Genesis for the New Space Age
by John B. Leith

by John B. Leith
Chapter XIV
Men From Atlantis
Nineteen eighty (the year of this book's publication) will be the first time that the people of the known
world first learned that they were not alone on this planet. Over half a billion lost relatives of us surface
dwellers live peaceably inside the Earth's center. Moreover, these highly advanced people occupy a
land mass greater in area than the outside surface. Their civilizations flourished thousands of years before Moses gave the Israelites their first code of laws. Their people were driving automobiles and flying in "aerial cars" when ancient Greece laid the foundations of Western civilization, and their commerce swept the interior oceans when the Mediterranean was but a Roman lake.
Yet these shy inhabitants of the hollow earth have remained incognito and free of war for 30,000 years. At what period this inner world was first colonized is unknown, but the existence of the largest group concealed in the earth's interior dates back 15,000 years -- 3,000 years prior to the sinking of their upper continent of Atlantis. They claim that catastrophe is the deluge known to us as the Noah flood or Gilgamesh Epic.
But the oldest race in the inner world is of ancient Germanic origin, tracing its beginnings to the frozen Antarctic in the world above when that sub-continent was once an inhabited tropical paradise of unsurpassed riches and beauty. Their exodus to inner earth was 30,000 years ago.
Regardless of international government censorship, thousands of surface dwellers in several countries know something of the inner earth due to its recent enterprising colonization by modern-day Germans. But additional evidence is irrefutable that the ancestral races of the Lapps, Eskimos, Chinese, Scandinavians, Germans, Greeks and other large ethnic groups still live inside the earth.
First, lest the dubious reader wonder if this is the beginning of a chapter on mythology, it will be revealed that constant ocean commerce is at present being carried on (unknowingly) between certain nations above and (knowingly) by their counterparts below. Further, it is in various government records that over 100 of these inner earth inhabitants work or study in the U.S.A., as many in Canada and several hundreds in Europe. When they come to the surface via Arctic sea routes, they travel on Icelandic visas, but they also arrive above by means of at least three major train tunnel arteries, one of which is in the Western United States. These professional and technological "missionaries" from the interior who have been landing in such places as the United States, Canada, Germany or England for many years come only as friends without political or religious motives and could best be compared to the American Peace Corps Volunteers to underdeveloped countries.
When Admiral Byrd flew into the interior of the earth in 1927 through the northern entrance, he brought back to the outside world the first authentic pictures of the lost people and cities to which this chapter refers, and the two 1947 flights of the American round wing planes with their maps and photos, amply verify the early Byrd record. (In 1965, NASA did a complete, detailed mapping of the interior world.)
But to understand the hollow earth facts and why they remain discredited, the reader should be made aware that a veil of international government secrecy has kept them under wraps for 50 years. In lieu of the truth, the fiery molten earth core hypothesis has been accepted as the current geological condition inside the earth's interior. Many scientific papers and books still expound this theory and grade schools teach it. But such an explanation, while perhaps explaining the earth's formative beginnings, is outdated. Today reputable scientists secretly scoff at the given story allowed to persist by such a prestigious institution as the National Scientific Foundation.
Several old chronicles of Scandinavian and Eskimo origin persist in telling of people who were carried into the Earth's interior by ocean currents and returned years later to tell of it. But there were three projects developed by the 20th century Germany that unravelled the reality of the Earth's interior with more discernment than did unsubstantiated myths. Those German endeavors to validate the existence of the hollow Earth, and devise methods to penetrate it for their colonization, began for all practical purposes in the year 1913.
A paper on this unusual scientific sea journey was sponsored by an unnamed science faculty at Georgetown University in 1977, and a West German national delivered the lecture. The lecture caught officialdom by surprise, and later on, all who heard the talk were instructed not to speak of it. The following narrative, except for the early Americans hereinafter mentioned, is part of that lecture.
Perhaps the Germans know of the early theories of John Cleves Symmes, of the U.S.A. Infantry, that the earth was actually hollow and open at the poles. Another American, Cyrus Teed, also held to this theory, though openly ridiculed. The hollow earth was written of in a book published in 1816 by James McBride, and in 1838 an American expedition actually left for the Antarctic after Symmes' admirers in Congress made it possible. Symmes' expedition, of which we know little, inspired Jules Verne to write his JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH.
In March 1913 the German imperial pocket cruiser MOLTKE left Keil, Germany on a top secret mission to find a northern passage over the top of the world. Like attempts by other nations, the Germans were searching for an Arctic route via a northwest passage through the Bering Strait to the Pacific. War clouds made it necessary to keep the mission classified.
The ship was under the command of Captain Von Jagow, now deceased. Also on board was Lt. Von Tirpitz, grandson of the Kaiser and great-grandson of Queen Victoria. It was the son of Captain Von Jagow who was interviewed in September 1977 about his mission. With him at the interview was Lt. Von Tirpitz (now 81 years of age), who at one time was Grand Admiral of the German North Sea Fleet, as were his father and grandfather.
The MOLTKE under Captain Von Jagow steamed first towards Iceland, then past the southern tip of Greenland and northwest along Greenland's west coast to Canada's Baffin Island. It was late May when the ship anchored off the northern end of Baffin Island in the vicinity of 70 degrees latitude and 60 degrees longitude to wait for the pack ice to break up.
Within two weeks a navigable northerly channel appeared instead of the better known westerly route in the Lancaster Sound area (referred to as the Northwest Passage and first recorded in 1903-04 by Roald Amundsen). The ice buckled and broke, permitting passage of the Moltke to open waters further north.
This was the first unexplainable situation. The open waters to the north were more extensive than the Germans expected them to be. As they moved northward on an apparently navigable course, the open water stretched as far as the eye could see. By the end of May, the crew were still sailing cautiously into warmer waters. Robins and bluebirds were identified and on islands they had passed there were reindeer and black bears, coming from the north. The German ship still maneuvered slowly further north, sounding the depth carefully. Daylight was continuous.
Then the captain became perplexed. The sun appeared to be low in the sky instead of above and its position was lower the further they sailed. By the end of June the sun had apparently set or disappeared and the battle cruiser was sailing in darkness. The compass was erratic and the true north indistinguishable. The air became misty, the wind increased. Gradually the darkness lifted and a new light from the forward direction shone faintly. As they sailed on, the glow from the new sun's position never changed. The sky was now grayish to black. The navigator surmised they had sailed beyond the North Pole and were somehow headed south again on an unknown course.
Then they passed an Eskimo in a kayak, who spoke a Greenland dialect of Danish. He said he had come from a place called Vineland located about 500 miles south where he had wintered.
For 300 miles Captain Von Jagow continued to steer a southerly course. A continuous chart and depth record of that voyage is today on display in the German Federal Archives in Bonn along with the ship's log.
Finally the ship reached a rocky island inhabited by Eskimos who canoed out to meet them. Some of these also spoke Danish and had been to and from Greenland on several occasions. One of the group said he was a Lapp from Russia. The next day was a surprise. The German log says they saw on an island what they believed was a species of supposedly extinct dinosaur. The dimension they had entered was too unreal to comprehend.
The Captain called an officers meeting. They were utterly lost and orders were given to reverse course. Fourteen days later, travelling at full knots, the true sun having reappeared, they found themselves back at the same bearing at which they had anchored in late May off Baffin Island.
It was then that Captain Von Jagow made a decision to explore the northern waters more extensively.
Drawing an arc, the ship directions were so given that the German battlecruiser actually sailed around the edge of the hole leading to the interior. On the outer perimeter of the circumference they ran into thick packs of ice and bitter coldness again. They finally (wrongly) calculated by checking compass movements that the elusive north pole might be inside the doughnut hole leading into the Earth. Explorers before them had been fooled also.
On July 10th, a course was set for Germany and on August 1, 1913, the German ship and her crew reached home.
A complete report was made to the Imperial German Naval Command, but its contents were not published. In 1922, one of the ship's officers, Lt. Von Tirpitz, wrote of the experience under the title "The Memoirs of Grand Admiral Tirpitz.” From avidly reading this naval officer's account of the northern inner sea, Adolph Hitler became convinced of the validity of a northern entrance to the hollow earth.
During Hitler's book burning in 1936, one of the banned German books most sought was Von Tirpitz' story of the epic voyage on the Moltke battlecruiser to the inner sea, at the top of the world. Hitler's agents confiscated all the books they could for public burning but Von Tirpitz removed his copy from his own library and hid it elsewhere.
In 1924, the Imperial German Navy dusted off the old records of the 1913 expedition into the northern throat of the world. The expedition had not penetrated into the watery corridor beyond an approximate 400 miles but it had proven the existence of an opening. So, in the reasoning of German engineers, if there were an opening that led ultimately to the earth's interior, another such voyage would verify just where that northern doorway ended and the inside of the world began.
