2Pac Is Still Alive
(and Jewish, and Gay)

To celebrate the 22nd anniversary of Tupac Shakur’s non-death, I thought it would be fun to
memorialize him with a little exposé. I’ll briefly touch on some of the most obvious clues about
his faked death, but I will also bring many more actors (literally) into the mix and hit on Tupac’s
genealogy, as well, which no one has done. Even if you’re well-acquainted with the Tupac
death conspiracies, this paper should offer plenty of new insights. No, I will not offer
photographic evidence that the famous rapper is still alive. I’m not going to show pictures of
people who look like Tupac taking selfies in Cuba or Somalia or Norway. My arguments are
based on nothing but simple logic applied to known facts.
Tupac’s is considered one of the greatest unsolved celebrity deaths. But anyone with a computer
and half a brain can solve this mystery in short order, as I did. The crypto-rulers keep pushing
the “unsolved mystery” angle to keep you from thinking the mystery can be solved, and to keep
your eyes off more important topics. This explains the title of his best-known album, doesn’t it?
All Eyez On Me. They want your attention focused on these fake artists and celebrities so you
don’t notice the continual theft and mental rape they perpetrate against you daily, no matter
your skin color.
Even those claiming Tupac was an Intelligence agent who faked his death are controlled
opposition, in my opinion. Take for example the YouTube channel 2pacHoax Revealed, which is now going on nearly 40 “chapters” in its big exposé. Most of these videos are 10-20 minutes
long, so we’re talking 10 hours of video. Do you think anyone has the patience to wade through
that much video? Do you really think it takes 10 hours to expose the Tupac hoax? As you can
imagine, most of it is inconsequential fuff. They mention a few good points, like the fact that
photos of the shot-up car show no blood on the ground next to it, even though Tupac was
supposedly laid on the ground with multiple gunshot wounds. But most of it is incongruous
clips of people talking about Tupac and randomly slo-mo’d footage overlaid with creepy music.
In one episode there’s a tangent about the color orange being associated with the occult,
showing a photo of Tupac holding a can of Sunkist and then a picture of a girl eating an orange
on Citibank’s website. As if that proves anything. It’s your typical heavy-handed, straw grasping,
Illuminati-conspiracist garbage. And that’s the point. They tie perfectly good evidence
into whacko theories about Gnosticism or Satanism to turn people off. You must either accept
the mainstream story or believe in a global Satanist plot to annihilate humanity.
But the truth is always behind door number 3. To really understand Tupac’s faked death and
understand the motive behind it, you have to understand what was happening with the record
company that owned the Tupac brand. Follow the money, in other words. This is what
2pacHoaxRevealed and all the other conspiracy theorists fail to look at, despite it being the most
natural starting point. That they go out of their way to miss it is further proof they are planted
misdirection. I encourage you to read this article from the Los Angeles Times, published January
19, 1996 – eight months before Tupac’s death. It will shed a very clear and simple light on
things. I’ll hit the highlights:
MCA Inc. entered into high-level talks Thursday to purchase a 50% stake in Interscope
Records, the controversial Westwood-based label that Time Warner Inc. dumped four
months ago following a national controversy over rap music lyrics.
Since its acquisition by Seagram Co. in June, Universal City-based MCA has moved
aggressively to capitalize on the chaos at Warner Music Group, courting five ousted
Warner executives and now Interscope.
Interscope triggered a political uproar last year after critics accused the Time Warner affiliated
company of profiting from offensive pop albums. Interscope distributes explicit
rap and rock music on the cutting-edge Death Row and Nothing/TVT labels, whose
rosters include Dr. Dre and Nine Inch Nails.
Tupac’s label was Dr. Dre’s Death Row Records. Interscope owned the distribution rights to
Death Row. Warner Music Group owned Interscope, and Warner Music Group was a subsidiary
of Time Warner. Music Corporation of America (MCA) bought controlling interest in Interscope
eight months before Tupac’s death, and MCA itself was bought by Seagram the prior year. MCA
had already stolen five of the top executives at Warner Music Group during a time of “chaos”
after the death of Warner head Steve Ross, in which the music group was “increasingly
disrupted by internal power struggles, leading to a string of major executive upheavals in 1994-
1995, which The New York Times described as ‘a virtual civil war’”, according to Wikipedia. The
man chosen to replace Steve Ross as head of Warner Music was Doug Morris, then head of
Atlantic Records (a subsidiary of Warner). We then read that:
Despite early success with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, and Morris’s decision to increase
Warner’s stake [in Interscope] to 50%, by the mid-1990s Interscope Records was being
seen as a liability for the Warner group. Time Warner's board and investors had already
been bruised by the damaging 1992 “Cop Killer” controversy and now they were faced
with renewed criticism about the gangsta rap genre, in which Interscope's associate
imprint Death Row Records was a key label.
Morris “lost the executive battle” at WMG and departed in 1995. He started a joint venture
record label with MCA in July of that year – called Universal Records – and was appointed CEO
of MCA by November. In December 1996, MCA was renamed Universal Studios, with its music
division being renamed Universal Music Group. Universal is now the world’s largest record
company, representing artists like Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Adele, Carrie
Underwood, Eminem, Elton John, The Beatles – basically every famous artist ever. And, oh yes,
Tupac Shakur.
Let’s unwind all of this. First of all, it helps to know that Seagram had bought a 14.5% stake in
Time Warner in 1994. That was the same year the “civil war” started inside Warner Music
Group. This is no coincidence. Where did all the executives at Warner go? To MCA, who was
bought by Seagram around the same time. That means these apparently disgruntled Warner
executives never changed employment when they went over to MCA. They simply migrated
from one Seagram holding to another. At the same time these executives were migrating from
Warner to MCA, Interscope (and thus Death Row Records) was also moving from Warner to
MCA. But why would Warner sell one of its most profitable assets? This was at the height of the
gangsta rap era, and artists like Tupac were making them oodles of money. We are told it’s
because gangsta rap was becoming a liability. President Bush was denouncing Death Row
artists for their unwholesome lyrics, and Warner executives were allegedly receiving death
threats. New Zealand even tried to have Ice-T’s “Cop Killer” banned across the entire country!
