Sunday, March 5, 2023

Part 9 OF 9 : Dead Men's Secrets Tantalising Hints of a Lost Super Race ... Could Science Make You Invisible ...Too Late for Escape

Dead Men's Secrets 
Tantalising Hints of a Lost Super Race 
By Jonathan Gray
Chapter 28 
Some intriguing secrets
Some of the data now to be presented may seem preposterous to the mind educated to a blind faith in modern science. 

Yet I have reservations about scientific dogmatism, because what is science today will be fallacy tomorrow and what was science ten or twenty years ago is fallacy today. 

Certainly, as evidence piles up of a forgotten prehistoric science, it is difficult to shake off the feeling that our ancestors knew a lot more than we do. 

They possessed superior intelligence and technological skill—often to a degree that the modern mind finds staggering. 

Their attainments stare us in the face; their secrets defy us. Consider these as food for thought. 

1 (W): A mysterious vase of red crystal, when it was filled with water, weighed the same as when it was empty. 

2 (W): Fire that burned in water was used by the Greeks to defeat the Arabs in 674 and in 716, and then the Russians in 941 and in 1043. This was a devastating weapon: in the battle of 716, 800 Arab warships were totally destroyed. 

The secret formula was brought to Greece by a fleeing architect who had excavated it in ancient Baalbek. This viscous product has never been reproduced, even by modern napalm specialists. 

3 (W): Singing statues: 
• The statue of Memnon, and its twin, emitted a thin, high-pitched sound like a chord on a harp. It was a phenomenon heard at dawn, for about 200 years; the sound at first was said to be sweetly melodious. (One theory suggests a complex mechanism hidden in the depths of the statue, activated by the rising sun working on a lens hidden in the figure’s lips.) 
• Similar sounds were heard at sunrise in the granite cave at Syene. 
• Also in the Karnak temple. 

After certain repairs on the statue, the musical sounds ceased. This indicates that the “music” was due to some complicated mechanism triggered by the sun’s rays—a mechanism which was inadvertently damaged during the restoration work. 

4 (W): “Singing houses” are believed to have been devices for the automatic opening and closing of doors; a kind of concealed “carillon” activated by weights or by the footsteps of the passers-by. 

5 (O): Entrances in cliffs were opened by mysterious means (for example, “by blowing on the cliff face”). 

6 (W): Heavy portals of temples were opened wide by a certain word pronounced (by chosen priests) in a prescribed tone. 

7 (W): “Magic” doors giving access to temples, crypts and caves are frequently mentioned in tales. 

8 (W): Harmonious sounds issued from beaks of birds made of metal. The principle was apparently that of sounds emitted at a certain pitch and touching off a spring mechanism, or else of sounds or ultrasounds acting upon an electric cell, as light would do. The “open sesame” principle which operates in nature, by a low-pitched note, was evidently understood. 

9 (W): Doors which open and close themselves, and shutters which close automatically, have been described countless times. 

ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, 1st cent. A.D. 
10 (W): Artificial rain of perfumed water was activated by a hidden device. 
11 (W): “Magical” lighting and sound effects caused a temple to be wrapped in clouds or bathed in unearthly light; darkness appeared in daytime; night suddenly lit up; lamps burned of their own accord; images of gods would blaze; and claps of thunder ring out. 

12 (W): Large public baths were heated by a crucible which was in turn heated by the flame of a single candle! (What was this ingenious mechanism that could amplify the energy of the fire of the candle thousands of times?) 

SYRIA, 2nd cent. A.D. 
13 (W): The eyes of the goddess Hera (a statue in a temple at Hierapolis) followed a person no matter where he moved. 

GREECE, 4th cent. B.C. 
14 (W): A vault constructed with “magnetic stones” so that idols could be suspended in mid-air.  

15 (W): A sun disk ascending into the air “by magnetism” in the temple of Serapis. 

SYRIA, 2nd cent. A.D. 
16 (W): An image of a deity raised into the air. 