Information is indeed sparse on the cruise of the German icebreaker that was used on the expedition. What is known comes entirely from American Navy Intelligence sources of 1924-25. In 1924, American Naval vessels followed the German icebreaker towards ice fields northeast of Greenland when the German vessel broke passage through the ice and disappeared. The American Navy records say the German ice breaker returned a year later (1925), stopping ten days at the capitol city of Iceland before sailing for her home port of Hamburg, Germany. The ship and crew had spent the better part of a year in the earth's interior, the American intelligence records reveal, with its final destination unknown. A third possible German naval visit is rumored to have been made by the Germans in 1932, but this report could not be confirmed.
The Russians also attempted to penetrate the interior world in 1956. They sent in a battleship, according to Canadian intelligence sources, but the Russian trip was stopped by a deliberate warning beam of laser power and allowed to exit to the surface with superficial damage and a stern reminder to captain and crew never to return. The next year, in the dead of winter, the Russians sent in a 16,000 man task force of troop-carrying vehicles, heavy artillery, regular tanks and armored cars over solid ice fields and islands through the polar throat into the interior. The invaders came up off a land mass in the extreme north of the interior where they encountered the old Vikings. The Vikings bombarded the task force with lasers, stopping all the Russian motorized equipment, so that the army was powerless to move. By radio they ordered the invaders to turn and head back to the surface. “Should you return,” the voice warned in Russian, “it will be a one-way trip." The Russians retreated. A 30,000 man back-up army of reserves waiting in Siberia was not called upon to take the inner world by force.
In 1939 and ensuing years the Germans continued their exploration of the Inner Earth, and in the autumn of 1943 Germany dispatched an aerial expedition into the hollow earth by way of the South Pole region. The expedition was peaceful, its purpose to inquire if Inner Earth lands were available for colonization by upper world Germans. The upper Germans brought gifts and were well-received by those Germanic Saxon cousins who had migrated below in the 1600's. On the same exploration, the upper Germans from the Third Reich encountered what is perhaps the world's most superior race in development -- the Bodlanders, another German offshoot whose cradle of life began in the Antarctic but who had migrated below 30,000 years ago via tunnels from what is now Iran. (Language scholars claim that Iran [Persia] retains a similarity to ancient Germanic writing symbols and the spoken word.)
As the reader is already aware, the visiting Germans from the upper world were invited into the capitol city of Bodland, named Bod, where they were guests at Parliament and entertained by the King. Officials explained to the upper Germans that their hosts were ancestors of the first distinct race which had migrated to the inner side of the planet's shell. Later interior racial arrivals included the Vikings, the Atturians (or Atlanteans) and the Eskimos. The Bodlanders claimed that the Japanese had no ancestral relatives inside the earth, but were, in fact, descendants from the sunken continent of Mu, which some records say predated the sinking of Atlantis by as much as 250,000 years. The Bodlander chroniclers below said that four civilizations had already developed and faded away on the upper Earth, the present being the fifth.
In 1943, the visiting Germans were also told, and NASA confirmed in 1979, that there are three large continents below in the interior world and two smaller ones. (See map in appendix.) There are seven named oceans, the largest of which is the North Ocean. The name often applied to the entire interior is New Atlantis.
The German expedition of 1943 also discovered that the largest interior continent is that of Agharta, covering a continental area three times larger than that of North America, and occupied mainly by a distinct people called Atturians. This group are the descendants from the sunken continent 136 of Atlantis whose ancestors immigrated into the interior 15,000 to 11,500 B.C. prior to the final sinking of their original homeland when many millions of their ancestors perished. The Atturians claim they are related to many surface white races also and that their combined mother race was brought from Venus 33,000 years ago, but that adventure was not the first Venusian attempt to recolonize Earth. They also claim Venus was originally an Earth colony.
But information on the Inner World procured strictly from German sources seemed unreal to the author, so further corroborating evidence was sought. In 1977 some startling information was obtained from the U.S. State Department. A department source revealed the whereabouts of a man named Haammaan from New Atlantis who had been relocated into the mainstream of American life, married to an American girl and raised a family in Massachusetts. If the professor would talk without jeopardizing his American residency, we would have a scoop to rival all scoops. This material, therefore, on Men of Atlantis was prepared chiefly from interviews with this Atlantean contact. Then, unexpectedly in 1979, another contact was made with another Inner World man of exceptional brilliance, an outstanding scholar in philosophy and ancient history who, with his wife, is currently on a five year visa to the U.S.A., where he teaches history at George Washington University and spends his spare time counseling students and non-students about family and social problems.
His anglicized name is H. G. Jerrmuss (properly spelled Jerruummouss) and he comes from another continent in the Inner World, Bodland, with a population of roughly 36 million. Interviews with these two men on life in the Inner World will be found in the Appendix A, but the remainder of this chapter will tell briefly of the tragedy that caused the sinking of Atlantis in the upper world and the exodus of the Atlantean survivors to the inside of the Earth.
The following, therefore, is the summarized story of how Atlantis and other upper world lands disappeared beneath the ocean as explained in the chronicles of their race and studied in the historical text books used in the schools and universities of Atturas in the interior of the Earth as Professor Haammaan tells it:
The original Atlantis began as a Venusian colony 33,000 years ago in the fertile valleys and plateaus of a continent located in the mid Atlantic. (Venus itself was originally a space colony of Earth from which the inhabitants had fled at an unknown time because of an earthly cataclysm of planetary nature.) Before destruction 11,500 years ago in an atomic war, Atlantis stretched from the vicinity of Africa to what is now the Islands of the Caribbean. It was once a land of great wealth and had developed a society and technology equal to the leading nations of the upper Earth in the 20th century. Their space ships travelled Earth skies and also ventured into outer space where trade routes to other planets were developed.
But the Atlanteans had a mortal enemy. This was a people named the Athenians living in great cities located in the Mediterranean valley and principally the Aegean area. A three hundred year old trade rivalry gradually became insufferable as each nation prepared for war to destroy the other.
The indirect cause of war is listed as trade or economic reasons, and not the need for land acquisition. The prize was trade dominance among inter stellar planets in the Milky Way beyond our own solar system, on which colonies of Atlanteans and Athenians had been established. Several small local wars had already been fought on Earth and abroad, leaving behind passions of hate that festered and grew.
The date of approximately 11,500 years ago is given when the Athenian King ordered a surprise attack on major cities of Atlantis. It began as a controlled land war and as such Athenian armies were landed on Atlantis and gained strong footholds using devastating ray weaponry, against Atlantean armies and objectives.
On the 21st day of the war, the Atlanteans retaliated and broke through Athenian air defenses, dropping atomic bombs on the capital city of the Athenians. The city was totally destroyed, whereupon the Athenian military ordered a retaliatory atomic attack on the capital of Atlantis.
All out atomic war by these two enemies took place. For the next nine days a total, unrestrained atomic war prevailed. (The legends of Greece, Scandinavia and India, as well as Bible references tell of this war in varying stories.)
Millions of Atlanteans and Athenians perished in the holocaust and their great industrial and cultured worlds were to be lost forever, the Athenians (Greeks) never to regain their ancient glory, and the Atlanteans to be wiped off the surface of the planet. Remnants of the Atlanteans made their way to Egypt and disappeared underground into caves and existing tunnels throughout Africa. Lost groups of Athenians also climbed the higher elevations of what is today Italy and the mountains of Turkey and the Caspian Sea areas, to mix with other races. Atlanteans also headed for Brazil and America and became the forerunners of its Mayas and Incas and certain North American Indian tribes.
But during the nine day atomic war, the elements became so disturbed that the wind and water caused greater damage to the land than the bombs. First came the heat caused by the atomic fission. Radioactive dust filled the upper heavens and blotted out the sun. The atomic heat spiraled up and fanned out on giant hurricane winds, melting immense glaciers covering what was then the North Pole (today Switzerland). New rivers were formed such as the Rhone, Rhine, Seine, Danube and Poe, as the melted polar ice caps ran off their fresh water. Britain, which was beforehand joined to Europe, became an island as the connecting land bridge was washed away, while the lowlands of the Baltic and North Seas disappeared under rising waters. The melted ice covered great sections of Europe, eventually filling the Caspian and Black Sea basins also. As the tidal waves and winds mounted in the Atlantic, they flooded over the continent of Atlantis and it, too, sank beneath the waters.
For the Athenians, the end was much the same. As the new rivers poured fresh water into the Mediterranean valley, giant tidal waves of salt water (produced by a wobble in Earth's rotation) breached the high land precipice at the Pillar of Hercules between what is now Spain and Morocco. Accompanied by the bursting of the natural land bridge dam at the western end of the Mediterranean valley, torrential rains fell on the remaining inhabitants during the ensuing days. At that time the entire Mediterranean was a lush valley where the Athenian empire had begun. Over the next 100 years, the water from the Atlantic completely covered the human habitations and monuments of man throughout this Mediterranean oasis. Only the mountain tops stood out such as Malta, Crete, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, etc. What remained of the Athenian cities of Apollonias, Atheanisas, Appalto, Hellinas, Spartillois and Spartias were covered by the new water depths. For many years afterwards, Atlantic waters continued to tumble over the precipice between the Pillars of Hercules until the sea levels were equalized and the Mediterranean valley was to be the original home of the Greek race in legend only.
