Sunday, February 12, 2023

Part 2 Thiaoouba Prophecy ...The Golden Planet ... Learning to Live on Another Planet ...The Seven Masters and the Aura

Thiaoouba Prophecy
by Michel Desmarquet
Report from the journey undertaken in June 1987 
Manuscript completed in January 1989 
Postscript written in April 1993 
The Golden Planet 
As Thao was winding up her narrative, my attention was drawn to lights of different colours, which had lit up near her seat. When she had finished talking, she made a gesture. On one of the walls of the room, there appeared a series of letters and numbers, which Thao examined attentively. Then the light went out and the image disappeared. 

‘Thao,’ I said, ‘you spoke just now of hallucination or collective illusion. I have trouble understanding how you can delude thousands of people -isn’t it charlatanism, just as when an illusionist on stage fools the crowd with a dozen, more or less ‘chosen’ subjects?’

Thao smiled again. ‘You are right in a certain sense, for it is extremely rare these days on your planet and especially on stage to find a true illusionist. I must remind you that we are experts in all manner of psychic phenomena Michel, and for us it is quite easy because...’ 

At that moment, a shock of extraordinary violence shook the spacecraft. Thao looked at me with horrified eyes - her whole face had completely changed and one could read in it sheer terror. With a dreadful cracking sound, the vessel split into several pieces and I heard screams from astronauts, as we were all hurled into space. Thao had grabbed hold of my arm and we were flung through the sidereal emptiness at a giddying speed. I realised, only because of the speed we were travelling, that we were about to cross paths with a comet - exactly like the one we had passed by several hours earlier. 

I felt Thao’s hand on my arm but didn’t even think to turn my head in her direction - I was literally mesmerised by the comet. We were going to collide with its tail - that was certain - and already I could feel the terrible heat. The skin on my face was ready to burst - it was the end... 

‘Are you OK, Michel?’ asked Thao gently from her seat. I thought I was going mad. I was sitting opposite her in the same seat where I had listened to her account of the first man on Earth. 

‘Are we dead or mad?’ I asked. 

‘Neither, Michel. There is a saying on your planet that a picture is worth a thousand words. You asked me how we were able to delude crowds of people. I replied immediately by creating an illusion for you. I realise I should have chosen a less frightening experience, but the subject is a very important one in this case.’ 

‘It’s fantastic! I never would have believed that it could happen like that - and so suddenly. It was so very real - the whole scenario. I don’t know what to say... The only thing I ask of you is not to frighten me like that again. Besides, I could die of fright...’ 

‘Not at all. Our physical bodies were in our seats and we simply separated our...let’s call them ‘astro psychic’ bodies from our physical ones and from our other bodies...’ 

‘What other bodies?’ 

‘All the others: the physiological, the psycho typical, the astral, and so on. Your astro psychic body was separated from the others by a telepathic system originating in my brain which, acts in this case, like a transmitter. A direct correlation is established between my astro psychic body and yours. 

‘All that I imagined was projected in your astro psychic body exactly as if it was happening. The only thing is, not having had time to prepare you for the experience, I had to be very cautious.’ 

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, when you create an illusion, the subject, or subjects, should be prepared to see what you want them to see. For example, if you want people to see a spaceship in the sky, it is important that they are expecting to see one. If they expect to see an elephant, they will never see the spaceship. Thus, with the right words and cleverly controlled suggestions, the crowd will unite around you in anticipation of seeing a spaceship, a white elephant, or the Virgin of Fatima - a typical case of the phenomenon on Earth.’ 

‘It would have to be easier with a single subject than with 10 000.’ 

‘Not at all. On the contrary, with several people, a chain reaction is produced. You release the astro psychic bodies of the individuals and when you put the procedure in motion, they telepathic among themselves. It’s a bit like the famous domino-lines - when you make the first one fall, all the others must fall right down to the last one. 

‘So it was a very easy game with you. Since you left Earth, you have remained more or less anxious. You don’t know what will logically happen next. 

‘I took advantage of this typical case of conscious or unconscious fear that is always present when one travels in a flying machine - the fear of exploding or crashing. Then, as you had seen the comet on the screen, why not use it too? Rather than cook your face as you approached the comet, I could have made you cross the tail believing it to be frozen.’ 

‘In all, you could have driven me insane!’ 

‘Not in such a short time...’ 

‘But that had to have lasted more than five minutes..?’ 

‘No more than ten seconds - just as in a dream, or should I say a nightmare, which occurs by the way, in approximately the same manner. For example, you are sleeping and you begin to dream... You are in a field with a wonderful white stallion. You approach to catch him, but each time you try, he runs away. After five or six attempts, which take time of course, you leap on the horse’s back and begin to gallop and gallop. Faster and faster you go and you are happily intoxicated by the speed... The stallion gallops so fast that he no longer touches the ground. He is airborne and the countryside passes beneath you - river, plains and forests. 

‘It is truly wonderful. Then a mountain appears on the horizon, looming taller and taller as you approach. You have to rise higher with difficulty. The horse flies up and up - it is almost over the highest peak when his shoe strikes a rock, unbalancing you, so that you fall - down and down - you go into a chasm that seems to have no end...and you find you have fallen out of bed on to the floor.’ 

‘No doubt you are going to tell me this dream lasts only a few minutes.’ 

‘It would have lasted four seconds. The dream started as though, from a certain point you wound back a film on video and then watched it. I know it is difficult to comprehend but in this particular dream, all would have begun at the moment you lost your balance in bed.’ 

‘I confess that I don’t understand.’ 

‘I’m not at all surprised, Michel. To understand completely requires much more study in the field and, on Earth at the present time, you don’t have anyone capable of instructing you on the subject. Dreams don’t really matter for the moment Michel, but without your realising it, during the few hours you have spent with us, you have made great progress in certain areas and this is what matters. Now it is time to explain to you our motives for bringing you to Thiaoouba. 

‘We are entrusting you with a mission. This mission is to report all that you are going to see, live and hear during your time with us. Report everything in one, or several books that you will write when you return to Earth. We have been observing the behaviour of the people on your planet for thousands and thousands of years, as you now realise. 

‘A certain percentage of these people are arriving at a very critical point in history and we feel that the time has come to try to assist them. If they will listen, we can ensure that they take the right path. This is why you have been chosen...’ 

‘But I am not a writer! Why haven’t you chosen a good writer - someone well known, or a good journalist?’ 

Thao smiled at my vehement reaction. ‘The only writers who might have done it, as it must be done, are dead - I mean Plato or Victor Hugo - and they still would have reported the facts with too much stylistic embellishment. We require the most precise account possible.’ 

‘Then you need a journalist reporter...’ 

‘Michel, you know yourself, that journalists on your planet are so inclined towards sensationalism, that they often distort the truth. 

‘How often for example, do you see news reports that differ from channel to channel or paper to paper? Whom do you believe when one gives the death toll in an earthquake as 75, another as 62 and another as 95? Do you really imagine we would trust a journalist?’ 

‘You’re absolutely right!’ I exclaimed. 

‘We have observed you and we know all about you as we know about some others on Earth - and you were selected...’ 

‘But why exactly me? I am not the only one on Earth capable of objectivity.’ 

‘Why not you? In time, you will learn the principal reason behind our choice.’ 

I didn’t know what to say. Moreover, my objections were ridiculous since I had already embarked on this affair and there was no going back. Ultimately, I had to admit I was enjoying this space voyage more and more. Certainly, millions of human beings would have given all they owned to be in my place. 

‘I will argue no further Thao. If this is your decision, I can only yield to it. I hope I will be equal to the task. Have you considered that ninety nine per cent of people will not believe a word of what I say? For most people it will be too incredible.’ 

‘Michel, almost 2000 years ago, did they believe that Christ was sent by God as he claimed? Certainly not, for they wouldn’t have crucified him had they believed. Now however, there are millions who believe what he said...’ 

‘Who believes him? Do they really believe him Thao? And who was he anyway? First of all, who is God? Does he exist?’ 

‘I have been expecting this question and it is important that you ask it. On an ancient stone tablet, which I believe is Naacal, it is written: In the beginning there was nothing - all was darkness and silence. 

‘The Spirit - the Superior Intelligence decided to create the worlds and he commanded to four superior forces... 

‘It’s extremely difficult for the human mind, even when highly developed, to comprehend such a thing. In fact, in a sense, it is impossible. On the other hand, your Astral Spirit assimilates it when it is freed from your physical body. But I’m getting ahead of myself - let’s go back to the very beginning. 

‘In the beginning there was nothing except darkness and a spirit - THE Spirit. 

‘The Spirit was, and is, infinitely powerful - powerful beyond the comprehension of any human mind. The Spirit is so powerful that he was able, by the action of his will alone, to trigger an atomic explosion with chain reactions of unimaginable force. In fact, the Spirit imagined the worlds - he imagined how to create them - from the most enormous to the most minuscule. He imagined the atoms. When he imagined them he created, in his imagination, all that moved and will move: all that lived and will live; all that is motionless, or seems to be - every single thing. 

