Genesis for the New Space Age
by John B. Leith

Chapter XX
by John B. Leith
Chapter XX
A New Age Dawning
"My friends,” President Roosevelt grimly told his cabinet in 1936, “We are being visited by beings from other inhabited planets in our solar system. They are a 1,000 years ahead of us in mastery of air and outer space. We don't have a 1,000 years to catch up! Perhaps we have only a generation -- or maybe two." Forty years ago, on the day of their utterance, the President's words were ominous. To the planners of a nation's destiny, the President had issued a challenge. But its pursuit seemed folly. They could only gasp at the spectre of a national or even world emergency let alone trying to comprehend the enigmas of space. They almost feared to speculate whether the academic and industrial might of America could provide a safeguard in their lifetime for life as they knew it in 1936. Nor dared they philosophize on the spiritual or ideological changes a new order of relationship with other planets might bring.
For years the U.S. government has been aware that other beings similar to humans in our own solar system did exist, but we also know now that they never intended to launch the invasion of America so fearfully envisaged by Roosevelt. The aliens had arrived in peace, and they had come to help.
Now, as the new decade arrives, again an alarm has been sounded. This time it has grown to global proportions. Earth nations are hurriedly trying to unravel the reasons for a new wave of uninvited visitors, this time from the far side of Uranus and Neptune, located somewhere beyond the frontiers of the universe that even our space technology cannot decipher. Deep in the minds of all who know is a hopeful question: Will this new throng of strange Earth scanners also remain peaceful? Meanwhile where do we go from this point in the modern history of mankind? The answer is that we must trust our science to carry on in the inevitable search to move Earth away from a million years of isolation, and as science advances, so must the spirit and purposes of man. Otherwise, Earth, as we know it, will cease to be.
As for the United States, she can look at the achievements which were begun two generations ago and be assured that the dream of creating a counter force of round wing plane protection for planet Earth has been reached along the lines first hoped for by President Roosevelt and his cabinet. The air military of the United States in conjunction with their compatriots in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are patrolling Earth skies 24 hours a day. Where once the British navy sailed the world's seas, the United States has replaced Britain as the guardian of the skies, and the seas of the world have become the pathways in the skies where round wing planes move noiselessly and fearlessly day and night. With their new found wings, this breed of aviators could race the rising sun from any given point on the Earth and circle the globe 24 times or more before the sun rose again. Optimum speed of one such craft was confirmed in a 1965 radar clocked, U.S. navy sighting over the Caribbean. The object was said to be American, and the identification has not been denied by Naval and Air sources. The round wing plane in particular showed on the radar screen of an American destroyer to have moved 350 miles from a stationary position in only seven tenths of a second. That means that it accelerated to 40,000 miles per hour instantly. So fast did it disappear off the radar scope, radar technicians verified, that the object looked like the trail of a radioactive particle in a cloud chamber.
The weaponry of the new aerial phenomena is entirely laser oriented whether solar or magnetic-induced. Rather than levelling a city and destroying its population, the city's entire electric capabilities such as generating plants, motors, cars, etc., could be disrupted or totally immobilized by this conical blanketing force. Its destructive power also is awesome. Cities the size of Havana, San Francisco, or Moscow could be wiped out in minutes by one round wing plane and existing ground defenses could not prevent the destruction.
It was military defense in the air which became the nation's first responsibility as laid down by the planners of American destiny in 1936. It was not until the year 1977 that an Air Force spokesman would confidently address civilians and say, "America's military requirements to protect our country was the first priority in development of the round wing plane. It can be assumed the nation's planners have already placed that aerial shield over our land, for if not, the military could not pass on its knowledge for civilians to build commercial round wing planes in the next decade." The spokesman did not boast.
The United States Air Force historical book number 12, in its repository in Kensington Tombs (Archives), documents the invulnerability of such a U.S. Air Force round wing plane during an unauthorized trip over Moscow as far back as the early 50's. The pilot was Colonel Edward B. Wright, graduate of the U.S. Air Academy, and great grandson of Orville Wright. Orbiting his return into Earth's atmosphere over Asia, young Wright decided to test the anti-aircraft defenses of Moscow following a report that a New German round wing plane piloted by Kurt Van Ludwig had already done so years earlier. Col. Wright dropped down over the Kremlin and trimmed his craft at 6,000 feet, low enough for trained Russian observers to see the U.S. flags painted on the undersurface. Half the U.S. crew manned stations while the remainder played cribbage. Colonel Wright counted 25 direct hits from a variety of shells and missiles fired by accurate Russian gunnery. The Russian shells exploded or bounced off the American craft as Colonel Wright unhurriedly took the ship up to 100,000 feet and continued passage for home. (The round wing plane used on the flight is now obsolete and out of service.) The officer commanding at the return base berated the Colonel and exclaimed: "I hope you have good pictures of Moscow gun positions to show for your joy ride." Indeed, the crew brought back excellent photos. The story of Col. Wright's escapade over Moscow went the rounds and the episode became as intriguing to tell in Air Force circles as had the ancestral Wright brothers' flight at Kitty Hawk generations before.
Such was the audacity of the new breed of airmen riding Earth's skies in a new type of aircraft of such spectacular performance that the young pilots occasionally forgot the whole world was not their back yard and that the cold war was not a deadly game.
Becoming a member of the exclusive new group of round wing crews is no easy task. Indoctrination begins at the U.S. Air Force Officers' Training Academy in Colorado. Top volunteer graduates of this school then are enrolled into the round wing plane training school at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, where all basic round wing instruction is first given in dummy ships.
After actual flight training is completed at the end of two years, the young U.S. airman graduates as a 2nd Lieutenant with rank insignia of a gold bar in a circle. (He may wear this insignia only on a round wing base.) Britain and Canada also send their future round wing pilots to the U.S. for training. A few also are admitted from Australia and New Zealand.
The round wing training centers are part of the Strategic Air Command; hence, in 1978, the Superintendent Officer Commanding Eglin Round Wing Training Program was an unnamed Canadian General. The command rotates among the participating English speaking nations. McDill Air Force Base was the training center where further flight instruction included interplanetary missions with experienced crews. On arriving at McDill, the student was expected to take the controls immediately. All training flights departed and returned to this base in Tampa, Florida during the hours of darkness. North American universities provided related courses for the Reserve Round Wing Plane Service.
So ends our brief references to the Earth-based training of U.S. round wing pilots.
The Anglo-American military fleet of planes numbers about 500 craft. The New German fleet is significantly smaller with superb laser weaponry. In either case, it is the magnetic generating capacity of the earth which decides the maximum number of round wing planes which can be operational at one time. The New German quota of round wing planes would be dictated by several factors among these being the number which the Bodlanders in the earth's interior decide the Germans could operate as part of the multinational guardianship of the interior based nations' defense.
The primary factor dictating the permissible number of round wing planes is the earth's magnetism itself. Because the interior earth generates much less magnetic force than is produced on the surface, American scientists believe the interior surface could generate power for only half as many round wing planes as are used above. What upper Earth duties the New German round wing planes perform is unknown, but it is understood that they and the Anglo American pilots abide by a tolerance that precludes any hostility, indicating that World War II enmity is dead.
Much of the war-time belligerence between New Germany, the U.S. and her allies gradually disappeared in the post-war period. The June 1977 goodwill flight of David Schusnick and his round wing plane crew to Cape Kennedy broke some remaining barriers of military mistrust, although there are many Germans and Americans of expert opinion who have not altered their caution of each others 194 perspectives.
But it was not until October, 1977 when the U.S. Air Force by request of the Security Council dropped its lingering mistrust of New Germany and sent a return flight of an American round wing plane to New Berlin in the center of the Earth.
Edward D. Wright (now General), was chosen by the U.S. Air Force to captain the latest American round wing plane on a return courtesy visit to New Germany. The goodwill journey was a success and to this day the New Berliners, (the older veterans of World War II) refer to the visit of General Wright and his American crew as German/American Friendship Day.
The story of the flight was headlined in all the German dailies below. The Commanding General of the New German Air Force personally met the American crew. The entire complement except the Flight Officer left the American craft for most of the day. After several hours of sightseeing in New Berlin and being honored by the populace, the crew was wined and dined in the Capitol Building, where they also met the President of New Germany, Adolph Hitler II.
An American squadron of ten planes has been invited back to New Germany for a goodwill visit. Such a flight had been sanctioned for some time after January 1979 by the General Aviation Sub-committee subject to approval of the U.S. Congress. A few high ranking Americans are expected to accompany the mission. New Germany had requested an Ambassadorial exchange with the United States as far back as 1976, and as a result of General Wright's mission, Congress was expected to decide on the request in 1980.
