Genesis for the New Space Age
by John B. Leith

Chapter V
by John B. Leith
Chapter V
Early German Development
of the UFO
The Germans shot down their first unidentified flying object in 1938, and thereafter, attempted to lead
the international space race. Already tooled for war under Hitler's crash program, Germany's engineers
and skilled tradesmen set out to duplicate the downed machine from Venus.
On hearing of the fortunate prize, Hitler directed his private pilot, Christina Edderer, to fly him to the
site. It was during an interview in Munich in 1975 that the courageous Christina Edderer, perhaps
unjustly imprisoned by the allies, showed the authors a collection of over 100 snapshots from her album
of many famous Germans and the facilities involved in their round wing plane production. One such
picture showed Hitler, the German Chief of State, posed smiling, with one foot on the edge of the
downed and tipped-over saucer craft which revealed a broken landing tripod.
In 1938, German research began in earnest on the implosion engine and the round wing aircraft. One of
the foremost early inventors of the implosion engine was a German Swiss named Victor Schauberger
who went to work full time on the project. With the downed UFO, the Germans created a new industry
to duplicate the engineering and flight characteristics of the alien craft.
A hidden factory was tunnelled out of the Austrian Alps, and the facility remained undetected by
American or British reconnaissance planes during most of the war.
The Germans began their research under a veil of secrecy more complete than similar measures of news
suppression in America's Manhattan (Atom Bomb) Project. In Germany, death was the penalty for an
unguarded tongue, and only a release from the Fuhrer himself permitted a worker to return to the
outside world once he was taken to one of the hidden factories.
Few in the German Command were made aware of the round wing craft development project, and
Albert Spear in his book, Inside the Third Reich, fails to mention it, although for a time he was in charge
of German War Production. German airmen throughout the war were also ignorant of the round wing
building and testing program. Like their American counterparts who asked questions, the German fliers
who saw alien UFO's in their skies were told truthfully they were extra terrestrial.
The Germans experienced several difficulties in recreating their version of the Venusian craft which they
had acquired. To say the least, the German version fell short of perfection. At major problem was in the
field of metallurgy, the Germans being unable to duplicate the metal substance of the UFO skin. A
lightweight alloy, thought by Germany to be superior to anything in the Western World, was finally
rolled out in the Krupp mills. But it was a poor substitute and the Germans knew it. Another hurdle they
couldn't overcome was to reproduce the craft's electro magnetic engine. The coil was duplicated as faithfully as German technology could provide -- but the
hard, unknown metal substance used for the craft's skin was also necessary for certain parts of
the propulsion coil. The formula for this metal continued to remain elusive.
In 1941, an American soldier of German descent enabled Germany to evaluate what the U.S.A. was
doing in the advanced field of aerodynamics. For $5, the German Edward Gunther bought the patent
description of Caldwell's 1936 Rotoplane. He resold it for $50,000. The German government
eventually paid $1,000,000 for the patent drawings and description. In June, 1943 the first German
spy, Gunther, was apprehended, convicted and sentenced to be shot as a spy. The story was kept out
of the news media although a high treason conviction was handed down by a Military Tribunal Court in
Judiciary Square, Washington, D.C. The convicted traitor's sentence of death by firing squad was
reversed by Roosevelt, and death came in the electric chair at Sing Sing Penitentiary.
American newspapers of that period mentioned the affair, but the reading public did not learn the
complete facts because of government censorship.
A total of eight people who were involved in the theft received death sentences and died in Sing Sing's
electric chair under contract between the State of New York and the federal government. Two of the
spies were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg as well as a clerk in the New York patent office. Also
participating were other German nationals beside Gunther.
The Rosenberg involvement is said to have begun prior to their espionage activities in the Manhattan
Project. Once the Caldwell plans had been acquired, they knew they had in their possession the hottest
aeronautical invention in the world. The plans were first offered to Japan which refused them. Then the
Russians were approached and they also turned the Rosenbergs down against the advice of their
military attache, who had watched Caldwell's roto-plane through field glasses fly over Washington.
Subsequently, the Germans heard that the Rosenbergs were peddling the Caldwell plans and,
recognizing their military value, acquired them through a German agent.
The name Long Island Project was used to designate the stolen Caldwell plans because a German
submarine had surfaced off Long Island at night to pick up the plans of the revolutionary plane.
Within ten months, the Germans had made and flown their version of Caldwell's roto-plane.
German engineers gained enough knowledge from the American invention to produce their operational
models of the Roto-plane -- which gave them a breakthrough, but they needed more time to perfect
their Roto-plane, more time than the emergencies of war would allow.
Undeterred, German technology continued serious work on propulsion of the Caldwell craft and using
the implosion engine, determined to place a round wing plane in the air for use in the final month of
World War II.
The Germans finally produced a design prototype combining the alien UFO and the stolen "American"
patent of Caldwell's.
In late 1942, Adolph Hitler gave orders to those in charge of research and production to produce an
airworthy round wing plane by 1943. In March of that year, in compliance with the Fuehrer's orders,
the country's first earthman version of a full size round wing space craft was wheeled out for testing.
The craft could best be described as resembling a spoked wheel, (like Caldwell's Rotoplane) with
spokes actually being adjustable fins which moved from a horizontal to vertical position. In the center of
the wheel was a rounded hub for the Schauberger implosion motor, over which the craft's operators
sat. The whole operation from a distance somewhat resembled a bowler hat with a wide brim.
One of the three occupants of that craft was interviewed by us in America and the story of the ensuing
test flight corroborated by him.
Uncertainty dominated the takeoff. The three occupants were strapped into a heavily cushioned interior,
and the craft was catapulted into the air. The machine was then taken to an altitude of over 10,000 feet.
However, the first German UFO pilots were disappointed in its lack of speed and maneuverability.
Shortly thereafter their disappointment turned to fear.
In addition to ground observers who tracked the craft and accompanying conventional chase aircraft,
the Germans suddenly became aware of another presence above them -- an aerial craft
similar in design to their own.
After determining the position of the alien craft, occupants of the German plane realized they were
locked in the power of the plane above them. The German pilot tried to take evasive action
and change his craft's position but was helpless to do so. This strange, celestial experience thoroughly
bewildered the young Germans.
Then, as they sat in quandary, a voice came over their radio in perfect German. "Don't be afraid. We are
here to help you."
The voice introduced itself as a Venusian! and stated his people had watched German progress since
the day the disabled Venusian craft had been taken by the Germans in 1938.
"I'm here to instruct you,” the voice told them, "and to get you back safely to earth. which you would
never make without our help. We are, at present, holding you safely in our tractor beam
which is an embodiment of the magnetic principal you are trying to unravel."
He then explained that as superior as the ship's metal alloy was, it was unsuitable. The alloy would burn
under the friction of re-entry from space into earth's atmosphere. He explained the metal was still too heavy, and subject to deterioration from stress. "Also," he said, "Your propulsion
must be changed."
German engineers had tried to reproduce the Venusian magnetic coil but rejected it in favor of the more
conventional implosion engine when the magnetic coil failed to provide controlled lift.
The stranger knew of this failure, and he told them that before they again used a magnetic core, their
metallurgists must produce a metal that would be magnetized only at those precise times in
which a low voltage was passed through the coil. "Whereas," he continued, "in the earlier prototype
which you abandoned, the magnetic field was sustained for a time after current was turned off and the
craft, therefore, failed to respond immediately to your control.
"Without such a change in your power core, your craft will always have propulsion difficulties
regardless of design." The alien spaceman addressed the young Germans in perfect calm.
"Free electromagnetic energy is the agent that holds our solar system in place. This force can also take
manned vehicles into space faster and more quietly than the conventional petro chemical or new solid
fuels derived from the earth. Someday your costly earth fuels will be depleted, but the free energy of the
planets is everlasting." [This is exactly what the Beings of the Urantia Papers stated about this free energy that they said at that time(1930s)had yet to be discovered by man.Given how how things are in the world,I would say that this is one of the things being suppressed by the pond scum in control of current polluting energy DC]
The stranger admonished the Germans. “You earth people don't fully understand the cosmic marvel of
this energy of which I speak. I repeat, it is free to all who seek it and is a gift from the Supreme Being
or Godhead. Harness this basic force for peaceful purposes, and it will become your servant -- as it has
been the servant of other planets for millions of years. Harness it for war and you can no longer count
on our cooperation -- or tolerance."
The Germans were asked to cut their power and rely on his space ship above, and thus, locked onto
the UFO's magnetic field, the Germans would be lowered safely. "Otherwise," he cautioned,
"you will crash, and all of you will be killed. Trust us," he continued.
"I promise that we will appear before your engineers and teach them how to make these improvements
to your craft. Your time is short. For the present, there should be no delay. Now let me tell you of the
future! I shall meet two of you again in America when Germany and the U.S., now at war, are once
more friends."
The spaceman said farewell.
His final message was to prove prophetic.
The space stranger told two of the German plane occupants they would be involved in America's space
program after the war. To the third occupant, he foretold that he would remain in Germany
and continue his work there.
The German flyers were debriefed on landing. Observing ground forces had seen the two ships descend as though connected by an invisible beam, whereupon the upper alien ship took off.
Today an American scientific spokesman describes the invisible magnetic ray as a "tractor beam," i.e., a
magnetic pick-up force generated from one space craft over another. The use of this magnetic beam
has been verified in the following documented cases: Rescue of one space ship by another -- the
capture of an American helicopter according to Naval records -- abduction by friendly alien space ship
of an American missile which had gone, off course. Earth nations today are working feverishly on their
various perfections of the tractor beam, because its application in a number of aerial requirements, both
civilian and military, would be worthwhile.
When the three young German spacemen told the story of their aerial encounter with the Venusian, the
German officers in charge of the debriefing were incredulous. The interrogators at first refused to accept
the apparent manifestation of alien aid from one ship to another. From then on, the academic search to
find an explanation of the strange encounter 10,000 feet in the air spurred German attention and
explanations were sought even in the occult, the paranormal and psychological communities.
But, like their American counterparts, many Germans remained perplexed as to the reality of the voice
visitation from another world. In any event, the Germans decided to delay their final conclusions.
If the alien or others like him was able to appear again, as he promised, to help them perfect their space
craft, the Germans would accept that there existed a higher wisdom which they had yet to learn. The
phlegmatic German scientists waited and hoped. They knew they needed a miracle to meet Hitler's
timetable for craft completion. They were not to be disappointed. Eventually a number of aliens
appeared in their engineering departments to instruct them in a new metallurgy and chemistry techniques
and provide them with a partial electromagnetic breakthrough.
The German staff apparently continued their all out effort to turn the tide of war, but their priorities
changed. Late In 1943, many of their best scientists and skilled workers were transferred from the
round wing plane project to the same mountain area for work on solid fuel rockets. It was anticipated
by the General Staff that these secret weapons could be deployed quickly and in strength over London
to make the British surrender. A longer range rocket version also was being drafted for use against
New York. This shift to rockets was due, in part, to German anger for the mass destruction of their
cities by allied air raids and the ultimatum by their non-earthling helpers that the round wing plane could
not be used against the enemy. The rocket project therefore delayed German deployment of the round
wing plane by six months. So German industry at that time switched to quickly mass-produced rockets
with conventional warheads, as opposed to overcoming engineering deficiencies in their round wing
Recent evidence from captured German records suggests that their round wing plane project also was
deferred for other reasons. By 1943 they had not incorporated a sophisticated laser ray weapon system
into the craft to suit their engineers, and although they believed they were ahead in the international race
to build a viable round wing plane, they elected to keep their product under wraps, for use in the future when Germany would use it again. But the most compelling reason for deferring military rise of the new
round wing plane was the Venusian threat against Germany if it were so employed.
In the coming months the Germans projected that allied bomber force capabilities would increase while
German strength declined. The German Air Force already knew the value of the round wing plane and
how space weaponry in the form of laser rays could be used in conjunction with it. Their military
reasoning was based, in part, on events stemming from the Munich Stadium rally in 1936 while Hitler
was delivering a speech. He was downplayed by a huge, wingless, cigar-shaped object that hovered
menacingly high above the sky.
Attempting to buzz the intruder, all the engines of a protective fighter squadron went dead, forcing the
pilots to land on feathered props in nearby fields and airports. A beam from the UFO (witnesses
interviewed by the author) had disabled each of the German airplanes.
Hence, seven years later in 1943, German scientists were mindful of Venusian threats and also that
without advanced space age weaponry to fight enemy marauders the secret of their round wing plane
should be kept under wraps. As promised, the aliens ventured to help them in their revised plans but
only in a limited way. Mass production of their new plane and new weaponry, therefore, would be
delayed till that particular period when it could properly take its place in Adolf Hitler's grand scheme to
continue the Third Reich and pursue his conquest of the world.
That period was not far off. And, of its dawning, the allies were totally unaware.
Early in 1944 Germans in the environs of one underground Austrian round wing plant, saw the "saucer"
activity gradually disappear from the skies above as did the piercing humming noises associated with the
Large trucks moved out the machinery as well as two unfinished craft, and the mountain forests were
returned, in part, to their primeval solitude.
In the five years of German effort to duplicate an alien spacecraft, they had made several significant
breakthroughs combining alien technology and Caldwell's patent. They had begun
with a conventional liquid fueled aircraft engine while solving problems of rotating balance and guidance
in the plane's "design." But the machine was ponderous and slow. According to one of their test pilots
living in America, this first version, like Caldwell's, was a vertical lift propeller machine, indicating it was
a very elementary version of their later designs. The design and functional improvements in their
prototypes came as a result of direct outer terrestrial help in 1943-4 that enabled them to overcome
their prolonged failures, and build a round wing plane with limited capabilities. Albeit, when the
Germans secretly started their exodus in their five, 30 foot round wing planes, somewhat similar in
design and propulsion to the alien one shot down in 1938, they were sufficiently airworthy to load and
depart under their own power. Two unassembled planes were also removed.
During the closing years of the war, entire German factories mysteriously disappeared. When the allies
accepted the surrender of Germany from the substitute leaders, the former enemy had already removed
to unknown regions of the world those round wing plants that were to enable them to continue research
and production, undetected by the victors of World War II.
Of course, along with the UFO factories, standing orders had been issued that scientists, engineers, and
personnel who had worked on the latter UFO program, would also be sent abroad with the secret
shipments of UFO manufacturing paraphernalia. Thus, thousands of such German experts were
swallowed into a natural refuge which the allies never surmised was in existence and which will be
described later. American and British intelligence units had deciphered the German round wing riddle
prior to the surrender, and it only remained for those teams to seek out the evidence of German
production. Working on slim leads, the Western powers uncovered what remained of German UFO
plants and personnel. Meanwhile, the Russians concentrated their search on the rocket factories. In all,
the Russians forcibly removed over 3,000 German science and technical experts in rocketry. With this
inflow of German brains and industrial resources, the Soviets acquired the post-war lead in the field of
manned rocket flight.
The English-speaking allies would assess German accomplishments by sifting through reams of top
secret German files and transporting German round wing machinery to Canada and Great
Britain for examination. They would also enlist the help of 183 German round wing plane technicians
brought to North America after the war on a voluntary contract basis, and 100 other German experts
under Wernher Von Braun to work on missiles and rockets.
But in spite of the favorable status given the German experts, there is some uncorroborated evidence
that a number of Germans by necessity surrendered their freedom in North America
as did the native son, Caldwell.
It is recalled that Hitler had asked for an operational version of the first German round wing plane in
1943. Allied Intelligence now maintains he was carrying out a long prepared plan to
divide the remaining German resources, including its manpower, In order to continue the struggle
elsewhere beyond the reach of allied bombs. The reader will realize in the succeeding chapters
that no other explanation can exist for the vanishing German personnel and their round wing technology
in the last years of World War II.
The ultimate military advantage of Caldwell's new aerodynamic invention had been realized by government authorities as far back as its discovery in 1936. President Roosevelt had shared the secret with Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada, outlining the gravity of keeping classified the development and testing of the new round wing plane.
In 1936, the Canadian Prime Minister, on hearing the difficulty of security. and the need to challenge the Germans in case of hostilities, had arranged to place a hidden valley in central British Columbia on Canada’s west coast, off limits to settlement. The 300 square mile valley was so remote and without road entry that only a bird would be able to enter this wild refuge undetected. The hideout was designated to become the new home of the round wing plane endeavour and, in a far-sighted act of wisdom, President Roosevelt decided to give the project national priority and share the development of the round wing plane with the Canadians and British. Thus in 1936, the impenetrable inland hideout in British Columbia saw hundreds of surveyors and planners break solitude for a new industry and town. By 1938, roads were being built, and a three mile tunnel for a two-track electric railroad was cut by hard rock miners through solid mountain into the valley domain. No one guessed the reason. And in the valley proper, forests were felled, heavy roads and air strips were built, town and factory sites were laid out, and the world's first space craft manufacturing facilities were feverishly erected.
By January 30, 1942, the Caldwell group had arrived from Los Alamos. Foreign espionage surveillance would again be without their quarry.
Two top U.S. scientists, John S. Pershag (structural design) and John B. Meyers (instrumentation) were assigned to Caldwell's staff; and also John B. Adams of whom records do not give country of origin.
A separate, international team assumed special scientific tasks also. This team included Colonel Charles Hadden of England, who had done yeoman service in the Royal Air Force Defense of London. Hadden had formerly taught physics at a British university. An American of 1848 German descent, Felix S. Essen, was also part of the team. Canada sent Steward L. McLane, kin of Prime Minister Mackenzie King. McLane had taught advanced mathematics at the University of Ottawa.
This team of engineers first built models and tested them for stress in wind tunnels. They also worked on aviation fuels for the new jet motors. Throughout their terms of service, Hadden and McLane chaffed to get out of the round wing engineering functions into conventional military combat but were refused permission to leave. (See Epilogue for their awards for achievement) .
Northwestern University's lab also became a part of the British Columbia operation. Russian scientific participation had been authorized by President Roosevelt but the Chiefs of Staff in the U.S.A. and Great Britain refused to endorse direct Soviet participation. Russian advisers were therefore sent to the U.S.A. but were never given visas to the heart of the project in Canada. New workers were recruited to run the various enterprises and facilities and the Caldwell venture which had begun in an abandoned barn in Maryland, U.S.A. became a state within a state in British Columbia, Canada. Maximum security would guard the greatest invention of mankind and any aeroplane flying into this forbidden air space would be shot down or escorted by fighter craft to an outside airport from which its occupants might not be freed if their stories did not suit the authorities. The combined intelligence of America, Canada and Britain would make it certain that plans and development of the round wing plane would never again be stolen by a foreign power.
The fact that the Germans had acquired the original Caldwell patent and drawings had never ceased to anger and embarrass United States intelligence. But in 1943, some providential information about the German round wing plane development enabled the Americans to retaliate. The task would be to steal people. Allied Intelligence headquarters in London revealed that three of Germany's top scientists wished to defect from Hitler's round wing plane programme. Their skills were metallurgy, chemistry and mathematics and a profound understanding of electronics, a new technology in the 40's. All of these sciences and skills were useful in several areas of construction which the allied space programme in British Columbia desperately required.
Five Americans were dropped at night in Germany amid intense ground fire from the secret installation against which the raid was conducted. Under the quiet and unassuming leadership of OSS Colonel Williams, nicknamed The Fox by the Germans, the group cut their way through barbed and electric wire into the camp. Two guards were silently garroted and the American infiltrators, three of whom spoke perfect German, entered the building where the defectors lay sound asleep. Once identified, the German scientists were wakened and before they could exclaim in surprise, their mouths were taped without incident. Each was given ten minutes to fully dress in the darkness. Back through the fence the American OSS men and their willing hostages crawled to the outside as two Yanks lingered to repair the electric wire with jumper cables so the current would flow undetected.
Four miles away from the camp the eight men followed their map coordinates off a main road down a narrow dirt path that dead ended.
Suddenly two camouflaged jeeps were seen indistinctly and a cheery English voice called out: "l say there you chaps, we wondered what kept you!" Colonel Fox grinned. Three days later, traveling only at night and hiding in pre-arranged rendezvous, the group reached a lonely Swiss border post which opened as if pre-arranged: Stopping at Berne, the British and American agents disbanded. The three Germans, each on a different plane began their trips which eventually took them to the pulse of the English speaking world's round wing development located in a pioneer town far away in British Columbia, Canada. In the months that followed, one of the Germans provided invaluable help in perfecting the electronic gear of the craft, another's immediate contribution resulted in a vast improvement to the craft's former lethargic lift-off, and the third German defector used his mathematical ability along with that of the metallurgist to redesign the framework. (Following the war, the families of these German scientists joined them, along with 183 other German round wing technologists who were later recruited. Many of them live today in British Columbia and California.)
By mid 1941, employment offices throughout North America were set up in such points as San Francisco, Detroit and Toronto, and special skills were sought. Drafted labor, generally bachelors, were enticed to move to British Columbia with its special amenities in a brand new town. Each was carefully chosen for his stability and reliability. Before the end of the year, new production lines were filled with skilled men ready to begin turning out round wing planes in a revolutionary aircraft industry. When the U.S. entered the war in December 1941, production was stepped up and the new valley town geared to become the Detroit of the Pacific northwest.
The Caldwell planners, on the advice of the U.S. Air Force, decided they would produce a new pressurized 98 foot, long range ship, designed to be equipped with a successfully tested laser beam. They opted for a maximum range of 20 hours and 25,000 miles destination -- to Germany and return, or if need be, non-stop around the world. The new jet-equipped model would slice the air in rain or shine at 750 miles per hour cruising speed, above the range of the best German anti-aircraft guns.
But production difficulties were still being encountered and the planners wished desperately for more skilled workers in the new techniques required to build the plane. Shortly after the arrival of the German scientists there also began appearing, as if in answer to the planners wishes, super-skilled tradesmen who according to their applications had been hired in various North American centers. These men all spoke English with the same unrecognizable accent. And it was also observed that these people preferred to speak among themselves in an unknown tongue. The hiring personnel estimated there were at least 450 such strangers. Another odd thing noted about these workers was a preference for their own company. But whether on the job of tool and die making, or drafting, their craftsmanship was so superb that they seemed to have been pre-trained and thoroughly experienced. Furthermore their members often suggested techniques to improve manufacture, design, or production.
At a meeting in June of 1942, Jonathon Caldwell, aware of the new superior workers, called a top management meeting of the governing body. Rumors had been rife at the plant about the foreigners in the workforce. "Gentlemen," said Caldwell, "authorities in Washington and Ottawa have alerted me that our plant work force has recently been augmented by the arrival of skilled workers, each of whom has identical vocabulary and accent. I have been told they all are graduates of a central, interplanetary language school located on another planet, namely Venus." That is how the final word was broken to the management that the allied round wing effort was being aided from another world. Whether that word seeped through to the workers of earthly origin is not known.
The military had come to believe that the object of the friendly infiltration was to aid the Caldwell group in turning out a superior round wing plane in such numbers and superior quality as to make the allied war effort invincible, for the day they would be used to crush the enemy. To the civil authorities in charge of key planning, it would be decided later which to deploy first -- the (Manhattan) atom bomb, or the (Jefferson) round wing plane. If atom bomb tests failed over the Nevada desert, then most certainly the round wing plane fleet would become the primary offensive weapon.
Unfortunately, the allied military, on accepting this advanced aid from another planet, had not understood that the visitors intended the allies to develop only a tactical superiority in the air by means of the round wing plane. The aliens emphatically forbade its use destructively over Germany or Japan. This denial on the part of the Venusians for military use of the round wing plane would be a moral problem that would frustrate the allies during the entire war.
But the governing board in the British Columbia space center, known as Project X, was not prepared for the next extra-terrestrial shock which befell them in mid-1942. Production kinks had been cleared up and a new plane was being finished every thirty-six hours. Student pilots from Kelly Field were arriving to take further advanced training in the new planes and the valley complex grew steadily each month.
In the late summer of 1943, a strange spaceship dropped out of the sky and stopped in a clearing near Caldwell's office. As a crowd began to gather a tall, dark-haired stranger stepped down carrying a black suit case. His introductory words were: "I wish to speak to Jonathan Caldwell. I bring something necessary for the improvement of your new round wing plane."
After some confusion and delay by security forces, the unannounced visitor was eventually taken to Caldwell where he introduced himself, saying simply he was from the capital city of planet Venus, wherein dwelt a sister race of planet earth. "Many Venusian workers and others of intergalactic origin are already helping you in your plant." Then asking permission to open the small suit case, he lifted out a round device weighing less than five pounds.
He addressed himself to Caldwell. "We have been watching your progress for several months at this location. Some time back we (i.e. our solar system council) decided to send skilled workers to help the English speaking people working here, sponsored by the industrial might of the United States. Object of the aid was to expedite your production plans. I shall not give you our entire reasons for this help, 53 except to say that our extra terrestrial foresight of world happenings is greater than that of Earthlings. But in observing the North American beginnings in the design and manufacture of your new native invented round wing plane, we have not been disappointed. In typical American fashion you have built a fleet of planes that lack only few modifications, or should I say breakthroughs, to enable you to explore space. The round wing plane is the most impressive aircraft in your entire world." The stranger was interrupted. "But you, sir, didn't come to us to simply compliment our war effort," spoke up Caldwell.
"Definitely not!" said the visitor. "I have been sent here on a mission of aid. But first may I request that I be permitted to become part of your management group for a few weeks -- if you don't object. To show my good faith, I have been instructed to present a special gift before I explain my liaison. The gift from my home planet is this." The speaker then held up in his hand for all to see what he termed an anti-magnetic motor with which to power the largest of the new planes. "It will take the place of your excellent jet motor, " he added.
More than one of his listeners smiled. All knew the jet motor and its accessories weighed at least 1,000 pounds. Another looked at the device held in the alien's hands and laughed. Ignoring the interruptions, the stranger continued: "Of course I know you think I'm joking. Therefore, to prove my credibility we will test this motor in one of your completed 98 foot ships. We will do it today if you don't object. Then, if you are satisfied," he said turning to Caldwell, "I'll remain long enough to show you how to modify your existing ships and set up facilities to build the motors for future production."
Someone said, "It looks like it came out of a refrigerator or washing machine," as the motor was passed around for examination. The stranger smiled politely. Caldwell knew what his advisors were thinking: Up to 40 per cent of the power generated by a conventional motor was used in moving the weight and mass of that motor before it could lift or move its payload.
Next day, on Caldwell's instructions, the new five pound motor was mounted temporarily on a round wing plane, the jet remaining in place. Electric circuits were shut off on the huge jet motor and Caldwell himself entered the ship along with the pilot and other executives as the Venusian spaceman took the controls. The motor was turned on and like a toy ship, the huge craft lifted silently straight upwards.
In a moment, the group was looking down on the valley from several hundred feet. An astonished Caldwell eagerly took the controls. When the craft landed a few minutes after the anti-gravity lift test, the being suggested they hover over a Sherman tank and attach a steel cable from the tank bolts to the round wing plane. The tank weighed several tons more than the plane. Attachments completed, the plane slowly rose as the cable became tight. Ground onlookers yelled as the round wing plane with the five pound propulsion, anti-magnetic motor imported from Venus rose in the air and carried the tank aloft as though it were a leaf from a tree. The tank, in fact, had become weightless. Turning to the crew, the alien mentioned that it would be as easy to lift a 10-story office building. He explained that when the iron chain was placed around the tank, it also became an electromagnet by repulsing the Earth's magnetism as did the plane itself, i.e. the object (tank) lifted, became an integral part of the ship. (The original motor described above is now mounted and stored in a glass showcase in a U.S. Air Force underground vault in Kensington.)
The visiting alien later unfolded plans for motor manufacture on the site. In the future design, the small anti-gravity motor would provide ascent and descent propulsion, operating in conjunction with precise, magnetic points of fluctuation in the plane's perimeter for horizontal flight. All combinations of horizontal and vertical flight patterns would be handled by a panel computer. The electromagnetic energy of the universe would run the planes from now on.
Furthermore, the round wing plane capacity would not require space for the big jet, and another third of the interior capacity would be freed from fuel storage and converted to equipment installation or cargo. The great power of the new motor would also enable the engineers to reinforce the light weight girder frame of the craft with heavier, load-bearing materials.
But before the visitor settled down he had another surprise package, for which he went back to his ship. When he emerged he carried under his arm what looked like a roll of plain, pewter colored wall paper, but much thinner. In the next few days the Caldwell staff discussed the application of the new material. It had been brought fresh from a Venus rolling mill and the Earth engineers were told there was enough of the paper thin substance to cover at least six key ships if applied within the next seven curing days. A craft just off the assembly line was set aside and the man who still insisted he came from planet Venus stretched and cut the material to cover all exposed surfaces. Six ships were covered. The new material would be case hardened and ready for flight in a year.
"When you roll these six craft out in September of 1944," the alien explained, "you will be able to circumnavigate the globe in an hour if you wish and their impervious skins will not overheat."
By the end of 1944, there were 500 round wing planes with new motors (three model sizes 98', 60', 33') stored in the British Columbia valley. The skilled workers presumably from Venus had gradually departed in unaccountable ways after training a labor force which had become their equal. Also by late 1944, advanced versions of Caldwell's craft and their crews were training daily in formation flying over the Pacific northwest. Increased speeds far beyond 3,000 mph had eliminated the obsolete rudder. The alien advisor had also left plans for a new battery and an improved landing gear with self-propelled castor bottoms. Also, the planes could now hurl themselves from a great height to ground level by reversing the motor from magnetic repulsion to attraction. Near point of ground impact, the motor again automatically reversed to repel, at which time the landing tripods were electronically lowered to Earth. The crews referred to this technique as "ballooning the ship to the ground." Pilot jargon for setting down the ship and cutting the motor was called "peaceful landing."
Regarding gravity, the reader should abandon his present concepts and rest assured that in such a landing the crew would not feel the elevator effect of either a free fall or lift-off. There are no gravitational forces exerted on the human body in such a balloon landing or sudden lift-off from ground level, because the entire crew becomes part of the round wing plane itself -- and therefore does not have to overcome gravity. The crew and their plane make use of the properties of attraction and repulsion in magnetism in order to function with gravity - rather than trying to overcome that force.
The small motor size and stronger interior also permitted a doubling of crew from six to twelve, if necessary, for a military mission, or more passengers if used as a passenger carrier. But also important, most new models were downsized to 60 feet in diameter when free magnetic energy made unnecessary extra storage space for the liquid fuels which formerly fed the jet motor. One day in September the alien requested that Jonathon Caldwell assemble all the governing board and other executives. He complimented the Earthmen in the valley for use of their small, radio-controlled drone planes, used for testing the aerodynamic possibilities in later full scale models. "You people here," he said referring to the valley complex workers, "are way ahead of any Earth nation in development of the round wing plane, first invented by your native son Caldwell. That is why among other reasons we advanced people of this solar system decided to lend you some help. I beg of you, however, don't misuse that help we have given you!"