‘But it existed only in his imagination. All was still in darkness. Once he had an overall view of what he wanted to create, he was able, by his exceptional spiritual force, to create, instantaneously, the four forces of the Universe. 

‘With these, he directed the first and the most gigantic atomic explosion of all time - what certain people on Earth call ‘The Big Bang’. The Spirit was at its centre and induced it. Darkness was gone and the Universe was creating itself according to the will of the Spirit. 

‘The Spirit was thus, is still, and always will be, at the centre of the Universe for he is the Master and Creator of it...’ 

‘Well then,’ I interrupted, ‘it’s the story of God as the Christian religion teaches it - or just about - and I never believed in their nonsense...’ 

‘Michel, I speak of no religion such as exists on Earth and especially not the Christian religion. Don’t confuse religions with the Creation and the simplicity of all that ensued. Don’t confuse logic with the illogical distortions of religions. We will have the opportunity to talk again later on this subject, and you are certainly in for some surprises. 

‘For the moment, I was trying to explain the Creation to you. During billions of years (for the Creator of course, it is eternally the ‘present’, but it is more at the level of our understanding to count by billions of years), all the worlds, suns and atoms were formed, as you are taught in schools, the planets revolving around their suns, and sometimes with their own satellites etc. At certain times in certain solar systems, some planets cool down - soil is formed, rocks solidify, oceans are formed and landmasses become continents.  

‘Finally, these planets become habitable for certain forms of life. All this was in the beginning, in the imagination of The Spirit. We can call his first force the ‘Atomic force’. 

‘At this stage, by his second force, he conceived the primary living creatures and many of the primary plants, from which later derived the sub-species. This second force we will call the ‘Ovocosmic Force’, as these creatures and plants were created by simple cosmic rays, which ended up with cosmic eggs. 

‘At the very beginning, The Spirit imagined experiencing feelings through a special creature. He had imagined Man by means of the third force that we will call the ‘Ovoastromic Force’. Thus Man was created. Have you ever considered Michel, what intelligence it took to create a human being or even an animal? Blood that circulates thanks to the heart that beats millions of times independently of the will...lungs that purify the blood by means of a complex system...the nervous system...the brain which gives the orders, aided by the five senses...the spinal cord which is ultra-sensitive and which will make you [instantly] withdraw your hand from a hot stove so you won’t burn yourself - it would have taken one tenth of a second for the brain to issue the order to prevent your hand from being burnt. [4] 

‘Have you ever wondered why, that of the billions of individuals on a planet like yours, there are no two fingerprints the same: and why, what we call the ‘crystalline’ of the blood, is just as unique among individuals as the fingerprint? 

‘Your experts and technicians on Earth, and on other planets, have tried and still try to create a human body. Have they succeeded? In regards to the robots they have made, not even the most highly perfected will ever be more than a vulgar machine in comparison with the human mechanism. 

'To go back to the crystalline I mentioned just now, it is best described as a certain vibration particular to the blood of each individual. It has nothing to do with the blood group. Various religious sects on Earth believe absolutely in the ‘rightness’ of refusing blood transfusions. Their reasons relate to the teachings and books of their religious teachings and their own interpretations of these, whereas they should look to the real reason, which is the impact the different vibrations have on each other. 

‘If it is a large transfusion, it can have an influence on the recipient to a degree and, for a length of time, which varies according to the volume of the transfusion. This influence, of course, is never dangerous. 

‘After a time, which never exceeds one month, the vibrations of the recipient’s blood takes over, leaving no trace of the vibrations of the donor’s blood. 

‘It shouldn’t be forgotten that these vibrations are much more [5] a feature of the physiological and fluidic body than that of the physical body. 

‘But I notice that I have deviated greatly from my subject, Michel. In any case, it is time now to rejoin the others. We are not far from arriving at Thiaoouba.’ 

I didn’t dare ask Thao then, about the nature of the fourth force, for already she was heading for the exit. I left my seat and followed her back to the command post. There, on the panel and in close-up view, a person was talking slowly and almost continuously. Numbers and figures, with luminous dots of different bright colours were continually crossing the screen, interspersed with symbols. 

Thao sat me down in the seat I had previously occupied and asked me not to interfere with my security system. She then moved away, to confer with Biastra who seemed to be supervising the astronauts, each of who was busy at her respective desk. Finally, she came back and sat down in the seat next to mine. 

‘What is happening?’ I asked 

‘We are reducing speed progressively as we approach our planet. We are now 848 million kilometres away and will arrive in about twenty-five minutes.’ 

‘Can we see it now?’ 

‘Patience, Michel. Twenty-five minutes is not the end of the world!’ She winked, evidently in good humour. 

The close-up view on the panel was replaced by a wide-angle shot, allowing us a general view of the command room of the intergalactic base, as we had seen earlier. Now each operator was deep in concentration at her particular desk. Many of the ‘desk-computers’ were operated orally, rather than manually, responding to the operators’ voices. Figures, accompanied by luminous dots of various colours, crossed the screen rapidly. No one in the spacecraft remained standing. 

Suddenly, there it was, right in the middle of the panel. The intergalactic centre had been replaced by... Thiaoouba! 

My guess had to be correct - I could feel it. Thao immediately telepathize an affirmative, leaving me in no doubt. 

As we approached and Thiaoouba grew on the panel, I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight, for what I saw before me was indescribably beautiful. Initially, the first word which sprang to mind was ‘luminous’ - this then was juxtaposed with ‘golden’ - but the effect produced by this colour was beyond any description. If I were to invent a word, perhaps one that might apply would be ‘lumino-vapour golden’. In fact, one had the impression of plunging into a luminous and golden bath - almost as if there were very fine gold dust in the atmosphere. 

We were descending gently on to the planet and the panel no longer showed its contours, but rather, the contours of a continent could be distinguished, ending abruptly at an ocean, that was sprinkled with a multitude of islands of different colours. 

The closer we came, the greater was the detail discernible - the zoom lenses were not used at the time of landing, for a reason which was explained to me later. What captivated me most, was the colour before me - I was dazzled! 

All the colours were, in each tonal variation more vivid than ours. A bright green, for example, almost shone - it radiated colour. A dark green had the opposite effect - it ‘kept’ its colour. It is extremely difficult to describe, for the colours on this planet could not be compared with any that exist on Earth. A red could be recognised as red, but it wasn’t the red we know. There is a word in Thao’s language which defines the types of colours on Earth and on planets similar to ours. Our colours are Kalbilaoka which I translate as ‘dull’, theirs, on the other hand, are Theosolakoviniki 2 which means they radiate their colours from within. 

My attention was soon drawn to what looked, on the screen, like eggs - yes, eggs!1 I could see the ground dotted with eggs, some half covered with vegetation, and others quite bare. Some seemed bigger than others and some lay down. Others were upright with what looked like the pointed end towards the sky. 

I was so astonished by this sight that I turned again towards Thao to ask her about these ‘eggs’, when suddenly on the screen, there appeared a round form surrounded by several spheres of different sizes, and, slightly further away, yet more ‘eggs’. These ones were enormous. 

I recognised the spheres to be space vessels just like ours. 

‘Affirmative’, said Thao from her seat, ‘and the round form you see is the cell in which our spacecraft will be accommodated in a few moments, for we are in the process of docking. 

‘And the gigantic eggs, what are they?’ 

Thao smiled. ‘Buildings, Michel, but just now, there is something more important that I must explain to you. Our planet contains many surprises for you, but there are two, which could have harmful effects on you. I must therefore ensure that you take certain elementary precautions. Thiaoouba does not have the same gravitational force as your planet. Your weight would be 70 kilograms on Earth - here it will be 47 kg. When you leave the spacecraft, if you aren’t careful, you risk losing your sense of equilibrium in your movements and your reflexes. You’ll be inclined to take too great a stride, and perhaps fall and injure yourself...’
1. I should say half an egg, as we shall see later on, the description would be more appropriate. (note of the Author) 
2. Theosolakoviniki, - a similar effect can be observed with pure monochromatic colours, when light vibrates in a narrow band of frequencies. The author had confirmed this when he was shown such colours. Is it a coincidence that ‘Theos’ in ancient Greek means ‘God’? Are these colours ‘pure’ and hence “Godly”? (Explanation of the Editor) 

‘But I don’t understand. In your spacecraft, I feel fine.’ 

‘We have related the internal gravitational pull to correspond with that of Earth - or almost.’ 

‘Then you must be extremely uncomfortable, for you must weigh about 60 kilograms more than your normal weight, given your size.’ 

‘It’s true that under this force, our bodies are heavier, but we have counter-balanced this by a semi-levitation, thus we are not uncomfortable, and at the same time, we have the satisfaction of seeing you move among us at ease.’ 

