Sunday, August 6, 2017


The CIA Covenant 
Nazis in Washington
Muller's Journal's

by Gregory Douglas
Image result for images of heinrich muller 

Friday, 19 January, 1951 
I had a discussion with (General Walter Bedell, ed. ) Smith today concerning (Allan W. ed.) Dulles. For some completely unknown reason, I seem to be one of the only people who can get along with Smith. Truman likes him; I do not but he is the Director and one must get along, after all. 

Smith had a recent operation for ulcers, which I used to have, and a good deal of his stomach is gone. Ulcers obviously come from his temperament that is acidic and very bitter. I found out that he is one of the few high-ranking Generals who did not go to the Military Academy (West Point, ed.) and is laughed at by those who did.

Also, he has very little money and is a poor man from the Middle West. He is very bitter about this and I have played to this when dealing with him. I speak about my own poor background; make fun of the brainless aristocrats and so on. This he seems to like and I am one of the few people he does not insist stand up when he comes into a room.

Every time I look at him, I am reminded of the story Truscott told me about Sicily. It is very hard to take him seriously but I try. 

A small-minded man who hates everyone but is a capable organizer. Of course Himmler was a very strange man with his herbal remedies and religious fervor about old Germans but he too was a good organizer.

Smith glares hatefully at everyone and is now very upset with Dulles. I had told him previously that Dulles was a congenital idiot who made terrible errors in Switzerland when he headed the O.S.S there. His reports on what was what inside Germany sound as if they were written by his housekeeper (who was a Soviet spy...and mine as well) when she was drunk on vanilla extract.

The other day, he was telling Smith that his O.S.S sent twenty teams into Germany in the last part of the war and they all returned with rare documents and vital information.

I enjoyed telling Smith that he had sent twenty two teams into Germany and I caught and executed every one of them! I told Smith I had records on all of this and he asked me to make copies for him.

He got Dulles into the CIA but now regrets it because, he says, Dulles acts as if he ought to have Smith's job and that Smith is an idiot (Dulles used those very words) who fooled Truman. Smith hates him now and wants to discredit him. Never should have let him get his foot in the door. Dulles is one of those well-bred idiots who went to the correct schools and met the right people. If it weren't for that, he would be scrubbing toilets in the Y.M.C.A in some small town in New Jersey.

The CIA, unfortunately, is filled with such idiots and they spend all their time talking about their social friends and so on, while they are busy looting the treasury of government money and spending it on small boats, club memberships and tuition for their children at very good schools. My God, these brainless innates will breed and we should encourage them to drop their calves into the ocean and spare the country from their arrogant pretensions to gentility and ability.

The CIA head of counter intelligence, (William K. ed) Harvey is one of the few that did not go to Yale or Harvard. He used to be in the FBI until Hoover fired him for being drunk all the time and he came over to the CIA as a "Russian expert." Of course Robert tells me that Harvey still reports to Hoover and is his man on the inside that is utter nonsense because Maxl knows more about the Soviets than he does, but there we are.

I do love to listen to these bores droning on about a subject that I am very well up on and note the number of errors they can make in a single sentence.  

Someone has suggested that I might like to join a Council on Foreign Relations that Dulles founded some time ago but I declined. Such elitist groups can be seen any day in the library of the Metropolitan Club, drinking like fish and chattering away about how to control the banks in this country and set its foreign policy to suit themselves. They do have some influence but it is not good influence. Alger Hiss is a member...still!

And some interesting news. Bunny is for certain pregnant! How wonderful to be a father at fifty. Well, my father is still alive and healthy although mother died three years ago. Maybe I will have a long life (if I cut back on the cigars...which I am doing...and watch the cognac intake) and confound my enemies. So far, I have outlived a number of them that is a great comfort.

Bunny is very happy and I am supportive. We have had a good deal of fun at our new place and I am now doing fairly well on horseback. She knows quite a few of the CIA people and agrees with me that they are as empty of brains as a ladle. Still, I recall that they used to call the OSS "Oh So Social" after its "aristocratic" membership.

She knows that I have had a few brief affairs with a wife or two and told me that she more or less expected this and unless I made a point of it, would not be too worried.

We do seem to get on quite well and I often discuss business with her, something she tells me her Georgetown lady friends husbands will not. She had good insight into local customs and even better insight into the people of her class and is valuable in that sense. She does agree with me that we want none of those drunken ninnies to come down here to visit. She said she would get tired counting the silver spoons after they left! 

Saturday, 20. January, 1951.
American troops are now advancing against the Chinese and North Koreans and it is felt that they will be pushed back over the 38th parallel. Now the question is, do we go further as we did last time or merely stop at the parallel? This would restore the situation to a status quo ante bellum but half a cake is better than none. The general feeling here is that we bit off far more than we could chew by going so close to the Chinese-Russian borders and that perhaps this time we could just stop short of the border, perhaps no further than the parallel.

We then would have beaten them by chasing them out of South Korea but there is also the argument that we ought to reunify the country and go further north. Stalin did send in a number of Soviet aircraft, which we do not like to emphasize but what would he do the next time? It would probably be wiser to stop at the former border but only after wreaking havoc on the Chinese troops so that their losses would prevent them from attempting any further adventures.

Viktor came down today for lunch and chess and we had a most interesting literary and historical discussion later in the afternoon. When we had finished our games (three to me, one to him) Arno joined us in the library mostly to ask me several questions about a paper I am working on and he is putting into better English.

Somehow, the conversation turned to the Jews and from a general, rather bland overview, we got off into the notorious Protocols (the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, ed.) I have known about this book for some time, glanced at it and found it rather pretentious and of questionable origin. It was nothing I could use in my official work and I have more interest in other literary matters than a Russian-produced anti-Semitic diatribe.

Arno is a university graduate with a doctorate in history and he joined the conversation because he has written an historical background on the subject. 

While we were deep in discussion, Bunny joined us and the four of us had a most interesting afternoon indeed. 

There are twenty-four of these protocols which purport to be a report of a gathering of Jewish elders in Prague sometime in the nineteenth century. They first appeared in Russia in 1903 and were subsequently expanded into the book we are now talking about. This work was published in Russia and then, after the 1914 war, got into England and then to America. Henry Ford, the automobile maker, was entranced with them and had them printed in this country and widely distributed.

Then pro-Jewish scholars did some research and determined that the book was lifted in toto from a political pamphlet appearing in 1864 put together by one Maurice Joly. At that time, it was entitled "Dialogs in Hell Between Machevelli and Montesquieu" and was a satire on Napoleon III, the constitutional dictator. Joly was arrested and spent the rest of his life in jail.

Somehow, the book, which was banned in France and all known copies burnt by orders of the Minister of Police, ended up in Russia where it was altered to be anti- Semitic and published in that country. 

