Friday, March 3, 2023

Part 4 Thiaoouba Prophecy ... Our ‘so-called’ civilisation ...A Different Alien and my Former Lives

Thiaoouba Prophecy
by Michel Desmarquet

Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
When I had paid my respects and said my goodbyes to Lationusi and his companions, we left the village and boarded the flying platform once again, to retire to my doko. We took a different route this time, flying over large cultivated fields, and pausing long enough for me to admire the crops of wheat which grew there with very large ears. Our route also took us over an interesting looking city - not only were all the buildings ‘dokos’, from the largest to the smallest, but there were also no actual streets linking them. I understood the reason for this: the people here were able to move from place to place by ‘flying’ - with or without a Lativok so that proper streets were unnecessary. We passed close by people entering and leaving huge dokos, similar in size to those at the spaceport. 

‘These are the ‘factories’ where our food is prepared,’ explained Thao. ‘The manna and the vegetables you were eating yesterday in your doko, would have been prepared here.’

We didn’t stop but flew on, over the city and then over the ocean. Before long, we had reached the island where my doko was situated. Leaving our vehicle in the usual place, we went inside.

‘Do you realise,’ said Thao, ‘that you have eaten nothing since yesterday morning? You are going to lose weight at this rate. Aren’t you hungry?’

‘Surprisingly, I’m not particularly hungry, and yet, on Earth, I have four meals per day!’

‘It’s not really so surprising, my friend. Our food here is prepared in such a way that the calories contained in the food are released at regular intervals over a two day period. We continue to be nourished without overloading our stomachs. This also allows our minds to remain clear and alert and, after all, our minds must be a priority - isn’t that so?’ I nodded my agreement.

We helped ourselves to various coloured dishes and a little manna, then, as we enjoyed a glass of hydromel, Thao asked, ‘What do you think of your stay on Thiaoouba, Michel?’

‘What do I think of it? Perhaps after my experience of this morning, you should rather be asking what I think of the planet Earth! It seemed to me during those... fifteen minutes - that years had passed by. Some moments were, obviously, dreadful, but others were enthralling. May I ask you, why did you take me for that journey in time?’ 

‘A very good question, Michel. I am glad you have asked. We wanted to show you that, prior to your present so-called civilisation, there had been, on Earth, ‘true’ civilisations. We didn’t ‘kidnap’ you, as you might say, and bring you several billion kilometres just to show you the beauty of our planet. 

‘You are here because you belong to a civilisation that has taken a wrong turn. Most of the nations on Earth believe themselves to be highly advanced, which is not so. Rather, their cultures are decadent, from the leaders and so-called elite classes. The whole system is distorted. [ tell me something I do not know dc ]

‘We know this because we have kept a very close watch over the planet Earth, particularly during recent years, as the great Thaora explained to you. We are able to study what is happening in a whole range of ways. We can live among you in physical bodies or in astral presence. We are not just present on your planet - we are able to influence the behaviour of certain of your leaders, fortunately for you. For example, our intervention prevented Germany from being the first nation to have the use of the atomic bomb, for it would have been disastrous for the rest of the people on Earth if Nazism had triumphed at the end of the Second World War. As you will appreciate, any totalitarian regime signifies a great backward step for civilisation. 

‘When millions of people are sent to the gas chambers simply because they are Jews, their murderers cannot pride themselves on being a civilised people. 

‘Still less, could the Germans believe themselves to be the chosen people. To act as they did, they had to have fallen lower than any tribe of cannibals. 

‘The Russians who send thousands to work in concentration camps and who eliminate thousands more, on the grounds they represent a danger to ‘the regime’ are no better. 

‘On Earth, there is a great need for discipline, but ‘discipline’ does not mean dictatorship. The Great Spirit, the Creator himself obliges no creature, human or otherwise, to do anything against their will 1 . We all have free will and it is up to us to discipline ourselves in order to improve spiritually.
1. ‘their will’ was originally ‘its will’. This caused the entire sentence to have a double meaning. WHOSE will? Creator or human? Of course HUMAN. Sentences like these were repeatedly mistranslated in religious texts, requesting people to submit to ‘God's will’ formulated of course by the clergy to control the crowd. Free will is absolutely essential to any spiritual evolution. We used plural (creatures, people) to remove the ambiguity. (comment of the Editor based on the clarification of the Author) 

To impose one’s will on another, in a way which deprives the individual of the privilege of exercising his own free will, is one of the greatest crimes that man can commit. 

‘What is happening now in South Africa is a crime against all humanity. Racism itself is a crime...’ 

‘Thao,’ I interrupted, ‘there is something I don’t understand. You say that you prevented the Germans from being the first to have the atomic bomb, but why did you not prevent all countries from having it? You must admit that, at the point we have arrived at with atomic arms, we are sitting on a volcano. What do you say of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - don’t you feel in some way responsible?’ 

‘Michel, of course you look at such things in a very simplified way. Everything for you is black or white, but there are also many shades of grey. If the Second World War had not been stopped, as it was by the bombing and destruction of those two cities, there would have been many more deaths - three times as many as there were victims of the atomic bombs. As you say in your language, we chose the lesser of the two evils. 

‘As I have told you before, we can ‘lend a hand’ but we don’t concern ourselves with the fine details of a situation. There are very strict rules to be followed. The bomb had to exist - just as on all planets it is eventually discovered. Once in existence we can either watch what ensues, as spectators, or we can intervene. If we intervene, it is to give an advantage to the ‘side’ which is most sincere and most respectful of individual liberty. 

‘If certain of the leaders who read your book don‘t believe you, or doubt what is written, challenge them to explain the disappearance of billions of ‘needles’ put into orbit around Earth 1 several years ago. Ask them also to explain the second disappearance of billions more ‘needles’ again put into orbit. They will know what you are referring to, never fear. We are responsible for the disappearance of these ‘needles’, judging them to be potentially disastrous for your planet. 

‘We do, at times, prevent your experts from ‘playing with matches’ but it is important that our assistance not be relied upon when mistakes are made. If we judge it appropriate to ‘lend a hand’, we do so, but we can’t, and we don’t wish to save you from disaster automatically - that would be to contravene Universal Law. 

‘You see, Michel, atomic weaponry seems to cast fear into the hearts of people of Earth, and I admit that it is a sword of Damocles suspended over your heads, but it is not the real danger.
1. ‘needles’ - 11 years after Michel's adventure, Scientific American, August 1998 (Vol 279, Nr 2, article by N.L.Johnson, p43, (63 in US edition?!)) explains: ‘80 clumps of needles (were) released in May 1963 as part of US Department of Defense telecommunication experiment. The radiation pressure exerted by sunlight (???) was to have pushed the tiny needles - all 400 million of them - out of orbit...’ Has anyone ever heard of anything else in the Universe that has been pushed out of orbit by the ‘pressure of sunlight’?? Why do we use rockets? To comprehend the situation, I invite you to calculate the MASS of 400 million needles. (Editor’s comment) 

‘The real dangers on Earth, in order of ‘importance’ are: first money then politicians; third journalists and drugs and fourth religions. These dangers in no way relate to nuclear arms. 

‘‘If the people on Earth are wiped out by a nuclear cataclysm, their Astral beings will go where they must after death and the natural order of death and rebirth will be maintained. The danger does not lie in the death of the physical body, as millions believe: the danger exists in the way in which one lives. 

‘On your planet, money is the worst of all evils. Try now, to imagine life without money... 

‘You see,’ said Thao who had ‘read’ my efforts, ‘you can’t even imagine such a life, for you are caught up in the system. 

‘However, just two hours ago, you saw that the people of Mu were able to meet their needs without spending any money. You noticed, I know, that the people were very happy and highly advanced. 

‘The civilisation of Mu revolved around the community - both spiritually and materially, and it thrived. Of course, you must not confuse ‘community’ with ‘communism’, as exists in certain countries on Earth. Communism, as practised on Earth, is the essential part of totalitarian regimes rather than democratic, and, as such, is degrading for Man. 

