Scientology Roots – Chapter Three – Torah Tales in Genesis
The slave masters have presented false history in their Bibles.
Declamatio is a long used rhetorical device by slave master authors. It is a forgery.
You create a fictitious character, then invent an ancient date for when the person lived, then invent things the person supposedly said or did. Moses and Socrates are examples. They never wrote a thing, because they are fictitious characters. No ancient manuscripts exist containing any writing by them.
The Jewish Bible contains accounts of history that are fiction stories. Archaeologists and historians have investigated the Jewish Bible stories and have proven them to be fiction.
The Hebrew/Jewish Bible is called the Old Testament. It consists of 39 different books. The first five books in the Old Testament are called the five books of Moses or the Torah.
The five books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
The Old Testament is not as old as Jewish authors would have us believe. The Old Testament in use today was not written in ancient times, it was written in 1009 AD.
Persian emperor Darius ruled from 522 BC to 486 BC.
The Greeks elected Alexander the Great to command their army against Persia. His army defeated the main Persian army in 333 BC. He then conquered the entire Persian Empire.
Alexander died in 323 BC and one of his generals, Ptolemy, then became ruler of Egypt.
The Jews allege that Ptolemy II had the Hebrew scriptures translated into Greek, around 250 BC – this manuscript is called the Septuagint. There is no Old Testament manuscript that was written in 250 BC, it is just another backdated Jewish story.
The oldest relatively complete Septuagint is the Codex Sinaiticus of the 4th century AD.
It includes fragments of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. They did not have any ancient written Hebrew scriptures to consult for their 4th century Bible.
The Jewish Bible in use today was written by a group of Jews known as the Masoretes. The oldest complete manuscript of the Masoretic Text was written in Cairo on parchment in 1009 AD, the date appears on the manuscript. It is kept in Leningrad, Russia and thus it is called the Leningrad Codex. They only had an incomplete and fragmented Septuagint to draw from to write their 1009 AD version of the Jewish/Hebrew Bible. 1
The authors of the Masoretic Text created their Hebrew Bible based on what? There was the incomplete Septuagint from the 4th century AD, and still no ancient Hebrew writings. 2
In 1903 AD four papyrus fragments were acquired in Egypt that were dated to about 150 AD, but then they were back dated to about 150 BC. The fragments have a prayer and the ten commandments. The fragments were the oldest Hebrew fragments they had, after 1903.
In 1947 AD, jars containing scrolls were found in caves near the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea Scrolls are the oldest nearly-complete texts of the Hebrew Bible. They are dated between 150 BC to 100 AD. The Book of Esther is missing and not all of the books are complete.
There are two very different versions of the Book of Isaiah in the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are more than 1400 differences between the two versions, and one is 2/3 larger than the other.
In comparing the Dead Sea Scrolls to themselves, there are thousands of differences.
In comparing the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Septuagint there are thousands of differences.
In comparing the Dead Sea Scrolls with today’s Bible, there are thousands of differences.
The Dead Sea Scrolls were not discovered until 1947, so when they wrote the Septuagint in the 4th Century AD, and the Masoretic Text in 1009 AD, they did not have the Dead Sea scrolls available to them. They had no ancient writings available, so they made it up.
Jewish Bible authors claim much of the contents of the Old Testament were compiled in Babylon by the “Men of the Great Assembly” about 450 BC. But there is not even one single written fragment from the “Assembly” to support that claim.
The main thing to understand is – the earliest evidence for Jews and Judaism is 150 BC.
The other thing to understand is that Bible authors are practicing declamatio. They write about alleged people and events that happened a thousand years or so earlier – when they have no earlier writings or evidence to support what they are saying.
Torah Tales in Genesis
The five books of Moses are the first five books in the Old Testament, called the Torah.
The five books of Moses are misnamed because Moses never wrote anything – he is a fictional character manufactured by the actual authors of the Torah.
We are expected to believe that this detailed story that appears in the Torah, was handed down verbally word-for-word for hundreds years, and nothing was forgotton or changed during the verbal transmission from one generation to the next, and then someone finally wrote it down. The excuse given for not writing it down was to keep it from the profane, the impure and the uninitiated.
