A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
by G. Edward Griffin

Chapter Thirteen
A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
by G. Edward Griffin
Chapter Thirteen
The secret society founded by Cecil Rhodes for the
purpose of world dominion; the establishment in
America of a branch of that group called the
Council on Foreign Relations; the role played by
financiers representing both of these groups in
financing the Russian revolution; the use of the
Red Cross mission in Moscow as a cover for that
One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the
downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. As
we shall see, however, the planning, the leadership, and especially
the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly from
financiers in Germany, Britain, and the United States. Furthermore,
we shall see that the Rothschild Formula played a major role in
shaping these events.
This amazing story begins with the war between Russia and
Japan in 1904. Jacob Schiff, who was head of the New York
investment firm of Kuhn, Loeb, and Company, had raised the
capital for large war loans to Japan. It was due to this funding that
the Japanese were able to launch a stunning attack against the
Russians at Port Arthur and, the following year, to virtually
decimate the Russian fleet. In 1905, the Mikado awarded Jacob
Schiff a medal, the Second Order of the Treasure of Japan, in
recognition of his important role in that campaign.
During the two years of hostilities, thousands of Russian
soldiers and sailors were taken as prisoners. Schiff paid for the
printing of one-and-a-half tons of Marxist propaganda and had it
delivered to the prison camps. He also sent scores of Russian speaking
revolutionaries, trained in New York, to distribute the pamphlets among the prisoners and to indoctrinate them into
rebellion against their own government. When the war was ended,
50,000 officers and enlisted men returned home to become virtual
seeds of treason against the Tsar. They were to play a major role a
few years later in creating mutiny among the military during the
Communist takeover of Russia.
One of the best known Russian revolutionaries at that time was
Leon Trotsky. In January of 1916, Trotsky was expelled from France
and came to the United States at the invitation of Schiff. His travel
expenses aboard the Monserrat were paid by his host. He remained
for several months while writing for a Russian socialist paper the
Novy Mir (New World), and giving revolutionary speeches at mass
meetings in New York City. According to Trotsky himself, on many occasions
a chauffeured limousine was placed at the service of his
family by a wealthy friend identified as Dr. M. In his book, My Life,
Trotsky wrote:
'The doctor's wife took my wife and the boys out driving and was
very kind to them. But she was a mere mortal, whereas the chauffeur
was a magician, a titan, a superman! With the wave of his hand he
made the machine obey his slightest command. To sit beside him was
the supreme delight. When they went into a tea-room, the boys would
anxiously demand of their mother, "Why doesn't the chauffeur come
in? 1
1- Leon Trotsky, My Life (New York: Scribner's, 1930), p. 277.
It must have been a curious sight to see the family of the great
socialist radical, defender of the working class, enemy of capitalism,
enjoying the pleasures of tea rooms and chauffeurs, the very
symbols of capitalist luxury. In any event, it is now known that
almost all of his expenses in New York, including the mass rallies,
were paid for by Jacob Schiff.
On March 23,1917, a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to
celebrate the abdication of Nicholas H, which meant the overthrow
of Tsarist rule in Russia. Thousands of socialists, Marxists, nihilists
and anarchists attended to cheer the event. The following day there
was published on page two of the New York Times, a telegram from
Jacob Schiff which had been read to this audience. He expressed
regrets that he could not attend and then described the successful Russian revolution as "...what we had hoped and striven for these
long years."[What the reader should understand is that with these banker/agents type,as far as Russia was concerned, it was never about ideology,but rather the resources and markets that were to come,and this remains the same 100 years later DC]
In the February 3,1949, issue of the New York Journal American,
Schiff's grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker
as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million
for the triumph of Communism in Russia.
When Trotsky returned to Petrograd in May of 1917 to organize
the Bolshevik phase of the Russian Revolution, he carried $10,000
for travel expenses, a generously ample fund considering the value
of the dollar at that time. The amount is known with certainty
because Trotsky was arrested by Canadian and British naval
personnel when the ship on which he was travelling, the S.S.
Kristianiafjord, put in at Halifax. The money in his possession is now
a matter of official record. Because Trotsky was a known enemy of
the Tsar and because Germany was then at war with Russia, it was
assumed that the $10,000 was German money given to him in New
York. The evidence, however, is that this, too, came from Kuhn,
Loeb and Company.1
1- "Mayor Calls Pacifists Traitors," The New York Times, March 24,1917, p. 2.
Trotsky was not arrested on a whim. He was recognized as a
threat to the best interests of England, Canada's mother country in
the British Commonwealth. Russia was an ally of England in the
First World War which then was raging in Europe. Anything that
would weaken Russia—and that certainly included internal revolution—would
be, in effect, to strengthen Germany and weaken
England.2 In New York, on the night before his departure, Trotsky
had given a speech in which he said: "I am going back to Russia to
overthrow the provisional government and stop the war with
Germany."3 Trotsky, therefore, represented a real threat to
England's war effort. He was arrested as a German agent and taken
as a prisoner of war.
2. See Anthony C. Sutton, Ph.D., Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1974), pp. 21-24.
3. A full report on this meeting had been submitted to the U.S. Military Intelligence. See Senate Document No. 62, 66th Congress, Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 1919, Vol. 11, p. 2680.
With this in mind, we can appreciate the great strength of those
mysterious forces, both in England and the United States, that
intervened on Trotsky's behalf. Immediately, telegrams began to
come into Halifax from such divergent sources as an obscure attorney in New York City, from the Canadian Deputy Postmaster General,
and even from a high-ranking British military officer all
inquiring into Trotsky's situation and urging his immediate release
The head of the British Secret Service in America at the time was Sir
William Wiseman who, as fate would have it, occupied the
apartment directly above the apartment of Edward Mandell House and who had become fast friends with him. House advised
Wiseman that President Wilson wished to have Trotsky released
Wiseman advised his government, and the British Admiralty
issued orders on April 21st that Trotsky was to be sent on his way It was a fateful decision that would affect, not only the outcome of
war, but the future of the entire world.
It would be a mistake to conclude that Jacob Schiff acted alone in his drama. Trotsky could not have gone even as far as Halifax
without having been granted an American passport, and this was
accomplished by the personal intervention of President Wilson
Professor Anthony Sutton says:
President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother who
provided Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to "carry
forward" the revolution.... At the same time careful State Department
bureaucrats, concerned about such revolutionaries entering Russia
were unilaterally attempting to tighten up passport procedures
What emerges from this sampling of events is a clear pattern of
strong support for Bolshevism coming from the highest financial
and political power centers in the United States; from men who,
supposedly, were "capitalists" and who, according to conventional
wisdom, should have been the mortal enemies of socialism and
communism. [Not if they created them as evidence suggests and like I said earlier,the bankers were already past ideology! DC]
Nor was this phenomenon confined to the United States.
Trotsky, in his book, My Life, tells of a British financier who, in 1907,
gave him a "large loan" to be repaid after the overthrow of the
Tsar. Arsene de Goulevitch, who witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution
first hand, has identified both the name of the financier and the
amount of the loan. "In private interviews," he said, "I have been
told that over 21 million roubles were spent by Lord [Alfred]
Milner[L] in financing the Russian Revolution.... The financier just
mentioned was by no means alone among the British to support the
Russian revolution with large financial donations." Another name
specifically mentioned by de Goulevitch was that of Sir George
Buchanan[R], the British Ambassador to Russia at the time.1
1 - See Arsene de Goulevitch, Czarism and Revolution (Hawthorne, California: Omru Publications, n.d., rpt. from 1962 French edition), pp. 224, 230.
It was one thing for Americans to undermine Tsarist Russia
and, thus, indirectly help Germany in the war, because Americans
were not then into it, but for British citizens to do so was
tantamount to treason. To understand what higher loyalty compelled
these men to betray their battlefield ally and to sacrifice the
blood of their own countrymen, we must take a look at the unique
organization to which they belonged.[This is similar as far as Treason goes for officials with what happened here in America, 17 years ago in New York and Virginia.America came under attack that day,from elements within and yes they existed then and they exist now...DC]
Lord Alfred Milner was a key figure in organizing a secret
society which, at the time of these events, was about sixteen years
old. It was dedicated to nothing less than the quiet domination of
the world. The conquest of Russia was seen as but the first phase of
that plan. Since the organization is still in existence today and
continues to make progress toward its goal, it is important to have
its history included in this narrative.
One of the most authoritative reference works on the history of
this group is Tragedy and Hope by Dr. Carroll Quigley. Dr. Quigley
Was a professor of history at Georgetown University where President
Clinton had been one of his students. He was the author of the widely used textbook. Evolution of Civilization; he was a member of
the editorial board of the monthly periodical, Current History; and
he was a frequent lecturer and consultant for such groups as the
Industrial College of the Armed Forces, the Brookings Institution
the U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, the Naval College, the Smith
soman Institute, and the State Department. But Dr. Quiqley was no
mere academic. He also had been closely associated with many of
the family dynasties of the super-rich. He was, by his own boast, an
insider with a front row view of the world's money power structure.
When Dr. Quigley wrote his scholarly, 1300-page book of drv
history, ,it was not intended for the masses. It was to be read by the
intellectual elite, and to that select readership he cautiously
exposed one of the best-kept secrets of all time. He also made it
dear however, that he was a friendly apologist for this group and
that he supported its goals and purposes. Dr. Quigley said:
I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it
tor twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the 1960s to
examine : its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to
most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its
instruments...In general, my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain
As mentioned, Quigley's book was intended for an elite readership
composed of scholars and network insiders. But, unexpectedly,
it began to be quoted in the journals of the John Birch Society
which correctly had perceived that his work provided a valuable insight to the inner workings of a hidden power structure That
exposure triggered a large demand for the book by people who
were opposed to the network and curious to see what an insider had to say about it. That was not according to the original plan. What happened next is best described by Quigley, himself. In a person [note the file here has a oops..I pick up with the following after missing ??? words DC]
up to $135 arid parts were reprinted in violation of copyright, but I
could do nothing because I believed the publisher, and he would not
take action even when a pirate copy of the book appeared. Only when
I hired a lawyer in 1974 did I get any answers to my questions....
In another personal letter, Quigley commented further on the
duplicity of his publisher:
They lied to me for six years, telling me that they would reprint
when they got 2,000 orders, which could never happen because they
told anyone who asked that it was out of print and would not be
reprinted. They denied this to me until I sent them Xerox copies of
such replies in libraries, at which they told me it was a clerk's error. In
other words, they lied to me but prevented me from regaining
publication rights.... I am now quite sure that Tragedy and Hope was
1. These letters were first published in the Summer, 1976, issue of Conspiracy Digest, published by Peter McAlpine (Alpine Press, Dearborn, Michigan). The originals cannot now be located. However, the author was able to locate the attorney, Mr. Paul Wolff (with the firm of Williams & Connolly in Washington, D.C.) who represented Quigley in his legal action against the publisher. Mr. Wolff cannot vouch for the authenticity of the letters themselves, but has confirmed in phone conversations and later in writing that the essentia] details are correct. He writes: "It is my recollection that they withheld from me and the Professor for some time the information that they had in fact destroyed 'the plates.'"
To understand why "powerful people" would want to suppress
this book, note carefully what follows. Dr. Quigley describes the
goal of this network of world financiers as:
... nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in
private hands able to dominate the political system of each country
and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be
controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world
acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private
meetings and conferences....2
2. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 324.
Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman
of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal
Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar
Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by
its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign
exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the
country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent
economic rewards in the business world.
That is the information that "powerful people" do not want the
common man to know.
Notice that Quigley refers to this group as a "network." That is
a precise choice of words, and it is important to an understanding
of the forces of international finance. The network to which he
refers is not the secret society. It is no doubt directed by it, and there
are society members in key positions within the network, but we
can be sure that there are many in the network who have little or no
knowledge of hidden control. To explain how this can be possible,
let us turn to the origin and growth of the secret society itself.
In 1870, a wealthy British socialist by the name of John Ruskin
was appointed as professor of fine arts at Oxford University in
London. He thought that the state must take control of the means of
production and organize them for the good of the community as a
whole. He advocated placing control of the state into the hands of a
small ruling class, perhaps even a single dictator. He said: "My
continual aim has been to show the eternal superiority of some men
to others, sometimes even of one man to all others."1 [Remember he is a WEALTHY Socialist DC]
1. See Kenneth Clark, Ruskin Today (New York: Holt, Reinhart & Winston, 1964), p. 267.
This, of course, is the same intellectual appeal of Communism.
Lenin taught that the masses could not be trusted to handle their
own affairs and that a special group of disciplined intellectuals
must assume this role for them. That is the function of the
Communist Party, which never comprises more than about three
per cent of the population. Even when the charade of free elections
is allowed, only members of the Party—or those over whom the
KGB/CIA [D.C] has total control—are permitted to run for office. The concept
that a ruling party or class is the ideal structure for society is at the
heart of all collectivist schemes, regardless of whether they are
called Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, or any other
"ism"[which also includes capitalism class D.C] which may yet be invented to disguise it. It is easy, therefore,
for adherents of this elitist mentality to be comfortable in almost
any of these collectivist camps, a fact to which Dr. Quigley alluded
when he wrote: "This network, which we may identify as the
Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the
Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so."2
2. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 950.
Returning to the subject of the origins of this group, however,
Dr. Quigley tells us:
Ruskin spoke to the Oxford undergraduates as members of the
privileged ruling class. He told them that they were the possessors of
a magnificent tradition of education, beauty, rule of law, freedom,
decency, and self-discipline, but that this tradition could not be saved,
and did not deserve to be saved, unless it could be extended to the
lower classes in England itself and to the non-English masses
throughout the world.
Ruskin's message had a sensational impact. His inaugural lecture
was copied out in long-hand by one undergraduate, Cecil Rhodes,
who kept it with him for thirty years. 1
1.Quigley, Tragedy, p. 130.
Cecil Rhodes made one of the world's greatest fortunes. With
the cooperation of the Bank of England and financiers like
Rothschild, he was able to establish a virtual monopoly over the
diamond output of South Africa and most of the gold as well. The
major portion of this vast income was spent to advance the
ruling-class ideas of John Ruskin.
Dr. Quigley explains:
The Rhodes Scholarships, established by the terms of Cecil
Rhodes' seventh will, are known to everyone. What is not so widely
known is that Rhodes in five previous wills left his fortune to form a
secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and
expansion of the British Empire. And what does not seem to be known
to anyone is that this secret society was created by Rhodes and his
principal trustee, Lord Milner, and continues to exist to this day.... In
his book on Rhodes' wills, he [Stead, who was a member of the inner
circle] wrote in one place: "Mr. Rhodes was more than the founder of
a dynasty. He aspired to be the creator of one of those vast
semi-religious, quasi-political associations which, like the Society of
Jesus, have played so large a part in the history of the world. To be
more strictly accurate, he wished to found an Order as the instrument
of the will of the Dynasty.2...
2- Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden (New York: Books in Focus, 1981), pp. ix, 36.
In this secret society Rhodes was to be leader; Stead, Brett (Lord
Esher), and Milner were to form an executive committee; Arthur
(Lord) Balfour, (Sir) Harry Johnston, Lord Rothschild, Albert (Lord)
Grey, and others were listed as potential members of a "Circle of
Initiates;" while there was to be an outer circle known as the "Association of Helpers" (later organized by Milner as the Round Table organization).
Here, then, was the classical pattern of political conspiracy. This
was the structure that made it possible for Quigley to differentiate
between an international "network" and the secret society within
that network. At the center, there is always a tiny group in
complete control, with one man as the undisputed leader. Next is a
circle of secondary leadership that, for the most part, is unaware of
an inner core. They are led to believe that they are the inner-most
In time, as these conspiracies are built from the center out, they
form additional rings of organization. Those in the outer echelons
usually are idealists with an honest desire to improve the world.
They never suspect an inner control for other purposes, and only
those few who demonstrate a ruthless capacity for higher leadership
are ever allowed to see it. 1
1. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 131.
After the death of Cecil Rhodes, the inner core of his secret
society fell under the control of Lord Alfred Milner, Governor-General
and High Commissioner of South Africa. As director of a
number of public banks and as corporate precursor of England's
Midland Bank, he became one of the greatest political and financial
powers in the world. Milner recruited into his secret society a
group of young men chiefly from Oxford and Toynbee Hall and,
according to Quigley:
Through his influence these men were able to win influential posts
in government and international finance and became the dominant
influence in British imperial and foreign affairs up to 1939.... In
1909-1913 they organized semi-secret groups, known as Round Table
Groups, in the chief British dependencies and the United States....
Money for the widely ramified activities of this organization came
... chiefly from the Rhodes Trust itself, and from wealthy associates
such as the Beit brothers, from Sir Abe Bailey, and (after 1915) from the
Astor family ... and from foundations and firms associated with the
international banking fraternity, especially the Carnegie United
Kingdom Trust, and other organizations associated with J.P. Morgan,
the Rockefeller and Whitney families, and the associates of Lazarc!
Brothers and of Morgan, Grenfell, and Company....
At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization
of this system had to be greatly extended. Once again the task was
entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established, in England and each
dominion, a front organization to the existing local Round Table
Group. This front organization, called the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the existing
submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the
Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for J.P. Morgan and
Company in association with the very small American Round Table
1.Quigley, Tragedy, pp. 132,951-52
The Council on Foreign Relations was a spin-off from the
failure of the world's leaders at the end of World War I to embrace
the League of Nations as a true world government. It became clear
to the master planners that they had been unrealistic in their
expectations for rapid acceptance. If their plan were to be carried
forward, it would have to be done on the basis of patient gradualism
symbolized by the Fabian turtle. Rose Martin says:
Colonel House was only one man, where a multitude was needed.
He had set the pattern and outlined goals for the future, and he still
had a scheme or two in mind. In particular, he foresaw it would be
necessary for the Fabians to develop a top level Anglo-American
planning group in the field of foreign relations which could secretly
influence policy on the one hand and gradually "educate" public
opinion on the other....
To the ambitious young Fabians, British and American, who had
flocked to the peace conference as economists and junior officials, it
soon became evident that a New World Order was not about to be
produced at Paris.... For them, Colonel House arranged a dinner
meeting at the Hotel Majestic on May 19,1919, together with a select
group of Fabian-certified Englishmen—notably, Arnold Toynbee,
R.H. Tawney and John Maynard Keynes . All were equally
disillusioned, for various reasons, by the consequences of the peace.
They made a gentlemen's agreement to set up an organization, with
branches in England and America, "to facilitate the scientific study of
international questions." As a result two potent and closely related
opinion-making bodies were founded.... The English branch was
called the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The American
branch, first known as the Institute of International Affairs, was
reorganized in 1921 as the Council on Foreign Relations.2
2- Martin, pp. 174-5.
It is through this front group, called the Council on Foreign
Relations, and its influence over the media, tax-exempt foundations,
universities, and government agencies that the international
financiers have been able to dominate the domestic and foreign
policies of the United States ever since.
We shall have more to say about the CFR, but our focal point
for now is Great Britain and, in particular, the help given to
Communism in Russia by Lord Alfred Milner and his web of secret
In Russia, prior to and during the revolution, there were many
local observers, tourists, and newsmen who reported that British
and American agents were everywhere, particularly in Petrograd,
providing money for insurrection. One report said, for example,
that British agents were seen handing out 25-rouble notes to the
men at the Pavlovski regiment just a few hours before it mutinied
against its officers and sided with the revolution. The subsequent
publication of various memoirs and documents made it clear that
this funding was provided by Milner and channeled through Sir
George Buchanan who was the British Ambassador to Russia at
that time.1 It was a repeat of the ploy that had worked so well for
the cabal many times in the past. Round Table members were once
again working both sides of the conflict to weaken and topple a
target government. Tsar Nicholas had every reason to believe that,
since the British were Russia's allies in the war against Germany,
British officials would be the last persons on Earth to conspire
against him. Yet, the British Ambassador himself represented the
hidden group which was financing the regime's downfall.
1. See de Goulevitch, p. 230.
The Round Table agents from America did not have the
advantage of using the diplomatic service as a cover and, therefore,
had to be considerably more ingenious. They came, not as diplomats
or even as interested businessmen, but disguised as Red Cross
officials on a humanitarian mission. The group consisted almost
entirely of financiers, lawyers, and accountants from New York
banks and investment houses. They simply had overpowered the
American Red Cross organization with large contributions and, in effect, purchased a franchise to operate in its name. Professor
Sutton tells us:
The 1910 Red Cross fund-raising campaign for $2 million, for
example, was successful only because it was supported by these
wealthy residents of New York City. J.P. Morgan himself contributed
$100,000.... Henry P. Davison [a Morgan partner] was chairman of the
1910 New York Fund-Raising Committee and later became chairman
of the War Council of the American Red Cross.... The Red Cross was
unable to cope with the demands of World War I and in effect was
taken over by these New York bankers.1
1. Sutton, Revolution, p. 72.
For the duration of the war, the Red Cross had been made,
nominally, a part of the armed forces and subject to orders from the
proper military authorities. It was not clear who these authorities
were and, in fact, there were never any orders, but the arrangement
made it possible for the participants to receive military commissions
and wear the uniform of American army officers. The entire
expense of the Red Cross Mission in Russia, including the purchase
of uniforms, was paid for by the man who was appointed by
President Wilson to become its head, "Colonel" William Boyce
Thompson was a classical specimen of the Round Table network.
Having begun his career as a speculator in copper mines, he
soon moved into the world of high finance. He refinanced the
American Woolen Company and the Tobacco Products Company;
launched the Cuban Cane Sugar Company; purchased controlling
interest in the Pierce Arrow Motor Car Company; organized the
Submarine Boat Corporation and the Wright-Martin Aeroplane
Company; became a director of the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific
Railway, the Magma Arizona Railroad, and the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company; was one of the heaviest stockholders in the
Chase National Bank; was the agent for J.P. Morgan's British
securities operation; became the first full-time director of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most important bank in the
Federal Reserve System; and, of course, contributed a quarter million
dollars to the Red Cross.
When Thompson arrived in Russia, he made it clear that he was
not your typical Red Cross representative. According to Hermann
Hagedorn, Thompson's biographer:
He deliberately created the kind of setting which would be
expected of an American magnate: established himself in a suite in the
Hotel de l'Europe, bought a French limousine, went dutifully to
receptions and teas and evinced an interest in objects of art. Society
and the diplomats, noting that here was a man of parts and power,
began to flock about him. He was entertained at the embassies, at the
houses of Kerensky's ministers. It was discovered that he was a
collector, and those with antiques to sell fluttered around him, offering
him miniatures, Dresden china, tapestries, even a palace or two.1
1. Hermann Hagedorn, The Magnate: William Boyce Thompson and His Time (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1935), pp. 192-93.
2. George F. Kennan, Russia Leaves the War: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920 (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1956), p. 60
When Thompson attended the opera, he was given the imperial
box. People on the street called him the American Tsar. And it is
not surprising that, according to George Kennan, "He was viewed
by the Kerensky authorities as the 'real' ambassador of the United
It is now a matter of record that Thompson syndicated the
purchase on Wall Street of Russian bonds in the amount of
ten-million roubles. In addition, he gave over two-million roubles
to Aleksandr Kerensky for propaganda purposes inside Russia
and, with J.P. Morgan, gave the rouble equivalent of one-million
dollars to the Bolsheviks for the spreading of revolutionary propaganda
outside of Russia, particularly in Germany and Austria. A
photograph of the cablegram from Morgan to Thompson advising
that the money had been transferred to the National City Bank
branch in Petrograd is included in this book.
At first it may seem incongruous that the Morgan group would
provide funding for both Kerensky and Lenin. These men may
have both been socialist revolutionaries, but they were miles apart
in their plans for the future and, in fact, were bitter competitors for
control of the new government. But the tactic of funding both sides
in a political contest by then had been refined by members of the Round Table into a fine art. A stunning example of this occurred in
South Africa during the outset of Boer War in 1899.
The British and Dutch had been active in the settlement of
Southern Africa for decades. The Dutch had developed the provinces
of Transvaal and the Orange Free State, while the British had
colonized such areas as Rhodesia, Cape Hope, Basutoland,
Swaziland, and Bechuanaland. Conflict was inevitable between
these two groups of settlers whenever they found themselves in
competition for the resources of the same territory, but it was the
discovery of gold in the Whitewater area of the Transvaal that
provided the motive for war.
Politically, the Transvaal was in the hands of the Boers, who
were the descendants of the Dutch settlers. But, after the discovery
of gold in that area, the mine fields had been developed primarily
by the British and became solidly under their control. Not surprisingly,
one of the largest players in that game was Cecil Rhodes who
already had monopolized the diamond fields under British control
to the South. Historian Henry Pike tells us:
With the discovery of gold in the Transvaal, Rhodes' greed
became passionate. His hatred of Paul Kruger, the Afrikaner President
of the Transvaal, knew no limits. He was bitterly opposed to Kruger's
independent Transvaal, and viewed this as the main obstacle to his
efforts to sweep all Southern Africa under British rule.1
1. Heniy R. Pike, Ph.D., A History of Communism in South Africa (Germiston, South Africa: Christian Mission International of South Africa, 1985), p. 39.
In 1895, Rhodes set in motion a plan to overthrow Kruger's
government by organizing an uprising among the British inhabitants
in Johannesburg. The uprising was financed by himself and
was to be led by his brother, Frank, and other loyal supporters. This
was to be followed by a military invasion of the Transvaal by
British troops from Bechuanaland and Rhodesia led by Sir Leander
Jameson. The uprising fizzled and ended in Jameson's arrest and
public disgrace.
But Rhodes was determined to have the Transvaal, and began
immediately to prepare a second, more patient ploy. Through
Rhodes' influence, Lord Alfred Milner was appointed as the British
High Commissioner of South Africa. In London, Lord Esher—
another member of the secret society—became the chief political
adviser to King Edward and was in daily contact with him throughout this period. That took care of the British side of this
contest. With regard to the Boers' side, Professor Quigley tells the
amazing story:
By a process whose details are still obscure, a brilliant young
graduate of Cambridge, Jan Smuts, who had been a vigorous
supporter of Rhodes and acted as his agent in Kimberly [South
Africa's largest diamond mine] as late as 1895 and who was one of the
most important members of the Rhodes-Milner group in the period
1908-1950, went to the Transvaal and, by violent anti-British agitation,
became state secretary of that country (although a British subject) and
chief political adviser to President Kruger; Milner made provocative
troop movements on the Boer frontiers in spite of the vigorous protests
of his commanding general in South Africa, who had to be removed;
and, finally, war was precipitated when Smuts drew up an ultimatum
insisting that the British troop movements cease and when this was
rejected by Milner.1
1. Quigley, Tragedy, pp. 137-38.
And so, as a result of careful engineering by Round Table
members on both sides—one making outrageous demands and the
other responding to those demands in pretended indignation—the
war finally began with a British invasion in October of 1899. After
2 1/2 years of fierce fighting, the Boers were forced to surrender, and
Milner administered the former republic as a militarily occupied
territory. Round Table members, known to the public as "Milner's
Kindergarten," were placed into all key government posts, and the
gold fields were finally secured.
On the other side of the world, in New York City, the same
tactic of playing both sides against each other was being applied
with brilliant precision by Round Table member J.P. Morgan.
Professor Quigley tells us:
To Morgan all political parties were simply organizations to be
used, and the firm always was careful to keep a foot in all camps.
Morgan himself, Dwight Morrow, and other partners were allied with
Republicans; Russell C. Leffingwell was allied with the Democrats;
Grayson Murphy was allied with the extreme Right; and Thomas W.
Lamont was allied with the Left.2
2. Ibid., p. 945.
Although it is true that Thomas Lamont was the father of
Corliss Lamont, a well-known Communist, and was himself widely
regarded as a man of leftist persuasions, it must also be remembered
that he felt equally at home among the Fascists and, in fact,
served as an unofficial business consultant for Mussolini in the
1. See John P. Diggins, Mussolini and Fascism: The View from America (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1972).
2. Sutton, Revolution, pp. 163-68.
At the same time that Morgan was funding pro-Bolshevik
groups, he founded what was probably the most virulent anti-Bolshevik
organization ever to exist in America. It was called
United Americans and it set about to frighten everyone into
believing that a Red mob was at that very moment poised to
capture New York City. It issued shocking reports warning about a
pending financial collapse, widespread starvation, and a desperate
working class being maneuvered into accepting Communist slogans
and rhetoric as a last resort. Ironically, the officers of this
organization were Allen Walker of the Guarantee Trust Company,
which was then acting as the Soviet's fiscal agent in the U.S.; Daniel
Willard, president of the Baltimore & Ohio Railway, which was
then active in the development of Soviet railways; H.H. Westinghouse
of Westinghouse Air Brake Company which was then
operating a major plant in Russia; and Otto H. Kahn of Kuhn, Loeb
& Company, which was one of the principal financial backers of the
fledgling Soviet regime.2
2. Sutton, Revolution, pp. 163-68.
Even inside Russia itself, the Round Table was spreading its
bets. In addition to the funding, previously mentioned, which was
given to the Bolsheviks and to their opponents, the Mensheviks,
Morgan also financed the military forces of Admiral Kolchak who
was fighting against the Bolsheviks in Siberia. Not surprisingly,
Kolchak also received funding from a consortium of British financiers,
including Alfred Milner.
