Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Letter 11
By Anna von Reitz
The Cheapest, Most Efficient Prison 
of All – Your Own Mind 
From the cradle onward we are deliberately taught to think in ways that profit our predators. This is done by those who stand to profit from these purposefully engendered failures of logic. 

For example—remember yourself as a child playing with a set of colored blocks, marbles, or similar objects. What were you taught to focus on? 

You were taught to focus on and identify differences—- difference of color, size, shape, texture, material, transparency—any kind of difference at all was important and emphasized and you were required to recognize and note it. The sameness or similarity of things was used merely as a means to identify differences. Why? 

Why isn’t recognizing similarities inherently as important as recognizing differences? Without recognizing similarities first, we wouldn’t be able to discern differences, but similarities are downplayed because similarities provide the basis for unity and peace and compassion. 

Those who profit from keeping us divided and endlessly at war don’t want us to think in terms of similarities. If we did, we would see the way this learned emphasis on differences allows us to be manipulated and misled, how it teaches us to fear, how it nurtures prejudice of all kinds, and how it makes us susceptible pawns for war-mongers and demagogues. 

This early emphasis on perceiving differences also leads us to think in terms of parts instead of wholes, and in terms of “us” versus “them”. 

This same learned perceptual prejudice results in instinctively thinking in terms of “either/or” when we would be better served by thinking in terms of “and”. 

We are taught to think in terms of endless duality: good versus bad, rich versus poor, right versus wrong, black versus white, Democrat versus Republican, Baptist versus Catholic—-all because it is easier to limit and control and manipulate us when we think this way. 

The slave masters set up the two goads and drive us endlessly between them, and our patterned way of thinking prevents us from breaking free. We become like “dumb, driven cattle” caught between the carrot and the stick, never questioning who is manipulating us or for what reasons. 

In the same way we are taught to think in terms of groups, not individuals. The value of “teamwork” and “command structure” is drummed into us until we feel useless and paralyzed as individuals. We innocently accept such concepts as “collective guilt” or “shared pain” or “group action”—–none of which really exists. 

The individual is the unit of human experience—and is also the limit and expression of all human experience. All the pain that can ever be felt is felt only by individuals –one by one– and it is the same with guilt, happiness, or any other emotion. All actions are taken by individuals—one by one. If you stop and think beyond the outright false or half-truth assumptions you’ve been taught—- “we” are only sums of “I’s”. [So right D.C]

The purposefully induced habit of thinking in terms of groups instead of individuals makes us susceptible to harmful, self defeating assumptions of all kinds. This is why I meet patriots who feel paralyzed like deer in the headlights: oh, my, I don’t have a group! So what do these well-intentioned people do? They set out to create a group or to find a group—not realizing that they already belong to a magnificent and powerful group known as “State Citizens”. 

What they really accomplish by this “group forming” is splintering off into thousands of worthy little specialized closet groups concerned about this or that small aspect of the whole problem, all claiming turf and fighting with and discrediting other such groups, everyone competing for donation money, and nobody getting any closer to seeing –much less addressing– the very real problems that are bearing down on us. 

Hand in hand with the rest of the Group Think Tradition, we have been taught that our country is a democracy. It’s not. It’s a Republic. Democracy embraces mob rule, which means rule of the individual by the group. If the group wants your house, they can take it. If the group wants to tax you to pay their bills, they can. That is democracy. 

Our American form of government is not based on groups of any kind. It is based on Individualism. It says very forthrightly that the individual is owed supremacy over the group when it comes to matters of free will, conscience, religion, and property rights. In a Republic, the mob can’t tax you to pay for their bills. They can’t take away your house or your land to serve themselves just because 51 out of a 100 group members say so. 

Thinking in terms of groups instead of individuals has been taught to you on purpose and with malice-aforethought by the self interested governmental services corporations. These government entities want you to subject yourself to the whims of the crowd, to derive your own identity from your group, to conform in every respect to the herd mentality—-because, again, this makes it easier to defraud you and control you, easier to train you as a soldier, and easier to milk you dry as a taxpayer. 

