Sunday, February 14, 2021

Part 4 : NWO- Socialist Dictatorship...Subverting the Constitution Via the Legislative Route...Stars in the American Socialist Firmament

NWO- Socialist Dictatorship

Dr John Coleman


It was Florence Kelley (Weschenewsky) who said that the United States Constitution was to be subverted by what she called, "the legislative route" and since her pronouncement. Socialists have gone overboard in carrying out her directive. So far has this trammeling of the Constitution gone, that in 1994, there is hardly a day passes without a judge, somewhere, reading his predilections into the Constitution and making decisions that are outside of the pale and the ken of the Constitution. 

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the American Socialists groups said that the interpretive role of the judiciary was to be used to get around restrictions in the Constitution. The Socialists were also responsible for dreaming up so-called "executive orders" as a way to legislate in a direct manner where it was not possible to enact legalization sympathetic to Socialist causes. 

Although the Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution was written with the express purpose of preventing judges from making their predilections become law, by and large judges at all levels have ignored this restriction imposed upon them, and more and more, they are making laws that are clearly unconstitutional. Examples of this are so-called "gun control" laws, and restrictions on abortion protester groups. 

Kelley came into prominence when she translated into English the rabid Socialist Engels' "Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844." This was the usual Socialist attack on capitalism. Engels wrote several books, one of them a slashing attack on religion and another, "Origin of the Family" a diatribe against the sanctity of marriage. Engels toured the United States in 1884, and made no attempt to heed the warning of Edward Bellamy to avoid confrontations that projected an image of Socialism as the home of sexual deviants, revolutionaries and anarchist. Apparently Americans in the 1800s were far better informed about Socialism than are Americans of the 1990s. 

It was not by happenstance that Kelley elected to receive her Socialist education in Switzerland, the long-time home for revolutionaries, anarchists, sexual deviants. Danton and Marat came from Switzerland to start the French Revolution. Lenin spent a considerable amount of time in that country before venturing out to London. Kelley started her crusade to subvert the United States Constitution by joining the New York Nationalist Club, from where she launched her crusade to get the federal government to pass laws that would control wages and conditions in factories. 

In pursuit of this goal, Kelley either formed her own fronts or joined other already in existence, such as the National Consumers League which she tried to give Marxists overtones. Kelley called herself a "Marxist-Quaker" and she was also an American Fabian Socialist. We shall learn more about Kelley in succeeding chapters. She became a close friend of Harvard's Professor Brandeis, from whom she learned a great deal about methodology to circumvent the Constitution, by the "legislative route."

Kelley worked with great energy to prepare the way for the "Brandeis Brief that were to become the hallmark of Socialist judges. What the "Brandeis Brief was in essence a sheet or two of legal opinions attached to huge bundles of carefully-chosen Socialist propaganda on economic and social issues. Needless to say, neither Brandeis nor his fellow judges were in the least bit qualified to interpret these slanted Socialist doctrines, so they were simply accepted as fact and written into judge's rulings. Around 1915, Kelley searchers world wide to gather information favorable to Socialism, which made up the bulk of the material that comprised "Brandeis Brief court documents. It was a mammoth task, ably performed, one which was to change the way in which American jurisprudence operated. 

"Brandeis Briefs" was a great triumph for Kelley and her "legislative route" to altering and circumventing the Constitution. On the instructions of Mandel House, President Woodrow Wilson named agreed, was to ensure the support of "Progressive Republican" Brandeis for the coming involvement of the United States in WWII. It is worth restating what has already been said, "progressive," "moderate" Republicans means that the person using these labels is an out-and out ardent Socialist. 

Another milestone in the history of Socialist triumphs over the judicial system of the United States came with the New York State Lusk Laws. So-called "immigrants" from eastern Europe poured into New York in the 1800s, bringing with them combative attitudes and lots of revolutionary experience. Many of these new arrivals worked in the garment trade. It was to investigate the revolutionary anarchist behavior of this large group from East Europe, that in 1919 the New York State legislature appointed Senator Clayton R. Lusk to head a committee of enquiry. 

One of the strongest "immigrant" support centers was the Rand School. A stronghold of American Fabian Socialists, Rand provided legal support for the garment workers trade union and a whole slew of other trade unions which Rand was instrumental in founding. Rand School lecturers and instructors read like a Fabian Socialist Whose Who. Lusk descended on Rand complete with search warrants and escorted by State Troopers, confiscated records and files. 

The reaction by the Socialist legal fraternity was swift. A prominent lawyer, Samuel Untermeyer — who in 1933 declared war on Hitler — and who had great influence around White House inner circles, sought and obtained an injunction against Lusk, who was forced to return the files and records he had impounded. This was an early demonstration of the awesome power of Socialism in the United States. Nevertheless, following Sen Lusk's report, the New York legislature passed what became known as the Lusk Laws, which required all New York State schools to be licensed. The object of the exercise was to close Rand School. 

But the New York State legislators were not to be successful. In the decade 1920-1930, few were familiar with Socialism as a virulent disease that could strike when and where it chose. Prominent Socialist attorney Morris Hillquit aroused such a violent agitation against the Lusk Law among the powerful garment workers and other Socialist-dominated trade unions, that it was vetoed by Governor Al Smith. From this beginning grew a powerful political alliance that was to put Socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the White House. 

Once again, the Socialists had demonstrated that their stealthy sinister, scurrilous policy of infiltrating their chosen disciples as advisors to those in power, was the way to go. Years later it was discovered that Governor Smith a staunch Catholic, had been "advised on issues of social justice" by Father John Augustin Ryan, an avowed Socialist planted on Smith by a Socialist-dominated National Catholic Welfare Council. It was on the advice of Ryan that Smith vetoed the Lusk Law bill. 

A devout follower of Sydney Webb, Ryan went on to become known as "the padre of the New Deal." In 1939, a dinner in his honor (none of the rank and file members of the garment workers and other labor unions were invited) was attended by Justices William O. Douglas, Felix Frankfurter and Henry A Morgenthau. Rand School continued to function without interruption even though it was not licensed. 

What upset the Socialists in the 1920s when they were attempting a virtual takeover of the United States, was the fact that the Federal Government did not have absolute power. Only kings have absolute power and they issue proclamations. President Lincoln did not free the slaves in his emancipation proclamation. He knew it to be unconstitutional. "Blackstone's Commentaries With Notes" by the great constitutionalist St. George Tucker, a professor of law at the University of William and Mary who served in the American Revolution, states the position very clearly: 

"The right of issuing proclamations is one of the prerogatives of the crown of England. No such power being expressly given in the federal constitution, it was doubted, upon a particular occasion whether the president possessed any such authority under it..." The Socialists decided that in future, proclamations would be called "executive orders" but they remain legislation by fiat, forbidden by the United States Constitution. 

The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are a restriction on the Federal Government with perhaps, a small exception contained in the 5th Amendment. Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution does not permit the federal government to legislate outside of its delegated powers which are contained in the Primary powers of Congress. 

Frustrated by Bill Of Rights restrictions on federal government powers, the Socialists went on the offensive "by the legislative route." What they could not achieve through the House and Senate was achieved via the courts, which is why we have so many unconstitutional laws on the statute books. There is no doubt that had the Socialists not been blocked by the Constitution, they would have overwhelmed the country between 1920 and 1930. 

Unhappily, since the 1970s, the Congress and the president have opted to implement Social programs in greater numbers each year. One example of this is, "A Bill to Establish National Voter Registration" offered by Senator Robert Dole, the Senate minority leader. Dole's bill is 100 percent unconstitutional, and it is a sad day for the United States when we see the minority leader of the United States Senate acting in such a thoroughly irresponsible manner. The details of Dole's bill can be found in pages S5012 — D5018, Congressional Record, April 24, 1991, No. 61, Vol. 137. 

Dole's bill is wrong because it flies in the face of Article 1, Section 4, Part 1 of the United States Constitution which states: "The time, place and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the legislators thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators." The debates on this issue go back to the earliest days of our Confederated Republic. 

The words, "may" does not mean "must" or "shall." The word "manner" simply refers to the type of ballot used. The words "alter" and "regulate" does not mean control over State elections by the Federal Government which Dole should be aware of if he has read the Congressional Globes and Annals of Congress. Dole tries to get the Federal Government embroiled in matters that are reserved to the States. This is a common expedient resorted to by all Socialists. 

Wilson started the this kind of rot, and his mantle was picked up by Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson Eisenhower, Bush and now Clinton. As if in tandem, the Supreme Court has gone so far to the left that one might well wonder why it is not called the Socialist Supreme Court of the United States. One of the chief purveyors of Socialist doctrines was Justice Harlan Stone who advised Constitution butcher Roosevelt on how best to pay for Socialist programs, through Frances Perkins. 

The main conspirators working to wreck the United States Constitution at that time were undoubtedly Colonel House, Justice Brandeis, Justice Felix Frankfurter, Bernard Baruch, Florence Kelley and Sidney Hillman. The Brandeis Briefs were mainly responsible for pointing the Supreme Court in the wrong direction. As explained elsewhere, the Briefs were masses of sociological position papers highly favorable to Socialist causes, covered by the thinnest of legal opinion. Thus was "sociological law" born, which has been a curse and a baleful evil around the necks of the American people ever since it was instituted in 1915. 

Apart from the attack on the Constitution via the courts, the Socialist resorted to the strategy of sending their "advisors" to act as spokesmen for U.S. foreign policy, even though they were not representatives of the government nor elected to office by the people. Colonel House and George Maynard Keynes are two classic examples of how American Socialists flouted the Constitution with apparent impunity by exercising "spheres of influence." 

House was openly for the utter destruction of the United States Constitution and Brandeis expressed his Socialist "reforms" of the Constitution in his book, "Wealth of the Commonwealth." So that they could conspire, scheme and connive to bring down the Constitution, House lived a short two blocks away from Roosevelt and both were in hailing distance of Sir William Wiseman, British intelligence MI6 station chief for North America. 

The ACLU was the most active of all Socialist organizations in attacking the Constitution. The growth of its sinister influence can be found in the number of chapters in California alone, and the fact that it was able to challenge the McCarran Internal Security Act.


As the heading of this chapter suggests, we will name some of the brightest stars in the American Socialist constellation out of thousands upon thousands of Socialist leaders of which Socialism is comprised. Among them are found some of the most dangerous subversives ever known in the history of this country. We were always warned to look out for "Communists" in Washington, and this succeeded in taking our gaze off the real cause for concern; the Socialists. 

Socialist ranks are filled with key educators, particularly at the level of professors and college presidents. They are in the diplomatic service, in the United States State Department, in the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Justice Department overflows with those who are ready to do anything to promote Socialism. Key banking positions are filled by them, they control the money of the nation and there are thousands more in key positions in the military. Some of the most powerful international corporations act as change agents of Fabian Socialism. 

Fabian Socialists are in the communications business, occupying key posts, and likewise in the news media, print and electronic. They make public opinion to suit the events of the day, seducing the public and creating opinions which the public has been conditioned to accept as their own. In short, Socialism is so entrenched in the United States of America that it would be difficult to dislodge, unless the whole support of the whole people were first obtained. Fabian Socialists have so penetrated and permeated the Christian Church, that today, it is utterly unrecognizable from what Christ intended. Fabian Socialists are Justices on the Supreme Court, using their predilections to get around Constitutional safeguards; they are Freemasons. The police system is riddled with Socialist, mainly in the top echelon officer class. 