ASIA MINOR, 5th cent. A.D. 
17 (W): An iron Cupid suspended between the ceiling and floor of a Diana temple. 

18 (W): An embalmed body poised a span from the ground. 

19 (W): Mahomet’s coffin suspended for a long period high up in a mosque. 

20 (W): A “flying rod” motionless for centuries, mid-air, in a church. 

21 (W): The statue of Apollo was maneuvered into position while floating in the air. 

On the basis of the foregoing, I think we should reconsider the method by which those enormous stone blocks strewn throughout the world were set in place. 

The explanation offered by the ancients—who lived closer to the events than we—cannot lightly be brushed aside. Even the legends of their local descendants should at least be given a hearing. 

Outrageous though individual accounts may sound, a comparison does reveal an interesting thread of agreement running through them all—the concept that the stones were made to levitate. 

22 (0): The local explanation for the enormous building blocks in ancient cities of the Andes is that godlike heroes made the stones fly from distant quarries. 

23 (0): Local natives relate that the cyclopean ruins of Nan Madol were originally built by the casting of a spell which caused the basaltic prisms to fly through the air and settle down in the right positions.1 

24 (0): Local native tradition relates that the statue builders had techniques which utilized the mysterious vibratory energy of “mana”. 

25 (W): Ancient texts refer to the secrets of anti-gravity (weightlessness), of telekinesis and the exploitation of cosmic energy. 

26 (W): Historical legend asserted that some form of machinery gave a lift to the large blocks of Stonehenge.2 

27 (W): Tablets indicate that by means of sounds the priests were able to raise into the air heavy rocks which a thousand men could not have lifted.3 

28 (W): Certain Arab sources contain curious tales about the manner in which the earlier pyramids were erected. One says that the stones were wrapped in papyrus, then struck with a rod. They became weightless and moved through the air for some 150 feet. The procedure was repeated until the pyramid was reached and the stone placed

29 (W): Coptic writings indicate how the blocks were levitated by the sound of chanting. 

The relationship between sound and weightlessness is still a mystery to us. We are reminded, again, of the Bolivian legend that flying vehicles were kept airborne by vibrations at a certain pitch generated by continual hammer blows. 

Here, perhaps, is the explanation for those technologically impossible prehistoric constructions, many of which seem literally to have been thrown up to the tops of mountains and perched on the edges of precipices, as if the giant stones had flown there!

It is possible that in a particular village in present-day India we see demonstrated the principle behind this ancient secret. Stones are levitated when the right number of people place their index finger on a rock and do the correct chanting. Success in this instance appears to hinge on sound waves and biocurrents from the fingers. 

30 (S): A process for softening hard rock, by utilizing a radioactive plant extract, may have been used by the Incas and others in shaping stones. 

• An earthenware jug in a Peruvian grave contained a black fluid that, when spilled on rocks, turned them into a soft, malleable putty. 
• American archaeologist A. Hyatt Verrill saw remnants of this substance in the possession of an Indian witch doctor. 
• Fawcett, the British explorer, reported that on a walk along the River Perene, in Peru, large spurs were corroded to stumps in one day by the juice of plants about a foot high with dark-reddish fleshy leaves. 
• A small bird in the Bolivian Andes bores holes in solid rock by rubbing a leaf on the rock until it is soft and can be pecked away. 

31(W): Reports of alchemy (the transmutation of metals, including lead into gold) come to us from widespread sources. 

The fact of an advanced culture and technology in proto history can clarify why ancient alchemists believed in transmutation of the elements. 

A remote age during which nuclear science was practiced implies the use of atomic energy for many purposes. Some ideas, such as transmutation, which the alchemists kept alive in their endless search to turn lead into gold, most likely stemmed from ancient knowledge that manipulation of atomic structures could convert one element into another. 

Today, with instruments such as the strong-focusing synchrotron, the transmutation of metals has begun to look quite good. 

It has now been reported that Soviet scientists have found a cheap way of converting lead into gold. They were conducting an experiment in nuclear bombardment when they found the lead shielding inside an advanced nuclear reactor had changed into gold. They were able to repeat the process under laboratory conditions. 

