Monday, July 1, 2019

Part 6: Witness to History....The Peacemakers & War! Poland Provides the Excuse

Witness To History
By Michael Walsh
Image result for images of Witness To History By Michael Walsh
"The undersigned who believe that real friendship and cooperation between Great Britain and Germany are essential to the establishment of enduring peace not only in Western Europe but throughout the world, strongly deprecate the attempt which is being made to sabotage an Anglo-German rapprochement by distorting the facts of the Czecho-Slovak settlement. 

"We believe that the Munich Agreement was nothing more than the rectification of one of the most flagrant injustices of the Peace Treaty. It took nothing from Czecho-Slovakia to which that country could rightly lay claim, and gave nothing to Germany which could have been rightfully withheld. 

"We see in the policy so courageously pursued by the Prime Minister (Neville Chamberlain) the end of a long period of lost opportunities and the promise of a new era to which the tragic years that have gone since the War will seem like a bad dream." -- It bore the signatures of the following: 

"Lord Arnold, Captain Bernard Ackworth, Prof. Sir Raymond Beazley, Mr. C.E Carroll, Sir. John Smedley Crooke, M.P., Mr. W.H. Dawson, Admiral Sir. Barry Domville, Mr. A.E.R Dyer, Lord Fairfax of Cameron, Viscount Hardinge of Penshurst, Mr. F.C. Jarvis, Mr. Douglas Jerrold, Sir. John Latta, Prof. A.P Laurie, The Marquess of Londonderry, Vice-Admiral V.B Molteno, Captain A.H. Maule Ramsey, M.P., Mr. Wilmot Nicholson, Lord Redesdale, Captain Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, Capt. Arthur Rogers, OBE, Maj-Gen, Arthur SollyFlood, Mrs. Nesta Webster, Mr. Bernard Wilson." The Times, October 6th, 1938 

This letter was held up for five days before The Times reluctantly agreed to publish it. 

The dismemberment of Germany following the Great War meant that the Sudetenland (Bohemia and Moravia), part of Germany for 700 years and with a population of over 3 million Germans, being moved -- against their wishes -- out of their homeland to become part of a newly-created country, populated mainly by Czechs and Slovaks, which was to be called Czechoslovakia. 

The Sudeten Germans suffered greatly under Czech rule. On March 4th, 1919, public meetings calling for self determination were brutally broken up and 52 German civilians were murdered. Lord Rothermere described Czechoslovakia as a 'swindle' 

Conditions imposed upon the Sudeten-Germans were so harsh that during 1919, 600,000 were forced to leave their settlements of centuries. Throughout the ensuing years, the Czech President, M. Benes, saw to it that conditions became so intolerable that even England and France felt it necessary to concede this injustice of Versailles and agreed to its return to Germany. 

"The worst offence was the subjection of over three million Germans to Czech rule." -- H.N Brailsford, Leading left wing commentator 

The Czech administration which wanted the German territory but not its population, agreed, but refused to do so and instead began a reign of terror aimed at driving the German population over the borders into Hitler's Germany in a program that has since been termed ethnic cleansing. 

"Let us examine the gruesome tale of figures. On one single day 10,000 refugees, the next day 20,000, then 37,000. Two days later 41,000, then 62,000 and 78,000. Soon it was 90,000, 107,000, 137,000 and today the figure is 214,000. Whole districts are being depopulated. Villages are being burnt down and shrapnel and gas used to exterminate the German population." -- Adolf Hitler, September 26th, 1938 

Similarly, when under the terms of the Versailles Treaty, a large part of Germany and its German population was awarded to Poland, so began an anti German racist pogrom resulting in widespread murder and mayhem resulting in over a million Germans being 'ethnically cleansed' from their homelands of centuries. 

"Let there be no mistake; the 30th January was not the beginning of the agitation against Germany; in 1923 over half a million Germans had to leave their historical homelands, Posnia-West Prussia, and this number increased -- according to Polish statements -- to a million by 1931." -- Heinz Roth, publisher 

Hitler's Germany could no longer act as bystanders to the grim unfolding tragedy. When German troops re-entered their former territory, the Sudetenland, there was rejoicing in the streets. 

