Sunday, March 6, 2022

Part 7 : Under an Ionized Sky From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown..Boots on the Ground

Under an Ionized Sky
From Chemtrails 
Space Fence Lockdown
by Elana Freeman

Chapter 8 
Boots on the Ground 
[Igor Smirnov:] People’s actions can in fact be controlled by unnoticed acoustic influence. Look, it’s easy. All I have to do is record my voice, apply special coding which converts my voice to mere noise, and afterwards all we have to do is record some music on top of that. The words are indistinguishable to your conscious; however, your unconscious can hear them clearly. If we were to play this music over and over again on the radio, for instance, people will soon start developing paranoia. This is the simplest weapon. An image can also be coded… 
— “Mind control: 
The Zombie Effect,”, 
November 10, 2004 

Sometimes a weapon comes along that is so crazy in design that we have a hard time putting it into a category. We have decided to call them exotic weapons. 
— Swords of Might 1 

Full spectrum dominance of planet Earth is shaping up nicely, now that our plasma-ized atmosphere is being constantly calibrated to keep a wireless Smart Grid up and running. And thanks to the conductive metals and nanobots we breathe, ingest, and absorb into bodies composed of 65 percent water, our nervous systems are plugged in and primed. 2

Meanwhile, disaster capitalists multiply the towers and power lines, the Smart Meters and Internet of Things (IoT) around us as non-ionized (non-thermal) radiation wreaks havoc on human and animal health. Surges of current pulse along cables and pipelines into neighborhood power lines and 60 Hz homes, resonating in brains and bodies. HD televisions with far more detail in their scanning lines demand much more focus and data input of the viewer’s brain, coupled with crystal-clear images far more hypnotic than what old analog television receivers offered. Hundreds of television towers have gone up to accommodate the HDs at $2 million/tower, some as tall as 2,049 feet. 3 Thus, zombifying HD screens and visual and audio subliminals are capturing whole generations addicted to earbuds and iPods and palm sized electronic devices as nature and face-to-face human relationships take a backseat to an increasingly EM-mediated world. 

None of this is “accidental.” A global grid into which all of the biosphere and its inhabitants are in one way or another “plugged” has been the intent for decades, and now that the atmosphere is primed and the Space Fence ready, it’s all systems go. 

The erasure of the lines between telecom corporations and military intelligence began decades ago in secret with Echelon, now known as the “Five-Eyes” (“F-VEY”), the English-speaking (American NSA, British GCHQ, Australian DSD, New Zealand GCSB and Canadian CSE) intelligence agencies. Only recently has the fact that telecoms are defense contractors been allowed to go public—for example, with Amazon’s agreement to provide the CIA with cloud-computing services: 

The sinister implications of Amazon’s new CIA role have received scant public attention so far. As the largest Web retailer in the world, Amazon has built its business model on the secure accumulation and analysis of massive personal data. The firm’s Amazon Web Services division gained the CIA contract amid fervent hopes that the collaboration will open up vast new vistas for the further melding of surveillance and warfare. . .Amazon is now integral to the U.S. government’s foreign policy of threatening and killing. 4 

Echelon/Five Eyes began in 1948 with a secret treaty called UKUSA. Besides the U.S. (North and South Americas), there were First and Second Party UK (Europe, Africa, Russia west of the Urals) and Commonwealth partners Australia (Southeast Asia, Southwest Pacific and Eastern Indian Oceans), New Zealand (South Pacific island nations), and Canada (northern Russia, northern Europe, and American communications), plus Third Party Germany, Japan, Norway, South Korea, and Turkey. Only Echelon members had access to data captured by satellite, 5 microwave radio relay, undersea cable, and the Internet. 

Echelon’s primary downlink facilities are still at Menwith Hill in England and Pine Gap in Australia, with various fiber optic trunk lines for international calls and emails. Besides the U.S. Navy-run receiving station at Sugar Grove, West Virginia in the Shenandoah Mountains collecting SIGINT from civilian satellites, there’s Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico; Leitrim, Canada; Morwenstow and London, UK; Bad Aibling near Munich, Germany; Kojarena near Geraldton in Western Australia and Shoal Bay, Northern Territory; and Waihopai near Blenheim, South Island, New Zealand. 

Menwith’s SILKWORTH software with MAGISTRAND and PATHFINDER driving keyword search programs based on complex algorithms were light years ahead of what the public knew about VOICECST (voice recognition) and OCR (optical character recognition). When British MP Bob Cryer spoke out about the status and role of Menwith Hill in 1994, he ended up dead. Nineteen years before, in November 1975, the entire Australian Whitlam government was dismissed for questioning the CIA’s three bases at Pine Gap, Nurrungar, and North-West Cape, where staff earmarked for duty underwent brainwashing and implantation. 

By 1995, the NSA had expanded Echelon/Five Eyes capabilities to intercept ever more sophisticated and encrypted traffic, including microwave, cellular, and fiber optics. Under “upstream” Operation Tempora, huge volumes of data are drawn from fiber optic cables and stored for sifting and analysis. 6 Echelon/Five Eyes supercomputers vacuum everything up, foreign and domestic, and military contractors like Lockheed Martin, TRW, Boeing, Hughes (Raytheon), and Aerojet make out like bandits. 7 

Once captured, phone calls, faxes, and emails are scanned by Dictionary computer programs employing keywords that constantly shift (like the COWBOY dictionary at the Yakima facility in Washington State and the FLINTLOCK dictionary at the Waihopai facility in New Zealand), then cherry picked as to what to save for analysis. Around the clock, millions of messages an hour are processed, tagged, and filtered. Flagged messages get a four-digit code for the source or subject, date, time, and station code, and are then forwarded to agencies via PLATFORM, the global nervous system separate from the Internet. Once analyzed, the message and analysis are classified MORAY (secret), SPOKE (more secret), UMBRA (top secret), GAMMA (Russian intercepts), and DRUID (for non-UKUSA parties). 

Five Eyes is the backbone of UKUSA Atlantic Alliance dominance. Given that the U.S. and UK view commercial espionage as a function of national security, Five Eyes radons eavesdrop on business as well as political conversations. In the U.S., all SIGINT tending toward business is directed to the National Economic Council, which then feeds the intelligence to select corporations. Quibble over the presence of Five Eyes and you may be answering to the NSA, or dead. 

Give me the money and three months, and I’ll be able to affect the behavior of eighty percent of the people in this town without their knowing it. 
— Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, 
Director of Tecnic Research Laboratory, 
San Leandro, California, 1979–1988 

The field was everywhere. Invisible, omnipresent, all-pervasive. A gigantic network of towers enmeshing the entire country emitted radiation around the clock. It purged tens of millions of souls of any doubts they might have about the All-Powerful Creators’ words and deeds. The Creators controlled the minds and energy of millions. They inculcated in people an acceptance of the repugnant ideas of violence and aggression; they could compel these millions to kill one another in the name of anything they pleased; they could, should the whim strike them, stir up a mass epidemic of suicides. Nothing was beyond their control. 
— Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, 
Prisoners of Power, 1969 

kHz (kilohertz, 10 3 Hz) 
MHz (megahertz, 10 6 Hz) 
GHz (gigahertz, 10 9 Hz) 
THz (terahertz, 10 12 Hz) 

When nifty consumer inventions like the cell phone are rolled out, the public rarely inquires if the device owes its existence to the military’s electromagnetic learning curve. Mobile phones were used by military field officers and elite industrialists for half a century before they were made available to the public. Now, they are so ubiquitous that it’s difficult to recall life without them. Approved for commercial use in 1983, they were big, cumbersome, and expensive. Over the decades they have gotten smaller, more compact, and faster in order to keep pace with the Internet. 

But why the long wait on the part of the military-industrial complex, if profit is the sole motive? To assume that consumer convenience and profit drive agendas like total population surveillance and containment is shortsighted, if not ingenuous. 

From the Russian Woodpecker to HAARP, from power lines to GWEN towers, decades of computation and experimentation have gone into mapping out and constructing an infrastructure that would consolidate a global Smart Grid under the aegis of a planetary space shield or fence. These objectives were envisioned in the 1980s under the “Star Wars” Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and are now coming to fruition, thanks to a 24/7 conductive, battery-ready atmosphere. 