It is commonly stated that the original intent of the Red Cross
mission to Moscow was to prevent the Russian government from
making a separate peace with Germany which would release
German troops to fight against England and France. According to
that version of the story—which portrays the actors as patriots merely doing what was best for the war effort—the first goal was to
support the Tsar. When the Tsar was overthrown, they supported
the Mensheviks because they had pledged to stay in the war. When
the Mensheviks were ousted, they continued to support the
Bolsheviks in order to gain sufficient influence to convince them
not to give aid to Germany. It takes a great deal of gullibility to
swallow that line. A far more plausible reading is that the Morgan
interests were merely doing what they had always done: placing
bets on all horses so that, no matter which one crossed the finish
line, the winner would be obligated to them.
After the Bolsheviks had seized power in Russia, Sir George
Buchanan was recalled as the British Ambassador and replaced by
a member of Milner's Kindergarten, a young man by the name of
Bruce Lockhart. In his book, British Agent, Lockhart describes the
circumstances of his assignment. Speaking of a meeting with Prime
Minister Lloyd George, he wrote:
I saw that his own mind was made up. He had been greatly impressed, as Lord Milner told me afterwards, by an interview with Colonel Thompson of the American Red Cross, who had just returned from Russia and who had denounced in blunt language the folly of the Allies in not opening up negotiations with the Bolsheviks....
Three days later all my doubts were put at rest. I was to go to Russia as head of a special mission to establish unofficial relations with the Bolsheviks.... I had been selected for this Russian mission not by the Foreign Secretary but by the War Cabinet—actually by Lord Milner and Mr. Lloyd George....
Lord Milner I saw almost daily. Five days before my departure I dined alone with him at Brook's. He was in his most inspiring mood. He talked to me with a charming frankness about the war, about the future of England, about his own career, and about the opportunities of youth— He was, too, very far from being the Jingo and the Conservative reactionary whom popular opinion at one time represented him to be. On the contrary, many of his views on society were startling modem. He believed in the highly organized state, in which service, efficiency, and hard work were more important than titles or money-bags.1
1. R.H. Bruce Lockhart, British Agent (New York and London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1933), pp. 198-99,204,206-07
When Thompson returned to the United States, the man he
selected to replace himself as head of the American Red Cross
Mission was his second-in-command, Raymond Robins. Not much
is known about Robins except that he was the protege of Col.
Edward Mandell House, and he might have remained an obscure
player in this drama had it not been for the fact that he became one
of the central characters in Bruce Lockhart's book. It is there that we
get this inside view:
Another new acquaintance of these first days in the Bolshevized St Petersburg was Raymond Robins, the head of the American Red Cross Mission.... He had been a leading figure in Roosevelt's "Bull Moose" campaign for the American Presidency in 1912. Although a rich man himself, he was an anti-capitalist.... Hitherto, his two heroes had been Roosevelt and Cecil Rhodes. Now Lenin had captured his imagination.... Robins was the only man whom Lenin was always willing to see and who ever succeeded in imposing his own personality on the unemotional Bolshevik leader.
In a less official sense Robins had a similar mission to my own. He was the intermediary between the Bolsheviks and the American Government and had set himself the task of persuading President Wilson to recognize the Soviet regime. 1
1. Lockhart, p. 220.
What an amazing revelation is contained in those words. First, we learn that Robins was a leader in the team effort that threw the election of 1912 to Woodrow Wilson. Then we learn that he was an anti-capitalist. Third, we discover that an anti-capitalist can hero worship Cecil Rhodes. Then we see the tremendous power he wielded over Lenin. And finally, we are told that, although he was part of a private group financed by Wall Street bankers, he was in reality the intermediary between the Bolsheviks and the American Government. One will look in vain for a better summary.
The fact that Cecil Rhodes was one of Robin's great heroes has special significance for this story. It was not merely an intellectual infatuation from college days. On the night before he left Russia, Robins dined with Lockhart. Describing the occasion, Lockhart says: "He had been reading Rhodes' life and after dinner he gave us a wonderful exposition of Rhodes' character." Thus, both Lockhart and Robins were dedicated disciples of Cecil Rhodes and both were undoubtedly part of the international network to which Professor Quigley alluded—possibly even members of the Round Table. Lockhart reported to the British group while Robins reported to the American group, but both were clearly working for identical objectives and doing the work of the unseen hand.
The Bolsheviks were well aware of the power these men represented, and there was no door closed to them. They were allowed to attend meetings of the Central Executive Committee 1, and were consulted regarding important decisions.2 But perhaps the best way to appraise the extent of the influence these "capitalists" had over the "anti-capitalists" is to let Lockhart tell his own story. In his memoirs, he wrote:
1. Ibid., p. 253.
2. U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 861.00/3449.
I saw that his own mind was made up. He had been greatly impressed, as Lord Milner told me afterwards, by an interview with Colonel Thompson of the American Red Cross, who had just returned from Russia and who had denounced in blunt language the folly of the Allies in not opening up negotiations with the Bolsheviks....
Three days later all my doubts were put at rest. I was to go to Russia as head of a special mission to establish unofficial relations with the Bolsheviks.... I had been selected for this Russian mission not by the Foreign Secretary but by the War Cabinet—actually by Lord Milner and Mr. Lloyd George....
Lord Milner I saw almost daily. Five days before my departure I dined alone with him at Brook's. He was in his most inspiring mood. He talked to me with a charming frankness about the war, about the future of England, about his own career, and about the opportunities of youth— He was, too, very far from being the Jingo and the Conservative reactionary whom popular opinion at one time represented him to be. On the contrary, many of his views on society were startling modem. He believed in the highly organized state, in which service, efficiency, and hard work were more important than titles or money-bags.1
1. R.H. Bruce Lockhart, British Agent (New York and London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1933), pp. 198-99,204,206-07
Another new acquaintance of these first days in the Bolshevized St Petersburg was Raymond Robins, the head of the American Red Cross Mission.... He had been a leading figure in Roosevelt's "Bull Moose" campaign for the American Presidency in 1912. Although a rich man himself, he was an anti-capitalist.... Hitherto, his two heroes had been Roosevelt and Cecil Rhodes. Now Lenin had captured his imagination.... Robins was the only man whom Lenin was always willing to see and who ever succeeded in imposing his own personality on the unemotional Bolshevik leader.
In a less official sense Robins had a similar mission to my own. He was the intermediary between the Bolsheviks and the American Government and had set himself the task of persuading President Wilson to recognize the Soviet regime. 1
1. Lockhart, p. 220.
What an amazing revelation is contained in those words. First, we learn that Robins was a leader in the team effort that threw the election of 1912 to Woodrow Wilson. Then we learn that he was an anti-capitalist. Third, we discover that an anti-capitalist can hero worship Cecil Rhodes. Then we see the tremendous power he wielded over Lenin. And finally, we are told that, although he was part of a private group financed by Wall Street bankers, he was in reality the intermediary between the Bolsheviks and the American Government. One will look in vain for a better summary.
The fact that Cecil Rhodes was one of Robin's great heroes has special significance for this story. It was not merely an intellectual infatuation from college days. On the night before he left Russia, Robins dined with Lockhart. Describing the occasion, Lockhart says: "He had been reading Rhodes' life and after dinner he gave us a wonderful exposition of Rhodes' character." Thus, both Lockhart and Robins were dedicated disciples of Cecil Rhodes and both were undoubtedly part of the international network to which Professor Quigley alluded—possibly even members of the Round Table. Lockhart reported to the British group while Robins reported to the American group, but both were clearly working for identical objectives and doing the work of the unseen hand.
The Bolsheviks were well aware of the power these men represented, and there was no door closed to them. They were allowed to attend meetings of the Central Executive Committee 1, and were consulted regarding important decisions.2 But perhaps the best way to appraise the extent of the influence these "capitalists" had over the "anti-capitalists" is to let Lockhart tell his own story. In his memoirs, he wrote:
1. Ibid., p. 253.
2. U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 861.00/3449.
I returned from our interview to our flat to find an urgent message
from Robins requesting me to come to see him at once. I found him in
a state of great agitation. He had been in conflict with Saalkind, a
nephew of Trotsky and then Assistant Commissar for Foreign Affairs.
Saalkind had been rude, and the American, who had a promise from
Lenin that, whatever happened, a train would always be ready for him
at an hour's notice, was determined to exact an apology or to leave the
country. When I arrived, he had just finished telephoning to Lenin. He
had delivered his ultimatum, and Lenin had promised to give a reply
within ten minutes. I waited, while Robins fumed. Then the telephone
rang and Robins picked up the receiver. Lenin had capitulated.
Saalkind was dismissed from his post. But he was an old member of
the Party. Would Robins have any objection if Lenin sent him as a
Bolshevik emissary to Beme? Robins smiled grimly. "Thank you, Mr.
Lenin," he said. "As I can't send the son of a bitch to hell, 'bum' is the
next best thing you can do with him." 3
3. Lockhart, pp. 225-26.
Such was the raw power over the leaders of Communism that was concealed behind the innocent facade of the American Red Cross Mission. And yet, the world—even today—has no inkling of its reality. It has been a carefully guarded secret, and even many of those who were close to it were unable to see it. The assistant to William Thompson in Russia was Cornelius Kelleher. In later years, reflecting on the naivete of Dr. Franklin Billings, who was head of the mission's medical team, Kelleher wrote:
Poor Mr. Billings believed he was in charge of a scientific mission for the relief of Russia.... He was in reality nothing but a mask—the Red Cross complexion of the mission was nothing but a mask. 1
1. Kennan, Russia, p. 59
The purpose of a mask, of course, is to conceal. And so we are led to ask the question, what was behind that mask? What were the true motives and goals of the masqueraders? We shall turn to that subject next.
This group centered mainly around a secret society created by Cecil Rhodes, one of the world's wealthiest men at the time. The purpose of that group was nothing less than world dominion and the establishment of a modern feudalist society controlled by the world's central banks. Headquartered in England, the Rhodes inner-most directorate was called the Round Table. In other countries, there were established subordinate structures called RoundTable Groups. The Round-Table Group in the United States became known as the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR, which was initially dominated by J.P. Morgan and later by the Rockefellers, is the most powerful group in America today. It is even more powerful than the federal government, because almost all of the key positions in government are held by its members. In other words, it is the United States government.
Agents of these two groups cooperated closely in pre-revolutionary Russia and particularly after the Tsar was overthrown. The American contingent in Russia disguised itself as a Red Cross mission allegedly doing humanitarian work. Cashing in on their close friendship with Trotsky and Lenin, they obtained profitable business concessions from the new government which returned their initial investment many times over.
In the previous section we saw that the Red Cross Mission in revolutionary Russia was, in the words of its own personnel, "nothing but a mask." This leads to the logical question, what were the true motives and goals that were hidden behind that mask.
In later years, it would be explained by the participants themselves that they simply were engaged in a humanitarian effort to keep Russia in the war against Germany and, thus, to help the cause of freedom for England and her allies. For Jacob Schiff and other Jewish financiers in New York, there was the additional explanation that they opposed the Tsar because of his anti Semitism. These, of course, are admirable motives, and they have been uncritically accepted by mainstream historians ever since. Unfortunately, the official explanations do not square with the facts.
The second revolution, called the October Revolution, was the one through which the Bolsheviks came to power. It was, in fact, no revolution at all. It was a coup d'etat. The Bolsheviks simply took advantage of the confusion and indecisiveness that existed among the various groups that comprised the new government and caught them by surprise with a lightening strike of force. With a combination of bribes and propaganda, they recruited several regiments of soldiers and sailors and, in the early morning darkness of October 25, methodically took military possession of all government buildings and communication centers. No one was prepared for such audacity, and resistance was almost non-existent. By dawn, without the Russian people even knowing what had happened—much less having any voice in that action, their country had been captured by a minority faction and become the world's first so-called "people's republic." Within two days, Kerensky had fled for his life, and all Provisional Government ministers had been arrested. That is how the Communists seized Russia and that is how they held it afterward. Contrary to the Marxian myth, they have never represented the people. They simply have the guns.
The basic facts of this so-called revolution are described by Professor Leonard Schapiro in his authoritative work, The Russian Revolutions of 1917:
All the evidence suggests that when the crisis came the great majority of units of the Petrograd Garrison did not support the government but simply remained neutral.... The Cossack units rejected its call for support, leaving the government with only a few hundred women soldiers and around two thousand military cadets on its side. The Bolsheviks, on the other hand, could count on several regiments to carry out their orders. Units of the Baltic Fleet also supported them....
In the event, the Bolshevik take-over was almost bloodless: in contrast with what had happened in February, nothing could have been less like a city in the throes of revolution than Petrograd on 25 October. Crowds of well-dressed people thronged the streets in the evening. Theaters and restaurants were open, and at the opera, Shaliapin sang in Boris Godunov. The principal stations and services had all been taken over by the morning of 25 October without a shot being fired....
A battleship and several cruisers, including the Aurora, had reached Petrograd from Kronstadt and were anchored with their guns trained on targets in the city....
The Provisional Government inside the Winter Palace...received an ultimatum calling for surrender of its members, under threat of bombardment of the palace by Aurora and by the guns of the Peter and Paul Fortress.... It was only at 9:40 P.M. that the Aurora was ordered to fire—and discharged one blank shell. The main effect of this was to accelerate the thinning out of the cadet defenders of the palace, who had already begun to dwindle. The women soldiers, who had formed part of its defense force, also left before the palace was invaded. At 11 P.M. some live shells were fired, and the palace was slightly damaged....
The story of the dramatic storming of the Winter Palace, popular with Soviet historians and in the cinema, is a myth. At around 2 A.M. on 26 October, a small detachment of troops, followed by an unruly crowd and led by two members of the MRC [Military Revolutionary Committee], entered the palace. The remaining officer cadets were, apparently, prepared to resist, but were ordered to surrender by the ministers. In the end, the total casualties were three officer cadets wounded. 1
1.Leonard Shapiro, The Russian Revolutions of 1917 (New York: Basic Books, 1984), pp. 135-36.
Lenin, Trotsky, and their cohorts did not overthrow the monarchy. They overthrew the first democratic society in Russian history, set up through a truly popular revolution in March, 1917.... They represented the smallest of the Russian radical movements.... But theirs was a movement that scoffed at numbers and frankly mistrusted the multitudes. The workers could be educated for their role after the revolution; they would not be led but driven to their terrestrial heaven. Lenin always sneered at the obsession of competing socialist groups with their "mass base." "Give us an organization of professional revolutionaries," he used to say, "and we will turn Russia upside down."...