In the upper atmosphere and space surrounding Earth, both the Anglo-Americans and New Germans have a limited but expanding role in the Interplanetary Police Net, whose duties are to police this solar system, but to be on the lookout particularly for hostile intergalactic space craft. By virtue of their combined police relationship in the Interplanetary Police Net, enmity must be passe for cooperation in this body, and hence a new climate of friendliness is the vogue among the pilots.
The American Russian problems of dual adversary relationships have been kept quiet. The two (yes, two) Russian (killer) satellites shot down over Canada, early in 1978, were dispatched by the Canadian Air Force using a round wing plane after the Russian remote controlled satellites had shot down three American unarmed satellites monitoring the troublesome planet Nagirth, coming closer to Earth environs each year. The Americans (on behalf of the free world) had placed 12 such monitor satellites in the upper atmosphere and the Russians had knocked out three before retaliatory action was taken.
Who or what has the ultimate authority to say the round wing plane can or cannot be used in a future war? The answer of course is enigmatic. But a considerable amount of the technological advice in construction of the round wing planes for the Anglo-American and the New German forces was provided by beings from other planets within our solar system -- on condition that the new planes not 195 be used as a strike force against any other Earth nation (or intergalactic invader) unless first attacked. It is presumed the Americans and New Germans are committed to that unwritten agreement. If so, the main role of the round wing planes as a world military or police force would be one of deterrence. But in case of attack on North America, retaliation would be instantaneous. It is also understood Anglo-American allies would come under the umbrella of protection.
Round wing planes manufactured on Earth may not be as sophisticated as certain advanced types flown by the other solar planets, and the U.S. Air Force must, therefore, accept help from the Interplanetary Police Net. The U.S. still may require ten or more years to catch up to the technology of Venus, its big brother helper, but New German and American laser technology is a top priority in their science worlds.
It will be difficult for the average reader to comprehend with any serious intention the story of other inhabited planets, extra or outer terrestrials and worlds beyond relatively like our own. It is a big mental leap to accept such declarations which this book attempts to explain with such candor. Yet the facts cannot be ignored a day longer if the earth is to protect itself and to take its place among the other planets. Aside from the outer terrestrials who are most qualified to talk about themselves, NASA and the U.S. Air Force are best able to establish the truth.
The U.S. legation to Venus was formed and made operational with the executive approval of the Jimmy Carter administration, and sanctioned by key members of the legislative branches.
Thus, unknown to the world, the U.S.A. has been vigilantly patrolling global skies since the mid-1940s, making training sorties nightly into outer space since the mid-50s and will be establishing regular exploratory lanes to nearby celestial planets in the next decades.
But U.S. legation exchange between other planets in our solar system is already occurring and certain of the solar planets already carry on careful diplomatic dialogue with the U.S.A. On the 7th floor of the U.S. Diplomatic Training School in Washington, are some offices with strange sounding names. One is the Inner Earth Delegation and one floor above this delegation are suits of offices referred to as Outer Space Delegation. In the latter suites are the Venusians, Martians and Plutonian legations. Only coded badges acceptable to electronic eyes, plus a Marine guard checkpoint, gets visitors into these premises. The diplomatic solar cousins of Earthlings and their female staffs walk the streets of Washington unnoticed by hurrying throngs. The Venusians are the least noticeable because they are identical to the white races of Earth. They claim a common ancestry and say that our mother race was blue in color. The Martians are big people, the men usually about 6'6", with piercing eyes. The Plutonians have a skin color that at times has a greenish tinge with tones of brown rather than white. Their walk sometimes appears to be uncertain or jerky. Each planet represented has a five man delegation. There is constant consultation between the space delegates and the U.S. because of mutual problems which affect all the solar planets. The subjects range from defense to health and education.
Leaving the outer space legations, let us look for a moment at the Inner Earth exchanges: The United States has a ten man diplomatic legation, headed by a retired Air Force Officer, located in the nation of Atturia (New Atlantis) In return, the Atturians have a delegation located on the 7th floor of Washington's Diplomatic Training School. But the Bodlanders ask why the United States has not requested an exchange of consular officers or bona fide observers.
The New Germans from below house their five man delegation in the same premises as the Federal Republic of West Germany. Their chief is referred to as the Second Secretary in charge of the Inner Earth Delegation. Former head of the Inner Earth, New German delegation, Eric Von Schusnick was recalled early in 1978 for talking to the authors. This heroic man did more to cement German-American relations than those who condemned him claims a member of the U.S. State Department.
The U.S. also has a delegation in New Berlin since 1977.
For almost 20 years there have been civilian and cadet exchanges between the countries of the Inner Earth and the U.S.A. Cadets from West Point (army), Anapolis (navy), and the Air Force Academy at Denver have been sent below via the round wing planes on a regular exchange basis. (They have been strictly conjoined to maintain silence about this at the cost of court martial.) Tour visitors from below who visit the U.S. usually must wear thick, smoked glasses to shield their eyes from the upper sun. Otherwise, they go about unnoticed.
Constant visits by unknown aliens to the National Science Foundation and NASA have been verified and there is a strong possibility that American scientists are already working on Venus and that varied scientific papers are no doubt being exchanged.
On June 7 to 12, 1975, leading scientists from Venus, Mars and Pluto were invited lecturers at a symposium for sharing interplanetary scientific information held at the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C. Earth counterparts were from Yale, Northwestern and Harvard.
One of the varied subjects discussed extensively was the method used by other planets to safely tunnel into the earth's subterranean surface for future inner-city and intercontinental thoroughfares. Earth scientists were told how such tunneling can be completed by lasers at the rate of a mile per day and how anti-magnetic trains and cars now run within such subterranean tunnels in other planets.
To millions of earthlings, revelations on the spiritual life and beliefs of the inhabitants would be more appreciated than those of their third-dimensional, finite pursuits. There is divided opinion among contacts with Venusians as to the future role and purpose of the aliens in plotting the world's course in the remainder of this century, and this concern should be aired by those who are familiar with Venusian beliefs and can enlighten ordinary, bewildered people on the subject matter outer-terrestrial religion. Those of the Christian worlds who challenge the alien association are agitated by the failure of the U.S. government to allow the outer-terrestrial visitors to speak their beliefs. The real purpose of these beings has been critically debated ever since a group of Protestant Ministers met with them at an Orlando, Florida motel in 1977. The Christians base their hope on a typical bible verse: "There is no other name (except Jesus Christ) under Heaven whereby we might be saved." They ask whether this admonition applies only to Earthlings and not to Venusians and other planetary beings. Who knows, as yet? A Christian minister at the conference also accused the reluctant Venusian prelates of deliberately ignoring ancient biblical prophecies in the Old and New Testaments regarding the relevancy of those prophecies to a restored Israel in the 1980's, which the Christians contend will be the focal point of all coming world events in the remainder of this century. The Venusian reply to these bible prophecies centering around a returning Messiah has not been aired.
But if upper Earth nations had problems of interpreting other world religions, this did not hinder the continuance of technological advances in the interior world. For instance, the diehard remnants of the German Third Reich who settled in Earth's interior onward from 1944 soon learned that their Utopia was not attainable without superhuman sacrifices. And with sacrifice being the first ingredient required to build a new nation, the subliminal longing to dwell in peace overcame the New Germans emotions that earlier had kindled recent passions leading to World War II. As they became preoccupied in building a new sovereign nation they channeled their formidable inventive ingenuity into peacetime pursuits.
For those displaced Germans it was a matter of survival that they should employ the round wing plane both militaristically and commercially from the first day the planes were flown. The first 120 foot craft carried in its bowels livestock, tractors, railway cars, trucks, bulldozers, machinery and passengers wherever they could be squeezed in. Much of their original heavy equipment came from the U.S.A., where, as already noted, it was illicitly loaded on their round wing planes and flown out in darkness. One such trip loaded four new caterpillar road machines near New Orleans in 1946.
In 1978 a German round wing plane company called "Airtruk Limited" operated two 120 foot craft which haul freight, and a third 90-foot craft of 42 seating capacity was used exclusively for tri-weekly passenger service. Also carried on the passenger flight is mail and consumer express between West Germany and the interior.
New Germany imports 1,000 West German rail tank cars of refined oil per year via the round wing planes and expects to increase these shipments to 10,000 carloads within a decade. (Of course, the Odlander Atlanteans [Atturians] and the old Vikings have been using the magnetic plane for multitudinal uses for untold ages.)
Three planes comprise the total commercial equipment, these planes having been retired from New Germany's military inventory because of obsolescence.
In the upper world, the young, unchallenged American eagle had been flying the far flung areas of the globe in her new round wing fleet since 1945. The early models had been dramatically improved in 198 performance, so that there remained little resemblance to the first Caldwell craft of the pre-forties. But as the lofty eagle sailed over the battlefields of Korea or the jungles of Vietnam, or as she skimmed the rooftops of Moscow, Havana or Hanoi, she had never shown her talons. But they were there, and still are. The laser and microwave weaponry had been proven, from which there evolved a confidence of invincibility expressed by the top military leaders of the nation and the crews who ride the winds night and day on the new planes.