Sea-to-shining-sea transmitters / receivers / transceivers are now in place. 

Since the 1950s, the military has spent a great deal of time, energy, and taxpayer money on suppressing the health effects that follow from the non-thermal (non-ionized) radiation technology that would assure planetary surveillance and containment. Chances were good that the public wouldn’t inquire beyond official assurances because non-thermal radiation leaves no perceptual heat signature, and its effects take up to a decade or more to manifest. Whereas ionizing radiation damages cells and DNA immediately, non ionizing radiation is cumulative: the more received, the more cell and DNA damage over time. In fact, microwave poisoning is cumulative and can be passed on genetically, as can a weakened immune system and predisposition to cancer. As Will Thomas put it in Scorched Earth (1991), saying that microwaves are safe if they do not burn your skin is akin to saying smoking is safe if you don’t singe your fingers. 

The dual-use telecommunications industry provides cell phones and Internet for the public as well as whatever the military-industrial-intelligence complex needs under the authorization of the draconian 1996 Telecommunications Act. Three restrictions embedded in the Act make it clear that the Smart Grid is about far more than profits and public convenience: 

(1) Telecommunications contractors (AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, Radian Corporation of ONEX, etc.) have jurisdiction over state and local zoning when it comes to construction, modification, and placement of microwave towers; 

(2) Physical and mental health are barred from legal consideration; 

(3) Independent scientific studies are to be ignored and marginalized. 8 

Now that the battlespace is everywhere, the public must be kept ignorant of the fact that they are funding their own surveillance, containment and dwindling health. 

In January 1998, the European Parliament’s Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA) committee released “An Appraisal of Technologies of Political Control,” which made a tremendous stir in European media but barely a ripple in America. For Americans, it was already too late —especially for Virginia Farver’s twenty-nine-year-old son Rich, a San Diego State University (SDSU) graduate student and TA who died in 2008 of GBM (glioblastoma multiforme) brain cancer after having spent hours, day after day, meeting with students and grading papers on the bottom floor of Nasatir Hall. 

Outside Nasatir Hall is the High Performance Wireless Research and Educational Network (HPWREN), the backbone node to University of California at San Diego (UCSD). Farver explains how HPWREN is a dual-use Smart Grid conduit:

HPWREN is connected to the Lambda Rail (Grid), Tera Grid, PRAGAMA Grid. Combined, these are the “Smart Grid.” It is the engineers and scientists behind the Grid who are developing Smart/ATI Meters, Smart Dust, Drones, RNM [remote neural monitoring] technologies, among many others. These Grids are located on many college campuses across the U.S. and other countries, forming a World Grid. There are 2 sites on the SDSU campus: one on top of the Communications Building (which towers above Nasatir Hall), and one on top of the KPBS news station on campus. Both are within ¼ mile of each other. . .HPWREN includes Homeland Security, DOE, DoD, DARPA, Air Force, Navy, NIH (National Institute of Health), SPAWARS [“the Navy’s Information Dominance systems command”], NASA Inmarsat satellite, Emergency Services, and many huge corporations. The University of Alaska is connected through the Grid system, with research through the HAARP facility in Alaska. 9 HPWREN is funded by the NSF (National Science Foundation), OUR tax dollars. 10 [Italics added.] 

Since her son’s death, Farver has been speaking up for the sake of other endangered students, including the six who died in a Nasatir Hall “cancer cluster.” Each time another student dies, SDSU orders up more skewed epidemiological reports to bury the damning cause: the HPWREN tower outside Nasatir Hall. Farver has pushed for wide media exposure, but an anonymous San Diego Union-Tribune reporter told her that the story would never be allowed to leave San Diego. When she asked why, he said Money. 

Telephone poles, towers with multidirectional discs on them, legions of vans and trucks loaded with extension ladders and wire spools, fusion centers across the United States tracking and listening, invisible microwaves everywhere, transmitters on the roofs of schools, wireless Internet clogging up the ionized air. Teenagers go to bed talking to their friends on their iPhones and are incapable of entering the deep sleep that will repair the day’s damage of their bodies. They experience mood and personality changes, lack of concentration, and eventually acoustic neuroma on their auditory nerve or glioma on their nerve sheaths, and still their doctors wonder Why? 

From 1998 to 2003, Norwegian physician Gro Harlem Brundtland 11 was director general of the World Health Organization (WHO). After publicly revealing that she was electromagnetic hypersensitive (EHS), she disallowed all cell phones at WHO’s Geneva headquarters. But calling public attention to the health impact of non-thermal radiation put out by cell phones, microwave towers and ovens, power lines, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, etc., spelled trouble for Brundtland—trouble that may have included uterine cancer in 2002. 12 

In May 2011, the WHO finally reclassified non-thermal (non-ionizing) radiation as a Class B carcinogen (like diesel exhaust, chloroform, jet fuel, DDT, and lead). At their Media Centre website in 2014, the reclassification had cooled to “The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly carcinogenic to humans [Class 2B].” 13 

WHO continues to ignore its own agency’s recommendations and favors guidelines recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These guidelines, developed by a self-selected group of industry insiders, have long been criticized as non-protective. . .Martin Blank, Ph.D., of Columbia University, says, “International exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields must be strengthened to reflect the reality of their impact on our bodies, especially on our DNA . . .” 14 

The Russians call electromagnetic hypersensitivity “microwave sickness,” with symptoms of low blood pressure and a slow pulse followed by stress and high blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, cataracts, reproductive problems, cancers of all kinds, appendicitis, depression, suicide ideation, etc. 

The corporatized United States directs mainstream media to ignore the issue. Rare is the professional voice that courageously speaks up about the relationship between microwaves and carcinogenicity. James C. Lin, chairman of the Committee on Man and Radiation, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), testified on July 25, 1990 before the Subcommittee on Natural Resources, Agriculture Research, and Environment Committee on Science, Space, and Technology in the U.S. House of Representatives about biological nonionizing radiation effects, including the microwave hearing effect. 15 

The Earth’s “brainwaves” operate in the same spectrum as ours and all of life on Earth: the Schumann resonance of 7.83 Hz. Balancing the Earth’s “brainwaves” are sixty-four elements in the ground and in our red blood corpuscles. The ancient resonance between our blood and the Earth’s geomagnetic waves is now endangered by the tangle of ionized and non-ionized radiation waves we are caught in, all exacerbated by the Fukushima plume and artificial ELF ground waves driving our atmosphere and jet stream, heavy metal nanoparticles, “smart dust,” polymers, fungi, and genetically engineered biologicals we are breathing and ingesting. Birds and bees and whole forests are dying, sea mammals are beaching themselves . . . 

It is essential that we examine the power lines pulsing above our heads and underground, the microwave towers emanating on our highways, city streets, and school roofs. As with the television, computer, and cell phone, microwave towers too began with the military—first, the Soviet Tesla magnifying transmitter known as the “Russian signal” and then as the “Woodpecker,” and then the U.S. Navy’s Project Sanguine. 

In 1953, the Soviets set up seven radio transmitters and began pulsing the American Embassy in Moscow with an ELF signal measuring 3.26–17.54 MHz. Embassy workers had no idea they were being pulsed while developing emotional and behavioral problems, leukemia (a 40 percent higher than average white blood cell count), cancer, and cataracts. Ambassadors Charles Bohlen and Llewellyn Thompson died; Ambassador Walter Stoessel, Jr. developed a rare blood disease and bled from the eyes. The Moscow Embassy “experiment” would run for thirty years, a full generation. 

Meanwhile in the United States under DARPA’s Project Pandora, scientists were studying how low intensity microwaves might be used to induce heart attacks, blood/brain barrier leaks, auditory hallucinations, etc. This was the MK-ULTRA mind control era whose overarching electromagnetic question was, Can a microwave signal control the mind at a distance? In 1962, the CIA dedicated Project Bizarre to studying the Moscow signal and made a crucial discovery: it was not the strength of the signal that was responsible for loss of biological health—a tiny fraction of the U.S. military (very high) “safe” exposure level—but the pulsing. This information was immediately classified and Pandora went black, along with other projects. 

By July 1969, the U.S. had 71,524 microwave towers spaced according to the geometric harmonics of the world magnetic grid. SECOM II’s 16 five towers broadcast in the 3–12 MHz range—within the Schumann range—in a round robin from Idaho and New Mexico to Missouri, South Carolina, and Maryland. 