The mark of a good con is in the details. We’re also supposed to believe the Bible is true because it is a detailed story. Lord of the Rings is a detailed story, that presents complete details about places, people and events – but it isn’t true either.
The Torah describes the alleged beginnings of Jewish religion. Genesis is the first book.
.Torah Tale – Yahweh Is The Creator Of All
Right from the beginning, the Torah starts out with numerous untruths. It says that a single Being called Yahweh (the Jewish “God”) created everyone and everything – including the material universe, plants, animals, humans and so on. This all took place about 4000 BC. 3
Never mind that science has proven that the earth is about 4 1/2 billion years old. Archaeological finds of animal bones from 60 million years ago and human bones from 300,000 years ago – lend further evidence to a much older age for the world.
The stories found in Genesis were stories in clay tablets in Mesopotamia and the city of Ugarit in Syria. The clay tablets were written thousands of years earlier than the beginning of Judaism.

The tablets talk about the Anunna who had superior knowledge to humans who roamed in the wild.
The Anunna said they were gods and used the humans as slaves. This is the basis of god religions.
Enki was the leader of the Anunna. En means lord and ki means earth. Enki means Lord of Earth.
In Mesopotamian tablets there is a story called Enki and the World Order. In this story Enki organizes the universe into its present form, the Heavens above and the Earth below.
Enki was the first to claim that he was the “Creator of All”. It was a lie that others copied.
Marduk was a son of Enki. Marduk ruled Babylon. A priest of Marduk wrote a hymn called Enûma Eliš, the hymn was sung at an annual festival in Babylon. Tiamat raised forces to attack the gods and Marduk defeated Tiamat in battle. He cuts Tiamat in half. With one half he fashions the heavens and the other half he uses to fashion the world below the heavens, Earth. He created man to be a servant of the gods.

This Babylonian creation myth was found on seven tablets in the library of Assyrian emperor Ashurbanipal (667 – 626 BC) in Ninevah.
In this story Marduk takes the feats originally attributed to Enki and transfers them to himself.
Other gods did the same as Marduk, claiming they did the things that were first attributed to Enki.
Marduk declared himself the most high god and he listed 50 other gods who were junior.
The Assyrians lived in Northern Mesopotamia. When the Assyrians conquered Babylon, they put their god Ashur as the most high god, and placed Marduk on the list of 50 other junior gods.
The Assyrian god Ashur, also appeared in Persia under the name Ahura Mazda.
The Persian religion, Zoroastrianism, claims their god, Ahura Mazda, is the creator of all.
The same was done with the Jewish god, Yahweh, declaring him the creator of all.
It was common for a people to raise their particular deity to a supreme position, setting him above all other gods, sometimes in the role of Creator of All. It is still done today.
The Jewish assertion that their God, Yahweh, is the Creator of All is nothing new. That tactic has been used by the various religions all throughout history – it has zero validity.
Torah Tale – The Garden of Eden
The Torah then presents a story of how Yahweh made the first humans, Adam and Eve, who lived in the Garden of Eden.
Yahweh said, “let us make man in our image, after our likeness”. There was not a man to till the ground. The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden; took the man and put him into the garden to dress it and keep it. The tree of life was one of the trees growing in the garden.
Then Yahweh made a woman. The man and woman were called Adam and Eve. He set them to work naked in the garden of Eden. Yahweh said they could eat anything except the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, if they did they would die.
The serpent talked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. The serpent said, “For god doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”. Eve got Adam to eat it also, whereupon they saw they were naked and covered themselves.
“And the Lord god said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put out his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground…” 3
The story can’t be taken literally – a talking serpent, a fruit revealing knowledge, etc.
And, who are the plural “us” – the unnamed colleagues that Yahweh is a member of?
This story is obviously based on Mesopotamian tablet stories wherein Enki cross-breeds with humans and then sets them to work naked in the gardens of edin, and Enki denying humans immortality. The tree of life that bears fruit that gives immortality – is also taken from the Mesopotamian tablets.
.Torah Tale – Cain and Abel
The sons of Adam and Eve were Cain, Abel and Seth. Abel was a keeper of sheep and Cain grew crops. Each brought an offering to the Lord. The Lord respected the offering of Abel but not the offering from Cain. Cain and Abel fought, Cain killed Abel. The Lord then made Cain go live elsewhere, outside of Eden. This story is in the Mesopotamian tablets.
