Thursday, February 9, 2023

Part 8 DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral ... The Pirates of the Sacred Spiral

Pirates of the Sacred Spiral 
By Dr. Len Horowitz
Chapter 9. 
Pirates of the Sacred Spiral 
“Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information. . . . This will encourage tendencies through the next several decades toward a technotronic era, a dictatorship, leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them. . . . Finally, looking ahead to the end of the century, the possibility of biochemical mind control, and genetic tinkering with man, including beings which will function like men and reason like them as well, could give rise to some difficult questions.” 
Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller protégé 
and U.S. National security Advisor, 
Carter Administration, from 
his book The Technotronic Era

The human mind is a malleable thing. What we believe, how we feel, our attitudes, and actions are largely determined by psychosocial conditioning often to the detriment of ourselves, society, and our spiritual evolution. 

In ancient times our ancestors gathered ‘round elders and storytellers. They painted pictures with their words. Young and old learned history and common values. A set of shared beliefs emerged and continued to define the great cultures of civilization. 

“Medicine” evolved likewise. In ancient times, wise ones and village healers spent lifetimes learning of nature’s healing gifts. Only a century ago medicine came from plants gathered mostly nearby and formulated into remedies. The “pharmaceutical laboratory” of that age was called the kitchen. 

In recent decades, we have departed from being a people living in local communities, in close-knit families, subject to nature and our Creator, to become a global population of increasingly independent individuals. Our new gods of science, technology, and money, political demagogues, and the state have taken the Creator’s place in our mass mind and popular culture. 

As our global culture progressed, so too did the oligarchs in the ruling class. They developed many new ways to manage subservient populations. Who are these people and what do they want? It certainly has something to do with genetics. Clearly, throughout history, there has been a small segment of the humanity that has been compelled to own, or at least control, everything and everyone. By strict definition, that is an oligarchy. 

Webster’s New World Dictionary (Third College Edition, 1988) describes an oligarchy as “a form of Government in which the ruling power belongs to a few persons; a state governed this way; the person ruling such as state.” The root prefix of oligocomes from the Greek oligos: small, akin to loigos: destruction, death; and (o)leig-: wretched, illness; and from the Lithuanian lig’a: disease. 

As clinicians, health science researchers, and professional educators, it has amazed us that leading academicians, scientists, and healthcare providers, have remained generally ignorant of the widespread influence wielded by the Anglo-American banking, industrial, and academic/institutional ruling elite. Few today comprehend the extent to which the medical pharmaceutical genetics cartel operates. The overwhelming influence that members of the global elite exercise over these vast industries is generally unknown. Through their foundations and allied institutions, the world’s wealthiest families have asserted direction over the fields of public health, medicine, pharmaceuticals, and genetics for almost a century. Meanwhile, the virtual army of health professionals—people who, mostly for the love of humanity, endured years of dehumanizing indoctrination called “medical education,” and paid dearly for their licenses and certificates remain politically unwitting. Are health scientists and care providers possibly pawns on global chess board? 

To answer this question simply consider the source of our medical influence. It is widely known, worldwide, people have been heavily influenced, even entirely “brainwashed,” by pharmaceutical propaganda. These have routinely included claims made by esteemed scientists in reputable journals that have been, quite often, biased by pharmaceutical industry interests. 

USA Today pierced this harsh reality in March 2000, when they questioned, “Who’s teaching the doctors?” The subheading answered thusly: “Drug firms sponsor required courses—and see their sales rise.”(Vergano, 2000) 

For years, pharmaceutical advertising and marketing firms have been fully accredited as continuing medical education (CME) providers, and have virtually cornered the market in providing such “professional education.” 

“It is unconscionable,” said the editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Catherine De Angelis, as though her organization was beyond reproach. Marketing firms “advertise wares under the guise of medical education,” and doctors have blindly followed along. 

“The drug companies provide ‘unrestricted’ grants to the marketers who hire the course faculty,” journalist Dan Vergano wrote. “But growing numbers of critics say there’s” something wrong with this influence. It amounts to professional brainwashing at worst and professional persuasion at best. 

The USA Today article went on to explain how CME firms, “stack their programs with faculty physicians overly friendly to their sponsors’ products. Sponsors [then] get a chance to market their products directly to doctors in a venue disguised as education.”(Vergano, 2000) 

Thus, by paving continuing education and academic pathways, and so subsidizing subscriptions to pharmaceutical industry established views, the global oligarchy’s influence in “public health” has been profound. 

This chapter addresses genetics in health science, and focuses on the Rockefeller family’s staggering influence in this field. Through their foundations, allied agencies, and respected institutions, this family, more than any other, has directed the paths of health science to their economic doorsteps.In light of this influence and coercion, members of the medical mainstream participate in a virtual Rockefeller-directed cult. Is it possible that allied geneticists, modern clinicians engaged in “gene-therapies,” and DNA scientists at large, serve the forces of this one family more than any other? If this is true, then perhaps we should learn as much about this family’s activities as we do about DNA. 

Rockefeller Scientific Influence 
Prior to World War II, America’s scientific community generally frowned upon U.S. Government investments that implied potential biases in health science. Major financing and administration of medical research by federal agencies, in fact, had been generally opposed during peacetime. Only during wars did organizations like the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), or their National Research Council (NRC), receive major federal funding. Both the NAS, established during the Civil War, and its NRC, set up during the First World War, were largely organized to respond to wartime threats including infectious biologicals and toxic chemicals.(Starr, 1986) From at least the early 1900s, Rockefeller appointees and monies shaped these agencies and other leading health science institutions. 

Naturally, little or no mention of this fact accompanies these organizations’ literature. According to their promotions, the NAS is simply “a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters.”(National Research Council, 2000) 

Likewise avoiding direct mention of its Rockefeller influence, the NRC was effectively “organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy’s purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal government of the United States. Functioning in accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of both the NAS and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities. The Council is administered jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine.”(National Research Council, 2000) 

Such details concerning most esteemed and influential scientific and medical institutions are relevant insofar as their conflicting roles in instituting less than humanitarian policies and programs. Many, and likely most, of these controversial undertakings have been officially rationalized by politicized threats to “national security” and “public health.” High among these concerns has been proliferating populations. Official solutions have included development of the most sophisticated population controlling technologies. Among these, genetically engineered biological weapons options have been exercised. Dr. Horowitz provided proof of this in Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional?, including figure 9.1 which showed a 1970 Department of Defense (DoD) appropriations request for $10 million to genetically engineer new forms of biological weaponry. Its description and function was virtually identical to that requesting the development of HIV/AIDS. You will notice this effort, academically directed by the NAS-NRC, was initiated approximately 10 years prior to the emergence of the first HIV/AIDS cases. 

Dr. Horowitz’s books and scientific papers showed definitive links between the individuals that oversaw this project and the testing of related contaminated hepatitis B vaccines. Much of this evidence incriminates Rockefeller affiliated population controlling agencies and their chief administrators including Dr. Henry Kissinger. (See figures 9.2 and 9.3.) 

Between 1900 and 1940, private foundations and universities financed most medical research. According to Paul Starr, author of The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The rise of a sovereign profession and the making of a vast industry, “the most richly endowed research center,” was the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, shown in Chapter 4 to be affiliated with Cold Spring Harbor (CSH) eugenics laboratory. The institute was established in New York in 1902 and “by 1928 had received from John D. Rockefeller $65 million in endowment funds.” In contrast, as late as 1938, as little as $2.8 million in federal funding was budgeted for the entire U.S. Public Health Service. 