Russian scientists have also grown real diamonds in a carbon dioxide bath under low pressure. 

But such breakthroughs are possible only in the most sophisticated contemporary physics. The idea that such processes were known thousands of years ago, and then forgotten, jolts the mind. 

32 (W): A “magical” helmet, when placed on the head, rendered the wearer invisible. (Was this “helmet” an electronic device to diffract or deflect light rays, thereby acting as a protective agent?) 

33 (W): A “magic mist” was created, to render the producers invisible. (This might have been linked with light diffraction devices.) 

34 (W): Manuscripts are said to reveal the secret of “antima” (the “cap of invisibility”). 

35 (W): The heroic Siegfried won from the dwarf king Alberich a cloak that when worn rendered him invisible. He used it afterward in successful duels. The ancient Germans firmly believed in a cloak of invisibility. 

36 (W): Ancient texts reveal “the secret of making planes invisible”. 

37 (W): Weapons and flying objects were able to render themselves “invisible to the enemy”.4 

38 (W): The ancient destroyer Shiva sometimes disappeared into thin air before enemy eyes. 

39 (W): Visible-invisible bridge: A city in the Andes was protected by a rocky defile which could only be crossed by a bridge. Constructed of ionized matter, this pre-Incan bridge was made to appear and disappear at will.5 

Of course, all solid objects have a vibration frequency within the range perceptible to the human eye. Some scientists consider that it might be possible to alter the vibration frequency into vibrations outside the visible range. 

In October 1943, secret experiments allegedly took place from the Philadelphia Naval Yard in which an electromagnetic force field was created and a ship of the U.S. Navy, fully crewed, was made to disappear. In other words, ship and crew became totally invisible. Pulsating energy fields produced an electronic camouflage. The explanation can probably be found in Einstein’s unified field theory. 

Despite detailed evidence as to names, places and times, the event is still officially denied. 

Yet, significantly, since then the Great Powers have developed infrared cannons sensitive not only to the visible shape of objects, but also to their thermal radiation. Indicating that they seriously consider the possibility of war between invisible combatants. 

In particular, the United States has been investigating means of providing an electronic “cloak of invisibility” for its aircraft carriers at sea. The enemy would then attack an electronically depicted but nonexistent target. 

A product of similar research is the Stealth aircraft. 

40 (W): Time viewing devices: The construction of the “Al Muchefi Mirror” was outlined according to the laws of perspective and under proper astronomical configurations—a mirror in which one could see a panorama of Time. 

If this be true, then the former cultures were one step ahead of us—they had Time Television. In his book Readable Relativity. the British scientist Clement V. Durell writes: “But all events, past, present and future as we call them, are present  in our four-dimensional space-time continuum, a universe without past or present, as static as a pile of films which can be formed into a reel for the cinematograph.”6 

Some years ago, an unprogrammed broadcast appeared on American television sets. Investigation showed that the program seen had been transmitted four years earlier by a station that had since closed down. Did our predecessors have the technology to tune into past events at will? To retrieve vibration waves from those events, which were still rippling somewhere through space? 

41(W): Brain transplants, the ultimate in neurosurgery, appear to have been carried out in several ancient cultures, according to written and pictorial evidence. 

IMPOSSIBLE, of course! That’s one’s instant response to such a suggestion. Good material for a science fiction horror, that’s all. 

Could it be that we are too hasty to dismiss that which we do not understand? Some recent astonishing developments make skepticism look almost naive. 

Dr. Robert White of Cleveland Western Reserve Medical School has transplanted an isolated brain into the body of another monkey in an apparently successful operation. 

Russian experimenters have temporarily succeeded with total head transplants on dogs. 

The major problem in a transplant of this nature is to make the neuroconnections that will enable the brain to be supported by and to control its new body. Clearly, success in the West is still years away; the difficulties are so immense. 

