Sunday, February 7, 2021

Part 3 : NWO- Socialist Dictatorship- Socialist Controlled Education: The Road to Slavery...The Female of the Species

  NWO- Socialist Dictatorship

Dr John Coleman



The one sector of life in the United States that has been completely co-opted by Fabian Socialism, is education. Perhaps in no other of their fields of endeavor to Socialize America did their indirect, stealthy, furtive methodology succeed nearly as much as it did in Fabian Socialism's long march to capture the educational system of this nation. The Socialists took over Yale, Harvard, Columbia and many other colleges, held to be of direct service to Socialism. They were to be the future educational centers and "finishing schools" for Socialists in America as Oxford and Cambridge are for the Fabian Society in England. 

In these universities were developed a layer of top-level elite educators whose ties to British Fabianism were strong. Among the top in this elite group was Walter Lippmann and John Reed, who is buried in the walls of the Kremlin in Moscow. Socialist pressure on education expanded with Leftist/Socialist professors threatening to give conservative students failing grades for giving wrong answers — wrong whenever they clashed with Fabian Socialist ideas. In this manner have traditional American Christian conservative views undergone a terrible erosion. An enquiry lasting two years (1962-1964) in one California school district, showed the selfsame pressures operating in classrooms staffed with Socialist teachers, as was in use in universities across the nation. Parents were reluctant to complain, because in instances where complaints were filed with the school board, their children received bad grades and loss of credits. 

As far back as the visit to the United States by Ramsay McDonald, the Fabian Socialists in London knew that a frontal assault on education in the United States was out of the question. At one of the most memorable of many Socialist meetings held in New York in 1905, at Peck's Restaurant, the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) was formed. This was the bridgehead that was to give the Fabian Socialist in America a highway into education. 

The man the Fabian Society selected for the job of Socializing education in America, was John Dewey, Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University, New York. Dewey became known as the father of progressive (Socialist) education, identified with Marxist bodies such as the League of Industrial Democracy (LID), of which he was a president. Dewey first came to the notice of the Socialist hierarchy while teaching at the Lincoln School of Teachers College, a hotbed of Marxist-Liberal education, supported by the General Education Board. 

It was here that Dewey met Nelson Aldrich and David Rockefeller. Of the two, Dewey reportedly said that David was completely Socialized, committing to its philosophies wholeheartedly. The Un-American Committee cited Dewey as belonging to 15 Marxist-front organizations. A few years later, Rockefeller rewarded Dewey by making him Governor of New York and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Although Dewey went on to occupy mostly political positions, it was his indoctrination of Nelson and David Rockefeller into Socialisms and Marxism that did the most damage, as millions upon millions of dollars were thereafter donated to fighting "religious clause" school cases in the Supreme Court and undermining education and infecting America's school system with the Socialist virus. 

The 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution reserves the police powers of education, health and police protection to the States. The powers of the Federal Government are powers delegated by the States. The first 10 Amendments to the United States Constitution are a prohibition of power, one of the strictest being that education is a matter for the States. 

Until they were able to make progress via the legislative route as Florence Kelley (real name Weschnewetsky) had stated, the American Fabian Socialists had to go about undermining education in the United States in a typically Fabian Socialist way. The Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) meeting at Peck's Restaurant was the first slow step taken to penetrate and permeate education without disclosing the direction it was to go. When we look back to the seemingly slow, almost halting formation of the ISS, it is hard to believe that the very same American Fabian Socialist movement who formed, it are today galloping along, dragging our education system along with them by the hair of its head. 

There were others who thought just like Justice Douglas, Felix Frankfurter, Frank Murphy, William J. Brennan, Arthur Goldberg, Justice Hugo Black and Abe Fortas. In addition to being ardent Socialists, Douglas, Murphy and Brennan were high-ranking Freemasons. It was during the time 1910-1930 that the Supreme Court began taking an untoward interest is so-called "religious clause" school education case, from which it had shied away from at least for two decades. This was the era when the most damage was done to the American education system, enabling Socialism to make huge inroads which previously seemed to be out of the question.

While the Supreme Court had outlawed religious education — especially prayers from schools — their Masonic brethren had been very successful in penetrating and permeating schools with Socialist Mason literature. In 1959, Franklin W. Patterson persuaded the principal of a high school in Baker, Oregon, to use Socialist-oriented text books in the school. The same thing happened in North Carolina were Socialist-Masonic literature was distributed in every classroom of every school in Charlotte. 

As House Banking Committee chairman, Louis T. McFadden said: "In the matter of education the Fabian Illuminati have followed a theory which is none other than that suggested by the souls of Bavarian Illuminism, Nicolai, in the eighteenth century. Having secured posts in the school boards of the country, it became very easy for the Fabian Socialists to instill their educational, de-Christianized principles in the school curriculum. Their attack on religious teaching was subtle but deadly, as seen in the Education bill of 1902." 

''They boast openly of having in their ranks several bishops and divines, the list being headed by Bishop Headlam, one of the earliest Fabians...Under Fabian educational schemes come the formation of the educational groups of the 'nursery,' the latter designed as a kind of a training school for very young prospective Socialists. (Then Governor Clinton of Arkansas modeled his Socialist "Governor's School" along these lines)...But by far the most important steps taken by the Fabians along educational lines was their inauguration in existing universities of 'Universities Socialist Societies.'...The culminating triumph of the Fabians in the realm of education was the creation of the London School of Economics and Political Science at the London University, where today one of the chief lecturers is the Socialist, Harold Laski..." 

One can say of Socialist plans that they infected the realm education with a virus that they hoped would spread and radically change our social order. This "virus" would get into the spinal cord of "social studies" and "social sciences" turning all studies in a leftward direction. This was the basic premise of the National Education Association set forth in their 14th Year Book in 1936, from which position the Socialist educators have never wavered: "We stand for Socializing the individual." 

In pursuance of this, in the 1920s the Socialists who swarmed over the United States like a cloud of locusts were intent upon carrying out as many of the ideas written up in the Communist Manifesto of 1848, embodied in legislation pertaining to education. They hoped to circumvent the constitution by what Florence Kelley called "legislative action." On pages 4583-4604, Congressional Record, Feb. 23,1927, under the title " General Deficiency Appropriation Bill, we find their methods exposed. "...The Communist groups must show children how to convert secret hate and pent-up anger into a conscious struggle...Most important is the struggle against the tyranny of school discipline."  

John Dewey and his disciples tried to limit the learning of vocabulary in schools, knowing as they did that the depth of education is commensurate with one's vocabulary. Children should be taught vocabulary, even if it is only taught straight out of a dictionary. All government job applicants ought to be obliged to pass an English vocabulary test, and this could be extended to State job applicants. Even welfare applicants should be obliged to take a proficiency test in vocabulary in the English language. This would negate the effect of Socialism in education, and thwart Socialism's aim of turning out a mediocre majority of children who will grow up to become mediocre adults, "pushovers" for swallowing a diet of Socialism. 

Another specialist tactic is to waste the Nations' substance through irresponsible spending so that "destructive" becomes the order of the day. This has the effect of steadily raising higher education fees. We see the cumulative effect of John Maynard Keynes policies in the number of students who are not going to college, and those who drop out as fees get too much for them to pay. In this way, the number of students with future leadership qualities is diminished, by intent and by design. 

The general thrust of Socialist "education" is to keep intelligence to a minimum wherever possible, while promoting mediocrity. Of course this does not apply to their own chosen future leadership who are selected out of the best and brightest Socialists and sent to the "finishing school" at Oxford as Rhodes scholars. An excellent reference to education as a means of confounding Communism and Socialism, is found In the Congressional Record, House, June 26, 1884 on page 336, Appendix thereto: 

"I believe the sheet anchor of our form of government is intelligence, hence I am an earnest advocate of popular education." Daniel Webster uttered this sentiment of which history has demonstrated the truth when he said, 'it is intelligence that has reared the majestic columns of our national glory, and this also can prevent them from crumbling into ashes.' The spread of intelligence is to be the Government — it will be not only protection against centralization of political and financial power on one hand, but our sure and safe defense against Communism, nihilism and revolutionary tendencies on the other." 

"While ours was a comparatively frontier population, with sturdy selfreliance and individuality as a common characteristic, our dangers were not many, but with a dense population, accumulated wealth, and comparative effeminacy, new perils arise, and we must depend upon education and intelligence to counter these as far as possible, for, 'as thou so west so shall thou reap' applies to States as well as to men. Next to the Christian religion, the greatest civilizer of men is the school. Public schools, like everything else, are criticized, but until something better is devised, I am in favor of maintaining and extending them..." 

This great speech was made by The Hon. James K. Jones of Arkansas, and shows just how far ahead our representatives were in the 1800s than those who  are now in Congress. It also shows up in the clearest possible light why the Socialists feel so compelled to take charge of education for their own sinister purposes, and why the likewise feel the need to negate Christianity. It is clear that morality, education and religion go hand-in-hand, and the Socialists know it. 

The Socialists managed to get one of their most important protagonists, Hugo Lafayette Black on the bench of the Supreme Court. Black, a Unitarian (Godless) church member and a Freemason, should never have been confirmed, because it broke all Senate rules. The serious situation posed by Black's nomination was raised by Senators William Borah (R.ID) and Warren Austin (R.NH). They pointed out that Black was constitutionally ineligible because he was a member of Congress when it enacted legislation raising the salary of Supreme Court Judges, and in consequence, he could not be promoted to a post that paid more money than he received as a member of Congress. 

The Constitution is perfectly clear on this point: "No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments where of shall have increased during such time." At the time of Black's nomination he was paid $109,000 as a member of Congress, while the Justices salaries were raised to $20,000 a year. Yet, in spite of this clear violation of the law, Roosevelt's Attorney General, Homer Cummings, ruled that Black's appointment to the Supreme was legal! 

The Socialists-Masonics alliance needed Black on the Supreme Court because they knew that he was sympathetic to their cause and would always rule in their favor on "religious clause" education cases, and their faith in Black was amply rewarded. Black was in league with Samuel Untermeyer, Schofield, Gunnar Myrdal, Justices Earl Warren and Louis D. Brandeis, Roosevelt and Florence Kelley who were all working to bring education under the control of Socialism. 

The supreme and organic law of the land is the law based upon the Christian Bible's teachings. By failing to obey it, the U.S. Supreme Court is in a state of transgression. Modern education, on the basis of Supreme Court rulings has broken Biblical law. Schools and colleges have become the most dangerous places to leave our youth unsupervised and unattended. One of the ways in which the Socialists obtained the upper-hand was the non-recognition of religious schools - and especially Catholic schools. 

Here, the services of the illegally appointed Justice Hugo Black were invaluable in ruling against cases brought under the so-called "religious clause" by the enemies of the Constitution of United States. Black, known to be militantly anti-Catholic and anti-church school education in general, followed slavishly Masonic "principles" in his court rulings, in fact most of them were taken direct from Mason literature. The most noteworthy "principles" which on which Black based his rulings, were: 

Principal No. 1 "Public school education for all of the children of all of the people." 

Principal No. 5 'The entire separation of Church and State, and opposition to every attempt to appropriate public moneys, directly or indirectly, for the support of sectarian or private institutions." As we shall see in the chapters dealing with corruption of the Constitution, within two years of Black's nomination, the Supreme Court took a huge lurch to the Left and declared unconstitutional State funding of religious schools, on the utterly false premise of Jefferson's Bill for Religious Freedom, which was not in the Constitution, but restricted to Virginia. That is how the "wall of separation of Church and State," came to be born, totally unconstitutional based on deception and outright fraud. 