It took longer for parts of the Mediterranean highlands to be totally engulfed, up to 300 years. Surviving Atlanteans on the western fringe who had gone underground into bomb shelters and tunnels during the attack, surfaced, cleaned up their cities and prepared to relive in them again, but the waters rose yearly and the Atlanteans were forced to cover their cities with three foot thick plastic shells made of a substance we have not yet developed. As in the Houston Astrodome, the Atlanteans covered over their entire city habitations. Those elevated cities were eventually engulfed with water and today lie on the bottom of the ocean, some of them adjacent to the continental U.S.A. as is that unnamed city ten miles in diameter located off San Juan. Communications exist between the eight major cities in the vicinity of the West Indies via a tunnel system. Entrance to the surface is from underwater air locks from which their space craft emerge through the ocean to the surface.
A total of 28 underwater cities exist today throughout the world. Haammaan elaborated by stating that what is now the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and the Gulf of Mexico plus other ancient inhabited valleys were inundated in that flood. American scientists and other governments know that, Haammaan said.
The most recent movements of the earth's crust took place during the global flood, Haammaan added. New mountain chains were formed and old ones like the Himalayas rose considerably. Sediments were deposited on our American plains and fossil graveyards were left in various places. After the Genesis flood was over (the same account of which is told in the Bible), old lands like Atlantis had disappeared and new ones formed. At first the tidal waves rushed back and forward over most parts of the globe, but eventually the captive waters left on the high plains ran off and drowned coastal lands via the newly formed streams and rivers such as North American's Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri and St. Lawrence. Geologists are still uncertain as to what caused the last Earth's destruction, but it was actually the Biblical flood brought on by an atomic war.
In his parting remarks, Haammaan said, "But I have come up from below and exposed myself to you and your government particularly to warn you people of the upper world of the immediate danger of a new nuclear war which you all face. A clue is in your Old Testament prophecy, 'As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the last days.' Your civilization in the U.S.A. today stands unprotected from such a war and when it comes it will destroy the people and change the character of the land so that your great coastal cities and low lying areas which the bombs may miss will be submerged under water. It has taken the upper Earth civilization 11,500 years to reach again that same point that it sacrificed under the atom bomb long ago at a time when most of this Earth was truly a Garden of Eden. If you think Earth was cursed previously following the atomic war I referred to, then believe that this next war will be many times worse with your stockpile of thousands of nuclear bombs and their delivery systems."
Haammaan paused again. "Read Plato, dust off your old fables and take another look at Noah, the Athenian, and his ark. If you think I cry wolf, believe me, I don't. If insane Earth leaders refuse to listen, the end of this world is again almost upon us.
"It was worth it to sound the alarm. I could have surfaced in a part of the world where my words might have gone unheard and my lips made mute. Then the world would never have heard my plea."
He finished on a note of hope: "If you surface people can restrain your military ego for a century, then you will discover new frontiers of travel and engineering triumphs through your new space craft the likes of which you have never dreamed. Meanwhile the United States is welcome to come down to Agharta and Bodland officially, and make contact with the inner world. Of this I am certain."[Would not be sure that is still the case given the last 30 years, and our imperial ways DC]
Chapter XV
Post War Military Development
of the Anti Gravity Principle
"Britain and the United States are working together, and working for the same high cause. Bismarck
once said that the supreme fact of the nineteenth century was that Britain and the United States spoke
the same language. Let us make sure that the supreme fact of the twentieth century is that they tread the
same path."
Winston Churchill,
United States Congress,
January 17, 1952
In May of 1945, Churchill wrote his first highly classified letter to the new and unpretentious President
of the U.S.A., Harry Truman. Thus began the most important series of documents ever
written on the round wing plane as the determining factor for protection of allied skies in a world where
future supremacy in the air would be the goal of succeeding generations. Churchill's first letter read:
"The war is over. By our combined efforts we (Great Britain and the U.S.A.) have learned to work
together. But, because Russia already has revealed itself to be our future adversary, I urge that we
maintain, with the highest priority, all round wing plane research, development and military deployment .
. . with the secrecy necessary to insure the survival of
democracy." Within a month, President Harry Truman answered Churchill in a decisive reply. His letter began: “Dear Winston: Your sentiments express my own thoughts. I totally agree with your political appraisal of Russia." In Truman's answer to Churchill it was evident that as the head of a nation of free people, he too had resolved to face the Soviet challenge of world domination, using the latest weapon of peace which the U.S.A. had developed.
Churchill wrote his next letter. “Dear Harry: I suggest we get together and that I come to the U.S.A. where we will draft plans to continue the round wing plane program. Its very existence must remain locked in silence. We should never forget that we have in our possession an invention so vast that we cannot yet comprehend the benefits it will bring to the world. But militarily we must never let the Russians discover the knowledge of how to build a round wing plane (although I doubt their capabilities) because we do not want a bilateral arms race to develop. I understand there is much continuing research of a scientific nature that should now be started by first choosing the best physicists from among our combined peoples. In the meantime, I think it is wise that we not let up our military vigilance, but consider the whole world to be our new area of reconnaissance."
That the free world survived and prepared to meet the inevitable onslaught of Russian Communism was due in large part to the letters of commitment by freedom-loving Churchill and a plain speaking Truman, neither of whom had any personal ambitions to rule the world. Only future historians will be objective enough to venture if the process of democracy was weakened by the ultimate secrecy which their decisions invoked.
Mr. Estes Plateu, an unofficial representative from host planet Venus, added his thoughts on paper, which letter is on file with those of Churchill and Truman in the U.S. Air Force Tombs in Kensington, Maryland. Mr. Plateu wrote in 1945: "My government of Venus, and the solar council suggests for the present that you keep a force of 500 round wing military planes ready for action to repel any attack that might occur from any place on or off the globe. The figure of 500 is not an arbitrary one, but has been calculated by Venusian scientists, based on the present, safe amount of magnetic power which the round wing fleet would draw off the earth's grid system during anyone peak period.
"Furthermore, 500 round wing planes in the hands of English speaking people for their protection and that of their allies, will be over-adequate to effect any counter military action that might be initiated by Russia on land or in the air." Mr. Plateu continued, in his letter, that "a global passenger and freight fleet of 2,000 round wing planes could eventually be developed by the year 2000 (commercial aeroplanes in the USA now (1978) number less than 600), by initiating a global ground system of magnetic boosters. Such total complement of round wing planes would allow a safe margin for power withdrawal from the earth's magnetized force being developed in part by the planet spinning on its axis,” the Venusian declared.
Plateu later wrote: "I am not concerned about the eventual depletion of the earth's petrochemical resources. The round Wing planes (as well as future ships and trains) operating without petrochemical derivatives will be in service long after the oil reserves are gone." Plateu said all forms of electricity are provided by the earth, no matter how the current is derived. "Tapping this vast electromagnetic energy in different ways will be an inspiration to the next generations of earth scientists," he added.
In the months of 1945 and thereafter, meetings between President Truman and Churchill were carried on outlining priorities for peace-time military use of the round wing plane. To assure secrecy after war-time development (handled under the American OSS till September 1945), the new operation would begin under the newly formed CIA in the United States and MI 2 in Canada. British Intelligence, the head of which was known to only three government persons, would also carry on the project. The combined Air Intelligence of the three nations would, of necessity, figure heavily in the cover-up, too.
Great Britain, the U.S. and Canada, with the knowledge of selected persons in their executive branches, and certain legislators and civil servants, thereafter set up secret funds under National Defense Research and Science budgets destined to assure guardianship of the world by the annual continuation of the top secret, round wing plane program.
Meanwhile Russia withdrew further into her insular world under Stalin to concentrate on rocketry, and the gap between Russian and Western interests became known as the cold war of undeclared hostilities (which continues unabated in the early 80's).
Caldwell had ceaselessly worked through the war in almost every aspect of development and testing the round wing planes which were turned out at the secret Western complex. However, in many facets of the operation, Caldwell's genius had been superseded by scientists and physicists of greater academic abilities. But Caldwell clung to his positions of control and delayed research of a highly mathematical nature which was difficult to pursue because of his intransigence. Like many inventive geniuses, Caldwell was dominating and at times down right eccentric, and these traits often produced irksome interference which scientific minds assembled at the complex wanted to avoid. The problem was long recognized that research would serve the cause better if testing facilities could be removed from the original base to another site.
In 1945 Los Alamos became the post-war facility for round wing plane research endeavours. The scientists had identified basic, unsolved problems. For instance, it had to be determined by speed tests how fast the phenomena could fly over 7,000 miles per hour. Also, they knew it was easy to fly such a fast plane off the curvature of the earth, following which a sense of direction was easily lost. Many diffused research problems related to such unknowns, had to be overcome in order to make the round wing plane a trim ship.
On authority of the US Chief of the Army Air Force, General Vandenberg, the move to Los Alamos was ordered. A team of five scientific minds was chosen; A Canadian from the University of Manitoba, an Englishmen from Oxford and three American physicists. The new code name for the round wing plane development would be a misnomer -- Project Milk Can.