Then the polite stranger dropped a bombshell on his listeners. "Your leaders have already been told that we would not like you to use these new planes in this war except on a limited basis. Any thoughts you have in mind for punitive action should be dropped." Looking at the U.S. Air Force liaison officer he said, "Although I loathe war, I must trust in your military superiors to heed my advice and not use this new machine as a weapon but rather a conveyance to expedite the ending of this present, unnecessary world-wide conflict. This entire solar system is watching your tragic world war. We do not want you to use this new invention to deliver to an enemy your latest explosive device (he referred to the atom bomb) which you are now perfecting.
"We have already provided you with new motors. But we shall withhold the formula for the skins. Thus, without that formula to prevent overheating of the ship's outer surfaces, ultimate speed necessary to leave and re-enter planet Earth's atmosphere must be carefully controlled. Someday when the time is ripe, we will help you in this regard also. In the meantime, be content with what you have."
He ended by saying, almost apologetically, "On our planet, as in this entire solar system, war is outlawed. More important than this technological help I have brought with the blessings from our nation is the fact that war on Earth must also be outlawed. When war on earth is over, then Earth men will be shown how to use their own resources of men and materials to venture into space."
The Venusian had stayed four months. He constantly gave his directions to Superintendent General Caldwell who in turn comprehended their significance in production techniques and passed on the alien's suggestions to the Earth planners. The new team functioned smoothly as the guiding genius sent from another world sat in the councils of the Earth developers of the round wing plane -- and together they built a fleet of marvelous craft. The alien, who was known simply as Mr. Lewis, one day said good-bye to his new compatriots. Taking the hand of Jonathon Caldwell, the alien said softly, "I salute you Sir! You are the man who first was called out of your country to point the way forward for people of the Earth. You showed men how to fly without wings." As the stranger said good-bye to a host of friends, a ship dropped out of the sky, and he departed aboard it. In a group photo taken before departure, the place where the alien stood was blank.
In December 1943, a new Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, was appointed to lead the western allies, and the same month three thousand British and American planes bombarded the French coast in a single night and a day, while another fleet of bombers sent Berlin sirens wailing. Seven months later the enemy on the western front would be in retreat, and Paris would surrender.
Control of the sea lanes also proved to be as decisive as the winning of land battles. Thus, 17,000 merchant ships were dispatched by the U.S. to keep the life-line open to England, Europe and Russia, and the conflict's balance of power tipped in favor of the allies despite staggering losses to U-boat action. Britain had held the breach till the American industrial colossus flowed over the Atlantic onto European shores and turned the tide against Germany's short-gain fortunes.
By late 1943, growing numbers of round wing planes from the Canadian valley had been appearing over Europe. The round wing pilots were graduate aviators of the Technical Training Flight School located in the B. C. Valley. General Caldwell was also the officer in charge of this manpower training as well as Superintendent of the entire manufacturing complex.
A war-time aircraft crew consisted of six airmen, and on each round wing plane, a combined operational group always included one Britisher and one Canadian along with the American personnel. Scattered among various crews were Australians and New Zealanders as well as a handful of Norwegians.
The new ships now boasted sleek and smooth silhouettes with the flaps and outside surface controls not distinguishable. The new pilot class could execute intricate patterns either singly or in formation that made those sighting the airborne ships gaze in wonder. Day and night over England and Scotland, the great bomber and fighter armadas heading for the continent, often reported the presence of vanishing lights thought to be extra-terrestrial; they would be seen one moment and gone the next. According to the viewers there was one common denominator in all sightings. The strange and aloof phenomena showed an apparent affinity to watch over and protect the allied planes.
Jonathan Caldwell and his wife loved their children, but each was particularly anxious about their son who had volunteered as a B29 bomber pilot and done several missions over Germany. A Olive, Caldwell's wife, kept praying their boy would be safe. On one such daytime bombing raid, young Caldwell felt a presence he could not explain. Looking above him, he saw a huge, round wing escort plane sailing along at his same speed, like a mother hen. The round wing craft wobbled in a friendly way. It flew on and then repeated its wobbling which seemed to say hello to the American fixed wing bomber below. Guessing it was a salutary signal, the bomber captained by Caldwell dipped its wings, and young pilot Caldwell smiled and raised his hand in a V for victory sign. Reaching target area over a heavy flak region, the round wing plane on occasion dropped below the bomber and took some direct hits. But it continued unflinchingly through the danger zone. When Caldwell got home that night he took his wife aside and assured her, "Everything's all right. I flew escort with our son today!" When the young Caldwell got a furlough, he came home for a visit and told a story. "Dad, I must tell you about the friendly round wing bird that protected us on a raid. At times I pretended it was you our there, dad, but I know you're too old." (Caldwell was 45) The parents smiled.
Unknown to the allied airmen, these lights seen weaving among the formations on each mission were operated perhaps by friends they knew back home in Kansas City, Halifax or Manchester. The illusive sky visitors which resembled luminous balls of fire at high speeds were nicknamed Foo fighters. These round wing planes were not out just for practice or pageantry or to confuse regular aircraft pilots and observers. They had a purpose. They acted as a guardian system to a target, often relaying information back to London, allowing allied planes to take evasive action. They also took composite pictures of targets before and after raids. When not busy, the planes occasionally buzzed German formations, andA in a more serious vein, they also observed the flight directions and numbers in enemy formations headed for Britain. But of course they were not available during the heroic Battle of Britain that broke the back of Goering's Luftwaffe.
A brisk Atlantic traffic of diplomatic and scientific personnel was also transported via the planes, and the round wing Technical Air Command provided President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill with a plane should occasion demand.
But an unforeseen misfortune, quite apart from technology or enemy threat, was to fall upon the valley complex. The problem was Caldwell himself. His innovations and leadership abilities became drained because of his wife, Olive. She was on the brink of death. In fact, her doctor finally told Caldwell recovery was hopeless; Olive was terminally ill. At best, she had a week to live. Caldwell's spirit flagged, as had his supervision for some time. Others took the matter into their own hands when Caldwell (a Protestant) demanded that a priest be sent to say the last rites for his dying wife (a Catholic).
The U.S. Air Force liaison chief sent the urgent request to his Washington headquarters. Because the matter of security was so touchy, the U.S. Air Force requested help from the O.S.S. The O.S.S. moved immediately. One of its top European agents, a graduate of West Point and a confirmed priest, who had been recalled to America for a new assignment, was contacted. He was known only by his code name of Father John, a devout but tough Christian as well as a soldier.
Father John was flown to Seattle where he boarded another military plane. He alighted at the B.C. valley in the uniform of a Brigadier General, carrying a black, flat brief case initialed Father John, S.J., inside of which there was a bible, a note book, and two gold crosses. A nervous Caldwell met him.
On seeing a military man, Caldwell exploded, "I asked for a priest not a soldier." Quietly Father John sat down his briefcase. "I am a Christian first, a priest second, and a Catholic third. I serve a living Saviour." Caldwell calmed down under the charisma and confidence of the big 6' 1" priest.
When they reached the bedroom where Olive lay dying, the post's medical officer stood by. He confirmed that she had but a few hours of life or a day or two at the most; she was in a coma.
Father John unfolded from his bag the smaller of the two gold crosses and hung it at the head of the brass bed. The doctor and Caldwell stood at one side of the room. The silence was deep as Father John gave the ritual of the last rites, anointing Olive's forehead with a mixture of blessed olive oil and salt. Tears filled Caldwell's eyes. His wife had been part of the round wing dream since he had been a young man. She had sacrificed everything to stay by his side when he had spent all his abilities on the plan's reality in later years. Now the one person who understood him and whom he needed most was dying.
The soft spoken words of Father John could again be heard: "Father God, I have done my priestly duty to this soul who is speeding on to her eternal rest. But Father God, I beseech You in the Name of Christ, to delay the return of this soul to Thee." Father John's voice grew louder.
The priest then took the larger cross and placed it before her eyes. "Evil spirit! In the name of Jesus the Christ, I command you be gone from this child of God!" Suddenly the woman in coma jerked her head from the pillow and threw an arm over her eyes to resist the gold cross. In a moment her body trembled violently and she sat up. The evil spirit had fled. Father John helped her to sit on the side of the bed, and in a moment she put her feet to the floor.
Beads of perspiration showed on Father John's forehead and his eyes turned upwards. "We praise and thank Thee for thy faithfulness, Oh Christ,” he repeated.
No one moved as Father John stood erect and waited. Suddenly, for all to see, there stood at the foot of the bed, a full size, three dimensional figure. All knew instinctively He was Christ. Seconds went by as a soft light brighter than day bathed the room. Then Olive Caldwell looked around and exclaimed, “What are we doing here?" The Christ figure faded but around Olive there remained a glow. The spirit of a living and healing Christ had filled her.
They all went into the living room where Olive served coffee and cakes to Father John and the doctor. She beamed all over. "Please stay with us tonight,” she begged Father John. But the big American priest of Scottish descent excused himself and affectionately said his farewells.
As he left, he cautioned the Caldwells, “Don't make that room or this house a shrine. We serve a living Christ; He is not confined to a room -- He is everywhere.”
(The record of that visit is among the O.S.S. papers of Father John, located in the National Archives. See Epilogue about Olive Caldwell's recovery and retirement years.)
The valley complex was back to normal and Caldwell's vigour returned. The glowing success surrounding the performance of the new round wing air arm caused people in high places to respond. Towards the end of the war, the allied round wing complex had two memorable occasions that carne close to being called holidays. The first of these events occurred in late December of 1943, when President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill visited the aerospace complex along with their host Prime Minister Mackenzie King.
The three personages had arrived in the private railway car of President Roosevelt after crossing into Canada at Winnipeg, Manitoba and proceeding west into the British Columbia Valley. An American band met the train and played the National Anthem and Hail to the Chief. A British band, the Royal Fusiliers, played God Save the King and ended up along with the American band in playing the anthem, O Canada.
The leaders stayed a day. On addressing the airmen, President Roosevelt touched each of their nerve centers when he told them they were not the forgotten men of the war about which they had been grousing. The President dropped a secret: "You men are being trained for what is intended to be the most secret and decisive project of the war. Stand -ready," he said, "for that moment when we shall call you to deliver the greatest rebuke to the Nazis on behalf of your countries. For on that day when you are called be ready to climb into your new round wing armada and cross the top of the world to destroy the enemy in an hour's time!"
When the cheering response quieted down, Churchill rose and with a few apt phrases said he agreed on behalf of his nation, that the men of the valley had not been forgotten but were actually being trained "for one quick knockout blow of the iniquitous Nazi scourge that has taken over Germany."
The idea to destroy Germany in a single round wing strike is attributed to the planning of Roosevelt and Churchill.
Later, in speaking to one of the station's top executives, Churchill is said to have remarked, "Into this valley with its awesome power of round planes, we English speaking people have placed all our hope for shortening the war -- in case everything else should fail."
President Roosevelt had caught that vision of the military relevance of the round wing plane back in 1936. He shared it with the British and Canadian heads of state. Later, it was that cooperation between the three nations that enabled Jonathon E. Caldwell and his staff to make President Roosevelt's dream become reality.
On September 18, 1944, Station Commander General Caldwell ordered a full review of his 3,000 airmen at eight a.m. The unsuspecting airmen assembled, waiting for a routine inspection. Suddenly out of the sky one of their own 98 foot craft appeared and the attention of all the airmen was riveted on the descending machine. As it touched down close to the formation right on a prescribed circle, a thousand voices murmured in unison: "Peaceful landing."
Then out from beneath the round wing plane the assembled airmen saw emerge the figure of a tall, smiling, immaculately dressed soldier covered with ribbons. As he left the shadow of the craft, a cheer went up from the ranks of men. The flight officer yelled "Attention!" As General Eisenhower shook hands with Station Commander Caldwell and other officers, the entourage moved to the assembled troops. Three thousand allied airmen saluted their chief in honor. An airman boasted later the cheers could be heard in Vancouver. Before "Ike" had reached the troops, he was joined by a second figure in a black beret who because of his victories in North Africa had recently been made a Viscount. He was Bernard L. Montgomery and he came forward to join the Commander-in-Chief of all the allied military scattered throughout Europe. The British airmen took up the cheer again, and quickly the Canadians and Commonwealth buddies added voice as the Americans in final crescendo raised the roof of the valley. Montgomery addressed the airmen in an overlong dialogue. Eisenhower summed up his own thoughts in less than half an hour. He told the assembled airmen, "the moment for which you have been trained, the time when you will be called to strike the enemy -- is not far off."
The allied war leaders later toured the giant aerospace facilities. As General Eisenhower talked informally with Caldwell, a young genius in his mid-forties, General Eisenhower praised him: "There is no way we can adequately express our thanks for what you have done for the allied cause and for freedom."
The allied leaders had left a station in Britain before daylight Pacific coast time. By way of Iceland, Greenland, Baffin Island and Hudson Bay they had flown non-stop watching the sun rise over Port Churchill, Manitoba and racing ten times faster than the speed of sound to their destination, they sat down with friends for a Canadian 'breakfast of ham and eggs, over seven thousand miles away from the shores from which they had departed.
Upon leaving again, they would be back in London, England, on a leisurely trip of about two hour's time.
Another momentous occasion arose at the end of 1944, almost a year after the visits of the allied political leaders. The valley's air station had been on constant alert in late December. Something was imminent.
On the last week of the year, the huge 500 fleet of round wing planes took off early one morning for Germany. The pre-planned targets were "strategic German cities. Roosevelt had vetoed an earlier attempt that month by Allied and German Generals including Eisenhower, Patton. and Von Runstedt to end the fighting in the west. Now the round wing air arm was on its way to execute the end of hostilities in Roosevelt's own way. The terrible lasers had not yet been installed in the new round wing planes but in their holds several of the planes carried the new atomic bombs while the others carried bomb bays full of block buster explosives.
As the planes appeared over German skies in mass, a long cigar-shaped craft was seen by several squadron leaders as it watched from high above. The first targets were reached and orders given to prepare bombs and finally "bombs away."
But not one plane could release its cargo of destruction. All electrical circuits connected with the bomb delivery were dead. Radios too were silent. Finally, in consternation, the fleet followed the lead ships and turned back to Canada. They landed without incident, and maintenance men examined the planes. Then, as if on cue, the entire fleet became electrically functional again.
High above, a cigar-shaped craft of giant proportions moved off into the unknown.
Allied intelligence sources say the Germans under Hitler lost earlier technological blessings from the aliens when the Nazis embarked on a plan to use their five round wing planes to bomb major American cities including New York and Washington. The enemy intended dropping new instruments of mass destruction called atom bombs which the Germans had produced at about the same time as the allies. The first Hiroshima was to have been New York. Hitler himself is said to have ordered the raid. The planes left Germany. But what happened thereafter is unknown.
Did the extra terrestrials prevent the planned deaths of so many countless humans and the mass destruction of cities? It seems most likely. Here is why:
The alien who visited Roosevelt in 1943 had told him the extra-terrestrials were totally aware of the new round wing plane then being developed by Caldwell and group. The alien reminded Roosevelt it could be used as a blessing or an evil. He warned the President not to use it for evil purposes. Reminded of that warning while authorizing the German strike, President Roosevelt replied, "Let's forget the aliens! We now have the round wing planes -- we intend to use them."
Just as important as the words of the extraterrestrial who visited Roosevelt in 1943 is the warning of the alien scientist sent down to earth's aerospace valley in British Columbia. When he departed in 1943, he reminded Jonathon Caldwell and company, "Don't try to use the new round wing planes to destroy your present enemy, the Germans! It will turn out that your ultimate enemy has not yet been revealed. For the present, the round wing planes are for your protection only."
On May 6, 1945, World War II ended in Europe as Germany, in the absence of Hitler, surrendered unconditionally. Even as the allied generals accepted surrender at Eisenhower's Heims School Headquarters, at 2:41 A.M. French time, May 7, a fleet of 500 round wing planes dropped down from 60,000 feet and plummeted to a 3,000 foot elevation over beleaguered Berlin. There, in mile long letters executed by the round wing planes, German civilians and Russian troops below stared up at the huge lighted sign which spelled out in English the word SURRENDER. The Germans had capitulated after five years, eight months and six days of the bloodiest conflict in history.
Neither side had been able to use their round wing planes for destruction of each other -- neither the allies 500 planes or the Germans' five.
Earlier on the evening of May 5, when the surrender was first announced over the BBC radio, allied soldiers and Englishmen and women had jammed downtown London. Trafalgar Square teemed with masses of singing people, the lights came back on, and in front of Whitehall huge crowds shouted impromptu for Prime Minister Churchill. As the Prime Minister appeared on the balcony, he stuck his cigar trademark in his mouth and raised his hand in a V for victory symbol. Then the cheering crowd stopped as all heads turned upwards. The entire London sky as in Berlin was filled with strange speeding lights. Unquestionably they spelled out one word - VICTORY. In his first public admission of the aerial phenomena, the British Prime Minister tried to explain that the formations above were one of the secret weapons the allies had chosen not to use in winning the war. As the heavenly lights disappeared across the English countryside, they left in their wake a mystery -- which no one on the allied side spoke of again.
Across all Britain the airborne formation flew in slow parade. As the round wing plane assemblage moved on in silent tribute, the huge word VICTORY blazoned over the home towns of many young Scottish, English, Welsh and Irish pilots and crewmen.
From the countryside below, jubilant Britain's occasionally saw packets attached to small parachutes flutter down from the strange birds. Retrieved, the finders noted the packets contained dozens of letters on RAF stationery with British stamps affixed to the envelopes. Each packet was wrapped in a special binder which said: "Finder, please take to nearest Postmaster!"
The next few days, across the British Isles, the letters from the sky were being delivered to cottages and flats by the score. On opening one such letter a lonely Englishwoman, worrying about her son, might have read: Dear Mom. . . Sorry I've been away so long. But soon I'm coming home. . . Love, your son.
During the next week the jubilant British sang, danced, paraded, and worshipped as each in his or her own way threw off the shackles of years of war-time regimentation. But, quietly, the British War Office had planned another surprise that to this day has never been told except to those in the know.
In the early morning blackness of May 15, several giant round wing planes dropped out of the overcast and hovered above a field on an island off the Scottish coast. Bright lights shone down on the turf as the machines sat quietly down, each on its tripod legs. And from the stairs below each craft, young Britishers stepped down with their few belongings and moved silently away into the darkness.
Shortly thereafter, twelve assembled fishing boats took aboard over 480 young men and headed for the mainland. The fishing boats normally hauled "goods vans" southward to major coastal cities. But the skippers had been called by the Ministry of Fisheries for a special task that morning. Sworn to silence, only the skippers knew they had been asked to pick up nearly 500 war heroes. As the young men huddled on the cold deck of one of the ships, an old Scottish fisherman, obviously trying to goad the young passengers into revealing their point of origin, remarked slyly, "Aye, mon! I’ve seen everything now. All you lads spending your days on that forlorn island while the rest of the world was busy fighting a war.”
Above the boats, over 20 strange craft blinked their lights in farewell as the young airmen looked up and smiled with nostalgia for their air training home in far away Canada.
In the morning, as dawn broke over Scotland's most northerly village served by rail, a long Royal Scot steam train stood slowly puffing and waiting. The town's industry, a nearby cannery, had not yet opened. Meanwhile the young warriors who had manned the world's greatest World War II inventions, assembled at the station. The wail of the bag pipes was heard, and this music to Scottish ears came in a medley of homecoming tunes played by the Bank of the Scots Guard from Edinburgh castle. The band had come up on the train. As the last "all aboard" was sounded, the engineer called to the fireman, "It's a three hour run to Edinburgh. We'll have an hour's stop while these passengers stretch their legs and get the biggest and best breakfast the city of Edinburgh can dish up. All other trains take second place, even if we meet up with King George himself!"
But London was waiting for the special train. Prime Minister Churchill was on hand. And so was King George VI, accompanied by His Majesty's Coldstream Guards. As each man disembarked from the train, they lined up and received a handshake and a medal from the King. On the medal were inscribed the words: FOR VALOUR BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY.
The demob officer had already spoken to the young heroes. "For the remainder of your lives, you men must be content to know of the courage with which you served the cause. But remember! You can never share the secret of the round wing plane with anyone, as difficult as this order may seem to be. But someday, in the wisdom of the top brass, perhaps somebody will be allowed to tell. I hope we are still alive by then." The Britishers melted into the crowd and headed for their homes. Each carried a paper giving him a choice of honorable discharge or re-volunteering for the Round wing Plane Service. In Canada, the airmen were discharged at Ottawa; the Americans were taken to Tacoma, Washington. Today the identities of those pioneer airmen are not known, but on the wall of the Canadian Air Minister is a plaque referred to as the Silver List. Engraved there are the names of approximately five hundred Canucks.
The Regiment of Royal Fusiliers who had been employed mainly as security forces in the B.C. Valley during the war years, got home to Britain in 1947. Some of them had left Scotland by round wing plane but all were returned by train to New York and then by ship to England.
The United States emerged from World War II as the world's undisputed superpower. Before the war ended she had become the world's leading shipbuilder. She had supplied the allies with more shipping tonnage than both Britain and the U.S. possessed in 1939.
Her expansion of conventional air power enabled the allies to dominate the European skies. And once engaged on the battlefields, the United States had trained and equipped twelve million armed men deployed with over 50 allies on various fronts, while still providing the Russians with massive ship loads of Lend Lease armament. And when the war was over and rebuilding of the continent began, it was the American Marshall Plan that got the Europeans, including the former enemy, back on their industrial feet.
From 1941 to 1945, the U.S. War Council had managed to divert scientists and technicians to the Manhattan bomb project while still carrying on with the manufacture and delivery of conventional armament, not to mention the added brain power required to research and produce the (Jefferson) round wing plane project that eventually housed a small city of workers. The costs were shared between the three allied powers based on population ratio.
The audacious total American war-time achievements had been burdensome in taxes. The national debt rose from 50 billion in 1940 to over 250 billion dollars in 1945, nearly nine tenths of this amount expended on winning the conflict to liberate Europe and the Pacific.
Quite apart from the manufacture of conventional war apparatus, the industrial miracle of the allies, shared mainly by the U.S.A., was that a revolutionary air arm of round wing planes, and their trained crews had been developed in secret, without disrupting the effort of the country's six million men and women military labor force. Inevitably, the secret was not perfectly kept, but leaks in every case were plugged before serious breaches of security could occur.
Although the war ended in victory for the allies, the Americans were always acutely aware that, if need be, the scales of Justice would have been tipped in their favor, had they introduced the advanced, round wing plane and its awesome laser power. Yet in spite of the disastrous war that bled America (and the world) of so much of its valuable resources, she still managed to carry herself and the globe into a new age of free flight that before the century ends may become the prime mover of people and commerce.[That it has not, speaks against us as a people,but particularly against those who refuse to move forward and cling to power that is not their's DC]
Said Canad's beloved scientist and World War II General A.G.L. MacNaughton: "Isn't it ironic that it took a war to bring about such scientific achievements?"
Winston Churchill called it the "unnecessary war." President Eisenhower agreed.
And to the young English boy who asked his grieving mother, "who won the war in which daddy was killed?! she replied, "No one -- everybody lost.”
Sixteen million fathers and sons never came home. And nearly ten million innocent civilians who died in the flames of war would have agreed, had their voices been able to cry out.
The enemy had been defeated in Africa and was bogged down on the Russian front. Therefore Supreme Allied Command was desperate to know if the Germans were starting a second front or planning to invade North Africa from Spanish bases. And was there some truth to the continuing rumors from allied agents that the elite of the German army and her top scientists and technicians were preparing to evacuate their European homeland -- and, if so, to where? And even more disquieting, the. British and the American OSS had learned that Hitler had put much of Germany's scientific effort into a new type of round wing plane which was perhaps laser equipped to destroy London or New York in an hour. The American OSS knew precisely the horrible possibilities of such a German breakthrough. The question was asked if the Germans were building those planes in some remote area of Spain or South America.
Allied headquarters in London sent 12 top agents into Germany, France and Spain and asked the American OSS to infiltrate these troop trains to ascertain German intentions. Three Americans were chosen, one of German descent and a graduate of Princeton Law School, another an ordained priest who later became Director of the C.I.A. They all spoke fluent German.
A fourth Spanish speaking agent was sent to neutral Spain, where in Seville he established himself for three weeks to listen to Spanish railway men and observe Germans in Spanish uniforms, changing trains for a coastal destination. Two of the agents managed to get their messages to London in spite of being caught, and Allen Dulles got behind enemy territory and back without detection. This story of American espionage on German troop trains is said to be legendary in intelligence circles, and for sheer heroism it is one of the bravest and most dangerous wartime episodes ever recorded.
In an Atlanta restaurant, late one evening in April, 1976, the author sat with three survivors of the four original agents who penetrated the German railroad evacuation plot. The former agents, a Catholic priest, a Presbyterian and a Christian scientist, ate slowly. They talked and relived their train ride with the German troops. After.the meal the priest, then a Cardinal, placed a bottle of wine on the table. Allen Dulles had brought it back from the 1943 episode on the train. Each year they would have a reunion and to the last survivor would go the German Wine. (In September, 1978 the heroic clergyman died in Rome.)
The reports of these agents began seeping back to London, and within 40 days, the allies were piecing 68 together a mystery.
Germans were cleverly executing a contingency plan for their troops and certain civilians to evacuate Germany for a second stronghold after battle defeats in Europe were no longer reversible.
Although the war tide had turned in favor of the allies, they had also been caught napping about alternate German intentions. But then, perhaps, never before in history had an army suffering defeat made contingent plans to abandon its homeland and revive the military venture elsewhere.
The collective reports from the American, British and French agents confirmed that crack German troops were being withdrawn from all fighting fronts and shipped to Spain. Furthermore, the three agents who had infiltrated the German troop trains reported that personnel on board comprised the essential manpower needed for a colonization attempt. These agents had identified a diversity of professions, business experts and workers disguised as soldiers and had actually spoken with doctors, dentists, teachers, architects, tool makers, machinists, etc., whose new oath on being verified for the train evacuation trips had required "unflinching and everlasting loyalty to the Third Reich and its Fuhrer."
The last stop for the German troop trains had been Hulva, and Ayamonte, Spain. It would take another espionage effort for the OSS to determine just what was happening at these Spanish ports, and on this requirement allied intelligence would focus next.
In the meantime in 1944, the reports of other agents, verified by aerial photography, also indicated unusual activity in German Baltic ports. Huge quantities of industrial equipment for overseas' shipment were beginning to appear at these docks. The allies wondered if the Germans were shipping their new round wing planes abroad for later use to strike from hidden bases.
About this time the Allies learned of a secret meeting held in Stausberg on August 10, 1944, wherein it was decided to remove all the gold and precious metal reserves from Germany for over seas shipment. Overseas, but to where?
Despite tight German security, the American OSS began to discern some obvious intentions. One, that there existed a German master plan to evacuate personnel and wealth from the fatherland to parts unknown during the height of the war, and two, that secret weapons were being shipped out, including an unconventional aircraft which the enemy had not committed to the fighting. Those assessments provided by allied intelligence left a major question unanswered. Why? And what secret weapon, or weapons, were so advanced or devastating that a determined Germany would not commit them when she was losing the war? And were they so advanced that she could safely gamble her future on them?
As the Allied Command also pondered German intentions in Spain, it was aware that although Spain was neutral, General Franco, because of German threats, was under the German thumb. London, therefore, concluded that Spain's importance to the enemy lay in the use of her Atlantic ports.
It was in conjunction with these intelligence summations that the first reports arrived regarding a new fleet of giant German submarines approximately 400 feet long and several decks high. Agents reported sightings of these subs in the vicinity of Ayamonte and Hulva, Spain. and also at Baltic and Norwegian ports.
In 1944-1945 it was confirmed that the loading of these subs at Baltic potts with unusual machinery and equipment was secretly being carried on. The Norwegian underground picked up the super subs' trail. These reports pieced together told a tale. The giant underwater megaliths had left Germany, thence to Norway and along its coast northward to avoid Allied shipping lanes, and then west from Narvik toward Iceland in the North Atlantic. From a point below Iceland the subs steered an oblique southerly course which eventually took them to the Atlantic ports of Hulva and Ayamonte, Spain.
At last the Allied command had solved the 1945 puzzle of the disappearing Germans. The answer was obvious! The German troop trains puffing through France and Spain at night were eventually disembarking their passengers and other cargo at Spanish Atlantic ports, where from another direction, German ingenuity had brought together underseas transportation. Once the Germans had boarded the subs they were swallowed up quietly by the sea.
By V-E Day, the allies estimated over 250 thousand Germans had evacuated the country by various means, including air, submarines and even by merchant vessels flying American and British flags. But the enigma of where the unapprehended Germans were headed still eluded the Allies.
In April, 1945 the world press was preoccupied with the forthcoming German collapse. In a political agreement made by Roosevelt and Stalin at Yalta, Allied armies were forced to mark time on the Western front while Russian troops took Eastern Europe and half of Germany, including Berlin. The German armies on the western front under Von Rundstedt fought delaying actions, their local commanders knowing that the end was near. Rumors were rife among the German High Command that Hitler was about to unleash secret weapons that would annihilate the enemy. And a similar German story circulated, that the Western allies would link up with the Germans at the Elbe and together, join the German army on the Eastern front and race for Moscow to contain communism.
All of these rumors of anticipated happenings circulating among the desperately besieged Germans had a ring of truth. And, in another way, and at another place, one of the supposed fantasies became a frightening reality.
As usual, the Allies were unprepared. When the tragedy occurred (gathered in 1977 from British and German sources) it bridged two eras. From that moment on, World War II became the last great chapter on mankind's history of conventional armaments. As a result of the tragic incident that followed, World War II may well be known as the last of the lengthy super land battles using explosives and gunpowder.
Involved in this terrible drama was one of the giant German submarines. She was one of those built secretly in 1944 and carried a cargo of top secret German plans, documents and prototypes of new inventions. The sub was in the North Atlantic at an approximate position of 14 degrees west and 35 degrees north when her oxygen supply gave out due to malfunction of equipment. Unable to stay submerged, the leviathan slowly ascended from a depth of 2000 feet and its 12" thick hull of steel broke surface of the cold Atlantic at midnight on 23rd of April, 1945, within a mile of two British cruisers. Up went flares as the British ships opened fire on the German sub. Eight inch shells straddled the huge craft to get range, as an odd-shaped German gun appeared on the sub's hull. A pencil beam of laser horned in on the cruiser Camden.