The issue of "federal" aid for religious schools was raised again by Representative Graham Barden back in 1940. Barden was a Socialist/Freemason, and as we proceed, we shall see just how well Masonry and Socialism have combined to wreck education in America. The intention of the Barden bill was control over schools so that Socialism could be freely taught. This was confirmed by Dr. Cloyd H. Marvin, president of George Washington University in a letter dated May 11, 1944, addressed to the House Committee on World War Veterans. What Burden was striving to do was to eliminate the right of war veterans to attend theological seminaries, especially, Catholic seminaries, if they so chose. Barden had attended the Fabian Conference of Representatives of Educational Associations in 1941, which conference was a tool of both Freemasonry and Socialism. 

According to Dr. Marvin, there should not be any private schools, because in his words, "we cannot maintain two systems to interfere with regular education policies." This was one of the clearest cases on record of Masonry as the driving force behind the Conference of Representatives of Educational Association. While ostensibly the bill under discussion was primarily about the G.I. bill, nevertheless its ramifications were very wide, because Rep. Barden attempted to put private religious schools out of bounds for those veterans who were attending college on the "G.I. bill." 

Dr. Marvin was no ordinary educator. He was a longtime Socialists and 33rd degree Mason. At George Washington University he was able to exert a powerful influence because of the grant of $100,000 he received from the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Marvin found a friend in Justice Hugo Black, who owed his Supreme Court position to the Masons. After he left the Senate, the Socialists got Black's Senate seat filled by Lister Hill of Alabama, a regular Socialist crusader and staunch Mason. For years, Hill was able to block federal funding for private schools, especially religious schools. Hill was listed in the Congressional Directory, 79th Congress, 1st Session, August 1985, page 18, as a 32nd degree Mason.  

Nowhere was Socialist pressure on education so strongly manifested than through the National Education Association, (NEA). With passage of the GI Bill there appeared a new attempt to wreck federal funding for private schools without strings attached, the strings always in the hands of the NEA. On January 10, 1945, the NEA sponsored new legislation that would not allow federal funding of private schools. The legislation was believed drafted by Justice Hugo Black. What the measure did was to accomplish through omission rather than direct exclusion, the desired goals of the NEA. It was a cleverly drafted piece of legislation. The same cleverness was displayed in 1940 in the drafting of so-called "separation of church and state" legislation. 

Decisions by Socialist-Unitarian Justices who dominated the Supreme Court from 1935 to 1965, effectively barred Christian education curricula from public schools. In the war hysteria atmosphere of the 1940s, nobody saw fit to point out that any interference by the Federal Government in education was an outright violation of the 10th Amendment. The far-reaching so-called "separation of church and state" ruling of the Court was completely unlawful, not to found in the Constitution. There is no constitutional grounds for "separation of Church and State" which was used to destroy the basis of religious instruction in the schools. 

The acceptance of this skewed piece of legislation, a strong attack on the Constitutional rights of We, the People, had a direct bearing on the quality of American education, which went into a tailspin, immediately after this fraudulent, unconstitutional ruling. American education was there after overrun by teaching all sorts of "rights" that did not exist, "women's rights," "civil rights" and "homosexual rights." Following the barring of religious instruction from schools and the introduction of "humanism" by John Dewey, a very substantial rise of violent crime followed almost immediately. 

America, founded on Christianity, was abducted, held to ransom, violated, a victim of Socialist barbarity, battered and bruised, and barely able to crawl on its knees in the 1990s, about as far removed from the country that the Founding Fathers strove to make it as it was possible to get. In this savage assault on the Virtuous Republic of United States, Socialist-Masonic control of education from the 1st grade onwards, played the leading role. 

It has been proved over and over again that children start learning in the primary grades, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. In middle class homes, where a higher value of learning prevails, parents will help their children with reading, but in the lower class families, parents invariably don't help their children, with the result that children who read badly are found to gravitate toward criminal activities. There are always exceptions, but the foregoing is recognized by educators not blinded by "minority" blinkers to be generally true. 

In a rotten conspiracy entered into between the Socialist and President Harry Truman, the Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling, the "separate but equal" doctrine of education, was undermined by President Truman, pretending slyly all the while to favor it. The real issue was that neither Truman or anyone in the Federal Government had the right to interfere in matters of education, since as we have stated elsewhere, the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution reserves the powers of education to the States. The Federal Government is prohibited in meddling in education, which belongs solely to the States. 

One of the chief causes of the horrible decline of education in the Nation, can be found in the landmark case, Everson vs. Board of Education brought before the New Jersey Supreme Court, October 5, 1943. The case arose out of issues made by Rep. Graham Barden in 1940 about religious schools receiving government subsidies The Everson case was a revival of Barden's defeated bill. As I have previously indicated, the Socialists are tenacious in their efforts to overturn the Constitution of the United States, which they view as the principal stumbling block to their ardent desire to Socialize the people of this Nation. 

The Everson case was about the State of New Jersey allowing the town of Ewing to pay the cost of transporting (voluntarily as opposed to mandatory) schoolchildren to all schools, including religious schools. The plaintiff, a Mr. Arch Everson, had objected to the funding of transportation for children attending religious schools. In this he was supported by the Masons, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), although the ACLU kept well out of sight during State court proceedings. Ostensibly, the objection came only from Mr. Everson in those proceedings. The Socialists needed to win the case in order to use it as a precedent-setting corner stone for future planned assaults on education "religious clause" cases they planned to bring if Everson was successful. 

The matter was heard by the New Jersey Supreme Court which allowed the town of Ewing to continue funding transportation of children to all schools. Backed by the ACLU, which now emerged from hiding, and the Masons, Everson took his case to the Supreme Court. It was the chance of a lifetime for Black to demonstrate his ignorance of the Constitution and his prejudice against Christianity, while striking a blow for Socialism. The Supreme Court ruled against the State of New Jersey, with the ACLU coming out in the open as a socalled "friend of the court." The ACLU brief was virtually an in to to copy of a Mason citation made by Elmer Rogers many years earlier. Overlaid on the Mason citation, the ACLU brief was virtually a near-perfect fit. 

The majority decision of the Court was written by Justice Hugo Black. Being packed with Socialists and Masons, the Court could hardly have ruled against the prejudiced viewpoint of its members, Christian haters violently opposed to the teaching of Christian beliefs in schools receiving so-called "Federal" aid. 

Prior to 1946, the "wall between Church and State" had hardly ever been used in a legal argument. It was, after all, merely the words of Thomas Jefferson, a mere phrase, not found in the Constitution. But after the Everson case, which  Justice Hugo Black had been elevated to the Supreme Court specially to rule in favor of plaintiff Everson, the courts unleashed a torrent of verbal abuse against Christianity in particular, and against religious instruction in schools in general. 

The courts outlawed prayers in schools; banned oral Bible readings, declared atheism and secular humanism as religions protected by the First Amendment and struck down the custom of allowing children to attend prayer services inside school property, all against long standing traditions, customs, such as singing Christmas carols, prohibited religious instruction by teachers, and as we shall see in the chapters dealing with Law, beyond the ken and the pale of the constitution. The Supreme Court took a phrase uttered by Jefferson, "wall of separation between Church and State" which has no constitutional standing, and inserted it in the Constitution, thereby turning the United States of America into a society in which the Christian religion was not allowed to play any role whatsoever in State affairs, certainly not what the Founding Fathers had intended. 

So blatantly prejudiced was Black, that his fellow Justices had occasion to write about him in unflattering terms. In a diary entry dated March 9, 1948, Frankfurter wrote that Justice Harold O. Burton "hasn't the remotest idea how malignant men like Black and Douglas not only can be, but are." This was manifested in the Everson case, where Black demonstrated his prejudiced determination based on hatred of Christ, that religion not play a role in the life of our Nation. The rot started with Everson, continued with Brown vs. Board of Education and inevitably, Roe vs. Wade, which up until now remains the greatest victory and triumph over the Constitution of the United States and the American people, ever achieved by the Fabian Socialists. The Supreme Court went CROOKED with the advent of Black and has remained so ever since. 

There was never a clearer case of a violation of the 9th Amendment than the Everson decision. The 9th Amendment forbids judges from putting their own thoughts into matters of law that are not spelled out in the Constitution. This is called predilection, and that is precisely what Black and his fellow justices did in the Everson case. They twisted and squeezed the Constitution to fit their own stinking prejudiced predilections and came out on the side of Socialist-Masonry, in utter defilement of the Constitution. 

The Socialists were about to bring their Brown vs. School Board, Topeka, Kansas case before the Supreme Court. Justice Vinson had told Truman that the Brown vs. School Board case would be disposed of and that "separate but equal" education would remain in place. Vinson did this knowing full well that it was a not true. Thus when 33rd Degree Mason Socialist Chief Justice Earl Warren read the decision on the Brown vs. School Board case, there were gasps of surprise from the spectators, some of whom, being in the know, had come to hear the court uphold Plessey vs. Ferguson. 

Few present in the court on that fateful day could have been aware of the tremendous blow that had been struck for "standardized," "Socialized" education in the most blatant violation cf the Constitution up to that time. It is true to say that several attempts had been made in the past to circumvent the Constitution by "legislative action" as proposed by the Socialist, Florence Kelley (Weschnewetsky). A bill was introduced in 1924, with the intent and purpose of violating the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution, in that the bill sought to create a Department of Education, which took its title from the Communist Department of Education in Bolshevist Russia. The idea was to "nationalize," "standardize" and "federalize" education in the United States as it was in the USSR. 

What the bill sought to achieve was force every child in America to read the same, "standardized" text books, which would include a good leavening of Marxist, Socialist, Leninists text books, so that children would emerge from the school system as good little Socialists ready to march into the One World Government — New World Order. Leading Socialist of the Fabian Society had always said that to standardize education was the quickest way to break down the natural barriers against Socialism in America, arising from the big land mass, geographical, weather, local customs, local school boards. Webb had remarked that diversity was a problem for socialism, and diversity existed in America in abundance, which made the country difficult to penetrate with Marxism, Communist, Socialism. 

That is why our Founding Fathers in their foresight and wisdom, made sure that the powers of education remained with the States and prohibited to the Federal Government. This system of States education was a safeguard against anarchy and nihilism from within the Nation. Although they failed in this instance, Socialists never gave up on their attempt to seize control of education, and their chance came with the treasonous conduct of President Jimmy Carter and seditionists in the House and Senate, who got an Education bill federalizing education passed, in violation of the 10th Amendment. As a result, the illegal U.S. Department of Education was created. 

Carter will go down in history as a president who committed wholesale treason and sedition. "I will not lie to you" said Carter, and then set about implementing Socialist legislation that robbed the States of making their own decisions on education, and robbed the people of the Nation, of the Panama Canal. The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States were never ratified, so any legislation passed by the Congress in pursuant of these amendments are outside of the ken and the pale of the Constitution, Socialist Dr. William H. Owen would have loved Carter. Owen was the president of the Chicago Normal College, Chicago, Illinois and president of the NEA, who was chosen to represent the NEA at the World Conference on Education, June 23, 1923, held in San Francisco. Included in his speech was the following ".. .In spite of what we write and say, the world does not believe that education as a form of   social control is comparable with armies, navies, and statecraft...We should spend our time and efforts in sharing a constructive educational program that will demonstrate what education can do as a form of social control comparable with armies..." 

