Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Part 1: The Menticide Manuel...Quibbling...Gaslighting..Ghosting...Framing

by Thorsten J. Pattberg


The easiest way to destroy a man in body and soul is to harm him in all ways and forms imaginable and claim it‘ll be good for him. This demonic logic, its inversion is telling him that doing good would actually be bad for him, creeps into our mammal brains through early childhood dreams.

In these particular childhood dreams, which all humans experience versions of, the paralyzed dreamer is the victim of a brutal injustice or a fatalistic accident; say he is being raped in the bushes or is being gradually squashed by a tank or cartwheel while a consolidating voice, maybe his mother or maybe a passer-by, is assuring him that “it’ll soon be over” and that “all will be fine.” This nightmare is the result of childhood trauma: an abusive experience, a great injustice, an incomprehensible horror… yet the world around us seems just fine with it!

All tyrants abuse their underlings‘ childhood traumas and tell them “it is for the best of you” and that “the pain goes away, I promise.” Only one more round of beating, one more war on terror, one more crackdown on dissidents, only one last state of emergency and we are through with it.

As adults we learn to cope. We tell ourselves that what does not kill us makes us stronger or that life is suffering anyway. If that’s what it is, and this experience is universally shared by most human beings, it follows that indeed we may inflict on each other the most horrible things and do not even need to pretend “it’s for your best,” because it goes without saying that it could not have been for anything otherwise.

Most readers will be aware of genocide, the destruction of a genus or group, and of homicide, the killing of a body. We know the many ways a group or a person can be eliminated: slowly through torture and poisoning, quickly through cuts, holes and strangling – murder! What remains a taboo in literature and the news though, is the various ways we are able to kill reason, logic and sanity – menticide!

This concise text will introduce to our distinguished readers the most deadly ways to subvert, to demoralize, to lobotomize and finally to liquidize someone‘s brains… until they are reduced to nothing more than another helpless Schizo Fran or Mona Loser ready for suicide or the local madhouse.

Start Early

The term “brainwashing” became fashionable propaganda during the Cold War and the American stand-off with Communism. The Commies allegedly captured Americans and reprogrammed their minds so that they turned into traitors and double agents. How else could infallible authorities explain so many dissenters in their own ranks?

Since you actually had to be brainwashed to believe the United States was the greatest force for good in the universe, the term spread wide and far into the mainstream, film and radio. Although brainwashing camps were never found, neither in Vietnam nor in Korea or Afghanistan or Cuba or Venezuela or in the Soviet Union for that matter, the catchy term ‘brainwashing’ was now applied to any situation where victims passively endured impossibly ridiculous indoctrination, for example harmless Bible Studies in public schools. The real hard-core brainwashing, meanwhile, probably occurs not in the camps for prisoners of war, but in the thousands of small cults or cult-like households across the nation, that is: in families.

Granted, brainwashing can only ever work, just like most physical abuse ever works, if it remains undetected and unreported, and when the victim is completely isolated and absolutely dependent on his tormentor, for example the child to a single mother, or the house-maker to a wife-beater. The victim cannot leave the cult or the dysfunctional household, where his abusers control their victim’s every aspect of life, deprive him of sleep, money, friends, and outside information.

The cult leader systematically attacks the victim’s “ego” or “Self”, metaphorically beating it to a pulp. If the victim is a man, he is “not a man!”, if he has a job, his job “is not good enough” and if he has no job, he is “a bum or a loser”. Children who don’t have developed their own identity yet, are probably getting emotionally damaged for life. Their abusive mothers tell them they are “unlovable” and “a burden to everyone”. Their abusive fathers tell them they are “fags” and “pussies”. It doesn’t matter that none of it is true: the bird is killed by the bullets, don’t say that bullets just flew. No creature can survive such barrages of attacks for weeks, months and years. Soon, the psyche will doubt itself: “This is reality, I should never have been born.” The victims of classic narcissists, sociopaths and violent abusers will never be able to recover. Even if rescued by divine intervention or child protective services, they will forever feel emasculated, anxious, insecure.

The victims change mentally and physically. They hunch over, they pull their hair, they avoid eye contact, they develop tics and abnormal behavior, and their voices become soft and high-pitched. They have internalized that they are ugly, shallow, stupid, and that they have “shit on their fingers” and that they are undeserving of affection.

Once the Self has cracked this way, the abuser has total control over a human being. The victim’s mental health is shattered, she is probably on drugs or medical prescriptions by now, and she walks on eggshells every hour of the day not to provoke more psychological hostility from her master.

