Three Essays on Twisted History

Three Essays on Twisted History
Participating since 2003 in the "talk radio for spies,” now also
hosted under the URL co-hosted by Sherman H. SKOLNICK (†
2006) and Lenny BLOOM, many secrets of history have come to my eyes. In addition to
my legal training (starting 1982, German law, plus legal history, Ph.D. in American legal
history 2001), and practice as a civil trial attorney (business cases since 1990), the years of
truth radio since 2003 have taught me one essential key insight:
Trace the money,
and you will see once again
that all ways lead to Rome!
The two specific points of reference in Rome are the Jesuit Church of the Gesù
and the Vatican (both together hereinafter referred to as the "Vatican”). Hardly a greater
truth to be learned from all of history!
The Vatican, a historical sinkhole of pestilential evil, is the world’s smallest, but at
the same time: the world’s richest state. The Vatican’s assets are not natural resources (such
as petroleum, coal, iron ore or bountiful corn fields) but are financial holdings (owning
one-third of the metropolis or Rome, secret stock holdings, trust monies, etc.)1
There is nothing basically forbidden about the extreme wealth of the Roman
church – but that wealth definitively stands out in raging contrast to the examples of
Moses and Jesus in the Bible, and thus presumably in contradiction against the Christian
religion that the Vatican so loudly professes to represent. 2 I have held for years that pious
temple fraud is the second-oldest trade, and much more lucrative than the oldest. The
Vatican’s wealth is a whopping pagan encumbrance of its professed Christian religiosity;
and as we shall see from the blood-drenched records of its history, that is not the only
encumbrance of its corporate image which the Vatican labors to maintain in Christ.
What we perceive as the Vatican is in it innermost – an identity rent asunder. I use
this schizophrenic self-contradiction in the identity of the Vatican to point out and analyze the VATICAN PSYCHOSIS. Somewhere down the line (long ago), that
organization slipped over the brink. Successful trading reflects a specific and dominant
use of the old reptilian brain and the limbic system, that is, the sub-cortical brain layers; as
of new, scientists are even finding genetic determinants (KUHNEN and CHIAO 2009).
Vatican finances were modernized dramatically and efficiently over the past 150
years. POLLARD 3 writes:
The papacy "in 1850 was an essentially small, semi-feudal and territorial
state with fairly loose spiritual authority over millions of Catholics outside
of the Italian peninsula, but which in the next one hundred years shed the
last remnants of the ‘temporal power’, became a highly bureaucratic
institution, with an increasingly global diplomatic outreach, and which
exercised an increasingly rigid, centralized and undisputed control over the
world-wide Roman Catholic Church. In the process, the papacy also
became a global financial institution, no longer deriving its income
from the subjects of the Papal State, but from the offerings of the faithful
throughout the world and also from returns on a growing portfolio of
investments in agriculture, real estate, manufacturing industry, commerce
and finance distributed throughout the financial capitals of the Old and
New Worlds – Rome itself, Milan, Geneva, Lausanne, London, New York,
Boston, Chicago, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro to mention the most
important. The Vatican’s financial ‘journey’ from being based on a localised
feudal/territorial state, heavily fiscally dependent upon the revenue from
the landed economy of an essentially rural agrarian society, to being a
capitalist ‘holding company’ with Italian-wide and world-wide financial
interests parallels the rise of the modern papacy as we know it and in part
helps to explain that development.”
Just as the Vatican was a front runner of the present-day form of capitalist
transnational thug corporation (albeit with a slow and laborious start-up phase in the 19th
century), it was since half a millennium a masterful frontrunner of espionage and
international covert operations – it has thus fittingly been labelled as "the entity.”4 We
know, of course, that the best market chances always go to the best informed (see CIA
stooges Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, for example). Here is a sample read:5
"Little by little, the business dealings of the Vatican Bank and its ‘advisors’
grew more and more risky, putting various financial institutions into dire
straits and finally compromising the economic systems of the Vatican and
of Italy. A CIA report on Michele Sindona from those years that fell into
the hands of the Holy Alliance detailed the extensive relations of Paul VI’s
banker with the Gambino family in the U.S. and the Inzerillo and Spatola
families in Sicily. This twenty-page dossier explained Carlo Gambino’s
connection with the Colombo, Bonanno, Lucchese, and Genovese families,
all deeply involved in the processing, traffic, and sale of heroin, cocaine and
marijuana. The report said that Sindona was in charge of hiding drug,
prostitution, bank fraud, pornography, and loan-sharking profits in secret
bank accounts in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Beirut. Michele Sindona, in short, served as financial advisor not just to Pope Paul VI and the Vatican
but also to Mafia families. Apparently Cardinal Marcinkus ordered this
CIA document on the banker destroyed. Years later, the IOR head
reminded Sindona about it, shortly before his fall.”
Additional quotes from a knowledgeable historian: "The Vatican Bank remains the
target of hundreds of lawsuits, several filed by Holocaust victims over the Vatican's
possession of Nazi gold (…).”6 "By the time Pope John Paul II summoned the U.S.
cardinals to the Vatican in 2002 to discuss the scandal, over 600 priests had been charged
with the sexual molestation of children. The Pope’s refusal to demand the dismissal of
priests from the holy office who had been found guilty of child molestation provoked
widespread criticism.”7
But after all, let us not forget that the Vatican is an important role model. It has
had many admirers. Here are some particularly important ones:8
"The Nazis admired, and detested, the Jesuits. According to Heinrich
Himmler, chief of the SS, this ‘most important and politically most active of
the orders’ stood at the summit of the Catholic Church. The SS even spied
on the Jesuits – less to discover evidence of subversive activities than to
learn the tricks of what they took to be their trade. As the ‘storm-troops of
the Vatican’ with many-sided connections, superb training of its members,
and brilliant tactics of operation, the order presented a model of what a
secret service should be. The Jesuits were able to defend the Church against
its opponents and to attack its enemies. Little did the SS know how
accurate its assessment was.”
English historian John CORNWELL had access to the Vatican archives and made a
similarly devastating finding:9
"This devastating account of the ecclesiastical career of Eugenio Pacelli
(1876-1958), who became Pope Pius XII in 1939, is all the more powerful
because British historian John Cornwell maintains throughout a measured
though strongly critical tone. After World War II, murmurs of Pacelli’s
callous indifference to the plight of Europe’s Jews began to be heard. A
noted commentator on Catholic issues, Cornwell began research for this
book believing that ‘if his full story were told, Pius XII’s pontificate would
be exonerated.’ Instead, he emerged from the Vatican archives in a state of
‘moral shock,’ concluding that Pacelli displayed anti-Semitic tendencies
early on and that his drive to promote papal absolutism inexorably led him
to collaboration with fascist leaders. Cornwell convincingly depicts Cardinal
Secretary of State Pacelli pursuing Vatican diplomatic goals that crippled
Germany’s large Catholic political party, which might otherwise have
stymied Hitler’s worst excesses. The author’s condemnation has special
force because he portrays the admittedly eccentric Pacelli not as a monster but as a symptom of a historic wrong turn in the Catholic Church. He
meticulously builds his case for the painful conclusion that ‘Pacelli’s failure
to respond to the enormity of the Holocaust was more than a personal
failure, it was a failure of the papal office itself and the prevailing culture of
From all my readings, discussions and research activities, a presumption has
grown: If there is something big and dirty going on, it likely has its roots in the Vatican.
The Vatican is an unchecked monster of far-reaching secret powers gone berserk. I have
tried to verify or falsify this, I hope fairly and open-mindedly. I tend to accept that the
trial process has swung clearly and distinctly towards the "verify” pointer rather than to
the "falsify” pointer. I would like to share my main reasons with you in these papers.
The first essay presents original history research on the nitty-gritty forensic level
about who Adolf Hitler was. If you were to read only that you might get the impression
that I am anti-Semitic. I am not. If am anti-anything it is anti-ignorance. I present this
essay as a ladder for the reader to climb so that she or he may reach the strategic perch
that is needed for the second essay.
The second essay presents to a large part selected readings from the works of
others (Avro MANHATTAN, Eustace MULLINS, Eric PHELPS and others). In light of such
profound historians of the evil of this world, it was fully unnecessary to reinvent the
wheel. I feel, however, that I may have been able to lighten the burden of the searching
reader by plowing a path through the large and growing literature on the subjects touched
upon, not exactly part of our school knowledge.
Even so, the second essay does present some original research in three fields:
(i) Money is mind control. It changes the subconscious parts of our brain to react in specific negative ways. The new discipline of neurofinance is eye-opening for this insight. I have used this approach to take a fresh look at the Vatican evil, irresolvably intertwined with the history of planetary plutocracy.
(ii) My analysis of our modern corporate system. I find, discussing historical details, that the system of service-to-self monster corporations is the truth behind the euphemism named globalization. Further, for historical reasons as presented, I find that the corporate system is a Vatican plant like the Inquisition and like fascism.
(iii) The Vatican religion is replete with mendacity and key deceptions. We must realize and learn to recognize its fingerprint of twisted logics. Nag Hammadi etc. and the emerging new picture of Jesus are invoked as antidotes for the mind.
In conclusion, my main message in this book is a plea to readers: Turn your hearts away from the money types. Be grateful for the (tainted) good they have done for us all, but turn your hearts away from them. Let true, peaceful and loving ideas wipe away their falsehood, starting in your very own mind. Use the recent new findings of the 20th century about Jesus to help you make this decision to change. The third essay speaks for itself. Every reader may form an own opinion.
(i) Money is mind control. It changes the subconscious parts of our brain to react in specific negative ways. The new discipline of neurofinance is eye-opening for this insight. I have used this approach to take a fresh look at the Vatican evil, irresolvably intertwined with the history of planetary plutocracy.
(ii) My analysis of our modern corporate system. I find, discussing historical details, that the system of service-to-self monster corporations is the truth behind the euphemism named globalization. Further, for historical reasons as presented, I find that the corporate system is a Vatican plant like the Inquisition and like fascism.
(iii) The Vatican religion is replete with mendacity and key deceptions. We must realize and learn to recognize its fingerprint of twisted logics. Nag Hammadi etc. and the emerging new picture of Jesus are invoked as antidotes for the mind.
In conclusion, my main message in this book is a plea to readers: Turn your hearts away from the money types. Be grateful for the (tainted) good they have done for us all, but turn your hearts away from them. Let true, peaceful and loving ideas wipe away their falsehood, starting in your very own mind. Use the recent new findings of the 20th century about Jesus to help you make this decision to change. The third essay speaks for itself. Every reader may form an own opinion.
April 17, 2009
1.Scope Of This Paper
Not quite Victoria’s Secret, but trying hard... As a historian and truth researcher, one has to
stay more on the dry side of facts...
This is not written for entertainment. This is written for education about some of
the most suppressed and relevant facts of 20th century history. Hitler is awesome –
certainly a lord of evil, but perhaps more dangerous dead than while he was alive. Why?
Read the following research paper carefully (perhaps read it twice on two separate days),
then you will know.
Writing and researching with the (formerly .ca) truth radio
for spies hosted by Lenny BLOOM, I found my university knowledge of history (as a
lawyer and Ph.D. legal historian) being turned upside down and inside out since the later
part of 2003. The mass of historical information that is being falsified, twisted, distorted
and suppressed by mainstream propaganda (all industrially organized media) and by
academic historians (with a small minority of exceptions such as Webster TARPLEY,
Alfred W. MCCOY, Niall FERGUSON, Peter Dale SCOTT and others) is absolutely mind boggling.
This life-altering insight into the true nature of things on our planet came to a
climax when Lenny brought the New Zealand intelligence historian Greg HALLETT to the
show as an interview guest. Greg Hallett and his associate the SPYMASTER wrote a
biography of former German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler entitled: "Hitler was a British
Agent.” I participated in several informative interviews with Greg Hallett.
The book "Hitler was a British Agent” exposes mainstream Hitler biography as a
heinous fraud. The book uses information from inside the intelligence community that
dates back to the time of Hitler. This information tells us that Adolf Hitler was the
grandson of a Jewish Rothschild banker in Austria, that Hitler was enlisted by the British
secret service to destroy Germany for international banking interests, to help establish the
state of Israel, and to secure its financing through German war reparations.
The book, now in its second edition, has received wide coverage in the internet
media. Some criticize the book because it does not make use of traditional academic
methods to provide a documentary foundation for its statements. That does not lessen
the value of the book as a contribution to the true course of our history. However, there
are readers who to my knowledge wish for more of a documentary foundation.
I was in touch again with Greg Hallett last summer in context of a possible
translation of his book into German. As part of the preparations, I did documentary
research from my background as a legal historian, including forensic analysis of diffuse
evidence situations. Four main questions stand in the foreground:
• Was Adolf Hitler the grandson of a Rothschild in Austria?
• Was Adolf Hitler a British agent?
• Did the Nazis and the Jewish Zionist movement perpetrate the holocaust jointly?
• Did the Nazis win the Second World War and take over America?
Not only is the answer to all four of these momentous questions „yes” – but the
historical documentation to support that answer is compellingly ample, clear and
unambiguous. Important court trials have been won on less evidence through
independent juries.
Consider some of these quotes:
"He then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire,
of the necessity for its existence, and of the civilization that Britain had
brought into the world ...
"He compared the British Empire with the Catholic Church – saying they
were both essential elements of stability in the world. He said that all he
wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany’s position
on the continent.
"The return of Germany’s lost colonies would be desirable, but not
essential, and he would even offer to support Britain with troops, if she
should be involved in any difficulties anywhere."
The foregoing quotes summarize General Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt on
Adolf Hitler’s words in a discussion on 24 May 1940 relating to the non-attack on the
allied troops at Dunkirk, cited in the renowned British military historian Basil H. LIDDELL
HART (The Other Side of the Hill, 1948, chapter 10). Adolf Hitler had previously written
similarly in his anglophile abominable tome Mein Kampf. Two adjutants were also present
during the aforesaid discussion. Colonel-General von Rundstedt was elevated to General
Field Marshal on 19 July 1940 in the weeks after Dunkirk.
Adolf Hitler’s own motive for letting over 300,000 troops of the alleged war
enemy escape at Dunkirk was, according to his own words, his wish to preserve the
British Empire. No serious truth-oriented historian can cast substantiated doubt on this.
How misled must a nation be in order to misunderstand that Hitler saved the life of his
war enemy Great Britain at Dunkirk for the very reason that he wanted to protect it, as he
himself said and wrote? What kind of an alleged war lord is that who has his alleged war
enemy on the floor, picks him up with his own hands and then sends him home for him
to continue fighting for years, until the country of the war lord is fallen in smoldering
ruins? Adolf Hitler was a British agent acting for Zionist treason against humanity.
Why did Hitler promote von Rundstedt, the commander of the strategically fatal
German military failure at Dunkirk, right after the act, to the highest officer’s rank? Not
only did Hitler protect his allied opponents in late May, early June 1940 from military
destruction: that was not a blunder but it was his intention as stated. The British hailed von Rundstedt out of Soviet captivity, they let him, as one of very few of Hitler’s generals, get
away scot free without a day in court in the Nuremberg Trials, and then they comfortably
retired him in an old age home in Hanover in the British occupied zone. The Americans
even back then suspected political motives for this tidy chain of events.
It is often said that one should have paid attention to Hitler’s words; for then one
would have been able to see the war and the holocaust coming. But more than that: One
should have paid attention to Hitler’s words; then it would stand out even more clearly
what his intentions were. As terrible as the lies of holocaust denial are, not least because
they make the courts interpret the civil right of free opinion in a restrictive fashion: Lies
that are far worse than any holocaust denial are enshrouding the figure of Adolf Hitler to
this very day like a dark storm front.
I do not understand why mainstream historians present the biography of Adolf
Hitler to us in the way they do. What we allegedly know about Adolf Hitler apparently
comes to us from:
• bogus media
• bogus school books
• bogus academic historians
• bogus Nuremberg (mock) trial.
The scope of the fraud is almost incredible but true. If you read this paper patiently to the
end, and perhaps check the footnotes, there is a likelihood that you will agree.
I have decided to publish my research independently on the one hand to
underline that my research is fiercely independent and not a service of friendship to
anybody. It is my considered opinion about what an independent evaluation of the
historical truth is with a high degree of certainty. Any mistakes or shortcomings of the
research are my own, of course. On the other hand, the economic predictions for the
middle of this year 2009 are so grim and bleak that I would like to inform people of what
is going on behind the scenes. To no great surprize, it all has to do with very big money.
History is basically repeating itself again today. There is nothing new under the
sun. I am not writing out of a hateful or spiteful attitude towards Jews. A person who I
consider one of my most important teachers in my life was a Jew, the late Sherman H.
SKOLNICK. I have a deep debt of gratitude to him. I do believe, however, that Jews will
once again be targeted and persecuted as they were before. Another potential victim
group are people of color. To these two groups in particular my research is therefore
dedicated. I write this with a view to that what is foreshadowed on the horizon of our
near future today.
A note up front on the key psycho-technical term of "deconstruction”: Graphic
examples of some extreme forms of deconstruction (resulting in mere compartmentalized
alters) are reported by James CASBOLT, Agent buried alive, A survivor of NSA genetic
enhancement and occult warfare projects speaks out, The autobiography of Commander James Casbolt,
2007 (book never published), online edition 2008 (, especially in
chapter 3. There is massive evidence that world leaders today are generally cloned, that is,
artificial bio-robots without soul, without immortality. They are controlled by the
Illuminati hierarchy of negative beings on planet Earth. The unelected former U.S.
President George W. Bush, for example, is a clone that needs to be replaced in frequent
intervals. His genes include chimpanzee genes. He is remotely controlled through brain
implants. In an article in December 2000, the Washington Post newspaper actually dared
indicate this in an article with only a very thin veil spread over the facts, using photo
This paper is in no way to say or imply that Hitler was a good man or a victim, etc.
– on the contrary, of course, Hitler was a borderline lunatic, a genocidal mass murderer
and an occult lord of evil...
...but he was clearly a frontman only, not alone, not in charge, not truly at the top. Read on to
find out what this is about:
U.S. General Smedley BUTLER wrote a book in the last century entitled: War is a racket.
That means to say that war is a mafia business that is planned on a long-term scale. That
is a lesson that Earth has yet fully failed to understand. There is a necessity that there be
no wars, that Earth be perpetually a war-free zone, that armies and military weapons be
destroyed. This includes all nuclear devices and depots of any type, military or so-called
civilian, for there is no truly civilian nuclear device.
Adolf Hitler, the German Nazi era (1933-1945), the Second World War (1939-1945) and the Nazi holocaust were no accidents of history but were planned in advance
by the British as a top-level espionage operation. Hitler was not an accident but was
trained, paid and controlled as a British top level spy. He was related to the Rothschild
family, to Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin. Churchill, Hitler and Stalin cooperated in
secret. They essentially lied to their respective nations about their goals and their agenda.
Their actions were driven by a secret agenda. This included the military destruction of
Germany (which was thus betrayed by Hitler), the Holocaust and the creation of the state
of Israel, the payment for the state of Israel by Germany, the payment of the costs of the
Second World War by Great Britain (thus bankrupting it), and the creation of the postwar western family of democratic states fronting for the ultra criminal true powers that
be, the powers who created the likes of Hitler and Stalin. The greatest lie is that Churchill,
Hitler, Stalin were the top leaders. They were not top leaders but were agents for
powerful financiers behind the scenes, members of the families Rothschild, Rockefeller,
Harriman, Ford, and others. The Bush family provided a banker for these Hitler
financiers, the father and grandfather of not one but two U.S. presidents in our most
recent years.
