It was the adopted and adapted religion of the Prophet Nat Turner, and my forebears that broke the chains of African Human Bondage. It was the religion that led the Civil Rights Movement and institutional racism in America. For decades, the Black Church represented the moral conscious of the nation. It took a stand against America’s aggression in South East Asian (Vietnam) and across the globe. It was the religion of my mother, father, sisters and brothers- its good enough for me. It is not a religion of war and revolution. It preach and practice ORDER, PEACE, LOVE and FORGIVENESS. In my youthful days growing up in the Black Church, it was a secure sanctuary and peaceful haven from a troubled world and CHAOS. But, that’s not the problem with Black Christianity in America, today. It is under attack. There is a covert war against the ORDER of the Black Church.
However, others also have their own Old Time Religion that preach and practice the dark demonic-satanic forces of HATE, DEATH, DESTRUCTION, AND CHAOS that existed since the beginning of civilization.
It is a dark force belief system and religion of the sheer animal lust of the forest horned goat god; human sacrifice and cannibalism. They, Luciferians, seek the control of the WORLD.
Never before in the history of United States has a presidential administration begun its reign by telling it citizens that SATANIC “dark forces” and its POWER are good to RULE the country. Yet, that is exactly what happened in America in November 2016. Satan’s Son president select Donald J. Drumpf’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, for the new administration told The Hollywood Reporter that “darkness is good.”
“Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. SATAN. That’s POWER. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”
Don’t get it twisted, Jennifer and Sarah Hart are no HollyWeird romanticized episodes of Laverne and Shirley, or Thelma and Louise. They are New Age Witches- part of this country’s SATANIC “dark forces” and Open Gates of Hell aided and abetted, and concealed by the highest levels of this government. The masses are blind to, and don’t know what they’re doing.
Yesterday, Satan’s Son and Luciferians of France and
England have attacked an independent nation on the other side of midnight, Syria, for alleged human rights violations. But at the same time, America is unwilling to lift a finger or take a stand against Israel’s current mass violations of the human rights of Palestinians in Gaza.
Drumpf and Netanyahu
That’s because they call America- BIG SATAN, and Israel- LITTLE SATAN. America has become the Open Gates of HELL.
The Hart Witches & the Racial Mass Slaughter of Innocence
Also a couple of days ago, news broke that one of white females, alleged to be Sarah Hart, and 2 (two) of the children that died in the plunge off the sea cliff in Mendocino County tested positive for “significant” amounts of Diphenhydramine. The drug can be found in many over the counter medicines. But when victims and murder are involved, you must consider that the drug may have been a factor to incapacitate a victim. Diphenhydramine can in fact be used to incapacitate victims.
On Websleuths, an anesthetist noted that an oral dosing of benadryl (diphenhydramine), an average adult dose of 50 mg is more than sufficient to cause pronounced drowsiness, and anesthetists actually exploit the drowsiness effects of the drug for use in some patients. More than 100 mg would cause marked sleepiness.
All 6 (six) children were deliberately kept seriously malnourished and underweight by the witches. Significant amounts of Diphenhydramine dosing could have caused a great deal of damage to incapacitate them. And, diphenhydramine could very well have been used to keep the children MK ULTRA/MONARCH sedated and under control until they could be wickedly and quietly removed and be disposed of.
Evidence of diphenhydramine drugging is an extremely significant factor in this case. Diphenhydramine was also found in the system of Whitney Houston when she was assassinated from a Jonestown’s Cocktail of a deadly combination of drugs on February 11, 2012 at the Western White House in Berkeley Hills, CA. It was determined that Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) did not contribute to her death. Naturally, Benadryl would not have been a factor in killing Whitney, but it could have been a factor to keep her sedated and quiet while she died alone in the hotel room- allegedly face down in bathtub of water.
In January 2015, Bobbi Kristina Brown was also incapacitated and subsequently died as the result of a Jonestown Cocktail that included benzodiazepines (medications used for sedation). She also drowned alone in a bathroom- allegedly face down in bathtub of water.
Witch Angela Bassett, American Horror Story
I say that Witches & Satanic Blood Oath Covenants were a factor in her death. (see, Let’s Drive Bobbi Kristina Insane- Witches & Whitney, the Illuminati Bio)
Four (4) precious black children are not confirmed DEAD slaughtered by Jennifer and Sarah Hart and a deep cover coven of witches. Recently, a black child has been found on the ocean surf at Juan Creek and Highway 1, in Mendocino County. It is either Hannah, age 16 or Sierra, age 12.
It bothers me that the bodies of Markis, Abigail, and Jeremiah were found along with 2 (two) white females and vehicle wreckage landed on rock beds below the cliff. It appears plainly and so clearly above. Yet, we are led to believe that the bodies of Sierra, Hannah and Devonte were somehow washed out of the SUV or off the rock beds into the sea. That Dog Don’t Hunt! My fear is that is that the body recently discovered and rescued from the ocean by tourists is precious Little Sierra.
It strongly suggests that Little Sierra was killed someplace else and her body was thrown from Juan Creek Bridge. I pray that the swift wings of the sacred Sparrow rescue her most precious soul and lift HER home.
