I have to tell you,we really need to understand just what the hell it did to take America off the gold standard in 1971.What an abyss to our Left they have created,their policies which look intentional,have put the whole of Babylon scattered to the 4 winds in peril,along with their hosts!.
A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
by G. Edward Griffin
Section II
The eight chapters contained in this and the
following section deal with material that is
organized by topic, not chronology. Several of
them will jump ahead of events that are not
covered until later. Furthermore, the scope is such
that the reader may wonder what, if any, is the
connection with the Federal Reserve System.
Please be patient. The importance will eventually
become clear. It is the author's intent to cover
concepts and principles before looking at events.
Without this background, the history of the
Federal Reserve is boring. With it, the story
emerges as an exciting drama which profoundly
affects our lives today. So let us begin this
adventure with a few discoveries about the
nature of money itself.
Chapter Seven
The history and evolution of money; the emergence
of gold as the universal money supply; the
attempts by governments to cheat their subjects
by clipping or debasing gold coins; the reality that
any quantity of gold will suffice for a monetary
system and that "more money" does not require
more gold.
There is a great mystique surrounding the nature of money. It is
generally regarded as beyond the understanding of mere mortals.
Questions of the origin of money or the mechanism of its creation
are seldom matters of public debate. We accept them as facts of life
which are beyond our sphere of control. Thus, in a nation which is
founded on the principle of government by the people, and which
assumes a high level of understanding among the electorate, the
people themselves have blocked out one of the most important
factors affecting, not only their government, but their personal lives
as well.
This attitude is not accidental, nor was it always so. There was a
time in the fairly recent past when the humble voter—even without
formal education—was well informed on money matters and
vitally concerned about their political implementation. In fact, as
we shall see in a later chapter, major elections were won or lost
depending on how candidates stood on the issue of a central bank.
It has been in the interest of the money mandarins, however, to
convince the public that, now, these issues are too complicated for
novices. Through the use of technical jargon and by hiding simple
reality inside a maze of bewildering procedures, they have caused
an understanding of the nature of money to fade from the public
first step in this maneuver was to scramble the definition of
money itself. For example, the July 20, 1975 issue of the New York Times, in an article entitled "Money Supply: A Growing Muddle,"
begins with the question: "What is money nowadays?" The Wall
Street Journal of August 29, 1975, comments: "The men and women
involved in this arcane exercise [of watching the money supply]
aren't exactly sure what the money supply consists of." And, in its
September 24, 1971 issue, the same paper said: "A pro-International
Monetary Fund Seminar of eminent economists couldn't agree on
what money is or how banks create it."
Even the government cannot define money. Some years ago, a
Mr. A.F. Davis mailed a ten-dollar Federal Reserve Note to the
Treasury Department. In his letter of transmittal, he called attention
to the inscription on the bill which said that it was redeemable in
"lawful money," and then requested that such money be sent to
him. In reply, the Treasury merely sent two five-dollar bills from a
different printing series bearing a similar promise to pay. Mr. Davis
Dear Sir:
Receipt is hereby acknowledged of two $5.00 United States notes,
which we interpret from your letter are to be considered as lawful
money. Are we to infer from this that the Federal Reserve notes are not
lawful money?
I am enclosing one of the $5.00 notes which you sent to me. I note
that it states on the face, "The United States of America will pay to (he
bearer on demand five dollars." I am hereby demanding five dollars.
One week later, Mr. Davis received the following reply from
Acting Treasurer, M.E. Slindee:
Dear Mr. Davis:
Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of December 23rd,
transmitting one $5. United States Note with a demand for payment of
five dollars. You are advised that the term "lawful money" has not
been defined in federal legislation.... The term "lawful currency" no
longer has such special significance. The $5. United States Note
received with your letter of December 23rd is returned herewith.
The phrases "...will pay to the bearer on demand" and "... is
redeemable in lawful money" were deleted from our currency
altogether in 1964.1
1. As quoted by C.V. Myers, Money and Energy: Weathering the Storm (Darien,
Connecticut: Soundview Books, 1980), pp. 161,163. Also by Lawrence S. Ritter, ed-,
Money and Economic Activity (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967), p. 33.
Is money really so mysterious that it cannot be defined? Is it the
coin and currency we have in our pockets? Is it numbers in a
checking account or electronic impulses in a computer? Does it
include the balance in a savings account or the available credit on a
charge card? Does it include the value of stocks and bonds, houses,
land, or personal possessions? Or is money nothing more than
purchasing power?
The main function of the Federal Reserve is to regulate the
supply of money. Yet, if no one is able to define what money is,
how can we have an opinion about how the System is performing?
The answer, of course, is that we cannot, and that is exactly the way
the cartel wants it.
The reason the Federal Reserve appears to be a complicated
subject is because most discussions start somewhere in the middle.
By the time we get into it, definitions have been scrambled and
basic concepts have been assumed. Under such conditions, intellectual
chaos is inevitable. If we start at the beginning, however, and
deal with each concept in sequence from the general to the specific,
and if we agree on definitions as we go, we shall find to our
amazement that the issues are really quite simple. Furthermore, the
process is not only painless, it is—believe it or not—intensely
The purpose of this and the next three chapters, therefore, is to
provide what could be called a crash course on money. It will not be
complicated. In fact, you already know much of what follows. All
we shall attempt to do is tie it all together so that it will have
continuity and relativity to our subject. When you are through with
these next few pages, you will understand money. That's a promise.