In charge of the new project would be a man of proven capabilities. His name was Col. Chas. B. Wilkerson. He held a PhD in physics and was a doctor of mathematics. Among his unpublished credentials was his ability as a cryptanalyst with the OSS during the war in breaking the German code, which perhaps shortened the hostilities by three years and changed allied sea losses from near defeat to victory.
Col. Wilkerson and his scientific cohorts moved to Los Alamos to complete the next phase of round wing plane development. Early in the Los Alamos based project the physicists began the first detailed determination of speed, using Earth's magnetic forces applied to the performance of the new motor. The Los Alamos group were given one 33 foot round wing plane for test purposes, and with this craft speed factors were tallied by racing the plane over the prescribed north-south course and dividing the time factor of hours, minutes and fractions of seconds into lineal miles travelled. The resulting speeds and acceleration responses between the two centers formed the basis of the standard training manual being used in round wing planes today.
The researchers ascertained the round wing plane flew faster on a north-south axis than east-west, and also noted that the magnetic planes automatically accelerated on successive trips round the world. For instance, in 1946 two trips around the world in an easterly direction were made in twelve hours time, the second trip being the faster. The object was not to establish speed records but check performance. Wilkerson also flew the plane through the interior of the earth and around the outside three times without stopping. It was noted that the earth emitted less magnetic power in the interior than on the surface, as during each pass through the interior the round wing plane slowed up measurably, for reasons then unknown.
The same year, on a routine speed determination, Col. Wilkerson and his crew got into serious trouble. Before they were aware of a navigational error it was noted with some alarm that they had flown off the earth's convex curvature and were about 10,000 miles out into the void of space, travelling at an incalculable speed under the greater interplanetary magnetic force between planets.
Suddenly a face appeared on their visual screen and a voice announced: "Gentlemen! You are lost and have strayed from the regions of your planet." The voice continued: "You flew off the curvature of the planet. I witnessed your departure. Your calculations went wrong when you computed magnetic navigation as though you were travelling on a flat plane. I will now place on your video screen the navigational formula to allow you to correct course and return safely to your very point of departure. As you get used to space travel, you will become familiar with this problem. Stellar perspective in space is confusing to a mariner familiar only with journeys in Earth atmosphere."
On the screen there then appeared a table to correct flight deviation. Col. Wilkerson knew there were many calculations that had to be figured immediately to rectify their navigational error and prevent same in the future. There was of course direction, velocity of the machine, rotational turn of the Earth, Earth's orbital speed, the changes of magnetic influence from the Earth's atmosphere to outer space, interplanetary magnetic perturbations, etc. As the U.S. ship adjusted course, the crew suddenly saw a slightly dissimilar but smaller space craft fly past them. Col. Wilkerson knew that their space benefactor was one of the occupants of that unknown craft. Shortly thereafter the American round wing plane returned safely to Los Alamos.
From the experience of being off course in space Col. Wilkerson and his physicists developed the navigational tables and directional system in use today among the English speaking round wing plane pilots, whenever they are required to fly either in earth's atmosphere or outer space.
Besides a new navigational guidance system, there was also added a speedometer that compensated for changes in acceleration due to changing magnetic forces emanating from the Earth's surface.
In 1945 it was decided to conduct experiments in vertical speeds of ascent and descent. The problem was to translate for instant cockpit readout, the reverse fluctuations of magnetism induced at specific points of the electromagnetic perimeter surrounding the centrally located positive magnetic coil. This information was charted and put into an instantaneous visual cockpit read-out altimeter, also in use today.
Determining the round wing plane's lift capabilities was then tackled. They successfully lifted by suspension a jeep, a Sherman tank and a large steam locomotive. Once attached to four magnetized I bolts built into the bottom of the round wing plane, the physicists noted that the small five pound anti-magnetic motor had no greater difficulty lifting the locomotive than the jeep. Weightlessness in the object being lifted was achieved by direct current from the motor passing via the I bolt lifters on through the chain into the object being lifted. In the experiments mentioned, the locomotive, for instance, became an integral part of the craft, repulsing Earth's magnetism.
The push-pull capability of the experimental round wing plane was then demonstrated. The locomotive was shoved and pulled down a section of track, and the Sherman tank, with motor dead, was pushed across a field without apparent effort. Later a set of multiple plows was placed behind a tractor and a virgin plot plowed with ease. The scientists calculated the round wing plane was the most powerful tool or machine in existence and that its peacetime uses were as varied as an engineer could imagine. In the right hands, different applications of the anti-magnetic motor could change the world, so that everything in nature which required changing or improving would be in reach of man.
As the Los Alamos scientists contemplated the awesome power of the round wing plane during discussion one day in 1952, a thought occurred. The engine and two cars of a 62 Union Pacific freight train had fallen off the road bed the previous night into a canyon creek seventy feet below the tracks. The wreckage of cars lay sprawled in the watery bed. The location (still classified) was in a desert area of the Southwest. That day orders went out for the wrecking crews to vacate their work and return to base several miles away. Under cover of darkness a crew from Los Alamos was flown to the train site. Using heavy navy chains, the round wing plane effortlessly lifted each railroad piece back on the tracks. Today there are probably railway men in that area who still tell the story of the wrecked train that mysteriously was returned to the tracks one dark night in 1942.
But the conclusive test was yet to come. It was a test, which if successful, would have wide implications in the modern world of travel. The Los Alamos team first thought of the idea when they used the round wing plane in experiments pushing the Sherman tank. At that time they wondered how reliable or how fickle would be the performance of the small lightweight anti-magnetic motor installed in a car in place of the heavy piston driven engine. An English car was chosen and modified. Taken out was the engine, the drive shaft, gears, etc. The little five pound anti-magnetic motor was placed under the hood in a position allowing its axis to be pointed in any direction for forward or reverse motion. Lift was not required. A generator drew power from the back wheels. Brakes were left intact. It is assumed that a battery bank was used to control the amount of electricity necessary to energize the electro magnetos.
During that summer of 1948 a two jeep convoy fore and aft of a little English car was seen by thousands of people as the group travelled cross country to New York, then to Washington, on up to Ottawa and finally west across Canada's prairie provinces to the grueling roads over the Rockies into British Columbia. A daily log was kept on the car's performance and speed. The only problem encountered in the gas free automobile was the constant use of the brakes, the shoes of which had to be periodically replaced. Car speed throughout the tour was literally controlled by braking.
To prevent curious onlookers swarming over the car, a sign saying "experimental automobile" had to be printed on each side, and the hood kept locked. Once, while crossing the Saskatchewan prairies, the lead jeep broke down. Moving up front, the little experimental car hitched an iron chain to the jeep and effortlessly towed it into Regina for repairs.
A tired but contented group finally reached the tunnel entrance to the Western Pacific complex. Only a single electric railroad went through the mountain tunnel. Mounting the rails, the car took its power from the overhead hot line and went through the tunnel. Caldwell was incredulous when told how the small car had towed the jeep several miles. "I'm not surprised," said Caldwell, "but let's see its pulling power demonstrated on that railway flat car loaded with heavy machinery." At that challenge, the 3,000 pound automobile squatted on the rails in front of the many tons of railway car and equipment. The little car moved ahead, the chain became taut. Had it been a tug of war, the railway flat car would have lost. The rail car simply took off and followed the auto as though it were a walking dog on a leash. Caldwell yelled, "That's enough! I'm a believer."
After many months of experimentation, Charles Wilkerson was convinced that the positions of the true north-south magnetic lines of force had never been plotted by modern man. That these force fields existed without particular resolution, all people were vaguely aware. Certainly Wilkerson knew that the longitudinal as well as the latitudinal lines drawn on maps were only to describe navigational positions and no more. He also felt that the Earth was not covered by a magnetic field like an invisible blanket, but rather that the magnetic force was built up from pole to pole along constant, defined parallel concentrations or perhaps interval bands. Col. Wilkerson reasoned that if that were the case, and he knew the distance between these lines of magnetic force, a much more powerful and responsive anti-magnetic motor could be built into the round wing planes making commonplace future travel in any direction without adjustment. He had recognized that Earth itself was a gigantic magnetic generator that could propel properly harnessed objects such as the round wing plane in any direction at phenomenal speeds, even 30,000 miles per hour. But the planes magnetic fluctuations must first be tuned onto the Earth's generating bands.
At Cornell University he came upon an old manuscript showing drawings on the wall of a secret room in the Pyramid of Giza. Those drawings strongly suggested to Wilkerson that his "lines of force" theory was correct. Flying to Egypt, he went to the University of Cairo where he was shown further evidence that such a room existed in the great pyramid. A professor and photographer accompanied Wilkerson to the great pyramid. Through a secret passage near the top of the ancient wonder they came upon a door. On opening the door the group found themselves in a completely round room about seven feet high. It was a perfect reproduction of the globe, left by ancients to show succeeding generations. Charles B. Wilkerson had been the first contemporary man to be drawn to that hidden room and deduce its meaning. As he looked at the relief map of the Earth, he distinctly saw north-south lines shown at exact intervals between each other. The three stood in awe without speaking as they beheld the pictorial message handed down from several thousand years before. Wilkerson realized then that his was not the first advanced civilization. At least one other race of knowledgeable people had existed long before. Someone or group recognizing that their ancient world was declining had decided to leave a record of truth for men of the distant future who might rebuild the world from records of the ancient past.