The foregoing, demonstrates why it is so dangerous to leave education to the lender mercies of the Federal Government, especially with the advent of the Socialist Woodrow Wilson, whose administration collected Socialists by quantum leaps, until today, we have the Clinton administration riddled with Socialists, in fact, differing little from the Socialist Labor Party governments in England. Our Founding Fathers were wise enough to foresee the time when Socialist agents like Wilson, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Bush and Clinton, and Socialists like Owen, disguised as "educators" would try to steer our, Nation leftward through their seditious "education" programs, and so they made sure that the powers of education were prohibited to the Federal Government. 

However, using the Supreme Court to get around the Constitution was a dangerous development the Founding Fathers could not have altogether foreseen. They knew treason mongers existed in their day and age, but they could not have had any idea that a man like Chief Justice Earl Warren would come along and make a mockery of the Constitution. It is said of Warren, that he made the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, mean "everything and anything." It was through this ugly subterfuge, of unratified amendments and a Supreme Court choked with judges with sedition on their minds, that the obnoxious Brown vs. Board of Education became "law," which it is not, but which the States are forced, nevertheless to obey. 

Another ugly subterfuge and piece of outright deceit, was the use by Warren of totally prejudiced sociological data dredged up by Dr. Gunnar Myrdal, a Socialist reprobate whose economic theories had cost Sweden billions of dollars, and we shall return to this outright liar in due course. 

The Department of Education was established to take control of education away from the States and replace American education with a system that would ensure children grow up in the Socialist format and become political leaders, in the Socialist way of promoting a new political order based on the Soviet system, which will lead to the One World Government — New World Order. 

What the Warren Court tried to do with Brown vs. Board of Education, and other Supreme Court Justices have also tried to do, was separate the 1st Section of the 14th Amendment from the whole Constitution, so that it would mean anything they wanted it to read into it — classic predilection forbidden by the 9th Amendment. Any part of the Constitution HAS to be interpreted in the light of the total Constitution, which cannot be fragmented. The Slaughterhouse decisions made a mockery of Warren' s Brown vs. Board of Education ruling, which, if he had observed it, would have shown Warren the error of his ways. 

Because Justice Warren decided not to read the Slaughterhouse decision, he went and ruled on the Brown vs. Board of Education basing it on the so-called "Civil rights" act of 1964. We deal with this more fully in the chapters on the Constitution. In Brown vs. Board of Education, we have the Communizing of education in the United States. What is the difference between transporting children in forced busing out of their locality and transporting political prisoners to the gulags in Siberia, or the transporting of Colonists to England for trial, against which Thomas hurled his full fury? 

There is no difference! Children, black and white, are transported against their wills to other locations. This is a violation of life, liberty and property as to due process of law, which Brown vs. Board of Education denied children and parents. In this alone, Brown vs. Board of Education is 100 percent unconstitutional. Why should parents and children suffer a violation of their 5th Amendment rights in order to fulfill the Socialist designs of the Socialist educators and their friends at court? Our children suffer "cruel and unusual punishment" by being bused out of their area to magnet schools, paring schools and the like, because of their race. There is no trial by jury available to them, no due process, simply a herding aboard buses under Communist-like, totalitarian "laws." 

The children and their parents are citizens of the States FIRST: Article IV Section 2, Part 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the Several States and U.S. citizens, second. The 14th Amendment is still a restriction on the Federal Government, even though it was not ratified, so the States kept their sovereignty and could not be imposed upon in matters of education by the Federal Government. 

There was tremendous pressure on judges to rule in favor of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in cases involving religion in schools. The ACLU filed 23 such briefs and in the cases heard by Justice Felix Frankfurter, he always ruled in favor of the ACLU. One of the allies of the ACLU was Pastor Davies of the Unitarian Church of which Justice Hugo Black was a member. This is what Davies had to say about "religious clause" school cases: 

"Like St. Paul's freedom, religious liberty with a great price must be bought. And for those who exercise it most fully, by insisting upon religious education for their children, mixed with secular by terms of our Constitution, the price is greater than others... The religions of the creeds are obsolescent, the basis of their claims expired with yesterday." Justice Hugo Black was 100 percent in favor of packing the Supreme Court of the United States with Socialist justices which is what Roosevelt and Truman certainly did. 

Justice Hugo Black was a committed Freemason, and one must suppose that he held to Mason tents regarding education: 

"Next to this, the form of learned literary society is best suited for our purposes and had not Masonry existed, this cover would have been employed and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful, engine in our hands. By establishing reading societies and subscription libraries and taking these under our direction and supplying them through our labors, we may turn the public mind which way we will... We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of schools, and by open, hearty behavior, popularity and tolerance of their prejudices which at leisure root out and dispel... We must acquire the direction of education, of church management — of the professional chair and of the pulpit." 

What is truly astonishing is that if we take the writings of Beatrice and Sydney Webb and overlay them upon the Masonic views of education, we find they are almost always identical! The onslaught on American education was directed by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the premiere brainwashing establishment in the world, and their "educators," Kurt Lewin, Margaret Meade. H.V. Dicks, Richard Crossman and W.R. Bion. These enemies of the American Republic were unleashed upon an innocent, unsuspecting general public, with disastrous consequences for education. 

Among their "new science" sciences projects for American schools were the study of masturbation, homosexuality, transvestitism, lesbianism, prostitution, exotic religions, cults and religious fundamentalism. 

The so-called "civil rights law" of 1870, which was supposed to enforce the 15th Amendment which was never properly ratified applied specifically to the Chinese brought over by the opium peddlers and the railroad magnates like the Harrimans, should not have any bearing today as the 15th Amendment was never properly ratified. To imply that "equal protection of the laws" in the Section 1 of the 14th Amendment, means that every person has the same level of intelligence — more than even the worst star-struck Liberal would hold to be true! But this is exactly and precisely what Brown vs. Board of Education attempted to do — level all minds to one mean or average level. This is at the core of Brown vs. Board of Education and it is egalitarianism in action. 

Sedition in education is a reality as much of a reality "gun control" as the sedition practiced by Senator Metzenbaum and Representative Schumer. By perverting education, first through the establishment of a Federal Government department of education and second by Supreme Court action of the order of Brown vs. Board of Education, treason and sedition transpires. To destroy the American system of education and replace it with a Marxist/Leninist/Socialist system will result in the rot of the Nation from within. The secular humanist Justice Warren was guilty of treason when he allowed Brown vs. Board of Education to become "law." 

The National Education Association (NEA) is a 100 percent Socialist-Marxist organization. Their first task was to remove from the schools the proper teaching of history, geography, civics and in their place, install social studies favoring Communism. The NEA is a Socialist organization that has been actively engaged in undermining education in the United States sine the 1920s. They were no doubt in the vanguard of those who brought Brown vs. Board Education case in 1954, "fixed" by Justice Earl Warren, in the Abe Fortas manner. 

With the Socialist take-over of American schools, new curriculums were introduced, children being awarded credits in courses such as soap operas and nonsensical "environmental issues. "In all, Tavistock Institute drafted 4000 new science social scientists to work on turning American education away from traditional values. The result of their efforts can be seen in the huge upsurge of violent teenage crime, school crimes, rapes. These statistics mirror the success of the Tavistock Institute's methods. 

Among the "educators" drafted by the Socialists were the Socialist Gunnar Myrdal and his wife, who hailed from Sweden. The Myrdal's had a long history of fealty to Socialist/Marxist ideas. Dr. Myrdal had worked as an assistant to avowed Socialist Walt Whitman Rostow, at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva. Rostow's treasonous activities are recounted in other chapters of this book. Myrdal had worked in Sweden as Minister of Commerce before joining Rostow, in which capacity he did almost irreparable damage to Sweden's economy, in true big-spending Socialist style. 

Myrdal was chosen by the Socialist Carnegie Foundation to conduct a study in race relations in the United States on a grant of $250,000. It was believed that since Myrdal had no experience with blacks, there being none in Sweden, his study would be impartial. What was not realized at the time was that the whole thing was a set up: Myrdal was to produce a set of conclusions that would be used in the notorious Brown vs. Board of Education case. Myrdal produced a report filled with totally fraudulent so-called sociopolitical conclusions which said, in essence that blacks were getting a raw deal in education. Myrdal's conclusions were riddled with gaping holes. 

Moreover, far from being a disinterested scientist, Myrdal was an avowed enemy of the Constitution of the United States, which he referred to as being, "a nearly fetishistic cult...a 150-year old Constitution (which is) in many respects impractical and ill-suited for modern conditions...Modern historical studies reveal that the Constitutional Convention was merely a plot against the common people....Until recently, the Constitution has been used to block the popular will." 

Myrdal and his wife toured the United States under the auspices of the Socialist Benjamin Malzberger. Among the lesser of scores of disparaging remarks made by Myrdal was the one in which he described the American people as, "narrow-minded whites, ridden by evangelistic religion," and Southern whites he dismissed as "poor, uneducated, coarse and dirty." This was the man who wrote the "unbiased" sociological background report which it is said, made up Chief Justice Earl Warren's mind on which way to rule in the Brown vs. Board of Education case. 

What was behind the great Socialist drive of the 1920 and 1950s to wreck America's education system? It can be summed up in a few words: The central idea was to "make new minds" for only through new minds could humanity remake itself — this according to one of the high-priests of Socialist education, Eric Trist, who added that the new mind would exclude belief in the Christian religion. And as Myrdal said, "what better place to start than in the schools?" 

In bringing the Brown vs School Board case before the Supreme Court, the NAACP received ten million dollars from a variety of sources, including the Political Action Group, a Socialist-front organization, and Freemasonry. NAACP lawyers received extensive briefings from Florence Kelley and Mary White Ovington. Kelley was the originator of the "Brandeis Briefs" which consisted of hundreds of sociological opinions and often covered by no more than two pages of legal references. The Brandeis Briefs method was the way in which the Supreme Court was to rule in all future cases involving Constitutional matters 

The Socially-corrupted American school curricula does not teach the Constitution, because if children were given instruction in it, they would have to be taught that the Constitution is there as a primary defense against the Federal Government and presidents like George Bush and Bill Clinton, who would aspire to become tyrants, if not subject to its constraints. The aims of Socialist educators is to gradually erode the constitutional safeguards that guarantee life, liberty and property for all citizens and replace them with totalitarian Socialism. 

Only a Biblical-based education system is good. All other systems were devised by men and therefore must of necessity be imperfect. Our schools have fallen into the hands of profoundly influential people whose main purpose in life it is to turn them into a Socialist bulwark. In this they have the backing of the judiciary. The goal is to advance, slowly, in true Socialist style, toward a Socialist/Marxist government, by altering the thrust and direction of what is taught in schools. If the Socialists continue to make the kind of progress they have made over the past three decades, by the year 2010 we shall have a nation of young adults and middle aged citizens who will have no quarrel with the secret agenda of centralized power in a Socialist dictatorship, backed up by a national police force. 

It is clear that one of the objectives that has already been reached by the Socialists is the lack of interest in reading. American children would be totally lost if they were placed, let us say, in the British Museum Library in London, or the Louvre in Paris. The great writers and artists would have little to say to them. Books are not the friends of children as they were in the early days of our history. Our education system has seen to that. Even Dickens is a stranger to the majority of American students. 

The lack of true education is leading children and young adults to seek enlightenment" in the movies, in rock music, which is how it was intended. The only way we can fight this insidious creeping paralysis is to intervene regularly and vigorously. The so-called "struggle against racial prejudices" in the 1960s greatly affected the minds and attitudes of our young people. The so-called democratization of our schools and universities over the past three decades was a direct attack on their internal structures, which brought in its wake a loss of focus and direction. 