Because of military priorities and also because the round wing plane was not required for commercial needs, the U.S.A. did not consider it necessary to plan for transition to commercial and passenger use until the early 1970's. By then, the military felt that all the latest ultra-developments had been incorporated into their version of the round wing plane. Then, in typical American fashion, they acted decisively.
First regular flight priority again will be the military. In 1980-81, a scheduled military round wing passenger service will be inaugurated between British Columbia, Canada -- Ottawa, Canada -- and Washington, D. C., U.S.A. Washington will also flight connect with London, England. Depots in Ottawa, Washington, and London have been or are near completion. Travel time from Washington take-off to Ottawa landing will not exceed 13 minutes. The Washington-London route of 3,674 miles, will be a leisurely 45 minutes. These routes have already been tested.
Changeover from the military to commercial requirements began in the mid-60s when a team composed mostly of experienced engineers was withdrawn or retired from the B.C. aerospace complex to delineate proposals for transition.
On recommendation of the transition committee, representatives of the American/Canadian aerospace industry were advised in 1974 of the round wing plane capabilities. The first group was invited to the mother factory where they toured the plant and later witnessed demonstrations and startling performances of the astonishing new plane, including a three decker developed in the 1950s. Then the group was given insights into the building of the planes from drawing boards to testing of the finished machines. A thousand questions were answered.
The following year a second top level group from Boeing and Fairchild was brought into the original complex for actual on-the-job training. Others from industry followed later. Only the design and basic aero-dynamic principles were taught these key industrialists. Information on the electro-magnetic motor was withheld since it is intended that the commercial craft, during the next decade, will use only the very successful jet motors perfected in the early military versions. The aircraft manufacturers will be disallowed most of the military navigational system (designed for anti-magnetic motors in outer space) and will build instead their own systems into the commercial craft with help from the first North American facilities.
In September of 1977, leading representatives from major American airlines were called to Washington 199 to be informed of the unexpected revolution in airline transportation. Thirty spokesmen were invited and met secretly on the Presidential yacht at anchor on the Potomac. They were shown pictures and films, and listened to discussions on the world's most advanced plane. Executives of the air line industry were then told that the round wing plane could be in restricted use on domestic flights over North America before the end of 1990, and that complete changeover should be possible by the year 2,000.
In the near, foreseeable future, the fixed wing planes in use on passenger lines will become obsolete. Advantages of the commercial round wing planes, even with jet motors, will be evident to travellers: (1) A short take off and landing strip. (2) They will fly over five times the speed of sound. (3) Sonic booms will not be created. (4) More people, luggage and bulkier pay loads will be carried in planes perhaps up to 200 feet in diameter.
Eventually, when commercial research is complete and the anti-magnetic motors are allowed to be installed to replace the jets, no place on Earth will be more than an hour or two hours away. For a typical one day travel jet set excursion, one could take off from Tampa, Florida after breakfast and step down in Singapore or Sydney for lunch, returning home for dinner by way of Honolulu and Los Angeles. The old-fashioned may prefer to make the same aerial journey with an overnight stop. But, regardless, the serious businessman or woman will be only an hour between New York and San Francisco. It is assumed center-city takeoffs and landings will be feasible.
Nostradamus was right when in 1566 he foretold: "After a great human exhaustion, a greater makes ready. The great motor renovates the centuries."
When NASA's space platform is completed and functional in late 1990 and begins orbiting 240 miles above earthly impediments of clouds, gravity and air friction, it will give earthmen an eye and a first firm foot skyward into the revelations and activities of our own solar system.
Vertical takeoffs and landings from this space platform vantage point will allow the magnetic powered craft of the U.S. and her allies to become interplanetary vehicles of commerce well before the next century.
The new round wing planes have not made the space program obsolete. The manned space platforms to be flown aloft by NASA will mean that all American space probes, whether manned or by drone satellites, will be launched without the problems of air friction and earth gravity, which in the past had to be overcome by the use of booster rocketry.
In 1977 two so-called unidentified flying objects passed each other in the blackness of space. One was traveling from earth to the hollow planet, Venus, where almost four billion inhabitants live on both surfaces. The other so called unidentified flying object had left Venus and was earth bound. As the two almost identical craft passed within 100,000 miles of each other, recognition signals went out to each. From the craft, Venus bound, there went the signal: "U.S. Air Force training craft -- Venus Bound."
And from the craft headed for Earth, a message replied, "Peace! Signal received -- New Germany Air Force training craft out of Venus -- bound for home destination, Earth."
The space ships from planet earth had made history. The crews of each whose fathers were from two former earth-warring nations had passed each other 20 million miles out in space with peaceful and friendly greetings. The captain of the American ship pondered, "How good it was to know that out in this lonely, trackless void another earthling ship from Home Sweet Horne had passed by and called hello."
In the middle ages, earth was regarded as the center of the universe. When Dr. E. Hubble's 100-inch telescope was first used in 1925, man's observation of the heavens knew no bounds as he spied perhaps billions of galaxies beside our own.
Now, only a half century later, as earth beings gaze heaven-wards on starry nights they can be sure that the first Earthmen have walked on three and perhaps twelve new worlds that a century before poets only dreamed about.
Not many simple earth people were aware of it, but in little more than a generation, mankind – with help -- had conquered the nearness of space -- at least within their own solar system.
"The United States is actually and potentially the most powerful State on the globe. She has much, I believe, to give the world; indeed to her hands is chiefly entrusted the shaping of the future.”
- John Buchan, 1940
The firm course which the United States and her Anglo allies would forge in the last half of the 20th century had been determined by Prime Minister Churchill and President Truman in the mid 40's. Subsequent U.S. Presidents and Prime Ministers of Britain and Canada with secret concurrence of their governments, continued to develop the anti-gravity principle into a variety of military logistics (and industrial civilian uses not yet revealed).
The military apparatus surrounding the round wing plane had spun off into wider civilian facets after the war. By 1950 that civilian service conglomeration had expanded into various government departments while disconnected scientific projects were crammed into the eyer expanding National Science Foundation. Overall decision making was cumbersome.
For cogent reasons President Eisenhower continued to regard the secret round wing conglomerate as the nation's first response against Soviet power should war break out. So, with typical military planning, Eisenhower decided to consolidate the round wing diversities under one government scrutiny. Brought together was a group of men, unaccountable to open forums, who would exercise ultimate control of all round wing functions.
With blessings from key Congressmen and Senators, President Eisenhower picked twelve responsible government leaders answerable only to him. The year was 1954. The new Presidential Committee was named "54-12."
In setting up the Committee, President Eisenhower openly reasoned: "Diplomatically we can't stop the spread of Soviet Communism. But if the cold war becomes hot we must prepare to win."
Thus, from 1954 on, all final decisions relating to round wing production, research, or security (whether military or civilian) would henceforth be made by this select group of advisors. Later on, the public mistakenly would come to regard the U.S. Air Force and C.I.A. as the repositories of the so-called hidden UFO evidence.
The 54-12 Committee continued to monitor American round wing development through successive Presidents since Eisenhower and developed the strategy intended to keep the nation's air supremacy vigilant into the 70's, through the 80's and beyond 2000 – if possible. So extensive was their watchfulness that secret civilian research for related anti-gravity applications would also be authorized by them with orders to escalate additional peacetime applications for use before this century ends. The Canadians would house their related endeavors in the National Research Council, Ottawa, and integrate their round wing scientific development with Washington and London.
By 1979 these international bureaus, working in unison, would forge closer links of cooperation with each other than had ever existed since Englishmen spread their language and common law around the world.
Various models of the round wing planes as described in this book dominated global skies until the 1960's. Then the first planes were phased out. All of those are now obsolete with representative types destined for future display in museum exhibits.
The original formations were replaced by entirely new models with sophisticated electronic gear and weaponry, which unbelievably altered their performance and military effectiveness. Because of necessity, the first round wing squadrons were basically Earth aircraft. But the latest fleets are all interstellar and intergalactic, able to venture into the far reaches of airless space on a complete life support system which can keep the crews alive for many weeks. The machines are also sea-worthy and water submersible, allowing them to dive into the ocean depths to avoid detection or do tactical surveillance of an enemy shore line from the ocean's bottom.
The third generation of Anglo/Canadian/Americans operate the latest craft, with the original neophytes of the new age of flight, now retired grandfathers daydreaming of yesterday's glories.
One of those grandfathers is 80 year old Jonathon Caldwell. In 1978 he was living somewhere in the Baha area of Mexico, confined to an estate that is guarded like a feudal castle by patrols and a dozen attack dogs. Caldwell's wife, Olive, has moved graciously with him across the portal of retirement years, and the old disease that once threatened to cut off her life has not returned, so completely was the illness purged by the power of Christ through the healing agent, Father John.