Torah Tale – Noah and the Flood
Here is some Biblical reference to the cross-breeding between Anunna and humans –
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. …when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” 3
Further mating between an Anunna “god” and a hybrid human resulted in a demigod, some of whom became human kings, such as Gilgamesh, king of Uruk around 2900 BC.
Yahweh became displeased with humans when the sons of God took wives from the daughters of men, and god saw that men were evil. So he created a flood that killed everyone except Noah and his family.
Yahweh instructed Noah to build an ark and put his family and two of every creature in the ark. Then Yahweh made it rain for forty days, Noah’s family and the animals survived the flood in the ark.
In the Mesopotamian tablets the dikes of the Euphrates River were opened to kill the humans living around Shurrupak. The flooding was limited to that area. Jewish Bible authors embellished the river flood into a world wide flood. There is no archaeological evidence to support the claim that the entire world was covered with water back then.
Torah Tale – The Tower of Babel
The Torah then says that all of the people on Earth spoke the same language. And the children of men built a city with a tall tower for themselves in Sumer. “And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”
So the Lord scattered them around the world and gave them different languages so they would not understand each other.
This story is also taken from Mesopotamian tablets wherein Enki saw humans speaking the same language and living in peace together. Enki then made multiple languages so humans would not understand each other and thereby they would live in contention with each other. 7, 8
A Sumerian tale says –
In those days, the lands of Subur (and) Hamazi,
Harmony-tongued Sumer,
The whole universe, the people in unison
To Enlil in one tongue [spoke].
(Then) Enki, the lord of abundance (whose) commands are trustworthy,The lord of wisdom, who understands the land,The leader of the gods,Changed the speech in their mouths, [brought] contention into it,Into the speech of man that (until then) had been one.
* * *
The Mesopotamian tablets state the following about Enki:
Enki claimed he was the creator of all
Enki “created” the first humans and had them work naked in gardens in edin
Enki gives the first humans some knowledge but denies humans immortality
Enki exiled Ka-in from the land of edin
Enki warns a human about a river flood, his family and his livestock survive in a boat
Enki caused the single language of mankind to become multiple languages
The first book of the Torah is called Genesis. The Jewish god is called Yahweh.
Genesis says:
Yahweh is the creator of all
Yahweh created the first humans and had them work naked in his garden in Eden
Yahweh denies humans immortality
Yahweh exiled Cain from Eden
Yahweh warns a human about a flood and has him save his family and animals in a boat
Yahweh caused the single language of mankind to become multiple languages
Jewish authors simply changed the name of Enki to Yahweh and embroidered the stories, such as turning the river flood into a world flood. They got the stories from ancient clay tablets, without saying that is where they got the stories from.
In the tablets you see that the Anunna are depicted as having bodies. They were not gods, they were just slave masters asserting they were gods, so they could make men into their subservient slaves.
The Jewish Bible, and their so-called god, are actually stories about Enki under a different name.
Now we now why Yahweh does not answer any prayers. In praying to Yahweh, you are praying to Enki. Enki is no longer around. And he was a slave master, he does not care about the troubles of slaves.
The Torah is also the beginning of Christian Bibles. So, the Jews and Christians are practicing Anunna religion and worship an Anunna “god” called Enki, without realizing that is what they are actually doing!
Enki also possessed the secret to restoring the dead back to life. There is a story in Mesopotamian tablets called Descent of Inanna into the Underworld. Inanna tells her servant that if after three days she does not return, he is to appeal to Enki – who will effect her release.
She is killed by her jealous sister, Erishkigal, Queen of the Underworld. After three days, Inanna’s servant alerts Enki. He sends two servants to restore Inanna to life by sprinkling on her dead body, “the bread of life and the water of life”. She revives and is released from the Underworld. 4, 6, 7, 8
Excerpts from the Descent of Inanna into the Underworld:
In Eridu upon thy entering the house of Enki,
Weep before Enki:
O father Enki, let not thy daughter be put to death in the nether world,
Father Enki, the lord of wisdom,
Who knows the food of life, who knows the water of life,
He will surely bring me to life…
Inanna walked toward the nether world,
To her messenger Ninshubur she says:
“Go, Ninshubur,
The word which I have commanded thee . . .”