"It was one of the mistakes of the Peace Treaty that though the principle of self determination was much in evidence in Paris, the wishes of the Germans in Bohemia as of their fellows in Austria were never consulted; or, insofar as by their self-organised efforts those wishes found some expression, they were harshly brushed aside. What remains to be done is rectify the error of 1919." -- The Times, June 14th, 1938 
[Note - JP: It wasn't a 'mistake'. It was ALL done intentionally laying the groundwork for what the perpetrators knew would result in a second World War] 

The Munich Pact is the name given to the agreement which recognised the injustice of that section of the Versailles Treaty, which had delivered over 3 million Germans and their homelands to a newly formed state, and subjected them to the antagonisms of a hostile government. 

"The Munich Pact . . . was a triumph for all that was best and most enlightened in British life." -- Prof. A.J.P. Taylor, Historian 

Neville Chamberlain on his return from Munich was denounced for having negotiated a peaceful settlement and his effigy was burnt -- in Moscow. On the strength of a report, later found to be false, Mr. Chamberlain guaranteed Poland's borders. The irony was that Hitler himself was prepared to guarantee those very same borders but had his proposals rejected. 

Lord Lothian, in his last speech to Chatham House, remarked: 

"If the principle of self-determination had been applied in Germany's favour, as it was applied against her, it would have meant the return of the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, parts of Poland, the Polish Corridor and Danzig to the Reich." 

"Personally I am sorry to say I am convinced that we cannot permanently prevent these Sudeten Germans from coming into the Reich if they wish it and undoubtedly, the majority today do so." -- Neville Henderson to Lord Halifax 

"I am gratified beyond measure to observe that since the 7th March there has come in foreign countries a growing realization that Germany -- speaking through the mouthpiece of her Leader -- has a sincere pragmatic desire for peace for the worried, suspicious European countries." -- Douglas Chandler, American journalist 

"I cannot see what else Europe could expect. No mobilisation except commonsense. We should take Hitler at his word." -- George Lounsbury, Ex-Chairman of the Labour Party 

"The Locarno Pact is dead. It goes unhonoured and unsung into the tomb of political errors." -- Lord Rothermere's newspapers 

"Hitler has given new hope to humanity. His points are inspired by a most generous spirit which, if accepted, will surely blow away the dark fears." -- Sir. Philip Gibbs 

"There is no more reason why German territory should be demilitarised than French, Belgian or British." 

"As one of Hitler's greatest friends put it to me recently; 'You can start a preventive war; you can bomb our cities and occupy our territory. But this time you will not break our spirit. There will be no November, 1918 in the next war." -- H. Powys Greenwood. Hitler's First Year 

"The repeated declaration, for example, that it is against Nazi convictions to want to turn Poles, Frenchmen or Czechs into Germans is based on the idea that the process must lead 'to the destruction of the German elements, and that the 'victors would thus in reality become the vanquished'. 

"When Nazis assure me that they regard the conquest of non-German elements as likely to weaken them, I am inclined to believe it, as racial purity is a fundamental article of their faith. It is this faith itself which is leading them to adopt a more conciliatory attitude towards the adjoining races." H. PowysGreenwood, Hitler's First Year 

"However, she does not want to fight at all if it can be helped; and the racial idea itself leads her to be thoroughly alive to the terrible threat of modern warfare to women and children, the bearers of the race, and to the dangers that would threaten the white races in the event of another internecine struggle." H. Powys-Greenwood, Hitler's First Year

"If their legitimate aspirations are thwarted and their tentative moves towards reconciliation with former enemies rejected; if their attempts to get in touch with other people -- the British people above all -- and evoke sympathetic understanding at least of some of their aims, are met by a persistent barrage of uncomprehending criticism; the chance of influencing the still young plant of National Socialism will be thrown away and the New Germany, leaders and led alike, may in despair turn to the blatant gospel of force. 

"A preventive war, which always seems to me to be the acme of defeatism, the action of men or nations who have no confidence in their future, would at any rate be more logical." H. Powys-Greenwood, Hitler's First Year 

"One young S.S. Man from the Rhineland, who had been telling me harrowing tales of the Negro occupation, added that as a German nationalist nothing would please him better than a war of revenge against France, but as a National Socialist, with the good of the people at heart, he earnestly wished to end a thousand years of futile conflict with the hereditary enemy." -- H. Powys Greenwood, Hitler's First Year 

"In three days last week I had 2,450 letters, and 1,860 (76%) of these were 'stop the war', in one form or another." -- Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, October, 

"He (Hitler) is totally convinced that England wants to strike Germany down again, and that everything which he himself undertakes, therefore, has a defensive character. Nevertheless, not very long ago, in an intimate circle on the Obersalzberg, Hitler expressed this opinion: 'A European war could be the end of all our efforts even if we should win, because the disappearance of the British Empire would be a misfortune which could not be made up again. If they, the British Government, force me into belligerency however, then I will seize the initiative and will use every means at my disposal'." -- Carl. J. Burckhardt, High Commission of the League of Nations, 1938 

When Britain declared war on Germany, (3rd September, 1939) and the contents of the British Declaration of War were read out to Hitler, it was, 'as if he had been turned to stone. For a while dead silence prevailed in the room. Finally, Hitler turned to Ribbentrop, his Foreign Minister, and said; "What now?" 