 A slight jolt indicated we had docked. This extraordinary trip was over - I was going to put my foot on another planet. 

‘The second point,’ Thao resumed, ‘is that you will be obliged to wear a mask, for a while at least, for the brightness and the colours will literally intoxicate you, just as if you had drunk alcohol. The colours are vibrations that act on certain points on your physiological body. On Earth, these points are so slightly stimulated, so little exercised, that here, consequences could be unfortunate.’ 

The security force field of my seat had just been ‘turned off’ liberating me again, to move about as I pleased. The panel was blank but the astronauts were still busy. Thao led me towards the door and back into the room I’d first entered where I had lain for three hours. There, she took a helmet, very light, which covered my face from my forehead to just below my nose. 

‘Let’s go, Michel, and welcome to Thiaoouba.’ 

Outside the spacecraft, we walked along a very short walkway. Immediately, I felt lighter. The sensation was very pleasant, although somewhat disconcerting, since several times I lost balance and Thao had to steady me. 

We saw no one, a fact that surprised me. Earthly perspective had led me to expect to be welcomed by a crowd of reporters, cameras flashing...or something similar - perhaps a red carpet! Why not the head of state in person? For heaven’s sake, these people wouldn’t be visited by an extra-planetarian every day! But nothing... 

After a short distance, we arrived at a round platform, to the side of the walkway. Thao sat down on a circular seat inside the platform [6] and signalled that I should sit down opposite her. 

She took out an object the size of a walkie-talkie and immediately I felt myself pinned to the seat, just as I had been in the spaceship, by an invisible force field. Then, quite gently and with a barely perceptible hum, the platform rose by several metres and moved off rapidly towards the ‘eggs’, about 800 metres away. The thin and slightly perfumed air was lashing the exposed area of my face below my nose, which was very nice, its temperature being around 26 degrees Celsius. 

In just seconds, we arrived, and passed through the walls of one of the ‘eggs’, as if we’d passed through a cloud. The platform stopped and came to rest gently on the floor of the ‘building’. I looked around me in all directions. 

It seemed absurd, but the ‘egg’ had disappeared. We had indeed, entered the ‘egg’ and yet around us, as far as the eye could see, stretched the countryside. We could see the landing ground and the docked spaceships just as though we were outside... 

‘I understand your reaction, Michel,’ said Thao who knew what I was thinking, ‘I’ll explain the mystery to you later.’ 

Not far from us, were gathered twenty or thirty people, all busy to some extent, in front of desks and screens which flashed with coloured lights - similar to inside the spacecraft. A type of music played very softly, elevating me to a state of euphoria. 

Thao signalled me to follow her and we headed towards one of the smaller ‘eggs’ situated near the ‘supposed inside walls’ of this larger one. As we went, we were greeted with happiness by all we passed. 

I must mention here, that Thao and I made an odd couple as we moved across the room. The great difference in our heights meant that, as we walked side by side, she was obliged to move slowly so that I didn’t have to run to keep up - my movements were more like ungainly jumps, for each time I tried to hurry, I exacerbated the problem. I had the task of coordinating muscles that were accustomed to moving a weight of 70 kilograms and now had only to move 47 kilograms - you can imagine the effect we created. 

We headed for a light that was shining on the wall of the small ‘egg’. In spite of my mask, I was very conscious of its brilliance. We passed beneath the light and went through the wall into a room that I immediately recognised as the one featured on the screen in the spaceship. The faces too, were familiar to me. I realised I was in the intergalactic centre. 

Thao took off my mask. ‘It’s all right for now, Michel, you won’t need it here.’ 

She introduced me personally to each of the dozen people there. They all exclaimed something and put a hand on my shoulder as a gesture of welcome. 

Their faces wore expressions of sincere joy and goodness and I was deeply touched by the warmth of their reception. It was as if they considered me one of them. 

Thao explained that their principal question was: why is he so sad - is he ill? 

‘I am not sad!’ I protested. 

‘I know, but they are not accustomed to the facial expressions of the people of Earth. Faces here, as you can see, reflect a perpetual happiness.’ 

It was true. They looked as though every second, they received excellent news. I had been aware that something was strange about these people and suddenly it hit me: Everyone I had seen, seemed to be of the same age!

Learning to live on another planet 
It seemed that Thao was also very popular here and she found herself answering numerous questions - always with her natural, broad smile. Before long, however, several of our hosts were required to resume their duties and we took this as our cue to leave. My mask was put on again and we left these people, as well as those in the larger room, amidst many gestures of friendship and goodwill. 

We rejoined our vehicle and immediately accelerated away in the direction of a forest, which could be seen in the distance. We flew at a height of approximately five or six metres and at a speed I would have estimated to be 70 or 80 kilometres per hour. The air was warm and fragrant and I again felt euphoric, in a way I had never experienced on Earth. 

We arrived at the edge of the forest and I remember having been greatly impressed by the size of the largest trees. They looked to rise about 200 metres into the sky. 

‘The tallest is 240 of your metres, Michel.’ Thao explained without me having to ask, ‘and between 20 and 30 metres in diameter at the base. 

‘Some of these are 8000 of our years old. Our year consists of 333 days of 26 karses. A karse is a period of 55 lorse, a lorse comprising 70 kasios, and a kasio being almost equivalent to one of your seconds. (Now there’s a sum for you...) Would you like to go to your ‘apartment’ or to have a look at the forest first?’ 

‘Let’s visit the forest first, Thao.’ 

The vehicle greatly reduced its speed and we were able to glide between, or indeed, stop and observe more closely, the trees at heights that ranged from almost ground level to 10 metres above the ground. 

Thao was able to guide our ‘flying platform’ with amazing precision and expertise. Our vehicle, and Thao’s manner of driving it, put me in mind of a flying carpet, which was taking me on a magical tour of this magnificent forest floor. 

Thao leaned towards me and removed my mask. The undergrowth was luminous and softly golden but I found it quite tolerable. 

‘It is a good time to begin accustoming yourself to the light and colour, Michel. Look!’ 

Following her gaze, I spotted, very high among the branches, three butterflies, vividly coloured and of enormous size. 

These lepidoptera, which must have had one metre wingspans, fluttered high in the foliage, but we were lucky to see them fly closer and closer to us, on wings of blue, green and orange. It is as clear to me as if it were yesterday. They brushed against us with their wings that were strangely fringed, to create the most beautiful and breathtaking effect. One of them came to rest on a leaf just a few metres from us and I was able to admire its body, ringed with silver and gold, and its jade-green antennae. Its proboscis was golden and the tops of its wings were green with streaks of bright blue alternated with dark orange diamond shapes. The under-sides were dark blue, but luminous, as though they had been illuminated from above by a projector. 

For the duration of time this giant insect remained on the leaf, it seemed to emit a soft whistling sound and I was quite surprised by this. I had certainly not heard a lepidopteran on Earth make any sound at all. Of course, we were no longer on Earth but on Thiaoouba, and this was only the beginning of a long series of surprises for me. 

On the forest floor, grew an incredible variety of plants, each one stranger than the next. They covered the ground completely, but I noticed very few bushes among them. I imagine the forest's giants prevented them from developing. 

In size, these plants varied from a ground-covering moss-like plant, to one the size of a large rose bush. One kind, with leaves as thick as a hand in various shapes - sometimes heart-shaped or circular, sometimes very long and thin - was of a colour tending much more towards blue than to green. 

Flowers of every shape and colour, even of the purest black, entwined each other. From our altitude of several metres, the effect was absolutely glorious. 

We rose till we were up among the highest branches and I put my mask back on according to Thao’s direction. We emerged from the canopy and moved slowly, just above the foliage of those enormous trees. 

Above the forest the light was, once again, incredibly intense and I had the impression of travelling through a landscape of pure crystal. 

Marvellous birds were perched on the tops of the taller trees, watching us pass, without fear. Their colours, varied and rich, were a veritable feast for my eyes in spite of the subduing effect of my mask. Here were varieties of macaw, with blue, yellow, pink and red plumage; and, among them a type of bird of paradise strutted amidst a cloud of what appeared to be hummingbirds. 

These hummingbirds were of a brilliant red colour flecked with gold. The red, pink and orange tail feathers of the birds of paradise, would have measured 250 centimetres in length and their wingspans almost two metres. 

When these ‘jewels’ took flight, the underside of their wings revealed a very soft, misty pink, with just a touch of bright blue on the tips - so unexpected, especially as the tops of their wings were of an orange-yellow colour. Their heads wore plumes of impressive size, each feather being a different colour: yellow, green, orange, black, blue, red, white, cream.... 

I feel frustrated that my attempts to describe the colours I saw on Thiaoouba are so inadequate - I feel I need a whole new lexicon, as my language fails me. I had the constant impression that the colours came from within the objects I looked at, and the colour was more than I had known it to be. On earth, we know perhaps 15 shades of red; here there must have been over a hundred... 