Even these contingents were pathetically duped, having not the remotest notion of the real purposes for which they were being used. They were striking out, they thought, for the multi-party Soviets, for freedom, equality, and other goals which their organizers regarded as emotional garbage....
On the brink of the dictatorship, Lenin dared to promise that the state will fade away, since "all need of force will vanish." Not at some remote future, but at once: "The proletarian state begins to wither immediately after its triumph, for in a classless society a state is unnecessary and impossible.... Soviet power is a new kind of state, in which there is no bureaucracy, no police, no standing army." Also: "So long as the state exists, there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state."
Within a few months after they attained power, most of the tsarist practices the. Leninists had condemned were revived, usually in more ominous forms: political prisoners, convictions without trial and without the formality of charges, savage persecution of dissenting views, death penalties for more varieties of crime than in any other modern nation. The rest were put into effect in the following years, including the suppression of all other parties, restoration of the internal passport, a state monopoly of the press, along with repressive practices the monarchy had outlived for a century or more.1
All of this, of course, is a departure from the main narrative, but it has been necessary to illustrate a fact that has been obscured by the passage of time and the acceptance of myth by mainstream historians. The fact is that Lenin and Trotsky were not sent to Russia to overthrow the anti-Semitic Tsar. Their assignment from Wall Street was to overthrow the revolution.
That this was the prevailing motive of the New York money
powers was clearly brought to light in the diary of Lincoln Steffens,
one of America's best-known leftist writers of that time. Steffens
was on board the S.S. Kristianiafjord when Trotsky was taken off
and arrested in Halifax. He carefully wrote down the conversations
he had with other passengers who also were headed to strife-torn
Russia. One of these was Charles Crane, vice president of the Crane
Company. Crane was a backer of Woodrow Wilson and former chairman of the Democratic Party's finance committee. He also had
organized the Westinghouse Company in Russia and had made no
less than twenty-three prior visits. His son, Richard Crane, was
confidential assistant to then Secretary of State, Robert Lansing. It is
instructive, therefore, to read Steffens' notes regarding the views of
these traveling companions. He wrote: "... all agree that the
revolution is in its first phase only, that it must grow. Crane and the
Russian Radicals on the ship think we shall be in Petrograd for the
Precisely. Re-revolution was the expectation and the goal, not the elimination of anti-Semitism.
With regard to Thompson's claim that he was merely trying to keep Russia in the war against Germany, here again, the logic of actual events speak against it. Kerensky and the provisional government were for the war effort. Yet, the Red Cross masqueraders eventually threw their strongest support to the Bolsheviks who were against it. Their excuse was that it was obvious the Bolsheviks would soon control the new government and they were merely looking to the future. They did not like the Bolsheviks, they said, but had to deal with them pragmatically. So they became staunch supporters merely to gain influence with the inevitable victors and, hopefully, to persuade them to change their position on the war. 1
1. Lincoln Steffens, The Letters of Lincoln Steffens (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1941), p. 396.
Alas, it didn't work out that way. Influence they had, as we have seen, but the Bolsheviks never wavered in their views. After seizing control in the October coup d'etat, they did exactly what they claimed all along they would do. They signed a peace treaty with Germany and confiscated private property. They also began one of the world's greatest bloodbaths to eliminate their opposition. None of this could be blamed on the masqueraders, you understand. It was all the fault of Wilson and the other politicians at home who, by not following Thompson's recommendation to send U.S. tax dollars to the Bolsheviks, forced them into such drastic action. That, at least, is the accepted view.
In reality, a Bolshevik victory at that time was anything but certain, and there was little reason—beyond the support given by the New York financiers themselves—to believe they would become the dominant voice of Russia. But, even if we grant the assumption that these men were unusually astute political observers who were truly able to foresee the future course, we are still faced with serious obstacles, not the least of which are the thoughts and words of the masqueraders themselves. For example, in February of 1918, Arthur Bullard was in Russia as head of the Russian branch of the Committee on Public Information, which was the war-propaganda arm of the U.S. government. Bullard was aptly described by historian George Kennan as a "liberal socialist, free lance writer, and private eye of Colonel House."1 In his official capacity he had many occasions to consult with Raymond Robins and, in a report describing one of these conversations, Bullard wrote:
1. George F. Kennan, The Decision to Intervene: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920 (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1958), pp. 190, 235.
He [Robins] had one or two reservations—in particular, that recognition of the Bolsheviks was long overdue, that it should have been effected immediately, and that had the U.S. so recognized the Bolsheviks, "I believe that we would now be in control of the surplus resources of Russia and have control officers at all points on the frontier."2
2. Bullard ms, U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 316-11-1265, March 19,1918.
You will hear it said that I am an agent of Wall Street; that I am the servant of William B. Thompson to get Altai Copper for him; that I have already got 500,000 acres of the best timber land in Russia for myself; that I have already copped off the Trans-Siberian Railway; that they have given me a monopoly of the platinum in Russia; that this explains my working for the soviet.... You will hear that talk Now, I do not think it is true, Commissioner, but let us assume it is true. Let us assume that I am here to capture Russia for Wall Street and American businessmen. Let us assume that you are a British wolf and I am an American wolf, and that when this war is over we are going to eat each other up for the Russian market; let us do so in perfectly frank, man fashion, but let us assume at the same time that we are fairly intelligent wolves, and that we know that if we do not hunt together in this hour the German wolf will eat us both up.1
1- U.S. Cong., Senate, Bolshevik Propaganda, Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, 65th Cong., 1919, p. 802.
Professor Sutton has placed all this into perspective. In the following passage, he is speaking specifically about William Thompson, but his remarks apply with equal force to Robins and all of the other financiers who were part of the Red Cross Mission in Russia.
Thompson's motives were primarily financial and commercial. Specifically, Thompson was interested in the Russian market, and how this market could be influenced, diverted, and captured for postwar exploitation by a Wall Street syndicate, or syndicates. Certainly Thompson viewed Germany as an enemy, but less a political enemy than an economic or a commercial enemy. German industry and German banking were the real enemy. To outwit Germany, Thompson was willing to place seed money on any political power vehicle that would achieve his objective. In other words, Thompson was an American imperialist fighting against German imperialism, and this struggle was shrewdly recognized and exploited by Lenin and Trotsky....
Thompson was not a Bolshevik; he was not even pro-Bolshevik. Neither was he pro-Kerensky. Nor was he even pro-American. The overriding motivation was the capturing of the postwar Russian market. This was a commercial objective. Ideology could sway revolutionary operators like Kerensky, Trotsky, Lenin et al., but not financiers. 2
2. Sutton, Revolution, pp. 97-98.
Did the wolves of the Round Table actually succeed in their
goal? Did they, in fact, capture the surplus resources of Russia? The
answer to that question will not be found in our history books. It
must be tracked down along the trail of subsequent events, and
what we must look for is this. If the plan had not been successful,
we would expect to find a decline of interest on the part of high
finance, if not outright hostility. On the other hand, if it did succeed,
we would expect to see, not only continued support, but some
evidence of profit taking by the investors, a payback for their
efforts and their risk. With those footprints as our guide, let us turn
now to an overview of what has actually happened since the
Bolsheviks were assisted to power by the Round Table network.
ITEM: After the October Revolution, all the banks in Russia were taken over and "nationalized" by the Bolsheviks—except one: the Petrograd branch of Rockefeller's National City Bank.
ITEM: Heavy industry in Russia was also nationalized— except the Westinghouse plant, which had been established by Charles Crane, one of the dignitaries aboard the S.S. Kristianiafjord who had traveled to Russia with Trotsky to witness the re-revolution.
ITEM: In 1922, the Soviets formed their first international bank. It was not owned and run by the state as would be dictated by Communist theory, but was put together by a syndicate of private bankers. These included, not only former Tsarist bankers, but representatives of German, Swedish, and American banks. Most of the foreign capital came from England, including the British government itself.1 The man appointed as Director of the Foreign Division of the new bank was Max May, Vice President of Morgan's Guaranty Trust Company in New York.
1. U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 861.516/129, August 28,1922.
ITEM: In the years immediately following the October Revolution, there was a steady stream of large and lucrative (read non-competitive) contracts issued by the Soviets to British and American businesses which were directly or indirectly run by the Round Table network. The largest of these, for example, was a contract for fifty million pounds of food products to Morris & Company, Chicago meat packers. Helen Swift was married to Edward Morris who was the brother of Harold Swift. Harold Swift had been a "Major" at the Red Cross Mission in Russia.
ITEM: In payment for these contracts and to return the "loans" of the financiers, the Bolsheviks all but drained their country of its gold—which included the Tsarist governments sizable reserve— and shipped it primarily to American and British banks. In 1920 alone, one shipment came to the U.S. through Stockholm valued at 39,000,000 Swedish kroner; three shipments came direct involving 540 boxes of gold valued at 97,200,000 gold roubles; plus at least one other direct shipment bringing the total to about $20 million. (Remember, these are 1920 values!) The arrival of these shipments was coordinated by Jacob Schiff's Kuhn, Loeb & Company and deposited by Morgan's Guaranty Trust.2
2. U.S. State Dept., Decimal File, 861.51/815, 836, 837, October, 1920. Also Sutton, Revolution, pp. 159-60,165.
ITEM: It was at about this time that the Wilson Administration sent 700,000 tons of food to the Soviet Union which, not only saved the regime from certain collapse, but gave Lenin the power to consolidate his control over all of Russia.1 The U.S. Food Administration, which handled this giant operation, was handsomely profitable for those commercial enterprises that participated. It was headed by Herbert Hoover and directed by Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss, married to Alice Hanauer, daughter of one of the partners of Kuhn, Loeb & Company. [Do not give me that crap that they did not know what the Bolsheviks were about,THAT is a damn lie DC]
1- See George F. Kennan, Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1961), p. 180.
ITEM: U.S., British, and German wolves soon found a bonanza of profit in selling to the new Soviet regime. Standard Oil and General Electric supplied $37 million worth of machinery from 1921 to 1925, and that was just the beginning. Junkers Aircraft in Germany literally created Soviet air power. At least three million slave laborers perished in the icy mines of Siberia digging ore for Britain's Lena Goldfields, Ltd. W. Averell Harriman—a railroad magnate and banker from the United States who later was to become Ambassador to Russia—acquired a twenty-year monopoly over all Soviet manganese production. Armand Hammer—close personal friend of Lenin—made one of the world's greatest fortunes by mining Russian asbestos.
In those early years, the Bolsheviks were desperate for foreign
goods, services, and capital investment. They knew that they
would be gouged by their "capitalist" associates, but what of it? It
wasn't their money. All they cared about was staying in power.
And that was not as easy as it may have seemed. Even after the coup
d'etat in which they seized control of the mechanism of government,
they still did not control the country at large. In fact, in 1919,
Lenin had almost given up hope of expanding beyond Petrograd
and a part of Moscow. Except for Odessa, all of Southern Russia
and the Crimea were in the hands of General Deniken who was
strongly anti-Communist. Speaking before the Tenth Congress of
the Russian Communist Party, Lenin laid it out plainly:
Without the assistance of capital it will be impossible for us to retain proletarian power in an incredibly ruined country in which the peasantry, also ruined, constitutes the overwhelming majority—and, of course, for this assistance capital will squeeze hundreds percent out of us. This is what we have to understand. Hence, either this type of economic relations or nothing... 1
1. V.I. Lenin, Report to the Tenth Congress of the Russian Communist Party, March 15,1921. Quoted by Sutton, Revolution, p. 157.
On another occasion Lenin further explained his rationale for accepting Wall Street's terms. He said:
The Capitalists of the world and their governments, in pursuit of conquest of the Soviet market, will close their eyes to the indicated higher reality and thus will turn into deaf mute blind men. They will extend credits, which will strengthen for us the Communist Party in their countries; and giving us the materials and technology we lack, they will restore our military industry, indispensable for our future victorious attack on our suppliers. In other words, they will labor for the preparation of their own suicide.2
2. Quoted by Joseph Finder, Red Carpet (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983), p. 8.
Arthur Bullard, mentioned previously as the representative in Russia of the U.S. Committee on Public Information, apparently understood the Bolshevik strategy well. Even as early as March of 1918, he sent a cablegram to Washington warning that, while it is true we ought to be ready to help any honest government in need, nevertheless, he said, "men or money sent to the present rulers of Russia will be used against Russians at least as much as against Germans.... I strongly advise against giving material help to the present Russian government. Sinister elements in Soviets seem to be gaining control."3 [Arthur seen the light DC]
3. Arthur Bullard papers, Princeton University, cited by Sutton, Revolution, p. 46.
Unfortunately, Mr. Bullard was a minor player in this game,
and his opinion was filtered by others along the way. This
cablegram was sent to his superior, none other than Col. Edward
Mandell House, in hopes that it would be relayed to the President,
The message did not get through.
Financing and profiting from both sides in a conflict has never been more blatant.
ITEM: From the beginning of Hitler's rise to power, German industry was heavily financed by American and British bankers. Most of the largest U.S. Corporations were knowingly invested in war industries. I.G. Farben was the largest of the industrial cartels and was a primary source of political funding for Hitler. It was Farben that staffed and directed Hitler's intelligence section and ran the Nazi slave labor camps as a supplemental source of manpower for Germany's factories. Farben even hired the New York public relations firm of Ivy Lee, who was John D. Rockefeller's PR specialist, to help improve Hitler's public image in America. Lee, incidentally, had also been used to help sell the Soviet regime to the American public in the late 1920s.1
1 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (Seal Beach, California: '76 Press, 1976),. 15-18,33-43, 67-97,99-113. Also Revolution, p. 174.
2. Sutton, Hitler, pp. 23-61.
ITEM: During World War II, under the Lend-Lease program, the United States sent to the Soviets more than $11 billion in aid, including 14,000 aircraft, nearly half a million tanks and other military vehicles, more than 400 combat ships, and even half of the entire U.S. supply of uranium which then was critically needed for the development of the atomic bomb. But fully one-third of all the Lend-Lease shipments during this period comprised industrial equipment and supplies to be used for the development of the Russian economy after the war. And when the war did end, the Lend-Lease program continued to flow into the Soviet Union for over a year. As late as the end of 1946, Russia was still receiving twenty-year credit terms at 2.3/8 per cent interest, a far lower rate than returning GIs could obtain. 1
1. Anthony C. Sutton, National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union (New Rochelle. New York: Arlington House, 1973), p. 24.
The Soviets were not even required to have the money to buy these goods. American financial institutions, the federal government, and international agencies which are largely funded by the federal government, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank—lent the money to them. Furthermore, the interest rates on these loans also are below the market requiring still additional subsidy by American citizens. And that is not all. Almost all of these loans have been guaranteed by the United States government, which means that if—no, make that when—these countries default in their payments , the gullible American public is once again called upon to make them good.
