Genesis for the New Space Age
by John B. Leith

Chapter XVII
by John B. Leith
Chapter XVII
Intrusion of Alien Beings into World Societies and Interviews with Leading Extra Terrestrials
A U.S. State Department spokesman whose name and position is classified estimates that in 1980 over 50,000 outer terrestrials of interstellar and intergalactic origins are living on planet Earth. Within United States borders there are at least 5,000 registered aliens of which the public is unaware.
Approximately 200 new aliens arrive in the U.S. annually and are given permits or visas to remain up to ten years, subject to renewal. The arrival of beings from other planets to America is not pre-arranged by this government nor is their admission on a quota basis. When a space ship carrying such unannounced alien arrivals approaches Earth's atmosphere, the Interplanetary Police Net usually picks up their signals of intention to land. Such being the case, Earth monitoring stations are notified and generally a government reception delegation is there to meet the alien craft. (A hostile space craft does not abide by the interplanetary rules of recognition and hence gives no signal.)
When a friendly landing occurs, whether on a military base or at a commercial field, the State Department is immediately notified. Then, upon an acceptable interview by State Department representatives, aliens are given typical Earth clothing and shoes. Their wardrobe, which is always a space suit and boots, (both exceedingly light in weight) is usually boxed and stored at an airport locker. Friendly aliens are usually English-speaking. (Major Earth languages are taught at an interplanetary language school on Venus, compulsory attendance for immigrants.) They are advised that in case of civilian misdemeanor or traffic infraction, they must immediately get in touch with the State Department or ask arresting officers to do so.
The outer space immigrants comprise about 40 percent females with the arrivals being both male and female singles plus family units with or without children.
First task under the guidance of the State Department is to rush the aliens by round wing plane to the Washington area and thence to Walter Reed Hospital where they are quarantined. A medical team including an outer-terrestrial doctor familiar with interplanetary diseases and types of people, conducts very thorough physicals with the recorded medical data punched in code onto a 3 x 5 inch card, which also shows the alien's thumb print.
By what authority or for what reason the aliens leave their own planet for an earthly sojourn is unknown. But generally the reason for their coming to this planet is listed as "I have come to Earth to help" (and they indicate a special trade or professional category.) The arriving aliens occasionally are revealed to have four lungs and perhaps two hearts, plus other anomalies. A supernatural ability which certain aliens possess is the ability to change their form or appearance at will to resemble Earth racial characteristic. This change is usually made after they come in contact with Earthlings shortly after deplaning. In addition they usually can exhibit superhuman strength as in the case of a registered alien girl who simply lifted a car off two men in a Washington, D. C. accident, while a group of bystanders watched helplessly. Some aliens have four eyes, strangely colored skin, unusually shaped ears, and other oddly shaped appendices. These are all changed to conform to earth appearances. But what is obvious is that their minds and sensory feelings are identical to Earthlings, regardless of body structure.
Education and job qualifications of the arriving aliens are always extraordinary by Earth standards. The newcomers usually end up in a profession and are outstanding in physics, medical research, et cetera. Such cases have helped Earth industries develop plastics, chemical steel industries (hardened steel), fuels and other scientific breakthroughs.
For a time after arrival they are observed taking their nutrition by means of a variety of colored pills and water, distilled water preferred. However, they are soon able to eat small amounts of foods which are typical of the menus in their host country. Once they have passed their physical and the quarantine is ended, the alien is able to move out unobtrusively and vanish into society. (Quarantine is 90 days.)
However, each year they must report their whereabouts to the State Department, which no doubt notifies Immigration.
The United Nations also admits newly arrived aliens and sends them to host countries willing to accept them. In a recent case, Russia accepted six new Earth arrivals, but instead of relocating them in requested job categories, the Soviets placed the aliens in isolation under 24 hour observation. Later the aliens simply vanished, showing up again at the United Nations in New York for re-posting to another country.
Not all aliens may stay, even overnight. A craft of six-legged men with green skin, eyes, hair and teeth, who could not change their appearances, arrived at a Western U.S. military air station in July, 1977 from a planet catalogued by NASA as Eeti. The friendly men called themselves Baahs and said they had been on an expedition for seven Earth years, visiting various planets in the Milky Way. The captain of the Eeti ship was able to make it known they had first touched down in Russia but had been fired on. They decided to try one more Earth landing and by chance, chose the western U.S. airdrome. On alighting they followed the jeep across the tarmac at 45 miles per hour, traveling like centipedes. They could laugh, joke and smile, and indicated the position of their planet on an interstellar map. They said their planet was more advanced socially and technologically than Earth. They were asked to leave and did so promptly.
Sources which do not want to be identified say there are aliens already integrated into the Russian political and scientific societies, but unlike their American, Canadian or French counterparts, none of the aliens inside Russia are known to the Soviet immigration or police. They could be called sleepers and would reveal their true identities only in case of an international war. An unimpeachable source said he was aware of an interstellar bar in Paris which French gendarmes claim is frequented by registered aliens.
Eighteen known aliens live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, and perhaps double that number make the Los Angeles area their temporary home. In all, three interviews were conducted with registered Venusian aliens in Florida.
The friendly earth invasion of these outer terrestrials, mainly from Venus, Pluto and Mars but also our entire solar system, has a purpose. Their objectives supposedly are to mingle into earth's mainstream and report activities to their solar ambassador so that planet Earth may be guided away from the self destruction course on which it is presently veering. If there is a more sinister reason, no one in authority has revealed it to the authors.
Coordinating and determining the direction of extra terrestrials on this planet is one alien. He is the chief representative to Earth of this solar system's governing body. Besides being in constant touch with all governments, his presence is known by the United Nations. As head of the global network of information, he is in daily communications with the Interplanetary Police Net and the Solar Council on Venus.
The name of this warm, friendly non-human is Mr. Estes Plateu. He has been the confidant and friend of Presidents, Kings and statesmen for centuries, but Mr. Plateu not only sat for an artist's drawing of himself (he is not photographable); he also agreed to be interviewed as would any well-known earth celebrity.
To begin, this "illusive phantom” from Planet Venus, as he is referred to around Washington, says he was born in 1228 just a few years after the signing of England's Magna Carta. He began shaping the destiny of America as far back as George Washington's time and has been posted permanently in the American Capitol since 1943 from which he disappears for months at a time, probably to return to his home planet on furlough. Although his body resides in a particular office, on most occasions when he is seen, even by Presidents, he is a three dimensional projection of his true self.
Home planet of Mr. Plateu is claimed to be Venus, but he says Earth was the original habitat of his ancestors who fled just prior to a global catastrophe. Nevertheless, this interloping ambassador who first arrived without credentials stated he is the official representative of his planet where four billion people live within and on the surface of the planet united under one government. Since the Earth's discovery of nuclear energy and its peacetime applications, as well as the negating of the gravity force by a universally understood form of electromagnetic energy, Mr. Plateu says that in the next two decades Earth science and technology will be unbelievable in the service of human progress. But just as earth is about to achieve its goal of a Utopian civilization, it may be set back thousands of years again by another nuclear holocaust, the ambassador forecast. Mr. Plateu described earth as one of the leading planets in science and learning because of its recent achievements, whereas there are many lesser planets with more primitive civilizations.
The question of how to prevent earth from destroying itself is a favorite subject of the Venusian ambassador. As he sat in his office in a high building overlooking the Potomac, Mr. Plateu gazed out at the river for several moments, then turned around.
His pale, blue eyes changed from a trance-like expression to a piercing stare that somehow reflected no arrogance. An oval face with high forehead and long ears gave him a distinguished, philosophical appearance. His hair is still black and no wrinkles show on his face. Here was a being who had talked with all the deceased leaders responsible for involving their nations in World War II, as well as all the American Presidents, including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but excluding Presidents Coolidge and Harding who refused to hear him out.
Mr. Plateu was first appointed official ambassador to Earth by the present King of Venus on approval by that planet's parliament (but his accreditation has not yet been approved by the U.S. Congress). He officially arrived in 1943 during the last term of President Roosevelt after a preliminary visit to the same President in 1936. The family of Plateu's has long been trained and involved in Earth duties, Mr. Plateu's eldest brother having been advisor to Napoleon when he urged him not to fight the battle of Waterloo. Mr. Plateu reminisced that his father was on Earth at the time of Christ -- and knew him.
This being who came from Venus claims that except for higher spiritual qualities among a segment of their people, Venusians are identical to white Earthlings who wantonly destroyed their civilization 11,500 years ago in an atomic war, bringing about the sinking of the lands in Atlantis and Athenia. (Haammaan, of the Inner World's Agharta, also makes this claim.) Mr. Plateu says that planet Earth is the only one of twelve (not nine) planets within this solar system not belonging to our solar federation of inhabited spheres. (The ambassador recently advised the United States of another inhabited planet located in this solar system and unknown to earth astronomers. Its name is Anarus. It is roughly the same size as Earth or Venus and was discovered according to directions given by the Venusian via electronic telescopic camera at the Washington, D. C. observatory. The new addition is approximately 125,000,000 miles from Earth.) Earth is scheduled to become a full member of the Federation of Planets in this solar system when and if it is united under one world, and only then can the earth representative sit on the councils of the Interplanetary Government, headquartered in Venus, capitol planet in the solar system.
Venusians are not openly connected to every government on earth. But Mr. Plateu considers himself to be the first representative from Venus to Earth who must answer to his King and Parliament and to the Supreme Emperor of the Solar Federation as to what progress Earth is making towards a united world order. His reports to home base and his watchfulness on Earth happenings are critical at this time because of the nuclear precipice on which the nations of the world are poised. Venusian and other solar agents, living incognito in those countries from which they continuously report, keep track of the major nations' war aggravations and intentions, sending the information in code to Washington-based Plateu, who transmits the gathered intelligence constantly to Interplanetary Police Net and to the solar headquarters in Venus for action. Mr. Plateu declined to mention what action would be taken, if any, in case of a nuclear outbreak on earth.
The Ambassador chose America as his past and present headquarters because he says America, made up of a free assembly of diversified races, holds the greatest hope for leading this planet to overall lasting peace and prosperity. But Mr. Plateu's abiding fears are: (1) that Earth is lagging in universal brotherhood, mainly because of Russia's hindrance, and (2) that armament makers are preventing international unity by keeping the various nations veritable armed camps. According to Plateu, the global arms race is engineered through efforts of international forces loyal to no nation. These hidden power structures influence all governments and their military, including those of Soviet Russia and the U.S.A.
Mr. Plateu believes that if a world plebiscite of all people were allowed, it would outlaw war at once and all the instruments and armaments of war. The last war on Venus was fought 3,000 years ago, he declared. Prior to this war Venus had been a highly evolved civilization, the planet's greatness going back countless millenniums. Before the war erupted, international bitterness had burst into violence among certain of the 16 nations of the Solar Federation. One nation had been the most quarrelsome and they instigated the first punitive action. An unnecessary nuclear confrontation broke out. Destruction was colossal. The land was devastated. Major cities were leveled and millions upon millions perished.
But far sighted men beforehand had saved and protected in deep underground caves, tunnels and pyramids vast libraries of learning, chemical formulae and industrial designs. When the survivors came together in truce, the first thing done was to renounce war forever. A new city in a new land became the capital of one nation instead of the former 16 warring members. Like the bird of Phoenix, rising from the ashes of the past, Venus was reborn. Today, said Mr. Plateu, Earth nations are where Venus was just before that global war of self-destruction. The Venusian historian concluded by saying that "while mankind understands the precepts of peace, it is ironic that the self-idolatry of the Earth nations won't let them practice peaceful co-existence."
Venus is entirely free of diseases which kill the people of Earth, including senility which Plateu referred to as a curable disease of aging. By Earth measurements, those living on Venus are considered young at 100 years of age, and are still in their prime up to 300 years old. From three to six hundred years, Venusians are considered middle aged and venerated as senior citizens from one to two thousand years old. Death on Venus is self-willed.
Reminded that Earth's probes of Venus show outside temperatures over 900 degrees Fahrenheit under thick clouds of sulfuric acid that rain on the surface, where pressures are 100 times those of Earth, Plateu suggested that the United Nations appoint a delegation to be taken to Venus to learn the facts. The departing Venusian craft carrying the delegation would leave from any spot so designated by the United Nations before a number of witnesses. Mr. Plateu said that several prominent Earthlings have already spent time on his planet including a well-known Catholic churchman who was there as a 'guest' of that government for three months.
Venus is described as being geologically almost identical to Earth in atmospheric content including the interior. Constant temperatures there are 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Even plant life is similar. Their trees are like Earth's pine, oak, cypress, mahogany, et cetera. But all crops grow more quickly there because of a cleaner air environment.
Venusian family formation is the same as Earth with marriage sanctified. A mother on Venus (where birth control is in effect) has the same great responsibilities as an Earth mother in bringing up a child the way it should grow, says Plateu (himself a father of three sons).
The moral laws of all planets are the same as those on Earth, and they spell out conscious recognition of right and wrong acts in criminal, social and civil obligations, along the line of the Ten Commandments handed down from God through Moses.
In earth's three dimensional world, the visitor said, it is difficult for spiritual qualities to develop in a modern earth person as all values seem to be related to that three dimensional finite life in which earth people have subdued spiritual values. Earthlings must recognize that there is an eternal law of cause and effect that has recognizable relationship to karma or as said by Christ: "You reap what you sow." This law is not only individual, it is family, national and planetary. This truth also concerns one's thoughts. The alien explained:
"The difference between conscious behavioral norms and the subconscious spiritual nature of civilized earthlings is made indistinguishable by modern education taught in schools and universities. Right and wrong actions of a person, regardless of what one is taught, are answerable to a higher power, and a Supreme God has made it so."
On the first interview with Mr. Plateu, he was asked bluntly how Venus expected to help Earth through the efforts of his ambassadorship. He replied succinctly: "Number one priority is to prevent the use of nuclear missiles. Next, to have Earth nations develop into one world government where war is outlawed. Finally, it would follow that other planets in this solar system who are also watching the outcome would share their technology and science with Earth so that it could take its place among other inhabited planets."
Some direct questions and answers follow concerning Plateu's political, religious and philosophical ideas:
Question: Mr. Plateu, secret White House records say that your permanent stay in America began on February 1, 1943 or thereabouts when you visited President Roosevelt. On that occasion you laid out plans for a one world government along the lines of the present United Nations. What exactly did you suggest to President Roosevelt as to how this planet could be governed peacefully by one ruler under the guidance of the solar council?
Answer: When I spoke to President Roosevelt that evening in 1943, he was reminded by me that I had visited him also in 1936 to enlist the friendship of America. I had indeed visited him in 1936 because we could see World War II approaching.