…he went to Eridu,
In Eridu upon his entering the house of Enki,
Before Enki he weeps:
“O father Enki, let not thy daughter be put to death in the nether world,
Father Enki answers Ninshubur:
What now has my daughter done! I am troubled,
What now has Inanna done! I am troubled,
. . . he brought forth dirt (and) fashioned the kurgarru,
. . . he brought forth dirt (and) fashioned the kalaturru,
To the kurgarru he gave the food of life,
To the kalaturru he gave the water of life,
Father Enki says to the kalaturru and kurgarru:
Upon the corpse hung from a stake direct the fear of the rays of fire,
Sixty times the food of life, sixty times the water of life, sprinkle upon it,
Verily Inanna will arise. 4, 5
So, here we have another reference that the Anunna slavemasters possessed knowledge of how to overcome body death and have immortality. But, the Anunna were keeping this knowledge to themselves only, and preventing their hybrid human slaves from having it.
Gilgamesh was the hybrid human king of Uruk about 2900 BC. He was a demigod because his mother was a full-blooded Anunna goddess, his father was a hybrid human.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh wants to have the immortality possessed by the Anunna “gods”, so he goes on a journey to find Utanapishtim, a human who was given immortality by Enlil, after Utanapishtim and family had survived the river flood in a boat.
Gilgamesh was successful in finding Utanapishtim. Utanapishtim told him how to get the plant that gave immortality. But, after Gilgamesh obtains the plant, a “snake” takes it away from him. One of the symbols for Enki is a serpent. This means that Enki took the plant away from Gilgamesh.
Some excerpts from the Epic of Gilgamesh:
Who can say like Gilgamesh: “I am King!”?
Two-thirds of him is god, one-third of him is human.
Then he reached Mount Mashu,
there were Scorpion-beings watching over its gate.
When Gilgamesh saw them, trembling terror blanketed his face,
The scorpion-being called out to his female:
“He who comes to us, his body is the flesh of gods!”
The scorpion-being, his female, answered him:
“(Only) two-thirds of him is a god, one-third is human.”
The male scorpion-being called out,
saying to the offspring of the gods:
“Why have you traveled so distant a journey? ”
“I have come on account of my ancestor Utanapishtim,
who joined the Assembly of the Gods, and was given eternal life.
About Death and Life I must ask him!”
The scorpion-being spoke to Gilgamesh, saying:
“Go on, Gilgamesh, fear not!
The Mashu mountains I give to you freely, ”
The tavern-keeper spoke to Gilgamesh, saying:
“Gilgamesh, over there is Urshanabi, the ferryman of Utanapishtim.
If possible, cross with him; ”
Gilgamesh and Urshanabi boarded the boat,
Utanapishtim spoke to Gilgamesh, saying:
“You who were created from the flesh of gods and mankind
Long ago it has been established…
the Anunnaki, the Great Gods, assembled.
Mammetum, she who forms destiny, determined destiny with them.
They established Death and Life, ”
Utanapishtim said to Gilgamesh:
“Now then, who will convene the gods on your behalf,
that you may find the life that you are seeking! ”
Utanapishtim spoke to Gilgamesh, saying:
“I will disclose to you a thing that is hidden, Gilgamesh,
There is a plant… like a boxthorn,
whose thorns will prick your hand like a rose.
If your hands reach that plant you will become a young man again.”
Hearing this, Gilgamesh opened a conduit (to the Apsu) (underground water)
and attached heavy stones to his feet.
They dragged him down, to the Apsu they pulled him.
He took the plant, though it pricked his hand,
and cut the heavy stones from his feet,
letting the waves(?) throw him onto its shores.
Gilgamesh spoke to Urshanabi, the ferryman, saying:
“Urshanabi, this plant is a plant against decay(!)
by which a man can attain his survival(!).
I will bring it to Uruk-Haven,
and have an old man eat the plant to test it.
The plant’s name is ‘The Old Man Becomes a Young Man.’
Then I will eat it and return to the condition of my youth. ”
at thirty leagues they stopped for the night.
A snake smelled the fragrance of the plant, (Snake is a symbol for Enki)
silently came up and carried off the plant.
At that point Gilgamesh sat down, weeping,
So, here we have another reference to Enki denying immortality to hybrid human slaves.
