Saturday, March 19, 2022

Part 9 Under an Ionized Sky From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown...The Unlawful "Silent War" Against Citizens... Conclusion

Under an Ionized Sky
From Chemtrails 
Space Fence Lockdown
by Elana Freeman

11 The Unlawful "Silent War" Against Citizens 
Let the tuning commence. 
— Dark City, 1998 

“You took my sonar concept and applied it to every phone in the city. With half the city feeding you sonar, you can image all of Gotham. This is wrong. . .This is too much power for one person.” 
— Lucius Fox to Bruce Wayne, 
The Dark Knight (2008) 

One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. 

It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction. When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue, This expansion is fast enough to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible to create an internal acoustic field in the 5–15 kilohertz range, which is audible. Thus, it may be possible to ‘talk’ to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them. 
— USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 
New World Vistas, Air and Space Power 
For the 21st Century, Ancillary Volume, 1996 

Forty years ago, geophysicist Dr. Gordon J.F. MacDonald, science advisor to former President Lyndon Johnson, spelled out the advent of the devil hiding in the woodshed of electromagnetic details to the House Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment, but few understood references like “global,” much less the remote possibility of “geoengineering” brain waves: 

The basic notion [in low-frequency research] was to create within the cavity between the electrically charged ionosphere in the higher part of the atmosphere and conducting layers of the surface of the earth, this neutral cavity to create waves, electrical waves, that would be tuned to the brainwaves. The natural electrical rhythm of most mammalian brains, including man, is about 10 cycles (hertz) per second, and there are indications that if you tune in at this frequency—that is, these low frequencies of about 10 cycles per second—you can produce changes in behavioral patterns or in responses. 1 

As the Bill of Rights is supplanted by technocracy, electromagnetics barrage Homeland neighborhoods as Arbeit macht frei 2 invisibly shimmers amidst the conducting aluminum, barium, and lithium nanoparticles drifting down with trillions of nanosensors. Meanwhile, people sleep in their chains of “progress” and convenience, many allowing dentists to implant sensors and tiny 2.45 GHz Bluetooth radios that wirelessly transmit data, 3 others ingesting Proteus Digital Health 1mm “digital pills”: 

Digital Medicines are the same pharmaceuticals you take today, with one small change: each pill also contains a tiny sensor that can communicate, via our digital health feedback system, vital information about your medication-taking behaviors and how your body is responding.

As charged antennas, we now interlock with the Earth’s magnetic field, 5 ready targets for remote BioAPI’s (biometric program interfaces), our bodies resonating like amplification capacitors. Wherever on Earth we go, we pick up and resonate with whatever is pulsing along the Earth’s magnetic field lines. 6 

It has now been discovered the magnetic fields have a profound influence not only on human consciousness, but also on the human nervous system and immune system. 7 

The magnetic fields around power lines and transformers now act as open-air fMRIs. Heat the magnetic six-nanometer particles we inhale (created at SUNY’s University of Buffalo Nature Nanotechnology labs) to 34°C (93.2°F)—the avoidance response threshold—and our cells are activated. 

“By developing a method that allows us to use magnetic fields to stimulate cells both in vitro [in glass] and in vivo [in a living organism], this research will help us unravel the signaling networks that control animals behavior,” says Arnd Pralle, Ph.D., assistant professor of physics in the UB College of Arts and Sciences and senior/corresponding author on the paper. 8 [Emphasis added.] 

Can you see now how the sensors, metal nanoparticles, and nano-fibers loaded with microprocessors (“nanobots”) can be made to serve the programmed DNA microchips that will morph the masses into obedient cyborgs? 

The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires [fibers] tethered to electronics [microprocessors] in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma. 9 

Altering weak and vulnerable humanness lurks behind the military alteration of regions of the ionosphere and therefore the Earth. In 1968, geophysicist MacDonald talked about tuning brain waves via the ionosphere; in 1987, Bernard Eastlund’s HAARP patent spelled out how to make cyclotronic resonance tune our lower atmosphere to the ionosphere. 

Given that long-wave ELF propagation now traverses the globe 24/7, all of life depends upon studying and understanding exactly how frequencies and biological systems interact. In 2003, independent scientist Clifford Carnicom made a careful study of the ELFs pulsing via conductive metal particulates in the air over northern New Mexico. He determined that the pulse was arriving in multiples of 4 Hz, and because the frequency range of the human brain is 4–52 Hz, the pulse was surely influencing biologically based systems: 

(1) Changing human mental functioning, influence, and control; 
(2) Disrupting cellular metabolism; 
(3) Suppressing the immune system; 
(4) Affecting free radical reactions; 
(5) Changing DNA; and 
(6) Changing cyclotronic resonance itself. 10 

Using his body as the sole antenna/receiver for the ELF circuit, Carnicom was able to pinpoint the locale of minimum ohmic resistance at the base of the skull behind the two ear lobes. By attaching an electrode and adjusting the gain of the circuit to the ELF range governing the human brain, he discovered that the frequencies received were subsequently amplified by the circuit. 
[Note: Carnicom stresses caution in using the body as a receiver, as he suffered neural interruption, disorientation, and headaches for twelve to thirty-six hours after the experiment. 11 Given that electrical frequencies can be used to heal as well as destroy, 12 with a self-designed ELF detector (operational amplifiers, high inductance coil) and a frequency generator (30 kHz), Carnicom was able to alter the electromagnetic field around his body and effectively interrupt the fatigue being generated by ambient geometric ELF frequencies.] 

Loading our brains with beacon-like metals and nano-sensors sounds distinctly like the sharks being weaponized by forcing them to follow chemical trails and sense delicate electrical gradients: 

To transmit signals to the sharks, the team [of project engineer Walter Gomes of the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport, Rhode Island] needs nothing less than a network of signaling towers in the area. 13 

Do we at last see that our transceiver towers with phased-array antennas are not just about profits and cell phone convenience? Coupled with the daily spraying of conductive metals, magnetic nanoparticles digging foxholes in our bodies and brains, and digital pills, it is now clear that we are being plugged into our Earth’s magnetic field lines for a very different human future. 

Two-way communication with the depth of the brain makes it possible to send and receive information to and from the brain, circumventing physiological sensory receptors and motor effects. . .We can start, stop, and modify a variety of autonomic, somatic, behavioral, and mental manifestations. In these explorations of intracerebral physiology in behaving subjects, we are reaching not only for the soma but for the psyche itself. . . As no batteries are used, the life of the transmitters is indefinite. Power and information are supplied by radio frequencies. 
— Jose M.R. Delgado, 
“Man’s Intervention in Intracerebral Functions,” 
Department of Psychiatry, Yale University, 1967 

After 9/11, the term “terrorist” underwent a confusing revisionism to potentially include anyone critical of the (Deep) State. At the same time, domestic spying expanded exponentially and made all electronics fair game, from phones, televisions, and computers to geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) and MASINT for electronic harassment and no-touch torture in your home, at work, or in your car. Full spectrum dominance. While Americans were being conditioned to condone the torture going on at Guantánamo Bay and elsewhere, a C4 lockdown was being set up at home, thanks to the plasma-thickened, quartz-resonant ionized atmosphere overhead being ceaselessly zapped. 