‘Unfortunately, as regards money, it is difficult to help constructively on Earth for your whole system is based on it. If Germany needs 5000 tonnes of Australian wool, it can’t send, in exchange, 300 Mercedes and 50 tractors. Your economic system doesn’t work this way; it is, therefore, difficult to improve the system. 

‘On the other hand, much could be achieved in regard to politicians and political parties. You are all in the same boat...and there is a useful comparison to be made between a country or planet and a boat. Every boat must have its captain, but to run well it requires skill and a spirit of cooperation among the sailors, as well as their respect for their captain. 

‘If, as well as being knowledgeable, experienced and quick thinking, the captain is also fair and honest, the chances are great that his crew will do its best by him. It is, ultimately, the intrinsic worth of the captain - regardless of his political or religious leanings - that will determine the effectiveness of his operation. 

‘Imagine, for example, that a captain had to be elected by his crew, more for reasons of politics than for his skill in navigation and his cool-handedness in times of danger. To imagine the situation better, let’s suppose we are watching an actual election. We are standing on a leading dock where 150 crew members are assembled with three candidates for command of a ship. The first is a democrat, the second, a communist, and the third a conservative. Among the crew members, there are 60 with communist leanings, 50 democrats and 40 conservatives. Now, I am going to show you that this affair cannot be conducted appropriately. 

‘The communist candidate is obliged to make certain promises to the democrats and conservatives if he wants to win; because he is only ‘guaranteed’ 60 of the votes. He must convince at least 16 men from the other parties that it is in their interests to elect him. But will he be able to keep the promises he makes? And, of course, the same applies to the other two candidates. 

‘When one or the other of these captains is at sea, he will always find that a significant number of his crew are fundamentally opposed to his having command, so there is always a significant risk of mutiny. 

‘Of course, this is not the method by which a captain achieves his command - fortunately. I merely wished to illustrate the dangers that are inherent in electing leaders on the basis of political bias rather than for their ability to lead people, honestly, in appropriate directions. 

‘While on the subject, I must emphasise another point. When our ‘captain-elect’ is at sea, he is the one and only leader of the vessel, whereas, when a party leader is elected as head of state, he is immediately confronted with a ‘Leader of the Opposition’. From the very beginning of his leadership, whether his decisions are good or bad, he will be systematically criticised by an opposing party bent on his demise. How can a country be properly governed under such a system, Michel?’ 

‘Do you have a solution?’ 

‘Of course, and it has already been described to you. The only solution is to follow the example of the government of Mu. 

‘This is to place as head of state a leader whose unique goal is the wellbeing of the people - a leader not motivated by false pride or party and personal pecuniary ambition; to do away with political parties - and the resentment, the grudges, the hatred that go with them; and to hold out your hand to your neighbour - to accept him and work with him, regardless of differences you may have. He is after all, in the same boat with you, Michel. He is part of the same village, the same town, the same nation, the same planet. 

‘What is the house which shelters you made of, Michel?’ 

‘Of bricks...of wood, tiles, plaster, nails...’ 

‘Indeed, and what are all these materials made of?’ 

‘Atoms, of course.’ 

‘Perfect. Now these atoms, as you know, have to connect very closely in order to form a brick or any other building material. What would happen if these atoms repelled each other instead of combining as they do?’ 


‘And there we are. When you push away your neighbours, your son or your daughter - if you aren’t always ready to help even those whom you don’t like, you contribute to the disintegration of your civilisation. And this is what is happening on Earth more and more, through hate and violence. 

‘Consider two examples well known to all on your planet, which prove that violence is not a solution. 

The first is Napoleon Bonaparte: by the use of arms he was able to conquer all of Europe, and he established, as national leaders, his own brothers to diminish the risk of treason. It is widely accepted that Napoleon was a genius and, indeed, a competent organiser and legislator since, 200 years later, many of his laws still exist in France. But what has become of his empire, Michel? It quickly disintegrated because it had been established through the use of arms. 

‘Hitler, similarly, sought to conquer Europe by force and you know what happened there. 

‘Violence does not pay, and never will. The solution lies, rather, in love and the cultivation of minds. Have you ever noticed that, all round the world, and particularly in Europe, you had many more great writers, musicians and philosophers emerging in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?’ 

‘Yes, I believe it is so.’ 

‘Do you know why?’ 


‘Because, along with the advent of electricity, the internal combustion engine, the automobile, the aeroplane and such like, the people of Earth neglected the cultivation of their spirituality and focused on the material world. 

‘Now, as the great Thaora explained, materialism poses one of the greatest threats to your present life and your future lives. 

‘After politicians, you have the problem of journalists and reporters. There are some among them, although unfortunately rare, who try to do their job of disseminating information honestly and sincerely, attending carefully to their sources; but we are greatly alarmed that most of them seek only sensationalism. 

‘Your television stations too, screen more and more scenes of violence. If those responsible were obliged to study psychology before being able to undertake such grave responsibilities, a step in the right direction would have been taken. Your reporters seem to seek and even prey on scenes of violence, murder, tragedy and disaster; we are sickened by their behaviour. 

‘The leaders of a country, the journalists, in fact anyone who, by their position, is able to exert influence on the people, has an enormous responsibility towards millions of people who are no more nor less than his fellow creatures. Too often, even those who have been elected to their positions by the people, forget the obligations they have in this regard - until, that is, a few months prior to a new election, when it occurs to them that the people are dissatisfied and might vote them out. 

‘This is not the case with journalists though, as they have not needed to inspire confidence in the people in order to attain their positions; and yet they have a similar power to influence in ways which are good or bad. 

‘Indeed, they are capable of doing much good when they alert public attention to danger and injustice - and this should be their main function. 

‘To return to the need for such high profile people to understand and apply psychology, I will give you a good example to illustrate what I mean. On TV we see the following report: A young man has just taken a rifle and killed seven people including two women and two young children. The reporter shows the bloodstains and the bodies, adding that the killer had imitated the style of an actor, well known for his violent roles in films. And the result? The murderer is going to be proud of himself - not only has he achieved ‘national notoriety’, he has also been compared with one of the most popular heroes of violent modern films. But, beyond that, another such madman who sees the reports and hears the commentaries of reporters who pay unwarranted attention to this odious crime, will be inspired to seek his own moment of national ‘glory’. 

‘Such a person is usually a failure - someone repressed, frustrated, inhibited; someone ignored, who yearns for recognition. He has just seen the report and he knows that all violence is reported, and sometimes exaggerated, by TV reporters and journalists. Perhaps his picture will appear on the front page of all the newspapers - and why not? Then he will go before the courts and perhaps be referred to by a name like ‘Jack the Ripper’ or ‘The Strangler with the Velvet Glove’. No longer will he rank among ordinary mortals. The harm that such irresponsible reporting can do is unimaginable. Thoughtlessness and irresponsibility are not qualities apparent in civilised nations. That’s why I say, on Earth, you have not even achieved the first letter of the word civilisation.’ 

‘So, what is the solution?’ 

‘Why do you ask such a question, Michel? You have been chosen because we know how you think, and I know that you know the answer to your question. Still, if you insist, you will hear it from my mouth. Journalists, reporters and anyone else whose function it is to disseminate information should devote no more than two to three lines to such cases of murder. They could simply say: ‘we have just learned of the murder of seven people by an irresponsible lunatic. This murder occurred at whatever location and is a sorry event in a country that considers itself to be civilised.’ Full stop’. 

‘Those who seek their day or weeks of glory would surely side step murder as a means of attaining it, if their efforts received so little publication in return. Don’t you agree?’ 

‘What, then, should their reports comprise?’ 

‘There are so many worthwhile things to show - reports of worthwhile events which improve the psyche of Earth people rather than brainwashing them in a negative way. Reports such as the risking of life to rescue a child who was drowning, for example, or of assistance given to the poor to improve their lot.’ 

‘Of course, I agree with you entirely, but I’m sure the circulation of newspapers depends on the sensational news they contain.’ 