It also strongly suggests that Hannah and Devonte weren’t in that SUV when it went over the cliff.
Hannah and Devonte are heroic in spirit and strength. They are firm in faith. It is clear that they resisted Jennifer, Sarah, and an extremely powerful deep cover satanic coven’s attempt to sacrifice their bodies and souls to Lucifer. My prayer is that they are still alive and fighting for their lives. If we can find them, the results won’t be the same as it turned out in the State of Washington. The Witches won’t escape the Wrath of the People.
Jennifer Hart & The CIA Pagan Fantuzzi
Jennifer Hart & Fantuzzi
Above, Jennifer Hart’s Tribe and the infamous Woodstock Pagan August 15–17, 1969, Fantuzzi. He is friends with Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert), and the late Timothy Leary leaders of the LSD-ILLUMINATI, the clandestine higher consciousness spiritual movement through psychedelic chemicals. In the early 1960s, Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert ran the Harvard Psychedelic Club, formerly the Harvard Psilocybin Project, a school-sponsored drug research project at the university.
“1954-59: Leary is director of clinical research and psychology at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland. He devises a personality test, “THE LEARY,” which is used by CIA to test prospective employees. He has also become a close friend to Frank Barron, a graduate school classmate who has been working for CIA since at least 1953. Barron works at the Berkeley Institute for Personality Assessment and Research, which Leary will later acknowledge is “funded and staffed by OSS-CIA psychologists.”
Aldous Huxley, British Godfather of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH
Huxley’s Devils of Loudun purports to be the true story of a seventeenth century case of WITCHCRAFT in France. Huxley was also part of that ultra secret OLD TIME RELIGION AND WITCH CULT.
“1960-61: Barron founded the Harvard Psychedelic Drug Research Center. Leary follows Barron to Harvard and becomes a lecturer in psychology… He later admits to knowing, at the time, that “some powerful people in Washington (CIA) have sponsored all this drug research.” In addition to Barron, Leary’s associates and assistants during this period include former O.S.S chief psychologist Harry Murray, who had monitored military experiments on Truth-Drug brainwashing and interrogation, and Martin Orne, a researcher receiving funds from CIA. Leary also consults British philosopher Aldous Huxley, author of the psychedelic manifesto, The Doors of Perception (from which Jim Morrison would later take name his band). Huxley, who is at Harvard on a visiting professorship, urges Leary to form a secret order of LSD-ILLUMINATI, to launch and lead a psychedelic conspiracy to brainwash influential people for the purposes human betterment.”
Leary belonged to the deep level Agency- MK ULTRA ILLUMINATI. If you’re a friend of Tim Leary, you’re a friend of the CIA.
Jennifer Hart, Rosemary’s Baby and Laura Louise in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, CA
Minnie Castevet of Roman Polanski’s Satanic Coven Classic Rosemary’s Baby calls forth the image of faithful Lucifer’ Servant, Laura Louie, to provide secret cover for Jennifer Hart in Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, CA. The frantic drive from Woodland, Washington to Fort Bragg must have drastically negatively affected Jennifer Hart’s vision, because she suddenly slowed up in town wearing LAURA LOUISE dark rim glasses.
It also changed Jenn‘s body type and very distinctive NOSE!
Jennifer Hart has a distinctive “spaded” nose type that is similar to the nose of the late NASA Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom -Master Mason.
NASA Master Mason Virgil Ivan “Gus” Grissom
Barack Obama had been clandestinely raised as a NASA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Space or Star Kid.
Obama and Guss Grissom
The above picture was released by the Obama White House that was alleged to be him and his late grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, but even with Photoshop touch ups- it is clearly NASA Astronaut Virgil Grissom.
Stanley Armour Dunham
Dunham looked absolutely nothing similar to Gus Grissom.
It is “very grainy,” Lt. Barney told The Oregonian. “It looks like Jen.” Laura Louise’ nose points up, and Jenn Hart’s nose points DOWN TO THE GROUND LIKE A SHADE. Don’t get it twisted. I am extremely serious about this subject and the children. The stakes are extremely high, and the DRAGON will always snap its tail. But, there is no statute of limitations for MURDER, ESPECIALLY INNOCENT CHILDREN!
In the secret Town of the Oak Tree, Oakland, CA, I worked on Alameda County foster child care corruption that made a lot of people filthy rich on the backs of destroying black families and children. It was a downright dirty and wicked racket.
I traced the sudden new found wealth of well respected black attorney, old handkerchief head Wilmont Sweeney, the Alameda County Juvenile Court Judge in charge of the county’s foster care system, who suddenly started driving a new Rolls Royce around town, to a white female and Bodega Bay, CA approximately 40 miles northwest of San Francisco. Bodega Bay was the setting for the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock classic, The Birds.[1]
In the masonic Town of the Oak Tree, Sweeney was part of Oakland’s infamous sell-out Negro Old Guard of attorneys that included bootlicker's Lionel Wilson, Clinton White, Allen Broussard and Carl Metoyer linked to Prince Hall Freemasonry.