The last photos seen of the older Jonathon and Olive Caldwell were taken in 1959 and are part of the historical collection filed for safekeeping in the Air Force underground Tombs at Kensington, Maryland. In those snaps the families of their son and daughter, showing happy children, were also captured in various poses. Where the Caldwell son lives today, what is his vocation, or what names he has chosen to bear, is unknown. The daughter, whose married name is also unknown, is said to live in California. The grandchildren of the senior Caldwells would now be in their 20's and may perhaps be married.
An attempt by Russian-paid agents to kidnap Jonathon Caldwell was made in the late 60's. Three of the kidnap force were killed by guards and the remainder were tried and imprisoned. After that disquieting sequel to a successful career and subsequent attempts to kill him, Caldwell's name and residence were changed again.
Caldwell retired as a Lieutenant General in 1967 but was recalled three times. Before giving up the office of Supreme Commander of the Aerospace Center, great honors were bestowed on him. He was flown to England where he was knighted by King George VI and also awarded the Victoria Cross. An admiring General Charles DeGaulle of France presented him with the French Legion of Honor. (France was under German subjection when the grand round wing alliance was formed and hence was not included in the secret, although DeGaulle later sat in the allied Councils and was privy to round wing secrets, which, by oath, he never divulged. After the war, allied intelligence was wary of Communist infiltrations into the French government and military.) Canada also bestowed upon Caldwell its Victoria Cross, and from his home country a singular Congressional medal was struck and presented to the living hero by General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Although Sir Jonathon E. Caldwell reluctantly laid down the mantle of his pioneer round wing plane powers, he never dropped his love of the new dimensions in space travel. But from planes he switched his drive to people. For years he has pressured Congress through the Aviation Committee and the Executive Branch to recognize and augment a distinct Round Wing Plane Corps answerable to its own Commanding Officer. Such a new military service would become General Caldwell's last attempted program and an informed U.S. Air Force spokesman believes Caldwell will live to see this establishment become reality. For security reasons alone a separate Round Wing Service would be advantageous to the U.S.A. and its allies.
But if Caldwell was forced to hide his identity and live his life unpraised and unloved by his countrymen, so were many others. Sir Charles Wilkerson, who led much of the post-war round wing research, also walks about incommunicado, and all who meet him are pre-screened by intelligence agents. He must carry a weapon at all times and retain the companionship of an attack dog, and when at home his dwelling is doubly protected.
As scientific minds were mustered out of the Round Wing wartime detachment, men like Sir Charles Hadden of England were glad to get back into civy street. Interceding in high places, Sir Charles was flown back to England by round wing plane in 1945 and dropped by parachute near his home town. Landing safely, he bundled his chute and hitched a ride into town -- and home again.
That year Englishman Hadden and Canadian Stewart S. McLane of Ottawa were called to Buckingham Palace where each was knighted by the British king and awarded the Victoria Cross (only 26 VC's were granted by the British during World War 11) at a special service. As the Palace Band played, the three unsung heroes of science inspected the bandsmen and the Guard. Upon leaving they shook hands with each other and said farewells. They were instructed never to mention their experiences and, should they meet again by accident, they were to blot from their memories their years spent together and pass without speaking. Sir Charles Hadden resumed teaching physics at Oxford but has since retired. Stewart McLane returned to Ottawa.
So that today a body of senior, silent men walk the streets of a hundred towns or sit in the councils of industry or the professions, their true war-time experiences a blank to all who might inquire.
The "age of space" is a new order. No longer is our home a small globe inhabited by a few ethnic varieties of homo sapiens. In the new revelation the globe is hollow. In this interior is the other and perhaps the most ancient of the two worlds. Into this inner world the New Germans have ventured and built an armada of round wing planes as a defense force to be used unilaterally or in conjunction with other Inner World nations in case of attack. The author has learned that the New Germans have not developed their forces for vengeful purposes to be used in the Upper World, especially since they are neighbors of the two oldest nations on earth whose objective it is to prevent war and defuse the global ambitions of the war prone. But confidential sources also reveal that the South American German exiles also have the round wing plane and have a nuclear strike capability as well.
Another civilization also exists under this planet's seas which certain scientific sectors are aware of, even if denied by them. And, added to the ocean dwellers are billions more creatures inside the Earth's mantle who apparently have never surfaced from their aloof abodes to police or contact the wayfarers above.
On the Earth's surface, more than ten nations are capable of waging a nuclear war, with the two giants able to launch a holocaust that would make the outer heavens a hundred light years away register the big bang.
And overhead in Earth skies there is still the unsolved alien space craft phenomena of strange objects which come and go at will. Not to be forgotten, too, lingering close to Earth's trajectory is that huge, lumbering, inhabited planet, Nagirth, two-and-a-half times the size of Earth, whose ultimate destiny may be collision into the sun.
And who knows what unfriendly worlds beyond our own solar system have picked up Earth radio signals and are among those aliens watching or about to arrive -- even tomorrow?
So the sobering question must be asked. Are the inhabitants of this planet on the verge of a change in our world order, brought on by remote planetary forces about to enforce dictatorial rule on mankind to prevent one of our nuclear clubs starting total war in an Earth shattering finale?
The constant warfare of this planet may be only the visible phase of a far-reaching alignment of unseen opposing forces, whether they exist as three-dimensional or spiritual. These opposing forces, whatever the reader wishes to call them, may already be poised to use mankind in a confrontation which will decide the future of the world. To readers of the daily press, the Earthly or political nature exemplified by these forces may simply be Communism versus Democracy, and to the philosophers it may be good versus evil, and to the Religionists, Satan against God.
But in trying to resolve the riddle, any thoughtful person must wonder: Somewhere upon a higher plane of existence, is there a hidden power struggle of such magnitude that we cannot comprehend its purpose? And are these forces now lining up their hosts for a climactic battle where mankind will be only a pawn, and Earth the prize -- or Earth the pawn and mankind the prize? Or is this planet simply a square in a gigantic chessboard of insidious interstellar rivalry?
Perhaps to be determined will be not just the outcome of this small planet, but its entire solar system and possibly the universe.
Time moves on. It waits for no man -- or nation. And each is time's captive. There are hosts of questions about the future of mankind in the new age which the authors were unable to reconcile. It soon became evident, therefore, in view of the gaps in our collected data, that the incomplete story must be told even if it were more provocative than scholarly.
With this book's release and its subject matter thrown open to critics and scholars, many new attempts will be made to learn and understand the significance of its pages. Primarily the nation -- no, the world -- must collectively resolve its most pressing problems and face the future together. The English speaking people and all their war time allies have closed the gap of World War II belligerence toward their enemies, and all these nations now collectively understand the new solar concept of trust and cooperation.
Well-divorced from politics, it will then be up to the world astronomers, for instance, to address themselves to the problem of how to tell the peoples of the world that we are not alone, that our entire solar system itself may be occupied by beings with close resemblances to Earthlings who think they dwell in such isolated majesty on this planet.
Quite soon it will be the responsibility of all the federal governments of the world (who are perplexed about how to tell of outer-terrestrial visits), to regain their confidence in the public and explain to them the arrival on earth of beings from distant galaxies and intelligences akin to even surpassing ours. These governments should also release the new stellar maps as well as complete information available on the subterranean and inner Earth.
In the immediate future, it will be up to the Cartiers, the Drakes, the Columbus's returning from new worlds to tell Earthlings of the wondrous things they have discovered in space. And when all this has been accomplished and the beginning of a Utopia gained, it may be up to the philosophers to recommend what is to be done on Earth with that ancient vice or virtue called leisure. But to be all things to all men, the scientists of the nations must cross borders and unify their purposes in the interest of a new world free from war with advantage to all.
However, it is possible that the greatest challenge which the authors were unable to explore was simply this: How will the non-occult religions of the world respond to the new image of man, that he is not alone? Will they continue to have faith that the God of the universe is ultimately in control, working out the destiny of man through man? And when the incarnate Christ returns, as He promised, by what means do the faithful Christians think He will rescue His hopeful believers, or establish His much prayed for Golden Age of harmony when righteousness will cover the Earth as the waters covers the seas?
The central theme of this book has been the arrival of the free energy, space craft and its subsequent development by certain nations in the 20th century world.
Thanks to the anti-gravity principle of that magnetic powered craft, a better world lies ahead embodying the boldest of engineering feats imaginable.
And ahead there also lies too, the broad road for invasion into space, either militarily or peacefully.
But now that man has begun to reach for the stars, where may we ask is that wise and benevolent human leader or cosmic Messiah who will dispel mutual fear from the hearts of men? Will this King of kings arrive in time to guide us into peace on earth before this planet is reduced to ashes again?