There was no battle thunder or fury from the sub. The ray silently pierced the darkness and flares, and in seconds a 20 foot diameter hole was cut from port to starboard through the first surface ship. Like a toy boat suddenly filled with water, the cruiser sank horizontally with a hissing of steam from the white hot steel hull. Then the beam moved onto the second cruiser, Hanover, and as another 20 foot hole was opened, she burst into flames, and settled down in less than 30 seconds. Most of the ship's complement never reached their battle stations. Those on deck duty jumped overboard. In less than two minutes only some oil slick, air bubbles and flotsam appeared where the cruisers had stood. The German sub moved into range of the cruiser's former positions and machine gunned the survivors. The British flares settled into the sea and blackness again enveloped the area.
The German "V-Boat" Captain left his bridge and went below. Putting his head in his hands he bent over and sobbed. An officer consoled him with the words: "It was the enemy or us! Otherwise, we were to scuttle!
At dawn the next morning in the same area a British fishing trawler spotted three men on a piece of wreckage. The sailors, numb from exposure, were hauled aboard and three days later were landed in the Hebrides Islands. That day at Allied headquarters in London a telegram was received from the Hebrides at British Naval headquarters which shortly thereafter reached OSS General Donovan. As General Donovan read the graphic story of the German laser that cut holes like a can opener in the British cruisers, he put down the cryptic message and said, "My God! Oh, My God!" A new war age had just been born. As a result of the naval engagement, the joint chiefs-of-staff asked the question: "Where are the missing German round wing planes that disappeared out of Germany, and" are they too equipped with lasers?" And from where was the enemy intending to strike with his hidden force of devastating new aircraft?
At combined Naval Operations in London, Allied Intelligence pondered where one of the laser equipped monster subs might strike next. Everything afloat on the sea lanes was now vulnerable.
But the enemy could not wait.
The German plan had already been released -- they would use another of their twelve super subs in a devastating naval engagement that, if it were successful, might bring the U.S.A. to its knees.
But an "accident of fate" would alter the German plan.
Here's how the story unfolds. Unknown to the allies in late 1944, the secretive and orderly German evacuation was proceeding well. Her top personnel which were needed to continue the Third Reich elsewhere were being removed by round wing planes and the super subs, the chief vehicles used among several withdrawal methods. But, Germans like Von Runstedt from whose area round wing planes were evacuating key personnel, refused to give travel priority to those Nazis responsible for Jewish exterminations. The truth is that most of the regular German general staff had disdain for these Nazis who were not wanted in the new Germany destined to rise in another part of the world. Furthermore, German embarkation officers in the Hulva and Ayamonte also refused to place key Nazi killers on board the super subs.
Major Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's tough deputy, had gone personally to Von Rundstedt in December, 1945 and demanded seats for himself and his top henchmen on the departing round wing planes. Von Rundstedt had refused and so had Von Schuschnigg, the chief pilot. Thus the Nazis had to find their own way out of Europe to escape allied vengeance in the coming Nuremberg War Trials.
Nazi interference was forgotten by the architects of the German evacuation plan until April 18, 1945, when on that day the Nazis made their moves and an encounter occurred in Alexandria, Egypt between German Nazis and German Naval personnel. A new super sub which had left the Island of Bornholm in the Baltic in early February layoff Alexandria. Egyptian tenders had ferried out regularly chosen escapees under the sympathetic eyes of Egyptian officers named Abel Gamel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, each of whom despised King Farouk and the British protectorate forces stationed in Egypt.
The giant war sub was full and sealed orders were opened for departure to the southern hemisphere when a German Nazi, Major Hauptmann Schemmel, came aboard and put a gun in the ribs of Lt. Commander Hans Meyers. He was ordered to disembark the 500 men. Another Nazi officer warned the naval commander that his wife and daughter were being held hostage in Bavaria to be killed immediately if the sub commander refused to obey. That night 500 German emigrants were replaced by an equal number of Nazi Germans who had made their way from Germany to Egypt via Italy by various escape methods. By morning the giant sub had slipped away and headed out through the Straits of Gibraltar to the open Atlantic. But she was not alone. As the sub commander piloted his ship deep under the surface of the Mediterranean he was kept under watch. Above, on the surface, two British destroyers followed the underwater transport by sonar. As the sub neared Gibraltar, the British made no attempt to stop it. More ships joined the surveillance and together the giant sub (with the German navy crew under the duress of nearly 500 Nazi masters) and its silent overhead escort, headed out across the Atlantic -- revised destination, New York. The sub's new mission, unauthorized by the German Admiralty, was to be the most aggressive act of war the Nazis had devised for their final hours.
On the sub's foredeck was a long artillery piece with a 12" bore that could fire shells at the rate of 30 second intervals. It was claimed that explosives in the war heads (a triumph of German research) would pulverize the city of New York quickly and destroy a large part of its population. From New York rubble the sub's new directions were to take it into Chesapeake Bay where Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington would be levelled, and then to Halifax or Miami to complete the destruction. There was only one problem: the sub commander had not been told of the plans, although British intelligence was privy to the scheme from the moment it began shadowing the sub out of Egypt. The dash under the ocean to the U.S.A. went as planned. When the underwater giant reached American waters over 100 surface ships were waiting. Across New York Harbor stretched a bronze net, and underwater bells with search lights were suspended from barges. The net held. The lights shone down on the sub. Depth charges fell astride her thick hull. Impregnable even from the depth charges and torpedoes fired from allied subs, the 376 foot long monster backed off and headed out for deeper water.
"Where to now?" asked the sub commander, under the gun of Nazi General Oskar Dirlewanger. "To Miami. We'll shell it off the map from far out in deep water." The sub commander replied, "Indeed! And how do I surface to man the deck-gun when depth charges are tumbling onto our hull every minute?" Deeply submerged, the sub quarry headed south into the Straits of Florida, but she could not lose her 46 surface hunters, including American, British, Canadian and French vessels out of Martinique.
Fifty hours later, the giant German submarine found herself still being tracked in a channel which narrowed quickly. From fear of being trapped, the commander attempted to turn around. Depth charges had dirtied the water and visual directions were impossible to determine. Reverberations against the hull were continuous. Suddenly, the underwater ship stopped, unable to move. She lay to for several hours. Outside explosions ceased temporarily. An examination by divers showed she was down 200 feet and washed by turbulent currents. The long barreled gun specifically fitted to destroy the coastal cities of America was jammed into a crevice under the roof of a shark infested coral shelf. The divers' final words were: "The sub can never be freed." In a few moments word spread through the ship.
The depth charges became intermittent. The enemy above had abandoned the chase. But the sub was unmoveable. The 500 Germans began to reflect on death by starvation or lack of oxygen in a craft that had become their tomb.
The commander made five trips out of the sub in the next three days. Each time he took off a Nazi, deposited him on shore and and returned with provisions or medications provided by collaborators. But the entombed men were beginning to succumb. Some of the Nazis screamed obscenities, others had nightmares. Murders were committed to steal rations for survival. On the commander's fifth trip back to the sub, some of the victims were reduced to crawling. Water and rations were almost exhausted.
After a conference it was decided that in order to save lives the commander and one top Nazi should surrender to the American authorities. As strategy discussions continued, Nazi Major Schemmel slipped away and relieved the guard in the commander's control room. As the first guard departed, Schemmel put a gun to the head of Commander Meyers and articulated forcefully: "You are my hostage. Obey every word or I'll kill you! Move in a normal way to the lower escape hatch! You and I are going to leave -- alone!" So Lt. Commander Hans Meyers and Nazi Major Hauptman Schemmel left the tomb on the small two man escape sub. They were never to return. Within ten hours the two had beached their sub off Elliot Key, surrendered to an American naval unit, been transported to Key West under guard and had boarded a plane for Washington. But time was running out for the sub commander. One of the five escaped Nazis whom he had taken out a few days earlier had, on separating, threatened: "You deliberately steered us into this trap. When I get to a short wave radio, I'll signal our people overseas to kill your wife and daughter. They are still my hostages."
The first morning after their departure from the German sub, on April 29, 1945, the two Germans were in the White House under guard flanked by Navy Intelligence officers.
In front of them sat the President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, in office since April 13, 1945.
The sub commander spoke. His sad blue eyes told of the human cargo left on board that would die if the Americans (whom they had been sent to kill) did not rescue them. During the interrogation, the commander explained his predicament: he had about 500 men with 'supplies exhausted; he had no passenger list. He explained that the first sub load had been bumped in Alexandria. But regardless, the sub commander asked that all lives be saved. As President Truman deliberated, the Nazi, Major Schemmel, asked to speak without the presence of the sub commander who was then led out of the room.
Standing before the Naval Intelligence officers (whose names are withheld for security reasons) and President Truman, the prisoner began to speak. Suddenly his diction sounded unmistakably American. As he continued, Truman's jaw dropped in disbelief. These are the words he heard:
"I am not Major Hauptman Schemmel, a Gestapo agent. My official rank and name is Col. Walter Schellenberg} and my secret ass number is 78. General William Donovan, head of the OSS will verify this. Please have an officer make contact." Then, as the amazed President and intelligence personnel looked on, the Nazi impersonator saluted the President and withdrew from his sleeve a list of almost 500 true names of the German Nazi personnel from the stricken sub.
"I beg you, Mr. President, these are the real names of those beasts in that God forsaken sub. The sub commander is not aware what terrible substitution of personnel was made in Alexandria. Under direct orders from Hitler, I was responsible for rounding up these infamous men and placing them on that sub."
"When did you infiltrate the Nazis?" the President asked.
Col. Schellenberg replied, "In 1942 I was dropped in Switzerland."
President Truman strode around the desk before the OSS agent. "Only God could have arranged your being in front of me today with this information. Welcome home and let me shake hands with a brave man." Then the President read the partial list of those Nazis on the sub} and handed it to one of the Intelligence officers. Some of the names and particulars are as follows:
No. 1. FRANZ NOVAK: Adolph Eichmann's Transportation officer. It was his job to arrange transportation for those undesirable Jews from point of arrest to place of execution and disposal.
No. 2. THEODOR DANNECKER: In charge of deporting Jews of France, Belgium and Italy to their places of execution.
No. 3. HEINZ ROETHKE: Eichmann's Deputy in Charge of disposing of undesirable Jews in Paris. He directed the others who arrested and deported the Paris Jews. He is supposed to have completely eliminated all known Jews in Paris.
No. 4. DR. ERNST WETZEL: He operated a gas chamber in Poland. The official name was Elimination Camp for Undesirables.
No. 5. WILHELM ZOEPF: In charge of sending Dutch Jews to the gas chamber and was in complete charge of this operation throughout the country. Boasted that he didn't leave a known Dutch Jew alive; he was thorough in his operations. He is known to have had over a half million Jews exterminated from Holland alone.
No.6. HERMAN KRUMEY: In charge of Jewish extermination in Hungary. Known to have sent over four hundred thousand Jews to their deaths. In complete charge of operating gas chambers in Hungary.
No.7. OTTO HUNSCHE: Executed 100,000 Jews in gas chambers. Bragged about the number of Jews he executed.
No.8. MAJOR GENERAL OSKAR DIRLEWANGER: Before the war, a convicted criminal who committed sex crimes on young boys, spending five years in a Bavarian prison for this. In charge of the toughest S.S. men who in return were in charge of the extermination camps for unwanted Jews.
No.9. LEOPOLD GLEIM: Chief of Gestapo in Warsaw. After the war he turned up in Egypt, was given an Egyptian name and was in Nasser's service. One of the escapees from the Sub.
No. 10. LOUIS HEIDEN: Translated Hitler's "Mein Kampf" into other languages and served the Fuehrer in other capacities.
No. 11. HANS APPLER: Killed 100,000 Jews in the gas chambers. Escaped from the Sub, was deported by the United States and rather than risk being tried as a war criminal, made his way to Egypt and is how believed to be in the Egyptian diplomatic service.
No. 12. WILLIAM BOECKELER: Killed over 100,000 Jews in the concentration camps.
No. 13. KARL HOLTER: A former Gestapo Officer who was in charge of the arrest and deportation of hundreds of thousands of Jews.
No. 14. ALBERT THIELMANN: A retired school teacher who joined the party after Hitler came to power and was responsible for the gassing of over 100,000 Jews.
No. 15. BRIG. GENERAL WARNER BLANKENBERG: Responsible for the murder of over 100,000 Jews in the gas chambers.
No. 16. HANS BOTHMANN: Was in charge of the elimination squad in Poland and all gas chambers there. Under his jurisdiction over half a million Jews died.
No. 17. LT. GENERAL FRIEDRICH KATZMANN: Murdered 434,329 Jews in Poland alone.
No. 18. JAN DURCANSKY: In charge of all the Jewish extermination camps in Austria and Northern Italy.
No. 19. DR. F. W. SIEBERT: Invented and produced the six pointed metal star which Nazis required Jews to wear. All who wore this were liable at any time to be seized and sent to an extermination camp.
No. 20. DR. KARL STAENGE: In charge of the death camps in Yugoslavia. Took over an old Brick Yard in Belgrade and roasted Jews alive in the kilns.
No. 21. FRANZ RADEMACHER: Exterminated 15,000 Yugoslavian Jews. Listed as a dangerous man.
No. 22. DR. HANS EISELE: Exterminated over half a million Jews in the Ukraine by having them thrown in pits, spraying gasoline over them and setting them on fire. After the fires died out, the half roasted bodies were used to feed the hogs.
No. 23. LT. GENERAL HEINZ KAMMLER: An expert on gas chamber construction having been a concrete construction engineer before the war. Perfected the gas chambers for a four minute kill. Later in charge of the round wing plane plants.
No. 24. DR. MAX MERTEN: In charge of Jewish extermination in Greece and under his leadership over 60,000 Greek Jews were killed.
No. 25. MATTIAS RAFFELBERG: Had over a half million Jews murdered in Russia and Poland.
No. 26. MAJ. OTTO SKORZENY: The most wanted man in Europe. Called the toughest man alive. A Hitler favorite who rescued Mussolini. Escaped from sub.
No. 27. DR. RUDOLPH MILDNER: The Gestapo Chief in Denmark, in charge of the elimination of Danish Jews. Had over 100,000 executed.
No. 28. DR. PAUL WALTER: Concentration camp commander in Poland. Was responsible for over a hundred thousand Jewish deaths by extermination and experimentation. Performed amputations without anesthetics. His favorite expression on recording a death: "So what! Another Jew out of the way!" The authors read Walter's final page from his diary of a day's work written in Jewish blood.
No. 29. DR. WILHELM WITTELER: In charge of the gas chambers in Latvia, and collected Jews for deportation.
No. 30. KURT HEINBURG: Was in charge of all Jewish extermination in Serbia.
No. 31. HANS HOEFLE: Responsible for murdering over 100,000 Jews in Poland.
No. 32. WALTER CASPAR TOEBBENS: A Dutch Nazi who made millions of dollars by making Jews work free of charge in his factories. Those who became sick or incapacitated were killed on the spot.
No. 33. ANDRIJA ARTUKOVIC: Under his able administration over 80% of Yugoslavia's Jews were wiped out. The Jewish population of Zagreb was 12,315 before the war and 1,647 after. From Mostar a train took six car loads of Jewish mothers and children to the station at Sumaci. There they were forced to walk up into high mountains where they were thrown off steep cliffs. At Korencia, Jews were tied in bundles and rolled into pits, covered with gasoline and then burned alive.
No. 34. HEINRICH "Gestapo" MUELLER: A policeman who rose to be Bavarian Chief of Police. Later rose to be a Lt. General in the S.S. (Security Police). Organized the Gestapo on the model of the Russian M.V.D. His organization murdered most of Europe's Jews. [It will be interesting to see what the author says happened to this one, as his own diaries(which are here on this blog) tell a far different story of his flight out of Germany DC]
As the President perused the list his face turned pale. He hurled invective across the room: "Die, you evil bastards, and be buried alive in your own tomb of the damned! I hope your crimes haunt you through Hell!" Then he lowered his voice to a clipped tone of command and addressed a navy officer. "No attempt will be made to save that infernal submarine. The death of those decent young crew members may be accounted to me in eternity. God forgive me for their sakes!"
The Lt. Commander was brought back into the room and the President thanked him for his honesty. "We must detain you, Sir," said President Truman, "but is there anything I can do for your comfort?" On that offer of aid, the U-boat commander blurted out the dilemma of his wife and daughter being held in a cave in Bavaria. Col. Schellenberg concurred. Capt. Meyers begged for help. He told of the threat to kill his family made by the departing German escapee.
Truman acted immediately. "Round up those German Nazis who escaped from the sub!" As he spoke, the phone call of General William Donovan, OSS chief, was put through to the President. He identified the American agent, whereupon the President ordered a parachute rescue team to land in Germany in an attempt to save the commander's wife and young daughter being held as hostages. Two nights later, with the sanction of Prime Minister Churchill, a combined American/British team landed in a mountainous area of Bavaria.
As the German waited under detention at a Washington officers' club, a messenger came to his room and requested to speak to the German in his own tongue. The intelligence officer began, "I have a message for you from the President of the United States: Your wife and daughter were rescued last night and are safely in Switzerland. There were several German casualties among those guarding your family -- but all our men came back safely. We must intern you, but someday we hope you'll be re-united." The U-boat commander broke down and wept.
Meanwhile, the cries of the damned in the beached submarine would rise for a few more days before they would be stifled in their underwater tomb off Florida.[Not buying,here is the link to Mueller DC]
American naval records, captured German records, interviews with the super sub commander and OSS files were used in preparing this episode. After 2-1/2 years-in prison, the commander was acquitted at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials in 1947 of any deliberate wrong doing while on the sub of the damned. In 1953 he emigrated to America with his family.
Col. Walter Schellenberg was promoted to Brigadier General and awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award for bravery given by the United States. Great Britain awarded him its highest honour for valor, the Victoria Cross. The French Ambassador to the U.S.A. pinned on him the Legion of Honour. King George VI asked Schellenberg if he would accept a Knighthood, but the American graciously declined. After the war he settled down anonymously in an American city with the abiding wish that he never again go to war.
Many other details on the OSS espionage action and the underwater trip of the "sub of the damned" have been omitted for the sake of brevity.
By World War II's end, the allies had enough information to comprehend Part I of the German evacuation plan, which, in effect, was the removal of the elite of their armies and technicians, from Europe. As mentioned before, by December 1944, enemy rail movements ending in the Port of Ayamonte, Spain, had been observed and verified. And in the north, evidence of the super sub route was being carefully examined. Any allied doubts that the Germans had not returned to the Atlantic in underseas craft were cast aside after the British cruisers were sunk.
Logic evolved from the intelligence disclosures categorically sought the answer to this question: Where are the vanishing Germans disappearing to on their carefully planned exodus route? It was at this juncture in the Allied intelligence dilemma that OSS analysis from New York told of an expanding presence of Germans in Central and South America. And from Brazil to Argentina unconfirmed reports began trickling out of the southern hemisphere of unidentified flying objects being seen in the air and on the ground.
It was too early in 1944-45 to be certain of German intentions, but General Eisenhower and General Donovan are quoted as wondering if the official surrender of German armies in Europe might be only a gesture -- and that the many Germans who got away would fight again on another day and at another place.
Subsequent to the actual German surrender many questions were still unanswered such as the whereabouts of numerous well known German political, scientific and service personnel. Too many were unaccounted for to be lost in battle, displaced, or incarcerated in prisoner of war camps -- unless they had been taken to Russia. Also, while searching for the missing, it was noted that many German dependents and relatives failed to show grief.
"Somewhere," said General Eisenhower, "I feel another Germany is being born, and I would rather we were the confidants of these Germans than the Russians."
Another key remark by German Admiral Doenitz in 1943 almost certainly indicated a mass German emigration. Doenitz declared: "The German underwater fleet is proud to have made an earthly paradise, an impregnable fortress for the Fuehrer somewhere in the world." The phrase "in the world" was later to prove prophetic.
The authors have interviewed many key witnesses including several former Nazis, the German Embassy in Washington, and high intelligence sources in America, and all agreed that the German Chief of State, Adolph Hitler, left Germany alive. The only difference in telling of the planned escape was the time of departure, the route, and the method.
On December 15, 1944, General Eisenhower called a most secret meeting of the High Command in London, England. Present were the Allied Chiefs-of-Staff including those from free France, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Norway, etc. General Eisenhower's purpose was two-fold as he turned over the briefing to General William Donovan and his assistant, who were asked to record and take notes. The assistant was the same one sent to Spain for observation of German troop arrivals at Seville. General Donovan began: "Gentlemen, for several weeks our agents have been watching secret movements of Germans through France to Spain. Our first opinion was that the enemy was planning a surprise attack on the coast of North Africa. We diverted divisions of troops and kept them in readiness for this anticipated attack -- but, as you all know, it never came.
"Now we are certain that these untold thousands of German troops have used Spanish ports to disappear in a way still uncertain to us."
The General paused, looked around at the group of Allied Chiefs-of-Staff, and then slowly continued. "Perhaps one of those Germans who disappeared through Spain was the German leader, Adolph Hitler." The room was hushed and the General's assistant looked up at a sea of astonished faces. Then several individuals rose at once to ask questions. The General stated he would answer only half a dozen, and those who were not satisfied could personally have a brief audience with him after the meeting.
The first questioned asked, "Who's in charge in Germany" Answer: "Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz is said to be the leader, but General Von Rundstedt seems to be the one making the real nuts and bolts military decisions."
Another assertion was made that Hitler had been seen lately; therefore, would not the story of his departure likely be a case of German deception?"
Donovan's reply was cryptic. "A double is in Hitler's place. Our Berlin agents say so, and the British and Russian governments agree, that an imposter, instructed by Goebbels, Bormann and Ley rules in Hitler's place. The man is not Hitler gone mad. He is a double under the control of others."
Donovan concluded the meeting by saying he believed the disappearance of Adolph Hitler was directly related to the dispersal of entire German armies. He told his cabinet that when the German armies were uncovered the real Hitler would also be found. The OSS Chief said he was convinced of Hitler's personal and family exodus. Our next task he told them will be to pick up the trail of the German leader and his troops in South America.
After the Allied briefing, General Donovan flew back to Washington, On arrival he immediately called a special meeting of OSS Caribbean Intelligence and his Brazilian Bureau. Donovan's earlier hunches paid off. Into New York, the Wartime nerve center for America's western hemisphere intelligence, the coded reports of German arrivals throughout South America kept cable lines busy.
Today, a confidential report by the CIA concedes: "The body found in the bunker was not that of Hitler, for among other things, neither fingerprints, nor dental work matched Hitler's. Until 1974, the true Adolph Hitler, nor a corpse proven to be his had ever been located." The words “until 1974" are significant, and will be explained later.
The story of Hitler's heroic last minute May 1945 flight out of besieged Berlin was a cleverly contrived German ruse, in the opinion of Judge Advocate General John P. Davis of the Nuremberg War Crime Trials. Although Christina Edderer said it was the real Hitler whom she flew to Norway, records of the Nuremberg trials state that Christina Edderer was a courageous woman, but an unsatisfactory witness, jailed for perjury under oath. When the authors questioned Edderer in 1975 they were not convinced that the story she told was valid regarding her version of the Hitler escape.
In retrospect, the reader should recall that Hitler's master plan was to win World War II. When this master plan was thwarted, the alternate plan was to move their national endeavor to another land, free from enemy intervention. Execution of Phase I in the alternate plan was begun seriously in 1943, and when finished in 1954 saw three million Germans and other resources successfully evacuated.
Regardless of the low esteem certain German Generals had for Hitler, he was revered and adored by the German masses. His hero and leader image was never seriously challenged. His ability to arouse all the patriotic emotions of German society was never in doubt. However, Hitler was also an idealistic believer in a new Utopia for Germany, and according to his close associates, that zeal to develop a new Germany was such an inherent part of his makeup that it never waned -- even when Germany military defeat was obvious.
Therefore, Hitler was the key to the German evacuation, and this fact will later be proven to be true beyond any doubt. In addition to Hitler's prominent role in the evacuation another more human side of his life is perhaps as important.
Hitler and Eva Braun were legally married on April 29, 1945 but their first born son Adolph Hitler II, was born in 1940, five years before their marriage. Hitler was said to be the father.
Back in October, 1944, a select German group, working from a schedule compiled on August 10 in Salzburg, decided to implement operation "Get Lost." Hitler was to be the catalyst.
All the art treasures, scientific developments, and treasury bullion which Germany possessed were first scheduled to be hidden or removed. First to be safely removed, however, would be the Fuehrer. Over Hitler's protests he was asked to pack immediately his personal possessions and leave Germany for the new land. A double stood by to assume the Fuehrer's role and he would continue under the tutelage and surveillance of Bormann, Goebbels and Ley.
The Fuehrer's party left Berlin by motorcade, travelling at night, and safe harboring during the day to avoid Allied aircraft. The party consisted of Hitler and his wife Eva, their four year old son, Adolph II, and a twelve year old adopted orphan boy, David.
Over widetrack French railroads, still travelling at night, Hitler and his party reached Spain. They were transferred to narrow Spanish track railcars, eventually reaching La-Aljaferia Castle in Zaragoza. There Hitler met his Spanish confidant who was to act as advisor and escort. (It is from this highly respected Spaniard, that the authors, while researching in Spain, verified how Hitler left Europe.)
Hitler was outfitted in a Spanish business suit, his moustache removed and his hair style changed. His wife, Eva, was outfitted as a middle-class Spanish woman, and the boy David became a Spanish youth.
Spanish tutoring complete, at 3:00 A.M. on the morning of November 5, 1944, Hitler and party vacated the castle by motor car with his Spanish confidant as chauffeur. Through Valencia and on to Seville they traveled, resting the first night in the Colon Hotel. The next day the trip was resumed to Huelva and finally Ayamonte where rooms were provided in another hotel. The following night, November 7, after taking leave of his Spanish guide and friend, Hitler and his family were taken on board a super sub, along with 500 other Germans. During Hitler's stay in Ayamonte and for three days thereafter, Generalissimo Franco had placed the area under martial law. (Allied intelligence never learned the secret of Hitler's departure until long after World War II.) As the super sub slipped beneath the water she headed southwest. For the next 18 days, in an 8 x 10 cabin, Hitler and his family shared living and sleeping quarters. Two leather covered chairs, four bunks and a radio for the Fuehrer and his family were the accessories." There were two doctors in attendance on board the submarine for the 500 passengers, submarine crew and Hitler and his family.
The Allies knew Hitler had fled. The Nuremberg War Trials had created an unspoken climate of official concern that he would return incognito to Germany to become a symbol for Germany's renaissance.
In 1945 America decided to go after Hitler. But the secrets they discovered in South America and the Antarctic were so fantastic, so seemingly incredible, that telling the details to the world was as difficult as explaining that men from Mars had already landed on earth.
Back in New York, more OSS reports told of additional German arrivals in South America. The Germans were flooding into Belem and other river ports, as well as air strips in Brazil's Amazon Valley, Leticia in Colombia and Georgetown, British Guiana.
The Germans always appeared to be in transit. At that point General Donovan personally went to Brazil to direct operations. American agents posed as rubber, precious metals and timber buyers along the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers. They learned an amazing thing. Germans were appearing from hidden staging camps 3,000 miles up the Amazon beyond Obidos and even Manaus. From here they were traced heading south toward the headwaters of the Amazon where their trail often led up the still navigable Maran River, a tributary of the Amazon, but went cold in the vicinity of Iquitos, Ecuador. As one OSS Agent's report from Iquitos said, "The Germans arrive here in local dress by the thousands -- but they never leave. They are literally being swallowed up by the earth."
Neither local Brazilians, or the Indians -- if they knew could explain the "Kraut" vanishing act. While at Manaus and Rio de Janeiro, Germans in civilian dress also were seen departing by air for Buenos Aires and Montevideo, where they again were observed leaving in private and chartered planes for the interior of Argentina. One agent reported in February, 1945, "that these VIPs in their hauteur and arrogance were like a newly formed German General Staff."
But World War II would end, Allied troops would demobilize, and another two years would go by before just what had happened for sure to Adolf Hitler and a core of hundreds of thousands of select Germans who vanished from the Fatherland.
To understand the significance of certain historical evidence relating to the continuing German effort to build a new country under the protection of the round wing plane, the reader should become acquainted with the following true adventure. It is a kaleidoscope of German resourcefulness bridging the 16th and 20th centuries.
The explanation centers around 500 warrior-colonists who left Germany in the 16th century and were presumed to have perished 4,000 miles up the Amazon River. The existence of those ancient adventurers was forgotten. Allied agents searching for Hitler's lost minions in the late 1940s unknowingly found descendents of the 16th century colonists whose current presence in that hemisphere actually changed the outcome of World War II, an astounding revelation still kept hidden from press and public.
The adventure in question began in 1572 when a select and hardy group of about 500 German colonists originating mainly from the Dukedom of Sax-Coburg, and including recruits from Bavaria and East Prussia, were hired as soldier-mercenaries by Sebastian I, King of Portugal, to man a garrison up the Amazon River. The German soldiers were allowed to bring their wives, for after building the fort and doing garrison duty, they were to be given land grants in the interior of what is now Brazil. The families were mainly Lutheran who had been subject to Catholic persecution.
These adventurers set sail from Lisbon, Portugal in three 130-foot, lightly armed warships named Urcas. Their first task was to build a Portuguese fort on the upper reaches of the Amazon in a region of what today is the approximate border between Brazil and Ecuador. Upon completion of the fort, the Germans were to man the same against the Spaniards located on the other side of the river. By territorial aggrandizement, Pope Pius V had issued a Papal Bull dividing the interior of South America. between the Spanish on the west bank of the Amazon and the Portuguese on the east bank.
The ships were destroyed at the end of the journey when the Portuguese crew and German mercenaries were ambushed by the fierce Indians. In orderly fashion, the Germans and Portuguese removed cattle, pigs, chickens and a few horses, as well as valuable seed grains for fruit and vegetables. Taking to the jungle, the Europeans fought an enemy who attempted to kill them to the last man and woman. It was a battle of bows and arrows, deadly blowguns and spears against crossbow and body armor. But it was a battle of survival for the Europeans who were quick to adopt stealthy Indian tactics of forest fighting, as opposed to open European massed battle formation.
Eventually, the white men stumbled upon a cave entrance into the side of a mountain. Fighting a rear-guard action, the German remnant was saved and also their livestock and possessions. Because the Indians were terrified of the cave spirits, they abandoned the siege and left. The hole in the side of the earth became a refuge for those white men. Periodically the mercenaries were able to make armed sorties out to procure fresh produce and game. Meanwhile, inside the cavity, the besieged people found plentiful fresh water, and by lighting fires, they learned to sustain themselves in a primitive routine. With ingenuity and skills the group persevered, but dared not establish themselves again in the dangerous world outside. Only their basic survival instincts kept them from total despair.