The abuser loses all respect and shows no empathy. On the contrary, he blames the victim: “Look what you made me do!” His victim is dehumanized and less worthy than a pet dog or a punching doll. A born abuser ignores what the victim says, or interrupts the victim at every sentence, attacks the victim for stuttering and mumbling, curses and berates the victim over the slightest mistake – and if it’s just her turning the sound of the TV down. When they step outside the house, he walks faster than his victim, or slower, stops as he pleases, changes direction. The victim throttles along as if by an invisible chord. Female abusers tend to control what their victims eat, what they do and where they go, when they go, including just getting up from the sofa and to the toilet or shower-room. They stoop through cupboards, bags, clothes, cellphones and even the garbage just to eliminate the victim’s dignity.

Formerly happy, confident children are turned into slacks, lacking motivation and sitting around, waiting to be insulted, mistreated and bossed around to their next chores. Their brain chemistry is messed up: constant stress, fear, panic attacks. Insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders pile up. “You have always been a sick child!” They have given up on self-determination, because it will be met with gruesome retribution and punishment. So why try anything in life? They cannot do anything right, so they better stop trying.

Mental abuse starts early in any relationship. The signs are everywhere and if you miss those signs or ignore them, it will be at your own peril. Whether it is in an abusive household or in an abusive cult, the victims appear worm-like, soulless and schizoid. And just when you thought they couldn’t possibly shrink anymore, they start to become… invisible.


Not many relations are as stressful as those relations with a dedicated quibbler. The quibbler is a nitpicker, a raisin-slitter, a hard-ass over the tiniest details and forgettable non-problems – stuff we couldn’t care less about.

Such a person will effortlessly drive you mad. He will quibble over the definitions of words, worry about trivialities and find flaws in every case you present to him.

“Buddhism was founded in India and spread to East Asia, but in India itself it declined after the 12th Century. ” “Not true,” says the quibbler. He has “seen a Buddha statue in New Delhi last year on a business trip with Joe!” Indeed, the quibbler’s sole proclivity in any conversation might just be to disassemble, to discourage or to sabotage what is the case. This can be done by a sly lawyer who objects to anything the prosecution champions out of principle in order to derail proper proceedings; or it can be done by a chatty manager who shamelessly blames middle management or the bookkeepers in order to obfuscate responsibility.

So, when US president Bill Clinton in 1998 technically lied under oath to Congress that he did not have a sexual relation with Monica Lewinsky or any other staff member in the Oval Office, he was nevertheless immediately acquitted during his impeachment trial. This was the result of Bill’s impeccable quibbling to Puritan theology: Apparently, the president was under the general impression, shared by the sages in Congress, that “sexual relations” does not say casual blow-jobs.

Nervous quibbling had divided the nation before in 1995 during the O. J. Simpson murder trial, in which former sports icon and movie actor Mr. Simpson was de facto found guilty for the double-murder of his wife and her lover, but de jure acquitted because of a shriveled glove and a gutty defense lawyer: “If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”

In big business just as in big politics, during all the important negotiating, contracting and bargaining, the quibblers – not the signatures – are usually in charge. They come for the details and will phrase and interpret the whole thing any way they want. As one anecdotal divorce lawyer assured his client: “You reached an agreement with your wife not to tell anyone? Well, how about you write it down then and leave it on my desk.”

When the United States in 2003 primed for invading oil-rich Iraq, it summoned the Pentagon’s archaic scammers and pettifoggers to legislate a new legal category – that of a ‘preemptive war’ – to stop Saddam Hussein before he could be defending himself with weapons of mass destruction, even though Mr. Hussein had no such weapons. This giant elephant in the room of course didn’t bother war preparations, as the lawfins in Washington now argued that “preemptive war” could mean anything, including destroying Iraq before it could have been acquiring such weapons in theory in a parallel universe of thoughtful quibbling.

Unsurprisingly, quibbling in western Christian denomination has always been associated with ‘the devil’, and the quibblers in literature were ‘the devil’s advocates’. A nation of quibblers, on the other hand, cannot be deterred by ethics or morality. Hence the Americans’ relentless digging the ‘the rule of law’ from under the rest of the world: At one point, the freest people in the world employed 2/3 of lawyers on this planet.


The most ruthless emotional abuse of all is gaslighting. It is extremely common, but rarely brought to such sadistic perfection as in certain toxic personalities – relatives or spouses or celebrities – which we typically and colloquially render psychopaths – that is: predators who are without empathy or concern for the well-being of others. Those rare monsters attack and attack the mind of their isolated victims and drive them insane by a single-minded, ridiculously easy yet most effective trick: “You must be hallucinating your pain!”

In colloquial language we use the term gaslighting too lightly for about any incidence of white lie or having somebody on, when in psychology gaslighting is not your average natural excuse or defense mechanism, but really an inborn genetic predisposition of a criminal mind toward subduing his fair game. Receivers, unfortunate victims that is, of relentless gaslighting will require medical treatment eventually, as they suffer from depression and reality-loss and sleeplessness.