The so-called "feminist" movement is a direct product of the Communist manifesto of 1848 and the twisted thinking of Gunnar Myrdal and the new science scientists of the Tavistock Institute. This has resulted in students questioning the gender of God. Likewise the distortion of "history" is very much in evidence in the 1990s. A group of school children was asked who the most evil man in the world was; without hesitation they answered, "Hitler." The same group knew nothing at all about Stalin, certainly not that he was the greatest butcher of humanity of all times who killed ten times as many people as Hitler is said to have caused to be murdered. Such a statement would bring looks of puzzlement to their faces. 

The heroes of school children and students are not the great figures of history; rather their "idols" are the decadent, evil, unwashed, drug-ridden "pop stars." Beethoven and Brahms mean nothing to them, but they will at once show a real interest when the hideous sounds of "rock" music fill the air. On the other hand, Marxis known to most college students but they do not really know what he stood for. We have arrived at a point in education in our schools where "reform" is put above learning. In the 1990s, virtually every educational matter is attached to the word, "reform."

Nowhere has a greater transformation due to "reforms" taken place than in sex education. The Communists were determined that even the very youngest student be forced to learn about sex. Madame Zinoviev was in charge of the project in Bolshevik Russia, which she tried to transfer to the United States, but which was blocked in the 1920s by a Supreme Court not yet packed with Socialist justices, and by the alertness of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The products of "feminist courses" now regard marriage as merely another contract. Sex has had the mystic taken out of it, so that today's college girl does not want to spend time forming an emotional relationship before indulging in "free love." We know that these ideas were prepared in Bolshevik Russia by Madame Kollontay and then transplanted to the United States by her. 

Our badly-flawed educational system is turning out girls who are maladapted toward society and the truth of the statement is borne out by crime statistics involving teenage girls. The drug culture is deeply embedded in the youth of the 1990s. Spiritual matters have been driven out of our schools. Today, our young students are the edge of the "Age of Socialist Enlightenment" where anything goes if it feels good. 

Of all the sciences, political science is the oldest, its beginnings traceable to  ancient Greece. Political Science covers the love of justice, and it explains why men want to rule. But political science is not taught properly in our educational institutions, which now teach a perverted form of it known as Socialism. If political science had been properly taught in our schools and colleges, Justice Warren would not have had such an easy time forcing Brown vs. Board of Education down our throats. Thus, by cunning, by stealth and deception did the Socialists work their way into the fateful Brown vs. Board Education ruling, which redirected education in the United States into Socialist/Marxist/Communist channels. 

The Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations funded a study-group composed of Margaret Meade, a new science anthropologist and Rensis Likert, to come up with a review of all educational policies governed by Biblical law. Meade used Tavistock Institute's reverse psychology technique to overcome what the report termed "a teaching problem." This report, which has had a devastating impact on education in the United States, remains classified to this day. One of the results of the MeadeLikert study was the emergence of the National Training Laboratories (NTL) with more than four million members. One of its affiliates was the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers organization in the world. 

Thanks to the efforts of this organization and the hundreds upon thousands of Socialist teachers, secular, humanist education has come the full circle from its slow beginnings of 1940. By the 1990s the Socialists have mustered so many impressive victories in the Supreme Court that they are quite open about their intentions of altogether secularizing education. The new scheme, although not really new except in the choice of title, will drag American education down to the dust and leave our children among the most uneducated in the world. 

Earlier, we mentioned the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations in Sussex University, England and the crucial role it has played in the economic, political, religious and educational life of the Nation. This organization was unknown in the United States until I published my works about it in the 1970s. Tavistock is under the direct control of the most powerful Socialist figures in Britain and is closely allied with British Freemasonry. It has the closest of contacts with the National Education Association, whose top management personnel were trained at the National Training Laboratories. This is the level at which "geopolitics" entered education at the teacher's level. 

The "new" system is called, "Outcome Based Education" (OBE.) What OBE is going to do is teach our children that there is no need to learn to read and write properly, there is no need to excel in education; what matters is how they relate to each other and children from other races. What is OBE? It is a system that punishes excellence and rewards mediocrity. The OBE aims to make our children over into one level students where the ruling standard is mediocrity. Why should this be so desirable? The obvious answer is that a nation in which the vast bulk of the population is educated at the lowest common denominator level, will be easy to steer toward a Socialist dictatorship. The basis for OBE was established with Brown vs. Board of Education, which in a very real sense, "pegged" education levels to the lowest common denominator. 

What OBE will do is turn Christian American children into pagans, with no respect for their parents, and no love for country, children who will despise national identity and patriotism. The love of one's country is turned into something ugly, to be avoided at all costs. OBE teaches the Marxist concept that traditional family life is out of date. This is precisely what Madame Kollontay tried to force on the United States in the 1920s; it was what Socialists Bebel and Engels strove to introduce into mainstream education in America. Now, their wildest expectations are being fulfilled through OBE. 

It is eerie, even uncanny, how OBE duplicates the writings of Bebel, Engels, Kollontay and Marx — almost a carbon copy of the haters of family life and the sanctity of marriage. It is uncanny how the system proposed in OBE is found almost word-for-word in the Communist Manifesto of 1848. We can only say that following the stunning successes of the Evers case and Brown vs. Board Education, Socializing education in America took off like a hurricane, and seemingly, today, there is no holding it back. 

Justices Black and Douglas would have rejoiced if they were still with us, as would have Brandeis, Frankfurter and Earl Warren. OBE has seized control of the schools. Today, instead of having teachers, we have change agents who force acceptance of group views, which they, the facilitators, brainwash into the minds of the students. The "reforms" the facilitators carry out are turning children against their parents and their family values. The group leader in the class takes the place of the parent. There is always the notion that "inner reform" or "inner needs" must be catered to, and those "needs" mean anything the group leaders says they mean. 

The old Socialist technique of "sexual education" is pushed far beyond anything previously encountered. In OBE there are group pairing with explicit sensuality training and promiscuity is actively encouraged. There is no attempt to foster a sense of history. Nothing is taught about the great leaders of the past who brought civilization to the world. The emphasis is on the present, "do it now" and "do it if it feels good." OBE is responsible for the tremendous upsurge in juvenile crime. The present and future generation of youth now being taught through OBE methods will become street mobs of today's "French Revolution," to be used for the same purposes, in the not too distant future. 

There is no doubt that project OBE arose from the 1986 "World Curriculum" and from the book, "Brave New World," by Aldous Huxley in which he stated that a perfect world would be one without families, children without parents, in which a loathing and disgust were induced for the words, "father," "mother" and cared  for by State social institutions, children whose allegiance would be only to the state. The quest for such a society goes back a long way, before "World Curriculum" and Huxley. The Communist Bebel wrote his version of how children ought to be regarded — as wards of the state. So did Marx, Engels, and particularly Madam Kollontay, whose work, "Communism and the Family" was the source of much of Huxley's "Brave New World." 

Children would come via the test tube, and laboratories would match sperm to give a higher level of mentality, mid-level intelligence and lower intelligence. In their adult life these beings would be assigned various roles in a slave world, as I described in my book, "The Committee of 300." If this sounds too much for the reader to accept, then bear in mind that test tube babies are already with us. They have been accepted by society, not realizing the sinister purpose behind this ungodly development. Socialism needs a dullard mass and a small number of people of higher intelligence. The dullard masses will do the work in the slave-labor Socialist world, the intelligent class, the ruling. In such a world, we shall have "apartheid" such as would make the South African version look like a golden age of goodwill. 

The reaction of readers to this information will be predictably one of skepticism. However, we need to examine realities, so let us see just how far OBE has come in matching Huxley, Kollontay, Engels and Bebel. House of Representatives bill, HR 485 is part of the Socialist agenda to "reform" education. President Clinton was selected to carry out a wide-ranging battery of reforms — and he is doing it with great speed and efficiency, knowing that he will be a single-term president. The Parents as Teachers (PAT) Socialist plan is already in action in 40 States. The so called "Co-parenting Program" (COP) began with a pilot program in St. Louis, Missouri in 1981. The real intent of COP is to substitute parental authority with COP social workers, preferably in the prenatal period. 

Taking her cue from Aldous Huxley, Laura Rogers wrote a work she called, "The Brave New Family in Missouri" in which she stated that it has taken only four years for PAT to be accepted by the Missouri's State Legislature and that the PAT concept has spread to Europe and is being implemented in 40 States in America. Is this reality? Does it compare with what we have exposed in this chapter about educational "reforms?" The Socialists intend to "reform" education to such an extent that it will produce the very climate foretold by Huxley's "Brave New World." And they are doing it now, before our very eyes! 

Under PAT, a so-called "educator" will attach himself or herself to a family — in the literal sense, and begin the process of changing attitudes of both parents and child or children to conform with Socialist ideals. How this is being done was explained by Rogers in her article, "The Brave New Family in Missouri:" 

Step 1. The "parent-educator" will visit schools and homes "bond" herself to the family, under the guise of furthering the child's education. 

Step 2. The child or children is given a computer identification number which will be permanent. 

Step 3. The "change agent" will work toward changing the relationship between child and parents through a "mentoring program" such as happens in the Socialist Oxford University. 

Step 4. "Parent educators" are required to report anything they deem "hostile behavior" or abuse by calling a "hotline" especially set up for this purpose. 

Step 5. Judges will decided "hotline cases" and if the child or children are deemed at risk, the child or children may be removed from parental custody. 

Step 6. If the mental health services recommendations of the "parent educator" are refused by the parents, such as what medication to be prescribed, the state can remove the child or children from parental custody. The child or children can be placed in a residential treatment center and the parents ordered by the courts to undergo "psychological counseling" for as long as the "parent teacher" deems necessary. 

What the PAT program does, is set itself up as judge and jury in deciding who are fit and unfit parents! For this PAT uses what Rogers calls, "risk factor definitions" which have become the standard yardstick for measuring the fitness or unfitness of parents to raise children, and bear in mind, this criteria is being used at present in 40 States: 

"Inability of parent to cope (which is not defined) with inappropriate child behavior (e.g., severe biting, destructive behavior, apathy)". 

"Low-functioning parents." These are considered as potentially abusive parents. In this category the parent-teacher has a large number of options. Virtually any parent could come under the category of "low functioning." 

Undue stress that adversely affects family functions." This gives a virtually unlimited number of options to the parent teacher to cite as "abusive" danger signs, including low income. 

"Other... This can include a wide variety of conditions such as allergies, heavy cigarette smoking in the house (does R.J. Reynolds know about this?), a family history of hearing loss..." 

From the foregoing it is clear that Socialism in education has come of age in America. What Madame Kollontay, Engels, Bebel and Huxley found most desirous has now come to pass. Education is the way in which Socialism can be defeated, as so many of our statesmen in the 1800s made clear, but in the wrong hands, it is a mighty weapon which Socialism will wield without mercy to bring about their longed-for New World Order slave state. None of this would have been possible, but for the treason and treachery of the Supreme Court and especially the venomous attitude of Justices Douglas and Black, who should go down in history as two of the most vile traitors in the history of this Nation. 


All through history, women have played a decisive role. Before the 20th century, it was usually from the background, observing, giving advice and encouragement, never in an obtrusive manner, and seldom, if ever, publicly. But that was to change in the late 1800s, and the vehicle of change was the Fabian Society and International Socialism. 

When the small, bespectacled Sydney Webb met the statuesque Martha Beatrice Potter, sparks began to fly. (Miss Potter preferred Beatrice, which had a better ring to it than Martha.) Both recognized in the other a peculiar genius for organizing and getting the day to day business done. Anthony and Cleopatra were more glamorous, the Queen of Sheba and Solomon more majestic; Hitler and Eva Braun more dramatic, but by comparison with the Webbs, their impact on the world was of a lesser degree. The damage done by the Webbs is still reverberating around the world, long after the other two somes have become mere historical figures. 