In other words , the new mechanism, innocently and deceptively referred to as "trade, " is little more than a thinly disguised means by which members of the Round Table who direct our national policies have bled billions of dollars from American citizens for an ongoing economic transfusion into the Soviet bloc—and continue to do so now that the word Soviet has been changed to the less offensive Democratic Socialism.
This enables those regimes to enter into contracts with American businessmen to provide essential services. And the circle is complete: From the American taxpayer to the American government to the "socialist" regime to the American businessman and, ultimately, to the American financier who funded the project and provided the political influence to make it all possible.
This is the key to understanding the transfusion mechanism. Many Americans have looked at this process and have jumped to the conclusion that there must be a nest of Communist agents within our government. In an exam on reality politics, they would receive half credit for that answer. Yes, there undoubtedly have been, and continue to be, Red agents and sympathizers burrowed deep into our government woodwork, and they are all too happy to help the process along. But the main motive force has always come from the non-Communist, non-Democratic Socialist, non-American, non-anything members of the Round Table network who, as Lenin said, in the pursuit of profit are laboring for the preparation of their own suicide. [Well that would be the cabal headed for suicide right there,that would work D.C]
These men are incapable of genuine patriotism. They think of themselves, not as citizens of any particular country, but as citizens of the world. They can do business just as easily with bloodthirsty dictatorships as with any other government—especially since they are assured by the transfer mechanism that the American taxpayer is going to make good on the deal.
When David Rockefeller was asked about the propriety of providing funding for Marxist and Communist countries which are openly hostile to the United States, he responded: "I don't think an international bank such as ours ought to try to set itself as a judge about what kind of government a country wishes to have."[Sick bastard DC]
Wishes to have? He was talking about Angola where the Marxist dictatorship was forced upon the people with Cuban soldiers and Soviet weapons!
Thomas Theobald, Vice President of Citicorp, was asked in 1981 about his bank's loans to Poland. Was he embarrassed by making loans to a Communist country, especially following the regime's brutal repression of free-trade unions? Not at all. "Who knows which political system works?" he replied. "The only test we care about is, can they pay their bills." What he meant, of course, was can the American taxpayer pay Poland's bills.
ITEM: The following item, taken directly from the Los Angeles Times just a few months after Theobald's statement, tells the story:
WASHINGTON—For months, the Reagan Administration has been using federal funds to repay Polish loans owed to U.S. banks, and the bill for this fiscal year may amount to $400 million, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Richard E. Lyng said Monday.... "They (the Polish authorities) have not been making payments for at least the last half of the last year," Lyng said. "When they don't make a payment, the U.S. Department of Agriculture makes a payment."... Lyng said the U.S. Government paid $60 million to $70 million a month on guaranteed Polish loans in October, November, December, and January—and "we will continue to pay them." 1
1. "U.S. Repaying Loans Owed by Poland to American Banks," by William J. Eaton, Los Angeles Times, February 2,1982.
The hard fact is that American taxpayers unknowingly have been making monthly bank payments on behalf of Communist, socialist, and so-called Third-World countries for many years. And, with the more recent staging of apparent reform within the former Soviet bloc, Congress has tripped all over itself to greatly accelerate that trend.
Americans, of course, want to believe that the Evil Empire is crumbling, and the Soviets-turned-Democrats play directly to that desire. Since the end of World War II, their primary objectives have been (1) to disarm us and (2) to get our money. The facade of Perestroika and Glasnost has been merely a ploy to accomplish both objectives at once. All they have had to do is get rid of a few of the old hard-liners, replace them with less well-known personalities who are essentially the same (all of the new leaders come from the ranks of the old leadership), change their labels from "Communists" to "Social Democrats," and then sit back while we happily tear down our military defenses and rush billions of dollars to their failing economies. There undoubtedly will be some progress allowed in the area of free speech, but the military and security organizations continue in full readiness. The iron fist beneath the velvet glove remains ready to strike when the time comes that the facade is no longer necessary
Even if the entire ploy were genuine, there is no reason to believe that these Social Democracies will ever become better investment risks. The primary thing that has held them back economically in the past is their socialist system, and that most definitely will not be changed. All of the new "anti-Communist Social Democrats" have pledged their loyalty to the principles of Marx and have said in plain language that they will use our money to develop, not abandon socialism. These countries will continue to be unproductive and will continue to be unable to pay their loans. The American taxpayers will continue to be forced by the Cabal to pay the bill.
ITEM: Before the Bolshevik coup d'etat, Russia was one of the most productive agricultural nations in the world. The great wheat fields in Ukraine justly earned her the title of the Bread Basket of Europe. But when the people's Utopia arrived, agriculture came to a standstill, and famine stalked the land. Even after Stalin, when the regime is said to have adopted more humane and productive policies, Russia never produced enough food for itself. A nation that cannot feed its citizens cannot develop its industry and it certainly cannot build a potent military force. It is not surprising, therefore, that for decades, the United States has annually "sold" tens of millions of tons of wheat—and other food stuffs—to Russia. The quote marks are to emphasize the underlying transfusion mechanism previously described.
ITEM: The American government-industrial complex provided the Soviets with the money, technology, and the actual construction of two of the world's largest and most modern truck plants. The Kama River plant and the Zil plant produce over 150,000 heavy duty trucks per year—including armored personnel carriers and missile launchers—plus 250,000 diesel engines, many of which are used to power Soviet tanks. Forty-five per cent of the cost of this project came from the U.S. Export-Import Bank, an agency of the federal government, and an equal amount from David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. The Soviets put up only ten per cent. The loan, of course, was taxpayer-guaranteed by the U.S. Export-Import Bank which, at the time, was under the direction of William Casey. Casey later was appointed as head of the C.I.A. to protect America from global Communism.1 (Are you beginning to get the picture?)
1- "U.S. Builds Soviet War Machine," Industrial Research & Development, July, 1980, pp. 51-54.
ITEM: Almost every important facet of Eastern-Bloc heavy industry could well be stamped "Made in the U.S.A." With the specific approval of each successive president, we have provided the latest oil-drilling equipment, chemical processing plants, air-traffic radar systems, equipment to produce precision bearings, large-craft helicopter engines, laser technology, highly advanced computer systems, and nuclear power plants. We have trained hundreds of their technicians in American institutions and factories and have provided their astronauts with the space suits developed by NASA. We have even trained their pilots at U.S. Air Force bases and paid for their military officers to attend our War College. All of this has been used by the Russian government—as Lenin predicted it would—to build their military industry in preparation for an attack on their suppliers. The great pretense of crumbling Communism, has not altered that strategy. It may even be the implementation of it.
ITEM: When Boris Yeltsin seized control of the former Soviet government, one of his first official acts was to decree that foreign businesses had the right to take their profits out of the country. From a purely business perspective, that was a sound move because it would provide incentive for foreign investment. But there was more to it than that. Recall from a previous chapter that the lion's share of that investment was to be funded by American taxpayers in the form of direct aid, bank-loan bailouts, and government insurance through the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Jane Ingraham provides the details: 1
1. Trilateral Commission.
During 1992 Yeltsin wheeled and dealed with Royal Dutch/Shell, British Petroleum, Amoco, Texaco, and Exxon. The Chevron joint venture to develop the Tengiz oil field was signed. McDermott International, Marathon Oil, and Mitsui signed a contract with the Russian government to develop oil and natural gas off Sakhalin Island. Chevron and Oman formed a consortium to build a huge pipeline to carry crude oil from Kazakhstan to the Black Sea, Mediterranean, and Persian Gulf. Occidental Petroleum signed a joint venture with Russia to modernize two oil fields in Siberia.... Newmont mining signed a joint venture to extract gold in Uzbekistan. Merrill Lynch's chairman, William Schreyer (CFR), signed up as financial adviser to "aid in privatizing" the Ukrainian State Property Fund. AT&T CEO Robert Allen (CFR, TC ) signed a huge contract to supply switching systems for all of Kazakhstan....
US West joined with the Hungarian government to own and operate a national cellular telephone system; GM Vice President Marina Whitman (CFR, TC) joined the governments of Hungary and Yugoslavia to make cars; GE CEO John Welch (CFR) and vice chairman of the board, Lawrence Bossidy (TC), bought a majority stake in Hungary's lighting industry; Ralston-Purina, Dow Chemical, Eastman Kodak, SC Johnson & Son, Xerox, American Express, Procter & Gamble , Woolworth , Philip Morris , Ford , Compaq Computer—hardly a single American brand name was missing.1
1. "The Payoff," by Jane H. Ingraham, The New American, June 28,1993, pp. 25-6.
ITEM: In February of 1996, the Clinton Administration made a $1 billion loan of US taxpayers' money to Russia's state-controlled Aeroflot company so it could more effectively compete with American companies such as Boeing in the building of jumbo jets. By the end of that year, the former Soviet Bloc countries had received transfusions from the World Bank of over $3 billion.
ITEM: Now the action has spread to China. American banks and businessmen—with taxpayers standing by with guarantees— have provided power-generating equipment, modern steel mills, and military hardware including artillery shells, anti-submarine torpedoes, and high-tech electronic gear to update Russian-made jet fighters. All of this is explained as a means of weaning the Red Chinese away from mother Russia and encouraging them to move closer to free-enterprise capitalism. Yet, in 1985, at the height of the frenzy over building trade bridges to China, the regime signed a $14 billion trade pact with Russia and, in 1986, sent a $20 million interest-free loan to the Communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Even after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing, when U.S. officials were publicly condemning China for human-rights violations, business quietly continued as usual.
"The United States cannot condone the violent attacks and cannot ignore the consequence for our relationship with China," said President Bush. Yet, within only a few weeks of the bloodshed, and at the very time that student leaders were being executed, the Administration approved a $200 million, low-interest loan for delivery of four of Boeing's newest jumbo-jet aircraft. In 1993, forty-seven more jetliners were sold with a projected sale of 800 more over the next fifteen years. Amoco is spending $1.5 billion to develop oil fields in the China Sea. A joint venture between the Chinese government and Chrysler is building military jeeps. A similar joint project is being used to upgrade their F-8 fighter planes. Three communications satellites were cleared for delivery. AT&T contracted a $30 million cellular communications network. Even the President's brother, Prescott Bush, resumed his plan to set up a satellite-linked computer network and to build a golf course near Shanghai.
China's interest in military technology is revealing. In addition to the advanced hardware purchased from the United States, the Chinese have bought MIG-31 and SU-27 jet fighters from Russia and an aircraft carrier constructed in Ukraine. In May of 1992, China set off its biggest underground nuclear blast. In 1997, the purchase list was extended to include self-propelled gun-mortar systems and Russia's most advanced diesel-electric submarines.
Although it is known that China maintains a slave-labor work force in excess of a million people—they call them "convicts"—and although the Tariff Act of 1930 prohibits the United States from importing any goods made even in part by convicts or other forced labor, every administration starting with Nixon has renewed the "most-favored-nation" trade status for China.
How is China expected to pay for all this "trade"? Very simple. By 1996, China had become the largest single recipient of guaranteed loans and subsidies from the World Bank.
ITEM: In addition to these decades of global trade, credit, and taxpayer guarantees, the United States government has transferred tens of billions of dollars in direct foreign-aid grants with no pretense at all regarding expectation of repayment.
The trail leads to Wall Street, and the tracks are fresh. The Round Table network did succeed in exploiting the markets of Eastern Europe and continues to do so today. The cast of characters has changed, but the play remains the same. In the beginning, the Council on Foreign Relations was dominated by J.P. Morgan. It is still controlled by international financiers. The Morgan group gradually has been replaced by the Rockefeller consortium, and the roll call of participating businesses now reads like the Fortune 500. The operation no longer pretends to be a Red Cross mission; it now masquerades under the cover of "East-West Trade."
Politicians are fond of talking about the necessity of preserving world peace, and trade, we are told, is one of the best ways to do it. The implication is that this is a time of peace. In truth, we live in one of the most war-torn eras the world has ever seen. No continent today, except Antarctica, is free from war. There are from 25 to 40 military struggles going on somewhere every day of the year. There have been more than 150 armed conflicts since the end of World War II with the death count already in excess of 20 million and rising.1 We cannot help noticing that this also has been a period of rising government debt and the global creation of fiat money.
1- These figures are taken from United Nations publication E/CN.5/1985/Rev.l, 1985 Report on the World Social Situation (New York: United Nations, 1985), p. 14. The January 1993 revision of that document does not give cumulative figures but shows that the number of conflicts has been accelerating. So the current numbers, whatever they may be, are even worse.
In a previous section, we theorized a strategy, dubbed the Rothschild Formula, in which the world's money cabal deliberately encourages war as a means of stimulating the profitable production of armaments and of keeping nations perpetually in debt. This is not profit seeking, it is genocide. It is not a trivial matter, therefore, to inquire into the possibility that our elected and non-elected leaders are, in fact, implementing the Rothschild Formula today.
ITEM: In his address to the graduating class at Annapolis in 1983, Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman, said: "Within weeks, many of you will be looking across just hundreds of feet of water at some of the most modern technology ever invented in America. Unfortunately, it is on Soviet ships."
As Professor Sutton observed in his book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, the guns, the ammunition, the weapons, and the transportation systems that killed Americans in Korea and Vietnam came from the American-subsidized economy of the Soviet Union. The trucks that carried these weapons down the Ho Chi Minh Trail were manufactured in American-built plants. The ships that carried the supplies to Sihanoukville and Haiphong and later to Angola and Nicaragua came from NATO allies and used propulsion systems that our State Department could have kept out of Soviet hands. Sutton concludes: "The technical capability to wage the Korean and Vietnamese wars originated on both sides in Western, mainly American, technology, and the political illusion of "peaceful trade" promoted by the deaf mute blind men was the carrier for this war-making technology."1
1. Anthony Sutton, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (Billings, Montana: Liberty House Press, 1986), p. 191.
ITEM: That leads us to the more recent wars in the Middle East and the rise of "Islamic Fundamentalism." Iran, Iraq, Syria, Algeria, the PLO, the Muslim Brotherhood, and similar anti-American groupings have all received weapons, funding, and clandestine support from the U.S. government. In the Gulf War, every effort was made to insure that Hussein's regime was contained but not destroyed (shades of the Korean and Vietnam wars). Most of his bacterial-weapons factories were spared. After the cease fire, he was allowed to keep his fleet of helicopter gunships, which he promptly used to put down a large-scale internal revolt.