Therefore, it is easy to understand how the Rockefeller family came to influence, so heavily, health science, genetics, and contemporary medicine. Very simply, the Rockefeller family’s investments in these fields predated, and far surpassed, even the U.S. federal government’s.(Starr, 1982) 

More than the New Deal, the Second World War created the greatest boom in federal government and private industry support for medical research. It was around this time that the Rockefeller family and their Standard Oil of New Jersey dynasty entered into a substantial partnership with IG Farben, the chemical/pharmaceutical cartel whose scientists, including German eugenicists then experimenting on Blacks in central Africa, made major advances in biological and chemotoxic warfare. Together with Farben, as discussed by Dr. Horowitz previously, the Rockefeller family invested heavily, along with the Royal Family of England, Prescott Bush, and other political notables, in forwarding the earliest “racial hygiene” eugenics experiments. 

Fig. 9.1. Genetic Engineering of AIDSlike Bioweapon Advanced by NAS-NRC 
The above $10 million appropriations request for the development of a “method of massive killing of large populations,” (i.e., a population control agent) was determined through Dr. Horowitz’s research to have originated with Nelson Rockefeller’s protégé, Dr. Henry Kissinger—National Security Advisor under Richard Nixon. At the same time, Kissinger had ordered the development of National Secret Security Memorandum (NSSM) 200 that called for massive Third World depopulation. The first congressional request for this action came a few months earlier from George H.W. Bush. Source: Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970. Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives, Ninety-First Congress, Tuesday, July 1, 1969, Page 129 (never declassified). Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969.  

Early History of American Public health 
Prior to the Second World War, German models had heavily influenced American science and medicine. This precedent changed during the 1930s with the Rockefellers’ heavy investment in the health sciences at a time when the Nazis were purging Jewish scientists from German universities and biological laboratories. These changes, according to Starr, significantly altered the course of American health science and medicine. Many of Germany’s most brilliant Jewish researchers immigrated to the United States just as the movement burgeoned to privatize war related biological and medical research.(Starr, 1982) 

In 1938, as many Jewish scholars emigrated to the United States, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) synchronously established residence in “a privately donated estate” in Bethesda, Maryland, which is still its home today. From here, grants and stipends were awarded to direct the paths of health science in America. 

In this regard, the NIH—supposedly the most powerful and esteemed of all health science organizations—might be more honestly seen as a “cover organization,” or “front” for its original benefactors, principle among them was the Rockefeller/IG Farben chemical–pharmaceutical, cancer, and eugenics cartel. 

In this way, the Rockefeller/IG Farben medical–industrial complex was fully poised to influence, and take full advantage of, the U.S. Congress’s “first series of measures to promote cancer research and cancer control.”(Starr, 1982) 

In 1937, new congressionally supported federal legislation authorized the establishment of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) under the NIH, and for the first time, “the Public Health Service (PHS) to make grants to outside researchers.”(Starr, 1982) According to Starr’s chronology: 

The war gave medical research priority. In July 1941 President Roosevelt created an Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) with two parallel committees on national defense and medical research. The Committee on Medical Research (CMR) undertook a comprehensive research program to deal with the medical problems of the war. The work, costing $15 million, involved 450 contracts with universities and another 150 with research institutes, hospitals, and other organizations. Altogether, some 5,500 scientists and technicians were employed in the enterprise.(Starr, 1982) 

Fig. 9.2. U.S. Population Reduction Agenda 
The above ad initially appeared in the March/April 1996 issue of Foreign Affairs, the esteemed political periodical published by the David Rockefeller-directed Council on Foreign Relations—a private organization that largely represents the interests of multinational corporations and the Anglo-American banking cartel. A nearly identical version of this paid editorial appeared on page 21 of the July 2003, issue of Harper’s magazine. The ads, placed by Negative Population Growth, Inc., an offspring of the Population Council organized by the Rockefeller brothers in New York, called for approximately half of the American population to be eliminated through methods of population controls, that have been largely unsuccessful. 

Cancer Investigations and Exterminations 
Given its early heavy interest in cancer research and eugenics (as detailed more completely in Chapter 18 of Dr. Horowitz’s Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare), the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations in San Juan, Puerto Rico, initiated a nightmarish series of human investigations. Inconceivable as this may seem, the “Puerto Rican Cancer Experiment,” launched in 1931 by program director, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, studied the purposeful injection of Puerto Rican natives with cancerous tissues to determine if cancer might be transmitted that way.(Horowitz and Martin, 1998) 

The eugenics mindset permeated a letter to his colleague, obtained by the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, in which Rhoads expressed his desire to rid the planet of the island’s natives. The Puerto Ricans, he reported in his racist tirade, were “beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere. It makes you sick to inhabit the same island with them.” 

Expressing his disappointment over the inefficacy of “public health” to deliver genocide to the people of Puerto Rico, the Rockefeller Institute medical director wrote, “What the island needs is not public health work, but a tidal wave or something to totally exterminate the population. It might then be livable.” 

He concluded his letter by proudly confessing to his serial murders: “I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off eight and transplanting cancer into several  more. The latter has not resulted in any fatalities so far. . . . The matter of consideration for the patients’ welfare plays no role here—in fact, all physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.”(Horowitz and Martin, 1998) 

Fig. 9.3. Population Council’s Birth Control Pill RU-486 
What do you do when you “86” something? You trash it, or get rid of it. Are you for 86-ing life? Or “RU 486”—the “Abortion Pill?” This TIME magazine feature explains this birth control pill is owned and licensed by “The Population Council,” that is, the Rockefeller-directed political organization advancing and promoting global depopulation. Source: Horowitz, LG. Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, videotaped lecture presentation, Sandpoint, Idaho, 2001. 

Dr. Rhoads, rather than being held accountable for his crimes against the people of Puerto Rico, was awarded the Legion of Merit, and then appointed to the staff of the Rockefeller-directed U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). This was during the 1950s when the commission was carrying out radiation experiments on unwitting hospital patients, mentally retarded children, prisoners, American soldiers, and according to more recent admissions, almost a third of the population of the United States.(Horowitz and Martin, 1998) 

The AEC was intimately involved in the NCI’s Special Virus Cancer Program—a cancer virus research program during which numerous AIDS-like and Ebola-like viruses were bioengineered during the 1960s and early 1970s. Their “Joint AEC–NCI Molecular Anatomy Cancer Program,” directed by Dr. Norman Anderson, extensively studied “human embryo tissues during early and mid-gestation.” Anderson, and a host of AEC and NCI researchers injected human fetal specimens with various viral mutants in an effort to develop cancers and related vaccines allegedly for prevention. With current skyrocketing rates of cancer, we wonder if it was population growth prevention they were really after. Among their major findings, announced in a 1971 Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW) publication, was that by bombarding fetuses with ionizing radiation, the researchers were able to cause tumor-like reactions later in life. Wisely, they withheld reporting where their human trials were being carried out.(Horowitz and Martin, 1998) 

More incriminating cancer studies conducted by AEC officials, included the development of airborne viruses that transmitted cancer and other immune system related disorders by sneezing.(Horowitz and Martin, 1998) 

The Rhodes–Rothschild–Rockefeller Connection 
Digressing a moment for pertinent historic detail, the surname Rhoades or Rhodes are both suspiciously related to Rockefeller money and contemporary acts of genocide. Though the potential blood relationship between Cornelius Rhoads and Cecil Rhodes is not out of the question, given the cryptocracy’s practice of changing names slightly to protect their guilty, there is a political, economic, and ideological kinship between these two men. John Cecil Rhodes, from whom the Rhodes Scholarship was named, had, like Cornelius, no qualms about conducting genocidal operations in Third World nations. The British diamond magnate did so to further his colonialistic intentions. Curiously, Dr. Rhoads’s financial support for genocidal cancer experiments in Puerto Rico derived, at least historically, from John Cecil Rhodes’s funding of the Rothschild–J.P. Morgan–Rockefeller banking axis. What follows are some relevant facts: 

Frank Aydelotte, American Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees, recalled that, “In 1888 Rhodes made his third will . . . leaving everything to Lord Rothschild”—his mining enterprise financier. 