"In Britain, Lord Halifax was reported as being 'redeemed'. He ordered beer. We laughed and joked." -- H. Roth, Why Are We Being Lied To? 

"I considered the Nuremberg Trials unjust for condemning the conquered Admirals as war criminals when, in reality, they did nothing other than defend their country with acknowledged patriotism." -- Vice Admiral Carlos Torres Hevia, Republic of Chile 

During the war, thousands of British people were gaoled [imprisoned] under a hastily contrived piece of legislation entitled 'Regulation 18B', as being potentially sympathetic towards National Socialism or, simply but actively being opposed to war with Germany. They were rounded up and without trial imprisoned. It was said 'that every decoration from the Victoria Cross downwards, could be seen on the prison yard at Brixton'. 

"Let us be fair to these people who were imprisoned under 18B, and let us remember that they have never been accused of any crime; not only have they not been convicted of any crime, but they have never been accused of any crime. This should be remembered in all fairness to them." -- Lord Jowett, The Lord Chancellor to the House of Lords, December 11th, 1946 

"The largest indoor meeting ever held in Britain occurred when over 20,000 people packed Earls Court in London, to support a peace meeting organised by the British Union." -- Michael McLaughlin, For Those Who Cannot Speak 

"I had the privilege of enjoying the close friendship of Mr. Lloyd George for nearly twenty years, and it is clear from the Lord Gladwyn letter (July, 28th) that he never knew him. He had all the courage of Churchill and even greater vision. Churchill once described him to me as 'our most illustrious citizen, who was always in the next field but one,' and Lord Birkenhead, when Lord Chancellor; 'I have not yet discerned his equal, and doubt if I ever shall.' 

"Contrary to what Lord Gladwyn says, in the words of Harold Nicolson (who was there); 'He fought like a tiger' in Paris for a better peace treaty at Versailles. He failed, not because of Clemenceau -- a 'rude but reasonable man' -- but because of the obstinacy of President Woodrow Wilson. Afterwards he said to me: 'The world is too torn and miserable and hurt just now for a just and lasting peace. But this is not the end, it is the beginning.' 

"I asked him what he planned to do, and he said; 'Revise the Polish frontier in Silesia; abolish the Polish Corridor between East and West Germany, which is a running sore; abolish reparations, and with them all inter-allied debts; and get a good international monetary system. After that, we shall get, I hope, steady and agreed disarmament and closer European co-operation.' 

"He started well at the Genoa Conference of 1922 which he dominated. Then everything crashed. Rathenau was assassinated. He himself fell from power, Stresemann died, Briand was consigned to the political wilderness. The era of the political pygmies had arrived. 

"Lord Gladwyn goes on to say that he was an appeaser of the Nazis before the 1939 - 1945 war, 'when the Foreign Office was increasingly firm and resolute'. This is flatly untrue. Lloyd George was never at any time an appeaser, nor did he ever advocate unilateral disarmament. 

"On the contrary, he frequently condemned Neville Chamberlain's disarmament, 'which I never would have allowed', and even Franklin Roosevelt's hinting at the possibility of Pearl Harbour. He was persuaded by Tom Jones, his Welsh Secretary, and later Baldwin's, because Jones, who accompanied him, thought he was the only man alive who could now prevent a second world war. 

"But George gave nothing away, and afterwards Hitler said, 'what a pity for them that they have no one else like that now.' He reckoned without one. 

"At the Foreign Office, Sir. Horace Wilson replaced Lord Vansittart. If this is Lord Gladwyn idea of 'increased firmness and resolution' it isn't mine. I went to lunch later with Lloyd George and Vansittart in the South of France. On the way back Vansittart remarked grimly: 'We have no one of that calibre now'. 