I explained that our people had been visiting earth for many centuries and had also met most of Roosevelt's predecessors in office. It was also explained that I represented the Interplanetary government of this inhabited Universe, of which Earth was the only non-member. Therefore the purpose of my 1943 visit was to invite Earth into our solar confederation of planets, according to my explicit instructions from home.
At first it was incomprehensible for President Roosevelt to accept the fact I could materialize at will and also that other planets in this solar system were inhabited generally only in their interiors -- earth and Venus being two of the exceptions, i.e., surface dwellers as well as interior people. Following a discussion centered on Earth problems, your President was told that other planets in the Universe had been monitoring Earth's emergence from primitive societies for centuries. But the possibility of nuclear war had changed outside surveillance to one of immediate concern that involved bringing planet Earth into the Interplanetary Federation. But I cautioned Mr. Roosevelt that ultimately we would desire total participation of all world governments under one chosen head if earth was to take its place among the interplanetary governments to which I referred. Knowing quite well Mr. Roosevelt's ambition to head such a world government, I emphasized to him that such a world leader would be acceptable only if all personal, selfish ambitions for power were subdued.
It was explained to Roosevelt that all the potential world leaders of major nations had been evaluated and that he had been regarded as an emerging Caesar. I gave no good words for Stalin, and I stated that a cloud hung over Hitler and Germany for the present time. The President was told that the other planets were aware that America led the world in prosperity and industrial output, and that its leadership and respect among all nations would remain undisputed for many years to come.
The President, gaining confidence, asked me to outline my plan for a united world government under a single head. I told him that he was somewhat familiar with the plan already, having learned much of its format from former President Woodrow Wilson, whose proposal for a League of Nations had been rejected by the Legislative leaders. Roosevelt had picked up the germ of a United Nations idea on his Atlantic Ocean crossing with Wilson following the Paris Peace Conference of 1918. Frankly, his political personality changed after that crossing, and he became a dedicated enthusiast of one world government and an advocate of international order among nations.
Quite clearly, Roosevelt had not forgotten Woodrow Wilson's dream of one-world, and was determined to resolve the future peace of mankind, and to use this concept as a cornerstone in any agreement, before committing United States forces to World War II.
A forerunner of the League idea had already been drafted by Roosevelt and it became public knowledge in August, 1941, following his meeting on the high seas with Churchill off Newfoundland. The document was called the Atlantic Charter, the eight clauses of which spoke mainly for the hope of a better post-war world, free of war. The Charter had been Roosevelt's idea, and Prime Minister Churchill, whose country was already at war, and chafing at the bit to defeat the Nazis and their allies, had signed the document in the face of Roosevelt's ace in the hole, Lend Lease, or American Aid to a needy and struggling Britain, fighting alone.
Significantly, Roosevelt had won Churchill over to all the clauses without any remonstrance except those clauses which opted for restoration of sovereign rights to all countries which Churchill considered would thus return the world back to its former position of quarreling nations.
Plateu continued: “I could sense the future record of the post-war United Nations, and I reminded Roosevelt that the concept would fail unless the member countries of a united world order were to totally yield their individual sovereignties to the President of such an order. I stated that the other member planets had already placed each of their sovereign nations under one such ruler.
This then became the heart of the idea which I addressed to Roosevelt. One ruler of the entire world, with that ruler voting in proxy on all controversies of nationalism, law, religion, infinitum. Would such a Utopia be feasible? That was the idea I left with President Roosevelt.”
Before Mr. Plateu was asked the question of a one-world government, the authors had researched the White House records and verified the findings, locating various references on the dream of President Roosevelt to become leader of a new collective body of nations following World War II.
As the Venusian was about to leave the White House that evening in 1943, the President's actions are described as follows:
President Roosevelt wheeled his chair to the door to allow the visitor to leave in a conventional way, but the stranger simply dematerialized while in the room. The President of the United States, never to be the same again, was once more alone. The record of that traumatic experience has remained virtually unknown by the general public.
Finally the President returned to his desk. Not entirely certain of the reality of the experience of which he had just been part and the actuality of the conversation, he hurriedly made notes of the visitor’s remarks: “...from ancient times before it existed, the United States was destined to become a nation and a leader of the world. This unborn nation had to acquire a new land away from the national and racial conflicts of Europe. The original inhabitants of the continent (the so called Indians) were permitted to be pushed aside and make room to allow America to become a reality.”
Other scribblings he transferred to paper were simply called THEIR PLAN FOR THE WORLD. Attributed to the man who called himself a space emissary were the following notes which are paraphrased here but in the same context in which President Roosevelt recalled the conversation. The notes began: "All the divergent politics, cultures and religions of the earth would become 'one world’.”
All armies would be mustered out of existence, their soldiers dismissed and their armour broken up and melted down, as in Tennyson's poem "when men shall beat their swords into ploughshares." A small international police force would act as a judiciary body in the case of national disputes, and direct police action would be taken when and if the adherents to a dispute took bilateral punitive action among themselves.
Monies from the war chests would be diverted to education, various capital improvements (some of which were named), medical research, etc. Unemployment would be banished by new work projects and new inventions (he talked about the peaceful uses of the atom). College admissions would be by merit only. Tests for non-college caliber students would direct them into areas where their special skills would be fully utilized.
Plateu's plan touched all facets of society. Juvenile delinquency was to be educated out of existence, making reform schools and prisons obsolete. Assuming that human nature was still criminally inclined, special schools were proposed where the “social abnormalities" found in offenders would be corrected in less than a half year at the maximum. In the case of direct criminal action, the offender would be sent to a correctional hospital where the ingrown deviation would be eradicated before being returned to society. Incurables would be sent by the authorities to isolated regions where they would live normal lives apart from society.
That synopsis of Roosevelt's recollections was the nucleus of the Utopia for earth which the spaceman had conveyed. The proposed Utopia did not propose a cure or a change of men's hearts but indicated a disciplined use of education and force.
On that night of the 1943 presidential visit, Plateu had stayed approximately one hour and forty-five minutes. In that brief span of time he had appeared from an unknown dimension in space and time, and had revealed a profound understanding of the inner drive and character of Earthling Franklin Delano Roosevelt, both as a human and also as a leader. The visitor had plumbed the deep reservoir of Roosevelt's psyche, which Roosevelt, the man, may never have fathomed himself.
Looking out the window before returning to his desk to make notes, Roosevelt was glad the mystic ordeal was over and that everything in nature again seemed real as he knew it.
However, to this 32nd President of the U.S.A., the visitor would return again and again.
But in the ensuing alien visits one graphic statement of his intentions would be remembered by President Roosevelt. "Our numbers in your country will increase. Do not be alarmed. This is not an ominous threat. If we are received well, our future presence may be a blessing that the U.S. and the whole world can share."
Mr. Plateu admits that in this decade the present United Nations, from which a future world leader would be expected to arise, is not working for the good of mankind nor as an instrument of peace. The reason given by the Venusian is the deviousness of many of the representative nations in the U.N. who vote on issues according to their own power block considerations and not for the good of the world in general. He added that the present U.N. in its political alignment is a vehicle of mistrust among the representative countries rather than a base of mutual trust.
President Woodrow Wilson of the U.S.A., who was tutored on the idea of a league of nations by Plateu, is described by the Venusian as "that world statesman who arrived ahead of his time." During their meeting, Plateu told President Wilson that it would take another war (World War II) for earth people to realize that peace should again be attempted on an international basis -- but that a third world war would erupt before war itself would be outlawed and a united world order instituted. When asked, Mr. Plateu refused to comment with precision on the certainty of another world war in this century or the time lapse thereafter heralding the beginning of a peaceful planet, united under one world government. Mr. Plateu was asked whether his remarks at this juncture were prophesy or assumption. He replied, "I see the future over the horizon but I can't change it; it is destined to be. The next war will be between the forces of good and evil or God and Anti-God. Good will triumph and lasting peace will come to this planet. When war is no more, the symbol of the ruling Christ will eventually replace hate in the hearts of men and peace will reign forever. Out of the ruins of the next war the remnants of mankind will form the nucleus of a new world."
Question: Mr. Plateu, may we ask you what part religion as presently practiced on earth will play in this new age that has come upon us? Earlier you said a global government would be ideal to stop nations from warring and that we should use our human and natural resources for peaceful purposes. How could organized religion help in this utopian dream?
Answer: I have not been involved directly in the religious visitations of our extra terrestrials to your church leaders, which visits have been taking place since 1944. But I am well aware that church leaders have been visited by us on a regular basis with one message -- peace. We have been preaching peace to Earth's leading clerics and believe that church and state should work more closely to that end.
In the last year of Pope Paul VI's reign he had drawn up an encyclical letter stating that people should expect Christ to return to Earth as a conquering Lord to establish permanent peace. Such an epistle was not well received by many Catholic Cardinals. The last Christian Pope, John Paul I, also went on record that Christ's return is anticipated.
Before John Paul I became Pope, the authors had submitted several questions about his spiritual beliefs which he answered. He said that the Catholic church must be reborn doctrinally and that latter-day revealed truth might become a divisive factor among Catholics, even splitting the church because of its historic, doctrinal errors.
Pope John Paul I believed that all Christians should remember that the apostolic fundamentals were still unchanged -- Christ's Virgin Birth, His atonement for mankind separated from God, defeat over death and bodily resurrection -- along with His promised return to Earth as Lord and ruler.
The late Pope also acknowledged that Christ's love and teaching were meaningless in this permissive society if ethical and moral standards continued to be ignored.
Our final interview with Mr. Estes Plateu, Ambassador from Venus, was extensive, but only this brief account is reproduced here.
One of the face-to-face talks took place Sunday, March 19, 1977, in a small vacation lodge located in the woods of West Virginia about 60 miles from Winchester. (Other telephone conversations were held as late as December, 1978).
No journalist had previously interviewed Mr. Plateu. His office is guarded around the clock by two government agencies including Air Force Intelligence. This imposed guardianship prevents the Ambassador from moving freely about. Often, therefore, when he must be at another location where he does not want his Earth guards to observe him, he leaves his body by projection (which he says he can teach others to do) and visits those principals to whom he secretly wants to confide or deliver a message.
American intelligence sources apply no ulterior motives to Plateu's frequent, unannounced materializations before Presidents and senior government officials and even sitting committees. But they say his astral interruptions are sometimes meddlesome. Churchill ordered Plateu out of his office and when he wouldn't depart, Churchill struck out at him, but met only air. Churchill then asked Edgerton Sykes, the famous English psychic for an exorcism and Sykes supplied the means. The next time Plateu visited Churchill without invitation, the Prime Minister, following Sykes' advice, held up a two barred Druid cross which legend says came originally from Venus. The cross was pure gold except for the lower, shorter cross bar which was silver. As Churchill held the cross before the projection of Mr. Plateu, the Englishman said, "Depart from me, thou intruder!" In deference to the holy artifact, the Venusian took his leave without further conversation. King Haakkuuss, the Third, of Bodland also encountered Plateu in astral projection when the Venusian appeared in the Bodland royal palace. King Haakkuuss, himself adept in astral projection which he seldom uses, told Plateu never to return except in flesh and blood, using the traditional forms of inquiry to get an audience with him. Then King Haakkuuss went into that etheric dimension practised by Plateu and escorted the visitor back to his space ship where his body had remained.
In an historical sense, according to Mr. Plateu, he had observed the development of our world, continuously and in greater depth, than perhaps any other living being alive today. From the time of Christ, and particularly since the Middle Ages to the present, great events of political and religious importance which occurred on Earth are known by him. Perhaps, this book will be the forerunner of ensuing revelations as to what influence interstellar beings have exerted on world leaders since human Earth time began and also inspire others to come forward and shed further light on outer terrestrial purposes toward Earthlings.
As the final interview with Mr. Plateu ended, we asked if he would give a parting word to mankind.
"Yes," he replied. "I could frame my remarks around one word. That word is listen!"
"Listen, Earth nations! Unite peacefully before sudden nuclear war makes it too late to listen!"
The genius of this stranger of non-Earthling origin cannot be probed in this introductory chapter on his involved sojourn on this planet.A When the government of America and sources within the United Nations are undivided as to the announcement of his presence, or that of his successor, complete information as to why the Venusians are monitoring the affairs of this planet could be made known. Then this world may understand how the other orbital civilizations in our solar system are attempting to shape our destiny here and perhaps in the hereafter for good or evil.
Subject: Alien base
Place: Siberia, above Arctic circle
Date: October 23, 1977
The narrative is paraphrased as follows but changed to third person context with actual names and places omitted.
Official Soviet awareness of a secret, extra-terrestrial base was first confirmed on October, 1977, when an Eskimo appeared at a military outpost.
The lone Siberian Eskimo had watched the yellow lights for many nights as they hovered near a high rocky bluff several miles distance from his camp. The lights didn't belong there, and they bothered him. Finally he set out on foot to investigate the curiosity.
It was almost a month later when the Eskimo decided to tell authorities what he had seen. He headed for a Russian outpost north of the Arctic circle and reported to the commandant unusual aerial lights that issued from and disappeared into the side of a rocky bluff near his camp. And he also reported something that frightened him and his friends more than the silent aircraft. It was the unheard of appearance of huge, eight feet high, grey furred creatures that walked on two legs and left three-toed huge footprints in the snow.
The alert Russian commander surmised extra-terrestrial activity in the area and called for help. Acting on the outpost evaluation of the Eskimo's report, 3,500 arctic troops were moved quickly into the area by rail, parachute and tracked vehicles. Within a week a field station was set up, and the Arctic troops equipped with artillery and automatic weapons surrounded the rocky bluff which the Eskimo had pinpointed. The Eskimo scout who accompanied the troops then pointed to a particular area in the side of the rocky bluff. Artillery zeroed in on the target area and began shelling. What was thought to be a rock and clay hillside fell inwards exposing a 40 foot square opening leading into a black interior.
Troops moved in on signal and the artillery landed another salvo inside the exposed cavern.
Suddenly the interior lit up and amidst small arms and shell fire, three scallop-like craft issued from the opening and went straight upward. Troops rushed the cave and poured inside. The hollow was empty aside from a work bench and special tools, and other significant evidence of the recent alien occupation was sparse. However, geiger counters picked up strong indications of radioactivity.
As the alien space ships sped away they showed their parting contempt for the earthlings who had ousted them from their cavern. What Russian science termed a black ray was beamed down on the ground troops and the temporary buildings. In a moment of time up to 1,000 superbly trained troops were dead and their bivouacs destroyed. The Russian commander called his base for relief troops.