Later, for strategic reasons, Lord Rothschild’s son-in-law, Lord Rosebury, replaced his elder as Rhodes’s final heir. 

Professor Carroll Quigley—President Clinton’s teacher and mentor at Georgetown University during the mid–1960s—explained that these financial elitists maintained global colonialism among their highest aspirations. In order to accomplish this, secret societies were established and administered largely on behalf of the Rothschild and Rhodes dynasties. The secret societies in which they invested had inner member structures that were shielded by successively larger outer circles. The central part of the structure was established by March, 1891, using Rhodes’s money. Rothschild trustee Lord Alfred Milner directed the organization that was called “The Round Table.” This organization “worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of British government, influencing foreign policy and England’s involvement and conduct during WWI” and later WWII.(van Helsing, 1995; Quigley, 1966) This knowledge is relevant to revelations in the next chapter discussing the Human Genome Project heist. 

According to secret society investigator and author Jan van Helsing, the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) evolved largely from efforts of members of the Committee of 300 and The Round Table. Other sources have reported that MI6 has exercised far greater worldwide control than most people realize. More wiretaps in the United States, for instance, have been administered on behalf of MI6 than the CIA. In this regard, investigators John Loftus and Mark Aarons reported that, “for the last fifty years, virtually every Jewish citizen, organization, and charity in the world has been the victim of electronic surveillance by Great Britain, with the knowing and willing assistance of the intelligence services of the United States.”(Loftus, 1994) 

To set the stage for the first World War, The Round Table directors developed the “Royal Institute for International Affairs,” or RIIA. It was also known as “Chatham House,” and had among its members Lords Albert Grey and Arnold Toynbee. The latter was known as the éminence grise (i.e., gray eminence; one exercising unsuspected power) of MI6.(van Helsing, 1995; Quigley, 1966) 

Apparently, the secret Masonic society influence in the affairs of the world’s leading intelligence organization has been striking and esoteric. Even the name “MI6” reflected knowledge of the ancient mystical arcana, as Dr. Horowitz explained in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse. 

It was Lord Toynbee of the MI6 who, following “brainstorming” sessions conducted at the Wellington House into ways to condition the public into accepting World War I, delivered the marching orders. 

Another leading committee member, Lord Rothmere, used his newspapers to test the Wellington House “social conditioning” strategies. Following a six-month test period, it was learned  that eighty-seven percent of the public had formed their opinions without using critical or rational judgment—the intended result. Thereafter, the English working class, according to van Helsing, “was subjected to sophisticated propaganda methods to convince them that they had to send their sons by the thousands to their deaths” in WWI. 

In response, Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, complained during his 1912 election campaign, “Behind the visible government there is an invisible government upon the throne that owes the people no loyalty and recognizes no responsibility. To destroy this invisible government, to undo the ungodly union between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the task of a statesman.”(van Helsing, 1995) 

More Background on Genetic Pirates and Bankers 
The solidification of this “shadow government” in America began in 1776 around the time Adam Weishaupt established the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati on behalf of the European Rothschilds. (van Helsing, 1995) 

Although early American political leaders Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson heavily favored private centralized banking, in 1790 Alexander Hamilton was appointed secretary of the treasury, and reformed policy heavily favoring his silent benefactors, Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his sons. A year later, Hamilton established the “First National Bank of the United States” fashioned after the “Bank of England.” The Rothschilds controlled both.(van Helsing, 1995) 

After Mayer Rothschild’s death in 1812, Nathan Rothschild took control over the family fortune and opened the “Nathan Mayer Rothschild & Sons Bank” in London, Vienna, Paris, and Berlin. In America it was represented by J. P. Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., and Kuhn Loeb & Company.(van Helsing, 1995) 

During the American Civil War, the Rothschilds financed both sides of the conflict. “The reasons leading to this civil war,” van Helsing wrote, “were almost completely due to the actions and provocations of Rothschild agents.” One of the troublemakers, founder of the “Knights of the Golden Circle,” was George Bickley. Bickley extolled the advantages of succession from the Union by the Confederate States. On the other side, the Rothschild–J. P. Morgan and August Belmont banks financed the Union. In addition, Rothschild’s London bank supported the North, while its Paris bank funded the South. It was a glorious business. 

President Lincoln finally caught wind of the scam and withheld immense interest payments to the Rothschilds. He then petitioned Congress to print “greenbacks”—dollars over which only the Union held printing power. In response, the furious Rothschilds are believed to have arranged his assassination. John Wilkes Booth murdered Lincoln on April 14, 1865. Booth was freed from jail due to the efforts of the Knights of the Golden Circle. He spent the duration of his days living comfortably in England, funded by the Rothschilds. 

By the early 1900s, the international banking community held a stranglehold on America’s leading social, economic, and political institutions, including its medical scientific institutions. 

In 1913, American banking mogul William Averell Harriman, cited earlier along with Andrew Carnegie and Percy Rockefeller as principle eugenics movement contributors, was initiated into the Skull & Bones fraternity. During the “Roaring Twenties” Harriman became the chief Western financier of the Russian government and their Ruskombank—where Max May, a Skull & Bones brother of Harriman, was vice-president. May was simultaneously vice-president of the Guaranty Trust Company controlled by J. P. Morgan and by extension the Nathan Mayer Rothschild Bank. Other Skull & Bones members partnered with J. P. Morgan at that time included Harold Stanley and Thomas Cochran. The capital used to create the Guaranty Trust came from the Harrimans, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, and Whitney's—all families that favored the eugenics agenda with blood kin in the Skull & Bones. 

Percy Rockefeller represented his family’s interest in the Skull & Bones as well as Guaranty Trust, which he directed from 1915 to 1930. Rothschild and Bavarian Illuminati representatives helped establish the Rockefeller’s European Standard Oil empire as well as Carnegie’s steelworks and Harriman’s railroad. The economic result of these investments and associations is diagrammed in figure 9.4 depicting the international banking community. 

The “Skull & Bones,” also known as the “Jolie Rogue,” or “Jolly Roger,” is by design the identifying symbol of pirates. The story of this symbol’s evolution from elements chosen by the world’s most powerful bankers is summarized in figure 9.5 and 9.6. 

The introduction of the “Federal Reserve System” in 1913 enabled the international bankers to consolidate their American financial powers. Banking chiefs, who were largely supported by the Rothschilds, became the chairmen of the first Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 

Following passage of “The Federal Reserve Act,” Warburg conspired with others in the U.S. Congress to illegally ratify the 16th Amendment to the Constitution after which Congress deemed it necessary to levy personal income taxes on American citizens. The legislation was required since the United States government could no longer print money to finance its operations due to the controlling forces of the international banking cartel. 