Perhaps the better known of Supreme Court Justices who have greatly assisted Fabian Socialists causes in the past are Justices Harlan Stone, Felix Frankfurter, William O. Douglas, Hugo Black, Louis Brandeis, Abe Fortas,  Warren Burger and Earl Warren, and we shall return to these stars in the Socialist firmament in due course. In other equally important areas, a host of professors have acted as advisors to Presidents of the United States; others have changed the American system of political economy from what the Founding Fathers intended it to be, to a Babylonian system that has illegally placed the purse strings of the nation in hands of Socialist aliens. 

A more select band of Fabian Socialists became controllers of five United States presidents; a situation which was not envisaged by the Founding Fathers, and in consequence, one which created an especially dangerous camarilla which gradually led to the highest political office in the nation becoming penetrated and permeated, with great corruption following, which we are now seeing in full measure in the Clinton Presidency. 

The one name that most readily comes to mind in this context and which typifies Socialism in America in the minds of serious researchers, is Colonel Edward Mandel House. "Colonel" was an honorary title, granted to him by "reformist" Governor Hogg as a reward for getting him elected Governor of Texas. House met Woodrow Wilson, the first openly Socialist future President of the United States in 1911. It was House who ensured Wilson got the nomination at the Democrat convention in Baltimore a scant year later. 

As mentioned elsewhere, there is a strong suspicion that House was really Huis, of Dutch descent. His father, Thomas William House was the agent for the London Rothschilds. House Sr. was the only one in Texas to come out of the Civil War with a huge fortune, thanks, some historians say, to his Rothschild and Kuhn, Loeb connections. The name "Mandel" — a distinctly Dutch name — is said to have been given to Edward, because one the Kuhn's bore the name "Mandel." 

Young Edward was sent to school in England, where he came under the influence of wealthy Liberal thinkers of the day, themselves strongly under the influence of British Fabian Society teachers. One of those who befriended young House was the Fabianist George Lansbury. Upon the death of his father, House found himself independently wealthy, which allowed him to devote his time fully to Socialist studies, particularly in "gradualism" or, "making haste slowly." 

Because of the great influence of the wealthy and the powerful in the Fabian Society circles, House learned the lessons well and went on to take over the Democrat Party in the United States from the top down. The rise of House as a key player in American affairs, was undoubtedly due to the recommendations made by the Fabian Society elite and Sir William Wiseman, British intelligence MI6 North American station chief. Throughout the Wilson presidency, Wiseman and British intelligence carefully rode herd over the president, always through the good offices of House. 

The coded communication between House and Wilson — known only to the two men — as confirmed by Professor Charles Seymour, president of Yale, was supplied courtesy of MI6. According to confidential documents I saw in several places in London, Wiseman eaves dropped constantly on House-Wilson conversations, as befitted his status as Wilson's ultimate controller. 

We know that much the same, highly successful "model" was later used by Bruce Lockhart, the British M16 agent selected by Lord Milner to be Lenin and Trotsky's controller in overseeing the Bolshevik Revolution in the interests of free trade and British banking. MI6 strategy for United States used Hegelian principles in convincing Fabian Society leaders to help to induce "free trade" with the United States, something that had been barred, first by President George Washington in July, 1789, and kept in place by Presidents Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley. 

William Jennings Bryan was at one time considered by MI6 as a possible free trade candidate, but was rejected because it was perceived that by his radical statements, the American voters would not accept him as presidential material, an assessment that proved to be highly accurate. Wiseman had given House a detailed profile of Wilson's career, first as a professor at Princeton from 1902 to 1910, and then, as Governor of New Jersey. Wiseman felt that Wilson was just the man House needed to carry out Fabian Socialist policies in the United States. With all of the background checks completed, House was instructed to meet with Wilson at the Hotel Gotham in New York, in November of 1911. 121s

From then onwards it was "all systems go" with House setting up shop in unpretentious, rented quarters in a somewhat run-down East Thirty-Fifth street location in New York City. The House "office" began to look like a command center, with a switchboard and a direct line to Sir William Wiseman, who was occupying an apartment directly above him. After Wilson was elected to the White House by a minority vote (6,286,000 as against the combined Taft Roosevelt count 7,700,000) the House-Wiseman switchboard had direct access to the new president via a coded telephone link. 

There were many prominent Socialist visitors to the House office, including Bernard Baruch, to whom MI6 gave the incriminating Peck letters — later to be used to blackmail Wilson into changing his anti WWI stance. Wiseman was a favorite of the President and became one of Wilson's "confidential" messengers between London, Paris and Washington, which to a certain extent, showed that Wilson really did not understand just how much he was under the control of agents of a foreign government. 

Wilson was chosen by MI6 to bring down United States barriers against "free trade. "His mentor, Col. House, had taught Wilson to regard trade barriers tariffs as a bar to good global business and a primary cause of prices having risen sharply alongside alleged "inflation," all just so much Socialist hot-air propaganda. House spent endless hours briefing Wilson on the inherent "evils of tariff barriers that benefited only the rich and the powerful vested interests at the cost of the working man." Then Wilson was ready to make his false claims: 

"...We were living under at a tariff which had been purposely contrived to confer private favors upon those who were co-operating to keep the party that originated it in power..." 

The Clinton administration was to use the almost identical spurious arguments to make out a case for bringing down the last of the tariff wall that had protected the young nation for so long and made its commerce and industry, its living standards, the envy of the world. Following close on the heels of Wilson's inauguration in March of 1913, the battle to topple United States trade barriers was joined. Yet, even one of Harvard's top professors in economics dismissed the presumptions that trade barriers were bad for the common people as being without substance. 

House had done his job well: It was not for nothing that his friends called him "a pronounced radical whose Socialism opened the door to Communism," this in reference to the role House played in securing the release of Trotsky after Wiseman had intervened on behalf of the pro-Bolshevik Revolution plotter, Lord Alfred Milner. House was by his own account, an ardent admirer of Karl Marx and a hater of the United States Constitution. 

One of the toughest assignments given to House by Wiseman, concerned the "neutrality" stance adopted by the Wilson administration toward the war raging in Europe. Allegedly "pacifists," the Fabian Socialists were used by MI6 to get Wilson to change his mind, via blackmail (the Peck letters) and a climate for war was created by outright lies upon lies told to the American people. In this endeavor, MI6 co-opted the services of Walter Lippmann, to whom we shall be returning. 

As WWI was ending, House was selected by his British MI6 and Fabian Socialist controller Sydney Webb to be the mouthpiece for Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference, allegedly on the basis of the masterful House report speedily produced after just two days "in seclusion" at Magnolia, his summer home in Massachusetts. But the facts spoke otherwise. What was to become known as "Wilson's Fourteen Points" which was to have established a One World Government League of Nations "to take charge of all nations and overrule their sovereignty" (including the United States) was actually a Fabian Society document first drafted in 1915 by British Socialist leader, Leonard Woolf. 

Entitled "International Government" the Fabian Society treatise was presented to the British Government for acceptance. The British Government later passed it to Wilson, who did not bother to open it before forwarding it to House in Massachusetts. This then, was the "Fourteen Points" which House was supposed to have drafted with the help of Professor David Miller. This incident points up the close, domineering relationship that existed between the British government, House and Wilson. 

Wilson presented his "Fourteen Points Plan" to the Paris Peace Conference, which promptly rejected it. A bitterly hurt Wilson returned to the United States, the long-standing friendship between House and himself beginning to come apart at the edges. It was a signal triumph for the Constitution: Neither House nor Wilson had breached it in Paris. There after, the two men drifted apart, their seemingly endearing friendship wrecked on the Constitution of the United States of America. 

In keeping with the Fabian Society's teachings, House was always a forward looker. In 1915 his attention had been drawn to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Wilson's Assistant Secretary of the Navy. House arranged through discreet circles for a copy of "Philip Dru" to find its way into the hands of the dashing Roosevelt. It is said that the book had a profound effect on the already committed Socialist Roosevelt who was destined to succeed Wilson. In 1920, House told friends, "I am certain he (Roosevelt) will be the next president of the United States." Roosevelt's record as Governor of New York and the innovative (Socialist) programs he introduced, left no one in doubt about the direction he would take America if elected to the White House. In this respect, then former Governor Clinton of Arkansas is a carbon copy of Roosevelt in Socialist methodology. 

When Roosevelt was elected the event was hailed by Socialists large and small on both sides of the Atlantic as an act of "providence." As is usually the case, such acts of "providence" do not bear close scrutiny, and this one was no exception. Once again, the astute political observations of Colonel House were about to bear fruit. Roosevelt was to launch and boost Socialism to new heights in America, a fitting successor to President Wilson. That Roosevelt owed his presidency to House was never disputed; only kept out of the public view, lest the timely act of " providence" be shown to have a human face. 

A friend of Roosevelt's mother, House was quick to notice the good Socialist legislation passed by the Governor of New York State. The friendship that developed was also partly the work of Frances Perkins. House had recommended Roosevelt to Wilson for the post of Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the Wilson administration, and handed Roosevelt the "fireside chats" radio approach to winning over the American people and coached Roosevelt on how to create unconstitutional "executive orders," i.e., proclamations which only kings and queens have the right to issue. 

House will go down in history as the man who changed the way presidents make their decisions and carry them out, by surrounding them with informal advisors, who, not being public servants, are hard to get a handle on. The informal advisor slippery Socialist system has done more damage to the nation than the people could ever begin to imagine. This aspect, more than any other of House's achievements, set him aside as the leading warrior of Socialism in the first quarter of the 20th century. 

Roosevelt was presented to the American as an affable, likable highly competent man with a "wonderful smile" etc etc. How much truth was there in this propaganda? Apparently not very much. In 1926 when House thought Roosevelt would be the next president, the man with a "wonderful smile"was not even able to earn enough to take care of his family. Roosevelt ran as a candidate for the New York Senate on a Ku Klux Klan ticket. His much publicized "polio" was actually encephalomyelitis, which fact was hidden from the public. Propaganda specialists turned his "infantile paralysis" into a plus by portraying Roosevelt as a man of high courage, determined not to let "polio" stop his career. The only problem? It was all completely false. 

Perhaps nothing is quite so much identified with Roosevelt as the "New Deal" and Harry Hopkins. The "New Deal" Socialist program was cleverly couched as a "relief program for workers who were stricken by the Depression. In fact, the "New Deal" was the book "A New Deal," written by Stuart Chase, a British Fabian Society member which did not attract much attention, although Florence Kelley who liked Chase and his Socialist ideals, rated it as an important work. 

Chase proposed that three major steps be taken by Socialists in America: 

1. To obviate accidental inflation and deflation, the dollar was to be "managed," 

2. The national income to be forced-redistributed through increased income and inheritance taxes, 

3. A vast public works program was to be instituted, particularly in electrification works (based on the Soviet model) and large scale housing projects. 