At the top is the Vatican with the noxious Jesuit Order. The Caucasian race,
seconded by the Arab race, brought genocide into the world under the guise of religious
wars since the Crusades. The Vatican is the key war agency thereof.
Essentially, the following testifies to demonic forces unfolding. Modern psychology has
largely, but not quite fully, unravelled these procedures. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the Bushes are
fitting examples who illustrate the dire situation of planet Earth today. If you follow a
certain very widespread belief system, then the Vatican has made the point: Adolf Hitler
and Josef Stalin were possessed by the devil.1 All leading Nazis were Satanists (Father
Gabriele Amorth). Hitler’s friend of many years August KUBIZEK believed that he
observed something like that when Hitler was 17 years old. Hitler said something about
regaining Germany’s earlier glory. According to Kubizek it was as if a different being was
speaking out of his body that moved Hitler himself as much as Kubizek.2 Further, for a
demonic influence the dubious book by Hermann RAUSCHNING is referred to.3
Like much of what we know, certain psychiatric phenomena were first recognized
within the learned circles of the Catholic Church, and were investigated and handled
there. Phenomena such as the described are categorized by modern psychiatry under the
roof of MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) or DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder).
Since 1994 the correct name is DID and no longer MPD, even though both terms remain
in use. The justification of this wide-spread classification is disputed.4 A key concept of
psychiatric research dealing with these forms of illness is the "alter", which is a short
expression for "alternate personality".5 The group of phenomena thus delineated has
been investigated extensively but certainly not yet fully in medical literature.6
Forensic medicine analyzes the phenomenon under aspects of criminal
accountability.7 Persons with DID can exhibit a "dividedness“ that precludes to consider
them as single agents. It is as if one body hosts several persons. The treatise that
understands itself as scientific describes a phenomenon that is not dissimilar to the clerical
notion of a demon:
"I next turn to the clinically most central aspect of MPD: alter personalities.
There is nothing else in nature like alter personalities or, as they are often
called, alters. In many respects alters are like people, yet in many respects
they are not. Apparently more than mere parts of people, alters lack a body,
long considered an essential part of personhood."
The scientific dispute concerning the existence of a disease category MPD/DID
sounds in the question whether these diseases ever do arise naturally. The voices that
reject the classifications claim that the phenomena are merely the consequences of certain
psychiatric treatment methods (iatrogenic cause). According to that opinion, DID is manmade by psychiatrists. But nevertheless, the phenomena themselves are not drawn into
question. The question if multiple personalities are "made" in this sense is the topic of a
learned treatise about the manufacture of personalities.8
A relatively well-known if rare example is the change of muscle tension of the eye
muscles when there is a "change of guard“ of multiple personalities in a body: alter A is,
for example, strongly myopic (near-sighted) while alter B - all in the self-same body! - has
totally normal eyesight and needs no eyeglasses. PSYCHOLOGY TODAY explains this
strange phenomenon:9
DID "involves a disturbance in identity whereby two or more separate
personalities or identities, known as alters, control an individual’s behavior.
‘Personality’ here is defined as ‘enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to,
and thinking about the environment and oneself’ (American Psychiatric
Association, 1994, p. 270). When under the control of one alter, they may
exhibit different behaviors, mannerisms, personalities, gender orientation,
and physical properties (such as handedness, allergies and eyesight) and
might not remember what transpired when another personality was in
Among other things, that concerns the role behavior of a person:10
"The disorder is manifested in adulthood by drastic and unexplainable
alterations of role performance."
From a psychological viewpoint, Adolf Hitler showed characteristics that indicate
that he was traumatized. That is illustrated by the following disputed report about Hitler’s
"Hitler wakes up at night with convulsive shrieks; shouts for help. He sits on
the edge of his bed, as if unable to stir. He shakes with fear, making the
whole bed vibrate. He shouts confused, unintelligible phrases. He gasps, as if
imagining himself to be suffocating ... His lips were blue. Sweat streamed
down his face ... He suddenly broke out: There, there ... in the corner. He
stamped and shrieked in the familiar way"
There is a crypto-discussion between John TOLAND, Rudolph BINION and most
recently the physician David Edward POST to the effect that Hitler was hypnotized in
1918 relating to his temporary blindness, and that this might explain his later behavior.12
Hitler was at that time diagnosed by the psychiatrist Dr. Edmund Forster as a
psychopathic hysteric. In the military hospital at Pasewalk, Hitler was confined together
with emotionally confused people, not with wounded people. The most thorough
medical-psychiatric analysis to this date concludes in hindsight that the highly complex
mental situation of Adolf Hitler was not based on any known mental disease.13 D. E. Post
finds that Hitler firstly became temporarily blind through a mustard gas attack towards
the end of WWI but that, secondly, he additionally suffered a hysteric blindness.14 Hitler
had all the documentation of his 1918 psychiatric treatment destroyed in 1933.
Hitler’s mental condition was brought about by an artificial change of personality.
In doing so, procedures were used that are largely kept secret, comparable in their effect
to deep hypnosis. Medical literature provides at best scant clues about this military psychological technique of deconstruction of personality.15 Nevertheless, a few relevant
bits of information can be gleaned in media and literature. The term "deconstruction" is a
different expression for the purposeful artificial medical (iatrogenic) creation of MPD/DID which plays a role in the scientific dispute over the justification of these
For example, a form of this technique is used since ancient times in the British
royal family for the education of princes. This is an instance of deconstruction of children
in order to make them suitable for being manipulated. Thereby the coherence of a natural
personality is curtailed artificially, namely by way of forming a dependence in analogy to a
hypnotizer (covert lead person). This was the reason why Queen Elizabeth II ruthlessly
took over the education of the children of Lady Diana. In the recent times a certain
sketchy outline of this has become known through the media. The emotional chill and
arrogance that Elizabeth II showed in the face of the death of Lady Di (and not only in
that instance) probably form a signature of such deconstruction of the British Queen
herself. Children become alters and alters become kings, such as we might smile about
from today’s viewpoint as spleeny or senile. But that in no way lessens their popularity –
on the contrary! That might even be an essential part of our history. Was this the same
with Hitler?
A disputed source from inside the intelligence world, James CASBOLT, published
details about the techniques of deconstruction in August 2008.16 His chapter 3 bears the
caption: "The Modern History of Behaviour Modification". His narrative starts with the
Nazis in WWII. The Nazis conducted special experiments in order to create warriors who
were free from fear and, moreover, clairvoyant – project name was "Uebermensch".
Their personality was shattered by traumata. Its fragments are called "alters". Through
extreme torture or fear the alters break lose from a person and can be programmed for
nearly any purpose. Codes were used for this in order to activate the alter at a later time.
Also, occult techniques were used, such as horrifying snake rituals. Frequently, near death
experiences occurred. Casbolt quotes the book by Cathy O’BRIEN (Trance Formation of
America) for similar techniques in the CIA. After WWII, Dr. Josef Mengele first found
refuge in England in a Tavistock institute where he continued his pertinent research from
Auschwitz. A part of these procedures was post-hypnotic suggestion. James Casbolt’s
narrative of the secret psychology of deep control does not include specific information
about Adolf Hitler.
Cathy O’BRIEN writes her book as the sole survivor of mind control of the CIA
program MKULTRA Project Monarch. This secret CIA program became known in the
second half of the 1970's, especially through the Rockefeller Commission. The assertions
of the CIA that the program has been stopped lack any credibility. O’Brien’s law suit for
violation of her personality went to naught, as is typical in such cases in the U.S.A. Again,
her book includes no specific information about Adolf Hitler.
The most explicit available description of the techniques of mind control is a work of
the gray literature in two volumes by Fritz SPRINGMEIER and Cisco WHEELER.
17 Those
authors work with many informants of the American Resistance, including whistleblowers
inside government. In volume 2, when they come to speak of Hitler, they presuppose him as an "alter" from the Illuminati Rothschild bloodline, which is in accordance with the
findings of HALLETT & SPYMASTER (Hitler was a British Agent). A secret hierarchy of
alters is comparable to a pyramid with a single eye at its top, an often discussed symbol on
U.S. dollar notes. Trust is good but control is better. That well-known dictum by Lenin
has the same background.
Altogether it is not explicable why so many and so detailed pieces of information
as aforementioned would be pure inventions, especially in view of the jeopardy of
persecution of such authors for political motives. Critics note that the afore-cited sources
(Casbolt, O’Brien, Springmeier-Wheeler) make statements that cannot be verified.
However, it speaks to the benefit of Casbolt and Springmeier-Wheeler that they have
published their information free of charge. O’Brien has apparently not filed for a cease
and desist order concerning the English online edition (PDF on the Internet). As far as it
can be seen, these authors are pursuing idealistic or other non-commercial interests that
they hold dear to their heart.
Credibility builds when one receives bits of information from many informants,
when these bits of information piece together like a mosaic without contradiction. Ideally
a third criterion is met, namely when the informants do not know about each other. In
the commonly used terminology, Adolf Hitler (just like Jossif Stalin, Mao Tse Dong and
Winston Churchill, all four being cousins) was given a complex iatrogenic Dissociative
Identity Disorder (iatrogenic DID) as part of his Tavistock training. That changed his
personality into a monstrous and controlled alter programmed with the genocidal role
behavior of the "Fuehrer". The Four Cousins were not natural persons: they were alters –
products of secret military-psychiatric intervention.
MI6 evacuated Hitler from Berlin 4/1945 (Operation Winnie the Pooh, "James Bond").
The "photo of Hermann Göring after his suicide": a body double with a false hairline.
First came industrial giants that belonged to extremist right-wing plutocrats. Then Hitler
or his helper borrowed entire passages of his plan-book from one of those plutocrats
(namely from the later recipient of a Nazi medal Henry Ford). Finally, this bum conjured
up Nazi Germany with a million mark fund in order to implement the plan. It is
becoming clear today what that plan really meant. That hurts!
Mainstream Hitler biography is the given pain killer, a kit for self-deception. Take
the writings of pertinent historians, for example: William L. SHIRER, Hugh TREVOR ROPER, Joachim C. FEST, Werner MASER, Alan BULLOCK, Ian KERSHAW, Ron
ROSENBAUM, and others. They should portray the ham actor Bank Dick Adolf as the
puppet of the plutocrats who bankrolled his way into power, who planned and financed
the Second World War, reaping gigantic profits. Alas, apart from a few ritual nods of
acknowledgement here and there, they hide the true Adolf behind smokescreens. The
truth is conspicuous by absence in the works of those less than candid writers of history
who are anything but historians. All the more acerbic are their pontificating
pronouncements as to their groomed Hitler image being the one and only real thing. It is an
intellectual quackery as crude as the "Saddam was hanged" TV joke of our days.
In contrast to such pushers of academic dope, a different crowd of academics has
set themselves the goal to present to the public Hitler ungroomed. The historians in this
group are to be praised for saving the reputation of historical scholarship from infamy.
There are some three key fields of Hitler history writing that show this clash within
academia with particular clarity. I would identify these three fields as the following:
1. Hitler’s alleged suicide in the Führerbunker in Berlin
2. Who financed Hitler?
3. What were the causes of WWII?
1. There is no clear and conclusive evidence that Hitler died in the Führerbunker in
Berlin. Actually, there is no viable evidence at all. The scholars of the groomed Hitler camp
base their propositions on cherry picking out of a hopeless mess of mixed evidence.
Further, they point a finger at their academic adversaries and argue that is their no clear
evidence for a get-away of Hitler, and that therefore Hitler must have died in the
Führerbunker. I find that such line of argument is insincere and interested, in other words
biased and not in the disinterested spirit of veritable scientific research.
Much has been written about this topic. Anton JOACHIMSTALER, Hitlers Ende, 2nd
edition Munich 2004 is the best for the paper trail. One of the reasons why the
assessment is so difficult is that Hitler had at least six, possibly more than ten look-alike
body doubles (and up to 18 body doubles [Saddam Hussein had 50]), similar to many
leading politicians today. Hitler’s alleged remains were severely burnt by petrol fires in a
cremation attempt. The charred remains consisted of calcified bones and an alleged set of
(removable) false teeth, never shown to the public. The cremated remains were found by
the Soviets of the Stalin era – with all due respect, not exactly the most trustworthy of
witnesses. Stalin was of the opinion that Hitler escaped alive from the Führerbunker. U.S.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower is of record as concurring with Stalin’s leery opinion.
These were worldly-wise leaders. The historical narrative that Hitler committed suicide is
chiefly based on so-called testimony (vis-a-vis Soviet interrogators) of some of Hitler’s
closest aides. They would have had an overpowering interest to let the Soviets believe that
Hitler was dead, not that he got away. This is exactly what the Soviet interrogators wanted
to hear. Unfortunately, witness testimony is the weakest method of proof. No such thing
as Hitler’s dead body was ever found, nor was such a thing ever presented to the
witnesses, to allied officers or to the public. The Soviets in several instances announced
that they would present Hitler’s dead body, but it never actually happened. Apart from a
single useless photo of a dark and confused jumble in a box, no photograph of Hitler’s
dead body exists. For all we know there was no dead body of Hitler in Berlin at the time
the Soviets took over.
The bureaucratically diligent Soviets wrote an autopsy report, coming to the
written conclusion that Hitler most likely committed suicide in the Führerbunker and that
certain parts of some human body found near that location did in fact belong to Hitler.
The Soviet autopsy report was not even believed by Stalin the Soviet leader. It was a
convention of scared underlings to lie to the Soviet leader, to cook numbers and statistics
in an outright bizarre proportion, etc. In hindsight, such myth-making was an almost
humorous but definitely characteristic trait of the Soviet empire. Even at face value the
credibility of such an autopsy report is practically nil, or in a bit more frank diction: it is a
joke and one of the mainstays of conventional Hitler biography.
In the first part of the 1990s, a team of leading French forensic medical doctors
analyzed the Soviet autopsy report. They found that the Soviet medico-legal commission
had used "subterfuge” (French spelling). Their results were published in two medical
E. LAURIER, V. HEDOUIN, D. GOSSET, P.H. MULLER; Le rapport d’autopsie d’Hitler : le point
de vue du médecin légiste (Hitler’s Autopsy Report: a Forensic Point of View), La Semaine des
hôpitaux de Paris, 69 (10), 1993, pp. 294-300
E. LAURIER, V. HEDOUIN, D. GOSSET, P.H. MULLER; Etude critique médico-légale du rapport
d’autopsie d’Hitler (Critical Forensic Analysis of the Autopsy Report on Hitler), Journal de
Médecine Légale Droit, 37 (1) 1994, pp. 65-67
A news report replete on the internet about the work of the French forensic
medical experts states the following summary of the detailed analysis:
"The March 18, 1994 issue of THE PLAIN DEALER [Cleveland, Ohio]
carried an AP story titled ‘DOCTORS FIND BURNT BODY COULD
NOT BE HITLER’S.’ Excerpts include: ‘...French forensic experts say the
charred corpse said to be Hitler’s is not his body... experts FALSIFIED
verification reports ordered by Josef Stalin to APPEASE the Soviet dictator...
the body is actually that of an unknown German male. The forensic experts spent more than two years analyzing the autopsy reports prepared by Soviet
coroners in the days following the surrender of the Third Reich in 1945...
the body said to be Hitler’s had an extra tooth and only one testicle... no
German doctor who had examined Hitler before his death ever mentioned
either anomaly.’”
The forensic autopsy report of 8 May 1945 indicates that "probably Hitler’s
corpse” was found. That is a cautious diction, not completely assertive, for a coroner’s
report, certainly insufficient for a conviction in a trial. Shortly after this report was
released, other Soviet officials disclaimed it. Then, a next version to be leaked was that
dental evidence identified the remains as being Hitler’s. Then, however, again a short time
later, this was disclaimed. (After Joachim C. FEST, Hitler, 1973, p. 1024.)
Berlin, April 30, 1945, shortly before 3:40 p.m. Most of the survivors of the
Führerbunker report: At this day and time a single shot rang. According to celebrated
Hitler biographer Joachim Fest (pp. 1022 f.), one single surviving eyewitness, the SS
officer Rattenhuber, testified to the Soviets that he saw Hitler sitting dead on a sofa, his
face smeared with blood. Hitler’s dead wife next to the male corpse on the sofa had an
unused revolver in her lap; she died of cyanide poisoning. The Soviet investigators
assumed that Hitler poisoned himself with cyanide. Around 11 p.m. the body in question
was nearly completely burnt and charred. (After J. Fest, Hitler, pp. 1022 f.)

SS officer Rattenhuber,
Fest’s alleged single surviving eyewitness for seeing Hitler dead on a sofa prior to
his immolation by petrol fire was the RSD man (Reichssicherheitsdienst, i.e. Hitler’s
police bodyguard) Rattenhuber, chief of some 200 police bodyguards who wore gray uniforms. RSD Commander Johann (a/k/a Hans) Rattenhuber (1897-1957) was a career
SS officer from Bavaria in southern Germany. The photo above shows Rattenhuber in
black SS uniform (with the Nazi/Bush regime eagle and the Yale/SS Skull & Bones secret
society emblems on his cap).
My spontaneous reaction after many professional years of litigation: This man
would tell you anything to save his dearly beloved Führer. Also, if the face of the dead
male body on the sofa was smeared with blood, how well would Rattenhuber have been
able to distinguish if this was Hitler or merely one of Hitler’s body doubles?
Here follows another, newer and essentially different version of the Rattenhuber
testimony, an example for the eerily shifting course of key details of Hitler history writing
as the years grind by. Source:
"On 30 April, Rattenhuber was one of the group to whom Hitler announced
that he intended to kill himself rather than be captured by the Soviet forces
who were occupying. He later testified:
"‘About 10 o’clock at night on 29 April Hitler summoned me to his
room... Hitler said: ‘You have served me faithfully for many years.
Tomorrow is your birthday and I want to congratulate you and thank you for
your faithful service, because I shall not be able to do so tomorrow. I have
taken the decision... I must leave this world.’ I went over to Hitler and told
him how necessary his survival was for Germany, that there was still a chance
to try and escape from Berlin and save his life. ‘What for?’ Hitler argued.
‘Everything is ruined, and to flee means falling into the hands of the
"Rattenhuber, however, was not present when Hitler killed himself on
the afternoon of 30 April. He did not see Hitler’s body and was not one of
those who took the body outside and burned it, but he was told of this
immediately afterwards by Heinz Linge, Hitler’s valet.
"On 1 May, Rattenhuber led one of the three groups escaping from
the bunker, the other two being led by SS-Brigadeführer Wilhelm Mohnke
and Werner Naumann. Most, including Rattenhuber, were captured by the
Soviets on the same day. Rattenhuber was taken to Moscow, where on 20
May he gave a long and detailed description of the last days of Hitler and the
Nazi leadership in the bunker. The text of this was kept in the Soviet
archives until it was published by V.K. VINOGRADOV in the Russian edition
of Hitler’s Death: Russia’s Last Great Secret from the Files of the KGB in 2000.”
Please note the key discrepancy between this description and the description
summarized earlier according to Joachim Fest from his 1973 Hitler biography. Fest 1973
still has Rattenhuber as the eyewitness, but after Vinogradov 2000 Rattenhuber has been
demoted to a mere hearsay witness. Also note that there were escapees from the
Führerbunker on 1 May 1945, and only "most” but not "all” of them were captured.