Opposition to these fiscal policies came, but was grossly inadequate to quell the changing tide. U.S. Congressman Louis McFadden expressed the sentiments of too few when he decried, “We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Bank, hereinafter called the FED. They are not government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. . . .”(McLamb, 1996) 

With No Apologies: The Personal and Political Memoirs of U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater expressed the insider’s view that The Round Table’s cover organization, the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR, tightly controlled the American political scene with Rockefellers at the helm. “I believe the Council on Foreign Relations and its ancillary elitist groups [referring to the other “secret societies” such as the Skull & Bones] are indifferent to communism. They have no ideological anchors. In their pursuit of a New World Order they are prepared to deal without prejudice with a communist state, a socialist state, a democratic state, monarchy, oligarchy—it’s all the same to them.”(Goldwater, 1979) 

Rear Admiral Chester Ward of the U.S. Navy, a sixteen-year veteran of the CFR warned, “The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common—they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States.”16 “. . . 

Their rationale rests exclusively on materialism,” Senator Goldwater added. “When a new president comes on board, there is a great turnover in personnel but no change in policy. For instance, during the Nixon years,” CFR member and Nelson Rockefeller’s protégé, Henry Kissinger, was in charge of foreign policy. “[Next,] when Jimmy Carter was elected, Kissinger was replaced with Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and David Rockefeller’s protégé.”(Goldwater, 1979) 

On February 18, 1991, President George H.W. Bush, past CIA director, former CFR chief, with membership in the Skull & Bones, Committee of 300, and its offshoot—The Bilderbergers, addressed the American people during his State of the Union address. “It is big,” he said. “A New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause . . . Only the United States has both the moral standing and the means to back it up.”(The Publishers, 1991) 

Fig. 9.5. Evolution of the Skull and Bones Emblem 
Pictured is Jacque de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templar in the late twelfth century, wearing the original “Jolly Roger,” or the French name for the red cross flag, the “Jolie Rouge.” The symbol was first used by a French order of militant monks known as the “Poor Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon,” later known as the Knights Templar. 

The Templars, were originally pious men. They were also ferocious warriors; pitching themselves into the midst of their enemies astride charging warhorses. Against incredible odds they fought like men possessed, either prevailing in their cause, or suffering death under the banner of Golgotha, the place of the skull, where their Christ died, symbolized by the red cross. 

They were initially dedicated to the protection of travelers and pilgrims of all religions, though they themselves were Christians. They were great statesmen, politically adept economic traders, and they were allied with the great sailor-fraternity that had created a worldwide trading empire in Phoenician times. They became immensely powerful, had the largest fleet and the most successful banking system in Europe. 

They were eventually driven from the Holy Land by Saladin, their Moslem adversary, in 1291. They continued to fight for their cause on the high seas, and later elsewhere.

The best known Templar pirate ship was the Falcon, “the greatest that had been built at that time.” She was in the harbor when the fortress of Acre fell “and rescued many noble-persons with great treasure, evacuating them to Atlit.”

The Templars then retreated to their Mediterranean island bases on Cyprus, Rhodes, and Sicily. Together with the Order of St. John, later renamed the Knights of Malta, they remained the foremost maritime powers in the Mediterranean, continuing to effectively wage war on Moslem shipping, while conducting world trade.

The Templars were very powerful when jealousy and covetousness reigned in the early 14th century. Phillip IV, who was deeply in dept to the Order, had seen their treasures stored in Paris, and designed to make them his. On Friday October 13th 1307, the reason for which Friday the 13th has become known as an unlucky day, King Phillip IV, together with Pope Clement V, ruthlessly suppressed the Order throughout Europe with false accusations, arrests, torture, and executions. 

A large number of Templars escaped that day to an uncertain future, and found refuge abroad. On the eve of the arrests, the entire Templar fleet mysteriously vanished from the port of La Rochelle carrying with it a vast fortune, the fate of which remains a mystery to this day.

Wanted by the Pope and all the crowns of Europe, the Templars came to be viewed by the “comfortable folks” on the mainland as pirates.

The Templars finally found sanctuary in Scotland where Templar graves bear witness to them having lived and died there in the fourteenth century. King Robert the Bruce had no interest in persecuting the Order. To the contrary, he took advantage of their fugitive status, offering them asylum in return for their help in his war for independence against King Edward II of England.

There is also evidence that the Templar fleet traveled to North America in 1398 with the Sinclairs (almost 100 years before Columbus, whose boat also heralded the same red cross on its sail). Some settled there, at least temporarily. The Sinclairs (or Saint-Clairs) castle near Edinburgh was situated next to Rosslyn chapel, which was constructed by the Sinclairs according to the floorplan of Solomon’s original temple. Engraved in the masonry around the chapel are maize and aloe plants, which grew only in North America. 

Throughout Scotland, as well as within Rosslyn Chapel, there are carvings and tombstones dating back to the 15th, 16th, and 17th century using combinations of Templar imagery (skull and crossbones, Templar swords, Templar crosses) and Masonic symbols (compass and square). Additional members from the Stuart royal house became one of Freemasonry’s biggest supporters during their reign of Scotland and England.

Many rituals used in modern Freemasonry have their origins in ancient texts discovered by the Templars in the ruins of Solomon’s Temple, including Pythagorean math and metaphysical documents. Much of this relates to suppressed knowledge concerning sacred geometry impacting various aspects of science from water structuring and the numerical frequencies of the color spectrum to creationist theories and genetic expression.

By the 17th and 18th centuries, the skull and cross- bones was a symbol with a powerful reputation but identified with no official organization. The Templars had long since gone underground and evolved into other organizations. The symbol was usurped and came to be associated with the pirates of which we are more familiar. They changed the flag to suit their needs replacing the crossbones with swords, adding hour-glasses or other symbols. The adaptation by the Ku Klux Klan of this symbol is depicted here. 

Fig. 9.6. Disguising the Cross & Bones Emblem 
The Southern Cross of the Confederacy reflects the cross bones of its heritage. Historians agree the American Civil War was largely financed and instigated by Europe’s banking elite and British royalty. Banks controlled by the Rothschild family financed both sides of the conflict. Rothschild agent was George Bickley, founder of the Freemasonry linked “Knights of the Golden Circle,” extolled the advantages of succession from the Union by the Confederate States. The Rothschild’s efeller banks that secured Hitler’s rise to power, and industrially supported both American and Third Reich operations during World War II. The British Royal flag also subtly expresses secreted knowledge of sacred geometry depicting the “Sacred Four Great Forces” of early Naacal teachings. The original cross, among the earliest of Naacal symbols, can be found in their 70,000 year old writings. When England’s emblem is cut into quarters, with each quarter rotated 90 degrees (or a quarter turn), it yields the infamous swastika adapted for use by the Nazis. (Churchmaid J. The Sacred Symbols of Mu. London: Neville Spearman, Ltd., 1960 pp. 72-79. ) London bank supported the North, while its Paris bank funded the South.

The British flag, likewise, displaying the crossbones symbol, more prominently projects the Knights Templar ordained “Jolly Roger,” red cross, or “Union Jack.” Reflecting on the Templars’ and pirates domination at sea, the Southern Cross flag was that of their Confederacy’s Navy. 

The mysterious disappearance of the great Templar fleet and banking dynasty fuels speculation that the Skull & Bones fraternity-linked Rothschild family remains greatly empowered today. It financed the Rothschild’s Rockefeller banks that secured Hitler’s rise to power, and industrially supported both American and Third Reich operations during World War II. 

The British Royal flag also subtly expresses secreted knowledge of sacred geometry depicting the “Sacred Four Great Forces” of early Naacal teachings. The original cross, among the earliest of Naacal symbols, can be found in their 70,000 year old writings. 