Roosevelt adopted the project in-toto and it became the "New Deal" which was adopted as the Democrat election plank in 1932. The "New Deal" was couched in obfuscation, and a panic-stricken public, seeing in it their salvation, gave the Democrats an overwhelming election victory in 1932. 

Roosevelt soon became vulnerable to such unelected advisors as the Rockefellers whose malodorous presence was usually concealed by the likes of Drew Pearson and Walter Winchell among others. Later, when the Rockefellers became bolder, Roosevelt appointed Nelson Rockefeller as Coordinator of Inter American Affairs. During his time in office, Nelson squandered more than $6 million of the taxpayers money on what were strictly, Rockefeller enterprises in Latin America. 

When Roosevelt went to the White House, he took a whole panoply of unappointed advisors with him, including more professors than Wilson had surrounded himself with. The rationale behind this was that the American public was less likely to suspect "Socialists" lurking behind academic facades than appointed officials, and this proved to be the case during Roosevelt's earlier years in office. With this purpose in mind, and bearing in mind that long-range planning was a key element among the Fabian Socialists, Harold Stassen was planted on the University of Pennsylvania, Edward Stettinus on the University of Virginia and General Dwight Eisenhower was planted on Columbia University. 

Secret "advisors" were also responsible for getting Roosevelt to retrieve  Standard oil property taken over by the Japanese using American troops for this purpose, the so-called Stimson doctrine. This doctrine was repeated by President George Bush in the Gulf War which was fought to retrieve British Petroleum oil property seized by Iraq. The way that Alger Hiss was introduced into the Roosevelt administration is classic Fabian Socialist text-book material. In 1936, Hiss was invited to serve in the State Department by Professor Francis Sayre, Wilson's son in law. Sayre had long been recognized as a valuable Socialist property. 

Sayre assisted in the preparation of legal documents for the defense of Sacco and Vanzetti two notorious Socialists accused of murder. Working with Sayer were Professor Arthur M. Schlesinger, Professor Felix J. Frankfurter, Roscoe Pound, Dean of the Harvard Law School and Louis Brandeis. Arthur Schlesinger Jr., was educated at Cambridge University in 1938, where he was very warmly welcomed with open arms by the Fabian Society. This was at the time when all efforts by law enforcement agencies and the Congress to arrest and deport a wave of anarchists who had come to the United States in the 1890s was mockingly called "overreaction to the Red scare." 

Sayre was one of those who defended Hiss, long after it was apparent that Hiss was deeply involved in espionage against his country. When Adolph Berle of the State Department tried to warn Roosevelt about Hiss' activities, he was brusquely told to mind his own business. Likewise, Roosevelt refused to listen to intelligence reports about the activities of Owen Lattimore, and insisted on appointing him as his personal advisor to Chiang Kai Shek, which left Lattimore in the enviable position of easily betraying the Nationalists to the Communists. The Chinese Nationalist forces were further betrayed by Roosevelt appointee Lauchlin Currie, who ordered Army supplies intended for the Chiang Kai Shek's Nationalist forces dumped into the Indian Ocean. 

Harry Hopkins became to Roosevelt what Edward Mandel House had been to Wilson. A protege of Frances Perkins, Hopkins began his career as a social worker, who got close to Roosevelt through his wife, Eleanor, and is wrongly credited with the New Deal slogan, "tax and spend, tax and spend." Hopkins came into his own in the Depression as Roosevelt's nominee for handing out so-called "federal" relief, i.e. welfare. A scarecrow of a man who clothes hung on him, and totally lacking in social graces, Hopkins would have looked sadly out of place in a room with John Maynard Keynes. What Hopkins knew about was corn. His greatest asset was selecting people with "clout" and insinuating himself into their circles. 

It was this talent that made Roosevelt put Hopkins in charge of the 1940 Democrat Convention. Hopkins, despite his unlucky appearance, was able to rack up the support of the most powerful politicians of the day. Roosevelt is known to have personally approved an article by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. printed in the "Partisan Review" in which Schlesinger attacked those who were investigating the true causes of the Civil War. This should not surprise the well informed. As previously mentioned, Communism and Socialism were much more prevalent in the run up to that war, and more so during and immediately after the Civil War, than orthodox history allowed. This fact was deemed undesirable by Schlesinger and his fellow Socialists, who wanted the public to believe the established historian's account of the causes of the war — which, without exception — did not mention the part played by Communism and Socialism. 

It was Arthur J. Schlesinger Jr., who called anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti "two obscure immigrants about whom nobody cared." Arthur Schlesinger Jr., did extensive work for the ACLU on behalf of these two anarchists. Schlesinger went on to write scores of articles for the "Fabian News" in which he pushed Socialists ideas. In one such article published in the "Fabian International Review," Schlesinger quite openly said that it was the intention of the American Socialists to gain outright control of the military and foreign policies of the United States. 

The judges who twisted and squeezed the constitution to make their predilections fit the goals desired by Socialists, and who found their schemes blocked by the immutable Constitution are the brightest stars in the Socialist firmament, for without their willingness to corrupt themselves and defile their oath of office, none of the far reaching "popular" Socialist "reforms" that were so important in changing the course and direction of the mighty United States, would have been successful. 

The process of electing good, robust Fabian Socialist judges to the United States Supreme Court really began with the Wilson administration and the appointment of Justice Louis D. Brandeis as one of the most important Fabian Socialist properties. As an examination of the record of Brandeis reveals, the Fabian Socialist hierarchy at home and abroad, chose wisely. Brandeis did more to undermine the Constitution and steer difficult Socialist legislation around and past it, than even Florence Kelley could have hoped for. 

Professor Louis Dembitz Brandeis (1856-1941) fitted perfectly the Socialist idea of a Justice who would look favorably upon a "new constitution" as spelled out by Edward Bellamy. It was Bellamy who proposed a "new declaration of independence" based upon an evolutionary interpretation of the Constitution of the United States with a Judiciary that would institute "sweeping changes" and bring an end to the roadblock of separation of powers of the three branches of government. Bellamy called the Constitution, one devised by the well meaning, but sadly outdated Founding Fathers. 

President Wilson himself was greatly in favor of wrecking the Constitution of the United States which he had faithfully sworn to uphold, and in Brandeis he found a kindred spirit. Brandeis had sat at the feet of the Fabian Society philosopher, John Atkins Hobson, believed to be the originators of the "Brandeis Brief," although Kelley always claimed the credit. Hopkins certainly originated the future strategy of surrounding incoming Presidents of the United States with  Socialist professor advisors, a strategy that has worked remarkably well in the Socialist war on the Constitution, initiated by Felix Frankfurter, Louis Brandeis, Harold Laski and John Maynard Keynes. These four Fabian Socialists changed the course and direction of the United States to the total detriment of We, the People, in a manner far beyond what Hitler, Stalin and Ho Chi Minh could ever have achieved. 

Early in his legal career, Brandeis teamed up with the formidable Florence Kelley, without whose help he would not have been able to make use of a stratagem dreamed up in the think tanks of the London Fabian Society and perfected by British Socialist Hobson, that later bore the title of "Brandies Briefs." Kelley, with her devotion to the Socialist cause of getting around the Constitution by what she called "the legislative route" midwifed the new-born "Brandeis Brief baby, that was to almost make her dream of ushering in total Socialist control of the United States became a reality. 

Brandeis had a niece by the name of Josephine Goldmark who was Kelley's biographer and she explained how the Brief was prepared in 1907. It was not a complicated process, but one that took a great deal of time and energy to complete. All manner of sociological datas were assembled and appended to a one and a halfs page of legal argument. As the British Army drill sergeants used to say, "bullshit baffles brains" and that is exactly what the Brandeis Briefs did when presented to the Supreme Court in 1909. 

Another notorious Socialist, Felix Frankfurter, called the new scheme, "the most majestic concept in our whole constitutional system" which allowed justices to read their own predilections into the Constitution in cases before them, that is predilections forbidden by the 9th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Nevertheless, this method became standard practice, which helps to explain why so many Supreme Court decisions have been in so many instances, unadulterated "B... S..." 

Frankfurter attended the Paris Peace Conference, but left for home when he realized that the New World Order was not going to be ushered in there and then. A compatriot in conspiracies of the Socialist kind with Professor Harold Laski, Frankfurter would bide his time in true Fabian Socialist manner, and strike hard when the time came. Of all the American Socialists who admired Graham Wallas, the British Fabian Socialist professor at the London School of Economics, Frankfurter stood at the head of the line. 

The failure of the New World Order to materialize at the Paris Peace Conference was largely due to the American public, who were disgusted with the rash of radicals who had appeared with the coming of the Wilson administration. The American people must be credited with having had a good deal of common sense in those days. That is not to say than things are so different now. But we must take into account the makeup of the population at that time, largely of Western European origin, united by the English language, the Christian religion and their understanding of the American Revolution and its far-reaching consequences of national unity, which has been completely adulterated by Socialist policies. 

Moreover, in 1919 there was no unlimited use of opinion polls, to make up people' s minds for them. What we have in the America of the 1990s is a totally different picture: a drastic change in the population makeup from overwhelmingly Western European Christian to a hodgepodge of every race on earth, Chinese, Indian Asians, Vietnamese, Eastern Europeans, Hispanics etc, in which the White Christian race is fast being submerged. In 1919 a unified people were demanding action against the subversive elements rearing their ugly heads across the American landscape, and they got it in 1919-1920, when Attorney General Mitchell Palmer ordered a series of raids to stamp out centers of sedition. 

Brandeis immediately showed that his sympathies lay with the Socialists who were trying to overturn the United States Constitution, by joining a brief filed by Frankfurter and Walter Lippmann which sought an injunction against searches of the hundreds of Socialist subversive centers. The police officers conducting the raids were verbally abused by Lippmann, who appeared at the scene of some of the raids, with a whole pack of Socialist writers. 

Not that Brandeis had an easy ride through the Senate confirmation process. Inasmuch that the senators in 1915 knew a great deal more about the United States Constitution than they do today, Wilson's choice for the Supreme Court was hotly contested, but to no avail. The Democrat Party majority saw to it that this dangerous, passionate revolutionary was appointed. The damage done to the United States Constitution by this ardent, passionate Socialist is still being tallied. Neither Hitler nor Stalin could ever have caused so much havoc. 

Brandeis was one of the first Justices to become involved in New Deal politics. His friend Florence Kelley gave him a copy of a book by Stuart Chase, simply entitled "A New Deal" which Chase thought would be good for the future of British and American Socialism's plans, a view with which Sydney Webb and the hierarchy of the Fabian Society concurred. On the urging of Brandeis and Kelley, "A New Deal" quickly replaced the 1932 Democrat platform, and in 1933, became Franklin D. Roosevelt's "New Deal." 

It is interesting to note the views of Chase, who was not averse to violent anarchy and Socialist revolutionary action: 

"It (revolution) may one day be necessary. I am not seriously alarmed by the sufferings of the creditor class, the trouble the church is bound to encounter, the restrictions of certain kinds of freedom which may result, nor even by the bloodshed of the transition period. A better economic order is worth a little bloodshed..." 