As the alien ships disappeared, other Russian forces closed the net of a larger perimeter surrounding the cave. Advance troops began reporting huge, furry, green-eyed monsters stalking them from the shadows. One front line soldier was grabbed by a snarling creature and hurled 20 feet. The soldier, his weapon still in his hands, recovered and pumped bullets into the creature, advancing for the kill. While the bullets bounced off the creature's hide, a second soldier, knife in hand, rushed the three-toed Yeti. The soldier thrust the blade into the creature's side and it broke away screaming in a trail of blood that led into a nearby cave. Troops followed the groans into the interior, but the body was never found.
Using animal nets, the Arctic troops captured 20 live Yetis. These were taken to a former exile concentration camp and each placed in separate human stockades. One of the Yeti was over nine feet tall. But that night the unexpected happened. Guards reported that one moment the creatures were securely in the cages and the next moment they all had vanished. What remained was a sulphurous odour. Next morning the guards responsible for watching the stockade were shot.
But before the first day's battle was over, the Russians sent out an international warning. From Moscow over the hot line to Washington a priority message was sent: "Formation of three hostile UFO's on southeasterly course headed for vicinity of Alaska. Complete text follows."
As the Russian signal was received, American and Canadian radar stations began tracking the alien ships. Eventually the bogeys were seen moving across the United States into the vicinity of a National Forest preserve surrounding Brooksville and Ocala, Florida, where they were lost.
In 48 hours after the Russian attack on the unknown alien ship, the Russian Air Attaché delivered a comprehensive account of the episode to a liaison officer at the State Department for delivery to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. Ultimately the Russian account reached the Commanding General of the U.S. Air Force.
Meanwhile, the search for the alien ships took an unexpected turn as the Ocala area in Florida became host to some strange visitors. Ocala, Florida is a town of about 35,000 population located near Route 1-75 on the edge of the National Forest. Strangers are generally noticed and there was no exception when an old Chevrolet 176 with a Marion County license plate pulled up to a gas station in late October for a fill up. In the car were four passengers. The driver got out and paid for the gas in cash. As the attendant made change, he noticed that the driver, without the aid of sun glasses, stared intensely into the direct sunlight for several seconds and then remarked, "Isn't that sun beautiful?" The attendant sized up the thin stranger. About six feet tall; long, yellow hair; cold blue eyes; pointed features and sharp finger nails, each coming to a point somewhat like a claw. The attendant then watched the stranger go to the car's gas tank and pour in liquid from a small bottle. The liquid smelled different from that of the petrochemical additives with which the attendant was familiar. He also noted that the men addressed each other in quick snarl-like sounds.
When the old Chevrolet moved off the attendant phoned the local sheriff who logged the following note: “Informant insists he just had a bunch of funny doers, funny lookers and funny talkers down here.”
Acting on other similar phone calls over the next week, the Ocala sheriff called McDill Air Force Base in Tampa from which three trained observers were sent out to watch the area. Around the Ocala, Brooksville area a sudden increase was reported of a different strain of Yeti activity -- not the five-toed creatures familiar in the area, but three-toed ones. A sheriff's posse located the creatures northwest of Brooksville. If the Russian episode were to be repeated here in Florida, the three-toed Yetis would be clues to the whereabouts of the alien space ships.
After the posse report had been filed, the Brooksville area became the immediate focal point for a series of army maneuvers into the National Forest. Field Commander in charge of the operation was Marine Major General Peter K. Miller.
Tactical response for all U.S. national emergencies is under the jurisdiction of Readiness Command, who had called for army maneuvers to begin at once on orders of the President. Again, it was a local incident that resulted in a more intensified search being ordered. The incident which follows was nearly tragic.
A reconnaissance team of soldiers in the Brooksville area had followed a trail off a secondary road into a treed area. Up ahead they suddenly heard a girl's scream -- then the neighing of a frightened horse. Speeding up their jeep, they emerged in a clearing where they saw a young girl on horseback being brought down by three grayish-brown, eight foot creatures uttering vicious snarls as they grabbed at the balking horse and captive rider.
The jeep halted and the soldiers fired at the creatures. All three fell. Quickly the men ran over to the girl who had gone from hysterics into shock. They calmed the frightened horse and called for medics and an ambulance.
At nearby Gainesville Medical Center the unidentified girl was treated for the nightmarish ordeal and several days later released. The horse was longer recovering; it too had been sent to Gainesville for observation.
The U.S. Air Force was now actively aware that the appearances of the "monsters" in the Brooksville area was coincident with a 90% probable UFO presence. Readiness Command headquarters had been moved into the National Forest and a quiet soldierly penetration proceeded to scour the extensive caves for which the area was well-known.
Besides shooting the three creatures which had attacked the horse and its female rider, the soldiers (armed with special ammunition) came upon and killed more Yeti in self-defense, capturing two.
From reports of the patrols coming into the field headquarters of Readiness Command it was concluded that they now were about to uncover the alien hideout in that part of the forest. Continuous contact was maintained with Readiness Command, who in turn kept the Joint Chiefs of Staff informed.
Army patrols probed further into the cavern area. In the second week of November they came upon a site which instruments indicated was a cavernous interior with radioactive readings on the surface. Perfectly camouflaged as it was, the soldiers were sure it was the lair of the aliens.
Readiness Command was prepared for such a situation. On the night of November 23, 1977, a space ship from Interplanetary Police Net landed at McDill Air Base and left an occupant -- a Venusian. Washington had requested that an expert be sent whose experience could aid in identifying the alien space craft which perhaps operated from a hidden base located in the National Forest 23 miles northwest of Brooksville.
The Venusian language expert was ready when on the same night another space craft identified only as North American also landed at McDill. There was hyper expectation among the various chain of command at McDill and in the National Forest Preserve as the military men waited for a potentially explosive development.
In the nearby town of Ocala tense foreign visitors were arriving. At the Holiday Inn a Venusian language expert waited. He was from Plateu's unofficial Washington Embassy and had been brought here because he had mastered the Nagirth language, in the event a Nagirth alien was captured. At another Ocala motel two Soviet Air Attaches from the Russian Embassy waited with a standby American jeep and driver.
At Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, Plateu's private magnetic powered space craft stood in readiness to transport their chief to the Ocala area. A private air strip in the vicinity of Brooksville had been taken over for that and any other eventuality.
And during the night of November 23 or on the morning of the 24th, President Carter was told to expect a call if alien contact were made.
Dawn of November 24, 1977 gradually broke over the National Forest site where the alien hideout was pinpointed by Readiness Command. American soldiers who were quietly dug in around the area looked up at first light to see a new visitor in the sky. It was a saucer-like craft hovering silently and unmoving at 3,000 feet above the supposed entrance to a cave. The haze lifted and the sun broke out. The birds began to stir.
The radio exchange of Readiness Command (which draws emergency personnel from the combined services), McDill Air Field, the Pentagon and the Secretary of Defense had been operating jointly during the last 72 hours. Especially anxious were the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose departments had endeavored for several days to identify the source of the interloping alien craft which had fled Siberia for another of their prepared bases in Florida.
Eye witness ground accounts and aerial sightings had now substantiated the origin of the aliens in the forest hideout. In brief, collective evidence indicated they were from planet Nagirth. Nagirth is described by NASA and two observatory officials as being a "wandering planet" which has been under intensified observation by various world astronomers during the mid 1970's.
Successive Apollo moon missions in the 1960's continued to observe Nagirth while it was on the far side of the sun. A new type of laser photograph operated from the moon made determinations as to the planet's structure and content. Follow up tracking devices on a moon observation site established in 1974-75 by Canada and the U.S.A. clearly showed Nagirth's projected orbit. Acting on this scientific evidence, the United States and Canada, with the direct advice and aid of Venus, began to harness their scientific brains and technology to meet the challenge when it came.
The planet is two and a half times the size of earth; it turns on its axis every 26 days; is hollow but its specific gravity, notwithstanding its larger size, is at least 2.5 times weaker than that of planet earth.
To understand the nature of our own planet's normal magnetic field as it relates to Nagirth, Dr. H. Babcock, retired director of Mount Wilson and Mount Palomar Observatories, was contacted for an explanation of Earth magnetic characteristics.
Of course it is Earth's strong magnetic field which keeps the planet in a steady orbit. Dr. Babcock says "the strongest point of Earth's magnetic force field is located at the equator, around the planet's bulge, where the magnetic force pull extends up 114 miles. At the poles the pull is only 14 miles. The Earth's true magnetic South Pole is positively charged and from it a strong magnetic line goes out to the Sun, returning to Earth through the true North negatively charged Pole. The principle is identical to the method by which automobile batteries and the like produce a current of electricity.”
The above description refers to Earth under normal astral conditions which have resulted in our relatively unchanging seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter for countless eons. For without the sun there would be no seasons and no life. Earth would simply be a giant iceberg. Furthermore, it is Earth's atmosphere which completes the cycle by turning the sun's magnetic rays into heat.
Then came Nagirth into Earth's orbit about 20 years ago for the eighth recorded time in the last million years. The random planet immediately began interfering with the Earth and Sun force field. The magnetic line running between Earth and Sun became broken at times by Nagirth's intrusion with predictable interference.
Huge Nagirth's weak negative force pull therefore has drawn it into smaller Earth's strong magnetic force field with Nagirth thus attaching itself to the pull of the strong Earth. Scientists refer to the condition as "dipping into Earth's orbit,” moving from a reflective interference to a deeper penetration, (about 3 days in every 30) causing at those critical times a partial eclipse of the Sun, and other disturbances.
According to an unidentified physicist at Goddard Center, their instruments charting the flow of natural electric waves through Earth's north and south magnetic lines since the arrival of Nagirth indicate a terrific power drain as if power was being drained from the entire Earth. Just as a power station takes electric current from the Earth via the station's turbines, Nagirth seems to be constantly drawing power from the Sun/Earth force field. It has been noted that extra heavy power is drained from Earth during a severe snow storm or hurricane, these weather disturbances being created either intentionally by the inhabitants of Nagirth or unintentionally by its mere presence.
Regardless of the explanation, summers over the last several years gradually became hotter and winters increasingly colder, and by the mid-70's the scientific world knew for certain what would be the outcome of Nagirth's intrusion. In America, the first pronounced adverse changes in winter occurred in Buffalo, New York during 1977 and also in Cincinnati, Ohio. Other areas are expected to be similarly affected. Throughout the continent by the mid 70's (as in northern Europe), unseasonable weather patterns also changed immeasurably by creating abnormal rain falls and subsequent floodings as well as hurricanes and tornadoes. The seasons in the entire northern temperate world climates were undergoing change.
The world of science says Nagirth has interrupted Earth's weather seven times already in the last million years. This wandering planet last appeared over Europe in 1456, in a brief by-pass orbit, and was called "Haley's Comet" and described as having a tail 60 miles long. The "comet" was excommunicated by Pope Calixtus the Third and according to Roman history co-incidentally disappeared, leaving a terrified populace in its wake.
But in this century the Nagirth menace has become more serious in its blockade of the Sun/Earth force field. America's sister nation Canada has an orbiting Space Probe called COSP watching Nagirth. The Japanese and Russia's Academy of Sciences in 1980 is working closely with the U.S.A. Goddard 180 Center and its Canadian counterpart watch Nagirth 24 hours daily and exchange information hourly.
Thus, as power crazed egomaniacs create religious and political strife throughout the world, the real issue in the coming 80's has become the deflection of an inhabited alien planet named Nagirth (also called Naggarith).
How are we harnessing our scientific brain power to prevent a lumbering giant of a weak planet from destroying much of Earth by the mere presence of its shadow or eclipse of the Sun? Primarily, the U.S. has a telescopic eye in the sky name OSO, (Orbiting Solar Observatory), relaying electronic messages to the Goddard Center. In addition there are other special function satellites monitoring Nagirth, the major one of which is Skylab, put up into orbit in 1965. (It was conceived by the late Robert Goddard after a discussion with Jonathon E. Caldwell in 1958.) There is also a combined Canadian/American manned planetarium and data center located on the moon since 1974 studying Nagirth closely.
But of greatest interest to this book is a telescopic eye which is a 40 inch electronic telescopic mirror suspended from a double bag space balloon 15 miles in the stratosphere. Because of the position above Earth clouds and atmospheric impurities, this 40 inch telescope has the power of the 200 inch one at Mount Palomar. The 24 foot long, suspended telescope continuously travels with the sun, circling the earth every 24 hours. The intricate scope is operated by remote control from Goddard Center where viewing screens are monitored continuously. Also thousands of radio signals are beamed down to eight receiver stations set up around the globe, with these computerized readouts discussed and forwarded to the Goddard Center for action.
The big telescopes in California, including the 200-inch Hale telescope at Mount Palomar and the 100-inch mirror on top of Mount Wilson, (both built under the direction of Dr. George Ellery Hale, astrophysicist who first mapped the Milky Way in the 20's) also operate in conjunction with Goddard. It was through the Hale telescope at Mt. Palomar under Dr. Babcock when six hours each day were spent studying Nagirth as it approached Earth, and it was this cataloguing of the intruder that first brought the phenomenon to world attention. Mount Palomar has its own electric space probe which takes X-ray photos of Nagirth and transmits the finished pictures onto the Hale telescope and into data computers.
The Mount Palomar telescope has detected life on the blue planet Nagirth as have Russian telescopic sightings. While Earth viewed from outer space is pale blue with a mixture of pinks, Nagirth is a dark blue with no change in color, which color density makes it difficult to view well except by the 200 inch Hale telescope at Mount Palomar that yields amazingly close-up pictures and slight color variations even within the dark blue.
A manned rocket fired from Cape Kennedy was turned back by either a man-made or natural force when it neared the blue planet, making astronomers believe that a civilization on or in Nagirth is closely monitoring Earth by telescopic methods as well as by manned probes. Unconfirmed reports say Earth 181 space craft (American) have flown around Nagirth and verified its Earth watching activity.
To prove that Nagirth is occupied by highly intelligent beings, a strange space ship 90 feet in diameter was seen hovering over Mount Palomar in 1976. It had sent a telepathic message down saying, "We mean no harm." The big scope watched the ship and even observed a face and form peering out of a port hole, when suddenly it took off at incalculable speed. A few days later Mount Palomar astronomers believe they saw the same ship in the Nagirth environs. (That picture taken by the Hale telescope is included in the appendix.)