For readers unfamiliar with the Cold War game-changer known as MK-ULTRA, the following serves only as a thumbnail sketch. MK-ULTRA is the granddaddy of American nonconsensual brain and behavioral experimentation. Formally run by the CIA from 1953 to 1973 to the tune of $25 million in Cold War dollars, 15 MK-ULTRA actually inherited a jumpstart from the thousands of Paperclip Nazis ferreted into the United States and Canada with their intact wartime files of concentration camp experiments. Drugs, hypnosis, and pain induction were then the primary tools of the mind control trade, but remote electronic mind control was always the objective. 

In the days preceding MK-ULTRA, electrodes were being inserted into babies’ skulls. 16 In the 1950s, it was Yale University’s José Delgado, M.D., who initiated at-a-distance no-touch torture by pulsing frequencies and wirelessly triggering changes in consciousness without electrodes. In 1962, Allen Frey, M.D., discovered microwave hearing, the transmission of spoken words into the auditory cortex via a pulsed microwave analog of the speaker’s sound vibration. Microwave hearing devices are now everywhere. In 2008, Lev Sadovnik, Ph.D., of the Sierra Nevada Corporation created the Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio (MEDUSA), and the Disney Research microphone converts a voice message into an inaudible signal transmitted to the body of the person holding the microphone who can then transmit the message to another person by touching them. 17 

Patrick Flanagan, Ph.D., invented the neurophone in 1967 when he was fourteen, after which it was immediately classified by the NSA. The neurophone programmed suggestions through skin contact, due to the skin’s many sensors for heat, touch, pain, vibration, and electrical fields. The neurophone is a low voltage, high-frequency amplitude-modulated radio oscillator that converts modulated radio waves into a neural modulated signal bypassing the eighth cranial hearing nerve and transmitting words directly into the brain. 

The Soviet vacuum tube LIDA machine was made by the Soviets in the 1950s, after which the North Koreans used it for brainwashing American POWs by placing the vertical plates along each side of the head to make the POW feel like he was in a dream. The LIDA is basically a 10 Hz pulsed radio signal transmitter that functions as a hypnotist’s “swinging watch” to put people to sleep. (Quickening its pulse produces wakefulness.) It is listed with the IBM Intellectual Property Network (but not the U.S. Patent Office). By combining pulsed light, sound waves, and electromagnetic radiation, brain waves can be entrained and emotional states manipulated. Both the neurophone and the LIDA machine are transmitters only, not transceivers. 

In the 1970s, Andrija Puharich, M.D., studied the Soviet Woodpecker, then wired subjects, sealed them in a metal room, and beamed ELF waves at them. Waves below six cycles per second (6 Hz) emotionally upset subjects and disrupted their bodily functions; waves at 8.2 cps elevated their mood; waves at 11–11.3 cps depressed, agitated, and produced violent reactions. When Puharich later sought to warn the public about machine telepathy, he mysteriously disappeared from his home in Glen Cove, Maine, 18 ninety-six miles from Rangeley, where Wilhelm Reich, M.D. had lived. 

Ross Adey, M.D., also used electromagnetic fields to remotely influence emotional states and behavior. Adey discovered that a 0.75mW/cm2 pulse-modulated microwave signal at a frequency of 450 MHz will control all aspects of human behavior. By directing a carrier frequency to stimulate the brain, then using amplitude modulation to shape the wave to mimic EEG frequencies, Adey could force a 4.5 cps theta rhythm (sleep) upon his subjects. 

In 1973, Joseph Sharp, M.D., successfully demonstrated artificial microwave voice-to-skull (V2K) or synthetic telepathy. In 1978, James C. Lin, Ph.D., published Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications in which he related his own demonstrations of microwave hearing with a pulsed microwave transmitter. Lin has published a great deal on biological nonionizing radiation effects, 19 and on July 25, 1990 testified before the Subcommittee on Natural Resources, Agriculture Research, and Environment Committee on Science, Space, and Technology in the U.S. House of Representatives in his capacity as chairman of the Committee on Man and Radiation, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). 

A library of exact frequencies and pulse rates of every emotion, passion, and state of mind in what the Soviets used to call acoustic psycho-correction has been compiled—for example, Elizabeth Rauscher, nuclear physicist at Technic Research Laboratory in San Leandro, California, identified the happiness and aggression frequencies, and Michael Persinger, M.D., chief neurologist at Laurentian University Environmental Physiology Laboratory in Ontario, used time-varying fields of low-intensity 1–10 Hz ELFs to induce nausea. 20 

In June 1975, while Russian Woodpecker ELFs were zapping Eugene, Oregon brains, Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the [Soviet] Communist Party (1964–1982), called for a ban on EM weapons “more terrifying than nuclear arms.” But it was too little, too late. As nuclear engineer Thomas E. Bearden told it in 1990 

[Brezhnev] stated the need for an “insurmountable barrier” to the development of such weapons. In July, he repeated his strange proposal to a group of visiting U.S. Senators. Ponomarev, a Soviet national party secretary, again raised the same issue to a delegation of visiting U.S. congressmen in August. At the United Nations’ thirtieth Session of the General Assembly on Sept. 23,1975, Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko strongly raised the same issue, warning that science can produce “ominous” new weapons of mass destruction. He urged that all countries, led first by the major powers, should sign an agreement to ban the development of these unspecified new weapons. He even offered a draft, entitled “Prohibition of the Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass Annihilation and of New Systems of Such Weapons”. . .By its fixation on nuclear weapons and its ignorance of scalar EM, the West may have lost its only opportunity to prevent the spread of scalar EM weapons “more frightful than the mind of man has ever imagined,” to use Brezhnev’s characterization. 21 [Emphasis added.] 

Between 1975 and 1977, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources (the Church Committee) attempted too little too late to get to the bottom of CIA mind control experiments, even unearthing ten large boxes of documents labeled “MK-ULTRA, 1952–62.” John Marks, author of The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences (1979), requested that the CIA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) provide files “on behavioral research, including. . .activities related to bio-electrics, electric or radio stimulation of the brain, electronic destruction of memory, stereotaxic surgery, psychosurgery, hypnotism, parapsychology, radiation, microwaves and ultrasonics.” He received 130 cubic feet of classified documents on “behavioral experiments” and learned that from 1950 to 1970, forty-four colleges and universities had hosted MK-ULTRA research with funds quietly flowing through CIA fronts like the Human Ecology Fund (Brown University). 