SS Bolschwing & Ronald Reagan
Judge Sweeney was appointed to the Municipal Court in Berkeley by then-Governor Ronald Reagan controlled by Gehlen Org SS Baron Bolschwing. In 1979, then the Jonestown Jesuit Governor, Jerry Brown, appointed Judge Sweeney to the Alameda County Superior Court.[2]
Gov. Jerry Brown & CIA Agent Jim Jones
I traced the money of one non profit large foster care California corporation that was banking millions from the Alameda County and state foster care system by taking particularly black children from their homes. It was called Aspire at the time. The monthly subsidies that it received for black children forced into foster care ran into the thousands.
The particular case that I was working on involved Aspire taking in at the very least $3,500 for each of 3 (three) children- over $10,000 a month for kids that had been categorized as “special needs” children. I worked with an extremely stable devoted black Christian grandmother that wanted her 3 (three) grandchildren at home with her. The children had become the innocent collateral damage, casualties and victims of the CIA Crack Epidemic in Oakland. Her grandchildren had been deeply traumatized by being locked in a room for days with the corpse of an overdosed dead crack cocaine addict.
She worked for decades as a secretary with the Oakland Unified School District (O.U.S.D). She owned her own home. She was also a well respected anchor elder member of a very large, important and established church (Beebe Memorial Cathedral) congregation and community in Oakland. I thought that she was in a relatively safe and secure position more than others to fight the powers. She couldn’t understand why her grandchildren couldn’t live with her and church community instead of being confined in an alien foster care system. The children wanted to be with their grandmother. I needed to know the answer to that question, too. It involved the welfare and safety of thousands of black children in Oakland. From inside her case, I was able to work deeply inside the county juvenile court and foster care system. I started by following the money.
I traced Aspire’s foster care money flow to the very wealthy Marin County across the bay from Oakland. In 2013, the median income for couples filing jointly in Marin was $133,389 — the highest in the state, and also it had the highest median income for individual taxpayers. It ranks among the 20 wealthiest counties in the entire United States. It has a black population ranging from 2.1 to 2.6%.[3]
Aspire was a nonprofit tentacle of a corporate structure that had profit making corporate tentacles. In other words, the money from the California non profit tentacle was invested principally in bay front real estate, particularly, valuable San Pablo Bay tidelands owned by the state. It was property unavailable for sell to private investment. The real properties purchased by the foster care non profit was then sold its profit making subsidiaries for pennies on the dollar then developed commercially. The millions from the county and state foster care system were turned over for billions in high end bay-front commercial and residential real estate development. It was public corruption and a racket that ran all the way up to the California State Legislature. I had obtained the key public documents directly from Marin County to prove the case.
I constantly reminded the grandmother that this was a case where the stakes were very high. Wherever the stakes are high, it becomes an extremely dangerous pursuit for justice. I was getting too close and they knew it. She believed in justice, but she didn’t truly understand the nature of the fight that she was getting into with Luciferians. A lot of people suddenly and understandably become afraid and friends suddenly become enemies when the ILLUMINATI begin to cash in its chips.
On April 29, 1999, Judge Sweeney suddenly turned up dead. He was 74 years old. Suddenly, O.U.S.D cut the grandmother’s hours at work to the point so drastically that she could no longer even maintain her house payments. They even tried to purge her from the Church that she loved. We fought off the purge, but it took its toll. She was in tears the last time I talked to her. She was bound to lose everything if she continued to cooperate with me about Alameda County’s foster child care corruption from inside her case. The DRAGON snapped its tail.
The Late Yusuf Bey and Oakland’s Black Muslim Brothers
However, the battle was far from over. I started working with a mother whose minor daughter accused Yusuf Bey of Your Black Muslim Bakery of pedophilia molestation and rape. She had been one of his wives. I was surprised. I didn’t have to fight with Yusuf Bey or any of the brothers. I had to fight the power of the state, Alameda County Child Protective Services, that threatened to use its power to remove her daughter on a permanent basis (foster care) if she persisted in pursuing a case against Brother Bey. She was in tears the last time I saw her, too, when the DRAGON snapped its tail.
The love of a mother for her children is one of the most powerful forces known to mankind. I can’t do anything if that relationship has been threatened. As for me, it was yet another straw on the camel’s back that subsequently got me another one way ticket and a virtual police escort out of the city of birth, masonic Town of the Oak Tree. I had been slapped with several private and county lawsuits to restraint from getting into the affairs of black people. A county superior court judge slapped me a permanent injunction barring me from the affairs of a church that I had summoned to by church elders.
Working inside the county juvenile system, I got another surprise. In about 1997, I was approached by a small group of upset teachers at Fremont Junior High School in Oakland. They told me about a teacher in the school that I knew, Styles Price. From my own personal experiences with him, I had concluded that he was a deep cover strategy of tension/false flag black counterintelligence agent. The teachers told me that they knew of him to be a convicted pedophile. He was a child molesting “boy lover.” They couldn’t figure out how he remained to be a teacher and still be allowed to be around children. I searched from the top to the bottom of the criminal court system in Alameda County. I couldn’t find anything at all regarding his pedophilia conviction(s). I totally believed them, but I just couldn’t find his criminal conviction records.