But Stuart Chase relented in the end when he saw that the American people  could not, would not, be duped into taking part in a Bolshevik-style revolution, supposedly for their own good. Instead, he advocated a collective-style government through national control by a central government, along the lines of Webb's "Labour and the New Social Order." Chase was a mild-mannered, yet very dangerous radical, whose ideas are in the main largely incorporated in the structure of a One World Government-New World Order now being ushered in. 

The organizations and personalities who paid for and sponsored Chase's book were loosely connected to Moscow's ex-officio ambassador Ludwig Martens. Maartens was very close to the far Left Socialist magazine, "the Nation," and Edward A. Filene, who reportedly met the cost of printing the book in the United States through the Twentieth Century Fund, a Fabian Socialist financial angel. Chase was very friendly with both Kelley and Brandeis, and once described the Bolshevik Revolution as having been "absolutely necessary." When Franklin Delano Roosevelt stepped into the White House "A New Deal" became the "New Deal," one of the most far-reaching piece of Fabian Socialist legislation ever to darken the pages of American history. 

Roosevelt's pathway to the White House was considerably smoothed by Felix Frankfurter. Bom in Vienna, Austria, this almost dwarf-like, dome-head child was brought to the United States at the age of twelve. Frankfurter used his obvious intelligence to champion every Socialist cause that was at variance with the Founding Father's concept of the United States. One of the avenues of approach to Socializing the United States was through the American Civil Liberties Union, (ACLU) of which Frankfurter, Rose Schneiderman and Roger Baldwin were founders, and which was established for the sole purpose of making mischievous use of the Constitution to defend Socialist enemies of the Constitution. 

The ACLU was founded with the avowed intention of "twisting and squeezing" the Constitution to protect the enemies of the United States bent upon its destruction. There can be no questioning the truth that the perverted practice of using the Constitution for the benefit of the enemies of the Republic came out of the domed head of Frankfurter. Out of the mind of this "Gnome of the Courts" was born the belief, propagated by the likes of Lippmann, Schlesinger and a host of Harvard law professors, that it was somehow unpatriotic to defend the United States against its avowed Socialist enemies, of which Frankfurter stood at the head. 

Leader of the Socialist enemies of the United States as he was, Frankfurter thought it was publicly acceptable to protect the anointed one who would soon be in the White House. At the instigation of the Fabian Society, Frankfurter set up a think tank of noted Socialists to advise and help Roosevelt over difficult bumps and humps in the Socialist road to the White House. Arising for his concerns that "New Deal Roosevelt" do the right things at the right time, Frankfurter met with Roosevelt in a private meeting immediately after Roosevelt's inauguration ceremony.

In this endeavor, Frankfurter was greatly assisted by Harold Ickes who put together a large band of spies to cover Washington and other large metropolitan centers. This group became known as "Harold's Gestapo" though "Cheka" would have been more appropriate, since they were able to exert tremendous pressure on local and State officials to vote for Roosevelt. Ickes remained a close confidant of Roosevelt and was responsible for breaking the unwritten law established by President George Washington that presidents were to serve only two terms. 

Also in attendance was Fabian Socialist Fred C. Howe, whose name was later to become a household word in Socialist circles on both sides of the Atlantic. Together, they chose the personnel who were to occupy key positions in the Roosevelt administration, especially in the State Department. This set a pattern which was to become a part of the scenery, whether a Republican or Democrat sat in the Oval Office. For instance, in the Reagan administration, 3,000 key positions were filled by Heritage Foundation nominees. Ostensibly a "conservative" think tank, the Heritage Foundation was run from behind the scenes by Sir Peter Vickers Hall, a leading member of the Fabian Society and a committed Socialist. 

Although Cordell Hull was the nominal Secretary of State in the Roosevelt administration, it was "Felix and his boys," among them the traitor Alger Hiss, who were in command, a situation which Hull tolerated for 12 years. As Frankfurter was to admit in later years, his idea came from the British Privy Council system of advisers to the prime minister of England. In any event, two years after Roosevelt had entered the Oval Office, Ickes, Wallace, Hopkins and Frankfurter were the string pullers who acted from behind the Rand School of Social Sciences, the very one the New York authorities had tried to put out of business as a center of Socialist and Communist subversion against the United States. 

Frankfurter, a leader in the field of Socializing the United States, proved his worth by getting public service utilities into the hands of municipalities which led up to the Tennessee Valley Authority Project (TVA). Passed off as an anti-depression move, the TVA was in reality one of the first advances toward socializing projects of this magnitude — a huge victory for American Socialists and their British controllers. As Mark Starr wrote: "As Socialism collectivism, public ownership and control becomes necessary in the United States, they will be adopted in specific instances and cases. It may be called by some other name, but, as in the case of the Tennessee Valley Authority, public ownership will be applied..." 

Frankfurter continued to encourage leftwing penetration of government and one of the several front organizations he sponsored was the World Youth Congress Movement. A number of individuals associated with this Fabian Socialist enterprise were described as dangerous Communist subversives by a Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security. But perhaps his most damaging blow was his support of his protege and life-long friend, Dean Acheson, whom he insinuated into Johnson's inner circle of advisors.

The Dies Committee investigating Communism in the United States said that Professor Harold Laski, John Maynard Keynes and Felix Frankfurter were the entente terrible of American Socialism, an idea that was scoffed at by Roosevelt when it was drawn to his attention. But there could be no doubting that the legal language for all New Deal legislation was drafted by Frankfurter. It should not be over looked that it was Frankfurter who recommended Dean Acheson, and Oliver Wendell Holmes to serve Roosevelt, and two more treasonous subversives would have been impossible to find, the one serving in the State Department, the other on the Supreme Court.

More than any other single Socialist, past or present, whether in England or the United States, there is general agreement that the greatest of them all in preparing the way for Socializing America was undoubtedly the dome-headed near-dwarf, Felix Frankfurter. Of him it can be said that he did his utmost to break down the protective tariffs erected by Washington, guide the Federal Reserve into position and push Wilson into committing to England's WWI. 

A close associate of Walter Lippmann, Paul Warburg, Thomas W. Lamont and the key Socialist leaders of the day, Frankfurter was well placed to work his appalling treason against the United States which had given him and his family sanctuary when they were virtually forced out of Europe. If ever there was a prime candidate to fit the saying, "he bit the hand that fed him," that candidate was Justice Felix Frankfurter, who almost single-handedly, perverted the Constitution and got close to rendering that great document a blank piece of paper. 

Frankfurter wrote the majority of Roosevelt's "fireside chats" radio broadcasts, one of the most successful tools for penetration and permeation ever devised. He had a hand in Roosevelt's decision to send Harry L. Hopkins to England to lay the groundwork for the greatest heist on earth: the so-called Lend-Lease Act. But probably the most tremendous damage that Frankfurter was to do was his gradual (in true Fabian style) intrusion of the Court into the legislative branch of government, thus beginning the insidious practice of the gradual diminution of the powers of the Congress and increasing those of the Supreme Court and the President. Frankfurter was the man who almost made Professor Laski's dream of breaching and destroying the separation of powers come true. 

That this was 100 percent unconstitutional did not seem to bother the little gnome of the Court. Thus, thanks to the treachery and sedition of Frankfurter, which he carried on throughout his life, the British Fabian Society was at last beginning to see some light in the dark tunnel they were constructing under the walls of the separation of powers, identified by Laski as the most serious obstacle to Socialism's progress in the United States. Frankfurter maintained close contact with the wrecker of Western economies, John Maynard Keynes, and arranged for publication of "The Economic Consequences of Peace" in which Keynes predicted that capitalism in Europe was dying. 

While Frankfurter wrote vigorous papers dissenting and decrying law enforcement raids by Attorney General Mitchell Palmer that began to take place on seditious movements in the United States, it was Lippmann who did the "on location" attacks. Lippmann was a leading member of the Roosevelt "brain trust" group that pelted the President with Socialist proposals. Congressman McFadden accused Frankfurter of being one of the original formulators of the National Industrial Recovery Act. McFadden stated, "it required 15 years of hard effort on the part of Mr. Baruch and his associates (one of them being Frankfurter) to foist this act upon the American people, and it was only through the sufferings over a period of great stress that he was enabled to do it..." 

"...However, Baruch, Johnson, Tugwell, Frankfurter et. al. seem to be the most brazen in their efforts (in behalf of Socialism) in this country. Frankfurter has been furnishing most of the legal brains for the outfit...they have sought to compel, browbeat and bulldoze the business interests of this country to engage in private contract so that they would have the power to require business interests of the Nation to do their wishes regardless of the Constitution. The 'new deal' lawyers have no hesitation in appearing in court and asserting that private citizens can contract away their Constitutional rights. It has been through this method that they have broken down State lines..." 

It is a well-known fact that Frankfurter virtually assumed the position of employment agency for the Roosevelt administration. Among the most dangerous of the Socialists recommended to Roosevelt by Frankfurter were the notorious Rexford Tugwell, and Governor Al Smith of New York. 

Frankfurter's close ties to Harold Laski was the subject of intense interest in Socialist circles in London and Washington. Laski was a regular house guest at the Boston and Washington homes of Frankfurter. As fellow Socialists, the men had a profound effect on each other and both worked tirelessly to weaken the separation of powers mandated by the Constitution. Their letters to each other were addressed, "Dearest Felix" and "Dearest Harold." Being at the very heart of Fabian Socialism in London, Laski was able to keep his "dearest Felix" fully posted about the latest Socialist thinking, which Frankfurter then conveyed to Roosevelt, whose door was always open to him. The two "privy counselors" became the most influential shapers of Roosevelt's Socialist policies during his three terms in office. 

The deciding factor in the United Nations Treaty came from Frankfurter, Laski and Keynes, although drafted by others, and it represented another brick removed from the wall separating constitutional powers. Historians of the period 1942-1946 say that the United Nations treaty was the first of many big moves into the legislature by the executive, a shocking trend that continues to grow by leaps and bounds with Clinton's Presidency. Keynes visited Roosevelt in 1934 and laid out his now thoroughly well debunked "multiplier," which supposed that every dollar spent by the Federal Government on relief was a dollar handed to the retailers, the butcher, the baker, the farmer and the candlestick maker-which is not the way it worked in practice. 

"Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all other hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."...John Maynard Keynes. 

Although credit is given to Keynes as the originator of the "multiplier" theory, it belonged to one of his students, R.F. Kahn who invented it while a student at Kings College. In the summer of 1934, the Fabian Socialists decided to move their "economic genius" Keynes, to the United States. His book, "The General Theory of Money" had been read by Roosevelt, but not understood as Roosevelt confessed to Frances Perkins, who was responsible for the introduction of the two men: "I didn't understand his whole rigmarole of figures," Roosevelt confided in Perkins. Spending the country out of a recession was the underlying theory behind the Keynesian economic philosophy, which might account for his popularity with successive Socialist governments in England and the Democrat Party of the United States. 

Keynes was looked upon with awe, and something akin to the respect one would afford a Mystic whose prognostications about the future were always right. Yet the truth is, Keynes, if the bedazzled would only have investigated his claims, was wrong at least 85 percent of the time. Keynes had the manner of an English gentleman in bearing, dress and speech. It is said that he was able to charm any woman into bed with him, if he so chose. Perhaps it was his education at Eton and tenure at Kings College, Cambridge that had imbued him with the mannerism that both sexes found so appealing. 