After agonizing on their dilemma, scouting parties explored the cavity's interior, and reported that the cave of refuge was actually the entrance to a deep underground tunnel. They also found there was evidence of human occupation before them, perhaps accounting for the fear which the Indians had of the interior. The white men took to the tunnels, not knowing where they were going, but hoping the routes would eventually digress to the surface again where they could resettle among friendly Indians.
A documented story of this adventure was recorded in diary form on the ship's log which the group saved.
The hardships were endured by the German colonists for three generations, until they "emerged" in 1647. The episode is told briefly here because what those 16th Century Germans accomplished enabled the German Third Reich to continue after World War II.
Leader of the original survivors of the 1572 Indian attacks was a German named Von Luckner. It was he who also organized the tunnel escape and unknowingly led the remnants of his party through the fissures in groups of 30, deep into the earth where several months later they found a huge, faintly lit cavity of approximately 75 square miles. The ceiling was 300 feet in height and the floor consisted of soil with all the natural nutrients for crop growth. Here the Germans established their first community, free from outside aggression. Insulated from the surface world of head-hunter Indians and an unfriendly jungle, they built a village which over the years became their permanent home. On their journey down, the Europeans generally had fresh water, at times icy cold which came in trickles and rivulets from above. The temperature remained the same as on the surface for approximately the first 100 miles; but in later years, as they penetrated deeper, they were to experience an increase in heat from 80 to 100 degrees. Subsistence was a daily problem but the raw elements of nature on the surface such as rain, cold, wind and predators were totally absent.
At that time these colonists were a lost civilization. As a group they would never return to the surface. Hopelessly, but with an instinctive urge for survival, they surrendered their old ties to Germany and took on a new identity. But the cultural, linguistic, and religious heritages from their homeland remained strong. These assets they would carefully preserve and record for their children as they wandered in the tunnels and adapted to their changed life style.
Persistent stories have been told for centuries that white men were seen on Brazil's upper reaches of the Amazon. These tales we now realize are true. Their basis grew in part as the hunted Germans cautiously reemerged to the surface where they developed trading routes much like the French "coeur de bois" in North America. Of necessity, the Germans had to barter with the Indians and, also, eventually trade with posts and forts which other non-Germanic white men had subsequently built on the river. But the lost Germans kept their hideaway a secret. At all costs, they made sure that no outsiders would stumble upon the new camouflaged tunnel entrance leading to their habitation in the interior of the earth. Those who did, never returned.
In 1980 that village which the Germans started still survives and bears the name of its original founder, Von Luckner, who was proclaimed first king in 1572. The habitation now has a population of over 30,000 souls.
As American colonists heading west in 1700's broke through one natural obstacle after another, so the Germans inside the tunnel continued to explore and move on. From the first settlement of Von Luckner, a group under the leadership of a man named Wagner moved further into the tunnel. They located another cavity where a settlement was started under Wagner's surname. (Population 1977, 60,000). By mid 1600, the Germans had developed a system of crude tracks and carts on wooden wheels. On this rudimentary railroad system they were able to haul their farm produce and livestock. They began to grow crops (particularly barley) which adapted itself to the photosynthesis emanating from the rock glow. This faint natural light coming from the rock walls also enabled them to see and their eyesight adjusted to the dark. Further down the tunnels the Germans descended and eventually established six cities along their 3,000 mile crude wooden rail system. Their offsprings survived disease and hunger. Like an army, they established each base, and after consolidating it, moved on to repeat the conquest of the tunnel system.
One recurring ordeal confronted the colonists. To understand their trouble, it is necessary to explain that the original tunnel they followed meandered and wound through 3,000 miles of labyrinths. From the seclusion of the numerous tunnel off-shoots, the Germans were frequently attacked by a subterranean race of creatures who tried to kill them as had the Indians on the surface. At one point, these "evil ones" or "Sons of Satan," as the colonists nicknamed them, walled-up the community of new German arrivals. To break out, the Germans were forced to tunnel out through a mile of rubble. The inner-race dwellers strongly resented the newcomers and agreed to guide them back to the surface if they would vacate and leave. Germans who still dwell in these original interior cities say the interior of the earth's mantle is filled with many cities inhabited by the "evil ones." These Germans who have now lived in the tunnel cities below South America for over 400 years, contend that the entire mantle of the earth is filled with different races of rock dwellers who went underground for survival after different surface upheavals or floods which occurred during the former pre-adamite and postadamite civilizations. They contend there are literally hundreds of huge cities located in pockets around the globe and under the seas, from 350 feet below the outer surface to many miles in depth. The German colonists of 1572 may have been the latest arrivals to wander into the earth's mantle -- like it -- and remain.
As the years passed, three generations of infants were born in the tunnel system. The German "Rock Moles" had established a chain of settlements named Hagner (population, 1977, 180,000) and Baron Von Brightener (population 1977, 100,000); Sillisteen (population 1977, 12,000), and Archduke Von Kitchener (population 1977, 62,000). Then, on the 75th year of their forced sojourn, their scouting parties broke out into the promised land. Emerging through a rock opening the advance party looked about in wonder. All of them had been born inside the earth's mantle but had been raised to believe there was another world. As the first guides looked about, they beheld unending sky, trees and rolling land. But more fascinating, everything including themselves was bathed in light from a faint man-made orb that hung in a real sky. (Their arrival inside the earth's rock mantle was at a midway point below today's countries of New Zealand and Australia.) The Germans cheered, they prayed, and they laughed for they thought they had arrived back on the outside of the world again.
Hurrying inside the tunnel, they told of this new wonder they had discovered. More jubilant Germans from the tunnel system emerged. Some time later, contact was made with the occupants of this new land who advised the German explorers that they had descended to the inside of the earth where hundreds of millions of peaceful people lived who shunned surface dwellers. The new Atlanteans, which they were called, moved through the air in magical, silent, round winged craft and drove four wheeled vehicles without horses or oxen. These people had an advanced civilization which the amazed Germans recognized was hundreds of years ahead of the surface civilization their fathers had left years before. Also amazing to the Germans, the new Atlanteans had an ageless longevity span, with no noticeable traces of old age in their bodies, no ancient furroughs in their facial features and no senility in their mannerisms. What was missing was the presence of old people, the Germans quickly noted.
Yet another surprise awaited the tunnel Germans. The Atlanteans or Atturians called in advisors from another Inner World continent named Bodland in order to further apprise the new immigrants. As the Bods and tunnel Germans conversed, the tunnel arrivals exploded with excitement. The Inner World Bodlanders and newly arrived tunnel Germans from the Upper World had the same root language! Unbelievable, the tunnel Germans heard a story of how the Bodlanders some 30,000 years earlier had sought refuge in underground tunnels when attacked by a vicious race which had come out of the sky in space craft using superior weaponry to destroy their cities and kill their people by the millions. Only a few thousand survivors were left and they were pursued into mountainous caves. The calamity had occurred in what today is Iran, Pakistan and Syria, once peopled by a race of fair people who called themselves Bacchis later changed to Bods. Many years later the Bods reached the Inner World via tunnels and pockets in the earth's mantle.
The group of emerging tunnel Germans were then invited to visit Bodland, and it was soon apparent to the tunnel Germans that the Bods were the most advanced civilization they had ever seen. The Atlanteans, also called Atturians, agreed to permit the new German race to settle on a relatively unoccupied continent adjacent to Bodland in the southern hemisphere where the second race of Inner World Aryans began anew. Only one stipulation was required, the tunnel Germans must live in peace and friendship and never return to the outside world.
A new German race, therefore, evolved. Its roots began in Germany. Uprooted, they were established in the tunnel system which began in the underground headquarters of South America. From here they migrated over a period of three generations to the interior of the earth where, reborn, the 250 original couples grew into a nation known today as the Six Kingdoms of Saxony. In the intervening years, surplus people from the cities confined within the mantle were forced to migrate to the interior and take up new residence in one of the six inner kingdoms. Eventually, in the 1900's, each family in the tunnel system was allowed only two children as population density was dictated by the cavity size in which each city was located.
In the early 1700's the elder Germanic race of Bods were persuaded by members of the new German royalty to transport their eldest sons back to Germany for schooling in the universities. These young men were first sworn to secrecy and flown to their ancestral homeland in Bodland aircraft in less than half a day. In Germany proper, these Germans from the lost civilization were introduced as sons of wealthy German plantation owners along the Amazon. For over 200 years in this manner, these German princes of a lost world received their advanced education in the arts and history of the Upper World at the leading universities of Europe. Upon return to their interior homeland inside the earth's mantle and the earth's interior, these young Germans showed merchandise and told of the technical advances in the outside world which they had visited. Thus, for instance, those below learned of such Upper World processes as the printing press made in Germany and first brought to the interior by the Crown Prince Von Luckner. [So I guess the definition of NEVER is different in this 'paradise',sort of how liberals define it I guess....DC]
In spite of this isolation, German communities in the tunnels also heard that the outside civilization which their forefathers had left had again been recontacted. But, since they had grown and thrived in their new tunnel locales, they decided to remain there.
The original migratory tunnel route hit many dead ends, and although substantial improvements were made by use of the single car on wooden wheels and track, the tunnel still followed natural fissures, many of which doubled back like a winding creek.
In 1853 the tunnel Germans abandoned their reticence toward upper surface outsiders and brought in a German engineer from the surface in order to improve the system. In one place he shortened a circuitous length of 273 miles by boring out a new three mile stretch. Within this three mile bore they struck a large room over a mile by three-quarters of a mile in area. In this cavity they later constructed railroad shops, yards, storage tracks, buildings, etc. Continuing to bore the tunnel system, repetitive curves and bends were straightened and the old length of 3,000 miles was shortened considerably. Borrowing technology and materials from the Bods inside the earth, a single track electric railway system evolved which the tunnel Germans improved annually. However, the tunnel entrance in Brazil/Peru border was kept a well guarded secret.
For those Germans who had eventually settled in the center of the earth, the interior climate was hospitable, and by the turn of the 20th Century their numbers had reached ten million. Because of increased visitations, reports about the sojourning princes had seeped out in Germany proper. At that time the German engineer had told of his work among the lost German cities in the tunnel. Finally, in World War I, the Germans in the tunnel sent a volunteer regiment to fight with their homeland cousins. At this juncture in the reviewed relationship between the subterranean Germans and the fatherland, the World War I regiment located many missing relatives from whom their forefathers had been separated 14 generations before. However, the Inner World Germans did not participate in the Upper World wars.
Did Germanic underworld cousins, visiting Germany during World War I, advise her to abandon caution, and reveal the existence of the underworld? The answer is yes, in part, plus other considerations. American State Department papers of December, 1914 and January through March, 1915, describing America's peace efforts to end World War I clearly outline the strenuous efforts by Germany to insure a free access route to their underground nation. One of their most stringent demands in order for them to sign the Armistice was as follows: "Imperial Germany demands free access through the Antarctic via the South Pole to the inner earth for the purpose of future colonization."
American Secretary of State Representative Colonel House, later showed this clause to British Prime Minister Lloyd George. He laughed and said, "Give the Germans that icicle land of seals and penguins. It's nothing but a giant icebox. The Germans have gone insane." As for the interior earth, Prime Minister Lloyd George suggested to Colonel House that somebody was pulling his official leg. Obviously, even in 1915 German foreign minister Count Zimmerman was more aware than the allies that planet earth was hollow in its center.
By 1930, limited contact and communications had again been established with the tunnel Germans, and a sparse trade evolved, but Upper World Germans had never been taken into the subterranean localities or to the Inner World. But despite their insulation, the presence of the lost German civilizations was being pieced together and recorded by German authorities in the Fatherland.
At the request of Adolf Hitler, officials in Nazi Germany carefully and meticulously gathered all these facts of the German Walhalla. However, Hitler's ambitions as a demagogue to place Germany on a war footing and move toward a total European conflict of arms if necessary had not gone unnoticed by the Germanic cousins of the Inner World -- particularly the Bodlanders who had been at peace for 30,000 years.
It was in 1936 that Hitler, prompted by immediate and unknown reasons, decided to send an exploration team to the Inner World (presumably by air). The Bodlanders from inside the Earth watched the upper Germans all the way and eventually invited the team to the capital city of Bod where Hitler's Upper World Germans were treated royally before returning home. The King of Bodland was invited to come up to Germany's Third Reich for a return visit and in October 1936 the Inner World Bodland King Haakkuuss the Third responded, arriving secretly in Germany via his private space ship. After talking to the Upper World Germans he was impressed by their national spirit and drive, but he also recognized they were war prone and had placed themselves in the direction of a total war footing. Taking Hitler and some of his officers aside King Haakkuuss said: "I warn you as a long lost German brother that you are on the brink of a colossal war that will lead Germany only to disaster. I urge you to stop this madness and reconsider before taking your nation down the wrong road a second time in this century. War is hate -- full of negative karma and national agony. Develop a peaceful policy in a positive way."
He then explained that his own intelligence indicated the American President was also power oriented and would like to rule the world. Russia's Stalin was also bent on world domination. Then the King prophesied that if Hitler pursued his dreams of German expansion by war, he would eventually end up being crushed by the armies of Russia and the United States and Britain and its allies. Hitler, of course, disregarded this sage advice from the ruler of another German nation which had not been at war for thirty millennium's and had built the greatest nation on or in the globe.
Following the official visit of the King of Bodland, Hitler instructed his general staff to mount an immediate combined naval and air operation leading to the opening at the South Pole by which they intended to locate again the lost German civilization in the interior of the Earth. That 1937-38 search carne to light in 1945 when American and British Intelligence officers in London began examining captured German records. Revealed were the intimate details of the German penetration of the Antarctic under Captain Ritscher whose exploration teams fanned out to unlock the secrets of the subcontinent -- once a tropic.
One German name, Kurt Von Kugler, an experienced mountain climber, stood out. He actually descended with his German crew through two miles of ice in the vicinity of a place called "Rainbow City," and found evidence of an ancient but advanced civilization older" than all of man's measured past. The Germans spent over a month there, and in this oasis of hot springs found tropical trees, melons and other succulent fruits. This find spurred the German teams to expend greater efforts and other lost valleys were located and Antarctic data developed. The 100 page report and 300 photos which allied officers read regarding this singular explorer's activity was an astonishing discovery. These records of the peacetime German conquest on Antarctica were eventually turned over to the United States where they were quickly filed in Washington's Polar Archives in the National Archives Building under the recent guardianship of Franklin Birch, whose twofold job is to deny that they exist and also to prevent public scrutiny.
The Germans had left maps with routes, and aerial photographs. On finding these, America notified Britain of their find and sent Admiral Byrd into the Antarctic to retrace the German routes. Byrd's expedition was composed of Americans, British and Canadians, one of the famous Britons being Sir Robert Scott whom the authors interviewed.
In 1938 German teams composed of military specialists and scientists finally found the long valley at the South Pole. Both land and aerial groups began the penetration. As they entered the 125-mile-wide Antarctic opening, the mystery unfolded. Traveling on, the valley deepened and 500 miles later, as the valley floor continued to drop, the snow and ice disappeared. Eventually, without being totally aware, the land teams (supplied by air drops) were descending into the doughnut-like hole to the interior of the earth. A German air team flying a Dornier-Wal made the descent. The rest is history. They flew north into the interior and landed thousands of-miles away -- among a race of people who resembled the aerial explorers themselves and spoke an ancient German dialect.
The descendants had been found of those German mercenaries whose forefathers had disappeared up the Amazon of the Upper World in the year 1572. The captured Bonn records tell how Hitler's advance parties met their long lost relatives and were joyously welcomed. The jubilant interior Germans then allotted unpopulated adjoining lands to the Germans of the Third Reich and signed six treaties of occupation, one for each autonomous German Kingdom below.
But a snag debarring total acceptance of the new political alignment occurred during the good-will visit. When the Upper World Germans visited the neighboring continent and nation of Bodland who were also Germanic in origin, they were rebuffed by the first settlers of the Inner World. The Bods categorically informed their upper world relatives that they would not be admitted below except through a singular treaty made with the Parliament of Bodland and that any lands to be allotted for future colonization of Upper World Third Reich people would be at the sole discretion of the senior Inner World Bodland power and no other nation. The ultimatum was plain. Any Upper World German 90 immigration would be under the terms of another German nation who over a span of many thousand years had developed a political structure of government that precluded war. If the Upper World Germans wanted to live in this chaste environment, they were told, they must be re-indoctrinated throughout the whole gamut of their existence from the relearning of the family, school and college perspectives towards a new outlook at adulthood life. Thus any Upper World immigration of the Germans planning another world war, would require total renunciation of their basic destructive behaviourisms before they could become federated with the Inner World people whose constant objective was peace.
The German Dornier-Wal was refueled with a chemical superior to gasoline and the surface Germans flew home. They had found their ancient Thule, but they had not experienced the applauding adulation expected from their long lost kin. The Upper World War began without respite. In September 1939 Hitler's legions of invincibility invaded Poland. Britain, France and their colonial empires declared war on the Germans. In 1940 the Germans had turned on the Russians and in 1941 the Americans under Roosevelt had come in on the side of the allies. The prophecy for fulfillment of the 1936 warning by King Haakkuuss III was about to unfold. By 1943 Hitler realized he could not fight a war on three fronts against enemies with inexhaustible supplies of men and materials despite advanced German preparedness.
Therefore the Third Reich altered its plan for conquest of the world. Early in 1943 Adolf Hitler dispatched a delegation of unknown emissaries below to entreat King Haakkuuss III of Bodland to sell some unsettled land near the Inner South Pole entrance. The King refused to sell them any territory for expansion but as a brother German nation he welcomed Hitler's people to come down and occupy semi-desert land without compensation, provided they agreed to sign a treaty of perpetual peace with Bodland and dwell quietly with the other nations.
The visiting Upper World Germans agreed, whereupon the Bodland King called a special session of Parliament inviting the delegation of Third Reich emissaries to attend. As the visitors from the Upper World listened, they observed King Haakkuuss open the special session of Parliament and deliver the following address which was televised to the entire nation:
"Citizens of Bodland: As you are already aware, a delegation of fellow German kin folk from the Earth's Upper surface is visiting the leaders of our nation. These visiting Germanic speaking people from the surface call themselves citizens of the Third Reich, have a common ancestry with us dating back 30,000 years at least when we existed together on the surface, where our history teaches we dwelt principally as a great nation in what is called Persia since former times (and currently named Iran). Our ancestors also occupied other adjoining lands in this area of the world including what is today called India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, etc., all of which are now peopled by non-Germanic peoples.
"The cradle of our race, of course, was in the Antarctic from which our ancestors migrated to Persia (Iran) when the Antarctic area slowly became frozen over with ice which is now two miles thick.
"But completing the story of our ancient history, you know our surface nation was destroyed and our people hunted and killed by the millions when a vicious race from another planet named "The Serpent People" landed among us from spacecraft. Many of our ancestors were driven into caves for survival, where for many years they remained. They were never able to return to their native lands occupied by the alien invaders whom our astronomers believed came from a strange planet which intruded into our solar system and also caused the earlier ice age over our original lands.
"While our ancestors were in the caves and tunnels, a remnant of them became separated from Bodland forefathers and eventually this grouping arrived back out on the surface through a cave in what today is called the Black Forest in Bavaria. They became the modern surface Germans and their kin scattered throughout the northern hemisphere above. As you listeners will know, we Bodlanders are the other part of the Persian exodus who eventually migrated through caves and tunnels into the center of the Earth, coming out in these very mountains of Bodland through the tunnels of which we can still connect with hidden exits on the upper surface with our fast magnetic trains and cars. To conclude the capsule history, I would point out that the languages of the upper and lower Germans are today somewhat different but our root words and our customs and even our music are all identifiable with each other."
The King paused and the Parliament of ancient Germans and newly found surface relatives listened with solemnity. His Majesty then re-addressed himself to the vast listening audience throughout the nation. "Fellow citizens, the subject matter on which I address my main remarks is simply this: Our brothers on the surface are involved in a war that can only mean their annihilation as a nation, having been led into this catastrophe by one man -- a foolish leader (Adolf Hitler) -- whom I tried to warn of his wrong doing three years before the war began -- but he rejected my advice. At that time I predicted his downfall if he were to engage his nation in war because two other surface nations, whose leaders also wanted to rule the entire upper world, would unite and destroy the German leader. I refer to Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States and Joseph Stalin of Soviet Russia.
"Our brothers on the surface are losing the war. It is only a matter of time before most of the country of Germany as a nation will be defeated and destroyed according to the plans of their enemies. A delegation of our surface kinsmen are sitting in the Parliamentary visitors' gallery even today. They have come on behalf of their leaders, to beg for our help. Without our befriending them, their people above are lost.
"Their foolish leader in spite of his evil deeds which are mountainous, still has the makings of a great man if guided in the right direction, and therefore he is part of my proposal, in that he be allowed to enter the Inner World as a catalyst to reunite the exodus of his people under the following conditions:
"That we deed our southern wastelands to them for new settlements.
"That we assist them in developing these vast lands into productive croplands and urban centers. (Eventually the Bods drilled 1800 artesian wells in the arid lands for the incoming German tide from above and also built the first railroads and laid out the new cities.) Later the newcomers may stay in peace or return to the surface.
"That we give all our services to nurture their beginnings as a great nation like ourselves. But before committing our brain power and labour to help them, a charter must be signed by their leaders agreeing to renounce war and not provoke any conflict as long as they remain among us. Each new arrival would sign such an oath before being accepted as an Inner World citizen.
"That Bodland supervise all new construction and make certain that no war-like beginnings are started by them while on the allotted lands. Those among the Upper Germans who exhibit a war prone attitude and want to continue World War II at a later date would not be allowed to settle among us, and therefore any new war beginnings would have to take place on the surface of the planet, for which it is already infamous.
"That Bodland's government would screen all newcomers and this immigrant supervision would last for a term of 30 years ending in 1973."
King Haakkuuss finished his speech and a Parliamentary Committee worked out details of the Charter. Three days later the treaty had been drafted and passed by the Bodland Parliament for signature of the King. The visiting Germans were shown a copy of the draft in the language of the Bodlanders, but the Upper World Germans could not decipher the text. Placing a glass screen over the pages, the Bods showed their astonished cousins the same pages again. Through the opaque screen the language was in modern idiomatic and precise German. The document was accepted without revision and shortly afterwards the signed text was made available in both languages. There remained a place for the signature of Adolf Hitler and other German signatories.
The treaty in effect welcomed the defeated Germans into the Hollow Earth under strict conditions imposed by the Bodlanders' Parliament. The arid lands were to be made productive in order to sustain the newcomers. Strict immigration factors would constitute entry acceptance. Those denied entry would be top Nazis, all personnel connected with concentration camps or those who had hunted Jews and other ethnic groups or political or ideological enemies of the Third Reich. The list of immigrant denials was extensive. Only those in the present Reich armed services with clean records would be accepted for continuing police and defense duties. The Bodland criminal law denied citizenship to murderers, sadists, rapists and kidnappers, aside from spelled out treaty conditions.
The King took the Upper Germans aside and told them that if they broke the treaty by warfare they all would be eliminated so quickly they would barely have time for their lives to flash before them, so quick and devastating would be their destruction by Bod weaponry.
When the delegation returned to the surface they presented the treaty to Hitler. He angrily fumed and ranted but signed the document. From that day on, a secret government department was established answerable only to Hitler and three other unknown men. The task of this department was to prepare the Third Reich for migration into the Inner Earth to resettle in the general vicinity and under the watchful eyes of the old kingdoms of Germans and the strict surveillance of the Bodlanders who would control all facets of the New German nation for 30 years. Albert Speer's grand designs for the public buildings to be erected in a victorious post-war Berlin were to become instead the models for a New Berlin in the underworld capital as batteries of Bodlanders swarmed in to help the latest arrivals build a new nation from the ground up.
Beginnings of the construction of New Berlin were started in 1943 including the new Reichstag and a palace for Hitler. By 1944 underground water and utilities were laid out for a New Berlin and temporary living and office quarters had already been erected by the Bods and new German workers.
Two obstacles faced the Germans migrating from the Third Reich. The first was the descent into the abyss for 125 miles through a wide hole in the Antarctic. No land entrance over the ice covered continent leading to the abyss had been revealed by the German exploration teams. Hence, all personnel or supplies reaching the earth's interior via the South Pole route must be freighted in by conventional aircraft -- an almost impossible task even with naval and land relay depots.
One alternative later devised was to have the five relatively untried round wing planes (powered by magnetic energy) flown to secret hideouts in the southern hemisphere to become the nucleus of a giant airlift. Two additional craft were later flown down (one in 1946 and the other in 1947).
The second obstacle was the antiquated tunnel leading to the Old Germany in the interior. The original tunnel of 3,000 miles, of course, had been reworked in the mid 1800's, but was still old-fashioned by modern standards. It had been used more or less for interior trade of the various communities inside the mantle, and not for mass transit. An updated German survey by Bod engineers) therefore, recommended rebuilding the system. Involved was a shortening of the total lineal miles -- more secondary lines to serve the local interior cities -- and a new monorail track system with sufficient electric power to carry up to 12 cars.
As World War II unexpectedly deteriorated for Germany proper after 1943, communications with the interior Germans increased via conventional aircraft and the tunnel system. Sometime in 1941 the subterranean German settlements invited their surface brothers to help modernize the tunnel system according to the earlier decision, and to expedite use of its facility in case they had to relocate their emigrants to the interior. Unable to await reconstruction of the tunnel system and its train then nicknamed "the space elevator," hordes of defeated Germans in 1944 began coming through the Brazil corridor via the tunnel to their new homes below.
Germans were questioned recently about the attitude of the interior Germans toward those surface Germans defeated in World War II who relocated underground. They described the relationship as somewhat parallel to the British/American wartime relationship: "England, the older Anglo-Saxon race, was in trouble, and America, a brother offshoot came to her rescue." German sources for the underworld reports were also asked by the authors if the old Six Kingdoms of interior Germans or the Bods would amalgamate with Hitler's new arrivals. "Not so," said the German sources. Each of the interior Germany's continues to value its strong nationalistic pride which none will surrender. The peaceful political tone has been long established and ingrained in the Bod Germans and the newcomers are expected to abide by these standards, the source declared.
The pair of nations could be described somewhat like the U.S.A. and Canada. Each has an English common law tradition and a stranger would not recognize any significant social or political differences between Calgary and Dallas -- except for accent and nationalistic pride.
The German source went on to explain that the tunnel Germans whose forefathers began the exodus would remain economically and socially connected with the old six interior kingdoms of New Germany, but recent fraternization and trade was making differences less recognizable.
In 1943 the tunnel railway custodians named "Two World Railroad Company" were reincorporated under the "Inner Earth Railway Company." On the advice of engineers from Bodland, they sent for a famous Swiss-speaking German engineer named Karl Schneider to rebuild the tunnel on a five year contract. Schneider's vast knowledge of railway tunneling came as a result of his experience in Building the Simplon Tunnel from Milan, Italy through the Alps to Srig, Switzerland and also tunneling jobs in Russia, Australia and South Africa. (On July 1, 1977, he completed the north-south tunnel under the Potomac at Washington in three months time with three additional months needed for drying and hardening of the glazed tunnel interiors. As of July, 1977, he had two more Potomac tunnels to complete under his contract with Metro.
Schneider's survey crew under the direction of Bod engineers took two years to survey the proposed rerouting of the "Inner Earth Railway Company." A total of 316 miles of new tunnels were opened by Bod laser and drilling, often through solid rock. Many additional natural pockets were discovered and these were utilized for freight and railway transit supplies.
After survey completion, Schneider returned to the surface where he hired 5,000 Indians who were familiar with underground mine labor. Schneider also hired experienced bilingual Indian overseers in charge of illiterate Indian workers. They were transported below to quarters located in a rock pocket.
The tunnel beginnings were cut in spiral-shapes for 32 miles, where the gravity pull was unchanged from that on the surface. Below the 32 mile Earthen skin, the tunnel was changed from the spiral formation, and descended more vertically at an angle of about 32 degrees. As the Indians descended deep into the rock mantle, they were surrounded by a greater land mass and consequently were able to walk on the entire 360 degrees of inner tunnel circumference and not fall. They therefore were unaware that they were employed on a project that was going from the outside to the inside of the Earth's mantle and believed, as they had been told, that they were in a mine digging for gold. Correcting the tunnel at the interior side of the Earth's mantle required another spiral 32 miles from the interior surface. (Hypothetically, a stone dropped from the upper surface into a hole would fall straight through the planet’s entire mantle, eventually spiralling to a point mid-way in the mantle, where it would cling to the side of the descending hole or tunnel in the mantle.) The tunnel was finished in 1948, and as a sidelight, Schneider moved enough gold from the project to pay all his expenses. Meanwhile, as new tunneling progressed, the trains continued to carry German emigrants to the interior of the Earth, landing them in the continent of Agharta, where the original German colonists had first settled. Innerworld surface trains and boats then took the emigrants to their new locale inside the Earth's interior in the southern hemisphere.
Trains upbound from inner earth and downbound from outer earth follow the regular falling gravity norm and use breaks and gears until point zero gravity is reached, midway in the mantle. Then, on the second half of their journey, the electric power source is used to ascend.
As the tunnel was drilled and allowed to cool, the monorail system now in use was incrementally installed. Upon completion of the tunnels, new electric trains were brought in from Germany capable of pulling 12 cars. The power source originates at a South Pole generating station inside the earth; the actual source being solar energy coming through the South Pole entrance. The train rides on a double flanged bottom wheel over a single energized rail. The top of the train is held in place by another double flanged wheel gliding under a top rail.
The made-in-Germany round wing planes also had to prove their capabilities quickly. Demands to relocate personnel and equipment were soon begun, using the new planes. After the German equipment and tools for continuing the manufacture of the round wing planes had been removed to the earth's interior via the South Pole entrance, the five planes were put into international service operating from secret bases in South America. The first industrial task started below was to build a foundry, and the second endeavor was a factory for production of a 120 foot diameter round wing freighter, a model which the Germans had tested in 1942.
The test flight of the first round wing freighter made in New Germany was completed in 1946. The giant UFO's first job was to fly to America and haul back six caterpillar machines. German buyers had purchased the machines in Detroit and shipped these earth movers and their spare parts by train to New Orleans. Then, under cover of darkness, the "caterpillars" were taken on low-boy trailers to a remote farm where they were loaded on the huge, round wing freighter. Piloted by Captain Eric Von Schuschnigg, the round wing plane took off to Brazil to onload other accessories and tools. On the second day after leaving the New Orleans area, and stopping over for 36 hours in a hidden Amazon airfield, the freighter landed in New Berlin and discharged its first cargo.
