Sunday, December 30, 2018

Anna von Reitz...What They Do, What You Do....The Short Explanation? ..Statesmen Three! -- The 100 Billion Dollar Robbery

What They Do, What You Do
By Anna Von Reitz 
They "seize upon" your Given (Trade) Name that your parents created and gave you, and they create a franchise for their foreign corporation named after you. 

If your Given Trade Name is "John Michael Johnson", the Territorial State of State creates a franchise for itself called "John Michael Johnson" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE creates a franchise for itself called "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON" ---- all without telling you a thing about it. 

After that, they merely pretend that you are responsible for their franchises and the debts of their franchises. 

Because the franchises are named after you, it's easy (usually) to confuse you and everyone else about "which" John Michael Johnson is being discussed. 

Are you referring to the living man named "John Michael Johnson"? Or the unincorporated business operating as "John Michael Johnson"? Or the incorporated Territorial State of State franchise operated as "John Michael Johnson"? Or the Municipal STATE OF STATE franchise operated as "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON"? 

This is key, especially when you bear in mind that when the Clerk calls out the name "John Michael Johnson" ----there is absolutely no way that you can verbally tell the difference between these various entities. The name "John Michael Johnson" being used by a living man sounds exactly the same as the name "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON" --- doesn't it? Yes.... 

So the very first Order of the Day is to find out which "John Michael Johnson" is being addressed and the source of the Prosecutor's authority to address "John Michael Johnson"--- if he has any such authority at all. 

When the Prosecutor walks into court he is bearing a bond issued in your name--- in this case, the name of "John Michael Johnson" --- but that name is also the name of "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON" --- isn't it? 

They have set up the situation where you are technically not a party to a case. 

Why? Because technically, none of this applies to you the living man, at all. They only play with the Territorial State of State franchise doing business as "John Michael Johnson" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE franchise doing business as "JOHN MICHAEL JOHNSON" because their courts are specifically forbidden from addressing the living man. 

When you visit (never "appear") a court by special limited visitation, you are saying up front --- hey, I am separated from all of this. That's Job One to protect your living "person" from attachment or false claim. 

"I am visiting the court today by Special Limited Visitation to exercise my right of subrogation in this matter and direct the court to enforce my right to exonerate my Good Name. I am owed legal subrogation as well as the lawful subrogation right and I am asking the Prosecutor to certify my right of subrogation and I am serving my Notice of Demand on and for the record for the court and the District of Attorney. It is my credit underlying the bond held by the Prosecutor and I request discharge of the claim and the reversal and dismissal of all Orders otherwise." 

So long as you haven't hurt a specific living being having first-hand knowledge of the issues and circumstance, they are obligated to do as you say. 

Just step forward and do it. Depriving the Prosecutors of their profit is a highly desirable and fun activity to pursue on a dark and wintry night. Remember to send your Notice of Claim and Demand to the District Attorney, the State Attorney General, the Clerk, the Prosecutor, and the Judge. 

Once you raise the issue of subrogation, the court has to stop and address it before any other proceedings. You just hold your ground no matter what they say or do --- "Your Honor, I have raised a bar to these proceedings and the issues must be addressed....." 

The Short Explanation? 
By Anna Von Reitz 
You start out playing a game of Checkers, but in 1913, they changed to Parcheesi and didn't tell you anything about it. 

Then, in 1933, they changed to 3-D Chess and never said a word. 

And now, they are trying to change the game and the rules again, all without telling you anything. 

So there you are, Joe Schmoe, still proceeding according to the rules and assumptions of playing a game of Checkers, when the Rats are now playing Clue. 

This is called the "assumption of a normal course of business". 

When they advertise a "home loan" you naturally assume that they are proposing to loan you money to build or remodel a home, right? That would be "a normal course of business". 

But that is just your assumption. Because they have no money to loan and haven't had any money for decades. So what is actually going on here? 

They are proposing that you loan them your home as collateral backing their debts and investments. "Home loan"--- right? 

What if nobody ever tells you any different, and you just go on thinking that they have loaned you money, when in fact, they've given you a bunch of I.O.U's. and you have loaned them your home instead?  

They took "title" to your home and used your assets to raise capital which they used to pay their debts and make investments --- gave you a little bit of the gross receipts as credit equal to the amount of the "loan", and kept 9/10ths of the benefit for themselves. 

That is what has actually gone on here. 

Millions of Americans have unknowingly loaned the banks labor and assets and yes, their homes, in exchange for worthless I.O.U.'s that the banks then deliberately dishonored. 

That's what the foreclosure crisis is all about. You "loaned" them your house, instead of them loaning you anything. They then used your house as collateral to borrow money from investors, named you the "secondary" and co-signer for their loan and claimed that your house was their collateral ---- and absconded, leaving you to pay off their mortgage to their creditors. 

This is not "a normal course of business". This is not anything close to what you thought was going on. You were playing Checkers and they were playing Parcheesi. 

And now the filthy animals are trying to change the game again and set up another round. 

That is "whutsup".

Statesmen Three! -- 
The 100 Billion Dollar Robbery 
By Anna Von Reitz 

Dedicated to the Victims of Plutocratic Usurpation -- The Oppressed and Downtrodden of America..... 

Everyone, quick ---- go online to this address: 

And download and preserve this book!!!! 

Published in 1896, a Senator, a Judge, and a Colonel in the military secured all the records and analyzed the financial status of the country from 1812 forward. 

What they found is crucial information that every American should know and which all military and civilian leaders should know---- and take action to correct, even now, when the results of this uninterrupted crime spree have spread for over a hundred years and gone worldwide. 

This is one giant leap forward in the quest to nail down what happened to our country and what needs to be done now. 

I am concerned that once our enemies know the importance and content of this book by Archie Campbell Fisk, they will do what they have done before --- and seek to destroy the evidence. 

Go online and download your copy of the pdf and distribute it and archive it for posterity. 

also see her last short message titled,Why Subrogation Provides Relief, But Not

all of anna's archives are here

1 comment:

jimmy m said...

This is great! I have it downloaded and set into a safe place. We do very much appreciate your work, and all that you do. I have been following you by reading your work, but to be honest, I have not taken the first single step as you recommended.

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