As a result, Time Warner stockholders were threatening to pull out of the company. Oh no!
Lest you believe any of this nonsense, remember that one of the key shareholders in Time
Warner was Seagram, who later acquired the whole gangsta rap portfolio via MCA. If Death
Row Records was considered such a liability, why did Seagram turn around and purchase it a
year later? And what happened to all the boycotts? Why did the Warner execs stop getting
death threats when they moved over to MCA, even though the gangsta rap went with them?
Where did Bush’s concern for wholesomeness go?
Have you untangled the web yet? What happened was essentially a hostile takeover, but not
the legal kinds we read about in the papers. This was a hostile takeover cloaked to look less
hostile, because behind the scenes it was really the wrestling of a lesser dynastic family’s assets
by a greater dynastic family. We’re seeing the same thing with Harvey Weinstein. A public
scandal is manufactured to enable the maneuvering of the lesser family’s takeover, while at the
same time offering a distraction for the public. The controversy over gangsta rap was
manufactured from start to finish, which is why the controversy seemed to vanish into thin air
the moment the takeover was complete.
But wait, you say, this still doesn’t explain Tupac’s death! But it does. What’s the first thing a
company does when it acquires a new asset? It tries to maximize the profitability of that asset.
Tupac was an asset, but he was probably a depreciating one. They knew they could only get so much out of Tupac and the gangsta rap genre before it became stale. Bad/fake art doesn’t have
lasting value, and the crypto-rulers know this, which is why they’re constantly having to devise
new genres and artists and musical gimmicks. So they retired the Tupac brand with a bang. It’s
no coincidence that a new Tupac album came out just two months after his death. His faked
death was just part of the marketing campaign to boost sales for The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day
Theory. The album hit No. 1 on Billboard, selling over half a million copies in the first week. It
was certified 4x platinum by 1999. The album cover was designed in August, less than a month
before Tupac’s death, and it features Shakur being crucified. The working title of the record was
The 3 Day Theory, implying resurrection. Do you get the joke? It’s easy to rise from the dead
when you never really died. The album was released on November 5, a nod to another famous
manufactured event [Guy Fawkes]. Since Tupac’s death, he has released six albums of new
material. That’s quite prolific for a dead guy.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that all the executives running these record labels – and the
ones who are making all the money from Tupac’s “death” – are Jewish. The entire music
industry, like the film industry, is run by Jews. Steve Ross was born Steven Rechnitz, and he
was Jewish. Doug Morris is Jewish. David Geffen, founder of Geffen Records (which later
merged with Interscope and is now owned by Universal), is Jewish. Jac Holzman, head of
Elektra and Nonesuch Records (and later an executive at Warner Music), is Jewish. Jimmy
Iovine, who co-founded Interscope and first signed Tupac back in 1991, is sold to us as Italian,
but Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs called Iovine and model Liberty Ross’s 2014 wedding “the
blackest wedding with a Rabbi” he’d ever seen. It isn’t admitted that Liberty Ross 1
is Jewish, so
why was a Rabbi officiating their wedding? Jules Stein, co-founder of MCA, was Jewish. Lastly
there are the Bronfmans, the Canadian Jewish family that founded the Seagram distillery. In the
1990s, Seagram was the largest owner of alcoholic beverage brands in the world. I bet you
didn’t know the largest record company in the world (MCA) and the largest film and
entertainment company in the world (Universal Studios) were both owned by a beverage
company, did you? Or that this beverage company was owned by the President of the World
Jewish Congress. That would be Edgar Bronfman, Sr. As WJC President, he facilitated the
emigration of Russian Jews into Israel during the Cold War. Bronfman’s wife Ann Loeb was
from the Jewish Loeb family that started American Express, and her mother was Frances
Lehman of the prominent Jewish banking family. Bronfman’s mother was Saidye Rosner. Note
that name, which looks a lot like Reznor. The vowels have been swapped, but it’s the same
name. See my footnote and you can put the pieces together yourself. Trent Reznor is really
Trent Rosner, related to all these famous Jewish financiers and business magnates.
1. Liberty Lettice Lark Ross is the granddaughter of Miles Lampson, 1st Born Killearn. Her uncle was
Peregrine Eliot, 10th Earl of St. Germans, daughter of Helen Mary Villers. These families seem to have a
strong musical bone. In 1963, Eliot became a partner in Seltaeb, the company established to oversee the
distribution of Beatles merchandise. He also hosted the Elephant Fayre music festival on the Eliot family
estate for many years. Liberty Ross’s cousin and heir presumptive to the earldom, Louis Eliot, was the
singer and guitarist of Kinky Machine and has toured with Sinead O’Connor and Robyn Hitchcock.
Liberty’s brother Atticus is a member of Nine Inch Nails and won an Academy Award for Best Original
Score for the film The Social Network along with Trent Reznor.
The hostile takeover I’ve unwound for you comes full circle with the Bronfmans. In 2004,
Warner Music Group was sold to a group of investors led by Edgar Bronfman, Jr. for $2.7
billion, and Bronfman became CEO. It looks like Bronfman orchestrated the whole thing, and it may have been his idea to fake Tupac’s death to cash out his investment. After stripping
Warner of everything valuable, he went back a decade later and bought it outright, just for the
heck of it.
Thus, Tupac’s death makes much more sense as a hoax. But you don’t need any context at all to
know there’s something amiss with his death. Just listen to Chris Rock’s stand up bit on Tupac:
They don’t arrest anybody who kills rappers. They don’t got no clues, no suspects, they
don’t have shit when it’s a dead rapper. They don’t fill out a police report, they don’t even
have a chalk line when it’s a dead rapper …. Tupac was gunned down on the Las Vegas
strip after a Mike Tyson fight. Now how many witnesses do you need to see some shit
before you arrest somebody? .... You mean to tell me they could find Saddam Hussein in
a fucking hole, but you can’t tell me who shot Tupac? They found Saddam Hussein in
fucking Iraq – Tupac got shot in Vegas! Not in no side street – the mo-fo got shot on the
strip! In front of Circus Circus!