In much the same manner, the fleet of smaller German round wing planes picked up such equipment as turret lathes, shapers, milling machines, cranes, etc., from secret locations in German and American depots. The American goods bought by Germans prior to war's end were purchased by their New York office for shipment to Rio de Janeiro, but often were moved out of America by round wing planes landing in sparsely inhabited desert areas. These goods were paid for by check from Swiss Banks in New York, where German gold was stored by the New York Trading Company.
In late 1944 and early 1945, the Germans also shipped many trainloads of supplies to Spain to be lifted by the round wing planes or loaded on new super subs and older-class subs nicknamed "sea cows" for eventual delivery up the Amazon to interior ports. These subs were eventually scuttled at the war's end.
Another priority below was for tool and die making and foundry work. Each machine required was shipped below by round wing plane in order to resume the various capital projects including a fleet of round wing planes and other defense priority needs. In 1946, exploration teams in the interior had located excellent deposits of iron, copper and aluminum and these were now used in the foundry. Wooden products including finished plywood were shipped down from Brazil via the tunnel.
In the first few months of operation in 1944 and 1945, the Germans had proven the round wing plane was superior to any conventional aircraft and would become the actual workhorse and front line military aircraft of the world by the year 2000. But in 1945, the total reality of the German evacuation had not been fathomed. The only clues of which the allies were certain were that masses of Germans, including Hitler had disappeared.
Hitler, after debarking from his submarine, had arrived in Argentina by way of a routing through Columbia and Brazil. His trip was deliberately unhurried until initial preparations and housing were ready below in New Berlin. King Haakkuuss of Bodland sent his personal space ship to Argentina to bring Hitler below. Upon arrival in the capital of Bodland, Hitler was told authoritatively the peaceful conditions of residence by which he and his subjects must abide in their new land. Hitler re-affirmed his acceptance pledge in what would ultimately lead him into an untried life of human co-existence.
Upon arrival King Haakkuuss told Hitler: "We have permitted you to emigrate because you will serve as the catalyst by which New Germany will be reborn. Your good ideas you should keep and develop. The bad must be eradicated. The hateful aspects of your character must never assert themselves here below and notwithstanding your heinous record of evil to fellow mankind, we believe you can channel your drive into a positive direction as a national leader." The king added, "But your Nazi cronies from above like Borman, Himmler, Goering, etc. can never come below. We (the Bods) will personally scrutinize each arrival." He concluded: "It will take three generations to correct your (Hitler's) past mistakes in wrongfully indoctrinating German youth, and six generations will be required to bury completely the national instincts of aggressive and wasteful war."
In 1945 and 1946, American OSS agents began closing their net on the Quito, Peru area. Here the Germans were seen departing for the interior via the Inner World Railway. The American observers were confronted now by a different German than those who had left Europe weeks or months before. Now the Americans and other international agents, including the British and Canadians, ran into confident Germans who revealed openly their true Teutonic character. But they were still secretive about their reasons for being in that part of the world. Camps of Germans were hidden in Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, British Guiana and other outlying areas. These Germans were emerging when called to take the last train ride to their new homeland. Skills and professions needed below were sent down in the first trains available while those of top priority were flown through the South Pole entrance in German or Bod round wing planes. Eventually 2-1/2 million Germans settled below. In 1944-45 alone, combined methods of transportation including the railroad and round wing planes carried over 200,000 Germans below. No annual census was taken, but the population expansions into the interior increased yearly. By 1948, German girls from the homeland began arriving and marrying their sweethearts. Families whose husbands had gone below in the first waves were also reunited by various methods and routings. When completed in 1948, the "Space Elevator" was carrying up to 3,600 passengers weekly, most traveling down. Schedules ran three times weekly each way.
In 1948 the new train schedule made six stops for food, beverage and lodging, traveling up to 300 miles per hour in between stations, and traversing the entire distance in less than a 24 hour period. Scores of smaller inner tunnel communities were built up in newly discovered pockets and these new communities were served by interior based, local trains which never surfaced. In 1978, three to five car trains only 300 to 500 passengers weekly, the remaining cars being filled with freight and commodities.
A large German community has grown up in the vicinity of the underground depot that once was only a hole into a cave in 1572 and for eons of time before that. Today Germans return to the surface close to Iquitos, thence to Manaus and via VARIG Airways fly to Rio de Janeiro. From there they travel by PanAm to San Juan, Puerto Rico or Lisbon, Portugal and then by plane or train to Germany.
Currently, many of these interior Germans are coming back to the surface to retire in their homeland. Some of the Germans also elect to retire in various South American countries or the United States, Canada, Britain and Spain rather than go to their old homelands in communist held East Germany.
In 1946 while the Bods strictly supervised the building of a minimal aerial, navy and land force to be used only for New Germany's national police protection and defense, a setback occurred which was to test their survival. It was from an unexpected source.
On July 12, 1946, Interworld Radar picked up an airborne invasion -- bogies coming from the north. The New Germans knew an enemy might attack them from either the large 1,400 mile North Pole opening which the Russians had used, or the South Pole entrance. But the Germans were psychologically unprepared for this particular confrontation. The bogies were not airplanes or rockets sent down from their former surface enemies. They were round wing planes.
The old, inner world Viking race to the north had been watching the Germans grow in strength. Disliking what they saw in this militaristic action on the part of the new inhabitants of the interior of the earth, and aware of Nazi occupation of Norway and Denmark, the Vikings attacked the new Germans. The German defense was to be their first attempt to defend their new land.
Radar picked up the Viking round wing planes moving southward toward New Berlin and New Hamburg at 5,000 miles per hour, from a northern city in Vikingland called Kupenhaggen (population 3,000,000). A red alert was sounded and five German UFO's, the first ones made in upper Germany before surrender, took to the air.
The aerial vanguards of the 12 million Viking nation on the continent called Vikingland had challenged the small 300,000 fledgling German nation. The aerial battle had lasted sporadically for several hours when the Atlanteans (Atturians) delivered an ultimatum to the Vikings that if they didn't stop the attack, the Atlantean craft would join the fray and cut up the Vikings with advanced lasers. The Atlanteans reassured the Vikings that the Germans must be made welcome inasmuch as they were making unclaimed arid land productive. The New Atlanteans further told the Vikings that the New Germans (related to the Vikings) in peacetime were the most productive people on the face of the upper earth -- but in war could be the most destructive. Finally, the Atlantean ambassador to the Vikings stated: "Let the newly arrived Germans live among us in peace! We don't want the war from above renewed below."
Unbeknownst to the combatants or to the Atlanteans (Atturians) the Bodlanders who had been grievously watching the unexpected Inner World beginnings of a war, moved in with their own round wing planes. Moving ahead and above the advancing Viking formation, the Bod craft repeatedly threw out what appeared to be a solid force field. The oncoming Viking craft, unaware of the invention, struck the barriers and were turned back. The beginning of a war of attrition was stopped. (As far as is known the above account is the first mention of the Bod's involvement in preventing the New Germans and the Vikings widening that aerial confrontation in the Inner World.)
But the New Germans had no sooner tested their combatant abilities against the Vikings within the Earth, when an old foe from above began to stir.
Chapter VI
USA Shares Secret of
New Plane with Allies
As World War II began, allied intelligence speculated that the Germans also had developed the round
wing plane. But no one learned if the enemy had turned out ten or 1,000, nor when or where they
would strike. The worst was feared, and the U.S. geared itself to produce a counter force with plans
calling for a preponderance of their own round wing planes in answer to the
German threat. The ultimate military advantage of Caldwell's new aerodynamic invention had been realized by government authorities as far back as its discovery in 1936. President Roosevelt had shared the secret with Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada, outlining the gravity of keeping classified the development and testing of the new round wing plane.
In 1936, the Canadian Prime Minister, on hearing the difficulty of security. and the need to challenge the Germans in case of hostilities, had arranged to place a hidden valley in central British Columbia on Canada’s west coast, off limits to settlement. The 300 square mile valley was so remote and without road entry that only a bird would be able to enter this wild refuge undetected. The hideout was designated to become the new home of the round wing plane endeavour and, in a far-sighted act of wisdom, President Roosevelt decided to give the project national priority and share the development of the round wing plane with the Canadians and British. Thus in 1936, the impenetrable inland hideout in British Columbia saw hundreds of surveyors and planners break solitude for a new industry and town. By 1938, roads were being built, and a three mile tunnel for a two-track electric railroad was cut by hard rock miners through solid mountain into the valley domain. No one guessed the reason. And in the valley proper, forests were felled, heavy roads and air strips were built, town and factory sites were laid out, and the world's first space craft manufacturing facilities were feverishly erected.
By January 30, 1942, the Caldwell group had arrived from Los Alamos. Foreign espionage surveillance would again be without their quarry.
Two top U.S. scientists, John S. Pershag (structural design) and John B. Meyers (instrumentation) were assigned to Caldwell's staff; and also John B. Adams of whom records do not give country of origin.
A separate, international team assumed special scientific tasks also. This team included Colonel Charles Hadden of England, who had done yeoman service in the Royal Air Force Defense of London. Hadden had formerly taught physics at a British university. An American of 1848 German descent, Felix S. Essen, was also part of the team. Canada sent Steward L. McLane, kin of Prime Minister Mackenzie King. McLane had taught advanced mathematics at the University of Ottawa.
This team of engineers first built models and tested them for stress in wind tunnels. They also worked on aviation fuels for the new jet motors. Throughout their terms of service, Hadden and McLane chaffed to get out of the round wing engineering functions into conventional military combat but were refused permission to leave. (See Epilogue for their awards for achievement) .
Northwestern University's lab also became a part of the British Columbia operation. Russian scientific participation had been authorized by President Roosevelt but the Chiefs of Staff in the U.S.A. and Great Britain refused to endorse direct Soviet participation. Russian advisers were therefore sent to the U.S.A. but were never given visas to the heart of the project in Canada. New workers were recruited to run the various enterprises and facilities and the Caldwell venture which had begun in an abandoned barn in Maryland, U.S.A. became a state within a state in British Columbia, Canada. Maximum security would guard the greatest invention of mankind and any aeroplane flying into this forbidden air space would be shot down or escorted by fighter craft to an outside airport from which its occupants might not be freed if their stories did not suit the authorities. The combined intelligence of America, Canada and Britain would make it certain that plans and development of the round wing plane would never again be stolen by a foreign power.
The fact that the Germans had acquired the original Caldwell patent and drawings had never ceased to anger and embarrass United States intelligence. But in 1943, some providential information about the German round wing plane development enabled the Americans to retaliate. The task would be to steal people. Allied Intelligence headquarters in London revealed that three of Germany's top scientists wished to defect from Hitler's round wing plane programme. Their skills were metallurgy, chemistry and mathematics and a profound understanding of electronics, a new technology in the 40's. All of these sciences and skills were useful in several areas of construction which the allied space programme in British Columbia desperately required.
Five Americans were dropped at night in Germany amid intense ground fire from the secret installation against which the raid was conducted. Under the quiet and unassuming leadership of OSS Colonel Williams, nicknamed The Fox by the Germans, the group cut their way through barbed and electric wire into the camp. Two guards were silently garroted and the American infiltrators, three of whom spoke perfect German, entered the building where the defectors lay sound asleep. Once identified, the German scientists were wakened and before they could exclaim in surprise, their mouths were taped without incident. Each was given ten minutes to fully dress in the darkness. Back through the fence the American OSS men and their willing hostages crawled to the outside as two Yanks lingered to repair the electric wire with jumper cables so the current would flow undetected.
Four miles away from the camp the eight men followed their map coordinates off a main road down a narrow dirt path that dead ended.
Suddenly two camouflaged jeeps were seen indistinctly and a cheery English voice called out: "l say there you chaps, we wondered what kept you!" Colonel Fox grinned. Three days later, traveling only at night and hiding in pre-arranged rendezvous, the group reached a lonely Swiss border post which opened as if pre-arranged: Stopping at Berne, the British and American agents disbanded. The three Germans, each on a different plane began their trips which eventually took them to the pulse of the English speaking world's round wing development located in a pioneer town far away in British Columbia, Canada. In the months that followed, one of the Germans provided invaluable help in perfecting the electronic gear of the craft, another's immediate contribution resulted in a vast improvement to the craft's former lethargic lift-off, and the third German defector used his mathematical ability along with that of the metallurgist to redesign the framework. (Following the war, the families of these German scientists joined them, along with 183 other German round wing technologists who were later recruited. Many of them live today in British Columbia and California.)
By mid 1941, employment offices throughout North America were set up in such points as San Francisco, Detroit and Toronto, and special skills were sought. Drafted labor, generally bachelors, were enticed to move to British Columbia with its special amenities in a brand new town. Each was carefully chosen for his stability and reliability. Before the end of the year, new production lines were filled with skilled men ready to begin turning out round wing planes in a revolutionary aircraft industry. When the U.S. entered the war in December 1941, production was stepped up and the new valley town geared to become the Detroit of the Pacific northwest.
The Caldwell planners, on the advice of the U.S. Air Force, decided they would produce a new pressurized 98 foot, long range ship, designed to be equipped with a successfully tested laser beam. They opted for a maximum range of 20 hours and 25,000 miles destination -- to Germany and return, or if need be, non-stop around the world. The new jet-equipped model would slice the air in rain or shine at 750 miles per hour cruising speed, above the range of the best German anti-aircraft guns.
But production difficulties were still being encountered and the planners wished desperately for more skilled workers in the new techniques required to build the plane. Shortly after the arrival of the German scientists there also began appearing, as if in answer to the planners wishes, super-skilled tradesmen who according to their applications had been hired in various North American centers. These men all spoke English with the same unrecognizable accent. And it was also observed that these people preferred to speak among themselves in an unknown tongue. The hiring personnel estimated there were at least 450 such strangers. Another odd thing noted about these workers was a preference for their own company. But whether on the job of tool and die making, or drafting, their craftsmanship was so superb that they seemed to have been pre-trained and thoroughly experienced. Furthermore their members often suggested techniques to improve manufacture, design, or production.
At a meeting in June of 1942, Jonathon Caldwell, aware of the new superior workers, called a top management meeting of the governing body. Rumors had been rife at the plant about the foreigners in the workforce. "Gentlemen," said Caldwell, "authorities in Washington and Ottawa have alerted me that our plant work force has recently been augmented by the arrival of skilled workers, each of whom has identical vocabulary and accent. I have been told they all are graduates of a central, interplanetary language school located on another planet, namely Venus." That is how the final word was broken to the management that the allied round wing effort was being aided from another world. Whether that word seeped through to the workers of earthly origin is not known.
The military had come to believe that the object of the friendly infiltration was to aid the Caldwell group in turning out a superior round wing plane in such numbers and superior quality as to make the allied war effort invincible, for the day they would be used to crush the enemy. To the civil authorities in charge of key planning, it would be decided later which to deploy first -- the (Manhattan) atom bomb, or the (Jefferson) round wing plane. If atom bomb tests failed over the Nevada desert, then most certainly the round wing plane fleet would become the primary offensive weapon.
Unfortunately, the allied military, on accepting this advanced aid from another planet, had not understood that the visitors intended the allies to develop only a tactical superiority in the air by means of the round wing plane. The aliens emphatically forbade its use destructively over Germany or Japan. This denial on the part of the Venusians for military use of the round wing plane would be a moral problem that would frustrate the allies during the entire war.
But the governing board in the British Columbia space center, known as Project X, was not prepared for the next extra-terrestrial shock which befell them in mid-1942. Production kinks had been cleared up and a new plane was being finished every thirty-six hours. Student pilots from Kelly Field were arriving to take further advanced training in the new planes and the valley complex grew steadily each month.
In the late summer of 1943, a strange spaceship dropped out of the sky and stopped in a clearing near Caldwell's office. As a crowd began to gather a tall, dark-haired stranger stepped down carrying a black suit case. His introductory words were: "I wish to speak to Jonathan Caldwell. I bring something necessary for the improvement of your new round wing plane."
After some confusion and delay by security forces, the unannounced visitor was eventually taken to Caldwell where he introduced himself, saying simply he was from the capital city of planet Venus, wherein dwelt a sister race of planet earth. "Many Venusian workers and others of intergalactic origin are already helping you in your plant." Then asking permission to open the small suit case, he lifted out a round device weighing less than five pounds.
He addressed himself to Caldwell. "We have been watching your progress for several months at this location. Some time back we (i.e. our solar system council) decided to send skilled workers to help the English speaking people working here, sponsored by the industrial might of the United States. Object of the aid was to expedite your production plans. I shall not give you our entire reasons for this help, 53 except to say that our extra terrestrial foresight of world happenings is greater than that of Earthlings. But in observing the North American beginnings in the design and manufacture of your new native invented round wing plane, we have not been disappointed. In typical American fashion you have built a fleet of planes that lack only few modifications, or should I say breakthroughs, to enable you to explore space. The round wing plane is the most impressive aircraft in your entire world." The stranger was interrupted. "But you, sir, didn't come to us to simply compliment our war effort," spoke up Caldwell.
"Definitely not!" said the visitor. "I have been sent here on a mission of aid. But first may I request that I be permitted to become part of your management group for a few weeks -- if you don't object. To show my good faith, I have been instructed to present a special gift before I explain my liaison. The gift from my home planet is this." The speaker then held up in his hand for all to see what he termed an anti-magnetic motor with which to power the largest of the new planes. "It will take the place of your excellent jet motor, " he added.
More than one of his listeners smiled. All knew the jet motor and its accessories weighed at least 1,000 pounds. Another looked at the device held in the alien's hands and laughed. Ignoring the interruptions, the stranger continued: "Of course I know you think I'm joking. Therefore, to prove my credibility we will test this motor in one of your completed 98 foot ships. We will do it today if you don't object. Then, if you are satisfied," he said turning to Caldwell, "I'll remain long enough to show you how to modify your existing ships and set up facilities to build the motors for future production."
Someone said, "It looks like it came out of a refrigerator or washing machine," as the motor was passed around for examination. The stranger smiled politely. Caldwell knew what his advisors were thinking: Up to 40 per cent of the power generated by a conventional motor was used in moving the weight and mass of that motor before it could lift or move its payload.
Next day, on Caldwell's instructions, the new five pound motor was mounted temporarily on a round wing plane, the jet remaining in place. Electric circuits were shut off on the huge jet motor and Caldwell himself entered the ship along with the pilot and other executives as the Venusian spaceman took the controls. The motor was turned on and like a toy ship, the huge craft lifted silently straight upwards.
In a moment, the group was looking down on the valley from several hundred feet. An astonished Caldwell eagerly took the controls. When the craft landed a few minutes after the anti-gravity lift test, the being suggested they hover over a Sherman tank and attach a steel cable from the tank bolts to the round wing plane. The tank weighed several tons more than the plane. Attachments completed, the plane slowly rose as the cable became tight. Ground onlookers yelled as the round wing plane with the five pound propulsion, anti-magnetic motor imported from Venus rose in the air and carried the tank aloft as though it were a leaf from a tree. The tank, in fact, had become weightless. Turning to the crew, the alien mentioned that it would be as easy to lift a 10-story office building. He explained that when the iron chain was placed around the tank, it also became an electromagnet by repulsing the Earth's magnetism as did the plane itself, i.e. the object (tank) lifted, became an integral part of the ship. (The original motor described above is now mounted and stored in a glass showcase in a U.S. Air Force underground vault in Kensington.)
The visiting alien later unfolded plans for motor manufacture on the site. In the future design, the small anti-gravity motor would provide ascent and descent propulsion, operating in conjunction with precise, magnetic points of fluctuation in the plane's perimeter for horizontal flight. All combinations of horizontal and vertical flight patterns would be handled by a panel computer. The electromagnetic energy of the universe would run the planes from now on.
Furthermore, the round wing plane capacity would not require space for the big jet, and another third of the interior capacity would be freed from fuel storage and converted to equipment installation or cargo. The great power of the new motor would also enable the engineers to reinforce the light weight girder frame of the craft with heavier, load-bearing materials.
But before the visitor settled down he had another surprise package, for which he went back to his ship. When he emerged he carried under his arm what looked like a roll of plain, pewter colored wall paper, but much thinner. In the next few days the Caldwell staff discussed the application of the new material. It had been brought fresh from a Venus rolling mill and the Earth engineers were told there was enough of the paper thin substance to cover at least six key ships if applied within the next seven curing days. A craft just off the assembly line was set aside and the man who still insisted he came from planet Venus stretched and cut the material to cover all exposed surfaces. Six ships were covered. The new material would be case hardened and ready for flight in a year.
"When you roll these six craft out in September of 1944," the alien explained, "you will be able to circumnavigate the globe in an hour if you wish and their impervious skins will not overheat."
By the end of 1944, there were 500 round wing planes with new motors (three model sizes 98', 60', 33') stored in the British Columbia valley. The skilled workers presumably from Venus had gradually departed in unaccountable ways after training a labor force which had become their equal. Also by late 1944, advanced versions of Caldwell's craft and their crews were training daily in formation flying over the Pacific northwest. Increased speeds far beyond 3,000 mph had eliminated the obsolete rudder. The alien advisor had also left plans for a new battery and an improved landing gear with self-propelled castor bottoms. Also, the planes could now hurl themselves from a great height to ground level by reversing the motor from magnetic repulsion to attraction. Near point of ground impact, the motor again automatically reversed to repel, at which time the landing tripods were electronically lowered to Earth. The crews referred to this technique as "ballooning the ship to the ground." Pilot jargon for setting down the ship and cutting the motor was called "peaceful landing."
Regarding gravity, the reader should abandon his present concepts and rest assured that in such a landing the crew would not feel the elevator effect of either a free fall or lift-off. There are no gravitational forces exerted on the human body in such a balloon landing or sudden lift-off from ground level, because the entire crew becomes part of the round wing plane itself -- and therefore does not have to overcome gravity. The crew and their plane make use of the properties of attraction and repulsion in magnetism in order to function with gravity - rather than trying to overcome that force.
The small motor size and stronger interior also permitted a doubling of crew from six to twelve, if necessary, for a military mission, or more passengers if used as a passenger carrier. But also important, most new models were downsized to 60 feet in diameter when free magnetic energy made unnecessary extra storage space for the liquid fuels which formerly fed the jet motor. One day in September the alien requested that Jonathon Caldwell assemble all the governing board and other executives. He complimented the Earthmen in the valley for use of their small, radio-controlled drone planes, used for testing the aerodynamic possibilities in later full scale models. "You people here," he said referring to the valley complex workers, "are way ahead of any Earth nation in development of the round wing plane, first invented by your native son Caldwell. That is why among other reasons we advanced people of this solar system decided to lend you some help. I beg of you, however, don't misuse that help we have given you!"
Then the polite stranger dropped a bombshell on his listeners. "Your leaders have already been told that we would not like you to use these new planes in this war except on a limited basis. Any thoughts you have in mind for punitive action should be dropped." Looking at the U.S. Air Force liaison officer he said, "Although I loathe war, I must trust in your military superiors to heed my advice and not use this new machine as a weapon but rather a conveyance to expedite the ending of this present, unnecessary world-wide conflict. This entire solar system is watching your tragic world war. We do not want you to use this new invention to deliver to an enemy your latest explosive device (he referred to the atom bomb) which you are now perfecting.
"We have already provided you with new motors. But we shall withhold the formula for the skins. Thus, without that formula to prevent overheating of the ship's outer surfaces, ultimate speed necessary to leave and re-enter planet Earth's atmosphere must be carefully controlled. Someday when the time is ripe, we will help you in this regard also. In the meantime, be content with what you have."
He ended by saying, almost apologetically, "On our planet, as in this entire solar system, war is outlawed. More important than this technological help I have brought with the blessings from our nation is the fact that war on Earth must also be outlawed. When war on earth is over, then Earth men will be shown how to use their own resources of men and materials to venture into space."
The Venusian had stayed four months. He constantly gave his directions to Superintendent General Caldwell who in turn comprehended their significance in production techniques and passed on the alien's suggestions to the Earth planners. The new team functioned smoothly as the guiding genius sent from another world sat in the councils of the Earth developers of the round wing plane -- and together they built a fleet of marvelous craft. The alien, who was known simply as Mr. Lewis, one day said good-bye to his new compatriots. Taking the hand of Jonathon Caldwell, the alien said softly, "I salute you Sir! You are the man who first was called out of your country to point the way forward for people of the Earth. You showed men how to fly without wings." As the stranger said good-bye to a host of friends, a ship dropped out of the sky, and he departed aboard it. In a group photo taken before departure, the place where the alien stood was blank.
Chapter VII
Allied Development of Round
Wing Plane During World War II
Nineteen forty three was World War II's turning point. As the year ended, hostilities in Europe
continued with Germany still appearing to be strong. But enemy reverses were occurring. German
confidence began to ebb as American entry into the war helped roll back German armies in North
Africa, Sicily and Italy. On the Eastern front the Russians with vast amounts of American Lend Lease
equipment were starting to counter attack after a long period of German mauling. In December 1943, a new Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, was appointed to lead the western allies, and the same month three thousand British and American planes bombarded the French coast in a single night and a day, while another fleet of bombers sent Berlin sirens wailing. Seven months later the enemy on the western front would be in retreat, and Paris would surrender.
Control of the sea lanes also proved to be as decisive as the winning of land battles. Thus, 17,000 merchant ships were dispatched by the U.S. to keep the life-line open to England, Europe and Russia, and the conflict's balance of power tipped in favor of the allies despite staggering losses to U-boat action. Britain had held the breach till the American industrial colossus flowed over the Atlantic onto European shores and turned the tide against Germany's short-gain fortunes.
By late 1943, growing numbers of round wing planes from the Canadian valley had been appearing over Europe. The round wing pilots were graduate aviators of the Technical Training Flight School located in the B. C. Valley. General Caldwell was also the officer in charge of this manpower training as well as Superintendent of the entire manufacturing complex.
A war-time aircraft crew consisted of six airmen, and on each round wing plane, a combined operational group always included one Britisher and one Canadian along with the American personnel. Scattered among various crews were Australians and New Zealanders as well as a handful of Norwegians.
The new ships now boasted sleek and smooth silhouettes with the flaps and outside surface controls not distinguishable. The new pilot class could execute intricate patterns either singly or in formation that made those sighting the airborne ships gaze in wonder. Day and night over England and Scotland, the great bomber and fighter armadas heading for the continent, often reported the presence of vanishing lights thought to be extra-terrestrial; they would be seen one moment and gone the next. According to the viewers there was one common denominator in all sightings. The strange and aloof phenomena showed an apparent affinity to watch over and protect the allied planes.
Jonathan Caldwell and his wife loved their children, but each was particularly anxious about their son who had volunteered as a B29 bomber pilot and done several missions over Germany. A Olive, Caldwell's wife, kept praying their boy would be safe. On one such daytime bombing raid, young Caldwell felt a presence he could not explain. Looking above him, he saw a huge, round wing escort plane sailing along at his same speed, like a mother hen. The round wing craft wobbled in a friendly way. It flew on and then repeated its wobbling which seemed to say hello to the American fixed wing bomber below. Guessing it was a salutary signal, the bomber captained by Caldwell dipped its wings, and young pilot Caldwell smiled and raised his hand in a V for victory sign. Reaching target area over a heavy flak region, the round wing plane on occasion dropped below the bomber and took some direct hits. But it continued unflinchingly through the danger zone. When Caldwell got home that night he took his wife aside and assured her, "Everything's all right. I flew escort with our son today!" When the young Caldwell got a furlough, he came home for a visit and told a story. "Dad, I must tell you about the friendly round wing bird that protected us on a raid. At times I pretended it was you our there, dad, but I know you're too old." (Caldwell was 45) The parents smiled.
Unknown to the allied airmen, these lights seen weaving among the formations on each mission were operated perhaps by friends they knew back home in Kansas City, Halifax or Manchester. The illusive sky visitors which resembled luminous balls of fire at high speeds were nicknamed Foo fighters. These round wing planes were not out just for practice or pageantry or to confuse regular aircraft pilots and observers. They had a purpose. They acted as a guardian system to a target, often relaying information back to London, allowing allied planes to take evasive action. They also took composite pictures of targets before and after raids. When not busy, the planes occasionally buzzed German formations, andA in a more serious vein, they also observed the flight directions and numbers in enemy formations headed for Britain. But of course they were not available during the heroic Battle of Britain that broke the back of Goering's Luftwaffe.
A brisk Atlantic traffic of diplomatic and scientific personnel was also transported via the planes, and the round wing Technical Air Command provided President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill with a plane should occasion demand.
But an unforeseen misfortune, quite apart from technology or enemy threat, was to fall upon the valley complex. The problem was Caldwell himself. His innovations and leadership abilities became drained because of his wife, Olive. She was on the brink of death. In fact, her doctor finally told Caldwell recovery was hopeless; Olive was terminally ill. At best, she had a week to live. Caldwell's spirit flagged, as had his supervision for some time. Others took the matter into their own hands when Caldwell (a Protestant) demanded that a priest be sent to say the last rites for his dying wife (a Catholic).
The U.S. Air Force liaison chief sent the urgent request to his Washington headquarters. Because the matter of security was so touchy, the U.S. Air Force requested help from the O.S.S. The O.S.S. moved immediately. One of its top European agents, a graduate of West Point and a confirmed priest, who had been recalled to America for a new assignment, was contacted. He was known only by his code name of Father John, a devout but tough Christian as well as a soldier.
Father John was flown to Seattle where he boarded another military plane. He alighted at the B.C. valley in the uniform of a Brigadier General, carrying a black, flat brief case initialed Father John, S.J., inside of which there was a bible, a note book, and two gold crosses. A nervous Caldwell met him.
On seeing a military man, Caldwell exploded, "I asked for a priest not a soldier." Quietly Father John sat down his briefcase. "I am a Christian first, a priest second, and a Catholic third. I serve a living Saviour." Caldwell calmed down under the charisma and confidence of the big 6' 1" priest.
When they reached the bedroom where Olive lay dying, the post's medical officer stood by. He confirmed that she had but a few hours of life or a day or two at the most; she was in a coma.
Father John unfolded from his bag the smaller of the two gold crosses and hung it at the head of the brass bed. The doctor and Caldwell stood at one side of the room. The silence was deep as Father John gave the ritual of the last rites, anointing Olive's forehead with a mixture of blessed olive oil and salt. Tears filled Caldwell's eyes. His wife had been part of the round wing dream since he had been a young man. She had sacrificed everything to stay by his side when he had spent all his abilities on the plan's reality in later years. Now the one person who understood him and whom he needed most was dying.
The soft spoken words of Father John could again be heard: "Father God, I have done my priestly duty to this soul who is speeding on to her eternal rest. But Father God, I beseech You in the Name of Christ, to delay the return of this soul to Thee." Father John's voice grew louder.