The surrounding walls of the room were photographed in detail. Wilkerson took home the photos. In the next months he had solved the most difficult enigma of his life. It was his greatest triumph. When finished he had plotted a new earth grid system of true longitudinal lines running exactly 32 miles apart at the equator and angling off into the throat of the earth at the 85th parallel. Emerging inside the earth's mantle to the interior, each pair of magnetic longitudinal lines from the surface came together to form only one magnetic line running through the interior to the South Pole. Later on it was discovered that the directions of ocean currents were also affected by those same magnetic lines of force.
Defining the true magnetic lines answered a host of perplexing questions which had bothered round wing plane pilots for years. Wilkerson had identified earth's magnetically generated bands or highways where they were strongest, where they disappeared, where they reappeared again. The immensity of his precise discovery was self evident for a number of electro magnetic applications, but particularly as it applied to future round wing plane travel. When the subject tests were completed at the Los Alamos site, it was decided that replacement of the existing anti-magnetic motors was paramount in the Anglo American round wing fleet. When motor conversion was completed, the round wing plane fleet could fly in any direction either straight or obliquely, geared to a self correcting flight pattern. General William Donovan, OSS Chief, had been far sighted when in 1945 he recommended to the head of the U.S. Army Air Force, that "he was sending the greatest mathematical mind to help perfect the round wing plane for future use."
Mr. Plateu, the resident Venusian who had helped earthmen more than any other outer terrestrial, had said in the early 40's: "We must let you perfect the round wing plane yourself. We have guided you towards proper beginnings. Among you are intelligent minds who will appear from time to time to show you how to solve the problems of future travel in space." Col. Charles B. Wilkerson, later promoted to Lt. General in the US Army and also knighted was one of those earth people who came along at the right time.
In 1978, there were twelve centers in North America, two of which are in Canada, conducting research on the round wing plane and other facets of the anti-magnetic propulsion system. The original efforts of the Project Milk Can researchers had added significantly to the operational improvement and guidance of the Caldwell round wing planes which swept the skies so majestically in the final days of World War II. The new fleet of Anglo-American round wing planes could hurl themselves faster than any other like or unlike conveyance on the face of the earth. But the earth scientists knew they were still not as sophisticated as the outer space craft from the sister planet Venus.
Sir Charles Wilkerson retired from the round wing plane research program in 1962. Some time in the future biographers and historians will be allowed to evaluate the contributions which he and his Los Alamos cohorts made.
Only one major problem now remained to be overcome. The round wing planes could fly faster and create more friction than their outer skins of stainless steel and duraluminum could safely withstand. Furthermore, to encounter dust particles and pebble sized meteorites in space traveling at perhaps 200,000 miles per hour, would be disastrous as they bombarded the ship's outer skin. There were no existing materials developed on Earth impervious enough to withstand space particles. (During tornadoes it is on record that straws have been driven into telephone poles.) The stainless steel, duraluminum skins might get an Earth craft to another planet, but while on the journey it might become so pitted as to make impossible the return voyage home.
The outer space people had watched the Anglo-Americans for almost 30 years, and in 1975 apparently had decided that the formula for the last remaining technological improvement should be given the U.S. and its English-speaking relatives.
Thus, late in the evening of February 18, 1975, an unidentified outer" terrestrial landed in Washington and shortly thereafter appeared before President Gerald Ford. After his salutation, his first words were, "We are of the opinion there should be no further delay in lending direct help to the United States of America to complete her outer space program." When the being dematerialized he left a disk on the President's desk. Nicknamed the talking book, the disk spelled out the formula for making the rare, light, unbreakable metal needed to cover the outside surface of the round wing plane.
Within 32 days after the disk was given, America had successfully turned out its first batch of the new metal. Five top chemists and metallurgists worked on distilling and firing of the flux at Wright Patterson Field. After being certain of success, Stanley Tool and Die Works of New Britton, Connecticut, was called in to complete the development of the material into structural components. A steel company rolling mill turns out the sheets before they are sent to the fabricators. The new metal is electrically non conductive against lightning and lasers. It resists heat and cold and once formed cannot be filed, shaped or drilled after one year. The metal does not build up friction heat and protects from radiation.
Spacemen will now be able to journey far into space and back without cumbersome protection suits. The use of this metal has so modernized the American space industry that nearly all the components of space travel, from the ship's outer skin to astronaut's clothing, are now being refashioned.
On October 30, 1976, there appeared over Washington, and other North American cities, a hovering squadron of the latest model round wing planes, on the underside of which there was stenciled the insignia of the United States Air Force.
The appearance of these wondrous machines was a silent salute to thousands of North American workers, who, not knowing the faith placed in them by the leaders of their nations, and those of another celestial body (Venus), produced a spacecraft that henceforth would take its place amongst the ageless vehicles that already shuttle between the planets of the universe.
Somewhere on the west coast of North America a man named Jonathon E. Caldwell, alias Major Crawford, who developed America's round wing plane in 1936, was surely pleased, regardless of the fact that he must live and die incognito.
Chapter XVI
Germans Begin Life below in Hollow Earth;
A New Sovereign Nation Evolves
Accelerated colonization of the inner world by departing World War II Germans enabled them to build
their primary settlements below at least a generation sooner than normal. There was
one major reason and that was attributed to the speed and load carrying capabilities of the new round
wing planes. For the bewildered arrivals it was despairing in the 40's and still tough in the 50's. Getting a foothold below had caused family separations, hardships, loneliness and of course austerity. Both men and women suffered some adverse aspects of the escape from upper world reality.
In the last months of World War II, Kurt Von Schuschnigg, a German-speaking, Swiss born war ace, took many hundreds of handpicked Germans to rendezvous in South America for ultimate delivery to the New German hideout. Each night from Von Rundstedt western front headquarters near Ulm, in the Bavarian Alps, specially chosen officers and civilians arrived to emigrate in a round wing plane piloted by Von Schuschnigg. By war's end this same man had transported several thousand key Germans via South American staging points to their new homes inside the earth. Following hostilities, Kurt Von Schuschnigg in his round wing plane continued to ferry key Germans from Switzerland to which they had made their ways, both legally and illegally. (On a post-war raid to a Soviet prisoner of war camp in occupied Poland on October 26, 1946, three German round wing planes led by Van Schuschnigg killed the Russian guards with lasers and rescued over 100 key German prisoners.)
A few of the Germans taken from the Bavarian chalet before German surrender were as follows: Felix Von Rattenwell, aide de camp to Von Rundstedt; Franz Von Heigle, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs; Baron John De Landsbert, (Major General), descendent of Charlemagne; Charles Wurzack, liaison SS officer at Von Rundstedt headquarters and Nazi party member; Eric Blauberg, of Swedish extraction, a civilian technical engineer in a German round wing plant (formerly with Zeppelin works).
On December 10, 1944, guarding troops were alerted surrounding the headquarters of Von Rundstedt, 140 miles northeast of Zurich, Switzerland, deep inside Germany. An American colonel had just been brought through the chalet check points blindfolded and under guard. His mission was to find Von Rundstedt, the Commander of German's Western Armies, and also the Commander of all German Armies since the real Hitler had vacated in October of the same year.
The 26-year-old American, who went by the intelligence code name of Halford Williams, was known by Germans only under his nickname of the 'Fox.' Col. Williams had just arrived from London, England by way of plane, sealed railway car, jeep and finally on foot, over the last mile into the closely guarded German fastness. Escorted into the presence of Von Rundstedt, the American officer apologized for his unpressed officer's dress attire due to what he termed 'unfavorable' travel conditions. From the young American's belt hung a golden sword. After properly saluting the senior officer, he removed from the lining of his coat a letter from General George S. Patton to Von Rundstedt a letter approved by all the allied leaders except President Roosevelt. The letter stated the Germans should expect an immediate change of western allied intentions during the next weeks of the war and that Von Rundstedt should arrange to meet Patton as soon as possible in Berne, Switzerland with his most able staff officers to discuss a total allied change of strategy favorable to recent German peace overtures. Von Rundstedt read the letter, removed his monocle, thanked the young American colonel. and offered him breakfast, bath and bed till 4:00 P.M. the same day, when the German Commander's reply would be ready for the Allies. Then the General dismissed the guard and aide and got up and closed the door to the office in order to interrogate the courier.
"Stand at ease colonel," began the German officer politely. Then he painstakingly studied the Yank. The General returned to his desk, removed his monocle and finally spoke directly to the emissary.