In 1968, the secretive JASON Group mounted Project Sanguine’s 6,400-mile buried cable antenna for long radio wave transmissions (SLF 30–300Hz) out of upper Wisconsin. A transmitter on one side would pump ELF waves through the ground and out the other side so that, as bioelectromagnetics expert Robert O. Becker, MD, put it, “ELF waves issuing from it and resonating between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere could be picked up anywhere on the globe.” 17 Supposedly, Sanguine was for submarine communication (much like HAARP was sold to the public), but the antenna length produced minuscule frequencies (.3 kHz), which was odd, given that the best frequencies for defense purposes are much higher. The truth is that Sanguine was to be set in sync with the three Soviet Duga antennas at Chernobyl, eastern Siberia, and Ukraine/Croatia. 18

Per the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act, U.S. Navy Captain Paul E. Tyler asked Dr. Becker to be on the scientific committee overseeing Sanguine. In 1984, Captain Tyler would author “The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict,” a watershed paper which the International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons (ICOMW) described as “so important in the chain of evidence establishing the existence of an Electronic Concentration Camp System that if our Archive consisted of only two documents, the Tyler paper would surely be one of them!” 19 

In his 1985 book The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, Dr. Becker detailed the committee’s disturbing Project Sanguine findings: stress responses, desynchronized biocycles, cellular metabolism interference, increased cancer rates in hundreds of thousands of people living inside the antenna field, etc. What would happen when the long-wave signals resonated throughout the world? The committee recommended that Project Sanguine be shelved and that the 60 Hz power lines carrying far more power than the Sanguine antenna into homes across the nation be reexamined. 

As far as I know, our testimony was the first ever openly given by American scientists stating that electromagnetic energy had health effects in doses below those needed to heat tissue, and that power lines might therefore be hazardous to health. We criticized the White House Office of Telecommunications Policy for failing to follow up a tentative 1971 warning by advising the President that some harmful effects from electropollution were now proven. Moreover, although we didn’t realize it at the time, we greatly embarrassed Captain Tyler and the Navy by publicly revealing the existent of the Sanguine report, which had been secret until then. 20 [Emphasis added.] 

In 1973, Medford, Oregon became the suicide capital of the United States overnight, thanks to the ultra-low frequencies being beamed from a nearby military base to people’s television antennas. The creation of a standing-wave resonance was connected to depression, whether the television was on or not. David Fraser, Ph.D., of the Department of Toxicology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, was paid by DARPA to run the Medford experiment. 

The U.S. Navy buried the committee’s report, moved the antenna to Michigan’s upper peninsula, and renamed it Seafarer in 1975, then Austere ELF (extremely low frequency) in 1978. In 1981, an abbreviated Project ELF was constructed. When the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) had to decide about a network of 765-kilovolt power lines that would link nuclear reactors, they asked for a review copy of the Project Sanguine report and the Navy refused. (The nuclear industry and military stick together.) 

Meanwhile, Dr. Becker’s career was over: 

Becker’s involvement with high-voltage power lines and the U.S. Navy’s submarine communications system (Project Sanguine, later Project Seafarer and still later Project ELF) proved to be his undoing. He was forced into retirement at the too-young age of fifty-six. As Becker wrote in the preface to The Electric Wilderness, a history of these struggles by Andy Marino and Joel Ray: “We faced a concerted and coordinated effort to suppress the truth which emanated from the military establishment and was simply aided and abetted by the greed of the utilities and the tarnished testimony of scientists for hire.” 21 

In 1975, the Frank Church Committee briefly opened a window onto the “Moscow signal” (along with other Cold War sins, like MK-ULTRA), after which the window was nailed shut for decades. In 1976, while Americans were distracted by Bicentennial celebrations, the Soviets expanded the Duga-1 and Duga-2 Moscow signals to Duga-3, the over-the-horizon (OTH) broadcasts called the Russian Woodpecker due to the tapping (pulsing) sound it made. With full knowledge of the CIA, an electromagnetic interference grid was laid over the United States and—rather like HAARP twenty years later—a 10 Hz pulse (40 million watts per pulse) on 3–30 MHz bands was broadcast. The taps and TMT (Technology Media Telecommunications) transmitting them were powerful enough to disrupt radio and telecommunications and force unsuspecting brains into sympathetic resonance. When the signal hit U.S. power grids, it was picked up by power lines and pulsed into people’s homes on light circuits—especially in targeted cities like Eugene, Oregon and Sausalito, California. By inducing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in human tissues, the Woodpecker caused pressure and pain in the head, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, lack of coordination, and numbness. A high-pitched ringing in the ears erupted everywhere the signal was picked up and resonating along power supply grids.

The following year, the U.S. government sold the Soviets a forty-ton magnet to help upgrade the Woodpecker, even sending a team of scientists to install it in Gomel, Belarus, due north of Chernobyl, Ukraine—a magnet capable of generating a magnetic field 250,000 times more powerful than the Earth’s magnetic field, like the SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device). 

Upgrades to the Woodpecker continued. Beginning in June 1991—six months before the official end of the “Soviet experiment”—a hum pulsing at 17 Hz with overtones of up to 70 Hz was heard in Taos, New Mexico. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) categorized these frequencies as “psychoactive,” with harmful biological effects. Two percent of the 1,440 residents interviewed heard “the Hum.” Some complained of dizziness, insomnia, pressure on the ears, severe headaches, nausea, nosebleeds, and broken marriages. Most could tell when whatever was producing the hum was switched on and off. Taos and Groom Lake are on the same 36° north latitude, so the Taos Hum could have been Groom Lake testing its own Woodpecker signal. Groom Lake might also explain why Catanya and Bob Saltzman received anonymous threatening phone calls after they brought in an acoustic engineer from Denver to check into the Hum. The Taos News received threats, too. 

In Alaska, Nick Begich (author of the 1995 Angels Don’t Play This HAARP) and Patrick Flanagan (inventor of the neurophone confiscated by the NSA twenty-five years earlier) wondered if the two percent who heard the hum were actually “hearing” ambient wireless devices operating at 60 Hz through their skin, given that electrodermal response is a favorite of psyops. For example, the EC-130 Commando Solo flying out of the 193rd Special Operations Wing of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania broadcasts passwords that create capillary patterns on the skin. 

Sounds are being heard around the world—growls, booms, hums, even “trumpets.” Many are no doubt the varying acoustic signatures of magnetized plasma Alfvén “whistler” waves in Birkeland currents mentioned earlier in Chapters 1 and 3. (Low-frequency currents in magnetized plasma are shear Alfvén waves.) A strange sound resonating in the Schumann resonance well of the Earth’s atmosphere may well be Alfvén waves or an ion launcher creating acoustic modes through the plasma densities of our conductive plasma cloud cover, now that the entire Earth has become a battlespace laboratory. 22 

Anecdotal data of people reporting the Hum seem to follow an earthquake curve (see the World Hum Map and Database Project,, pointing to mantle movements and pressures resonating in crystals and ferrous components in the Earth that create a piezoelectric effect resonating through multiple harmonic frequencies under grids tuned to 50 Hz and 60 Hz. Mantle movements are part of the blowback of the ELV/VLF radio waves being broadcast deep into the Earth by ionospheric heater earth-penetrating tomography (EPT). 23 

As to why some hear the Hum and some don’t, this is no more mysterious than individual differences: It is well established in the scientific literature that people can hear electromagnetic energy at certain frequencies and peak power levels. Previous studies have found that a subset of the population has an electromagnetic sensitivity that is significantly greater than the mean. 24 

Under the Reagan-Bush-Cheney troika of the first SDI era, the U.S. Air Force built the pulse beam gyrotron system known as the Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), which was pure Tesla technology. Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island was 187 feet high with a spherical terminal about 68 feet in diameter; GWEN tower broadcast hubs are 299 to 500 feet tall with spokes of copper wire 330 feet long radiating out just a few feet underground. 25 They have six guy wires with insulator at 334 feet from the VHF translator antenna at the top to the ground, which means GWEN can emit waves between the upper VHF and lower UHF (225–400 MHz) as well as operate in the VLF range of 150–175 kHz traveling along the ground rather than through the air in twenty-minute or one-hour bursts to a distance of three hundred miles, sending messages with about two thousand watts of power while disrupting the Earth’s magnetic field in a two-hundred-mile radius. Because VLF signals drop off over distance, GWENs have been built every fifty miles across the continental U.S. (CONUS), each costing $1 million. 