Hand in hand with “Group Think” comes the learned behavior of looking for authority outside yourself –which leads us to misunderstand the nature and source of authority. All authority, like all experience, depends entirely on individuals, not groups, not hierarchies. All groups and hierarchies always derive any authority they possess secondhand, by delegation. Authority simply does not exist apart from the authority of individual people who may retain their own rulership or give it away as a proxy, recall it at will, or ignorantly deny that they have authority. 

How many modern Americans stand around whining about this or that, without it ever entering their heads that they have the authority to choose otherwise? That they are in fact responsible for making other choices if they want things to change? That they can withdraw their granted authority at will? And that they are responsible for doing so, when the “government” defaults on its contracts? 

How many Americans have meekly assumed that a foreign governmental services corporation headquartered in Washington, DC, has the authority to order them to buy health insurance from the company store? [They do not DC]

We are also falsely taught to respect authority figures whether they earn that respect or not. For example, we are taught to respect Congressmen simply because of their office, no matter how criminal, stupid, immoral, uncaring, greedy, selfish, arrogant or irresponsible they are as individuals. 

We are taught to turn off our common sense when dealing with government officials of any kind, from abusive traffic cops to corrupt judges. We are taught that the normal rules of a decent society do not apply to them and that furthermore, we are not capable of applying such rules to them. 

We are taught to trust these so-called “officials” with our lives and our land and our pocketbooks without question, when sound reasoning and past history should prove beyond any doubt that they deserve to come under the severest kind of discipline and scrutiny. 

So who or what is teaching us to think in these irrational, destructive, self-defeating ways? The public school system and the government-owned media cartels feed us lies and fear-mongering and twisted logic on purpose. It’s called propaganda and we are immersed in it. For a period of time between 1987 and 1989 a group of us kept a nightly tally of news stories being presented on the three major evening news programs: CBS, NBC, and ABC. What we found should shock any thinking person. 

We each kept a tally sheet with three columns. One column was headed “Death”, a second column was headed “Sex” and a third column was headed “Other” to account for all other story subjects combined. 

More than ninety out of a hundred stories on all three networks concerned either death or sex as the main subject, out of those over 60 percent contained elements of both sex and death. 

Why? The Spinmeisters are tweaking our thought patterns and training us to think that (1) sex and death are so very, very important, and (2) that there is a grim and terrifying world we need all sorts of protection from. The overall affect is to generate sales of consumer goods because you are going to die and you might as well get some, and secondly, to generate fear and distrust and a sense of foreboding conducive to keeping people in line and isolated and convincing them that they need more and more and more governmental services. More surveillance. More regulation. More police. The evening news is just another sales pitch for Uncle Sam. 

The trusting pre-conditioned public never stops to wonder about this thoroughly predictable slant of the “news” programming. We are not served by a media system that specializes in such “news” —we are served up. 

Think about what you are thinking and feeling about yourself, about your world, and about other people around you. Step back. Look at it as a Third Party. Ask—who or what benefits from this? Why do I feel anxious and isolated every time I watch the evening news? Why am I looking at all the differences in the world, instead of all the similarities? Why am I kept in a constant state of fear? Why should I put up with being bullied and taxed into oblivion by my own employees? Whose authority is being delegated —and abused—-to run this cesspool? 

You are the one who granted all that authority in the first place. You are paying Mr. Obama and funding his mercenary armies, poised to come roust you out of your homes. You are standing there sending petitions to deaf ears in Washington. But most of all, you are imprisoned by your own mind, by your own indoctrination, to think that you are helpless, that you don’t have a voice, that your individual choices and actions don’t matter. 

There are only individuals on earth. One by one, we tune out the mind fuzz, one by one we reclaim our own authority, and one by one we start taking action. We don’t need groups. We don’t need money. We don’t need authority figures telling us what to do. All we need is to wake up and look around and face the truth. And then one by one, just as surely, we will start to take action to defend our own interests. 