Keynes got his alchemist-like secret that would make paper money multiply itself endlessly, from R.F. Kahn; had it been left with Kahn, nobody would have given it the slightest credence. But in the hands of an immaculately tailored, tall and handsome Cambridge Don, with an amazing knowledge of art, food and wine, the "multiplier" nostrum became big news. Even so, one wonders how, in spite of the special tutoring he received from Professors Marshall and Pigou, Keynes could only make 12th position-near the bottom of his small economics class. In 1911 Keynes became the editor of the "Economic Journal" and Secretary of the Fabian Society's "Royal Economic Society" one year later. When I think of Keynes I cannot help but think of the earthy, sage, homespun philosophy of my British regular army drill sergeant, which is well worth repeating: "Bullshit Baffles Brains." 

That is really the essence of Keynesian economics: money would simply multiply itself into infinity, like some kind of a chain letter promise of a huge  reward for little effort. To those few who queried what would happen at the end of the chain letter line, Keynes snapped, "we all have to die some day." Incredible as it may seem in retrospect, this is the Keynes "economic system," in reality just so much gibberish, that was accepted by international bankers and leading politicians of the Western world. 

Was Keynes a kind of a Nostradamus, a Gregory Rasputin, or was he truly sincere about his economic principles? Could it have been that, added to what he had been endowed with by nature, his father, Neville Keynes, a Cambridge professor whose forte was to level constant attacks on the free enterprise system, also contributed to his son's stunning success that left John Maynard Keynes a millionaire, with a seat in the House of Lords? 

John Maynard Keynes began his career as a civil servant, in the manner of Sydney Webb, but while the great Lord Bertrand Russell often sneeringly referred to Webb as a "clerk in the Colonial Office," he never applied this remark to Keynes. Perhaps this was because Keynes was in Russell's charmed circle at college, which proves that Socialists are just as class-conscience and snobbish as any other group. 

From his early beginnings with George Bernard Shaw and the Fabian Socialists, Keynes was well thought of, especially since he was the one who "called the moral bluff of capitalism" according to Sydney and Beatrice Webb, the founders of Fabian Socialism. Although a member of the Liberal Party, Keynes enjoyed enormous respect from the Conservative Party and the Labour Party as one who could look into the future, financially speaking. "A real oracle reader" as the "Fabian News" wrote. Perhaps his "oracle-reading ability" is what caused Keynes to push for the founding of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in which he played a big role. 

Like so many of the One World Government (OWG) institutions, the IMF was simply a vehicle for draining money from the American economy and farming it out to countries that had excellent natural resources as collateral. What the unwary governments did not know, and indeed, had no way of knowing, was that the IMF would not only abscond with their natural resources, but also control and then destroy their national sovereignty. Rhodesia, the Philippines, Angola, Brazil are good examples of what happens when the IMF is let in. 

By 1919, Keynes had charmed his way into the confidence of Colonel Mandel House, General Pershing and Walter Lippmann. Keynes expressed himself forcefully, declaring that "capitalism in Europe is dead." These contacts were to earn him a position of some importance with House, and later, with Harry Hopkins, an alliance that led to the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations, (CFR) first known as the Institute of International Affairs, in reality, a branch of the Fabian Society. According to the Congressional Record, House, October 12, 1932 page 22120, Keynes presented his book "The Economic Consequences of  Peace" in the United States as a destabilizing effort and to popularize Marxist economic theories. 

Roosevelt received the Keynesian ideas with enthusiasm, as they gave him a leg to stand on when it came to getting $4 billion from Congress for so-called "public works" projects — in reality make work jobs that did not "multiply" federal dollars as Keynes had promised. Keynes developed a friendship with Henry Cantwell Wallace, both men favoring the elimination of the gold content of the dollar and a "managed currency. " Keynes continued to make a big impression at Harvard, where he was frequently in the company of Frankfurter and Laski. While Frankfurter provided the legalese for the Socialist New Deal, Keynes provided its economic basis, as usual, a total pipe dream, which when taken to its conclusion would wreck the economy of any nation. [and the assholes in Washington have still not comes to terms with this truth DC]

The "English Socialists" like the soothsayer-charlatans of the Pharaonic priesthood, had indeed spun a web of their Mysteries around President Roosevelt who remained in their thrall until his death. If one were to search for the High Priest of the New Deal era, surely John Maynard Keynes would be the natural choice. His ability with the English language was remarkable in that he could make even the very elect believe that two and two made five. 

The arrival of Keynes on the Washington scene was preceded by a full-page advertisement in The New York Times of December 31, 1933, which took the form of an open letter to President Roosevelt, filled with ideas totally foreign to American economists. Nevertheless, the Madison Avenue propaganda did the trick and is likely what paved the way for his 1934 visit to the United States. The long friendship with Lippmann and other leading Socialists stars in the firmament of the United States, opened all doors for Keynes. 

Although Roosevelt did not understand the implications of what he was doing, on the advice of Keynes, his administration decided to take the United States off the gold standard in conformity with a similar action taken by the British Government. Keynes "multiplier" theory was adopted by Roosevelt, after Keynes told him not to be concerned by "that crude economic fallacy known as the quantity theory of money." This was music to the ears of the New Dealers, who felt they had been given the green light by the greatest economist in the world to embark on a reckless program of spend and spend, as if there were no accountability on the morrow. 

Thus it was that with the 1936 publication of "General Theory of Employment" Keynes sought to ensure continued government spending based upon the belief that government is responsible for full employment and if that is not forthcoming, then welfare must take up the slack. Keynes was the chief advocate of deficit spending and Roosevelt was happy to oblige him. But for all that, Roosevelt was unable to spend his way out of the depression. 

As for the great American public, all this was way over their heads. "Leave it to the experts" the media chorused, "it is too complicated for us." And that is exactly how the Socialists got away with the great fraud of deficit spending based on the bogus "multiplier" that never did work. The inestimable damage done to the United States by this Fabian Socialist economic leader is still being measured. "People are known by the company they keep " is an old, true and tried maximum. Among his friends Keynes numbered some of the worst traitors in the history of the Nation; Lauchlin Currie, Felix Frankfurter, Walter Lippmann, Bernard Baruch, Colonel House, Dean Acheson, Walt Whitman Rostow, Frances Perkins, Abe Fortiss, Eleanor Roosevelt, whose evil deeds are as numerous as the stars in the night sky, too numerous to be fully covered by this work. 

The great Congressman Louis T. McFadden made short shrift of Keynesian economics when he had Marriner Eccles, chairman of the Federal Reserve testify before the House Banking Committee of which he was the chairman. 

McFadden, a longtime opponent of Fabian Socialism attacked Frankfurter and Keynes for their connections, particularly through the Foreign Policy Association of New York, noting that Paul M. Warburg was one of its founders. He also correctly chastised Henry A. Wallas, appointed by Roosevelt as his Secretary of Agriculture on the recommendation of Frances Perkins as belonging to the seditious Freedom Planning Group, the Fabian Socialist sponsor of the New York Foreign Policy Association. McFadden correctly identified Moses Israel Sieff with the group, quoting Sieff's advice, "Let us go slowly for awhile and wait and see how our plan carries out in America." Sieff ran the British Marks and Spencer chain stores and was a multi-millionaire Socialist. 

The "our" plan which Sieff referred to was one drafted by the Fabian Socialists in London that would place all land and agriculture under government control, which Professor Rexford Tugwell had previously advocated. Tugwell was the third member of the "terrible threesome" of Stuart Chase and Raymond Moley, teaching at the notorious, seditious, Rand School of Social Science. All three were confidants of Henry Wallace, who with the help of Tugwell, wrecked the thriving agricultural industry just coming into its own in 1936, by a policy of plowing under crops and killing farm livestock. 

Tugwell was an ardent admirer of the Bolshevik Revolution, which he said was "having fun remaking the world." Trained at Columbia University, Tugwell was the first Socialists to apply Fabian Socialist theories to government practice. Tugwell had a finger in every New Deal pie baked by the Roosevelt administration. One of his major undertakings was to gut tariff protection against imported goods. 

The New Deal plan had been enthusiastically received by Roosevelt, who said, " If we look at this thing from the broad national viewpoint, we are going to make it a national policy if it takes 50 years... The time is now ripe, overripe, for planning to prevent in the future the errors of the past and to carry out our social (Socialist) and economic views to the Nation." 

One of those who was pleased to follow this injunction was Arthur Schlesinger Jr., whose wide range of Socialist activities, which included managing Adlai Simpson, first national chairman of Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) one of the deepest Socialist anarchistic, seditious, subversive organizations in the United States, for whom he wrote most of their propaganda material. It was Schlesinger who was responsible for putting John F. Kennedy over as a Socialist candidate, no mean feat, as it meant convincing pure Socialist ADA members to vote for one who typified everything they opposed. 

A star performer in "penetrate and permeate," Schlesinger's role in secretly subverting Lyndon Johnson and getting him to promote ADA causes in the 1950s was a big feather in his cap. The whole story of how Schlesinger kept key ADA members from bolting after Kennedy announced that Johnson would be his running mate at the Democratic Convention in 1960, would fill a book. One can imagine the consternation of leading ADA Socialist David Dubinsky, on being told that Johnson, whom he had hated all of his political life, was to be Kennedy's running mate. 

Had Schlesinger not succeeded, it is very likely that Johnson would have rejected Kennedy's offer. As it was, it was touch and go, as Johnson preferred the Senate majority leader post. Apparently, it was only after Schlesinger revealed to Dubinsky how he had. made a closet Socialist out of Johnson in the 1950s, that Dubinsky rallied ADA support for the nomination. Schlesinger's successes continued over into the Johnson presidency, even though he was not in Johnson's "upper level cabinet" (unappointed advisors — privy counselors). Arthur Schlesinger was one of the most dangerous unseen enemies this country has ever had. 

Dean Acheson personified the underhand, penetration and permeation standard seditious practice of a well-trained Socialist. Acheson came from the Committee of 300 law firm of Covington, Burling and Rublee, who serve as lawyers for the great Committee of 300 accountants, Price, Waterhouse. He was also in the inner circle of J.P. Morgan, Andrew Mellon, Tommy Lamont (the man who pressed for American recognition of the bloody butchers Bolshevik regime), the Kuhn Loeb family and Felix Frankfurter. Acheson was your typical well-connected Socialist, seditious Wall Street lawyer, who went on to become Under Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of State under President Roosevelt.

It was Frankfurter who recommended Dean Acheson for a position in the United States State Department. Among Acheson's more public acts of betrayal and sedition against his country in the service of Socialism, was his fierce struggle to get all possible assistance for the Bolshevik regime at a time when the White Russian Armies were defeating and putting to flight the Bolshevik Red Army, which is fully described in my book, "Diplomacy By Deception." In WWII, Acheson urged that no action be taken against Stalin for occupying the Baltic States. His betrayal of Nationalist China is already well known and need  not be recounted here. To top off his career off treason and sedition, Acheson's support for the North Korean and Chinese forces during the Korean War was an open act of treason. But instead of being arrested, charged with treason and hanged, the highest honors were heaped upon him. 