The gaslighter is doing something to the victim with the intention to break her trust and say he hasn‘t done it. And herein lies the unspeakable horror: The insane are really just sane persons who were driven to the psychiatric ward by a truly insane abuser. So, having acquired those all-important sleep aids and hypnotics and enzodiazepine drugs through their doctor of confidentiality, the poor victim crawls back home and into the den of their remorseless abuser, waiting to receive some more humiliation.

The psychopath did not acquire his gaslighting skills through an how-to-do book-club reading any more than a natural player acquired his gift to pick up insecure women through a book on pick-up artistry. He is a natural and gaslights effortlessly. He does or he says the most unimaginable cruel things and denies flat-out and on-the-spot, even if caught lying on camera, that he never did so or said so, and that “you must be imagining things” and that “you are crazy!” Seeing the impact of his abuse, the terror in the eyes of his victim, gives him a sensational, almost erotic satisfaction. So he will do it again and again.

A natural-born slut, herself having been abused by her sex-working single mommy from Wan Chai in Hong Kong and countless sugar daddies in the British colony, had over 1000 sex partners in her golden years, and is now – 10 years later in Ford Lauderdale, Florida USA – suspected by her clueless American boyfriend of carrying the smell of another man’s semen.

She did it because she is strong, fearless and independent. When her boyfriend was away, she hooked up with one of her many Tinder dates (a popular dating app). She didn’t clean up, went back home, and wanted to continue having sex with her boyfriend upon his return home later that evening. He clearly smells and tastes another man’s odor and junk.

She dismisses him as being paranoid and crazy. She even shouts at him, he is probably cheating on her! The drama doesn’t end here, of course. Since he got together with her after using an online dating app called Tinder, he now caught a genital yeast infection. Like with herpes, there is no cure. He dares to bring up his itching and ailment to her, which she now puts on him: “Who knows where you got that from, it wasn‘t me!“ all the while scratching her purse.

When he asked her politely about her past in the British colony, she put it on him and called him a dirty accuser and a racist fag. To her surprise, he takes it. He takes it all. Wonderful. She is gaslighting him, and he is terrified and overwhelmed. Nobody ever did this to him. What a strong, fearless and independent woman she is! And because this ‘surreality’ is fascinating, he stays. This is nature’s way of saying a master and his servant have found each other. They are complementary.

Although psychopaths make barely 5% of the population, they are never complete without 5% of the population totally ruined by their manipulative ways, and the rest 90% who can’t take their eyes off them. Gaslighting works, and works all the time. There is no prevention, no vaccination, no cure. For example, in the age of the Internet, we see hundreds of depraved psychopaths setting up video channels and basically calling everyone stupid. EVERYONE! From scientists to politicians to their parents and their old friends. They are all stupid!

Now watch what is happening in real life. People are emotionally affected. Vulnerable, easily impressionable people are getting hooked. He must be very smart because he calls everyone stupid. How can anybody be so bold and honest! Wow. I have to watch more of him.

Ironically, healthy people – whether by nasty computer algorithms or by their own curiosity-that-kills-the-cat – click on those psychopathic videos, thinking that they are immune. “Hey, I cannot be affected. Not me. I went to university!” How wrong they are. Nobody is resistant to gaslighting. If an intelligent person is called an imbecile, he will eventually give in to negative thoughts and self-doubt. If a good person is called evil, he will reflect on past regrets and failures. If a sane person is called insane, she will immediately feel a rush of hormones and chemical reactions in her brain. That’s because in all those cases, their minds are under attack. They are in danger.

If you are being humiliated by gaslighters, if you have a healthy sense of inquiry and want to know why Oh-Lord-please-help-me that person said that to you, cold-blooded and without remorse, you naturally feel a strong desire to stay around and design a plan on how to get even. You think: For justice’s sake, this asshole must never get away with it. But of course, now you are insane. And as to the question of why he or she did this to you… well, they said it a thousand times: “You were imagining things!”

Many, many relationships crash because of permanent gaslighting. Take Aaron, a college drop-out who nevertheless turned into a hard-working, honest car mechanic and now small business owner and, because of his exuding trustworthiness, attracts a trophy wife who refuses to work. Aaron is constantly told he is lazy and useless, but he makes nothing of it at first, because obviously this can‘t be true – right?

Over the next months that quickly turn into years, once stable and self-confident Aaron, who unfortunately keeps his emotional life to himself, is viciously targeted and sees his reality – past and present and future – crumble before the beak of this unholy lying harpy.

Why can‘t she flush the toilet? “It wasn’t me!” But it is only you and me here. “You are stupid, it wasn’t me!”

Why is she always checking his phone? “I didn’t do it, you left it open on the table, stupid!”

She watches television or her mobile screen for 16 hours a day for years, yet in front of friends and family she lies she is a busybody and works for important clients. How can she lie so blatantly, while she is just standing right beside him? “I didn’t say anything, you are crazy, you want to ruin my life!”