So, let's get started with the basics. What is money?
The dictionary is of little help. If economists cannot agree on
what money is, it is partly due to the fact that there are so many
definitions available that it is difficult to insist that any of them is
the obvious choice. For the purpose of our analysis, however, it will
be necessary to establish one definition so we can at least know
what is meant when the word is used within this text. To that end,
we shall introduce our own definition which has been assembled
from bits and dabs taken from numerous sources. The structure is
designed, not to reflect what we think money ought to be or to support the view of any particular school of economics, but simply
to reduce the concept to its most fundamental essence and to reflect
the reality of today's world. It is not necessary to agree or disagree
with this definition. It is introduced solely for the purpose of
providing an understanding of the word as it is used within these
pages. This, then, shall be our working definition:
Money is anything which is accepted as a medium of exchange
and it may be classified into the following forms:
1. Commodity money
2. Receipt money
3. Fiat money
4. Fractional money
Understanding the difference between these forms of money is
practically all we need to know to fully comprehend the Federal
Reserve System and to come to a judgment regarding its value to
our economy and to our nation. Let us, therefore, examine each of
them in some detail.
Before there was any kind of money, however, there was barter,
and it is important first to understand the link between the two.
Barter is defined as that which is directly exchanged for something
of like value. Mr. Jones swaps his restored Model-T Ford for a
Steinway grand piano.1 This exchange is not monetary in nature
because both items are valued for themselves rather than held as a
medium of exchange to be used later for something else. Note,
however, that both items have intrinsic value or they would not be
accepted by the other parties. Labor also may be exchanged as
barter when it, too, is perceived to have intrinsic value to the
person for whom the labor is performed. The concept of intrinsic
value is the key to an understanding of the various forms of money
that evolved from the process of barter.
1. Strictly speaking, each party holds the value of what he is receiving to be more than what he is giving. Otherwise he would not make the trade. In the mind of the traders, therefore, the items have unequal value. That opinion is shared equally them both. The shorter explanation, however, is less unwieldy.
In the natural evolution of every society, there always have
been one or two items which became more commonly used in barter than all others. This was because they had certain characteristics
which made them useful or attractive to almost everyone.
Eventually, they were traded, not for themselves, but because they
represented a storehouse of value which could be exchanged at a
later time for something else. At that point, they ceased being
barter and became true money. They were, according to our
working definition, a medium of exchange. And, since that medium
was a commodity of intrinsic value, it may be described as
commodity money.
Among primitive people, the most usual item to become
commodity money was some form of food, either produce or
livestock. Lingering testimony to this fact is our word pecuniary,
which means pertaining to money. It is derived from the word
pecunia, which is the Latin word for cow.
But, as society progressed beyond the level of bare existence,
items other than food came into general demand. Ornaments were
occasionally prized when the food supply was ample, and there is
evidence of some societies using colored sea shells and unusual
stones for this purpose. But these never seriously challenged the
use of cattle, or sheep, or corn, or wheat, because these staples
possessed greater intrinsic value for themselves even if they were
not used as money.
Eventually, when man learned how to refine crude ores and to
craft them into tools or weapons, the metals themselves became of
value. This was the dawning of the Bronze Age in which iron,
copper, tin, and bronze were traded between craftsmen and
merchants along trade routes and at major sea ports.
The value of metal ingots was originally determined by weight.
Then, as it became customary for the merchants who cast them to
stamp the uniform weights on the top, they eventually were valued
simply by counting their number. Although they were too large to
carry in a pouch, they were still small enough to be transported
easily and, in this form, they became, in effect, primitive but
functional coins.
The primary reason metals became widely used as commodity
money is that they meet all of the requirements for convenient
trading. In addition to being of intrinsic value for uses other than
money, they are not perishable, which is more than one can say for cows; by melting and reforming they can be divided into smaller
units and conveniently used for purchases of minor items, which is
not possible with diamonds, for example; and, because they are not
in great abundance, small quantities carry high value, which means
they are more portable than such items as timber, for example.
Perhaps the most important monetary attribute of metals,
however, is their ability to be precisely measured. It is important to
keep in mind that, in its fundamental form and function, money is
both a storehouse and a measure of value. It is the reference by
which all other things in the economy can be compared. It is
essential, therefore, that the monetary unit itself be both measurable
and constant. The ability to precisely assay metals in both
purity and weight makes them ideally suited for this function,
Experts may haggle over the precise quality of a gemstone, but an
ingot of metal is either 99% pure or it isn't, and it either weighs 100
ounces or it doesn't. One's opinion has little to do with it. It is not
without reason, therefore, that, on every continent and throughout
history, man has chosen metals as the ideal storehouse and
measure of value.
There is one metal, of course, that has been selected by
centuries of trial and error above all others. Even today, in a world
where money can no longer be defined, the common man instinctively
knows that gold will do just fine until something better
comes along. We shall leave it to the sociologists to debate why gold
has been chosen as the universal money. For our purposes, it is
only important to know that it has been. But we should not
overlook the possibility that it was an excellent choice. As for
quantity, there seems to be just the right amount to keep its value
high enough for useful coinage. It is less plentiful than silver
—which, incidentally, has run a close second in the monetary
contest—and more abundant than platinum. Either could have
served the purpose quite well, but gold has provided what appears
to be the perfect compromise. Furthermore, it is a commodity in
great demand for purposes other than money. It is sought for both
industry and ornament, thus assuring its intrinsic value under all
conditions. And, of course, its purity and weight can be precisely
It often is argued that gold is inappropriate as money because it
is too limited in supply to satisfy the needs of modern commerce.