With the alien blue planet causing climatic interference, scientists at Princeton, Harvard and other centers connected with the research state unofficially that unless earth prevents further interference and dislodges Nagirth from the earth's magnetic field, another full ice age lasting from 20 to 100 years is in store for the northern hemisphere, which in North America would stretch down to about the 35th parallel where the northern state line of North Carolina meets Virginia. Meanwhile, winters will become increasingly severe-with greater amounts of snowfall in those areas above the future ice line. Already Arctic waters have been frozen over for the last four summers, which have been ice free in July and August since data was first recorded. Extreme temperature changes have occurred in the northwest Pacific, the spawning place of some major North American weather patterns. Associated with these changes, cold Arctic air masses are pushing the east-to-west jet stream further south, allowing cold air to be shoved further southwards into hitherto temperate areas. At the same time, Pacific air riding the jet stream is being transported to the Great Lake areas, carrying with it heavy precipitation from two hot Pacific spots. Modifying waters of the Great Lakes are causing winter precipitation in the form of snow to nearby, particularly southerly, communities. Valleys and watersheds each year will continue to move this freezing air further southward. After the buildup of unprecedented winter snows, heavy spring thaws will occur and summer weather patterns will also be altered. Below the present snow belt, a rainy weather pattern will prevail for several years.
Historically, Nagirth has already come into the Venus orbit in this century causing much alarm to the citizens of that planet. Techniques which the Venusians developed along with help from Pluto succeeded in creating a reverse magnetic force which shoved the blue planet out of the Venus orbital attraction. Nagirth, because of its low center of gravity, has been roaming around the Milky Way for untold eons of time unable to attach itself to any particular constellation and remain there permanently, as did earth's moon in times past.
A special government "Committee for future planning" is now developing plans to protect and even cover, with plastic domes, those cities to be most severely affected. Rail lines will also be covered. The Russians already have made plans to cover Leningrad and Moscow. Although the northern weather patterns will become more severe, regardless, a gigantic scientific effort is already in progress to reverse the new freeze trend. A technique has been developed by American research with the aid of advisors from Venus and Pluto to prevent Nagirth from getting closer as did the Venusians. Authorities are confident of success.
Three methods to move the planet Nagirth from further endangering Earth's solar orbit are now being used which proved effective when Venus experienced a Nagirth intrusion. These projects are located at Earth's polar regions, a similar one is functioning on the moon and the third method will involve 12 antigravity orbital reactors sent sunward to the proximity of Nagirth to stop it from creating an eclipse between earth and the sun. Four of these anti-gravity orbital reactors are already in space. The function of all three methods, whether space orbital reactors or static stations on the moon and earth, is to create in specific areas powerful reverse magnetic forces to repulse Nagirth, keeping in mind that earth's own rotation and orbit must remain unaffected.
General Electric International (Geo Physics Division of California) is building the stations with help from Stanford University scientists.
Harvard and Princeton Universities and Carleton, a Canadian one, are working with the Baffin Island anti-gravity station and another site located on the tip of southern Argentina.
As work proceeds in building the new installations to repel Nagirth, the existing Arctic glacial regions are being watched and sampled down to bed rock by Dr. George C. Martin and his meteorology department. And ice insulation (industrial soot) is being dropped in wide areas of the north to ret ard further buildup of ice.
Officially, no one in a."responsible" position will admit (or to be explicit, is not allowed to admit) that Nagirth exists or is a threat to Earth's temperate zone climate. Such a commentator is Richard E. Hallgreen, Director of National Weather Services, who in the December 2, 1979 issue of the Family Weekly insert section of the St. Petersburg Times was asked the question "What is the reason for our last two bitterly cold winters?" Hallgreen's reply as it appeared in that newspaper was: "Two consecutive cold winters are not an indication that we are on the threshold of a modern ice age -- only that the weather is variable. Then the Director of the National Weather Service added, "An Ice age is brought about by a gradual cooling over a period of thousands of years.”
Double talk, with with no mention of the real cause – Nagirth.
But is there a survival reality which ordinary people should be told? And at what time or period should word be released of an unforeseen planetary change because of which all the science and technology of modern man is being harnessed to prevent? Dr. Babcock had this to say about the world's future weather concerns. "It's only a matter of time before everyone knows the problems and how we are attempting to keep the status quo of our present climate relatively unchanged. But the mysteries of the universe are so great that what happens to Earth must be part of God's master plan for a better world. The Supreme Creator is still in control, even if it seems a planetary accident has taken place.”
How many inhabitants live on Nagirth is unknown. We know little about them except they are desperate beings whose planet (because of its weak gravity force) has been at the captive mercy of one solar system after another for perhaps millions of years. Its people, therefore, may be cunning as they endeavor to locate in scattered hideouts throughout earth. To date no one is sure what they are trying to do on earth, i.e., whether random Nagirthians are trying to establish advance colonies on earth, with or without their own planet's approval, or whether the cavern outposts already discovered were intended to be spy pockets in case of a coming war.
At daybreak of November 24, 1977, the combined military emergency forces of the United States of America stood waiting on the ground and in the air for the entrenched aliens from a hostile planet to show themselves. The sun rose higher and it was 10 o'clock in the morning when the landscape below the American saucer craft began to change also. A section of brush and grass on the side of the hill disappeared. In its place was a yawning square block void. And from the abyss a bright light took the place of darkness. Not a ground soldier stirred.
Suddenly, an object floated horizontally from the cave, and clothed in a bright yellow ball, it shot up at a right angle. It was only a matter of seconds till the object stopped abruptly at the 3,000 foot level.
As it sat in mid air, an invisible plastic-like blister on one side of its leading edge slowly turned and scanned the first object hovering silently about 400 feet away. The first object sat unchallenging like a toad.
Perhaps for a minute the alien ship from Nagirth surveyed its first encounter with a saucer-like craft from its unwelcoming host planet Earth. As they sat immobile, a dozen Earth nations waited fearfully for the outcome. On this moment there rested the fate of this planet in the words that had haunted the military since 1936. "If a hostile alien force ever lands, intent on conquering earth and subduing its people -- how could we protect ourselves?'! Only 40 years had been given Anglo/American inventive genius and its military before the day of reckoning had arrived.
In the alien ship the same beings who had walked the streets of sleepy Ocala calculated the airborne vehicle nearby. Like two giant bugs the ships seemed to stare unblinking at each other.
They would not see it from the ground. But the same black ray that had obliterated the Russian soldiers and their equipment three weeks before was to come into use again. Were it to have been seen, it would have been a pencil-thin flash as the ray found its mark on the American craft. Suddenly the ray shot out. There was a pause. Then another burst of destruction was discharged -- a force that could cut a hole through a battleship or tank. Finally, the alien ship delivered another flash of laser light. The American craft seemed to tilt ever so slightly, as a million volts of concentrated energy and heat struck her.
Then, without warning, from an indistinguishable spot on the American ship, a red ray silently spat like a viper's tongue. The alien ship wobbled and began slowly to skip and tumble. As it spiraled down, the American object moved beside the alien craft as if to kill, but still in self defense.
A holding beam held the alien craft aloft and slowed its descent to the ground. The alerted ground troops watched as capturer and captive moved off towards a nearby airfield. As the two craft left the scene, two more alien vehicles shot up from the cave. Without stopping to survey the aerial disaster, they disappeared to the southeast. A Puerto Rican tracking station a few minutes later reported their flight towards the continent of Africa.
Even before the alien craft had been air shuttled to the nearby landing area, President Carter was notified. His first words are said to have been: "Thank God! From now on we know we have an equal chance to protect ourselves from any enemy invasion of the U.S.A. whether from Earth or beyond."
The alien craft fell on the airfield with a bang that residents heard for miles around. Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs cordoned off all roads into the area of the confrontation. As the alien craft, still intact, slammed into the earth that November 24, a low-boy swung out of McDill Air Force Base at Tampa and headed north. On the way back to the base, onlookers thought the tarpaulin covered contraption seen sticking out over the low-boy may have been a high ranking officer's sail boat, being towed south at taxpayers expense.
At McDill, the machine was dismantled that same night. Inside were three charred bodies.
The next morning, across the world to Russia, Germany, England, Canada, France, Italy, plus several African countries, a message went out from America that a hostile extra-terrestrial ship from another planet had been confronted and destroyed over American territory. By mid morning, the U.S. Air Force was preparing detailed information on the alien craft and the word was spread among earth nations.
Deep in the center of the earth, New Germany received the news as did the other old races in the interior. And in earth skies and on the ground, multi-national crews belonging to hundreds of magnetic space craft gave a silent cheer on behalf of the Ocala confrontation.
In Hellitoogg, the capital city of earth's sister planet Venus, over forty million miles away, a high ranking statesman departed in person for a new structure in the heart of the city. Above the doorway as he entered, he read the name in English and Venusian, “United Nations Embassy Planet Earth.” On the roof there flew two flags, the United Nations of Earth and the United States of America. Inside the premises staffed by 20 Americans the Venusian statesman was ushered into the office of the Earth's resident Ambassador.
His first words were, "Mr. Ambassador, I have been sent by our head of state to tell of the news flashing throughout the solar empire. Your country, on behalf of its world, has destroyed an invader from an alien planet."
The anonymous American stood up and thanked the bearer of the news.
The truth is there were over 7,000 sightings of strange craft of unknown origin intercepted and plotted by Earth radar installations in 1978. Frankly, like the U.S. Air Force, the authors who reviewed many sightings must humbly admit that they too are none the wiser as to the purpose of alien surveillance. But perhaps some readers of this book may lend their knowledge in solving the problem. The U.S. Air Force for one, as well as its Russian and German and French counterparts, are open to suggestion.
To understand the reason for the nose to nose confrontations of alien spacecraft from distant galaxies, it should be explained that the U.S. Security Council and its Canadian and British counterparts have the following policy: "Confront the strange craft. Try to communicate. Make radar shape identification and take high speed photos. Do not take hostile action unless fired upon." The Soviet injunction to its bases is "fire on the alien violators over Russian air space." As to which is correct is not our concern, but of immediate interest is the manner in which the North American Defense responds to the intruders.
Although there are many unknown sightings, the U.S. Air Force usually acts when alerted by radar systems or when public reports are consistent, or if the alien craft shows signs of creating fear or panic in the area over which it is dallying or studying Earth. The order to intercept is issued from Washington and generally involves one or two American round wing planes which first endeavor to establish communication with the alien ship. Of course, there exists a master plan for total action if the alien ship becomes hostile, but this master plan for obvious reasons is unknown to the public.
But in confronting specific alien ships and the intelligence of the beings or creatures or whatever flies them, several recent sightings have been declassified and the method used by the U.S. Air Force to distinguish the origin and nature of the craft will be discussed briefly to acquaint the reader with NORAD's attempt to comprehend the riddle of beings scanning Earth from beyond.
Before describing the alien encounters it is important to mention that none of the confrontations were from craft based in this solar system, which is only four billion miles across. Our own interplanetary likenesses always announce their presence and request permission by per-arranged signal before coming into Earth skies. Furthermore, U.S. Air Intelligence has eliminated the possibility that the alien craft are from elsewhere on Earth's surface, its interior, or from the 26 known subterranean cities scattered on the floor of the world's seas. Therefore, it could be assumed that the alien presences are from star systems four to five light years away, such as Prima Centauri, 4.3 light years distant. They could also originate from double star systems like Alpha or Capella -- or even Polaris, the North Star composed of three suns. But at present their origin is only a guess.
By what authority or for what reason the aliens leave their own planet for an earthly sojourn is unknown. But generally the reason for their coming to this planet is listed as "I have come to Earth to help" (and they indicate a special trade or professional category.) The arriving aliens occasionally are revealed to have four lungs and perhaps two hearts, plus other anomalies. A supernatural ability which certain aliens possess is the ability to change their form or appearance at will to resemble Earth racial characteristic. This change is usually made after they come in contact with Earthlings shortly after deplaning. In addition they usually can exhibit superhuman strength as in the case of a registered alien girl who simply lifted a car off two men in a Washington, D. C. accident, while a group of bystanders watched helplessly. Some aliens have four eyes, strangely colored skin, unusually shaped ears, and other oddly shaped appendices. These are all changed to conform to earth appearances. But what is obvious is that their minds and sensory feelings are identical to Earthlings, regardless of body structure.
Education and job qualifications of the arriving aliens are always extraordinary by Earth standards. The newcomers usually end up in a profession and are outstanding in physics, medical research, et cetera. Such cases have helped Earth industries develop plastics, chemical steel industries (hardened steel), fuels and other scientific breakthroughs.
For a time after arrival they are observed taking their nutrition by means of a variety of colored pills and water, distilled water preferred. However, they are soon able to eat small amounts of foods which are typical of the menus in their host country. Once they have passed their physical and the quarantine is ended, the alien is able to move out unobtrusively and vanish into society. (Quarantine is 90 days.)
However, each year they must report their whereabouts to the State Department, which no doubt notifies Immigration.
The United Nations also admits newly arrived aliens and sends them to host countries willing to accept them. In a recent case, Russia accepted six new Earth arrivals, but instead of relocating them in requested job categories, the Soviets placed the aliens in isolation under 24 hour observation. Later the aliens simply vanished, showing up again at the United Nations in New York for re-posting to another country.
Not all aliens may stay, even overnight. A craft of six-legged men with green skin, eyes, hair and teeth, who could not change their appearances, arrived at a Western U.S. military air station in July, 1977 from a planet catalogued by NASA as Eeti. The friendly men called themselves Baahs and said they had been on an expedition for seven Earth years, visiting various planets in the Milky Way. The captain of the Eeti ship was able to make it known they had first touched down in Russia but had been fired on. They decided to try one more Earth landing and by chance, chose the western U.S. airdrome. On alighting they followed the jeep across the tarmac at 45 miles per hour, traveling like centipedes. They could laugh, joke and smile, and indicated the position of their planet on an interstellar map. They said their planet was more advanced socially and technologically than Earth. They were asked to leave and did so promptly.
Sources which do not want to be identified say there are aliens already integrated into the Russian political and scientific societies, but unlike their American, Canadian or French counterparts, none of the aliens inside Russia are known to the Soviet immigration or police. They could be called sleepers and would reveal their true identities only in case of an international war. An unimpeachable source said he was aware of an interstellar bar in Paris which French gendarmes claim is frequented by registered aliens.
Eighteen known aliens live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, and perhaps double that number make the Los Angeles area their temporary home. In all, three interviews were conducted with registered Venusian aliens in Florida.
The friendly earth invasion of these outer terrestrials, mainly from Venus, Pluto and Mars but also our entire solar system, has a purpose. Their objectives supposedly are to mingle into earth's mainstream and report activities to their solar ambassador so that planet Earth may be guided away from the self destruction course on which it is presently veering. If there is a more sinister reason, no one in authority has revealed it to the authors.
Coordinating and determining the direction of extra terrestrials on this planet is one alien. He is the chief representative to Earth of this solar system's governing body. Besides being in constant touch with all governments, his presence is known by the United Nations. As head of the global network of information, he is in daily communications with the Interplanetary Police Net and the Solar Council on Venus.