It wasn’t only the colours that claimed my attention. The sounds that I had heard since we began to fly over the forest inspired me to seek an explanation from Thao. It was almost a background music, very light and soft, similar to a flute which continually played the same air but at a distance. 

As we moved on, the music seemed to change, only to return to the original tune. 

‘Is that music I hear?’ 

‘It is vibrations emitted by the thousands of insects which, when combined with the vibrations of the colours reflected by solar rays on to certain plants, such as the Xinoxi, for example, produce the very musical results that you hear. We, ourselves, only hear it if we particularly attune to it, for it comprises an integral part of our life and our environment. It is restful, isn’t it?’ 


‘According to the experts, if these vibrations were to cease, we would experience considerable eye trouble. This will perhaps seem odd at first, since these vibrations appear to be perceptible to the ear rather than the eye. However, experts are experts, Michel, and, in any case, it is of little concern to us, for they also say that the chance of their ceasing is as remote as the chance of our sun extinguishing itself tomorrow.’

Thao turned our vehicle and in a few moments, we had left the forest tops and were flying over a plain, across which flowed a jade-green river. 

We descended to an altitude of about three metres and followed its course. Now we were able to follow the movements of strange fish - fish that resembled platypuses more than fish, as I knew them to be. The water was pure, like crystal, and at this altitude we could distinguish everything down to the smallest pebble. 

Looking up, I saw we were approaching the ocean. Palm trees resembling coconut palms waved their majestic fronds at impressive heights, on the edge of a beach of golden sands. The blue of the ocean contrasted pleasantly with the bright red of rocks encrusted in small hills, which overlooked a section of its beach. 

A hundred or so people basked on the sand or swam, entirely naked, in the transparent waters of the ocean. 

I felt a little dazed, not only because of the new and wondrous things I was constantly discovering, but also because of the perpetual sensation of lightness, due to the change in gravity. This sensation was my reminder of Earth - what a strange word, and how difficult it was to visualise Earth now! 

The auditory and visual vibrations were also affecting my nervous system enormously. Usually a highly-strung person, I was feeling completely relaxed - as if I had plunged into a warm bath, allowing myself to float in the bubbles while soft music played. 

No, even more relaxed than that - so relaxed I felt like crying. 

We proceeded, quite rapidly, across the waters of the immense bay, flying about 12 metres above the waves. On the horizon, I could distinguish several dots - some larger than others, and I realised these were islands; no doubt those I had seen prior to our landing on Thiaoouba. 

As we headed for the smallest island, I looked below and saw that we were being followed by numerous fish, amusing themselves by criss-crossing the shadow our vehicle projected on the water. 

‘Are they sharks?’ I asked. 

‘No, they’re Dajiks - the brothers of your dolphin. You see? They are as fond of playing as your dolphins are.’ 

‘Look!’ I interrupted Thao. ‘Look!’ 

Thao looked to where I was pointing and began laughing - I was astonished to see a group of people approaching us, seemingly without the aid of a vehicle. 

They were about two metres above the water, in a vertical position, and not only floating in the air, but moving quite rapidly towards us. 

Soon our paths crossed and grand gestures of friendship were exchanged. At the same instant, a wave of well-being flowed through me lasting several seconds. It was the same sensation Latoli had produced and I recognised it as a sign of greeting from these ‘flying people’. 

‘How do they do that? Is it levitation?’ 

‘No, they have a Tara 1 on their waists and a Litiolac 2 in their hands. These produce certain vibrations that neutralise the cold magnetic force of the planet, allowing neutralisation of the gravitational force. Even a weight of millions of tonnes compares with that of feathers. Then, by other vibrations resembling those of ultrasound, they can steer themselves precisely to wherever they choose, as they are doing now. On this planet, everyone wanting to travel some distance uses this method.’ 

‘Then why are we using this vehicle?’ I asked, for I would have loved to experiment with such equipment, which, by the way, was absolutely noiseless. 

‘Michel, you are impatient. I have brought you by this means because you are not capable of flying with a Litiolac. Without practice, you could hurt yourself. Later, perhaps, if there is time, I will teach you how to use it. Look, we are nearly there.’ 

Indeed, we were fast approaching an island and could clearly see a golden beach where several people basked in the sun. Almost immediately, we were flying beneath palm fronds along a wide path, bordered with two rows of flowering and very fragrant bushes. The area was alive with the sound and colour of insects, butterflies and birds. 

The vehicle proceeded slowly at ground level and, after a final bend in the path, we arrived before a ‘little egg’, nestled among small trees and flowering vines. It seemed that every building on this planet had the shape of an egg, most often lying on their ‘sides’ but occasionally upright, as I have said, with the pointed end upwards. The ‘shells’ were off-white in colour and had no windows or doors. 

This particular egg lay on its side, apparently half buried in the ground. It was about 30 metres long and 20 metres in diameter - quite small in comparison with those I’d seen so far. 

Thao stopped the vehicle in front of a bright light centred on the wall of the egg. Leaving the platform, we entered the habitation. As we did so, I felt a light pressure, with no more force than the weight of an eiderdown. I remembered experiencing the same sensation earlier, when we passed through the wall of the space centre. 

Having neither doors nor windows on these buildings is extraordinary in itself, but once inside, it was stranger still. As I have mentioned before, the overall impression was of still being outside. 
1. The Tara is an apparatus worn like a belt when you wish to fly. (Author’s comment) 
2. The Litiolac works in concert with the Tara to fly, but is held in the hand. (Author’s comment) 

The startling beauty of colour was everywhere; the greenery; the branches of the trees dissecting the blue-mauve sky above; the butterflies; the flowers...I recall a bird that came to rest right in the middle of the ‘roof, so that we could see the bottom of its feet. It was as though it had miraculously stopped in mid-air - the effect was quite extraordinary. 

The only contrast with the outside was provided by the floor that was covered in a type of carpet on which were arranged comfortable looking seats and large pedestal tables. All of these furnishings were, of course, on a large scale - appropriate to these ‘large-scale’ people. 

‘Thao,’ I asked, ‘how are your walls transparent and yet we can’t see in from the outside? And how can we pass through your walls as we did?’ 

‘First of all, Michel, let’s take off this mask of yours. I will regulate the internal light so that it will be bearable for you.’ 

Thao approached an object on the floor and touched it. When I removed my mask, I found the light to be no less tolerable than with it on, although the shiny quality was restored. 

‘You see, Michel, this habitation exists because of a magnetic field that is quite special. We have copied the forces of nature and the creations of nature to our own ends. Let me explain. Every body - human, animal or mineral - possesses a field around itself. The human body, for example, is surrounded both by an Aura and by an etheric force (field)1 of oval shape. You know that, don’t you?’ 

I nodded. 

‘The latter comprises, in part, electricity and, to a greater extent, vibrations that we call Ariacostinaki. 

‘These vibrations occur continuously for your protection while you are alive, and they are not to be confused with the vibrations of the Aura. With our habitations, we have copied nature in creating a field of mineral electro-etheric vibrations around a nucleus.’ Thao indicated an ‘egg’, the size of an ostrich egg, located in the middle of the room between two seats. ‘Will you push this seat please, Michel?’ 

I looked at Thao, surprised by her request, considering the size of the seat and the fact that she had never before asked anything of me. I tried to oblige, but with some difficulty for the seat was indeed heavy; however I succeeded in moving it about 50 centimetres. 

‘Very good,’ she said. ‘Now you will pass me the egg.’ 

I smiled. In comparison, this would be a simple task. I could lift it with one hand and without any effort; but in order not to drop it, I took it in two hands and...fell to my knees! I had not expected it to be so heavy and had overbalanced. I stood up and tried again, this time with all my strength...nothing happened. 
1. Editor’s comment 

Thao touched my shoulder. ‘Watch,’ she said. Turning towards the seat I had found so difficult to move, she placed one hand under it and raised it above her head. Still with one hand, she set it down again, apparently with no effort. Next, she took the egg in both hands and pushed and pulled with all her might till the veins swelled in her neck. Still the egg didn’t move a tenth of a millimetre. 

‘It is welded to the floor,’ I suggested. 

‘No, Michel, it is the Centre and cannot move. It is the nucleus I spoke of earlier. We have created a field around it, so strong that the wind and the rain can’t penetrate this field. As for the sun’s rays, we can regulate the extent to which they penetrate. The birds too, which come to rest above, are not heavy enough to pass through the field and, if by chance a heavier bird does land, he will start to sink. This produces such a frightening sensation for the bird that he will fly away immediately without having come to any harm.’ 

‘It’s so ingenious,’ I said, ‘but what is the significance of the light at the entrance? Couldn’t we pass through the walls anywhere we chose?’ 