Sydney Webb met Beatrice Potter in 1890. She was well endowed both physically and financially. He, by contrast, was short and small and had no money. Beatrice came from a family of Canadian railroad tycoons and she had her own income from her father. Perhaps what brought the Sydney and Beatrice together was their conceit, which they never bothered to hide. Beatrice had been angered and embittered by the rejection of her love-offering to "upper class" Joseph Chamberlain, which seems to be the fuel that kept her "class hatred" fires burning. Webb worked as a clerk in the British Colonial Office, considered a fairly low station in life in Victorian England. 

In 1898 Beatrice and her husband turned their attention to the United States, going on a three-week "grand tour." During this time, the Webbs did not meet with rank and file members of labor unions nor any of the ladies slaving away in New York's garment district. Rather, they sought out, and were received by the elite of Socialism in New York, including Miss Jane Addams and Prestonia Martin, both right out of the Social Register. 

This was a pattern that was to be followed by all Socialist/Bolshevik leaders in later years. In 1900, thanks largely to the work of Beatrice, the Royal Commission of London University ruled that henceforth, economics would be elevated to the status of a science. Beatrice lost no time in impressing Granville Barker, a theater man of note, and President Wilson's personal representative, Ray Stannard Baker, with this great achievement, at a lunch hosted by Beatrice and her husband. 

The Webb-Potter partnership developed into marriage and set the fashion of a husband and wife team devoted more to Socialism than to each other in private, but for appearance sake, a very devoted couple. This was to prove a big draw card for attracting women into the ranks of social causes and politics, and can be said to be the birth of radical feminism. From Clements Inn, headquarters of the Fabian Society came the "Fabian News," published first in 1891. Beatrice was coauthor and her money paid for the cost of printing. 

It came naturally to Beatrice that the best way to promote their ideal was through the elite of the land. While the ordinary people were good for Billy Graham-type "rallies" it was the elite who could get things done. In this regard, Beatrice never lost her snobbishness. As she saw it, they had to convert the elite first; the rest would follow. This was the pattern that Bolshevik leaders were to adopt in later years. One never saw Khrushchev staying at a dock workers cottage or having meetings with the rank and file of the trade unions during his visit to England and other West European countries. It was always to the elite to whom Khrushchev gave his rapt attention, Agnelli of Italy, Rockefeller of the United States, and so it was with all Socialist leaders. 

It was no surprise that Beatrice began concentrating on the sons of the rich and the famous at Oxford University. How well she did her job can be judged from the number of high-society traitors, products of Oxford and Cambridge, who willingly betrayed the West in the cause of promoting their goal of a Socialist world revolution of whom Burgess, Mclean, Philby, Anthony Blunt, Roger Hollis are the best known, but certainly not the only ones. Underneath the mantle of social "reforms" was a deadly dangerous cancer eating away at Christian Western ideals, and it was called Fabian Socialism. One of its earliest converts of note was Walter Lippmann, whom Beatrice Webb "induced" to join the Fabian Society. 

By 1910, Beatrice and her money had established several centers from where Fabian propaganda was disseminated. Writers, theater people, and politicians of the day were beginning to drift toward her circle. The general opinion was that Beatrice was running a nice, liberal, cultural movement, according to the "New Statesman." Millionaire Charlotte Payne-Townshend became a friend of Beatrice who was responsible for introducing her to George Bernard Shaw, after which Charlotte made an honest man of him. Now, both the male leaders could afford devote their entire time to promoting Socialism, thanks to the money of their respective spouses. 

What has often been remarked upon is how these two women spent their lives attacking the very system that provided the money for their pursuits. Beatrice Webb was the guiding force in securing control of the Labour Party, just as in later years, another Socialist, Mrs Pamela Harriman, was to secure control of the Democrat Party in the United States and put in power a president whose Socialist agenda was designed to usher the country into a Socialist One World Government — New World Order. 

Certainly Beatrice Webb worked tirelessly to wreck the economic policies and dismantle the social and economic order of an orderly England. What surprises me is that the Webbs were not arrested for sedition and treason, along with "Red" Professor Harold Laski. Had this happened, it might have saved the United States from Socialist oriented convulsions that are still going on. By now Beatrice numbered among her friends a Countess, and many of the famous ladies of London society at the time, including the wife of Sir Stafford Cripps. These devotees of radical feminism opened their homes to tea parties and weekend retreats in furtherance of Socialist causes. 

Throughout her long reign, Beatrice Webb never wavered in her support of the Bolsheviks, which didn't seem to phase her long list of high-society contacts, including Sir William Beveridge who was to make a tremendous impact on politics in England and the United States.(The Beveridge Plan became the blueprint for Social Security in the United States.) When Beatrice died in 1943, her services to Socialism were recognized in a bizarre manner — Martha Beatrice Webb's ashes were interred in Westminster Cathedral — a strange place for an avowed atheist to find herself! 

The tigress of the radical feminist, anti-marriage, anti-family movement that was given a window of opportunity to the world by the Fabian Socialists, was Madame Alexandra Kollontay. It is not known whether Beatrice Webb ever met Kollontay during her frequent trips to Moscow. Who was Madame Kollontay? On page 9972 of pages 9962-9977, Congressional Record, Senate of May 31, 1924 we find the following: 

"Madame Kollontay is now Soviet minister to Norway, after a hectic career which included eight husbands, two positions as people's commissar, first as commissar of welfare, two visits to the United States (1915 and 1916), a German Socialist agitator, after having been deported from three European countries in 1914 as a dangerous revolutionist..." Then there is a further expose of this hard-core Communist world revolutionary radical feminist, on page 4599 of pages 4582-4604: 

"...Recently there came to Mexico as the ambassador of the Soviet Union, one Alexandra Kollontai. She is said to be a leader in the world revolutionary movement for 28 years; that she has been arrested in three different countries because of her effort in 1916 and in 1917 she visited the United States speaking from coast to coast. She was under the management of Ludwig Lore, now a  prominent Communist in the United States. The object and purpose of the visit of Kollontay to the United States in 1916 and 1917 was to incite the Socialists of this country and to hamper our activities if the United States entered through a system of resistance by what took place. Alexandra Kollontai is the world's greatest exponent of 'free love' and nationalization of children. She is in Mexico for that purpose and bodes no good to the people off the United States." 

Kollontay' s book, "Communism and the Family" is the most violent and savage attack on marriage and the family ever written, surpassing the decadent evil of Fredric Engels' "Origin of the Family." Kollontai's radical 'free love' followers formerly called themselves the "International League of Peace and Freedom." But they have undergone a number of name changes to disguise the fact that their agenda is still the same as that of Alexandra Kollontai: today they call themselves the National League of Women Voters and the National Abortion Rights League (NARL) They also have the audacity to go by the label of "pro choice advocates" meaning that they have a choice of whether or not to murder unborn children. 

The goals of the Marxist/Socialist "liberal feminists" — better known as radical feminists — were outlined in the 1920s-1930s and they have not changed. The clamor for "women's rights" is for love without responsibility — i.e. abortion on demand. They and their incendiary Socialists in the House and Senate are in an unholy alliance with the jackals of the media, which began in the days of Florence Kelley. 

Kollontay was the standard bearer of the crop of radical feminists with which this country is cursed today. The Overman Committee on Bolshevism of the United States reported as follows: 

'The apparent purpose of the Bolshevik government of Russia is to make the Russian citizen especially the women and children, wards dependent on that government...It has destroyed the natural ambition and made impossible of accomplishment the moral obligation to provide care for, and adequately protect the child against the misfortunes of orphanhood and widowhood...They have promulgated decrees relating to marriage and divorce which practically establish 'free love.'" Senate Document page 61, 1st Session, Pages 36-37 Congressional Record. 

The foregoing fits perfectly the aims and objectives of Fabian Socialism. Radical feminism, rampant and running wild across the United States today is a Socialist teaching. The Fabian Society's Socialist pattern allowed for radical feminism, indeed, encouraged it while at the same time cloaking it in a veil of domesticity. While Beatrice Webb and her associates were not able to establish open abortion houses, it is worth repeating that Mrs. Harold Laski, wife Professor Laski, of one of the great names in Socialist circles, was the first one to push the idea of birth control counseling centers in England. 

Dr. Annie Besant was well-known to Beatrice Webb through Liberal Party circles in London. Besant was the successor to Madame Blavatsky and inherited  her Theosophy Society, whose adherents were to be found among the rich and the famous in elite circles of power in Victorian England. Besant played no small role in instigating unrest via the drawing room, her first venture being an attack on industry in Lancashire, a large industrial center in England. 

As the head of Co-Masonry allied to KKK "Clarte" (no connection to the KKK in the U.S.) and the Grand Orient Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris, Besant was very active in promoting what she called, "social democracy" but all the time she was under the control of the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris, from whom she received the title of Vice President of the Supreme Council and Grand Master of the Supreme Council for Britain. It is here where the convergence of Freemasonry, Theosophy and the Fellowship of Faiths becomes clearly recognizable. 

H.G. Wells was a believer in Besant's notions, probably, because like Besant, he was a member of KKK "Clarte" as was Inez Milholland. Both Socialist ladies worked hard for the cause of women's suffrage, which Sydney Webb astutely saw as the wave of the future when it came to getting votes for the Labor and Liberal Parties. 

Whatever Besant became, she owed to Madame Petrovna Blavatsky, who, in turn, owed her rapid rise up the social ladder to Herbert Burrows who promoted her "talents" through the Society for Physical Research, a select club for the rich, the aristocracy and the politically powerful in Victorian London circles. These circles were patronized by H.G. Wells and Conan Doyle (later Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.) Wells described Blavatsky as "one of the most accomplished, ingenuous and interesting imposters in the world." 

Blavatsky was initiated into Carbonari Masonry by the undoubted leader of that Lodge in Italy, the great Mazzini. She was also close to Garibaldi, and was with him at the battles of Viterbo and Mentana. Two men who greatly influenced her life were, Victor Miguel and Rivoli, both Freemason revolutionaries inside the Grand Orient Lodge. She died in 1891, a hardened and confirmed Socialist. 

Susan Lawrence was one of the first three Labour Party candidates elected to Parliament as a result of the work done by the suffrage movement, spearheaded by Fabian Society warriors Ellen Wilkinson and Emily Pankhurst. Lawrence became famous for her statement, "I don't preach Class War, I live it." Margaret Cole developed her instinct for radical feminism by working as are searcher for the Fabian Society. She was later able to put what she learned to good use when she served in the British Ministry of Labour, while her husband, G.D.H. Cole, rose to great prominence in a succession of Labour Governments. Like the Webbs, the Coles maintained an outward appearance of domestic bliss, but theirs was a marriage of Socialist convenience. 

One of Beatrice Webb's star pupils was Margaret Cole, who wrote "The Story of Fabian Socialism" in which the goals of radical feminism are given a coating of sugar to attract the flies. Cole was responsible for much of the penetration and permeation of Fabian Socialism in America. It is believed by Fabian Socialist researchers that the nullifying of the Lusk Report through the veto of New York Governor Al Smith perfectly fits Fabian Socialism's dictum: "Get someone-Socialist to do the dirty work for you." Cole was a member of the delegation of International Confederation of Free Trade Unions at the United Nations. 