The name of this warm, friendly non-human is Mr. Estes Plateu. He has been the confidant and friend of Presidents, Kings and statesmen for centuries, but Mr. Plateu not only sat for an artist's drawing of himself (he is not photographable); he also agreed to be interviewed as would any well-known earth celebrity.
To begin, this "illusive phantom” from Planet Venus, as he is referred to around Washington, says he was born in 1228 just a few years after the signing of England's Magna Carta. He began shaping the destiny of America as far back as George Washington's time and has been posted permanently in the American Capitol since 1943 from which he disappears for months at a time, probably to return to his home planet on furlough. Although his body resides in a particular office, on most occasions when he is seen, even by Presidents, he is a three dimensional projection of his true self.
Home planet of Mr. Plateu is claimed to be Venus, but he says Earth was the original habitat of his ancestors who fled just prior to a global catastrophe. Nevertheless, this interloping ambassador who first arrived without credentials stated he is the official representative of his planet where four billion people live within and on the surface of the planet united under one government. Since the Earth's discovery of nuclear energy and its peacetime applications, as well as the negating of the gravity force by a universally understood form of electromagnetic energy, Mr. Plateu says that in the next two decades Earth science and technology will be unbelievable in the service of human progress. But just as earth is about to achieve its goal of a Utopian civilization, it may be set back thousands of years again by another nuclear holocaust, the ambassador forecast. Mr. Plateu described earth as one of the leading planets in science and learning because of its recent achievements, whereas there are many lesser planets with more primitive civilizations.
The question of how to prevent earth from destroying itself is a favorite subject of the Venusian ambassador. As he sat in his office in a high building overlooking the Potomac, Mr. Plateu gazed out at the river for several moments, then turned around.
His pale, blue eyes changed from a trance-like expression to a piercing stare that somehow reflected no arrogance. An oval face with high forehead and long ears gave him a distinguished, philosophical appearance. His hair is still black and no wrinkles show on his face. Here was a being who had talked with all the deceased leaders responsible for involving their nations in World War II, as well as all the American Presidents, including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, but excluding Presidents Coolidge and Harding who refused to hear him out.
Mr. Plateu was first appointed official ambassador to Earth by the present King of Venus on approval by that planet's parliament (but his accreditation has not yet been approved by the U.S. Congress). He officially arrived in 1943 during the last term of President Roosevelt after a preliminary visit to the same President in 1936. The family of Plateu's has long been trained and involved in Earth duties, Mr. Plateu's eldest brother having been advisor to Napoleon when he urged him not to fight the battle of Waterloo. Mr. Plateu reminisced that his father was on Earth at the time of Christ -- and knew him.
This being who came from Venus claims that except for higher spiritual qualities among a segment of their people, Venusians are identical to white Earthlings who wantonly destroyed their civilization 11,500 years ago in an atomic war, bringing about the sinking of the lands in Atlantis and Athenia. (Haammaan, of the Inner World's Agharta, also makes this claim.) Mr. Plateu says that planet Earth is the only one of twelve (not nine) planets within this solar system not belonging to our solar federation of inhabited spheres. (The ambassador recently advised the United States of another inhabited planet located in this solar system and unknown to earth astronomers. Its name is Anarus. It is roughly the same size as Earth or Venus and was discovered according to directions given by the Venusian via electronic telescopic camera at the Washington, D. C. observatory. The new addition is approximately 125,000,000 miles from Earth.) Earth is scheduled to become a full member of the Federation of Planets in this solar system when and if it is united under one world, and only then can the earth representative sit on the councils of the Interplanetary Government, headquartered in Venus, capitol planet in the solar system.
Venusians are not openly connected to every government on earth. But Mr. Plateu considers himself to be the first representative from Venus to Earth who must answer to his King and Parliament and to the Supreme Emperor of the Solar Federation as to what progress Earth is making towards a united world order. His reports to home base and his watchfulness on Earth happenings are critical at this time because of the nuclear precipice on which the nations of the world are poised. Venusian and other solar agents, living incognito in those countries from which they continuously report, keep track of the major nations' war aggravations and intentions, sending the information in code to Washington-based Plateu, who transmits the gathered intelligence constantly to Interplanetary Police Net and to the solar headquarters in Venus for action. Mr. Plateu declined to mention what action would be taken, if any, in case of a nuclear outbreak on earth.
The Ambassador chose America as his past and present headquarters because he says America, made up of a free assembly of diversified races, holds the greatest hope for leading this planet to overall lasting peace and prosperity. But Mr. Plateu's abiding fears are: (1) that Earth is lagging in universal brotherhood, mainly because of Russia's hindrance, and (2) that armament makers are preventing international unity by keeping the various nations veritable armed camps. According to Plateu, the global arms race is engineered through efforts of international forces loyal to no nation. These hidden power structures influence all governments and their military, including those of Soviet Russia and the U.S.A.
Mr. Plateu believes that if a world plebiscite of all people were allowed, it would outlaw war at once and all the instruments and armaments of war. The last war on Venus was fought 3,000 years ago, he declared. Prior to this war Venus had been a highly evolved civilization, the planet's greatness going back countless millenniums. Before the war erupted, international bitterness had burst into violence among certain of the 16 nations of the Solar Federation. One nation had been the most quarrelsome and they instigated the first punitive action. An unnecessary nuclear confrontation broke out. Destruction was colossal. The land was devastated. Major cities were leveled and millions upon millions perished.
But far sighted men beforehand had saved and protected in deep underground caves, tunnels and pyramids vast libraries of learning, chemical formulae and industrial designs. When the survivors came together in truce, the first thing done was to renounce war forever. A new city in a new land became the capital of one nation instead of the former 16 warring members. Like the bird of Phoenix, rising from the ashes of the past, Venus was reborn. Today, said Mr. Plateu, Earth nations are where Venus was just before that global war of self-destruction. The Venusian historian concluded by saying that "while mankind understands the precepts of peace, it is ironic that the self-idolatry of the Earth nations won't let them practice peaceful co-existence."
Venus is entirely free of diseases which kill the people of Earth, including senility which Plateu referred to as a curable disease of aging. By Earth measurements, those living on Venus are considered young at 100 years of age, and are still in their prime up to 300 years old. From three to six hundred years, Venusians are considered middle aged and venerated as senior citizens from one to two thousand years old. Death on Venus is self-willed.
Reminded that Earth's probes of Venus show outside temperatures over 900 degrees Fahrenheit under thick clouds of sulfuric acid that rain on the surface, where pressures are 100 times those of Earth, Plateu suggested that the United Nations appoint a delegation to be taken to Venus to learn the facts. The departing Venusian craft carrying the delegation would leave from any spot so designated by the United Nations before a number of witnesses. Mr. Plateu said that several prominent Earthlings have already spent time on his planet including a well-known Catholic churchman who was there as a 'guest' of that government for three months.
Venus is described as being geologically almost identical to Earth in atmospheric content including the interior. Constant temperatures there are 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Even plant life is similar. Their trees are like Earth's pine, oak, cypress, mahogany, et cetera. But all crops grow more quickly there because of a cleaner air environment.
Venusian family formation is the same as Earth with marriage sanctified. A mother on Venus (where birth control is in effect) has the same great responsibilities as an Earth mother in bringing up a child the way it should grow, says Plateu (himself a father of three sons).
The moral laws of all planets are the same as those on Earth, and they spell out conscious recognition of right and wrong acts in criminal, social and civil obligations, along the line of the Ten Commandments handed down from God through Moses.
In earth's three dimensional world, the visitor said, it is difficult for spiritual qualities to develop in a modern earth person as all values seem to be related to that three dimensional finite life in which earth people have subdued spiritual values. Earthlings must recognize that there is an eternal law of cause and effect that has recognizable relationship to karma or as said by Christ: "You reap what you sow." This law is not only individual, it is family, national and planetary. This truth also concerns one's thoughts. The alien explained:
"The difference between conscious behavioral norms and the subconscious spiritual nature of civilized earthlings is made indistinguishable by modern education taught in schools and universities. Right and wrong actions of a person, regardless of what one is taught, are answerable to a higher power, and a Supreme God has made it so."
On the first interview with Mr. Plateu, he was asked bluntly how Venus expected to help Earth through the efforts of his ambassadorship. He replied succinctly: "Number one priority is to prevent the use of nuclear missiles. Next, to have Earth nations develop into one world government where war is outlawed. Finally, it would follow that other planets in this solar system who are also watching the outcome would share their technology and science with Earth so that it could take its place among other inhabited planets."
Some direct questions and answers follow concerning Plateu's political, religious and philosophical ideas:
Question: Mr. Plateu, secret White House records say that your permanent stay in America began on February 1, 1943 or thereabouts when you visited President Roosevelt. On that occasion you laid out plans for a one world government along the lines of the present United Nations. What exactly did you suggest to President Roosevelt as to how this planet could be governed peacefully by one ruler under the guidance of the solar council?
Answer: When I spoke to President Roosevelt that evening in 1943, he was reminded by me that I had visited him also in 1936 to enlist the friendship of America. I had indeed visited him in 1936 because we could see World War II approaching.
I explained that our people had been visiting earth for many centuries and had also met most of Roosevelt's predecessors in office. It was also explained that I represented the Interplanetary government of this inhabited Universe, of which Earth was the only non-member. Therefore the purpose of my 1943 visit was to invite Earth into our solar confederation of planets, according to my explicit instructions from home.
At first it was incomprehensible for President Roosevelt to accept the fact I could materialize at will and also that other planets in this solar system were inhabited generally only in their interiors -- earth and Venus being two of the exceptions, i.e., surface dwellers as well as interior people. Following a discussion centered on Earth problems, your President was told that other planets in the Universe had been monitoring Earth's emergence from primitive societies for centuries. But the possibility of nuclear war had changed outside surveillance to one of immediate concern that involved bringing planet Earth into the Interplanetary Federation. But I cautioned Mr. Roosevelt that ultimately we would desire total participation of all world governments under one chosen head if earth was to take its place among the interplanetary governments to which I referred. Knowing quite well Mr. Roosevelt's ambition to head such a world government, I emphasized to him that such a world leader would be acceptable only if all personal, selfish ambitions for power were subdued.
It was explained to Roosevelt that all the potential world leaders of major nations had been evaluated and that he had been regarded as an emerging Caesar. I gave no good words for Stalin, and I stated that a cloud hung over Hitler and Germany for the present time. The President was told that the other planets were aware that America led the world in prosperity and industrial output, and that its leadership and respect among all nations would remain undisputed for many years to come.
The President, gaining confidence, asked me to outline my plan for a united world government under a single head. I told him that he was somewhat familiar with the plan already, having learned much of its format from former President Woodrow Wilson, whose proposal for a League of Nations had been rejected by the Legislative leaders. Roosevelt had picked up the germ of a United Nations idea on his Atlantic Ocean crossing with Wilson following the Paris Peace Conference of 1918. Frankly, his political personality changed after that crossing, and he became a dedicated enthusiast of one world government and an advocate of international order among nations.
Quite clearly, Roosevelt had not forgotten Woodrow Wilson's dream of one-world, and was determined to resolve the future peace of mankind, and to use this concept as a cornerstone in any agreement, before committing United States forces to World War II.
A forerunner of the League idea had already been drafted by Roosevelt and it became public knowledge in August, 1941, following his meeting on the high seas with Churchill off Newfoundland. The document was called the Atlantic Charter, the eight clauses of which spoke mainly for the hope of a better post-war world, free of war. The Charter had been Roosevelt's idea, and Prime Minister Churchill, whose country was already at war, and chafing at the bit to defeat the Nazis and their allies, had signed the document in the face of Roosevelt's ace in the hole, Lend Lease, or American Aid to a needy and struggling Britain, fighting alone.
Significantly, Roosevelt had won Churchill over to all the clauses without any remonstrance except those clauses which opted for restoration of sovereign rights to all countries which Churchill considered would thus return the world back to its former position of quarreling nations.
Plateu continued: “I could sense the future record of the post-war United Nations, and I reminded Roosevelt that the concept would fail unless the member countries of a united world order were to totally yield their individual sovereignties to the President of such an order. I stated that the other member planets had already placed each of their sovereign nations under one such ruler.
This then became the heart of the idea which I addressed to Roosevelt. One ruler of the entire world, with that ruler voting in proxy on all controversies of nationalism, law, religion, infinitum. Would such a Utopia be feasible? That was the idea I left with President Roosevelt.”
Before Mr. Plateu was asked the question of a one-world government, the authors had researched the White House records and verified the findings, locating various references on the dream of President Roosevelt to become leader of a new collective body of nations following World War II.
As the Venusian was about to leave the White House that evening in 1943, the President's actions are described as follows:
President Roosevelt wheeled his chair to the door to allow the visitor to leave in a conventional way, but the stranger simply dematerialized while in the room. The President of the United States, never to be the same again, was once more alone. The record of that traumatic experience has remained virtually unknown by the general public.
Finally the President returned to his desk. Not entirely certain of the reality of the experience of which he had just been part and the actuality of the conversation, he hurriedly made notes of the visitor’s remarks: “...from ancient times before it existed, the United States was destined to become a nation and a leader of the world. This unborn nation had to acquire a new land away from the national and racial conflicts of Europe. The original inhabitants of the continent (the so called Indians) were permitted to be pushed aside and make room to allow America to become a reality.”
Other scribblings he transferred to paper were simply called THEIR PLAN FOR THE WORLD. Attributed to the man who called himself a space emissary were the following notes which are paraphrased here but in the same context in which President Roosevelt recalled the conversation. The notes began: "All the divergent politics, cultures and religions of the earth would become 'one world’.”
All armies would be mustered out of existence, their soldiers dismissed and their armour broken up and melted down, as in Tennyson's poem "when men shall beat their swords into ploughshares." A small international police force would act as a judiciary body in the case of national disputes, and direct police action would be taken when and if the adherents to a dispute took bilateral punitive action among themselves.
Monies from the war chests would be diverted to education, various capital improvements (some of which were named), medical research, etc. Unemployment would be banished by new work projects and new inventions (he talked about the peaceful uses of the atom). College admissions would be by merit only. Tests for non-college caliber students would direct them into areas where their special skills would be fully utilized.
Plateu's plan touched all facets of society. Juvenile delinquency was to be educated out of existence, making reform schools and prisons obsolete. Assuming that human nature was still criminally inclined, special schools were proposed where the “social abnormalities" found in offenders would be corrected in less than a half year at the maximum. In the case of direct criminal action, the offender would be sent to a correctional hospital where the ingrown deviation would be eradicated before being returned to society. Incurables would be sent by the authorities to isolated regions where they would live normal lives apart from society.