‘Indeed, we could. It’s just that from the outside, it’s not possible to see the interior and so you can’t know that you won’t hit a piece of furniture on the other side. The best place to enter is always indicated by an external light. Come, let me show you around.’ 

I followed her and discovered, behind a richly decorated partition, a truly magnificent setting. There was a miniature swimming pool that seemed to be of green porphyry and, nearby, a matching basin over which a porphyry swan was bending, its beak open...the effect was beautiful. 

Thao held her hand under the swan’s beak and immediately the water began to flow over her hand and into the basin. She withdrew it and the flow ceased. She indicated that I should try. The basin was about 150 centimetres above the floor so that I had to lift my arm quite high but I managed and the water spurted out again. 

‘How clever!’ I explained. ‘Do you have water which is drinkable on this island, or have you had to sink bores?’ 

Again Thao’s face lit with her smile of amusement. It was quite familiar to me, appearing each time I said something that, to her, seemed ‘quaint’. 

‘No, Michel, we don’t procure our water as you do on Earth. Under this magnificent stone bird, is an apparatus which draws air from outside and transforms it into drinking water as required.’ 

‘That’s wonderful!’ 

‘We are merely exploiting a natural law.’ 

‘And what if you want hot water?’ 

‘Electro-vibratory force. For warm water, you put your foot here, and for boiling water, you put it there. 

‘Cells positioned on the side, control the functioning of the apparatus...but these are only material details and of no great significance. ‘This here,’ said Thao, following the direction of my gaze, ‘is the relaxation area. You can stretch out there.’ She pointed to a thick mat that was on the floor, a little further down towards the base of the egg. 

I lay down and immediately felt as though I were floating at ground level. Although she continued to speak, I could no longer hear Thao’s voice. She had disappeared behind a misty curtain, so that I had the impression of being enveloped in a thick fog of cotton wool. At the same time, musical vibrations could be heard, and the total effect was marvellously relaxing. 

I stood up again and after several seconds, Thao’s voice was audible again, growing louder as the ‘fog’ lifted and disappeared completely. 

‘What do you think of that, Michel?’ 

‘It really is the height of comfort!’ I replied enthusiastically. ‘But there is one thing I haven’t yet seen and that is the kitchen - and you know how important the kitchen is to the French!’ 

‘This way,’ she said, smiling again and taking several steps in another direction. ‘Do you see this transparent drawer? Inside you have various compartments. From left to right: fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, and here in the last, we have what you call ‘manna’, which is our bread.’ 

‘Either you are teasing me or you are making fun of me. All I see in your drawer is red, green, blue, brown and blends of these colours...’ 

‘What you see are concentrates of the various foods - fish, vegetables etc, of the best quality prepared by excellent cooks using various special methods. When you taste it, you will find all this food excellent and very nourishing.’ 

Thao then uttered several words in her own language and, in a few moments, I had before me on a tray, selected items of food arranged in a manner pleasing to the eye. When I tasted it, my palate was agreeably surprised. It was indeed, excellent, although very different from anything I had ever eaten before in my life. The manna I had already tasted in the spaceship. I ate some of it again and found it a good accompaniment to the dishes presented. 

‘You tell me that, on Earth, this bread is known as ‘manna’. How is it that it exists on Earth at all?’ 

‘It is a product we always carry on our intergalactic spacecraft. It is very practical, being easily compressed and highly nourishing. In fact, it’s a complete food. It comes from wheat and oats and you could live on it alone for months.’ 

Just then, our attention was drawn by the approach of some people, flying at ground level beneath the branches of the trees. They set down at the entrance to the ‘egg’, unfastened their Taras and placed them on a block of marble, no doubt there for the purpose. One after the other, they entered and I recognised with pleasure, Biastra and Latoli and the rest of the crew from the spacecraft. 

They had changed from their space uniforms into long Arabian-style robes of shimmering colours. (Later, I was to understand why the colour of each robe was so flattering to the individual who wore it.) For the moment, it was difficult to believe these were the same people I had known and spoken with on the spacecraft, they were so completely transformed. 

Latoli approached me, a radiant smile lighting up her face. Placing her hand on my shoulder she said, telepathically, ‘You seem somewhat stunned, my dear. Are our habitations not to your liking?’ 

She ‘read’ my affirmative and admiring response and was delighted by it. Turning back to the others, she relayed my response, and comments flew thick and fast, everyone talking at once. They had all sat down, looking much more at home in their seats than I felt in mine. I felt as odd as a duckling among chickens in that my size corresponded with nothing that had been built on their scale. 

Thao went to the ‘kitchen’ and filled a tray with things to eat. Then, at a word from her, all hands were held out in the direction of the tray, which rose slowly in the air. 

It moved around the room, stopping before each guest, without her having to touch it. Finally, it stopped in front of me and, with great caution, lest it fall (which vastly amused everyone) I took a glass of hydromel. The tray departed of its own accord, returning to its place of origin, and all hands were lowered. 

‘How is that done?’ I asked Thao. My question was understood telepathically by everyone and there was a general burst of laughter. 

‘By what you would call ‘levitation’, Michel. We can, as readily, lift ourselves in the air, but that serves no great purpose other than our own amusement.’ Having said that, Thao, who was sitting cross-legged, began to rise above her seat and floated about the room, finally coming to rest in mid-air. I stared at her, but soon realised I was the only one fascinated by her accomplishment. Indeed, I must have looked idiotic, for all eyes were fixed on me. Evidently, Thao’s behaviour was perfectly normal to my friends but they were more interested in the astonished expression on my face. 

Thao descended slowly on to her seat. 

‘That demonstrates one of the many sciences you have lost on Earth, Michel - apart from a few individuals who are still capable of doing it. 

‘There was a time when it was practised by many, along with many other skills.’ 

We passed the time pleasantly that afternoon, my new friends and I, communicating telepathically in a light-hearted way, until the sun was low in the sky. 

Then Thao explained, ‘Michel, this ‘doko’, as we call our habitations on this planet, will be your home during your brief stay on Thiaoouba. We’ll be leaving you now for the night, to let you sleep. If you wish to bathe, you know how to arrange it and you can sleep on the relaxation bed. But try to be organised within the next half-hour, as there is no lighting in this habitation. We are able to see as well by night, as by day, and have no need of it.’ 

‘Is this building secure? Am I safe here?’ I asked worriedly. 

Again Thao smiled. ‘On this planet, you could sleep on the ground in the middle of town and you would be safer than in a building with armed guards, dogs and alarms on Earth. 

‘Here, we have only very evolved beings and certainly, none resembling the criminals you have on Earth. In our eyes, they must be likened to the worst of savage beasts. On that note, good night.’ 

Thao about-turned and passed through the ‘wall’ of the doko to rejoin her friends. They must have brought a ‘Litiolac’ for her because she flew off with the group. 

I prepared then, to spend my first night on Thiaoouba.

The Seven Masters and the Aura 
A huge flame burned blue; orange yellow and red flames burned around it. An enormous black snake slid straight through the flames, heading for me. Giants appeared from nowhere, running, and trying to catch the snake. It took seven of them together, to stop it before it reached me. But it turned and swallowed the flames, only to spit them back out, like a dragon, at the giants. They were transformed into immense statues just as they were - mounted on the tail of the snake. 

The reptile became a comet and carried the statues off - to Easter Island.1 Next, they were greeting me, wearing strange hats. One of the statues, resembling Thao, caught me by the shoulder and said, ‘Michel, Michel...wake up.’ Thao was shaking me and gently smiling. 

‘My goodness!’ I said, opening my eyes, ‘I was dreaming you were an Easter Island statue and that you caught hold of me by the shoulder...’ 

‘I am an Easter Island statue, and I did take you by the shoulder.’ 

‘Anyway, I’m not dreaming now, am I?’ 

‘No, but your dream was really quite strange, for on Easter Island, there is a statue which was sculptured a very long time ago to immortalise me and which was given my name.’ 

‘What are you telling me now?’ 

‘The simple truth, Michel, but we will explain all that to you in good time. For now, we will try on these clothes I’ve brought for you.’ 

Thao handed me a richly-coloured robe which quite delighted me and, after a warm and perfumed bath, I dressed in the garment. A feeling of euphoria, which was totally unexpected, overwhelmed me. I mentioned it to Thao, who was waiting with a glass of milk and a little manna for me. 
1. ‘Easter Island’ - an isolated island in the Pacific with no trees, several thousand kilometres from the shore of Chile, on which there are numerous gigantic statues from stone. Some of these statues are 50 meters high and since time immemorial have been considered ‘one of the seven wonders of the world’. Their existence has intrigued archaeologists and historians for centuries. (Editor’s comment in agreement with the Author) 

‘The colours of your robe were chosen according to those of your Aura; that’s why you feel so good. If people on Earth were able to see Auras, they too could choose colours, which suit them and thereby enhance their feeling of well-being. They’d make use of colour rather than aspirin.’ 