‘And there we are, back at the root of all evil that I mentioned earlier - money. This is the curse that undermines your entire civilisation; and yet, in this particular case, the situation could be reversed if those responsible were motivated to change. On no matter which planet, the greatest dangers to humankind are, ultimately, of a psychological, rather than material nature. 

‘Drugs, similarly, affect the psyche of the individual - not only do they ruin physical health, they also reverse 1 the individual’s process of universal evolution. At the same time as they induce states of euphoria or artificial paradise, they are also directly attacking the Astral body. I will elaborate on this, for it is of great importance. 

‘The Astral body can only be harmed by two things: drugs and the vibrations occasioned by certain kinds of noise. Considering only drugs, it must be understood that they have an influence that is totally against Nature. They ‘remove’ the Astral body to another sphere where it should not be. The Astral body should be either in a physical body or with its Higher-self, of which it is a part. When drugged, an individual’s Astral body is as though ‘asleep’ experiencing artificial sensations that completely distort his or her judgement. It is in the same situation as a physical body is during an important surgical operation. If you like, it’s like a tool that we bend or break by using it incorrectly or for a task for which it was not intended. 

‘According to the length of time that a person is under the influence of drugs, his or her Astral body is going to decline or, more exactly, it is going to become saturated with false data. ‘Recovery’ for the Astral body can take several lifetimes: for this reason, Michel, drugs should be avoided at all costs.’ 

‘There is something I don’t understand then,’ I interrupted. ‘Twice, now, you have given me drugs to take in order to release my Astral body from my physical body. Haven’t you, thereby, done me a disservice?’ 

‘No, not at all. We used a drug that is not an hallucinogen, in order to assist a process which could occur quite naturally with adequate training. It is not a drug that ‘blinds’ and therefore presents no danger to your Astral body and its effects are very short-term. 

‘Returning to the problems of your planet, Michel, the solution depends on love - not money. It requires that people rise above hate, resentment, jealousy and envy, and that each person, whether he be street sweeper or community leader, put his neighbour before himself, offering his hand to whoever needs it. 
1. Emphasis by Editor. 

‘Everyone has need, both physically and mentally, of his neighbour’s friendship - not only on your planet, but on all planets. As Jesus said, when we sent him to you almost 2000 years ago: ‘Love each other’ - but of course...’ 

‘Thao!’ I interrupted again, almost rudely this time. ‘What did you just say in regard to Jesus?’ 

 ‘Jesus, Michel was sent to Earth from Thiaoouba almost 2000 years ago - just as Lationusi also went to Earth and has returned.’ 

Of all that had been explained to me, it was this unexpected revelation which shocked me most. At the same time, Thao’s Aura rapidly changed colour. The soft gold ‘mist’ around her head become almost yellow, and the gentle shower of colours from the top of her head, blazed forth with new energy. 

‘A great Thaora is calling us, Michel. We must go immediately.’ Thao stood up. 

I adjusted my mask and followed her outside, most intrigued by this sudden interruption and uncustomary haste. We boarded the flying platform and rose, vertically, above the branches of the trees. Soon we were flying over the beach, and then the ocean, travelling at a speed much greater than ever before. The sun was quite low in the sky and we skimmed over waters that were emerald green or a perfect azure blue - if I can describe colours in Earthly terms. 

Huge birds, with a wingspan of about four metres, crossed our path just in front of us and the sun’s rays lit up the bright pink feathers of their wings and the bright green feathers of their tails. 

Before long we had reached the island and Thao brought the platform down again in the park, in which seemed to be precisely the same spot as before. She signalled that I should follow her and we set off - she walking and I running behind her. 

This time we did not head for the central doko, but took a different path, which led us eventually to another doko, of the same huge size as the central doko. 

Two people, both taller than Thao, were waiting for us under the entrance light. Thao spoke to them in a low voice; then moved nearer to them and engaged in a brief consultation, from which I was excluded. They stood still, casting curious glances my way, but not smiling at all. I could see their Auras, which were less brilliant than Thao’s - a sure indication that they were not as highly evolved in spirit. 

For a considerable time, we waited without moving. The birds from the park approached, watching us. No one, apart from me, paid them any attention; my companions were apparently deep in thought. I remember clearly, a bird, resembling a bird of paradise, came and stationed itself between Thao and me, for all the world as though it wanted to be admired. 

The sun would soon set and I remember watching its last rays high up in the trees, igniting sparks of purple and gold among the branches. A flock of birds fluttered noisily in the canopy, breaking the silence that had been established. As if this had been a signal, Thao asked me to take off my mask, close my eyes and to take her hand that she might guide my steps. Much intrigued, I did as she asked. 

Moving forward, I felt the light resistance, now familiar to me, as we entered the doko. I was told telepathically to keep my eyes half-closed and lowered, and to follow in Thao’s wake. We advanced about 30 paces before Thao stopped and placed me at her side. Still by telepathy, she indicated that I could now open my eyes and look around; this I did quite slowly. Before me were three figures remarkably like those I had met previously. Like the others, they sat cross-legged, straight backed, on fabric-covered blocks, each seat being of a colour that complemented the occupant. 

Thao and I were standing beside two similar seats until, telepathically, and without a gesture, we were invited to sit down. I looked around discretely, but saw no trace of the two characters who had met us at the entrance: perhaps they were behind me..? 

Like before, the eyes of the Thaori gave the impression of being illuminated from within but, by contrast, this time I was immediately able to see their Auras, resplendent with bright colours all so pleasing to the eye. 

The central figure rose by levitation, without altering his position, and slowly floated towards me. He stopped before and slightly above me, placing one of his hands at the base of my cerebellum and the other on the left side of my skull. Again, I felt my body invaded by the fluid-like feeling of well-being, but this time I almost fainted. 

Removing his hands, he returned to his seat. Perhaps I should explain that the details concerning the position of his hands on my head were provided later, by Thao, as, once again, it was beyond me at the time to register such details. And yet I remember a thought that occurred to me - a thought rather out of place at such a time - when he resumed his seat: ‘I’ll probably never get to see one of these figures use his two legs as everyone else does.’ 

A different alien and my former lives 
A period of time had elapsed, I’ve no idea how long, when, instinctively, I turned my head towards the left. I’m sure my mouth fell open and remained that way. One of the two people I had met earlier was coming towards us from the left, leading a person, very odd in appearance, by the shoulder. For a moment I thought this person to be a Red Indian chief such as we see in films. I will try to describe him as best I can. 

He was very small in stature, perhaps 150 centimetres but what was most striking about him was that he was as wide as he was tall - just like a square. His head was completely round and sat directly on his shoulders. What had at first sight brought to mind an Indian chief, was his hair, which was more like feathers, coloured yellow, red and blue, rather than hair. His eyes were quite red and his face was ‘flattened’ almost like a Mongoloid face. He had no eyebrows but lashes that were four times as long as mine. He had been given a robe like mine, although quite different in colour. The limbs that extended beyond the robe were of the same light blue colour as his face. His Aura, silvery in places, shone brightly and around his head was a strong halo of gold. 

The shower of colour from the top of his head was much smaller than Thao’s, rising only a few centimetres into the air. He was, telepathically, invited to take a seat, about ten paces to our left. 

Again, the central figure levitated towards the new arrival and placed his hands on his head, repeating the procedure I had experienced. 

When we were all seated, the great figure began to address us. He spoke in the language of Thiaoouba and I was completely stunned at finding I understood everything he said, just as if he had spoken in my mother tongue! 

Seeing my agitation, Thao telepathize, ‘Yes Michel, you have a new gift. It will be explained later.’ 

‘Arki,’ the Thaora was saying, ‘this is Michel, from the planet Earth. I welcome you to Thiaoouba, Arki. May The Spirit enlighten you.’ 

Addressing me, he continued. ‘Arki has come to visit us from the planet X’. (I am not allowed to reveal the name of this planet, nor the reason I have been forbidden to do so.) ‘And we thank him in the name of The Spirit and all the Universe, just as we thank you, Michel, for your willingness to collaborate with us in our mission. 

‘Arki has come in his Agoura 1 at our request, especially to meet you, Michel. 