Once the Church Committee furor died down, MK-ULTRA was recast under a variety of names while Wall Street family foundations continued to fund it through the ultraconservative American Family Foundation (AFF) formed by former CIA MK-ULTRA personnel operating out of the New York City law offices of Morris and McVeigh. 22 

In 1994, neurophysiologist Donald York and speech pathologist Thomas Jensen of the University of Missouri correlated brainwave patterns with spoken words and thought (“silent speech”) even as the U.S. Army War College’s infamous Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War announced: “Behavior modification is a key component of peace enforcement” and “The advantage of directed energy systems is deniability.” Jason Jeffrey in New Dawn magazine warned readers that the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) was all about EM technological “solutions” à la New World Vistas, and he was right:

Individuals unwilling to go along with the revolutionary changes are “identified using comprehensive inter-agency integrated databases.” They will then be “categorized” and “sophisticated computerized personality simulations” will be used “to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each.” 23 

Meanwhile, HAARP was going up in Alaska and Project Cloverleaf chemtrails were uploading the sky. 

The last round of public inquiry into MK-ULTRA occurred on the Ides of March 1995. Dutifully, then President Clinton’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments met with victims who had been subjected to the military’s desire to weaponize the brain. Like the Church Committee twenty years earlier, once testimony was heard and recorded, MK-ULTRA was made to appear as if it had ended years before. The truth was that it was not only alive and well and buried in deeper black, but it had gone electromagnetic. 

Cybernetic mind control began with microchip-implanted brains linked to satellites controlled by ground based, 20 million bits per second supercomputers. The FBI and CIA were partial to behavior-mod chips with their 250,000 parts and 400,000 bytes of information, their own little oscillator and lithium battery recharging from body heat, each chip the size of a grain of rice and—once Navstar satellites picked up its signal—capable of being remotely reprogrammed via pulsed frequencies on low-frequency radio waves. The next generation was the Destron-Fearing transponder sheathed in biomedical-grade glass imprinted with 34 billion bytes of information. At first, the implants were made of silicon, then of gallium arsenide. In Vietnam, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip to increase adrenaline flow; in the 1991 Gulf War, the IMI biotic (intelligence-manned interface) “engaged” soldiers. 

In 1999, two interrelated events occurred. The first was the suspension of psychology professor Kathryn Kelley of SUNY-Albany 24 after she had presented a paper in Orlando, Florida to a summer conference sponsored by the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, and the International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (based in Venezuela). In her presentation, she had mentioned that implant research was being funded by the NSA and DoD ($2 billion annually) and that uninformed, non-consensual human guinea pigs were being used for “open field” experiments. The Institutional Review Board had approved of Kelley’s research into “advances in technology that affect interpersonal communication” but not into monitoring and control technologies like RAATs (radio wave auditory assaultive transmitting implants). Kelley revealed that when [short-wave] operators transmitted to or scanned RAAT implants in victims, they could remotely and anonymously talk to the victims as well as hear their speech and thoughts. 

Four months after Kelley’s dismissal, Applied Digital Solutions in Palm Beach, Florida announced it had acquired the patent rights (U.S. Patent No. 5,629,678) to a miniature digital transceiver powered electromechanically by the host’s muscle movement and body heat and had christened it the Digital Angel “personal tracking and recovery system.” Back in 1971, a similar microprocessor could only hold 2,300 tiny transistors; by 1996, it was 5.5 million. 

From one centimeter to the size of a BB or a grain of rice to today’s nano-sized microprocessors being inhaled and consumed, implants are still being tracked and brain functions altered by pulsing frequencies under the remote monitoring system that translates to surveillance, isolation, and torture. As thoughts, reactions, hearing, and visual observations cause a certain neurological potential, spike, or pattern in the brain, its electromagnetic field can now be decoded onto a monitor somewhere. 25 Once the unique bioelectrical resonance frequency is remotely coded, 26 EM signals can be pulsed to just that brain. In other words, by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50Hz, 5 milliwatt) the individual brain emits, billions can now be remotely monitored by NSA Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) via satellite electrooptical capabilities, supercomputers, AI, and ground-based infrastructure. 

Between 2000 and 2009, four hundred neurotechnology patents were filed; in 2010, the number doubled, and in 2014 it doubled again to 1,600 patents. 27 

Just before he died, Australian journalist Joe Vialls wrote that the tachistoscope was the first step in manipulating the American mind by timing the insertion and duration of subliminal frames in movies and television shows at 1/25 per second. Next, low-light subliminal images were blended into show and film content to bypass the conscious mind and target the subconscious mind. The third step was hexadecimal color-coding, brazenly depicted by director Steven Spielberg in his 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind and later perfected by digitized television. 28 

Consider “free” HuLu, the digital high definition (HD) interface between home computers and television networks. U.S. Patent #6,488,617, “Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors” (December 2, 2002), describes using computer monitors and HDTV screens as broadcast media for digital (think pulsed) “electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby human subjects” while “displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.” A. True Ott, Ph.D., asks, “Is this why over 20% of the new DIGITAL bandwidth was given to the Dept. of Homeland Security in the name of ‘Public Safety’?” 29 Good question. 

Five years after 9/11, military apologist Jonathan D. Moreno felt he was on moral high ground in the war on terrorism when he defended human experimentation with “non lethals” (less-than-lethals / electronic weapons) in his book Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense: 

Unlike more familiar ballistic or explosive devices, which can often be tested on inert objects or animals to get the desired information, many of the measures classified as NLWs [nonlethal weapons] involve human perception and behavior, so they must be tested on humans. . .Now, what would be the specific justification for human testing of the pulsed energy projectile [PEP]? One reason would be the fact that pain is a somewhat subjective experience, and the behaviors of animals, even higher primates, might not be useful in setting dose limits. Also, pain experience is associated with brain receptor sites that could have lasting effects, perhaps triggering mental illness in some people . . . 30 

Moreno goes on to explain how “people in uniform” and prisoners are no longer the plentiful “volunteer” pools they once were. He then admits to the very tactic the military uses to get around the Nuremberg Code consent requirement: 

Cynics might point out that there is an easy way around the problem of experimentation ethics: just call the projects field trials instead of human experiments. That way, the medical ethics rules might be evaded. During the cold war, sailors and soldiers were exposed to the atomic bomb and chemical nerve agents. These incidents were categorized as field tests of environmental contaminants or training exercises rather than as human experiments. As a result, the rules then in place that required voluntary consent weren’t technically relevant, even though in some cases soldiers wore radiation badges and had their bodily fluids checked . . . 31 

Whatever the delivery system, connect the Smart Grid dots and you eventually arrive at a new class of “silent warfare” citizens numbering in the millions around the world: targeted individuals (TIs), those being stalked and invisibly tortured daily with directed energy weapons (DEWs) in their neighborhoods and workplaces of big cities, towns, and rural areas. 32 TIs give a whole new meaning to “home incarceration.” 

The brains of gamers playing Emotiv are being hacked into, 33 memories are being remotely triggered and read, dreams engineered, illness frequencies remotely transmitted, heart palpitations and extreme pressure made to mimic panic attacks and pulmonary conditions. Microwave beams can do all of this and more, from creating an electromagnetic “flu” to ramping up an illness by frying the immune system. This list of symptoms that most physicians attribute to “psychological” maladies can just as well be symptoms of electromagnetic sensitive (EMS) and/or DEWs: 

Neurological: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint paint, leg/foot pain, “Flu-like” symptoms, fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke. 