We have established that god religion is not only a hoax, but that its purpose is to bind mankind in servitude and slavery. Religion is a method of binding people to the so-called gods, which means the slave masters. It is a tool used by the slave masters to make humans subservient to the slave masters.
The whole God idea was brought into being by slave masters. It allows them to rule.
The idea that God made everyone and everything does not factually explain existence.
Who made God?
The answer invariably will be – no one made God, he just exists.
How fascinating! By that, you have just said that a Being is not a creation, he just exists.
Now why would that idea only apply to one Being? Why not two Beings? Why not ten?
Why not all Beings? There you have the truth. Beings are not creations, they just exist.
Existence has two parts.
There are Creators and Creations.
Every Being is a Creator. No Being is a Creation.
A vast multitude of Creators co-existed prior to Creation of the material universe.
Matter, Energy, Space and Time were made by a vast multitude of Creators.
Creations are things. They exist because Creators say they exist.
A Being is not a something, a Being is a someone.
Some Creators make life forms and give them intelligent direction in living.
If people want some guidance for proper living, that is very simple.
Care for other people and all life.
Live as friends, giving assistance to each other.
Scientology Roots – Chapter Four – Additional Torah Tales
The Hebrew/Jewish Bible is called the Old Testament. It consists of 39 different books.
The first five books in the Old Testament are called the five books of Moses or the Torah.
The five books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
Those five books are also included in Christian Bibles.
The Torah describes the alleged beginnings of Judaism, the Jewish religion.
In Chapter Three we related the Torah tales in the book of Genesis. The stories in Genesis were the same stories in clay tablets in Mesopotamia and Syria. The clay tablets were written thousands of years earlier than the beginning of Judaism.
The tablets talk about the Anunna who had superior knowledge to humans who roamed in the wild.
The Anunna said they were gods and used the humans as slaves. This is the basis of god religions.
The Anunna were not gods, they were just slavemasters asserting they were gods as a means to make humans subservient slaves. Ancient kings used the same tactic to make people subservient to them. The ancient kings claimed they were a god, or they were the son of a god, or they were the spokesman for a god. There were no gods in ancient times or any other times, there are only slave masters claiming to be a god so they could rule over all others.
* * *
The Jewish Bible contains accounts of history that are fiction stories. Archaeologists and historians have investigated the Jewish Bible stories and have proven them to be fiction.
Now we will address the Torah tales in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
We will also address some of the lies in the Book of Joshua.
Torah Tale – The Alleged Jewish Bloodline
The Jewish bloodline is established by an alleged historical account given in the Torah.
One Torah tale says that the Jewish god, Yahweh, caused a world-wide flood to wipe out all humanity. Before the flood, Yahweh had Noah build an ark. Yahweh had Noah put two of every creature in the ark, along with his family. After the flood, the only alive humans were Noah and his family. Therefore all humans are descendants of the three sons of Noah.
That story was based on a story in Mesopotamian tablets wherein the Euphrates River at Shuruppak was used to create a flood to kill the humans in that small area. People outside of that small area, all around the world, were not killed in that river flood, so they did not descend from “Noah’s sons”.
Per the Torah, the sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Shem begot Ar-phax’add (Arpachshad)
Arpachshad begot Sa’lah (Shelah)
Shelah begot E’ber (Heber – Hebrew)
E’ber begot Pe’leg
Pe’leg begot Re’u
Re’u begot Se’rug
Se’rug begot Nahor
Nahor begot Te’rah
Terah begot Abram (Abram the Hebrew)
Abram was born about 1950 BC. He lived with his family in Ur, where Abram married his half-sister, Sa’rai. Their father was Terah, their mothers were different women.

Terah received orders from Yahweh to leave Ur, as shown by this Torah passage:
And Terah took Abram his son… and Sa’rai .. and they went forth with them from Ur… to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.
Note –
Nannar was the Anunna god who had a temple at Ur.
Nannar also had a temple at Haran where he was worshipped under the name Sin.
Then Yahweh came to Abram in a vision and ordered Abram to go to Canaan. Abram took members of his family and some “followers” and went to Canaan. Abram and his followers settled near Beth-el (Bethlehem) and Ur-Shulim (Jerusalem), located near the Dead Sea.
