We have been accumulating so much intel on Mark Malloch-Brown that we opened up this post to keep our notes. Please feel free to drop by and gather new pieces of information as we find them. We will add new findings throughout the thread so check through everything to make sure you have new updates.
You will find links to articles that we have posted that contain info as well as “loose” notes that haven’t found their way, yet, to finished articles. Feel free to use our research material and if you produce a video or article on Malloch-Brown or any of the corrupt Privy Council members, send them to us. If they resonate with our trajectory, we will post for others to see.
Will Romney Defeat Jenny Wilson by Rigging Utah Election with Smartmatic Machines?
Indictable Evidence: Foreign Interference in US Elections Since 2005
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown’s bio only cursorily discloses that he is a director in “Investec” (since Aug. 08, 2012)

The literal devil hides behind this deception.
What he fails to disclose are hundreds of convoluted, circular subsidiary holdings and relationships with George Soros, rogue C.I.A., the Rothschilds and the Queen’s Privy Council, not to mention his tight control over the globalist banking system around the planet.
Note: South Africans play prominently in the C.I.A.’s offshore banking activity globally. Ref. Eurotech SpA’s (Italy) key role in developing embedded controls for the IBM Eclipse Foundation’s Internet of Things. It was IBM and Eurotech who provided Facebook its MQTT messaging software on Nov. 03, 2011.
Here’s the global holding company for Lord Malloch’s undisclosed financial empire.
Investec Plc Co. No. 03633621. (Jul. 09, 2002). Global Offering. Companies House.

Circular Control Structure
In cute deceptions, this “parent” Investec Plc issued a Special Voting Share to “IGL” (Investec Group Limited controlled Investec Group (UK) Limited formerly Investec Group (UK) Plc which Investec Plc discloses as a “subsidiary” in a circular relationship.
MEMO: Lord Malloch and the Queen’s Privy Council don’t want the world’s great unwashed to find them in their labyrinth of corrupt companies. We found you.

Bwhahaha. Lord Malloch-Brown concentrates on “social” and “ethics” in Investec Plc (where he hides his hundreds of conflicting relationships) while he rigs elections for the Queen’s Privy Council and his bunk buddy George Soros around the world thru SGO-Smartmatic
Investec Plc Co. No. 03633621. (Jul. 11, 2017). Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, director, Group of companies’ accounts made up to 31 March 2017. Companies House.


Typical Convolution: Lord Malloch-Brown has been a director of Investec, the parent-child-name-stealer, depending on which side of the world you are standing, since Aug. 08, 2014. The company is run by South Africans. It appears there is a Golden Share inside this convolution, but it is well hidden.

Sir Geoffrey Pattie company naming trick allow a new company to assume the same name as an old company (RCA became Serco Limited while Serco Plc took over the Internet of Things and the Walker patents)

Proof Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is a Privy Council Gold Digger; he very evidently advised Bill & Hillary Clinton on how to run the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative; he includes Frank Giustra and Larry Summers in other entities he controls
Just one of Malloch-Brown’s advisor positions:

Form ADV. (Mar. 31, 2018). I Squared Capital Advisors (US) LLC, CRD No. 168339. Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration incl. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, senior policy advisor,, and offices in Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, London, Singapore, Houston, New Delhi. SEC.
Take a look at the offshore Cayman Islands holdings underneath the I Squared front:
I Squared 2016 Investment Advisors Form ADV SEC Disclosure | ||
No. | Entity_Relationship_Name | Fund_size |
I Squared Capital Advisors, LLC ($17 billion) | $ 17,000,000,000 | |
1 | Adil Rahmathulla, Partner | |
2 | ASIA CUBE TELECOM HOLDINGS LLC (Cayman Islands Co. Nos. 805-7271798988, 805-4621275335) | 1,000,000,000 |
4 | CITIBANK, N.A. Custodian | |
5 | CUBE DISTRICT ENERGY HOLDCO LLC (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-7934834708) | 76,000,000 |
6 | CUBE HYDRO CO-INVEST AGGREGATOR, L.P. Co. (Cayman Islands No. 805-5697026189) | 88,000,000 |
7 | CUBE HYDRO CO-INVEST POOLING, L.P (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-2831505629) | 135,000,000 |
8 | CUBE HYDRO HOLDCO LLC (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-5407584761) | 219,000,000 |
9 | Gautam Bhandari, Partner | |
10 | I SQUARED TELECOM PARTNERS II, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-7826571109) | 364,000,000 |
11 | ISQ ASIA FUND, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-2092392684) | 800,000,000 |
12 | ISQ CUBE HYDRO CO-INVESTMENT FUND, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-6188732309) | 209,000,000 |
13 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND (AU), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-3642320242 | 184,000,000 |
14 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND (EU), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-3518732150) | 349,000,000 |
15 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND (S), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-1304419843) | 262,000,000 |
16 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND (UST), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-3820248899) | 353,000,000 |
17 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND (USTE), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-6542089405) | 215,000,000 |
18 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND II (AU), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-8573971224) | 190,000,000 |
19 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND II (EU), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-5712055233) | 1,300,000,000 |
20 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND II (UST), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-1922745663) | 1,100,000,000 |
21 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND II (USTE), L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-5284639364) | 262,000,000 |
22 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND II, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-1230278754) | 2,900,000,000 |
23 | ISQ GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-9060969690) | 2,700,000,000 |
24 | ISQ OREGON CO-INVEST AGGREGATOR, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-5947513236) | 58,000,000 |
25 | ISQ OREGON CO-INVEST POOLING, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-5507484046) | 177,000,000 |
26 | ISQ OREGON CO-INVEST POOLING, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-5507484046) | 72,000,000 |
27 | Kristina M. Johnson, a former Obama undersecretary for energy, U.S. Department of Energy, CEO of Cube Hydro | |
28 | Malloch-Brown, Lord Mark, Senior Policy Advisor (2012-current) | |
29 | NAUTILUS ENERGY HOLDINGS LLC (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-6299809994) | 807,000,000 |
30 | ORAZUL ENERGIA HOLDINGS LLC (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-8340805699) | 464,000,000 |
31 | ORAZUL ENERGIA PARTNERS LLC (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-1616725152) | 508,000,000 |
32 | Ronald Robert Schweizer, CFO | |
33 | Sadek Magdi Wahba, Managing Partner | |
34 | SEI INVESTMENTS COMPANY, Administrators | |
35 | SHIPROCK MIDSTREAM HOLDINGS LLC (Delaware Co. No. 805-2712380067) | 204,000,000 |
36 | SQUARED TELECOM PARTNERS, L.P. (Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-8269428945) | 175,000,000 |
37 | VIRIDIAN TOPCO LIMITED ($720 million Cayman Islands Co. No. 805-9703286077) | 720,000,000 |