So much for history. At least that is what I thought, having heard some of this before. No, Arno assured us, it was not that simple. It seems that Joly copied his Protocols from a much earlier book by one Eugène Sue called Les Mystères du peuple.

According to Arno, Sue copied his material, which duplicated the Russian production in its Antisemitism, from someone much earlier. So, now we have the Protocols, an anti-Jewish document, lifted from a French satire on Napoleon III that was, in turn, stolen intact from a much earlier French work that was anti-Jewish.

Arno then asks if the basic tenets of the Protocols are fakes?

Viktor, who has some knowledge of this, says that they are not; that this subject has been around for at least two hundred years. He and Arno had a discussion about the roots of this business and Arno went and got a pamphlet from his library that was published in France in 1880. As Viktor does not speak French (Bunny does and I understand quite a bit of it), Arno translated it into English and I made some notes.

In some ways this is similar to the Joly book, and certainly postdates it, and in other ways not. 

Purported to be a response by Byzantine Jews to letter from French Jews in the fourteen hundreds, it essence

"If the French king wishes to force you to become Christians, do this because he uses force but if you do, always remain true to the laws of Moses within yourself. If the French take away your lands and money, become merchants so that you can strip the Christians of their lands and money. If they threaten to kill you if you do not convert, join them and make your children doctors so that they may kill them. If the French Christians destroy your temples, join their churches so that you may destroy them from the inside. You are also enjoined to make your children lawyers so that you may further take revenge upon them." 

Of course there is no determining if this letter is actual although Arno says there is a copy of it in the National Library in Paris that dates from 1490 and is quite authentic to that period.

The Protocols go on at some length about how Jews can achieve power and gain protection against the Christians. This by being bankers and owning the press and so on.

Of course one must say that I doubt if the Jews, who are very intelligent people, would put such things down on paper but considering the official secret papers from both Germany and America that I have or have seen, one cannot make this statement with any degree of logic. All people are very stupid and it would not surprise me if something of the sort had not been written.

Viktor went on about the problem of Jews in Russia. Nothing that I did not already know. He spoke of how much the Christian Russians detested them and eventually had terrible pogroms in the late 19th century. These pogroms only hardened the attitude of the Jews who stayed in Russia and from these persecuted people emerged the Bolsheviks who had a most terrible hatred for the Russian Christian community.

Since the Czar was the embodiment of the Orthodox Church in Russia, the radicals aimed at him and his aristocracy.

Once Lenin was in power, he and Stalin used this cadre of intelligent, ruthless and very vindictive Russian Jews to fasten the yoke of communism onto the Russian people. In the process, their trained dogs obliterated the churches and killed off as many of the priests as they could. This was coupled with great bloodbaths aimed at the Christian Russians. And then what? Viktor says that now in Russia, there is another growing anti- Semitic movement, led by Stalin himself! Many of the old-time Bolsheviks were murdered by him in his purges and now he plans to wipe out the rest in one terrible pogrom.

I must say, in private, that I do feel sorry for the plight of the Jews. They were so oppressed in Imperial Russia that they fell into Stalin's trap and eagerly became his executioners, not realizing that their heads would be next to fall into the basket. 

Then we got onto the subject of anti-Semitism in America. It is obvious both to Viktor and myself that the current, growing and very brutal anti-communist movement here in America is actually antiSemitic in nature. It is a concealed anti-Semitism but is there just the same.


Like Stalin, Roosevelt recognized the value of Jews for his radical social programs. Although he personally did not like Jews, he welcomed them into his government where they eagerly implemented his anti-business and pro-trade union programs. This led to Roosevelt's acceptance of Soviet Russia and by his doing so, increased his popularity among the Jewish community who, of course, were very pro- Stalin. After all, didn't the Great Georgian officially make anti-Semitism a capital offense and hadn't he filled his government with many Jews? Naturally, among Jewish liberals, Stalin was a great man and Roosevelt, seeing this, did the same thing.

However, when Roosevelt died, the protector was not longer able to promote and his successors began to move against the Jews in the New Deal.

The leadership of the CIA is what they call "East Coast Establishment". They are Protestant, mostly Episcopalian, anti-Catholic, anti-German, very pro-British and exceptionally anti-Semitic. They know they cannot come out and attack Jews as such so they now savagely attack all communists with the wink-and-nod that "we all know communists are all Jews."

Of course this is not true but the attacks on all communists, in academia, government and the motion picture industry are motivated mostly by anti-Semitism and nothing else. This is one of the reasons that I have friends in the Pentagon and at the CIA because they assume, wrongly, that I persecuted the Jews during the course of the Third Reich. That I assisted many Jews to escape they do not know and I do not think it would suit me to discuss this with them.

Dulles is certainly typical of this aristocratic anti-Semitism. In fact, in the upper reaches of the CIA, only Angleton is pro-Jewish and this is because his mother was a Mexican Jew. Dulles doesn't much like him and I suspect for that reason.

It is also assumed in the CIA that I hate Russians. This is not the case at all. I detested German communists whom I consider to be traitors to their country and agents of a hostile foreign government. I have the same view in this country. In my view, all traitors, German or American, should be shot on the spot with no mercy shown. On the other hand, I know what Viktor is and it does not bother me to socialize with him and play chess with someone whom Dulles would consider an incarnation of Satan. I have always considered myself to be a German patriot and not an ideologue. Anyone who makes their personal prejudices a matter of policy is a damned idiot and I have always maintained this, even during my tenure in the Gestapo.

Stalin and his system will eventually pass away and the Russian people will be left behind. Are we to murder all of them? People like Dulles and Wisner would certainly do this with great glee but Truman would never approve of, for example, dropping one of our fourteen atomic bombs on Moscow or Leningrad out of hate.

Now there is talk in the Pentagon about using bacterial warfare against the Chinese in Korea but it will need Truman's approval and they will never get it from him.

It is very fortunate for the Chinese that someone like Eisenhower is not in the White House or the lunatic fringe here would certainly have their way. Truman did order the atom bomb dropped on Japan but he was new to the job, lied to by everyone around him and pushed into his decision. He said to me once that it was the worst error of his Presidency and he would never do something like that again.

Thursday, 25. January, 1951.
I got in the post today, a small packet from Viktor that is both horrifying and very funny. It is a three-page document from the Pentagon, covered all over with various official secret stamps, and it deals with "Soviet military intentions" against the Western powers. It is two years old and I know for a fact that at least some of this is the result of the romance novels prepared by Gehlen for his American bosses, namely the CIA and the Army.