Gaslighters kick their spouses like our Aaron here in their sleep, smash the doors at night, mess with his food, steal money, even cuckold him with another man’s child… and will not only deny all of it but urge the poor bastard to seek medical treatment or, in the cruelest possible way to finish him off, report him as the abuser to the authorities.

Sooner or later, the patient’s reality collapses. He might resist one year or even ten years, for the sake of his young children perhaps, or with a plan to man-up and retaliate by making the gaslighter’s life a living hell. But after all those years, the mind is broken and the brain is addicted to drugs. The victim has lost his job, his self-respect. He falls ill, suffers strokes, heart attacks, memory loss and severe panic attacks when she is around. He stops speaking, because his words will be turned around and used against him. He believes now he deserved to be treated like this, because ‘reality’ is what the strong impose on the weak. Like she always said: “It is your fault, you made me treat you like this!”

The government and the military, the secret services and many of those classified, state-funded psychological warfare institutes have studied gaslighting and its effect on the human psyche. It is well understood in individuals and can be applied on a massive scale to millions of victims.

A text-book example of geopolitical gaslighting were Hitler Germany’s endless accusations that Poland was crazy and Germany would never start a war and invade Poland, despite the war-preparation going on for the whole world to see, basically from February 1933 to September 1st, 1939, when brutish Germany finally blitzed Poland. And even then, it was all the fault of the Polish who foolishly attacked first.

The term gaslighting entered pop culture allegedly with a 1938 script and 1944 film starring Ingrid Bergman, who herself was half Swedish half German. But let us not deceive ourselves over the fact that this form of mind savagery was with us long before the Holocaust, the Great War and the advent of modern psychology. All over the world, and perhaps just across the road, predators prey on poor Aarons and little Ingrids.

The obsessive suspicion, alas, is on you. Your tormentors are already making up new names for gaslighting. How about plausible deniability, conspiracy theories, counter-propaganda or just fact-checking. Whatever you think the government is really treating you, it is your crazy imagination that was the problem.

And as to the gruesome metaphor of a waning dim light, your light of course, that is slowly dying in your abusive relationship, remember that nobody is going to believe your twisted story, when it silently and irrevocably ends.


Ghosting seems a new, painful form of rejection to me, and part of something apocalyptic.

It all started when the teens of generation Z, or “zoomers” as we call them, born between 1990 and 2010, started to use the sad word “ghosted” for their break-up from Tyrone or Daisy. For no apparent reason whatsoever, Tyrone and Daisy stopped texting them, or unfriended them on Facebook or something. So disrespectful.

We called the zoomers snowflakes and crybabies, and thought not much else of it. A decade later and the zoomers were now also being ghosted by their employers, school admission officers, clients, hundreds of dates, old friends and complete strangers, and the other 499 influencers they followed on Instagram this week alone. Ghosting became the new antisocial plague, a new painful nihilism sweeping through the City. It got so bad that even the unholy New York Times featured “Ghosting” in its 2019 cover story, saying that people were “cutting off all communication without explanation.”

Had not our bewildering ignorance, or shall we say this unnaturally sudden and hideous extinction of the zoomers at the hands of the entire world it seemed, damaged something inside of them? Burned their sense of entitlement, perhaps? Wrecked their impossibly high expectations?

Popular Tyrone was still grinning from his WhatsApp picture, yes, but he grinned right through us, and was not answering our last twelve messages. Daisy, too, seemed apathetic and cold. She changed her profile picture to a cute Pomeranian, true, which brought her forty-seven new followers on TikTok. But she hasn’t called me after our second date at Wendy’s. Am I a nobody?

I am a proud generation X, born in 1975. I have no beef with the millennials or generation Y, born between 1980 and 2000. They are a bit smarter with computers. But these zoomers, they cause trouble. I wish I could say ghosting hasn’t happened to me.

But the truth is, I got sucked into the fray and I am getting rejected really hard and all the time. People all around us are cutting ties or never reply to us, don’t you see. They are still online. For whom? Are we not good enough for them? Is it contempt? Surely, they like the attention we give them. Apart from that precious stimulant called validation however, the real us means nothing to them.

Are the Tyrones and Daisies moving on to their next victims, I wonder? Should I too, man up and ghost some people I am in contact with? Wow, this is powerful. I feel it: A ghoster is in total control. A ghoster is invincible. He who cares the least, always wins, they say. I will cut all relations, before they can do it to me.

The zoomers were onto something bigger, however. I give them that. Something greater and far beyond what we called the decline of civilization. And it got more insidious than you think. A LOT MORE. Human relationships, not just between the sexes, but also between parents and children, between the classes and races, and all loyalty to school and employment, have broken down.