"I find myself in agreement with Lord Gladwyn on only one point. While the treasure has been almost consistently wrong over the past 50 years, the Foreign Office has had occasional flashes of sanity, especially under Bevin, Home and Carrington. But the real miracle is that the British people have been great enough to survive them both for so long." -- Boothby, House of Lords, Daily Telegraph 

"Indeed he went even further (Con O'Neill 'brilliant Whitehall mandarin'). He told his boss, the then Foreign Secretary, Rab Butler, that Britain had always gone to war against cross-border organisations like the Community. Our traditional foreign policy, after all, had been to keep the continental powers divided." -- Daily Mail editorial. 2nd January, 1995 

Seldom in American history were the American people as united in their views as they were in 1939 about staying out of the war in Europe. 

"When hostilities began in September 1939, the Gallup Poll showed 94% of the American people against involvement in war. The figure rose to 96.5% in December 1939. On June 3rd, 1941, 83% of the American population was against entering the war." -- Gallup Poll 

"The entry of America into the war would lead to chaos lasting several generations." -- Charles Lindbergh 

"All that is best in France is against war, almost at any price." -- Eric Phipps, Britain's Ambassador to France 

"I feel it to be a great misfortune that on August 4, 1914, these two great Germanic nations (Germany and Britain) which, through all the fluctuations of German history, have lived in peace for hundreds of years, were plunged into war. I would be very happy if this unnatural state of things came to an abrupt end and our two kindred peoples found their way back to the old relations of friendship." -- Adolf Hitler speaking to a British journalist, October 18, 1933 

"The English have fought against the Germans only once. We, the representatives of the British Legion, are of the opinion that it was a mistake. This mistake must never occur again. I can well speak in the name of the soldiers of the British Empire when I say that during the war we had an extraordinary high esteem for the German soldiers. For me this esteem was confirmed when I came with the army of occupation in Cologne and saw how the Germans know how to bear great misfortune and hard times." -- Major F.W.C. Featherstone-Godley, British Legion 

"He (Hitler) disclosed on 20th January, 1943, that the Germans in 1940 offered to retire Hitler if by doing so they could make peace with Britain." -- Joseph E. Davis, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 1936/38 

"Most Germans think the war is stupidly unnecessary and that the British were sticking their noses into what is none of their business. 'Just think of it!' they exclaim. Here we are so busy making over our country, and now we have to lay aside our fine construction plans to go and fight it out with those damned Englishmen'." -- Lothrop Stoddard, American philosopher, Daily Mail, January 1st, 1940 

"On the contrary, he (Hitler) wanted to remove Danzig as an obstacle, so that he could strengthen their friendship (between Germany and Poland)." -- Lipski, Polish Ambassador to Berlin

LIDDELL HART, Military Historian. 
"The western allies entered that war with a two-fold object. The immediate purpose was to fulfil their promise to preserve the independence of Poland. The ultimate purpose was to remove a potential menace to themselves, and thus ensure their own security. In the outcome they failed in both purposes. Not only did they fail to prevent Poland from being overcome in the first place, and partitioned between Germany and Russia, but after six years of war which ended in apparent victory they were forced to acquiesce in Russia's domination of Poland -- abandoning their pledges to the Poles who had fought on their side. 

"At the same time all the effort that was put into the destruction of Hitlerite Germany resulted in a Europe so devastated and weakened in the process that its power of resistance was much reduced in the face of a fresh and greater menace -- and Britain, in common with her European neighbours, had become a poor dependent of the United States." -- Sir. Basil Liddell Hart, The History of the Second World War 

It is important to remember that the 'menace' that Germany presented was solely that of a trade competitor. At no time did Hitler's Germany offer a military or territorial threat to Britain, but on the contrary offered to provide whatever assistance that might be required to maintain the British Empire. 

On the other hand, the 'fresh and greater menace' that the British Government had conspired and allied itself with to 'devastate Europe', undeniably had as its aim the overthrow and occupation by whatever means of Great Britain and the destruction of its Empire. 

On February 1st, 1945, Poland's General Anders reproached Winston Churchill for not adhering to the English guarantees: 

"What shall we say to our soldiers? Soviet Russia is now confiscating half of our territory and wants the remaining part of Poland to be managed according to her own fashion. We know from experience where that leads." -- General Anders 

"You yourself are to blame for that. . . we did not guarantee your eastern frontiers. Today we have enough soldiers and do not need your aid. You can remove your divisions. We are not using them anymore!" -- Winston Churchill "You did not say that during the last few years." -- General Anders Such duplicity! 