Whenever I go to juvenile court, I go from floor to floor to look around. My surprise was that I found Styles Price sitting outside one of the juvenile court offices. He’s a man that love to talk about himself. I sat down with him and discovered that the reason why I couldn’t find his pedophilia conviction(s). His criminal records were being ran through Judge Sweeney and the juvenile court system where court records are strictly confidential and SEALED.
In 2005, the Berkeley Police Department arrested Styles Price for the ambush murder of Berkeley Police officer Ron Tsukamoto who was shot and killed on University Avenue in the early morning hours in August 1970. They claimed that the Panthers killed Tsukamoto. However, the Alameda County DA outright refused to prosecute Styles and the deep cover black intelligence operative walked.
In Oakland, I suddenly found myself sitting on the crust of the late 32 or 33 degree Master Mason Booker T. Emery‘s extremely powerful and dangerous ultra secret -deep cover Masonic-Republican Pedophile Ring in Oakland. And, I didn’t realize it. The felonious convicted vicious pedophile died in Vacaville’s Men’s Medical Prison (Little Prison of CIA Horrors) in 1989 within a year or two of being imprisoned. DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES.
Emery was a black Republican. During the late 1960's and 1970's, all the millions of anti-poverty funds that came into Oakland from the Republican Nixon Administration had strings attached. Those strings seem to always one way of another be attached to Emery. The roots of the Oakland’s high level pedophile ring and its steady supply of innocent black children lies at the feet of Booker T. Emery, the Old Masonic Temple and properties located on the corner of 7th and Peralta Street that is getting or will be getting millions in city, state and maybe federal historical preservation funds. They are extremely well represented at city, county, state and federal government high levels. They are dangerous. They usually kill first and ask questions later.
The DRAGON has snapped its tail in the case of the New Age Lesbian Witches, Jennifer and Sarah Hart, and at least 5 (five) innocent children are confirmed to be DEAD! And, it is more than likely that the witches received way more than $270,000 from the state of Texas to help care for the children. Most families who adopt children out of foster care from Texas get monthly payments that only range from $400 to $545 per child to help cover care costs until the child turns 18, according to the newspaper. However, Jennifer and Sarah weren’t most families. They were CIA Occult Bureau.[4]
Chloe Johnson, Paper Trail
Don’t be deceived. Monthly subsidies for adopted children are significantly increased for children with “special needs”. On November 14, 2014, Chloe Johnson ran a story about Devonte in the Paper Trail. Chloe Johnson is the co-founder of Paper – a news and views website that’s all about adding value to people’s day. She has been a journalist in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom where she covered law and order, health, education, politics, travel and entertainment news. She is/was a communications adviser in New Zealand.
Johnson said, “Devonte Hart entered the world 12 years ago with drugs pumping through his tiny newborn body. By the time he was 4 years old he had smoked, consumed alcohol, handled guns, been shot at, and suffered severe abuse and neglect. He knew only a handful of words, including fuck and shit, and he struggled to identify with the names of food, body parts and everyday objects. Devonte was a violent toddler and his health was weighed down by a heavy list of disabilities.”[5]
Jennifer Hart & Devonte
Jennifer Hart told her, “He [Devonte] inspires me every single day. He has proven doctors, psychologists and teachers wrong.”[6] Don’t be deceived. Devonte was a “special needs” adoptee that had a team of social workers, doctors, psychologists and an attorney that also take a very big bite out of the state treasury. They have all of a sudden disappeared from Devonte’s case walking between the raindrops. All the children turned over to the Hart Witches were “special needs” adoptees. That’s the way CIA Agent Rev. Jim Jones and Peoples Temple rolled. All of the adopted children had doctors, psychologists and attorneys that also need to come to light like the Hart Witches and be held responsible. And, $270,000 is just a low ballpark figure of what the Hart Witches actually took away from the Texas foster care system, state and maybe the federal treasury.
The Hart Tribe as it had been called by the Harmony Park Grove Coven in Minnesota was a Touch of Buchenwald and the Shadow of Jonestown. The Nazi-SS fed inmates in camps a meager diet of thin soup and bread. A characteristic camp illness was starvation sickness. It was usually accompanied by diarrhea (often bloody), swollen legs, impaired vision and hearing, memory loss, nervous breakdown and, above all, exhaustion to the point of collapse. The Peoples Temple’s Jonestown daily diet also consisted of rice soup and bread that caused serious problems for the residents that struck over half the experimental medical camp in February 1978 with high fevers and diarrhea. The Hart Tribe had to have been, among other things, a nutritional experimental step for Modern Slaves above Buchenwald and Jonestown.
“Here are the estimated weights and heights of the three missing children who were not recovered from the crash site: Devonte Hart, 5’1, 90 lbs, 15 years old; Sierra Hart, 4’5, 60 lbs, 15 years old; Hannah Hart, 4’1, 45 lbs, 16 years old. These are nowhere near age appropriate stats for children of their age. They were being starved. They were literally withering away.”[7]
It should be Sierra, 12 years old, and 4’1, 45 lbs, and Hannah, 4’5, 60 lbs. All the children were seriously underweight for their ages. Hannah was underweight about 50 (fifty) pounds for her age. One of main reasons why Jonestown had to be terminated as a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH medical and mind control experimental concentration camp, particularly for black youth, was because the majority of the people in the camp were sick from from fever and diarrhea. It was an experimental concentration camp in the middle of a South American rain forest that the infamous Attorney Charles Garry called “Paradise“. The dead tell no tells. Whatever the Hart Witches were feeding the 6 (six) black children was also experimental, and it was driving them into sheer desperation.