On the surface, that may sound logical—after all, we do need a lot
of money out there to keep the wheels of the economy turning—
but, upon examination, this turns out to be one of the most childish
ideas imaginable.
First of all, it is estimated that approximately 45% of all the gold
mined throughout the world since the discovery of America is now
in government or banking stockpiles.1 There undoubtedly is at
least an additional 30% in jewelry, ornaments, and private hoards.
Any commodity which exists to the extent of 75% of its total world
production since Columbus discovered America can hardly be
described as in short supply.
1. Strictly speaking, each party holds the value of what he is receiving to be more than what he is giving. Otherwise he would not make the trade. In the mind of the traders, therefore, the items have unequal value. That opinion is shared equally them both. The shorter explanation, however, is less unwieldy.
The deeper reality, however, is that the supply is not even
important. Remember that the primary function of money is to
measure the value of the items for which it is exchanged. In this
sense, it serves as a yardstick or ruler of value. It really makes no
difference if we measure the length of our rug in inches, feet, yards,
or meters. We could even manage it quite well in miles if we used
decimals and expressed the result in milli-miles. We could even use
multiple rulers, but no matter what measurement we use, the
reality of what we are measuring does not change. Our rug does
not become larger just because we have increased the quantity of
measurement units by painting additional markers onto our rulers.
If the supply of gold in relation to the supply of available goods
is so small that a one-ounce coin would be too valuable for minor
transactions, people simply would use half-ounce coins or tenth ounce
coins. The amount of gold in the world does not affect its
ability to serve as money, it only affects the quantity that will be
used to measure any given transaction.
Let us illustrate the point by imagining that we are playing a
game of Monopoly. Each person has been given a starting supply
of play money with which to transact business. It doesn't take long
before we all begin to feel the shortage of cash. If we just had more
money, we could really wheel and deal. Let us suppose further that
someone discovers another game-box of Monopoly sitting in the closet and proposes that the currency from that be added to the
game under progress. By general agreement, the little bills are
distributed equally among all players. What would happen?
The money supply has now been doubled. We all have twice as
much money as we did a moment before. But would we be any
better off? There is no corresponding increase in the quantity of
property, so everyone would bid up the prices of existing pieces
until they became twice as expensive. In other words, the law of
supply and demand would rapidly seek exactly the same equilibrium
as existed with the more limited money supply. When the
quantity of money expands without a corresponding increase in
goods, the effect is a reduction in the purchasing power of each
monetary unit. In other words, nothing really changes except that
the quoted price of everything goes up. But that is merely the quoted
price, the price as expressed in terms of the monetary unit. In truth,
the real price, in terms of its relationship to all other prices, remains
the same. It's merely that the relative value of the money supply
has gone down. This, of course, is the classic mechanism of
inflation. Prices do not go up. The value of the money goes down.
If Santa Claus were to visit everyone on Earth next Christmas
and leave in our stockings an amount of money exactly equal to the
amount we already had, there is no doubt that many would rejoice
over the sudden increase in wealth. By New Year's day, however,
prices would have doubled for everything, and the net result on the
world's standard of living would be exactly zero.1
1.Those who rushed to market first, however, would benefit temporarily from old prices. Under inflation, those who save are punished.
The reason so many people fall for the appealing argument that
the economy needs a larger money supply is that they zero in only
on the need to increase their supply. If they paused for a moment to
reflect on the consequences of the total supply increasing, the
nonsense of the proposal becomes immediately apparent.
Murray Rothbard, professor of economics at the University of
Nevada at Las Vegas, says:
We come to the startling truth that it doesn't matter what the supply
of money is. Any supply will do as well as any other supply. The free
market will simply adjust by changing the purchasing power, to effectiveness, of its gold-unit. There is no need whatever for any
planned increase in the money supply, for the supply to rise to offset any condition, or to follow any artificial criteria. More money does not
supply more capital, is not more productive, does not permit
"economic growth."
The Federal Reserve claims that one of its primary objectives is
to stabilize prices. In this, of course, it has failed miserably. The
irony, however, is that maintaining stable prices is the easiest thing
in the world. All we have to do is stop tinkering with the money
supply and let the free market do its job. Prices become automatically
stable under a commodity money system, and this is particularly
true under a gold standard.
Economists like to illustrate the workings of the marketplace by
creating hypothetical micro and macro economies in which everything
is reduced to only a few factors and a few people. In that
spirit, therefore, let us create a hypothetical economy consisting of
only two classes of people: gold miners and tailors. Let us suppose
that the law of supply and demand has settled on the value of one
ounce of gold to be equal to a fine, custom-tailored suit of clothes.
That means that the labor, tools, materials, and talent required to
mine and refine one ounce of gold are equally traded for the labor,
tools, and talent required to weave and tailor the suit. Up until
now, the number of ounces of gold produced each year have been
roughly equal to the number of fine suits made each year, so prices
have remained stable. The price of a suit is one ounce of gold, and
the value of one ounce of gold is equal to one finely-tailored suit.