‘We wanted you to see with your own eyes and touch with your own hands, an extra-planetarian quite different from our own race. Arki inhabits a planet of the same category as Earth, although it is very different in certain respects. These ‘differences’ are essentially physical and have contributed, over the course of time, to the physical appearance of the people. 

‘We also wanted to show you several things, Michel. Arki and his fellow beings are highly evolved both technologically and spiritually which might surprise you considering you will find his appearance ‘abnormal’, even monstrous. However, you can see by his Aura that he is highly spiritual and good. We also wanted to show you, by this experience, that we can give you for a time, the gift not only of seeing Auras, but of understanding all languages - and that, without recourse to telepathy.’ 

So that was it, I thought to myself. 

‘Yes, that was it,’ Thaora replied. ‘Now, move closer, the two of you. Talk together, touch each other if you want to - in a word, make each other’s acquaintance. 

I stood up and Arki did likewise. When he was upright, his hands almost touch the floor. Each had five fingers, like ours, but it had two thumbs - one in the same position as ours and the other where our little fingers are.[8] 

We approached each other and he held his arm out to me, the wrist forward and fist closed. He was smiling at me, revealing a set of straight, even teeth, just like ours, but green. I held my hand out in return, not knowing what else to do, and he addressed me in his own language - now perfectly comprehensible to me. 
1. Spacecraft of the planet X which travels at a speed slightly below the speed of light. (Author’s comment) 

‘Michel, I am very pleased to meet you and would have liked to be welcoming you as a guest on my own planet.’ I thanked him warmly, and filled with such emotion, began the sentence in French and finished it in English, which he, likewise, had no difficulty understanding! 

He continued. ‘At the request of the great Thaora, I have come to Thiaoouba from planet X, a planet that resembles yours in many ways. It is twice larger than Earth, with 15 billion inhabitants but, like Earth and other planets of the first category, it’s a ‘Planet of Sorrows’. Our problems are much the same as yours: we have had two nuclear holocausts during our existence on our planet and we have experienced dictatorships, crime, epidemics, cataclysms, a monetary system and all that is associated with it, religions, cults and other things. 

‘However, eighty of our years ago (our year lasts four hundred and two 21- hour-days) we initiated a reform. In fact, the reform was set in motion by a group of four people from a small village on the shores of one of our largest oceans. This group, comprising three men and one woman, preached peace, love and freedom of expression. They travelled to the capital city of their country and requested an audience with the leaders. Their request was denied for the regime was dictatorial and military. For six days and five nights, the four slept in front of the palace gates, eating nothing and drinking little water. 

‘Their perseverance attracted public attention and by the sixth day, a crowd of 2000 had gathered in front of the palace. With feeble voices, the four preached to the crowd of uniting in love to change the regime - until guards put an end to their ‘sermon’ by shooting the four and threatening to shoot members of the crowd if they did not disperse. This they quickly did, in genuine fear of the guards. Nevertheless, a seed had been sown in the minds of the people. On reflection, thousands of them came to realise that, without a peaceful understanding, they were powerless, absolutely powerless. 

‘Word was passed around among the people - rich and poor, employer and employee, worker and foreman, and one day, six months later, the entire nation came to a standstill.’ 

‘What do you mean by ‘came to a standstill’?’ I asked. 

‘The nuclear power stations shut down, transport systems halted, freeways were blocked. Everything stopped. The farmers didn’t deliver their produce; radio and television networks ceased transmitting; communication systems shut down. The police were helpless in the face of such unity, for, in a matter of hours, millions of people had joined the ‘cease work’. It seemed, for that time, the people had forgotten their hates, jealousies, differences of opinion as they united against injustice and tyranny. A police force and an army comprise human beings and these human beings had relatives and friends among the crowd. 

‘It was no longer a question of killing four subversive individuals. Hundreds of thousands would have had to be killed just to ‘liberate’ one power station. ‘In the face of the people’s determination, the police, the army and the Dictator were forced to capitulate. The only deaths to occur during this incident were the 23 fanatics who comprised the Tyrant’s personal guard - the soldiers were obliged to shoot them in order to reach him.’ 

‘Was he hanged?’ I asked. 

Arki smiled. ‘Why, no, Michel. The people were through with violence. He was deported instead, to a place where he could do no further harm, and, in fact their example inspired his reform. He found, again, the path of love and respect for individual liberty. He died, eventually, repentant for all that he had done. Now, that nation is the most successful on our planet, but, as on yours, there are other nations under the domination of violent totalitarian regimes and we are doing all in our power to help them. 

‘We know that all we do in this life is an apprenticeship, offering us the possibility of graduating to a superior existence and even freeing us forever of our physical bodies. You must know, too, that the planets are categorised and that it is possible for entire populations to emigrate to another, when their planet is in danger, but no-one can do so if the new planet is not of the same category. 

‘Being, overpopulated ourselves and, having highly advanced technology, we have visited your planet with a view to establish a settlement there - an idea we decided against since your degree of evolution would bring us more harm than good.’ 

I was not very flattered by this reflection and my Aura must have indicated as much to Arki. He smiled and continued. ‘I’m sorry, Michel, but I am saying my piece without hypocrisy. We still visit Earth but only as observers, interested in studying, and learning from you, your errors. We never intervene because that is not our role, and we would never invade your planet, as this would be a backward step for us. You are not to be envied - materially, technologically or spiritually. 

‘Going back to our Astral bodies, an Astral body absolutely cannot change to a superior planet until sufficiently evolved. We are speaking, of course, of spiritual evolution and not technological. This evolution occurs thanks to the physical body that improves as it progresses right up as far as this planet. [9] You have already learned of the nine categories of planets – ours are at the bottom of the scale. We, in our present physical bodies, can be permitted only nine days’ stay here. According to Universal Law, on the tenth day, our physical bodies would die and neither Thao nor the great Thaora, within whose power it is to revive the dead, would be able to prevent or reverse the process. Nature has very inflexible rules with well-established safeguards.’

‘But if I were to die here, perhaps my Astral body could stay here and I could be reincarnated as a baby on Thiaoouba...?’ I was full of hope, forgetting, for the moment, the family I loved back on Earth. 

‘You don’t understand, Michel. Universal Law would require that you be reincarnated on Earth, if you had not yet finished your time there. But it is possible that when you do die on Earth - when your moment has come - your Astral body will reincarnate in a body on another, more advanced planet...a second or perhaps third category planet, or even this one, depending on your present degree of development.’ 

‘It’s possible then, to skip all categories and find ourselves reincarnated on a ninth category planet?’ I asked, still full of hope, for, most decidedly, I regarded Thiaoouba as a veritable paradise. 

‘Michel, can you take some iron ore and some carbon, heat them to the right temperature, and produce pure steel? No. First you must skim the rubbish from the iron; then it goes back to the pot to be processed again and again and again... for as long as it takes to produce first-class steel. The same applies to us; we must be ‘reprocessed’ over and over until we emerge perfect, for eventually we will rejoin The Spirit who, being perfect himself, cannot accept the slightest imperfection.’ 

‘That seems so complicated!’ 

‘The Spirit, who has created everything, wanted it this way and I’m sure that, for him, it’s very simple; but for a poor human brain, I admit, it is at times difficult to comprehend. And it gets more difficult, the closer we try to get to the Source. For this reason, we have tried, and in several places with success, to abolish religions and sects. They apparently want to group people together and help them to worship God or gods and to understand better; and yet they make it all much more complicated and quite incomprehensible by introducing rituals and laws invented by priests who look to their own personal interests rather than following nature and Universal Law. I see by your Aura that you already realize certain of these things.’ 

I smiled, for it was true, and asked, ‘On your planet, can you see Auras, and read them?’ 

‘A few of us have learned to, myself included, but in this domain we are little more advanced than you. However, we study the subject enormously because we know this is what’s necessary for our evolution.’ 

He stopped there, quite suddenly, and I realised it was a telepathic order coming from the great personage that made him do so. 