Perfecting the Jonestown Diet and Drug program for Black Children- Devonte and a 13-year-old orphan, a survivor of the Nazi-SS Mauthausen Concentration Camp.
Court records in Minnesota show Sarah Hart in 2011 received a 90-day suspended jail sentence and a year of probation after Abigail arrived at Woodland Elementary School with bruises on her stomach and back. Her teacher contacted social services and police.
Abigail told authorities her adopted mother sadistically struck her repeatedly with a closed fist, submerged her head under cold water and withheld meals from her for misbehaving, according to report by police in Alexandria, a small town northwest of Minneapolis where the family lived. Sarah Hart pleaded guilty April 7, 2011, to misdemeanor domestic assault.[8]
Previously, Hannah said in September 2008 it was her adopted mother Jennifer who struck her with a belt, causing a bruise on her arm that attracted notice — and a call to authorities, according to the newly obtained Alexandria police report. In an interview, the Hart Witches told a police sergeant and social worker they had no idea how Hannah, who was 6 years old at the time, got the bruise but said she had recently “fallen down the stairs” in their home.[9]
Hannah should have been looking forward to her high school sophomore prom instead of a death sentence. The witches shockingly told investigative officials that the little girl was adopted and “has been going through food issues, where she’ll steal other people’s food at school or eat out of garbage cans or off the floor, [like an animal]” the police report shows.[10]
Alexandrian Wicca or Alexandrian Witchcraft is a tradition of the Neo-pagan religion of Wicca founded by Alex Sanders, 1926 – 1988, (also known as “King of the Witches“) who, with his wife Maxine Sanders, established the tradition in the UK in the 1960's. Alexandrian Wicca is similar in many ways to Gardnerian (Gerald Gardner) Wicca, and receives regular mention in books on Wicca as one of the religion’s most widely recognized traditions. Roman Polanski (Rosemary’s Baby), Sharon Tate (Eye of the Devil)Murders, Charles Manson and the Dark Satanic Circles in Laurel Canyon (HollyWeird)involved English Alexandrian Wiccan Witchcraft and Satanism. Sharon Tate and Laura Louise were “Alexandrian Wiccan Witches“.
Gerald Gardner(1884 – 1964) & Demon
The secret Witches tradition and network in the U.S. is based largely upon Gardnerian Wicca, in which Sanders was trained, and the practice also contains elements of ceremonial magic and Kabbalah, which Sanders had studied independently. The name of the tradition is a reference both to Alex Sanders and to the ancient occult Library of Alexandria, which was one of the first libraries in the world. The choice of name was inspired by a view of the library as an early attempt to bring together the knowledge and wisdom of the world into one place.
CIA & Sybil Leek, Jennifer and Sarah Hart, Witch of the New Forest
The CIA Occult Bureau was officially called MK OFTEN headed by Richard Helms and the Jewish Kabbalist Sidney Gottlieb called the “Black Sorcerer“. MK OFTEN employed operational Satanism, Witchcraft, and Black Magic.
“Initially, Operation [MK-]OFTEN was a joint CIA/Army Chemical Corps drug project, based out of Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland and using inmates of the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia as test subjects. It came under the aegis of the CIA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD), which was concerned with parapsychology and the application of supernatural powers for military purposes. Later, OFTEN would become a kind of grab bag of CIA investigations into the paranormal, and would include everything from séances and witchcraft to remote viewing and exotic drugs. Agents of Operation OFTEN would consult with such occult luminaries as Sybil Leek …”
The CIA MK OFTEN expert consultant for witchcraft was British Sybil Leek, Witch of the New Forest. Leek was the High Priestess of a powerful secret international Old European Witch Cult Circle that had tentacles across Europe, and America. Gerald Gardner (Gardnerian Wicca) had been initiated into Leek’s Coven of the New Forest, and an ultra secret international circle of Old Religion Witches that included Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, and other global leaders.
In England, Sybil Leek’s maternal grandmother was an initiate of the secret Old Religion. Leeks’ father was an intellectual and expert in metaphysics. Her mother was a theosophist (Madame Blavatsky- Rudolf Steiner). Her grandmother, a Russian psychic, taught her the Craft of the Wise (Old Religion). H. G. Wells, Lawrence of Arabia and the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley had been regular visitors at her family home.
Gorge du Loup
Once her preliminary instruction was completed, as a young initiate Leek and her grandmother journeyed to France, to the Gorge du Loup where she was initiated into the world’s oldest religion. It was called the Coven of the Red Dragon in Gorge du Loup (Wolf Gorge). At the French coven, based in the hills above Nice, Leek replaced a distant relative of her grandmother as High Priestess.