(At Ur-Shulim was one of those platforms, similar to the one at Baalbek, Lebanon.)
Abram went to Egypt where he was made very rich in cattle, silver, and gold and was given even more “servants”. Then he returned to Canaan. Yahweh told Abram that he would give all the land of Canaan to his descendants. Canaan was – “the promised land”.
Per the Torah, King Am’ra-phel of Shi’nar (Sumer) united with some other kings and they invaded the area of the Dead Sea. Abram armed his “trained servants” and defeated them.
Yahweh gave Abram a new name – Abraham. Then the covenant was made, giving Abraham and his descendants all the land of Canaan, with Yahweh as their only god. The alleged covenant between Yahweh and Abraham took place about 1850 BC. Abraham was 99 years old. Here is the beginning of the alleged Jewish bloodline.
Starting with the covenant, Yahweh made it a cardinal sin for the descendants of Abraham to worship or serve any “foreign Gods” or “other gods”.
The Torah says:
Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve him…Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you… lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.…the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites… thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them…For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: Lest thou go whoring after their gods… And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and they make thy sons go a whoring after their gods.
Note –
In ancient times there were hundreds of slave masters claiming they were a god. The slave master called Yahweh was not the only ancient slave master pretending to be a god. There were many other slave masters who were competitors to Yahweh – and Yahweh did not want to lose his slaves to his competitors.
Marriages with people who worshiped other gods than Yahweh was forbidden.
Abraham was a 100 years old when Sarah bore him a son named Isaac. Isaac begat Jacob. Yahweh gave Jacob a new name Isra-el. Isra-el had 12 sons:
Judah, Levi, Joseph, Benjamin, Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher. These are known as the 12 tribes of Isra-el. The sons and their descendants are called Israelites.
The word Jew originally meant the descendants of the tribe of Judah. Currently, the word Jew is applied to the Israelites. These go back to their initial forefather of the covenant – Abraham.
Abraham to Isaac to Isra-el to the descendants of Isra-el – that is the alleged Jewish bloodline.
But all of that is fiction. In the next chapter of this book we show the Jewish bloodline is the Nesilim.
Torah Tale – Moses and the Exodus
Joseph, a son of Isra-el, got the whole Isra-el family to live in Egypt. They remained there for 400 years and multiplied to 600,000. Moses led them out of Egypt circa 1446 BC – that event is called the Exodus.
During the Exodus Moses and his followers stopped at Mount Sinai, a mountain sacred to the Anunna god Sin. On Mount Sinai Yahweh dictated laws to Moses, about 600 commandments for Israelites to follow, including killing animals to make sacrificial offerings to Yahweh. The first ten commandments, written on stone, were placed in a gold chest called the Arc of the Covenant. Two of the laws were – Thou shalt not kill and Thou shalt not steal.
The descendants of Isra-el then attacked and took over Canaan – “the promised land”. In parts of Canaan Yahweh ordered them to kill everything that breathed – men, women, children and animals. 1
Well, so much for not killing and stealing.
Joshua led the Israelite attacks in Canaan. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin created the Kingdom of Judah about 1379 BC.

King Solomon built their temple in Jerusalem about 950 BC. The Arc of the Covenant was placed in the Holy of Holies of the temple. Partly due to heavy taxation by Solomon, the other tribes united and formed the Kingdom of Israel north of Judah.
* * *
It was Mount Sinai where Moses and his 600,000 followers stopped to receive the law from Yahweh. The first law was –
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God…
While Moses was on the mountain for 40 days receiving the law, the followers decided to worship other gods. Yahweh had Moses kill 3,000 of the people by sword. Yahweh also put a plague on them to kill even more of them.
Archaeologists and historians have been on numerous expeditions to find evidence to support the Torah tale about the Exodus. They did not find any evidence for it. There were no ashes from campfires and there were no graves and skeletons from the 3,000 people allegedly killed there. 2
The only thing they found on Mount Sinai was a temple for the Egyptian goddess Hathor.
Biblical scholars have concluded the biblical Exodus story is fiction.
Starting around 2,000 BC a people called the Nesilim conquered and ruled Asia Minor. In the centuries after that they conquered and ruled Syria, Mesopotamia, Canaan and Egypt.