Rock gets it, and he’s giving you the answer without outright giving you the answer. Do you
see how? By the fact that the absurdity of his death still being “unsolved” is worthy of a
standup routine in the first place. It’s just a big joke. We all laugh at the joke without really
getting it.
The definitive book on Tupac’s death is The Killing of Tupac Shakur by true-crime author Cathy
Scott. Her other notable book is Murder of a Mafia Daughter on the killing of Jewish mob
daughter Susan Berman by the Jewish real estate mogul (and suspected serial killer) Robert
Durst 2
. A cursory glance at the details of that crime reveals it to be another manufactured
absurdity, which also took place in Vegas. Berman and Durst met while attending UCLA in
1967. Berman later got a journalism degree at UC Berkeley. These are both top spook schools.
That Scott wrote about this fake event as well as the Tupac murder should be proof enough that
Tupac’s murder was also a fake event. Scott herself comes from an obvious spook family. Her
uncle was Eugene “Seraphim” Rose,
a hieromonk in the Russian Orthodox Church who
founded a monastery in California. But Rose is a Jewish surname.
2 The name reminds me of Fred Durst, lead singer of Limp Bizkit. Despite being a famous rock star,
Durst’s genealogy is so well-scrubbed on the Internet that I couldn’t even find out his parents’ names. This
is intentional, since they’re hiding his relation to the Durst real estate dynasty. It would also make him
Jewish, which they are careful not to admit anywhere, even though Durst is a very common Jewish
surname. Limp Bizkit was one of the biggest acts signed to Interscope in the ‘90s. So Interscope was
Jewish through and through. It also links us to Kirsten Dunst, since Dunst/Durst are variants of the same
3A glance at Eugene’s genealogy would lead you to believe Rose is a shortening of Hungarian surname
Rozsavolgyi, but if you dig deeper, you find Eugene’s great-great-grandmother is Francoise Rosenbloom, which is Jewish. But her maiden name is Schwartz, so Rosenbloom was her married name. That
suggests Rozsavolgyi (“valley of the roses”) was a Hungarian-ization of Rosenbloom. This is supported
by the Jewish-Hungarian composer Márk Rózsavölgyi, who was born Mordecai Rosenthal. It seems
Rozsavolgyi was a common name assumed by any Jew in Hungary whose last name started with “rose.”
In any event, that means Cathy Scott is Jewish, too.
That’s Eugene before and after his miraculous transformation into “Father Seraphim.” It’s
strange enough that a native Californian would join the Russian Orthodox Church, but even
stranger is that Seraphim had earlier rejected Christianity for atheism, according to Wikipedia.
He studied Chinese philosophy and graduated from – where else? – UC Berkeley in 1961 with a
thesis on Lao Tzu. So he must have come out of the same program that spit out Ted Kaczynski
just a few years later. Only one year after graduation we find Seraphim joining the San
Francisco chapter of the Russian Orthodox Church. Do you really think his spiritual journey at
UC Berkeley led him from atheism to Taoism to ultra-conservative Christianity? Of course not.
He was recruited to infiltrate the church and delegitimize it from the inside. The Families hate
any type of true religious orthodoxy, because it discourages consumerism and dysfunctional
sex, two things that greatly proft the Families. It’s no surprise that we fnd a whole section
titled “Controversies” on Seraphim’s Wikipedia page. That was his job – to create doctrinal
pseudo-controversies that further splintered the church. In Scott’s biography of her uncle, she
reveals that he was a homosexual based on letters he wrote to his friend Walter Pomeroy, but
then she claims he suddenly stopped being gay when he joined the church, even though it was
his gay partner who first “introduced” him to the Russian Orthodox Church. Why would a gay
man in 1960s San Francisco be into ultra-conservative Christianity in the first place? None of
the life stories of these Intelligence agents make a lick of sense, which is why they get writers
like Scott from the same Intel-running Families to spin the inconsistencies and misdirect you
from the obvious truth. Even Scott admitted in an interview that “the failure to secure the
actual scene of [Tupac’s] shooting and interview witnesses immediately doomed the
investigation,” but she never questions whether there was a shooting to investigate or any
witnesses to interview in the first place.
By the way, the name Pomeroy links us both to John Reed and Warren Beatty, as Miles has
Did you know Tupac’s body was quickly cremated and that there was no funeral service?
Conspiracy theorists have tried to make sense of this for years, or else just ignored this fact
entirely, but knowing what I’ve discovered, it’s an easy fact to explain. Why bother having a
funeral for someone who didn’t die? Maybe they under budgeted for this project and ran out of
money before they could stage a fake funeral. Or maybe they thought his family members
weren’t good enough actors to fake sadness at his fake funeral [think of the transparent
absurdity of the Michael Jackson funeral, where the kids especially never had the right face on],
and thus having a service would risk giving away the whole thing. The cremation bit sounds
like a half-baked story to explain away there being no funeral. Suge Knight, who was driving
the car in which Tupac was gunned down, said that “the person who supposedly cremated
Tupac … this guy got about $3 million … personally from me … cash … and next thing I know
I never heard from the guy or seen him again … he retired and left.” Boy does that sound
made-up. Why would Suge Knight pay $3 million to have Tupac cremated? That’s like paying
someone a hundred grand to wash your car. Suge himself was shot in the side of the head, yet
he somehow survived. Las Vegas Police Sergeant Chris Carroll, who was a first responder at
the scene, said this in a later interview:
Suge is shot in the side of the head… he thought he was dead. When I was looking at
Suge, I couldn’t believe that this guy was running around like nothing’s happening while
he’s got this hole and the blood flying out of his head, and he’s just [acting] like nothing’s
going on. I would say that that sounds all accurate to me.
Of course, none of that sounds accurate because it’s ridiculous. If blood were “flying” out of his
head, he would have very quickly lost consciousness and not be “running around.”
Tupac not dying also explains the inconsistencies in his coroner’s report, such as the fact that it
lists his weight as 215 lbs. while his driver license says 168 lbs. That’s a pretty big difference.