The big pill to swallow is that Saddam Hussein has been an asset to the global planners in the West, and they have done everything possible to keep him in power. This strategy has lately become so obvious that there is no longer any serious attempt to conceal it. The task now is how to explain it to the gullible public so as to make it sound like a good idea.[Well he had WMD's don't you know,hell they said so! DC]
As mentioned previously, the think-tank and talent pool for the implementation of this strategy has been the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1996, the Managing Editor of the CFR's monthly journal, Foreign Affairs, was Fareed Zakaria, who offered the following rationalization:[This guy cannot forecast for DC]
Yes, it's tempting to get rid of Saddam. But his bad behavior actually serves America's purposes in the region.... If Saddam Hussein did not exist, we would have to invent him.... The end of Saddam Hussein would be the end of the anti-Saddam coalition. Nothing destroys an alliance like the disappearance of the enemy..-. Maintaining a long-term American presence in the gulf would be difficult in the absence of a regional threat.2
2. "Thank Goodness for a Villain," Newsweek, Sept. 16,1996, p. 43.
That is about as clear a statement of the Rothschild Formula as one is apt to find. Yet, many people cannot believe it is real, even Congressmen. For example, Representative James Traficant from Ohio, speaking before the House on April 29,1997, exclaimed:
America gives billions to Russia. With American cash, Russia builds missiles. Russia then sells those missiles to China. And China, who gets about $45 billion in trade giveaways from Uncle Sam, then sells those Russian-made missiles to Iran.
Now Iran, with those Russian-made missiles sold to them by China, threatens the Mideast. So Uncle Sam, who is concerned about about Iran threatening the Mideast because of those Russian-made missiles sold to them by China that we financed by American cash sends more troops and sends more dollars.... Mr. Speaker, this is not foreign policy. This is foreign stupidity.1
1- Congressional Record, April 29,1997
Traficant is on target with his analysis of the problem, but he missed the bull's eye regarding the cause. American leaders are not stupid. They merely are implementing the Rothschild Formula. To justify world government, it is necessary to have wars and the threat of wars. Wars require enemies with frightful weapons. Saddam Hussein is one of the best enemies money can buy.
If it is true that Western leaders are deliberately funding their own enemies, we must assume they have considered Lenin's prediction that, by so doing, they are preparing their own suicide— ours, also, by the way. We must also conclude that they are confident of avoiding that destiny. Whether they are right or wrong is not the issue here. The point is they believe they are correct and, further, they are building a world order which they are confident of being able to control. How they plan to bring that to pass is the subject of a later section, but perpetual war is an important part of it. Unless we are able to break the grip of these strategists, the Rothschild Formula will continue to play a major role in our future.
One can argue the necessity, or at least the inevitability, of fiat money in time of war as a means of raw survival. That is the primal instinct of both individuals and governments, all other considerations aside. We shall leave that for the philosophers. But there can be no debate over the fact that fiat money in time of peace has no such justification. Furthermore, the ability of governments and banking institutions to use fiat money to fund the wars of other nations is a powerful temptation for them to become embroiled in those wars for personal profit, political advancement, or other reasons which fall far short of a moral justification for bloodshed.
The Federal Reserve System has always served that function. The on-going strategy of building up the military capabilities of America's potential enemies leaves us no reason to believe we have seen the last of war. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Federal Reserve System encourages war. There can be no better reason for the Creature to be put to sleep.
3. Lockhart, pp. 225-26.
Such was the raw power over the leaders of Communism that was concealed behind the innocent facade of the American Red Cross Mission. And yet, the world—even today—has no inkling of its reality. It has been a carefully guarded secret, and even many of those who were close to it were unable to see it. The assistant to William Thompson in Russia was Cornelius Kelleher. In later years, reflecting on the naivete of Dr. Franklin Billings, who was head of the mission's medical team, Kelleher wrote:
Poor Mr. Billings believed he was in charge of a scientific mission for the relief of Russia.... He was in reality nothing but a mask—the Red Cross complexion of the mission was nothing but a mask. 1
1. Kennan, Russia, p. 59
The purpose of a mask, of course, is to conceal. And so we are led to ask the question, what was behind that mask? What were the true motives and goals of the masqueraders? We shall turn to that subject next.
The Bolshevik revolution was not a spontaneous uprising of the
masses. It was planned, financed, and orchestrated by outsiders.
Some of the financing came from Germany which hoped that
internal problems would force Russia out of the war against her.
But most of the money and leadership came from financiers in
England and the United States. It was a perfect example of the
Rothschild formula in action. This group centered mainly around a secret society created by Cecil Rhodes, one of the world's wealthiest men at the time. The purpose of that group was nothing less than world dominion and the establishment of a modern feudalist society controlled by the world's central banks. Headquartered in England, the Rhodes inner-most directorate was called the Round Table. In other countries, there were established subordinate structures called RoundTable Groups. The Round-Table Group in the United States became known as the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR, which was initially dominated by J.P. Morgan and later by the Rockefellers, is the most powerful group in America today. It is even more powerful than the federal government, because almost all of the key positions in government are held by its members. In other words, it is the United States government.
Agents of these two groups cooperated closely in pre-revolutionary Russia and particularly after the Tsar was overthrown. The American contingent in Russia disguised itself as a Red Cross mission allegedly doing humanitarian work. Cashing in on their close friendship with Trotsky and Lenin, they obtained profitable business concessions from the new government which returned their initial investment many times over.
Chapter Fourteen
The coup d'etat in Russia in which the Bolshevik
minority seized control from the revolutionary
majority; the role played by New York financiers,
masquerading as Red Cross officials, in supporting
the Bolsheviks; the unbroken record since then
of American assistance in building Russia's warmaking
potential; the emergence of a "credible
enemy" in accordance with the Rothschild
Formula. In the previous section we saw that the Red Cross Mission in revolutionary Russia was, in the words of its own personnel, "nothing but a mask." This leads to the logical question, what were the true motives and goals that were hidden behind that mask.
In later years, it would be explained by the participants themselves that they simply were engaged in a humanitarian effort to keep Russia in the war against Germany and, thus, to help the cause of freedom for England and her allies. For Jacob Schiff and other Jewish financiers in New York, there was the additional explanation that they opposed the Tsar because of his anti Semitism. These, of course, are admirable motives, and they have been uncritically accepted by mainstream historians ever since. Unfortunately, the official explanations do not square with the facts.

The facts are that there were two revolutions in Russia that
year, not one. The first, called the February Revolution, resulted in
the establishment of a provisional socialist government under the
leadership of Aleksandr Kerensky. It was relatively moderate in its
policies and attempted to accommodate all revolutionary factions
including the Bolsheviks who were the smallest minority. When the February Revolution occurred, neither Lenin nor Trotsky were
even in Russia. Lenin was in Switzerland and didn't arrive until
April. Trotsky was still in New York writing propaganda and
giving speeches. 
The second revolution, called the October Revolution, was the one through which the Bolsheviks came to power. It was, in fact, no revolution at all. It was a coup d'etat. The Bolsheviks simply took advantage of the confusion and indecisiveness that existed among the various groups that comprised the new government and caught them by surprise with a lightening strike of force. With a combination of bribes and propaganda, they recruited several regiments of soldiers and sailors and, in the early morning darkness of October 25, methodically took military possession of all government buildings and communication centers. No one was prepared for such audacity, and resistance was almost non-existent. By dawn, without the Russian people even knowing what had happened—much less having any voice in that action, their country had been captured by a minority faction and become the world's first so-called "people's republic." Within two days, Kerensky had fled for his life, and all Provisional Government ministers had been arrested. That is how the Communists seized Russia and that is how they held it afterward. Contrary to the Marxian myth, they have never represented the people. They simply have the guns.
The basic facts of this so-called revolution are described by Professor Leonard Schapiro in his authoritative work, The Russian Revolutions of 1917:
All the evidence suggests that when the crisis came the great majority of units of the Petrograd Garrison did not support the government but simply remained neutral.... The Cossack units rejected its call for support, leaving the government with only a few hundred women soldiers and around two thousand military cadets on its side. The Bolsheviks, on the other hand, could count on several regiments to carry out their orders. Units of the Baltic Fleet also supported them....
In the event, the Bolshevik take-over was almost bloodless: in contrast with what had happened in February, nothing could have been less like a city in the throes of revolution than Petrograd on 25 October. Crowds of well-dressed people thronged the streets in the evening. Theaters and restaurants were open, and at the opera, Shaliapin sang in Boris Godunov. The principal stations and services had all been taken over by the morning of 25 October without a shot being fired....
A battleship and several cruisers, including the Aurora, had reached Petrograd from Kronstadt and were anchored with their guns trained on targets in the city....
The Provisional Government inside the Winter Palace...received an ultimatum calling for surrender of its members, under threat of bombardment of the palace by Aurora and by the guns of the Peter and Paul Fortress.... It was only at 9:40 P.M. that the Aurora was ordered to fire—and discharged one blank shell. The main effect of this was to accelerate the thinning out of the cadet defenders of the palace, who had already begun to dwindle. The women soldiers, who had formed part of its defense force, also left before the palace was invaded. At 11 P.M. some live shells were fired, and the palace was slightly damaged....
The story of the dramatic storming of the Winter Palace, popular with Soviet historians and in the cinema, is a myth. At around 2 A.M. on 26 October, a small detachment of troops, followed by an unruly crowd and led by two members of the MRC [Military Revolutionary Committee], entered the palace. The remaining officer cadets were, apparently, prepared to resist, but were ordered to surrender by the ministers. In the end, the total casualties were three officer cadets wounded. 1
1.Leonard Shapiro, The Russian Revolutions of 1917 (New York: Basic Books, 1984), pp. 135-36.
Eugene Lyons had been a correspondent for United Press in
revolutionary Russia. He began his career as highly sympathetic to
the Bolsheviks and their new regime, but six years of actual living
inside the new socialist utopia shattered his illusions. In his
acclaimed book, Workers' Paradise Lost, he summarizes the true
meaning of the October Revolution: Lenin, Trotsky, and their cohorts did not overthrow the monarchy. They overthrew the first democratic society in Russian history, set up through a truly popular revolution in March, 1917.... They represented the smallest of the Russian radical movements.... But theirs was a movement that scoffed at numbers and frankly mistrusted the multitudes. The workers could be educated for their role after the revolution; they would not be led but driven to their terrestrial heaven. Lenin always sneered at the obsession of competing socialist groups with their "mass base." "Give us an organization of professional revolutionaries," he used to say, "and we will turn Russia upside down."...
Even these contingents were pathetically duped, having not the remotest notion of the real purposes for which they were being used. They were striking out, they thought, for the multi-party Soviets, for freedom, equality, and other goals which their organizers regarded as emotional garbage....
On the brink of the dictatorship, Lenin dared to promise that the state will fade away, since "all need of force will vanish." Not at some remote future, but at once: "The proletarian state begins to wither immediately after its triumph, for in a classless society a state is unnecessary and impossible.... Soviet power is a new kind of state, in which there is no bureaucracy, no police, no standing army." Also: "So long as the state exists, there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state."
Within a few months after they attained power, most of the tsarist practices the. Leninists had condemned were revived, usually in more ominous forms: political prisoners, convictions without trial and without the formality of charges, savage persecution of dissenting views, death penalties for more varieties of crime than in any other modern nation. The rest were put into effect in the following years, including the suppression of all other parties, restoration of the internal passport, a state monopoly of the press, along with repressive practices the monarchy had outlived for a century or more.1
All of this, of course, is a departure from the main narrative, but it has been necessary to illustrate a fact that has been obscured by the passage of time and the acceptance of myth by mainstream historians. The fact is that Lenin and Trotsky were not sent to Russia to overthrow the anti-Semitic Tsar. Their assignment from Wall Street was to overthrow the revolution.
Precisely. Re-revolution was the expectation and the goal, not the elimination of anti-Semitism.
With regard to Thompson's claim that he was merely trying to keep Russia in the war against Germany, here again, the logic of actual events speak against it. Kerensky and the provisional government were for the war effort. Yet, the Red Cross masqueraders eventually threw their strongest support to the Bolsheviks who were against it. Their excuse was that it was obvious the Bolsheviks would soon control the new government and they were merely looking to the future. They did not like the Bolsheviks, they said, but had to deal with them pragmatically. So they became staunch supporters merely to gain influence with the inevitable victors and, hopefully, to persuade them to change their position on the war. 1
1. Lincoln Steffens, The Letters of Lincoln Steffens (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1941), p. 396.
Alas, it didn't work out that way. Influence they had, as we have seen, but the Bolsheviks never wavered in their views. After seizing control in the October coup d'etat, they did exactly what they claimed all along they would do. They signed a peace treaty with Germany and confiscated private property. They also began one of the world's greatest bloodbaths to eliminate their opposition. None of this could be blamed on the masqueraders, you understand. It was all the fault of Wilson and the other politicians at home who, by not following Thompson's recommendation to send U.S. tax dollars to the Bolsheviks, forced them into such drastic action. That, at least, is the accepted view.
In reality, a Bolshevik victory at that time was anything but certain, and there was little reason—beyond the support given by the New York financiers themselves—to believe they would become the dominant voice of Russia. But, even if we grant the assumption that these men were unusually astute political observers who were truly able to foresee the future course, we are still faced with serious obstacles, not the least of which are the thoughts and words of the masqueraders themselves. For example, in February of 1918, Arthur Bullard was in Russia as head of the Russian branch of the Committee on Public Information, which was the war-propaganda arm of the U.S. government. Bullard was aptly described by historian George Kennan as a "liberal socialist, free lance writer, and private eye of Colonel House."1 In his official capacity he had many occasions to consult with Raymond Robins and, in a report describing one of these conversations, Bullard wrote:
1. George F. Kennan, The Decision to Intervene: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920 (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1958), pp. 190, 235.
He [Robins] had one or two reservations—in particular, that recognition of the Bolsheviks was long overdue, that it should have been effected immediately, and that had the U.S. so recognized the Bolsheviks, "I believe that we would now be in control of the surplus resources of Russia and have control officers at all points on the frontier."2
2. Bullard ms, U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 316-11-1265, March 19,1918.
The following year, the U.S. Senate conducted an investigation
into the role played by prominent American citizens in supporting
the Bolshevik's rise to power. One of the documents entered into
the record was an early communique from Robins to Bruce
Lockhart. In it Robins said: You will hear it said that I am an agent of Wall Street; that I am the servant of William B. Thompson to get Altai Copper for him; that I have already got 500,000 acres of the best timber land in Russia for myself; that I have already copped off the Trans-Siberian Railway; that they have given me a monopoly of the platinum in Russia; that this explains my working for the soviet.... You will hear that talk Now, I do not think it is true, Commissioner, but let us assume it is true. Let us assume that I am here to capture Russia for Wall Street and American businessmen. Let us assume that you are a British wolf and I am an American wolf, and that when this war is over we are going to eat each other up for the Russian market; let us do so in perfectly frank, man fashion, but let us assume at the same time that we are fairly intelligent wolves, and that we know that if we do not hunt together in this hour the German wolf will eat us both up.1
1- U.S. Cong., Senate, Bolshevik Propaganda, Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, 65th Cong., 1919, p. 802.