Cardiac: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath. 

Respiratory:sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. 

Dermatological:skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing. 

Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts. 

Others: digestive problems; abdominal pain; enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain; dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes; great thirst; dehydration; nosebleeds; internal bleeding; altered sugar metabolism; immune abnormalities; redistribution of metals within the body; hair loss; pain in the teeth; deteriorating fillings; impaired sense of smell; ringing in the ears. 34 

At, you will find an interactive World Hum Map and database. There, Todd West clarifies what cellular radar (celldar) can do: . . 

Wherever a cell signal can reach, passive radar can take and via computerized networks track your electromagnetic signature, including seeing and hearing inside many types of building structures. In the U.S., Homeland Security agents via State Police liaisons introduce and train local law enforcement as well as, and this is VERY important, classified contractors on the use of celldar units. Celldar can cause untold torture to electromagnetic sensitive people, and over time extensive use of the technology causes diabetes, cardiovascular distress, cancer and loss of cognitive functions, TO START WITH. By fine-tuning the units, provocateurs can use the technology to disable, harm and kill those it is used on, making it the ultimate covert directed enemy [sic: energy] weapon used under the guise of “homeland security.” It has been determined “the hum” being reported worldwide is the cacophony of electromagnetic eavesdropping technology running on top of cellular-style networks. It is microwave madness to a degree of deceptive overkill. 35 

Quietly and all around us, the new Homeland battlespace bristles with contract agents and criminals logging EM experiments on non consensual citizens in the name of “field research” while law enforcement looks the other way. Agents armed with laptops and classified DEWs/NLWs move into neighborhoods and apartment complexes to conduct see-and-hear-through-walls surveillance. First, they build a profile of the target’s habits, friends, family, love affairs, medical and mental history, problems, etc., then begin EM attacks to provoke: 

 Hearing voices or strange noises no one else hears 
Jolts and burning sensations to the limbs 
Pain or numbness (head) 
Involuntary muscle movements (legs) 
Invisible “strikes” 
Snaps, clicks, tinnitus, etc. 
Strange dreams/nightmares and sleep deprivation 

A senior Australian Federal Police executive told Paul Baird, author of the pirated and unpublished In the Year 2252 by “P. Barber,” 36 that such torture might go on for years. Baird writes: 

Human thought operates at 5,000 bits/sec, but satellites and various forms of biotelemetry can deliver those thoughts to supercomputers in Maryland, USA, Israel, etc. which have a speed of 20 BILLION bits/sec each. These, even today, monitor millions of people simultaneously. 37 

Regional fusion centers screen candidates for targeting, record the “field experiments” and share them with local law enforcement and federal agencies (DOJ, DHS, CIA, NSA, etc.) as necessary. Satellite targeting entails electromagnetic “leashes” of high-powered microwaves (HPMs), subatomic particle beams, ELF/ULF, plasma orb “necklaces,” etc. Land-based and sea-based systems transmit mood and mind control frequencies. Unmarked and bogus corporate logo vans parked outside your home, laptops in Colorado Springs, briefcase-sized active denial systems (ADS) in neighbors’ homes triangulating with phased arrays on cell towers. . .GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) digital cellular transmissions can piggyback behavioral patterns on ELF signals (3–3000Hz) and pulse them into the microwave network being fed into cell phones. 38 Even when no signature is being broadcast, microwaves cause neurons to release calcium ions that make targets feel tired, irritable, and hopeless. 

According to UK scientist Turan “Tim” Rifat, the dual-use GM900 microwave network (Vodaphone, British Telecom) and GM1800 systems (Orange) use weapons-grade higher-frequency microwaves: 

It is a rule of the intelligence community that you hide things in plain view. Getting the public to accept microwave mind control weapons which affect their behavior under the guise of mobile phones was a stroke of genius. Getting the public to pay for these microwave mind control devices, so their brains and behavior can be damaged, to make them more docile and easy to control, was pure diabolical genius. 39 

Rifat describes how ELF microwaves can be made to mimic brainwaves, after which they are pulsed by transmitters into British brains to make “submissive zombies who cannot think clearly, become depressed, apathetic, and want to lounge around all day doing nothing: the inner city malaise found on Britain’s streets. . .[and] microwave phones use pulse modulated microwaves of the correct intensity to pass through the skull into the brain and control behaviour.” 40 Rifat says UK police use 450 MHz 41 for behavioral control and clearing areas of the homeless, and use 75–1000 MHz to induce nervous and physical collapse. 

IRIS (interface region imaging spectrograph) infrared satellites track mobile phones, body heat, and brainwaves. An NSA SIGINT laser monitors a target’s brainwaves so a computer can decode its evoked potentials (3.50 Hz 5 milliwatts). The telltale EEG is then fed into a supercomputer and an audible neurophone input/output or other NLW device pointed at the victim’s brain so an AI algorithm, a human NSA operator, a bored Hollywood star or corporate player can eavesdrop on the target’s thoughts and input their godlike response. 

Pulse modulation is the name of the game for brain transmissions.

Human behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation. Pulse modulated microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they are able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM. These signals are extremely low frequency recordings of brain electrical [excitation] potentials which have been recorded by neuro-medical researchers. . .It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use of microwave beams. All that is needed is a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each mood, action, and thought. . . Having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control . . . 42 

—in tandem with the millimeter wave scanners exposing the target behind the walls of their home or workplace: 

When firing microwave beams through walls at one specific target, every material in the way of the microwave beam attenuates or modifies the intensity and frequency of the beam. Since precise frequencies and intensities are needed for mind control, very sophisticated microwave arrays and computer programmes had to be developed so that the microwave beam could be changed in response to the materials which lay between the target and the weapon, as the victim moved around the house. To do this, the reflectivity and refractivity of the materials between victim and weapon had to be analysed in real-time and fed to a computer which could change the microwave array in concert with the changing environment between victim and weapon, as the target moved around his/her home. Secondly, there had to be an automatic interrupter if another person walked in front of the beam. The victim needed to be driven mad or disabled without anyone else being aware that he or she was being targeted . . . 43 

Earlier, I discussed how the specific focus output power of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) high-power microwaves (HPMs) couples with (transfers energy to) a wide target area. In Chapter 10, I also mentioned how suitcase systems (piggybacking) can shape a pulse in spacetime with direct coupling to a high-speed computer for non-linear biological effects. 

Coupling human beings with “nonlethal” machines is specifically addressed in the fifteenth ancillary volume of the 1995 USAF Scientific Advisory Board’s fourteen-volume New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century: Ancillary Volume, whose “Biological Process Control” is framed in the usual misleading future tense: 

One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set . . . 44

In Psychotronic War and the Security of Russia (Moscow, 1999), Russian ambassador V.N. Lopatin and engineer V.D. Tsygankov explain DEW-brain coupling: 

Electromagnetic pulse (EP) anti-personnel weapons have many scientific and technical features in common with the laser weapons under development in the American and Soviet anti-missile defense programs. Both use electromagnetic radiation, propagating at 300,000 kilometers per second, to achieve their destructive effect. Both require compact power sources, generators of electromagnetic radiation (e.g. lasers, magnetrons, gyrotrons, etc.), beam radiator and focusing apparatus (e.g., optics for lasers, wave guides and phased-array antennas for microwave weapons), and computerized control systems. In both cases also, the maximum effect of these weapons is obtained by “tuning” or “tailoring” the output to the characteristics of the target. 