Most of us will pull all our money out of the banks. Most of us will give notice to that THING in Washington, DC, that we are not “US citizens” of any stripe. Some will start demanding the release of plentiful quantities of United States Currency Notes for our own trade purposes. Others will plant their own Victory Gardens. Still more will expose the corruption of the courts. More will start newspaper and production companies to share the real news. All of us, one by one, will move forward by the individual lights we see and before you know it, those 515 people in Washington, DC who are responsible for this mess are going to get the Sleeping Giant’s message without the benefit of loudspeakers or public programming. 

Stop worrying. Stop spinning your wheels. Stop trying to get elected. Stop trying to elect anyone else. There are no legitimate American public offices left to fill at this time, except County Sheriffs, Notaries, Grand Juries, County Judges, and County Coroners. Forget about political parties. Those are just the goads, positive and negative, there to fool you and deplete your time, money, and energy. Don’t sign petitions addressed to your runaway servants. Don’t vote in their private elections. Just vacate your prison like they vacated their public offices. Tell the Secretary of the Treasury that you were defrauded and your ESTATE was included in the bankruptcy proceedings of the United States of America, Inc. by mistake and you don’t intend that it is going to be rolled over as surety for the bankruptcy of Puerto Rico. Tell him to fork over access to your individual trust account and to re-educate the Internal Revenue Service as to its actual purpose. 

One by one and letter by letter, notice by notice, point by point and day by day—keep calm and get even.

Letter # 13
Defined: The Source of the Fraud! 
From the Beginning!
King Juan Carlos of Spain abdicated because the Spanish Monarch is the Trustee of the Human Resources of the planet. 

This block appearing between Spain and the US with “2014” indicates (my opinion) that the first “block” — the first one of ten pieces of the plan is in place. The trusteeship over the world’s people has been removed from the realm of governments on the land and now reverts back to the Holy See and the jurisdiction of the air from whence it sprung. The old “order” is being dismantled, and as it is dismantled, those in back of the Guide Stones are memorializing the steps. The next attacks will come against the jurisdiction of the sea— international commerce and the City of Westminster as foretold in the Bible. Look up the passages regarding the King of Sidon. This will be the result of the vast corruption that has engulfed the governmental services corporations and the real estate market and the currency wars that are presently ongoing. I am conscious of the fact that my work exposing the evils of the court system and the governments of the world is part and parcel of this process, but given the alternatives—- to continue to allow the predation—-?—-there is no choice. 

There was a meeting of the “Currency Committee” of the Queen’s Privy Council yesterday afternoon in which the overall situation was discussed in tandem with the British acceptance of the Chinese reminbi as the basis of bonds— now they (and we) have to deal with the necessity of interacting with metals based currencies and bond markets. This has in turn triggered talk of “resuscitating” the traditional British Pound and American Dollar based on silver, but that in turn necessitates admitting the incredible devaluation of the fiat currency at precisely the same moment in history when the London Silver Fix is defunct…. To give you a view of that, silver in a free market traditionally assumes a position at about 65% of the current value of gold. By that gauge based on hundreds of years of human experience, with gold trading at around $1300 per ounce, silver should be trading at around $850. The current price of an ounce of silver—the price of which has been falsely suppressed for 100 years—is around $20. That ounce of silver you bought today can easily be worth twenty times what you paid tomorrow and 40 times what you paid by the end of next month, as silver naturally “bounces back” to its real parity with gold. So the American and British are faced with (1) finding a new “fix” or (2) buying into this escalating market and AGAINST their own advantage— every ounce of silver they buy to relaunch either the British Pound Sterling or the American Dollar drives the market for silver higher….. it’s like the famous Chinese knucklebuster. The harder they pull, the tighter the noose. This is the pay back for almost a century of self-interested lies promoted by these government services corporations and it is both diabolical and deadly. 