Purportedly for military aviation (VHF) and continuity of government (COG) in the event of a national emergency (VLF), the VLF ground waves were initially harmonically tuned to the Russian Woodpecker, then to the HAARP (AK) - Arecibo (PR) - Millstone Hill (MA) geometric configuration of phased arrays, with specific frequencies tuned to the geomagnetic field strength of each geographic area so that magnetic fields across the nation could be individually altered, if necessary. 

GWEN towers are military relays to Milstar SCAMP terminals. MILSTAR (Military Strategic and Tactical Relay) refers to USAF communications satellites in geostationary orbit, and SCAMP (Single Channel Anti-Jam Man Portable) Terminal (U) to the rapidly deployable component of the Army’s MILSTAR Advanced Satellite Terminal program. This means that a GWEN electromagnetic web encloses CONUS in an artificial magnetic field five hundred feet high and girds CONUS with powerful radio frequency emissions that never sleep, replacing natural geomagnetic waves with artificial VLF waves and high levels of non-thermal radiation. 

GWEN towers are used to fine-tune weather patterns and brain patterns. All that is needed are three satellites and interlocking towers spaced to allow for specific frequencies. 

For the Great Flood of April-October 1993, the Russian Woodpecker altered the jet stream and set up weather blocks to target the American Midwest by relaying pulses along GWEN towers in Mechanicsville and Ladyard, Iowa; Chelsea, Wisconsin; Shephard, Minnesota; Curryville and Dudley, Missouri; Whitney, Nebraska; and on into Colorado and Montana—handy receivers for extending precipitation in the Upper Mississippi Valley and producing a flood with $15 billion in damages (1993 dollars). Woodpecker geoengineering was achieved by firing up the GWEN towers north of the two rivers in Mechanicsville and Ladyard and electromagnetically damming up and stalling one of the five atmospheric rivers moving 340 pounds of water per second 1.9 miles above our heads. Pump and dump, as in the days of Noah. 

As for GWEN’s role in fine-tuning brains, Dr. Becker wrote: 

GWEN is a superb system, in combination with cyclotron resonance, for producing behavioral alterations in the civilian population. The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from place to place across the United States. Therefore, if one wished to resonate a specific ion in living things in a specific locality, one would require a specific frequency for that location. The spacing of GWEN transmitters 200 miles apart across the United States would allow such specific frequencies to be “tailored” to the geomagnetic-field strength in each GWEN area. 26 

GWEN VLF waves provide on-the-ground power for microwave and radio frequency weapons (DEWs) to control and harass individuals or populations with mental and physical illness (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, disorientation, organ damage, etc.) and death. VLF waves can act as carrier beams for pulsed ELF signals that can then pass through the skull, which otherwise without pulse resonance might be able to resist low electromagnetic frequencies. VLF does not lose power when traveling through the air and into fragile tissue, thanks to cyclotron resonance. 

If microwave towers are pulse-modulated, all that is needed are the exact frequency signatures for inducing specific actions, emotions, or pathological states (anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust, etc.). Dial in to the tower from a portable laptop-sized microwave transmitter, set the millimeter wave scanner to locate the victim behind the walls of his or her home or office via satellite and the Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS), point the device at the exact latitude/longitude of the target, and you’re in the business of torture. Global positioning does not even need satellites if the signal can pick up three radio signals that can pick up the signature. The measure of the signal from point A to C may be four to five bars, and the measure to point B three to five bars. Calculate the distance between bars and the GPS will be displayed. 

Portable “poppers” abroad, GWEN and cell towers at home. The neighborhoods and canyons of American cities are not yet patrolled by MRAPs or MRUVs, the mine-resistant ambush-protected utility vehicles loaded with CREW DUKE systems (Counter RCIED Electronics Warfare) like the AM modulated microwave transmitters (“poppers”) scanning and sweeping for frequencies, broadcasting “pacifying rays” from Iraqi rooftops in 2003–2011: 27 

The grunts call the plastic devices “poppers” or “domes.” Once activated, each hidden transmitter emits a widening circle of invisible energy capable of passing through metal, concrete and human skulls up to half a mile away. “They are saturating the area with ULF, VLF and UHF freqs,” Hanks says, with equipment derived from US Navy undersea sonar and communications. 28 

Turn the dial and crank up cataracts, memory loss, numbing, tingling, buzzing, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and terminal cancer. 

Thus the real mission of GWEN towers may be behavioral and cognitive population control coupled with weather engineering, all serving full spectrum dominance. With Tesla technology weaponized, Mother Nature and the sanctity of the human mind are clearly—and to a frightening degree—within the grasp of the military-industrial-intelligence complex. 

GWEN towers are guy towers, and the four other kinds of towers are lattice, monopole, concealed, and broadcast cell or microwave towers, at the base of which are T-lines of copper or fiber optic cables in the ground to carry masses of data; a box loaded with computerized switching control equipment, a GPS receiver, and power sources connecting the cables to the antennas on the mast. Somewhere nearby is a base transmitter station (BTS). On the tower are triangular antennas with directional rectangles or discs for receiving and transmitting, each triangular antenna belonging to a separate carrier like Verizon or AT&T, each panel covering 120 degrees with each point divided into 40-degree bits to pinpoint phone targets for better signal strength. 

The cell tower itself accommodates antennas designed to work like a sprinkler radiating in all directions as well as other systems, like the microwave links or backhauls that look like drums or dishes, or the wideband code-division multiple-access (WCDMA) antenna that focuses signals in eight separate beams like a hose, thus doubling and tripling capacity. 29

Long waves of tissues-penetrating radiation pulse from the top of a microwave tower, casting a long unseen shadow over the populations below. On the lower rungs are weather sensors, while the middle vertical feet are reserved for “national security” communications, surveillance, military / police radar tracking, etc. And there may be more: a brand new white utility truck with a hydraulic boom and basket may install a mysterious “black box” on a power pole or cell tower, as occurred in a Phoenix, Arizona neighborhood. 30 Mystery additions to cell towers do not bode well and may have to do with steering biological and mental frequencies. 

According to Barrie Trower, a British physicist and microwave weapons expert who worked for the Royal Navy and British secret service, cell phone towers should be placed seven to nine kilometers from communities. Instead, corporations like Crown Castle and American Tower 31 are erecting towers fed by 400 KVA (kilovolt amperes) transformers every two miles. 32 Trower warns that beyond the proximity of the towers themselves, cell phones and routers are unsafe for children under sixteen years of age and lead to aggression, suicide ideation, ADD/ADHD symptoms, and leukemia. 

In 2012, freelance writer Jim Stone blogged the burning question about the forest of cell towers around us: Why the overpower? 

In America, computer wifi is limited to 20 milliwatts transmit power and often even with that tiny amount you can connect from hundreds of feet away with no special antennas or hardware. Your cell phone can transmit 300 milliwatts. That’s well over 10 times the power, and the range of your cell phone is that much better. All that is needed to make a great cellular node is a 10-watt transmitter (to make sure it gets real good penetration into the surrounding buildings) and a receiver that is more sensitive than the one in your cell phone because you are talking back with a lot less than 10 watts. 

10 watts is 500 times as strong as your wireless N router that comes in perfect everywhere. A lucky neighbor might snag your unsecured router with only 20 milliwatts of output from over a block away with just a cheap netbook. Why then, since 10 watts will clearly do the job, are there these ENORMOUS out in the open giant goose-invading “cell towers” in America that are obviously capable of pumping many thousands of watts?. . . 

My guess is Japan, Hurricane Katrina, or Chiapas, Mexico. Whatever earthquake or disaster “they” need to accomplish a political objective. And there is something you need to know about radio wave propagation – it can be steered. So just because a cell tower appears to only be able to place all its RF output within a confined zone, it does not mean that signal cannot be diverted and sent elsewhere. This is because a neighboring cell tower can be synchronized in such a way that it steers the output from surrounding towers to a new remote area. And that is how HAARP works, BET ON IT. 33 

The network of microwave cell towers is designed to electromagnetically steer engineered weather systems into and out of geographic regions. Quicken local towers and relays by means of multilateration, trilateration, or triangulation—basic geometry that any quantum computer can be programmed to do—and high-atmosphere weather systems can be moved over target areas. 