When England’s emblem is cut into quarters, with each quarter rotated 90 degrees (or a quarter turn), it yields the infamous swastika adapted for use by the Nazis. (Churchmaid J. The Sacred Symbols of Mu. London: Neville Spearman, Ltd., 1960 pp. 72-79. ) 

Pioneering the Fields of Cancer and Eugenics 
Following the Rothschilds’ early financial backing, the Rockefellers exercised significant control over American banking, medicine, and public health. This control was facilitated by the foundations established to promote New World Order objectives.(Brown, 1979) These included population management through genetics, eugenics, and cancer. 

In Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional?, the intimate connections between the Rockefeller family and the funding and administration of the Rockefeller Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Sloan–Kettering Memorial Cancer Center were vigorously scrutinized. 

Further implicating the Rockefeller/Farben military–medical influence in the development of the cancer industry was the recognition that mustard gas—the ethylene derived nerve gas widely used during WWI responsible for killing millions—was what Sloan researchers used to develop the first cancer chemotherapeutic agent. Likewise, the petrochemical industrialists managed by the Rockefeller/Farben cartel produced the earliest nerve gases. 

Author Joseph Borkin also made this association very clear in The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben: The Unholy Alliance Between Hitler and the Great Chemical Combine. Tabun, code named “N-Stoff,” a nerve gas “so deadly that a drop on the skin killed a victim in minutes, . . . as well as Sarin, a companion nerve gas, had been discovered during I.G. Farben research and development on pesticides . . .” It became “one of Germany’s most closely guarded military secrets,” intimately shared by Rockefeller Standard Oil officials before WWII.(Borkin, 1997) 

Although most historians reported that the Germans had sole access to the technology needed to develop these nerve gases, the Rockefeller family and their Standard Oil Company were undoubtedly privy to these developments, and profited greatly, as I.G. Farben’s partner, by their trade. 

Fig. 9.7. The Rockefeller’s Financial Empire 
Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, established banking policies favoring his silent benefactors Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his sons. He then established the “First National Bank of the United States” fashioned after the “Bank of England,” under Rothschilds’ control. The Rothschild & Sons Bank then principally established J. P. Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., and Kuhn Loeb & Company. The Guaranty Trust Company was controlled by J. P. Morgan and, by extension, the Rothschild Bank in partnership with the Harrimans, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, and Whitney's—all families with blood kin in the Skull & Bones and other secret societies. Rothschild also helped establish the Rockefeller’s European Standard Oil empire. The introduction of the “Federal Reserve System” in 1913 enabled these international bankers to consolidate their powers. Banking chiefs, who were largely supported by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, became the first directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 

Another distinguished investigator, G. Edward Griffin, reported in World Without Cancer, the Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank had been “ the principal stock registrar for Farben–Rockefeller enterprises such as Sterling Drug, Olin Corporation, American Home Products, and General Aniline and Film. When Farben’s vast holdings were finally sold in 1962, the Rockefeller group was the dominant force in carrying out the transaction.”(Griffin, 1997) 

Rockefeller entry with I.G. Farben into the pharmaceutical field was concealed, Griffin reported, for at least two reasons: “One is the fact that, for many years before World War II, Standard Oil had a continuing cartel agreement not to enter into the broad field of chemicals except as a partner with I.G. Farben which, in turn, agreed not to compete in oil. The other is that, because of the unpopularity of Farben” in America, and “its need to camouflage its American holdings, Standard had concealed even its partnership interest in chemical firms behind a maze of false fronts and dummy accounts.”(Griffin, 1997) 

Griffin further detailed the Rockefeller group’s “pyramid of power” through which international corporate control was exercised. As figure 9.7 indicates, the Rockefellers placed influential managers atop a vast number of companies and industries.(Griffin, 1997) 

Rockefellers and Eugenics 
Beyond the disclosures in Chapter 4, German scholar Stephan Kühl contributed much in The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism and German National Socialism. According to Kühl, prior to WWII, underlying the close working relationship “between the German and American governments was the extensive financial support of American foundations for the establishment of eugenic research in Germany.” The main supporter of this was “the Rockefeller foundation in New York.” 

Kühl determined the Rockefellers “financed the research of German racial hygienist Agnes Bluhm on heredity and alcoholism in early 1920.” By early 1927, “the Foundation began supporting other German eugenicists, including Hermann Poll, Alfred Grotjahn, and Hans Nactsheim. The Rockefeller Foundation played the central role in establishing and sponsoring major eugenic institutes in Germany, including the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity.”(Kühl, 1994) 

Kühl, a sociologist and historian at the University of Bielefeld in Germany further chronicled the Rockefeller connection to Hitler’s racial hygiene program this way: 

In 1918, German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin founded the Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, which was taken over by the Kaiser Wilhelm Society in 1924. Ernst Rüdin, later director of the Institute for Psychiatry, headed the Department of Genealogy and Demography. This department­—the core of the Institute—concentrated on locating the genetic and neurological basis of traits such as criminal propensity and mental disease [along with social psychology and herd mentality]. In 1928, the Rockefeller Foundation donated $325,000 for the construction of a new building. The funding of the Institute in Munich was a model that other American sponsors followed. Ironically, the Institute continued to be supported by the money of the Jewish philanthropist James Loeb until 1940. 

The actual building of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity in Berlin was also partially funded by money from the Rockefeller Foundation. . . . The Institute concentrated on a comprehensive project on racial variation as indicated by blood groups, and on twin studies, coordinated by Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer. When severe financial problems threatened to close the Institute during the early years of the Depression, the Rockefeller Foundation kept it afloat. At several points, the Institute director, Eugen Fischer, met with representatives of the Foundation. In March 1932, he wrote to the European bureau of the Foundation in Paris, requesting support for six additional research projects. Two months later, the Rockefeller Foundation answered affirmatively. The Foundation continued to support German eugenicists even after the National Socialists had gained control over German science.(Kühl, 1994)  

“By 1930, the United States and Germany had surpassed Great Britain as the leading forces of the international eugenics movement,” Kühl reported. Around that time, Ernst Rüdin took control over the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations (IFEO), whose major administrative offices included “the Eugenics Record Office and the Station for Experimental Evolution in Cold Spring Harbor,” New York.(Kühl, 1994) 

The Secret War Against the Jews 
According to authors John Loftus and Mark Aarons, the Rockefellers were principle players in The Secret War Against the Jews. “All through the war,” they reported, “at least while [Nelson] Rockefeller was in charge” of the Office of Inter-American Affairs—the main foreign intelligence gathering and disseminating body—the Germans received everything they requested, “from refueling stations to espionage bases.” Alternatively, the British “had to pay in cash. Behind Rockefeller’s rhetoric of taking measures in Latin America for the national defense stood a naked grab for profits. Under the cloak of his official position, Rockefeller and his cronies would take over Britain’s most valuable Latin American properties. If the British resisted, he would effectively block raw materials and food supplies desperately needed for Britain’s fight against Hitler.”(Loftus, 1994) 

Loftus and Aarons credited the close relationship the Rockefellers maintained with I.G. Farben for their preferential treatment of Hitler over Churchill: 

The Rockefellers just happened to own the largest stock in Standard of New Jersey and were then in partnership with the Nazi-controlled I.G. Farben, which held the second largest share of the Rockefeller-controlled oil company, to develop synthetic gas and rubber. The sources among the former intelligence officers whom we interviewed on the Rockefellers say that the family was in complete agreement with the Dulles brothers and Forrestal on the question of preserving U.S. profits, no matter who won the war.(Loftus, 1994) 