That synopsis of Roosevelt's recollections was the nucleus of the Utopia for earth which the spaceman had conveyed. The proposed Utopia did not propose a cure or a change of men's hearts but indicated a disciplined use of education and force.
On that night of the 1943 presidential visit, Plateu had stayed approximately one hour and forty-five minutes. In that brief span of time he had appeared from an unknown dimension in space and time, and had revealed a profound understanding of the inner drive and character of Earthling Franklin Delano Roosevelt, both as a human and also as a leader. The visitor had plumbed the deep reservoir of Roosevelt's psyche, which Roosevelt, the man, may never have fathomed himself.
Looking out the window before returning to his desk to make notes, Roosevelt was glad the mystic ordeal was over and that everything in nature again seemed real as he knew it.
However, to this 32nd President of the U.S.A., the visitor would return again and again.
But in the ensuing alien visits one graphic statement of his intentions would be remembered by President Roosevelt. "Our numbers in your country will increase. Do not be alarmed. This is not an ominous threat. If we are received well, our future presence may be a blessing that the U.S. and the whole world can share."
Mr. Plateu admits that in this decade the present United Nations, from which a future world leader would be expected to arise, is not working for the good of mankind nor as an instrument of peace. The reason given by the Venusian is the deviousness of many of the representative nations in the U.N. who vote on issues according to their own power block considerations and not for the good of the world in general. He added that the present U.N. in its political alignment is a vehicle of mistrust among the representative countries rather than a base of mutual trust.
President Woodrow Wilson of the U.S.A., who was tutored on the idea of a league of nations by Plateu, is described by the Venusian as "that world statesman who arrived ahead of his time." During their meeting, Plateu told President Wilson that it would take another war (World War II) for earth people to realize that peace should again be attempted on an international basis -- but that a third world war would erupt before war itself would be outlawed and a united world order instituted. When asked, Mr. Plateu refused to comment with precision on the certainty of another world war in this century or the time lapse thereafter heralding the beginning of a peaceful planet, united under one world government. Mr. Plateu was asked whether his remarks at this juncture were prophesy or assumption. He replied, "I see the future over the horizon but I can't change it; it is destined to be. The next war will be between the forces of good and evil or God and Anti-God. Good will triumph and lasting peace will come to this planet. When war is no more, the symbol of the ruling Christ will eventually replace hate in the hearts of men and peace will reign forever. Out of the ruins of the next war the remnants of mankind will form the nucleus of a new world."
Question: Mr. Plateu, may we ask you what part religion as presently practiced on earth will play in this new age that has come upon us? Earlier you said a global government would be ideal to stop nations from warring and that we should use our human and natural resources for peaceful purposes. How could organized religion help in this utopian dream?
Answer: I have not been involved directly in the religious visitations of our extra terrestrials to your church leaders, which visits have been taking place since 1944. But I am well aware that church leaders have been visited by us on a regular basis with one message -- peace. We have been preaching peace to Earth's leading clerics and believe that church and state should work more closely to that end.
In the last year of Pope Paul VI's reign he had drawn up an encyclical letter stating that people should expect Christ to return to Earth as a conquering Lord to establish permanent peace. Such an epistle was not well received by many Catholic Cardinals. The last Christian Pope, John Paul I, also went on record that Christ's return is anticipated.
Before John Paul I became Pope, the authors had submitted several questions about his spiritual beliefs which he answered. He said that the Catholic church must be reborn doctrinally and that latter-day revealed truth might become a divisive factor among Catholics, even splitting the church because of its historic, doctrinal errors.
Pope John Paul I believed that all Christians should remember that the apostolic fundamentals were still unchanged -- Christ's Virgin Birth, His atonement for mankind separated from God, defeat over death and bodily resurrection -- along with His promised return to Earth as Lord and ruler.
The late Pope also acknowledged that Christ's love and teaching were meaningless in this permissive society if ethical and moral standards continued to be ignored.
Our final interview with Mr. Estes Plateu, Ambassador from Venus, was extensive, but only this brief account is reproduced here.
One of the face-to-face talks took place Sunday, March 19, 1977, in a small vacation lodge located in the woods of West Virginia about 60 miles from Winchester. (Other telephone conversations were held as late as December, 1978).
No journalist had previously interviewed Mr. Plateu. His office is guarded around the clock by two government agencies including Air Force Intelligence. This imposed guardianship prevents the Ambassador from moving freely about. Often, therefore, when he must be at another location where he does not want his Earth guards to observe him, he leaves his body by projection (which he says he can teach others to do) and visits those principals to whom he secretly wants to confide or deliver a message.
American intelligence sources apply no ulterior motives to Plateu's frequent, unannounced materializations before Presidents and senior government officials and even sitting committees. But they say his astral interruptions are sometimes meddlesome. Churchill ordered Plateu out of his office and when he wouldn't depart, Churchill struck out at him, but met only air. Churchill then asked Edgerton Sykes, the famous English psychic for an exorcism and Sykes supplied the means. The next time Plateu visited Churchill without invitation, the Prime Minister, following Sykes' advice, held up a two barred Druid cross which legend says came originally from Venus. The cross was pure gold except for the lower, shorter cross bar which was silver. As Churchill held the cross before the projection of Mr. Plateu, the Englishman said, "Depart from me, thou intruder!" In deference to the holy artifact, the Venusian took his leave without further conversation. King Haakkuuss, the Third, of Bodland also encountered Plateu in astral projection when the Venusian appeared in the Bodland royal palace. King Haakkuuss, himself adept in astral projection which he seldom uses, told Plateu never to return except in flesh and blood, using the traditional forms of inquiry to get an audience with him. Then King Haakkuuss went into that etheric dimension practised by Plateu and escorted the visitor back to his space ship where his body had remained.
In an historical sense, according to Mr. Plateu, he had observed the development of our world, continuously and in greater depth, than perhaps any other living being alive today. From the time of Christ, and particularly since the Middle Ages to the present, great events of political and religious importance which occurred on Earth are known by him. Perhaps, this book will be the forerunner of ensuing revelations as to what influence interstellar beings have exerted on world leaders since human Earth time began and also inspire others to come forward and shed further light on outer terrestrial purposes toward Earthlings.
As the final interview with Mr. Plateu ended, we asked if he would give a parting word to mankind.
"Yes," he replied. "I could frame my remarks around one word. That word is listen!"
"Listen, Earth nations! Unite peacefully before sudden nuclear war makes it too late to listen!"
The genius of this stranger of non-Earthling origin cannot be probed in this introductory chapter on his involved sojourn on this planet.A When the government of America and sources within the United Nations are undivided as to the announcement of his presence, or that of his successor, complete information as to why the Venusians are monitoring the affairs of this planet could be made known. Then this world may understand how the other orbital civilizations in our solar system are attempting to shape our destiny here and perhaps in the hereafter for good or evil.
Chapter XVIII
A Day to Remember on Planet Earth
The following urgent and secret message was delivered in October, 1977, by the Russian Air Attaché
in Washington through diplomatic channels to the Commanding General of the U.S. Air
Force. Subject: Alien base
Place: Siberia, above Arctic circle
Date: October 23, 1977
The narrative is paraphrased as follows but changed to third person context with actual names and places omitted.
Official Soviet awareness of a secret, extra-terrestrial base was first confirmed on October, 1977, when an Eskimo appeared at a military outpost.
The lone Siberian Eskimo had watched the yellow lights for many nights as they hovered near a high rocky bluff several miles distance from his camp. The lights didn't belong there, and they bothered him. Finally he set out on foot to investigate the curiosity.
It was almost a month later when the Eskimo decided to tell authorities what he had seen. He headed for a Russian outpost north of the Arctic circle and reported to the commandant unusual aerial lights that issued from and disappeared into the side of a rocky bluff near his camp. And he also reported something that frightened him and his friends more than the silent aircraft. It was the unheard of appearance of huge, eight feet high, grey furred creatures that walked on two legs and left three-toed huge footprints in the snow.
The alert Russian commander surmised extra-terrestrial activity in the area and called for help. Acting on the outpost evaluation of the Eskimo's report, 3,500 arctic troops were moved quickly into the area by rail, parachute and tracked vehicles. Within a week a field station was set up, and the Arctic troops equipped with artillery and automatic weapons surrounded the rocky bluff which the Eskimo had pinpointed. The Eskimo scout who accompanied the troops then pointed to a particular area in the side of the rocky bluff. Artillery zeroed in on the target area and began shelling. What was thought to be a rock and clay hillside fell inwards exposing a 40 foot square opening leading into a black interior.
Troops moved in on signal and the artillery landed another salvo inside the exposed cavern.
Suddenly the interior lit up and amidst small arms and shell fire, three scallop-like craft issued from the opening and went straight upward. Troops rushed the cave and poured inside. The hollow was empty aside from a work bench and special tools, and other significant evidence of the recent alien occupation was sparse. However, geiger counters picked up strong indications of radioactivity.
As the alien space ships sped away they showed their parting contempt for the earthlings who had ousted them from their cavern. What Russian science termed a black ray was beamed down on the ground troops and the temporary buildings. In a moment of time up to 1,000 superbly trained troops were dead and their bivouacs destroyed. The Russian commander called his base for relief troops.
As the alien ships disappeared, other Russian forces closed the net of a larger perimeter surrounding the cave. Advance troops began reporting huge, furry, green-eyed monsters stalking them from the shadows. One front line soldier was grabbed by a snarling creature and hurled 20 feet. The soldier, his weapon still in his hands, recovered and pumped bullets into the creature, advancing for the kill. While the bullets bounced off the creature's hide, a second soldier, knife in hand, rushed the three-toed Yeti. The soldier thrust the blade into the creature's side and it broke away screaming in a trail of blood that led into a nearby cave. Troops followed the groans into the interior, but the body was never found.
Using animal nets, the Arctic troops captured 20 live Yetis. These were taken to a former exile concentration camp and each placed in separate human stockades. One of the Yeti was over nine feet tall. But that night the unexpected happened. Guards reported that one moment the creatures were securely in the cages and the next moment they all had vanished. What remained was a sulphurous odour. Next morning the guards responsible for watching the stockade were shot.
But before the first day's battle was over, the Russians sent out an international warning. From Moscow over the hot line to Washington a priority message was sent: "Formation of three hostile UFO's on southeasterly course headed for vicinity of Alaska. Complete text follows."
As the Russian signal was received, American and Canadian radar stations began tracking the alien ships. Eventually the bogeys were seen moving across the United States into the vicinity of a National Forest preserve surrounding Brooksville and Ocala, Florida, where they were lost.
In 48 hours after the Russian attack on the unknown alien ship, the Russian Air Attaché delivered a comprehensive account of the episode to a liaison officer at the State Department for delivery to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. Ultimately the Russian account reached the Commanding General of the U.S. Air Force.
Meanwhile, the search for the alien ships took an unexpected turn as the Ocala area in Florida became host to some strange visitors. Ocala, Florida is a town of about 35,000 population located near Route 1-75 on the edge of the National Forest. Strangers are generally noticed and there was no exception when an old Chevrolet 176 with a Marion County license plate pulled up to a gas station in late October for a fill up. In the car were four passengers. The driver got out and paid for the gas in cash. As the attendant made change, he noticed that the driver, without the aid of sun glasses, stared intensely into the direct sunlight for several seconds and then remarked, "Isn't that sun beautiful?" The attendant sized up the thin stranger. About six feet tall; long, yellow hair; cold blue eyes; pointed features and sharp finger nails, each coming to a point somewhat like a claw. The attendant then watched the stranger go to the car's gas tank and pour in liquid from a small bottle. The liquid smelled different from that of the petrochemical additives with which the attendant was familiar. He also noted that the men addressed each other in quick snarl-like sounds.
When the old Chevrolet moved off the attendant phoned the local sheriff who logged the following note: “Informant insists he just had a bunch of funny doers, funny lookers and funny talkers down here.”
Acting on other similar phone calls over the next week, the Ocala sheriff called McDill Air Force Base in Tampa from which three trained observers were sent out to watch the area. Around the Ocala, Brooksville area a sudden increase was reported of a different strain of Yeti activity -- not the five-toed creatures familiar in the area, but three-toed ones. A sheriff's posse located the creatures northwest of Brooksville. If the Russian episode were to be repeated here in Florida, the three-toed Yetis would be clues to the whereabouts of the alien space ships.
After the posse report had been filed, the Brooksville area became the immediate focal point for a series of army maneuvers into the National Forest. Field Commander in charge of the operation was Marine Major General Peter K. Miller.
Tactical response for all U.S. national emergencies is under the jurisdiction of Readiness Command, who had called for army maneuvers to begin at once on orders of the President. Again, it was a local incident that resulted in a more intensified search being ordered. The incident which follows was nearly tragic.
A reconnaissance team of soldiers in the Brooksville area had followed a trail off a secondary road into a treed area. Up ahead they suddenly heard a girl's scream -- then the neighing of a frightened horse. Speeding up their jeep, they emerged in a clearing where they saw a young girl on horseback being brought down by three grayish-brown, eight foot creatures uttering vicious snarls as they grabbed at the balking horse and captive rider.
The jeep halted and the soldiers fired at the creatures. All three fell. Quickly the men ran over to the girl who had gone from hysterics into shock. They calmed the frightened horse and called for medics and an ambulance.
At nearby Gainesville Medical Center the unidentified girl was treated for the nightmarish ordeal and several days later released. The horse was longer recovering; it too had been sent to Gainesville for observation.
The U.S. Air Force was now actively aware that the appearances of the "monsters" in the Brooksville area was coincident with a 90% probable UFO presence. Readiness Command headquarters had been moved into the National Forest and a quiet soldierly penetration proceeded to scour the extensive caves for which the area was well-known.
Besides shooting the three creatures which had attacked the horse and its female rider, the soldiers (armed with special ammunition) came upon and killed more Yeti in self-defense, capturing two.
From reports of the patrols coming into the field headquarters of Readiness Command it was concluded that they now were about to uncover the alien hideout in that part of the forest. Continuous contact was maintained with Readiness Command, who in turn kept the Joint Chiefs of Staff informed.
Army patrols probed further into the cavern area. In the second week of November they came upon a site which instruments indicated was a cavernous interior with radioactive readings on the surface. Perfectly camouflaged as it was, the soldiers were sure it was the lair of the aliens.
Readiness Command was prepared for such a situation. On the night of November 23, 1977, a space ship from Interplanetary Police Net landed at McDill Air Base and left an occupant -- a Venusian. Washington had requested that an expert be sent whose experience could aid in identifying the alien space craft which perhaps operated from a hidden base located in the National Forest 23 miles northwest of Brooksville.
The Venusian language expert was ready when on the same night another space craft identified only as North American also landed at McDill. There was hyper expectation among the various chain of command at McDill and in the National Forest Preserve as the military men waited for a potentially explosive development.