Social, Political, Economic and
Religious Life in Inner Earth
The spoken and written language of the Inner World Atturians in their capitol city of Shambhala, from
which Professor Haammaan emigrated to the U.S. via an Icelandic passport, is the original Sanskrit.
Their flag is orange with black letters beneath a coat of arms under which is the legend, "Peace with
Honor,” meaning to end a war without surrender. Their Sanskrit alphabet contains 38 letters, many of which are in double form such as AA, CC, 00, etc. These double letters are used only in proper nouns such as persons, cities, Aarpo, Baacco, Winnaabbaago, Saapraanoo, Jaapanno, Cannaggo. In word construction two words are often joined also, and pronounced as one. In punctuation, one question mark upside down is placed before an interrogative sentence and a normal, upright question mark then follows the sentence.
The country of over 300 million people is served by color television. Newspapers are smaller than ours and contain little advertising because of the shortage of pulpwood.
The home city of Professor Haarnrnaan is the capitol city of Atturias, Shamballa, located on the continent of Agharta, comprising a population of several millions. The city (as is the nation) is served by air transport with other metropolitan centers (i.e. magnetic powered craft which have been in their possession since their forefathers came from Venus). Connecting ground transportation is via railroads which ride on cushions of air in'stead of rails. (The Japanese are currently experimenting with this method.) Most ground traffic is by means of four-wheel cars and busses, both of which principally use electric energy as their motivational source. Electric outlets are located at roadside intervals of 25 miles from which a three minute charge of renewed power is drawn at no cost capable of providing a driving range of 100 miles. Radio waves sent from the remitting source to each energy depot supply the electric power, the remitting sources being solar, hydro-electric and nuclear fusion. Free energy, magnetic vehicles are also used.
Professor Haammaan was asked to describe briefly their immigration system followed by their monetary policy. Regarding immigration, he explained visas between countries in the Inner World were non-existent and that international travel was unrestricted, although each nation was very isolationist in its outlook and did not depend on a United Nations body of politics as practised above surface. When a foreign traveler visits another nation, the person simply signs a card upon entry saying they agree to abide by the laws of the land being visited. As all coin and paper currency are redeemable by gold according to international monetary standards, travelers therefore may exchange their own money for currency of the host country. Elaborating on money Haammaan added:
"Like you say above, 'Love for money is the root of all evil.’ Therefore, we don't permit hoarding of money. It is to be spent for immediate wants and needs. To prevent hoarding, our paper money is 208 recalled annually and newly numbered serials are issued. Hoarding gets the greedy person 30 years in prison, but savings are not frowned upon when kept in a bank. We also use coins for exchange, their contents of gold or silver being 70 per cent and that of the alloy 30 per cent.
"The reason for the harsh anti-hoarding law is that if money is kept in circulation (which our banks do with peoples' savings at low interest rates) then capital projects in private, corporate and government sectors provide full employment. One of the problems here above is that so much of the wealth accumulated over the years or centuries by certain groups is kept out of circulation and hidden away in private banks or vaults. In such cases, that money withheld (usually gold) is a form of power which is harmful and often used as a power base to influence sectors of the overall society. I'm sure you are aware of many examples of this hoarding abuse by such powerful control groups.”
"Our central government treasury owns all our gold to back up the coin of the realm, which is the established policy of each nation below. Much of our own gold reserves was brought down from old Atlantis.”
"Our numerical system is what you call Roman numerals and the Algebraic system, neither names being historically correct. Our system of numbering is more related to your British and U.S. methods. We don't use the decimal system and I predict it will be discarded up here within 100 years. Some of our units of measure are as follows: 1 quatal = 1 mile *** 1 qquttall = 1 inch *** 1 quntall = 1 foot *** 1 vartall = 32 inches (equivalent to the British yard of 36 inches) *** 16 quntalls = 1 chain. The average road width below in Atturraas is 3 chains and an alley is 1 chain wide. (Haammaan said their Inner World is 23,000 quatals in circumference and it is 7 ½ (seven and a half) thousand quatals from Pole to Pole.)"
The calendar used throughout the Inner World is based on a year of 360 days, each month having 30 days. The five days remaining at the end of the year are called by the people "year's end days" during which all non-essential work stops. Babies born on these days are born officially on January 1st following. For thousands of years the above calendar time has been followed below, Do you have any specific ideas about employment?
"Depending on technical skills or academic abilities, graduates of grade school or college have already been pretested (as in Bodland) to determine their careers. We have no retirement laws but limited or part-time employment is the norm throughout the Inner World in later years. It is up to the man or woman. Certain job categories are considered to be more suitable for women who are not encouraged to compete for certain masculine jobs and vice versa.
"Our medical research has overcome most diseases, including all types of cancer and arthritis by predetection or post detection. The people still get injured through a variety of accidents. Emergency methods to mend bones and replace skin are among the advanced medical practices. For instance, a synthetic skin used on grafts or plastic surgery resulting from severe wounds or burns is simply cut from a roll of substance in much the same manner plastic paper wrap or tin foil is removed for domestic use in the U.S.
"Placed over the burned or diseased area, under sterile conditions, along with a special healing gel, the synthetic graft immediately takes to the skin area to be rebuilt. Its use makes plastic surgery much easier and faster.
"Amputations are extremely rare since crushed limbs are immediately rebuilt with synthetic bone that quickly is accepted by the natural bone being repaired. Hearts, lungs, eyes, ears and other body parts are replaced routinely as are decayed teeth. (Damage to nerve fibres was not discussed.)
"Free total medical care is provided to all age groups."
The Atlanteans have overcome most of the illness common to surface people, and their age life span apparently is generally over a thousand years, with premature death an exceptional occurrence.
The first two hour interview with Haammaan was held secretly at an airport in Maryland. Crime was dealt with briefly, and answers were sought as to how their society treats those offenders who violate the age-old system of laws derived to protect members of society.
The gist of the discussion is as follows: a criminal is considered a social disgrace only if he does not respond to treatment, but all crimes are treated as a form of mental illness. A first offender automatically is sent to a state psychiatric hospital. Most respond to initial treatment, the nature of which was not disclosed in the interview. The hospital board has the authority to declare a person a habitual criminal on the third offense.
In such a case, treatment is stopped and the offender considered a criminal. All clothing is removed and the naked prisoner is put to hard work in a public chain gang, made to sleep on a board at night and given only meagre sustenance. Six months maximum of this type of sentence usually changes the person and returns him to society again, as an accepted, normal citizen.
If the prisoner does not respond to this penalty treatment, he is committed by three doctors and a judge to a remote island where, like an animal, he is worked naked at manual labor during the day and forced into a lonely cage at night. This routine is followed with full understanding by the public of all its indignities to the human psyche. Public knowledge of this irrevocable punishment is a deterrent to crime.
Branded as “discarded citizens", those sent to the island prison are declared legally dead on arrival and relatives are so notified. All attempts to rehabilitate are ended. Upon death, the body is cremated and the ashes not returned to relatives, but tossed into the sea without burial services.
There are three major crimes, convictions of which automatically label the convicted felon a “discarded citizen" for shipment to the last-stop island. Those crimes are rape, kidnapping and murder. Guns are outlawed.
In Atturraas, the death penalty is also in force and may be given at the request of the judge or the prisoner himself, if rehabilitation treatment has failed. In such a case the felon is given a glass of liquid from a tree called the Poison Root which induces a painless death within an hour.
Even in perfect environments certain people are criminally prone and cannot be conditioned to the norm required by a civil code of laws. This fact is true both in societies above and below. But in Atturraas their confinements for offenders are located in rehabilitation centers and hospitals rather than in prisons. There are few youthful offenders in the interior world, perhaps because the responsibility for a youthful crime rests with the parents who are judged on a guilt basis along with the youth convicted. Obviously, the basic unit of learning and training in their society is the home, even before church or school. If early school tests indicate a criminal tendency in a child, he is removed from classes and placed in a hospital for correctional therapy at an early age.
Our news media below (as in Bodland) does not carry stories of crime, let alone headline them. Nor do we have long drawn out judicial exercises. An apprehended murderer generally is tried the second week with the death sentence carried out the following week.
Youth gangs are not tolerated and common assaults and muggings, so widespread above, don't exist below. All male youth in Atturraas and Bodland must serve two years without pay in one of the defense forces where behavior disciplines are further emphasized.
There is no syndicate crime problem below.
Haarnmaan continued: "Your police above are still an effective force, but they are much maligned in their duties. Your society seems more concerned with protecting offenders than the rights of the offended. When your system of protection and justice is overhauled, your crime statistics will fall. The legal system is a bulwark, devised to protect all members of your society in the upper world -- as elsewhere. But that system in the lower courts has been detoured from the code which was so carefully built to safeguard all sections of society. There are too many legal loopholes for perpetual offenders against your society in the western world. There is also a growing number of lawyers who are perpetuating the breakdown of the legal code. The law societies themselves must institute the remedies."