“In 1936,” these authors recalled, “the Rockefellers entered into partnership with [Allen] Dulles’s Nazi front, the Schroder Bank of New York, which . . . was a key institution in the Fascist economic ‘miracle’” for which Hitler was credited. In 1939, “the Rockefeller-controlled Chase National Bank secured $25 million for Nazi Germany and supplied Berlin with information on ten thousand Nazi sympathizers in the United States. Except for a few months interruption, the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil Company shipped oil to the Nazis through Spain all throughout the war. . . .”(Loftus, 1994) 

These investigators judged “the roster of the Rockefeller’s known pro-Nazi behavior” as “horrendous.” They noted Senator Harry Truman’s description of the Rockefellers’ company behavior as “treasonous.” Indeed, under the U.S. Constitution, it was. “On September 22, 1947,” Loftus and Aarons chronicled, Federal Judge Charles Clark issued an opinion against the Rockefellers in a civil case brought against Standard Oil. He stated that the company “can be considered an enemy national in view of its relationship with I. G. Farben after the United States and Germany had become active enemies.”(Loftus, 1994) 

Two months later, merely days before the Rockefeller-controlled United Nations voted on the question of a Jewish “promised land,” David Ben-Gurion, and other Jewish intelligence officers, entered Nelson Rockefeller’s office. They “arrived with their dossier” of incriminating proof that he had personally “committed treason against the United States of America. . . . They had his Swiss bank records with the Nazis, his signature on correspondence setting up the German cartel in South America, transcripts of his conversations with Nazi agents during the war, and finally, evidence of his complicity in helping Allen Dulles smuggle Nazi war criminals and money from the Vatican to Argentina.” Loftus and Aarons documented all of this. “It was the perfect moment for blackmail. . . ,” they wrote, and that was the antecedent that prompted Rockefeller to direct the decisive South American vote to form the State of Israel.(Loftus, 1994)

Figure 9.7 provides a graphic representation of “The Rockefeller Empire,” its relationship to the CFR, other more secretive global organizations, and a few of its corporate/industrial holdings. 

Kaiser Permanente and “Non-lethal” Ethnic Cleansing 
One might ask, “Who was Kaiser Wilhelm, and why had the Rockefeller family invested so heavily in a eugenics institute given his name? Further, what, if any, relationships remain in contemporary medicine and public health which reflect these original institutions and their mission to direct global ‘racial hygiene’?” 

More than other European royalty, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany was widely known for his “saber rattling” and war mongering. Kin within Europe’s oligarchy, he was crowned Emperor in 1888 and died in 1941. King Frederick III of Prussia was his father, and Queen Victoria of Britain was his grandmother. King Edward VII of England was his uncle, and King George V, his cousin. He was born genetically handicapped with a withered left arm, and quickly developed, “a military lifestyle. He loved his numerous uniforms and surrounded himself with the elite of German military society.” 

In 1900, according to recently released, previously secreted documents, the Kaiser developed a sophisticated war plan to conquer the United States. 

In Dr. John Coleman’s expertly documented, highly detailed, and often cited book, Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, Kaiser Industries was obviously linked to English and German royalty. Dr. Coleman explained the business relationship between Kaiser Industries and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) founded by the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations immediately following WWII. SRI’s initial purpose involved public relations campaigning and administration on behalf of British royalty. Specifically, Queen Elizabeth II wished to develop the Royal Family’s Alaskan oil fields with the help of Club of Rome member and international diplomat Robert O. Anderson. Through the Committee of 300, SRI emerged to help administer Queen Elizabeth II’s ARCO Oil Company and Alaskan oil operations.(Coleman, 1992) 

As discussed in Dr. Horowitz’s previous books, ARCO constructed the HAARP atmospheric frequency generator in Alaska believed to be partly responsible for weather control, global warming, and potentially even psychotronic warfare. The project’s European counterpart, EISCAT, whose website text was copyrighted by Cold Spring Harbor (CSH) Labs in New York, tied these projects to Rockefeller University and the “Human Genome Project.”(Manning and Begich, 1995; Horowitz and Puleo, 1999) 

The only reasonable explanation for CSH’s engagement with the U.S. Federal Government’s admitted atmospheric frequency generator (claimed to be a “ heater”) reflects the potential genetic effects of energies coming from space and HAARP’s specific frequencies. This justifies concern following previous discussions pertaining to bioenergetics whereby subtle energies could be used to conduct “non-lethal warfare” operations even involving genetic manipulations from space. 

Bringing our Kaiser concerns back to Earth, the infamous legacy of lending the Kaiser name to eugenics appears to be continuing in modern medicine. In fact, Dr. Horowitz has coined the term “iatrogenocide” to best describe the following matter of medical fact. 

In June 1990, the CDC, with the help of Kaiser Permanente, injected more than 1500 six-month- old Black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles with a “high-potency Edmonston Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine.” Tens of thousands of other infants were similarly treated experimentally in several Third World countries. The shots caused many deaths, but generally resulted in profound chronic immune suppression and greatly enhanced susceptibility to infectious diseases and cancers. 

The study was halted in October 1991, after more than a year of repeated reports from vaccine trial sites in Africa that female babies were dying in higher than expected numbers six months or longer after their inoculations. 

CDC director David Satcher admitted in a June 17, 1996, Los Angeles Times article that an NIH investigation of the 1990–1991 Los Angeles study found that informed consent regulations had been violated because parents were not told their babies would be injected with an experimental vaccine that had never been licensed by the FDA. 

“Sorry, sometimes these things just fall through the cracks,” another CDC official apologized. 

The public learned that Kaiser Permanente’s health maintenance organization (HMO) in Northern California had become America’s premier vaccine testing institution, according to the San Jose Mercury News.(Eunjung, 1999) “But Black, Latino, and American Indian babies bear the brunt of the risk involved in getting vaccines to the market,” reported staff writer Ariana Eunjung. 

“At least eight out of 14 childhood vaccines approved since 1990 were tested disproportionately in lower-income minority communities” largely through Kaiser’s trials in which “the experimental nature of the products and potential dangers weren’t properly described to parents.” 

Consequently, bioethicists criticized the CDC and Kaiser Permanente’s “informed consent” policies. “The difficulty we’ve gotten into is that unfortunately many of those populations are . . . peripheral, poor and ethnic minorities,” stated Douglas Diekema, an associated professor of pediatrics and medical history at the University of Washington–Seattle. In the worst case, he added, if these vaccine trials caused major side effects, then “you have just taken advantage of a population.”  

Officials representing the pharmaceutical industry countered the nationwide critique. “Our trials are mutually beneficial,” defended Merck & Company’s spokeswoman, Isabelle Claxton. She argued that the obvious ethnic and racial imbalance in vaccine testing was “meaningless.” It was “only a problem,” she said, “if they were victims . . . if there were some conspiracy to use them as guinea pigs. . . . But there is not.” 

In contrast to the covert operations of American medicine and public health detailed in this chapter, Eunjung simply wrote,“The socioeconomic and ethnic imbalance in vaccine studies is the by-product of a testing network that grew out of years of cooperation between the government, pharmaceutical companies and health care providers. . . . The first tests of new vaccines are usually conducted through academic centers and are funded at least partially by the NIH. The larger vaccine trials that come next can involve tens of thousands of children and take place mostly on Indian reservations or through HMOs like Kaiser Permanente in California, Colorado, Hawaii and Georgia or Group Health Cooperative in Washington.” 