Over in the United States, one of the most important of the female Socialists was Florence Kelley. Her real name was Weschenewtsky. Nobody seemed to know much about her, except that Kelley had studied Lenin and Marx in Switzerland, the international haven for revolutionaries. She liked to call herself a "Quaker Marxist," sometimes a "Marxist Quaker." One thing that the Fabian Socialists did know was that Kelley was leading the "reform" charge in the United States. At times she overshadowed her more famous friend, Eleanor Roosevelt, persuading Roosevelt to join the Socialist National Consumers League (NCL) of which she was one of the founder members. 

The NCL, a dedicated Socialist institution, was an organization bent on getting the Federal Government involved in health, education and police powers that belonged to the States under the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Kelley proved a genius in this regard. She is credited with formulating the so-called "Brandeis Brief strategy which consisted of burying a thin legal case in masses of irrelevant documents so that the case was decided, eventually, not on law, but on Socialist-slanted sociology and economic "juridical notice." Since the judges were not trained in sociology, they were not the people to judge the merits of the SOCIOLOGY of the case before them, so that such cases were generally decided in favor of the Socialists. 

Elizabeth Glendower, an extremely wealthy socialite often had Kelley as a house guest along with Brandeis and the top Socialist writers of the day. Kelley is known to have struck up a close friendship with Upton Sinclair, whose early literary works were made up of bundle after bundle of Fabian Socialist "position papers" which were sent to Socialist university students for distribution on campuses around the nation. In spite of her denials, Kelley was a ceaseless opportunity-seeker in promoting the cause of world revolution. 

Mrs. Robert Lovett, whose husband held the position of professor of English at the University of Chicago, was a close ally of Kelley. The Lovetts, Kelley and Jane Addams ran a Socialist induction center named Hull House, which was frequented by Eleanor Roosevelt and Frances Perkins. Many Hull House members traveled to England to take part in the Fabian Society Summer Schools program. Kelley was good at making converts to Socialism, and was a tireless missionary in the service of American Socialism. 

Socialist women came on the scene in the United States at the close of the Civil War. Communists were very active in the runup to the war and in its immediate aftermath, a fact that is not mentioned by establishment history books, and  these Socialist "feminists" were very successful in penetrating and permeating legitimate women's organizations concerned with the well being of their families. 

This was relatively easy for trained Fabian Socialists, given the custom of the time of putting women on a pedestal of respect, deserving of male protection. Some of the leaders of the "carpetbaggers" were deeply-committed Socialists or Communists. When the question of women's suffrage was being raised by women Socialists, men felt it was not well advised to expose women to the rough and ready of politics, but they did not know their tough female Socialists. 

Others were fully aware of how the Socialists and Communists were recruiting militant, aggressive females and training them to go against mainstream feminism. The attitude of the period is well expressed on pages 165-170 Appendix to the Congressional Globe, "Suffrage Constitutional Amendment." The Hon J.A. Bayard said of Socialism in 1869: 

"The next exception is that of sex. I will not argue this position either with the Communists or the Socialists, nor with the women's rights party, because of the folly of this species off a naticism, though, it has made great progress lately, is not sufficiently widespread to need elaboration or refutation. Inordinate vanity and love of notoriety may have tempted some women to unsex themselves, both in their dress and their pursuits; but women's hearts and the instincts of maternity will keep her true to the greatest of her duties in life, the culture and the formation of the character of her offspring..." 

That it was the age of chivalry, which has been thoroughly destroyed by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bella Abzug, Eleanor Smeal, Elizabeth Holtzman, Pat Schroeder, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein and their close relatives, is found on page 169 of the Appendix to the Congressional Globes (Speech by Senator Bayard): 

"I feel proud and gratified that in this country, our own America, there is a chivalrous devotion to sex which has not been equaled in any other country. I yield to none in my deference to sex, and a desire to secure and protect women in all her rights; but a suffrage is not a right..." 

It is interesting how much the Socialists used legitimate concerns felt by feminine society and turned them into a vehicle for Socialist causes, to telling effect. It is due to the natural consequence of such penetration and permeation by clever Fabian Socialists that the United States Congress became the stamping ground for a hardened, unfeminine cadre of women who turned chivalry on its head in their fierce desire to see Fabian Socialism take over the United States. 

Some of the so-called "women's rights" Socialist fronts were the following: General Federation of Women's Clubs. 

National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers Association. 

National League of Women Voters. 

National Federation of Business and Professional Women.

Christian Temperance Union. 

Association of University Women. 

National Council of Jewish Women. 

League of Women's Voters. 

National Consumers League. 

Women's Trade Union League. 

Women's International League. 

Girl's Friendly Society America. 

These organizations were a party to a court action brought by Mrs. Florence Kelley and several leading "feminists" (Socialists) in July of 1926. They were trying to get a bill passed, "Maternity and Infancy Act," which violated the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution, but the Supreme Court, free of the control exercised over it today (which began with the Roosevelt era) saved the nation from a Socialist bid to completely take-over the United States. President Carter took most of the material in Madame Kollontai book, "Communism and the Family" for his education bill.

It was always the intention of the Socialists to nationalize the children of America. Socialist Shirley Hufstedler, who at one time headed the unconstitutional U. S. Department of Education took her cue from Madame Lelina Zinoviev, wife of Gregory Zinoviev. Hufstedler was seeking to "nationalize" and "internationalize" American children to fit them for their future role as race-mixers in a One World Government.


This was also the intention of Frances Perkins, a trained social worker who led the so-called "feminist movement" in the United States for many years. Perkins was Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt's New York State Commissioner of Labor. She counted Eleanor Roosevelt as one of her closest female friends, and Kelley was close to Roosevelt during his three-term stay at the White House. One of Perkins' first assignments was founding the International Association for Labor Legislation along with Eleanor Roosevelt and her protege, Harry L. Hopkins, with whom Perkins worked closely to bring in work relief for the unemployed in New York State. 

The original plan came from a Socialist group known as the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Perkins and her friends pushed all the right buttons and pulled out the right stops to get their "reforms" passed by the New York State Legislature. Hundreds of booklets and pamphlets were distributed throughout schools and universities to elicit support for these "beneficial changes" while kept writers churned out articles which were snapped up by the jackal press. Scores of "polls" were run to create "popular sentiment" for labor "reforms" that could only "benefit the whole country." 

Perkins wore many hats, and was noted for her tireless energy and devotion to the Fabian Socialist movement in the United States. When Roosevelt moved from Albany to Washington, Perkins went with him. She was the first women to be named to a cabinet post in the history of the United States. Her influence with Roosevelt was only slightly less than that of Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Perkins remained with Roosevelt, from the very first to the very last day of his three terms in office, during which time she introduced a veritable flood of Socialist legal personnel, economists, statisticians and analysts into the Federal government. When John Maynard Keynes went calling on Roosevelt and tried to explain his economic theories without much success, it was Perkins who sold them to Roosevelt. Perkins swallowed the "multiplier" theory, making the near immortal observation that "with (Keynes's) system, with one dollar you have created four dollars." 

Perkins concocted the scheme to rig the 1940 Democrat Convention, which gave Roosevelt his third term, although the "credit" for this has generally gone to Harry Hopkins. Early in the days of Roosevelt's Governorship of New York, Perkins was the lobbyists for the National Consumers League and the Women's Trade Council in Albany, New York. 

Her contacts among leading Socialist intellectuals of the day is said to have numbered in the hundreds and she was a favorite of Felix Frankfurter. Another of her male supporters was Harry Hopkins, who was to rise to tremendous heights in the Roosevelt era and do tremendous harm to the United States. Perkins brought a host of Socialist economists and labor specialist professors with her to Washington, from where they poured out a veritable torrent of Socialist material, much of it still taught in universities today. More than any other women — including Eleanor Roosevelt, Perkins influenced Roosevelt to get the United States into WWII. 

Perkins is credited with writing the nation's unemployment insurance and old age pension legislation. At the request of President Roosevelt, Perkins worked behind the scenes to bring these two socialist dreams to reality, using Prestonia Martin's " Prohibiting Poverty" as a guidebook. Perkins received much help from John Maynard Keynes, who visited the United States in 1934 as a Fabian Socialist ambassador of goodwill. Keynes and Perkins agreed that Socialism had a priceless opportunity to make great strides during the tenure of Roosevelt. 

Like almost all of the New Deal, which was taken virtually verbatim from Graham Wallas' book of the same name, "Prohibiting Poverty" was widely used to formulate a system for setting up compulsory social insurance (Social Security.) Perkins had sought and obtained a great deal of input from Sydney and Beatrice Webb, who pointed out to Perkins and Roosevelt, that the Fabian Society had drafted the Labor Party's 1918 election plank and had a lot of influence in writing the Beveridge Plan which became the basis of Britain's Social Welfare. 

Thus, "The New Deal" by Graham Wallas, the Beveridge Plan, and Sydney Webb's proposals written for the Labor Party in 1918, and the economic "tax and spend" principles of the Fabian Society's John Maynard Keynes, were with adaptations and minor adjustments the basis of Roosevelt's "New Deal." The role played by Frances Perkins in bringing this to pass cannot be overstated. People often ask me, with deep doubt in their voices, "How could the British possibly influence, let alone run a country like the United States, as you aver?" The Social Security Act of 1936 was the work of Sir William Beveridge, Professor Graham Wallas and Fabian Society director, Sydney Webb, touched up and rounded off by Frances Perkins. A study of how this was achieved and the role played by Frances Perkins answers the question of all Doubting Thomases far better than any words of mine could ever do. 

The Social Security Act of 1936 was pure Fabian Socialism in action. It was unprecedented in the history of the United States and also 100 percent unconstitutional. I spent a good deal of time researching Congressional Records of 1935- 1940 and beyond to see if I could find anything that would have made this piece of outright Socialist legislation constitutional, but to no avail. 

The manner in which this Socialist heist of the American people was carried out is a case history of how the Socialists will go to extraordinary lengths to get their patently absurd laws sanctified by the Supreme Court. Perkins facing this dilemma, saw no way out of it. Roosevelt needed the Social Security Act to become law so that he could use it to get reelected. Thanks to the intercession of Harry Hopkins, Brandeis and Cardoza, Perkins found herself seated next to Socialist Justice Harlan Stone, a leading Liberal, at a Washington dinner party, at the height of the crisis. 

Secretary Perkins told Justice Harlan Stone that she was up against the Constitution and needed away to fund Social Security that would pass muster the Supreme Court. In breach of every judicial etiquette, if not a gross violation of the law, Justice Stone whispered in Perkins' ear, "the taxing power of the Federal Government, my dear, the taxing power of the Federal Government is sufficient for, everything you want and need." Perkins took Justice Harlan Stones advice, and that is how today we come to have Socialist Social Security in a Confederated Republic. There is no doubt at all that Justice Stone ought to have been impeached, but no charges were ever brought against him. 

Perkins kept the Justice's confidence, telling no one but Roosevelt who immediately used this grossly illegal stratagem to fund every single one of his Socialist New Deal programs. Later, Harry Hopkins was let into the secret, and he was allowed to take credit for the phrase, "tax and spend, tax and spend." 

Perkins was a confidant and friend of Henry Morgenthau, Justice Hugo Black, and Susan Lawrence, the formidable Member of Parliament and top Fabian Society executive. Perkins was one of the leading personalities in the attempted takeover of the United States by Socialists in the 1920s — a deadly The  scheme that was modeled along the lines of "Philip Dru-Administrator" the book written by Col. Edward Mandel House. 

According to what Susan Lawrence told Jane Addams, it was by "one of history's strangest freaks, the elaborate system of checks and balances devised in the American Constitution has resulted for the moment at any rate, in the complete personal ascendancy of Franklin Roosevelt." However, a quick look at "Philip Dru-Administrator" shows that rather than due to happenstance, it was elaborate planning and a careful heed of Colonel House's technique that placed Roosevelt in the top slot, ready to seize control of the Democrat Party. 