Generally speaking, life sustenance within the planet is comparable to that above. Their staple food products in the warmer climates is rice, which was also brought above by the people which we know as the Chinese. Main crops of wheat and barley are grown in the northern locales. Other vegetables are string beans, soy beans, okra, eggplant, cabbages, turnips, carrots, etc. The Atturraans are mainly vegetarians, but consume much fish with a variety of artificial flavors such as chicken, beef, pork, etc.
Milk is also their staple nutritional drink. They do not know of the turkey, but, on the other hand, have a large, native bird they call the duck quail, highly rated by some for its edibility.
Two building blocks made below would be of interest to surface people. One is a concrete block virtually unbreakable. A powdered plastic, sand and water are heat-treated like terra cotta and the product used extensively in both their residential and commercial construction.
Another substance known as glass-tile consists of finely ground silicone or glass mixed with clay, placed in various molds and heated to a high temperature. The finished glazed tile is used for floors, outside facades on buildings (where we use marble facing) road building blocks, etc. Their Atturraan highways are constructed with lateral grooves running across them. Automobile tire treads are grooved to produce a meshing, cog wheel, effect, thus holding the car in position assuring the driver control against brake skidding, or planing on a wet pavement.
A second final hour interview was held with Mr. Haammaan on Sunday, November 20, 1977. Accompanied by a reliable witness from the State Department, we checked into a Holiday Inn at Mt. Vernon, New York and talked in the conference room. The six foot, three-inch Atlantean had the build of a football player but his hands were slender, more like those of a pianist. Quizzical blue eyes responded to changes in mood. His hair was fair and cut medium short. He looked like a modern Scandinavian.
Time being of the essence and certain prepared questions needing to be answered, the dialogue was begun. Haammaan's manner was less reserved than at the first meeting, and after coffee and tea had been ordered each sat in an easy chair and the talks began.
Question: How old are you?
Answer: "I am officially 57 years old according to records on file here, but truthfully I am some hundreds of years of age. Average age on my continent of Agharta is a minimum of 800 years." (Haammaan's claim has not been reconciled with that of the Inner World Bodlanders. Dr. Jerrmus of Bodland's capital city Bod, is 58 years old and he states his father died at 135 years, but that 200 years is common longevity in Bodland. Some Bodlanders may reach 300 years but those passing 200 are the elite senior citizens.) Haammaan's conversation is resumed.
Question: Why should you Atturians live so much longer lives than we on the surface?
Answer: "Harmful ultra violet and other sun rays are the chief cause of death to those on the surface. You recall we have an artificial sun (600 miles in diameter) which lights up our interior world. That sun takes its energy via crystal receivers from the outside sun and stores it, but the harmful rays are not retransmitted. The second cause of premature death to you people above is your diet, in my opinion. The majority of us Atturians are not flesh eaters as are most of you above, although we eat fowl and fish in preference to red meats. But let me state categorically that you and I are biologically identical."
Question: You mean our sun rays shorten life?
Answer: They certainly do. Deterioration, so caused, starts at approximately 20 years in your lives, even where no disease is noticed. The harmful sun's rays even affect your fruit and vegetables, the effects of which are passed on to you when you eat them, as well as the more harmful meat products you consume.
Question: Is longevity below not the result of spiritual or psychological advances, which your society has mastered during the 11,000 years your people apparently have been free from war, economic worries and other tensions?
Answer: That's a wrong assumption. Our original long life spans below have been maintained and increased over the centuries partly because we perfected our eating and drinking habits, but mainly because of the filtering of harmful solar rays by our man made sun. Hence, today we have overcome premature old age and the major diseases which inflict you people on the surface.
Question: Tell us more, especially about the fruit and vegetable juices.
Answer: Combinations of certain natural vegetable and fruit juices, or their extracts are used below for many medical cures. We call the system of producing these formulas, "Natural Hygiene.” We didn't develop these cures all at once, but their precise compounds are the results of thousands of years of research. We below are careful of our diet although we provide succulent and gourmet menus as do you above.
Question: You say even with improved diet you are occasionally subject to the same diseases as above? Enumerate some diseases which are prevalent here for which you have cures below.
Answer: Cancer is one of your worst destroyers of life. We compound a precise mixture of vegetable juices which when taken at the rate of a half pint per hour over a 30 day period destroys all cancer cells, replacing them with new healthy, normal cells. (Haammaan then explained he was not a medical man and that his remarks were those of a layman but the evidence which he volunteered could be substantiated in tests held on earth in any medical or research facility.) Doctors below were first successful in curing particular cancers by means of a drug called "UGROME" but the drug was later eliminated from the formulas and straight vegetable and fruit extracts used exclusively with such ingredients as carrots and tomatoes among others.
Question: You say our upper sun rays kill certain fruit or vegetable cells which contain added life support elements. How can we on the upper earth raise these products and keep their natural cells intact at the time of their ripening? 213
Answer: Grow them in greenhouses with glass that keeps out harmful rays. Your people already know what glass or plastic formula is required to shut out any of the sun's harmful rays in the spectrum.
Question: Please name other cures you have below which those above badly need.
Answer: Abscesses, skin cancers and boils. A jelly used by us clears them up in 24 hours. The jelly can also be taken internally in a capsule form. You are already aware of our artificial skin made from a sterile compound of vegetable juices and adhesives. The skin comes in rolls like your band-aids and is placed over large first and third degree burn areas. Body moisture is thus retained over a burn area. The body begins immediately to form new skin beneath. When healing is complete, the artificial skin is peeled off. No scars are seen. Our dentists below also implant new teeth buds in the cavities of teeth which must be removed due to decay or infection. In the case of cavity filling, dentists below give their patients internal medicine made of natural ingredients which results in a tooth cavity being healed.
Question: Do you have the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism?
Answer: Neither are manufactured or sold in Atturas or Bodland or Vikingland. Drug addiction is considered a serious offense and if it became prevalent as above in your society, its use would not be tolerated. However, we have cures for the major types of addiction found here above. Take your marijuana! We have a weed below which tastes the same as marijuana when smoked. An addict who smokes one such cigarette finds his craving for marijuana satisfied and he or she breaks the drug habit without any side effects. We have similar cures for all your other drug problems. The acceptance of opiates is growing quickly in your society. Alcoholic beverages and smoking products are also not sold in Atturas although the old Vikings and Bodlanders indulge in barley beer and like tobacco, I'm told.
Mr. Haammaan continued, "Gentlemen, I am a man of arts and letters. I am not a scientist of medicine, nor a candidate for a doctor's degree. Very soon I shall communicate with certain people below and in time, through the good offices of you authors who have discovered my whereabouts in your land, and treated me with respect, I shall ask to have brought up some suggestions and perhaps explicit formulas which your druggists or researchers above can compound for controlled trial use. As things stand at present in your country, I would expect reference to these discussions in your book to be rejected or laughed at by the major medical associations. But on leaving the subject of medicine for a while, I would add we have authenticated cures for blood cholesterol, obesity, senility, osteoarthritis, stomach ulcers and many more of your diseases. Plus marvelous diagnostic equipment.
Contrary to what your fatalists say, three score years etcetera should not be the span of a man's existence. If the major diseases could be overcome on the Earth's surface, then mankind's life span would be extended for certain, notwithstanding the harmful surface sun rays.
May I also disagree about your earlier question which implied that our longevity stemmed from a collective, well balanced, spiritual and psychological attitude. Typical longevity below in Atturas is over 800 years and some have reached 1,200 years.
But, to prove that we, below, don't inherit a life span ten or twelve times longer than yours simply because we possess superior spiritual or psychological qualifications, let me tell you about our dogs and cats.
The life span of our domestic animals is perhaps thirty years. The one common denominator which both we people and our animal creatures have in common is an environment free from harmful solar rays.
We can't unveil the mysteries of old age in a few hundred words, but regardless of your sun's harmful rays and your diet, there are some reversible techniques used by our medical men in Atturraas which could be copied above to drastically cut the annual death rate. Your medical scientists believe that each cell has an aging clock or self-destruct mechanism built in at about 70 years, but we below have proved this absolute life span is incorrect (as have the Bods). Well over 100 vigorous disease-free years are possible for your people here in the near future, if preventive help to cure the diseases of aging is studied.
Question: Upper earth nations publically spend many, many billions annually on war preparations -- not to mention the huge interest cost to governments for monies borrowed to finance war debts. The question is, do you have a military apparatus below?