‘I must go now, Michel and I will be completely happy to do so if in having spoken to you, I have been able to assist you and your fellow creatures - on Earth and across the Universe.’ 

He held his hand out to me and I did likewise. In spite of his ugliness, I would have liked to kiss him and hold him in my arms. I wish I had... 

I later learned that he had been killed, along with five others, when his spacecraft exploded just an hour after leaving Thiaoouba. I hoped that life would continue for him on a more hospitable planet...but perhaps he would return to his own in order to help his people - who knows? I had met, across the Universe, a brother who, like me, existed on a Planet of Sorrows - studying, at the same school, how one day, to gain eternal happiness. 

When Arki had left the room with his mentor, I sat down again near Thao. The Thaora who had given me the gift of understanding all languages, addressed me again. 

‘Michel, as Thao has already told you, you were chosen by us to visit Thiaoouba, but the essential motive for our choice has not been revealed. It is not only because you have a mind already awakened and open, but also - and principally - because you are one of the rare soukous inhabiting Earth at the present time. A ‘soukou’ is an Astral body that has lived eighty-one lives in human physical bodies, and has lived those lives [10] on different planets or different categories. For various reasons, the ‘soukous’ return to live on inferior planets, like Earth, when they could just as well continue to ‘climb the ladder’ without ever going backwards. You know that the number nine is the number of the Universe. You are here in the City of Nine Dokos, founded on Universal Law. Your Astral body has nine times nine lives, which brings you to the end of one of the great cycles.’ 

Once again, I was completely flabbergasted. I suspected I wasn’t living my first life, especially after my journey to Mu - but eighty-one lives! I didn’t know one lived so many... 

‘It’s possible to live many more, Michel,’ said the Thaora, interrupting my thoughts. ‘Thao is up to her 216th, but other entities live far fewer. As I said, you have been chosen from among very few ‘soukous’ living on Earth, but, in order that you acquire a thorough understanding during the trip to our planet, we have planned another journey in time for you. So that you will better understand what reincarnation is, and what its purpose is, we will permit you to revisit your previous existences. This journey in time will be useful to you when writing your book as you will fully comprehend its purpose.’ 

He had barely finished speaking, when Thao took me by the shoulder and spun me around. She led me towards the relaxation chamber - a feature, it seemed, of each and every doko. The three Thaori followed us, still by levitation. 

Thao indicated that I should lie down on a large piece of fabric that was just like an air cushion. The ‘chief’ Thaora positioned himself behind my head, the other two each holding one of my hands. Thao cupped her hands above my solar plexus. 

The leader then placed the index fingers of both hands over my pineal gland, telepathically ordering me to stare at his fingers. 

Seconds later, I had the impression of sliding backwards at incredible speed, through a dark, endless tunnel. Then, abruptly, I emerged from the tunnel into what seemed to be a gallery of a coal mine. Several men, wearing small lamps on their foreheads were pushing carts; others, a little further away, were attacking the coals with picks or shovelling it into carts. I moved towards the end of the gallery where I was able to examine one of the miners closely. I seemed to know him. A voice that came from within me said, ‘It’s one of your physical bodies, Michel.’ The man was quite tall and well built. He was covered in sweat and coal dust and laboured as he shovelled coal into a cart. 

The scene changed abruptly, just as it had when I was in the psychosphere on Mu. I learned that he was called Siegfried, when one of the other miners at the entrance to the mine shaft called his name in German, which I understood perfectly - and I do not speak or understand that language. The other miner asked Siegfried to follow him. He headed towards an old shed, somewhat larger than all the others in this apparent main street of the village. I followed them both inside, where oil lamps were burning and men sat at tables. 

Siegfried joined a group of them. They shouted something at a brute wearing a dirty apron and, shortly afterwards, he brought them a bottle and some pewter goblets. 

Another scene was superimposed on this one. It seemed that it was several hours later. The shed was the same, but now, Siegfried was staggering out, visibly drunk. He headed towards a row of smaller sheds, all of which had chimneys from which blackish smoke curled. Brusquely, he opened the door of one of them and entered, with me hot on his heels. 

Eight children, progressing in ages from one year upwards, each twelve months apart, sat at a table plunging their spoons into bowls full of unappetising looking gruel. They all lifted their heads at the sudden appearance of their father, watching him with fearful eyes. A woman, medium in size but strong looking, with hair of a dirty blonde colour, addressed him aggressively: ‘Where have you been and where is the money? You know very well that the children haven’t had beans in a fortnight, and, yet again, you’re drunk!’ 

She rose and approached Siegfried. As she raised her hand to slap his face, he grabbed her arm and, with his left fist, punched her so hard that she was sent flying backwards. 

She fell to the floor, hitting the back of her neck on the chimney hearth as she did so, and was killed instantly. 

The children were crying and screaming. Siegfried leaned over his wife whose wide-open eyes stared lifelessly into his. 

‘Freda, Freda, come on, get up,’ he cried, his voice filled with anguish. He took her in his arms to help her, but she couldn’t stand. Suddenly, as she continued to stare fixedly, he realised she was dead. Sobered now, he rushed towards the door and fled into the night, running on and on, as if he had lost his mind. 

Again the scene changed and Siegfried appeared, firmly bound between two guards, one of whom was putting a hood over Siegfried’s head. The executioner also wore one with holes cut in it for his eyes. He was a huge man and held within his enormous hand the handle of a wide blade axe. The guard made Siegfried kneel, bending forward so that his head rested on the execution block. Now the executioner came forward and assumed his position. A priest hastily recited prayers as the executioner slowly raised his axe over his head. Quite suddenly, he let it fall on the neck of Siegfried. The victim’s head rolled across the ground, causing the crowd to recoil several steps. 

I had just witnessed the violent death of one of my many physical bodies... 

The sensation was so strange. Until the moment of his death, I had been filled with a great fondness for this man, and although he had done wrong, I felt great pity for him. At the moment of his death, however, as his head rolled across the ground amid the murmurs of the crowd, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief - on his account as well as my own. 

Immediately, I was presented with another scene. Before me was a lake, its shining blue waters reflecting the rays of two suns which hung quite low on the horizon. 

A small boat, richly yet delicately decorated with sculptures and paintings, proceeded across the lake. It was guided by men, of medium size and reddish complexion, using long poles which they plunged into the water. Beneath a type of canopy and seated on an ornately decorated throne, was a lovely young woman with golden skin. Her oval shaped face was lit up by pretty almond eyes and long blonde hair that fell to her waist. 

She was relaxed and smiling as the young company, which hovered around her, entertained her light-heartedly. I knew instantly that this pretty creature was myself in another life. 

The boat proceeded steadily towards a landing pier, from which led a wide pathway bordered by tiny flowering shrubs. This path disappeared among trees that surrounded what appeared to be a palace, with roofs at various levels and of various colours. 

With a change of scene, I was transported inside the palace to find myself in a lavishly decorated room.  

One wall opened up on to a garden - a very orderly miniature garden of astonishing variety and colour. 

Servants with reddish skin, dressed in bright green loincloths, busied themselves with serving one hundred or so guests. These ‘guests’ were of both sexes and all richly dressed. They had the same type of light golden skin colour as the woman on the boat. In contrast to the complexions of the servants, these people had skins of the colour that blonde women on Earth can attain after numerous suntanning sessions. 

The pretty young woman from the boat, sat, in what appeared to be the place of honour, in a high-backed seat. Music, soft and enchanting, could be heard and seemed to emanate from the far end of the room as well as from the garden. 

One of the servants opened a large door to admit a tall young man - perhaps 190 centimetres in height and of similar golden complexion. His bearing was proud and his build athletic. 

Copper blond hair framed a face of regular features. He advanced with a purposeful stride towards the young woman and bowed before her. Whispering something to him, she gestured to the servants who brought forward an armchair similar to her own and placed it beside hers. The young man sat down and the woman gave him her hand, which he held in his. 