‘What do you mean, exactly?’ 

‘I’ll give you an example. Do you ever remember saying of someone: ‘oh, those clothes don’t suit you at all. He, or she, has no taste'?' 

‘Yes, quite often, in fact.’ 

‘Well, in such cases, those people have simply chosen their clothes less skilfully than others, or mixed them less successfully. As you say in French, they jurent or ‘clash’, but more in the eyes of others than in their own. However, such people will not feel good in themselves, without realising why. If you were to suggest it be because of the colours they were wearing, they would think you odd. You could explain that the vibrations of the colours were in discord with those of their Auras, but they would be no more inclined to believe you. On your planet, people only believe in what they see or touch...and yet the Aura can be seen...’ 

‘The Aura is actually coloured?’ 

‘Of course. The Aura vibrates constantly with colours that vary. At the top of your head is a veritable bouquet of colours, where almost all the colours you know are represented. 

‘Around the head too, is a golden halo, but it is only really obvious in the most highly spiritual people and in those who have sacrificed themselves in order to help someone else. The halo resembles a golden mist, much like painters on Earth depict the haloes of ‘saints’ and of Christ. The haloes were included in their paintings because, in those times, some of the artists actually saw them.’ 

‘Yes, I have heard mention of that, but I love to hear it from you.’ 

‘The colours are all there in the Aura: some shine more strongly, others are dull. People in poor health, for example, or people with bad intentions...' 

‘I would like so much to see the Aura. I know there are people who can see it.’ 

‘Many people on Earth could see it and read it a very long time ago, but there are few now. Calm yourself, Michel. You will see it, and not only one but several. Including your own. Now, though, I’ll ask you to follow me, because we have so much to show you and little time available.’ 

I followed Thao, who placed my mask on my face and led the way to the flying platform we had used the day before. 

We took our places and immediately Thao began manoeuvring the machine so that it dodged below the branches of trees. 

In a matter of moments, we had emerged on the beach. 

The sun had just risen behind the island and lit up the ocean and surrounding islands. From water level - the effect was magical. As we proceeded along the beach, I could see other dokos through the foliage, nestled among flowering bushes. On the beach, the inhabitants of these dwellings bathed in transparent waters or strolled together on the sand. Apparently surprised to see our flying platform, they followed our progress as we passed. It occurred to me that this was not the usual means of transport on the island. 

I should mention too, although swimmers and sunbathers are always completely naked on Thiaoouba, those who stroll or move any significant distance, always dress to do so. On this planet, there is neither hypocrisy, exhibitionism nor false modesty (this will be explained later). 

It was not long before we reached the end of the island and, accelerating, Thao guided the vehicle at water level. 

We headed in the direction of a large island, which could be seen on the horizon. I could not help but admire the dexterity with which Thao piloted the flying machine, especially when we arrived at the shore of the island. 

Approaching the coast, I could recognise enormous dokos, their points as usual towards the sky, I counted a group of nine, but the island was sprinkled with others, smaller and less visible amongst the vegetation. Thao took us higher and we were soon flying over what Thao called Kotra quo doj Doko - ‘The City of the nine Dokos’. 

Skilfully, Thao brought us down between the dokos, to a beautiful park located in their midst. In spite of my mask, I was aware that the golden mist that enveloped Thiaoouba was much denser around these dokos than elsewhere. 

Thao confirmed I was not mistaken in my perception, but she was not then able to explain the phenomenon, as they were waiting for us. 

She led me beneath an archway of greenery and along a path, which ran beside small ponds. Here wonderful water birds frolicked and little waterfalls murmured. 

I found myself almost running to keep up with Thao, but didn’t like to ask her to slow down. She appeared preoccupied in a way that was not typical of her. At one point, there was almost a catastrophe when I tried to jump, as much to amuse myself as to catch up with Thao. Due to the difference in gravity, I misjudged my leap and had to catch hold of a tree, which grew right on the water’s edge, to prevent myself from falling in. 

Eventually, we reached the Central Doko and stopped below the entrance light. Thao seemed to concentrate for several seconds, then she took me by the shoulder and we passed through the wall. 

She immediately removed my mask, advising at the same time, that I half-closed my eyes, which I did. Light filtered through my lower lids and after a time, I was able to open my eyes normally. 

I must say, that this brightness, more golden that in my own doko, was considerably uncomfortable at first. I was most curious now, especially since Thao, who was usually very free and without protocol in her relations with everyone, seemed to have abruptly changed in her manner. Why? 

This doko must have been 100 metres in diameter. We headed directly, although more slowly, for the centre, where seven seats, each occupied, were arranged in a semi-circle. The occupants sat as though petrified and, at first, I thought them to be statues. 

In looks they resembled Thao, although their hair was longer and their facial expressions more serious, giving them the air of being older. Their eyes seemed to be illuminated from within, which was somewhat disturbing. What struck me most of all, was the golden haze, even stronger here than outside, which seemed to concentrate in haloes around their heads. 

Since the age of fifteen, I don’t recall ever having been in awe of another person. No matter how grand a personage: no matter how important he or she was, (or thought they were) I have not felt intimidated by position: neither have I had qualms about expressing my opinion to anyone. To me, the president of a nation is still just a person and it amuses me that people regard themselves as VIPs. I mention this to make it clear I am not impressed by mere status. 

In the doko, all that changed. 

When one of them raised a hand to indicate Thao and I should each take a seat facing them, I was indeed awestruck, and the word is feeble. I could not have imagined it possible that such radiant beings could exist: it was as though they were on fire inside and emitting rays from within. 

They sat on block-like seats, fabric-covered, with straight backs. Each seat was of a different colour - some only slightly different and others vastly different from their neighbours. Their clothes too, differed in colour, suiting each wearer perfectly. All of them sat in what we call on Earth, the ‘lotus position’ that is, the sitting position of Buddha, with hands resting on knees. 

As previously mentioned, they formed a semi-circle and, since there were seven of them, I reasoned that the central figure had to be the principal one, with three acolytes on either side. Of course, at the time, I was too overcome to note such details. It only occurred to me later. 

It was the central figure who addressed me, in a voice so melodious and, at the same time, so authoritarian. I was stunned by it, particularly since he spoke in perfect French. 

‘You are welcome among us, Michel. May The Spirit assist and enlighten you.’ The others echoed: ‘May The Spirit enlighten you.’ 

He began to rise gently above his seat still in the lotus position, and floated towards me. This did not entirely surprise me since Thao had previously demonstrated this technique of levitation. I wanted to rise before this undoubtedly great and highly spiritual personage, as a measure of the infinite respect inspired in me. In trying to move, I found I couldn’t - as though paralysed in my seat. 

He stopped just above and in front of me, placing both his hands on my head; the thumbs joined on my forehead above my nose, opposite the pineal gland, and the fingers joined at the top of my head. It was Thao who described these details to me later, for at the time, I was overwhelmed by such a sensation, that the details didn’t register. 

During the time his hands were on my head, it seemed that my body no longer existed. A gentle warmth and delicate perfume originated within me, emanating in waves and blending with soft music that was barely audible. 

Suddenly, I could see amazing colours surrounding the figures opposite me and, as the ‘leader’ returned slowly towards his seat, I could see a multitude of radiant colours around him; ones I had been unable to perceive before. The principal colour was a mass of pale pink which enveloped the seven figures, as though in a cloud, and their movements caused that wonderful, glowing pink to encircle us also! 

When I had sufficiently recovered my senses to turn towards Thao, she too, was surrounded with wonderful colours, although less brilliant than those around the seven figures. 

You will notice that, in speaking of these great personages, I instinctively use ‘he’ rather than ‘she’. In explaining this, I can only suggest that the personalities of these special beings were so strong and their bearings so imposing, that I recognised more of the masculine in them than the feminine - I mean no offence to women - my reaction was instinctive. It’s a bit like imagining Methuselah as a woman… However, women or men, they had transformed me. I knew that the colours surrounding them were their Auras. I was capable of seeing Auras - who knew for how long - and I wondered at what I saw. 

The ‘leader’ had resumed his seat and all eyes were fixed on me, as if they wanted to see inside me, which indeed, is what they were doing. Silence reigned for a time, which seemed interminable. I watched the varied colours of their Auras vibrate and dance around them, sometimes far in the distance and recognised the ‘bouquet of colour’ Thao had spoken of earlier.

The golden haloes, clearly defined, were almost saffron coloured. It occurred to me, they could not only see my Aura, but possibly read it as well. I suddenly felt quite naked before this learned assembly. The question that haunted me was: why have they brought me here? 