I am going to put this down here because I have to give the original back to Viktor so he in turn can put it back in the Pentagon files. If anyone had told me in 1948 that a KGB agent, who is always welcome in my house, is supplying me with secret U.S. military documents, I would have had him committed to a lunatic asylum or shot.

Here is what we have, somewhat shortened but all intact:

In the event of war breaking out in Europe between the Soviet Union and the Western Powers (i.e. the United States...England is nothing and the rest of Europe is a gigantic poor farm) these are the Soviet goals:

1. A military campaign against Western Europe to include Italy but not Spain or Portugal with the goal of capture of the Atlantic coast by a lightening strike as well as to secure control of the Mediterranean;
2. A massive air attack against England;

3. An attack launched simultaneously against Turkey, Greece, the Middle East oil producing areas and the vital Suez Canal;

4. In the Far East, an attack on China, South Korea and air and naval strikes against U.S. naval and air bases in the Pacific and Alaska.

5. Limited air attacks against the United States mainland and Canada and attacks against the naval bases in the Puget Sound (Washington state) area;

6. Coordinated naval and air attacks against British-American shipping and communications lines;

7. Partisan activity and sabotage launched against British-American areas of interest throughout the world;

8. An attack on Scandinavian countries and Pakistan (an American ally);

9. Should the campaign in Western Europe prove successful, a massive coordinated land, sea and air attack against Great Britain;

10. The Soviet Union must keep reserve forces ready and not commit all of their units to action.

This, then, is the purported Soviet plan to attack the West. It is, without doubt, a complete fiction, designed to terrify Congressmen and the wealthy. Both Viktor and I know, as does the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the President and even the error- prone CIA, that this is impossible. The Soviet military has been quickly disbanded after the war, Soviet economy is in ruins and could under no circumstances support such a huge and ambitious undertaking and, quite frankly, Josef Stalin is not insane.

Still, by his aggressive behavior over what he sees as treachery and betrayal on the part of his former allies, Stalin has played right into the hands of the war party here.

The Berlin blockade was only a test of strength and not a prelude to attack.

When Truman called Stalin's bluff, he backed down. Cruel and savage though Stalin can be, he is by no means a fool.

Even to attempt such a global undertaking would result in immediate and terrible American reprisals, in the form of atomic weapons. And also, from what I know, even more terrible germ warfare. Stalin knows this and would never undertake such foolishness. Fortunately, I am not called upon to comment upon this idiocy. My forte is communist infiltration and subversion and on that subject, I can say that the Soviets are certainly very active here. They don't need to be active in England because they already have more agents in that country than in Moscow central!

My fear, and Viktor's as well, is that some lunatic here, like MacArthur, will actually do something that Stalin will have to respond to. M. wants atomic bombs for his own use in Korea and God alone knows what he would do with them. I know Truman will not give them to him but M. has his staff friends pressuring the President.

I do not know what the future will be nor what it will have to say about Truman. I suspect they will be unkind to him when comparing him to Roosevelt but I will say here that America can be very thankful that Truman is President and not Roosevelt and especially, not Wallace! If Truman does not run again or runs and is defeated, the question will be, who is the next to follow? Taft and Eisenhower are the leading names.

Taft is not much of anything but Eisenhower will be nothing but trouble for world peace. Assholes like Dulles will get into power at once and that man, and his dearest friend Wisner are indeed capable of anything. Stalin needs to have great patience in dealing with these people, believe me.

This is not because I have become pro-Stalin in my middle age but I have lived through one horrible, ideological war that destroyed most of Europe and I really do not want to see another such manic eruption in my lifetime, or in my children's either. 

Saturday, 27, January 1951.
In Korea, the Eighth Army is starting its long promised counter-attack. The field commander, General (Matthew, ed.) Ridgeway, is a very competent officer and no doubt there will be clashes between himself and MacArthur. Well, many people have suffered from the effects of the Korean campaign. Hillenkoether has gone back to active naval service and if MacArthur isn't careful, he will be relieved of his command. At this point, no decision has been made but Truman does not like him. Also, he does not want to fire him because of public opinion so here MacArthur should be careful what he does.

The CIA people are unhappy that they do not have more to say about running things in Korea and are trying to get a bureau in Tokyo but MacArthur (like so many others) despises them and I expect that they will have a difficult time. The CIA has organized European trade union people to attack known communists in unions there. This is being paid for through the A.F.L and already a million dollars has been sent over.

This seems to be the way now. Bribery is used, pouring millions of dollars into destabilizing fragile governments, fomenting labor strife and paying assassins their fees for killing off this or that menace to American business interests.

Dulles is now claiming that Smith will have to keep him on permanently (he was only hired as a "specialist" for a brief period) because Dulles is so brilliant that he should have been given Smith's job. Truman dislikes him, calls him a pompous ass and certainly knows that Dulles is a Republican who backed Dewey in the last election.

All of them are completely unaware that their "very own" mini-CIA, the Gehlen Organization, is filled either with former SS and Gestapo agents or with communist agents. There is no point in illuminating these blockheads about this: They will find out soon enough.

And then there is Dulles, boasting all over the place about his brilliant activities in Switzerland during the war as head of the O.S.S office there.

Every time I hear his chattering, I want to laugh in his face. I suppose if the idiot found out who I am, he would fill his pants on the spot. And of course I know that I, and to a lesser degree, Schellenberg, completely penetrated his Swiss organization. All of his so-called "top German agents" were either Schellenberg's or mine. We both used Kolbe to feed all kinds of ingenious disinformation to the great man and he swallowed all of it entirely whole. We knew all of his people in Switzerland and were reading all of his mail. Last week, someone showed me an OSS secret file of reports Dulles made about what was going on in Germany and I had to pretend to be having a bad coughing spell. I do have good control but after all, some things are so entertaining that one cannot help but laugh out loud.

If Dulles is as incompetent in America as he was in Switzerland, Stalin will be roasting chestnuts in the White House come next spring.

Saturday, 3. February, 1951.
We have excellent news from Germany. (John J., ed.) McCloy, the High Commissioner in Germany, has commuted the sentences of 54 Germans, many under sentence of death!

This is, of course, not unexpected here and is causing some anguish in certain circles but then these people are really of no importance. Unfortunately, Pohl and Ohlendorf will not be spared. Pohl knows far too much about American business activities with Germany during the war to be let go and Ohlendorf has to pay for all the SD and Einsatzgruppen people the U.S. has already knowingly hired. The younger Krupp, whom the Americans decided would have to be tried instead of his totally senile father, is to be let go as this country needs his company to produce military goods again. And he gets all of his property back as well. Also, all the other businessmen are to be let go as well. I wrote to Willi (Krichbaum, ed.) that this Korean business would be very good for Germany after all.

Viktor met me for lunch at the Pentagon and expressed some displeasure at the decision but I merely advised him on what kinds of American stock to buy and he made notes.