The next attacks will be against the Church itself, which while certainly culpable for some of the worst that has gone on, is still the most cohesive, most powerful, and most organized opponent of the “new order”. Be watchful therefore for attacks aimed at the Pope, the Church in general, and Christianity as a whole. Those in back of the Georgia Guide Stones are Deists, not Satanists. They find the idea of an absolute Evil as childish as the idea of absolute Good, and they revel in illusions and fraud schemes that take advantage of our dualistic educational system — using “good” and “evil” choices as a means to “herd the sheep”. As long as we can be “suckered in” by dualistic thinking, they have ready means to control us. They believe in “a” God, a supernatural “Force” which orders the Universe, but they are not “Christian” and they are not aligned with any other major religion, either. In philosophy and religious practice and belief they are closer to the Founders—Franklin, Washington, et alia–and formally recognize only two “Laws” apart from the “Natural Laws”— the Law of Freewill, stated as “And so long as it harms none, do what ye will.” and the Law of Love, stated as “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” They are more closely aligned to the ancient Druids than anything else— nature worshippers, practitioners of “natural magick”, and yes, blood sacrifices of various kinds. They are not “nice people”, but they are very diligent and serious-minded and they are enemies of the “unsympathetic” world religions— they purposefully set the Jews and Christians and Muslims to fighting each other so that they kill off and diminish their enemies. 

Their take on the Bible is that it is an allegory and spellbook, but they do accept the view that mankind is here on this planet for valid reasons and that it is our fundamental role to act as caretakers of the planet and the animals and to answer the question “What?”— because that is the only question we are competent to answer— via a process of naming and cataloguing and observing the world around us. 

The two duties given to Adam in the Book of Genesis are precisely that— to take care of the Creation and to name it all. 

So there are “points of contact” between the Deists and the rest of the world, but almost unavoidably, even these points of agreement are subject to some strange interpretations on their parts. Because the Deists believe their “religion” to be based on reason and rationality rather than superstition, they are quite snobby and arrogant toward belief systems that they consider “contrived” or “fanciful”. 

Anyway, I hope that explains some other aspects of the struggle before us all. As long as the Deists are not recognized as a specific, identifiable, known and organized group, they can continue their activities undetected, and continue to pit the Christians against the Muslims and the Buddhists against the Christians and the Jews against everyone else. As all these others groups are busy killing each other, the Deists are selling arms to both sides and profiting from the destruction of their competitors. 

They hope that we can all be baited to killing each other, and they will be left with the control of the planet—as they consider themselves to be the only ones intelligent enough and rational enough to rule over everyone else. They call the rest of us “livestock” and consider themselves to be gentlemen farmers, living off the labor and assets of others, and that this is the only rational and right outcome—-the “result” of our “believing in fantasies” and “sophomoric belief in right and wrong”. 

So this is just another level and aspect of the overall situation. The Deists were heavily represented among the Founders who knew that King George was funding both sides of the war, that it was a sham to replace the old government with a new government in order to overturn the Treaty of the Delawares promising there would be no colonies beyond the Appalachians– something that both the King and George Washington and Company wanted to avoid keeping their word on. This is how they opened up the Continent. They changed the management. By now you have noticed that from the very first George Washington took his Oath to “the United States” —a commercial company—and not to any “united States of America”, and that he chose the office of “President”— a commercial office, not the office of a head of state. 

The fraud, my dears, goes back to the Founding

Letter 14
To the adults in the room… 
by Judge Anna von Reitz  
Scientists have studied various forms of sociopathic behavior for many years and we’ve become familiar with some of the names of the mental-emotional illnesses they have been able to discern: Bipolar Syndrome, Severe Character Default, Borderline Syndrome, Narcissism and so on. It should not surprise us that underlying many of these illnesses is a common denominator: lack of conscience. 

About one in twenty-five of us are born either without any conscience at all, or with a faulty sense of conscience such that those affected are unable to consistently tell right from wrong. 

This leads them to commit all manner of atrocities and to feel no connection to or regret regarding the results. 

These people are not so much intrinsically evil as clueless. Without any sense of justice or empathy, they simply do whatever is most expedient to satisfy their own immediate gratification. Think of a two year-old child: he’s hungry, so he takes your food– or he’s angry, so he bites your leg. He’s genuinely surprised when you react negatively, because he has no concept of how his actions affect others and is equally unaware that they have hunger pangs and angry urges, too. 