Leek lived with Romany Gypsies in the Forest. She lived with the Gypsies for a year, learning more about the Forest, ancient folklore and herbs. During this time, she also attended rituals of the Horsa (Horse) Coven in the New Forest, which they claimed had existed for over 700 years, and for a short time she was High Priestess, and therefore a member of the “Nine Covens” council.
The Goddess Bastet & Black Panther Movie Angela Bassett
The Goddess Bastet Cult featured in Marvel and Disney’s The Black Panther superhero movie for black children is the animal totem for the Coven of the Catta (Latin for cat).HollyWeird does not make movies to entertain black people. Bassett’s ancestry and early background is an enigma. Nevertheless, Disney has never shown any respect for the humanity and dignity of black children. Yet, when they tell people that they have created a wonderful “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” black superhero out of thin air for kids- millions line up to take the train to Buchenwald to go on vacation.
On the plantation, Johnny, white plantation owner’s child, learned a series of life lessons from Uncle (Tom) Remus (James Baskett- the Cat Goddess) in the form of stories about the animated Br’er Rabbit and his quest to evade Br’er Fox (Baskett) and Br’er Bear. Included among this Disney cartoon interludes is the spell, “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” , which Baskett won the Oscar in 1948 for Best Original Song.
James Baskett (Uncle Tom Remus) could not even attend the premiere of Disney’s “Song of the South” in Atlanta because a black man would not have been allowed to participate in any of the festivities in that racially segregated city. Similar to Angela Bassett, his background and ancestry remains a mystery. Witchcraft/Satanism is yet another deep covert psychological warfare subliminal indoctrination implantation in Disney’s Black Panther film. The Coven of the Cat is in the lineage of the Horse– the animal totem of Sybil Leek’s Coven of the Horsa from the New Forest in England. Before that the Red Dragon was the animal totem of the Coven de la Dragon Rouge in SE France.
During WWII, New Forest Coven witches Leek and Gardner worked for British Secret Intelligence. British Intelligence used Leek as an astrologist to covertly influence the behavior of occultist world leaders like Hitler and Rudolf Hess thru clandestine horoscopes. After WW II, British Intelligence continued to use Leek to secretly influence the behavior and decisions of world leaders with contrived horoscopes. Leek was the astrologist for California Governor/U.S. President Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
CIA Project MK OFTEN brought Leek to America under the veil of an international book and television lecture tour. She moved into Los Angeles, where she met Dr. Israel Regardie (Xth degree initiate of Crowley’s O.T.O), Aleister Crowley’s old secretary and an authority on Qabalah (Hermetic Qabalah) and ritual magic, and they spent much of their time together discussing and practicing Golden Dawn rituals, and working clandestinely for CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH.
It is generally believed that Leek initiated Kabbalist Sidney Gottlieb into the ultra secret powerful Coven of the New Forest or the parent Coven of the Red Dragon. Gottlieb was the head of the CIA’s Technical Services Staff (T.S.S) that ran Project ARTICHOKE (assassinations) and MK ULTRA/MONARCH. Gottlieb held the post until his retirement in 1972. Before he left the Agency, he and Richard Helms destroyed some 80 percent of the CIA’s most damaging (Manchurian Candidate, Sybil Leek, Black Panther Party for Self Defense, etc.) files. He was a Pagan that herded GOATS.
The global Red Dragon Cult is far too ancient, powerful and vast to discuss at this point. But, it is important to note its influence and the British Royal Family connections to secret Witch Cults in America.
Margaret Alice Murray (1863- 1963) is considered the foremost folklorist on Old European Witch Cults. She is referred to as the “Grandmother of Wicca“. Murray’s witch-cult theories provided the blueprint for the contemporary Pagan Religion of Wicca. According to Murray, members joined the cult either as children or adults through what she called “admission ceremonies“; Murray asserted that applicants had to agree to join of their own free will, and agree to devote themselves to the service of their deity. She also claimed that in some cases, these individuals had to sign a blood oath covenant or were baptized into the faith. At the same time, in some Covens the religion was largely passed down hereditary lines. Murray described the religion as being divided into covens containing thirteen members, led by a coven officer who was often termed the “Devil” in the trial accounts, but who was accountable to a “Grand Master“. According to Murray, the records of the Coven were kept in a secret book, with the Coven also disciplining its members, to the extent of executing those deemed traitors.
It is customary for Druids to meet from time to time, sharing their experiences and discoveries. Christians have congregations, Druids have Groves like the Bohemian Grove. The Grove is a name chosen in honor of the trees, great beings of nature. A grove is a term which denotes not only a sacred clearing in the forest but also a group of Druids. In addition to celebrating the eight seasonal festivals, they may come together to perform rites of passage, for example when a Grove member wants to name their child, or when members marry or pass over. Occasionally, it refers to a group of Pagans who gather to worship under the guidance of a Witches‘ Coven; this kind of “Grove” is also called a “congregation” or “outer circle,” as distinct from the “inner circle,” which is composed of the priests and priestesses of the Coven.
The Hart Pagan Tribe!
This may explain why in over 10 (ten) years, none of the 6 (six) children held by the witches Jennifer and Sarah Hart had never been able to escape to safety.