[Miles: What did he do, eat a entire kangaroo right before he died?] In fact, it’s a difference of 47
lbs. Other skeptics say this was a slip-up by the forgers, but it’s not a slip-up at all. It’s an
intentional signal. ‘47 is year one of the CIA, and we have seen that number all over the place
with these projects. For further evidence, the published coroner’s report blacks out the first three and last four digits of Tupac’s SSN, but leaves the middle two visible. Guess what those
numbers are? 47. Why wouldn’t they just black out his entire SSN? Because it’s a signal. It’s
marking this whole charade as an Intelligence project. Now check out this forum, where
someone did a little bit of sleuthing and claims to have found out Tupac’s SSN was issued in the
State of California in 1977, even though Tupac was born in New York in ’71. Accordingly,
Tupac’s SSN is still considered an active number – meaning it belongs to a living person – and
that person apparently lives in Quincy, Florida. Get the clue? Quincy Jones was Tupac’s almost
father-in-law. See my footnote on Quincy Jones noting that his ancestors include Adams, as in
John Quincy Adams. Guess who Quincy, Florida was named after? John Quincy Adams. Do
you really think Tupac is living in a small, poor, landlocked town on the panhandle? No. It’s
just another signal.
Now let’s get into Tupac’s genealogy. We’ll start with his name. No, Tupac Shakur was not his
real name. This is an immediate and glaring red fag, as we have seen many famous celebrities,
artists, politicians, and businessmen in the 20th century switching their names around on us for
no apparent reason. Tupac’s real name was Lesane Parish Crooks. The middle name links us
right away to the Salem Witch hoax, where Samuel Parish was the lead part. But even Tupac’s real name is a mystery, since neither of his parents were Crooks. His mother was born Alice
Faye Williams and his father was born William Garland. So where did Crooks come from? We
aren’t told. His mother later married Jeral Wayne Williams, so she was a Williams who married
a Williams? On geni.com, Alice’s genealogy is scrubbed after her grandfather, a Reverend
Walter Williams. But we get some very interesting hits on her mother’s side. Alice’s mother
was Rosa Belle McLellan, born October 1, 1918. Notice the numerology. Lots of 1s and 8s –
dead man’s hand. McLellan isn’t a very black-sounding name, is it? [Miles: In fact it probably
comes from General George McClellan of the Civil War and General Samuel McClellan of the
Revolutionary War. George McClellan was a close friend of the Stuarts and Hills, and the
McClellans and Hills intermarried. He was called the young Napoleon, which is apropos since
he was related to Napoleon. For a time he was General-in-Chief of all the Union armies.]
Alice's mother – Tupac’s great-grandmother – was Rosa Lee Powell. The names Powell and Crooks remind us of Billy Graham, who was also a Powell and a Crook. Rosa Lee Powell was the daughter of Roosevelt Powell and Millie-Ann Wooten. The line is scrubbed after Roosevelt, but that name is enough to clue you in. They took out the ‘e’ to throw you off, as if that would work. But we have all we need, since Roosevelt is not a typical first name, and this Roosevelt was born decades before any Roosevelt became President. He was named after his ancestors, who were Roosevelts. That means that, yes, Tupac Shakur was a Roosevelt. It also means he wasn’t very black, just as we found with Martin Luther King. I mention that only to counter the objection that Tupac couldn’t be part of the ruling crypto-Jewish Families because he’s black, and all the crypto-rulers are rich white folks from the peerage. But it only takes one generation to go from light skin to dark skin, so it’s not far fetched to claim Tupac is part of the peerage. [For example, see Peter Gene Hernandez, a.k.a. Bruno Mars, who they admit is Jewish. Yes, that’s right, Bruno Mars is Jewish. It says so right on his Wikipedia page. His paternal grandparents were fully white Jews from Eastern Europe.]
Speaking of black celebrities who aren’t very black, Miles found the name Garland in Bill Cosby’s genealogy, including a John Garland Cosby, DAR. As Miles stated, there were no black DARs before the American Revolution. A relative of this Cosby was Virginia sheriff Peter Garland – again, there were no black sheriffs in 1710 in Virginia. The name put me in mind of Merrick Garland, Obama’s Supreme Court pick to replace Antonin Scalia. Merrick’s mother was Shirley Horwitz, Jewish, and Merrick was brought up in conservative Judaism. His father Cyril Garland was reported (by the New York Times and elsewhere) to be a protestant, until a genealogist revealed that Cyril’s father, Max Harry Garland, was really Max Hymen Garfinkel from Vagova, Lithuania. So Merrick Garland is fully Jewish, and Garland is really Garfnkel.
[Miles: This also links us to Judy Garland. I will be told her real name was Gumm, but like the rest she took her name from her ancestry. She was related to all these same people, being a Fitzpatrick, a Milne (think Winnie the Pooh), a Tecumseh (think General Sherman), a Kahn (though her sister), a Freeman, a Gilmore (through her stepfather), a Ross, a Warner, an Aldridge, a Stratton, and a Button (Brad Pitt is also a Button). Also related to Powells and Greens.]
What am I trying to prove here? That Tupac is really Jewish? Seems a bit far-fetched, doesn’t it? Maybe, maybe not. Let’s start with the obvious.
Alice's mother – Tupac’s great-grandmother – was Rosa Lee Powell. The names Powell and Crooks remind us of Billy Graham, who was also a Powell and a Crook. Rosa Lee Powell was the daughter of Roosevelt Powell and Millie-Ann Wooten. The line is scrubbed after Roosevelt, but that name is enough to clue you in. They took out the ‘e’ to throw you off, as if that would work. But we have all we need, since Roosevelt is not a typical first name, and this Roosevelt was born decades before any Roosevelt became President. He was named after his ancestors, who were Roosevelts. That means that, yes, Tupac Shakur was a Roosevelt. It also means he wasn’t very black, just as we found with Martin Luther King. I mention that only to counter the objection that Tupac couldn’t be part of the ruling crypto-Jewish Families because he’s black, and all the crypto-rulers are rich white folks from the peerage. But it only takes one generation to go from light skin to dark skin, so it’s not far fetched to claim Tupac is part of the peerage. [For example, see Peter Gene Hernandez, a.k.a. Bruno Mars, who they admit is Jewish. Yes, that’s right, Bruno Mars is Jewish. It says so right on his Wikipedia page. His paternal grandparents were fully white Jews from Eastern Europe.]