Suddenly, on a signal from her, a gong sounded several times, and silence fell. The guests turned towards the couple. In a voice loud and clear, directed towards the servants as well as the guests, the young woman spoke: ‘to all of you gathered here, I want you to know that I have chosen a companion. This is he, Xinalani, and he will have, from this moment and according to my agreement, all of the royal rights and privileges, after me. Indeed, he will be the second power in the kingdom, after myself, the Queen and the head. Any subject disobeying him or doing wrong by him in any way will answer to me. The first child that I bear Xinalani, whether male or female, will be my successor. I, Labinola, Queen of the land, have decided this.’ 

She signalled again, and the sound of the gong indicated the end of her speech. One by one, the guests bowed low before Labinola, kissing first her feet and then Xinolini’s in gestures of subservience. 

This scene disappeared in a blur to be replaced by another, in the same palace but another room, where the royal family sat in thrones. Here, Labinola was administering justice. All sorts of people paraded before the Queen and she listened attentively to them all. 

An extraordinary thing happened. I found I was able to enter into her body. It’s quite difficult to explain, but for a considerable time, while I listened and watched, I was Labinola. 

I could understand absolutely all that was said, and when Labinola pronounced her judgement, I was in total agreement with her decisions. 

I could hear in the murmuring of the crowd, reflections of admiration for her wisdom, never once did she turn towards Xinolini and never did she ask his advice. I felt a great pride invade me, knowing that I had been this woman in another life and I felt, during this time, the light tingling sensation that I was starting to recognise. 

Everything disappeared again and then I was in the most luxurious of bedrooms. It proved to be that of Labinola, who lay, completely naked, on the bed. Three women and two men hovered nearby. As I approached, I could see her face, streaming with perspiration and disfigured with the pain of labour. 

The women, midwives, and the men, the most eminent doctors in the kingdom, seemed worried. The child was arriving in a breech position and Labinola had lost a lot of blood. This was her first child and she was exhausted. Fear was evident in the eyes of the midwives and doctors and I knew that Labinola already realised she was going to die. 

The scene moved forwards two hours in time and Labinola had just breathed her last breath. She had lost too much blood. The child, too, had died, suffocating before it could emerge into the world. Labinola, this pretty creature of twenty eight years, so beautiful and good had just released her Astral body - my Astral body, to live another life. 

Further scenes were already appearing, revealing other lives on other planets - as men, women and children. Twice I was a beggar, and three times a sailor. I was a water carrier in India, a goldsmith in Japan where I lived till ninety-five years of age; a Roman soldier; a black child at Chad devoured by a lion at the age of eight years; an Indian fisherman on the Amazon, dead at forty-two years leaving twelve children; an Apache chief dead at eighty-six years; several times a peasant farmer, on Earth as well as on other planets; and twice an ascetic in the mountains of Tibet and on another planet. 

Apart from when I was Labinola, ruling Queen of one-third of a planet, most of my lives were very modest. I saw scenes from all eighty of my previous lives - some of which impressed me a lot. I do not have time to detail them all in this book, as they would fill a volume on their own. Maybe one day I will write it. 

At the end of the ‘show’, I had the impression of moving backwards in the ‘tunnel’ and, when I opened my eyes, Thao and the three Thaori were smiling kindly. When it was established that I was indeed back in my present skin, the leader addressed me in the following words: 

‘We wanted to show you your past lives, that you might notice they vary, as though they were attached to a wheel. Because a wheel is made to turn, any point on it that is on top will soon be at the bottom - it is inevitable, do you see? 

‘One day you are a beggar and then you can be a Queen, such as Labinola who, of course, was not only at the top of the wheel but also learned a lot and greatly helped others. And yet, in many cases, a beggar will learn as much as a king and in some instances he will learn much more. 

‘When you were an ascetic in the mountains, you assisted many more individuals than in most of your other lives. What counts most is not appearances, but what is behind them. 

‘When your Astral body takes on another physical body it is, quite simply, in order to learn more, and even more... 

‘As we have explained to you, it is for the sake of your Higher-self. It is a process of continual refinement, which can occur just as effectively in the body of a beggar as in that of a king or a miner. The physical body is but a tool. A sculptor’s chisel and hammer are tools; they will never reach beauty on their own, but they contribute to it in the hands of an artist. A wonderful statue could not have been created with the artist’s bare hands. 

‘You should always bear in mind this main point: An Astral body, in all cases, must conform to Universal Law, and, by following nature as closely as possible, it can achieve the ultimate goal by the fastest path.’ 

With that, the Thaori resumed their places and we resumed ours. 

During my stay in the doko, the sun had set; however, they didn’t deem it necessary to explain the luminous ambience that allowed us to see at least fifteen metres in distance inside the doko. 

My attention was still focused on the Thaori. They were looking at me with kindness, surrounded by a golden mist that became more and more dense, into which they disappeared - just as they had on my first visit. 

This time, Thao gently placed her hand on my shoulder and asked me to follow her. She led me towards the entrance of the doko, and in an instant we were outside. It was completely dark and no light shone anywhere apart from over the entrance. I could see no more than three metres in front of me and wondered how we were going to find the flying platform. I then remembered that Thao could see as well by night as by day. I was curious to see evidence of this - like a typical Earthling, I sought proof! It was provided immediately. Thao lifted me up effortlessly and sat me on her shoulders, just as we on Earth carry our little ones. 

‘You could stumble,’ she explained, as we proceeded along the path - and indeed, she seemed to know exactly where she was going, just as though it were daylight. 

Before long, she put me down on the seat of the Lativok and sat herself next to me. I placed my mask, which I had been holding in my hand, on my knees, and almost immediately we took off. 

I must say that, in spite of my confidence in Thao, I felt uneasy at flying ‘blind’. We flew between the immense trees of the park and I couldn’t even see the stars that usually shone so brightly. Great clouds had formed after sundown and our surroundings were completely obscured in darkness. Next to me, however, I could see Thao’s Aura and the ‘bouquet’ at the top of her head, which was particularly bright. 

We picked up speed and I’m sure we travelled as fast in the darkness as we did by day. I felt some drops of rain sting my face. Thao moved her hand towards a point on the machine and I felt the rain no more. At the same instant, I had the impression that we were stopping and I wondered what was happening, for I knew we were over the ocean. Occasionally, in the distance on our left, I could make out coloured lights that moved. 

‘What is it?’ I asked Thao. 

‘The lights at the entrances to the dokos on the coast.’ I was trying to understand why the dokos were moving, when suddenly, through the darkness which seemed even thicker, a light came directly towards us and stopped beside us. 

‘We are at your place,’ said Thao. ‘Come on.’ 

She lifted me again. I felt a slight pressure as when one enters a doko and then felt the rain full on my face. The downpour was very strong but, in a few strides, Thao was under the light and we entered the doko. 

‘We got here just in time,’ I remarked. 

‘Why? For the rain? No, it’s actually been pouring for a short while now. I activated the force field - didn’t you notice? You stopped feeling the wind, didn’t you?’ 

‘Yes, but I thought we had stopped. I don’t understand at all.’ 

Thao burst into laughter, which put me at ease again and suggested that the explanation to the mystery was about to unfold. 

‘The force field not only keeps the rain out but also the wind, so you had no reference point by which to judge whether we moved or not. You see, one must not rely on perception.’ 

‘But how could you find this place in such darkness?’ ‘

As I told you, we can see as well by night as by day. That’s why we don’t use lighting - I realise that is not convenient for you, you can’t see me now, but, in any case, we have had a very full day and I think it would be best for you to rest now. Let me help you.’ 

She led me to the relaxation area, wishing me a good night. I asked her if she was going to stay with me, but she explained that she lived quite nearby, not even requiring the vehicle to transport her there. With that, she left and I stretched out and soon fell asleep. 

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of Thao’s voice as she leaned over me, whispering in my ear. 

I observed as I had the first time, that this relaxation area was well deserving of its name, for I would not have heard Thao, had she not leaned over me to speak, sound being extremely muffled here. Further, I had slept soundly, without waking once. I was perfectly rested. 