And in a human transplant, powerful moral and sociological questions arise. May I boldly suggest that a brain transplant recipient is himself probably no longer alive? It is the memory, the character, the personality— yes, the very life of the donor that survives. Well? 

Now for some startling news. The ultimate breakthrough may have already occurred. In northeast China, during April 1984, a team of microsurgeons successfully transplanted the head of a corpse onto the body of a living man. The 31-year-old recipient had a massive brain tumor and was being kept alive on life support apparatus. The head was taken from a man who had died after he was almost decapitated in a factory accident in Shensi Province. The surgical team used newly developed, computer-controlled, microlaser techniques. 

The fourteen-hour operation was described by one of the team, CAT scan specialist Chen Lee, who later fled to Europe. From his thirteen notebooks, he plans to write a book about the mind-boggling successes of China’s recent transplant experiments. 

Then on July 7, 1986, Soviet medical journals reported an experiment at a research facility near Moscow, in which surgeons had switched the heads of two “prime specimens”. Although both young men emerged from the surgery with their senses intact, attempts to reattach the spinal cords of their new bodies were unsuccessful and the men were paralyzed from the neck down. 

German cancer specialist Dr. Hans Frankl, in Russia to treat victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, was horrified to learn from Soviet doctors that the experiment had been preceded by at least 14 failed attempts. 

In Europe, researchers and theologians were quick to condemn the experiments on apparently healthy subjects as “an outrage” and a “godless disregard for human life.” 

Ancient neurological skills now become more believable, don’t they? 

Chapter 29 
In the forest areas between the Indian mountains of Rajmahal and the Ganges, the explorer De Camp came upon unknown charred ruins. 

A number of huge masses appeared fused together and hollowed at various points “like lumps of tin struck by a stream of molten steel.” The result could not be due to ordinary fire, however violent. 

Further south, the British official J. Campbell stumbled upon similar ruins, with a half-vitrified courtyard, produced by an unknown agent. 

Similar reports have come from other travellers in the jungle areas, reports of ruined buildings with walls “like thick slabs of crystal,” likewise holed, split and corroded by some mysterious force. 

The explorer-hunter H.J. Hamilton received a substantial shock when he entered a low-domed building. He recalls that: 

suddenly the ground gave way under my feet with a curious noise. I got into a safe place and then widened the hole, which had appeared, with my rifle-butt and lowered myself into it. I was in a long and narrow corridor which got its light from the space where the dome had split. At the bottom I saw a kind of table and chair, made of the same ‘crystal’ as the walls. 

An odd shape was crouching on the seat, with vaguely human features. Looking at it from close by, I thought it might be a statue damaged in the course of time but then I glanced at something which filled me with  horror: under the ‘glass’ which covered that ‘statue’ a skeleton could clearly be seen! 

Walls, furniture, people—melted, then crystallized. 

No natural burning flame or volcanic eruption could have produced a heat intense enough to cause this phenomenon. Only the heat released through atomic energy could have done this damage. 

Advanced weaponry in ancient times? It’s more startling than fiction! 

1 (O): Myths from Druidic times speak of rods which spit fire and could kill. 

2 (S): The Museum of Natural History, London, possesses a human skull from a very early period of history, found 60 feet underground. 

On the left side of the skull is a hole, perfectly round, with no radial cracks as would have resulted from an arrow or a spear. 

Only a high-speed projectile such as a bullet could have made such a hole. The left side of the skull directly opposite the hole is shattered, having been blown out from the inside. 

The same feature is seen in modern victims of high-powered rifles. 

A forensic authority from Berlin has positively stated that the neat hole and the shattering effect could not have been caused by anything but a bullet. 

3 (S): The Paleontological Museum of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, has a skull of a “prehistoric” aurochs bison pierced by a small round hole, of an almost polished appearance, without radial cracks—indicating a projectile entered at high velocity. This was not of recent times, because the animal (now extinct) was alive—as shown by the edges of the wound which calcified over (indicating it survived the shot). This is evidence of the destructive ability of a developed people, who did not use primitive clubs. 