“You are most certainly not English. This is the first privilege I have had of meeting you, Colonel Halford Williams." The German lingered on the colonel’s name. "Halford Williams is your code name, I presume." The German General tapped quietly on his desk as though contemplating the pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. Then he looked up and said: "We Germans all call you the American Fox because your rescue missions are legendary inside Hitler's occupied lands from Norway to the borders of Russia. They say you are invincible -- that you can't be killed. It is also reliably reported that you have been dropped or appeared suddenly inside Germany dozens of times, perhaps 40 or so times in the last two years alone."
The German's eyes lighted with admiration as he studied the waist of the American colonel standing before him. "All the stories say the same thing. That the Fox always carries a golden sword to direct his five or six-man band. Imagine, such a ridiculous medieval symbol of authority! Of course you don't need your sword on a mission like this where only diplomacy is necessary, do you colonel?" The General's tone was not sarcastic but quizzical.
The American colonel still stood silent. Then the interrogation continued. "Can you hear me colonel?" "Yes sir!" the younger man replied. The General said, "Hitler's reward for delivery of the Fox, preferably alive, is over $100,000 in gold. Perhaps I should tear up this letter and collect the reward."
Colonel Fox smiled faintly. Von Runstedt went on: "I know deep within me that you are the Fox. Eisenhower would not send anyone but his bravest and most trusted for this mission -- because he had to be certain the message reached me. But even allowing yourself to be blindfolded under guard I don't think your destiny is to die -- yet -- although I must consider why I should not turn you over to the despicable S.S. who already know of your presence. Please reply, Colonel."
As though unmoved by the penetrating analyses, the American agent answered, "Even if I were the one whom you call the Fox, I should not worry. Among the allies, General, your name too is legendary. You have been tagged as a gentleman of honor -- an enemy to be respected. Even if your Feuhrer ordered it, you would not keep a bonafide courier as a negotiable instrument of blackmail."
The General nodded almost imperceptibly. "May I suggest that you now go directly to the breakfast room. But if you value your nine lives I suggest you not leave the main floor of this building. And do not venture onto the grounds or visit the waterfall!"
As the American Colonel sat in the officers' mess eating a breakfast of Bavarian rolls, jam, sausage and tea, he never suspected that just beyond his gaze, in a clearing below the cascading waterfall, there sat on three tripods a 30-foot round wing saucer-like craft, one of five just completed, which would carry the elite German remnants of World War II to a new land in another world.
During Williams' meal a number of German Army and Air Force officers passed in and out of the room, not unusual in a staff headquarters, he thought. But one face he noted carefully he was to see twice again. This was a Wehrmacht Air Force idol who had shot down 33 allied planes, Kurt Von Schuschnigg. He was a top ace whom the English, up to Churchill, respected for his audacity and combat ability. Another visitor was a favorite of Hitler's, tall, piercing-eyed Otto Skorzeny, who demanded exodus by round wing transportation for himself and key Nazis. Later Williams heard that Von Rundstedt had turned him down categorically.
As darkness fell later that day the American Colonel was escorted blindfolded back to Switzerland. Eight days later the Wolfgang Bar in Berne, Switzerland, was the scene of a strange meeting as the same American Colonel Williams witnessed the ever so correctly dressed Von Rundstedt sweep into the bar with two staff members including the air ace whose face he had seen in Von Rundstedt mess. Minutes later the bar door swung open again and General George S. Patton stomped in, dressed in helmet, crumpled field dress and high boots. Patton led his group over to the table whereupon the Germans stood up, exchanged formal greetings, and the ensemble sat down and ordered drinks. Von Rundstedt asked for scotch, and Patton, bourbon.
Setting down their glasses after a quick toast by one of the American staff officers, General Patton rose, ordered another round and while still on his feet, gulped his bourbon down in one swallow. He looked directly at Von Rundstedt and exclaimed, "Hell, General! What are we fighting each other for when the worst bastard in the world is that S.O.B. Stalin!" Those opening remarks set the tone for the meeting, the rest of which is still classified.
But the military plans agreed upon at that secret rendezvous between the leading Allied and German Officers were to be held in abeyance -- forever.
Two weeks later a disappointed Von Rundstedt, back at his headquarters, told his officers present that the plan proposed by Patton at Berne had been vetoed by President Roosevelt over even Churchill's and Eisenhower's objections. Von Rundstedt said there was now no hope to end the war except by surrender of the German armies . "There is not much time left before the end," he said. "We shall hold out only long enough to collect all those on the staff list for transfer to the new land. Soon it will be every man for himself. Whatever you do, arrange to give safe harbor to your families while there is still time. It is hoped that someday they will join you in your new home."
Then, turning to Kurt Von Schuschnigg, later made a general, the Commander introduced him and said, "This brave young Air Force officer is in total charge of the new method of evacuation on a craft which is called a 'round wing plane.' Many flights in the future days have been ordered to ferry special Germans to the new land. That is why some of you are here."
Von Schuschnigg then told the group that more top ranking Germans would be arriving daily at the headquarters and nearby village for evacuation. The round wing plane would transport at least 20 bodies packed in like cordwood and each man would carry only minimum personal belongings. Von Schuschnigg said that within the next month, he would make at least two trips daily with a full load of VIP's to Argentina, staging area for the new land. Turning to Von Rundstedt he remarked so everyone could hear, "My duty eventually is to take the respected General Von Rundstedt down under when defense here can no longer be maintained.”
Unexpectedly, Von Rundstedt replied, "Thank you -- no! I would rather stay behind and become a guest of the English in their prisons. Better to do that than serve that Bavarian Corporal and his Nazi followers, and train his Nazi army in the promised land for the next war."
In the ensuing weeks, Kurt Von Schuschnigg took thousands of hand-picked Germans, no doubt including prominent Nazis in disguise, out of the country.
But regardless of those Germans who got on the list for emigration to the Inner World of the New Reich, the decision as to who would be permitted to reside below rested exclusively in the hands of the Bodlanders who screened incoming Germans at the tunnel entrance in Brazil and also at an undisclosed point of departure for the Inner World somewhere in Argentina. Several million Germans from Nazi Germany were rejected over a thirty year period by the Bods as being unsuitable for citizenship in the Inner World of New Germany. Many of those refused entry were Nazis who unable to return to East Germany under Soviet Communism or for fear of imprisonment in the Federated Republic of West Germany because of war crimes, took refuge principally in Brazil where the wartime German apparatus continued to flourish unchecked.
Meanwhile, Kurt's brother, Eric Von Schuschnigg, was deploying another round wing plane in the removal from Germany of special documents, plans, medical supplies, valuables and essentials needed below. Although much of the timber needed for the New German world went through the tunnel or shute in Brazil, certain items needed quickly were flown at once through the South Pole opening to the new land. The round wing planes were simple in construction, had few moving parts and required little maintenance. Their load bearing weight factor was determined only by volume.
In one of the operations, Eric von Schuschnigg made repeated trips from inside the Earth's South Pole to the surface in the Antarctic where the round wing plane picked up tons of ice, suspended them below it, and deposited them in a fresh water reservoir for the inhabitants of a new settlement. Such was the diversity of the new round wing plane which the Venusians had helped the Germans to build. In retrospect, Germans interviewed in 1978 admit that the colossal power and multi use of their limited number of round wing planes, augmented by limited aerial transportation from Bodland round wingers, not only made possible the birth of their new nation but speeded up its development by forty years.
American Immigration now realizes that the Germans moved many post-war dependents into their new world by means of visas with temporary stays in the U.S.A., the Caribbean Islands, or Brazil. Regardless of routing, the tide of German men and women continued to take their post-war ways to the new land. Germans within Germany proper kept the secret and no dispatches or serious leaks occurred. As the settlements below were expanded, additional technical help was sought in the Fatherland and these colonists, like the German mercenaries of 1572, followed the same routing. But, by 1948 they passed through the mantle to the interior in a leisurely 24 hours rather than the three generations it had taken their German soldier ancestors and relatives.
The shute or elevator or train trip, which it was called, was no longer tedious or difficult. By 1953 it had transported up to two million Germans below and brought up to the outer surface hundreds of thousands.
In 1958, Kurt von Schuschnigg was struck down by a heart attack due to the burden of work performed in the years 1944 to 1948 in the round wing plane services of New Germany. This man who had earned the highest German decorations, and whose name appeared on Churchill's list as an enemy not to be dishonored, died in his prime at 38 years of age -- never to see the New Germany below fully bloom with the apple, the pear and the grape, the seeds of which he and others had carried down to be transplanted.
The same year, Eric, who also lived in New Berlin, took Kurt's family, including the youngest son, David, into his home and prepared to support them in keeping with a pact he and his brother had made together years before.
All official New Berlin records began in the year 1945 at which time pouring of the bottom floor of the 154 ten acre capitol building was begun. Today the entire Government complex is housed in this one atomic bomb-proof building whose walls are six feet thick. The ministries within this state house include Chief of State Office (Hitler II), Treasury Office, Secretary of Defense for Air Force, Navy and Army, Department of Prisons, Department of Transportation, etc.
The State House is in the center hub or oval of New Berlin. The streets are the spokes radiating from the State House and the avenues are never ending circles located at intervals in the city. The land is flat with no rivers intersecting it.