Professor Sutton has placed all this into perspective. In the following passage, he is speaking specifically about William Thompson, but his remarks apply with equal force to Robins and all of the other financiers who were part of the Red Cross Mission in Russia.
Thompson's motives were primarily financial and commercial. Specifically, Thompson was interested in the Russian market, and how this market could be influenced, diverted, and captured for postwar exploitation by a Wall Street syndicate, or syndicates. Certainly Thompson viewed Germany as an enemy, but less a political enemy than an economic or a commercial enemy. German industry and German banking were the real enemy. To outwit Germany, Thompson was willing to place seed money on any political power vehicle that would achieve his objective. In other words, Thompson was an American imperialist fighting against German imperialism, and this struggle was shrewdly recognized and exploited by Lenin and Trotsky....
Thompson was not a Bolshevik; he was not even pro-Bolshevik. Neither was he pro-Kerensky. Nor was he even pro-American. The overriding motivation was the capturing of the postwar Russian market. This was a commercial objective. Ideology could sway revolutionary operators like Kerensky, Trotsky, Lenin et al., but not financiers. 2
2. Sutton, Revolution, pp. 97-98.
ITEM: After the October Revolution, all the banks in Russia were taken over and "nationalized" by the Bolsheviks—except one: the Petrograd branch of Rockefeller's National City Bank.
ITEM: Heavy industry in Russia was also nationalized— except the Westinghouse plant, which had been established by Charles Crane, one of the dignitaries aboard the S.S. Kristianiafjord who had traveled to Russia with Trotsky to witness the re-revolution.
ITEM: In 1922, the Soviets formed their first international bank. It was not owned and run by the state as would be dictated by Communist theory, but was put together by a syndicate of private bankers. These included, not only former Tsarist bankers, but representatives of German, Swedish, and American banks. Most of the foreign capital came from England, including the British government itself.1 The man appointed as Director of the Foreign Division of the new bank was Max May, Vice President of Morgan's Guaranty Trust Company in New York.
1. U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 861.516/129, August 28,1922.
ITEM: In the years immediately following the October Revolution, there was a steady stream of large and lucrative (read non-competitive) contracts issued by the Soviets to British and American businesses which were directly or indirectly run by the Round Table network. The largest of these, for example, was a contract for fifty million pounds of food products to Morris & Company, Chicago meat packers. Helen Swift was married to Edward Morris who was the brother of Harold Swift. Harold Swift had been a "Major" at the Red Cross Mission in Russia.
ITEM: In payment for these contracts and to return the "loans" of the financiers, the Bolsheviks all but drained their country of its gold—which included the Tsarist governments sizable reserve— and shipped it primarily to American and British banks. In 1920 alone, one shipment came to the U.S. through Stockholm valued at 39,000,000 Swedish kroner; three shipments came direct involving 540 boxes of gold valued at 97,200,000 gold roubles; plus at least one other direct shipment bringing the total to about $20 million. (Remember, these are 1920 values!) The arrival of these shipments was coordinated by Jacob Schiff's Kuhn, Loeb & Company and deposited by Morgan's Guaranty Trust.2
2. U.S. State Dept., Decimal File, 861.51/815, 836, 837, October, 1920. Also Sutton, Revolution, pp. 159-60,165.
ITEM: It was at about this time that the Wilson Administration sent 700,000 tons of food to the Soviet Union which, not only saved the regime from certain collapse, but gave Lenin the power to consolidate his control over all of Russia.1 The U.S. Food Administration, which handled this giant operation, was handsomely profitable for those commercial enterprises that participated. It was headed by Herbert Hoover and directed by Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss, married to Alice Hanauer, daughter of one of the partners of Kuhn, Loeb & Company. [Do not give me that crap that they did not know what the Bolsheviks were about,THAT is a damn lie DC]
1- See George F. Kennan, Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1961), p. 180.
ITEM: U.S., British, and German wolves soon found a bonanza of profit in selling to the new Soviet regime. Standard Oil and General Electric supplied $37 million worth of machinery from 1921 to 1925, and that was just the beginning. Junkers Aircraft in Germany literally created Soviet air power. At least three million slave laborers perished in the icy mines of Siberia digging ore for Britain's Lena Goldfields, Ltd. W. Averell Harriman—a railroad magnate and banker from the United States who later was to become Ambassador to Russia—acquired a twenty-year monopoly over all Soviet manganese production. Armand Hammer—close personal friend of Lenin—made one of the world's greatest fortunes by mining Russian asbestos.
Without the assistance of capital it will be impossible for us to retain proletarian power in an incredibly ruined country in which the peasantry, also ruined, constitutes the overwhelming majority—and, of course, for this assistance capital will squeeze hundreds percent out of us. This is what we have to understand. Hence, either this type of economic relations or nothing... 1
1. V.I. Lenin, Report to the Tenth Congress of the Russian Communist Party, March 15,1921. Quoted by Sutton, Revolution, p. 157.
On another occasion Lenin further explained his rationale for accepting Wall Street's terms. He said:
The Capitalists of the world and their governments, in pursuit of conquest of the Soviet market, will close their eyes to the indicated higher reality and thus will turn into deaf mute blind men. They will extend credits, which will strengthen for us the Communist Party in their countries; and giving us the materials and technology we lack, they will restore our military industry, indispensable for our future victorious attack on our suppliers. In other words, they will labor for the preparation of their own suicide.2
2. Quoted by Joseph Finder, Red Carpet (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983), p. 8.
Arthur Bullard, mentioned previously as the representative in Russia of the U.S. Committee on Public Information, apparently understood the Bolshevik strategy well. Even as early as March of 1918, he sent a cablegram to Washington warning that, while it is true we ought to be ready to help any honest government in need, nevertheless, he said, "men or money sent to the present rulers of Russia will be used against Russians at least as much as against Germans.... I strongly advise against giving material help to the present Russian government. Sinister elements in Soviets seem to be gaining control."3 [Arthur seen the light DC]
3. Arthur Bullard papers, Princeton University, cited by Sutton, Revolution, p. 46.
Returning to the trail of actual events since that time, let us
pause briefly to take a short side trip through World War II. Financing and profiting from both sides in a conflict has never been more blatant.
ITEM: From the beginning of Hitler's rise to power, German industry was heavily financed by American and British bankers. Most of the largest U.S. Corporations were knowingly invested in war industries. I.G. Farben was the largest of the industrial cartels and was a primary source of political funding for Hitler. It was Farben that staffed and directed Hitler's intelligence section and ran the Nazi slave labor camps as a supplemental source of manpower for Germany's factories. Farben even hired the New York public relations firm of Ivy Lee, who was John D. Rockefeller's PR specialist, to help improve Hitler's public image in America. Lee, incidentally, had also been used to help sell the Soviet regime to the American public in the late 1920s.1
1 Anthony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (Seal Beach, California: '76 Press, 1976),. 15-18,33-43, 67-97,99-113. Also Revolution, p. 174.
Robert P. Patterson
ITEM: Much of the capital for the expansion of I.G. Farben
came from Wall Street, primarily Rockefeller's National City Bank;
Dillon, Read & Company, also a Rockefeller firm; Morgan's Equitable
Trust Company; Harris Forbes & Company; and, yes, the
predominantly Jewish firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.22. Sutton, Hitler, pp. 23-61.
James Forrestal
ITEM: During the Allied bombing raids over Germany, the
factories and administrative buildings of I.G. Farben were spared
upon instructions from the U.S. War Department. The War Department
was liberally staffed with men, who in civilian life, had been
associates of the investment firms previously mentioned. For
example, the Secretary of War at that time was Robert P. Patterson.
James Forrestal was Secretary of the Navy and later became
Secretary of Defense. Both men had come from Dillon Read and, in
fact, Forrestal had been president of that firm.ITEM: During World War II, under the Lend-Lease program, the United States sent to the Soviets more than $11 billion in aid, including 14,000 aircraft, nearly half a million tanks and other military vehicles, more than 400 combat ships, and even half of the entire U.S. supply of uranium which then was critically needed for the development of the atomic bomb. But fully one-third of all the Lend-Lease shipments during this period comprised industrial equipment and supplies to be used for the development of the Russian economy after the war. And when the war did end, the Lend-Lease program continued to flow into the Soviet Union for over a year. As late as the end of 1946, Russia was still receiving twenty-year credit terms at 2.3/8 per cent interest, a far lower rate than returning GIs could obtain. 1
1. Anthony C. Sutton, National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union (New Rochelle. New York: Arlington House, 1973), p. 24.
With the termination of the Lend-Lease program, it was necessary
to invent new mechanisms for the support of Soviet Russia
and her satellites. One of these was the sale of much-needed
commodities at prices below the world market and, in fact, below
the prices that Americans themselves had to pay for the same
items. This meant, of course—as it did in the case of Lend
Lease—that the American taxpayer had to make up the difference.[This is what I have been pointing to as proof that the 'cold war' was a fraud,and in reality a psyop against Americans and the rest of the West.Major Jordan's dairies cover this time frame in detail here DC]
The Soviets were not even required to have the money to buy these goods. American financial institutions, the federal government, and international agencies which are largely funded by the federal government, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank—lent the money to them. Furthermore, the interest rates on these loans also are below the market requiring still additional subsidy by American citizens. And that is not all. Almost all of these loans have been guaranteed by the United States government, which means that if—no, make that when—these countries default in their payments , the gullible American public is once again called upon to make them good.
In other words , the new mechanism, innocently and deceptively referred to as "trade, " is little more than a thinly disguised means by which members of the Round Table who direct our national policies have bled billions of dollars from American citizens for an ongoing economic transfusion into the Soviet bloc—and continue to do so now that the word Soviet has been changed to the less offensive Democratic Socialism.
This enables those regimes to enter into contracts with American businessmen to provide essential services. And the circle is complete: From the American taxpayer to the American government to the "socialist" regime to the American businessman and, ultimately, to the American financier who funded the project and provided the political influence to make it all possible.
This is the key to understanding the transfusion mechanism. Many Americans have looked at this process and have jumped to the conclusion that there must be a nest of Communist agents within our government. In an exam on reality politics, they would receive half credit for that answer. Yes, there undoubtedly have been, and continue to be, Red agents and sympathizers burrowed deep into our government woodwork, and they are all too happy to help the process along. But the main motive force has always come from the non-Communist, non-Democratic Socialist, non-American, non-anything members of the Round Table network who, as Lenin said, in the pursuit of profit are laboring for the preparation of their own suicide. [Well that would be the cabal headed for suicide right there,that would work D.C]
These men are incapable of genuine patriotism. They think of themselves, not as citizens of any particular country, but as citizens of the world. They can do business just as easily with bloodthirsty dictatorships as with any other government—especially since they are assured by the transfer mechanism that the American taxpayer is going to make good on the deal.
When David Rockefeller was asked about the propriety of providing funding for Marxist and Communist countries which are openly hostile to the United States, he responded: "I don't think an international bank such as ours ought to try to set itself as a judge about what kind of government a country wishes to have."[Sick bastard DC]
Wishes to have? He was talking about Angola where the Marxist dictatorship was forced upon the people with Cuban soldiers and Soviet weapons!
Thomas Theobald, Vice President of Citicorp, was asked in 1981 about his bank's loans to Poland. Was he embarrassed by making loans to a Communist country, especially following the regime's brutal repression of free-trade unions? Not at all. "Who knows which political system works?" he replied. "The only test we care about is, can they pay their bills." What he meant, of course, was can the American taxpayer pay Poland's bills.
ITEM: The following item, taken directly from the Los Angeles Times just a few months after Theobald's statement, tells the story:
WASHINGTON—For months, the Reagan Administration has been using federal funds to repay Polish loans owed to U.S. banks, and the bill for this fiscal year may amount to $400 million, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Richard E. Lyng said Monday.... "They (the Polish authorities) have not been making payments for at least the last half of the last year," Lyng said. "When they don't make a payment, the U.S. Department of Agriculture makes a payment."... Lyng said the U.S. Government paid $60 million to $70 million a month on guaranteed Polish loans in October, November, December, and January—and "we will continue to pay them." 1
1. "U.S. Repaying Loans Owed by Poland to American Banks," by William J. Eaton, Los Angeles Times, February 2,1982.
This, remember, was precisely at the time the Polish government
had declared martial law and was using military force to
crush workers' demonstrations for political reform. The Polish
default on this $1.6 billion loan was by no means an isolated event.
Communist Romania and a multitude of Latin American countries
were soon to follow. [Yes,and we are still paying,so exasperating smfh DC]
The hard fact is that American taxpayers unknowingly have been making monthly bank payments on behalf of Communist, socialist, and so-called Third-World countries for many years. And, with the more recent staging of apparent reform within the former Soviet bloc, Congress has tripped all over itself to greatly accelerate that trend.
Americans, of course, want to believe that the Evil Empire is crumbling, and the Soviets-turned-Democrats play directly to that desire. Since the end of World War II, their primary objectives have been (1) to disarm us and (2) to get our money. The facade of Perestroika and Glasnost has been merely a ploy to accomplish both objectives at once. All they have had to do is get rid of a few of the old hard-liners, replace them with less well-known personalities who are essentially the same (all of the new leaders come from the ranks of the old leadership), change their labels from "Communists" to "Social Democrats," and then sit back while we happily tear down our military defenses and rush billions of dollars to their failing economies. There undoubtedly will be some progress allowed in the area of free speech, but the military and security organizations continue in full readiness. The iron fist beneath the velvet glove remains ready to strike when the time comes that the facade is no longer necessary
Even if the entire ploy were genuine, there is no reason to believe that these Social Democracies will ever become better investment risks. The primary thing that has held them back economically in the past is their socialist system, and that most definitely will not be changed. All of the new "anti-Communist Social Democrats" have pledged their loyalty to the principles of Marx and have said in plain language that they will use our money to develop, not abandon socialism. These countries will continue to be unproductive and will continue to be unable to pay their loans. The American taxpayers will continue to be forced by the Cabal to pay the bill.
ITEM: Before the Bolshevik coup d'etat, Russia was one of the most productive agricultural nations in the world. The great wheat fields in Ukraine justly earned her the title of the Bread Basket of Europe. But when the people's Utopia arrived, agriculture came to a standstill, and famine stalked the land. Even after Stalin, when the regime is said to have adopted more humane and productive policies, Russia never produced enough food for itself. A nation that cannot feed its citizens cannot develop its industry and it certainly cannot build a potent military force. It is not surprising, therefore, that for decades, the United States has annually "sold" tens of millions of tons of wheat—and other food stuffs—to Russia. The quote marks are to emphasize the underlying transfusion mechanism previously described.