Ron ROSENBAUM (Explaining Hitler, The Search for the Origins of His Evil, New York
1998) is one of the very few Hitler groomed biographers who dare to acknowledge that the
Soviet autopsy of Hitler is bogus. Rosenbaum informs his readers that the Soviet autopsy
is a fabrication since it is not in accordance with the information from Hitler’s doctor.
Hitler had been wounded in the First World War; and there was an alleged statement by
his WWI company commander that Hitler lost one testicle in the attack. There is no evidence that Hitler missed a (left) testicle. For all this, see ten-year medical analysis by
Fritz REDLICH, Hitler, Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet, Oxford etc. 1998 (first 1993),
especially p. 219.
There are several films, allegedly the most authentic a 2004 German film entitled "Der Untergang” (English: "Downfall”, 2005) based on the 2002 book "Der Untergang”
by Joachim Fest. A survivor, Hitler’s driver and bodyguard Rochus Misch, in an interview
with the Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 29, 2005, complained that the book/movie portray
him with false statements that he never made, that he was not interviewed for the
book/movie, and that other details of the presentation are fabrications. Fest concludes that at
the end, it was not Hitler’s intention to win the war but Hitler wanted the downfall. Reviewers were
startled by this bold conclusion expressed in Fest’s last book (for example, reviewer
Thomas MEISSEN in the Neue Züricher Zeitung, November 6, 2002); and Fest defended
his striking opinion in a German TV interview (with Werner Witt, SWR 2, June 19, 2005).
Joachim Fest died weeks before his 80th birthday in 2006, leaving us his startling final
conclusions as his legacy.
The latest output by the Hitler groomed camp is a short medical forensic opinion by
Professor Klaus PÜSCHEL in Hamburg (Wie starb Adolf Hitler? Hitler’s Demise, in:
Rechtsmedizin, June 2008, Nr. 3, p. 202-204). Püschel’s research level is lower than that
of an entry-level student. He diffidently rubber-stamps the Soviet autopsy report as if
there were no research by others. Given today’s knowledge, such an argument borders on
the perception of an ostrich.
Why do practically all leading Hitler biographers deceive us about this? Must we be
cheated out of the truth? The truth is that there is no conclusive evidence that Hitler
committed suicide. In contrast to the truth, practically all leading Hitler biographers take it
as a matter of routine knowledge that Hitler committed suicide. In any case, a historian
lacks any and all forensic medical expertise even to take part meaningfully in this medical
forensic discussion. This is a key example of how sleight of hand is fraudulently handed
down as authentic history – of how writers of history puff themselves up to the stature of
knowing more than they possibly can know, and of knowing things with a greater degree
of certainty than reality permits. That is disgusting. Such academia is cloud-cuckoo-land.
2. We know positively and based on broad documentation who financed Hitler. Hitler did
not do what he did, and did not become what he did (the German dictator) out of the
blue but because a certain faction of Anglo-American bankers paid for him. From the
very start, Hitler was a paid asset, and his war was an incredibly lucrative mega investment, of international, mainly Anglo-American banking interests.
What is stated in the foregoing paragraph will sound new and even exotic to many
a reader. But it is not speculation, not propaganda, not polemic. It is the result of a too little known branch of serious historic research over decades. The proposition of Greg
Hallett and Spymaster (namely, that Hitler was a British agent) is fully in keeping with a
vast body of historical research and evidence. The only thing exotic is that you might not
yet have heard of this. But of course, you are the victim of disinformation on the brink of
awakening to the light of truth as you are reading this.
Keep the popular adage in mind: Professors are useful idiots. But don’t always
believe that they are useful. And then, of course, some are as good as gold.
A blockbuster from the „Who financed Hitler” research camp is: Guido Giacomo
PREPARATA, Conjuring Hitler, How Britain and America made the Third Reich, London 2005, + 311 pages of small print. Its entire contents including the ten-page select
bibliography are incorporated herein. The study is written by an Assistant Professor of
Political Economy at the University of Washington. It is a thorough and irrefutable
economical analysis of who funded Hitler. Since the massive clear financial evidence
cannot be refuted, the fakers of "Hitler sat dead on a sofa” type biography have chosen,
instead, to ignore it, and whenever corned with it, to spit and to vilify it. In essence, the
great study by Guido Giacomo Preparata and the numerous smart authors it draws upon
confirm that Hitler did not come out of the blue but was a paid asset. Or in the words of
Guido Giacomo Preparata himself (p. 15): A "detailed analysis of the emergence of
Nazism is generally shunned so it seems, for it might reveal too much; in truth, it might
disclose that the Nazis were never a creature of chance.” (Italics in the original.)[I cannot agree more with the author on Preparata's work,every truth seeking person should take the time to read this well documented work.I have read it twice and there is not a better and truer description of Hitler's and the Nazi's rise.I have it here in 7 parts.Part 1 at the link DC]
Summarizing his voluminous study, Preparata makes the following most explicit
point (p. xix):
"To annihilate the German threat, the British ruling elites had gambled for
high stakes; for over 30 years (1914-1945) they had woven a web of financial
machinations, international complicities, intelligence conspiracies, diplomatic
devilry, military savvy, and inhuman mendacity, and they finally succeeded.
This game for Anglo-American supremacy came at the cost of approximately
70 million lives (two world wars): a holocaust whose nature is beyond words.
Both conflicts were willed and set off in Britain. In the first one, it was
political incapacity that lost Germany, in the second there was no longer a
Germany worth speaking of: all we see is a benumbed population harnessed
to a native automaton fitted, armed and wound up by the British (and the
3. The outer frame of the whole discussion is the question: What were the causes of the
Second World War? In the following instance, the Hitler ungroomed camp of history
writing is moving through a conservative to the forefront with key findings from the
collective memory of history. See the recent book by Patrick J. BUCHANAN, Churchill,
Hitler and the "Unnecessary War”, How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World, New
York 2008. This conservative American politician and historian takes the position of a "blunder theorist” so common to explain away that what were not blunders but heinous stratagems. A sentence in his online book notes reads: "Citing more than 100 historians
Buchanan shows how the mind-set and misjudgments of statesmen such as Churchill and
Neville Chamberlain guaranteed the wars that inflicted what may yet prove the fatal
wounds of Western Civilization." Buchanan is starkly unwilling (but certainly not unable)
to analyze the economic side of the story but he does acknowledge on the political level
that Hitler’s war was not created by Hitler but was "guaranteed" by British policy. In his
train of argument, Buchanan parades much evidence from the vaults of the past for this
shattering truth.
You know, I was really shocked when the U.S. government under George W. Bush
released a 57-cent postage stamp showing a blue Nazi Waffen-SS eagle. Somehow this got
to me, more than many of the caudillo acts of Bush, Jr. Hitler was a paid asset, and the
Second World War was an incredibly lucrative mega-investment of international, mainly
Anglo-American banking interests. Half a century later, the symbol of the meanest Nazi troops appears on a U.S. postage stamp for common use. Here is an enlarged picture of
this stamp (which is no longer being issued as of this writing):
So-called Art Deco Eagle. The color is mostly blue partly greenish. The stamp was
introduced in February 2001. The stamp was designed by illustrator Nancy Stahl. Since
the price change in 2007 this stamp is no longer being issued by the USPS. Robert Manis
wrote in April 2002 about the symbolism:
"The stamp, retitled the ‘Art Deco Eagle’ was immediately recognizable as
the Waffen SS Eagle, familiar to all students of WWII, and featured
prominently in the notorious Nazi Rallies in Nuremburg, Germany. What Al Martin points out is that it is completely faithful to the original, down to
its use of ‘Icelandic blue’ coloring, renamed by Moh’s colors in this era of
political correctness, from its original name ‘Aryan Blue’." My addition: The
vertical lines symbolize the skywards searchlights that were neatly featured
for their show effect at the Nuremberg Nazi assemblies called the
Reichsparteitag. The horizontal lines are the "fasces” (as in: "fascism”). The
above Bush-U.S. postage stamp is an excessively clear symbol of fascism.
Also see above, p. 10, photo of RSD Commander Rattenhuber with text, for
additional closely related occult secret society emblems.
Imagine that you were a child again. Your father asks you: Who uses Nazi
symbols? You answer: A Nazi. But since you are a grown-up we have to use language that
is more complicated (note the German courts today do give the same simple answer).
Are the people who commissioned a Nazi SS-symbol for a U.S. postage stamp
Nazis? Is there something important in history that we might have missed? After Hitler?
Many in the alternative media discuss this under the heading that the Nazis won the
Second World War. The historical narrative that the Nazis lost the Second World War is
thus seen as part of the Hitler myth, as disinformation.
Did the Nazis win the Second World War? Are the Nazis in charge of America and
its planetary dominion of power and influence? Did the investment more than half a
century ago of the international (mainly Anglo-American) bankers in Bank Dick Adolf and
his Bankster Holocaust pay out? What does the Hitler ungroomed side of history tell us about
this? We can learn that Hitler and the Second World War to all appearance were part of a
take-over strategy of long standing.
Here are theses of the proposed historical development:
1. Prescott Bush Sr. was one of the bankers who backed Hitler.
2. Several leading American plutocrats were Hitler backers.
3. There is evidence that the Bush's were the Scherff Nazi family.
4. Several thousand German Nazis emigrated to the U.S.A.
5. Many immigrant Nazis were given key positions in the U.S.A.
6. The John F. Kennedy assassination was a Nazi coup d’état.
7. The Pentagon, the CIA and the NSA are Nazi agencies.
8. Today’s U.S. leaders are domestic and immigrant Nazis.
9. The U.S.A. are controlled by the Nazi’s banking backers.
10. Universities and mainstream media are Nazi-controlled.
11. There is a continuity since the British Opium Empire.
12. SPECTRE in the James Bond novels is an understatement.
13. A field of legal history research is that the Nuremberg Trials were mainly held in
order to protect double agents/allied assets. They were Mickey Mouse show trials
staged to dupe the gullible public.
14. General, later President, Dwight D. Eisenhower was responsible for the death of up
to 1.7 million German prisoners of war in his custody after the end of the war; and
his comment was that he hates Germans (the figure is disputed).
In brief: America today is the Nazi’s blessed land. America’s glory is Nazi glory.
The media are Goebbelsized. The "Fourth Reich” in America. The founding event was
Hitler as a British agent, now unmasked.
Some historians and journalists who have dealt with aspects of the Fourth Reich
are, without aiming in any way for a complete list: Mae BRUSSELL, Mark AARONS and
John LOFTUS, Webster G. TARPLEY and Anton CHAITKIN, Eric PHELPS, Dave EMORY,
Jim MARRS, Rodney STICH, Alfred W. MCCOY, Peter Dale SCOTT, for the British Opium
Empire and dead German war prisoners Niall FERGUSON in his commendable open style.
Some key search topics are: private ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve System,
Operation Paperclip, John F. Kennedy assassination, 9-11 synthetic terrorism, Pentagon
Black Budget.
Official U.S. government accounting figures confirm that there is a black budget in
the trillions of dollars per year. Officially, the trillion-dollar amounts have somehow been
misplaced (blunder theory), which is a lie since the misappropriations are intentional.
Dr. Michael SALLA starts his well-researched 2003 Black Budget Report as follows:
"This report examines the existence of a CIA ‘black budget’ and an extensive
network of ‘deep black projects’ that it funds. The report identifies the legal
framework established by the U.S. Congress for the creation of a CIA ‘black
budget’ from the appropriations earmarked for other federal agencies that are
siphoned through the CIA as the sole conduit of black budget funds.”
It is correct insider intelligence information that every state on the planet has a
similar system of double bookkeeping. The books of public finance are always cooked,
on a global scale. The U.S.A. are merely the most extremely example of the sham that
persists since Hitler rose to power.
Here is a tabular overview of some recent years of the Pentagon Black Budget,
quoted after the Salla Report,
Department of Defense (DoD) – Unsupported Accounting Entries 1998-2003
Entries USD
Not disclosed
due to
Highlighted Quotes
"DoD financial management and feeder systems
cannot currently provide adequate evidence to
support various material amounts on the
financial statements. Therefore we did not
perform auditing procures to support material
amounts on the financial statements.”(84)
Fiscal Year
Unsupported Entries USD
Not disclosed
due to
Highlighted Quotes
"We did not obtain sufficient, competent evidential matter to support the material line
items on the financial statements … the scope of
our work was not sufficient to enable us to
express, and we do not express, an opinion on
these financial statements” (85)
Fiscal Year
Unsupported Entries USD
1.1 trillion
Office of
Highlighted Quotes
"Of the $4.4 trillion in department-level
accounting entries, $2.8 trillion were supported
with proper research, reconciliation, and audit
trails. However, department-level accounting
entries of $1.1 trillion were unsupported or
improper.” (86)
Fiscal Year
Unsupported Entries USD
2.3 trillion
Office of
Highlighted Quotes
"… department-level accounting entries of $2.3
trillion were made to force financial data to agree
with various sources of financial data without
adequate research and reconciliation, were made
to force buyer and seller data to agree in
preparation for eliminating entries, did not
contain adequate documentation and audit trails,
or did not follow accounting principles.”(87)
Fiscal Year
Unsupported Entries USD
1.7 trillion
Highlighted Quotes
“… final statements were more untimely than
ever and a record $1.7 trillion of unsupported
adjustments were made in preparing the
Remember the last time when you misplaced $2,300,000,000,000? No? Then start
imagining what it would be like. If you can grasp this fool-proof documented reality then
you can grasp who Adolf Hitler was – a key agent initiating this fraud several decades ago.
Note that one trillion is written 1,000,000,000,000. This is one million times one
million or one thousand times one billion. It is about 20 times the net worth of Bill Gates
the founder of Microsoft. (In British English, one billion is called one milliard. In British
English one trillion is called one billion.)
Salla gives the following government citations for his foregoing table:
84 Independent Auditor’s Report on the Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2002 Agency-Wide
Principal Financial Statements (1/15/03) Project D2002FI-0104.000, part III, p. 225,
85 Independent Auditor’s Report on the Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2001 Agency-Wide
Financial Statements (02/26/02), Report No. D-2002-055,
86 Office of the Inspector General, Compilation of the FY 2000 DoD Agency-Wide Financial
Statements Report No. D-2001-181(PDF) Project No. D2001FI-0018.003
87 Department of Defense, Office of the Inspector General – Audit, "Department-Level Accounting
Entries for FY 1999"
88 Testimony: Statement of Eleanor Hill, Inspector General, Department of Defense,
Before the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support Senate Armed
Services Committee, United States Senate on Defense Financial Management
The CIA, a plutocrat Nazi agency running the U.S.A., has the statutory legal power
- extensively used - to override congressional funding legislation based on a federal
statute. The U.S.A. has a secret Nazi government as shown by this hard proof. Dr. Salla, correctly explains:
"The CIA has the unique legal ability among all U.S. government departments and agencies to generate funds through appropriations of other federal
government agencies and other sources ‘without regard to any provisions of
law’ and without regard to the intent behind Congressional appropriations.
Every year, billions of dollars of Congressional appropriations are diverted
from their Congressionally sanctioned purposes to the CIA and DoD based
intelligence agencies without knowledge of the public and with the collusion
of Congressional leaders. The covert world of ‘black programs’ acts with virtual impunity, overseen and regulated by itself, funding itself through secret
slush funds, and is free of the limitations that come from Congressional
oversight, proper auditing procedures and public scrutiny."
The citation that Dr. Salla gives for this paragraph of information is as follows:
"50 United States Code (U.S.C.) 403j(b)."
As of this writing, the federal statute in 50 U.S.C. 403j(b) per online source .htm reads as follows:
"The sums made available to the Agency may be expended without regard to
the provisions of law and regulations relating to the expenditure of Government funds; and for objects of a confidential, extraordinary, or emergency
nature, such expenditures to be accounted for solely on the certificate of the
Director and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for
the amount therein certified."
When did the U.S. black budget start? It started in WWII with Adolf Hitler as a
very highly paid British agent (Greg Hallett and Spymaster). The black budget that created
Hitler, Nazi Germany and WWII - that global cesspool of criminal finance - remains to
this very day the governing force within the United States of America, the last remaining
global superpower, controlled from within the City of London and the Vatican.
This select bibliography does not list books that deal with the John F. Kennedy
assassination (except HEPBURN, a 1968 book with source value in its own right as coming
presumably from French intelligence), nor books that deal with the U.S insiders attacks
on September 11, 2001 (except BÜLOW, a book with source value in its own right as
coming presumably from German intelligence). Such books can be found easily through
the internet in addition to the below. This bibliography lists only books. Articles and
internet sites are not listed since they can be found either through the books or through a
search engine in addition to the below.
Part One: Making Hitler
Some older key books are online at Dave Emory, These books
underline that the findings should come as no surprise to any informed person.
Dave Emory’s List (Mostly Older Works):
ARMBRUSTER, Howard Watson; Treason’s Peace, German Dyes and American Dupes, 1947
BORKIN, Joseph, WELSH, Charles A.; Germany’s Master Plan, The Story of Industrial Offensive,
CARLSON, John Roy; Cairo to Damascus, 1951
CARLSON, John Roy; Under Cover, My Four Years in the Nazi Underworld of America, 1943
CHASE, Allan; Falange, The Axis Secret Army in the Americas, 1943
COT, Pierre; Triumph of Reason, „Contre nous de la tyrannie...”, ca. 1943
DUBOIS, Josiah E.; The Devil’s Chemists, 24 Conspirators of the International Farben Cartel Who
Manufacture Wars, 1952
GOLLOMB, Joseph; Army of Spies, 1939
MANNING, Paul; Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile, 1981
MARTIN, James Stewart; All Honorable Men, 1950
REISS, Curt; The Nazis Go Underground, 1944
TETENS, T. H.; Germany Plots with the Kremlin, 1953
WINKLER, Paul; The Thousand-Year Conspiracy, Secret Germany Behind the Mask, 1943
Selected Recent Works
(Including Republished Older Works):
AARONS, Mark, LOFTUS, John; Unholy Trinity, The Vatican, the Nazis and the Swiss Banks,
New York 1998
BUCHANAN, Patrick J.; Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War, How Britain Lost Its Empire
and the West Lost the World, New York 2008
BURKE, Robert F.; The Corporate State and the Broker State, The du Ponts and American National
Politics, 1925-1940, Cambridge etc. 1990
BUTLER, Smedley (General); War is a Racket, Gainesville 1995
CHAITKIN, Anton; Treason in America, from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman, New York 1985
ERICSON, Edward E.; Feeding the German Eagle, Soviet Economic Aid to Nazi Germany, 1933-
1941, Westport 1999
FERGUSON, Niall; Empire, How Britain Made the Modern World, London 2003
FORBES, Neil; Doing Business with the Nazis, Britain’s Economic and Financial Relations with
Germany, 1931-1939, London 2000
GODMAN, Peter; Hitler and the Vatican, Inside the Secret Archives that Reveal the Story of the
Nazis and the Church, New York 2004
GREIDER, William; Secrets of the Temple, How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, New York
GRIFFIN, G. Edward; The Creature from Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, 4th
edition, 2002
HALLETT, Greg, SPYMASTER; Hitler was a British Agent, 2nd edition, Auckland 2007
HALLETT, Greg, SPYMASTER; How to Take Over the World, A Right Royal Con, Auckland
HIGHAM, Charles; Trading with the Enemy, An Exposé of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-
1949, New York 1983
JUNG, Susanne; Die Rechtsprobleme der Nürnberger Prozesse, [German: The Legal Problems of
the Nuremberg Trials], Tübingen 1992
KNUTH, E. C.; The Empire of „The City“, The Secret History of British Financial Power, San
Diego 2006
LEIBOVITZ, Clement, FINKEL, Alvin; In Our Time, The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion, New
York 1998
LEWIS, Cleona; Nazi Europe and World Trade, Washington, D. C. 1941
MAISKY, Ivan; Who Helped Hitler? London 1964
MULLINS, Eustace; Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Staunton 1991
POOL, James, POOL, Suzanne; Who Financed Hitler, The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power,
1919-1933, London 1978
PHELPS, Eric Jon; Vatican Assassins, Wounded in the House of My Friends, 2nd edition,
Newmanstown 2004 (updated as 3rd edition on a CD ROM 2007)
PREPARATA, Guido Giacomo; Conjuring Hitler, How Britain and America made the Third Reich,
London 2005
QUIGLEY, Carroll; Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time, San Pedro 1975
(long a suppressed book from a deep insider at Georgetown University)
ROTHBARD, Murray N.; The Case Against the Federal Reserve, 2nd edition, Auburn 2007
SUTTON, Antony C.; Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler, Cutchogue 2004
WALLACE, Frank, CLARK, Stephen; Truth About Money: The Worst Fraud / Scandal / Swindle
/ Crime In American History, The Federal Reserve Banking Act, Charleston 2008
ZDRAL, Wolfgang; Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H., Wien 2004 (good recent German language overview)
Part Two:
The Harvest After Hitler
BÜLOW, Andreas von; Im Namen des Staates, CIA, BND und die kriminellen Machenschaften der
Geheimdienste [German book by the former Coordinator of German intelligence
services and former Cabinet Minister: In the Name of the State, CIA, BND and the
Criminal Machinations of the Intelligence Agencies], 9th edition, Munich 2003
BÜLOW, Andreas von; Die CIA und der 11. September, Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der
Geheimdienste [German book by the former Coordinator of German intelligence
services and former Cabinet Minister: The CIA and the 11th of September,
International Intelligence and the Role of the Intelligence Agencies], Munich, Zurich
HEPBURN, James (pseudonym); Farewell America, The Plot to Kill JFK, Roseville 2002 (long
a suppressed book in the U.S.A.)