The priest then took the larger cross and placed it before her eyes. "Evil spirit! In the name of Jesus the Christ, I command you be gone from this child of God!" Suddenly the woman in coma jerked her head from the pillow and threw an arm over her eyes to resist the gold cross. In a moment her body trembled violently and she sat up. The evil spirit had fled. Father John helped her to sit on the side of the bed, and in a moment she put her feet to the floor.
Beads of perspiration showed on Father John's forehead and his eyes turned upwards. "We praise and thank Thee for thy faithfulness, Oh Christ,” he repeated.
No one moved as Father John stood erect and waited. Suddenly, for all to see, there stood at the foot of the bed, a full size, three dimensional figure. All knew instinctively He was Christ. Seconds went by as a soft light brighter than day bathed the room. Then Olive Caldwell looked around and exclaimed, “What are we doing here?" The Christ figure faded but around Olive there remained a glow. The spirit of a living and healing Christ had filled her.
They all went into the living room where Olive served coffee and cakes to Father John and the doctor. She beamed all over. "Please stay with us tonight,” she begged Father John. But the big American priest of Scottish descent excused himself and affectionately said his farewells.
As he left, he cautioned the Caldwells, “Don't make that room or this house a shrine. We serve a living Christ; He is not confined to a room -- He is everywhere.”
(The record of that visit is among the O.S.S. papers of Father John, located in the National Archives. See Epilogue about Olive Caldwell's recovery and retirement years.)
The valley complex was back to normal and Caldwell's vigour returned. The glowing success surrounding the performance of the new round wing air arm caused people in high places to respond. Towards the end of the war, the allied round wing complex had two memorable occasions that carne close to being called holidays. The first of these events occurred in late December of 1943, when President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill visited the aerospace complex along with their host Prime Minister Mackenzie King.
The three personages had arrived in the private railway car of President Roosevelt after crossing into Canada at Winnipeg, Manitoba and proceeding west into the British Columbia Valley. An American band met the train and played the National Anthem and Hail to the Chief. A British band, the Royal Fusiliers, played God Save the King and ended up along with the American band in playing the anthem, O Canada.
The leaders stayed a day. On addressing the airmen, President Roosevelt touched each of their nerve centers when he told them they were not the forgotten men of the war about which they had been grousing. The President dropped a secret: "You men are being trained for what is intended to be the most secret and decisive project of the war. Stand -ready," he said, "for that moment when we shall call you to deliver the greatest rebuke to the Nazis on behalf of your countries. For on that day when you are called be ready to climb into your new round wing armada and cross the top of the world to destroy the enemy in an hour's time!"
When the cheering response quieted down, Churchill rose and with a few apt phrases said he agreed on behalf of his nation, that the men of the valley had not been forgotten but were actually being trained "for one quick knockout blow of the iniquitous Nazi scourge that has taken over Germany."
The idea to destroy Germany in a single round wing strike is attributed to the planning of Roosevelt and Churchill.
Later, in speaking to one of the station's top executives, Churchill is said to have remarked, "Into this valley with its awesome power of round planes, we English speaking people have placed all our hope for shortening the war -- in case everything else should fail."
President Roosevelt had caught that vision of the military relevance of the round wing plane back in 1936. He shared it with the British and Canadian heads of state. Later, it was that cooperation between the three nations that enabled Jonathon E. Caldwell and his staff to make President Roosevelt's dream become reality.
On September 18, 1944, Station Commander General Caldwell ordered a full review of his 3,000 airmen at eight a.m. The unsuspecting airmen assembled, waiting for a routine inspection. Suddenly out of the sky one of their own 98 foot craft appeared and the attention of all the airmen was riveted on the descending machine. As it touched down close to the formation right on a prescribed circle, a thousand voices murmured in unison: "Peaceful landing."
Then out from beneath the round wing plane the assembled airmen saw emerge the figure of a tall, smiling, immaculately dressed soldier covered with ribbons. As he left the shadow of the craft, a cheer went up from the ranks of men. The flight officer yelled "Attention!" As General Eisenhower shook hands with Station Commander Caldwell and other officers, the entourage moved to the assembled troops. Three thousand allied airmen saluted their chief in honor. An airman boasted later the cheers could be heard in Vancouver. Before "Ike" had reached the troops, he was joined by a second figure in a black beret who because of his victories in North Africa had recently been made a Viscount. He was Bernard L. Montgomery and he came forward to join the Commander-in-Chief of all the allied military scattered throughout Europe. The British airmen took up the cheer again, and quickly the Canadians and Commonwealth buddies added voice as the Americans in final crescendo raised the roof of the valley. Montgomery addressed the airmen in an overlong dialogue. Eisenhower summed up his own thoughts in less than half an hour. He told the assembled airmen, "the moment for which you have been trained, the time when you will be called to strike the enemy -- is not far off."
The allied war leaders later toured the giant aerospace facilities. As General Eisenhower talked informally with Caldwell, a young genius in his mid-forties, General Eisenhower praised him: "There is no way we can adequately express our thanks for what you have done for the allied cause and for freedom."
The allied leaders had left a station in Britain before daylight Pacific coast time. By way of Iceland, Greenland, Baffin Island and Hudson Bay they had flown non-stop watching the sun rise over Port Churchill, Manitoba and racing ten times faster than the speed of sound to their destination, they sat down with friends for a Canadian 'breakfast of ham and eggs, over seven thousand miles away from the shores from which they had departed.
Upon leaving again, they would be back in London, England, on a leisurely trip of about two hour's time.
Another momentous occasion arose at the end of 1944, almost a year after the visits of the allied political leaders. The valley's air station had been on constant alert in late December. Something was imminent.
On the last week of the year, the huge 500 fleet of round wing planes took off early one morning for Germany. The pre-planned targets were "strategic German cities. Roosevelt had vetoed an earlier attempt that month by Allied and German Generals including Eisenhower, Patton. and Von Runstedt to end the fighting in the west. Now the round wing air arm was on its way to execute the end of hostilities in Roosevelt's own way. The terrible lasers had not yet been installed in the new round wing planes but in their holds several of the planes carried the new atomic bombs while the others carried bomb bays full of block buster explosives.
As the planes appeared over German skies in mass, a long cigar-shaped craft was seen by several squadron leaders as it watched from high above. The first targets were reached and orders given to prepare bombs and finally "bombs away."
But not one plane could release its cargo of destruction. All electrical circuits connected with the bomb delivery were dead. Radios too were silent. Finally, in consternation, the fleet followed the lead ships and turned back to Canada. They landed without incident, and maintenance men examined the planes. Then, as if on cue, the entire fleet became electrically functional again.
High above, a cigar-shaped craft of giant proportions moved off into the unknown.
Allied intelligence sources say the Germans under Hitler lost earlier technological blessings from the aliens when the Nazis embarked on a plan to use their five round wing planes to bomb major American cities including New York and Washington. The enemy intended dropping new instruments of mass destruction called atom bombs which the Germans had produced at about the same time as the allies. The first Hiroshima was to have been New York. Hitler himself is said to have ordered the raid. The planes left Germany. But what happened thereafter is unknown.
Did the extra terrestrials prevent the planned deaths of so many countless humans and the mass destruction of cities? It seems most likely. Here is why:
The alien who visited Roosevelt in 1943 had told him the extra-terrestrials were totally aware of the new round wing plane then being developed by Caldwell and group. The alien reminded Roosevelt it could be used as a blessing or an evil. He warned the President not to use it for evil purposes. Reminded of that warning while authorizing the German strike, President Roosevelt replied, "Let's forget the aliens! We now have the round wing planes -- we intend to use them."
Just as important as the words of the extraterrestrial who visited Roosevelt in 1943 is the warning of the alien scientist sent down to earth's aerospace valley in British Columbia. When he departed in 1943, he reminded Jonathon Caldwell and company, "Don't try to use the new round wing planes to destroy your present enemy, the Germans! It will turn out that your ultimate enemy has not yet been revealed. For the present, the round wing planes are for your protection only."
On May 6, 1945, World War II ended in Europe as Germany, in the absence of Hitler, surrendered unconditionally. Even as the allied generals accepted surrender at Eisenhower's Heims School Headquarters, at 2:41 A.M. French time, May 7, a fleet of 500 round wing planes dropped down from 60,000 feet and plummeted to a 3,000 foot elevation over beleaguered Berlin. There, in mile long letters executed by the round wing planes, German civilians and Russian troops below stared up at the huge lighted sign which spelled out in English the word SURRENDER. The Germans had capitulated after five years, eight months and six days of the bloodiest conflict in history.
Neither side had been able to use their round wing planes for destruction of each other -- neither the allies 500 planes or the Germans' five.
Earlier on the evening of May 5, when the surrender was first announced over the BBC radio, allied soldiers and Englishmen and women had jammed downtown London. Trafalgar Square teemed with masses of singing people, the lights came back on, and in front of Whitehall huge crowds shouted impromptu for Prime Minister Churchill. As the Prime Minister appeared on the balcony, he stuck his cigar trademark in his mouth and raised his hand in a V for victory symbol. Then the cheering crowd stopped as all heads turned upwards. The entire London sky as in Berlin was filled with strange speeding lights. Unquestionably they spelled out one word - VICTORY. In his first public admission of the aerial phenomena, the British Prime Minister tried to explain that the formations above were one of the secret weapons the allies had chosen not to use in winning the war. As the heavenly lights disappeared across the English countryside, they left in their wake a mystery -- which no one on the allied side spoke of again.
Across all Britain the airborne formation flew in slow parade. As the round wing plane assemblage moved on in silent tribute, the huge word VICTORY blazoned over the home towns of many young Scottish, English, Welsh and Irish pilots and crewmen.
From the countryside below, jubilant Britain's occasionally saw packets attached to small parachutes flutter down from the strange birds. Retrieved, the finders noted the packets contained dozens of letters on RAF stationery with British stamps affixed to the envelopes. Each packet was wrapped in a special binder which said: "Finder, please take to nearest Postmaster!"
The next few days, across the British Isles, the letters from the sky were being delivered to cottages and flats by the score. On opening one such letter a lonely Englishwoman, worrying about her son, might have read: Dear Mom. . . Sorry I've been away so long. But soon I'm coming home. . . Love, your son.
During the next week the jubilant British sang, danced, paraded, and worshipped as each in his or her own way threw off the shackles of years of war-time regimentation. But, quietly, the British War Office had planned another surprise that to this day has never been told except to those in the know.
In the early morning blackness of May 15, several giant round wing planes dropped out of the overcast and hovered above a field on an island off the Scottish coast. Bright lights shone down on the turf as the machines sat quietly down, each on its tripod legs. And from the stairs below each craft, young Britishers stepped down with their few belongings and moved silently away into the darkness.
Shortly thereafter, twelve assembled fishing boats took aboard over 480 young men and headed for the mainland. The fishing boats normally hauled "goods vans" southward to major coastal cities. But the skippers had been called by the Ministry of Fisheries for a special task that morning. Sworn to silence, only the skippers knew they had been asked to pick up nearly 500 war heroes. As the young men huddled on the cold deck of one of the ships, an old Scottish fisherman, obviously trying to goad the young passengers into revealing their point of origin, remarked slyly, "Aye, mon! I’ve seen everything now. All you lads spending your days on that forlorn island while the rest of the world was busy fighting a war.”
Above the boats, over 20 strange craft blinked their lights in farewell as the young airmen looked up and smiled with nostalgia for their air training home in far away Canada.
In the morning, as dawn broke over Scotland's most northerly village served by rail, a long Royal Scot steam train stood slowly puffing and waiting. The town's industry, a nearby cannery, had not yet opened. Meanwhile the young warriors who had manned the world's greatest World War II inventions, assembled at the station. The wail of the bag pipes was heard, and this music to Scottish ears came in a medley of homecoming tunes played by the Bank of the Scots Guard from Edinburgh castle. The band had come up on the train. As the last "all aboard" was sounded, the engineer called to the fireman, "It's a three hour run to Edinburgh. We'll have an hour's stop while these passengers stretch their legs and get the biggest and best breakfast the city of Edinburgh can dish up. All other trains take second place, even if we meet up with King George himself!"
But London was waiting for the special train. Prime Minister Churchill was on hand. And so was King George VI, accompanied by His Majesty's Coldstream Guards. As each man disembarked from the train, they lined up and received a handshake and a medal from the King. On the medal were inscribed the words: FOR VALOUR BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY.
The demob officer had already spoken to the young heroes. "For the remainder of your lives, you men must be content to know of the courage with which you served the cause. But remember! You can never share the secret of the round wing plane with anyone, as difficult as this order may seem to be. But someday, in the wisdom of the top brass, perhaps somebody will be allowed to tell. I hope we are still alive by then." The Britishers melted into the crowd and headed for their homes. Each carried a paper giving him a choice of honorable discharge or re-volunteering for the Round wing Plane Service. In Canada, the airmen were discharged at Ottawa; the Americans were taken to Tacoma, Washington. Today the identities of those pioneer airmen are not known, but on the wall of the Canadian Air Minister is a plaque referred to as the Silver List. Engraved there are the names of approximately five hundred Canucks.
The Regiment of Royal Fusiliers who had been employed mainly as security forces in the B.C. Valley during the war years, got home to Britain in 1947. Some of them had left Scotland by round wing plane but all were returned by train to New York and then by ship to England.
The United States emerged from World War II as the world's undisputed superpower. Before the war ended she had become the world's leading shipbuilder. She had supplied the allies with more shipping tonnage than both Britain and the U.S. possessed in 1939.
Her expansion of conventional air power enabled the allies to dominate the European skies. And once engaged on the battlefields, the United States had trained and equipped twelve million armed men deployed with over 50 allies on various fronts, while still providing the Russians with massive ship loads of Lend Lease armament. And when the war was over and rebuilding of the continent began, it was the American Marshall Plan that got the Europeans, including the former enemy, back on their industrial feet.
From 1941 to 1945, the U.S. War Council had managed to divert scientists and technicians to the Manhattan bomb project while still carrying on with the manufacture and delivery of conventional armament, not to mention the added brain power required to research and produce the (Jefferson) round wing plane project that eventually housed a small city of workers. The costs were shared between the three allied powers based on population ratio.
The audacious total American war-time achievements had been burdensome in taxes. The national debt rose from 50 billion in 1940 to over 250 billion dollars in 1945, nearly nine tenths of this amount expended on winning the conflict to liberate Europe and the Pacific.
Quite apart from the manufacture of conventional war apparatus, the industrial miracle of the allies, shared mainly by the U.S.A., was that a revolutionary air arm of round wing planes, and their trained crews had been developed in secret, without disrupting the effort of the country's six million men and women military labor force. Inevitably, the secret was not perfectly kept, but leaks in every case were plugged before serious breaches of security could occur.
Although the war ended in victory for the allies, the Americans were always acutely aware that, if need be, the scales of Justice would have been tipped in their favor, had they introduced the advanced, round wing plane and its awesome laser power. Yet in spite of the disastrous war that bled America (and the world) of so much of its valuable resources, she still managed to carry herself and the globe into a new age of free flight that before the century ends may become the prime mover of people and commerce.[That it has not, speaks against us as a people,but particularly against those who refuse to move forward and cling to power that is not their's DC]
Said Canad's beloved scientist and World War II General A.G.L. MacNaughton: "Isn't it ironic that it took a war to bring about such scientific achievements?"
Winston Churchill called it the "unnecessary war." President Eisenhower agreed.
And to the young English boy who asked his grieving mother, "who won the war in which daddy was killed?! she replied, "No one -- everybody lost.”
Sixteen million fathers and sons never came home. And nearly ten million innocent civilians who died in the flames of war would have agreed, had their voices been able to cry out.
Chapter VIII
Fatherland Evacuated in New
Aircraft and Giant U Boats
In the summer of 1943 the French underground suddenly began advising London of nightly troop trains
traveling over secondary French railroads toward the Spanish border. The French estimated that each
train carried 500 German troops. Allied intelligence was perplexed. There were several reasons. The enemy had been defeated in Africa and was bogged down on the Russian front. Therefore Supreme Allied Command was desperate to know if the Germans were starting a second front or planning to invade North Africa from Spanish bases. And was there some truth to the continuing rumors from allied agents that the elite of the German army and her top scientists and technicians were preparing to evacuate their European homeland -- and, if so, to where? And even more disquieting, the. British and the American OSS had learned that Hitler had put much of Germany's scientific effort into a new type of round wing plane which was perhaps laser equipped to destroy London or New York in an hour. The American OSS knew precisely the horrible possibilities of such a German breakthrough. The question was asked if the Germans were building those planes in some remote area of Spain or South America.
Allied headquarters in London sent 12 top agents into Germany, France and Spain and asked the American OSS to infiltrate these troop trains to ascertain German intentions. Three Americans were chosen, one of German descent and a graduate of Princeton Law School, another an ordained priest who later became Director of the C.I.A. They all spoke fluent German.
A fourth Spanish speaking agent was sent to neutral Spain, where in Seville he established himself for three weeks to listen to Spanish railway men and observe Germans in Spanish uniforms, changing trains for a coastal destination. Two of the agents managed to get their messages to London in spite of being caught, and Allen Dulles got behind enemy territory and back without detection. This story of American espionage on German troop trains is said to be legendary in intelligence circles, and for sheer heroism it is one of the bravest and most dangerous wartime episodes ever recorded.
In an Atlanta restaurant, late one evening in April, 1976, the author sat with three survivors of the four original agents who penetrated the German railroad evacuation plot. The former agents, a Catholic priest, a Presbyterian and a Christian scientist, ate slowly. They talked and relived their train ride with the German troops. After.the meal the priest, then a Cardinal, placed a bottle of wine on the table. Allen Dulles had brought it back from the 1943 episode on the train. Each year they would have a reunion and to the last survivor would go the German Wine. (In September, 1978 the heroic clergyman died in Rome.)
The reports of these agents began seeping back to London, and within 40 days, the allies were piecing 68 together a mystery.
Germans were cleverly executing a contingency plan for their troops and certain civilians to evacuate Germany for a second stronghold after battle defeats in Europe were no longer reversible.
Although the war tide had turned in favor of the allies, they had also been caught napping about alternate German intentions. But then, perhaps, never before in history had an army suffering defeat made contingent plans to abandon its homeland and revive the military venture elsewhere.
The collective reports from the American, British and French agents confirmed that crack German troops were being withdrawn from all fighting fronts and shipped to Spain. Furthermore, the three agents who had infiltrated the German troop trains reported that personnel on board comprised the essential manpower needed for a colonization attempt. These agents had identified a diversity of professions, business experts and workers disguised as soldiers and had actually spoken with doctors, dentists, teachers, architects, tool makers, machinists, etc., whose new oath on being verified for the train evacuation trips had required "unflinching and everlasting loyalty to the Third Reich and its Fuhrer."
The last stop for the German troop trains had been Hulva, and Ayamonte, Spain. It would take another espionage effort for the OSS to determine just what was happening at these Spanish ports, and on this requirement allied intelligence would focus next.
In the meantime in 1944, the reports of other agents, verified by aerial photography, also indicated unusual activity in German Baltic ports. Huge quantities of industrial equipment for overseas' shipment were beginning to appear at these docks. The allies wondered if the Germans were shipping their new round wing planes abroad for later use to strike from hidden bases.
About this time the Allies learned of a secret meeting held in Stausberg on August 10, 1944, wherein it was decided to remove all the gold and precious metal reserves from Germany for over seas shipment. Overseas, but to where?
Despite tight German security, the American OSS began to discern some obvious intentions. One, that there existed a German master plan to evacuate personnel and wealth from the fatherland to parts unknown during the height of the war, and two, that secret weapons were being shipped out, including an unconventional aircraft which the enemy had not committed to the fighting. Those assessments provided by allied intelligence left a major question unanswered. Why? And what secret weapon, or weapons, were so advanced or devastating that a determined Germany would not commit them when she was losing the war? And were they so advanced that she could safely gamble her future on them?
As the Allied Command also pondered German intentions in Spain, it was aware that although Spain was neutral, General Franco, because of German threats, was under the German thumb. London, therefore, concluded that Spain's importance to the enemy lay in the use of her Atlantic ports.
It was in conjunction with these intelligence summations that the first reports arrived regarding a new fleet of giant German submarines approximately 400 feet long and several decks high. Agents reported sightings of these subs in the vicinity of Ayamonte and Hulva, Spain. and also at Baltic and Norwegian ports.
In 1944-1945 it was confirmed that the loading of these subs at Baltic potts with unusual machinery and equipment was secretly being carried on. The Norwegian underground picked up the super subs' trail. These reports pieced together told a tale. The giant underwater megaliths had left Germany, thence to Norway and along its coast northward to avoid Allied shipping lanes, and then west from Narvik toward Iceland in the North Atlantic. From a point below Iceland the subs steered an oblique southerly course which eventually took them to the Atlantic ports of Hulva and Ayamonte, Spain.
At last the Allied command had solved the 1945 puzzle of the disappearing Germans. The answer was obvious! The German troop trains puffing through France and Spain at night were eventually disembarking their passengers and other cargo at Spanish Atlantic ports, where from another direction, German ingenuity had brought together underseas transportation. Once the Germans had boarded the subs they were swallowed up quietly by the sea.
By V-E Day, the allies estimated over 250 thousand Germans had evacuated the country by various means, including air, submarines and even by merchant vessels flying American and British flags. But the enigma of where the unapprehended Germans were headed still eluded the Allies.
In April, 1945 the world press was preoccupied with the forthcoming German collapse. In a political agreement made by Roosevelt and Stalin at Yalta, Allied armies were forced to mark time on the Western front while Russian troops took Eastern Europe and half of Germany, including Berlin. The German armies on the western front under Von Rundstedt fought delaying actions, their local commanders knowing that the end was near. Rumors were rife among the German High Command that Hitler was about to unleash secret weapons that would annihilate the enemy. And a similar German story circulated, that the Western allies would link up with the Germans at the Elbe and together, join the German army on the Eastern front and race for Moscow to contain communism.
All of these rumors of anticipated happenings circulating among the desperately besieged Germans had a ring of truth. And, in another way, and at another place, one of the supposed fantasies became a frightening reality.
As usual, the Allies were unprepared. When the tragedy occurred (gathered in 1977 from British and German sources) it bridged two eras. From that moment on, World War II became the last great chapter on mankind's history of conventional armaments. As a result of the tragic incident that followed, World War II may well be known as the last of the lengthy super land battles using explosives and gunpowder.
Involved in this terrible drama was one of the giant German submarines. She was one of those built secretly in 1944 and carried a cargo of top secret German plans, documents and prototypes of new inventions. The sub was in the North Atlantic at an approximate position of 14 degrees west and 35 degrees north when her oxygen supply gave out due to malfunction of equipment. Unable to stay submerged, the leviathan slowly ascended from a depth of 2000 feet and its 12" thick hull of steel broke surface of the cold Atlantic at midnight on 23rd of April, 1945, within a mile of two British cruisers. Up went flares as the British ships opened fire on the German sub. Eight inch shells straddled the huge craft to get range, as an odd-shaped German gun appeared on the sub's hull. A pencil beam of laser horned in on the cruiser Camden.
There was no battle thunder or fury from the sub. The ray silently pierced the darkness and flares, and in seconds a 20 foot diameter hole was cut from port to starboard through the first surface ship. Like a toy boat suddenly filled with water, the cruiser sank horizontally with a hissing of steam from the white hot steel hull. Then the beam moved onto the second cruiser, Hanover, and as another 20 foot hole was opened, she burst into flames, and settled down in less than 30 seconds. Most of the ship's complement never reached their battle stations. Those on deck duty jumped overboard. In less than two minutes only some oil slick, air bubbles and flotsam appeared where the cruisers had stood. The German sub moved into range of the cruiser's former positions and machine gunned the survivors. The British flares settled into the sea and blackness again enveloped the area.
The German "V-Boat" Captain left his bridge and went below. Putting his head in his hands he bent over and sobbed. An officer consoled him with the words: "It was the enemy or us! Otherwise, we were to scuttle!
At dawn the next morning in the same area a British fishing trawler spotted three men on a piece of wreckage. The sailors, numb from exposure, were hauled aboard and three days later were landed in the Hebrides Islands. That day at Allied headquarters in London a telegram was received from the Hebrides at British Naval headquarters which shortly thereafter reached OSS General Donovan. As General Donovan read the graphic story of the German laser that cut holes like a can opener in the British cruisers, he put down the cryptic message and said, "My God! Oh, My God!" A new war age had just been born. As a result of the naval engagement, the joint chiefs-of-staff asked the question: "Where are the missing German round wing planes that disappeared out of Germany, and" are they too equipped with lasers?" And from where was the enemy intending to strike with his hidden force of devastating new aircraft?
At combined Naval Operations in London, Allied Intelligence pondered where one of the laser equipped monster subs might strike next. Everything afloat on the sea lanes was now vulnerable.
But the enemy could not wait.
The German plan had already been released -- they would use another of their twelve super subs in a devastating naval engagement that, if it were successful, might bring the U.S.A. to its knees.
But an "accident of fate" would alter the German plan.
Here's how the story unfolds. Unknown to the allies in late 1944, the secretive and orderly German evacuation was proceeding well. Her top personnel which were needed to continue the Third Reich elsewhere were being removed by round wing planes and the super subs, the chief vehicles used among several withdrawal methods. But, Germans like Von Runstedt from whose area round wing planes were evacuating key personnel, refused to give travel priority to those Nazis responsible for Jewish exterminations. The truth is that most of the regular German general staff had disdain for these Nazis who were not wanted in the new Germany destined to rise in another part of the world. Furthermore, German embarkation officers in the Hulva and Ayamonte also refused to place key Nazi killers on board the super subs.
Major Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's tough deputy, had gone personally to Von Rundstedt in December, 1945 and demanded seats for himself and his top henchmen on the departing round wing planes. Von Rundstedt had refused and so had Von Schuschnigg, the chief pilot. Thus the Nazis had to find their own way out of Europe to escape allied vengeance in the coming Nuremberg War Trials.
Nazi interference was forgotten by the architects of the German evacuation plan until April 18, 1945, when on that day the Nazis made their moves and an encounter occurred in Alexandria, Egypt between German Nazis and German Naval personnel. A new super sub which had left the Island of Bornholm in the Baltic in early February layoff Alexandria. Egyptian tenders had ferried out regularly chosen escapees under the sympathetic eyes of Egyptian officers named Abel Gamel Nasser and Anwar Sadat, each of whom despised King Farouk and the British protectorate forces stationed in Egypt.
The giant war sub was full and sealed orders were opened for departure to the southern hemisphere when a German Nazi, Major Hauptmann Schemmel, came aboard and put a gun in the ribs of Lt. Commander Hans Meyers. He was ordered to disembark the 500 men. Another Nazi officer warned the naval commander that his wife and daughter were being held hostage in Bavaria to be killed immediately if the sub commander refused to obey. That night 500 German emigrants were replaced by an equal number of Nazi Germans who had made their way from Germany to Egypt via Italy by various escape methods. By morning the giant sub had slipped away and headed out through the Straits of Gibraltar to the open Atlantic. But she was not alone. As the sub commander piloted his ship deep under the surface of the Mediterranean he was kept under watch. Above, on the surface, two British destroyers followed the underwater transport by sonar. As the sub neared Gibraltar, the British made no attempt to stop it. More ships joined the surveillance and together the giant sub (with the German navy crew under the duress of nearly 500 Nazi masters) and its silent overhead escort, headed out across the Atlantic -- revised destination, New York. The sub's new mission, unauthorized by the German Admiralty, was to be the most aggressive act of war the Nazis had devised for their final hours.
On the sub's foredeck was a long artillery piece with a 12" bore that could fire shells at the rate of 30 second intervals. It was claimed that explosives in the war heads (a triumph of German research) would pulverize the city of New York quickly and destroy a large part of its population. From New York rubble the sub's new directions were to take it into Chesapeake Bay where Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington would be levelled, and then to Halifax or Miami to complete the destruction. There was only one problem: the sub commander had not been told of the plans, although British intelligence was privy to the scheme from the moment it began shadowing the sub out of Egypt. The dash under the ocean to the U.S.A. went as planned. When the underwater giant reached American waters over 100 surface ships were waiting. Across New York Harbor stretched a bronze net, and underwater bells with search lights were suspended from barges. The net held. The lights shone down on the sub. Depth charges fell astride her thick hull. Impregnable even from the depth charges and torpedoes fired from allied subs, the 376 foot long monster backed off and headed out for deeper water.
"Where to now?" asked the sub commander, under the gun of Nazi General Oskar Dirlewanger. "To Miami. We'll shell it off the map from far out in deep water." The sub commander replied, "Indeed! And how do I surface to man the deck-gun when depth charges are tumbling onto our hull every minute?" Deeply submerged, the sub quarry headed south into the Straits of Florida, but she could not lose her 46 surface hunters, including American, British, Canadian and French vessels out of Martinique.
Fifty hours later, the giant German submarine found herself still being tracked in a channel which narrowed quickly. From fear of being trapped, the commander attempted to turn around. Depth charges had dirtied the water and visual directions were impossible to determine. Reverberations against the hull were continuous. Suddenly, the underwater ship stopped, unable to move. She lay to for several hours. Outside explosions ceased temporarily. An examination by divers showed she was down 200 feet and washed by turbulent currents. The long barreled gun specifically fitted to destroy the coastal cities of America was jammed into a crevice under the roof of a shark infested coral shelf. The divers' final words were: "The sub can never be freed." In a few moments word spread through the ship.
The depth charges became intermittent. The enemy above had abandoned the chase. But the sub was unmoveable. The 500 Germans began to reflect on death by starvation or lack of oxygen in a craft that had become their tomb.
The commander made five trips out of the sub in the next three days. Each time he took off a Nazi, deposited him on shore and and returned with provisions or medications provided by collaborators. But the entombed men were beginning to succumb. Some of the Nazis screamed obscenities, others had nightmares. Murders were committed to steal rations for survival. On the commander's fifth trip back to the sub, some of the victims were reduced to crawling. Water and rations were almost exhausted.
After a conference it was decided that in order to save lives the commander and one top Nazi should surrender to the American authorities. As strategy discussions continued, Nazi Major Schemmel slipped away and relieved the guard in the commander's control room. As the first guard departed, Schemmel put a gun to the head of Commander Meyers and articulated forcefully: "You are my hostage. Obey every word or I'll kill you! Move in a normal way to the lower escape hatch! You and I are going to leave -- alone!" So Lt. Commander Hans Meyers and Nazi Major Hauptman Schemmel left the tomb on the small two man escape sub. They were never to return. Within ten hours the two had beached their sub off Elliot Key, surrendered to an American naval unit, been transported to Key West under guard and had boarded a plane for Washington. But time was running out for the sub commander. One of the five escaped Nazis whom he had taken out a few days earlier had, on separating, threatened: "You deliberately steered us into this trap. When I get to a short wave radio, I'll signal our people overseas to kill your wife and daughter. They are still my hostages."