Today New Germany has 18 million people, approximately eight million of whom were born below. One and one-half million people live in New Berlin. There are 40 million descendants of the old Germans from the 1572 expedition, making approximately 60 million late arrival Germans inside the hollow earth, plus of course the early Bod arrivals of 30,000 years before numbering only 36 million in 1980. The city of New Berlin now has state colleges and hospitals, and the entire metropolis is served by a monorail system with German-made cars and buses being the other means of transportation. Although first housing was wooden and prefabricated set up by the Bodlanders, much of the new residential buildings now being erected are of cement, brick and plastic siding and roofing, as there still remains a lumber shortage on the arid German occupied continent below.
The main church is Lutheran although there are several other denominations. A reformed Catholic Church was established after 1945 when Hitler I decreed it should contain no idols except the figures of Christ on the Cross. The first ministers and priests were brought down from above. Marriage rites today may be either secular or civil but any constituted member of parliament may also perform the ceremony.
As above in 1945, Hitler was proclaimed Chief of State (functioning as Prime Minister and President) over the German Reichstag consisting of a lower and upper house.
Three candidates form a slate for each office within the Party System and those running for office must have served at least one four year term and be a graduate of either a college or a trade school.
Qualifications for candidates to the upper house are as follows: church membership, party membership, at least 30 years of age, professional or worker, and preferably a veteran and at least three terms in the lower house.
The lower house is elected by popular vote and members must serve three terms or six years at which time they are eligible to run for the upper house.
The State charges a straight ten percent of a person's gross income for taxes and has not nationalized any industry. Churches are not allowed to hold property other than the land and edifice of worship. Neither are churches allowed to accumulate liquid wealth. They are separate entirely from the state.
The school system is of 12 years duration as above. No dropouts are allowed. Aptitude tests and job preferences during the last four years determine the students vocation. Upon graduation, each male must serve four years in one branch of the New German Defense Military. The student can specify a preference for Army, Air Force, or Sea Force. Those with leadership qualities are sent to Officer's Training Schools. Upon completing the four years military, the young German, who may now be about 22 years of age, is sent to a university either below or above. Diplomas from trade schools are considered as important as university degrees in the life of New Germany.
Hitler's own son, Adolph, at age 12 was sent to Switzerland to complete his academic learning where he attended the private school, St. Albans, in the northeast under the name Adolf Wolfgang, a common Austrian surname. While there he was carefully guarded and also had a telephone by his bed to enable him to speak to his parents daily. He graduated in 1956. Although Adolph had decreed that his son assume the Fuehrer's role on the old one's retirement, he had said that Adolph II's future leadership of the new nation should be judged solely on ability.
War ace General Kurt Von Schuschnigg son David chose to enter the Air Force after his four year compulsory military training as an officer cadet at which time he also qualified for the air service.
Flight training required of David Van Schusnick was that he first fly conventional aircraft and graduate to the round wing plane. German pilots are armed with individual hand-held ray guns.
The Germans refused to discuss the ship's weaponry except to say that silent laser beams and other ray guns are used in place of conventional fire power. The Germans had also developed a laser shield on their ground ray guns and other laser counter measures had been perfected on the airborne craft.
David Schusnick received his wings upon graduation from the New German Air Force flying program on April 18, 1972. They were pinned on him by Air Marshall D. C. Kitchiner.
On April 20, his uncle, Eric Von Schuschnigg, and his mother called David aside. The uncle began, "You have earned your wings. Now it is time to talk about your career." Thus began the talks of where the godson of Eric Von Schuschnigg would study and what vocation he would follow. Young Schuschnigg was urged to attend a university in Germany or Switzerland and there to study the vocation of law which he had chosen. But the young man replied that he wished to go to an American university, preferably Harvard.
Over strong objections, David convinced his uncle and mother to send him to Harvard. He came up to the surface via railroad and flew to Bonne to meet his relatives and later on, after a vacation, he went to New York. In September, 1972, David Schusnick enrolled at Harvard University as a West German national under the name of David Schmidt, giving a Swiss address, the home of his uncle Johannus of Zurich.
According to a State Department source, he majored in international law and took general business law, graduating in 1976 in ceremonies attended by his uncle Johannus and other American relatives including his deceased uncle Elmer's wife, June.
When he returned to New Berlin below, David Schuschnigg reviewed his American college experience with his uncle Eric. Among other things they discussed the German ethnic element in the U.S. population.
David Schuschnigg reminded his godfather, "Germans have no trouble becoming Americans or Canadians or British. In fact 50 percent of the stock in English-speaking North America is probably of German origin or had some German in it, and of course we're taught that the English are of Germanic origin. I felt at home in the U.S.A."
David ended the conversation by saying, "Someday when the Russian question is settled, I want to live and practice law in Florida. But for the present, uncle, I want to go back into the flying service." (At the time of the final interview with the Von Schusnicks in 1977, there were still 30,000 German soldiers held by Russians in Siberia's prison camps, which could account for much of the German hatred for the Soviets.)
As David Schuschnigg immersed himself back into the New German life below, the country continued to develop much like that above in West Germany.
New Berlin had two daily newspapers telling what went on in the upper world, but one day in November, 1974 large headlines featured a different story. Bannered streamers on November 12, 1974 in the "New Berlin Daily News" (circulation 450,000), editor Max Spiegel (formerly New York Times who left that newspaper in 1941), read as follows:
"THE FUEHRER IS DEAD." The paraphrased subtitle told how Hitler, founder of National Socialism, passed away in a foreign land, failing to reach Germany where he wanted to end his days." The New Berlin's second daily, “The New German Enquirer" also ran the story in large banner headlines.
In respect for the former fuehrer's death, all flags were flown at half mast the following 30 days by order of the German government. West Germany government flags were lowered on the day of the funeral and for ten days in Spain. In New Germany it was an official day of mourning. The son and heir of Hitler, Adolf Hitler II, had been in power for three months when his father's death occurred in Zaragoza, Spain. As Hitler neared death on October 25, a German round wing plane took young Adolf Hitler and other close relatives and friends to the bedside of the fuehrer.
In the absence of Adolf Hitler Jr., the adopted son ruled as Chief of State. The present name of the son adopted by Hitler and Eva Braune is Dr. Hans Tirsther, Deputy Chief, New Reich. When Hitler's motorcade was passing through Strasbourg in 1944 on its way to France and Spain for ultimate evacuation to the new German retreat, young Hans, then a 12-year-old admirer of Hitler, had thrown a bunch of flowers into the fuehrer's car. When the boy was apprehended by body guards, Hitler rescued him and asked his name. The boy told Hitler his mother and father had been killed in a bombing raid. He looked at Hitler and is reported to have said: "You are my great father now, Sir.” Moved by his remarks, Hitler took the boy aboard his cavalcade and eventually adopted him legally. Hitler's son was interviewed by the authors at a certain location in the western hemisphere in 1977.
Hitler had made his farewell speech on August 7, 1974 from his residence (begun by his ardent admirers in New Berlin in 1943). Following his parting words, he turned over the reins of New Germany to his son Adolf II and boarded a German round wing plane which, escorted by a squadron of three companion craft, set course for Spain. In the old castle La-Aljaferia, Zaragoza, at 5 A.M. on the cold, wet morning of October 25, 1974 Adolf Hitler, founder of Germany's Third Reich died at age 85. He had outlived all his avowed enemies, Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill. Practically his last words were, "We would have won the war except for those damned Americans! Today they lead the upper world, but I hold no hate for them whatsoever, except that traitor, Roosevelt. But on my deathbed I prophesy that the Americans will now have to take care of the Russians before the Russians take care of them and the rest of the world."
The late fuehrer died with his close relatives and friends beside him including his friend Generalissimo Franco. The funeral was attended by most of the West Berlin cabinet including President Helmut Schmidt. Present also were the West German Ambassador to Spain; Professor Dr. Francisco Javier Conde; the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joseph Hoffner, who conducted the last rites of the Catholic Church; and by Franco's request, Cardinal Marcelo Gonzales, who sang mass assisted by Monseigno, a leading Catholic cardinal of the Vatican told the authors of the following Hitlerian reply to the Pope. "Excommunicate me and I’ll persecute and kill all offensive Catholics and other Christians within Germany, and I'll destroy the Vatican itself." At that time with Nazi ambitions in the ascendancy, the papal order to excommunicate Hitler was never carried out in the face of such a ruthless threat.
The town of Zaragoza was placed under martial law by General Franco during the week of Hitler's death.
The solidarity of National Socialism in the New Reich had been established during the Hitler years beginning in 1945. In 1974, by vote of the Lower and Upper Houses of Parliament over the signature approval of the new Chief of State, Adolf Hitler II, the Parliament recommitted themselves and the 18,000,000 New Germans then living in the hollow earth to the continuance of National Socialism as a sovereign state, no longer under the watchful eyes of the Bodlander government, since the 30 year treaty was about to end.