KOCH, Egmont R.; Die CIA-Lüge, Folter im Namen der Demokratie [German: The CIA Lie,
Torture in the Name of Democracy], Berlin 2008
MARRS, Jim; The Rise of the Fourth Reich, The Secret Societies that Threaten to Take Over America,
New York 2008
MCCOY, Alfred W.; The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, Chicago
MCCOY, Alfred W.; A Question of Torture, CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War to the War on
Terror (American Empire Project), New York 2006
PEPPER, William F.; An Act of State [The state assassination of Martin Luther King
according to a December 1999 American state court verdict], London, New York
PROUTY, L. Fletcher (Col. U.S. Air Force, Ret.); The Secret Team, The CIA and its Allies in
Control of the United States and the World, New York 2008
SCOTT, Peter Dale; Drugs, Oil and War, The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia and
Indochina, Lanham 2003
SKOLNICK, Sherman H.; Overthrow of the American Republic, The Writings of Sherman Skolnick,
Tempe, 2006
STICH, Rodney; Defrauding America, Encyclopedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA, and
Other Covert Agencies, Written by Rodney Stich, Former Government Investigator, Assisted by
CIA and Other Spook Whistleblowers, 3rd edition, Alamo, Reno 2003
STICH, Rodney; Drugging America, A Trojan Horse, FBI, CIA and Other Insiders Reveal Greatest
Threat to America’s Men and Women From Government’s Fraudulent War-On-Drugs, 2nd
edition, Alamo 2003
TARPLEY, Webster Griffin, CHAITKIN, Anton; George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography,
Joshua Tree 2004
THOMAS, Gordon; Journey into Madness, The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical
Abuse, New York 1989
WEINER, Tim; Legacy of Ashes, The History of the CIA, New York 2007
Hitler’s ancestry has been largely clarified by now or was already known during Hitler’s
lifetime. One question, however, remains to this day one of the best-kept secrets of our
past: Who was the father of Adolf Hitler’s father? The answer to this question was, from
today’s hindsight, Hitler’s existential secret.If Adolf Hitler had a weak spot in his past then it was his ancestry. Hitler did everything in his power in order to prevent it from becoming known who his paternal grandfather was. During his lifetime, he generally made a big secret of everything that related to his family background. For example, it transpired in 1930 that people were attempting to shine a light into the Hitler family history. Relative to that, Hitler said: "These people must not know who I am. They must not know from where I come and out of which family I come."18
5.1 The Problem of Hitler’s Ancestry
The Film "Downfall" (2005) with Bruno Ganz in the lead role is based on the book of
the same name by Joachim Fest. The film purports to show the events of Hitler’s last
weeks as authentically as possible. In the midnight marriage ceremony in the bunker, the
registrar asks Eva Braun for her proof of Aryan ancestry (the notorious "Aria Ausweis").
She gives it to him; he gives it a verifying glance; and then he asks Adolf Hitler for his "Aria Ausweis". However, Hitler has no such proof of his Aryan identity. Best man Dr.
Joseph Goebbels injects the remark that the registrar is dealing with der Fuehrer. The
registrar, eyes downcast, then quickly without further ado skips the embarrassing question
and marries the couple.19 Hitler had no proof of Aryan ancestry. He could not have acquired such a document of proof because certain evidence of his ancestry was meticulously kept outside of the books as a matter of state. As far as it is known, Hitler never initiated the issuance of such a document for himself, nor ever submitted any application for such issuance.
During Hitler’s lifetime there were many rumors that the father of his father had been Jewish.
According to oral intelligence information Hitler had a British passport that was marked "Jew". According to further oral intelligence information Hitler’s paternal grandfather was a leading member of the Rothschild family in Vienna. However, this information shall not be presented here without further research, because renowned historians have again and again refuted such a statement, claiming that such a fact cannot be proven with legitimate methods of historiography. A questionable assertion.
According to Joachim FEST this is (to this day) the valid situation of historical scholarship:20
"A renewed research mission, undertaken in August 1942 by the Gestapo by order of Heinrich Himmler, remained without tangible result; and the version that Johann Nepomuk Hüttler was the father of Alois Schicklgruber ‚with a probability verging on certainty’ is not much better secured than all other theories of grandparenthood, even if it manifests a certain combinatorial ambition. In the end, any of these theses run aground in the darkness of confused conditions that were characterised by abject poverty, gloom and rural bigottery: Adolf Hitler did not know who his grandfather was."
Intelligence sources know that the father of Adolf Hitler’s father was a leading member of the Rothschild family. The same sources maintain that Adolf Hitler was well aware of this and was driven to keep this secret at all cost. The same sources maintain that this was part of a long-term strategy. Over and above that, however, there are documented grounds to assume:
- that numerous history books intentionally cover up this connection, and
- that a chain of evidence can be formed, to be judged by the reader, for the fact that Hitler’s paternal grandfather was a leading member of the Rothschild family.
First, indirect evidence. Here follow two examples that may elucidate the doubt:
1. In New York, three male relatives of Adolf Hitler from his direct paternal line are living. If all participants would agree one could find out easily through gene tests if and how there is a blood relation with the Rothschilds. But apparently, that is not desired. Thus, most likely one will have to pursue this story without a clarifying gene test.
2. In 1941, the Hitler regime paid a favor, unbelievable but true, to a leading Jewish banking family, namely to the Warburg family. The Warburgs were considered to be business agents for the Rothschild banking interests. For this, one must know the following:
In the U.S.A. in 1913 a large private bank of certain wealthy families (including Rothschild and Rockefeller) was established. 21 To this day it functions as the public reserve bank and currency issuer of the U.S.A. (the Federal Reserve Bank). During WWI, the Jewish banker Paul Warburg, who was born in Germany, was the Governor of the private U.S. reserve bank. His brother Max Warburg was, during WWI, the chief of German intelligence and financier of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.22
Together with the families Rockefeller, Harriman, Walker/Bush, Ford and others, also with Fritz Thyssen, Friedrich Flick and the I.G. Farben cartel, Max Warburg brought gigantic American investments into German industry and built up the German war financing for Hitler’s war. Further helpers were Hjalmar Schacht and Max Warburg’s close friend Montagu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of England. The roof for this was the Dawes Plan, later modified as Young Plan, plus the return of the U.S.A. to Europe after the end of WWII.
In March 1941, 14 employees and family members of Warburg & Co., the Dutch branch of the international family bank M.M. Warburg & Co., was expedited in an unusual way out of the country. One would actually assume that the Nazis, who were holding Holland occupied, would have furiously sent the Jewish bankers straight to a concentration camp. But no. The fourteen were put on a regular train and were given a special SS escort whose duty it was to guard and to protect them. Based on other agreement, other Warburgs were also riding on this train. The train rode through the occupied part of France, through the non-occupied part of France, Spain and Portugal. According to one report, the Warburg group kept their compartment doors shut so that the SS guards could not come in. Directly before the French border an SS man asked a person in the Warburg compartment: "We are supposed to accompany you until San Sebastian but I have a girlfriend in Hendaye. Would you permit me to leave you in Hendaye?" The Warburg who was asked answered dryly: "I think we will make it on our own.“ In Lisbon, the group boarded a ship to Cuba and then entered the U.S.A. using visas that were acquired with the help of American Warburgs. Some of them found jobs as employees of E. M. Warburg & Co. on Wall Street.23
Considering the structure of the Nazi empire one may rest assured that all this had Hitler’s consent. This contradicts egregiously the projected image of the blindly furious Jew persecutor. Unbelievable but nevertheless credible reported is the fact that the SS man asked for the Warburg family’s permission to leave the train ahead of time. The conventional Hitler biography has no explanation for this.
5.2 Hitler’s Manic Cover-Up
Adolf Hitler was persecuted by the mania that his paternal grandfather was Jewish. Much
in his behavior was the result of this fixed idea.24The destruction of tracks was consequently a mania of Hitler. To the extent that we can judge it from the remaining historical documents Hitler wanted to cover up that he came from a small-town and incestuous family background. He did not want to hide that he was born as an Austrian, something that was known anyway. Nor did he want to hide with any particular vengeance that his father was an illegitimate child. At least, these are facts that are well-documentable to this very day. Hitler could have covered this up if this had been a target of his. But not even this was his target according to these considerations.
The lack of a proof of Aryan descent permits us to conclude plausibly that Hitler’s mania might have had a racial aspect. After considering matters this is what your common sense tells you.
One should look exactly at what Adolf Hitler did in order to cover up the traces of his ancestry. The center of his focus apparently was his paternal line.
The ancestors of Alois Hitler (Adolf Hitler’s father) allegedly came from the area around Döllersheim in the Austrian "Waldviertel" (literally: forest quarter). A local historian graphically illustrates the events:25
"Only weeks after the occupation of Austria by National Socialist Germany the German army began in summer of 1938 in the Waldviertel to build a shooting range. Based on a carefully designed order of the Nazi military authorities and a surprize implementation, this shooting range was earmarked to become the largest such installation in all of the German Reich, having a size of roughly 19,081 hectares. It was no impediment that Hitler’s grandmother lived here and that his father was born in Strones near Döllersheim. On 8 August 1938, 13 months prior to the start of WWII, the first marksman’s contest of the German army took place in the villages round about Groß-Poppen and Edelbach.
"By 1942, no less than 42 communities, several strewn-out settlements, individual farms and mills had to be vacated; four parishes were cancelled, five more were heavily hit. Roughly 7,000 inhabitants were relocated by the ‚Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft’, some of them not even given the time to bring in their harvest."
And further, with the details of the baptismal register that provide the foundation for today’s doubts:
"In the first half of the 19th century a probably abjectly poor woman lived in this area by the name of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. She was born in 1796 in Strones and died - still quite young - on 7 January 1847 in Klein-Motten at the age of 50. She was buried in the parish town Döllersheim. She was the grandmother of Adolf Hitler. On 7 June 1837 she gave birth at Strones Nr. 13 to an illegitimate son named Alois who was baptized on the same day in Döllersheim. Five years later she married the miller’s apprentice Johann Georg Hiedler, who was born in 1792 and who lived until 1857. However, during his lifetime he did not legitimize the pre-marital son of his wife. The son spent his childhood and youth not in his mother’s household but on the farm of Johann Nepomuk Hiedler, a brother of his stepfather, in Spital near Weitra.
"It took 19 years after the death of Johann Georg Hiedler: On 6 June 1876 this foster father Johann Nepomuk Hiedler and three witnesses, farmers from Spital, appeared at the notary public Joseph Penker in Weitra and stated that Alois Schicklgruber - by then 39 years old - was the son of his deceased brother Johann Georg Hiedler. The notary notarized this statement. The next day the four men came to the parish priest Joseph Zahnschirm in Döllersheim, who struck the name Schicklgruber in the baptismal register and replaced it by 'Hitler' – the same spelling that is also found in the deed of the notary in Weitra.
"Further he entered the name Georg Hitler in the previously empty box 'father'. The three witnesses each signed with three crosses – they could not write. Immediately after this, Alois Schicklgruber had his name changed to Hitler."
And further, about the messianic aspect of Hitler’s self-perception:
"Recent research shows that such motives may not have been meaningless for the fact that the military shooting range was created here, of all places, in the home area of Hitler’s ancestors: 'Meeting Minutes' 14 August 1943 - Proposition 6 - ... adopted to be submitted to the Fuehrer: 'Immediate and unconditional abolishment of all religious creeds after the final victory ... at the same time, Adolf Hitler to be proclaimed as the new Messiah. ... The Fuehrer thereby is to be presented as a middle thing between savior and liberator – but in any event as a god-send to be paid divine honors. The existing churches, chapels, temples and cultic monuments of the various religious denominations shall be rededicated as 'Adolf Hitler Shrines’. ... The figure of the knight of the Holy Grail, Lohengrin, may serve as a model for the god-send ... The Fuehrer’s background shall be veiled by appropriate propaganda even more than so far. Also, his future demise shall take place without leaving behind any tracks and in complete and utter darkness.’ Hitler wrote under this proposition: 'The first sensible draft! To Dr. Goebbels to work on.’"
However, Hitler failed to secure and destroy the ancestral documents of the parish at Döllersheim. These ancestral documents still exist today and have been analyzed by historians. Hitler’s ancestry can thus be reconstructed. The only uncertain issue is who Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandparent actually was.
The cover-up began with the baptismal entry of Aloys Schicklgruber because his out-of-wedlock mother Anna Maria Schicklgruber refused to tell the priest the father’s name; thus the column in the baptismal register for the name of the father initially remained blank.26
Adolf Hitler failed to have the documents destroyed that leave us the following picture of his ancestry. It is clear that Döllersheim etc. was not vacated in order to destroy Hitler’s ancestral documents, because these remain in existence to this very day.27
5.3 The Analysis by Walter C. Langer
An American analyst, Walter C. LANGER,
28 summarized the essential points of doubt in
the surviving documentation about Hitler’s ancestry. Walter Langer worked for the OSS,
the predecessor organization of the CIA. Shortly before the war broke out he was
commissioned to compile a study about Hitler. The following is an excerpt from Langer’s
book:"There is a great deal of confusion in studying Hitler’s family tree. Much of this is due to the fact that the name has been spelt in various ways: Hitler, Hidler, Hiedler, and Huettler. It seems reasonable to suppose, however, that it is fundamentally the same name spelled in various ways by different members of what was basically an illiterate peasant family. Adolf Hitler himself signed his name Hittler on the first Party membership blanks, and his sister usually spells her name as Hiedler. Another element of confusion is introduced by the fact that Adolf’s mother’s mother was also named Hitler, which later became the family name of his father. (...)
"Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. It is generally supposed that the father of Alois Hitler was a Johann Georg Hiedler, a miller’s assistant. Alois, however, was not legitimized, and he bore his mother’s name until he was forty years of age when he changed it to Hitler. Just why this was done is not clear, but it is generally said among the villagers that it was necessary in order to obtain a legacy. Where the legacy came from is unknown. One could suppose that Johann Georg Hiedler relented on his deathbed and left an inheritance to his illegitimate son together with his name. It seems strange, however, that he did not legitimize the son when he married Anna Schicklgruber thirty-five years earlier. Why the son chose to take the name Hitler instead of Hiedler, if this is the case, is also a mystery that has remained unsolved. Unfortunately, the date of the death of Hiedler has not been established, and consequently we are unable to relate these two events in time. A peculiar series of events, prior to Hitler’s birth, furnishes plenty of food for speculation:
"1. That it is unlikely that the miller’s assistant in a small village in this district would have very much to leave in the form of a legacy.
2. That it is strange that Johann Hiedler should not claim the boy until thirty-five years after he had married the mother and the mother had died.
3. That if the legacy were left by Hiedler on the condition that Alois take his name, it would not have been possible for him to change it to Hitler.
4. That the intelligence and behavior of Alois, as well as that of his two sons, is completely out of keeping with that usually found in Austrian peasant families. (...)
5. That Alois Schicklgruber left his home village at an early age to seek his fortune in Vienna where his mother had worked.
6. That it would be peculiar for Alois Hitler, while working as a customs official in Braunau, to choose a Jew named Prinz, of Vienna, to act as Adolf’s godfather unless he felt some kinship with the Jews himself.”
Details of how the American intelligence agent researched that Alois Hitler arranged for his son Adolf to have a Jewish godfather named Prinz from Vienna are not disclosed.29 In any event, this rarely told research result of American war intelligence is in the records. It apparently did not have the purpose to be used during the war as propaganda.
This information is mentioned on the internet repeatedly together with the allegation that the doctors of the Hitler family were Jewish, and/or that a Jewish doctor helped during the birth of Adolf Hitler. The research network, asked about this, answered: More than likely. Many doctors were Jewish. Doctors often work for the secret service. They are also often Freemasons or belong to another secret society.
5.4 William Patrick Hitler’s
Blackmail Attempt
Adolf Hitler’s half-brother Alois Hitler Jr. in England had a son, William Patrick Hitler.
This William Patrick Hitler tried to approach his mighty uncle Adolf Hitler, which worked
only after William Patrick could provide foolproof documentation that he was a family
member. His uncle Adolf gave him 500 marks and got him a job with the car producer
Opel. William Patrick also tried to exert pressure on his uncle by letting him know that
certain unpleasant details from the family history could leak out to the public.In fact, in 1939 Patrick Hitler did write an article, albeit a very mild one, in the Paris newspaper Paris-Soir. In the article an employer of Anna Maria Schicklgruber in Graz named Leopold Frankenreiter is mentioned.30 Adolf Hitler’s lawyer Hans Frank confusingly mentioned a certain Frankenberger in Graz, last mention during the Nuremberg Trials. Research has shown, however, that this Frankenberger is non-existent. The news magazine Spiegel writes about this:
"A Frankenberger does not occur in the inhabitant lists of Graz of that time. However, researchers discovered that Leopold Frankenreiter who was mentioned by Hitler’s nephew William Patrick as the employer of Hitler’s grandmother. Employer Frankenreiter, son of a Catholic shoemaker from Bavaria, was born 1795 in Bavaria und moved to Graz where his occupation was as a butcher and cooker of innards."