Abruptly, the ‘leader’ broke the silence. ‘As Thao has already explained to you, Michel, you have been chosen by us, to visit our planet, in order to report certain messages and to offer enlightenment on several important issues when you return to Earth. The time has come when certain events must occur. After several thousand years of darkness and savagery on the planet Earth, a so-called ‘civilisation’ appeared and, inevitably, technology was developed - a development, which was accelerated during the last 150 years. 

‘It has been 14,500 years since a comparable level of technological advance existed on Earth. This technology, which is nothing compared with true knowledge, is nevertheless, sufficiently advanced to become harmful to the human race on Earth in the very near future. 

‘Harmful, because it is only material knowledge and not spiritual knowledge. Technology should assist spiritual development, not confine people, more and more, within a materialistic world, as is happening now on your planet. 

‘To an even greater extent, your people are obsessed with a single goal - affluence. Their lives are concerned with all that the pursuit of wealth entails; envy, jealousy, hatred of those richer and contempt for those poorer. In other words your technology, which is nothing compared with what existed on Earth more than 14 500 years ago, is dragging your civilisation down, and pushing it closer and closer to moral and spiritual catastrophe’. 

I noticed that each time this great personage spoke of materialism, his Aura and those of his acolytes, flashed with a dull and ‘dirty’ red, as though momentarily, they were in the middle of burning bushes. 

‘We, the people of Thiaoouba, are assigned to assist, guide and sometimes punish the inhabitants of planets under our guardianship.’ 

Fortunately, Thao had briefed me on Earth’s history during our journey to Thiaoouba. Otherwise, I’d have surely fallen off my seat on hearing such a speech. 

‘I think,’ he resumed, ‘that you already know what we mean by ‘harmful to the human race’. Many people on Earth believe atomic arms to be the major danger, but it is not so. The greatest danger concerns ‘materialism’. The people of your planet seek money - to some it’s a means of attaining power; to others it’s a means to acquire drugs, (another curse) yet to others, it’s a way of possessing more than their neighbours possess. 

‘If a businessman owns a large store he then wants a second, then a third. If he commands a small empire, he wants to increase it. If an ordinary man owns a house in which he could live happily with his family, he wants a larger one or to own a second one, then a third... 

Why this folly? Besides, a man will die and have to abandon all he has amassed. Perhaps his children will squander his legacy and his grandchildren will live in poverty? His whole life will have been preoccupied with purely material concerns, with insufficient time allowed for matters of the spirit. Others with money turn to drugs in their endeavour to procure an artificial paradise and these people pay more dearly than do the others. 

‘I see,’ he continued. ‘I am going much too fast and you are not following me, Michel. You should be able to follow, however, since Thao has already initiated your education in these matters during your voyage.’ 

I felt ashamed, almost like when reprimanded by a teacher at school; the only difference being, here I was not able to cheat by saying I had understood when it wasn’t true. He could read me like an open book. 

He deigned to smile at me and his Aura, which had been flaming like a fire, returned to its original hue. ‘Now, once and for always, we will teach you and provide you with what you French call ‘the key to the mystery’. 

‘As you have heard, in the beginning there was the Spirit alone and he created, by his immense force, all that exists materially. He created the planets, the suns, plants, animals, with one goal in mind: to satisfy his spiritual need. This is quite logical since he is purely spirit. Already I see you are wondering why the need to create material things in order to attain spiritual fulfilment. I offer this, by way of explanation: the creator sought spiritual experiences through a material world. I see you still have difficulty following - but you are making progress. 

‘In order to have these experiences, he wanted to embody a tiny part of his Spirit in a physical entity. To do this, he called on the Fourth force - the force which Thao has not yet spoken of and which concerns only spirituality. In this domain, Universal Law also applies. 

‘You most certainly know that the pattern of the Universe dictates that nine planets revolve around their sun 1 . It is also the case that these suns revolve around a bigger sun, which is the nucleus for nine such suns, and their nine planets. So it continues, right to the centre of the Universe from where the explosion referred to by the English as the ‘Big Bang’ originated. 

‘Needless to say, certain accidents occur and sometimes a planet will disappear in a solar system, or perhaps enter it, but later in time, the solar system will revert and base its structure again on the number nine. 
1. ‘their sun’ - sometimes 9 planets revolve around two small suns (twin star) - explanation of the Author on request of the Editor.  

‘The Fourth force had a very important role to play: it had to bring to fruition all that the Spirit had imagined. It ‘inserted’ thus, an infinitesimal part of the Spirit in the human body. This comprises what you could call the Astral body, which forms one ninth of the essential human being and consists of one ninth of a ‘Higher-self’, which is sometimes called ‘overself'. The Higher-self of man is, in other words, an entity which sends one ninth of itself into a human body, becoming the person’s Astral being. Other physical bodies are inhabited, similarly, by other ninths of the same Higher-self and yet each part remains integral to the central entity. 1

‘Further, the Higher-self is a ninth part of a superior Higher-self which, in turn, is a ninth part of a more superior Higher-self. The process continues as far back as the source, and allows the enormous filtration of spiritual experience required by the Spirit. 

‘You must not think that the Higher-self of the first category is insignificant in comparison with the others. It functions at a lower level, but is nevertheless extremely powerful and important. It is capable of curing illness 2 and even resuscitating the dead. There are many instances of people, declared clinically dead, who are brought back to life in the hands of doctors who had abandoned all hope for them. What generally happens in these cases, is that the person’s Astral body meets with the Higher-self. This portion of the Higher-self has left the physical body during the period of ‘death’. It perceives its physical body below, and the doctors trying to resuscitate it; it can also perceive loved ones who mourn for it. In his present state, the Astral body, the person will feel perfectly well - even blissful. Usually he abandons his physical body, frequently the source of much suffering, to find himself catapulted down a ‘psychic canal’, at the end of which is a wondrous light and beyond, a state of bliss. 

‘If before passing through this canal into the blissful light which is his Higher self he has the least will not to die - not on his own account but for the sake of those who need him, young children for example, he will ask to return. In certain cases it will be permitted. 

You are in constant communication with your Higher-self by means of your cerebral canal. Acting as a transmitting and receiving post, it conducts special vibrations directly between your Astral body and your Higher-self. Your Higher self monitors you continually, by day and by night and can intervene to save you from an accident. 
1. ‘central entity’ - it means that each of us shares a Higher Self with 8 other people on Earth - explanation of the Author on Editor’s request. 
2. What is known on Earth as Spiritual Healing, can be achieved with the help of the Higher-self of the healer, without the patient being present. Providing the patient gives permission, the competent healer can assist the patient from anywhere in the world. (Author’s comment) This is not an exchange of any ‘energy’ but exchange of ‘information’ at the level of Higher Selves. (Editor’s comment) 

‘Someone, for example, who is to catch a plane, finds that the taxi breaks down on the way to the airport; a second taxi called also breaks down - just like that...just like that? Could you really believe in such a coincidence? The plane in question crashes thirty minutes later, leaving no survivors. Another person, an old and rheumatic woman and barely able to walk, starts to cross a street. There is a loud horn blast and a screeching of tyres, but this person is miraculously able to leap to safety.

‘How is this explained? It was not yet her time to die and so her Higher-self intervened. In one hundredth of a second the Higher-self triggered a reaction in her adrenaline glands which, for a few seconds, provided enough strength to her muscles to enable her to execute the leap which saved her life. Adrenaline released into the blood can make it possible to flee from imminent danger, or to defeat the ‘unbeatable’ through anger or fear. In too strong a dose, however, adrenaline becomes a lethal poison. 

‘It isn’t only the cerebral canal which is able to conduct messages between the Higher-self and the Astral body. Another channel exists sometimes in dreams - or, I should even say, in sleep. At certain times during sleep, your Higher-self is able to call your Astral body to itself and, either communicate instructions or ideas, or to regenerate it in some way, replenishing its spiritual strength or enlightening it in regard to solutions to important problems. For this reason, it is essential your sleep is undisturbed by intrusive noise or by nightmares resulting from harmful impressions received during the day. Perhaps you will better understand the importance of your old French saying: ‘Night brings counsel’. 

‘The physical body in which you exist at the moment is already very complex, but still, it is nothing compared with the complexity of the process of evolvement which occurs with Astral bodies and Higher-selves. In order to allow ordinary people on your planet to understand as easily as possible, I will make my explanation in the simplest terms. 

‘Your Astral body, which inhabits every normal human being, transfers to its Higher-self all the sensations that are experienced during a lifetime in a physical body. These sensations pass through the immense ‘filter’ of nine Higher-selves before arriving in the etheric ‘ocean’ that surrounds the Spirit. If these sensations are based essentially on materialism, the Higher-selves have enormous trouble filtering them, just as a water filter clogs quicker if it filters dirty water than if the water was already clear. 

‘If, through the numerous experiences you have in your life, you ensure your Astral body benefits in a spiritual sense, it will acquire more and more spiritual understanding. In time, which can vary from 500 to even 15 000 of your Earth years, your Higher-self will have nothing more to filter. 