By his words, Churchill openly admits that Poland was cynically used to provide the excuse and justification for declaring war on Germany, with the catastrophic results we are now familiar with. Little wonder that so much regarding the Second World War all these years on has to be wrapped in a tissue of lies and omissions. 

"In terms of personal success, there has been no career more fortunate than that of Winston Churchill. 

"In terms of human suffering to millions of people and the destruction of the noble edifice of mankind there has been no career more disastrous." -- The European and English Journal 

Thus, the war to defend Poland's illegally acquired territories ended with eleven Christian European nations and dozens of Christian cultures subjugated by the eastern anti-Christ. The heirs to Ghengis Khan had at last reached deep into Europe, and the great tragedy was that it could not have been achieved without the connivance and collaboration of the West. Today, the mosques proliferate. 

The first acts of aggression of the Second World War were carried out by the Polish armed forces in a serious of serious border attacks which took place over a considerable period of time. Repeated complaints by Germany were answered by further military border violations. 

". . . was again carried out by Poland which in March, 1939, -- six months before the outbreak of war 

"exploited the chance to seize a slice of Czech territory." -- Sir. Basil Liddell Hart. The History of the Second World War 

Poland's borders, thanks to the Versailles Treaty were well inside what was historically German territory. The artificial and illegal new border was constantly subjected to border violations and skirmishes by the Poles. As early as October 3rd, 1930, three years before Adolf Hitler was elected, the influential Polish newspaper, Die Liga der Grossmacht carried the following declaration. 

"A struggle between Poland and Germany is inevitable. We must prepare ourselves for it systematically. Our goal is a new Grunewald (The Battle of Tannenberg in July 15th, 1410 when the Teutonic Knights were defeated). However, this time a Grunewald in the suburbs of Berlin. 

"That is to say, the defeat of Germany must be produced by Polish troops in the centre of the territory in order to strike Germany to the heart. Our ideal is a Poland with the Oder and the Neisse as a border in the West. Prussia must be reconquered for Poland, and indeed, Prussia as far as the Spree. 

"In a war with Germany there will be no prisoners and there will be room neither for human feelings nor cultural sentiments. The world will tremble before the German-Polish War. We must evoke in our soldiers a superhuman mood of sacrifice and a spirit of merciless revenge and cruelty." 

"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." -- Marshall Rydz-Smigly, Poland 

When the Polish dictator, Marshall Pilsudski (1867-1935) received the proposals of the German representative concerning the peaceful settlement of the German-Polish territorial problems, the Polish Marshall replied: 

"I believe strongly in the honourable intentions of your Fuhrer, however, tell him he should not overlook the fact that the ancient hatred of my people against everything German is abysmal." -- Deutscher Anzeiger, December, 1969 

"Let us be quite clear about the fact that Poland can hear of no peace before she has reached the Oder." -- M. Mikolajczyk, President, Agricultural Assoc.' of Greater Poland, June 21st, 1939 

"This is our vital space which we must demand. Our real 'Festival of the Sea' will not begin before Polish divisions are sweeping forward, irresistibly towards the Baltic." -- Merkurjusz Polski, July 2nd, 1939 

"In 1410 we defeated the Germans at Tannenberg, now we are going to lick them at Berlin. The Polish-German frontier is now about 1,000 miles long. After the victory of Berlin, the crowning feature of the unavoidable war with Germany, it will amount to about 270 miles only." -- University of Posen, May 4th, 1939 

"The precise effect of the Mutual Assistance Pact was to give Poland a clear signal that aggression and belligerency was tolerable and a warning to Germany that any retaliation would be met by force." -- Sir. Basil Liddell Hart, The History of the Second World War 

"There is widespread belief that Great Britain was committed by treaty to the defence of Poland. That is not the fact. It is true that on August 25th, 1939, Lord Halifax as Foreign Secretary (with the Polish Foreign Secretary) signed an agreement pledging mutual support should either nation be attacked by a European power, but this did not constitute a treaty, which, according to constitutional practice has to be ratified by Parliament and can only be made by heads of state. 

"The Halifax document was published in 1943 as a White Paper, and again in 1945, but the first White Paper omitted a curious protocol which expressly stated that by a European power was meant Germany. It is difficult to understand the purpose of such a clause if the intention was not to indicate that the British Government declined to intervene if Poland should be attacked by the Soviet Union alone. . . 