The first morning after their departure from the German sub, on April 29, 1945, the two Germans were in the White House under guard flanked by Navy Intelligence officers.
In front of them sat the President of the United States, Harry S. Truman, in office since April 13, 1945.
The sub commander spoke. His sad blue eyes told of the human cargo left on board that would die if the Americans (whom they had been sent to kill) did not rescue them. During the interrogation, the commander explained his predicament: he had about 500 men with 'supplies exhausted; he had no passenger list. He explained that the first sub load had been bumped in Alexandria. But regardless, the sub commander asked that all lives be saved. As President Truman deliberated, the Nazi, Major Schemmel, asked to speak without the presence of the sub commander who was then led out of the room.
Standing before the Naval Intelligence officers (whose names are withheld for security reasons) and President Truman, the prisoner began to speak. Suddenly his diction sounded unmistakably American. As he continued, Truman's jaw dropped in disbelief. These are the words he heard:
"I am not Major Hauptman Schemmel, a Gestapo agent. My official rank and name is Col. Walter Schellenberg} and my secret ass number is 78. General William Donovan, head of the OSS will verify this. Please have an officer make contact." Then, as the amazed President and intelligence personnel looked on, the Nazi impersonator saluted the President and withdrew from his sleeve a list of almost 500 true names of the German Nazi personnel from the stricken sub.
"I beg you, Mr. President, these are the real names of those beasts in that God forsaken sub. The sub commander is not aware what terrible substitution of personnel was made in Alexandria. Under direct orders from Hitler, I was responsible for rounding up these infamous men and placing them on that sub."
"When did you infiltrate the Nazis?" the President asked.
Col. Schellenberg replied, "In 1942 I was dropped in Switzerland."
President Truman strode around the desk before the OSS agent. "Only God could have arranged your being in front of me today with this information. Welcome home and let me shake hands with a brave man." Then the President read the partial list of those Nazis on the sub} and handed it to one of the Intelligence officers. Some of the names and particulars are as follows:
No. 1. FRANZ NOVAK: Adolph Eichmann's Transportation officer. It was his job to arrange transportation for those undesirable Jews from point of arrest to place of execution and disposal.
No. 2. THEODOR DANNECKER: In charge of deporting Jews of France, Belgium and Italy to their places of execution.
No. 3. HEINZ ROETHKE: Eichmann's Deputy in Charge of disposing of undesirable Jews in Paris. He directed the others who arrested and deported the Paris Jews. He is supposed to have completely eliminated all known Jews in Paris.
No. 4. DR. ERNST WETZEL: He operated a gas chamber in Poland. The official name was Elimination Camp for Undesirables.
No. 5. WILHELM ZOEPF: In charge of sending Dutch Jews to the gas chamber and was in complete charge of this operation throughout the country. Boasted that he didn't leave a known Dutch Jew alive; he was thorough in his operations. He is known to have had over a half million Jews exterminated from Holland alone.
No.6. HERMAN KRUMEY: In charge of Jewish extermination in Hungary. Known to have sent over four hundred thousand Jews to their deaths. In complete charge of operating gas chambers in Hungary.
No.7. OTTO HUNSCHE: Executed 100,000 Jews in gas chambers. Bragged about the number of Jews he executed.
No.8. MAJOR GENERAL OSKAR DIRLEWANGER: Before the war, a convicted criminal who committed sex crimes on young boys, spending five years in a Bavarian prison for this. In charge of the toughest S.S. men who in return were in charge of the extermination camps for unwanted Jews.
No.9. LEOPOLD GLEIM: Chief of Gestapo in Warsaw. After the war he turned up in Egypt, was given an Egyptian name and was in Nasser's service. One of the escapees from the Sub.
No. 10. LOUIS HEIDEN: Translated Hitler's "Mein Kampf" into other languages and served the Fuehrer in other capacities.
No. 11. HANS APPLER: Killed 100,000 Jews in the gas chambers. Escaped from the Sub, was deported by the United States and rather than risk being tried as a war criminal, made his way to Egypt and is how believed to be in the Egyptian diplomatic service.
No. 12. WILLIAM BOECKELER: Killed over 100,000 Jews in the concentration camps.
No. 13. KARL HOLTER: A former Gestapo Officer who was in charge of the arrest and deportation of hundreds of thousands of Jews.
No. 14. ALBERT THIELMANN: A retired school teacher who joined the party after Hitler came to power and was responsible for the gassing of over 100,000 Jews.
No. 15. BRIG. GENERAL WARNER BLANKENBERG: Responsible for the murder of over 100,000 Jews in the gas chambers.
No. 16. HANS BOTHMANN: Was in charge of the elimination squad in Poland and all gas chambers there. Under his jurisdiction over half a million Jews died.
No. 17. LT. GENERAL FRIEDRICH KATZMANN: Murdered 434,329 Jews in Poland alone.
No. 18. JAN DURCANSKY: In charge of all the Jewish extermination camps in Austria and Northern Italy.
No. 19. DR. F. W. SIEBERT: Invented and produced the six pointed metal star which Nazis required Jews to wear. All who wore this were liable at any time to be seized and sent to an extermination camp.
No. 20. DR. KARL STAENGE: In charge of the death camps in Yugoslavia. Took over an old Brick Yard in Belgrade and roasted Jews alive in the kilns.
No. 21. FRANZ RADEMACHER: Exterminated 15,000 Yugoslavian Jews. Listed as a dangerous man.
No. 22. DR. HANS EISELE: Exterminated over half a million Jews in the Ukraine by having them thrown in pits, spraying gasoline over them and setting them on fire. After the fires died out, the half roasted bodies were used to feed the hogs.
No. 23. LT. GENERAL HEINZ KAMMLER: An expert on gas chamber construction having been a concrete construction engineer before the war. Perfected the gas chambers for a four minute kill. Later in charge of the round wing plane plants.
No. 24. DR. MAX MERTEN: In charge of Jewish extermination in Greece and under his leadership over 60,000 Greek Jews were killed.
No. 25. MATTIAS RAFFELBERG: Had over a half million Jews murdered in Russia and Poland.
No. 26. MAJ. OTTO SKORZENY: The most wanted man in Europe. Called the toughest man alive. A Hitler favorite who rescued Mussolini. Escaped from sub.
No. 27. DR. RUDOLPH MILDNER: The Gestapo Chief in Denmark, in charge of the elimination of Danish Jews. Had over 100,000 executed.
No. 28. DR. PAUL WALTER: Concentration camp commander in Poland. Was responsible for over a hundred thousand Jewish deaths by extermination and experimentation. Performed amputations without anesthetics. His favorite expression on recording a death: "So what! Another Jew out of the way!" The authors read Walter's final page from his diary of a day's work written in Jewish blood.
No. 29. DR. WILHELM WITTELER: In charge of the gas chambers in Latvia, and collected Jews for deportation.
No. 30. KURT HEINBURG: Was in charge of all Jewish extermination in Serbia.
No. 31. HANS HOEFLE: Responsible for murdering over 100,000 Jews in Poland.
No. 32. WALTER CASPAR TOEBBENS: A Dutch Nazi who made millions of dollars by making Jews work free of charge in his factories. Those who became sick or incapacitated were killed on the spot.
No. 33. ANDRIJA ARTUKOVIC: Under his able administration over 80% of Yugoslavia's Jews were wiped out. The Jewish population of Zagreb was 12,315 before the war and 1,647 after. From Mostar a train took six car loads of Jewish mothers and children to the station at Sumaci. There they were forced to walk up into high mountains where they were thrown off steep cliffs. At Korencia, Jews were tied in bundles and rolled into pits, covered with gasoline and then burned alive.
No. 34. HEINRICH "Gestapo" MUELLER: A policeman who rose to be Bavarian Chief of Police. Later rose to be a Lt. General in the S.S. (Security Police). Organized the Gestapo on the model of the Russian M.V.D. His organization murdered most of Europe's Jews. [It will be interesting to see what the author says happened to this one, as his own diaries(which are here on this blog) tell a far different story of his flight out of Germany DC]
As the President perused the list his face turned pale. He hurled invective across the room: "Die, you evil bastards, and be buried alive in your own tomb of the damned! I hope your crimes haunt you through Hell!" Then he lowered his voice to a clipped tone of command and addressed a navy officer. "No attempt will be made to save that infernal submarine. The death of those decent young crew members may be accounted to me in eternity. God forgive me for their sakes!"
The Lt. Commander was brought back into the room and the President thanked him for his honesty. "We must detain you, Sir," said President Truman, "but is there anything I can do for your comfort?" On that offer of aid, the U-boat commander blurted out the dilemma of his wife and daughter being held in a cave in Bavaria. Col. Schellenberg concurred. Capt. Meyers begged for help. He told of the threat to kill his family made by the departing German escapee.
Truman acted immediately. "Round up those German Nazis who escaped from the sub!" As he spoke, the phone call of General William Donovan, OSS chief, was put through to the President. He identified the American agent, whereupon the President ordered a parachute rescue team to land in Germany in an attempt to save the commander's wife and young daughter being held as hostages. Two nights later, with the sanction of Prime Minister Churchill, a combined American/British team landed in a mountainous area of Bavaria.
As the German waited under detention at a Washington officers' club, a messenger came to his room and requested to speak to the German in his own tongue. The intelligence officer began, "I have a message for you from the President of the United States: Your wife and daughter were rescued last night and are safely in Switzerland. There were several German casualties among those guarding your family -- but all our men came back safely. We must intern you, but someday we hope you'll be re-united." The U-boat commander broke down and wept.
Meanwhile, the cries of the damned in the beached submarine would rise for a few more days before they would be stifled in their underwater tomb off Florida.[Not buying,here is the link to Mueller DC]
American naval records, captured German records, interviews with the super sub commander and OSS files were used in preparing this episode. After 2-1/2 years-in prison, the commander was acquitted at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials in 1947 of any deliberate wrong doing while on the sub of the damned. In 1953 he emigrated to America with his family.
Col. Walter Schellenberg was promoted to Brigadier General and awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award for bravery given by the United States. Great Britain awarded him its highest honour for valor, the Victoria Cross. The French Ambassador to the U.S.A. pinned on him the Legion of Honour. King George VI asked Schellenberg if he would accept a Knighthood, but the American graciously declined. After the war he settled down anonymously in an American city with the abiding wish that he never again go to war.
Many other details on the OSS espionage action and the underwater trip of the "sub of the damned" have been omitted for the sake of brevity.
By World War II's end, the allies had enough information to comprehend Part I of the German evacuation plan, which, in effect, was the removal of the elite of their armies and technicians, from Europe. As mentioned before, by December 1944, enemy rail movements ending in the Port of Ayamonte, Spain, had been observed and verified. And in the north, evidence of the super sub route was being carefully examined. Any allied doubts that the Germans had not returned to the Atlantic in underseas craft were cast aside after the British cruisers were sunk.
Logic evolved from the intelligence disclosures categorically sought the answer to this question: Where are the vanishing Germans disappearing to on their carefully planned exodus route? It was at this juncture in the Allied intelligence dilemma that OSS analysis from New York told of an expanding presence of Germans in Central and South America. And from Brazil to Argentina unconfirmed reports began trickling out of the southern hemisphere of unidentified flying objects being seen in the air and on the ground.
It was too early in 1944-45 to be certain of German intentions, but General Eisenhower and General Donovan are quoted as wondering if the official surrender of German armies in Europe might be only a gesture -- and that the many Germans who got away would fight again on another day and at another place.
Subsequent to the actual German surrender many questions were still unanswered such as the whereabouts of numerous well known German political, scientific and service personnel. Too many were unaccounted for to be lost in battle, displaced, or incarcerated in prisoner of war camps -- unless they had been taken to Russia. Also, while searching for the missing, it was noted that many German dependents and relatives failed to show grief.
"Somewhere," said General Eisenhower, "I feel another Germany is being born, and I would rather we were the confidants of these Germans than the Russians."
Another key remark by German Admiral Doenitz in 1943 almost certainly indicated a mass German emigration. Doenitz declared: "The German underwater fleet is proud to have made an earthly paradise, an impregnable fortress for the Fuehrer somewhere in the world." The phrase "in the world" was later to prove prophetic.
The authors have interviewed many key witnesses including several former Nazis, the German Embassy in Washington, and high intelligence sources in America, and all agreed that the German Chief of State, Adolph Hitler, left Germany alive. The only difference in telling of the planned escape was the time of departure, the route, and the method.
On December 15, 1944, General Eisenhower called a most secret meeting of the High Command in London, England. Present were the Allied Chiefs-of-Staff including those from free France, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Norway, etc. General Eisenhower's purpose was two-fold as he turned over the briefing to General William Donovan and his assistant, who were asked to record and take notes. The assistant was the same one sent to Spain for observation of German troop arrivals at Seville. General Donovan began: "Gentlemen, for several weeks our agents have been watching secret movements of Germans through France to Spain. Our first opinion was that the enemy was planning a surprise attack on the coast of North Africa. We diverted divisions of troops and kept them in readiness for this anticipated attack -- but, as you all know, it never came.
"Now we are certain that these untold thousands of German troops have used Spanish ports to disappear in a way still uncertain to us."
The General paused, looked around at the group of Allied Chiefs-of-Staff, and then slowly continued. "Perhaps one of those Germans who disappeared through Spain was the German leader, Adolph Hitler." The room was hushed and the General's assistant looked up at a sea of astonished faces. Then several individuals rose at once to ask questions. The General stated he would answer only half a dozen, and those who were not satisfied could personally have a brief audience with him after the meeting.
The first questioned asked, "Who's in charge in Germany" Answer: "Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz is said to be the leader, but General Von Rundstedt seems to be the one making the real nuts and bolts military decisions."
Another assertion was made that Hitler had been seen lately; therefore, would not the story of his departure likely be a case of German deception?"
Donovan's reply was cryptic. "A double is in Hitler's place. Our Berlin agents say so, and the British and Russian governments agree, that an imposter, instructed by Goebbels, Bormann and Ley rules in Hitler's place. The man is not Hitler gone mad. He is a double under the control of others."
Donovan concluded the meeting by saying he believed the disappearance of Adolph Hitler was directly related to the dispersal of entire German armies. He told his cabinet that when the German armies were uncovered the real Hitler would also be found. The OSS Chief said he was convinced of Hitler's personal and family exodus. Our next task he told them will be to pick up the trail of the German leader and his troops in South America.
After the Allied briefing, General Donovan flew back to Washington, On arrival he immediately called a special meeting of OSS Caribbean Intelligence and his Brazilian Bureau. Donovan's earlier hunches paid off. Into New York, the Wartime nerve center for America's western hemisphere intelligence, the coded reports of German arrivals throughout South America kept cable lines busy.
Today, a confidential report by the CIA concedes: "The body found in the bunker was not that of Hitler, for among other things, neither fingerprints, nor dental work matched Hitler's. Until 1974, the true Adolph Hitler, nor a corpse proven to be his had ever been located." The words “until 1974" are significant, and will be explained later.
The story of Hitler's heroic last minute May 1945 flight out of besieged Berlin was a cleverly contrived German ruse, in the opinion of Judge Advocate General John P. Davis of the Nuremberg War Crime Trials. Although Christina Edderer said it was the real Hitler whom she flew to Norway, records of the Nuremberg trials state that Christina Edderer was a courageous woman, but an unsatisfactory witness, jailed for perjury under oath. When the authors questioned Edderer in 1975 they were not convinced that the story she told was valid regarding her version of the Hitler escape.
In retrospect, the reader should recall that Hitler's master plan was to win World War II. When this master plan was thwarted, the alternate plan was to move their national endeavor to another land, free from enemy intervention. Execution of Phase I in the alternate plan was begun seriously in 1943, and when finished in 1954 saw three million Germans and other resources successfully evacuated.
Regardless of the low esteem certain German Generals had for Hitler, he was revered and adored by the German masses. His hero and leader image was never seriously challenged. His ability to arouse all the patriotic emotions of German society was never in doubt. However, Hitler was also an idealistic believer in a new Utopia for Germany, and according to his close associates, that zeal to develop a new Germany was such an inherent part of his makeup that it never waned -- even when Germany military defeat was obvious.
Therefore, Hitler was the key to the German evacuation, and this fact will later be proven to be true beyond any doubt. In addition to Hitler's prominent role in the evacuation another more human side of his life is perhaps as important.
Hitler and Eva Braun were legally married on April 29, 1945 but their first born son Adolph Hitler II, was born in 1940, five years before their marriage. Hitler was said to be the father.
Back in October, 1944, a select German group, working from a schedule compiled on August 10 in Salzburg, decided to implement operation "Get Lost." Hitler was to be the catalyst.
All the art treasures, scientific developments, and treasury bullion which Germany possessed were first scheduled to be hidden or removed. First to be safely removed, however, would be the Fuehrer. Over Hitler's protests he was asked to pack immediately his personal possessions and leave Germany for the new land. A double stood by to assume the Fuehrer's role and he would continue under the tutelage and surveillance of Bormann, Goebbels and Ley.
The Fuehrer's party left Berlin by motorcade, travelling at night, and safe harboring during the day to avoid Allied aircraft. The party consisted of Hitler and his wife Eva, their four year old son, Adolph II, and a twelve year old adopted orphan boy, David.
Over widetrack French railroads, still travelling at night, Hitler and his party reached Spain. They were transferred to narrow Spanish track railcars, eventually reaching La-Aljaferia Castle in Zaragoza. There Hitler met his Spanish confidant who was to act as advisor and escort. (It is from this highly respected Spaniard, that the authors, while researching in Spain, verified how Hitler left Europe.)
Hitler was outfitted in a Spanish business suit, his moustache removed and his hair style changed. His wife, Eva, was outfitted as a middle-class Spanish woman, and the boy David became a Spanish youth.
Spanish tutoring complete, at 3:00 A.M. on the morning of November 5, 1944, Hitler and party vacated the castle by motor car with his Spanish confidant as chauffeur. Through Valencia and on to Seville they traveled, resting the first night in the Colon Hotel. The next day the trip was resumed to Huelva and finally Ayamonte where rooms were provided in another hotel. The following night, November 7, after taking leave of his Spanish guide and friend, Hitler and his family were taken on board a super sub, along with 500 other Germans. During Hitler's stay in Ayamonte and for three days thereafter, Generalissimo Franco had placed the area under martial law. (Allied intelligence never learned the secret of Hitler's departure until long after World War II.) As the super sub slipped beneath the water she headed southwest. For the next 18 days, in an 8 x 10 cabin, Hitler and his family shared living and sleeping quarters. Two leather covered chairs, four bunks and a radio for the Fuehrer and his family were the accessories." There were two doctors in attendance on board the submarine for the 500 passengers, submarine crew and Hitler and his family.
The Allies knew Hitler had fled. The Nuremberg War Trials had created an unspoken climate of official concern that he would return incognito to Germany to become a symbol for Germany's renaissance.
In 1945 America decided to go after Hitler. But the secrets they discovered in South America and the Antarctic were so fantastic, so seemingly incredible, that telling the details to the world was as difficult as explaining that men from Mars had already landed on earth.
Back in New York, more OSS reports told of additional German arrivals in South America. The Germans were flooding into Belem and other river ports, as well as air strips in Brazil's Amazon Valley, Leticia in Colombia and Georgetown, British Guiana.
The Germans always appeared to be in transit. At that point General Donovan personally went to Brazil to direct operations. American agents posed as rubber, precious metals and timber buyers along the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers. They learned an amazing thing. Germans were appearing from hidden staging camps 3,000 miles up the Amazon beyond Obidos and even Manaus. From here they were traced heading south toward the headwaters of the Amazon where their trail often led up the still navigable Maran River, a tributary of the Amazon, but went cold in the vicinity of Iquitos, Ecuador. As one OSS Agent's report from Iquitos said, "The Germans arrive here in local dress by the thousands -- but they never leave. They are literally being swallowed up by the earth."
Neither local Brazilians, or the Indians -- if they knew could explain the "Kraut" vanishing act. While at Manaus and Rio de Janeiro, Germans in civilian dress also were seen departing by air for Buenos Aires and Montevideo, where they again were observed leaving in private and chartered planes for the interior of Argentina. One agent reported in February, 1945, "that these VIPs in their hauteur and arrogance were like a newly formed German General Staff."
But World War II would end, Allied troops would demobilize, and another two years would go by before just what had happened for sure to Adolf Hitler and a core of hundreds of thousands of select Germans who vanished from the Fatherland.
Vanishing Germans Discover
the Mystery of the Ages
The international race to put a fleet of round wing planes in the air went unabated by those Germans
who started life anew in another hemisphere after they had abandoned their ancestral home at the end
of World War II. The new frontier life seemed to stimulate the Germans with a perseverance which
enabled them to survive and continue on. But actually their iron determination could be attributed to a
twist of fate which had begun 400 years earlier. To understand the significance of certain historical evidence relating to the continuing German effort to build a new country under the protection of the round wing plane, the reader should become acquainted with the following true adventure. It is a kaleidoscope of German resourcefulness bridging the 16th and 20th centuries.
The explanation centers around 500 warrior-colonists who left Germany in the 16th century and were presumed to have perished 4,000 miles up the Amazon River. The existence of those ancient adventurers was forgotten. Allied agents searching for Hitler's lost minions in the late 1940s unknowingly found descendents of the 16th century colonists whose current presence in that hemisphere actually changed the outcome of World War II, an astounding revelation still kept hidden from press and public.
The adventure in question began in 1572 when a select and hardy group of about 500 German colonists originating mainly from the Dukedom of Sax-Coburg, and including recruits from Bavaria and East Prussia, were hired as soldier-mercenaries by Sebastian I, King of Portugal, to man a garrison up the Amazon River. The German soldiers were allowed to bring their wives, for after building the fort and doing garrison duty, they were to be given land grants in the interior of what is now Brazil. The families were mainly Lutheran who had been subject to Catholic persecution.
These adventurers set sail from Lisbon, Portugal in three 130-foot, lightly armed warships named Urcas. Their first task was to build a Portuguese fort on the upper reaches of the Amazon in a region of what today is the approximate border between Brazil and Ecuador. Upon completion of the fort, the Germans were to man the same against the Spaniards located on the other side of the river. By territorial aggrandizement, Pope Pius V had issued a Papal Bull dividing the interior of South America. between the Spanish on the west bank of the Amazon and the Portuguese on the east bank.
The ships were destroyed at the end of the journey when the Portuguese crew and German mercenaries were ambushed by the fierce Indians. In orderly fashion, the Germans and Portuguese removed cattle, pigs, chickens and a few horses, as well as valuable seed grains for fruit and vegetables. Taking to the jungle, the Europeans fought an enemy who attempted to kill them to the last man and woman. It was a battle of bows and arrows, deadly blowguns and spears against crossbow and body armor. But it was a battle of survival for the Europeans who were quick to adopt stealthy Indian tactics of forest fighting, as opposed to open European massed battle formation.
Eventually, the white men stumbled upon a cave entrance into the side of a mountain. Fighting a rear-guard action, the German remnant was saved and also their livestock and possessions. Because the Indians were terrified of the cave spirits, they abandoned the siege and left. The hole in the side of the earth became a refuge for those white men. Periodically the mercenaries were able to make armed sorties out to procure fresh produce and game. Meanwhile, inside the cavity, the besieged people found plentiful fresh water, and by lighting fires, they learned to sustain themselves in a primitive routine. With ingenuity and skills the group persevered, but dared not establish themselves again in the dangerous world outside. Only their basic survival instincts kept them from total despair.
After agonizing on their dilemma, scouting parties explored the cavity's interior, and reported that the cave of refuge was actually the entrance to a deep underground tunnel. They also found there was evidence of human occupation before them, perhaps accounting for the fear which the Indians had of the interior. The white men took to the tunnels, not knowing where they were going, but hoping the routes would eventually digress to the surface again where they could resettle among friendly Indians.
A documented story of this adventure was recorded in diary form on the ship's log which the group saved.
The hardships were endured by the German colonists for three generations, until they "emerged" in 1647. The episode is told briefly here because what those 16th Century Germans accomplished enabled the German Third Reich to continue after World War II.
Leader of the original survivors of the 1572 Indian attacks was a German named Von Luckner. It was he who also organized the tunnel escape and unknowingly led the remnants of his party through the fissures in groups of 30, deep into the earth where several months later they found a huge, faintly lit cavity of approximately 75 square miles. The ceiling was 300 feet in height and the floor consisted of soil with all the natural nutrients for crop growth. Here the Germans established their first community, free from outside aggression. Insulated from the surface world of head-hunter Indians and an unfriendly jungle, they built a village which over the years became their permanent home. On their journey down, the Europeans generally had fresh water, at times icy cold which came in trickles and rivulets from above. The temperature remained the same as on the surface for approximately the first 100 miles; but in later years, as they penetrated deeper, they were to experience an increase in heat from 80 to 100 degrees. Subsistence was a daily problem but the raw elements of nature on the surface such as rain, cold, wind and predators were totally absent.
At that time these colonists were a lost civilization. As a group they would never return to the surface. Hopelessly, but with an instinctive urge for survival, they surrendered their old ties to Germany and took on a new identity. But the cultural, linguistic, and religious heritages from their homeland remained strong. These assets they would carefully preserve and record for their children as they wandered in the tunnels and adapted to their changed life style.
Persistent stories have been told for centuries that white men were seen on Brazil's upper reaches of the Amazon. These tales we now realize are true. Their basis grew in part as the hunted Germans cautiously reemerged to the surface where they developed trading routes much like the French "coeur de bois" in North America. Of necessity, the Germans had to barter with the Indians and, also, eventually trade with posts and forts which other non-Germanic white men had subsequently built on the river. But the lost Germans kept their hideaway a secret. At all costs, they made sure that no outsiders would stumble upon the new camouflaged tunnel entrance leading to their habitation in the interior of the earth. Those who did, never returned.
In 1980 that village which the Germans started still survives and bears the name of its original founder, Von Luckner, who was proclaimed first king in 1572. The habitation now has a population of over 30,000 souls.
As American colonists heading west in 1700's broke through one natural obstacle after another, so the Germans inside the tunnel continued to explore and move on. From the first settlement of Von Luckner, a group under the leadership of a man named Wagner moved further into the tunnel. They located another cavity where a settlement was started under Wagner's surname. (Population 1977, 60,000). By mid 1600, the Germans had developed a system of crude tracks and carts on wooden wheels. On this rudimentary railroad system they were able to haul their farm produce and livestock. They began to grow crops (particularly barley) which adapted itself to the photosynthesis emanating from the rock glow. This faint natural light coming from the rock walls also enabled them to see and their eyesight adjusted to the dark. Further down the tunnels the Germans descended and eventually established six cities along their 3,000 mile crude wooden rail system. Their offsprings survived disease and hunger. Like an army, they established each base, and after consolidating it, moved on to repeat the conquest of the tunnel system.
One recurring ordeal confronted the colonists. To understand their trouble, it is necessary to explain that the original tunnel they followed meandered and wound through 3,000 miles of labyrinths. From the seclusion of the numerous tunnel off-shoots, the Germans were frequently attacked by a subterranean race of creatures who tried to kill them as had the Indians on the surface. At one point, these "evil ones" or "Sons of Satan," as the colonists nicknamed them, walled-up the community of new German arrivals. To break out, the Germans were forced to tunnel out through a mile of rubble. The inner-race dwellers strongly resented the newcomers and agreed to guide them back to the surface if they would vacate and leave. Germans who still dwell in these original interior cities say the interior of the earth's mantle is filled with many cities inhabited by the "evil ones." These Germans who have now lived in the tunnel cities below South America for over 400 years, contend that the entire mantle of the earth is filled with different races of rock dwellers who went underground for survival after different surface upheavals or floods which occurred during the former pre-adamite and postadamite civilizations. They contend there are literally hundreds of huge cities located in pockets around the globe and under the seas, from 350 feet below the outer surface to many miles in depth. The German colonists of 1572 may have been the latest arrivals to wander into the earth's mantle -- like it -- and remain.
As the years passed, three generations of infants were born in the tunnel system. The German "Rock Moles" had established a chain of settlements named Hagner (population, 1977, 180,000) and Baron Von Brightener (population 1977, 100,000); Sillisteen (population 1977, 12,000), and Archduke Von Kitchener (population 1977, 62,000). Then, on the 75th year of their forced sojourn, their scouting parties broke out into the promised land. Emerging through a rock opening the advance party looked about in wonder. All of them had been born inside the earth's mantle but had been raised to believe there was another world. As the first guides looked about, they beheld unending sky, trees and rolling land. But more fascinating, everything including themselves was bathed in light from a faint man-made orb that hung in a real sky. (Their arrival inside the earth's rock mantle was at a midway point below today's countries of New Zealand and Australia.) The Germans cheered, they prayed, and they laughed for they thought they had arrived back on the outside of the world again.
Hurrying inside the tunnel, they told of this new wonder they had discovered. More jubilant Germans from the tunnel system emerged. Some time later, contact was made with the occupants of this new land who advised the German explorers that they had descended to the inside of the earth where hundreds of millions of peaceful people lived who shunned surface dwellers. The new Atlanteans, which they were called, moved through the air in magical, silent, round winged craft and drove four wheeled vehicles without horses or oxen. These people had an advanced civilization which the amazed Germans recognized was hundreds of years ahead of the surface civilization their fathers had left years before. Also amazing to the Germans, the new Atlanteans had an ageless longevity span, with no noticeable traces of old age in their bodies, no ancient furroughs in their facial features and no senility in their mannerisms. What was missing was the presence of old people, the Germans quickly noted.
Yet another surprise awaited the tunnel Germans. The Atlanteans or Atturians called in advisors from another Inner World continent named Bodland in order to further apprise the new immigrants. As the Bods and tunnel Germans conversed, the tunnel arrivals exploded with excitement. The Inner World Bodlanders and newly arrived tunnel Germans from the Upper World had the same root language! Unbelievable, the tunnel Germans heard a story of how the Bodlanders some 30,000 years earlier had sought refuge in underground tunnels when attacked by a vicious race which had come out of the sky in space craft using superior weaponry to destroy their cities and kill their people by the millions. Only a few thousand survivors were left and they were pursued into mountainous caves. The calamity had occurred in what today is Iran, Pakistan and Syria, once peopled by a race of fair people who called themselves Bacchis later changed to Bods. Many years later the Bods reached the Inner World via tunnels and pockets in the earth's mantle.