Let us now suppose that the miners, in their quest for a better
standard of living, work extra hours and produce more gold this
year than previously—or that they discover a new lode of gold
which greatly increases the available supply with little extra effort.
Now things are no longer in balance. There are more ounces of gold
than there are suits. The result of this expansion of the money
supply over and above the supply of available goods is the same as
in our game of Monopoly. The quoted prices of the suits go up
because the relative value of the gold has gone down.
The process does not end there, however. When the miners see
that they are no better off than before in spite of the extra work, and
especially when they see the tailors making a greater profit for no increase in labor, some of them decide to put down their picks and
turn to the trade of tailoring. In other words, they are responding to
the law of supply and demand in labor. When this happens, the
annual production of gold goes down while the production of suits
goes up, and an equilibrium is reached once again in which suits
and gold are traded as before. The free market, if unfettered by
politicians and money mechanics, will always maintain a stable
price structure which is automatically regulated by the underlying
factor of human effort. The human effort required to extract one
ounce of gold from the earth will always be approximately equal to
the amount of human effort required to provide the goods and
services for which it is freely exchanged.
A perfect example of how commodities tend to self-regulate
their value occurred in Germany at the end of World War II. The
German mark had become useless, and barter was common. But
one item of exchange, namely cigarettes, actually became a commodity
money, and they served quite well. Some cigarettes were
smuggled into the country, but most of them were brought in by
U.S. servicemen. In either case, the quantity was limited and the
demand was high. A single cigarette was considered small change.
A package of twenty and a carton of two hundred served as larger
units of currency. If the exchange rate began to fall too low—in
other words, if the quantity of cigarettes tended to expand at a rate
faster than the expansion of other goods—the holders of the
currency, more than likely, would smoke some of it rather than
spend it. The supply would diminish and the value would return to
its previous equilibrium. That is not theory, it actually happened. 1
1. See Galbraith, p. 250.
With gold as the monetary base, we would expect that
improvements in manufacturing technology would gradually
reduce the cost of production, causing, not stability, but a downward
movement of all prices. That downward pressure, however, is
partially offset by an increase in the cost of the more sophisticated
tools that are required. Furthermore, similar technological efficiencies
are being applied in the field of mining, so everything tends to
balance out. History has shown that changes in this natural
equilibrium are minimal and occur only gradually over a long period of time. For example, in 1913, the year the Federal Reserve
was enacted into law, the average annual wage in America was
$633. The exchange value of gold that year was $20.67. That means
that the average worker earned the equivalent of 30.6 ounces of
gold per year.
In 1990, the average annual wage had risen to $20,468. That is a
whopping increase of 3,233 per cent, an average rise of 42 per cent
each year for 77 years. But the exchange value of gold in 1990 had
also risen. It was at $386.90 per ounce. The average worker,
therefore, was earning the equivalent of 52.9 ounces of gold per
year. That is an increase of only 73 per cent, a rise of less than 1 per
cent per year over that same period. It is obvious that the dramatic
increase in the size of the paycheck was meaningless to the average
American. The reality has been a small but steady increase in
purchasing power (about 1 per cent per year) that has resulted from
the gradual improvement in technology. This and only this has
improved the standard of living and brought down real prices—as
revealed by the relative value of gold.
In areas where personal service is the primary factor and where
technology is less important, the stability of gold as a measure of
value is even more striking. At the Savoy Hotel in London, one
gold sovereign will still buy dinner for three, exactly as it did in
1913. And, in ancient Rome, the cost of a finely made toga, belt, and
pair of sandals was one ounce of gold. That is almost exactly the
same cost today, two-thousand years later, for a hand-crafted suit,
belt, and a pair of dress shoes. There are no central banks or other
human institutions which could even come close to providing that
kind of price stability. And, yet, it is totally automatic under a gold
In any event, before leaving the subject of gold, we should
acknowledge that there is nothing mystical about it. It is merely a
commodity which, because it has intrinsic value and possesses
certain qualities, has become accepted throughout history as a
medium of exchange. Hitler waged a campaign against gold as a
tool of the Jewish bankers. But the Nazis traded heavily in gold and
largely financed their war machine with it. Lenin claimed that gold
was used only to keep the workers in bondage and that, after the
revolution, it would be used to cover the floors of public lavatories.
The Soviet Union under Communism became one of the world's
biggest producers and users of gold. Economist John Maynard Keynes once dismissed gold as a "barbaric metal." Many followers
of Keynes today are heavily invested in gold. It is entirely possible,
of course, that something other than gold would be better as the
basis for money. It's just that, in over two thousand years, no orte
has been able to find it.
The amazing stability of gold as a measure of value is simply
the result of human nature reacting to the forces of supply and
demand. The process, therefore, may be stated as a natural law of
human behavior:
LESSON: When gold (or silver) is used as money and when the forces of supply and demand are not thwarted by government intervention, the amount of new metal added to the money supply will always be closely proportional to the expanding services and goods which can be purchased with it. Long-term stability of prices is the dependable result of these forces. This process is automatic and impartial. Any attempt by politicians to intervene will destroy the benefit for all. Therefore,
LAW: Long-term price stability is possible only when the money supply is based upon the gold (or silver) supply without government interference.