When the time came, Frances Perkins was right there with her former employer. A product of Hull House, a professional social worker, Perkins has been described as the Socialist's best opportunist. Perkins moved easily in the circles of British Fabian Society "aristocracy" and she learned her lessons well at the hands of Lilian Wald, Jane Addams and Eleanor Roosevelt. When the moment for her edification came, she was ready. If there were two main women conspirators in the 1920's they would be Kelley and Perkins. The latter's devotion to Socialism was what caught the attention of Mary Rumsey, the Socialist sister of Averill Harriman. 

Mary Harriman Rumsey was the earliest of a band of enthusiastic New Deal proponents who urged the adoption of the Fabian Society's blueprint, adapted to fit American conditions. Rumsey came from one of the top elitist families in the United States in the 1930s. Her close association with Eleanor Roosevelt helped to sharpen her already deeply committed Socialist activism. Rumsey was a tireless reader of the writings of Sydney Webb, Shaw, Haldane, Muggeridge and Graham Wallas. 

Her life-long friendship with Frances Perkins developed after they met through Eleanor Roosevelt and quickly discovered their common passion for Socialist causes, which Rumsey was quick to insist be followed by her illustrious brother, Averill Harriman, who became a devout Socialist and intimate of a succession of Bolshevik leaders. Rumsey's Socialist endeavors took her all over the United States and Europe, and in England she was feted by the Webbs and the blue blood aristocracy Fabian Society members. 

What was often remarked at the time was how this women whose social graces marked her clearly as from the top drawer of society, came to be inciting women trade union leaders and working in among women trade union rank and file where she was seemingly quite at home. Clearly Fabian Socialism had left an indelible imprint on the life of Mary Rumsey, reputed to have been among the top five richest women in America. Mary Rumsey's long friendship with the genteel Miss Jane Addams, "ladylike to her fingertips" as a social columnist of one of the New York papers once wrote, was yet another of those anachronisms that seemed to flout conventional  classification of Socialists on both sides of the Atlantic. 

Addams was the driving force behind Hull House, that Fabian Socialist "think tank" where the female elite of the day were introduced to Socialist beliefs. When Beatrice and Sydney Webb visited the United States in April of 1898, they were guests of Miss Addams. The former "clerk in the Colonial Office" was said to have been bewitched by the command of the English language displayed by Addams, and "her beautiful dark eyes." 

A spinster all of her life, Addams commanded the respect of men like Colonel Edward Mandel House, H.G. Wells. Arthur Conan Doyle, and Sir Arthur Willert, a leading British Fabian newspaperman. 

Addams was heavily involved in the founding of the One World Government Church, a Socialist compromise with religion, which was set to become the official "religion" of the One World Government, whose history we detail elsewhere herein. 

Addams was a true Socialist "pacifist" who was awarded the Nobel Prize for her efforts to promote "international peace." Addams founded the Women's International League in conjunction with Mrs. Pethwick Lawrence, who was a member of the "upper crust" of British society and a notable London society figure at the turn of the century. Like Addams, she was a member of KKK — "Clarte" and Co-Masonry. Note the high-society names, not the kind that one would associate with anarchists and revolutionary bombers, yet the damage done to the United States by these notable female devotees of Socialism, in many instances, transcended the impact of the radicals. 

Addams was received by two American presidents and was an enthusiastic backer of the Wall Street bankers who had invested in Lenin and Trotsky, and a stockholder in Lenin's Russian American Industrial Corporation and the Communist Federation Press. Addams was connected with the American Society for Cultural Relations with Russia, which distributed Fellowship of Faith publications, mostly to bookstores specializing in Socialist/Communist literature. 

Her close friendship with Rosika Schwimmer was important, because Schwimmer had the ear of Count Karolyi, the man who handed Hungary on a bloody plate to the foul beast, Bela Kuhn (real name Cohen) who murdered hundreds of thousands of Christians in Hungary, before he could be expelled. Addams was the Socialist who arranged a lecture tour for the bloody, fiendish Count Karolyi. 

The female devotees of Fabian Socialism were rich, powerful with the right family connections that ensured that their strongly-Socialist ideas had an appreciative audience. The impact of Socialist women like Webb, Perkins, Rumsey and Mrs. Pethick Lawrence, Addams, Besant, on a series of key events in the United States and Britain has not ever been fully described nor properly understood today. These aristocratic looking and sounding ladies would have contrasted very markedly with the Boxers, Feinstein's Abzugs and Schroeders of the "women's rights" movement in the United States. Of all females in political activism in the 1980s-1990s, only Margaret Thatcher would have been at home with Jane Addams, whose frequent visits to London, while not netting her an invitation to No. 10 Downing Street, made her the darling of the Fabian Society and its leaders, Beatrice and Sydney Webb. 

Addams' manners and refined speech hid an interior as hard as nails and a spirit that refused to back down, even against great odds. Although never admitted, Addams was the one who profoundly influenced Robert Morse Lovett, the man chosen to lead the Fabian Socialist push in the United States. A more unlikely leader for Socialist causes was not to be found. Reserved and aloof, Lovett was transformed into a firebrand after meeting with Addams at Hull House. In many way, Lovett's campaign for socializing America was one of the most important battles ever fought by Socialist's "greats." Harry Hopkins, the man who started more runaway forest fires for Fabian Socialism in America than any other single individual in the Socialist ranks, owed his job to Addams, who strongly recommended him to Roosevelt in 1932. 

Addams topped the list of female Socialist and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her pacifist activities on behalf of the Socialist agenda for the United States. She carried on her Socialist crusade under the umbrella of the Women's International League for Peace, which she founded in Chicago, and which became a Communist front for "peace," dearly loved by the Bolshevik leaders. Addams made a detailed study of Fabian Society publications, especially those distilled from Madame Kollontai books attacking marriage and the family, and most of her time was devoted to Socialist anti-family causes in the United States. 

Although they were never close, Dorothy Whitney Straight (Mrs. Leonard Elmhurst) was an admirer of Addams. The Whitney-Straights like Addams, were straight out of the top drawer of American high society. Dorothy Whitney Straight's brother was a partner in J.P. Morgan, which gave the Whitney-Straights carte blanche entre into the smart set in Fabian Socialist circles in London, New York and Washington. The Whitney-Straights financed the American Fabian Socialist publication, "New Republic" (Dorothy was its largest stockholder) to which Walter Lippmann was a regular contributor as well as the leading Socialist professors at Oxford and Harvard. Professor Harold Laski was one of the favorite "New Republic" writers. Dorothy Whitney Straight was an enthusiastic backer of President Woodrow Wilson. 

After her marriage to Leonard K. Elmhurst, Dorothy moved court from her Long Island estate to Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devonshire, England, "where her heart was" as she told friends, in order to be closer to the center of Fabian Socialist power. There she mixed with the "greats" of British Socialists, like Lord Eustis Perry, Sir Oswald Mosley and Grahame Haldane. In 1931 Dorothy and the Webbs were busy with their plans to introduce the New Deal to the United States in anticipation of the coming of Franklin Roosevelt. In order not to arouse suspicion, at Dorothy's suggestion, the plan was called "Political and Economic Planning" (PEP) although Moses Sieff, one of the original members was unwise to mention PEP as being "our New Deal" in a speech he delivered to Fabian Socialists in London in 1934. 

From the very first, PEP was a subversive organization bent on undermining the Constitution of the Republic of the United States, and no single member worked to that end in a more tireless manner than Dorothy Whitney Straight. Of her endeavors, Congressman Louis T. McFadden had this to say: 

"May I point out to you that this is a secret organization with tremendous power? The definition of their organization is as follows: 

A group of people who are actively engaged in production and distribution in the social services in town and country plan, in finance, education, in research, in persuasion, and in various other key functions within the United Kingdom...." McFadden called the group a " brain trust", which, he said, "is supposed to influence the present United States policy of trade tariffs. Neither you nor I are particularly interested in what takes place in England, but what should interest us both is that there is a strong possibility that certain members of the brain trust around our President are in touch with this British organization, working to introduce a similar plan in the United States...I am assured by serious people, who are in a position to know that this organization practically controls the British Government and that this highly organized and well-financed movement is intended to practically sovietize the English-speaking race." 

The huge damage done to trade barriers so wisely erected by past presidents of this country to protect the well being of her citizens is recounted elsewhere in this book. McFadden accused the American counterpart to Dorothy Whitney Straight's English "brain trust" of consisting of Professors Frankfurter, Tugwell, and William C. Bullitt (the man who sabotaged the White Russian Army's almost certain defeat of the Bolshevik Red Army). Of them McFadden said, "I think there is no doubt that these men belong to this particular organization with distinct Bolshevik tendencies, and that this plan will be developed in the United States..." 

In this Dorothy Whitney Straight had the always-available counsel of Felix Frankfurter who had been a frequent visitor to her Long Island estate before she moved to Devonshire. The fabulous wealth of the Whitney-Straight family was what financed not only the "New Statesman" but also PEP and scores of other Fabian Society front organizations and their activities. 

Dorothy held court at her lavish Devonshire estate like the royalty she longed to be a part of. In addition to Frankfurter, frequent visitors were J.B. Priestly, a writer of note, Israel Moses Sieff, Richard Bailey and Sir Julian Huxley, Lord Melchett and Malcolm McDonald, son of Ramsay McDonald. Although these names may not be well known to Americans, they are the names of men who were  at the top of the Fabian Socialist ladder. But one American who did recognize these names was Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee. 

McFadden had long suspected Dorothy Whitney-Straight of being a traitor to her country, and during a speech in the House, McFadden wanted to know what Dorothy and her entourage were planning and how it would affect the United States. He queried why one Moses Sieff, would be talking about the "New Deal" as "our New Deal." McFadden revealed the strong connection between British Fabian Socialists and American Socialists and Communists whom he knew to be actively working to bring down the Republic of the United States: 'The political economic plan (PEP) is now secretly operating in England." What was the goal of Dorothy Whitney Straight's PEP?" According to McFadden, it was something their secret publications had revealed to its "insiders:" 

"The method of work is to bring together as a group a number of people who are concerned professionally with one or another aspect of the problem (how to break down the Constitution of the United States) under discussion, as well as a few non-specialists who can ask the fundamentals questions which sometimes escape the experts. 

This technique enables the PEP to bring to bear on a problem the combined experience of men and women working in different spheres including business, politics, the Government and local authority services and universities..." 

"...The names of those who form the groups are not disclosed...This rule was adopted deliberately from the first and has proved of great value. It enables people to serve who would not otherwise be able to serve; it ensures that the members can contribute freely to discussion without being bound by official views of any body with which they may be identified... It is a strict condition of anonymity that this broadsheet goes to you. It is essential in order that the group may prove effective as a nonpartisan organization making its contributions outside the field of personal and party polemics..." 

It has been shown to me by intelligence contacts that 90 percent of the Congressional (House and Senate) staffers work in this manner. The hearings of the Senate Committee on Judge Clarence Thomas were an amazing revelation of how this Socialist "penetrate and permeate" tactic is still widely used inside every branch of Government in America, in the Church, in education and in places wherever vitally important decisions regarding the future of the United States of America are made. 