“Kaiser Permanente Northern California, with 16 hospitals from Santa Rosa to Fresno, is the most popular vaccine-testing site in the nation . . . because of its military-like record keeping, and the fact that some 27,000 babies are born there every year,” the Mercury News article continued. “Since 1990, the HMO has overseen 34 vaccine tests, for products developed by almost every major vaccine maker in the world.”(Eunjung, 1999) 

“Hasidic Jews in New York injected with the first hepatitis A vaccine joined the short list of ethnically disparate test subjects that further included Navajo and White Mountain Apache Indians, and Alaskan Eskimos, besides Los Angeles’s urban mix. 

“Internationally, the high-potency EZ measles experiment began at four major sites in the mid-1980s including Haiti, Senegal, Guinea Bissau and Mexico. Subsequent trials were conducted in Cameroon, Gambia, Bangladesh, Tono, Iran, New Guinea, Peru, Rwanda, Sudan, South Africa, Egypt, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Thailand, and Zaire. Primary funding came from USAID and the WHO. In Haiti, infants were given the experimental vaccine at 10 to 500 times the usual dose levels. 

Figure 9.8. American Type Culture Collection “Curatorial” Development & Distribution of Tumor Viruses Including “Leukemogenic” Retro
NIH document shows that the ATCC, linked to the Rockefeller-directed military medical industrial complex and cancer industry through Rockefeller University President, Dr. Joshua Lederberg, committed acts that might be considered treasonous by supplying biological weapons, including leukemia-inducing and AIDS-like retroviruses to potential enemies, including Russian labs, during the Cold War. Dr. Lederberg’s organization, the Senate Riegle Report on the Gulf War syndrome stated, had also shipped Sadam Hussein’s biological weapons labs a broad array of viruses and deadly bacteria shortly before Iraq invaded Kuwait. Dr. Lederberg, a CFR study group director for “Non-lethal Warfare” and Biological Weapons planning, falsely denied, on behalf of the Pentagon, any biological weapons exposures to troops during the first Gulf War. From: NCI Staff. The [Special] Virus Cancer Program [SVCP]. U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Washington, D.C.: Public health Service, National Institutes of Health, Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention, June 1978, p. 230. Library call number: E20.3152:V81/977 and 78-21195. 

“Kaiser attorney, Stan Watson, defended his organization’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) saying that the committee worked hard to fulfill every federal requirement, but regarding the public’s “recrimination” over how the Kaiser/CDC EZ measles vaccine experiments went, he argued, “People forget what disease was like. I saw polio. I saw people in iron lungs. The whole idea of what we do is a service to the community. We do it because it will benefit our patients and the world at large.”(Eunjung, 1999) 

More than humanitarian fervor, Kaiser’s direction in this community “service” field, and efforts to “benefit . . . the world at large,” derived more from the Rockefeller–Rothschild–Royal Family -directed oligarchy than from the NIH, CDC, or WHO. Moreover, their contributions to the field of public health, according to Dr. Horowitz’s earlier exposé in Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare (2001), sources mostly from major investments in “biospiritual (i.e., biological and electromagnetic) warfare for technotronic eugenics.” 

As leading American medical sociologist Stephen Kunitz diplomatically concluded in the Journal of the American Public health Association in October, 2000, wherever the multinational corporations go, as directed by the “well-to-do WASPS,” so goes genocide affecting native populations.(Kunitz, 2000) 

More Suppressed Facts and Therapeutic Alternatives 
For the past half century, the Rockefeller–Farben directed Sloan and Kettering Foundations have not only led the cancer industry in the development and promotion of highly ineffective and risky chemotherapeutics, but they have, since the 1970s, consistently acted as a primary source of propaganda, in the truest  sense of psychological warfare, insofar as covering the genocidal aspects of the cancer industry. The lead propagandist has been Laurance Rockefeller, not only the long term director and financial chief of the Sloan–Kettering Memorial Cancer Center, and the top contributor to the Sloan Foundation, but also the director of Reader’s Digest “with 18 million circulation and National Geographic with 10 million circulation,” according to author Eustace Mullins. This meant that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund director personally influenced at least 28 million middle class American households per month. Further evidencing this fact, Mullins cited Dr. Ralph Moss, former public relations director of the Sloan–Kettering cancer center, as having acknowledged Reader’s Digest as the reputable “barometer of orthodox thinking on the cancer problem.”(Mullins, 1995) 

Similarly, the Sloan Foundation has heavily financed “public management” communications research, and supported pioneering developments in this field. The organization granted funds to famous propagandists including CIA-affiliated author Richard Preston (The Hot Zone) and The Coming Plagues writer Laurie Garrett to publish their deceptive efforts. Promoting such famous authors and bestselling publications, the cartel has thus managed to cloud the public’s view of the industrial and iatrogenic origins of most cancers, other immune system disorders, and a plethora of laboratory produced viruses now killing millions. As detailed earlier by Horowitz (2001), this propagandist function is a central objective of non-lethal warfare.(Keith, 1997) 

Vital truths about many modern infectious diseases, including AIDS and Ebola, cancers, and most chronic illnesses, as well as low cost, no risk, highly effective treatment alternatives, have been effectively concealed by global industrialists through their use of such propaganda. 

Robert Guccione, the publisher of Penthouse Magazine, brought an excellent example of this offensive masquerade to light.(Kamen, 1997) Motivated by the medical mismanagement   of his wife, Kathy Keeton, for breast cancer, and her premature death from a “low risk” hospital procedure, Guccione initiated a class action lawsuit against the NCI that was announced in a feature story in his September 1997 issue. In “The $200 Billion Scam: Uncle Sam’s Continuing Medical Genocide,” author Jeff Kamen relayed the Guccione’s story in which Kathy had been persuaded to forego promising alternative treatment with hydrazine sulfate for standard chemotherapy. The “inexpensive and effective cancer-fighting drug,” hydrazine sulfate, proven lifesaving in numerous studies in foreign countries, had been investigated and highly recommended by Joseph Gold, M.D., a former U.S. Air Force research physician, who later became Director of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute in upstate New York. 

Fig. 9.10. Harper’s Magazine Promotion, February 2001— “The Case Against Henry Kissinger: The Making of a War Criminal.” 
The cover of Harper’s magazine heralds the genocidal activity of Nelson Rockefeller’s protégé—falsely respected foreign policy diplomat Dr. Henry Kissinger. Curiously, and serendipitously, adjacent Kissinger’s familiar forlorn face is a “weekly review” on the technology he politically and militarily helped to develop—the eugenic biological weapons race. The Harper’s article covered Dr. Kissinger’s Vietnam War and South American shenanigans, and said nothing about this even more heinous offenses. In 1969, according to related Congressional testimonies by CIA directors Richard Helms and William Colby, Kissinger selected the military option to develop immune system ravaging “synthetic biological agents” like Ebola for germ warfare. He was also very interested in AIDS-like viruses for population control, particularly for Africa. Nixon’s “War on Cancer” was largely inspired by Kissinger, on behalf of Rockefeller interests, as a cover for the scientific race to develop more potent genocidal pathogens. 