Multilateration — a navigation technique based on measuring the difference in distance to two or more stations at known locations that broadcast signals at known times. The LORAN-C (LOng-RAnge Navigation) uses low-frequency (LF) radio signals transmitted by fixed land-based radio beacons. 

Trilateration — the process of determining absolute or relative locations of points by measurement of distances, using the geometry of circles, spheres; trilateration is the basis of GPS. 

Triangulation — the process of determining the location of a point by measuring angles to it from known points at either end of a fixed baseline, rather than measuring distances to the point directly (trilateration). 34 

Microwave towers also act as autonomous switching stations. If city power goes out, two supercomputers cooled and powered by propane generators can handle traffic. If the generators fail, telecom corporations can set up temporary mobile cell phone towers. Conversely, since the PATRIOT Act (now quietly continued by Executive “autopen” as the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011), the FBI and Secret Service have standing authority to jam signals and shut down cell phone towers 35—which is why it was more than suspicious that when Hurricane Katrina knocked out landlines, cell phones, and BlackBerries, no mobile towers arrived, nor was power reinstated, almost as if New Orleans was to be kept isolated. Even ham radio signals and frequencies were blocked. 36 [ yeah one of the hugh questions of that event, more answers here within these pages then Washington. d.c]

There are thousands of stories about the human fallout from cell towers. The 2010 documentary Full Signal: The Hidden Cost of Cell Phones ( exposes the dangers of living in proximity to these towers. One story the film tells is of the Kgosi Nkolo Kgafela II in Mochudi, Botswana who had to flee the palace in 2007 after his father died of a brain tumor due to microwave emissions from a Mascom tower. His people shut down the tower so the Kgosi Nkolo could return to rule from his palace, after which “unknown people” destroyed the tower. 37 Barrie Trower was subsequently invited to educate the people about microwave technology. 

Since communications have gone digital, telecom defense contractors have been building and calibrating dual-use millimeter wave cellular systems. Video feeds to your wireless device depend upon satellites, base stations, and wireless providers balancing their 200 MHz piece of the bandwidth with other providers’ pieces of the bandwidth for third generation (3G), fourth generation (4G), and now fifth generation (5G) Long Term Evolution (LTE-A). The 28–38 GHz frequencies and steerable direction antennas of millimeter waves overcome bandwidth shortages. 

But wait a minute. The truth is there is no bandwidth shortage or need for wider bandwidth, thanks to the shift from analog to digital. In fact, masses of frequencies above 300 GHz remain unallocated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 38 Now, it’s about high digital bandwidths for data “stacking”: the higher the frequency, the greater the bandwidth. Encrypted, digitized data are now stacked in digitized pulses. With our atmosphere ionized as an “antenna,” all of this spells no limit to data transmission, and yet the military is grabbing all the bandwidth possible, even the garage door spectrum. 39 

Check for the broadcast range in your neighborhood. (antennasearch doesn’t report the wattage, so radiation exposure can’t be computed. 40 ) Is it in the 12–13 GHz and 18–23 GHz range (billions of cycles per second)—in other words, ultra-high microwaves transmitting WIMAX (WiFi), 5G LTE cell phones, and video? 4G doubled all cell and antenna strengths, meaning a higher penetration rate of buildings and bodies than higher frequency microwaves. (For more on cell phones, including 5G, go to Chapter 10.) [ amazing 152 towers and 130 antennas within a 3.0 mile radius of where I presently sit....smfh d.c]

Terahertz waves (1 THz = 10 12 ) are submillimeter waves between the microwave and infrared, which means tremendously high frequency (100 GHz – 10 THz). Naturally, they’re in solar and cosmic radiation; in Chapter 1, I mentioned that specific THz frequencies have contributed to spontaneous abortions and miscarriages among aircrew. Telecoms use THz for network backbones and broadcasting super-high definition 4K television signals with cameras in the THz spectrum. 41 Cellular and Wi-Fi networks depend on microwaves in the gigahertz (your cell phone operates at 2.4 GHz), but THz radiation will kick what we’re exposed to up to 1000 GHz. 

Not surprisingly, THz waves like the millimeter waves in TSA airport scanners that “alter” DNA 42 are categorized as non-ionizing and therefore not harmful. While it is true that THz photons cannot break chemical bonds or ionize atoms or molecules like higher energy photons can (X-rays, UV rays), their nonlinear resonant effects in devices like the terahertz imaging detection (TID) camera 43 can “unzip” double-stranded DNA. Thus millions are daily subjected to terahertz lasers in TIDs at TSA checkpoints, supposedly to detect anything blocking the energy radiating from a body up to sixteen feet away and determine its chemical composition. 44 

Are TIDs probing like fMRIs do, given that fMRIs also utilize THz laser? 

The use of light to peer into the brain is almost certainly that of terahertz, which occurs in the wavelengths between 30mm and 1 mm of the electromagnetic spectrum. Terahertz has the ability to penetrate deep into organic materials without the damage associated with ionizing radiation such as x-rays. . .Terahertz can penetrate bricks and also human skulls. . .Medically, even if terahertz does not ionize, we do not yet know how the sustained application of intense light will affect the delicate workings of the brain and how cells might be damaged, dehydrated, stretched, obliterated. 45 

The terahertz wave extends the microwave and millimeter wavebands and therefore massively expands not just communications but targeting possibilities. 

If cellphones on a current “4G” network can download data at 10 to 15 megabits per second, terahertz technology can potentially send data back and forth at terabits per second (or millions of megabits per second). . .some researchers have already achieved lightning download speeds with wireless terahertz chips . . . 46 

The military-industrial-intelligence complex favors terahertz waves because they offer the most secure form of communications transmission. At-a-distance interception of transmissions is not possible with THz; if a digitally encrypted communication is intercepted by those lacking the proper codes, the THz wave will simply drop off and shut down, which makes it perfect for “confined” digital upper-band (GHz) satellite phone systems. 

The beamlike properties of THz emission reduce the ability of distant adversaries to intercept these transmissions. The adversary may even lack the technological capability to detect, intercept, jam, or “spoof” a THz signal. In addition, atmospheric attenuation allows covert short-range communications, since these signals simply will not propagate to distant listening posts. 47 

Because terahertz lies between the electric and photonic (microwave and infrared), astrophysicists have been a driving force behind developing terahertz technologies that can detect plasma spectra (e.g., the far infrared wavelength is 15μm – 1 mm with a range of 20 THz to 300 GHz). THz frequencies are extensively employed in satellite-to-satellite communications where atmospheric absorption is not a problem, given that THz waves propagate only in air. Could THz wave propagation be one of the reasons for conductive desiccants like aluminum in chemical trails, given that both THz and millimeter waves experience less scattering loss from particulates than optical wavelengths? 

Towers mean cell phone receptivity and profits, but more importantly they mean surveillance: 

. . .the laws relating to information sharing and wiretapping specifically regulate companies that provide services to the general public (such as AT&T and Verizon), but they do not cover the firms that provide services to the major carriers or connect communications companies to one another. . .[Spooks] can simply go to the companies that own and operate the wireless towers that the telecoms use for their networks and get accurate information on anyone using those towers—or go to other entities connecting the wireless network to the landline network. 48 

The transmission of image and video intelligence (IMINT) is particularly onerous for wireless, and there is no end to surveillance gewgaws that draw power from the wireless matrix. Cell phones tethered to microwave towers are perfect tracking devices for interception and eavesdropping, 49 with taxpayers once again paying for their own surveillance. 50 Verizon Wireless, the largest cellular carrier in the U.S., monitors its customers and sells the information. 51 Then there are the “metasearch data mining” sensors. The Department of Homeland Security’s Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) relies on “noncontact sensors.” Palantir software lives up to its name as “one that sees from afar” 52 by vacuuming up financial records, DNA samples, voice, video, maps, floor plans, HUMINT, etc., until a “profile” emerges. Then there’s the Defense Intelligence Agency’s FICOR (foreign intelligence and counterintelligence operation records), 53 and on it goes from there. 