Yes, a certain indifference and frigidity always befell the great anonymous cities like New York where there is no scarcity of Tyrones and Daisies. But this new indifference, this disinterest in real human beings, is unnatural, hostile and unstoppable.

It is no longer just the zoomers getting the silent treatment every day, being ignored, rejected and abandoned. The terror has caught up with us from generation Z to Y and X in a spectacularly short amount of time. That is because we all got competition. Competition from an unearthly parallel universe so vast and cruel and superior in speed and numbers, that very, very few of us are standing a realistic chance of survival.

In this parallel universe that is now superimposed on our lives, it is not the actual physical You and Me that are rejected, but our theoretical proposition in the form of ‘If this was me, would you like me’. That digital Us in the internet… it isn’t Us in person. It is a replica. A phantom. Not Us. Never.

Before I gnaw on the terrifying aspects of a person’s transformation and multiple identities in cyberspace, I need to clarify the rules I think distinguish this parallel universe: A person made of matter cannot enter digital space which is made of binary digits and electric charges. He or she needs to enter the internet or any other communication not as him or herself but as a stand-in, a fiction, a protocol or a program, a silly profile or, simply, a user. Let us call all these digital manifestations of us what the zoomers would have us to call them: ghosts.

Ghosts meet and greet each other in cyberspace at the speed of light and simultaneously in different places at the same time. This happens even whilst we, their owners and creators, are away or asleep.

Tim in Tokyo was 46 years old and lived in our Nakano-ku. He earned little money from his copy read for a Japanese paper. He was a pen-and-paper role playing gamer in his youth in Cornwall in England. After graduating from college, he came to Japan and, so he confessed to me, quickly became addicted to manga and video games. He took on the roles of 360 karas or characters a year, had 5,000 friends on Facebook (the maximum), clicked and liked and followed tens of thousands of profiles, writers, gamers and toths, and he had on his desk a little booklet in which he kept the passwords and emails of over 850 pseudonyms and aliases. Those are called sock-puppets in the community, he explained. Admins hate them!

Tim was an internet shaman. He was obsessed with the Dark web, with meme magic and Lord Kek, the Egyptian god of Chaos. He told me about the dead internet theory, and about how some German hackers in 2016 found out that only 3% of humans get 90% of all internet traffic. Tim wrote thousands of comments on internet message boards, edited thousands of Wikipedia articles and 4ChanQuora and Reddit forums, every day and under various pseudonyms. As I recall him over the years we sporadically saw each other at the conbini, Tim had not a single real friend or indeed much of human contact. He already lived here when we arrived, single and alone. And single and alone he was when tragedy befell him.

But let us not digress. The zoomer generation in particular, but also the millennials before them, created a billion avatars, profiles or whatever go-to digital incarnations, and the more the better. I recall that before China required passports and phone numbers in 2012, each of us had at least 10, 20 or even 100 different email addresses and anonymous identities.

Primitive ghost farms first emerged in China. Those farms mimic human activities with computers. Up to a thousand cell-phones are strapped to wire-frames against the wall like bird cages, dialing and creating paid-for traffic for websites, writing fake Amazon reviews or artificially boosting the next Korean pop idol. We can duplicate and reduplicate artificial users, and make those ghosts mine digital coins, build cities and infrastructures, explore infinite artificial worlds and migrate anywhere.

These ghosts roam the planetary web. And mind you, that was before the G5 technology, which basically opened Pandora’s box of all electric devices in the world talking to each other. Physical distance or absence are no obstruction for ghost meetings. This happens, for example, when your latest mobile app, say Instagram, asks you to link your Facebook account: It’s a ghost orgy!

In normal human society, time and distance limit us. That makes relationships divine and important. We must cherish them. In the cyberworld however, time and distance are irrelevant and human relationships are inapplicable. These are ghosts in the shell, machine spirits, artificial intelligence and soulless bots.

Two thousand of unsolicited love letters rejected? That‘s the very definition of madness. Send two billion more spam mails, as the New York Times does? that’s the machine spirit!

When a postmodern company was hiring in the 80s, it would get five paper applications from local dudes. So management accepted one and typed four rejection letters.

Naturally, when tech companies like Google in 1998 used the latest technology, emails, they assumed at first that nothing had changed, that they still get their application-files from real-life dudes, so they tried to continue the time-honored and respectful tradition of sending out rejection letters. Only in 2000, there were not four but 40 rejection letters. And by 2010, there were 100,000 letters. And by 2020, there were over 3,000,000 rejection letters annually. You know what, fuck that letter. You are rejected by default!

So now, even if you are a really agreeable and interesting dude, companies really give a flying monkey. They are far more interested in the numbers that you’ve created. In fact, most humans are superfluous and irrelevant and replaceable any moment. We already got that lesson from Tyrone and Daisy. But ghosts… ghosts are just perfect. Ghosts boost performance and enhance our company‘s desirability.