Speaking of black celebrities who aren’t very black, Miles found the name Garland in Bill Cosby’s genealogy, including a John Garland Cosby, DAR. As Miles stated, there were no black DARs before the American Revolution. A relative of this Cosby was Virginia sheriff Peter Garland – again, there were no black sheriffs in 1710 in Virginia. The name put me in mind of Merrick Garland, Obama’s Supreme Court pick to replace Antonin Scalia. Merrick’s mother was Shirley Horwitz, Jewish, and Merrick was brought up in conservative Judaism. His father Cyril Garland was reported (by the New York Times and elsewhere) to be a protestant, until a genealogist revealed that Cyril’s father, Max Harry Garland, was really Max Hymen Garfinkel from Vagova, Lithuania. So Merrick Garland is fully Jewish, and Garland is really Garfnkel.
[Miles: This also links us to Judy Garland. I will be told her real name was Gumm, but like the rest she took her name from her ancestry. She was related to all these same people, being a Fitzpatrick, a Milne (think Winnie the Pooh), a Tecumseh (think General Sherman), a Kahn (though her sister), a Freeman, a Gilmore (through her stepfather), a Ross, a Warner, an Aldridge, a Stratton, and a Button (Brad Pitt is also a Button). Also related to Powells and Greens.]
What am I trying to prove here? That Tupac is really Jewish? Seems a bit far-fetched, doesn’t it? Maybe, maybe not. Let’s start with the obvious.
Take a good look at Tupac’s face. Do you see it? He looks very Jewish, doesn’t he? We’ve been
conditioned not to notice Jewishness or question ethnicity in general, and because he’s black we
naturally don’t question it. But Tupac has all the Jewish markings: a long face, a long, slightly
downturned nose, sunken eyes with long eyelashes, and big, bushy eyebrows. He doesn’t just
look sort of Jewish. Aside from his skin color, he looks full-on Jewish.
Did you know that his fancée at the time of his death was Jewish? That would be Kidada
Jones, daughter of composer Quincy Jones 4
and actress Piggy Lipton. You may know her sister
Rashida, of Parks and Recreation fame.
4.In case you were wondering, Quincy Jones probably got his name from President John Quincy Adams.
Quincy’s great-great grandmother was Elizabeth Ann Adams.

That’s Kidada with her parents as a young child. Her mother is best-known for playing “flower child” Julie Barnes in ABC show The Mod Squad. Per Geneanet, Peggy’s father Harold was a
corporate lawyer born to Russian Jewish immigrants Max Lipschitz and Alice Goldfarb, and her
mother, Rita Benson, was an artist born in Dublin, Ireland to Jewish parents Hymen Rosenberg
(from Russia) and Jane Bensen (born in Lancashire, England). We’re supposed to believe
Kidada was half-black because of her dad, but Quincy wasn’t all that black himself. Here’s a
picture of his mother, Sarah Frances Wells:
Black, maybe, but obviously from wealth – something you wouldn’t expect of a black woman
born in Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1903. That’s because she’s not fully black. Her grandfather
was James Balance Lanier, a white man and spy for the Confederate Army. These Laniers trace
back to the prominent Lanier and Bassano families of England, which included several
musicians of the English royal court, as well as Emilia Bassano Lanier, a Renaissance poetess
who some have suggested as the real writer behind Shakespeare.

She is suspected to be the “Dark Lady” referenced in Shakespeare’s sonnets, referring to her
“Mediterranean coloring.” You can read that as Jewish coloring, since it is pretty much
admitted the Bassanos were Moroccan Jews. Even Snopes admits she was Jewish. Her first
published volume of poems was titled Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum, or “Hail God, King of the
Jews”. Along with Quincy Jones, playwright Thomas Lanier “Tennessee” Williams and poet
Sidney Lanier also descend from these Jewish Bassanos. So Tupac’s fancée was Jewish not just
on her white mother’s side, but on her black father’s side, as well. It also means she was related
to Tennessee Williams – and note the last name, which is Tupac’s mother’s maiden name. So
Tupac and Kidada are likely cousins, and both relatives of Tennessee Williams.
Just like Kidada isn’t very black, Tupac isn’t very black, either. Here’s a photo of his
grandmother, Eloise Marie Garland, nee Barnes:
Though the photo is black and white, you can tell by comparing her white wedding dress with
her skin that she’s very light-skinned, and her features are more Mediterranean – or Jewish –
than African. Of course, Barnes is a name we find over 300 times in the peerage. They’re
related to the Oppenheims – see Jewish-Irish politician Sally Oppenheim-Barnes, who was
made a baroness in 1989. The lines are scrubbed after Eloise, although findagrave.com lists her
father as Walter Barnes. If you search on that name, you find jazz musician Walter Barnes, born
1905. Eloise was born in 1930, so the dates match perfectly for this Walter to have been her
father. He was the first black musician to play on radio in Chicago, and we read that “his
introduction to radio was greatly assisted by the Alphonse Capone family. They were friends
and this friendship assured his entry into radio.” Barnes was, in fact, the bandleader at Al
Capone’s infamous Cotton Club. Barnes was taught clarinet by the highly sought-after teacher
Franz Schoepp, Jewish, who was the principal clarinetist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
He taught the likes of Benny Goodman, also Jewish. Barnes also studied at the Chicago Musical
College and the American Conservatory of Music, which was a primarily Jewish school, having
presidents and deans of faculty with names like Heim, Levy, Fischer, Jewell, and Waldschmidt.
How a poor black kid from Vicksburg, Mississippi 5
fell into Chicago’s Jewish upper class and afforded the cost of these schools is anyone’s guess. Of course, his friendship with the world’s
most notorious mobster (read: Intelligence asset) is the biggest red fag. If this Walter Barnes is
Tupac’s great-grandfather, this would link Tupac’s family to Al Capone.
5.Remember that Quincy Jones, Tupac’s father-in-law to-be, was also from Vicksburg. I doubt this is a
coincidence. Tupac’s and Kidada’s families likely knew each other in Vicksburg, and may have been
intermarried already, thus supporting my belief that Tupac and Kidada were really cousins. It’s also
curious that Kidada’s mom played a character named Julie Barnes on TV, and Tupac was a Barnes.