"The British Government therefore acted in default and declared war. . ." -- A.K. Chesterton 

"Great Britain advances, leading France by the hand, to guarantee the integrity of Poland -- of that very Poland which with hyena appetite only six months before, joined in the pillage and destruction of the Czechoslovak state." -- Winston Churchill, The Second World War, Vol. 1, pp 311/312 

"Uneasiness ruled in the House of Commons. A delegate of the Labour Party met with the British Foreign Minister Halifax on September 2nd, (1939) in the lobby of Parliament. 'Do you still have hope?' he asked. 'If you mean hope for war,' answered Halifax, 'then your hope will be fulfilled tomorrow.' 'God be thanked!' replied the representative of the British Labour Party." -- Professor Michael Freund 

"For Churchill himself had, in the heat of the moment, supported Chamberlain's pressing offer of Britain's guarantee to Poland. It is only too evident that in 1939 he, like most of Britain's leaders, acted on hot-headed impulse -- instead of with cool-headed judgment, that was once characteristic of British statesmanship." -- Sir. Basil Liddell Hart, History of the Second World War 

"We entered the war of our own free will, without ourselves being directly assaulted." Winston Churchill, Guild Hall Speech, July, 1943 

"One of the most unwise decisions ever made by a British government." -- Lord Arnold 

"Germany is too strong. We must destroy her." -- Winston Churchill, Nov. 1936. 

* Poland occupying German territory stolen in 1914 invades Czechoslovakia (March, 1939) Numerous violations of German borders. Germany retaliates, Sept, 1939 

* Britain and France declare war on Germany, 3rd Sept, 1939. Germany retaliates. 10th May, 1940. British and French Troops routed. 

* Russia invades Finland, Nov 30th, 1939. 

* Britain and France invade Norway's neutrality, 8th April, 1940. Germany retaliates. 9th April. 2,000 German troops rout 13,000 British troops. 

* Canada declares war on Germany, 10th Sept, 1939. 

* Russia invades Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Romania, June, 1940. 

* Britain declares war on Finland, Romania and Hungary, 7th Dec, 1941. British backed coup overthrows Yugoslav government, 27th March, 1941, British troops enter Greece, 6th April, 1941. Germany retaliates -- Britain retreats. 

* Britain prepares to invade neutral Portugal, June, 1940. Germany retaliates. 'Neutral' America attacks German shipping, Aug, 1941. Germany retaliates. 

"There can be no doubt that he (Hitler) broadened the war in 1941 only on preventive grounds." -- A.J.P. Taylor, British Historian. 

Little or no thought was given to Britain's inability to provide a military guarantee of Poland's independence. 

"Unless we know the duration of the war and its intensity, we can form no estimate of what will be the state of Europe when victory is won." -- The British Foreign Secretary, 2nd November, 1939 

"It was surely a chastening thought that we were now alive as a British Commonwealth and Empire more by the mistakes which the enemy made in 1940 than by any foresight or preparation which we had made before that date." -- Mr. Oliver Lyttelton, Minister of Production, May 6th, 1944 

"Those of us who had access to all the information available, who knew the full extent of our unpreparedness, were fully aware that it would take at least two years from the outbreak of war before we could organise, train and equip an army proportionate to our needs, and we all knew that during these two years we were bound to be involved in a series of disasters." -- Lt. Gen. A.E. Nye, Vice-Chief of Imperial General Staff, May 6th,1944 

"A war of such unprecedented devastating and crippling a character must mean that not only this country but the whole world would be much poorer and disabled. We should live in a fool's paradise if wishful thinking led us to believe that cruel war would bring in its train happier times and better days." -- Sir. Kingsley Wood, February 2nd, 1943 

"Britain gave a foolish guarantee to Poland and then that nation by its intransigence plunged us into war. Poland was not saved. Our guarantee meant nothing, but Britain was brought into bondage to United States bankers and brokers after spending £227,000,000,000 in fighting that foolish war, to say nothing of the terrible casualty lists." -- Daily Express, 16th August, 1961 

"The fact is that the only real offer of security which Poland received in 1938 and 1939 emanated from Hitler. He offered to guarantee the boundaries laid down in the Versailles Treaty against every other country. Even the Weimar Republic had not for a moment taken this into consideration. 