I got up and followed Thao towards the pool. It was at this time that she told me of the accident that had befallen Arki. I was greatly saddened by the news and tears sprang to my eyes. Thao reminded me that Arki was proceeding to another existence and should be remembered as a friend who has left us to go elsewhere. 

‘Indeed it is sad, but we must not be selfish, Michel. Other adventures and other joys are probably in store for Arki.’ 

I washed and when I rejoined Thao, we enjoyed a very light meal and drank some hydromel. I didn’t feel hungry. Looking up, I could see the grey sky and the rain falling on the doko. It was interesting to watch, as the raindrops didn’t stream down the doko as they would have done over a glass dome. Instead, they simply disappeared when they reached the doko’s force field. I looked at Thao and she smiled at me, having seen my surprise. 

‘The drops are dislocated by the force field, Michel. It is elementary physics - at least for us. But there are more interesting things to study and, unfortunately, you have so little time. There are still more things that I must teach you, so your fellow men might be enlightened when you write your book - such as the mystery of Christ which I mentioned yesterday when we were interrupted by Arki’s arrival. 

‘First, I must speak to you of Egypt and Israel, as well as of Atlantis, the famous continent so often talked of on Earth and the subject of so much controversy. 

‘Atlantis, like the continent of Mu, did exist and was situated in the northern hemisphere, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It was attached to Europe, and linked to America by an isthmus and to Africa by another isthmus at about the latitude of the Canary Islands. Its area was slightly greater than that of Australia. 

‘It was inhabited by the people of Mu, approximately 30 000 years ago - in fact, it was a colony of Mu. There was also a white race there - tall blond people with blue eyes. It was the Mayas, very learned colonisers from Mu, who governed the country, and they constructed there, a replica of the Pyramid of Savanasa. 

‘Seventeen thousand years ago, they explored the Mediterranean thoroughly, going via the north of Africa where they acquainted the Arabs, (descendants of the cross-breeding between yellow and black Bakaratinians) with much new knowledge - material as well as spiritual. The numerical script, for example, still used by the Arabs, came from Atlantis, and from Mu, of course. 

‘They went to Greece where they founded a small colony and the Greek alphabet corresponds almost exactly to that of Mu. 

‘Finally they arrived in a land that the natives called Aranka and which you know as Egypt. There, they established a strong colony with a great man, by the name of Toth, at its head. Laws were established which embodied the beliefs of Mu and the organisational principles of Atlantis. Improved plants, new techniques for raising cattle, new methods of cultivation, pottery and weaving were all introduced. 

‘Toth was a great man of Atlantis, extremely knowledgeable materially as well as spiritually. He founded villages, built temples and, just before his death, he had constructed what you now call the Great Pyramid. Each time these great colonisers judged that the new colony had the potential to become great, materially and spiritually, they would construct a special pyramid - a tool - as you were able to see for yourself on Mu. In Egypt, they constructed the Great Pyramid on the same model as the Pyramid of Savanasa, but on a scale three times reduced. These pyramids are unique and, in order to fulfil their role as a ‘tool’, their dimensions and specifications must be precisely adhered to, as well as their orientation.’ 

‘Do you know how much time it took?’ 

‘It was quite fast - just nine years, for Toth and his master architects knew the secrets of anti-gravitation from Mu, and the secrets for cutting the rock and using - let’s call them ‘electro-ultra-sounds’.’ 

‘But on Earth, the experts believe it to have been constructed by the Pharaoh Cheops.’ 

‘It’s not so, Michel. Of course, this is not the only mistake that the experts on Earth have made. On the other hand, I can confirm that the Pharaoh Cheops used this pyramid as it was meant to be used. 

‘The Maya-Atlanteans were not the only ones to explore and colonise. Gone for thousands of years, the Nagas had colonised Burma, India and finally they reached the shores of Egypt, at about the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer. They too, founded a successful colony and occupied upper Egypt. Both groups of colonists introduced similar sorts of improvements. The Nagas established a large town called Mayou, on the banks of the Red Sea. The natives of the region went to their schools, gradually becoming assimilated with the colonists and producing the Egyptian race. 

‘However, about 5000 years ago, the Nagas in the north of Egypt and the Maya Atlanteans began fighting for a reason that is quite ludicrous. The Atlanteans, whose religion differed significantly from the religion of Mu, believed in the reincarnation of the soul (Astral body) in the country of its ancestors. Thus, they claimed that the soul travelled westward to where they had come from. The Nagas held a similar belief except that they claimed the soul went back to the east, since they had come from the east. 

‘For two years they were actually at war over this difference but it was not a terribly cruel war, as both groups comprised of fundamentally peace loving people, and eventually they became allied and formed a unified Egypt. 

‘The first King of United Egypt, both upper and lower, was called Mena. It was he who established the town of Memphis. He was elected by the same method used in Mu - a method that did not long survive in Egypt, due to the rise of a powerful clergy which little by little put the Pharaohs under its thumb. This situation continued over the years with notable exceptions among the Pharaohs who yielded to the clergy. One such exception was the Pharaoh Echnaton 1 who was poisoned by the priests. Before dying, he made the following statement: ‘The time that I have spent on this Earth was an era in which the simplicity of Truth was not understood and was rejected by many.’ As often happens in religious sects, the Egyptian priests distorted the Truth, simple though it was, in order to have a better hold over the people. They had them believing in the devil and in various divine beings as well as other such nonsense. 

‘It must also be said that prior to the war and the subsequent peace-pact which saw Mena installed as King of Egypt, the population, made up of Maya Atlanteans and Nagas in equal proportions, had established a sophisticated civilisation in both upper and lower Egypt. 

‘The country was prosperous. Farming and grazing flourished and the (time of the) first King of Egypt, Mena, was, almost the culmination [11] of this rising civilisation. 

‘Now, at this point, we must go back in time. Arki said that Earth is still being visited by extraterrestrials and, as you know, it has been regularly visited in the past. But, I should elaborate on this. 

‘Earth is visited, as are many other inhabitable planets scattered throughout the Universe. Sometimes the inhabitants of certain planets are obliged to evacuate as their planet is dying. Now, as Arki also explained, you can’t change planets as you might change houses. You must conform to a cycle that is well-established; otherwise, catastrophes can be the consequence. This is what happened 12 000 years ago. Human beings left the planet Hebra in order to visit the galaxy in search of a new planet of the same category as their own, for they knew that, in the millennium to come, their planet would become totally uninhabitable. 

‘A spacecraft, capable of extremely high speeds, experienced serious problems during its reconnaissance flight and was obliged to land on your planet. It landed in the region of Krasnodar, a town in Western Russia. Needless to say, at the time there was no town, no people, no Russia. ‘

On board the spacecraft were eight astronauts: three women and five men. These people were approximately 170 centimetres in height, with black eyes, fair skin and long brown hair. They made a successful landing and began repairs to their vessel.
1. Alternate spelling : Akhenaten (Editor's note) 

‘They found the gravitational force stronger than on their own planet and, initially, had some difficulty moving about. They established a camp near their spacecraft, expecting repairs to take some time. One day, during work, an accident occurred causing a terrific explosion that destroyed half of the vessel and killed five of the cosmonauts. The other three, being some distance away, were unharmed. They were Robanan, a man, and Levia and Dina, two women. 

‘They knew well what was in store for them. Coming from a planet of a superior category, they did not belong on Earth, where they were in fact prisoners, and thus they anticipated the misadventures that befell them. The accident came as no great surprise. 

‘For several months, the three remained at the spot for the season was warm. They had some weapons and they were able to procure game - their provisions of manna and roustian having been lost in the explosion. Eventually the cold arrived and they decided to move further south. 

‘The gravitational force made walking long distances extremely difficult for them, so that their trek south to warmer climates became a veritable ‘Road to Calvary’. They passed by the Black Sea heading in the direction of today’s Israel. The journey took months but they were young people and, astonishingly, they made it. The weather became more clement, and even hot, as they reached lower latitudes. They stopped by a river, establishing there a permanent camp - all the more permanent since Dina was several months pregnant. At full term, she gave birth to a son whom they named Ranan. By then, Levia too, was pregnant and some time later, she also bore a son, Rabion. 