As the concept of money was slowly developing in the mind of ancient man, it became obvious that one of the advantages of using gold or silver as the medium of exchange was that, because of their rarity as compared to copper or iron, great value could be represented by small size. Tiny ingots could be carried in a pouch or fastened to a belt for ease of transportation. And, of course, they could be more readily hidden for safekeeping. Goldsmiths then began to fashion them into round discs and to put their stamps on them to attest to purity and weight. In this way, the world's first coins began to make their appearance.
It is believed that the first precious metal coins were minted by the Lydians in Asia Minor (now Northwest Turkey), in about 600 B.C. The Chinese used gold cubes as early as 2100 B.C. But it wasn't until the kings stepped into the picture that true coinage became a reality. It was only when the state certified the tiny discs that they became widely accepted, and it is to the Greeks more than anyone that we owe this development. Groseclose describes the result:
These light, shining discs, adorned with curious new emblems and a variety of vigorous, striking images, made a deep impression on both Greek and barbarian. And to the more practical minded, the abundance of uniform pieces of metal, each of a standard weight, certified by the authority of the state, meant a release from the cumbersomeness of barter and new and dazzling opportunities in every direction....
All classes of men succumbed to money, and those who had formerly been content to produce only for their needs and the necessities of the household, found themselves going to the market place with their handicraft, or the fruits of their toil, to exchange them for the coins they might obtain.1
1 Groseclose, Money and Man, p. 13
As governments became more brazen in their debasement of the currency, even to the extent of diluting the gold or silver content, the population adapted quite well by simply "discounting" the new coins. That is to say, they accepted them at a realistic value, which was lower than what the government had intended. This was, as always, reflected in a general rise in prices quoted in terms of those coins. Real prices, in terms of labor or other goods or even of gold itself remained unchanged.[So people those $50,000 cars are really not that expensive,they are just a sign of how worthless the 'money' is needed to buy them D.C ]
Governments do not like to be thwarted in their plans to exploit their subjects. So a way had to be found to force people to accept these slugs as real money. This led to the first legal-tender laws. By royal decree, the "coin of the realm," was declared legal for the settlement of all debts. Anyone who refused it at face value was subject to fine, imprisonment, or, in some cases, even death. The result was that the good coins disappeared from circulation and went into private hoards. After all, if the government forces you to accept junk at the same rate of exchange as gold, wouldn't you keep the gold and spend the junk? That is what happened in America in the '60s when the mint began to issue cheap metal tokens to replace the silver dimes, quarters, and half-dollars. Within a few months, the silver coins were in dresser drawers and safe-deposit boxes. The same thing has happened repeatedly throughout antiquity. In economics, that is called Gresham's Law: "Bad money drives out good."
The final move in this game of legal plunder was for the government to fix prices so that, even if everyone is using only junk as money, they can no longer compensate for the continually expanding supply of it. Now the people were caught. They had no escape except to become criminals, which most of them, incidentally, chose to do. The history of artificially expanding money is the history of great dissatisfaction with government, much lawlessness, and a massive underground economy. [I would take note that we have all 3 of those factors are working at tremendous levels here in America now in 2018,levels that do not appear to be able to hold much longer,as the 3 are applying back breaking pressure on the One,which since 71 has gone global in it's implications,which not many have figured out,and if it gets ugly here,it gets ugly everywhere! DC]
In more modern times, rulers of nations have become more
sophisticated in the methods by which they debase the currency.
Instead of clipping coins, it is done through the banking system.
The consequences of that process were summarized in 1966 by Alan
Greenspan who, a few years later, would became Chairman of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Greenspan wrote:
The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit....
The law of supply and demand is not to be conned. As the supply of money (of claims) increases relative to the supply of tangible assets in the economy, prices must eventually rise. Thus the earnings saved by the productive members of the society lose value in terms of goods When the economy's books are finally balanced, one finds that this loss in value represents the goods purchased by the government for welfare or other purposes....
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold.... The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.
This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the "hidden" confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights.1
1. Alan Greenspan, "Gold and Economic Freedom," in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, ed. Ayn Rand (New York: Signet Books, 1967), p. 101.
Unfortunately, when Greenspan was appointed as Chairman of
the Federal Reserve System, he became silent on the issue of gold.
Once he was seated at the control panel which holds the levers of
power, he served the statists well as they continued to confiscate
the people's wealth through the hidden tax of inflation. Even the
wisest of men can be corrupted by power and wealth.
2. Even the Greeks under Solon had one, brief experience with a debased currency. But it was short lived and never repeated - See Groseclose, Money and Man, pp. 14, 20, 54.
Perhaps the greatest example of a nation with sound money,
however, was the Byzantine Empire. Building on the sound monetary
tradition of Greece, the emperor Constantine ordered the
creation of a new gold piece called the solidus and a silver piece
called the miliarense. The gold weight of the solidus soon became
fixed at 65 grains and was minted at that standard for the next
eight-hundred years. Its quality was so dependable that it was
freely accepted, under the name bezant, from China to Brittany,
from the Baltic Sea to Ethiopia.
Byzantine laws regarding money were strict. Before being admitted to the profession of banking, the candidate had to have sponsors who would attest to his character, that he would not file or chip either the solidi or the miliarensia, and that he would not issue false coin. Violation of these rules called for cutting off a hand.1
1. Le livre du prefet on lempereur Leon le Sage sur les corporations de Constantinople* French translation from the Geneva text by Jules Nicole, p. 38. Cited by Groseclose. Money and Man, p. 52.