Dean Acheson's compatriots in Socialist crimes were Dean Rusk and Walt Whitman Rostow, who learned their Socialism as Rhodes Scholars at Oxford, the "finishing school" for future world Socialist leaders. Rusk was the opposite of Keynes in appearance, round faced, plump and balding, he looked more like some low-level functionary in the Bolshevik regime than Secretary of State in the Kennedy/Johnson administrations. Yet, his appearance belied his vicious Socialist character and his unstinting efforts on behalf of Red China and Stalin through the Institute for Pacific Relations (IPR), and directly, through a large number of State Department agencies. 

It was Rusk who set up the "private sanctuary" staging area for Red Chinese troops in Manchuria, in collusion with the British government. General Douglas MacArthur was forbidden to attack the sanctuary, where Chinese troops were massing, prior to crossing the Yalu River to attack the American forces. When MacArthur submitted a plan worked out by his staff and U.S. Air Force General George E. Stratemeyer, that would have destroyed China's fighting abilities and set them back for decades, it was the signal for Rusk to hastily summon President Truman to attend a conference at Blair House in Washington, D.C. 

November 6, 1950, the Chinese forces were advancing rapidly across the Yalu. Stratemeyer's planes were bombed up and ready to go. But back in Washington, Rusk told Truman that he could not give the order for MacArthur to strike the Red Chinese troops. According to documents I saw, Rusk said, "we have a commitment with the British not to take any action which might involve attacks on the Manchurian side of the river against the Chinese WITHOUT CONSULTING WITH THEM." Rusk had also called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council, ostensibly to get a U.N. resolution ordering China to pull its troops back. In reality, this was a treacherous, treasonous ploy by Rusk to give the Red Chinese troops time to cross the Yalu River, while holding up crucial attacks planned by MacArthur. If ever there was a seditionist, a traitor, a man who had no compunction in betraying his country, that man was Socialist Dean Rusk. 

The third partner in this trio of seditionists was Walt Whitman Rostow, who once said: "It is a legitimate American national objective to see an end of nationhood as it has been historically defined." (Rostow, "The United States in the World Arena.") In spite of having been declared a grave security risk by the State Department Intelligence Agency and the Air Force Intelligence Agency, Rostow remained in a most powerful position as the unelected representative of American Socialists, with an open door to Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. Rostow had  been stationed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by the Committee of 300, from where he plotted and planed strategy that he believed would bring about "the end of nationhood" for the United States. 

That this monstrous traitor had a free rein in Washington, should forever silence those who believe that Socialism is merely a benevolent institution to help the needy, the unemployed and the poor. In December of 1960, Rostow flew to Moscow to see Vasily Kuznetsov, the USSR's deputy foreign minister. Kuznetsov had been complaining to Acheson and Rusk that the United States was building a first strike capability, pointed at his country. 

Rostow told him not to worry, the situation would be corrected. And it was. Thanks to the intervention of Robert Strange McNamara, then Secretary of Defense, almost the entire Skybolt, Pluto, X-20 Dynasoar, Bomarc-A, Nike Zeus missiles defense system and the B-70 nuclear bomber production was drastically cut back or eliminated. There was no corresponding decrease on the Russian side. Apart from anything else, McNamara's treachery cost the United States $5.4 billion. A higher degree of treason would be hard to find, and in a Socialist treason and sedition lineup, McNamara would be in the top ten. 

As a reward for his perfidious treachery, Rostow was appointed by President Johnson to the National Security Council in 1964. At the time of Rostow's appointment, Johnson praised this evil seditionist, saying that "he has the most important job in the White House, apart from the President." This was the same Rostow who had never wavered from his goal to one day end the nationhood of the United States. 

Rostow was responsible for arranging for U.S. ground forces to be sent to Vietnam, after an intensive lobbying effort to get our troops into the Mekong Delta. But the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the president that ground troops should not be committed to South Vietnam, as they were sure to get bogged down and eventually, would not be able to extricate themselves from the region. Like all of the leading Socialist camarilla in Washington, Rostow did not give up on his plan and continued to press for a troop commitment. 

Rostow used General Maxwell Taylor to get direct access to John Kennedy. Unfortunately, a green and inexperienced Kennedy accepted Rostow's scenario and in January of 1960, ten thousand American soldiers were sent to Vietnam. Through the treachery and treason of Walt Whitman Rostow, the Fabian Socialist method of penetration and permeation had infected the highest office in the land. 

There has never been a war like the Vietnam War, where our soldiers tried to fight with both hands manacled behind their backs, the keys held by Robert Strange McNamara, Walt Whitman Rostow and Dean Rusk. No nation's military had to fight according to the rules laid down by an out and out traitor — Robert S. McNamara. This man should long ago been tried for treason and hanged. According to McNamara's "rules of engagement" our soldiers had to wait until they were surrounded and being shot at before they were allowed to respond. 

Was there ever treason like this? Senator Barry Goldwater called McNamara's rules of engagement, "layers of restrictions, illogical and irrational," which also prevented our bomber pilots from attacking clearly visible, strategic targets. Instead, our bombers had to unload tons and tons of bombs on so-called "supply trails" which they could not even see, and which did absolutely no damage to strategic targets, in most instances, hundreds of miles away. It was a complete exercise in futility and a shocking waste of money. 

Back home, the Socialists in control of the news media fought a running battle for public opinion — on the side of the North Vietnamese Communist regime. American soldiers were the "bad guys," while the Viet Cong could do no wrong. It is my fervent hope and prayer that these three enemies of the United States, Rostow, Rusk and McNamara may yet somehow be brought to trial on charges of treason. Hanging is too good for them. 

If I were asked to give an opinion on which of the Socialist stars did the most damages to the Constitution and the concepts for a great American Republic, I would have to think long and hard, because there is a veritable host to choose from. But in the end, I would have to place Walter Lippmann near the top of the ladder, who joined the London Fabian Society in 1909, making him the oldest American Socialist. 

In 1917, Lippmann was selected by British intelligence MI6 to visit Colonel House every two weeks to counsel him on how to get Wilson reelected and push him away from neutrality, which "opinions" often appeared in the Socialist magazine the "New Republic" on whose board Lippmann sat. It was not generally known that Lippmann was the leader of an informal group that set war policy for Wilson and mapped out his post-war strategy. The group was headed by Dr. Sydney Mezes. 

Lippmann actively pursued a policy of securing private donations to foster Wilson's 14 Points which was hoped would result in the founding of the New World Order through the League of Nations. Lippmann was able to secure the services of 150 Socialist professors to propagandize and collect money and data for the coming Paris Peace Conference, among whom was the notorious Socialist, the Reverend Norman Thomas. In effect, thanks to these professors and the slickness of Lippmann, their ideas were fervently expressed by Woodrow Wilson who did not seem to mind that he was acting as a mouthpiece for international Socialism. 

Lippmann became closely associated with "Radical Red" John Reed whose Bolshevik ideas for America had to be toned down, until Reed eventually rushed off in a huff to join the Bolsheviks in Moscow, but not before he and Lippmann had founded the Harvard Socialist Club. Reed was the subject of highly-imaginative Hollywood movie glorifying Bolshevism and stressing what an honor it was for Reed to have been buried by the Kremlin Wall after his long service to Communism. 

Like Felix Frankfurter and Louis Brandeis, Walter Lippmann grew up in affluent circumstances. His career at Harvard has been correctly described as "brilliant" but of his membership of the Fabian Society in 1909, Lippmann confessed to it, meant more than anything he had achieved at Harvard. Thus, as in so many instances, it is apparent that good Socialists are not made, they are born that way. The Fabians in London had watched Lippmann's career at Harvard, and in the words of Harold Laski, "He was an ideal candidate to carry out our policy of penetration and permeation of the United States at all levels." 

This Lippmann did with skill which showed a flair for deceptive practices and from 1932 to 1939 he devoted his time and energy in penetrating and permeating the leading American business houses, legal practices and banking circles. It was Lippmann who established a new class, a "moderate" Republican which was to serve Clinton so decisively in leading the United States down a Socialist road to slavery in a One World Government — New World Order New Dark Age. 

The term, "moderate Republican" helped those who were ready to commit treason and sedition in the House and Senate to avoid being tagged as Socialists/ Marxist/Communists. Among the most successful of these Machiavellian chameleons are Senators Roth, Cohen, Kassenbaum, Chaffee, Danforth who made it possible to make the Communist Manifesto of 1848 in the shape of the so-called "Crime bill" part of United States law. 

Lippmann was the first American to adopt applied psychology for political situations, a tactic which he learned at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations In Sussex, England. His unswerving support of Socialism was typified by his close friendship with Thomas "Tommy" Lamont, the J.R Morgan banker who played a big role in prevailing upon the United States government to recognize and establish relations with the bloody. Bolshevik butchers in Moscow. Lippman acquired immense power through his syndicated press columns, which were carried by all of the major newspapers and magazines. 

Lippmann went on to become a close friend and confidant of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, and his Socializing of them resulted in the adoption of Socialist platforms, the New Frontier and the Great Society, taken straight from books written by Socialists, and adopted practically in toto as Democrat Party planks. Lippmann is credited with implementing the "make haste slowly" policy of the Fabian Socialists in the United States: 

"In a general way, our object was to make reactionaries standpatters, standpatters, conservatives; conservatives, liberals; liberals, radicals; and radicals, Socialists. In other words we tried to move everyone up a peg. We preferred to have the whole mass move a little, to having a few altogether out of sight." (Source, Congressional Record October 12, 1962.) 

This highly illuminating insight into how Socialist "gradualism" works should be studied by all who are concerned about the future of the United States,  and we need to start schools that will teach how to combat this creeping menace, which unless stopped, will eventually paralyze our nation. The success of these tactics can be seen in the Clinton presidency, where one major piece of Socialist legislation after the other has been forced through on the basis of gradually converting opponents of Clinton to believers in his program. 

Clinton's Socialist NAFTA, the Crime bill, and his bill imposing the biggest tax increase in the world on the American people are prime examples of how this creeping paralysis works, and also how important it is to have traitors in Republican ranks who are wholeheartedly for Socialism, but who are labeled "moderate Republicans." By the Lippmann method, the psychological approach to politics he learned at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the American people are being led, slowly but surely, one step at a time, as if dream walking, to accept with a murmur, the most radical and heinous changes in education, in economics, religion and politics in the United States, without seemingly being aware of what terrible changes have been made, and are in the process of being made. 

The application of social psychology by Lippmann, greatly speeded acceptance of Roosevelt's "New Deal" Socializing of the United States, which was carried further by Kennedy and Johnson's Socialist New Frontier and Great Society. Lippmann was the most adept in a long line of adept Socialists who used the word "democracy" on every single occasion it was possible to introduce it, without letting on that in Socialist parlance, "democracy" really mean the increasing inroads of Socialism into the educational, economic and political life of the nation through government regulation of business. "True democracy," that is to say, unbridled Socialism was ushered in without the populace being aware of it. We see this policy in full swing in the Clinton administration, with the majority of the people not yet aware that the "democracy" Clinton has in mind is unadulterated Socialism. 