The chief peculiarity of EP anti-personnel weapons lies in their exploitation of highly non-linear effects of electromagnetic radiation upon living organisms. Typically, these weapons employ complicated pulse shapes and pulse trains, involving several frequencies and modulations which can range over a wide spectrum from extremely low frequencies (ELF) into the hundred gigahertz range. Thus, although state-of-the-art technology permits construction of mobile systems of extremely high output power (up to 10 megawatts average power, peak pulsed powers of many gigawatts), it is not the high power per se which determines the lethality of the system, but rather its ability to “couple” the output effectively into the target and to exploit non-linear biological action. While high output power may be used to obtain range and breadth of effects and penetration into enclosures and defenses, the minimum lethal “dose” on the target will typically be orders of magnitude less than that which would be required to kill by mere heating, in the manner of a microwave oven. . .[Italics added.] 45 

To electromagnetically read brainwave patterns so that the brain can be coupled to a machine, scanning and tracking systems first couple with the magnetic field surrounding the head, then wirelessly transmit patterns to sophisticated computers for interpretation and recording. Once the aural feedback loop is established, remote psychotronic torture can begin (hauntingly depicted in the 1998 film Dark City). For example, a laser can direct signal-to-noise live talk, noise, or computer-generated music at the head’s magnetic field, and because the ears are bypassed (“microwave hearing”), the sound will first register as electrical impulses in the nervous system and then be picked up by the brain. 

The software utilized for Smart Grid targeting must be capable of coupling brains with computers. In Chapter 10, I mentioned NSA analyst Robert Duncan and his 2010 Internet book The Matrix Deciphered. Duncan calls this coupling process EEG cloning or heterodyning, 46 a radio processing technique that combines two frequencies to create new frequencies. Often funded under cognotherapy, EEG heterodyning software programs are an NBIC convergence (nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive technology), otherwise known as biotelemetry mind and body control. Duncan names several EEG cloning programs: 

TEMPEST or Van Eck phreaking 
DREAM (Data Repository Establishment and Management) simulations 
MIND (Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator) 47 
TAMI (Thought Amplifier and Mind Interface, 1976) 
SATAN (Silent Assassination Through Amplified Neurons)
BEAST (Battle Engagement Area Simulator/Tracker) 3D holographic image projections 
FOCUS (Flexible Optical Control Unit Simulator) projects images onto the retina 48 

The coupling is accomplished by manipulating plasma—yet another perk for maintaining an ionized atmosphere. In 2007, Live Science exposed how electrified gas or plasma “antennas” are utilized for stealth targeting in any battlespace: 

These antennas only work when energized, effectively vanishing when turned off, with the plasma reverting back to normal gas. This is key for stealth on the battlefield—metal antennas can scatter incoming radar signals, giving away their presence. 49 

Gas plasma antennas “can rapidly adjust which frequencies they broadcast and pick up by changing how much energy the plasma is given,” while a “smart” gas plasma antenna “can steer a beam of radio waves 360 degrees to scan a region and then find and lock onto transmitting antennas.” 50 

According to TI Carolyn Williams Palit, when gas plasma transmitters are beamed through roofs and walls to remote-view and listen to thoughts, a plasma beam will attach to the ears, eyes, head, genitals, etc. by means of magnetic polarity like strings of pearls exposing what you are doing in real-time and communicating with satellite computers. Satellites do the tracking, but it is plasma-cloaked aircraft like jets, stealth fighters, and helicopters that do the real attacks, thanks to the conductive metal particulates in our ionized atmosphere. 51 

Gas plasma orbs are often mistaken for ball lightning because they are made of high-density plasma. Epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (1929–2012) pointed to “microwave radiation within a plasma shell”: 

A phenomenon associated with lightning is ball or globe lightning. This is a glowing, floating, stable ball of light, occurring at times of intense electrical activity in the atmosphere. On contact, these balls release large amounts of energy. Ball lightning occurs near to the ground during thunderstorms and may be red, orange or yellow. It is accompanied by a hissing sound and has a distinct odour. The causes of ball lightning are unknown but speculated causes include air or gas behaving abnormally; high-density plasma; an air vortex containing luminous gases (a vortex is a whirling phenomenon like a miniature whirlwind); and microwave radiation within a plasma shell. 

Scientists have theorized that a microwave generator could be used to fire a plasmoid, a blob of plasma not unlike ball lightning, into the path of an incoming missile, its warhead, or an aircraft. The theory is that as a missile passes through the fireball, its electronics and navigational systems are disabled. Electromagnetic energy also interferes with the isotopes of a nuclear warhead, effectively disarming the weapon. 52 [Emphasis added.] 

If “microwave radiation within a plasma shell” can couple with navigational systems and disable them, might it not do the same with a human brain? 

Non-pulsing plasma orbs are not alien visitations. They are used as transceiver weapons that can piggyback voices and holographic images into and out of brains. First, barium gas clouds are vaporized into geometric plasma orbs (plasmoids, microplasma), then affixed to targets’ heads. Palit goes into more detail: 

They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various sizes of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great refractory and optical properties. They also are capable of transmitting digital or sound. Barium, in fact, is very refractive—more refractive than glass. 53 

On December 13, 2010, New Scientist announced how the solid-state Plasma-Silicon Antenna (PSiAn) revolutionizes high-speed wireless communication, miniature radar, and directed energy weapons: 

PSiAn consists of thousands of diodes on a silicon chip. When activated, each diode generates a cloud of electrons—the plasma— about 0.1 millimetres across. At a high enough electron density, each cloud reflects high-frequency radio waves like a mirror. By selectively activating diodes, the shape of the reflecting area can be changed to focus and steer a beam of radio waves. This “beam-forming” capability makes the antennas crucial to ultrafast wireless applications [like Wi-Gig], because they can focus a [narrow] stream of high-frequency radio waves that would quickly dissipate using normal antennas. 54 

Once that “stream of high-frequency radio waves” locks onto neighborhood phased arrays, brains could be made to think at other frequencies. Any cell tower’s gigahertz waveform (one billion Hertz) is capable of penetrating seven inches into the skull, but only if modulated with an ELF waveform with which the brain resonates. Investigative journalist Jim Stone: 

If you transmit an ELF waveform by itself, it will need a many miles long antenna to pick it up properly. It will not interface with the body very well because your body is not a big enough antenna for the ELF wave to efficiently “short out” in. You would need a really intense signal to do anything. But if you can take that ELF frequency and use it to modulate a super high frequency carrier, that carrier will drop all of its energy directly into your skull and let the modulation of that energy do the rest. 55 

The gas plasma antenna is a more versatile all-in-one dual-use weapon than the solid-state PSiAn because it can morph into a transmitter or receiver when necessary. Whereas the solid-state PSiAn can only work at high frequencies (1–100GHz), ionized gas plasma antennas can operate anywhere in the radio frequency spectrum (lower than 300GHz), which of course includes the ELFs that are the carriers of our thoughts. 