It is an amazing fact of history that the Byzantine Empire
flourished as the center of world commerce for eight-hundred
years without falling into bankruptcy nor, for that matter, even into
debt. Not once during this period did it devalue its money.
"Neither the ancient nor the modern world," says Heinrich Gelzer,
"can offer a complete parallel to this phenomenon. This prodigious
stability...secured the bezant as universal currency. On account of its
full weight, it passed with all the neighboring nations as a valid
medium of exchange. By her money, Byzantium controlled both the
civilized and the barbarian worlds."2
2. Byzantininsche Kulturgeschichte (Tubingen, 1909), p. 78. As quoted by Groseclose, Money and Man, p. 54.
By the year 301 A.D., mutiny was developing in the army, remote regions were displaying disloyalty, the treasury was empty, agriculture depressed, and trade almost at a standstill. It was then that Diocletian issued his famous price-fixing proclamation as the last measure of a desperate emperor. We are struck by the similarity to such proclamations in our own time. Most of the chaos can be traced directly to government policy. Yet, the politicians point the accusing finger at everyone else for their "greed" arid "disregard for the common good." Diocletian declared:
Who is of so hardened a heart and so untouched by a feeling of humanity that he can be unaware, nay that he has not noticed, that in the sale of wares which are exchanged in the market, or dealt with in the daily business of the cities, an exorbitant tendency in prices has spread to such an extent that the unbridled desire of plundering is held in check neither by abundance nor by seasons of plenty.... Inasmuch as there is seen only a mad desire without control, to pay no heed to the needs of the many,...it seems good to us, as we look into the future, to us who are the fathers of the people, that justice intervene to settle matters impartially.1
1 As quoted by Groseclose, Money and Man, pp. 43-44.
What followed was an incredibly detailed list of mandated prices for everything from a serving of beer or a bunch of watercress to a lawyer's fee and a bar of gold. The result? Conditions became even worse, and the royal decree was rescinded five years later.
The Roman Empire never recovered from the crisis. By the fourth century, all coins were weighed, and the economy was slipping back into barter again. By the seventh century, the weights themselves had been so frequently changed that it was no longer possible to effect an exchange in money at all. For all practical purposes, money became extinct, and the Roman Empire was no more.
When the coins were placed into the vault, the warehouseman would give the owner a written receipt which entitled him to withdraw at any time. At first, the only way the coins could be taken from the vault was for the owner to personally present the receipt. Eventually, however, it became customary for the owner to merely endorse his receipt to a third party who, upon presentation, could make the withdrawal. These endorsed receipts were the forerunners of today's checks.
The final stage in this development was the custom of issuing, not just one receipt for the entire deposit, but a series of smaller receipts, adding up to the same total, and each having printed across the top: PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND. As the population learned from experience that these paper receipts were truly backed by good coin in the goldsmith's warehouse and that the coin really would be given out in exchange for the receipts, it became increasingly common to use the paper instead of the coin.
Thus, receipt money came into existence. The paper itself was useless, but what it represented was quite valuable. As long as the coin was held in safekeeping as promised, there was no difference in value between the receipt and the coin which backed it. And, as we shall see in the next chapter, there were notable examples of the honest use of receipt money at the very beginning of the development of banking. When the receipt was scrupulously honored, the economy moved forward. When it was used as a gimmick for the artificial expansion of the money supply, the economy convulsed and stagnated.
LESSON: Whenever government sets out to manipulate the money supply, regardless of the intelligence or good intentions of those who attempt to direct the process, the result is inflation, economic chaos, and political upheaval. By contrast, whenever government is limited in its monetary power to only the maintenance of honest weights and measures of precious metals, the result is price stability, economic prosperity, and political tranquility. Therefore,
LAW: For a nation to enjoy economic prosperity and political tranquility, the monetary power of its politicians must be limited solely to the maintenance of honest weights and measures of precious metals.
As we shall see in the following chapters, the centuries of monetary upheaval that followed that early period contain no evidence that this law has been repealed by modern man.
LESSON: When gold (or silver) is used as money and when the forces of supply and demand are not thwarted by government intervention, the amount of new metal added to the money supply will always be closely proportional to the expanding services and goods which can be purchased with it. Long-term stability of prices is the dependable result of these forces. This process is automatic and impartial. Any attempt by politicians to intervene will destroy the benefit for all. Therefore,
LAW: Long-term price stability is possible only when the money supply is based upon the gold (or silver) supply without government interference.
As the concept of money was slowly developing in the mind of ancient man, it became obvious that one of the advantages of using gold or silver as the medium of exchange was that, because of their rarity as compared to copper or iron, great value could be represented by small size. Tiny ingots could be carried in a pouch or fastened to a belt for ease of transportation. And, of course, they could be more readily hidden for safekeeping. Goldsmiths then began to fashion them into round discs and to put their stamps on them to attest to purity and weight. In this way, the world's first coins began to make their appearance.