4 (W): Bullets of iron, lead shot, explosives of saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal—as well as cylindrical cannons which made a noise like thunder— were used in 3000 B.C. Much later, guns were fired and rockets dispatched against Alexander the Great. 

5 (W): Rocket torpedoes were developed. 

6 (W): Land mines were used by Hannibal to destroy the Roman army. BYZANTIUM, 

7 (W): Marines often carried bronze-lined portable flame-throwers, so small that they could be carried like a pistol. 

8 (W): Solar mirrors were utilized to incinerate the enemy. 

9 (W): Electromagnets withdrew the nails of ships as a means of destroying the enemy. 

10 (W): Fire that burned in water: A chemical warfare weapon, manufactured by a formula which included petroleum and saltpeter or naphtha and sulfur, was self-igniting. It was delivered by rockets, catapults or through flame-throwers, and, on striking other ships, would continue to burn despite water thrown on it— even burning on water. 

11 (W): Nerve gas used in warfare: “Poison was produced, covering the earth with deadly fumes” which “stupified…—the poison that would have destroyed the world.”  

CHINA, 1000 B.C
12 (W): Poison gas bombs were exploded on the enemy. 

13 (O): A tiny metal tube released a “rain of cactus thorns” (an electric discharge?) which paralyzed the victim for almost the entire period from sunrise to sunset. A second tube could kill through unknown rays or discharge (perhaps, for example, by UHF ultrasonic sound waves?

14 (W): Chemical and biological warfare: “Samhara” was a missile that crippled and “Mohanastra” was a weapon that produced a state of complete paralysis. 

15 (W): Killer beams: Kapilla’s lance could burn 50,000 men to ashes in seconds. (Sounds like either nuclear energy used as a beam, or some kind of laser weapon.) 

16 (W): Super bombs: 
• “Saura” (a giant of giant H-bombs) 
• “Agniratha” (a remote-control jet bomber) 
• “Sikharastra” (a bomb with napalm like  effects) 
• “Avidiastra” (attacking the nerve system) 
• “Prasvapana” (a weapon inducing sleep) 

18 (W): Flying spears that could ruin whole cities. (Missiles with nuclear warheads?) 

The ancients somehow knew about the infinitely small. 

19 (W): The atomic theory was known in Egypt. 

20 (W): “In reality there is nothing but atoms and space.”1 

21(W): The atom’s divisibility (now being corroborated as new atomic particles are being discovered all the time).

22 (W): Atoms “rushing everlastingly through all space” “undergo myriad changes under the disturbing impact of collisions.” “It is impossible to see the atoms because they are too small.”2 

23 (W): The atomic structure of matter and its polarity. 

24 (W): One Akkadian picture tablet instantly brings to mind a model of an atom: a circle of balls arranged next to each other that radiate alternately. 

25 (W): India understood: 
• The molecular composition of matter: “There are vast worlds within the hollows of each atom, multifarious as the specks in a sunbeam”3 ; that is, the atoms which themselves contain particles are, however, mostly empty space. 
(We can totally agree. Each atom is indeed built like a solar system, consisting of a nucleus with electrons buzzing around it, in the same manner as the planets move around the sun.) 
• The interrelation of molecules, heat being the cause of molecular change. 

26 (W): The size of the atom: The “Varahamira Table” (c. 550 AD.) gives a mathematical figure that compares closely with the actual size of a hydrogen atom.4 
(Were these figures handed down from a much more distant time?) It appears fantastic that this ancient science recognized the atomic structure of matter and realized how small is its ultimate particle. Here was a knowledge of nuclear physics rivalling that of today. 

27 (W): Atomic divisions of time: In the ancient Hindu book, the Bihath Sathaka, we find reference to the “kashta,” equivalent to three one-hundred millionths (0.00000003) of a second—and at the other extreme the “kalpa,” a period of 4.32 billion years.5 

Modern Sanskrit scholars have no idea why such a small fraction of a second was necessary in antiquity. All they know is that it was used in the past, and they are obliged to preserve the tradition. 