"Whatever one may think of Hitler's government or foreign policy, no doubt exists on this point; his proposals to Poland in 1938/39 were reasonable and just and the most moderate of all which he made during the six years of his efforts to revise the Versailles Treaty by peaceful means." -- Professor Harry Elmer Barnes, American Historian 

"The last thing Hitler wanted was to produce another great war. His people, and particularly his generals, were profoundly fearful of any such risk -- the experiences of World War One had scarred their minds." - Sir. Basil Liddell Hart, The History of the Second World War 

"Of all the Germans, Believe it or not, Hitler is the most moderate as far as Danzig and the Corridor are concerned." -- Sir, Neville Henderson, British Ambassador to Berlin, 16th August, 1939 

". . . no factor in the life of Europe today offers so grave and certain a menace to peace than the Corridor, which cuts Germany into two parts, and severs Danzig, one of the most German of cities, from the fatherland. Can Europe afford to ignore this menace and allow matters to drift? To do so would be tantamount to inviting and hastening catastrophe, for instead of improving, the conditions in the Corridor after and because of 12 years of Polish occupation, are steadily growing worse. 

Because it is now abundantly clear that all the needs of Polish trade, present and future, can be satisfied without the corridor, and because good relations between Germany and Poland, which are so essential to the settlement of peace in Europe, will be impossible so long as that political monstrosity continues. The greater part of the territory should go back to the country to which it owes its civilisation." -- William Harbutt Dawson, English Authority on Germany, Germany Under the Treaty, 1933, p. 169-70 

For the sake of the Polish Corridor, "No British government ever will or ever can risk the bones of a British grenadier." -- Austen Chamberlain 

Text of leaflet dropped behind British lines by the 3rd Reich's British collaborators: 

"In dying for Stalin your soldiers are not dying for democracy or the preservation of the democratic form of government -- they are dying for the establishment of Communism and a form of Stalinist tyranny throughout the world. Furthermore, they are not dying for the preservation of the integrity of small nations (England's old war-cry) but are dying so that Poland shall be a Soviet state; so that the Baltic states shall be incorporated in the Soviet Union and so that Soviet influence shall extend from the Baltic to the Balkans. [Exactly how it turned out D.C]

"Every British soldier who lays down his life in this war is not only a loss to his own country; he is a loss to the common cause of European civilisation. Germany and England's quarrel is a form of traditional rivalry. It is more in the nature of a private quarrel which Germany did not seek. The Soviet Union's quarrel, however, is a quarrel with the WORLD. It is a quarrel with our common heritage and with all those values -- moral, spiritual, cultural and material which we have, all of us -- Englishmen and German alike -- recognised, cherished and striven to maintain. TO DIE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THESE VALUES IS TO DIE IN VAIN. 

"Stalin, with all the diabolical power of Communism behind him, is seeking to profit from Britain's and Germany's preoccupation. The amount of influence which Britain can exercise on Stalin can be measured by the latter's undisputed claims to the sovereign territories of other nations. The only controlling influence left on Stalin is the strength and tenacity of the German Wehrmacht and of the European volunteers who support Germany in her fight for the survival of Europe, and its opposition as the cradle of our common civilisation. 

"Every British soldier who dies for Stalin is another nail in the coffin of Britain's hopes of maintaining a 'balance of power' in Europe. Should the 'equilibrium' pass to Stalin then the equilibrium of the world is at an end. THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE -- THINK IT OVER!" Text of leaflet dropped behind British lines by the 3rd Reich's British collaborators 

"I, M. Daladier, struggle, together with my people, for the reparation of an injustice inflicted upon us, and the others strive to maintain that injustice." -- Hitler's letter to French President Daladier, 27th August, 1939 

"He (Neville Chamberlain) had no difficulty in recognising where this injustice lay. There were six million Germans in Austria to whom national re-unification was forbidden by the peace treaties of 1919. Three million Germans in Czechoslovakia whose wishes had never been consulted, three hundred and fifty thousand people in Danzig who were notoriously German." -- A.J.P. Taylor, British Historian 

"Now we have forced Hitler into war, so that he can no longer neutralise one part of the Versailles Treaty after another by peaceful means." -- Lord Halifax 

"Germany is becoming too strong. We must neutralise her." -- Winston Churchill, November, 1936, to U.S. General Wood 

"If Germany becomes too strong, she will be broken up once again." -- Winston Churchill, 1937, to German Foreign Minster von Ribbentrop 
Note: It is interesting to note that it was Ribbentrop, who, along with other leaders of the German nation, were hanged for waging aggressive war! 