It is believed that the first precious metal coins were minted by the Lydians in Asia Minor (now Northwest Turkey), in about 600 B.C. The Chinese used gold cubes as early as 2100 B.C. But it wasn't until the kings stepped into the picture that true coinage became a reality. It was only when the state certified the tiny discs that they became widely accepted, and it is to the Greeks more than anyone that we owe this development. Groseclose describes the result:
These light, shining discs, adorned with curious new emblems and a variety of vigorous, striking images, made a deep impression on both Greek and barbarian. And to the more practical minded, the abundance of uniform pieces of metal, each of a standard weight, certified by the authority of the state, meant a release from the cumbersomeness of barter and new and dazzling opportunities in every direction....
All classes of men succumbed to money, and those who had formerly been content to produce only for their needs and the necessities of the household, found themselves going to the market place with their handicraft, or the fruits of their toil, to exchange them for the coins they might obtain.1
1 Groseclose, Money and Man, p. 13
From the very beginning, the desire for a larger money supply
led to practices which were destructive to the economy. Unscrupulous
merchants began to shave off a tiny portion of each coin they
handled—a process known as coin clipping—and then having the
shavings melted down into new coins. Before long, the king's
treasury began to do the same thing to the coins it received in taxes.
In this way, the money supply was increased, but the supply of
gold was not. The result was exactly what we now know always
happens when the money supply is artificially expanded. There
was inflation. Whereas one coin previously would buy twelve
sheep, now it would only be accepted for ten. The total amount of
gold needed for twelve sheep never really changed. It's just that
everyone knew that one coin no longer contained it. As governments became more brazen in their debasement of the currency, even to the extent of diluting the gold or silver content, the population adapted quite well by simply "discounting" the new coins. That is to say, they accepted them at a realistic value, which was lower than what the government had intended. This was, as always, reflected in a general rise in prices quoted in terms of those coins. Real prices, in terms of labor or other goods or even of gold itself remained unchanged.[So people those $50,000 cars are really not that expensive,they are just a sign of how worthless the 'money' is needed to buy them D.C ]
Governments do not like to be thwarted in their plans to exploit their subjects. So a way had to be found to force people to accept these slugs as real money. This led to the first legal-tender laws. By royal decree, the "coin of the realm," was declared legal for the settlement of all debts. Anyone who refused it at face value was subject to fine, imprisonment, or, in some cases, even death. The result was that the good coins disappeared from circulation and went into private hoards. After all, if the government forces you to accept junk at the same rate of exchange as gold, wouldn't you keep the gold and spend the junk? That is what happened in America in the '60s when the mint began to issue cheap metal tokens to replace the silver dimes, quarters, and half-dollars. Within a few months, the silver coins were in dresser drawers and safe-deposit boxes. The same thing has happened repeatedly throughout antiquity. In economics, that is called Gresham's Law: "Bad money drives out good."
The final move in this game of legal plunder was for the government to fix prices so that, even if everyone is using only junk as money, they can no longer compensate for the continually expanding supply of it. Now the people were caught. They had no escape except to become criminals, which most of them, incidentally, chose to do. The history of artificially expanding money is the history of great dissatisfaction with government, much lawlessness, and a massive underground economy. [I would take note that we have all 3 of those factors are working at tremendous levels here in America now in 2018,levels that do not appear to be able to hold much longer,as the 3 are applying back breaking pressure on the One,which since 71 has gone global in it's implications,which not many have figured out,and if it gets ugly here,it gets ugly everywhere! DC]
The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit....
The law of supply and demand is not to be conned. As the supply of money (of claims) increases relative to the supply of tangible assets in the economy, prices must eventually rise. Thus the earnings saved by the productive members of the society lose value in terms of goods When the economy's books are finally balanced, one finds that this loss in value represents the goods purchased by the government for welfare or other purposes....
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold.... The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.
This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the "hidden" confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights.1
1. Alan Greenspan, "Gold and Economic Freedom," in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, ed. Ayn Rand (New York: Signet Books, 1967), p. 101.
Returning to the topic of debasing the currency in ancient
times, it must be stated that such practices were by no means
universal. There are many examples throughout history of regents
and kingdoms which used great restraint in money creation.
Ancient Greece, where coinage was first developed, is one of them.
The drachma became the defacto monetary unit of the civilized
world because of the dependability of its gold content. Within its
borders, cities flourished and trade abounded. Even after the fall of
Athens in the Peloponnesian War, her coinage remained, for
centuries, as the standard by which all others were measured.2 2. Even the Greeks under Solon had one, brief experience with a debased currency. But it was short lived and never repeated - See Groseclose, Money and Man, pp. 14, 20, 54.
Byzantine laws regarding money were strict. Before being admitted to the profession of banking, the candidate had to have sponsors who would attest to his character, that he would not file or chip either the solidi or the miliarensia, and that he would not issue false coin. Violation of these rules called for cutting off a hand.1
1. Le livre du prefet on lempereur Leon le Sage sur les corporations de Constantinople* French translation from the Geneva text by Jules Nicole, p. 38. Cited by Groseclose. Money and Man, p. 52.