The business with his wife is coming along nicely. After all was said and done, we decided against the boating accident. Too many things could go wrong and I do not want my colleagues to get wind of what I am up to. What we did was to give Viktor some very valuable information, suitably doctored, and have him send it on to Moscow. Once Stalin had accepted it, we had him make a request to have his wife sent over (with the children) so she could help him entertain "very important" intelligence people. A week later and it was approved! How fortunate he is. Elena speaks excellent English but with an accent so we are passing her off as a Czech refugee! Viktor is very happy and we managed to get that one through with a minimum of trouble.

Wednesday, 7. February, 1951.
I have completed the negotiations with Angleton concerning the Italian Foreign Office papers. There are nearly 15,000 pages there that the Gestapo seized in Rome from the Italian FO in the Palazzo Chigi in 1943.

Kappler (the head of the SS and police in Rome, ed.) grabbed them on Ribbentrop's orders and they were shipped to Berlin for evaluation. After the 20th of July, we took custody of them and I later had them hidden in the walled-up cellar in a villa in Dahlem along with the rest of my files.

These were in a side room, also walled-up, and when we got my other records in 1948, I didn't bother to tell them about the Italian files. These we got a few months ago and I brought them to the attention of Angleton because of his intense interest in Italy.

After all, he had lived there with his family once and then during the war, was with the O.S.S in Sicily where he acted as a middleman between the U.S. government and the Sicilian Mafia. He dealt with Luciano at the time and is still believed to have very strong connections with both the Italian and American Mafias. When I showed him some sample pages of the Chigi papers, he became very interested and wanted to get them.

I found out that there were Italian police reports in there about the Mafia in Sicily. Mussolini hated them and was trying to eradicate them from Italy. Of course, Angleton wants them to help his friends and I am willing to oblige. He does not know that I am aware of his connections and his stupid lie that he wants to "have an overview of Italian history" is sheer nonsense.

When I told A. that these files would cost the CIA a quarter of a million dollars, he didn't twitch an eyelid. There is a great deal of money lying around and he paid it without protest...and in cash! Of course I have a microfilmed copy of the lot!

This is what happens when an intelligence agency speaks in hushed tones about "National Security", gets huge sums of money from a gullible, and often frightened Congress, and knows with great glee that they won't have to account for a pfennig of any of it. 

My God, they do steal at that!

"It costs money to send my son to Harvard," they say with a wink as they stuff their briefcases with big bills. Also, do not forget that sun porch on the summer home up on Lake Vagina or even the summer home itself.

Of course the Government pays for their cars and all the expensive and useless trips they and their wives take to Lisbon, London and Paris. Here, they get to inspect the local office, meet with important whores (if their wives aren't along) and manage to get drunk on very expensive vintage wines. If they go to England, they drink piss-warm beer and eat food that would gag a hyena but then they can buy a suit (on the expense account of course) on Saville Row and cohabit with tarts in phone kiosks while talking to their wives about the wonderful show at the Buckingham Palace when the guard was changed. 

Actually, I would prefer to work with the Mafia if I had to deal with the criminal element. I understand that they, at least, have a code of honor. My associates certainly do not. 

What will I do with all the money?

Why go to Cuba as the emissary of Colonel Behn and enjoy myself at the casinos and other places. As a note here: The CIA operation in Cuba is run by some demi-intellectual snob with fewer brains than a piss ant. If you gave a white mouse a Harvard degree, they would make him station chief in Mexico! Of course there will be a good deal of Angleton’s money left over to use on the furnishings for my chapel. I suppose this is what they mean by the difference between the Sacred and the Profane. The place is a wreck and very close to the road but it ought to be rebuilt. If it proves to be too much of a chore, we will use one of the rooms in the main house. (In the event, the ruined chapel is still in ruins and can be seen today as a heap of stones beside the road. ed.) 

Sunday, 11. February, 1951.
After Mass today (I spent the night at the club because of the meeting today) I had a talk with someone from the Vatican about the Croat problems. Pavelic's people will certainly be a welcome addition at this end. (Ante Pavelic, the Poglavnik or Chief of State, of Croatia, was a German ally during the war and members of his Ustacha party were heavily in demand by Frank Wisner's group. They were also in demand by other people who wanted to execute them but they were heavily protected in America. ed.)

The CIA has taken over the so-called "rat lines" or escape routes from Europe to Syria and South America and are now directing many of the wanted people here instead of these two countries. Bishop Hudal has done an excellent job, under U.S. direction of course, and ought to be able to retire filled with satisfaction with a job well done.

I have used the excuse of her pregnancy to tell Bunny that she ought not to travel to Cuba with me and she seems willing to stay on the farm and work with her horses. I have found that once my leg muscles got accustomed to the work, I can ride without any discomfort although I do not like wild gallops around the grounds. A nice trot and a canter are just fine with me. I have already lost ten pounds this way but I am told that if I build up my saddle muscles, I will have to continue riding or they will turn to blubber after a time.

Monday, 12. February, 1951.
While talking on the telephone with Behn, the subject of the "Flying Discs" came up. I had discussed the Roe Company and the possible future of these craft with him earlier. He has looked into it and is not sanguine about the projects they are working on. We have one of the developers of this here but there are problems because he only did a part of the work and the other one is in Russia. Still, it if works, it will revolutionize air travel being far safer and faster than the jet engine.

Later: When Viktor called about his family (all is well there) we talked about this and he is going to come together with me this week because there are things he wants to talk about concerning this disk business. Not on the phone of course.

Cuba next week!

Friday, 16. February, 1951.
Viktor and I went to lunch today at a Chinese restaurant in DC where the music is so loud no one can overhear you.

Much of interest to talk about, especially about the disk problem. Viktor, who works in the Pentagon, tells me that a number of these objects have been seen, aside from the reports in the papers. The Army, he says, has tracked some of these on radar as have the Air Force, and they are very fast indeed. Thousands of miles an hour in some cases!

Naturally, they do not belong to this country so the immediate assumption, in the Pentagon, is that they are Russian. On the other hand, Viktor assures me that they are not Russian and must be ours! We exchanged views and I was able to assure him that the only thing I knew about these were the German developments made during the war.

This he knew something about but he reiterated that Moscow is certain that these objects, which they too have observed and tracked, are not theirs.

I have no problem with Viktor who is honest enough with me in most matters and in this business, I absolutely believe him.

What, in fact, are these objects? The Luftwaffe boys reported seeing similar objects during the war, tracking their formations and I now understand that American units had the same experiences. Each side thought the other was responsible!

It couldn't be the British because the cost of making such craft would be way beyond them in their present bankrupt state. Not the French either. If they are not American or Russian, where, indeed, do they come from? Are these viewings by the public, mass hysteria?