George Mark (Malloch) Brown. (Accessed Jul. 02, 2018). Burke’s Peerage.

U.S. v. Demetrius Pitts aka Abdur Raheem Rahfeeq aka Salahadeen Osama Waleed, Case No. 1:18-MJ-2120. (ND Ohio 2018).
PROOF: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown has conspired with the SES, Soros, Deep State and rogue C.I.A. since early 1990’s right after Soros allegedly crashed the UK Pound(Sep. 1992) – he formed ICG with Soros and Carnegie just THREE MONTHS after Soros crashed the UK Pound and put billions of dollars in his pocket overnight (read: FALSE FLAG)

Look what else Carnegie, Podesta and Chandler were doing at the same time: the FBI backdoor encryption key (then, Clipper Chip, now Dual_EC-DRBG algorithm)
This document was only uncovered inside Hillary Clinton’s stonewalled emails on her private server by Judicial Watch.

Look who else is/was also a Malloch ICG Trustee:

Look at who either is a trustee, officer or a donor to Lord Mark Malloch-Brown’s International Crisis Group (ICG) with George Soros, Frank Giustra and Larry Summers (Jan. 1993):
ICG. (Jun. 30, 2017). International Crisis Group, incl. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (Founder Jan. 1993), George Soros, Alexander Soros, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Frank Giustra, Wesley Clark, Larry Summers, USAID, US State Department, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Open Society Foundation/Initiative. ICG.
International Crisis Group (ICG). (Accessed Jul. 03, 2018). Founder (Jan. 1993) Lord Mark Malloch-Brown. Wikipedia.
1 | Alexander Soros |
2 | Andrey Kortunov |
3 | Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
4 | Austrian Development Agency |
5 | Carl Bildt |
6 | Carnegie Corporation of New York |
7 | Celso Amorim |
8 | Cheryl Carolus |
9 | Core Alpha Bond Fund |
10 | Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
11 | Emma Bonino |
12 | European Commission |
13 | Federal Republic of German Foreign Office |
14 | Fola Adeola |
15 | Foundation to Promote Open Society (Open Society Foundation) |
16 | Frank Giustra since July 1, 2006 |
17 | French Development Agency |
18 | French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development |
19 | Gareth Evans |
20 | George Soros |
21 | Germany – Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammendarbeit (GIZ) |
22 | Global Alpha Tilts Fund B |
23 | Helge Lund |
24 | Helle Thorning-Schmidt |
25 | Humanity United |
26 | Hushang Ansary |
27 | Irish Aid |
28 | Ivan Krastev |
29 | Javier Solana |
30 | Joanne Leedom-Ackerman |
31 | Jonas Gahr Støre |
32 | Karim Raslan |
33 | Kim Beazley |
34 | Lawrence Summers |
35 | Liechtenstein |
36 | Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
37 | Malloch-Brown, Madison |
38 | Malloch-Brown, Lord George Mark |
39 | Maria Livanos Cattaui |
40 | Marty Natalegawa |
41 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |
42 | Mo Ibrahim |
43 | Nahum Barnea |
44 | Naz Modirzadeh |
45 | New Venture Fund |
46 | New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
47 | Oak Foundation |
48 | Olympia Snowe |
49 | Open Society Initiative for West Africa |
50 | Pär Stenbäck |
51 | Paul Reynolds |
52 | Ploughshares Fund |
53 | Plusec-Pluralism Human Security and Sustainability Centre |
54 | President Emeritus |
55 | Radcliffe Foundation (Frank Giustra) |
56 | Ricardo Lagos |
57 | Robert Bosch |
58 | Roza Otunbayeva |
59 | S&P GSCI Commodities Fund B |
60 | Saad Mohseni |
61 | Sheila Coronel |
62 | Shivshankar Menon |
63 | Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs |
64 | Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs |
65 | Thomas R. Pickering |
66 | U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) |
67 | U.S. Department of State |
68 | U.S. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities Fund B |
69 | Wadah Khanfar |
70 | Wang Jisi |
71 | Wellspring Philanthropic Fund |
72 | Wesley Clark |
73 | Wim Kok |
much intel at this open thread here about half way down the page at the headline SGO Corporation formed in 2014. Lord Malloch Brown made major investments. |
isn't Molloch-G.H.W. Bush (Scherff)'s name in the Skull and Bones 322 club? Are they both possessed by this demon? You show a good number of associates of 41 above--i think u may be underestimating his involvement in all the evil going on in the banking/corporate/facist/satanic/freemason/jesuit world!
look around the blog,I believe you will find that is not true,as Project Hammer has been covered this month in this blog.I have called out the old man numerous times here,and I am sure that some of the 16 tags on that clan involve him.
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