Devonte and Abigail (A Thing) in the Forest
The children were always confined to isolated remote rural areas (groves, woods and forests) of the country, and within secret Wicca, Druid and Masonic controlled circles, compounds and communities. From May 2017 to March 2018, it appears during that time that at the gate of Mount St. Helens in rural Woodland, Washington some of the children tried so desperately to call for help and escape. They (things) were always returned to the witches until they could be killed and found dead in the remote seaside area of Mendocino County, California. The children were driven 11 hours– over 570 miles to Fort Bragg, CA to be thrown off an ocean front cliff. Between Woodland and Fort Bragg, there were many places to commit the heinous crime of racial mass murder.
CIA and Tim Stoen are in POWER in Mendocino County. CIA Agent Stoen is/was Mendocino County’s attorney with the county’s DA office. He was the attorney and president of the Peoples Temple, the second most powerful man behind Rev Jim Jones. He had been implanted inside the San Francisco DA’s office to protect Rev. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. Stoen had been the shadow of Jim Jones. He had been responsible for drawing up the plans for the Peoples Temple CIA Medical/Mind Control Experimental Concentration Camp in the vast rain forest of Jonestown, Guyana. (see David Talbot, Season of the Witch, Free Press, NY, NY (2012))
Leek also secretly worked for the U.S. Pentagon (Lt Col. Anthony Aquino). Sybil Leek from the “Final Events” book – according to which, she allegedly channeled a DEMON for US intelligence personnel, to answer questions on the UFO phenomenon.
Leek and Gardner revealed and discussed little about the New Forest Coven or the Coven of the Red Dragon, and there is a current push to influence the public to believe that they never existed at all.
However, Gerald Gardner did reveal that he believed that the New Forest Coven was indeed a survival of the European Witch-Cult, a pre-Christian pagan religion that worshiped a Horned God and a Triple Goddess and which had been persecuted during the Early Modern period.
Originally a goddess of the wilderness and childbirth among early Greek and Egyptian civilizations, Hecate (or Hekate or Hekat) achieved her connotations as a goddess of sorcery and her role as the “Queen of Ghosts” in Ptolemaic Alexandria in the final centuries BC. In modern times, she has become a prevalent figure in Neo-pagan religions, and a version of Hecate has been appropriated by Wicca, Hellenic Reconstruction-ism and other modern magic-practicing traditions, and she is widely considered the Goddess of Witches.
Greek Goat God Pan & Knights Templar Goat God Baphomet
The horned god is the Greek God Pan also known as the Goat of Mendes and can be found today in the form of the Horned Goat God, made famous by the Knights Templars, Baphomet. 33rd Degree Freemason, Albert Pike had written in Morals and Dogma; “The Gnostics held that it [universal agent] composed the igneous [pertaining to fire] body of the Holy Spirit, and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.” (1) This is confirmed by the Greek Neo-Platonist philosopher, Proclus who describes Jupiter, in one of the Orphic Hymns, to be both male and female, (hermaphrodite).
The International Order of Freemasonry, Le Droit Humain, is a global Masonic Order, membership of which is available to men and women on equal terms, regardless of nationality, religion or ethnicity. The Order is founded on the ancient teachings and traditions of Freemasonry, using Masonic ritual and symbolism. Le Droit Humain is a global fraternity with many Federations and Jurisdictions worldwide, each of which work the Scottish Rite from the 1st to the 33rd degree. The Order is administered by the Supreme Council, which has its headquarters in Paris.
Incorporated in aspects of the Leek/Gardnerian tradition of witchcraft is a highly unique, highly sophisticated and idiosyncratic practice. The Leek/Gardnerian practice of witchcraft developed for the CIA has a great deal of syncretism between Wicca and co–masonry, Rosicrucianism, spiritualism, and Luciferism. In the Leek/Gardnerian tradition of witchcraft and satanism, it is highly likely that Jennifer and Sarah Hart have been initiated into the Mansion of Freemasonry with its many rooms to significantly expand their levels and veils of secrecy and protection among the international fraternal secret orders of the brotherhood, sisterhood and POLICE.
First settled in 1858, it was named after brothers Alexander and William Kinkead from Maryland. The Kinkeads were descendants of Ireland or Scotland. The form of the name of the city alludes to ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, a center of learning and civilization. Alchemy traditions originate in Hermetic texts from Alexandria in Hellenized Egypt, dated to the first and second centuries AD but containing much older authentic ancient Egyptian traditions related to the god Thoth. Alexandria could very well be a secret center of alchemy, oriental mystery schools, and ALEXANDRIAN WICCAN. One thing is certain is that Alexandria is the center of The Kensington Runestone– a 200-pound slab of greywacke covered with pre Columbian Knights Templar runes on its.