‘These people from Hebra acclimatised in this spot which was rich in game, honey and edible plants - and there they founded their line. It was quite some time later that they made the acquaintance of some nomads passing by. This was their first contact with Earthlings. The nomads numbered ten and, having found Robanan’s women to their liking, they wanted to kill him and take all that he had, including the women. 

‘Robanan still had his weapon and, although a pacifist, he was obliged to use it and killed four of his attackers who fled in the face of such power. 

‘These people were greatly saddened that they had to resort to such a measure, and saw in it yet another sign that they were on a planet that was forbidden to them by Universal Law. 

‘I don’t understand,’ I interrupted. ‘I thought that it wasn’t possible to jump categories in a forward direction, but that it would be possible to go to inferior planets.’ 

‘No, Michel, neither forwards nor backwards. If you go forward, disregarding Universal Law, you will die; if you go backwards, you expose yourself to worse conditions because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic environment. 

‘If you like, I can give you an analogy in the form of a childish comparison. Imagine a man immaculately dressed in polished shoes, white socks and pressed suit. You oblige this man to walk through a farmyard, 30 centimetres deep in mud. Further, you insist that he put this mud into a wheelbarrow with his hands. No need to ask what state he will be in when he has finished. 

‘Nonetheless, our group of extra-terrestrials founded their line that became the ancestors of present-day Jews. 

‘The Bible was written later by scribes who retraced the history of these people, distorting it, as legend became mixed with reality. 

‘I can affirm for you that the Adam of the Bible was, not only, not the first man on Earth, far from it, but he was called Robanan and he didn’t have a wife called Eve but two wives named Levia and Dina. The race of Jews developed from these three, without mixing with other races because, by atavism 1 , they felt themselves superior - and indeed they were. 

‘However, I must assure you that the (original)2 Bible is not the product of the scribes’ imagination - nor is it embellished. There was much truth in it. I say ‘was’ because in the various councils of the Roman Catholic Church, the Bible has been greatly revised, for reasons which are clear: to serve the needs of Christianity. This is why I said yesterday, that religions are one of the curses of Earth. I must also enlighten you in regard to several other biblical points. 

‘Shortly after the arrival of the Hebrews on Earth, we helped them on several occasions. We also punished them. For example, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by one of our space vehicles. The people of those two towns were presenting a bad example and acting dangerously for the people in contact with them. We tried various means in an endeavour to put them back on the right track, but in vain. We had to be ruthless. 

‘Each time that you read in the Bible: ‘And the Lord God said this or that’ - you should read ‘and the inhabitants of Thiaoouba said...’.’ 

‘Why not save them in the beginning and take them back to their planet or to another of the same category?’ 

‘That is, of course, a reasonable question, Michel, but there is a snag. We can’t predict the future more than 100 years in advance. We thought, at the time, that, being such a small group, they might not survive and, if they did, they would mix with other races and thus be absorbed by other peoples and rendered ‘impure’. We guessed that this would occur within a century - but such was not the case. Even now, as you know, the race is still almost as pure as it was 12 000 years ago. 

‘As I told you, by means of religious councils, priests erased or changed many things in the Bible, but others survived and can easily be explained. 
1. ‘atavism’ - here - aiming to maintain/reconstruct the original characteristics. The first generations of people described in the Bible lived up to 900 years. (Editor’s note) 
2. Editor’s comment in agreement with the Author. 

‘In Chapter 18, verse (1) the scribe refers to our appearance at that time, saying: ‘The Lord God appeared unto him among the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to his tent in the heat of day.’ The scribe is speaking of Abraham in this chapter. 

‘(2) He, Abraham, looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them he ran to them and fell to the ground before them. 

(3) And he said, ‘Lord and master, if I have found grace in your eyes, I beg you not to go far from your servant.’ Abraham invites the three men to stay. The scribe refers to them as men one minute and yet one of them is also called ‘the Lord God’. He speaks to them and each time, it is the one referred to as ‘the Lord God’ who replies. Now, the priests of the Roman Catholic Church find this in formal contradiction with their views, as do many other religions, for they will tell you that no one can imagine the face of God - that one would be blinded by it. In a sense they are right, since the Creator, being a pure spirit, has no face! 

‘According to the scribe, Abraham converses with the Lord God as he would with a high ranking lord on Earth. And the Lord God answers him and is accompanied by two other ‘men’ - the scribe does not speak of ‘angels’. Isn’t it odd that God comes down to Earth in the form of a man, accompanied, not by angels, but by men? Actually, there, and in many other places in the Bible, it is easy for someone of good faith to see that God has never spoken to any human being.1 

‘He could not have done so, since it is astral bodies which aspire towards Him and not God who leans towards them. That would be like a river flowing backwards - you have never seen a river flowing from the sea to the mountaintop, have you? A passage from the Bible, two pages further on from the one just mentioned, is also quite amusing: Chapter 19, verse (1): ‘The two angels arrived in Sodom, and Lot was seated at the gates to Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to go and kiss the ground in front of them’ - then he manages to get them to go to his house, and suddenly, in verse five, ‘They called Lot and said to him: ‘Where are the men who entered your house?’. Now the scribe is referring to them as ‘men’. Next, in verse (10), ‘The men reached out, made Lot come inside and closed the door.’ (11) ‘And they struck blind everyone at the entrance to the house, from the smallest to the largest person, so that it was useless for them to try to find the door.’
1. ‘God has never spoken’ - In the oldest available, the Hebrew version of the Bible Jehovah is one of many names for ‘God’. All other translations mix them up completely - replacing the exact names by ‘Father’,‘Lord’ or ‘God’. From the Hebrew version it is clear that it was Yehova who talked to people, appeared in human form, made ‘miracles’ - not God, the Creator. From the information contained in this book it is clear that God is God (The Great Spirit) and Yehova = Thiaoouba. In the context of this single detail - the entire Bible makes much more sense and becomes fascinating reading. (Editor) 

‘It is easy to see the lack of precision in this passage, where the scribe begins by speaking of two angels, then speaks of two men, and then describes two men striking people blind. According to the Bible, such a ‘miracle’ requires at least an angel! There my dear, is another good example of confusion in Earthly scripts. The ‘men’ were quite simply our men from Thiaoouba. 

‘Thus we guided and helped the Jews, for it would have been a shame to let a race so spiritually evolved sink back into ignorance and savagery only because it had accidentally committed the error of coming to a planet which was not appropriate for it. We helped them in the centuries that followed and it is this that certain scribes have tried to explain by writing the accounts that have formed the Bible. Often they were in good faith; at times, they have distorted the facts, although not purposely. 

‘The only times this distortion was purposely done, and for very specific reasons, as I have said, was by the Roman Church during the councils of Nicein AD 325, Constantinople in AD 381, Ephesus in AD 431 and Chalcedon in AD 451. There were others too, but of lesser significance. The Bible is not the Book of God, as many people on Earth believe it to be; it is simply a document of ancient history much modified and full of embellishments, added by writers different from the original scribes. For example, let’s go back to Egypt and the time of the Exodus, which interests people on Earth. I’m going to restore the truth concerning this, for you and for others, before going further. 

‘Let’s go back, then, to Egypt, where we find that the descendants of the cosmonauts have become the Hebrew people (the name deriving from that of their planet, Hebra). Since arriving accidentally on your planet, this race has experienced great difficulties - it experienced them then and it experiences them still. 

‘As you know, the Jews are very intelligent by comparison with other races; they have a religion which is quite different; and they don’t mix with other races. Marriages are almost always among their own kind. Because of inexorable Universal Law, they have always suffered persecution, much of which has occurred in recent times. As a result, their astral bodies were liberated and therefore able to proceed directly to more highly evolved planets where they belong. 

‘As you also know, a group of Hebrews travelled with Joseph, son of Jacob, into Egypt, where they established a line, only to end up being hated by the Egyptians and always for the same unstated reasons - their intelligence and, particularly, their solidarity in the face of adversity. Action was needed.’ 


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