"Just imagine going to war over Danzig -- such a world catastrophe, just to prevent Germany from getting a piece of territory that belonged to her; because Britain was afraid of Germany getting too strong." -- Joachim von Ribbentrop

"Late at night on Thursday, August 31st, 1939, the editor was listening to Gleiwitz, a radio station on the German-Polish frontier but just inside Germany. Suddenly, after midnight, the musical programme stopped and excited German voices announced that the town of Gleiwitz had been invaded by Polish irregular formations marching towards the emitting station. Then the station 'went dead'. When received again about 2.00am (Friday) Polish was being spoken. 

"Cologne Radio gave out that German Police were repelling the attackers at Gleiwitz. At 6.00am (Friday) 1st, September, the German Army invaded Poland." -- Louis Marschalko. The World Conquerors 

". . . just as there have occurred, recently, twenty-one border incidents in a single night, there were fourteen this night, among which three were very serious. . . 

"Since dawn today we are shooting back. I desire nothing other than to be the first soldier of the German Reich. I have again put on that old coat which was the most sacred and dear to me of all. I will not take it off until victory is ours or -- I shall not live to see the end. There is one word that I have never learned: capitulation." -- Adolf Hitler, Reichstag speech, 1st September, 1939 

ADOLF HITLER, 10th MAY, 1940 
"Soldiers of the Western Front: 

"The hour of the decisive battle for the future of the German nation has arrived. 

"For three hundred years it has been the aim of the British and French rulers to obstruct every real consolidation of Europe and, above all, to hold Germany in weakness and impotence. 

"For this purpose France alone has declared war on Germany thirty-one times in the course of two centuries. 

"But for decades past it has also been the aim of British world rulers at all costs to keep Germany from unity, to deny the Reich those vital possessions necessary for the preservation of a nation of 80 million people. 

"Britain and France have carried out this policy of theirs without worrying about the regime that happened to rule Germany at the time. 

"Their object was always to strike at the German people. 

"Their responsible men admit this quite frankly. 

"The object is to smash Germany and to resolve it into a number of small states. With that the Reich would lose its political power and with it the possibility of securing for the German people their vital rights on this earth. 

"For this reason all my attempts at peace were rejected and war declared on us on September 3rd last year. 

"The German people had no hatred and no enmity for either the British or French peoples. 

"But today we are confronted by the question whether we are to exist or perish. 

"In the space of a few weeks our brave troops crushed the Polish enemy who was in the service of Britain and France, and thus eliminated danger from the east. Thereupon Britain and France decided to attack Germany from the north. 

"Since April 9th, the German armed forces have also nipped this attempt in the bud. 

"Now something has happened that for months past we have regarded as a threatening menace. Britain and France are attempting, by their employment of a gigantic manoeuvre of distraction in southeastern Europe, to thrust their way forward into the Ruhr district by way of Holland and Belgium. 

"Soldiers of the Western Front! 

"The hour for you has now arrived. "The struggle which commences today will decide the fate of the German nation for the next thousand years. "Do your duty. 

"The German people, with its fervent wishes, is with you." -- Adolf Hitler, 10th May, 1940 

"There can be no doubt that he (Hitler) broadened the war in 1941 only on preventive grounds." A.J.P. Taylor, War Historian 

". . . neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a ground for war, if Washington had not continually pressed for it. 

"Bullitt, (Ambassador William C.Bullitt) he said, had declared time and time again that the Germans would not fight, he (Kennedy) that they would fight and overrun Europe. Chamberlain, he said, had declared that America and world Jewry had pushed Britain into war. In his telephone conversations with Roosevelt in the summer of 1939, the President had said to him (Kennedy) repeatedly that he should press a hot iron to Chamberlain's backside. Kennedy claims to have answered each time that it would lead to nothing to press a hot iron to his backside, so long as the British had no iron with which to fight. . ." -- American Ambassador Kennedy, December, 1945 

Many countries throughout the world maintained neutrality, and remained on friendly relations with Hitler's Germany. All were threatened with trade embargoes and similar measures designed to ensure their compliance with the American-Jewish-Communist alliance. 

"We must not ask questions as to what these small powers want, nor listen to explanations of what they are prepared to do. We must tell them frankly that we demand, what part each of them has to play in the alliance to destroy the German menace. If one or other of them show signs of hesitation, we must act so as to ensure that such hesitation will be immediately overcome. It is time similar measures were taken with regard to Holland and Belgium." -- Duff Cooper, Privy Counsellor. 

In 1944, a fuel blockade was imposed upon neutral Spain to enforce compliance in taking action hostile to German interests. Similar measures were taken against neutral Portugal and threats were made against Argentina.

next 145s

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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...