Lippmann's tenure as president of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society established at Harvard in 1909 was the best foundation for his future in Socialism that money could buy, and stood him in good stead when he came to found the Socialist magazine, the "New Republic" in which his opinions were later to be aired about the Vietnam War. Lippmann and other Socialist writers told the American people through newspaper articles that if the United States tried to win the Korea, we would run up against China, and be defeated. 

This was a calculated lie, as China was not in any sense of the word fit to wage war against the United States, and had a war resulted between the two nations, China would have been soundly defeated, a fact conveyed to Truman and the Pentagon by Gen. Douglas MacArthur and General Stratemeyer. The lies about the invincibility of China continued with the Vietnam conflict, which Henry Kissinger and Dean Rusk kept going for at least two more years after the Vietnamese said they wanted to end it. Thus was the socialist goal of depleting the United States Treasury in the amount of $5 million per day, not to mention the 50,000 casualties suffered by the United States armed forces, fully realized. 

Socialism was carried out by the policy advisors who surrounded Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, advisors of the Dean Rusk — Robert McNamara kind who led the United States down a pathway of defeat in Korea and Vietnam, and whose latter-day replacements of the kind who surround President Clinton, will not hesitate to do exactly the same thing if it ever comes to war against a future enemy. 

One of the future stars in the Socialist firmament over America whom Lippmann met at Harvard University, was Robert Strange McNamara. A product of the penetration and permeation Socialist method of John Maynard Keynes which settled Fabian doctrines in the Department of Economics in Harvard, McNamara taught at the Business School as an assistant professor in Business Administration from 1940 to 1943. He was later seconded to the Army Air Force and thence to the Ford Motor Company. Following his near-disastrous tenure at Ford, he was promoted to a position newly established at he head of the Department of Defense. 

McNamara was impressed by the new Socialist gospel which was sweeping the campuses of the universities of the United States. The American political economy, the well-tried economic policies laid out in American economic system of tariff protection and sound money based on bimetallism, were swiftly being purged and replaced by the economic claptrap of John Maynard Keynes and Harold Laski. There was no Socialist leaders more anxious to carry out these unAmerican economic and political economy Socialist theories than McNamara. The one thing that emerged from the frantic rush to do away with the American economic model, was that the Keynesian model verged dangerously close on the economic theories of Karl Marx, an observation that was never allowed to be brought up in the press, radio or television. 

More than that. McNamara was eager to sell out the military, and he did it by using the evil influence he had over President Johnson. There was never a time so dangerous for the security of the United States as when Socialist star Robert S. McNamara prowled the corridors of the Pentagon, canceling and countermanding one program after another, until the United States was well below par with the Soviet Union. McNamara even got Johnson to cancel the production of plutonium for the nuclear program via an illegal Executive Order. 

Illegal, in the sense that only kings and queens can issue proclamations, which is what an executive order is. In earlier times in the history of the nation, both McNamara and Johnson would have been tried and found guilty of treason, as well they should have been. 

In 1964, at a most crucial phase of the struggle to bring Stalin into line, McNamara canceled the nuclear battle plans of NATO, without so much as by your leave or ever having consulted with the NATO allies. It said of this amazing 140 One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship fait-accompli for victory by the Soviet Armed Forces, that the Soviet generals drank vodka and partied through the night in the Kremlin, in sheer disbelief at their good fortune. French right wing leaders reaffirmed the wisdom of De Gaulle in having pulled out of NATO and establishing an independent nuclear deterrent for the French nation. The French renewed their vows never to be misled and disarmed by the United States, as they would have been had France not pulled out of NATO. 

One marvels that the small in number, United States Communist Party, and a nominally non-existent Socialist Party was able to pull of such a massive victory for Fabian Socialism. Future historians will surely rub their eyes in amazement, wondering what had happened to the ancestors of those who dumped tea in Boston Harbor, and what happened to the descendants of Andrew Jackson, a man who not only clearly recognized the Socialist menace, but actively fought it tooth and nail all of his life. 

Just what happened to the American people between the founding of this nation and the advent of the Socialists to power? The real answer is to be found in the population mix, which was now so adulterated as to only faintly resemble the original colonists. In a silent revolution, the Socialists rent this country from one end to another, and little by little, so demoralized the nation that it became easy prey for the forces that had been lying in wait for its downfall, ever since the War of 1812. 

Constantly turning to the British Fabian Society for inspiration, slogans and programs, the Democrat Party in effect became the Socialist/Marxist/Communist Party of the United States. Johnson's "War on Poverty" for instance, was originally written by Labor Party Prime Minister Harold Wilson. In his address to the international Socialists, Harold Wilson made it clear that the intention of Socialist in Britain and the United States was to divert funds for defense to funds to eradicate want. Disarmament, Wilson said, was what it all about, so that "want" could be banished from the earth. 

Leading Socialist Michael Harrington, a member of the American Socialist Party, ten years later picked up the Wilson pamphlet and produced a book, "The Other America: Poverty in the United States." Puffed by the kept press, radio and television, Harrington's book was an instant success. The Socialist loved it. Nobody saw fit to mention that Harrington had merely taken Harold Wilson's notation a step further and applied them to the American scene. John F. Kennedy was sent a copy of the book and wrote Harrington that he was deeply impressed with it. 

It is these stars in the Socialist firmament over the United States who have wrought greater havoc than any invading army could have hoped to accomplish. It is the Socialist who have prostituted and deformed our electoral system, until today, there is no telling just how much fraud and deceit goes to make up the final tally of votes. In this the Democrat Party is head and shoulders above the Republican Party.

It has come to this: What the candidates say is almost inconsequential these day; it is who gets out the most voters that counts. When a Republican candidate faces off against a Democrat contender, the international press begins to bay at the heels of the candidate as if he were running in England, Italy, France, Germany, Poland and the Scandinavia countries. It is quite astonishing to find the Socialist press in these countries closing ranks behind the Democrat candidate, almost without exception. 

Worse than this, the arm-twisting and threats that accompany an election make a fair result nigh unto impossible. The Democrats are very good at this kind of activity. Businesses are intimidated, contracts threatened, funds withheld from neighborhood programs; the election process today has little to do with the number of voters who register and vote: it has come down to who can mount the most clout, who can intimidate and blackmail more successfully, who can lie to the American people without being exposed as outright liars. 

For this, Madison Avenue types are hired at great cost. If a president makes a slip and says the wrong thing, the "fixers" jump in and assure the voters that it was THEY who had not heard aright. There is zero honesty left in politics as we come to the close of the 20th century. As Walter Lippmann explained in rare moment of candor following the 1964 elections: 

"For the real business of the campaign was not to map out a course for the future. It was to beat and crush rebellion against the established line of domestic and foreign policy which was laid down (by the Socialists) in the generation which followed the great depression and the second world war." 

There are many other bright stars in the Socialist firmament, past and present, and in the Notes section, we mention their names, although not as fully as we would have liked. To jump over the years and come up to the present, perhaps the brightest star of all in the Socialist firmament as we come to the close of the 20th century, is President William Jefferson Clinton. 

Like so many of his predecessors, Clinton was insinuated into the American political scene in order to penetrate and permeate and lay the base of his presidency. Few imagined that a relatively small-time politician from a relatively unimportant state, would be the best agent of change that Fabian Socialism had thus far been able to come up with. We will skip the formal, known details of Clinton, and try, instead to look past the conventional information about him which hardly needs repeating. 

Instead, we shall try to give our readers some of the information that has been kept under wraps and which has not yet seen the light of day, in spite of Clinton's host of powerful detractors who would like nothing better than to kick him out of Washington. 

Except for some time spent in London, where he acted as a leader of Socialist agitation against the Vietnam War, and a period at the Socialist finishing school (Oxford University), Clinton had little experience in politics outside of Arkansas. Yet he was nevertheless able to maintain a remarkably tight grip upon the State of Arkansas. 

In this he was ably assisted by his friends Tyson and Stephens, two of the richest men in the State. Clinton was recommended for promotion and referred to Jay Rockefeller and Pamela Harriman by "King" Stephens. Harriman and Rockefeller are the leaders of the Socialist Party of the United States, better known as the Democrat Party. In Clinton Mrs. Harriman saw a man with potential, so Clinton was shipped off to be groomed by the Bilderbergers as a future world Socialist leader. Harriman and Rockefeller were not disappointed, as Clinton turned in an impressive performance, and upon arriving back in the United States, he got the nod from the Democrat Party as its candidate of choice for the 1992 presidential election. 

There was some concern expressed about the skeletons in Clinton's closet, but his boyish good looks and keen mind were thought to be enough to overcome anyone boorish attempts to refer to them. And so it was that on January 20, 1993, Clinton became the 42nd President of the United States. That a more unlikely personality had control of the largest and most powerful nation on earth stunned his detractors — and there were hundreds of detractors in the highest places of power in the country — who tended to overlook Clinton's exceptionally keen mind and dwell on his homely background, not to mention the charges of sexual indiscretions that began to surface. 

The Socialists were jubilant. Their choice had made it to the White House; henceforth Socialist programs could now be speeded up and the country would not be allowed to recover from one crisis before the next descended upon it. A new era of hijacking of State powers was about to begin, the great Socialist heist was about to slip into high gear. The Socialist hierarchy had laid out a timetable of four years for Clinton to fulfill his mandate. Clinton was to be a single term president, yet the programs that he would be called upon to ramrod through the Congress would have the most terrifying consequences for the United States for the next 1,000 years. 

How awfully close to failure the well-laid plans for William Clinton had come to failing has never been disclosed except in reports in World In Review (WIR). It was like this: Mrs. Clinton had become more than disenchanted with her husband, because of his philandering ways and his numerous extra-marital relationships. Being of the best Socialist "feminist" material, Mrs. Clinton, who kept her ancestry well hidden, came to a point where she decided to go it alone. Hillary Clinton (there was no mention of "Rodham" then) duly parted ways and left her errant husband to ponder over his marital misdeeds. 

It was shortly before Clinton was approached by Pamela Harriman and Jay Rockefeller, that he found himself without his wife. This was a bad setback; obviously, a man with martial troubles was not suitable to occupy the Oval Office. Harriman made a beeline for Hillary, and explained the situation: If she returned to her husband, she could count on being the next "first lady." Never one to pass up an opportunity for advancement, Hillary agreed to mend relations with her spouse, on condition that there be no more extra-marital affairs. This was agreed to, and the race was on. The rest is history. 

What is not history is the background of William Jefferson Clinton, which to this day, has been hidden from the American people. Clinton was born in Hope, a small town in Arkansas and the family moved to Hot Springs, which was an "open" town with houses of prostitution and other big city "delights." It was this convivial "anything goes" atmosphere in which Clinton was raised that some say was responsible for him having trouble with the truth. 

According to what a former Arkansas State Senator, Judge Jim Johnson stated, one Nora Waye, a former partner of Clinton's step-father claimed that Clinton was hardly anything that the establishment media had built him up to be. Waye gives some for instances: 

"When you think about Bill Clinton's aversion to the truth you wonder if this is because of the lackadaisical background that he has in this area. He lied about being a Rhodes Scholar. He never completed that (course) and yet he said he was a Rhodes Scholar." In this Waye is seemingly prejudiced. Anyone who is selected as Socialist Rhodes Scholar and who goes to Oxford, even if he does not complete the course, is allowed to call himself a Rhodes Scholar. 