Why does that matter? Because the Mafia was closely tied to the music industry, and to the
founding of MCA specifically. This is no secret. It’s one of the first things Wikipedia mentions
in its history of MCA: “Early on, MCA booked such prominent artists as King Oliver and Jelly
Roll Morton for clubs and speakeasies run by legendary notorious Chicago mobsters such as Al
Capone and others.” This article from the Chicago Tribune paints a more vivid picture of the
relationship between MCA and Capone’s group of mobsters known as the Chicago Outfit:
Producers also got squeezed by the stars in front of the cameras, especially those
managed by Jules Stein and Lew Wasserman of MCA, Hollywood's first powerhouse
talent agency. Back in Chicago when Stein started the firm as Music Corporation of
America, he was booking area bands and using a “union racketeer” to throw stink bombs
in nightclubs that wouldn't take his acts. He was supposedly a silent partner with Outfit
bosses in the hot spots where his bands played and…he would continue to blur the line
between ownership and union influence throughout his career.
Now you know why Tupac’s death was staged in Las Vegas. That city was built by the Mafia,
and specifically Capone’s Outfit. Of course, it wasn’t really the mob bosses that made the city
what it is today. It was their financiers and lawyers like Alex Greenberg and Abe Pritzker (of
Hyatt hotel fame), who were all Jewish. These Jewish financiers still own Vegas, and they still
own the music industry.
Tupac’s mother Alice changed her name to Afeni Shakur and became active in the Black Panther
Party in the late 1960s. Wikipedia tells us Tupac was born a month after his mother was
acquitted of 156 charges of “conspiracy against the United States government and New York
landmarks” in the Panther 21 trial. Panther 21 was a group of Black Panther members accused
of planning coordinated bombing and long-range rife attacks on two police stations and a
Board of Education office in New York City. This was another blatantly fake trial; the only
detail we’re given at Wikipedia is that the prosecution read Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book and
showed the court the movie The Battle of Algiers. Do you really think a competent prosecutor
would waste time reading communist propaganda and screening a film? We aren’t even told
what their goal was in doing this, other than to show the dangerous ideas behind the Black
Panthers’ ideology. But you don’t need to watch an entire flm to show this, nor does it prove
anything. And do you think a competent judge would let the court’s time be wasted watching
an entire film? What was this, movie night at the local courthouse? No, a judge in a real trial
would have told the prosecution to move on. Apparently, the judge didn’t mind wasting the
court’s time, since the trial ended up lasting eight months and being the costliest trial in New
York’s history. After this long and tortuous trial, we get this tidbit from the New York Times article announcing the acquittal:
The members of the jury…reached unanimous verdict so quickly that they surprised
even themselves.
“We had lunch and began talking and were amazed to find out right away that we all felt
about the same,” said Frederick Hills, an editor for McGraw Hill Publications, after the
verdict was given in the eight month trial, the longest in the history of the State Supreme
Court here.
“There just wasn't enough evidence,” said Joseph Gary, post office clerk.
There wasn’t enough evidence after eight months? What were they doing for eight months?
Oh yeah, reading Mao and getting refills on popcorn. The prosecution should have had piles
and piles of evidence – all the evidence they collected in order to charge the defendants with 156
counts of conspiracy against the U.S. government. Also ridiculous is the fact that Tupac’s mom
represented herself in the trial, refusing to use an attorney. We are supposed to believe a poor,
black farmer girl from North Carolina successfully defended herself in the New York Supreme
Court against 156 charges of conspiracy?
The jury member quoted is another clue here. Frederick Hills worked for McGraw-Hill
Publications, now McGraw-Hill Education. If you think it’s simply a textbook publishing house,
you’re wrong. Until 2013 it was a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, which is now S&P
Global. Between the 1950s and 1990s, McGraw-Hill grew massively through acquisitions. It
bought S&P in 1966, the National Radio Institute in 1968, Time Life Broadcasting in 1972,
Random House in 1988, and Macmillan in 1993, to name a few. It also bought California Test
Bureau in 1965, meaning it wasn’t just publishing textbooks, but also designing educational
testing systems. CTB develops testing for all 50 states, 49 countries, and 18 million students. In
other words, McGraw-Hill was and always has been a massive propaganda organ, touching
newspapers, books, television, and education across the world.
McGraw-Hill was involved in this race-baiting project because that’s what it’s good at. Just
read the “Controversies” section of its Wikipedia page: in 1980, McGraw-Hill gave James
Baldwin a $200,000 advance to write a memoir of recollections of civil rights leaders Malcolm X
and MLK, and then sued his family after Baldwin died without finishing the book. In 2015,
McGraw-Hill was accused of “whitewashing” history after it published a geography textbook
showing a picture of African-American slaves with the caption “workers.” This fed into the
larger controversy about “pro-Southern” educational texts being used by the Texas Education
Agency. This “controversy,” like all other racial controversies these days, was completely
manufactured, and McGraw-Hill has been a part of it since at least the Black Panther days. Jury
member Hills (note the last name, which is just a fudge of Hill, as in McGraw-Hill) was just
playing the part of jury member in this little piece of theater. Other actors included the
prosecutors from the DA’s office, Joseph Phillips and Jeffrey Weinstein, and the judge, Charles
Marks (read: Marx). Those names tell you everything you need to know. Marks had earlier
presided over the Malcolm X murder trial, which was another fake trial. Marks is just a
variation of Marx, and you’ll recall that Karl Marx was related to the famous Dutch-Jewish
Philips family. So the judge and prosecutor were probably related.
The Panther 21 bombing plot was a hoax, coordinated by the equally fake, CIA-created Black
Panther movement. The fact that Tupac’s parents were involved in this hoax and the Black
Panthers is enough to out him as a spook. But I’ll keep going.