The study of ghosts has now absolute priority at our most prestigious institutes of technology such as MIT in Cambridge Massachusetts. This is because ghosts are weaving value out of nothing, which we aptly call crypto. It literally means hidden stuff!

That wasn’t all. CEOs kept talking about it at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland and in their Rotary Clubs. They made the astonishing discovery that the same ghosts that applied at Google seemed to have also applied to other companies such as Facebook and Amazon and hundreds more, and simultaneously. And each and all those companies could now individually claim those numbers for themselves and book those ghosts as real applicants. What else can we use ghosts for? If we reject the same dude in automated fashion at all our universities bar one, that makes all of them look very competitive.

The ghosts are listening to more music than there are listeners on this planet, and more videos are watched by ghosts than there are living watchers.

Western politics will collapse. That is a mathematical certainty. See, democracy is Ancient Greek to computers. Every man gets exactly one vote? That makes no sense to power grids and electricity. In true unreality, ghosts get hundreds of thousands of votes each and every second. Like in a computer game.

On a regular day, Tim probably visits 400 websites and 1200 urls – distinctively unreal places, he insists. What we see on the desktop is just pixels. A facade. Tim runs a different identity in every window on one of his three screens, disguised by VPN, which is an encrypt code, simulating his point of entrance is Amsterdam or Dublin or Capetown. Without realizing it, we all visit 10 times that many urls involuntarily, because of the many Trojan horses, backdoor and spy software by hackers and governments, through subversive tracking or redirection software.

Tim owned nothing, was untidy and rarely left his tiny apaato, except to get cans of fruity beer from a nearby Seven-Eleven conveni. Yet, in unreality he was a king, a fan, a loyal friend, a love interest, a reader, a follower, a whatever. Tim‘s ghosts multiplied and exist in a thousand forms and in different locations at the same time. And, yes, even though Tokyo Tim hated the New York “Fuck You” Times, the company spammed him with ads and mails to his various accounts and email boxes no less than 11,721 times. See that, he snorted, they do it too. The bigger the corporation, the more ghosts. That is 11,721 rejections from me, ha! But computers do not learn that no means no. Never.

The Zoomers tried to warn us. Barack Obama isn’t the thousand-armed and thousand-eyed bodhisattva who follows 588,000 Twitter friends. The numbers are fake.

Tokyo Tim died age 51, just a while ago, from liver failure. His exhausted, used up body lay on his desk in his vault-sized Nakano apaato. The shaman trans-migrated into the Internet, data and memory, ethereal existence. Real humans rejected real Tim. No fake company or celebrity rejects a ghost. Ghost Tim is still following all those companies and celebrities and friends. They love him.


Framing means talking the people into something that doesn‘t even exist. It is the last and ultimate manipulative strategy used by any author to describe everything he wished had happened in a way that bequeaths his own brilliant legacy and fits an imaginary plot.

We say last manipulative strategy because at this point, as a versatile writer, all other techniques ought to have been exhausted.

Take the Western genre. Old Joe, all covered in mud and dirt, could have come home to his family and never mentioned that the horse is dead – the conspiracy of silence.

He could have said that now was the time to buy a new pair of boots – the distraction tactic.

Old Joe could have said that, now that somebody reported a dead horse laying on the roadside, that it was him who cleared it from the pave, but that there really was nothing more to see, poor thing – whitewashing.

He could have told them all kinds of fanciful stories with the intention of beating a dead horse, but he could not tell them that it was him who had beaten the horse to death – plausible deniability.


Joe now got the story right, or rather, everyone else got it wrongThere was a terrible chase with outlaws and gunslingers, and bullets hailed and the spades went up and Joe cheated death but his horse did not.

Criminologists do not apply the borrowed word “framing” from carpentry lightheartedly. To them, it literally means building a fake support structure. If there is but the slightest incoherence apparent to the jury – if it is not a corrupt jury that is -, even the most elaborately framed case cannot support the gallows and must collapse.

Not so for our writologists who live on insolent words, jolly stories and unrestrained cunning. Regimes, journalists and authors unashamedly frame each and everything else and their readers.

The greatest “Western” genre writer of all time, with over 200,000,000 books soldwas not American, and he had never even been to America, let alone to the American Wild West. Karl Friedrich May was a German author from Hohenstein by Radebeul in the Kingdom of Saxony, Germany. He invented cowboys like Old Shatterhand and Apache chieftains like Winnetou purely based on his barefaced imaginationand from reading adventure novels.

Whoa, wait! You might say: Horseshit! Tell me this isn‘t true, really? A German trickster framed the “American West”! How did he get away with it? Well, he apparently asked himself that very same question, as he was widely considered a complete cheat, liar and fabulist.