Brain-to-brain coupling is called techlepathy, the communication of information directly from one mind to another with the assistance of technology—in the name of “sharing a social world,” 56 of course. Perpetrators coupled with computers are able to “mind-meld” with targeted individuals—hooking up their own brain with the target’s brain in such a way that the target’s thoughts run through the perpetrator’s brain to be recorded on computers. 57 This kind of linkage between neural systems is part of the virtual reality (VR) bridge to the cybernetic storage of memories for later download into other brains whose memories have been wiped—possibly under the technology known as electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM), a generator-transmitter able to interrupt and “wipe” memories by increasing the brain’s production of acetylcholine. This is generally how a target’s experience of “lost time” is remotely generated. 

Memory wiping now comes under optogenetics, the branch of science that couples brains with computers, transfers life memories and calls it immortality. 

Neuroscientists have long sought the location of these memory traces, also called engrams. In the pair of studies, [Susumu] Tonegawa and colleagues at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory showed that they could identify the cells that make up part of an engram for a specific memory and reactivate it using a technology called optogenetics. 58 

The 2001 Space Preservation Act (HR 2977) mentioned in Chapter 10 specified that DEWs are capable of targeting individuals and populations from space. Target a pilot and the aircraft can be made to crash; target a young man’s brain and he can be made to shoot up a theater of people; target a city population and violence can erupt; target a whistleblower and he or she has a sudden heart attack or brain aneurysm. 

Gangstalking or gaslighting, also known as organized stalking / electronic harassment (OS/EH), is a primary covert no-touch torture “field experiment” and moneymaker utilizing the multipurpose Smart Grid. Wikipedia calls gaslighting “a form of mental abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making a victim doubt his or her own memory, perception and sanity.” 59 Break it down into gang and stalking and you get the picture: a low-life, outlaw, or intel network working together via cell phones, laptops, vehicles, and DEWs (a.k.a. enhanced radiation weapons or ERWs) to see what it takes to either drive the target crazy or to commit a violent act. Former FBI agent Bob Levin says OS/EH is CIA “fox and hound exercises” whereby random targets are chosen for agent surveillance practice and research into the four principles of the Torture Paradigm: 

(1) Cause self-inflicted harm; 
(2) Cause sensory disorientation; 
(3) Attack individual fears; 
(4) Attack cultural identity. 60 

Invisible 24/7 no-touch torture is more common than one would think. Agents tweak the nociceptor response to various levels of pain, objectively observe and record target reactions, derive sexual perks from drugged or gassed victims. Can they make the targets kill themselves or others? Can they force the target to seek psychological or medical help that will end in involuntary outpatient or inpatient commitment? are the questions these torturers ponder.

Lobbyists, dissidents, activists, investigative journalists and researchers, politicians, whistleblowers, “former” intelligence and military agents, Special Forces or commissioned officers, New Age channelers, UFO contactees, Hollywood and rock stars are often targeted for political agendas, but the difference is their targeting generally ends when they “see the light” and behave accordingly. But targeted individuals (TIs) stuck in “lifelong case files” or those utilized for agents practicing how to align the four cortical brainwave metrics for mind-melds to be seamlessly transferred to computers are in for years of torture followed by death. “Throwaway” or marginal populations are used first—immigrants, ethnic neighborhoods, women living alone, the rurally isolated, prisoners, homeless, elderly, poor children, the mentally ill, Native Americans, etc.—but apparently there are never enough victims. 

Twenty years ago, the extraordinary study called “Cybergods” described an already Orwellian Sweden: 

What the Public Inquiry really means is. . .the life of an individual is also stored on disc and can be called up at will: these discs are acquired by the Public Records Office (Riksarkivet) after death. This procedure was drawn up in 1986 after a meeting attended by Minister of Justice Sten Wickbom. Also present were Mats Borjesson from the secret police SAPO, the general director of the Public Records Office, and a further 30 or so researchers, bureaucrats and politicians . .  61 

TIs seeking medical help are often sent on to a psychiatrist and “detained” for psychiatric evaluation, at which point anti-psychotic or anti-depressant drugs are introduced so that the TI’s mind is further owned by the very system that covers for OS/EH and writes DSM-V diagnoses to obscure classified nonlethal operations. 62 Functional neuroimaging 63 (“brain fingerprinting”) via NIRSI (near infrared spectroscopic imaging), PET (positron emission tomography), EEG, CT scan, MEG, or fMRI may then be ordered to map and measure (MASINT) the TI’s brain and organ activity for their “lifelong case file.” The TI might also be driven to commit an act requiring arrest or detainment, at which point a polygraph will provide additional brain mapping before court-ordered confinement in a mental institution. 

As I indicated above, remote neural monitoring (RNM) appears to be reality TV for insiders of the Deep State. Swedish TI Magnus Olsson was a successful businessman who had studied economics at the Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, the American University of Paris, and Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts (1988–1992). In 2005, he entered a Swedish hospital where he was sedated, implanted, and transformed into a victim of non-consensual experimentation. Despite around-the-clock torture, he continues to speak out to educate the public about RNM: 

RNM has a set of certain programs functioning at different levels, like the signals intelligence system which uses electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) to stimulate the brain for RNM and the electronic brain link (EBL). The EMF Brain Stimulation [EBS] system has been designed as radiation intelligence which means receiving information from. . .electromagnetic waves in the environment. However, it is not related to radioactivity or nuclear detonation. [Non-ionized radiation, not ionized radiation.] The recording machines in the signals intelligence system have electronic equipment that investigate electrical activity in humans from a distance. This computer-generated brain mapping can constantly monitor all electrical activities in the brain. The recording aid system decodes individual brain maps for security purposes. 

For purposes of electronic evaluation, electrical activity in the speech centre of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the auditory cortex of the brain directly bypassing the ear. This encoding helps in detecting audio communication. It can also perform electrical mapping of the brain’s activity from the visual centre of the brain, which it does by bypassing the eyes and optic nerves, thus projecting images from the subject’s brain onto a video monitor. With this visual and audio memory, both can be visualised and analysed. This system can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30–50 Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain. The nerves produce a shifting electrical pattern with a shifting magnetic flux which then puts on a constant amount of electromagnetic waves. There are spikes and patterns which are called evoked potentials in the electromagnetic emission from the brain. The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out without any physical contact with the subject . . . 64 

Thus when fifty-four-year-old Susan Burns, top assistant to the president of the Woodrow Wilson Center, attempted to destroy the Gauguin painting Two Tahitian Women at the National Gallery of Art, saying, “I am from the American CIA and I have a radio in my head,” she may not have been delusional; she may have been electronically controlled, her brain “plugged in” to transmissions she was receiving. 65 Auditory voices modified by a transducer into ELF audiograms and then superimposed on a pulse modulated microwave beam can be transmitted directly into a target brain (microwave hearing 66 ) and make the target feel crazy. 67 

Signs of targeting going on in the ’hood may be unusual night traffic, trespassers, aerial activity, phone-computer-radio-TV interference, odd lights, high-frequency crackling, and electrical appliances “pulsing.” Keep an eye out for “national security” contractors paid not in cash but in drugs, material goods, and home improvements, not in cash. 