Law enforcement can now use Cellebrite UFED (mobile forensic cell phone analyzers) during routine traffic stops and request that Apple or Google bypass a cell phone user’s passcode. 54 Police officers can point the speech-jamming gun at you to listen with a directional microphone and play back your voice frequency with a directional speaker (delayed auditory feedback) to shut down your ability to speak. Or they can point the SMU100 laser at you to dazzle and temporarily blind you up to five hundred meters. 

The FBI’s CIPAV (computer and internet protocol address verifier) is illegal spyware on the order of DCSNet (digital collection system network), the renamed Carnivore (1997–2005) mentioned in Chapters 5 and 10. CIPAV is a point-and-click data gathering device able to capture IP and MAC addresses, open ports running programs, operating system, default web browser, last visited URL, and outbound emails with IP addresses. FBI wiretapping rooms have access to the entire civilian Smart Grid infrastructure. A high-speed DS-3 (T-3) digital line gives intelligence agencies and their contractors carte blanche when it comes to the carrier’s wireless network. 55 

To the military mind, 24/7 access to cell towers and phones are filed under C4 cyber warfare. 

Whether used in the foreign or domestic battlespace, smartphones on military or FBI frequencies have become highly specialized and ubiquitous. They may be translators, field manual dictionaries, or apps like the Blue Force Tracker that tell where friendly forces are, or provide live video feed from drones and robots like Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Technology Laboratories robot fitted with a laser to covertly map in 3D the environment it perceives: 

The creation of robots that can hide from humans while spying on them brings autonomous spy machines one step closer. The spy approaches the target building under cover of darkness, taking a zigzag path to avoid well-lit areas and sentries. He selects a handy vantage point next to a dumpster, taking cover behind it when he hears the footsteps of an unseen guard. Once the coast is clear, he is on the move again—trundling along on four small wheels. . .“Lockheed Martin’s approach does include a sort of basic theory of mind, in the sense that the robot makes assumptions about how to act covertly in the presence of humans,” says Alan Wagner of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, who works on artificial intelligence and robot deception. 56 [ maybe it is just me, but robot and deception together sound like something man might want to think about before he goes there, guess I have seen too many Ridley Scott films. d.c]

Femtocells are small mobile phone base stations, some with a range of a few hundred meters, others like Battlefield Connect with a 5G base station that can connect to big forward-operating networks accessed only by a special need-to-know SIM card or high-tech tattoo. 57 With a little altitude and a CSDA (Connecting Soldiers to Digital Applications), an agent can insert the SIM into a smartphone or laptop and with a microcontroller reminiscent of the Star Trek “collar of obedience” that kept the slaves of Triskelion on task 58 stimulate or reduce pain and vulnerability to stress in soldiers or riot police by remotely tweaking their brain with transcranial ultrasound pulses via their pain modulator-behavior helmet. 

It’s a brave new world. 

C4 connectivity demands more and more towers and transceiver stations, some small and discrete, others going up on private land, like that of industrialist Klaus Groenke, whose Idaho property is conveniently located halfway between Lake Pend Oreille, home of the U.S. Navy’s Cutthroat submarine, and a lightning generator encased in aluminum on Lunch Peak. A full section of the Berlin Wall encased in Plexiglas stands on Groenke’s property, as do triangular satellite dishes, antenna arrays, a weather vane with three lightning-strikes similar to the Schutzstaffel insignia, and a red metal “sculpture” that looks like a Delta-T energy transmitter. As Idaho resident and well-known Big Pharma critic Len Horowitz says, “The Lunch Peak Navy station axis bisects a triangle made of three microwave ‘Electronic Sites,’ according to National Forest Service maps. These intriguing elements provide electromagnetic frequency generating capabilities consistent with a long earthquake production and lightning generation.” 59 

Our ionized atmosphere is inundated by ground-based radio signals bouncing off the ionosphere to satellites, cell or mobile phones. With 500,000 transistors and GPS, these digital devices are dependent upon semiotic codes. Who controls those codes? Barring knocking out the towers, you can no longer really turn off your little transceiver broadcasting at 884 MHz. Emission standards based on heat and not health are thousands of times higher than necessary for communication, and research into the powerful effects of pulsed low non-thermal levels is being suppressed. 

This is our battlespace condition. 

The Next Generation Weather Radar network (NexRad) with updated and recommissioned GWEN towers and cell towers complete the core ground-based Smart Grid relay system for communications and weather engineering. Radio station towers are dual-use—for example, the nine radio towers 60 around Moore, Oklahoma, leveled by an F5 tornado on May 22, 2011—and come equipped with S-band radar, Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and anemometers to gauge wind shear, NexRad “golf balls” for local weather engineering, and biological agent detectors. 61 

From 1,200 miles into space, S-band radar (2.2 – 2.3 GHz) can surveil objects less than two inches long. Masses of S-band data are fed to JSOC (Joint Space Operations Center) at Vandenberg Air Force Base for space situational awareness (SSA) not just of space debris but of trillions of sensors and 4” satellites like CubeSats (mentioned earlier) with attack mode capability. 62 And yet when Russia and China sought to release a free database listing of the thousands of near-earth orbit objects (including NATO and NORAD satellites) for the sake of more secure orbit operations (and to deter more militarization of space) the U.S. military objected. 63 

The Space Fence utilizes all ground-based S-band relays like NexRads but only as a “deterrent,” public relations director Nicholas Mercurio of the Joint Functional Component Command for Space at Vandenberg AFB assures the public. Of course, Space Fence frequencies are classified and non trackable, but there is no doubt that S-band recalibrations (2–4 GHz with wavelengths of 15–7.5cm) on multiple exchange frequencies are part of it. (Related bands are NATO’s E / F.) In other words, the Sband Space Fence six-acre array at the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Test Site on the Kwajalein Atoll 2,100 nautical miles southwest of Honolulu is connected to the four hundred evenly spaced NexRad transceivers across CONUS—all in the name of “space situational awareness.” 

S-band is about planetary lockdown and population control. 

Each $5 million NexRad is armed with a klystron, a high-powered microwave (HPM) beam tube that can amplify high RF and convert a standard power of 50.8 kW of coherent energy to 750 kW, which can then be transmitted as pulsed rotating frequencies at varying angles (elevations). NexRads track and shepherd local or transiting weather systems by sending up radar/sonar signals and measuring the distance of clouds, moisture, particulates, etc. 

The big NexRad “golf balls” perched on latticed towers were originally peddled by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a national “weather and atmospheric surveillance” grid of miniature sensors and high-resolution video monitors, rapid signal processing and computing. NexRads and the look-alike SBX radomes offshore operate at similar frequencies, as both are super high-frequency (HF) Doppler radar systems. NexRads by land, SBXs by sea. 

It is no mystery that NexRads are at the center of every tornado or storm vortex. 64 To create the wind shear for dozens of simultaneous tornadoes or super-cells, NexRad pulsed rotation frequencies need an artificial precipitation thick with metal particulate “chaff.” Why? Because frequency cannot be pulsed in pure air. Industrial pollutants provide some of the needed particulates but not nearly enough for C4 operations. Chemtrail injections of conductive metals provide the necessary matter or matrix for building or moving storm systems. Once NexRad rotating frequency pulses strike the nanoparticles and H2O, a collision occurs between RF- or microwave-heated artificial precipitation (HOT) and frequency activated ice nucleation (COLD) to stir the brew into funnels that can then be steered while being fed. 65 

To engineer a supercell like a polar vortex, arctic hurricane, or “nor’easter,” cold and warm air masses must be made to collide. With NexRads amplifying two clockwise winds at different altitudes and speeds, frequency-activated chemical or bacterial ice nucleation can be added to the mix to produce softball-sized hailstones and wet snowstorms while chemically altering the temperatures. NexRad frequencies can then make the precipitation “flash” into heavy wet “snow” in temperatures as high as 50°F. Once the supercell updraft tightens its spin and speeds up, a wind shear can occur—a horizontal rotating column of air (funnel cloud) that rain and hail cause to touch down as a tornado. NexRads operating in tandem can generate multiple tornadoes, like the sixty tornadoes that assaulted Granbury, Texas in May 2013. 