Let’s revisit Tupac’s last name again, Crooks. We’re told his mother made up the name when
she filled out his birth certificate so that he’d be harder for her “enemies” to find and track. But this explanation makes no sense, since we were already told Alice (Afeni) was acquitted of 156
charges in a very high-profile case just two months before Tupac was born. That means she was
in custody during most of her pregnancy. We’re also told the FBI was surveilling her before her
arrest as part of its COINTELPRO operations. Did she really think they’d just stop tracking her
the moment she was acquitted? In any event, did she really think the FBI couldn’t figure out
what she named her son? And that still doesn’t explain why she chose the name Crooks. If you
really wanted to throw off the feds, would you pick that name? She may as well have named
him Burglar or Arsonist. The real reason she picked the name is because it was a family name
that is being scrubbed somewhere up the lines. Either that or Crooks was Alice’s real name and
Williams was inserted later, just lazily borrowed from her future husband – which would
explain the oddity of her marrying someone with the same last name. That would make her
real name Alice Faye Crooks, or possibly Crook.
An Intelius search of Alice Faye Williams pulls her up as Alice Fay Williams (note the
misspelled middle name), age 69, which was her age when she died in 2016 (she would be 71 as
of this writing). We know it’s her because it says she “worked at” the Black Panther Party.
Right. As if it were a business and she was on the payroll. It doesn’t show her being related to
Tupac, Jeral, or her husband at the time of her death (Gust Davis), which is odd. It does show
her being related to a Janese Williams, and an Intelius search on Janese shows her being related,
in turn, to an Alice Burlison. An Intelius search on that name brings up an Alice Fay Burlison, age 69, who has also worked at the Black Panther Party. Intelius is clearly messing with us,
sending us off on a wild goose chase for the fun of it.
More evidence Intelius is messing with us: if you search Tupac Shakur on Intelius, you get 57 hits. In addition to the actual Tupac Amaru Shakur at the top of the list, you get several
• 2. Tupac Amari Shakur, related to Afeni, who has worked at RateItAll Inc.
• 3. Tupac Shakur, related to “Shakur Shakur”, who has worked at EMI Music and has
lived in Boston, MA and Providence, RI
• 4. Tupac Tupac Shakur, who has lived in the New York suburbs and has worked at
“Grandmaster Flash” (which, in the real world, is a rapper, not a company)
• 6. Tupac Shakur, age 37 (10 years younger than the real Tupac), who has worked at
Interscope Records and “Celebrities Galore”
Stranger still is that the real Tupac Shakur is listed as having lived in Westfeld, MA, Haralson
and Stone Mountain, GA, Goshen, IN, and Modest Town, VA. Modest Town has less than 200
residents and is in the middle of nowhere. Do you really think Tupac ever lived there, or any of
these places? If so, none of his official biographies ever mention it.
Let’s talk about Tupac’s frst name, Lesane. You would expect it to be a family name, but it’s
nowhere to be found. Actually, that’s not quite true. We discover Tupac’s cousin was Jamala
Lesane, but again we run into more oddities, since her brother (Tupac’s other cousin) was the
rapper Kastro a.k.a. Katari Terrance Cox. That would make Lesane Jamala’s married name.
But Tupac would have been born well before his cousin married a Lesane, so even supposing
Alice named Tupac after her niece’s husband’s family (which makes no sense), the timing doesn’t add up. Yet again, all of this points to the obvious observation that names are being
intentionally fudged and hidden with no good explanation.
Tupac’s step-aunt is Assata Shakur, born in 1947 as Joanna Deborah Byron. Byron? Well, we've
found almost every big name now except Stanley. It’s strange to find Assata Shakur has her own IMDB page despite never appearing in a film. She has, however, appeared in a long running
live production called “The Black Panther Show,” directed by the CIA. All kidding
aside, why do you think she has an IMDB page? Because she’s an actress. It’s unclear how
exactly she is related to Tupac, but she defnitely isn’t his step-aunt. Her mother was Doris
Johnson and her aunt was Evelyn Williams. Presumably, Evelyn was the mother of Jeral
Williams, a.k.a. Mutulu Shakur, Tupac’s stepfather. In that case, Mutulu and Assata were
cousins, not siblings, and Assata was the step-cousin once removed of Tupac, not his aunt. The
writers at Langley don’t bother keeping their family trees straight, apparently. Assata’s
grandparents were Frank and Lula Hill. Recognize that name? By the way, it’s also never
explained why her last name was Byron but her mother was a Johnson. I suppose her father
was a Byron, but we are led to believe he was never really in the picture, and we aren’t given
any information on him, not even a name. The geni.com page for Assata is totally scrubbed
except for her mother, which it curiously lists as Lula Hill – though that is supposedly her
grandmother. The oddities with names and relationships just keep on piling up.
Tupac’s godfather and close family friend was Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt, a high-ranking Black
Panther. Pratt links us yet again to all the major families of the peerage – see Miles’ paper on Chris Pratt. Speaking of Chris Pratt, he played Rashida Jones’ boyfriend in the first season of
Parks and Recreation. Now you know why they were cast together. [One of the show’s early
casting directors was Allison Jones.] Geronimo was born in 1947, of course. In 1968, he was
arrested for allegedly shooting and killing a 27-year-old white elementary school teacher named
Caroline Olsen while robbing a Santa Monica tennis court. You have to laugh at that. How do
you rob a tennis court? Caroline Olsen wasn’t an employee of the tennis court, she was a school
teacher. So was it a robbery of a tennis court, or a mugging of Caroline Olsen? We are told
Pratt’s loot was a measly $18, which would lead us to believe he got the money out of Caroline’s
wallet. Again, why risk a life sentence for murder just to filch 18 bucks from a white lady at a
tennis court? Also notice the amount, 18 – dead man’s hand again. Pratt was arrested and
charged with murder and kidnapping. Who did he kidnap? Nobody ever tells us. Pratt’s lawyer
was Johnnie Cochran, famous spook attorney that pretty much exclusively handles fake cases.
Pratt served 27 years in prison before his conviction was vacated on the grounds that “the
prosecution had not disclosed the extent to which a key witness against Pratt, Julius Butler, was
an informant to the FBI.” Apparently, Butler was an FBI mole who infiltrated the Black Panthers
to take down Pratt. We can easily re-read this bit of theater by noting that Pratt was a decorated
military veteran, reaching the rank of sergeant in the Vietnam War.