Well, I can think about them in Havana next week while I am getting tanned on the beaches!

Monday, 19. February
through Saturday, 3. March, 1951
I shall have to go to some trouble to prevent Bunny from looking into these pages. How fortunate that she cannot read either my handwriting or the German language as I write it. A wonderful time in Cuba was had by all. By that, I mean myself, Arno, Heini and all the beautiful ladies we encountered. I gambled at various casinos and in the end, came away with $10,000 more than I went in with! This is not viewed as a nice thing to do at the casinos, all of whom are owned by friends of Angleton. After doing well on the roulette wheel, I decided to walk outside to calm myself down. Amazing that two sinister looking assholes followed me outside...and had my two dear friends right on their asses.

As I was wearing a very expensive white silk suit, I did not bother to confront those behind me but walked into a convenient alley instead. There was some noise behind me but the music from a dance hall drowned it out...more or less.

I waited at the end of the alley with a pistol in my pocket but all that emerged were my loyal people, smiling and making such pleasant jokes. As usual, Arno used his knife (Heini later said, to perfection) while my American friend smashed one of them in the throat, causing him to strangle with a smashed larynx.

We decided not to go back into that casino again. Arno, who if anything is not careless, found over $500 on one of them so it was even more profitable an evening than I thought. Behn has enormous holdings in Cuba and had been having some difficulties with unpleasantly greedy people in the Cuban government. This is an entirely corrupt bunch anyway but some are worse than others. At least some stay bought but others are much more ambitious.

That business got cleared up and we all spent the rest of the time going to dance shows, swimming at the beaches and even chartering a sailboat for a fishing trip.

I had no idea what to do with the fish when they were caught but the cook in our hotel made a very nice dinner for us. We were all sunburned, one of the young ladies rather badly. Attractive or not, the bum should be kept covered, at least in public, and this one cannot now sit down. Well, one can do many things standing up after all!

Poor Arno. He is in love with Heini's charming sister and views him as a brother- in-law. There is Arno with a degree in history from the University of Munich, filleting thick-necked goons while his soonto-be in-law is breaking their necks. Such memories for the future! In their wish books, one can just seen the nice stories.

Heini, on the other hand, has more or less resigned himself for at least temporary bachelorhood although he was quite taken with a beautiful lady who insisted on walking up and down on his back in her bare feet. Other things happened and Arno was highly annoyed because his beautiful lady spit tobacco on the carpet.  
Bought some decent rum and more cigars, although I have reduced my smoking now to one a day after dinner. Tea seems to have taken its place but tea is not something one finds too often here, at least in public places.

I bought some very expensive colonial Spanish pieces at an overpriced antique barn run by a fairy that smelt like a French whore in August. Smelt like a violet factory and he seemed to like Arno very much. Arno did not like him at all, perfumed or not, so we had to leave before there were serious problems. I will take the pieces on the plane; a mirror, two silver candlesticks and a very attractive, if ornate, crucifix that will do well in the projected chapel. 

As we were carrying it to the taxi, a number of people crossed themselves. thinking that Arno, with his sensitive features and pleasant smile, was a priest.

That will be the day indeed! 

Sunday, 4. March, 1951
Robert Patterson, former War Secretary, has been doing his best to prevent the breakup of the German steel industry, claiming that this would be counter-productive to Truman's economic plans.

The Rosenberg's will go on trial this week. He we know was a spy but there is some question about his wife. However, both her husband and brother are known to have been Soviet agents so her position is not too secure.

The Governor of Florida is denying that he was involved with gambling but I know that the entire area and certainly Cuba is as corrupt as one could wish. In Germany we put such people into camps but here they make them Governors. Truman is now vacationing in Key West so maybe the Governor can whine to him. Unfortunately, a number of Truman's close friends are not honest and there are occasional problems about this. The President himself is certainly a very honest man but there are others around him who are not. Caesar's wife must be above suspicion but no one can discuss this with the President who is very loyal to his entourage.

Hoover wants more money from Congress and claims that armies of spies need to be uncovered. Of course there are no armies of spies but more power to Hoover.

Now, as to comments from Behn (who is very pleased that we were able to solve his problems in Havana in such a pleasant and non-intrusive way) about the flying disc problems.

I did not tell him about Viktor but I did tell Viktor about him. It does seem that these things that have been seen and which Arno, ever a good man with a phrase, (and the knife as well!) calls them "celestial crockery" are neither .American nor Russian. If this is true, then what are they and where do they come from?

Too many official, and very secret, American reports exist (and I have seen three, one of which I made a copy of to give Behn) to laugh at these things as mass hallucinations or hoaxes. Some of this, of course, is no doubt true, but there are so many radar tracking's, visual sightings, and photographs and so on as to make all of us wonder just what is going on?  

I know we did work on such objects during the war and were entirely successful in producing a prototype that flew at incredible speeds but all the postwar reports indicate that there was only one such prototype and this was destroyed at the end of the war to keep it from the enemy.

If we were building these, my friends would certainly know about it and they do not, at least at the non-technical levels. I suspect that the Air Force has more knowledge than it wishes to discuss and there are other sources to be considered.

Truman has become very upset about these sightings and has stated to all and sundry that no official acknowledgment must ever be made. None of us know what they really are or where they come from but America remembers that radio program in 1938 ("War of the Worlds" by Orson Wells on the Mercury Playhouse program on Halloween of that year, ed.) that caused a terrible panic in this country and led to far more heart attacks and suicides than the government would ever admit to.

There will be no more panics if Harry can help it and since the military officials are frankly at a loss, they will not advertise their ignorance by entering into debate.

The Roe Company we know is working on prototypes that can duplicate German pieces and are known to be able to achieve very high-altitude levels and incredible speeds. Nothing is released on this but Behn and I feel that investments in this area could be most profitable. Naturally, I did not mention all of this to Viktor and for one reason.