This was certainly no Jewish connection. There is no evidence that Hitler’s grandmother was employed by Leopold Frankenberger in 1836. It allegedly was part of the family history of the Schicklgruber/Hitlers that a Frankenreiter/-berger paid child support for 14 for Alois Schicklgruber (Hitler’s father). According to Hans Frank, Adolf Hitler did not deny this. But this could have been a mere conduit for forwarding the money from a third party who wished to remain anonymous. Coming both from Patrick Hitler and from Hans Frank, there is to my mind something to the story; it does not sound like a 100% invention. Why should Patrick Hitler have believed that he could put pressure on his uncle Adolf with pure fantasy stories? Most likely Uncle Adolf knew exactly what was really meant. It probably did not begin with an "F”.
Werner MASER found out that Anna Maria Schicklgruber from Strones was registered neither in the "Dienstbotenbuch" (servant’s book) nor in the "Buergerbuch" (citizen’s book) of Graz.31
5.5 The Report of
Hansjürgen Koehler 32
Biased historians seem to make it a sport to discredit the following report. But there is no
viable reason to do so, apart from the fact that the report makes it more than probable
that Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandfather was a leading member of the Rothschild family.One of the elements of the following narrative by a Nazi defector to England is a car accident. "Tragically", the head of the Austrian government (the Alpine country bordering on the south of Germany) suffered a "car accident” during a critical moment in the following narrative. Austria is a country with right-hand driving. The date of the car accident was Monday, 13 July 1935. While it was reported differently (namely, as an "accident”), the truth is that it was a set-up and an assassination attempt. Any historian can verify that using available sources. That supports the credibility of the following narrative of the Nazi defector.
Time magazine reported the car "accident” and the death of Mrs. Schuschnigg, the Austrian Chancellor’s wife. But no cause for the accident was ever published.33 The fact that no cause for the accident was ever published means in plain English that the socalled car accident was in reality a Nazi assassination attempt. The Time magazine article hints at this: "... Vienna buzzed with rumors that Nazi agents had tampered with the steering gear of the Schuschnigg automobile.” Exactly that actually seems to have been the case.
Photos of the accident site show clearly that there is a flat straight road with high visibility, a large pear tree by the roadside and the severely mangled wreck of a luxurious vintage limousine that had darted across the left lane onto the meadow and crashed headlong into the pear tree. The Nazi defector who authored the narrative below smirkingly denies that the Gestapo had any role in this but we know how to read such a specific denial.
The alleged accident happened around the noon hour on a straight flat road with high visibility on a dry sunny day at the height of summer. The Gräf & Stift limousine, at that time the Austrian equivalent to a Rolls Royce, was driven by chauffeur Tichy, presumably one of the best-trained chauffeurs in the country. A police officer was also in the limousine. The limousine was trailed by a second car with two more security details. Inexplicably, the Chancellor’s limousine swerved off the straight dry road for no apparent cause. The car crashed into the pear tree on the other side of the opposite lane at a speed of about 80 kilometers per hour, that is, with travelling speed. The chancellor broke his shoulder-bone but his wife died upon impact at the tree. It was a national tragedy.34
The severely mangled condition of the limousine seen on the photos suggests that the brakes totally failed. The occurrence of the swerve is indicative that the steering system failed, most likely for being tampered with as popular rumor had it.
A roadside monument of mourning was erected in 1936 at the crash site in memory of the Chancellor’s dead wife, Herma von Schuschnigg. When the Nazis occupied Austria in 1938, however, they hurriedly removed that memorial.35 Why?
Intelligence sources are unanimously certain that Hitler (as well as Churchill, Stalin, Mao, that is the top visible acting persons) were descendants of the Jewish Rothschild family (which was moreover interbred with the British royal family 36). It is unthinkable from the very outset that such acting persons would be selected from outside the family. These sources concur with informed historians such as Werner SOMBART and Niall FERGUSON 37 that Europe, at least up to the First World War, had only one dominating power, namely the Rothschild family. For the time after that the historians grow more reserved since the family archive of the Rothschilds in London is currently only open to historians for the period up to 1914. It is not apparent why this influence would have waned in the time leading up to Hitler, as the example of the Warburgs shows who had close ties to the Rothschilds. The Warburgs, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Schiff's are to this day according to insider information controlling private owners of the private U.S. reserve bank, a good measure for the continuing true conditions of power. The intelligence sources are unanimously certain that Hitler was a descendant of the Rothschild family.
Thus would support the report of Hansjürgen KOEHLER, a high Gestapo officer and defector to the British in 1940. Koehler published an explosive book in English. In one of the chapters he relates a detailed account concerning this question.38 According to him, he is an eye witness for certain documents that the Austrian Chancellor's Dollfuss and Schuschnigg compiled relating to Hitler’s ancestry. This includes an official registration document of the city of Vienna that showed that, at the likely time of conception, Anna Maria Schicklgruber (mother of Alois Hitler) was employed in the house of the Rothschild family in Vienna. The conventional Hitler biography denies the truth of this story or else does not mention this source at all.
According to inner lie criteria, Koehler’s account does not raise any recognizable flags; it looks clean. In particular, it is detailed, consistently detailed and, in itself, without contradictions. Additionally, numerous participants of the action are mentioned by name so that Koehler in no way wants to push himself in the limelight as a suspect "single witness", nor does he want to evade a historical verification of appurtenant events. Thereby, Koehler’s account acquires some credibility. If one draws upon intelligence sources the result is that this aspect, too, leads to freedom from contradiction and logical fittingness. The fit is conclusive and is of high, even complete precision. Thus, if one uses the Koehler information together with the intelligence information then one gets mutual confirmation. This leads to a newly accentuated perspective for the writing of history that Adolf Hitler was to one quarter a Jew and a Rothschild.
Koehler reports: Reinhard Heydrich told him officially that the Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg was trying to blackmail Adolf Hitler. Schuschnigg had a file (or with another word, a Dossier) about Hitler’s ancestry. Schuschnigg sent Hitler a copy of the Dossier. Heydrich instructed Koehler to lift, steal and purloin the original of the Schuschnigg-Dossier at any cost. The Dossier had already cost three lives. After a spy work of months, Koehler was finally successful in his mission.
First, Heydrich gave Koehler a copy of the Dossier and ordered Koehler to read the Dossier. Koehler did this. Koehler points out that he never saw the originals of the documents.
Heydrich had ordered the documents in the dossier in three sections. The first section were documents that the German General Schleicher had collected against Hitler. According to this part of the Dossier, Hitler had spent not a single day of WWI in the trenches. Instead, he was a messenger, a runner. General Schleicher further queried why Hitler (who was highly decorated militarily, namely with the Iron Cross First Class) after as long as four years of service was still only a Private First Class. The army had a chronic deficit of sergeants. Hitler should have long been promoted; anything else was completely inexplicable for the General. As a Sergeant or Corporal Hitler then would have needed to serve in the trenches. The high decoration was only given for very special merits, in particular if the recipient was a mere Private. Right after WWI a history of the Regiment List was published, describing all special merits of the privates, NCOs and officers. But no mention was made of Adolf Hitler, which greatly surprised the General. Further research revealed that Hitler received the Iron Cross not during but after the war.
After Hitler came to power, Schleicher then sent the Dossier that he had begun to Engelbert Dollfuss, the Chancellor (head of government) of Austria. Hitler knew that Schleicher compiled a Dossier against him. When Hitler’s goons had murdered General Kurt von Schleicher (30 June 1934) they found, to Hitler’s mortification, that the Dossier was no longer in his possession but was in safe-keeping with Dollfuss in Austria.
Now Koehler read the second section of the Dossier. Dollfuss had continued the collector’s activity of Schleicher. After all, Hitler’s entire family was from Austria; and Adolf Hitler himself was born in Austria. In good bureaucratic fashion, Dollfuss collected the relevant birth certificates, the mandatory communal registrations of residency, protocols etc. (Given his mania, Hitler must have absolutely loved this ... Have you ever stepped in a hornet’s nest?) All this gave the following picture:
Hitler was, and remained life-long, the son of a financial agent: of the imperial customs official titled a "Zollamt Oberoffizial" Alois Schicklgruber (or Schicklgruber), later renamed under suspicious circumstances into Alois Hitler.39 Dollfuss first question was how Alois Schicklgruber became Alois Hitler. It was remarked that the name Hitler was entirely uncommon among the farmer of upper Austria. Also in Galicia, the name was by no means common, but some Jews lived there whose name was Hitler. In the written application for the name change Alois Schicklgruber pointed out that his mother in-law’s name was Hitler (while the amended baptismal register showed "Hiedler" as his alleged father’s name). He therefore wanted to assume this name (Hitler) so that he would no longer have to bear the strange-sounding name Schicklgruber. (This was an argument of name sound.) After the change of name, Alois Hitler married his niece Klara Pöltzl. The gave birth to three children of the couple, namely Gustav, Adolf and Paula. Gustav died in infancy. Adolf had a half-brother and a half-sister from the previous second marriage of his father, Alois Hitler Jr. and Angela.
That the main piece in the Dollfuss collection was a mandatory communal registration document of residence from Vienna. Nearly a hundred years earlier a Matila Schicklgruber, who is called Hitler’s grandmother, had come to Vienna in order to find work. Something happened there: Matila Schicklgruber became pregnant and went home to her village in order to face her shame.
The official registration document was in the collection of the Dossier that was compiled by Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss. Koehler points out that he had no possibility to verify its authenticity. He also points out, however, that the document had tremendous ramifications. The document, a registration card, stated that Matila Schicklgruber was a servant in the house of the Rothschilds. At this point in the Dossier Dollfuss entered a handwritten remark.
Then Koehler read the third section of the Dossier which was added by the new Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg (the successor of Dollfuss after he was shot at during an orchestrated putsch attempt on 25 July 1934 and then died from loss of blood). Schuschnigg had additionally researched whence Adolf Hitler’s grandmother Johanna Hitler had come. Further, Schuschnigg had researched the suicide of Hitler’s niece Greta Raupal.
Upon reading this, Koehler thought about the fact that only four knew the contents of this Dossier: Schuschnigg, Mussolini, Heydrich and he. Koehler deliberated whether his knowledge might be dangerous for him (and this looks like the motive why Koehler became a defector in the first place, supporting the credibility of his report).
Twenty-four hours later, using the alias of a stamp dealer from Berlin named Karl Krause, Koehler lodged in the Viennese hotel Metropol. He met von Papen in the German embassy. There follows a lengthy description of the hunt for the Dossier. Chancellor Schuschnigg wife Herma unfortunately proved to be a big obstacle until she tragically lost her life in a car accident. (Such an accident is of record for 13 July 1935 near Pichling by Linz.) After the tragic incident, espionage labors of months succeeded in placing a female spy, Countess Vera Fugger von Babenhausen (Vera Fugger-Czernin) inside the closest circle of Schuschnigg.40
Events climaxed dramatically shortly before the Berchtesgaden treaty between Hitler and Schuschnigg of 12 February 1938: Vera Fugger-Czernin was at this time already too closely attached to Schuschnigg because they wanted to marry one another. The Germans had not yet been able to steal the Dossier from the very careful Chancellor. Himmler and Heydrich both were in Berchtesgaden and received the most precise reports from Vienna. They instructed Koehler that he himself should steal the Dossier.
On the morning of the decisive day a German agent came to him, a specialist for the breaking-open of safes. Shortly thereafter, Countess Fugger joined them. Koehler told her that it was time for the transfer of the documents. But she was surprised and replied by asking him if he did not know that von Papen had decided otherwise. She told him that von Papen’s secretary Baron von Kettler had paid her a visit and had taken the Dossier along with him. She showed Koehler the empty safe.
Koehler hastened to the German embassy and made report to Heydrich. Heydrich almost screamed but had the presence of mind to instruct Koehler to find out by which route Kettler was travelling. Kettler was in a car on his way to Berchtesgaden; Koehler had been able to find out the number on the licence plate.
Kettler’s car crossed the border between Austria and Germany at night during the Berchtesgaden conference. Hitler was informed immediately. Only then did things turn against Austria’s independence (the "Anschluss" - annexation - of Austria by Nazi Germany was imminent). Hitler now threatened Schuschnigg in Berchtesgaden that if necessary he would march into Austria. Schuschnigg in his defence threatened to publish his Dossier as a White Book. Hitler’s repartee was that the White Book might just be filled with empty pages. Schuschnigg became very uncertain. Hitler went to his cabinet, opened it and showed Schuschnigg the Dossier, which Schuschnigg had believed to be safely in his custody in Vienna.
After that, Koehler’s mission was finished, and he returned to his desk at the Gestapo in Berlin.
The historians, as far as they mention this point, agree that the industrialist and Hitler financier Fritz Thyssen also knew about the events relating to the Dossier which Koehler mentions.41 The big American news magazine Time Magazine reported about the aforementioned events back then:42
"Of course, no matter where she was employed, any plowboy might have fathered Hitler’s grandmother’s son. But Thyssen says that Hitler’s spies told him of the existence of the document, that it was probably a factor in Dollfuss’ assassination, that Hitler later wrested it from Schuschnigg. Thyssen also heard that a copy of it was ‘in the hands of the British Secret Service.'"
Both Koehler and Thyssen had positions that could give them access to such classified information. Ron ROSENBAUM undertakes a shrewd analysis of this source situation from the viewpoint of a Jewish New York journalist.43 Rosenbaum does not want to believe it. He discusses the question in his second chapter, with the caption: The film noir of the Hitler Family. This caption anticipates a coloration of substance, a spin by Rosenbaum. Many Jewish authors seem to have a racist prejudice in this point. The Jewish ethnic and religious community is based on racial distinction from other ethnic groups. This frequently spills over into more or less subtle racist prejudice against such other groups, which is for example expressed in the downgrading term of "goyim" (Plural of goy: non-Jew). A leading American dictionary correctly categorizes the expression "goy" as pejorative.44 Rosenbaum’s argument is tainted and disqualified by this.
The objections that Rosenbaum raises against the sources (Koehler und Thyssen) are not conclusive, especially not concerning the report about the Dossier. His sweeping and unspecific argument is that the representations of Koehler and Thyssen are "spurious" (that is, fake, unreal); and non-Jewish (goy) historians apparently have a complex to foist a Rothschild ancestor into Hitler’s family tree. Rosenbaum’s argument from racist bigotry blocks the truth and lacks any meaningful content.
Two informants with apparent conflicts of interest with access to the details testify specific facts that evidence the unthinkable: Adolf Hitler’s father, Alois Hitler, who was born illegitimately without mention of the father in the baptismal register as a Schicklgruber, was a son of the international Jewish banking family Rothschild. First, there is the Viennese registration card of Matilda Schicklgruber in the Dossier of the Austrian heads of government. Further, the reaction of Adolf Hitler in response to the Dossier in itself has considerable weight as a historical source. Rightly, no historian believes the change of the baptismal register decades after the birth that permitted Alois Schicklgruber to have his name changed into Alois Hitler.
A grandfatherly Rothschild in the family tree additionally offers a credible motive
(i) for Adolf Hitler’s maniacal secrecy about his ancestry,
(ii) for the total lack of any relatives whatsoever of the paternal side per the reminiscences of his siblings, and
(iii) for the fact that Adolf Hitler had no proof or Aryan ancestry.
5.6 Hitler and the Rothschild
Client Sir Henry Deterding
In 1900, Sir Henri Deterding became the head of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company.45
He allied himself with the Rothschilds and Sir Marcus Samuel who had already made Shell
Transport & Trading Co. the biggest petroleum company in England. They wrested key
market shares from the Standard Oil giant of the Rockefeller family in China. Deterding
was at that time already the Director General of the merged companies that became
known under the name Royal Dutch Shell Group. He was a sponsor of Adolf Hitler and
bought a house in Germany. This so-called "Napoleon of oil", who became big through
the Rothschild bank, retired in 1937 aged 70.According to a biographer, Deterding donated to the Nazi party NSDAP up to 55 million British pounds.46 Per the historic conversion rate of 1890 this would have been far more than one billion marks back then since the British pound for a long time was equivalent to 20 marks.47 Per today’s currency values this can be multiplied yet again, about seven million marks or three and a half billion euros.48 Deterding donated in 1937 to the Deutsche Winterhilfswerk (German Winter Charity) 40 million reichsmark (today about € 140 mill.). Goebbels noted this donation of the English-Dutch Rothschild client on 12 January 1937 in his diary.49
Deterding died on 14 February 1939 in Mecklenburg in northern Germany. The local Nazi bigwigs assembled for his funeral. Adolf Hitler sent a pompous wreath. Emil Georg von Stauß from the Deutsche Bank held the funerary oration.50 Deterding, Dutchman, top Rothschild client, top Nazi sponsor, also commissioned the invasion of Russia (Operation Barbarossa). Did the Rothschilds abhorrently kick this client out? Did they block his funding? No – such a move might have hurt Hitler and the Nazification of Germany. That lets us glimpse a conspicuous solidarity behind the scenes.
5.7 Hitler and the Rothschild
Agent J. P. Morgan
The American Viceroy of the Rothschild interests was J.P. Morgan (1837-1913). J.P.
Morgan Jr. (1867-1943) carried on his father’s financial empire. In the literature there are
various finance-historical arguments after the following model: J.P. Morgan was merely a quarter owner of his bank (a fact that transpired only shortly after his death); the rest
belonged to the Rothschilds. J.P. Morgan stood for a type of money monopoly (a
contemporary term); and J.P. Morgan Jr. created among other things, dominantly but not
alone, the German-multinational I. G. Farben Cartel with seat in Frankfurt am Main,
furthermore the Allgemeine Elektrizitäts Gesellschaft (AEG [German General Electric]),
the Vereinigte Stahlwerke [German Steel Trust], the national oil cartel (with participation
of Deterding’s companies), further a billion dollar financial inflow into Germany under
the roof of the Dawes Plan. This quadruple constellation plus finance stream provided
the economic clout for Adolf Hitler’s rise from a beggar to the organizer of an expensive
and very rich multi-million membership mass party. All in all, the events including Adolf
Hitler as a lead player only came together in the way they did through massive funding by
the Rothschilds and known right-wing radicals of the plutocrat scene such as the
Rockefellers, Fords, Harrimans and the Bank of England under Montagu Norman to
name just some of the more important.51
5.8 Hitler’s Zionist Helpers?
Anyone interested in this bitter aspect of our past should start with the book of the
Jewish historian Ralph SCHOENMAN.
52 Theodor Herzl, founder of the Zionist World
Congress, was able, through negotiations with Count Phleve, to bring about an emigration
solution for the Jews in the Russian Czarist empire who where threatened by pogroms. When Menachem Begin became the leader of the Betar he introduced the brown shirt as the Zionist party uniform after the model of the German Nazi party NSDAP. 1933 the Zionist World Congress undercut and sabotaged the Jewish boycott of the Nazi state and became the main distributor of German export merchandize in the Middle East.
In the time after this, the Zionists brought Baron von Mildenstein of the SS Security Service on a six month visit to Palestine. The visit resulted in a twelve part report by Joseph Goebbels (in Der Angriff, 1934) that highly praised Zionism as an ideology that was close to the ideology and the movement of the Nazis.
In May 1935 the head of the SS Security Service Reinhard Heydrich wrote an article in which he divided the Jews in "two categories". He favored the Zionists and wrote about them: "Our good wishes together with our official favor will go with them." (Citing BRENNER, Zionism, p. 48.)
1937 saw the notorious visit of Adolf Eichmann with the Zionist in Palestine. He was the guest of the Haganah, the Zionist militia. Feivel Polkes informed Eichmann that the Jewish national politics was highly pleased by the Nazi politics because it would increase Jewish emigration to Palestine.