The group of emerging tunnel Germans were then invited to visit Bodland, and it was soon apparent to the tunnel Germans that the Bods were the most advanced civilization they had ever seen. The Atlanteans, also called Atturians, agreed to permit the new German race to settle on a relatively unoccupied continent adjacent to Bodland in the southern hemisphere where the second race of Inner World Aryans began anew. Only one stipulation was required, the tunnel Germans must live in peace and friendship and never return to the outside world.
A new German race, therefore, evolved. Its roots began in Germany. Uprooted, they were established in the tunnel system which began in the underground headquarters of South America. From here they migrated over a period of three generations to the interior of the earth where, reborn, the 250 original couples grew into a nation known today as the Six Kingdoms of Saxony. In the intervening years, surplus people from the cities confined within the mantle were forced to migrate to the interior and take up new residence in one of the six inner kingdoms. Eventually, in the 1900's, each family in the tunnel system was allowed only two children as population density was dictated by the cavity size in which each city was located.
In the early 1700's the elder Germanic race of Bods were persuaded by members of the new German royalty to transport their eldest sons back to Germany for schooling in the universities. These young men were first sworn to secrecy and flown to their ancestral homeland in Bodland aircraft in less than half a day. In Germany proper, these Germans from the lost civilization were introduced as sons of wealthy German plantation owners along the Amazon. For over 200 years in this manner, these German princes of a lost world received their advanced education in the arts and history of the Upper World at the leading universities of Europe. Upon return to their interior homeland inside the earth's mantle and the earth's interior, these young Germans showed merchandise and told of the technical advances in the outside world which they had visited. Thus, for instance, those below learned of such Upper World processes as the printing press made in Germany and first brought to the interior by the Crown Prince Von Luckner. [So I guess the definition of NEVER is different in this 'paradise',sort of how liberals define it I guess....DC]
In spite of this isolation, German communities in the tunnels also heard that the outside civilization which their forefathers had left had again been recontacted. But, since they had grown and thrived in their new tunnel locales, they decided to remain there.
The original migratory tunnel route hit many dead ends, and although substantial improvements were made by use of the single car on wooden wheels and track, the tunnel still followed natural fissures, many of which doubled back like a winding creek.
In 1853 the tunnel Germans abandoned their reticence toward upper surface outsiders and brought in a German engineer from the surface in order to improve the system. In one place he shortened a circuitous length of 273 miles by boring out a new three mile stretch. Within this three mile bore they struck a large room over a mile by three-quarters of a mile in area. In this cavity they later constructed railroad shops, yards, storage tracks, buildings, etc. Continuing to bore the tunnel system, repetitive curves and bends were straightened and the old length of 3,000 miles was shortened considerably. Borrowing technology and materials from the Bods inside the earth, a single track electric railway system evolved which the tunnel Germans improved annually. However, the tunnel entrance in Brazil/Peru border was kept a well guarded secret.
For those Germans who had eventually settled in the center of the earth, the interior climate was hospitable, and by the turn of the 20th Century their numbers had reached ten million. Because of increased visitations, reports about the sojourning princes had seeped out in Germany proper. At that time the German engineer had told of his work among the lost German cities in the tunnel. Finally, in World War I, the Germans in the tunnel sent a volunteer regiment to fight with their homeland cousins. At this juncture in the reviewed relationship between the subterranean Germans and the fatherland, the World War I regiment located many missing relatives from whom their forefathers had been separated 14 generations before. However, the Inner World Germans did not participate in the Upper World wars.
Did Germanic underworld cousins, visiting Germany during World War I, advise her to abandon caution, and reveal the existence of the underworld? The answer is yes, in part, plus other considerations. American State Department papers of December, 1914 and January through March, 1915, describing America's peace efforts to end World War I clearly outline the strenuous efforts by Germany to insure a free access route to their underground nation. One of their most stringent demands in order for them to sign the Armistice was as follows: "Imperial Germany demands free access through the Antarctic via the South Pole to the inner earth for the purpose of future colonization."
American Secretary of State Representative Colonel House, later showed this clause to British Prime Minister Lloyd George. He laughed and said, "Give the Germans that icicle land of seals and penguins. It's nothing but a giant icebox. The Germans have gone insane." As for the interior earth, Prime Minister Lloyd George suggested to Colonel House that somebody was pulling his official leg. Obviously, even in 1915 German foreign minister Count Zimmerman was more aware than the allies that planet earth was hollow in its center.
By 1930, limited contact and communications had again been established with the tunnel Germans, and a sparse trade evolved, but Upper World Germans had never been taken into the subterranean localities or to the Inner World. But despite their insulation, the presence of the lost German civilizations was being pieced together and recorded by German authorities in the Fatherland.
At the request of Adolf Hitler, officials in Nazi Germany carefully and meticulously gathered all these facts of the German Walhalla. However, Hitler's ambitions as a demagogue to place Germany on a war footing and move toward a total European conflict of arms if necessary had not gone unnoticed by the Germanic cousins of the Inner World -- particularly the Bodlanders who had been at peace for 30,000 years.
It was in 1936 that Hitler, prompted by immediate and unknown reasons, decided to send an exploration team to the Inner World (presumably by air). The Bodlanders from inside the Earth watched the upper Germans all the way and eventually invited the team to the capital city of Bod where Hitler's Upper World Germans were treated royally before returning home. The King of Bodland was invited to come up to Germany's Third Reich for a return visit and in October 1936 the Inner World Bodland King Haakkuuss the Third responded, arriving secretly in Germany via his private space ship. After talking to the Upper World Germans he was impressed by their national spirit and drive, but he also recognized they were war prone and had placed themselves in the direction of a total war footing. Taking Hitler and some of his officers aside King Haakkuuss said: "I warn you as a long lost German brother that you are on the brink of a colossal war that will lead Germany only to disaster. I urge you to stop this madness and reconsider before taking your nation down the wrong road a second time in this century. War is hate -- full of negative karma and national agony. Develop a peaceful policy in a positive way."
He then explained that his own intelligence indicated the American President was also power oriented and would like to rule the world. Russia's Stalin was also bent on world domination. Then the King prophesied that if Hitler pursued his dreams of German expansion by war, he would eventually end up being crushed by the armies of Russia and the United States and Britain and its allies. Hitler, of course, disregarded this sage advice from the ruler of another German nation which had not been at war for thirty millennium's and had built the greatest nation on or in the globe.
Following the official visit of the King of Bodland, Hitler instructed his general staff to mount an immediate combined naval and air operation leading to the opening at the South Pole by which they intended to locate again the lost German civilization in the interior of the Earth. That 1937-38 search carne to light in 1945 when American and British Intelligence officers in London began examining captured German records. Revealed were the intimate details of the German penetration of the Antarctic under Captain Ritscher whose exploration teams fanned out to unlock the secrets of the subcontinent -- once a tropic.
One German name, Kurt Von Kugler, an experienced mountain climber, stood out. He actually descended with his German crew through two miles of ice in the vicinity of a place called "Rainbow City," and found evidence of an ancient but advanced civilization older" than all of man's measured past. The Germans spent over a month there, and in this oasis of hot springs found tropical trees, melons and other succulent fruits. This find spurred the German teams to expend greater efforts and other lost valleys were located and Antarctic data developed. The 100 page report and 300 photos which allied officers read regarding this singular explorer's activity was an astonishing discovery. These records of the peacetime German conquest on Antarctica were eventually turned over to the United States where they were quickly filed in Washington's Polar Archives in the National Archives Building under the recent guardianship of Franklin Birch, whose twofold job is to deny that they exist and also to prevent public scrutiny.
The Germans had left maps with routes, and aerial photographs. On finding these, America notified Britain of their find and sent Admiral Byrd into the Antarctic to retrace the German routes. Byrd's expedition was composed of Americans, British and Canadians, one of the famous Britons being Sir Robert Scott whom the authors interviewed.
In 1938 German teams composed of military specialists and scientists finally found the long valley at the South Pole. Both land and aerial groups began the penetration. As they entered the 125-mile-wide Antarctic opening, the mystery unfolded. Traveling on, the valley deepened and 500 miles later, as the valley floor continued to drop, the snow and ice disappeared. Eventually, without being totally aware, the land teams (supplied by air drops) were descending into the doughnut-like hole to the interior of the earth. A German air team flying a Dornier-Wal made the descent. The rest is history. They flew north into the interior and landed thousands of-miles away -- among a race of people who resembled the aerial explorers themselves and spoke an ancient German dialect.
The descendants had been found of those German mercenaries whose forefathers had disappeared up the Amazon of the Upper World in the year 1572. The captured Bonn records tell how Hitler's advance parties met their long lost relatives and were joyously welcomed. The jubilant interior Germans then allotted unpopulated adjoining lands to the Germans of the Third Reich and signed six treaties of occupation, one for each autonomous German Kingdom below.
But a snag debarring total acceptance of the new political alignment occurred during the good-will visit. When the Upper World Germans visited the neighboring continent and nation of Bodland who were also Germanic in origin, they were rebuffed by the first settlers of the Inner World. The Bods categorically informed their upper world relatives that they would not be admitted below except through a singular treaty made with the Parliament of Bodland and that any lands to be allotted for future colonization of Upper World Third Reich people would be at the sole discretion of the senior Inner World Bodland power and no other nation. The ultimatum was plain. Any Upper World German 90 immigration would be under the terms of another German nation who over a span of many thousand years had developed a political structure of government that precluded war. If the Upper World Germans wanted to live in this chaste environment, they were told, they must be re-indoctrinated throughout the whole gamut of their existence from the relearning of the family, school and college perspectives towards a new outlook at adulthood life. Thus any Upper World immigration of the Germans planning another world war, would require total renunciation of their basic destructive behaviourisms before they could become federated with the Inner World people whose constant objective was peace.
The German Dornier-Wal was refueled with a chemical superior to gasoline and the surface Germans flew home. They had found their ancient Thule, but they had not experienced the applauding adulation expected from their long lost kin. The Upper World War began without respite. In September 1939 Hitler's legions of invincibility invaded Poland. Britain, France and their colonial empires declared war on the Germans. In 1940 the Germans had turned on the Russians and in 1941 the Americans under Roosevelt had come in on the side of the allies. The prophecy for fulfillment of the 1936 warning by King Haakkuuss III was about to unfold. By 1943 Hitler realized he could not fight a war on three fronts against enemies with inexhaustible supplies of men and materials despite advanced German preparedness.
Therefore the Third Reich altered its plan for conquest of the world. Early in 1943 Adolf Hitler dispatched a delegation of unknown emissaries below to entreat King Haakkuuss III of Bodland to sell some unsettled land near the Inner South Pole entrance. The King refused to sell them any territory for expansion but as a brother German nation he welcomed Hitler's people to come down and occupy semi-desert land without compensation, provided they agreed to sign a treaty of perpetual peace with Bodland and dwell quietly with the other nations.
The visiting Upper World Germans agreed, whereupon the Bodland King called a special session of Parliament inviting the delegation of Third Reich emissaries to attend. As the visitors from the Upper World listened, they observed King Haakkuuss open the special session of Parliament and deliver the following address which was televised to the entire nation:
"Citizens of Bodland: As you are already aware, a delegation of fellow German kin folk from the Earth's Upper surface is visiting the leaders of our nation. These visiting Germanic speaking people from the surface call themselves citizens of the Third Reich, have a common ancestry with us dating back 30,000 years at least when we existed together on the surface, where our history teaches we dwelt principally as a great nation in what is called Persia since former times (and currently named Iran). Our ancestors also occupied other adjoining lands in this area of the world including what is today called India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, etc., all of which are now peopled by non-Germanic peoples.
"The cradle of our race, of course, was in the Antarctic from which our ancestors migrated to Persia (Iran) when the Antarctic area slowly became frozen over with ice which is now two miles thick.
"But completing the story of our ancient history, you know our surface nation was destroyed and our people hunted and killed by the millions when a vicious race from another planet named "The Serpent People" landed among us from spacecraft. Many of our ancestors were driven into caves for survival, where for many years they remained. They were never able to return to their native lands occupied by the alien invaders whom our astronomers believed came from a strange planet which intruded into our solar system and also caused the earlier ice age over our original lands.
"While our ancestors were in the caves and tunnels, a remnant of them became separated from Bodland forefathers and eventually this grouping arrived back out on the surface through a cave in what today is called the Black Forest in Bavaria. They became the modern surface Germans and their kin scattered throughout the northern hemisphere above. As you listeners will know, we Bodlanders are the other part of the Persian exodus who eventually migrated through caves and tunnels into the center of the Earth, coming out in these very mountains of Bodland through the tunnels of which we can still connect with hidden exits on the upper surface with our fast magnetic trains and cars. To conclude the capsule history, I would point out that the languages of the upper and lower Germans are today somewhat different but our root words and our customs and even our music are all identifiable with each other."
The King paused and the Parliament of ancient Germans and newly found surface relatives listened with solemnity. His Majesty then re-addressed himself to the vast listening audience throughout the nation. "Fellow citizens, the subject matter on which I address my main remarks is simply this: Our brothers on the surface are involved in a war that can only mean their annihilation as a nation, having been led into this catastrophe by one man -- a foolish leader (Adolf Hitler) -- whom I tried to warn of his wrong doing three years before the war began -- but he rejected my advice. At that time I predicted his downfall if he were to engage his nation in war because two other surface nations, whose leaders also wanted to rule the entire upper world, would unite and destroy the German leader. I refer to Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States and Joseph Stalin of Soviet Russia.
"Our brothers on the surface are losing the war. It is only a matter of time before most of the country of Germany as a nation will be defeated and destroyed according to the plans of their enemies. A delegation of our surface kinsmen are sitting in the Parliamentary visitors' gallery even today. They have come on behalf of their leaders, to beg for our help. Without our befriending them, their people above are lost.
"Their foolish leader in spite of his evil deeds which are mountainous, still has the makings of a great man if guided in the right direction, and therefore he is part of my proposal, in that he be allowed to enter the Inner World as a catalyst to reunite the exodus of his people under the following conditions:
"That we deed our southern wastelands to them for new settlements.
"That we assist them in developing these vast lands into productive croplands and urban centers. (Eventually the Bods drilled 1800 artesian wells in the arid lands for the incoming German tide from above and also built the first railroads and laid out the new cities.) Later the newcomers may stay in peace or return to the surface.
"That we give all our services to nurture their beginnings as a great nation like ourselves. But before committing our brain power and labour to help them, a charter must be signed by their leaders agreeing to renounce war and not provoke any conflict as long as they remain among us. Each new arrival would sign such an oath before being accepted as an Inner World citizen.
"That Bodland supervise all new construction and make certain that no war-like beginnings are started by them while on the allotted lands. Those among the Upper Germans who exhibit a war prone attitude and want to continue World War II at a later date would not be allowed to settle among us, and therefore any new war beginnings would have to take place on the surface of the planet, for which it is already infamous.
"That Bodland's government would screen all newcomers and this immigrant supervision would last for a term of 30 years ending in 1973."
King Haakkuuss finished his speech and a Parliamentary Committee worked out details of the Charter. Three days later the treaty had been drafted and passed by the Bodland Parliament for signature of the King. The visiting Germans were shown a copy of the draft in the language of the Bodlanders, but the Upper World Germans could not decipher the text. Placing a glass screen over the pages, the Bods showed their astonished cousins the same pages again. Through the opaque screen the language was in modern idiomatic and precise German. The document was accepted without revision and shortly afterwards the signed text was made available in both languages. There remained a place for the signature of Adolf Hitler and other German signatories.
The treaty in effect welcomed the defeated Germans into the Hollow Earth under strict conditions imposed by the Bodlanders' Parliament. The arid lands were to be made productive in order to sustain the newcomers. Strict immigration factors would constitute entry acceptance. Those denied entry would be top Nazis, all personnel connected with concentration camps or those who had hunted Jews and other ethnic groups or political or ideological enemies of the Third Reich. The list of immigrant denials was extensive. Only those in the present Reich armed services with clean records would be accepted for continuing police and defense duties. The Bodland criminal law denied citizenship to murderers, sadists, rapists and kidnappers, aside from spelled out treaty conditions.
The King took the Upper Germans aside and told them that if they broke the treaty by warfare they all would be eliminated so quickly they would barely have time for their lives to flash before them, so quick and devastating would be their destruction by Bod weaponry.
When the delegation returned to the surface they presented the treaty to Hitler. He angrily fumed and ranted but signed the document. From that day on, a secret government department was established answerable only to Hitler and three other unknown men. The task of this department was to prepare the Third Reich for migration into the Inner Earth to resettle in the general vicinity and under the watchful eyes of the old kingdoms of Germans and the strict surveillance of the Bodlanders who would control all facets of the New German nation for 30 years. Albert Speer's grand designs for the public buildings to be erected in a victorious post-war Berlin were to become instead the models for a New Berlin in the underworld capital as batteries of Bodlanders swarmed in to help the latest arrivals build a new nation from the ground up.
Beginnings of the construction of New Berlin were started in 1943 including the new Reichstag and a palace for Hitler. By 1944 underground water and utilities were laid out for a New Berlin and temporary living and office quarters had already been erected by the Bods and new German workers.
Two obstacles faced the Germans migrating from the Third Reich. The first was the descent into the abyss for 125 miles through a wide hole in the Antarctic. No land entrance over the ice covered continent leading to the abyss had been revealed by the German exploration teams. Hence, all personnel or supplies reaching the earth's interior via the South Pole route must be freighted in by conventional aircraft -- an almost impossible task even with naval and land relay depots.
One alternative later devised was to have the five relatively untried round wing planes (powered by magnetic energy) flown to secret hideouts in the southern hemisphere to become the nucleus of a giant airlift. Two additional craft were later flown down (one in 1946 and the other in 1947).
The second obstacle was the antiquated tunnel leading to the Old Germany in the interior. The original tunnel of 3,000 miles, of course, had been reworked in the mid 1800's, but was still old-fashioned by modern standards. It had been used more or less for interior trade of the various communities inside the mantle, and not for mass transit. An updated German survey by Bod engineers) therefore, recommended rebuilding the system. Involved was a shortening of the total lineal miles -- more secondary lines to serve the local interior cities -- and a new monorail track system with sufficient electric power to carry up to 12 cars.
As World War II unexpectedly deteriorated for Germany proper after 1943, communications with the interior Germans increased via conventional aircraft and the tunnel system. Sometime in 1941 the subterranean German settlements invited their surface brothers to help modernize the tunnel system according to the earlier decision, and to expedite use of its facility in case they had to relocate their emigrants to the interior. Unable to await reconstruction of the tunnel system and its train then nicknamed "the space elevator," hordes of defeated Germans in 1944 began coming through the Brazil corridor via the tunnel to their new homes below.
Germans were questioned recently about the attitude of the interior Germans toward those surface Germans defeated in World War II who relocated underground. They described the relationship as somewhat parallel to the British/American wartime relationship: "England, the older Anglo-Saxon race, was in trouble, and America, a brother offshoot came to her rescue." German sources for the underworld reports were also asked by the authors if the old Six Kingdoms of interior Germans or the Bods would amalgamate with Hitler's new arrivals. "Not so," said the German sources. Each of the interior Germany's continues to value its strong nationalistic pride which none will surrender. The peaceful political tone has been long established and ingrained in the Bod Germans and the newcomers are expected to abide by these standards, the source declared.
The pair of nations could be described somewhat like the U.S.A. and Canada. Each has an English common law tradition and a stranger would not recognize any significant social or political differences between Calgary and Dallas -- except for accent and nationalistic pride.
The German source went on to explain that the tunnel Germans whose forefathers began the exodus would remain economically and socially connected with the old six interior kingdoms of New Germany, but recent fraternization and trade was making differences less recognizable.
In 1943 the tunnel railway custodians named "Two World Railroad Company" were reincorporated under the "Inner Earth Railway Company." On the advice of engineers from Bodland, they sent for a famous Swiss-speaking German engineer named Karl Schneider to rebuild the tunnel on a five year contract. Schneider's vast knowledge of railway tunneling came as a result of his experience in Building the Simplon Tunnel from Milan, Italy through the Alps to Srig, Switzerland and also tunneling jobs in Russia, Australia and South Africa. (On July 1, 1977, he completed the north-south tunnel under the Potomac at Washington in three months time with three additional months needed for drying and hardening of the glazed tunnel interiors. As of July, 1977, he had two more Potomac tunnels to complete under his contract with Metro.
Schneider's survey crew under the direction of Bod engineers took two years to survey the proposed rerouting of the "Inner Earth Railway Company." A total of 316 miles of new tunnels were opened by Bod laser and drilling, often through solid rock. Many additional natural pockets were discovered and these were utilized for freight and railway transit supplies.
After survey completion, Schneider returned to the surface where he hired 5,000 Indians who were familiar with underground mine labor. Schneider also hired experienced bilingual Indian overseers in charge of illiterate Indian workers. They were transported below to quarters located in a rock pocket.
The tunnel beginnings were cut in spiral-shapes for 32 miles, where the gravity pull was unchanged from that on the surface. Below the 32 mile Earthen skin, the tunnel was changed from the spiral formation, and descended more vertically at an angle of about 32 degrees. As the Indians descended deep into the rock mantle, they were surrounded by a greater land mass and consequently were able to walk on the entire 360 degrees of inner tunnel circumference and not fall. They therefore were unaware that they were employed on a project that was going from the outside to the inside of the Earth's mantle and believed, as they had been told, that they were in a mine digging for gold. Correcting the tunnel at the interior side of the Earth's mantle required another spiral 32 miles from the interior surface. (Hypothetically, a stone dropped from the upper surface into a hole would fall straight through the planet’s entire mantle, eventually spiralling to a point mid-way in the mantle, where it would cling to the side of the descending hole or tunnel in the mantle.) The tunnel was finished in 1948, and as a sidelight, Schneider moved enough gold from the project to pay all his expenses. Meanwhile, as new tunneling progressed, the trains continued to carry German emigrants to the interior of the Earth, landing them in the continent of Agharta, where the original German colonists had first settled. Innerworld surface trains and boats then took the emigrants to their new locale inside the Earth's interior in the southern hemisphere.
Trains upbound from inner earth and downbound from outer earth follow the regular falling gravity norm and use breaks and gears until point zero gravity is reached, midway in the mantle. Then, on the second half of their journey, the electric power source is used to ascend.
As the tunnel was drilled and allowed to cool, the monorail system now in use was incrementally installed. Upon completion of the tunnels, new electric trains were brought in from Germany capable of pulling 12 cars. The power source originates at a South Pole generating station inside the earth; the actual source being solar energy coming through the South Pole entrance. The train rides on a double flanged bottom wheel over a single energized rail. The top of the train is held in place by another double flanged wheel gliding under a top rail.
The made-in-Germany round wing planes also had to prove their capabilities quickly. Demands to relocate personnel and equipment were soon begun, using the new planes. After the German equipment and tools for continuing the manufacture of the round wing planes had been removed to the earth's interior via the South Pole entrance, the five planes were put into international service operating from secret bases in South America. The first industrial task started below was to build a foundry, and the second endeavor was a factory for production of a 120 foot diameter round wing freighter, a model which the Germans had tested in 1942.
The test flight of the first round wing freighter made in New Germany was completed in 1946. The giant UFO's first job was to fly to America and haul back six caterpillar machines. German buyers had purchased the machines in Detroit and shipped these earth movers and their spare parts by train to New Orleans. Then, under cover of darkness, the "caterpillars" were taken on low-boy trailers to a remote farm where they were loaded on the huge, round wing freighter. Piloted by Captain Eric Von Schuschnigg, the round wing plane took off to Brazil to onload other accessories and tools. On the second day after leaving the New Orleans area, and stopping over for 36 hours in a hidden Amazon airfield, the freighter landed in New Berlin and discharged its first cargo.
In much the same manner, the fleet of smaller German round wing planes picked up such equipment as turret lathes, shapers, milling machines, cranes, etc., from secret locations in German and American depots. The American goods bought by Germans prior to war's end were purchased by their New York office for shipment to Rio de Janeiro, but often were moved out of America by round wing planes landing in sparsely inhabited desert areas. These goods were paid for by check from Swiss Banks in New York, where German gold was stored by the New York Trading Company.
In late 1944 and early 1945, the Germans also shipped many trainloads of supplies to Spain to be lifted by the round wing planes or loaded on new super subs and older-class subs nicknamed "sea cows" for eventual delivery up the Amazon to interior ports. These subs were eventually scuttled at the war's end.
Another priority below was for tool and die making and foundry work. Each machine required was shipped below by round wing plane in order to resume the various capital projects including a fleet of round wing planes and other defense priority needs. In 1946, exploration teams in the interior had located excellent deposits of iron, copper and aluminum and these were now used in the foundry. Wooden products including finished plywood were shipped down from Brazil via the tunnel.
In the first few months of operation in 1944 and 1945, the Germans had proven the round wing plane was superior to any conventional aircraft and would become the actual workhorse and front line military aircraft of the world by the year 2000. But in 1945, the total reality of the German evacuation had not been fathomed. The only clues of which the allies were certain were that masses of Germans, including Hitler had disappeared.
Hitler, after debarking from his submarine, had arrived in Argentina by way of a routing through Columbia and Brazil. His trip was deliberately unhurried until initial preparations and housing were ready below in New Berlin. King Haakkuuss of Bodland sent his personal space ship to Argentina to bring Hitler below. Upon arrival in the capital of Bodland, Hitler was told authoritatively the peaceful conditions of residence by which he and his subjects must abide in their new land. Hitler re-affirmed his acceptance pledge in what would ultimately lead him into an untried life of human co-existence.
Upon arrival King Haakkuuss told Hitler: "We have permitted you to emigrate because you will serve as the catalyst by which New Germany will be reborn. Your good ideas you should keep and develop. The bad must be eradicated. The hateful aspects of your character must never assert themselves here below and notwithstanding your heinous record of evil to fellow mankind, we believe you can channel your drive into a positive direction as a national leader." The king added, "But your Nazi cronies from above like Borman, Himmler, Goering, etc. can never come below. We (the Bods) will personally scrutinize each arrival." He concluded: "It will take three generations to correct your (Hitler's) past mistakes in wrongfully indoctrinating German youth, and six generations will be required to bury completely the national instincts of aggressive and wasteful war."
In 1945 and 1946, American OSS agents began closing their net on the Quito, Peru area. Here the Germans were seen departing for the interior via the Inner World Railway. The American observers were confronted now by a different German than those who had left Europe weeks or months before. Now the Americans and other international agents, including the British and Canadians, ran into confident Germans who revealed openly their true Teutonic character. But they were still secretive about their reasons for being in that part of the world. Camps of Germans were hidden in Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, British Guiana and other outlying areas. These Germans were emerging when called to take the last train ride to their new homeland. Skills and professions needed below were sent down in the first trains available while those of top priority were flown through the South Pole entrance in German or Bod round wing planes. Eventually 2-1/2 million Germans settled below. In 1944-45 alone, combined methods of transportation including the railroad and round wing planes carried over 200,000 Germans below. No annual census was taken, but the population expansions into the interior increased yearly. By 1948, German girls from the homeland began arriving and marrying their sweethearts. Families whose husbands had gone below in the first waves were also reunited by various methods and routings. When completed in 1948, the "Space Elevator" was carrying up to 3,600 passengers weekly, most traveling down. Schedules ran three times weekly each way.
In 1948 the new train schedule made six stops for food, beverage and lodging, traveling up to 300 miles per hour in between stations, and traversing the entire distance in less than a 24 hour period. Scores of smaller inner tunnel communities were built up in newly discovered pockets and these new communities were served by interior based, local trains which never surfaced. In 1978, three to five car trains only 300 to 500 passengers weekly, the remaining cars being filled with freight and commodities.
A large German community has grown up in the vicinity of the underground depot that once was only a hole into a cave in 1572 and for eons of time before that. Today Germans return to the surface close to Iquitos, thence to Manaus and via VARIG Airways fly to Rio de Janeiro. From there they travel by PanAm to San Juan, Puerto Rico or Lisbon, Portugal and then by plane or train to Germany.
Currently, many of these interior Germans are coming back to the surface to retire in their homeland. Some of the Germans also elect to retire in various South American countries or the United States, Canada, Britain and Spain rather than go to their old homelands in communist held East Germany.
In 1946 while the Bods strictly supervised the building of a minimal aerial, navy and land force to be used only for New Germany's national police protection and defense, a setback occurred which was to test their survival. It was from an unexpected source.
On July 12, 1946, Interworld Radar picked up an airborne invasion -- bogies coming from the north. The New Germans knew an enemy might attack them from either the large 1,400 mile North Pole opening which the Russians had used, or the South Pole entrance. But the Germans were psychologically unprepared for this particular confrontation. The bogies were not airplanes or rockets sent down from their former surface enemies. They were round wing planes.
The old, inner world Viking race to the north had been watching the Germans grow in strength. Disliking what they saw in this militaristic action on the part of the new inhabitants of the interior of the earth, and aware of Nazi occupation of Norway and Denmark, the Vikings attacked the new Germans. The German defense was to be their first attempt to defend their new land.
Radar picked up the Viking round wing planes moving southward toward New Berlin and New Hamburg at 5,000 miles per hour, from a northern city in Vikingland called Kupenhaggen (population 3,000,000). A red alert was sounded and five German UFO's, the first ones made in upper Germany before surrender, took to the air.
The aerial vanguards of the 12 million Viking nation on the continent called Vikingland had challenged the small 300,000 fledgling German nation. The aerial battle had lasted sporadically for several hours when the Atlanteans (Atturians) delivered an ultimatum to the Vikings that if they didn't stop the attack, the Atlantean craft would join the fray and cut up the Vikings with advanced lasers. The Atlanteans reassured the Vikings that the Germans must be made welcome inasmuch as they were making unclaimed arid land productive. The New Atlanteans further told the Vikings that the New Germans (related to the Vikings) in peacetime were the most productive people on the face of the upper earth -- but in war could be the most destructive. Finally, the Atlantean ambassador to the Vikings stated: "Let the newly arrived Germans live among us in peace! We don't want the war from above renewed below."
Unbeknownst to the combatants or to the Atlanteans (Atturians) the Bodlanders who had been grievously watching the unexpected Inner World beginnings of a war, moved in with their own round wing planes. Moving ahead and above the advancing Viking formation, the Bod craft repeatedly threw out what appeared to be a solid force field. The oncoming Viking craft, unaware of the invention, struck the barriers and were turned back. The beginning of a war of attrition was stopped. (As far as is known the above account is the first mention of the Bod's involvement in preventing the New Germans and the Vikings widening that aerial confrontation in the Inner World.)
But the New Germans had no sooner tested their combatant abilities against the Vikings within the Earth, when an old foe from above began to stir.
Byrd Finds South Pole Entrance to Inner World