Time divisions of any kind, however, imply that the duration of something has been measured. And here is the crunch: How could it have been measured without precision instruments? Without sensitive instruments, three one-hundred-millionths of a second would be absolutely meaningless. 

The only phenomena in nature that can be measured in billions of years or in millionths of a second are the disintegration rates of radioisotopes— ranging from those of elements like uranium 238 (with a half-life of 4.51 billion years) to subatomic particles with mean half-lives measured in miniscule fractions of seconds. 

It is significant that the “kashta” is very close to the life spans of certain mesons and hyperons. 

If the ancients had a technology that could study and measure nuclear and subnuclear matter, then means for using atomic energy was also accessible to them. 

28 (S): Scientists have found a number of uranium deposits that appear to have been mined or depleted anciently. 

29 (S): In the tombs of the Pharaohs, the pitch used to preserve corpses contains highly radioactive substances. 

The cloth used for swathing is radioactive. The burial chambers were probably full of radioactive dust. (Perhaps the priests made use of this to protect the tombs from desecrators.) 

But more importantly—and the significance of this is absolutely worldshaking—researchers have recently unlocked a time capsule, a number of documents “buried” in incomprehensible terms until our day. 

When translated last century, they were not understood. Nor could they be until modern knowledge “caught up” with former knowledge and was able to recognize it.6 

These very ancient documents contain what is now startlingly familiar language. Their contents are quite alarming. Here are eyewitness reports that raise the compelling question: 

Did nuclear war wipe out large sections of the civilized world in the third millennium B.C.? 

A. In Ancient Documents 
INDIA 2449 B.C. 
30 (W): An Indian text recounts in detail how aircraft were used to launch a weapon that devastated three cities. The record is unnervingly similar to an eyewitness report of an atomic bomb explosion. It describes: 
—the brightness of the blast 
—the column of rising smoke and fire 
—the fallout 
—intense shockwaves and heatwaves 
—the appearance of the victims 
—the effects of radiation poisoning 

The historical text states: 
• An iron thunderbolt contained “the power of the universe.” 
• “An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendour.” 
• “Clouds roared upward.” 
• “Blood-coloured clouds swept down onto the earth.” 
• “Fierce winds began to blow.” Elephants miles away were knocked off their feet. 
• “The earth shook, scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon.” 
• “Corpses were so burnt that they were no longer recognizable.” 
• “Hair and nails fell out. Pottery broke without cause. Birds were turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected.” 
• “Thousands of war vehicles fell down on all sides…thousands of corpses burnt to ashes.” 
• “Never before have we seen such an awful weapon, and never before have we heard of such a weapon.”7 

—The war zone: the upper regions of the Ganges. 

Passages from this ancient Sanskrit text, the Mahabharata are a nerve chiller. The cold terror of the survivors still lives in its pages. 

Until we started to experiment with radioactive substances, no person on earth could have described radiation sickness, for the simple reason that such a disease did not exist. 

Yet radiation sickness, in clinical detail, is described: the hair loss, vomiting, weakness and eventual death—classic symptoms of radiation poisoning. 

More significantly, it states that one could save himself by removing all metal from his person and immersing himself in the water of rivers. The reason can only be in order to wash away contaminated particles—the exact procedure followed today. 

31 (W): The “Gilgamish Epic” recounts a day when “the heavens cried out, the earth bellowed an answer, lightning flashed forth, fire flamed upwards, it rained down death. The brightness vanished, the fire was extinguished. Everyone who was struck by the lightning was turned to ashes.”8 

32 (W): The Tibetan “Stanzas of Dzyan” depict a holocaust engulfing two warring nations who engaged in aerial warfare, utilizing blinding rays, spheres of flame, shining darts and lightning The nations were:9 

• The “Dark-faced” and the “Yellow-faced” (i.e., the Mongolians of the Gobi civilization). A few of the Yellow-faced escaped the flooding and nuclear destruction, but the Dark-faced appear to have been annihilated. 