The Nesilim also conquered Egypt, everything on the map was once in the Nesilim Empire
The Nesilim conquered Egypt about 1800 BC. They ruled Egypt for about 300 years.
There was a mass exodus of the Nesilim from Egypt.
The last reigning king of the Nesilim in Egypt was Khamudi. In 1540 BC the Egyptians laid seige to Khamudi and his Nesilim army. They negotiated a peaceful settlement wherein Khamudi led his Nesilim army of 250,000 men out of Egypt and they settled in Canaan.
The actual person to lead a mass exodus from Egypt was the Nesilim king named Khamudi.
Since the Torah tale about Moses and the Exodus is fiction – that means there was no Moses, no Yahweh handing down the law to Moses on Mount Sinai, no Ark of the Covenant, and no Joshua invading and conquering Canaan.
Furthermore, Abraham, Isaac, Isra-el, Moses, Joshua – never wrote anything. That is because they are fictitious characters. The authors of the Torah are much later in time.
The Torah says Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldees, about 1950 BC. Ur was not part of Chaldea until the seventh century BC, 1300 years after the time of Abraham.
The Torah says Abraham planted a grove near the well at Beersheba. Then he sojourned in the Philistines’ land many days. There was no well at Beersheba until 1200 BC. The Philistines did not arrive in Canaan until circa 1174 BC – both events are 700 years after the time of Abraham.
The Bible tale about Joshua conquering Canaan is not supported by any archaeological evidence.
For example, the Bible says Joshua conquered Jericho. There is archaeological evidence that Jericho was conquered but not in the time period of Joshua.
Some cities mentioned in the Book of Joshua came into being only in the last decades of the seventh century BC, 750 years after the time of Joshua. And so on.
The amount of fiction in the Jewish and Christian Bibles is adding up –
the lie that Yahweh is the creator of all
the lie that Yahweh created the first humans
the lie that Yahweh created a world wide flood
the lie about the Jewish bloodline
the lie about Moses and the Exodus
the lie that Joshua conquered Canaan
The Jewish Bible belongs with other fairy tales such as Mickey Mouse and Alice in Wonderland.
One purpose for Biblical fiction writing is to hide actual history. We’ll present the actual.
The next chapter of this book will provide the long overdue actual Jewish history. We provide the evidence that Jewish beliefs, practices, rituals, symbols, dress and bloodline come directly from the Nesilim.
The Main Character Yahweh the Slavemaster
The Anunna treated humans as slaves. People are not people to them, they are property.
The attitude of the slave master towards other people is this – they are superior to other people, all others are beneath them. People exist to serve them. They treat people like cattle, who have no life of their own and no rights. The slave masters can use them for their personal advantage, as they see fit.
The authors of Judaism added their creative twist to some ancient clay tablet stories to present an account of history which is largely fictitious but yet containing an altered version of a few factual events. Yahweh is the main character in their mostly fictitious story, and they portrayed him as a vengeful, mass-murdering, lunatic slavemaster.
Some statements in the Jewish Bible that show the inhumane character of Yahweh:
Book of Genesis
- He mass murders humanity with a flood.
Book of Joshua
- In some parts of Canaan, he ordered everything that breathes killed.
Book of Samuel
- He killed 50,000 because a few people looked inside the Ark of the Covenant.
Book of Exodus
- He ordered 3,000 killed for worshipping another god.
And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death. Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the Lord: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.
Book of Numbers
- He killed 24,000 with a plague for worshipping other gods.
- He killed 14,700 with a plague for challenging his priest Moses.
- He had a man stoned to death for gathering firewood on a Sunday.
Book of Leviticus
A man or woman …that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death.And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, he shall surely be put to death.
Book of Deuteronomy
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them. Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city. And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die.
Racism is advocated, forbidding intermarriages. The Jewish god also advocates slavery.
Book of Leviticus, Chapter 25 –
Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen forever: but over your brethern the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
So, all heathens are candidates for the Jews to use as slaves. A heathen is anybody who is not an Israelite Jew.
And how many people in a dire situation, like soldiers in battle, have prayed for help from “Yahweh” and not received any help or even an answer?