Remember when we said that framing is the last and ultimate manipulative strategy? Last, because if the author‘s reputation is already in tatters, it is also ultimate, because he might as well command those 11,700 Apache Indians, 100,000 English separatists or 60,000,000 German soldiers – and ride roughshod with them!

This is plain psychology. When Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, studied a young boy‘s phobia of horses, already scientists shrugged Freud off as con artist, fraud and cult leader. With nothing to lose, Dr. Freud went into a work frenzy and invented thousands of cases such as Little Hans, Rat Man and Schizo Dora, and, at last, mass-framed all of us, the entirety of humanity no less, as unconsciously traumatized, anal-fixated sex-addicts.

But let us turn back to delusional Karl Friedrich May. The framing of the American Wild West as a romantic cowboy-Indian-bandit show, attracted the largest distribution systems of his time, the regime publishers first in his Kingdom of Saxony, next the German Empire, and later inspired generations of European spaghetti Western movies. Mr. May and his referring-to-himself-in-the-third-person chieftain Winnetou soon spoke in forty languages.

While Sigmund Freud was a natural-born liar and charlatan who prescribed cocaine to marijuana addicts, Karl May was naturally selected for bullshitting. Nine of his thirteen siblings had died prematurely, and Karl was too poor to travel, and too unemployed to live honest. Mr. May was a known thief and a scammer in Radebeul, and was jailed no less than three times – all solid cases as far as the criminologists were concerned.

Writing impossibly tall, taller-than-life fake stories was his last and ultimate strategy, as it had always been this way with all known impostors and gascons, from Maximilien Robespierre to Friedrich Hegel, from Theodor Adorno to Michel Foucault, all of them who were exceptionally warped narcissists and bad scientists but unbelievable plaster saints.

Their tall stories form impenetrable frameworks that shield them from past failures, but to their credit, they took a great risk: Choosing between unbridled grandstanding and a pact with the regime or being thrown back to the scum of writers. Only a talent who sets himself apart from all the others by complete and unremitting, shamelessly unapologetic framing of entire societies will be considered truly great to the masses.

The English verb “to frame” is actually the correct one to go with “constitution,” although I wouldn’t advise going about and knocking the hats off the Americans. A constitution is the national frame of government. You can lie through your teeth as long as it is within that frame.

I learned fondly how Abraham Lincoln rifled through the Declaration of Independence, independence from the English I mean, as he framed it: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” which is actually him pulling off an early Karl May. Mr. Lincoln had never seen two men created equal, just as Mr. May had never seen a white man with a red man.

The constitutional frame is a beaten-to-death horse over which the Americans must jump and hurdle, even though the self-evident and equality parts – in hindsight – look more socialist than the socialist writings of another big German scoundrel – Karl Marx.


In the framer‘s mind, there inhabited the American Wild West only three people: the peaceful white settlers, the nice red Indians, and the ugly bandits. Old Shatterhand and Winnetou were blutsbrüder, blood brethren. No mentioning of genocide and conquest, just fighting outlaws, all Italian looking, I know, crazy, and Ol‘ Shatterhand riding horse Hatatitla, the brother of Winnetou‘s Iltschi. But none of them was gay, because Winnetou had a little sister.

So the West got framed. Americans got framed. Marxists got framed. Everybody got framed, all by fantastic authors that were known during their life-time as bullshitters.

Now, every time I see or hear the written words frame, framing, framework, I wanna puke. Frame this, frame that, they are framing us! There are now Framework Institutes and Framing Inequality and Policy Framing, Professors of Framing as well as Centers for Framing Analysis. Oh no! writes a woman in the German Times: “They are framing our reality!” “It’s voodoo!” writes a black woman writer in the same paper, who might have a future case.


The new framers were coming. How do we explain: A) the totalitarian European Union, B) the collapse of the Soviet Union, and C) the hereditary, totally not fair British school system? We are already known crooks and liars with hay-burners, so this time we really gotta pile up a whole mountain-range of horseshit.

Framing is such a stupefying grandiose activity, we might as well try to pull them out from the ass of God‘s-a-horse-on-business. Answer to A) Lend the money-lenders a pen. Answer to B) Fund Hollywood studios and the New York Times. Answer to C) Blow up Harry Potter and his School of Wizardry to 200 countries.

Let us dive a little bit into today‘s hypermodern, multi-billion euro framing industry. Obviously, we have framed constitutions. We have our cause of origin framed. We have our traditions framed. Our enemies must be framed at all times.

When in 2016 during the New Year’s Eve celebrations, over 2,000 women were sexually assaulted in Cologne, Germany, by “men of non-European origin,” this almost certainly did not fit the regime’s open borders strategy and welcome Africa story. In the framer‘s mind, there inhabit West Germany only three people: the peaceful dark settlers, the nice white Germans, and the ugly Nazis.