NexRad data is collected and analyzed by signal processors and computers at seventy-two fusion centers and beyond. The Universities of Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, and Colorado State are on NexRad teams, as are Raytheon, MACOM, Vaisala (Finnish), NOAA and National Severe Storms Laboratories. Like UMASS Microwave Infrared Remote Sensing Labs (MIRSL), all are military contractors laboring for military C4. 

As was said earlier, the Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) “Golf Ball” looks similar to a NexRad, operates at similar frequencies, and is also a super (high-frequency) radar system. As a floating, self propelled mobile radar station (radio transmitter), the SBX is a mobile HAARP system more than capable of unconventional attacks such as triggering “atmospheric disturbances” (environmental warfare via geoengineering). For example, the SBX-1 was “conducting exercises” off the coast of Florida the day before the Haiti earthquake in 2010, and was off Japan just before the Fukushima disaster in 2011. 

In 2015, the Pentagon attempted to convince the public that the SBX was a failed missile defense system. 66 The truth is otherwise: it too is part of the Space Fence infrastructure, its seaworthy mobility invaluable. 

Visit a wind farm and you will quickly notice that life appears to have fled, which is strange, given how many think of wind farms as “green energy.” While driving through western Ontario, Canadian activist Suzanne Maher noted that what was once beautiful landscape and farmland had been replaced by hundreds of massive, imposing wind turbines. People in homes close to the turbines do not seem to realize they are living inside a power station that operates by creating low-pressure systems, with the blades of each turbine at a 15° angle from the oncoming wind (7.5° / 7.5°) so as to produce a toroid straight-line wind tunnel. Public protests are usually about devaluation of real estate and noise, but the pulsing itself is dangerous to mental and physical health. The infrasound and low-frequency noise produce what is being called the wind-turbine syndrome: headaches, sleep problems, night terrors, learning disabilities, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), mood swings (irritability, anxiety), concentration and memory problems, and equilibrium issues like dizziness and nausea. 

From the Mariana Islands to Hawaii (through the Kwajalein Atoll), a line of transmitters fires northeast in a repetitious pulse—an invisible wall of radio waves all the way to Alaska that creates a funneling effect. Fire radio frequency into a front that’s been “seeded” with aluminum nanoparticles and a plasma-dense field arises, while the pressure wall off of Mexico acts like the bumper on a billiard table to roll the weather system north along the California-Oregon coastline to Vancouver Island and the jet stream ready to be pushed east and south through Wyoming and the Dakotas and into Kansas where NexRad and wind farm pulses will kick in to build high pressure for tornadoes, superstorms, and floods. 67

Wind farms and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) wells are separated by exactly three hundred miles, like GWEN towers, then calibrated together. Fracking wells provide grounding points for wind farms while creating new fault lines for earthquake terraforming. According to Billy Hayes “The HAARP Man,” the brine in the wellheads of all new wells is treated with absorbents like the aluminum oxide and barium oxide being laid in chemtrails. A directional explosive is then packed into the well to create perforations in the casing for about twenty feet out so the acid seeps down with the brine mix on top. This “re-dosing” must penetrate the casing because without water, it will float to the top of the well.

Wind turbines and oil well stems have the same resonant length of 1,282 feet. Each rotation of a wind turbine gives off a powerful static charge. In fact, every time the turbines pulse at 2.95 Hz in 1- nanosecond pulses, the liquid mixture at the wellhead jumps twenty pounds up and twenty pounds down 3X per second like a hammer. This is called “thumping.” The discharge of the wind farms occurs in an arc at a certain length and a certain pulse that resonates with wells tuned to 2.95 Hz. Put your hand on the casing and feel it twitch, like it’s alive.

Both wind farms and fracking well stems have a part to play in the Space Fence infrastructure, along ionospheric heaters, NexRads, cell and GWEN towers, etc. It is because of how they pulse together that nations like Scotland 68 and states like Oklahoma 69 won’t be allowed to ban for long the unconventional practice of fracking.

Today, there are 550,000 fiber-optic data channels cross the oceans. Fortune magazine graphics director Nicolas Rapp has a spectacular world map of the major seamless fiber-optic trunks:

If the internet is a global phenomenon, it’s because there are fiber-optic cables underneath the ocean. Light goes in on one shore and comes out the other, making these tubes the fundamental conduit of information throughout the global village. To make the light travel enormous distances, thousands of volts of electricity are sent through the cable’s copper sleeve to power repeaters, each the size and roughly the shape of a six-hundred-pound bluefin tuna. 

Once a cable reaches a coast, it enters a building known as a “landing station” that receives and transmits the flashes of light sent across the water. The fiber-optic lines then connect to key hubs, known as “Internet exchange points,” which, for the most part, follow geography and population. The majority of transatlantic undersea cables land in downtown Manhattan where the result has been the creation of a parallel Wall Street geography, based not on the location of bustling trading floors but on proximity to the darkened buildings that house today’s automated trading platforms. The surrounding space is at a premium, as companies strive to literally shorten the wire that connects them to the hubs. 70 

Fiber-optic signals are light passing in the form of a laser beam through thin strands of optical fiber or glass at very high speeds. The trunk line (“six-hundred-pound bluefin tuna”) is made up of fiber optic cables bundled together to increase bandwidth and carry multiple “channels” for multiple networks (and agendas). Telecom contractors like AT&T Inc., MCI, Sprint, and CenturyLink own vast Internet backbone networks and sell their services to (and exert power over) Internet service providers (ISPs). On land, these same providers link hundreds of cell towers together with fiber-optic cable, thus pressuring local zoning boards to approve hundreds of cell towers in one fell swoop. 

Fiber-optic cables, like wireless towers, spell power. (Whereas fiber-optic technology unlocks ultra-high speeds for wired connections, terahertz transmitters unlock fiber-optic speeds for wireless. 71 ) First of all, whether on land or coming up out of the oceans, they are easy to tap with “intercept probes” and prisms: 72 

The tapping process apparently involves using so-called “intercept probes”. . .The intelligence agencies likely gain access to the landing stations. . .and use these small devices to capture the light being sent across the cable. The probe bounces the light through a prism, makes a copy of it, and turns it into binary data . . . 73

Between 2003 and 2006, Room 641A at 611 Folsom Street in San Francisco was fed Internet backbone traffic (foreign and domestic) passing through the building along fiber-optic lines from beamsplitters installed in fiber optic trunks. Room 641A was known as AT&T’s SG3 [Study Group 3] Secure Room. J. Scott Marcus, a former chief technology officer for GTE (General Telephone & Electronics Corporation) and former adviser to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), had access to all of it. Whistleblower William Binney, once director of the NSA’s World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group, estimates that ten to twenty such facilities have been installed throughout the United States. 74

Because fiber-optic lines are strands of optically pure glass as thin as a human hair that can carry digital information, fiber optics are used in neuroengineering, along with molecular biology, optogenetic engineering, surgery, and lasers. 75 

Not entirely dissimilar to the “new science” of neuroengineering is the covert practice of mounting or implanting hair-like fiber-optic cameras into targets’ bodies for remote surveillance. In fact, by studying how fiber-optic cable is utilized for brain-computer interface (BCI) in quadriplegics, 76 it’s not difficult to imagine how fiber-optic cable in the home or neighborhood might be used to access minds: cortical neurons fire signals that are then picked up by an amplifier; the signals are converted to optical data and pulsed along fiber-optic cable to a computer that then converts the optical data into binary data for study. We will go more deeply into these technologies when we study the WiFi neighborhood in Chapters 10 and 11. 