In the nearby town of Ocala tense foreign visitors were arriving. At the Holiday Inn a Venusian language expert waited. He was from Plateu's unofficial Washington Embassy and had been brought here because he had mastered the Nagirth language, in the event a Nagirth alien was captured. At another Ocala motel two Soviet Air Attaches from the Russian Embassy waited with a standby American jeep and driver.
At Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, Plateu's private magnetic powered space craft stood in readiness to transport their chief to the Ocala area. A private air strip in the vicinity of Brooksville had been taken over for that and any other eventuality.
And during the night of November 23 or on the morning of the 24th, President Carter was told to expect a call if alien contact were made.
Dawn of November 24, 1977 gradually broke over the National Forest site where the alien hideout was pinpointed by Readiness Command. American soldiers who were quietly dug in around the area looked up at first light to see a new visitor in the sky. It was a saucer-like craft hovering silently and unmoving at 3,000 feet above the supposed entrance to a cave. The haze lifted and the sun broke out. The birds began to stir.
The radio exchange of Readiness Command (which draws emergency personnel from the combined services), McDill Air Field, the Pentagon and the Secretary of Defense had been operating jointly during the last 72 hours. Especially anxious were the Joint Chiefs of Staff whose departments had endeavored for several days to identify the source of the interloping alien craft which had fled Siberia for another of their prepared bases in Florida.
Eye witness ground accounts and aerial sightings had now substantiated the origin of the aliens in the forest hideout. In brief, collective evidence indicated they were from planet Nagirth. Nagirth is described by NASA and two observatory officials as being a "wandering planet" which has been under intensified observation by various world astronomers during the mid 1970's.
Successive Apollo moon missions in the 1960's continued to observe Nagirth while it was on the far side of the sun. A new type of laser photograph operated from the moon made determinations as to the planet's structure and content. Follow up tracking devices on a moon observation site established in 1974-75 by Canada and the U.S.A. clearly showed Nagirth's projected orbit. Acting on this scientific evidence, the United States and Canada, with the direct advice and aid of Venus, began to harness their scientific brains and technology to meet the challenge when it came.
The planet is two and a half times the size of earth; it turns on its axis every 26 days; is hollow but its specific gravity, notwithstanding its larger size, is at least 2.5 times weaker than that of planet earth.
To understand the nature of our own planet's normal magnetic field as it relates to Nagirth, Dr. H. Babcock, retired director of Mount Wilson and Mount Palomar Observatories, was contacted for an explanation of Earth magnetic characteristics.
Of course it is Earth's strong magnetic field which keeps the planet in a steady orbit. Dr. Babcock says "the strongest point of Earth's magnetic force field is located at the equator, around the planet's bulge, where the magnetic force pull extends up 114 miles. At the poles the pull is only 14 miles. The Earth's true magnetic South Pole is positively charged and from it a strong magnetic line goes out to the Sun, returning to Earth through the true North negatively charged Pole. The principle is identical to the method by which automobile batteries and the like produce a current of electricity.”
The above description refers to Earth under normal astral conditions which have resulted in our relatively unchanging seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter for countless eons. For without the sun there would be no seasons and no life. Earth would simply be a giant iceberg. Furthermore, it is Earth's atmosphere which completes the cycle by turning the sun's magnetic rays into heat.
Then came Nagirth into Earth's orbit about 20 years ago for the eighth recorded time in the last million years. The random planet immediately began interfering with the Earth and Sun force field. The magnetic line running between Earth and Sun became broken at times by Nagirth's intrusion with predictable interference.
Huge Nagirth's weak negative force pull therefore has drawn it into smaller Earth's strong magnetic force field with Nagirth thus attaching itself to the pull of the strong Earth. Scientists refer to the condition as "dipping into Earth's orbit,” moving from a reflective interference to a deeper penetration, (about 3 days in every 30) causing at those critical times a partial eclipse of the Sun, and other disturbances.
According to an unidentified physicist at Goddard Center, their instruments charting the flow of natural electric waves through Earth's north and south magnetic lines since the arrival of Nagirth indicate a terrific power drain as if power was being drained from the entire Earth. Just as a power station takes electric current from the Earth via the station's turbines, Nagirth seems to be constantly drawing power from the Sun/Earth force field. It has been noted that extra heavy power is drained from Earth during a severe snow storm or hurricane, these weather disturbances being created either intentionally by the inhabitants of Nagirth or unintentionally by its mere presence.
Regardless of the explanation, summers over the last several years gradually became hotter and winters increasingly colder, and by the mid-70's the scientific world knew for certain what would be the outcome of Nagirth's intrusion. In America, the first pronounced adverse changes in winter occurred in Buffalo, New York during 1977 and also in Cincinnati, Ohio. Other areas are expected to be similarly affected. Throughout the continent by the mid 70's (as in northern Europe), unseasonable weather patterns also changed immeasurably by creating abnormal rain falls and subsequent floodings as well as hurricanes and tornadoes. The seasons in the entire northern temperate world climates were undergoing change.
The world of science says Nagirth has interrupted Earth's weather seven times already in the last million years. This wandering planet last appeared over Europe in 1456, in a brief by-pass orbit, and was called "Haley's Comet" and described as having a tail 60 miles long. The "comet" was excommunicated by Pope Calixtus the Third and according to Roman history co-incidentally disappeared, leaving a terrified populace in its wake.
But in this century the Nagirth menace has become more serious in its blockade of the Sun/Earth force field. America's sister nation Canada has an orbiting Space Probe called COSP watching Nagirth. The Japanese and Russia's Academy of Sciences in 1980 is working closely with the U.S.A. Goddard 180 Center and its Canadian counterpart watch Nagirth 24 hours daily and exchange information hourly.
Thus, as power crazed egomaniacs create religious and political strife throughout the world, the real issue in the coming 80's has become the deflection of an inhabited alien planet named Nagirth (also called Naggarith).
How are we harnessing our scientific brain power to prevent a lumbering giant of a weak planet from destroying much of Earth by the mere presence of its shadow or eclipse of the Sun? Primarily, the U.S. has a telescopic eye in the sky name OSO, (Orbiting Solar Observatory), relaying electronic messages to the Goddard Center. In addition there are other special function satellites monitoring Nagirth, the major one of which is Skylab, put up into orbit in 1965. (It was conceived by the late Robert Goddard after a discussion with Jonathon E. Caldwell in 1958.) There is also a combined Canadian/American manned planetarium and data center located on the moon since 1974 studying Nagirth closely.
But of greatest interest to this book is a telescopic eye which is a 40 inch electronic telescopic mirror suspended from a double bag space balloon 15 miles in the stratosphere. Because of the position above Earth clouds and atmospheric impurities, this 40 inch telescope has the power of the 200 inch one at Mount Palomar. The 24 foot long, suspended telescope continuously travels with the sun, circling the earth every 24 hours. The intricate scope is operated by remote control from Goddard Center where viewing screens are monitored continuously. Also thousands of radio signals are beamed down to eight receiver stations set up around the globe, with these computerized readouts discussed and forwarded to the Goddard Center for action.
The big telescopes in California, including the 200-inch Hale telescope at Mount Palomar and the 100-inch mirror on top of Mount Wilson, (both built under the direction of Dr. George Ellery Hale, astrophysicist who first mapped the Milky Way in the 20's) also operate in conjunction with Goddard. It was through the Hale telescope at Mt. Palomar under Dr. Babcock when six hours each day were spent studying Nagirth as it approached Earth, and it was this cataloguing of the intruder that first brought the phenomenon to world attention. Mount Palomar has its own electric space probe which takes X-ray photos of Nagirth and transmits the finished pictures onto the Hale telescope and into data computers.
The Mount Palomar telescope has detected life on the blue planet Nagirth as have Russian telescopic sightings. While Earth viewed from outer space is pale blue with a mixture of pinks, Nagirth is a dark blue with no change in color, which color density makes it difficult to view well except by the 200 inch Hale telescope at Mount Palomar that yields amazingly close-up pictures and slight color variations even within the dark blue.
A manned rocket fired from Cape Kennedy was turned back by either a man-made or natural force when it neared the blue planet, making astronomers believe that a civilization on or in Nagirth is closely monitoring Earth by telescopic methods as well as by manned probes. Unconfirmed reports say Earth 181 space craft (American) have flown around Nagirth and verified its Earth watching activity.
To prove that Nagirth is occupied by highly intelligent beings, a strange space ship 90 feet in diameter was seen hovering over Mount Palomar in 1976. It had sent a telepathic message down saying, "We mean no harm." The big scope watched the ship and even observed a face and form peering out of a port hole, when suddenly it took off at incalculable speed. A few days later Mount Palomar astronomers believe they saw the same ship in the Nagirth environs. (That picture taken by the Hale telescope is included in the appendix.)
With the alien blue planet causing climatic interference, scientists at Princeton, Harvard and other centers connected with the research state unofficially that unless earth prevents further interference and dislodges Nagirth from the earth's magnetic field, another full ice age lasting from 20 to 100 years is in store for the northern hemisphere, which in North America would stretch down to about the 35th parallel where the northern state line of North Carolina meets Virginia. Meanwhile, winters will become increasingly severe-with greater amounts of snowfall in those areas above the future ice line. Already Arctic waters have been frozen over for the last four summers, which have been ice free in July and August since data was first recorded. Extreme temperature changes have occurred in the northwest Pacific, the spawning place of some major North American weather patterns. Associated with these changes, cold Arctic air masses are pushing the east-to-west jet stream further south, allowing cold air to be shoved further southwards into hitherto temperate areas. At the same time, Pacific air riding the jet stream is being transported to the Great Lake areas, carrying with it heavy precipitation from two hot Pacific spots. Modifying waters of the Great Lakes are causing winter precipitation in the form of snow to nearby, particularly southerly, communities. Valleys and watersheds each year will continue to move this freezing air further southward. After the buildup of unprecedented winter snows, heavy spring thaws will occur and summer weather patterns will also be altered. Below the present snow belt, a rainy weather pattern will prevail for several years.
Historically, Nagirth has already come into the Venus orbit in this century causing much alarm to the citizens of that planet. Techniques which the Venusians developed along with help from Pluto succeeded in creating a reverse magnetic force which shoved the blue planet out of the Venus orbital attraction. Nagirth, because of its low center of gravity, has been roaming around the Milky Way for untold eons of time unable to attach itself to any particular constellation and remain there permanently, as did earth's moon in times past.
A special government "Committee for future planning" is now developing plans to protect and even cover, with plastic domes, those cities to be most severely affected. Rail lines will also be covered. The Russians already have made plans to cover Leningrad and Moscow. Although the northern weather patterns will become more severe, regardless, a gigantic scientific effort is already in progress to reverse the new freeze trend. A technique has been developed by American research with the aid of advisors from Venus and Pluto to prevent Nagirth from getting closer as did the Venusians. Authorities are confident of success.
Three methods to move the planet Nagirth from further endangering Earth's solar orbit are now being used which proved effective when Venus experienced a Nagirth intrusion. These projects are located at Earth's polar regions, a similar one is functioning on the moon and the third method will involve 12 antigravity orbital reactors sent sunward to the proximity of Nagirth to stop it from creating an eclipse between earth and the sun. Four of these anti-gravity orbital reactors are already in space. The function of all three methods, whether space orbital reactors or static stations on the moon and earth, is to create in specific areas powerful reverse magnetic forces to repulse Nagirth, keeping in mind that earth's own rotation and orbit must remain unaffected.
General Electric International (Geo Physics Division of California) is building the stations with help from Stanford University scientists.
Harvard and Princeton Universities and Carleton, a Canadian one, are working with the Baffin Island anti-gravity station and another site located on the tip of southern Argentina.
As work proceeds in building the new installations to repel Nagirth, the existing Arctic glacial regions are being watched and sampled down to bed rock by Dr. George C. Martin and his meteorology department. And ice insulation (industrial soot) is being dropped in wide areas of the north to ret ard further buildup of ice.
Officially, no one in a."responsible" position will admit (or to be explicit, is not allowed to admit) that Nagirth exists or is a threat to Earth's temperate zone climate. Such a commentator is Richard E. Hallgreen, Director of National Weather Services, who in the December 2, 1979 issue of the Family Weekly insert section of the St. Petersburg Times was asked the question "What is the reason for our last two bitterly cold winters?" Hallgreen's reply as it appeared in that newspaper was: "Two consecutive cold winters are not an indication that we are on the threshold of a modern ice age -- only that the weather is variable. Then the Director of the National Weather Service added, "An Ice age is brought about by a gradual cooling over a period of thousands of years.”
Double talk, with with no mention of the real cause – Nagirth.
But is there a survival reality which ordinary people should be told? And at what time or period should word be released of an unforeseen planetary change because of which all the science and technology of modern man is being harnessed to prevent? Dr. Babcock had this to say about the world's future weather concerns. "It's only a matter of time before everyone knows the problems and how we are attempting to keep the status quo of our present climate relatively unchanged. But the mysteries of the universe are so great that what happens to Earth must be part of God's master plan for a better world. The Supreme Creator is still in control, even if it seems a planetary accident has taken place.”
How many inhabitants live on Nagirth is unknown. We know little about them except they are desperate beings whose planet (because of its weak gravity force) has been at the captive mercy of one solar system after another for perhaps millions of years. Its people, therefore, may be cunning as they endeavor to locate in scattered hideouts throughout earth. To date no one is sure what they are trying to do on earth, i.e., whether random Nagirthians are trying to establish advance colonies on earth, with or without their own planet's approval, or whether the cavern outposts already discovered were intended to be spy pockets in case of a coming war.
At daybreak of November 24, 1977, the combined military emergency forces of the United States of America stood waiting on the ground and in the air for the entrenched aliens from a hostile planet to show themselves. The sun rose higher and it was 10 o'clock in the morning when the landscape below the American saucer craft began to change also. A section of brush and grass on the side of the hill disappeared. In its place was a yawning square block void. And from the abyss a bright light took the place of darkness. Not a ground soldier stirred.
Suddenly, an object floated horizontally from the cave, and clothed in a bright yellow ball, it shot up at a right angle. It was only a matter of seconds till the object stopped abruptly at the 3,000 foot level.
As it sat in mid air, an invisible plastic-like blister on one side of its leading edge slowly turned and scanned the first object hovering silently about 400 feet away. The first object sat unchallenging like a toad.
Perhaps for a minute the alien ship from Nagirth surveyed its first encounter with a saucer-like craft from its unwelcoming host planet Earth. As they sat immobile, a dozen Earth nations waited fearfully for the outcome. On this moment there rested the fate of this planet in the words that had haunted the military since 1936. "If a hostile alien force ever lands, intent on conquering earth and subduing its people -- how could we protect ourselves?'! Only 40 years had been given Anglo/American inventive genius and its military before the day of reckoning had arrived.