So believe it or not, the authorities in Cologne, North-Rhine Westphalia, together with their masters in Berlin, conspired with the police and dragged this dead horse from the pave. There, it dried and decayed for three days.

Meanwhile, rumors spread quickly through the population, and Cologne has not a few chatty tourists and foreign agents, so the news eventually got out. Yes, there happened on New Years Eve in Cologne a mass sex assault by dark migrant men on German native women.

On the fourth day, neighboring Austrian, British and Swiss papers covered the horror, but no big deal. They can‘t break the German censorship wall. But who can break the German censorship wall? – easy, that‘s the United States of America in the form of the New York Times!

The Merkel regime in Berlin and the handlers in Cologne stood there in the international lights with their pants down. What an embarrassment.

Within the next weeks and months, Germany organized a gigantic framing operation by which the Cologne incident was dragged back onto the pave and an entirely new story about what happened that night was told.

The ugly Nazi women dressed provocatively and thus sent the wrong signals to peaceful African and Muslim party-goers. Ugly Nazi men overreacted and filmed the peaceful dark settlers in a negative light. Luckily, the nice Germans that day never filed any police report and nobody was arrested or prosecuted.

It is true. Not a single perpetrator from the initial 2,000 cases that night was arrested or prosecuted. The new Cologne chief of police, a nice German woman, suggested other nice German women next time to “keep one arm’s length of social distance” to peaceful dark settlers, you know, to avoid being raped. The framers in Berlin declared war on ugly Nazis, even though the last Nazi alive is 96 years of age.

It is easy to chuckle at the misfortune of the German natives and their suffering under powerful framing by their deceitful rulers. But it is the Americans who truly stalk up to their eyeballs in horseshit.

When American socialist Central News Network CNN reported on the 2020 mass looting and rioting by the dark people throughout the United States, causing billions of dollars in property damage, its journalists framed the terror and crimes as “mostly peaceful demonstrations.”


Many Americans can‘t comprehend the framing by such a powerful news network. Its authors are known propagandists and liars, and they have now resorted to the last and ultimate strategy used by so many other authors in history before them who had nothing to lose no more. They said Fuck it! We may as well talk big fat horseshit and frame 340,000,000 Americans.

America is a fiction. And watch which authors get idolized. The Constitution was framed in 1787 and starts with a lie: “We The People.” It didn‘t include the people not being in the room. It didn’t include the British people, who were driven out, and not the Indian people that were exterminated. It didn‘t even include women and blacks. It certainly does not include ordinary Americans who are kept dumb and illiterate. It should read: We The Rulers.

When in 2020 CNN framed the protest march in Washington D.C. against an allegedly stolen election and a corrupt government as “a capitol riot” or even “an insurrection,” most Europeans held their breath. And then CNN said this: It was the “worst crisis of democracy since a certain person in Nazi Germany.” How cynical your lying and deceitful leaders have become, for was it not that certain person and Nazi Germany that lauded and praised Karl May‘s romantic renderings of you Americans.

When an author realizes that his over-the-top fiction is promoted -and, literally, taken at its word – by a powerful regime looking for a framework, as it happened to Abraham Lincoln, Karl May, Karl Marx or Sigmund Freud, they all proceed from there on a similar ego-trip: They now feel they have to invent backstories to their lies in their biographies. More lies to match the fiction.

Abraham Lincoln tried hard to disguise that he was a racist and slave owner. Karl May tried to quickly travel the world before he died, but didn‘t make it. However, he said he distant-learned 1,200 languages more, hung up counterfeit rifles, such as Old Shatterhand’s Bärentöter, and told audiences that he and Winnetou together shot bison with it. Karl Marx tried to look like a proletarian, even though he was an upper-class parasite who never worked a real job. Sigmund Freud later diagnosed patients from the distance, like Jesus but better. They knew no restraint.

Their greedy regimes, meanwhile, whether it is America or Germany, will absolutely go in off the deep end and rope those fat storytellers in. And because our regimes are gonna hang a lot of bad guys by their necks and drag horses off the pave, the disgusting and utterly delusional support framework by our bogus greatest authors must hold.

next...Inverse Reality

The author is a German writer and cultural critic.


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1 comment:

Ron Chapman said...

G'day Thorsten,

Thank you for an insightful article.

I disagree that Germany's claims about Poland's genocide of ethnic Germans was 'gaslighting'

Russians in Ukraine face genocide as did Germans in Danzig. The current Russian Ukraine incursion is protecting ethnic Russians from genocide by the Kiev regime.

Talmudists have gaslighted the whole world alleging Germany's responsibility for WWII. It wasn't. Poland's genocide of ethnic Germans around Danzig caused the attack on Poland and WWII started with Jewry's global boycott of Germany in March 1933.

John Wear: WW2Truth

Peace and Blessings,

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