2 Thanks to John St. John, “Smart Meters and Chemtrails.”, April 9, 2013. 
3 Robert Farago, “HDTV Mass Hypnosis.” Journal of Hypnotism, September 1991. 
4 “Amazon, the CIA and Assassinations.”, February 12, 2014. Current cloud-computing platforms are direct descendants of the Beowulf Linux clustered computers approach pioneered by the Universities Space Research Association and NASA. 
5 Ferret satellites (1960s), Canyon, Rhyolite and Aquacade (1970s), Chalet, Vortex, Magnum, Orion, and Jumpseat (1980s), Mercury, Mentor, and Trumpet (1990s), etc. 
6 “ECHELON Today: The Evolution of an NSA Black Program.” Antifascist Calling, July 12, 2013. 
7 James Bamford covers Echelon in Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (Doubleday, 2001). 
8 E.g., the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis (HCRA), an industry front for the world’s largest corporations, and the Wireless Technology Research Foundation pay lawyers and researchers to bury and obscure research proving that cell phones cause brain tumors, EMR disrupts cell tissues, and the immune systems and brains of soft-tissue children are at the highest risk. 
9 “Thus HAARP fills a long-standing vacuum in controlled electromagnetic sources, with the potential to revolutionize low-frequency remote sensing and communications.” 
10 “Virginia Farver, Fort Collins CO, US,” EMR Action, 21 April 2013. 
11 Brundtland served three terms as prime minister of Norway in 1981, 1986–89, and 1990–96. 12 “Repacholi Challenges Gro Brundtland, EHS,” Microwave News, April 12, 2012. 
13 “Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones.” WHO, October 2014, 
14 “International Scientists Appeal to U.N. To Protect Humans and Wildlife from Electromagnetic Fields and Wireless Technology.” Organic Consumers Association, May 11, 2015. 
15 See Lin’s papers at 
16 The SECOM II (SEcurity COMmunications) system is a High Frequency (HF) system that provides two-way digital communications between a central controller and vehicles carrying nuclear weapons and special nuclear material anywhere in CONUS. 
17 Robert O. Becker, MD. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, Chapter 15, “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer.” Harper, 1985. 
18 Wikipedia, “Duga-3.” 
19 Capt. Tyler: “[M]any studies . . . published in the last few years indicate that specific biological effects can be achieved by controlling the various parameters of the electromagnetic (EM) field.” 
20 Becker, The Body Electric. 
21 Microwave News, May 28, 2008. (Dr. Becker died May 14, 2008.) 
22 See S. Dorfman and T. A. Carter, “Nonlinear excitation of acoustic modes by large amplitude Alfvén waves in a laboratory plasma.” University of California Los Angeles, April 12, 2013. Thanks to Electric Universe proponent Christopher Fontenot for explaining Alfvén waves. 
23 John Pike, “HAARP Detection and Imaging of Underground Structures Using ELF/VLF Radio Waves.” FAS Intelligence Resource Program, August 9, 2002. 
24 David Deming, “The Hum: An Anomalous Sound Heard Around the World.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 571–595, 2004. 
25 All new wind farm turbine supports are now 299 feet tall with a tuned grounding grid in the ground around them. 
26 Robert O. Becker, Crosscurrents: The Perils of Electropollution / The Promise of Electromedicine. Los Angeles:Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1990. 
27 Will Thomas, “Microwaving Iraq: ‘Pacifying rays’ pose new hazards in Iraq.”, January 25, 2005. 
28 William Thomas, “Scalar Weapons Used in Iraq, Britain.”, January 25, 2005. 
29 Wade Roush, “A Cell-Phone Tower with Focus.” MIT Review, May 1, 2006. 
30 Ray Stern, “SRP [Salt River Project utility] Removes Mystery Box From Power Pole After Phoenix Homeowner’s Complaint.” Phoenix New Times, March 29, 2016. 
31 See 
32 In 2002, American Tower collected $548,923,000 in tower rental and management fees, according to Keith Harmon Snow’s “NetRad in the Neighborhood: Illuminating the Cell Tower Agenda.” Montague Reporter, February 28, 2004. 
33 Jim Stone, “Mind control via electronic manipulation,” June 14, 2012. 
34 All definitions extrapolated from Wikipedia entries. 
35 “SOP 303,” Emergency Wireless Protocols. “Chicago in a jam: Security services to block cell phone towers ahead of NATO summit?” RT, 17 May 2012. 
36 Post by Robert Schoen, “Katrina: Natural Disaster or Sabotage and Institutional Terrorism?” September 7, 2005. 
37 Monkagedi Gaotlhobogwe, “Mochudi Mascom tower Was Dangerous — British Scientist.” The Monitor (Botswana), 19 April 2010. After Trower’s presentation in France, the government began removing WiFi from their schools. 
38 MichaelJ. Fitch and Robert Osiander, “Terahertz Waves for Communication and Sensing.” Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2004. 
39 Chris Williams, “US Marines stomp suburbia.” The Register, 2 March 2007. 
40 Thanks to Evelyn Savarin, M.U.P., Cellular Phone Task Force, March 22, 2012. 
41 “New filter could advance terahertz data transmission,” EurekAlert! February 27, 2015. 
42 Jason Prall, “Yes, Airport Millimeter Wave Scanners Alter DNA.”, n.d. 
43 TIDs are also available in portable size. 
44 “How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA.” Technology Review, October 30, 2009. Also see B.S. Alexandrov et al. “DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field.” Physics Letters A, Vol. 374, Issue 10, 2010. 
45 Smith, Carole. “Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind.” Dissent magazine, Australia, Summer 2007/2008. 
46 Ibid. 
47 Fitch and Osiander. 
48 Tom Burghardt, “Niche telecom providers assisting NSA Spy Operations.” Dissident Voice, September 11, 2008. 
49 Eric Lichtblau, “Police Are Using Phone Tracking as a Routine Tool.” New York Times, March 31, 2012. 
50 Andy Greenberg, “These Are The Prices AT&T, Verizon and Sprint Charge For Cellphone Wiretaps.” Forbes, April 3, 2012. 
51 Allison Reilly, “Protect Your Cell Phone from Prying Eyes in 2012.” Technorati, December 30, 2011. Technorati recommends signing on for virtual private network (VPN). 
52 The palantir is the seeing stone of the dark lords in Lord of the Rings. Palantir security teams wear black gloves and earpieces. Palantir Technologies resides in Facebook’s former headquarters in Silicon Valley, and PayPal computer scientists created Palantir. 
53 See FICOR, Talon (threat and location observation notice, 2002-2007), and the e-Guardian allsound suspiciously alike. 
54 Declan McCullagh, “Apple deluged by police demands to decrypt iPhones.”, May 10, 2013. 
55 See “Verizon Law Enforcement Legal Compliance Guide,” 
56 David Hambling, “Surveillance Robots Know When to Hide.” Telepresence Options, March 25, 2011. 
57 Victoria Woollaston, “Hi-tech tattoo that could replace ALL your passwords: Motorola reveals plans for ink and even pills to identify us.” MailOnline, 30 May 2013. 
58 See 
59 Elaine Zacky, “Len Horowitz — Wildfires Likely Linked to Energy Industry Plot.”, August 22, 2001.
62 Rob Verger, “How the Air Force’s ‘space fence’ will keep American satellites safe.”, May 19, 2016. 
63 “Russia to reveal location of US military satellites in free space database.” RT, 22 June 2016. 
64 “Massive Energy Pulses Knock Out Roanoke NEXRAD Station,” January 7, 2013, endoftheage. The Roanoke NexRad Station KFCX was knocked off the air on January 6, 2013 by sixty-four electron beams launched by thirty-one different attacking radar stations. 
65 See WeatherWar101’s excellent NexRad YouTube series. 
66 David Willman, “The Pentagon’s $10 billion bet gone bad.” Los Angeles Times, April 5, 2015. 
67 See and the YouTube “Are Wind Turbines Changing the Weather?” (HowStuffWorks, June 24, 2013). 
68 Claire Bernish, “Scotland Just Banned Fracking Forever.” Elle, August 6, 2016. 
69 Emily Atkin, “Fracking Bans Are No Longer Allowed in Oklahoma.” Climate Progress, June 1, 2015. 
70 Nicolas Rapp, “Mapping the Internet.”, July 9, 2012. 
71 “Terahertz wireless could make spaceborne satellite links as fast as fiber-optic links.”, February 6, 2017. 
72 The NSA’s Internet surveillance program is called PRISM. See footnote in Chapter 5 and reference in Chapter 10. 
73 Joe Wolverton II, “NSA Taps Directly Into Undersea Fiber-optic Data Cables.” USAHM News, July 25, 2013. 
74 “Room 641A,” Wikipedia. 
5 Quinn Norton, “Rewiring the Brain: Inside the New Science of Neuroengineering.” Wired, March 2, 2009. 
76 Richard Martin, “Mind Control.” Wired, March 1, 2005.

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