The authors of the Jewish Bible, in their eagerness to make people fear Yahweh, made their main character into a raving lunatic. Yahweh is characterized as a slavemaster who is guilty of mass murder. Even children are unjustly killed in these slaughters. The usual “sin” for which these punishments are leveled is failure to be subservient to just Yahweh.
Bibles are describing a cruel slavemaster, not a loving god. If there was a god, he would not act like that. He would not require worship and praise. He would not require faith, he would appear before our sight so we knew him personally. He would not require spokesmen to tell us what he thinks, he would personally tell us what he wants to say. He would care about people and be present here to assist us. He would not stand off in some remote place and take no action to prevent slavemasters from causing suffering by creating wars and financial hardship.
People should reject all men who claim they are a spokesman for god, that includes written Bibles.
So, some Jews realized that Yahweh needed a face lift, a better public relations image. Introduce Yeshua, claiming to be the son of Yahweh, and now preaching love. Some Jews bought into it, resulting in the birth of a new Jewish faction called Christianity. Other Jews did not buy into it and rejected the “new Yahweh”.
Obviously someone(s) was around who was pointing out the fallacies and insanities of the Jewish religion and was influencing too many Jews to question the path their religion was taking them on. I say obviously, because why else would such a sudden and drastic change be necessary – unless they were losing power and influence over the people.
The new parallel figure was named Yeshua, not Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the name for him in the Greek language. The translation is – Yeshua the Messiah.
The Christians are another Jewish faction because they worship the same god – Yahweh.
The Christians also have the Torah as part of the books comprising their Bible.
The major difference between Christians and Jews, is that Christians claim Jesus Christ was the Jewish messiah and the other Jews say Jesus Christ was not the Jewish messiah.
Some more fiction was heavily promoted by Christian Bible authors, such as Heaven and Hell.
The perpetrators found it desirable to use fear as the way to obtain continued adherence.
Fear of Yahweh is a repeated theme in the Torah. Thus Yahweh dishes out punishments. Even more fear is built up by the ultimate Yahweh punishment for the unfaithful – sending you to burn in Hell for eternity. Fear is the glue that sticks people to the faith.
But what happened to the “love” part? Appears he is still the same old vengeful Yahweh.
Two-faced Yahweh says he loves you but he will still punish you for not being his slave.
Recognizing that Yahweh and Hell are fictional, the fear vanishes, the glue is now gone.
There is no need to fear fictional Yahweh, just as there is no need to fear Mickey Mouse.
Some Bible scripture says that people of a different faith are evil, resulting in religious wars.
Certain men with warped minds have authored Bibles and similar texts to mislead people.
God religions are the shackles to bind mankind in servitude. The slave masters then have an army to fight wars for them. And fighting religious factions keep the people from uniting and living in peace.
If people want to believe a single god or multiple gods made things, that by itself causes no harm.
The insanity, the evil, and the destruction enters in when Bibles are believed.
The world would be better off without the slavemasters and their religions, and the wars they cause.
All Men Are Brothers
All men are brothers.
Racism is wrong. And slavery is wrong. Wars and profiting from wars are also wrong.
In every generation there has been a relatively few individuals who are slavemasters.
The majority of the people of the Jewish faith, like the majority of people in the world, are not like these historical and modern troublemakers. The majority of people are not seeking world-wide domination of all humanity. The majority of men have an inclination to get along with each other in peace. These people are not under attack here. Only the slavemasters are being ridiculed in this book.
The intent is to expose lies and the small number of men throughout history who have acted insanely to the detriment of all others.
Some slavemasters claim they have a particular religious faith. The truth be told, they do not believe the Bible scripture they have bottle-fed to people. They know it isn’t the truth. The group they belong to, is a group unto themselves, that is not open to the rest of us. And they do not tell us what they secretly discuss, plan and conspire to do.
Our tour of history makes known the atrocities and cruelties committed by these particular men.
Chapter 3
The first five references are lost.
7. Wikipedia Encyclopedia Enki
8. The Sumerian epic entitled Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta
Chapter 4
1. Book of Joshua, especially chapter 10, verse 40 – King James Bible
2. Biblical Archaeology Review. Aviram Perevolotsky and Israel Finkelstein July/August. 1985. Vol. XI No. 4
2. Biblical Archaeology Review. Aviram Perevolotsky and Israel Finkelstein July/August. 1985. Vol. XI No. 4
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