Young sociopaths continue to accumulate practical information about the world around them which allows them to function in it, but emotionally they never grow up, never develop any true sense of empathy. They learn “right and wrong” behavior to some extent by rote, without any real understanding of why it’s wrong to murder someone or why it’s wrong to steal. 

These often charming and energetic individuals create most of the conflict and misery in the world. They can be very gifted, focused, intellectually brilliant, capable of intricate planning, and they often exude charismatic energy. They will say and do whatever it takes to get what they want, without regard for truth, fairness, or even reality. They learn to manipulate others to achieve their own gratification, but their lack of real empathy and their selfishness becomes apparent over time. 

Their predilection for lying also becomes apparent. 

Ever dealt with a small child caught in the act of say, stealing a cookie? Or stepping on an animal’s tail to make it yowl, quite unaware of the pain they are causing? Ever listened to a long, rambling recitation of lies and made up stories designed to justify and explain away why they missed the school bus? They lie about things that no mature person would consider lying about. 

Even if morality didn’t dictate an honest response, mature people have a fine sense of what is plausible and what will stand up to scrutiny. If they tell a lie, it won’t be about a blue dinosaur sleeping on the sidewalk or unemployment statistics that are obviously skewed, weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist, 747’s that hit a building the size of the Pentagon and leave nothing but a sixteen foot wide breach in two walls, or steel girders that melt at normal fire temperatures. 

Normal people feel no great need or desire to control others, but sociopaths do. A two year-old is dependent on others and quickly learns to manipulate Mommy and Daddy. In the same way, sociopaths believe themselves to be dependent on others and so constantly seek means to manipulate and control the people and circumstances surrounding them.

As such, they naturally seek positions of power over others in the same way a cat will seek out the warmest spot in the house. 

What better or more powerful position from which to control others, than in public office? 

So long as we let government control us, we unwittingly create a magnet for sociopaths that draws them into politics like water flowing downhill. 

The two year-olds take over, and then we wonder why there is mayhem, chaos, and misery. Note the rise of Adolph Hitler. For several years he accomplished miracles, resurrecting the German economy out of rubble and ruin to be a world-shaking juggernaut. If he had remained focused on economic and commercial supremacy, Germany would have ruled the world without a war—but like all sociopaths, Hitler felt the need for absolute control. He had to have all the building blocks, all the marbles, all the color crayons. 

Have you ever encountered a very young child who immediately seized on anything and everything in their environment and shouted, “Mine! Mine! Mine!”? 

By now it should be easier for everyone who has ever taken care of small children to recognize sociopaths in politics, but merely recognizing them is not enough. 

To permanently disconnect the attraction that public office holds for sociopaths, we must each accept our own ruler-ship and apply it. 

That is what the Founders were talking about when they spoke about “self-governance”. It’s a concept that goes far beyond ballot boxes or refusing the authority of kings. It strikes to the heart of the human condition. 

Will we stand on our own two feet and accept our authority and the responsibility that goes with it? Will we truly be “self-governing”—-? 

Two generations of Americans have neglected this duty with the result that elected officials are not even occupying the public offices they were elected to serve. They are occupying look-alike private corporate offices instead and running amok in conflict of interest, abusing their position of trust to plunder public assets for private gain and an alarming number of sociopaths have risen to positions of power. 

Our failure to govern ourselves and take responsibility for our own property, our own lives, our own families, our own communities—has opened up a vacuum of power that crooks and sociopaths have manipulated for their own ends. 

It is axiomatic that if you don’t rule over yourself, others will rule over you. This is one job that you literally can’t afford to neglect. If you don’t want crooks and sociopaths spending your money, abusing your resources, and telling you how high to jump— you have to accept and apply your own ruler-ship. 

Today. This moment. Lift up your heads and imagine a world where two year-olds crack the whip, mandate your health care options, and decide whether or not we all die in a nuclear war? A world where crooks siphon off the benefit of your labors, steal your homes in exchange for worthless paper, and terrorize you with threats of imprisonment in their own for-profit “federal” correctional facilities? 

Is this how your governmental services contract reads? Is this what you are willing to put up with from an entity that has no more natural authority over you than JC PENNY? 

Think about it for five seconds and get your king on.

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