• The “straight-eye” (peoples of Europe and the Middle East) were among the survivors, apparently having been also involved in this nuclear conflict. 

33 (W): Ancient Mayan texts describe the destructive effects (unfortunately quite recognizable to us after Hiroshima) of a fire from the sky that put out eyes and decomposed flesh and entrails. Great cities to the north (i.e., in the U.S.A.) were destroyed.10 

CANADA, re U.S.A. 
34 (0): Canadian Indians speak of “men who flew upon the skies” and had shining cities and grand homes “to the south” (i.e., in the U.S.A.). Then an enemy nation came “and there was terrible destruction. All life in the cities was gone—nothing but silence remained.”11 

35 (0): Hopi Indians recount that “some of these of the Third World” flew to a great city, attacked it and returned so quickly that the inhabitants did not know where their attackers came from. Soon many nations flew to attack one another. “So corruption and destruction came.”12 

Physical Evidence 
36 (S): In Africa, there are remains of a prehistoric nuclear chain reaction that cannot be explained by natural means. Discovered down a mine, the remains appear to be residue from an artificially produced preFlood nuclear reaction. 

37 (S): There are Indian remains which strongly suggest that an atomic war was waged in the distant past:13 

• Precisely in the region specified in the old records, that is, between the Ganges and the Rajamahal Mountains, there are numerous charred ruins which have yet to be explored. Indications are that these ruins were not burned by ordinary fire. In many instances, they appear as huge masses fused together, with deeply pitted surfaces “like tin struck by a stream of molten steel.” 

• Further south, in jungle-claimed areas of the Deccan, are more such ruins. The walls have been glazed, corroded and split by tremendous heat. In some buildings, even the surfaces of the stone furniture have been vitrified (i.e., melted, then crystallized). 

• In the same region a human skeleton was found with radioactivity fifty times above the normal level. No natural-burning flame or volcanic eruption could have produced a heat intense enough for this. The heat of millions of degrees, that of thermonuclear reactions, is necessary. 

38 (S): Skeletons in Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa are extremely radioactive. 

The ruins of these ancient Indus Valley cities are immense. They are thought to have contained well over a million people each. Practically nothing is known of their histories, except that both were destroyed suddenly. In Mohenjo-Daro, in an epicenter 150 feet wide, everything was crystallized, fused or melted; 180 feet from the center, the bricks are melted on one side, indicating a blast. 

Ancient Indian texts speak of a city’s people being given 7 days to get out—a clear warning of total destruction. 

Excavations down to the street level revealed forty-four scattered skeletons, as if doom had come so suddenly they could not get into their houses. 

All the skeletons were flattened to the ground. A father, mother and child were found flattened in the street, face down and still holding hands. The skeletons, after thousands of years, are still among the most radioactive that have ever been found, on a par with those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.14 

39 (S): Melted ruins of a ziggurat structure not far from ancient Babylon appear as though “fire had struck the tower and split it down to the very foundation.” 

Brickwork was changed to a vitrified state, completely molten. The whole ruin is like a burnt mountain. Even large boulders found in the vicinity of the ruins have been vitrified.15 

What power could have melted the bricks? Nothing but a monster thunderbolt or an atom bomb! Here is something else. Did you know that when the first atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand turned to fused green glass? 


40 (S): In 1947, archaeologists on one site uncovered, in succession: 

• A layer of agrarian culture 
• An older layer of herdsman culture 
• A still older layer of “cave man” culture 
• Then they reached another layer—of fused green glass! 

Lightning may occasionally fuse sand, but when it does, the fusing occurs in a distinctive, rootlike pattern. Only a nuclear explosion could produce an entire layer, a whole stratum of fused green glass. 

41 (S): The desert surface of the Gobi near Lob Nor Lake is covered with vitreous sand from Red China’s atomic tests. 

But the desert has certain areas of similar glassy sand which have been present for thousands of years. 

There are ruins, almost formless, which bear the marks of blistering by enormous heat. It is indeed difficult to believe that once men lived, loved, ruled, and died here. 