‘This part of itself, embodied in the Astral being of Michel Desmarquet, will be so spiritually advanced, it will have arrived at the next stage where it will have to contend directly with the more superior Higher-self.  

‘We can compare this process with a nine-stage filter, intended to rid the water passing through, of nine elements. At the end of stage one in the process, one will have been completely eliminated, with eight remaining. Of course, to make this information easier to digest, I am making enormous use of imagery... 

‘This Astral body then, will have completed its cycle with the Higher-self of the first category and will then detach itself from Higher-self number one to rejoin the Higher-self of the second category; the entire process will be repeated. By the same token, the Astral body will be sufficiently spiritually advanced to pass to a planet of the next category, as well. 

‘I see you are not following me very well and I am anxious that you will understand absolutely, all that I explain to you. 

‘In his wisdom, The Spirit, by means of the Fourth force, provided for nine categories of planets. At present, you are on the planet Thiaoouba which is in the ninth category; that is, at the top of the scale. 

‘Earth is a planet of the first category and therefore at the bottom of the scale. What does this mean? The planet Earth could be likened to a kindergarten with the emphasis on teaching basic social values. A planet of the second category would then correspond with a primary school where further values are taught - in both schools, adult guidance is imperative. The third category would comprise secondary schools where a foundation of values allows exploration beyond. Next, you would go to university, where you are treated as an adult, for you would not only have attained a certain amount of knowledge, but you would also start to accept civic responsibility. 

‘This is the type of progress occurring with the nine categories of planets. The more spiritually advanced you are, the more you will benefit, on a superior planet, by an environment and general way of life which is superior. The very way in which you procure food is much easier, which in turn, simplifies the process of organising your way of life; the consequence is more effective spiritual development. 

‘On the higher planets, Nature itself, enters the stage to assist ‘the pupil’ and, by the time you reach planets of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth category, not only is your Astral body highly evolved, your physical body has also benefited from your development. 

‘We know you have already been favourably impressed by what you have seen on our planet. As you see more, you will appreciate that it is what you would call on Earth, ‘a paradise’; and yet, compared with true happiness, when you become a pure spirit, it is still nothing. 

‘I must be careful not to make this explanation too long, for you must report it word for word, changing nothing in the book that you will write. It is absolutely essential you allow no personal opinion to intrude. 

‘No, don’t get anxious - Thao will help you with the details when the time comes to start writing... 

‘From this planet, it is possible either to remain in a physical body or be reunited with the Great Spirit in the ether.’ 

As these words were uttered, the Aura surrounding the leader shone more brightly than ever and I was surprised to see him almost disappear in a golden mist, only to reappear a second later. 

‘You have understood that the Astral body is a body which inhabits your physical body recalling and noting all the understanding acquired during the course of its various lives. 

‘It can only be enriched spiritually - not materially. The physical body is merely a vehicle which, in most cases we abandon when we die. 

‘I will elaborate, for I see that ‘in most cases’ has confused you. By this, I mean that some of us, including all on our planet, are able to regenerate the cells of our bodies at will. Yes, you have already noticed that most of us seem to be of the same age. We are one of three planets that are the most highly evolved in this galaxy. Some of us can, and do, directly join what we call the great ether. 

‘So, on this particular planet, we have arrived at a stage near perfection, both materially and spiritually. But we have our roles to perform, as does every creature existing in the universe; in fact, everything, including a single pebble, has its role. 

‘Our role, as beings of a superior planet, is to guide - to help with spiritual development and even, sometimes, materially. We are in a position to give material assistance because we are technologically the most advanced people. Indeed, how could a father give spiritual guidance to his child if he were not older, more educated and more skilled in diplomacy than the child? 

‘If the child should require physical punishment, as unfortunately, is sometimes the case, isn’t it important that the parent be physically stronger than the child? Certain adults, who refuse to listen and who are absolutely stubborn, also need to be corrected by physical means. 

‘You, Michel, come from the planet Earth, which is sometimes called ‘The Planet of Sorrows’. Indeed, the name is appropriate, but it is this way for a precise reason - it is intended to provide a learning environment of a quite specific kind. It is not because life there is so difficult that you have to intervene - you cannot lightly go against Nature, destroying rather than conserving what the Creator has put at your disposal; that is, interfering with ecological systems, which have been intricately designed. Certain countries, like Australia, where you are from, are beginning to show great respect for ecology and it is a step in the right direction; but even in that country, what case is made of pollution - both water and air pollution? What is ever done about one of the worst forms of pollution? Noise. 

‘I say ‘worst’ because people such as Australians pay virtually no attention to it at all.

‘Ask someone if traffic noise bothers him and the response will surprise you - eighty five per cent of the time it will be; ‘What noise? What are you talking about? Oh that noise - we get used to it.’ And it is precisely because they ‘get used to it’ that the danger exists.’ 

Just then, Thaora, as this high figure was called, made a gesture and I turned around. He was replying to a question I had mentally posed; ‘How can he speak of percentages and know so much about our planet with so much precision?’ 

Turning around, I almost uttered a cry of surprise for, behind me, stood Biastra and Latoli. In itself, this was nothing surprising, but the friends I knew who measured 310 and 280 centimetres in height respectively, were now reduced in size to correspond with my height. My mouth must have continued to gape, for Thaora smiled. 

‘Can you understand, that sometimes, and very often in these days, some of us live among your people on Earth? - and there is my answer to your question. 

‘To continue on the very important subject of noise, it is such a danger that, if nothing is done, catastrophe is certain. 

‘Let us take the example of a discotheque. The people who expose themselves to music that is typically played three times too loudly, are subjecting their brains and their physiological and astral bodies to vibrations which are so harmful. If they could see the damage that is caused, they would vacate the discotheque quicker than if there was a fire. 

‘But vibrations don’t only come from noise; they also come from colours and it is astonishing that, on your planet, experiments conducted in this field have not been followed up. Our ‘agents’ reported a particular experiment involving a man who was capable of lifting a certain weight. It was found (that)1 , after staring for a moment at a pink-coloured screen, he consistently lost thirty per cent of his strength. 

‘Your civilisation pays no attention to such experimentation. In fact, colours can enormously influence the behaviour of human beings and yet, control of this influence requires that an individual’s Aura be taken into account. If for example, you want to paint or wallpaper your bedroom with the colours that are truly appropriate for you, you must be aware of the colours of certain principal points of your Aura. 

‘By matching the colours of your walls with those of your Aura, you can improve your health or maintain good health. Further, the vibrations emanating from these colours are essential for good mental balance, exerting their influence even while you sleep.’ 

I was wondering how we could be expected to know these significant colours in our Auras when, on Earth, we were not capable of perceiving Auras. 
1. Editor’s addition 

Of course, Thaora replied immediately, without me having to say a word aloud. 

‘Michel, it is now very important that your experts invent the special equipment necessary, to enable perception of the Aura, as this, in turn, will ensure that correct choices are made at the critical cross-roads ahead. 

‘The Russians have already photographed the Aura. This is the beginning, but the results obtained allow them only to read the first two letters of the alphabet, as it were, in comparison with what we are able to decipher. The reading of the Aura in order to heal the physical body is nothing compared with what such a reading can achieve for the psychic body, or the physiological body. It is in the area of the psyche that, on Earth, your greatest problems exist. 

‘At the moment, most responsibility is taken for the physical body, but this is a serious mistake. If your psyche is poor, it will influence your physical appearance accordingly, but, regardless, your physical body will wear out and die one day, whereas your psyche, being part of your Astral body, never dies. On the contrary, the more you cultivate your mind, the less you will be burdened by your physical body and the quicker you will proceed through your cycle of lives. 

‘We could have brought you to our planet in Astral body, but instead, we have brought you here in physical body - and for an important reason. I see you already understand our reason. This pleases us and we thank you for your willingness to assist us in our task.’ 

The Thaora stopped talking and seemed to lapse into thought, at the same time, fixing me with his luminous eyes. I cannot say how much time elapsed. I know my state became more and more euphoric and I was aware that the Auras of the seven personages were gradually changing. The colours became more vivid in places, softer in others, while the outer edges became misty. 

This mist became more golden and pink as it spread, gradually blurring the seven figures. I felt Thao’s hand on my shoulder. 

‘No, you are not dreaming, Michel. It’s all quite real.’ She spoke very loudly and, as if to prove her point, she pinched my shoulder so hard, she left a bruise that could be seen for several weeks. 

‘Why did you do that? I would not have thought you capable of such violence, Thao.’ 

‘I’m sorry, Michel, but sometimes strange means are employed. The Thaori always disappear - and sometimes appear in this manner - and you might have thought it part of a dream. I am entrusted with the task of ensuring that you recognise what is real.’ 

With these words, Thao pivoted me around and I followed her, as we departed by the same route we had come.

The Continent of Mu and Easter Island 

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