Answer: A qualified no! Nor do we have cadet colleges or war training schools. We, nor the Bods or Vikings, have standing armies (nor do the New Germans or Six Kingdoms of Old German Saxons). Our sole para-military effort is policing our own people and that force, whether land or sea, is light. We do have a standing air force which has considerable power but this is based on an ancient system of sky reconnaissance and transportation which you people amaze us by referring to as unidentified flying objects. All the monies you expend in armaments if turned to peaceful uses could create full employment, remove your welfare roles, totally provide doctor and hospital benefits and create a utopia like that of which you haven't imagined. And what are your poverty stricken, emerging nations buying first? War machines!
But, I must add, no one major country like America could achieve this utopian structure while a single antagonist nation relies on the force of armaments to dominate the world. All countries would have to lay down their arms simultaneously.
Question: Does your nation regard America as an aggressor nation?
Answer: I can't speak for our people, but I would say that the English speaking people are not warlike. But we do regard the Russian leaders as a military complex to be carefully watched.
Question: Who attacked who in the 1946 war of the inner world? Was it the New Germans or the old Vikings?
Answer: The Vikings observed the New Germans building up their new space craft squadrons. Worried about the growing German occupation of inner earth lands and suspecting the real intentions of the New Germans from their surface record of war, the Vikings attacked. We, the new Atlanteans, advised the Vikings to stop as soon as we had ascertained their intentions. On our signal the Interplanetary Police Force came in and enforced a Viking withdrawal. The Vikings and New Germans now exchange ambassadors.
Question: Is your nation of Atturraas more advanced than the U. S .A.?
Answer: Yes and no. The U.S.A. is extremely advanced in science and technology, but the inner earth nations are hundreds of years ahead of the upper world in social justice, the humanities and medicine. Although in space technology North America has built a technical and scientific civilization in just a few years, as have certain countries such as Germany and Britain, it has taken us thousands of years to achieve our pre-eminence. But remember, we have had 11,500 years without war, and the Bodlanders 30 millenniums.
Question: So in addition to having a society free from want and hunger, clothing and shelter, you must have time for leisure activity.
Answer: Yes, but we have had Olympic Games (which we call Quad) since before we retreated to the inner earth from above. The New Germans below are now sending their athletes to compete and the Vikings, Six German Kingdoms and Bodlanders have long done so. The annual games are a big event in our lives. We also have other leisure activities like you have above such as hiking, racing and sailing on our oceans. You do practically every thing we do in the world of leisure. We also have our own versions of your baseball, football, tennis, but our athletes are not paid the enormous salaries yours are paid in stadium sports participation. In our houses we have TV or home movies. I would say our movie houses show a better three dimensional picture than yours above.
Question: Is sex exploited below as in certain countries above?
Answer: Sex is not a goddess of worship below. There are no pornographic movies, periodicals, or media advertisements of same. There are no houses of prostitution. This is an explanation that requires a much longer treatment than we have time for today. You will recall married men, women live apart but have special houses for sex visitation. (The Bodlanders are more family oriented, living, playing and entertaining as a unit till the children leave home. The close Bod-family ties remain unbroken according to Dr. Jerrmus.)
Also, there are no polygamous marriages and no divorces in Atturas or Bodland. The childbearing age in Atturas is from 25 to 60 years of age. Marriages take place after age 25. The children live with the mothers until ten and afterwards are trained by the state. The family connection is never broken and we enjoy long lives of fellowship. Wives are permitted to have only two children and afterwards have a minor operation to prevent a recurrence of childbirth. Abortion is not permitted except for proven medical reasons.
(In Bodland intensive high school sex education is taught, the harm of illicit sex acts is discussed and studied by both sexes. The Bodland student must attend a state run, tuition free high school. All reading is censored till adulthood, with not even Shakespeare being on the high school curricula. University is free.)
I would simply say that total guidance by the state is obligatory until the child/youth becomes of voting age. You above permit the undesirable elements to become an accepted part of your society and then spend the state's monies in locating, watching or incarcerating them, after the criminal tendencies have surfaced. We try to find and correct the troubles beforehand.
Question: Are there any primitive societies down below?
Answer: Yes, in addition to certain Eskimos, there are a number of tribes in out of the way areas who go practically naked like certain of your New Guinea and Borneo primitives.
Question: What would you call your form of government?
Answer: Ours is a private enterprise system (as is Bodland and Vikingland). We have a hereditary King (as do the Vikings, Bods and Old Germans). A republic form of government (re-elected rulers) was tried many thousands of years ago, but it failed. For 300 years, we had a republic similar to America. The President was elected for a five year term and could be re-elected three times up to 15 years. This term was changed to one 15 year term and the constitution allowed this for another 300 years. Next, a man was elected for life. Finally, we returned to the hereditary monarchical system which has been in effect ever since.
(Contrary to the Atturian hereditary monarchical system, the present Bodland monarch, King Haakkuuss III, was appointed for life in 1928. Recently he gave notice he wanted to relinquish his duties and the Bodland parliament is now seeking a new king.) Under the existing monarchy in Atturas, a head of state similar to a Prime Minister is in charge and is elected by parliament on recommendation of the king. He presides over the upper and lower houses of parliament. He doesn't necessarily sit in the legislative assembly, but all bills must be approved by the Prime Minister and King. Term of office is 15 years. Both lower and upper houses are for five year terms by the citizens. A few have been elected for life.
Question: Is not the Atturian state below somewhat of a disciplinary force in all walks of life including religion?
Answer: No, it is not. The state allows freedom of conscience in matters of religious conviction where everyone may hold their own consensus of religious philosophy. But we do have a universal church.
The author was unable to explore Atturian religious beliefs in any detail, partly because of the subject's reluctance to elaborate on their forms of worship except to have Haammaan admit they worship a Supreme God and that they regarded Osiris who visited ancient Atlantis above as their Christlike advocate with the Supreme Deity. Haammaan also said that Atturans were divided as to the belief in an afterlife, although this admission was not pursued by the authors.
Interested in the overall religious complexion of the Inner World societies, the author therefore, at a later date, sought further explanations from visiting Bodland lecturer Dr. Jerrmus. He was persuaded to discuss the Bods' religious beliefs and agreed to do so but forewarned of his reluctance because he did not wish to offend his upper world hosts by arguing either religion or politics. With the foregoing preface to religion in Bodland, the urbane doctor of Philosophy described Bod religious background with some caution, this paraphrased as follows:
The accepted book of divine inspiration used below by the Bods is the Upper World bible expanded with three Old Testament and two New Testament chapters. The Bods claim that the existing old testament as used below was compiled by scholars who were not exclusively Hebrew, but included Greek and Bodlanders, Ezekiel being a Bodlander, Dr. Jerrmus claims.
The entire original bible is kept below in their national museum for all to see and compare, whereas the missing bible books of the Upper World are hidden in three places, these being Rome, Cairo and Tibet.
An important book in the Bod New Testament is the Book of Bod, written and compiled by the king of Bod living at the time of Christ. The king was also one of the (four not three) wise men, all of whom were kings, one having begun his journey from a civilization in the Gobi desert. The second Bod book deals primarily with healing as explained by Christ to the early Christian disciples. Some original manuscripts on exhibit in the National Bod Museum were written by the apostle scribe Saint John and signed by Jesus Christ.
The Book of Bod elaborates more than the known gospels on Christ's birth, as well as the origin and activities of the wise men and the celestial nature of the star, as the direction and focus of its rays were altered from time to time following its appearance almost a year before Christ was born in Bethlehem. The star was also seen by those in the Inner World and the inhabitants regarded the new light as a long anticipated astrological sign by which the Bod King should begin his journey to pay homage to the Son of God. The King came through a tunnel, emerging in a Bod temple in Abadan on which there has been built a Muslim mosque, and after the visit of the magi to the Christ child, the King returned below via space craft. The Book also details the crucifixion and tells particularly how the wrath of God was felt on Earth through the elements of nature including bolts of lightning which killed 12 Roman soldiers who participated in the crucifixion. The Book also explains how the entire mideast world was caught up in 218 the events of the crucifixion, especially an Assyrian king who began too late a forced march with 3000 troops to save Jesus from death.
But there are also variances in the Book of Bod with the existing gospels. For instance, the Bod version credits the Bod King with warning Mary and Joseph to flee with the infant Jesus to Egypt after his birth in order to escape Herod's hate and vengeance. Then, after Jesus' first encounter with the teachers and priests in the temple at age 12, the Bod narrative says he was taken by space ship to the Inner Earth where he was tutored in the Palace of the Bod King till his mid twenties, when he asked to be returned to the Upper World where he completed his studies in India and Tibet before beginning his ministry of healing and preaching of salvation. Thus the wisdom and learning of the Inner World are represented as figuring largely in Christ's earthly pilgrimage, but that preparation does not discount his divinity nor the main purpose of drawing separated mankind back to God, says Dr. Jerrmus, who does not pretend to be a biblical scholar.