In the alien ship the same beings who had walked the streets of sleepy Ocala calculated the airborne vehicle nearby. Like two giant bugs the ships seemed to stare unblinking at each other.
They would not see it from the ground. But the same black ray that had obliterated the Russian soldiers and their equipment three weeks before was to come into use again. Were it to have been seen, it would have been a pencil-thin flash as the ray found its mark on the American craft. Suddenly the ray shot out. There was a pause. Then another burst of destruction was discharged -- a force that could cut a hole through a battleship or tank. Finally, the alien ship delivered another flash of laser light. The American craft seemed to tilt ever so slightly, as a million volts of concentrated energy and heat struck her.
Then, without warning, from an indistinguishable spot on the American ship, a red ray silently spat like a viper's tongue. The alien ship wobbled and began slowly to skip and tumble. As it spiraled down, the American object moved beside the alien craft as if to kill, but still in self defense.
A holding beam held the alien craft aloft and slowed its descent to the ground. The alerted ground troops watched as capturer and captive moved off towards a nearby airfield. As the two craft left the scene, two more alien vehicles shot up from the cave. Without stopping to survey the aerial disaster, they disappeared to the southeast. A Puerto Rican tracking station a few minutes later reported their flight towards the continent of Africa.
Even before the alien craft had been air shuttled to the nearby landing area, President Carter was notified. His first words are said to have been: "Thank God! From now on we know we have an equal chance to protect ourselves from any enemy invasion of the U.S.A. whether from Earth or beyond."
The alien craft fell on the airfield with a bang that residents heard for miles around. Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs cordoned off all roads into the area of the confrontation. As the alien craft, still intact, slammed into the earth that November 24, a low-boy swung out of McDill Air Force Base at Tampa and headed north. On the way back to the base, onlookers thought the tarpaulin covered contraption seen sticking out over the low-boy may have been a high ranking officer's sail boat, being towed south at taxpayers expense.
At McDill, the machine was dismantled that same night. Inside were three charred bodies.
The next morning, across the world to Russia, Germany, England, Canada, France, Italy, plus several African countries, a message went out from America that a hostile extra-terrestrial ship from another planet had been confronted and destroyed over American territory. By mid morning, the U.S. Air Force was preparing detailed information on the alien craft and the word was spread among earth nations.
Deep in the center of the earth, New Germany received the news as did the other old races in the interior. And in earth skies and on the ground, multi-national crews belonging to hundreds of magnetic space craft gave a silent cheer on behalf of the Ocala confrontation.
In Hellitoogg, the capital city of earth's sister planet Venus, over forty million miles away, a high ranking statesman departed in person for a new structure in the heart of the city. Above the doorway as he entered, he read the name in English and Venusian, “United Nations Embassy Planet Earth.” On the roof there flew two flags, the United Nations of Earth and the United States of America. Inside the premises staffed by 20 Americans the Venusian statesman was ushered into the office of the Earth's resident Ambassador.
His first words were, "Mr. Ambassador, I have been sent by our head of state to tell of the news flashing throughout the solar empire. Your country, on behalf of its world, has destroyed an invader from an alien planet."
The anonymous American stood up and thanked the bearer of the news.
Chapter XIX
Strangers in Our Skies
Who are the strangers in world skies? From where do they all come from? What is their purpose in spying on Earth? And finally, are they hostile? The truth is there were over 7,000 sightings of strange craft of unknown origin intercepted and plotted by Earth radar installations in 1978. Frankly, like the U.S. Air Force, the authors who reviewed many sightings must humbly admit that they too are none the wiser as to the purpose of alien surveillance. But perhaps some readers of this book may lend their knowledge in solving the problem. The U.S. Air Force for one, as well as its Russian and German and French counterparts, are open to suggestion.
To understand the reason for the nose to nose confrontations of alien spacecraft from distant galaxies, it should be explained that the U.S. Security Council and its Canadian and British counterparts have the following policy: "Confront the strange craft. Try to communicate. Make radar shape identification and take high speed photos. Do not take hostile action unless fired upon." The Soviet injunction to its bases is "fire on the alien violators over Russian air space." As to which is correct is not our concern, but of immediate interest is the manner in which the North American Defense responds to the intruders.
Although there are many unknown sightings, the U.S. Air Force usually acts when alerted by radar systems or when public reports are consistent, or if the alien craft shows signs of creating fear or panic in the area over which it is dallying or studying Earth. The order to intercept is issued from Washington and generally involves one or two American round wing planes which first endeavor to establish communication with the alien ship. Of course, there exists a master plan for total action if the alien ship becomes hostile, but this master plan for obvious reasons is unknown to the public.
But in confronting specific alien ships and the intelligence of the beings or creatures or whatever flies them, several recent sightings have been declassified and the method used by the U.S. Air Force to distinguish the origin and nature of the craft will be discussed briefly to acquaint the reader with NORAD's attempt to comprehend the riddle of beings scanning Earth from beyond.
Before describing the alien encounters it is important to mention that none of the confrontations were from craft based in this solar system, which is only four billion miles across. Our own interplanetary likenesses always announce their presence and request permission by per-arranged signal before coming into Earth skies. Furthermore, U.S. Air Intelligence has eliminated the possibility that the alien craft are from elsewhere on Earth's surface, its interior, or from the 26 known subterranean cities scattered on the floor of the world's seas. Therefore, it could be assumed that the alien presences are from star systems four to five light years away, such as Prima Centauri, 4.3 light years distant. They could also originate from double star systems like Alpha or Capella -- or even Polaris, the North Star composed of three suns. But at present their origin is only a guess.
The reason for revealing these strange alien presences, arriving in space craft which may be more sophisticated than those of this Earth's own star system, is to say loudly that we must begin to realize that inhabited Earth is not alone in the Universe. It is but a speck among a collection of a dozen grains of sand surrounded by a system of 100 billion or so Suns called the Milky Way. Earth's solar group is said by astronomers to be near the twelve o'clock position in the elongated Milky Way, about one third in from the outer edge. (Diameter is 300,000 light years.) All of the stars which Earth people are able to scan with the naked eye are near this twelve o'clock proximity. Beyond our Milky Way, astronomers estimate, there may be a billion other similar systems. The old question has now become fashionable again! How many of those worlds are inhabited? And from where do the aliens come who likely left their home planet years ago to observe beings like us who dwell in this remote area of the stars.
In sequestered locations across Britain, the U.S.A., Canada, West Germany, Russia and Argentina great scientific minds are trying desperately to decipher the new riddle of where the strangers originate and how to induce them to declare themselves. But aside from additional scientific questions being asked, there are varied ones of more interest to the average layman. Do the strangers have an inherent or learned psychic ability to probe our minds? Do they recognize our fears, our conflicts? Do they think we're different mentally than they? How do they regard us on their mind scale? Or did we bring them here by our warlike history that now finds us on the brink of nuclear oblivion?
Whatever the reasons, the sky strangers know instinctively that we are different than they. Otherwise,why do the violators of our skies stare down our chimneys, watch our teeming masses, no doubt monitor the endless trash on our TV's, which they probably judge to be a facsimile of our true life style.And is it also possible that they are tuned in to the moral decadence which not only our public movies and literature portray but our inmost thoughts send into the ether? The beings could also have a higher purpose than is apparent, connected with unknown coming events of a world wide nature. All who know the facts of outer space surveillance are perplexed but agree on one thing: The arrivals are carefully monitoring this entire solar system. But there are those in officialdom and the military who think it timely to share the fact of the unknown presences with the public. No threats or menaces from the alien ships have been recorded other than those we have described. Here then, are some typical alien arrivals in our skies which a U.S. military source has secretly provided.
A sighting on October 8, 1978 over Key West,
Florida by Navy personnel has been referred to as the largest egg ever seen. It was estimated to be 300 feet long by 150 feet in diameter at its widest part.Contact was eventually made with the aliens in the craft, but they did not cluck, they conversed in whistling sounds. Like other unknowns, the egg craft flew as low as 2,000 feet, and was indifferent to human curiosity. Much of its surveillance took place over the Caribbean islands where its smaller scout craft were often engaged in watching fishermen, particularly shrimpers. Of the approximately 30 small scout eggs released, each appeared to be operated by a singular being. One such occupant sighted in the yard of a Key West resident was said to have long, slender dangling hands and an egg-shaped,hairless head with two eyes and ears, plus nose and mouth. Later these features were confirmed by a Venusian language expert permitted to land on the mother ship south of Cuba and interview the chief officer. The Venusian reported the strangers verbally communicated in different whistle scales. A tour of their ship was refused, but the beings explained (1) that their anatomy was different than that found in this solar system, (2) that they were unarmed, (3) they were engaged in mapping the universe and (4)they were from a distant galaxy in the Milky Way over four years away as measured by Earth time and not the speed of light. However, they would not reveal their optimum speed of travel. The egg craft has been seen on four other planets of this solar system, where, as over the U.S.A., no punitive action was taken by the planet being observed and mapped.
January 8, 1979.
A 100 feet by 25 feet cigar shaped object, bluish-silver in color, was seen traveling slowly over Atlanta observing the city. Sightings of the same ship over Macon, Georgia were later called "ghosts in the sky" by a Macon newspaper. An attempt was made by a U.S. round wing plane to establish radio contact over Atlanta. No replies were heard, but the Earth craft kindly asked the alien ship to vacate the air space over Atlanta and to acknowledge the request by wobbling as it left. The alien ship did exactly as instructed and departed. Cigar ship sightings are numerous all over the globe whether over the jungles of Brazil or scattered cities of Asia. They, too, are being seen on other planets within this solar system. These ships exhibit a polite indifference towards our interplanetary round wing planes, but show no hostile intentions when approached. They appear to have an additional energy propulsion system besides that of anti-magnetic, because they were seen emitting exhaust gasses from the stern end. There is global and some interplanetary concern about the boldness of the numerous cigar shaped craft. The Solar Council sitting on Venus is evaluating the reports.
February 12, 1979.
A silver colored pencil-shaped craft estimated to be 1,000 feet long and 100 feet wide was studied by several witnesses traveling at high speed in the Atlantic and hovering over Bermuda. Miniature scout pencils were observed emerging from the flat end of the craft. Cockpit controls were in the blunt nose of the pencil. Craft was intercepted by round wing plane but Earth craft were unable to make contact with mother ship or scouts.
The list of unknown sightings grew in 1978 at an amazing rate. Of the 7,000 seen by witnesses in a 365 day period, the silhouettes and sizes described were varied, but usually large in size, indicating that they were heavily manned. In addition to the shapes mentioned there were observed and catalogued the following: Eight hundred feet long wedges, bottle shapes, flying tubes, footballs as long as a football field, spherical and cylindrical. Hardly a shape was not reported except perhaps the square. And even the square was part of the shape masses in what the Air Force knows to be flying cities, two of which took off perpendicularly when sighted in remote areas of the world including a southern desert area in the U.S.A. A larger city several miles in height and moving at great speed, was radar tracked above Canada's northern Dew Line.
The U.S. Air Force has excellent pictures of some of these intruders. For instance, on September 3, 1978, a fighter squadron arriving at McDill from Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, photographed a huge spherical object, 90 feet across, which joined the Earth planes about 300 miles west of Tampa over the Gulf of Mexico. Faces were seen at the windows of the alien craft indicating a large observer corps.One of the U.S. radio operators received what he said was a telepathic message saying "We are here in peace -- we mean no harm."
Over Minneapolis on July 25, 1978 another radio controller received a telepathic message when a formation of strange lights alarmed many viewers. The message beamed into his brain was: "We are friendly. Our appearance is so unlike yours that you people would be frightened if you saw us."
In compiling its directory of sightings, the U.S. Air Force team sent to site areas has issued a series of questions regarding size and form, location, height, maneuvers, etc. which witnesses are asked to answer. A headquarters intelligence group then evaluates the various statements. Similarities of color,size, speed, etc. of the object being classified form the basis of the finished reports such as described in the cases mentioned beforehand. Sometimes there is little usable information, as in the February 4,1979 sightings over Minneapolis. From 100 feet away the object appeared as pure light with no form or size visible. But radar showed it had definite shape. On being accosted by a round wing plane, the light went straight upwards and its departure speed was so fast it could not be clocked.
An intense light form which excluded shape of its nucleus also appeared over Los Angeles on January 29, 1979. The object was not distinguishable by human eyesight or binoculars, but the jagged edges of the light spun constantly. It was described as similar optically to a spinning spoke wheel, which as the wheel turns faster its spokes become invisible. NASA began evaluating the Air Force pictures and radar patterns.
Earth nations are baffled by the strange sightings. So are other planets. There are no official answers but there are some possible explanations. For instance, unless there is a form of energy unknown as yet to Earth science, all interplanetary craft likely use an anti-magnetic form of energy to carry them through the cosmos to their destinations even to distant star systems. Such a craft originating in the Sirius constellation would use its own sun(s) to catapult or repel it into space and when past the half-way mark towards our sun system, the Sirius craft would use the magnetic forces of our sun to draw it toward this system. If the alien craft were continuing on to another or more distant destination after observing earth, it would use Earth as a magnetic way-station to provide required velocity through our solar system. It would have to make a half circle around Earth, or if it came down near terra firma it would require one and a half orbits around our planet to repel itself towards Mars, Venus, Pluto, or Saturn (whichever was in proper conjunction), using those planets as it did Earth to achieve extra momentum.
But although the strangers undoubtedly are space travelers using this method to arrive here, it is unlikely they are coming by accident. The sightings are too numerous. The patterns of alien observation are too similar to suggest random curiosity. That most of the occupants are too dissimilar to land and be seen among us, the major Air Force intelligence's of the world concur. But their true intentions remain mysterious -- except for one area of agreement. They are carefully studying Earth people and their civilizations but in a totally unhostile way.
Perhaps there is no present explanation why strangers from unknown dimensions are in our skies. The revelation may come later. The reality of their presence and the magnitude of the cosmos itself may yet be too illusive for us to fully comprehend in terms of science.
Eventually, it may be realized that part of the linkage between time and space is spiritual -- and that a host of beings from other worlds under generally benevolent direction are determining how unruly Earth masses will bridge the gap into a new millennium.
Chapter XX
A New Age Dawning
"My friends,” President Roosevelt grimly told his cabinet in 1936, “We are being visited by beings from
other inhabited planets in our solar system. They are a 1,000 years ahead of us in mastery of air and
outer space. We don't have a 1,000 years to catch up! Perhaps we have only a generation -- or
maybe two." next
A New Age Dawning
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