42 (S): In 1952 archaeologists unearthed, at the 16-foot level, a layer of fused green glass 1/4-inch thick and covering an area of several hundred square feet. It was made of fused quartz sand similar in appearance to sand at the atomic test sites of Nevada and the Gobi.

43 (S): At Catal Huyuk, archaeologists came upon thick layers of burned brick at the VIa level. The blocks had been fused together by heat so intense that it had penetrated more than 3 feet below floor level, where it had carbonized earth, skeletons and burial gifts that had been interred with them. The enormous heat had halted all bacterial decay. 

44 (S): So completely were the royal buildings burned at Alalakh that the wall plaster was vitrified and in some areas basalt wall slabs had actually melted. 

45 (S): Albion W. Hart, an engineer graduate from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, while traversing a desert in the interior of Africa, was puzzled by “a large expanse of greenish glass which covered the sands as far as he could see.” Not until 50 years later, when he passed the White Sands area after the first atomic test there, did he recognize the same type of silica fusion. 

46 (S): Fused green glass has been found also in sites of the Old and Middle Kingdoms of Egypt. 

47 (S): Prehistoric forts and towers in Europe have had their walls vitrified and stones fused by an unknown energy, usually along their western wall, but sometimes on the inner sides of the eastern wall as well—so intense was the heat! Many sites show melting to a depth of one foot, “turned to glasslike frozen treacle.”16 

48 (S): The stones of the innermost cell of a long barrow near Maughold were in like manner fused together. 

49 (S): Similar vitrifications have been observed in the Western Pacific. 

50 (S): At Cuzco, an area of 18,000 square yards of mountain rock has been fused and crystallized. Likewise, a number of the dressed granite blocks of the nearby Sacsayhuaman fortress have been vitrified through intense radiated heat.17 

51 (S): The ruins of Sete Cidades (Seven Cities) in the Province of Piaui are “a monstrous chaos,” having been melted through extremely high energies. Squashed between the stone layers protrude pieces of rusting metal that leave streaks like “red tears” down the crystallized wall surface. 

52 (S): In the western United States, ruins exist in southern California, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada, in which the radiated heat was so intense as to liquify the rock surface. 

• Between the Gila and San Juan Rivers, a huge region is covered with remains. “Ruins of cities…burnt out and vitrified in part, full  of fused stones and craters caused by fires which were hot enough to liquify rock or metal. There are paving stones and houses torn with monstrous cracks.”18 

• In the center of a ruined city in Death Valley (with lines of streets a mile long and positions of buildings still visible), stands an enormous structure on a tall rock. The southern side of rock and building has been melted and vitrified. 

• And in the Mohave Desert exist several circular patches of fused glass. 

53 (W): Unique wood carvings with Semitic features show the effects of nuclear radiation on a human body-invariably representing an emaciated body with goitered glands, swollen groin, clenched mouth, wasted sunken cheeks, collapsed cervical vertebrae, with a distinct break between the lumbar and the dorsal vertebrae, popped eyes, and distended stomach—all in remarkable detail. These are the unmistakable nightmare symptoms of exposure to a severe dosage of nuclear radiation. 

Does this perhaps tie in with the remains of fiery destruction discovered on the island? 

Pioneer nuclear scientist Professor Frederick Soddy (Nobel Prize winner and the discoverer of isotopes), envisaging a past civilization which had mastered atomic energy, said, in 1909: 

Can we not read into them (the prehistoric traditions) some justification for the belief that some former forgotten race of men attained not only to the knowledge we have so recently won, but also to the power that is not yet ours? 

The specter of past atomic warfare is increasingly more tenable as new information comes to light. 

Whatever we choose to imagine, there is always the hard fact: there is already too much evidence from too many parts of the world to call it nonsense. It is a fact, or it couldn’t turn up so often. 

The secret was known; inevitably justification was found to use it. Civilian populations disappeared. 

Do we see the warning? This is the jest to end all jesting. Once more a universal time fuse is alight. 


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