The second expunged book which has been denied Upper World biblical readers, but is an integral part of the Inner World bible, is the book of healing, which was the cornerstone of Christ's earthly ministry. The visiting Bod doctor of literature expounded his opinion that the greatest hindrance to the growth of Christianity in the Upper World was due to the culpability of the early church fathers in their removal of the practical and sacred book on healing, which was a legacy of God's mercy not intended exclusively for a priestly caste. St. Luke, the physician, was a Bodlander, claims Dr. Jerrmus.
The learned doctor from the Inner World concluded by saying that their prophets anticipated the arrival of Christ thousands of years before his coming. They also foretold the end times of this present age which is supposed to include a final holocaust of mankind after which the perfect world order of universal peace and happiness will be reborn. The Bod pre-Christian temple mentioned earlier, now buried under a Moslem mosque near Abadan, Iran, still has the ancient Bod prophecies engraved on its walls concerning this age.
With this brief mention of religious ethics in the Inner World as described by Dr. Jerrmus, our narrative reverts to the dialogue held with Professor Haammaan on the composition and authority of government in Badland's Inner World neighbor, Atturas. Professor Haammaan continues as follows: "The state of Atturas does not suppress individual initiative or deny freedom of expression, but neither does it allow such wide range objections and lobbying from self interest groups as is permitted in America.
It seems to me that the constant attempts to tear down government here will lead to anarchy soon, or else a clashing of government forces and various so-called objector groups. Unlike a dictatorship, the problem of a republican form of government as in America or France is that there is a danger that the central power base needed for civil obedience is dissipated by too many voices of self-willed interest. Your vested groups in America are very powerful and selfish, often at the expense of the majority electorate! I don't speak of politicians critically, but as an observer. We once had a republican form of government like yours, but abandoned it, as did the people of Bod."
Question: What main dangers lie ahead for Earth?
Answer: Number one -- nuclear war. That is why we came up in 1945. Number two -- an intruding planetary influence that is growing which could drastically change the climate in the entire northern hemispheres of the upper Earth in the next 20 years if the planet is not diverted away. Past intrusions of this planet Nagirth caused the formation of other continental ice sheets, the origin of which has defied your geologists. Your Science Foundation has all the information here and probably is greatly concerned about this coming new glacial age. But I believe Nagirth will be deflected.
Question: Have you heard that the Earth's mantle between your people and us is combed with man made tunnels?
Answer: Yes. There are tunnels at varying depths containing very ancient vast civilizations. We use them to commute between Shamballa and the capital of the subterranean Kingdom of the Far North, located in the mantle under Siberia. During the time of the Russian Czars there was an upper opening into Siberia through which we had access to Russia via the tunnels, but this opening has been closed since Russia went Communistic. Openings exist in the U.S.A. and other parts of the upper world. (See map) We use them constantly. The North American tunnel opening of which I am aware has a "y" located deep in the mantle where a city exists. One line of the "y" goes to Shamballa and the other goes to Bod. We below are concerned about possible illegal entries of undesirable races from the subterranean world to our nations via tunnels. Other tunnels are the highways used by certain highly civilized subterranean people who travel via rail from city to city. You nor your readers will likely believe this "inside the Earth's crust” remark, but there are reputed to be more people living there than exist on either surface. In addition to tunnel dwellers there are major cities supported by steel domes under the ice caps of the Polar regions, which were tropical before past Ice Ages and shifting of earth poles caused the dwellers to cover their cities for protection. The Antarctic ice-covered, polar cities connect by train tunnels to subterranean mantle cities and major cities of the Inner World. A third of the tunnel cities are natural and the remainder man-made.
Those people living inside have protection against sun and cold, hence a great longevity span. Your Admiral Richard Byrd was taken to one of the domed cities through sub tunnels. We have mapped all existing tunnels and cities, but there could be pockets we don't know of. When Atlantis sank, our ancestors built plastic domes over those remaining cities which had not yet been inundated by the ocean. Today those six plastic domed cities on the Atlantic bed are still inhabited by our Atlantean people. In all, I believe there are 28 cities located allover the world underwater, each being reached by saucer craft as well as tunnel trains. The undersea city near San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the Bahama trench is round in shape and is ten miles in diameter. It is occupied by millions of our people. All our undersea cities also are connected with Shamballa.
In effect, our Atlanteans, Bodlanders and Athenians occupy the inner Earth, many of the tunnels and tunnel cities as well as domed cities on the bottom of the oceans. Part of the former continent of Atlantis sank immediately, but other parts including those on which the domed cities stand, settled beneath the Atlantic over a period of 300 years. And, of course, the ice formed slowly over the Antarctic sub continent which was the home of the original Garden of Eden, our legends tell.
Question: What is your explanation of the Bermuda Triangle?
Answer: The so called "Bermuda Triangle” does not exist as a defined boundary. During our war with the Athenians we dumped many multi-faceted crystals, of golf ball size, in areas of what today you call the Bermuda Triangle. The crystals were refractory, power sources of some of our weapons and energy centers. They were able to capture the sun's rays and by internally refracting the rays an intense beam or laser ray was produced. The crystals were first used for peaceful purposes and later developed for war. These crystals are still operational 11,500 years after they were dumped in these Caribbean areas which subsequently became flooded, but which have been raising gradually since then. When the sun's rays reach the ocean floor of these areas, the crystals are temporarily activated. When this happens, a steel ship or plane coming in contact with the rays simply disintegrates. Wood is not affected by them.
In the 1600's a fleet of three Dutch ships were sunk in the Sargasso Sea. Survivors, who were found in the lifeboats put together with wooden dowels, told how their larger sailing ships fell part when the ships metal spikes disintegrated. In 1641 the Dutch King built an entirely wooden sailing ship with hardwood dowels. Sent over the same area, the ship found the floating debris of the former wrecks and returning to Rotterdam in 1641 first told the tale of a sea demon who ate up the ships’ spikes. Today we know this area is part of the so called Bermuda Triangle and the sea demon is the dreadful black rays emanating from the crystals which early Atlanteans dumped in that area, now underwater. But it should be remembered that there are also suppressed reports claiming radioactive waste dumped recently in the Caribbean is causing mysterious effects.
The ray in effect is called a black ray by us because it can't be seen. Our ancestors deployed the disintegrating ray in their war with the Athenians to destroy whole cities and also air ships. It is the most devastating ray weapon in the world. The colorless crystal collects its energy from the sun (making it crystal clear) during the day and releases it whenever it is charged to full capacity.
These crystals are indestructible. They were made active by the bottom of the present sea bed rising, along with bottom sands shifting enough to expose the dormant crystals. The crystals are active only at certain times. I believe your government is aware of the danger periods.
Our inner sun is a modified version of these crystals and it, too, is activated in part from the solar sun shining through the Poles throughout the year. This artificial sun was built in ancient Atlantis, transported inside by our spaceships and first charged by the real sun after being orbited in the Earth's interior. Foreseeing the coming war, our ancestors began our colony below 3000 years before Atlantis sank or 221 approximately 15,000 years ago. The artificial sun has functioned perfectly since it was installed. Our lead protected engineering "ray men" do go in periodically and check the lantern for replacement parts. The refractory crystals, however, are everlasting.
Question: When are you going home permanently?
Answer: Your State Department permitting, I intend to remain above for a long time. It is my new home. While attending college, I fell in love with a surface girl and married her. We have three lovely children and I have made this upper world my home. If my wife and children were to pass on, God forbid, tragically before myself, then I would go back because I expect to have many useful years ahead. But who knows the future so exactly? Maybe I shall remain above till I die. I have not reckoned how many years of my normal life span I will lose by remaining on the Earth's surface.
Four interviews were held with the two inner world contacts from 1977 to 1979. Many aspects of their separate civilizations were discussed which have not been introduced here because they do not add to the credibility of a hollow earth. Two important revelations about them should, however, be brought to the reader's attention. The first is the greater longevity of the old races of the Inner Earth who are actually related to surface dwellers. Evidence indicates that those below, without exception, live a minimum of a hundred years longer than we do in a single life span and millions apparently live several hundred additional years. Until we gather further proof of this, a discussion of the longevity of dwellers in the Inner World will be held in abeyance, because the possibility of its being true is more disquieting than anything else discovered. If the Bodlanders live to be several hundred years, then an exchange of medical teams, which the Bodlanders are anxious to do, would be desirable to provide surface dwellers with the formulas used below. If, on the other hand, the Atturans live for a thousand years, is it not possible that mankind on the surface has indeed fallen from grace since he left the legendary Garden of Eden? And have human beings been denied longer lives by the finite life sentence of only three score years and ten? On being asked what was the greatest difference between the Inner and Outer worlds which he first noted on arriving on the surface to live, Haammaan replied, "Old age, hospitals and mortuaries."
1 comment:
Great places and things to dream about. One certainly must have an appreciation of Star Trek, The Men in Black, and other films to assist such imaginative juices to flow on paper initially.
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