whores of the Press,” that actually names names. 

2 See our website series, “Enron Black Magic.” 

3 In the 1980s, Saddam Hussein was a private business partner of Daddy Bush. See our website story, “The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh.” And Osama bin Laden has been a business partner of George W. Bush as we have pointed out. 

4 For details, see the book, In God’s Name, by David Yallop. 

5 Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth by Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie.

chapter 13

1 See more details in Part 3 and our series on the alleged 2000 ‘Election.’ Also, see the Red Herring Magazine article, “Carlyle’s Way,” #108, 12/01. 

2 www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2002/03_march/14/newsnightanthrax.shtml

chapter 14

1 As to the Moscow government, see our prior website details on the US/USSR-related books by Antony Sutton. 

2 As to tampering with airplane black boxes after a sabotaged plane crash, visit our website series, “The Secret History of Airplane Sabotage.” 

chapter 15

1 See the book, The Crimes of Patriots by Jonathan Kwitny. 

2 See Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power, by Alexandra Robbins (MSNBC, 9/4/2). An earlier book, Skull and Bones, by Antony Sutton has more detail.

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Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...