For the rescue of the life of the Jews there were many plans after the model "money or life". The Nazis were initially not fixated on the goal of a genocide. Potential Jewish financiers and in particular Zionist functionaries always blocked such ventures, however. An example that such plans could work was Louis Rothschild who became a Nazi captive for one year through the annexation of Austria. He was held under house arrest in the Viennese hotel Metropol in a suite, a luxury that Heinrich Himmler personally arranged for this prominent Jewish banker. The Nazis first demanded a ransom of $ 10 mill. but the value that then changed hands (allegedly a package of shares) most likely was worth no more than half. Middle of May 1939, Baron Rothschild was able to fly out as a free man to Zurich.53
The deeply moving book by Rabbi WEISSMANDEL 54 describes in many instances his personal experiences with the brutal Zionism that prevented the rescue of the Holocaust victims. Nobody doubts that it is true.
There is an entire literature that deals with Zionist war crimes. A further milestone in the amendment in the question of war guilt was the book in 1977 "The Holocaust Victims Accuse, Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals" by Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld. He concurred with Rabbi Weissmandel and reported numerous additional details for the inexplicable and persistent failure to undertake any possible rescue of Holocaust victims, partly already well-prepared by reconnaissance, such as destruction of Auschwitz from the air. As one of the mainly responsible people for the Holocaust he points in particular to Yitzchak Greenbaum.
A Jewish history web site 55 presents the following quotations of the terrorist founders of the state of Israel:
"During the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weizman, the first ‘Jewish statesman’ stated: ‘The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important’. Weizman’s cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation ‘One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe.’"56
Those words are unfathomably inhuman. They opened the way to the Holocaust.
BRENNER offers a source book with brief commentaries.57 It gives additional documentation for his foregoing research.58
The presently most recent book about this topic sets out to correct the personal life stories of the Rabbis who still lived through the events. Such a hindsight history sanitation by turning around the best eye witnesses is always problematic. It is an intended growing-over of the past which is a popular form of coming to terms with traumatic (collective) memories.59 Amidst all the horrors the author conjures up the glorious halo of a golden past in order to lay a blanket over the most horrid issue of all. The book offers a long up to date bibliography.
If the stories of the Rabbis are correct, and there is no reasonable doubt that they are, then the Holocaust was, due to the involvement of the Zionist leadership, an extreme type of race suicide. This notion might not be inadequate given a size between 5.6 and 6.3 million Jewish victims of the Nazi insanity, insofar as the causation of death consists to a considerable part in the deluded Zionist policy which only wanted Israel and not the survival of the entrapped European Jews. The term ("race suicide“) was coined in the 1920's by Professor Edward Alsworth ROSS at the University of Wisconsin in order to describe the long-term fading away of a population when the birth rate sinks.60 In the instant context the term may point out that the Holocaust was the destruction of a large part of the Jewish people under participation of a small control segment within the same body of people.
The undesirable dispersion of the Jewish diaspora in areas outside of Palestine was considered by the Zionists as a racial suicide which was to be prevented. Arthur RUPPIN, a Zionist demographer (population scientist) and one of the founders of the city of Tel Aviv, "Father of Jewish Sociology", in other diction a race theorist, who lived in Palestine since 1907/8, spoke for many of his colleagues of this discipline of Zionist future planning: In his work "Die Juden der Gegenwart“ (The Jews of the Present) he argued that the continued assimilation of Jews in advanced western civilizations and cultures bore the pressing danger of a "race suicide".61 The main concern of this Zionist science and its political backers was, in the period under discussion, the continuity of the Jewish race and the prevention of the Jewish race being watered down. Out of this overriding race theoretical consideration, the Holocaust was accepted as a collateral damage, respectively even provoked to happen.
The foregoing is merely an outline. Details about the key issue - the devilry of and around the Jewish Zionist Greenbaum - was scrutinized by a Jewish journalist during the Nazi era and was later documented in one of the most explosive history books of all times (M. J. NURENBERGER, the SCARED and the DOOMED, The Jewish Establishment Vs the Six Million), 2006. One of the most open Jewish historians today has read it and summarized it for us, Barry CHAMISH. 62 Here are excerpts from Chamish’s speech. The quotations (in Arial font) are, except for the first three paragraphs, excerpts from the book by Nurenberger itself:63
M. J. Nurenberger was a wartime columnist for Jewish newspapers worldwide. He later founded the Canadian Jewish News, the country’s most influential Jewish media source. The book I read by him - The Scared And The Doomed, The Jewish Establishment vs. The Six Million - is one of the most important works about modern Jewish history and for me, completes the trilogy of truth about the Jewish leaders’ role in the Holocaust, which includes Perfidy by Ben HECHT and The Transfer Agreement by Edward BLACK.
Nearing the end of the war, Eichmann cut a deal with a rabbi named Yoel Brand. He would save all the remaining Jews of Hungary, in exchange for 700 trucks.64 Brand travelled to Aleppo [Haleb], Syria to meet Jewish Agency deputy head Moshe Sharett to raise funds for the trucks. There, he was quickly arrested by the British.65 This doomed the Jews of Hungary. The order for the arrest must have come from Sharett and his superior, Chaim Weizmann.
Nurenberger’s conclusion, not totally covered by the evidence presented in this critique, is that while Germany was the tool of the massacres, they were fueled by Britain in collusion with the [U.S.] State Department and the Vatican.
(Up to this point, quotations by Chamish. Henceforth, direct quotations by Chamish from the book by M. J. Nurenberger:)
"There was no use talking to any of those Jews abroad because they were criminals: they refused to save people from killers. Instead of secretly negotiating for the release of hostages, they made public statements and sought publicity as ‘leaders of their people.’... After the war, when Weissmandl’s memoirs of that period appeared, he understood that most of the Orthodox rabbis in America and the Irgun delegation there were not only foiled in their efforts to arouse the Americans to ‘buy Jews’ - this was Ben Hecht’s overt slogan - but were maligned by those in the Jewish establishment who feared ‘competition’ in the field of fundraising within the Jewish community.“ p. 65
"By 1943 many Nazis had already realized that they would have to save their skins, so Dieter von Wisliceny, Eichmann’s second-in-command, suggested several deals to the secret committee in Bratislava of which Weissmandl was a member. In fact, negotiations had started as early as 1941, when the Eichmann organization still believed that Jews overseas and Allied governments were interested in ‘buying’ Jewish lives... Weissmandl established contact with the representatives of the American Joint Distribution Committee [acronym JDC] in Switzerland... Weissmandl was not taken seriously. In one of his acrimonious letters to American Jewish leaders, he wrote: ‘You are dealing with Nazis. You are afraid to risk money to save lives. You are insane.’" pp. 66-67
"The rabbi described in detail the types of officials with whom he was dealing. When Wisliceny, the German bureaucrat in charge of exterminating the Jews, received his first payment, he kept his word and stopped the deportations. Weissmandl informed his friends abroad that there was no danger that any funds would land in the German war treasury. Those who were bribed put their money into their own pockets; they were saving up for defeat." p. 69
"The map that Weissmandl sent abroad by special courier, a detailed map of Auschwitz with a request that the crematoria be put out of order, wound up in the wastebasket of some bureaucrat in a New York Jewish office." p. 68
"Gizi Fleischmann had always been a dedicated Zionist... and remained in constant touch with the headquarters of the World Zionist Movement in Jerusalem. Gizi informed her superiors that the deportations could be stopped quickly if certain conditions were met... These Nazis declared that they would find ways to relieve the situation of the Jews of Poland through an agency they would set up in Berlin... They pledged themselves to completely halt the second deportation." p. 70
"Gizi Fleischmann was an idealist who could not understand why all her appeals to Jerusalem were ignored. During 1943, the time of greatest opportunity for rescue, the establishment leaders in America were busy fighting every move by the Emergency Committee. It was the leaders of the establishment there who decided what they would or would not do about the ransom money and about saving Jews from Nazis. It was they who believed themselves to be the divinely appointed representatives of all Jews, including those in Hitler’s camps." p. 70
"The New York Vaad Hatzalah decided to pay the ransom on time, no matter how difficult it might be to raise the funds, because such an appeal could not be made public. They wired their committee in Switzerland that Weissmandl should go ahead, that the money would be deposited. The cable never reached Switzerland; it was stopped by a censor. The censor was Moe Levitt, executive director of the American Joint Distribution Committee. The American government had appointed the JDC as the clearing house for all such messages... Is it possible to deny that by this action, the Joint [the JDC] contributed to the liquidation of innumerable thousands of hostages?" p. 72
"Those in control of the funds of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem and the JDC in New York would not ‘gamble’ ransom money. They gambled with the lives of fellow Jews... Gizi went to incredible lengths to impress upon the leaders of the Jewish Agency that they must take seriously the possibility of rescue, but to no avail. Documents prove that these leaders tried to withhold information concerning the extermination from the Jewish community in Palestine and from the press." pp. 73-74
"In a cold and frightful voice, Dr. Nahum Goldmann of the World Jewish Congress said, ‘I think we have to take into consideration the extermination of the majority of European Jews, except those who are in the USSR or Britain.’ Nahun Goldmann admitted, years after the war, that he ‘made a mistake’ during World War II - just a tiny error." p. 177
"It is not an accident of history that from 1933 to 1945, no important Jewish organization ever demanded that the United States open its doors to the Jews threatened by Hitler.“ p. 191
"Breckenridge Long and his immediate superior, Secretary-of-State Cordell Hull made sure that members of the American delegation remembered that nothing should be done to 'interfere with the war effort,' a euphemism which signified opposition to the rescue of Jews." p. 169
"The Transfer Deal of 1933, signed between the Jewish Agency and the German Nazi authorities, allowed wealthy German Jews who emigrated to Palestine, to export German goods representing a small percentage of their property. Thus, the Jewish Agency indirectly became a sales organization promoting Nazi goods in the Middle East. It was the first act of Jewish surrender to Hitler." p. 23
"Moshe Sharett, longtime foreign minister of Israel, was never cleared of the accusation that Brand was turned over to the British by the Zionist establishment. Brand’s mission could have saved one hundred thousand Hungarian Jews, or more." p. 102
"Jewish Agency executive Yitzhak Greenbaum stated at a committee meeting, ‘I do not believe we can save Polish Jewry or even help them.’ Greenbaum saw no reason to continue the public campaigns on behalf of Polish Jews. He even stated that people should not continue to support the negotiations of Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl in Slovakia. Later, Greenbaum also stated that he did not approve of Joel Brand’s rescue mission. Greenbaum would become Israel’s first Minister of the Interior. Today we understand from Greenbaum’s statements why the Zionist leaders in America, acting under orders from Palestinian Jewish leaders, did not engage in any earnest rescue work. We can also understand why Brand was turned over to the British. Greenbaum was even more explicit. He said there were two areas of Jewish combat: Palestine and rescue in the diaspora. One cannot postpone the first because of the second. ‘Zionism must be above any other consideration.’ The Jewish Agency was active only in bringing individual Jews to Palestine... Greenbaum sabotaged the initiatives of Rabbi Weissmandl and Gizi Fleischmann in Bratislava and opposed Joel Brand as well. Greenbaum, a leader of the Jewish Agency, adopted the same tone as Cordell Hull, the American Secretary of State who declared the rescue of European Jewry would only come about, ‘after the victory of the Allies.’” pp. 176-177
(End of quotations.)
This paper was the subject of a 45 minute talk radio interview at between Lenny BLOOM and Dr. Stefan Grossmann recorded on 2009-03-25 for publication. The Afterword was added since then.
Vampires kill behind a dense veil of secrecy – but it is the hallmark of our times that that
ancient veil of secrecy is now lifting. Down into living memory, the power of ridicule and
ostracism held the dark veil firmly around the heads and hearts of astute men – consider,
for example, the jeering contempt that audiences and especially journalists held for a
courageous veil-lifter such as David ICKE during the beginning of his lecturing and
authoring career in the 1980s. Still within our own generation the liberating light of the
Truth was perceived to be so outlandish and exotic that it was fully incomprehensible.
That was a subjective reaction of our mass consciousness. The mass consciousness is
slow to develop, much slower than the fastest individuals. There is more than a glimmer
of hope, however, that our mass consciousness is evolving to a more enlightened state
than it used to be as recently as the early 1980s. In terms of mass consciousness, that is
lightning speed.
From our more advanced perspective today as privileged observeing participants on the battlefield of the Truth war, life left us information orphans just a quarter of a century ago. If you are of an appropriate age then think back how your own fact-finding process has accelerated, boosted notably since the bogus insider attacks on September 11, 2001; or else take my word for it (not turning 47). The lifting of the dark veil shows all the signs of being a millennial epoch maker.
It is often said that we are spiritual being, but it is man’s signature trait that we are in perpetual doubt. It is not possible to be one of those human beings of the old brand without that nagging invisible shadow called doubt. Doubt is that velvety darkness from which the veil of vampires is woven. The law of the veil says that ignorance is bliss, and uncertainty is the Vatican’s pawn. The quest for certainty is the quest for our dawning true identity as knowing beings, marked by independence from the opinions of others and inner peace and stability on the well-lit rock of Truth.
My foregoing essay breaks a big subject but not an entirely new subject – our western society has already travelled too far into the Light for that still to be totally new. See the quotations from the works of other, prior researchers with which the pages are replete. I wanted to hone the subject using the inner technique of a forensic trial and the scales of justice. It is apparent that the blindfolded deity of the scales has let their balance tip by the preponderant weight of the evidence. Let me sum up the argument – but the argument is actually more than merely an argument: It is the central episode of the Great Truth War, one of those focussed nodes where history itself seems to turn into a sitting court of law before our eyes in order to render judgment upon that what is true and just:
1. Upon the weight of the evidence, it is true and just that Adolf Hitler, the former German dictator of the Nazi era, was at least one-quarter Jewish, namely an illegitimate descendant of the Vienna branch of the Rothschild international banking family.
2. Upon the weight of the evidence, it is true and just that the same Adolf Hitler was part of a breeding program to create "sons of war" (research by Greg HALLETT and the SPYMASTER). As such, Hitler’s life was from the outset designated for agency in the service of the Rothschild family’s interests of banking, specifically of war finance. This program includes the artificial creation of wars and the reshuffling of nations at the expense of two-digits of millions of people killed through wars, their aftermaths and dictatorship.
3. The so-called Holocaust cost approximately 6 million Jews their lives, plus millions of other lives that are never mentioned as prominently as the Jewish victims. This Holocaust was a Nazi and Zionist co-creation, presumably under the guiding control of members of the Rothschild family and their insiders, not all of them Jewish.
4. Key evidence has been presented above in context. Since this is a written paper, please peruse the thread of the argument above for a summation in details. The information is of such a nature that the mainstream presentation of Hitler’s biography takes on the character of being a wanton and orchestrated fraud. This is in keeping with usual cover-up strategies of the dark side.
5. The main motive, as apparent, is an excessive and boundless greed for large amounts of money. This basically is tantamount to the control of world finance by a single family, assisted by approximately eleven other families in one interlocked secret ruling clan of the planet (often described as „the Illuminati”).
6. The essay mentions the overseeing function of the Vatican, in particular the Jesuit order. There is much independent research about this that has not been fully discussed in this paper.
7. History to this day remains driven by the families, their boundless greed for money and their instruments of war finance, war rackets and numerous artificial scarcities. Independent research shows much evidence that the current world energy situation, world health situation and world poverty situation are not natural situations but are man made artificial scarcities.
8. The true Adolf Hitler reportedly died in very old age in the 1980s in South America. There are many other reports about Hitler’s end, but South America and the 1980s are the bottom line of those reports that are probably the most credible. Hitler in his later years was considered by insiders to be a "Lord of Evil" and was highly influential in shaping the world as it is today.
9. Hitler never was a sovereign head of state. Hitler was a British-trained Tavistock agent with special training to implant a demonic alter personality in his body, subservient to the imperial British-global Rothschild secret banking system. Hitler’s power was derived Rothschild power, like that of his cousins Winston Churchill, Jossif Stalin and Mao Tse Dong (Greg Hallett and the Spymaster).
In summary, those are some of the main points that this paper highlights. To my mind, the most valuable aspect that I was able to pick up from my work on this paper is the hidden psychology of alter personalities. The psychology of alter personalities is a powerful technique of engineering the personality of a human being. It is a technique that can be used in a negative or in a positive way. A positive example would be the angelic personality engineering that the eastern Kriya Yoga aims for, or similar techniques in Buddhism, but that is not the subject of this paper. This paper points out that the powerful technique of personality tampering (implanting demonic alters) is used unabashedly as a weapon in the Great Truth War. It is the center piece of so-called "mind control". The knowledge of this technique is one of the best antidotes against falling victim to its nearly omni-present lures.
You might ask what we need to change the situation for the better. The twelve families and the entire cell system of the secret society landscape must be removed from all power. (There is nothing against private circles meeting in secret as long as they do not take over the power through espionage, subterfuge, assassinations, high treason, etc.). The history, the names, dates, documents, nitty-gritty should become a prime focus of academic history writing. Academic history writing today is still part of the problem, not the solution (with laudable exceptions, of course, some of whom are mentioned in my paper above).
Nation states today are vehicles for grand theft of large amounts of tax money and interest payments to the banks. The channels through which the money guzzles away into black coffers must be investigated by public scrutiny, starting with serious parliamentary investigations. Independent media that are worth the name should be created by states using tax funds. The top journalists should be elected by the public. However, the existing system probably is unable to perform such a task because everything depends on money.
It is quite evident that the problem is linked with money. It is also quite evident that the existing system is headed for a financial collapse. If known free energy and free health technology is implemented the financial system altogether will collapse and die within short time. Those are some of the most stunning insights to be gained by surfing the information on the internet.
The bracket that holds the rickety structure together to this day is money, that means, people’s longing for money in an irrational sense like an addiction. The manifest lunacy in the world today is merely a mirror of the money addiction of modern man. The distinction between the financial economy and the so-called "real economy" will grow much sharper as this problem evolves.
The very term "real economy" come to grips quite well with the problem: The real economy is a system that provides for our real-life needs. In contrast to the real economy, the financial economy is growing into something different, something delusional spun out by crazy trillionaires such as you know who. The name "parasite" for the financial economy will foreseeably become more frequent than it is today.
The key is that the parasite is an alter personality in you. Money as it is handled today is not necessary for an economy. Money as it is handled today is only necessary for a sinister control agenda – controlling you. The main modem of this control agenda in you is your demonic alter personality (shadow personality). That is implanted in you daily through cell phone radiation, TV, advertising, bogus media. Your demonic alter is the sum of your fears, especially fears related to money, starvation, survival. That is not your true self but is your manipulated self.
You must become aware that you are not living out your true self but that you are remote controlled using the same techniques as described herein. They are very old going back tens of thousands of years. They have come to us through Egypt through an ancient secret brotherhood (Great White Brotherhood, also called Tat Brotherhood). The so called secret societies today are cells of this system. It is very important that you become a well-informed person. Your public school and university education, the media and publishing industry have typically left you poorly educated, even mis-educated concerning essential fields of knowledge. Luckily, more and more people are waking up to this fact today. My essay tries to state a telling example.
You have weapons to fight back. This starts with your body. Make sure you are fit and lean. Also look into the breath work of yoga (the technical name is Pranayama). There are simple techniques of breathing that are very effective to fight back against fears. You can look into Reiki through face-to-face contact with a live teacher. These are techniques, not religions, similar like learning how to ride a bicycle.