The rule of Fabian Socialist secrecy successfully sheltered the often treasonable activities of PEP from the eyes of the American public. It was through PEP and many of the other highly secretive Fabian Socialist organizations that Socialism was almost successful in taking over the United States in the 1920s/1930s. Modeled on the British Fabian Society PEP model, the American version was called the National Planning Association (NPA) and Felix Frankfurter was the man chosen by Dorothy Whitney Straight Elmhurst to get it up and running in the United States. Thanks to an alert Supreme Court as yet untainted, many of NPA's programs were thrown out. Dorothy Whitney-Straight was not perturbed by this and urged her fellow Socialists never to give up on their goal—the upending of the United States. She was truly the more dangerous of the female species of the Fabian Society. 

Although not a personal friend of any of the high society Fabian Socialist ladies, the name of Laura Spellman must be included here, if for no other reason than to point out the extraordinary good fortune Socialism always seems to have in gaining unlimited access to very substantial funding. The Laura Spellman Fund kicked off with a capital of $10,000,000, but in practice there was no bottom to the Spellman well when it came to promoting Socialist programs in the United States. Usually these were called "reforms" in true Fabian Socialist style. 

One of the "reforms" was that of undermining the United States Constitution. When Senator Joseph McCarthy was so close to blowing the lid off Socialist and Communist penetration of the United States Government, the Laura Spellman Fund gave unlimited grants to those who conducted research into the backgrounds of Martin Dies and Sen. McCarthy, and who were able to come up with anything that would discredit them. Thus the Spellman Fund was in an indirect manner, responsible for the dangerous attack on the Constitution of the United States which had reached frightening levels, and which Dies and McCarthy were threatening to expose. 

The political prostitute, Senator William B. Benton, who led the charge against McCarthy was provided with all the support that Spellman money could buy when he demanded that Sen. McCarthy be expelled from the Senate. Benton's name will forever be synonymous with Aaron Burr and wanton treason and sedition. Benton was closely associated with the Fabian Socialist New Deal and his firm, Benton and Bowles got lucrative contracts from the British Labor Government. Benton was also closely associated with the Rockefeller National Bureau of Economic Research (devoted to pushing Laski's economic welfare state) and Owen Lattimore, one of the worst traitors ever found in this country. This is the Benton who incredulously, asked McCarthy if he felt no shame about his investigation of the Army, which was essentially to root out Socialist treason mongers in the United States Government. 

Later, when it merged with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Spellman donated $3 million to Harold Laski's London School of Economics which opened the doors for Socialism's entry into the highest circles of the Government of the United States. Laura Spellman's money went into an intensive drive to introduce Marxist "educational" and "economic" programs into American schools and universities. Millions of dollars went into these Socialist programs, whose far reaching consequences we will probably never be able to measure, and which forever altered the shape and direction of education in this country. 

The one overriding obsession of these female Socialists was the destruction of the American tradition of the family. As Sir Paul Dukes, one of the leading specialists on Bolshevism in the 1920s said: "The central tragedy of the Bolshevik regime in Russia is an organized effort to subvert and corrupt the minds of children.. .It has always been a Bolshevik principle to fight the institution of the family. Madame Kollontai writings can leave no doubt on that score, even in the mind of the skeptical. The idea was to remove children at avery early age from parental care and bring them up in colonies." 

The damage done by Eleanor Roosevelt has been told many times over and does not need to be retold here. Suffice to say that the so called feminist movement to which she devoted so much time in the 1920 and 1930s is thriving and has never been stronger than it is in the United States in 1994. Eleanor was the first to openly sanction lesbianism through her illicit relations with Lorena Hicock, whose love letters are to be found in the Hyde Park home of the Roosevelts. Perhaps the one event that showed us just how militant and powerful this Socialist activist group has become was the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas struggle before a national audience of millions. What is worth noting is the number of so-called "women's rights" and "feminist" organizations that have sprung and mushroomed since the days of Eleanor Roosevelt. 

The names of individual Socialist leaders and their "feminist" organizations are legion like the demons mentioned in the Bible. It is not my intention to single out each and every one of them for special mention-that is beyond the scope of this book. Therefore, I am obliged to draw attention to only the top people in the female Socialist hierarchy, who have followed the Socialist rule, penetrate and permeate. The stunning success of male Socialists in penetrating every branch of the United States government, and local and State government, permeating private institutions and organizations, would have been proudly hailed by Perkins, Kelley and Dorothy Whitney-Straight. 

They would have loved Barbara Streisand, a raucous-voiced "entertainer" whose counsel reaches right into the Clinton White House. It is a measure of how the United States has been dragged down to levels never imagined by the great statesmen of the past — Washington, Jefferson, Jackson — that Streisand actually "sleeps over" at the White House when she is in town. Streisand and Bella Abzug are like two peas in a pod. Strident, combative, deeply committed to Socialist/Marxist ideals, both live in luxury while pretending to speak for the poor. 

Abzug got herself appointed to the House of Representatives, essentially on the Jewish bloc vote, and once there, she began to make her gratingly loud voice heard, especially in the so-called "abortion rights" issue, which I might add in  passing has no basis in law as it its outside the ken and the pale of the Constitution and is therefore, null and void. 

Abzug went around the halls of Congress literally screaming at anyone who was against radical "free love" feminism. In this she was assisted by one of the worst frauds in the feminism business, Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" of Roe vs. Wade. McCorvey wasn't even pregnant at the time the issue was raised. She was touted as a "great scholar" by the Abzug crowd when in fact her degree came from the unaccredited New College Law School in San Francisco, the same feminist organization that gave Anita Hill her law degree! 

Some, although not all of the radical feminist organizations are the following: 

The Margaret Bent Lawyers Achievement 
The American Civil Liberties Union 
National Women's Law Center 
New College Law School 
Ad Hoc Committee on Public Education on Sexual Harassment 
Alliance for Justice 
Center for Law and Special Policy 
National Organization for Women (NOW) 
Organization for the Advancement of Women 
Planned Parenthood 
National Abortion Rights Action League (NARL) 
Women's Legal Defense Fund

The majority of these radical women's rights organizations want to use the Constitution to protect them while they go about their business of Socializing the United States — a legacy handed down to them by Felix Frankfurter. From time to time they utter pious platitudes about protection of individual rights, ninety nine percent of which are not found in the Constitution, while advocating the overthrow of the very Constitution by which they are protected. 

The Socialist "Maternity and Infancy Act" introduced by Florence Kelley, the forerunner of Bella Abzug was lifted straight out of the Bolshevik system which Madame Zinoviev outlined for the world nationalization of children. What Bella Abzug and Pat Schroeder call "women's rights" amount to nothing less than female anarchy and is not found in the Constitution of the United States. Most of what these female Socialist aspire to, comes from Alexandra Kollontai's "Communism and the Family, Bebel's "Women and Socialism" and Engel's "Origin of the Family." So called "abortion rights" come from this Bolshevik literature. 

The Overman Committee on Bolshevism in 1919 came to the following conclusion: 
'The apparent purpose of the Bolshevik Government is to make the Russian citizen and especially women and children wards dependent of that government...They have promulgated decrees relating to marriage and divorce which practically establishes a state of 'free love'(abortion). Their effect has been to furnish a vehicle for legalization of prostitution by permitting the annulment of marriage bonds at the whim of the parties." (Senate Document No. 61 1st Session pages 36-37, Congressional Record. In Roe vs. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court Justices violated the Constitution through lurid figments of their imagination. So-called "women's rights activists" have left no stone unturned over the past two decades in seeking to enshrine "rights" in the Constitution which are simply not there. 

The Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas case was a remarkable demonstration of the vast power these women's rights groups have gained since the days of the Roosevelt administration. The Senate, is Filled with Socialists of the worst stripe, Kennedy, Metzenbaum; Biden being its standard bearers. There is a public perception mat needs to be corrected: The Senate does not have any court powers: it cannot put anyone on trial. Its powers are confined to an investigative role. It has no prosecutorial role. Looking at the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas affair, it was a quickly apparent that the Senate evidently completely forgot this restriction of its powers. 

The chief instigator of the confrontation was not Hill herself, but a group of abrasive, aggressive women who saw an opportunity to make capital out of the overblown "sexual harassment" issue which had become their cause-celebre. The fact that this group was able to persuade the Senate committee and a large segment of the legislators that Hill was a victim of "sexual harassment" even though she had waited ten years before coming forward to make her charges, is an indication of just how powerful "women's rights" advocates have grown. 

If one women could be singled out for this deplorable state of affairs that would have been Nan Aaron. If any man could be singled out for blame, it would have been Justice Warren Burger, the Socialist's dream of a judge who could always be relied upon to twist and squeeze the constitution and add his own predilections in total defiance of the 9th Amendment to the United States Constitution. 

It is well worth a special mention that none of the Socialist judges who did the greatest damage to the constitution had any experience as judges before they were appointed to the Supreme Court. Louis Brandeis, John Marshall, Earl Warren, Byron White and William Rehnquist were not judges before their SOCIALIST credentials elevated them to the Supreme Court, from where they did the bidding of key Socialists infesting every level of government. 

Gathering the formidable female Socialists together for an attack took a few days, but after that, Kate Michelman, the abortion rights baby-murder champion, Nan Aaron, Judith Lichtman, Molly Yard, Eleanor Smeal, Patricia Schroeder, Barbara Boxer, Susan Hoerchner, Gail Lasiter, Dianne Feinstein, Susan Deller Ross and Nina Totenberg, a marijuana smoking muckraker in the best traditions of  the Fabian Socialist muckrakers of the 1920s, were in full cry. Of these, perhaps the most vicious was Totenberg, who had once been fired for plagiarism. Given to use the of foul language, Totenberg represents the worst of what is wrong with the so called "feminists." In this she is ably backed by Senator Howard Metzenbaum, the best example of the worst of what is wrong with the Senate. 

The first assault on Thomas came with a leak that was engineered by Aaron, Hoerchner and Lichtman who talked Hill into putting her alleged sexual harassment complaint in writing and sending it to the FBI. Hoerchner had been the first to call Hill in Oklahoma, not with standing that the two had no contact for more than seven years. Hoechner was like George Bernard Shaw in that she was not shy about approaching anybody, even strangers whom she felt might benefit her. 

What these aggressive "feminists" feared was that Hill might not might come forward voluntarily to confront Judge Thomas. In that case, as the saying goes, "we will have to bring her out" using the techniques learned from the homosexual lobby whenever one of their number was reluctant to own up to his homosexuality. 

By that time, Thomas had already undergone five days of questioning, with Metzenbaum pulling his usual stunt of delaying confirmation to see if any results would come from his muckraking squads. Finally, under terrific pressure from Catherine McKinnon, a feminist activist legal "scholar," and principally through Lichtman, Hill broke, and was forced to make the charges the female radicals wanted, and which were immediately leaked. 

The rest is history, a fascinating account of the savageness of the female of the Socialist species who would go to any lengths to make a "kill," though in this case their quarry, Judge Clarence Thomas, was able to outrun them. The entire operation, from the time that Hoerchner contacted Hill, and until the confirmation of Thomas, was run along the lines of psychopolitics, the strategy that had served Socialism so well in England. 

Unfortunately, radical Socialist "feminism" is here to stay. There will be no let up in the activities of Amazons like Patricia Schroeder and heavy-weights Boxer and Feinstein. We shall witness these radical feminist legislators introduce all sorts of legislation not in consonance with or pursuant of the Constitution. We have already seen how Feinstein had a so-called ban on "assault rifles" accepted by the Senate. The fact that Feinstein's bill violated the Constitution in no less that three major places did not phase this female gladiator one little bit. What has to be done is to train legislators in the Constitution, get them elected, and then coach them on how to counter and overturn any further encroachment of our liberties, using the Constitution as the principal weapon. For this we need a foundation similar to the Fabian Socialist Society. 


part 4

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