It’s 1984 in spades. 

Would of really told the whole story if they had included the metals, nanotech, and pseudo life that has infiltrated and completes the circuits. 
— Email from “fred,” a targeted individual (TI), 
in reaction to Jesse Ventura’s December 17, 2012 
“Brain Invaders” segment of Conspiracy Theory 

I have personally known several targeted individuals, 68 two of whom are sketched below. Neither TI appears to have been randomly chosen. 

During the Clinton years, attorney Karen Dobson was wrongly persecuted by the NSA, CIA, and FBI because they thought she knew something about Bill Clinton shifting the CIA drug shipment “protection racket” from Mena, Arkansas to the Oregon Coast once he was elected President in 1992. Basically cocaine was being flown from Colombia to coastal Oregon, then loaded onto trucks for East Coast distribution. 

No matter where she fled, Dobson was targeted and tortured with DEWs. When she fled to Mexico, she wrote: 

The reason I am not nearly so ill as I was made to be in the US is only the lack of fiber optics in Mexico, and their ability to use a dedicated satellite for pulsing me every 30 to 90 seconds as if I were a radio tower. This is probably what grounds the right foot and makes holes and burns in the bottom and sides of it. . .Through MCI and the privatization of Mexico’s power and utility companies (bought up by US interests, of course), Mexico—whose citizens by and large have no phones, pagers, beepers, much less cell phones—will welcome fiber optics throughout their states by the end of the year 2000. This is not because it is needed or economically profitable; I think, rather, it is for use in the fashion that it has been used on me. 69 

So arrogant were her federal case officers that they even met with her at a Denny’s restaurant (CIA owned) and admitted exactly what was being done to her and that there was nothing she could do about it. VLF (3–30 kHz) produced 24/7 nausea, dizziness, sleep deprivation, and general aches, but didn’t kill her. Masers (MW + laser), however, burned her mouth, skin, eyes, and internal organs. Because the eyes are electromagnetic and mostly water, they are the hardest hit by EM weapons, the current entering the left eye and exiting the right foot. VLF was used on her acupuncture meridians, including her solar plexus. To counter the masers, in November 1996 she bought Body Armor (probably with RAM or radar-absorbent material) 70 from a “former” CIA agent in St. Louis. She listed the following arsenal she thought they were using in 1999: 

Fiber optics are perfect for DEWs, which can then be run through electricity and phone cables 

HAARP-based DEWs 
Doppler for VHF weapons; used to amplify ELF and ULF 
Huge antenna systems 

Ion laser (cooling tubes) used to ventilate the equipment usually connected to an outside vent that emits steam 

Infrared light for night viewing connected to a big screen telescope 
Hand-held equipment in laptop black cases for rural (no power or phone cables), airplanes, and rest areas 
MW gun that looks like a black hand-held hairdryer, its oval end emitting red energy 
• Small MW weapons the size of cell phones or beepers 


Before sleep, Karen removed all things metal and slept with strong magnets and magnetic rocks around her head, washing her eyes several times a night with water treated with colloidal silver. In the mornings, she walked barefoot on the Earth. She avoided TV, microwaved foods, and synthetic bedding. All computers had to be analog, not digital. The following metals were helpful to a point in breaking up the MW used as carriers: aluminum foil, metal screens around hands and feet and temporal lobes above the ears, metal pot scrubbers on hands and fingers, and solar aluminized plastic sun shields. However, when the MW was torqued up, aluminum became an oven. 

The last time I spoke with Karen (spring 2011), she had just returned from Mexico and warned me that calling her would mean that the NSA would be picking up first. I have been unable to reach her since. 

Judah Botzer, a massage therapist and teacher of Hebrew living in Tres Piedras, New Mexico, served as a paratrooper in Israel’s elite 890th Regiment in the 1980s. His targeting began in New Mexico on October 28, 2010 after he spoke out at local public meetings against the U.S. Air Force Low Altitude Tactical Navigation (LATN) plan to expand Cannon Air Force Base and the Piñón Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS) outside Trinidad, New Mexico to seven million acres of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico under the Joint Forces Future Combat Systems. 71 

Future Combat Systems is wired into fourteen weapons, drones, robots, sensors, and hybrid electric combat vehicles—all plugged into the wireless network, supercomputers, and AI—perfect for operating in big-city canyons and looking through walls with variance-based radio tomographic imaging. The drones weigh twenty-nine pounds and fly like tiny helicopters peering with infrared eyes. The small, unmanned ground vehicle (SUGV) iRobot runs on rubber tracks, weighs thirty pounds, and has a long flexible neck with camera and sensors on top. 

Thanks to his military past, Botzer surmised that USAF Special Ops high-tech electronic warfare (EW) weaponry was connected to the increasing chemicals in the no longer azure sky over Taos and believed that his targeting was specifically related to having spoken out against Raytheon Corporation, one-time owner of HAARP and other DEW patents. 

On that October day, three low-lying chemtrail columns were lined up like vigas over his isolated house. Whatever was in the aerosols made him double over and throw up a slightly luminescent bile, then blood. A light silvery dust coated his car and house. The air smelled foul and his lungs seized. He recorded each dive-bomb assault from 20,000 feet to about 1,000 feet and counted more than a thousand assaults from dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn. Military helicopters streaked over his house at two hundred feet. 

He began writing articles for the local Taos News. The rain sample he sent to a lab revealed aluminum 125X over the EPA safety standard. In one article, he referenced Nazi gas chambers that “used common air as a weapon” in an attempt to alert citizens that a repeat of history might be imminent (“Bad Air in Tres Piedras,” January 14, 2011). In the March 3–9, 2011 Taos News, he wrote “Revolution, now,” meaning a revolution to take back the skies. A few months later, he referenced an even more distant event: 

And when all the land was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread, and Pharaoh said unto the people, “Go unto Monsanto. What he sayeth to you, do.” And the famine was over all the face of the earth. And Monsanto opened all the storehouses and sold it unto the famished. . .(“Chemtrails: What in the World?” May 27, 2011) 

In “Wave of the Future” (December 8, 2011), he stated that his poisoning was ongoing (disoriented, kidneys throbbing, barely able to urinate). He talked about specialists refusing to treat him, cell phone harassment, police showing up, roadblocks, being on the run, etc. 

During my 2014 book tour, I visited Taos and met briefly with Judah outside an espresso café just off the Plaza. As he passed documents to me, a man heckled him from a few feet away, obviously privy to his targeting and unconcerned about any fallout from his off-the-cuff aggression. (The arrogance of the few federal agents I have encountered is extraordinary.) 