Start looking into forms of a decentralized alternate economy. This includes barter, communal models and cooperative models. This has nothing to do with a loafer’s economy, but the goal of economy is to fulfill man’s needs. Use your land to grow food, and learn about this. Humans can survive on a vegetarian diet. It is non-essential to hold your nose high and to be arrogant. You do not need to be a mini-Rothschild and should make sure that you are not falling into a trap of idolatry. There are many models of sensible and rationally purpose-driven economy on the internet.
The current money economy is no longer rationally purpose-driven. That will come to many indoctrinated people as a shock. I believe that my paper goes a long way to underline that. The root of the problem is a false economy. The answer to the problem is that we need to set the economy right. The foremost point is that the economy must not dictate our needs, but our needs must dictate what the economy should do. The problem sits mainly in that part of the economy that is sometimes dubbed a „parasite” – namely finance.
1 For a starting point on the topic of Vatican wealth, see the book by a mainstream business journalist formerly stationed in Rome: Nino LOBELLO, Vatican Empire, An authoritative report that reveals the Vatican as a nerve center of high finance – and penetrates the secrecy of Papal wealth, first published in 1968. He mentions specifically, based on his ten years of research into the subject, that the Vatican owns one-third of Rome, one-fifth of the shares in Italian industry, and many other facts. Further John F. POLLARD, Money and the Rise of the Modern Papacy, Financing the Vatican, 1850-1950, 2005, including discussions of the Vatican’s Rothschild banking connection, with notes, more specifically on that subject, D. FELISINI, Le finanze pontificie e i Rothschild (Italian, The pontifical finances and the Rothschilds), 1993, for the period between 1830 and 1870. The Rothschild connection is downplayed in these publications. – On a different note, the introdution of LOBELLO’S book summarizes:
"Mr. Lo Bello describes in fascinating detail Vatican investment in real estate – one-third of Rome is owned by the Holy See – electronics, plastics, airlines, and chemical and engineering firms. He also gives evidence that the Vatican is heavily involved in Italian banking and that it has huge deposits in foreign banks. Some of these accounts are in America, many are in Switzerland. The Vatican financiers prefer numbered Swiss accounts because they allow them to maintain anonymity when gaining control of foreign corporations. In addition, the author establishes that the Vatican is one of the world’s largest shareholders, with a portfolio that can conservatively be estimated in billions.”
2 A note for the Pope from his Boss: And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19, 24)
3 POLLARD (see note 1 above), p. 1 (bold highlight by me).
4 Eric FRATTINI, The Entity, Five Centuries of Secret Vatican Espionage, 2004.
5 FRATTINI, op. cit., p. 305 (from chapter 18, entitled "Vatican, Inc.” and God’s Business).
6 Paul L. WILLIAMS, The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia, 2003, p. 48.
7 WILLIAMS, op. cit., p. 192.
8 Peter GODMAN, Hitler and the Vatican, Inside the Secret Archives that Reveal the New Story of the Nazis and the Church, first published in 2004 (hardback), p. 58.
9 John CORNWELL, Hitler’s Pope, The Secret History of Pius XII, first published in 1999. The text quoted above is an editorial review of by Wendy SMITH,
Notes:Essay 1
1 Thus Father Gabriele Amorth, Exorcist in Chief of Pope Benedict XVI. During Hitler’s lifetime, Pope Pius XII undertook a ritual of remote exorcism against the purported demon in Adolf Hitler, alas without success. See report of the Mail Online, August 28,t 2006, article by Nick Pisa, online:
2 quoted after
3 Hermann RAUSCHNING, Conversations with Hitler, first 1940. But even the doubts are doubtful:
4. For the contra side e.g. Joseph BERGER, The Osiris Complex (book review), in: Can Med Assoc J 1994, 151 (10), p. 1469 f.
5 Deborah Bray HADDOCK, The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook, New York 2001, p. 6.
6 See for example: Constanze J. DALENBERG, What is an alter?, New Orleans 2002; Robert B. OXNAM, Fractured Mind, My Life with Multiple Personality Disorder, New York 2006. German dissertation: Bettina OVERKAMP, Differentialdiagnostik der Dissoziativen Identitsstörung (DIS) in Deutschland, Validierung der Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS), Berlin 2005 (with good international bibliography).
7 See Elyn SACHS, Stephen H. BEHNKE, Jekyll on Trial, Multiple Personality Disorder and Criminal Law, New York 2000. Details of „alter personalities” are discussed in chapter 4. The summary above in the text is based on p. 5 f. of the book. The verbatim citation was taken from p. 6.
8 H. MERSKEY, The manufacture of personalities, The production of multiple personality disorder, in: Br J Psychiatry 1992 (160) 327-340.
9 such cases there is most likely no iatrogenic causation at work.
10 GREAVES, 1993, S. 377 f.; quoted after: OVERBECK, Dissertation, p. 44.
11 Information from Rauschning via Walter Langer, quoted in David Edward POST, The Hypnosis of Adolf Hitler, J Forensic Sci 1998, 43(6), S. 1131 with citation.
12 See compilation of information, and analysis, by David Edward POST, The Hypnosis of Adolf Hitler, J Forensic Sci 1998, 43(6), 1127–1132. For the cryptic footnote of Toland about Hitler’s hypnosis see John TOLAND, Adolf Hitler, The Definitive Biography, New York 1992, p. xx (first published 1976). Further explanation in POST’S article as quoted.
13 Fritz REDLICH, Hitler, Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet, Oxford etc. 1998.
14 POST, op. cit., p. 1131.
15 See as already quoted above: H. MERSKEY, The manufacture of personalities, The production of multiple personality disorder, in: Br J Psychiatry 1992 (160) 327-340.
16 James CASBOLT, Agent buried alive, A survivor of NSA genetic enhancement and occult warfare projects speaks out, The autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (the book was announced for 2007 but was not published), chapter 3, now online(2008):
17 Fritz SPRINGMEIER, Cisco WHEELER, The Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total mind controlled slave, 1996, and follow-up volume (volume 2), Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula, online: and volume 2:
18 DER SPIEGEL, 1967, Nr. 31, p. 40; quoted after Joachim FEST, Hitler, 1973, p. 31 (original German edition).
19 German Eva Braun had won the race against her erstwhile rival, Adolf Hitler’s English right-wing friend Unity Mitford. It can no longer be clarified whether Hitler’s friend from a family of English nobility bore him a child. This note does not comment on the allegation that Madeleine Albright is that child, nor does it comment on the allegation that Angela Merkel is another illegitimate daughter of Adolf Hitler. Through gene tests all this could be verified voluntarily (Hitler’s half brother Alois Jr. has three still living descendants in New York) – practically, however, there will be no desire to know this.
Notes:Essay 1
1 Thus Father Gabriele Amorth, Exorcist in Chief of Pope Benedict XVI. During Hitler’s lifetime, Pope Pius XII undertook a ritual of remote exorcism against the purported demon in Adolf Hitler, alas without success. See report of the Mail Online, August 28,t 2006, article by Nick Pisa, online:
2 quoted after
3 Hermann RAUSCHNING, Conversations with Hitler, first 1940. But even the doubts are doubtful:
4. For the contra side e.g. Joseph BERGER, The Osiris Complex (book review), in: Can Med Assoc J 1994, 151 (10), p. 1469 f.
5 Deborah Bray HADDOCK, The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook, New York 2001, p. 6.
6 See for example: Constanze J. DALENBERG, What is an alter?, New Orleans 2002; Robert B. OXNAM, Fractured Mind, My Life with Multiple Personality Disorder, New York 2006. German dissertation: Bettina OVERKAMP, Differentialdiagnostik der Dissoziativen Identitsstörung (DIS) in Deutschland, Validierung der Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS), Berlin 2005 (with good international bibliography).
7 See Elyn SACHS, Stephen H. BEHNKE, Jekyll on Trial, Multiple Personality Disorder and Criminal Law, New York 2000. Details of „alter personalities” are discussed in chapter 4. The summary above in the text is based on p. 5 f. of the book. The verbatim citation was taken from p. 6.
8 H. MERSKEY, The manufacture of personalities, The production of multiple personality disorder, in: Br J Psychiatry 1992 (160) 327-340.
9 such cases there is most likely no iatrogenic causation at work.
10 GREAVES, 1993, S. 377 f.; quoted after: OVERBECK, Dissertation, p. 44.
11 Information from Rauschning via Walter Langer, quoted in David Edward POST, The Hypnosis of Adolf Hitler, J Forensic Sci 1998, 43(6), S. 1131 with citation.
12 See compilation of information, and analysis, by David Edward POST, The Hypnosis of Adolf Hitler, J Forensic Sci 1998, 43(6), 1127–1132. For the cryptic footnote of Toland about Hitler’s hypnosis see John TOLAND, Adolf Hitler, The Definitive Biography, New York 1992, p. xx (first published 1976). Further explanation in POST’S article as quoted.
13 Fritz REDLICH, Hitler, Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet, Oxford etc. 1998.
14 POST, op. cit., p. 1131.
15 See as already quoted above: H. MERSKEY, The manufacture of personalities, The production of multiple personality disorder, in: Br J Psychiatry 1992 (160) 327-340.
16 James CASBOLT, Agent buried alive, A survivor of NSA genetic enhancement and occult warfare projects speaks out, The autobiography of Commander James Casbolt (the book was announced for 2007 but was not published), chapter 3, now online(2008):
17 Fritz SPRINGMEIER, Cisco WHEELER, The Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total mind controlled slave, 1996, and follow-up volume (volume 2), Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula, online: and volume 2:
18 DER SPIEGEL, 1967, Nr. 31, p. 40; quoted after Joachim FEST, Hitler, 1973, p. 31 (original German edition).
19 German Eva Braun had won the race against her erstwhile rival, Adolf Hitler’s English right-wing friend Unity Mitford. It can no longer be clarified whether Hitler’s friend from a family of English nobility bore him a child. This note does not comment on the allegation that Madeleine Albright is that child, nor does it comment on the allegation that Angela Merkel is another illegitimate daughter of Adolf Hitler. Through gene tests all this could be verified voluntarily (Hitler’s half brother Alois Jr. has three still living descendants in New York) – practically, however, there will be no desire to know this.
20 Joachim C. FEST, Hitler, Munich 1973, p. 32.
21 Established by a U.S. federal statute (Federal Reserve Act, 23 December 1913). The Fed on the national level is a mere decision gremium. The foundation of the system are twelve regional banks of the Fed system (the most important the Federal Reserve Bank of New York). An ownership of the gremium on the national level is not apparent. It does not pay any dividends, either. The basis of the system are the twelve regional central banks. The twelve are no federal agencies but are independent and are owned exclusively by private owners. They are comparable to an agency merely to the extent that they are tax exempt. The government has no say in decisions of the controlling boards, e.g. for interest rates. The shareholders are paid dividends from the profits. The Fed receives no funds from any Congressional budget (an outright ridiculous notion since the Fed is government’s money machine). (Precedent of long standing of the U.S. courts, see for example Lewis v. U.S.A., U.S. Ct App, 9th Cir, 680 F.2d 1239 [1982]; Scott v. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, U.S. Ct App, 8th Cir, 406 F.3d 532 [2005]).
Together with the banking system, this privately held system issues over 98% of all the money of the U.S.A. (essentially all except coins which are issued by the state). The Fed issues about 2% of the entire money itself, while the remaining bulk of all money is created by the banks by „fiat“ through giving out credits. This lucrative private money system is as of this writing allegedly crashing dramatically which is graphically compared with a hurricane (e.g. Ben Bernanke, Gouverneur of the Fed, in current press reports).
Simplified example: If a bank deposits $ 10 in the Fed then it can lend out $ 90 for interest to its customers. At a market interest rate of 10% it receives on its deposited $ 10 an interest of $ 9. The respective liquidity is gained, for example, through a tender of the Fed at a lower interest rate. The $ 9 of in-flowing interest (example) are shared by the Fed and its member bank (or other financiers, account holders of the bank, etc.). In an overall view, the entire system is nothing else than covert usury (namely in the example an interest of 90% p.a. which is burdened on the general public and is withheld from the state, which is why the people need to pay taxes; and because of the built-in usury the taxes increase incrementally). That is, by and large, the financial principle behind the war economy. This is also termed reserve multiplication and „fractional reserve banking“. From the viewpoint of strategy theory this defines the game that is at issue here and that gives windfalls to the owners in particular in times of war – following the maxim of socializing the costs (government bankruptcy) and privatizing the profits (Midas effect). In this specific sense, the monetary system itself is the chillingly murderous force behind wars.
The financial sovereignty of the U.S.A. as a state always has been restricted. The American Revolution bankrupted the state very early on, which is a complicated subject of financial history. The large debts to England had to be acknowledged. George II of England financed both sides of the war. The effects last to this day. The U.S. federal income tax that was enacted without amending the Constitution (never ratified) is used to make payments to the English crown and the Vatican. This is carefully hidden in a confused paper trail, statutes with misleading labels, fragmentation of the legal subject matters across numerous papers, etc. The Queen of England still changes social policy, the meanings of legal words and Social Security policy within the United States as late as 1997. On 22 July 1997, Queen Elizabeth II changed the U.S. Social Security as follows: S.I. 1997 NO.1778 – The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. At the Court of Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now therefore Her Majesty in pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased, by and with advise of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows: „This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997.” There was only brief mention in three newspapers that six trillion $$ in social security funds disappeared from a Citibank account which probably is linked with the fact that the Queen enacts certain social security regulations of the United States in a hidden context of taxation. The U.S.A. are not a sovereign state but a partially sovereign construct. Remarkably many American presidents have been related to English royal families, most recently Bush and Obama; the real father of Bill Clinton is not known (according to information from the middle level of the Rockefeller family: Winthrop Rockefeller).
22 Eustace MULLINS, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, 1952, chapter eight (WWI).
21 Established by a U.S. federal statute (Federal Reserve Act, 23 December 1913). The Fed on the national level is a mere decision gremium. The foundation of the system are twelve regional banks of the Fed system (the most important the Federal Reserve Bank of New York). An ownership of the gremium on the national level is not apparent. It does not pay any dividends, either. The basis of the system are the twelve regional central banks. The twelve are no federal agencies but are independent and are owned exclusively by private owners. They are comparable to an agency merely to the extent that they are tax exempt. The government has no say in decisions of the controlling boards, e.g. for interest rates. The shareholders are paid dividends from the profits. The Fed receives no funds from any Congressional budget (an outright ridiculous notion since the Fed is government’s money machine). (Precedent of long standing of the U.S. courts, see for example Lewis v. U.S.A., U.S. Ct App, 9th Cir, 680 F.2d 1239 [1982]; Scott v. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, U.S. Ct App, 8th Cir, 406 F.3d 532 [2005]).
Together with the banking system, this privately held system issues over 98% of all the money of the U.S.A. (essentially all except coins which are issued by the state). The Fed issues about 2% of the entire money itself, while the remaining bulk of all money is created by the banks by „fiat“ through giving out credits. This lucrative private money system is as of this writing allegedly crashing dramatically which is graphically compared with a hurricane (e.g. Ben Bernanke, Gouverneur of the Fed, in current press reports).
Simplified example: If a bank deposits $ 10 in the Fed then it can lend out $ 90 for interest to its customers. At a market interest rate of 10% it receives on its deposited $ 10 an interest of $ 9. The respective liquidity is gained, for example, through a tender of the Fed at a lower interest rate. The $ 9 of in-flowing interest (example) are shared by the Fed and its member bank (or other financiers, account holders of the bank, etc.). In an overall view, the entire system is nothing else than covert usury (namely in the example an interest of 90% p.a. which is burdened on the general public and is withheld from the state, which is why the people need to pay taxes; and because of the built-in usury the taxes increase incrementally). That is, by and large, the financial principle behind the war economy. This is also termed reserve multiplication and „fractional reserve banking“. From the viewpoint of strategy theory this defines the game that is at issue here and that gives windfalls to the owners in particular in times of war – following the maxim of socializing the costs (government bankruptcy) and privatizing the profits (Midas effect). In this specific sense, the monetary system itself is the chillingly murderous force behind wars.
The financial sovereignty of the U.S.A. as a state always has been restricted. The American Revolution bankrupted the state very early on, which is a complicated subject of financial history. The large debts to England had to be acknowledged. George II of England financed both sides of the war. The effects last to this day. The U.S. federal income tax that was enacted without amending the Constitution (never ratified) is used to make payments to the English crown and the Vatican. This is carefully hidden in a confused paper trail, statutes with misleading labels, fragmentation of the legal subject matters across numerous papers, etc. The Queen of England still changes social policy, the meanings of legal words and Social Security policy within the United States as late as 1997. On 22 July 1997, Queen Elizabeth II changed the U.S. Social Security as follows: S.I. 1997 NO.1778 – The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. At the Court of Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now therefore Her Majesty in pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased, by and with advise of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows: „This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997.” There was only brief mention in three newspapers that six trillion $$ in social security funds disappeared from a Citibank account which probably is linked with the fact that the Queen enacts certain social security regulations of the United States in a hidden context of taxation. The U.S.A. are not a sovereign state but a partially sovereign construct. Remarkably many American presidents have been related to English royal families, most recently Bush and Obama; the real father of Bill Clinton is not known (according to information from the middle level of the Rockefeller family: Winthrop Rockefeller).
22 Eustace MULLINS, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, 1952, chapter eight (WWI).
23 Ron CHERNOW, The Warburgs, the twentieth century odyssey of a remarkable Jewish family, New York 1993, p. 508 f.
24 Fritz REDLICH, Hitler, Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet, Oxford etc. 1998 (first 1993), p. 13, 219. Redlich in particular uses statements of Hitler to Hans Frank.
25 Johannes MÜLLNER, Die entweihte Heimat (Scarred Homeland), 1983 (quoted after the online edition).
26 Wolfgang ZDRAL, Die Hitlers, Die unbekannte Familie des Führers (The Unknown Family of the Fuehrer), Bergisch Gladbach 2008, p. 13.
24 Fritz REDLICH, Hitler, Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet, Oxford etc. 1998 (first 1993), p. 13, 219. Redlich in particular uses statements of Hitler to Hans Frank.
25 Johannes MÜLLNER, Die entweihte Heimat (Scarred Homeland), 1983 (quoted after the online edition).
26 Wolfgang ZDRAL, Die Hitlers, Die unbekannte Familie des Führers (The Unknown Family of the Fuehrer), Bergisch Gladbach 2008, p. 13.
27 The old baptismal register books of the parish Döllersheim were brought to the episcopal archive in St. Pölten. This collection includes the famous baptismal register (VII/7/10/1837) wherein the birth and the baptism of Aloys Schicklgruber is recorded, the fatherhood initially remained open, and wherein the change of name to Aloys Hitler is documented, see Müllner, online edition,
28 The report is an excerpt from: Walter C. LANGER, The Mind of Adolf Hitler, The Secret Wartime Report, New York 1972, p. 111-113.
29 The research network says that the information concerning Prinz is correct but is a false track; and one should not waste time in pursuing that.
30 See research of the former state archivist Franz JETZINGER, Hitlers Jugend, Phantasien, Lügen und die Wahrheit, (Hitler’s Youth, Fantasies, Lies and the Truth), Vienna 1956. Newer details of this per 2007 are reported by SPIEGEL online,,1518,487012,00.html
31 Werner MASER, Adolf Hitler, München 1997, S. 28. In depth about Adolf Hitler’s family now: Wolfgang ZDRAL, Die Hitlers, Die unbekannte Familie des Führers, Bergisch-Gladbach 2008.
32 Intelligence sources consider this discussion as superfluous. The Koehler file is said to be voluminous. Details such as these would divert attention from the big picture.