ITEM: The American government-industrial complex provided the Soviets with the money, technology, and the actual construction of two of the world's largest and most modern truck plants. The Kama River plant and the Zil plant produce over 150,000 heavy duty trucks per year—including armored personnel carriers and missile launchers—plus 250,000 diesel engines, many of which are used to power Soviet tanks. Forty-five per cent of the cost of this project came from the U.S. Export-Import Bank, an agency of the federal government, and an equal amount from David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. The Soviets put up only ten per cent. The loan, of course, was taxpayer-guaranteed by the U.S. Export-Import Bank which, at the time, was under the direction of William Casey. Casey later was appointed as head of the C.I.A. to protect America from global Communism.1 (Are you beginning to get the picture?)
1- "U.S. Builds Soviet War Machine," Industrial Research & Development, July, 1980, pp. 51-54.
ITEM: Almost every important facet of Eastern-Bloc heavy industry could well be stamped "Made in the U.S.A." With the specific approval of each successive president, we have provided the latest oil-drilling equipment, chemical processing plants, air-traffic radar systems, equipment to produce precision bearings, large-craft helicopter engines, laser technology, highly advanced computer systems, and nuclear power plants. We have trained hundreds of their technicians in American institutions and factories and have provided their astronauts with the space suits developed by NASA. We have even trained their pilots at U.S. Air Force bases and paid for their military officers to attend our War College. All of this has been used by the Russian government—as Lenin predicted it would—to build their military industry in preparation for an attack on their suppliers. The great pretense of crumbling Communism, has not altered that strategy. It may even be the implementation of it.
ITEM: When Boris Yeltsin seized control of the former Soviet government, one of his first official acts was to decree that foreign businesses had the right to take their profits out of the country. From a purely business perspective, that was a sound move because it would provide incentive for foreign investment. But there was more to it than that. Recall from a previous chapter that the lion's share of that investment was to be funded by American taxpayers in the form of direct aid, bank-loan bailouts, and government insurance through the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Jane Ingraham provides the details: 1
1. Trilateral Commission.
During 1992 Yeltsin wheeled and dealed with Royal Dutch/Shell, British Petroleum, Amoco, Texaco, and Exxon. The Chevron joint venture to develop the Tengiz oil field was signed. McDermott International, Marathon Oil, and Mitsui signed a contract with the Russian government to develop oil and natural gas off Sakhalin Island. Chevron and Oman formed a consortium to build a huge pipeline to carry crude oil from Kazakhstan to the Black Sea, Mediterranean, and Persian Gulf. Occidental Petroleum signed a joint venture with Russia to modernize two oil fields in Siberia.... Newmont mining signed a joint venture to extract gold in Uzbekistan. Merrill Lynch's chairman, William Schreyer (CFR), signed up as financial adviser to "aid in privatizing" the Ukrainian State Property Fund. AT&T CEO Robert Allen (CFR, TC ) signed a huge contract to supply switching systems for all of Kazakhstan....
US West joined with the Hungarian government to own and operate a national cellular telephone system; GM Vice President Marina Whitman (CFR, TC) joined the governments of Hungary and Yugoslavia to make cars; GE CEO John Welch (CFR) and vice chairman of the board, Lawrence Bossidy (TC), bought a majority stake in Hungary's lighting industry; Ralston-Purina, Dow Chemical, Eastman Kodak, SC Johnson & Son, Xerox, American Express, Procter & Gamble , Woolworth , Philip Morris , Ford , Compaq Computer—hardly a single American brand name was missing.1
1. "The Payoff," by Jane H. Ingraham, The New American, June 28,1993, pp. 25-6.
ITEM: In February of 1996, the Clinton Administration made a $1 billion loan of US taxpayers' money to Russia's state-controlled Aeroflot company so it could more effectively compete with American companies such as Boeing in the building of jumbo jets. By the end of that year, the former Soviet Bloc countries had received transfusions from the World Bank of over $3 billion.
ITEM: Now the action has spread to China. American banks and businessmen—with taxpayers standing by with guarantees— have provided power-generating equipment, modern steel mills, and military hardware including artillery shells, anti-submarine torpedoes, and high-tech electronic gear to update Russian-made jet fighters. All of this is explained as a means of weaning the Red Chinese away from mother Russia and encouraging them to move closer to free-enterprise capitalism. Yet, in 1985, at the height of the frenzy over building trade bridges to China, the regime signed a $14 billion trade pact with Russia and, in 1986, sent a $20 million interest-free loan to the Communist Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Even after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing, when U.S. officials were publicly condemning China for human-rights violations, business quietly continued as usual.
"The United States cannot condone the violent attacks and cannot ignore the consequence for our relationship with China," said President Bush. Yet, within only a few weeks of the bloodshed, and at the very time that student leaders were being executed, the Administration approved a $200 million, low-interest loan for delivery of four of Boeing's newest jumbo-jet aircraft. In 1993, forty-seven more jetliners were sold with a projected sale of 800 more over the next fifteen years. Amoco is spending $1.5 billion to develop oil fields in the China Sea. A joint venture between the Chinese government and Chrysler is building military jeeps. A similar joint project is being used to upgrade their F-8 fighter planes. Three communications satellites were cleared for delivery. AT&T contracted a $30 million cellular communications network. Even the President's brother, Prescott Bush, resumed his plan to set up a satellite-linked computer network and to build a golf course near Shanghai.
China's interest in military technology is revealing. In addition to the advanced hardware purchased from the United States, the Chinese have bought MIG-31 and SU-27 jet fighters from Russia and an aircraft carrier constructed in Ukraine. In May of 1992, China set off its biggest underground nuclear blast. In 1997, the purchase list was extended to include self-propelled gun-mortar systems and Russia's most advanced diesel-electric submarines.
Although it is known that China maintains a slave-labor work force in excess of a million people—they call them "convicts"—and although the Tariff Act of 1930 prohibits the United States from importing any goods made even in part by convicts or other forced labor, every administration starting with Nixon has renewed the "most-favored-nation" trade status for China.
How is China expected to pay for all this "trade"? Very simple. By 1996, China had become the largest single recipient of guaranteed loans and subsidies from the World Bank.
ITEM: In addition to these decades of global trade, credit, and taxpayer guarantees, the United States government has transferred tens of billions of dollars in direct foreign-aid grants with no pretense at all regarding expectation of repayment.
The trail leads to Wall Street, and the tracks are fresh. The Round Table network did succeed in exploiting the markets of Eastern Europe and continues to do so today. The cast of characters has changed, but the play remains the same. In the beginning, the Council on Foreign Relations was dominated by J.P. Morgan. It is still controlled by international financiers. The Morgan group gradually has been replaced by the Rockefeller consortium, and the roll call of participating businesses now reads like the Fortune 500. The operation no longer pretends to be a Red Cross mission; it now masquerades under the cover of "East-West Trade."
Politicians are fond of talking about the necessity of preserving world peace, and trade, we are told, is one of the best ways to do it. The implication is that this is a time of peace. In truth, we live in one of the most war-torn eras the world has ever seen. No continent today, except Antarctica, is free from war. There are from 25 to 40 military struggles going on somewhere every day of the year. There have been more than 150 armed conflicts since the end of World War II with the death count already in excess of 20 million and rising.1 We cannot help noticing that this also has been a period of rising government debt and the global creation of fiat money.
1- These figures are taken from United Nations publication E/CN.5/1985/Rev.l, 1985 Report on the World Social Situation (New York: United Nations, 1985), p. 14. The January 1993 revision of that document does not give cumulative figures but shows that the number of conflicts has been accelerating. So the current numbers, whatever they may be, are even worse.
The alchemists of ancient times vainly sought the philosophers'
stone which they believed would turn lead into gold. Is it possible
that such a stone actually has been found? Can it be that the money
alchemists of our own time have learned how to transmute war
into debt, and debt into war, and both into gold for themselves? In a previous section, we theorized a strategy, dubbed the Rothschild Formula, in which the world's money cabal deliberately encourages war as a means of stimulating the profitable production of armaments and of keeping nations perpetually in debt. This is not profit seeking, it is genocide. It is not a trivial matter, therefore, to inquire into the possibility that our elected and non-elected leaders are, in fact, implementing the Rothschild Formula today.
ITEM: In his address to the graduating class at Annapolis in 1983, Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman, said: "Within weeks, many of you will be looking across just hundreds of feet of water at some of the most modern technology ever invented in America. Unfortunately, it is on Soviet ships."
As Professor Sutton observed in his book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, the guns, the ammunition, the weapons, and the transportation systems that killed Americans in Korea and Vietnam came from the American-subsidized economy of the Soviet Union. The trucks that carried these weapons down the Ho Chi Minh Trail were manufactured in American-built plants. The ships that carried the supplies to Sihanoukville and Haiphong and later to Angola and Nicaragua came from NATO allies and used propulsion systems that our State Department could have kept out of Soviet hands. Sutton concludes: "The technical capability to wage the Korean and Vietnamese wars originated on both sides in Western, mainly American, technology, and the political illusion of "peaceful trade" promoted by the deaf mute blind men was the carrier for this war-making technology."1
1. Anthony Sutton, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (Billings, Montana: Liberty House Press, 1986), p. 191.
ITEM: That leads us to the more recent wars in the Middle East and the rise of "Islamic Fundamentalism." Iran, Iraq, Syria, Algeria, the PLO, the Muslim Brotherhood, and similar anti-American groupings have all received weapons, funding, and clandestine support from the U.S. government. In the Gulf War, every effort was made to insure that Hussein's regime was contained but not destroyed (shades of the Korean and Vietnam wars). Most of his bacterial-weapons factories were spared. After the cease fire, he was allowed to keep his fleet of helicopter gunships, which he promptly used to put down a large-scale internal revolt.
The big pill to swallow is that Saddam Hussein has been an asset to the global planners in the West, and they have done everything possible to keep him in power. This strategy has lately become so obvious that there is no longer any serious attempt to conceal it. The task now is how to explain it to the gullible public so as to make it sound like a good idea.[Well he had WMD's don't you know,hell they said so! DC]
As mentioned previously, the think-tank and talent pool for the implementation of this strategy has been the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1996, the Managing Editor of the CFR's monthly journal, Foreign Affairs, was Fareed Zakaria, who offered the following rationalization:[This guy cannot forecast for DC]
Yes, it's tempting to get rid of Saddam. But his bad behavior actually serves America's purposes in the region.... If Saddam Hussein did not exist, we would have to invent him.... The end of Saddam Hussein would be the end of the anti-Saddam coalition. Nothing destroys an alliance like the disappearance of the enemy..-. Maintaining a long-term American presence in the gulf would be difficult in the absence of a regional threat.2
2. "Thank Goodness for a Villain," Newsweek, Sept. 16,1996, p. 43.
That is about as clear a statement of the Rothschild Formula as one is apt to find. Yet, many people cannot believe it is real, even Congressmen. For example, Representative James Traficant from Ohio, speaking before the House on April 29,1997, exclaimed:
America gives billions to Russia. With American cash, Russia builds missiles. Russia then sells those missiles to China. And China, who gets about $45 billion in trade giveaways from Uncle Sam, then sells those Russian-made missiles to Iran.
Now Iran, with those Russian-made missiles sold to them by China, threatens the Mideast. So Uncle Sam, who is concerned about about Iran threatening the Mideast because of those Russian-made missiles sold to them by China that we financed by American cash sends more troops and sends more dollars.... Mr. Speaker, this is not foreign policy. This is foreign stupidity.1
1- Congressional Record, April 29,1997
Traficant is on target with his analysis of the problem, but he missed the bull's eye regarding the cause. American leaders are not stupid. They merely are implementing the Rothschild Formula. To justify world government, it is necessary to have wars and the threat of wars. Wars require enemies with frightful weapons. Saddam Hussein is one of the best enemies money can buy.
If it is true that Western leaders are deliberately funding their own enemies, we must assume they have considered Lenin's prediction that, by so doing, they are preparing their own suicide— ours, also, by the way. We must also conclude that they are confident of avoiding that destiny. Whether they are right or wrong is not the issue here. The point is they believe they are correct and, further, they are building a world order which they are confident of being able to control. How they plan to bring that to pass is the subject of a later section, but perpetual war is an important part of it. Unless we are able to break the grip of these strategists, the Rothschild Formula will continue to play a major role in our future.
There are few historians who would challenge the fact that the
funding of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the
Vietnam War was accomplished by the Mandrake Mechanism
through the Federal Reserve System. An overview of all wars since
the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 suggests that most
of them would have been greatly reduced in severity, or perhaps
not even fought at all, without fiat money. It is the ability of
governments to acquire money without direct taxation that makes
modern warfare possible, and a central bank has become the
preferred method of accomplishing that. One can argue the necessity, or at least the inevitability, of fiat money in time of war as a means of raw survival. That is the primal instinct of both individuals and governments, all other considerations aside. We shall leave that for the philosophers. But there can be no debate over the fact that fiat money in time of peace has no such justification. Furthermore, the ability of governments and banking institutions to use fiat money to fund the wars of other nations is a powerful temptation for them to become embroiled in those wars for personal profit, political advancement, or other reasons which fall far short of a moral justification for bloodshed.
The Federal Reserve System has always served that function. The on-going strategy of building up the military capabilities of America's potential enemies leaves us no reason to believe we have seen the last of war. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Federal Reserve System encourages war. There can be no better reason for the Creature to be put to sleep.
The Bolshevik Revolution was a coup d'etat in which a radical
minority captured the Russian government from the moderate
revolutionary majority. They accomplished this through deception,
organization, discipline, and surprise. The Red Cross Mission of
New York financiers threw support to the Bolsheviks and, in
return, received economic rewards in the form of rights to Russia's
natural resources plus contracts for construction and supplies. The
continued participation in the economic development of Russia
and Eastern Europe since that time indicates that this relationship
has survived to the present day. These financiers are not proCommunist
nor pro-anything else. Their motivation is profit and
power. They are now working to bring both Russia and the United
States into a world government which they expect to control. War
and threats of war are tools to prod the masses toward the
acceptance of that goal. It is essential, therefore, that the United
States and the industrialized nations of the world have credible
enemies. As these words are being written, Russia is wearing the
mask of peace and cooperation. But we have seen that before. We
may yet see a return of the Evil Empire when the timing is right.
U.S. government and megabank funding, first of Russian, and now
of Chinese and Middle-East military capabilities, cannot be understood
without this insight. NEXT
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