If Stalin feels that we have such a potential weapon here, it might force him into some kind of rash action against the U.S. Better that Viktor thinks that the prototypes are not feasible as either a reconnaissance tool or as the vehicle for the delivery of an atomic bomb, a vehicle that no known Soviet weapon could ever counteract. Bombers could be shot down but not such a weapon. We will follow this up.
The subject of UFOs or Flying Saucers has intrigued the world since they were first observed in the mid-1940s. Sightings have persisted for fifty years and explanations, suppositions and theories have resulted in thousands of books and magazine articles.
It appears reasonably certain that some kind of a craft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. There was a very high-level report located in the U.S. Archives that would tend to confirm the authenticity of this crash. A large number of sightings of disks, or saucers, turned out to be misinterpretation of natural phenomena such as stars, ball-lightening and refracted light while other sightings were proven to be very high altitude weather balloons and other man-made objects. Some of the sightings were very obviously the quite natural desire on the part of self-important people to enhance their images while others were clearly proven hoaxes.
In studying official American government analysis of a half-century duration, of the reported sightings of flying saucers or UFOs, it is obvious that about 75% of these incidents can be explained by the reasons given above. That leaves about 25% that the U.S. Air force, who investigated these sightings, states are either unexplained or authentic. Other countries besides the United States have also conducted investigations into UFOs and many have come to the same conclusions.
When these objects were first sighted, the United States was beginning the Cold War with Soviet Russia and the American public was extremely apprehensive that some kind of an atomic war could erupt at any time, possibly followed by a Russian military invasion.
It was quickly recognized in official Washington that panics of the kind created by Orson Wells' dramatization of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds at the height of international war concerns in 1938 should not be permitted to develop.
For this reason, any mentions of UFOs in the print media were immediately countered by official denials, ridicule, elaborate and dismissive academic explanations and excuses. In 1948, as it is today, the American print media was a tightly-controlled entity and governmental censorship was far easier to achieve without the Internet, faxes and an alternative media as an effective counter-balance.
What is known, although not commonly, in technical circles, is that German scientists were working on the concept of a "Flying Disk" in the 1940's and succeeded in producing a prototype that matched the overall performances of the objects later described and with astonishing accuracy.
This project, "Fliegende Scheiben" (Flying Disk) was commenced in Germany in 1941. The developers of this project were aeronautical experts Schreiver, Habermohl and Miethe and the Italian specialist, Bellonzo. Habermohl and Schreiver developed a circular model that revolved around a raised control dome while Miethe envisioned a disk-shaped object with jet engines affixed to assist in take off and horizontal flight. The Miethe disk was 42 meters in diameter. In Prague, Schreiver and Habermohl flew the first "Flying Disk" on February 14, 1945. In three minutes of flight, the prototype attained an altitude of 12,400 meters and achieved a horizontal flight speed of 2,000 kilometers an hour. with a planned top speed of 4,000 kilometers an hour.
Just before the end of the war, this working prototype was destroyed. Habermohl, who lived and worked in Breslau, was captured by the Soviets and he and his plans were transported to Russia. Meithe remained in Prague and went over to the Americans along with his plans. In America, Meithe worked with the A.V. Roe Company of the United States and Canada and official records indicate that his crafts were built in four different sizes; 16, 42, 45 and 75 meters in diameter and were able to achieve horizontal flight speeds of 7,000 kph. Public government commentary on these aircraft was that, although they had been developed, they could only reach a horizontal flight speed of 25-30 miles per hour!
Given that there was the technology to build such a craft and also given that work was being done on it in the United States, official silence on the matter is, under the circumstances, entirely understandable. 
Putting aside the hoaxes and the misunderstandings of viewers, it seems that there were indeed UFOs observed throughout the second half of the twentieth century but whether these legitimate sightings, radar tracking's and occasional photographs are of experimental or extra terrestrial craft cannot be determined.
It is not impossible that the Roe craft sightings were paralleled by legitimate sightings of other objects whose origins are simply unknown.

Wednesday, 7. March, 1951
The Rosenberg's and their relation went on trial this week in New York. I am told, privately, that if they are convicted, they will be executed. Of course if they confess and ask pardon, Truman would grant it. Comments in Washington among my colleagues indicate that there is more anti-Semitism inherent in this business than appears on the surface. McCarthy's attitude is that Jews are responsible for things that don't work and as an admirer of Hitler, he thinks he can run off with this one now. I do not think that he will be allowed to do so. It is one thing to go after spies but quite another to stir up pogroms in Hollywood. I know that Truman is against this and I personally view it as counter-productive. If there is going to be a Cold War against the Russians, it is more effective to demonize them, both inside and outside the country, than to digress into attacks on Jews.

There have been rumblings about some of Truman's people but so far, nothing has come of it. The war in Korea is doing well enough, as are my stocks, but there is the problem of MacArthur who is loudly insisting to have the right to drop atomic bombs on the Chinese! I personally think that he is either crazy or positioning himself for a run at the Republican nomination. If he had these weapons, I believe that he would use them. After all, he was the Great Leader in the Pacific War, the Great Leader in Japan after the war and now he wants to be the Great Leader in Korea.

Bunny and I are entertaining some of her relatives this weekend and I have suggested, rather firmly, that she cut back on her horseback riding now that she is pregnant. We have had some heated discussions on the subject but in the end, I think I will prevail.

Wednesday, 14. March, 1951.
A letter by Roosevelt has surfaced in a New York paper, which is not unexpected.

I have a copy of the article on the desk here. In this letter, which appeared in the papers of a Spanish diplomat and was reprinted in a French paper last month, Roosevelt is writing to a Jewish politician about wanting to give Stalin freedom of action in eastern Europe and a warm-water port. He asked this politician to broach the matter to Stalin.

Yesterday, the State Department alleged that this letter was a forgery but without any substantive argument.

I cannot see why anyone would bother to falsify something so obvious. Everyone knows that Roosevelt would have given Stalin anything he wanted and all Roosevelt wanted in return was Stalin's full cooperation in his United Nations idiot project.

Roosevelt was far too stupid to have original thoughts and in this business, was only aping Wilson's League of Nations. Roosevelt should have taken note of the opposition to this in America and the eventual defeat of the project.

The letter is probably genuine but at this point, no one cares except the leftovers of the New Deal and other Roosevelt-worshipers. And one can trust absolutely nothing coming out of the State Department who are a nest of fairies and proto-communists.

An entertaining lunch with Philby who was in a terrible state about some dinner he gave last January for important people. It seems that disgusting Burgess, who is living with Philby for some obscure reason, made an appearance and caused havoc with the guests with his drunken and aggressive behavior. Philby said that among the insulted were (William K. ed.) Harvey, the chief of the CIA counterintelligence section and his wife. Philby said that B. so insulted the wife that they all left and he is now afraid that Harvey is "very vindictive" towards him. And with reason. I asked P. why he had permitted this oafish fairy to disrupt his work and he had no answer at all. 

I have been asked to "chat up" Harvey and find out just what he is up to.

Friday, 16. March, 1951.
Truman has issued a statement to the press that his aides are honest men but he did not comment on recent investigations into some of them. T. is off on a vacation for nearly a month, which is not wise, considering the military situation in Korea and the political problems here. He is a stubborn man and fortunately, I am not an advisor in such matters. The Supreme Court has refused to hear the Hiss appeal so he will have to serve out his sentence. Maybe he can go to Moscow and get a medal from Josef when he gets out. Hiss is still screeching that he is innocent and he must have gigantic testicles made of bronze to do this. I have reviewed much of the information against him and there is no question whatsoever that he is as guilty as could be.