An era of Nazi mental rape and extreme human rights abuse is upon us. DEWs assure plausible deniability in a jurisprudence system foundering on a bygone age. RFID readers track our driver’s licenses and subcutaneous nanosensor microchips. 72 Discs like stadium loudspeakers direct bi-phase polarity frequencies from microwave towers. The Homeland Smart Grid is locked in place for the Space Fence Transhumanist Age speeding humanity toward an “enhanced” future. 

Cura te ipsum! (Cure yourself!) 

The Hopi prophecy of “cobwebs crisscrossing the sky” has arrived. Once considered the beacon of freedom and human rights, America is now bound up in conductive metal nanoparticles and a radio frequency 200 million times what it was for millennia. Our transceiver bodies and brains are now pulsing with wireless devices, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, power lines, televisions, towers—all resonating with the Space Fence infrastructure. Without our consent, frequency following responses (FFRs) generated by continuous low-frequency tones, repetitive electrical impulse noise (REIN), and flicker rates (light transmitting data faster than the eye can see) are profoundly influencing our minds and bodies. 

This era of invisible assault challenges us to peer into the invisible and take back the responsibility we once expected of government and civil society. 

In this book, I have attempted to put the major puzzle pieces together of the vast, futuristic machine known as the Space Surveillance System (SSS) Space Fence now under U.S. Air Force jurisdiction. Just as the acronym HAARP serves to describe a vast system of ionospheric heaters, radar, etc., so the term“Space Fence” entails much more than what is described in Air Force press releases. The Space Fence spans low-earth orbit (LEO) all the way around the globe and includes a multitude of ground-based military installations, radomes, towers, and phased-array antennas like HAARP. The next layer is an atmosphere suffused with nano-sized conductive metals, sensors, microprocessors, and genetically engineered species, all of which we inhale, ingest, and wear. 

Could any of this technology be used for the good? Tesla dreamed of dispensing with transmission wires and helping people to access the free æther energy everywhere. Certainly, HAARP-like technology could be used to minimize tornadoes and hurricanes instead of building them to wreak havoc and produce profits for the few. Drought and hunger could well be challenges of the past with food production enhanced by longer growing seasons and ample rainfall. 

But a final goodbye to the out-of-control military-industrial-intelligence complex with its “Death Ray” mass mind control agendas would require an overnight shift in moral development, wouldn’t it? New laws (even with teeth) would not be enough to right the wronging of more than a century. The “Star Wars” Space Fence might save us from a cosmic catastrophe, but it seems just as likely that it will land us in one. 

Now that geoengineering of the atmosphere is being normalized, I see no quick and easy solution to our enslavement within a vast planetary wireless / chemical Transhumanist contrivance, our bodies and brains now walking electrified towers, antennas, and Petri dishes for which only the 0.01% have access to the antidotes. 

Study of our real condition is essential, even in the wake of the seventy-year media blitz that has weakened our minds and will. No authority figure or religious/spiritual leader is coming to our rescue, nor can we enroll in a university that will teach us how to survive the future now laid out for us. We must discipline ourselves to develop the discernment for what is true and what is false in the bits and pieces of the broad picture begun in this book, striving always for accurate contextualizing as futuristic revelations come hot and heavy. We must understand the invasive nature of Transhumanist technologies, right down into our cells and DNA, all the while striving to live by virtue of an inner life, not merely by our outward life that is being constantly buffeted by messages of fear. Think, analyze, and contextualize so your emotions do not carry you—the real you—away. The eye at the center of any raging storm is calm. 

This war for the birthright of human beings to evolve in their own time and way is long and will occasion many battles that may look small and inconsequential, having only to do with the daily grind, but do not be deceived: when battling for the future of life on Earth, no battle is small. Your incarnation here and now is not accidental. Each of us who loves this planet and the human birthright of an evolving consciousness must set the example for the generations coming after by keeping our house in order for a long, sustained struggle. If I might paraphrase Ephesians 6:12, this struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. In the days of CERN, this may be truer than ever. 

I dedicate the rest of this Conclusion to remedies and wise specialists. More guidance can be found in the Conclusion “Look Up!” of my previous book, Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. I will be writing one more book in this series regarding how Transhumanism and its synthetic biology (like Morgellons) depend upon this ionized atmosphere-Space Fence contrivance. 

Gird up your loins. Ours is a time for courage, not distraction, not avoidance. Reexamine your lifestyle, laziness, entitlement, self-esteem, fears, depression, and dreams. (Living in dangerous times can be good for self-development.) Watch children playing and cling to your courage to serve the human future of individual choice, not a “hive mind.” 

This is our watch. Let us meet its challenges with our finest qualities while caring for the body’s immune system and the soul’s immune system known as consciousness. 

The following is by no means a complete list of possible remedies, nor am I recommending that anyone follow these suggestions. I have followed a yin/yang macrobiotic diet 1 for almost half a century with great success. Though I do not include fine, simple, low-tech approaches like turmeric, oregano oil, colloidal silver, or even more sophisticated approaches to health like the wave genetics of Peter Gariaev, it does not mean I do not recommend experimenting with such approaches and always, always sharing the results. 

Take notes, experiment safely, share with others what you have found. No two psychosomatic bodies are the same, but Nature has certain laws (like yin/yang) that seem to hold fast through millennia, if you know how to apply them to your body’s chemical laboratory. A low-tech approach to protection and healing must be experiential, as many medical experts have been programmed (and paid) to push Big Pharma “solutions.” My “NO” list is small but power-packed. 

Stay alkaline! Your body is your chemistry lab! Cura te ipsum! (Cure yourself!) 

NO Electronic cigarettes 
Read “Electronic Cigarettes Contain Higher Levels of Toxic Metal Nanoparticles Than Tobacco” by Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo, March 26, 2013. 

NO Microwave ovens 
Read “Why Did the Russians Ban an Appliance Found in 90% of American Homes?” by Dr. Mercola,, no date. 
Read “The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking” by George J. Georgiou, Ph.D., D.,

NO Psychiatrists 
NO Hospitals 
NO Sugar 
NO Animal products 
NO Vaccinations or shots 

In “Penny Kelly, ‘New Worlds of Energy,’ Part 3 of 3, INACS & IONS-Austin, 2013-03-19,” Institute for Neuroscience And Consciousness Studies, March 27, 2013, the intriguing work of former University of Michigan biophysicist William C. Levengood is cameoed. At 14:25, a participant wonders if plasma and consciousness might be a solution to chemtrails. Penny then refers to the Iranian physicist Mehran Tavakoli Keshe’s new technology that removes radioactivity and discusses how he was kidnapped by CIS (Canada) in 2011 after offering to help Japan in the wake of the Fukushima meltdown. In 2016, Veterans Today 2 resurrected the old nightmare of the Belgian Royal Family and its involvement with the Red Circle pedophile ring strangely revolving around attempts to control Keshe. Now a year later, a criminal trial is underway in Kortrijk, Belgium charging Keshe and his wife Carolina De Roose with fraud and illegal medical practice. 

NOTES and source

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Copyrighted material can be removed on the request of the owner.  

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Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...