Records show the Hart’s adopted children enrolled in Alexandria public schools Sept. 8, 2009 — seven months after Jennifer and Sarah finalized their adoption of siblings Devonte, Jeremiah and Sierra in Harris County, Texas. The witches had previously adopted siblings Markis, Abigail and Hannah from Colorado County, Texas, in September 2006. Two and a half years after enrolling, the children were suddenly pulled from public schools. Markis was a seventh-grader at Discovery Middle School, and the other five children, who ranged from kindergarten to third grade, attended WOODLAND Elementary. The school is situated on a 48-acre site in Alexandria, Minnesota.[11]
Greek God Pan, Circle Dance & Woodlands
The Greek Horned God Pan was the son of the messenger of the gods, Hermes. His mother was a wood nymph.[12] He is the god of woods (woodland) and pastures.[13] Scott Heckert, the principal of Woodland at the time, recalled the Harts as an insular family whose children — despite being amiable and outgoing among their peers — rarely spent time with others outside the classroom. “They stayed under the radar and liked to be alone and away from other people,” Heckert said of Jennifer and Sarah, adding the children received extra attention from teachers and faculty after the abuse allegations.[14]

The family relocated to West Linn, Oregon sometime in 2013, according to friends. The town of Willamette is located on a Native American trail which ran south from Willamette Falls, an important gathering place for many tribes. The Clowewalla tribe lived in a village on the West Linn side of the falls. West Linn was incorporated in 1913 and merged with the adjacent town of Willamette in 1916.[15]
Witches Jennifer and Sarah Spiritually Connected to West Linn, Oregon
Willamette/West Lind has an Earth Based Spirituality Meetup that cater to those people who are Witches, Wiccan, Druids, Goddess Worshipers and those who follow a Shamanic path, Faeries, Feri, Asatru, Vodou, Santeria, etc.[16] The Clackamas Education Service District, which oversees West Linn, said it had no record of the children. [17] After the family moves to West Linn, family friend Alexandra Argyropoulos tells Oregon child welfare officials that the Hart Witches have been depriving their kids of food as punishment. The witches break off contact with her when they learn of it. Argyropoulos says she was told the children had been interviewed by Oregon officials; it was apparent that each child had been coached by their mothers on what to say; and nothing more could be done by the Oregon Department of Human Services.[18]
WOODLAND- Greek God Pan & Circle Dance of Children
In May 2017, Jennifer and Sarah Hart bought the two-story, 3-bedroom home on 2 acres of land in WOODLAND of Clark County, Washington, property records show.[19]
Sold: $375,000
2501 NW 389th Street, Woodland, WA: Private setting, 2.19 acre property, the Horned God’s WOODLAND address, LaCenter Schools. Updated home, new carpet, new roof. Large great room with lots of windows, fireplace, laminate floors, patio. Updated kitchen w/ built in pantry hutch. 3 bedrooms,2 baths, craft room/den, large family/bonus room, all appliances. Oversized 2 car garage. 2 stall barn with storage room, pasture and paddocks. Chicken coop.RV Parking. Beautiful property w/mountain views.[20]
Well news broke yesterday, it’s turning out that the Hart Witches neighbors, Bruce and Dana DeKalb, in WOODLAND weren’t quite telling the truth. They weren’t to help anyone but the Hart Witches. They called county child protective services on March 23, 2018.Dana told her mother about the children and the Hart Witches around the middle of November 2017. And, her mother told her father about it. The DeKalbs said that Hannah told them that the Witches were RACIST and begged them for HELP!
Hannah, Cried for HELP!
“My Son-In-Law Don’t Want to Get Involved‘, Steve Frkovich
On November 18, 2017, 3 (three) or 4 (four) days after the incident with Hannah, Steve Frkovich, 80, Dana Dekalb’s father called police and told the Clark County, Washington dispatcher that “the other night, a little girl jumped out of the second-story window on the roof and then down onto the ground and ran to my daughter — and this was like two in the morning — begging them to help her.”
NOBODY but the Dekalbs talked to 16 year old Hannah before she was killed! Now, we know they’re lying, too. The Witches told everyone that the bright and beautiful Hannah was born drug addicted. She was a bipolar child. Well, the DeKalbs didn’t involved until it was time to stage the escape of the Hart Witches from Witch Mountain, and mass slaughter the black children. They called Clark County Child Protective Services (CPS) on March 23, 2018, and CPS responded on spot on que to set to stage the Escape from Witch Mountain and the racial mass murder of the black children.
Noses are Different, Sarah & Jennifer Hart?
There is no conclusion to this story. The two women above just don’t look like the Hart Witches. There is a veil of secrecy surrounding the Hart Witches and the racial mass murders of 6 (six) innocent black adopted children. Devonte and Hannah are out there someplace- hopefully alive and well, but in great danger.
The so-called free press have laid down in this case. There has been no funerals for the Hart Witches and none of their family members have shown their faces.
Hart SUV Appears Nearly in the Sea
Who did Mendocino County really find at the bottom of the cliff in the SUV perched on ROCKS not in the ocean- Laura Louise and somebody other than Sarah Hart?
Hart SUV on Rocks Not in the Ocean
The Hart SUV is perched on ROCKS at the bottom of the cliff. The mass media pictures of the Hart SUV nearly in the ocean at the bottom of the cliff is trick Photoshop to make it appear as though it landed virtually in the ocean to explain away the absence of Sierra, Devonte, and Hannah at the crash site. They were not swept into the ocean and lost. They ain’t talking and when they are talking. THEY ARE LYING!
[6] Id.
[9] Id.
[10] Id.
[11] Id.
[19] Id.
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