MacArthur is starting to issue statements to the press which is most unwise and certainly in violation of the relationship between a general officer and his Commander in Chief. I have heard that Truman now is interested in coming to some kind of accommodation with the Chinese and ending a very unpopular war. His approval percentage in the opinion polls has dropped to an incredible low of 25% and he has to do something to bring it up. Peace in Korea would be the way to do it, certainly.

The U.S. is moving ahead and is pushing the Chinese and Koreans back so this might be a good time to make such a move. One wonders what M will do about this kind of a move. It would deprive him of power and Truman certainly does not like or appreciate his attempts to undermine his position. These things evolve. Perhaps M. will practice some commonsense for once.

Harvey told me that he has been investigating Philby whom he now hates because of the incident with his wife. I was very pleasant with him and he has asked me to have a drink with his wife and himself. From what I know, H. and his wife are a pair of drunks so I will have to be careful not to have them down to the house. They don't like women in the club so we can meet somewhere in DC instead. I hope to learn just what, if anything, Harvey has found.

Friday, 23. March, 1951.
I had my dinner with the Harveys at a small restaurant that specializes in Spanish food. I met Frau Harvey for the first time. Her name is Libby (for Elizabeth no doubt) and she is rather thin and dark-haired. She also drinks like her fat husband. Both of them loathe Burgess and, because of him, Philby. Harvey said Burgess insulted his wife and that he suspected both of them of being spies. I tried to dismiss the Philby suspicion by saying that Philby was no doubt reporting on Washington affairs to Whitehall but Harvey thinks to Moscow as well. He has no proof but is certainly persistent and this, coupled with his vindictiveness and position in the CIA does not look that good for P.

The wife is obviously encouraging his attacks. Women love to stir up disharmony and the Chinese ideogram for trouble is two women under one roof. One can assume from his actions that Burgess would fall into the female category although what Philby sees in him is something I would prefer not to contemplate. Himself, probably.

Both the Harveys poured down the martinis ( a filthy concoction that tastes like cleaning fluid) until finally, dear Libby slipped off her shoe and stuffed her wriggling foot into my crotch. Under the table of course, but in the condition her husband was, she could have ripped off her dress and scrambled up onto the table and he would have gone on talking to his plate. After her contortions, accompanied by her entertaining act of sticking her tongue out and wiggling it like a pink flannel necktie, she put her shoe back on (God be praised!) and wrote her telephone number on a piece of paper and stuck it into my jacket pocket.

All this time, Harvey himself was muttering about Hoover and what an asshole he is. Apparently, H. worked for the FBI and Hoover sacked him with some nasty comments about being a drunk.

The food was interesting for a change but the evening was a total waste except for the foot action and the wagging tongue. The Harvey woman certainly gets heated up with a few drinks. One or two more, and I have no doubt she would have crawled under the table and fellated me before the dessert!

On the way out of the restaurant, she fell down and when her drunken husband tried to lift her up, he fell down. I had the manager call a taxicab as they were obviously too drunk to drive, either one of them, and I didn't want to give them a ride in my new Cadillac because one or both of them would have spewed all over the seats.
William King Harvey was thirty-five when he encountered Müller. A native of Indiana, Harvey had been an FBI agent stationed in New York until he was fired by Hoover for being a chronic alcoholic. Harvey, who had considerable knowledge of Soviet espionage, then took his knowledge, and his drinking habits, to the CIA where he soon became chief of counterintelligence. His wife, Libby, a native of Kentucky, was a woman of little sophistication and was not able to function in Washington society without resort to an extensive ration of dry martinis. Harvey, known as the Pear because of his short, fat body, disliked Hoover and engaged in open warfare with his former superior. He was a loud, aggressive man who developed a strong personal dislike for Harold Philby and attacked him constantly, eventually eroding Philby's standing with British intelligence and leading to his defection to Russia in 1963. Ten years earlier, his nemesis, Harvey, was transferred to Berlin to head the CIA office there.
In 1952, Harvey had divorced his wife, Libby, and obtained custody of their young son. He never discovered that Müller had a brief but steamy affair with his wife, who eventually committed suicide, but blamed her fall from grace to a connection with "some German bastard." Other problems were the official cause of their breakup but the Teuton who so encrusted him with horns remained his friend and the two of them ended up in BOB or Berlin Operations Base, the CIA nerve center in Berlin.
Harvey indeed was a man with a considerable knowledge of Soviet intelligence operations but Müller had an infinitely greater knowledge and Harvey depended heavily on his Swiss friend for information and assistance with German. Harvey, like so many other CIA specialists in Germany, was unable to read, write or speak a word of German.
There is a very strong reason to believe that Harvey, far from being an enemy of Hoover, was in fact still in contact with his former chief and passed along inside information to him about the working of the CIA, an organization that was feared and disliked by the FBI chief.
After Harvey returned from his duty in Berlin, he became involved in other serious matters for the CIA and in 1963, became involved under James Angleton, in the assassination of John Kennedy. Harvey was in charge of the assassination squad and later dealt with Mary Pinchot Meyer, Kennedy’s mistress and former wife of Cord Meyer, a senior CIA official.

Saturday, 24. March, 1951.
Great fury here about MacArthur's latest actions. It is obvious that the General has gone mad and will certainly be replaced as soon as convenient. What happened was this: Truman initiated among his staff a plan to negotiate with the Chinese and end the war.  

So far, so good. The Chinese have taken terrible losses in Korea and are more than willing. Truman let MacArthur know what he was doing but before anything positive happened between the Chinese and us, MacArthur let off a lunatic statement on Friday in which he insulted the Chinese and in fact ordered them to negotiate with him before the United States obliterated them. The rapprochement is now dead, Truman is livid with rage and everyone here seriously believes that MacArthur has not only openly and crudely defied his Commander in Chief but also committed a treasonable act.

Generals get that way after a while and MacArthur is obviously completely mad. Thank God Truman never gave him atomic weapons or he would certainly have used them by now.

MacArthur, by his insane act, has put Truman into a terrible position. The latter had an acceptable diplomatic program for ending the war well in train and M. deliberately sabotaged it for his own glory. How many young soldiers on both sides will die to pay for this act of senile vanity? Truman cannot now fire MacArthur because M. has shown the American people a way out of a very unpopular war but if I know Truman, and I think I do, MacArthur is living on borrowed time. He is standing, as Dulles said, with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.  
This business is by no means over yet.