2. Byzantininsche Kulturgeschichte (Tubingen, 1909), p. 78. As quoted by Groseclose, Money and Man, p. 54.

The experience of the Romans was quite different. Basically a
militaristic people, they had little patience for the niceties of
monetary restraint. Especially in the later Empire, debasement of
the coinage became a deliberate state policy. Every imaginable
means for plundering the people was devised. In addition to
taxation, coins were clipped, reduced, diluted, and plated. Favored
groups were given franchises for state-endorsed monopolies, the
origin of our present-day corporation. And, amidst constantly
rising prices in terms of constantly expanding money, speculation
and dishonesty became rampant. By the year 301 A.D., mutiny was developing in the army, remote regions were displaying disloyalty, the treasury was empty, agriculture depressed, and trade almost at a standstill. It was then that Diocletian issued his famous price-fixing proclamation as the last measure of a desperate emperor. We are struck by the similarity to such proclamations in our own time. Most of the chaos can be traced directly to government policy. Yet, the politicians point the accusing finger at everyone else for their "greed" arid "disregard for the common good." Diocletian declared:
Who is of so hardened a heart and so untouched by a feeling of humanity that he can be unaware, nay that he has not noticed, that in the sale of wares which are exchanged in the market, or dealt with in the daily business of the cities, an exorbitant tendency in prices has spread to such an extent that the unbridled desire of plundering is held in check neither by abundance nor by seasons of plenty.... Inasmuch as there is seen only a mad desire without control, to pay no heed to the needs of the many,...it seems good to us, as we look into the future, to us who are the fathers of the people, that justice intervene to settle matters impartially.1
1 As quoted by Groseclose, Money and Man, pp. 43-44.
What followed was an incredibly detailed list of mandated prices for everything from a serving of beer or a bunch of watercress to a lawyer's fee and a bar of gold. The result? Conditions became even worse, and the royal decree was rescinded five years later.
The Roman Empire never recovered from the crisis. By the fourth century, all coins were weighed, and the economy was slipping back into barter again. By the seventh century, the weights themselves had been so frequently changed that it was no longer possible to effect an exchange in money at all. For all practical purposes, money became extinct, and the Roman Empire was no more.
When new civilizations rose from the ruins of Rome, they
reclaimed the lost discovery of money and used it to great
advantage. The invention was truly a giant step forward for
mankind, but there were many problems yet to be solved and
much experimentation lay ahead. The development of paper
money was a case in point. When a man accumulated more coins
than he required for daily purchases, he needed a safe place to store
them. The goldsmiths, who handled large amounts of precious
metals in their trades, had already built sturdy vaults to protect
their own inventory, so it was natural for them to offer vault space too their customers for a fee. The goldsmith could be trusted to
guard the coins well because he also would be guarding his own
Wealth. When the coins were placed into the vault, the warehouseman would give the owner a written receipt which entitled him to withdraw at any time. At first, the only way the coins could be taken from the vault was for the owner to personally present the receipt. Eventually, however, it became customary for the owner to merely endorse his receipt to a third party who, upon presentation, could make the withdrawal. These endorsed receipts were the forerunners of today's checks.
The final stage in this development was the custom of issuing, not just one receipt for the entire deposit, but a series of smaller receipts, adding up to the same total, and each having printed across the top: PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND. As the population learned from experience that these paper receipts were truly backed by good coin in the goldsmith's warehouse and that the coin really would be given out in exchange for the receipts, it became increasingly common to use the paper instead of the coin.
Thus, receipt money came into existence. The paper itself was useless, but what it represented was quite valuable. As long as the coin was held in safekeeping as promised, there was no difference in value between the receipt and the coin which backed it. And, as we shall see in the next chapter, there were notable examples of the honest use of receipt money at the very beginning of the development of banking. When the receipt was scrupulously honored, the economy moved forward. When it was used as a gimmick for the artificial expansion of the money supply, the economy convulsed and stagnated.
This is not a textbook on the history of money, so we cannot
afford the luxury of lingering among the fascinating details. For our
purposes, it is sufficient to recognize that human behavior in these
matters is predictable and, because of that predictability, it is
possible to formulate another principle that is so universal that it
too, may be considered a natural law. Drawing from the vast
experience of this early period, it can be stated as follows: LESSON: Whenever government sets out to manipulate the money supply, regardless of the intelligence or good intentions of those who attempt to direct the process, the result is inflation, economic chaos, and political upheaval. By contrast, whenever government is limited in its monetary power to only the maintenance of honest weights and measures of precious metals, the result is price stability, economic prosperity, and political tranquility. Therefore,
LAW: For a nation to enjoy economic prosperity and political tranquility, the monetary power of its politicians must be limited solely to the maintenance of honest weights and measures of precious metals.
As we shall see in the following chapters, the centuries of monetary upheaval that followed that early period contain no evidence that this law has been repealed by modern man.
Knowledge of the nature of money is essential to an understanding
of the Federal Reserve. Contrary to common belief, the
topic is neither mysterious nor complicated. For the purposes of
this study, money is defined as anything which is accepted as a
medium of exchange. Building on that, we find there are four kinds
of money: commodity, receipt, fiat, and fractional. Precious metals
were the first commodity money to appear in history and ever
since have been proven by actual experience to be the only reliable
base for an honest monetary system. Gold, as the basis of money,
can take several forms: bullion, coins, and fully backed paper
receipts. Man has been plagued throughout history with the false
theory that the quantity of money is important, specifically that
more money is better than less. This has led to perpetual manipulation
and expansion of the money supply through such practices as
coin clipping, debasement of the coin content, and, in later centuries,
the issuance of more paper receipts than there was gold to
back them. In every case, these practices have led to economic and
political disaster. In those rare instances where man has refrained
from manipulating the money supply and has allowed it to be
determined by free-market production of the gold supply, the
result has been prosperity and tranquilitynext
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