Six other Kingdoms of 40,000,000 old Germans ruled by monarchies also existed beside the New Germans on a nearby continent in the southern hemisphere. Adjoining and connected to the New 158 German lands via road and rail was the ancient Bodland whose overseers had channeled the New German beginnings throughout all facets of society from limited military advice to education, transportation and capital construction of factories and relocated industries. In the northern hemisphere on the Vikingland continent there dwelt a pocket of Scandinavians descended also from Germanic tribes. The Viking influx to the inner world had taken place 2000 years before with the last group arriving 900 to 1000 A.D. Like the 20th century new German influx, the last wave of ancient Viking sea rovers had sailed into the inner world as marauding conquerors and had to be tamed into a pastoral people by earlier Scandinavian and Bodlander arrivals.
On the outside of Planet Earth, West and East Germany remained divided politically by diverse conquering ideologies, but nevertheless, Germans of the same ethnic beginnings occupied much of Europe including Alsace/Lorraine, the Saar, now part of France, and numerous other German areas in Eastern Europe.
But in a political scene, a united Germany was still as illusive as it was in the 12th century when 367 Germanic Duchees, Dukedoms, Kingdoms, etc., stretched from Holland to Italy and Russia. Neither the Kaiser nor Hitler' had been able to amalgamate the separated German pockets in Europe, but an undercurrent of German sentiment calling for unity was still bullish in Western Europe and outright bellicose in German foreign policy and ideology engendered since 1945, particularly in the Brazilian Germans relocated in South America. Also, the upper world, Germans and New Germans in the interior continued to espouse the belief that Russia was the offensive nation whose power must be broken before the German Empire could be restored in Europe.
A knowledgeable Bod spokesman on a five year U.S.A. visa said this about another possible Upper World conflict. "We (the Bods) understand the German reasoning for their hatred of Russia." This learned man who speaks seven languages stated that "Soviet Communism is an evil force -- but it will eventually destroy itself from within without involving outside interference. Our intelligence below and our prophets contend that internal insurrection within Russia will triumph by the year 2000. Therefore, the solution to the Soviet problem will take care of itself without the renegade Germans starting another war which could become a spreading holocaust."
Asked what the Bods would do in case of such an Upper World War, the Bod spokesman replied: "We would not get involved. If those Upper World Germans in South America persist in destroying themselves, we (the Bodlanders) will not take part." But this Germanic scholar said he had faith that if such a war were to begin, their New German neighbors would have been re-educated enough to remain neutral.
The alignment of the three contenders for superiority in any forthcoming world conflict currently presents a paradox of ideologies. There is the vociferous Soviet system of Asia with its denial of God and rejection of man's spirit by which he would try to lift himself to higher spiritual levels of consciousness. Opposed to Soviet dialectic materialism is the modern day Nazi movement, strong, but submerged in all German societies -- an ideology founded by Hitler and his SS nucleus in the 20's on the basis of racial superiority ~ might makes right. Against these two systems which murdered countless millions of their enemies in order to stay in power is the giant America of Christian inception. While still keeping its personal freedoms relatively intact, America has allowed its moral strength to be eroded in government, business and institutions so that the question of its national virtue is now being debated publicly. In the ensuing years, one asks whether America which now leads the upper free world will have difficulty in firming its economic, political and spiritual philosophies in sufficient time to gird itself against its two adversaries of evil and madness. Within the American sector it will take a national leader of Gideon's stature to rise up and awaken the nation into renewing the faith handed down by the founding fathers.
In 1978, New Germany recalled Eric Von Schusnick as the second secretary to its US embassy of the Federated Republic of West Germany. Von Schusnick was accused of treason for revealing New German Nazi intelligence concerning possibilities for renewed surface war. The brave German did not deny the accusations, stating that in talking to us his objective was to prevent war. He was tried and condemned to death. The United States and Great Britain interceded on his behalf. Today he is serving a lifetime sentence without parole in a New German prison.
By the early 1970's German/American/British anger over World War II differences had begun to soften. Young David Schusnick became part of that amelioration.
Thus, in 1977, the first timid venture of an interworld friendship occurred between New Germany and certain surface nations under the most unpolitic circumstances. It was perhaps the beginning of a new era of understanding between New Germany and some upper surface nations. The carefully planned program began on Sunday, July 31, 1977 when New Berlin in the earth's interior and Cape Kennedy, U.S.A. on the exterior shared in common a spectacular event. Winged emissaries from New Berlin inside the hollow earth began the marathon to the surface.
On that morning, Captain David Schusnick was given a special letter to President Jimmy Carter of the U.S.A. from the New German head of state. Captain Schusnick and two other round wing crew members boarded a non-military German round wing plane and took off. Crew members were 2nd Lieutenant Karl Ludendorff, grandson of Count Von Ludendorff, Inspector General of the Imperial German Army in World War I. Grandson Karl had dropped the prefix 'Von.' Felix B. Armondstein, 1st Lieutenant, was the other crew member.
The trip to Kennedy could have been made in less than two hours, but the crew was given permission by the New German Air Force (Vermacht) to take their time and schedule their arrival over Cape Kennedy exactly 12 hours later on noon that Sunday. The instructions were to carry out certain activities and stops beforehand but once over American air space to fly directly to their expected point of arrival.
As the German round wing craft began descending over the Cape to an altitude of 1,000 feet, Captain Schusnick addressed the tower and waited for recognition response. At this point the craft appeared to waiting ground spectators as a luminous ball of fire as it suddenly shot down to less than 28 feet above the east end of the remote Kennedy runway. The Americans had witnessed this ball of light speed toward them when at a specially marked spot on the tarmac the light went out and from within the glow there emerged the outlines of a flying saucer. The three tripod legs dropped to the cement and suddenly the thing stood alone like a round bug.
A door on the craft's under section opened and dropping to the ground, formed a stairway on which the crewmen stepped down for formalities. Their uniforms were black, the trousers lined with silver side vents tucked in high black boots. German type caps showed an air insignia of the Air Corps of New Germany.
Captain David Schusnick, officer in command of the German craft, was introduced to representatives of the American Air Force including General David Jones, then Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, General Harold Brown, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. An official photo of the German plane and its occupants was made by a US Air Force photographer for the author's associate, but the picture (as well as the notes) were confiscated by the U.S. Air Force and never returned.
Waiting in line to receive the young commander and his crew was the newly appointed (April 20, 1977) Second Secretary of the German Embassy in Washington, the old ace of World War II, the Godfather of David, Eric Von Schusnick. After formalities, at the request of General Jones, Schusnick was asked what he and his crew would like most to do. Almost in unison the young Germans from the Inner Earth spoke up, "Ride an American motor bike.” As 100 selected Americans gathered in the hanger and freely inspected the German machine inside and out, the U.S. Air Force Band played German music. Meanwhile, the police blocked off the ocean road to Melbourne while those curious who were privileged to be near saw three young men and a police escort enjoy the power of Harley Davidsons in the Atlantic breezes. (Before the craft departed, a similar bike was placed aboard.)
Viewers of the interior of the German ship were told how the controls worked. In addition to the computerized navigational system, sensitive touch buttons for feet and knee-pressures were also used to control the electro-guidance system. A left foot button turned the ship counter clockwise; a right foot button turned it clockwise; a center foot button was for ascent and descent. Left knee pressure on the electromagnetic button was for reverse and right knee pressure was for forward. Finger keys duplicated the feet maneuvers. The foot and knee buttons were used in case of combat, so that the hands are free to operate the electronic laser weapons.
The German round wing itinerary was to have included a stop over at Ottawa, but the German request was rebuffed by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau according to Canadian authorities while the German craft hovered over Canada's capital.
On July 17, the same German craft arrived at an RAF military station southwest of London, England. Although it was not a scheduled stop, a formal reception was hurriedly prepared by the British, whereupon David and his crewmen were taken to Buckingham Palace in a royal limousine where Queen Elizabeth cancelled previous engagements to graciously receive the visitors.
The new young Germans born inside the earth's interior whose parental roots had sprung from their fatherland above had emerged openly to be accepted with enthusiasm by the Americans and the British.
From London, the German craft was flown to Rome where the Italians paid honors. While at Rome His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, asked if the German craft could visit the Vatican. "Certainly," said David, and that night, Captain Schusnick gingerly sat his craft down in a Vatican garden enclosure. After an audience with the Pope and a friendly chat with the Secretariat of the Vatican, the Germans craft departed late the next day for Berne, Switzerland. Swiss police guarded the craft while David and his crew went into the city to visit his relatives and his father's birthplace.
Like American heroes being welcomed with a ticker tape parade down New York's Fifth Avenue, the young German ambassadors at large arrived back in New Berlin. They had forged a new but fragile link of friendship with old surface enemies. Perhaps only such a new generation could have so succeeded.
Chapter XVII
Intrusion of Alien Beings into World Societies and Interviews with Leading
Extra Terrestrials
A U.S. State Department spokesman whose name and position is classified estimates that in 1980 over
50,000 outer terrestrials of interstellar and intergalactic origins are living on planet Earth. Within United
States borders there are at least 5,000 registered aliens of which the public is unaware.....
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