34 See Manfred CARRINGTON, Andras REITER, Der Süden von Linz (The South of Linz), 2008, p. 516 f. with photos, quoting a news report by the Linz newspaper Tagblatt of 13 July 1935.
35 Lucian O. MEYSELS, Der Austrofaschismus, Das Ende der ersten Republik und ihr letzter Kanzler (Austrofascism, The End of the First Republic and Its Last Chancellor), 1992, p. 134. The roadside memorial has since then been restored.
36 And thus distantly related also with many American presidents, currently for example with the Bush family.
37 Niall FERGUSON, The House of Rothschilds, vol. 2, The World’s Banker, 1849-1999, London 2000.
38 Hansjürgen KOEHLER, Inside the Gestapo, Hitler’s Shadow Over the World, 2008; first London 1940. The chapter at issue is entitled: "The Fatal File".
39 The sound of names is critically important for the Hitler story. "Heil Schicklgruber” would have passed unnoticed, regardless of voice volume. "Heil Hiedler” (with long first vowel "ee” and soft "d" ["Heil Héed-ler"], the vowel hiccoughing into a screech at the back of the palate), on the other hand, would have kept Germany safely out of WWII because the major part of the population would have died laughing before any hostilities ever commenced. Chaos theory refers to this as the "butterfly effect" whereby the trifling wing beat of a butterfly can be the cause of a storm on the other side of the planet. Stripped to its barest essence, the Hitler story is the story of a short vowel ("i") and a hard plosive ("t") ["Hítt-ler"]! The names of God bear great power; and the names of rulers are chosen carefully. The name looks like an engineered match to NOSTRADAMUS II 24 („Hister”), a possibility well within occult Nazi thinking. The double meaning of this Latin name of the Danube (Austria) in mumbled context of "the German child” and a "cross ... crook" (VI 49) makes this very palpable (or Nostradamus foresaw the future by remote viewing, or both). Hitler and Goebbels tried to capitalize on this famous prophecy (Ellic HOWE, Urania’s Children, 1967).
40 Vera von Schuschnigg (her name after becoming Kurt von Schuschnigg’s second wife; 1904-1959), is one of the most under-researched key figures in all of Nazi history. Certain letters of the spouses have been published for the period 1938-1945. When Nazi Germany made captives of their leading internal enemies, typically the wives were also interred. Not so for Vera Schuschnigg – she was not registered as a captive but had joined her husband in captivity „voluntarily”, a strange singular tell-tale incidence, see Hans-Günter RICHARDI, SS-Geiseln in der Alpenfestung, Die Verschleppung prominenter KZ-Häftlinge nach Südtirol (SS Hostages in the Alpine Fortress, The Deportation of Prominent Concentration Camp Prisoners to South Tyrol), 2nd edition 2006. She wrote to Göring asking for permission to join her husband in his captivity: Richard SCHÜLLER, Jürgen NAUTZ, Unterhändler des Vertrauens, Aus den nachgelassenen Schriften von Sektionschef Dr. Richard Schüller (Trusted Negotiators, From the posthumous writings of section chief Dr. Richard Schüller), 1990, p. 177. Her request was granted in 1941, after more such appeals. Today, seven decades later, and many thousands of books and articles into, the events, this noble elegant lady with her tragic love story remains an untouchable for our diligent historians. Why?
It is verifiable that the relation started after the death of Herma Schuschnigg: Edmund Glaise von HORSTENAU, Peter BROUCEK, Ein General im Zwielicht, Die Erinnerungen Edmund Glaises von Horstenau (A General in the Twilight, The Memoirs of Edmund Glaise von Horstenau), 1980, p. 250, written by a cousin of Vera. It is verifiable that the Gestapo had a hand in trying to prevent their marriage, and that the elegant lady had the clout to override that formidable veto: Lucian O. MEYSELS, Der Austrofaschismus: Das Ende der ersten Republik und ihr letzter Kanzler, 1992, p. 263. What was the lady’s power to counter the Gestapo and to have it her way? When the marriage took place a bit later (1 June 1938) it was a marriage by proxy (Schuschnigg’s brother attending the ceremony) because Schuschnigg himself was reported in custody in Germany. All this militates in support of Koehler’s narrative essentially being truthful: On the face of it, she got Hitler the Dossier and got herself a new husband, Schuschnigg. This is exactly what Koehler is telling; and the same story is in the footprints of time. A clerical intercession took place but merely for reasons of canon law. A humanly interesting report in 1940 says: „English consular officials who have but lately returned from central Europe report that Dr. Schuschnigg is now a changed and broken old man, as white as a ghost.”: Oswald DUTCH, The Errant Diplomat, The Life of Franz Von Papen, 1940, p. 260. This indicates a British interest in Schuschnigg in 1940 long after he lost power. Vera was operated on in 1942 in Berlin: Kurt SCHUSCHNIGG, Ein Requiem in Rot-weiss-rot, Aufzeichnungen des Häftlings Dr. Auster (A Requiem in Red-White-Red, Notes of the Prisoner Dr. Auster), 1946, p. 413. Schuschnigg, a son of the Catholic Church and Jesuit pupil, survived Hitler (obviously no longer having possession of the Dossier) and had a career after the war. There was a Nazi directive that certain prisoners including Schuschnigg were to be well treated: Sigismund Payne BEST, The Venlo Incident, 1950, p. 207. Schuschnigg was never prosecuted and after the war became a law professor in the U.S.A. Standard procedure for people without a very high security clearance who would have had any part of such knowledge as the Schuschnigg's would have been disappeared quickly in the same manner as Dollfuß and Mrs. Schuschnigg I, which did not happen. All this provides independent confirmation for the fact that the Koehler narrative is essentially correct.
41 See for example Ron ROSENBAUM, Explaining Hitler, The Search for the Origins of his Evil, New York 1998, p. 17.
42 TIME MAGAZINE, Artikel The Man Who Was Wrong, s. 2, 13 October 1941, online:,9171,766269-2,00.html
43 ROSENBAUM, p. 17 ff.
44 The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd edition Boston 1985 and following editions. The entry for "goy" is marked as "offensive". In Jewish usage that holds valid for all those who are not Jewish. One should note in particular the extreme Talmudic racism that is influential in Jewish orthodoxy, similar to other fundamentalisms in their respective circles. To illustrate this, let it be mentioned that a Jew can steal with impunity from a goyim (Sanhedrin 57a), that the goyim have no rights (Baba Kamma 37b), that Jews can lie to goyim (Baba Kamma 113a). Details of this abstrusely racist legal order and ethical system are not to be dealt with here. The modern Jewish nationalism (Zionism) is historically seen a graft from the Talmudic racist fundamentalism, likewise the state of Israel is the foundation of terrorist murderers, all of which finds legal and ethical cover in Talmudic doctrine.
45 Time Magazine, Artikel i Royal Dutch Knight, 13 February 1939, online:,9171,771564,00.html
46 Glyn ROBERTS, The Most Powerful Man in the World, New York, first ca 1938. Documents for the amount of this sum cannot be located. But this does not entirely negate the credibility of the contemporary report since it is based on the estimates of expert opinion.
47 See coin table online,
48 See currency history Reichsmark with official source citation,
49 Elke FRÖHLICH, Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, Sämtliche Fragmente (The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels, Complete Fragments), Munich etc. 1987, part 1, vol. 3, p. 8.
50 MECKLENBURGISCHE MONATSHEFTE, Schwerin 1939, p. 196 ff. Quoted after Albert NORDEN, Fälscher (Forgers), Berlin 1959, p. 60.
51 Good German-language overview (summary of: Wolfgang ZDRAL, Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H. [The Financed Rise of Adolf H.], Vienna 2002), online:
52 Ralph SCHOENMAN, The Hidden History of Zionism, Santa Barbara 1988, in particular chapter 6, online:
53 TIME MAGAZINE, Artikel Rothschild Ransomed, 22 Mai 1939, online:,9171,761347,00.html
54 Rabbi [Michoe Ber] WEISSMANDEL’S [Hebrew] book ‚Min HaMaitzar’ (‚From the Depths’), New York 1961.
56 Greenbaum made the statement on 18 February 1943 in the Zionist Executive Council. Instead of "Europe" he actually said "Poland", as far as it reported. Greenbaum was the chief of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee.
57 Lenni BRENNER, 51 Documents, Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, 2002.
58 Lenni BRENNER, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, 1983.
59 Francis R. NICOSIA, Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, 2008.
60 TIME MAGAZINE, Artikel Race Improvement, 16. January 1928, online:,9171,731366-2,00.html
61 Mitchell HART, Social Science and the Politics of Modern Jewish Identity, Stanford 2000, p. 189 f.
62 See his speech of 2001, published on 26 January 2002, a review of the book (M. J. NURENBERGER, the SCARED and the DOOMED, The Jewish Establishment Vs the Six Million), online:
CHAMISH’S page numbers relate to an earlier edition.
63 Page numbers after Chamish, see foregoing footnote.
64 Part of a complex proposed deal. The total numbers were 1 mill. Jews and 10,000 trucks plus some commodities like soap and tea. Numbers shifted during negotiations. Upon agreement, the Nazis proposed to release 1,000 Jews, upon payment of a first installment 10%.
65 When Brand got off the train in Aleppo he was immediately arrested by two men in plain clothes who later turned out to be British intelligence agents thwarting his rescue effort. This was on 7 June 1944.
28 The report is an excerpt from: Walter C. LANGER, The Mind of Adolf Hitler, The Secret Wartime Report, New York 1972, p. 111-113.
29 The research network says that the information concerning Prinz is correct but is a false track; and one should not waste time in pursuing that.
30 See research of the former state archivist Franz JETZINGER, Hitlers Jugend, Phantasien, Lügen und die Wahrheit, (Hitler’s Youth, Fantasies, Lies and the Truth), Vienna 1956. Newer details of this per 2007 are reported by SPIEGEL online,,1518,487012,00.html
31 Werner MASER, Adolf Hitler, München 1997, S. 28. In depth about Adolf Hitler’s family now: Wolfgang ZDRAL, Die Hitlers, Die unbekannte Familie des Führers, Bergisch-Gladbach 2008.
32 Intelligence sources consider this discussion as superfluous. The Koehler file is said to be voluminous. Details such as these would divert attention from the big picture.
34 See Manfred CARRINGTON, Andras REITER, Der Süden von Linz (The South of Linz), 2008, p. 516 f. with photos, quoting a news report by the Linz newspaper Tagblatt of 13 July 1935.
35 Lucian O. MEYSELS, Der Austrofaschismus, Das Ende der ersten Republik und ihr letzter Kanzler (Austrofascism, The End of the First Republic and Its Last Chancellor), 1992, p. 134. The roadside memorial has since then been restored.
36 And thus distantly related also with many American presidents, currently for example with the Bush family.
37 Niall FERGUSON, The House of Rothschilds, vol. 2, The World’s Banker, 1849-1999, London 2000.
38 Hansjürgen KOEHLER, Inside the Gestapo, Hitler’s Shadow Over the World, 2008; first London 1940. The chapter at issue is entitled: "The Fatal File".
39 The sound of names is critically important for the Hitler story. "Heil Schicklgruber” would have passed unnoticed, regardless of voice volume. "Heil Hiedler” (with long first vowel "ee” and soft "d" ["Heil Héed-ler"], the vowel hiccoughing into a screech at the back of the palate), on the other hand, would have kept Germany safely out of WWII because the major part of the population would have died laughing before any hostilities ever commenced. Chaos theory refers to this as the "butterfly effect" whereby the trifling wing beat of a butterfly can be the cause of a storm on the other side of the planet. Stripped to its barest essence, the Hitler story is the story of a short vowel ("i") and a hard plosive ("t") ["Hítt-ler"]! The names of God bear great power; and the names of rulers are chosen carefully. The name looks like an engineered match to NOSTRADAMUS II 24 („Hister”), a possibility well within occult Nazi thinking. The double meaning of this Latin name of the Danube (Austria) in mumbled context of "the German child” and a "cross ... crook" (VI 49) makes this very palpable (or Nostradamus foresaw the future by remote viewing, or both). Hitler and Goebbels tried to capitalize on this famous prophecy (Ellic HOWE, Urania’s Children, 1967).
40 Vera von Schuschnigg (her name after becoming Kurt von Schuschnigg’s second wife; 1904-1959), is one of the most under-researched key figures in all of Nazi history. Certain letters of the spouses have been published for the period 1938-1945. When Nazi Germany made captives of their leading internal enemies, typically the wives were also interred. Not so for Vera Schuschnigg – she was not registered as a captive but had joined her husband in captivity „voluntarily”, a strange singular tell-tale incidence, see Hans-Günter RICHARDI, SS-Geiseln in der Alpenfestung, Die Verschleppung prominenter KZ-Häftlinge nach Südtirol (SS Hostages in the Alpine Fortress, The Deportation of Prominent Concentration Camp Prisoners to South Tyrol), 2nd edition 2006. She wrote to Göring asking for permission to join her husband in his captivity: Richard SCHÜLLER, Jürgen NAUTZ, Unterhändler des Vertrauens, Aus den nachgelassenen Schriften von Sektionschef Dr. Richard Schüller (Trusted Negotiators, From the posthumous writings of section chief Dr. Richard Schüller), 1990, p. 177. Her request was granted in 1941, after more such appeals. Today, seven decades later, and many thousands of books and articles into, the events, this noble elegant lady with her tragic love story remains an untouchable for our diligent historians. Why?
It is verifiable that the relation started after the death of Herma Schuschnigg: Edmund Glaise von HORSTENAU, Peter BROUCEK, Ein General im Zwielicht, Die Erinnerungen Edmund Glaises von Horstenau (A General in the Twilight, The Memoirs of Edmund Glaise von Horstenau), 1980, p. 250, written by a cousin of Vera. It is verifiable that the Gestapo had a hand in trying to prevent their marriage, and that the elegant lady had the clout to override that formidable veto: Lucian O. MEYSELS, Der Austrofaschismus: Das Ende der ersten Republik und ihr letzter Kanzler, 1992, p. 263. What was the lady’s power to counter the Gestapo and to have it her way? When the marriage took place a bit later (1 June 1938) it was a marriage by proxy (Schuschnigg’s brother attending the ceremony) because Schuschnigg himself was reported in custody in Germany. All this militates in support of Koehler’s narrative essentially being truthful: On the face of it, she got Hitler the Dossier and got herself a new husband, Schuschnigg. This is exactly what Koehler is telling; and the same story is in the footprints of time. A clerical intercession took place but merely for reasons of canon law. A humanly interesting report in 1940 says: „English consular officials who have but lately returned from central Europe report that Dr. Schuschnigg is now a changed and broken old man, as white as a ghost.”: Oswald DUTCH, The Errant Diplomat, The Life of Franz Von Papen, 1940, p. 260. This indicates a British interest in Schuschnigg in 1940 long after he lost power. Vera was operated on in 1942 in Berlin: Kurt SCHUSCHNIGG, Ein Requiem in Rot-weiss-rot, Aufzeichnungen des Häftlings Dr. Auster (A Requiem in Red-White-Red, Notes of the Prisoner Dr. Auster), 1946, p. 413. Schuschnigg, a son of the Catholic Church and Jesuit pupil, survived Hitler (obviously no longer having possession of the Dossier) and had a career after the war. There was a Nazi directive that certain prisoners including Schuschnigg were to be well treated: Sigismund Payne BEST, The Venlo Incident, 1950, p. 207. Schuschnigg was never prosecuted and after the war became a law professor in the U.S.A. Standard procedure for people without a very high security clearance who would have had any part of such knowledge as the Schuschnigg's would have been disappeared quickly in the same manner as Dollfuß and Mrs. Schuschnigg I, which did not happen. All this provides independent confirmation for the fact that the Koehler narrative is essentially correct.
41 See for example Ron ROSENBAUM, Explaining Hitler, The Search for the Origins of his Evil, New York 1998, p. 17.
42 TIME MAGAZINE, Artikel The Man Who Was Wrong, s. 2, 13 October 1941, online:,9171,766269-2,00.html
43 ROSENBAUM, p. 17 ff.
44 The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd edition Boston 1985 and following editions. The entry for "goy" is marked as "offensive". In Jewish usage that holds valid for all those who are not Jewish. One should note in particular the extreme Talmudic racism that is influential in Jewish orthodoxy, similar to other fundamentalisms in their respective circles. To illustrate this, let it be mentioned that a Jew can steal with impunity from a goyim (Sanhedrin 57a), that the goyim have no rights (Baba Kamma 37b), that Jews can lie to goyim (Baba Kamma 113a). Details of this abstrusely racist legal order and ethical system are not to be dealt with here. The modern Jewish nationalism (Zionism) is historically seen a graft from the Talmudic racist fundamentalism, likewise the state of Israel is the foundation of terrorist murderers, all of which finds legal and ethical cover in Talmudic doctrine.
45 Time Magazine, Artikel i Royal Dutch Knight, 13 February 1939, online:,9171,771564,00.html
46 Glyn ROBERTS, The Most Powerful Man in the World, New York, first ca 1938. Documents for the amount of this sum cannot be located. But this does not entirely negate the credibility of the contemporary report since it is based on the estimates of expert opinion.
47 See coin table online,
48 See currency history Reichsmark with official source citation,
49 Elke FRÖHLICH, Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, Sämtliche Fragmente (The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels, Complete Fragments), Munich etc. 1987, part 1, vol. 3, p. 8.
50 MECKLENBURGISCHE MONATSHEFTE, Schwerin 1939, p. 196 ff. Quoted after Albert NORDEN, Fälscher (Forgers), Berlin 1959, p. 60.
51 Good German-language overview (summary of: Wolfgang ZDRAL, Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H. [The Financed Rise of Adolf H.], Vienna 2002), online:
52 Ralph SCHOENMAN, The Hidden History of Zionism, Santa Barbara 1988, in particular chapter 6, online:
53 TIME MAGAZINE, Artikel Rothschild Ransomed, 22 Mai 1939, online:,9171,761347,00.html
54 Rabbi [Michoe Ber] WEISSMANDEL’S [Hebrew] book ‚Min HaMaitzar’ (‚From the Depths’), New York 1961.
56 Greenbaum made the statement on 18 February 1943 in the Zionist Executive Council. Instead of "Europe" he actually said "Poland", as far as it reported. Greenbaum was the chief of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee.
57 Lenni BRENNER, 51 Documents, Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, 2002.
58 Lenni BRENNER, Zionism in the Age of Dictators, 1983.
59 Francis R. NICOSIA, Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, 2008.
60 TIME MAGAZINE, Artikel Race Improvement, 16. January 1928, online:,9171,731366-2,00.html
61 Mitchell HART, Social Science and the Politics of Modern Jewish Identity, Stanford 2000, p. 189 f.
62 See his speech of 2001, published on 26 January 2002, a review of the book (M. J. NURENBERGER, the SCARED and the DOOMED, The Jewish Establishment Vs the Six Million), online:
CHAMISH’S page numbers relate to an earlier edition.
63 Page numbers after Chamish, see foregoing footnote.
64 Part of a complex proposed deal. The total numbers were 1 mill. Jews and 10,000 trucks plus some commodities like soap and tea. Numbers shifted during negotiations. Upon agreement, the Nazis proposed to release 1,000 Jews, upon payment of a first installment 10%.
65 When Brand got off the train in Aleppo he was immediately arrested by two men in plain clothes who later turned out to be British intelligence agents thwarting his rescue effort. This was on 7 June 1944.
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