I talked with Philby about the Harvey orgy and he was both amused and discomfited. He asked me if H. had found out anything and I replied that I did not believe he had but to get rid of that asshole Burgess. Easier said than done according to Philby. Burgess has slept with most of the senior Foreign Office people and they love and protect him. Burgess is the fat wreck of a once handsome man and utterly obnoxious in his behavior. If he is found attractive by FO people, their taste must be up with yesterday's dinner.

For want of anything better to do, I rang up Libby H. and she was certainly eager to meet with me. I suggested a little lunch and then some recreation in Chevy Chase and she was frantic. I seem to have that effect on some women but there is no arguing with fate, is there? Perhaps I can get her husband to leave Philby alone but I doubt it. No doubt she will get at least a little drunk at lunch and be in a more receptive mood although from her panting's on the phone I would say the liquor isn't needed. 

Wednesday, 28. March, 1951
I have it on the best authority that MacArthur is to be fired from his post! Truman is furious at M's constant upstaging of him, his egoism, his bombast and his deliberate attempts to promote himself at Truman's expense. They are only waiting for a consensus and a few other small things before dragging out the firing squad.

Monday, a steamy afternoon with the Harvey creature. She scratched my back that I am going to have to explain somehow to Bunny, as well as leaving red marks on my legs and elsewhere. That woman is quite mad but she does blabber endlessly in her horrible accent about what she thinks she knows. Stories about the CIA wives, at least one of whom chattered about me. The Harvey woman thrashes around like an epileptic having a fit and makes enough noise to be heard out on the street. I was expecting the police to come at any minute. She is not as cultivated as the other wives which is a benefit. At least I don't have to listen to endless chattering about spiritualism, Chinese religions, or strange Russian painters. My God, those women are as empty of brains as a ladle, perfect mates for their equally idiotic husbands. If the parents are any example, their children should be drowned like kittens to keep them from breeding.

Mendel would have liked to have observed that crew. 

Dulles walks around with his pipe trailing smoke behind him, laughing like an idiot Father Christmas and every third sentence begins with "when I was in Bern" and every sentence begins with the first person singular.

There was quite a cabal in the old O.S.S at the end of the war. Dulles wanted to be head of the postwar U.S. intelligence and had already set up his shadow government. This included Angleton in Italy, Thayer in Vienna, himself as chief in conquered Germany and Helms plus several others. The Dulles older brother (John Foster Dulles, ed) was a lawyer for the Cromwell law firm in New York. This firm had strong connections with German business and wanted to rebuild all of this for the profit of everyone. Roosevelt and the Jewish crowd wanted to obliterate Germany but this ideological shit was not practical from a business point of view and so when Roosevelt the First got to room temperature, creatures like Morgenthau and the Soviet spy (Harry Dexter, ed) White and their friend and co-religionist Eisenhower were powerless. Dulles felt that if had control of U.S. foreign intelligence, he could deflect the antiGerman sentiment which would benefit the Cromwell people and himself and his family, all of whom had heavy investments in German stocks. This did not work because Truman closed down the OSS because it was filled with communists and Dulles then rushed over to the Army and set up some kind of a fake intelligence agency to keep the money coming in. If he ever gets his hands on the levers of power in the CIA, there will be hell to pay. Dulles and his gang will set foreign police and try to control not only the military but the President as well.

Dulles is a very stupid, vain man, easily misled because he has no basic understanding of the intelligence business. He made a terrible mess of things in Bern and God alone knows what he will do here. Angleton is a vicious, backbiting man with delusions of superior intelligence. As a hidden homosexual and a man with strong connections to the Mafia, he should not be allowed close to any kind of decision-making while Thayer has had a disastrous series of liaisons with women that his wife found out about and wrecked his career. Then we have crazy Pash who seems to like fat Harvey and the two of them sit around and talk about cutting throats and blowing up aircraft full of people.

I have often thought about putting a microphone in their offices and making a record of their murderous and utterly vicious conversations. How entertaining it would be to play it for the President or, even better, somehow find a way to put it on the radio! If I recorded the nonsense their wives babble while in bed or on the telephone, the public would set up a guillotine in the Plaza and shorten them all by a head. I can abide most unpleasant people because it was my job to get information out of them but the stupidity, lies, egomania and greed of my senior fellow workers reminds me of the saying of the old Fritz (Frederick the Great, ed) that the more he saw of people the more he loved his dogs.

Aside from the MacArthur business, the war is making progress and we will not even attempt to approach the Yalu River like we did last time. The British tell us that the Chinese are ready to negotiate some kind of a settlement but I doubt the truth of this. Chinese are very clever people and will spin out their negotiations for years.

Friday, 30. March, 1951.
The Rosenberg gang has been convicted and the word is that they will get the death expected. The State Department has fired several diplomats in China for being fairies and taking bribes from the Chinese in Hong Kong. I doubt if this will stop McCarthy but all beginnings are difficult.

Viktor and his wife and children came down last night and we are all having a most pleasant interlude in the spring countryside. The children are well behaved and enjoy feeding the ducks in one of the ponds and we let them ride on a pony.

I have pretended to have an infectious skin problem, which prevents Bunny from seeing the damage the Harvey slut has done to my body. The drooler called me at the office twice this week and I have told the operator to tell her that I am not in. I am certain she will tell her husband one of these days and I will have to deal with him. She said she marred him for excitement but she obviously doesn't get too much. 

He is fat and apparently endowed like a stud ant, stays drunk and masturbates in the bathtub while looking at pictures of actresses wearing fancy underwear.

Sunday, 1. April, 1951.
Today is what the Americans call April Fool's Day. It should be a national holiday up in Washington. Just to entertain my friends, I had Arno call up the Sunday duty officer at the CIA and tell him he was calling from the White House and the Russians had just dropped an atomic bomb on Tokyo. The man began to stutter and Arno and I had quite a laugh, counting on him to ring up all the bosses and ruin their day. I told Bunny that I would cook pancakes for her as a special treat. I put small pieces of thin cloth onto each cake, poured more batter on and turned it over to be cooked. The cook thought it was very funny but Bunny did not. She poured a sweet syrup all over the cakes and then tried to cut them with a knife. They wouldn't cut, of course, with the cloth inside, and slipped all over her plate, finally sailing off and onto the table. I am afraid I began to laugh and for a moment, I thought she was going to throw the pitcher of syrup at my head. She calmed down and we all had a laugh. At least some holidays can be fun.

Later: When I went to bed tonight (I am sleeping in a separate room because of my "skin rash"), I discovered a dead fish stuck in my pillow so Bunny got her revenge after all!

Thursday, 5. April, 1951(155) 

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Part 1 Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL....History as Prologue: End Signs

Windswept House A VATICAN NOVEL  by Malachi Martin History as Prologue: End Signs  1957   DIPLOMATS schooled in harsh times and in the tough...