On his return from the war, he didn’t go back to his hometown of Morgan City, Louisiana, but
instead went straight to Los Angeles, where he attended UCLA. That screams Intelligence
recruitment, doesn’t it? Intelligence has always owned Hollywood and the spook school
UCLA, and they recruited Pratt out of the military to become an actor for the Black Panther
project. He immediately joined the Black Panthers out of UCLA, despite having no known
tendencies toward radicalism or civil rights activism. Do you really think a man who won two
Bronze Stars, a Silver Star, and two Purple Hearts would turn right around and become a high ranking
member of the Black Panthers, who were supposed to be anti-imperialist socialists?
Only a braindead zombie wouldn’t question this. By the way, Pratt was born on September 13.
That’s the same date Tupac allegedly died. It’s also the birthdate of Martin Luther King’s
mother, Alberta Williams. Tupac died on a Friday – yes, Friday the 13th.
My treatment of Tupac wouldn’t be complete without establishing whether he was not just a
Jewish actor who faked his death, but a gay Jewish actor who faked his death – since that is the
trend we see over and over with these members of the ruling Families. The claim seems far fetched
at first, and I admit this is mostly speculation. Gay and gangsta don’t usually appear in
the same sentence, and Tupac’s image as a street-hardened, womanizing thug is well established.
It would seem an uphill battle to try and convince anyone of Tupac’s
But since we’re talking about Tupac’s image, we can admit that it was just that – an image. The
real Tupac was a sensitive, soft-spoken, flamboyant, Shakespeare-loving theater nerd whose
style and mannerisms were often effeminate. Consider this exhibit A:
The leather corset strikes me as more than a poor decision on the part of Tupac’s stylist. It
seems intentionally effeminate. The bandana tied in front like that puts us in mind of the “We
Can Do It” woman. . . . or Aunt Jemima. I can’t imagine any “real n.i.g.g.a.z” today being
caught dead in an outfit like that. I also can’t imagine any “real n.i.g.g.a.z” subjecting
themselves to a degrading nude bathroom photoshoot with the gay celebrity photographer
David LaChapelle (see the photo at the top).
Then again, Tupac was not one of the “real n.i.g.g.a.z,” at least not in the gang-banging,
misogynistic sense in which it was understood in Tupac’s time. To the contrary, Tupac attended
the Baltimore School for the Arts, which offers “art concentrations in vocal music, instrumental
music, theater acting, theater production, dance, visual arts and flm.” Tupac’s passion was
theater acting and Shakespearean plays particularly, and he also took ballet classes there.
Nothing wrong with that, you will say, and there isn't. But the stereotype of the gay theater
actor is a stereotype for a reason: they are very often gay. It’s also known that Tupac would
make his family perform dancing and singing routines together, and he especially loved to play
Next, I point you to this interview with Tupac at age 17, while he was still in high school. [It’s
worth asking why this interview happened at all. Tupac was nobody at 17. Who was
interviewing him, and why?]

Listen to his voice and notice his hand movements and the way he holds himself. It’s very
effeminate, isn’t it? Compare that with later interviews and video footage of Tupac, after he
assumed the gangster persona. The change is, well, dramatic.
You’ll say he missed his theater calling by becoming a rapper, but I don’t think he did. His thug
rapper persona was an act. It was the part he was chosen to play, and he stayed in character like
the true method actor that he was. I’m not being speculative here. Listen to the way comedian
Marlon Wayans talks about Tupac:
You know what was great about Pac? Everybody thinks he was this thug, this gangster.
First of all, he was a performance high school kid. Pac was very smart and he was very
silly. He was a clown. He wasn’t a real gangster but he acted gangster. He was a
method actor, so he went a little too far …. I could tell he wasn’t a gangster because he
had the softest hands. No gangster has hands [like that], I call him a Palmolive thug.
He’d be like, ‘Come here, you want some of this,’ and then he’d give you this gentle
hand. It was soft. Then he had these long eyelashes looking like Snuffleupagus, just like,
‘You don’t want none of this. I’m thug!’
Wayans, by the way, claims to have talked with Tupac on the street outside the Mike Tyson fight just minutes before he was allegedly gunned down. That Wayans claims Tupac “went a little
too far” in his method acting is worth thinking about. Is it possible that Tupac was on the verge
of inciting a real revolution among young black men? Had he absorbed the role of the Black
Messiah a little too eagerly and forgotten to stick to his cues? This may have been a factor in the
decision to retire the Tupac project – or else a sign that the time was ripe to “kill” him off as a
deterrent to any real revolutionary activity among the black community. These projects often
work on several levels. In addition to the massive profit gained by it, his faked death also
helped foil any momentum that was building among America’s frustrated black youth, who are
even more screwed with (and just plain screwed) by the Families than young white men are.
They did the same thing with MLK and Malcolm X, and Tupac was just next the iteration of that
long-running project to keep real “black power” perpetually cut off at the knees.
Admittedly, none of that is proof Tupac was gay. But for those who have looked at every other
nook and cranny of this story, it is something to consider. On this website, we don't follow the
mainstream talking points. We discover our own talking points by actual research. Which
leads to my conclusion. Isn't Gangster Rap really a misnomer? If blacks were really being revolutionaries of any sort, would they tie themselves to the name “gangster”? That term has a
whole lot of negative and white connotations and links, doesn't it? Including “bankster” and the
mafa. We saw many links to the “actual” mafa above, didn't we, including Al Capone. That
should knock something loose in your head. It indicates the whites and oreo-cookies running
this project aren't referencing inner city black gangs with the title Gangster Rap. No, they are
referencing themselves, as usual: the Jewish gangsters and banksters running the world and
ruining the world for profit. Gangster rap is bankrolled by the same people bankrolling
everything else, so it might as well be called Bankster rap. Of course I am not the first to
suggest that connection, and you may wish to dig a little deeper, no matter the color of your
skin. There are many blacks all over the country saying similar things, though they are almost
never covered by the media. But if you keep your ears open, you will hear them.
[Miles: I just checked and the mainstream media made sure to undercut this paper before it ever
came out, running many new stories under the title Tupac is Alive. See The Daily Star, etc. That
guarantees that any search on that will swamp this paper, taking to you mainstream articles instead.]
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