Very serious allegations have been made against Clinton of abuses of power, drug-related matters and insider trading by his wife. These allegations have been made by Larry Nichols, who was a close friend of Clinton in the 1970s. According to what Nichols said, he "did a lot of projects for Clinton from a marketing perspective." Nichols went on to make a series of allegations which he says have never been investigated. Most of these center around massive cocaine dealings out of Mena, in Arkansas, some of which was also reported in "The Nation." Nichols claims that the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA) was a wholly controlled financial entity for laundering large sums of cocaine money from Mena, which he says, went through a Florida bank (not named.) 

Nichols also made serious allegations of wrong-doing against Rose law firm and Hillary Clinton, charging them with receiving commissions on bond loan applications, contrary to State law. Nichols claims that he stole documents and made copies of them that bear out the truth of his allegations. He also claims that some of the Mena drug money was laundered through a Chicago bank, in which the powerful Democrat politician, Dan Rostenkowski is part owner. 

Nichols claims that Roger Clinton, the President's brother did not go to jail for selling cocaine, "they was giving it away" allegedly in return for unspecified favors. Nichols said that "Once he was convicted (Dan Lasater — who was found guilty with Roger Clinton) he and Roger went to a minimum security prison. Holiday Inn we call them. He spent, I think, up to 6 to 8 months and then got out. Unbeknown to anybody, Bill Clinton, granted him (presumably Lasater) a full and complete pardon the day after he got out..." 

Nichols accuses Clinton and his Arkansas administration of never going after cocaine smuggling out of Mena: "Not one single major bust was ever made out of Arkansas, out of Mena (Arkansas). Now, imagine that, nearly ten years in its running and never even one truckload of it (cocaine) ever got caught." Nichols went on to make series allegations of wrongdoing against Wes Hubbell, who went to Washington with Clinton, and Hillary Clinton, the Stevens and the Tyson family, politically and financially allied with Clinton while he was the governor of Arkansas. On Tyson, Nichols alleges as follows: 

"Don Tyson put in $600,000 or $700,000, all told into all of Bill Clinton's campaigns. Guess what he got out of it? 10 million dollars — and guess from where? The Arkansas Development Financing Authority. And he never paid a dime for it." Nichols also accused a parking meter manufacturer, Parking on Meter (POM) associated with Hubbell, of impropriety, and he said that he tried to get every major news media outlets interested in his story, but that in general, they all refused to touch it. Instead, Nichols says he was subjected to a barrage of verbal and physical abuse that left him virtually discredited. 

Nichols said that an associate of his, Gary Johnson an attorney was living in Quapaw Tower condominium. Johnson apparently had a surveillance camera mounted outside his apartment — this, long before Gennifer Flowers moved in next door to his condominium. Johnson claims that he saw Clinton entering Gennifer Flowers' apartment on several occasion, with a key. 

Johnson said: "I actually saw him go into her condominium. It wasn't that I was standing there looking out of my peephole watching Gennifer Flowers' condominium. It was just that I had gotten the camera. I had the camera before Gennifer Flowers moved in." Nichols said, "guess what he caught on tape? Bill Clinton walking into Gennifer Flowers' apartment on numerous occasions, with a key." Thus far there has been nothing to substantiate Nichols' and Johnson's stories, but as we said, "The Nation" did begin to write about Mena and Wes Hubbell, and then, after a few articles, didn't do any follow-up stories — very unlike their journalistic style. 

In October 1992, "The Nation" said: "In Hot Springs, where Clinton spoke on Labor Day weekend, I saw the process at work. Here in this louche town of bathhouses and former casinos, is where our Bill grew up. You can forget all that agonizing tripe about 'a town called Hope.' The hustling atmosphere evidently impressed him. If we can believe Hillary, who introduced the Guv at the homecoming rally, the first thing they said to each other when he brought her here on an early romantic weekend was: "Just look at all these small businesses..." 

The same leftwing magazine published an article in March of 1992, from which the following extracts are taken: 

"On the broader question of Clinton's favors to his friends, Larry Nichols — the man fired by Clinton from the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, and the original source of the Flowers story — claims that the connections to the Clintons are practically a requirement for companies seeking loans from ADEA, vastly expanded by Clinton in 1985 to attract capital to the state for the purpose of economic development, offering companies long-term loans financed through the sale of tax-exempt bonds, And, indeed, names appearing in ADFA documents reviewed by my colleagues bear the aroma of Clinton's circle." 

"Among the underwriters of the bond issues we have copies of, Stephens Inc. features prominently. The company's chairman, Jackson Stephens and his son Warren have helped Clinton raise more than $100,000 for his campaign. In January the bank Stephens has a controlling interest in, Worthen National, extended Clinton a $2 million line of credit. Another familiar name on the bond issue is the now defunct Lasater and Co. Dan Lasater, who headed the company, is a longtime friend of Clinton and his brother Roger. Both Roger and Lasater were busted for cocaine, the former on a stiffer charge." 

"Then there's the Rose law firm, Hillary Clinton's firm whose name adorns both bond issues and loan agreement papers. Hillary Clinton has represented a company owned by Stephens Inc. in litigation. Rose partner Wes Hubbell represented the recipient of the first loan that AFDA made, a company called Park on Meter, or POM, whose name has cropped up in talk about Mena. Hubbell had been secretary of POM in the early 1980s. Hubbell's client in the AFDA deal was Seth Ward, the current president of POM, known as a friend of Clinton. Worthen Bank appears among institutions that have from time to time had liens on POM." 

"Clinton and drug policy is another area of vexed confluence. According to Clinton's deputy, John Kroger, Clinton feels 'the real solution to the drug problem is to decrease demand.'...But Clinton also 'supports continued efforts to interdict drugs coming into the U.S.', favoring 'expanding the use of the military, especially tor purposes of tracking and stopping small planes coming into the country.' So why hasn't he pursued the drug smuggling trail that leads to Mena, the town and airport in Western Arkansas? Clinton can't claim ignorance of the fact that Arkansas served as a nexus for international drug operations. One of his state prosecutors, Charles Black brought this to his attention in 1988. For five years before that there was a federal investigation joined by Clinton's own State Police. As part of that a federal grand jury was assembled. This grand jury was eventually dissolved, and the local press carried reports that members of the panel had been prevented from seeing crucial evidence, hearing important witnesses and even seeing the twenty nine count draft indictment on money laundering drawn up by an attorney of the Justice Department, Operation Greenback." 

"In 1989 Clinton received petitions from Arkansas citizens demanding that he convene a state grand jury and continue the investigation. Winston Bryant, now State Attorney General, made the subject of drugs and Mena an issue of his campaign in 1990. A year later Bryant turned over his state files involving Mena, along with the petitions from 1,000 citizens to Iran/Contra prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, who has since continued to a mass information. (All that Walsh did was continue the coverup.) Later that year, on August 12, 1991, Clinton's advisor on criminal justice wrote to a concerned citizen to say that the Governor understood that the matter of criminal activity in Mena was being studied or otherwise taken up by Bryant, Walsh and Arkansas Representative Bill Alexander."

"Yet with all of this knowledge, Clinton has done nothing. The state Attorney General does not have the power to conduct an investigation, but the state prosecutor does. When Charles Black urged Clinton to allocate funds for such an investigation, Clinton ignored his request. The State Police were taken off the case after the federal government scrapped its investigation. Now the ball is back with Clinton and he continues to do nothing..." 

In a later issue, 'The Nation" had this to say about Wes Hubbell and Park on Meter. Outlining the history of Clinton's personal creation of the AFDA, the writer went on to say:

"...the ADFA made its first industry loan in 1985 to POM Inc., a parking meter manufacturer based in Russellville, Arkansas. POM, it has been alleged was under secret contract to make components of chemical and biological weapons for use by the Contras, as well as special equipment for 130 transport planes...Such planes were at that time ferrying drugs and weapons in out of Mena...POM's lawyer during those transactions was a partner in Rose law firm, of which Hillary Clinton was, and is, a member. Clinton's state thus appears to have been an important link in the Contra supply line at a time when military aid to the Contras had been banned by Congress." 

"We come now to Michael Riconosciuto, a former contract employee of the CIA, who says he worked at Mena on and off between 1988-1989. Riconosciuto was arrested shortly after being named as a witness in the Inslaw case...He was arrested on ten drug related charges and has been convicted on seven...According to Riconosciuto, Mena was part of a network of bases that evolved over time...Mena was crucial because of its central location relative to other bases...Mena was the main drop-off point for narcotics, the other bases serving as distribution points...To Risconoscioto's knowledge, no drugs were ever unloaded at the Mena airport. As with Seal's setup in Louisiana planes flying low altitude would use drag chutes to drop containers of drugs in the surrounding countryside, sometimes into the Ouachita National Forest but more often than not on private land..." 

"POM, according to Riconosciuto, was not merely in the business of making parking meters. He says that from the beginning in 1981 the company also  made ferry drop tanks...for use on the C-130s." POM management apparently referred the left wing reporter to the company's lawyer and nothing more was said about POM and its correction with Wes Hubbell and Hillary Clinton's law firm. 

The left wing magazine "The Nation" did another article on Clinton and the accusations made about Gennifer Flowers from which we now present extracts: 

"The allegations about Bill Clinton's sex life were first presented in a lawsuit by Larry Nichols, fired by Clinton from his job as marketing director of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA). Clinton claims that Nicols was axed for making 700 unauthorized phone calls to Contras in Central America and that the lawsuit is part of a Republican frame-up. The sequence is more complicated, stemming from the State's role, and specifically that of an airport at Mena in western Arkansas in the training and supply of the Contras; also the arms-for-drugs flow between the United States and Central America... A student organization at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, which has long been investigating the Mena affair, has successfully requested, under F.O.I.A. laws, Nichol's phone toll records, from ADFA. Mark Swaney, a member of this organization, says there were no calls to Central America on the tolls during the relevant period..." 

"The Clinton's — Bill and Hillary — are extolled as vibrant and caring, and somehow tremendously together. This version has prevailed in spite of the fact, parenthetically conceded by their admirers, that for a while they were separated and seemingly united only as they approached the presidential campaign. Is lust for power the thing that brought them together? In contrast to the caring Clintons, we are invited to ridicule Flowers as a good time girl..." 

"From Sid Blumenthal in the "New Republic (the Socialist's mouthpiece), one of the most effusive pieces of flattery in the history of public relations to the innumerable friendly stories in 'The Washington Post' and 'The New York Times' to the great pooh bahs of perennial punditry, the word has gone forth: Clinton is sound, thoughtful, pragmatic, modem, white, male and safe. And for all the Democratic time servers who have languished for twelve long years he carried — at least until afflicted by mal de Flowers—the fragrance of possible victory..." 

There would appear to be a great area of unexplored ground for the newly appointed special prosecutor to rake over, ground that the former special prosecutors Fiske declined to go anywhere near. Perhaps this explains the extreme nervousness of the Democrats in Congress about the removal of Fiske from the investigation. Let us hope that truth will out. Right now, it appears that we are looking at the most successful cover up in the history of American politics.



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