The NCI-sponsored U.S. Government cover-up of hydrazine sulfate’s utility began, according to a congressional investigation, in 1976 when NCI officials wrote to Congressman James M. Hanley of New York, “Hydrazine sulfate has been tested in the Soviet Union at the Petrov Institute. . . . No evidence of meaningful anticancer activity was reported.” The following week, Congressman Hanley, who had launched the official inquiry, received the actual Petrov-study report that relayed just the opposite: “We observed a definite therapeutic effect of hydrazine sulfate in patients with Hodgkin’s disease and malignant tumors of various localizations in far-advanced stages, when other measures of specific therapy have failed.” Since then, Jeff Kamen reported, hydrazine sulfate became “an approved, first-line cancer drug in Russia, after 17 years of successful clinical testing there.”(Kamen, 1997) 

Kamen reported that a large-scale clinical cancer trial of hydrazine sulfate was deliberately sabotaged by NCI investigators, who literally killed hundreds of women by neglecting to inform them about the known risks of combining the experimental drug with tranquilizers. Kamen wrote: 

In these [1989 and 1993] clinical trials the NCI failed to inform patients in its “informed-consent statements” that the combination of hydrazine sulfate with tranquilizers, barbiturates, and alcohol—in one of the NCI studies 94 percent of all patients were given tranquilizers alone—could not only deactivate the therapeutic action of the drug but could result in patient morbidity and mortality. The reason these severely ill cancer patients permitted the government to experiment on them with hydrazine sulfate was their hope that this drug might help them in the way it had helped the dozens of patients in smaller clinical trials conducted by Harbor–UCLA during ten years of testing.(Kamen, 1997) 

Later, in an effort to conceal the NCI’s liability, a bogus United States General Accounting Office (GAO) investigation was published that stated the NCI’s trials “were not flawed.” 

Undeterred by the obvious suppression of data and devious conclusion by the GAO, Mr. Guccione rallied his forces on Capitol Hill to further investigate the issue along with the GAO. On October 20, 1997, a Senate Subcommittee concluded that the NCI and the GAO had indeed erred. The Chief Minority Counsel, who spoke for the hearings committee, reported that the government agencies’ conclusions about hydrazine sulfate were “plainly absurd” and “extremely misleading.”(Kamen, 1997) 

Rockefeller Power Over the U.S. Government 
By what mechanism(s) might Rockefeller family members have exerted such control over the U.S. Government and health science agencies? The answer is, through a hierarchy of privately financed and controlled corporate and institutional entities. 

For instance, following WWII, Nelson Rockefeller remained highly active in the politically powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) directed by the Executive Arm of the Royal Institute for International Affairs under the Committee of 300. The CFR, an organization that many authors have effectively exposed, deserves additional mention and updating here regarding its influence in establishing international policies for administering its various forms of population control.

According to the CFR’s website, the largely Rockefeller-directed organization promoted its global, allegedly “peacekeeping,” services thusly: 

Businessmen, bankers, and lawyers determined to keep the United States engaged in the world founded the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921. Today, the Council is composed of men and women from all walks of international life and from all parts of America, dedicated to the belief that the nation’s peace and prosperity are firmly linked to that of the rest of the world. From this flows the Council’s mission: to foster America’s understanding of other nations—their peoples, cultures, histories, hopes, quarrels, and ambitions—and thus to serve our nation through study and debate, private and public. 

The Council is a national membership organization and think tank with headquarters in New York, offices in Washington, D.C., and programs nationwide. Its widely respected and influential research staff—with backgrounds in government and scholarship in most international subjects—regularly meets with Council members and other leaders and thinkers. These exclusive sessions, known as study groups or roundtables, form the Council’s intellectual core. The aim is to provide insights into international affairs and to develop new ideas for U.S. foreign policy, particularly national security and foreign economic policy. Council Fellows produce books, articles, and op-ed pieces and regularly contribute expert commentary on television and radio. [Emphasis added.] 

The Council also publishes Foreign Affairs, the leading periodical in the field. This magazine has been host to the most important articles about world affairs in this century. [e.g., this was wherein Henry Kissinger published his nuclear weapon’s thesis that ultimately directed the deployment of nuclear warheads throughout Europe largely on behalf of Nelson Rockefeller, who appointed Kissinger to lead the first CFR nuclear weapons study group in 1955.(Kissinger, 1956; Isaacson, 1992; Horowitz and Martin, 1998)] 

The Council’s 3,600 members [Note the Pythagorean numerology sum of 3+6=9 or “completion.”] are divided almost equally among New York, Washington, D.C., and the rest of the nation. They include nearly all current and former senior U.S. government officials who deal with international matters; renowned scholars; and leaders of business, media, human rights, humanitarian, and other nongovernmental groups. Council members choose new members, who aim to educate themselves and then others.(CFR Website, 2001) 

In this way, the ideological cult consensus of CFR core members is evangelized throughout the growing organization and nation. Their power ultimately moves media, politics, and policies, both U.S. domestic and foreign. 

The next paragraphs provide a shallow disclaimer regarding the organization’s stealth-like influence. 

The Council is host to the widest possible range of views and advocate of none. It cultivates an atmosphere of nonpartisanship and nonideological engagement among members and staff. The views expressed in Council-sponsored independent task force reports, by members of study groups, or in articles in Foreign Affairs are solely the responsibility of the respective authors or groups. 

This tradition of impartiality enables the Council to gather contending voices for serious and civil debate and discussion. That special convening power is unique in American society.(CFR Website, 2001) 

“In keeping with its mission . . . and heritage,” Council members consistently pursued three major goals, the website promoted. These included the provision of “new ideas for U.S. foreign policy,” such as nuclear weapons deployment as directed by Rockefeller subordinate Dr. Henry Kissinger, and preparations for global bioterrorism as directed by unrecognized white collar bioterrorists including Dr. Joshua Lederberg, past president of Rockefeller University, and previous curator of the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). (See figure 9.8) 

Treasonous Foreign Policies 
The CFR’s 1997 Bioterrorism Study Group Director, Dr. Lederberg, was discredited in Dr. Horowitz’s previous publications for lying to Congressional investigators and the American people on behalf of the Pentagon regarding biological exposures of Gulf War troops. Saddam Hussein’s preparedness to conduct biochemical warfare was largely due to the ATCC shipments of biological weapons cultures, including the West Nile Virus (WNV), anthrax, and botulism to Iraq prior to the Gulf War. Dr. Lederberg  knew this, yet denied the obvious indications of infectious disease symptoms among allied troops, except for the French. Their military wisely avoided allied “defensive” vaccinations that were widely contaminated with mycoplasma.(Horowitz, 1999) 

The NIH documents reprinted in figure 9.9 are equally shocking. The contract shows that the ATCC committed acts that, at minimum, border on treason against the United States. These records show that biological weapons of mass destruction, including leukemia-inducing and HIV-like retroviruses, were shipped to Russian biological warfare labs during the Cold War. The Senate Riegle Committee investigation of the ATCC failed to articulate this fact. Thus, not only had Saddam Hussein received biological weapons shipments from the ATCC, but also, so had the Russians prior to glasnost. This document evidenced the functioning of a global cryptocracy that superseded the geopolitical policies of the U.S. Government and knowledge of the American people. 

Dr. Lederberg had facilitated the biological weapons study group meeting at the CFR in 1997 with Richard K. Betts, Senior Fellow and Director of National Security Studies. Thus, the CFR, Betts, and other high level national security officials are implicated by association, with Lederberg, to these reasonably treasonous acts against the United States, aside from the genocidal questions raised by these documents. 

In light of the USDHEW/NIH document reprinted in figure 9.9, citing the Russian recipients of America’s most advanced viral cancer triggers, and other assorted biological weapons, the frequent allegation of American biowarfare “experts’ that Russia was outpacing the U.S. in the biological weapons race can now be seen as grossly deceptive. According to a “Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP)” report of 1978, the Russians required and readily received, complete scientific assistance in developing their cancer virus and infectious disease laboratories and arsenals. Page two of the figure shows that in April, 1978, six years before Dr. Gallo was alleged to have discovered the AIDS virus, and just as the first GRID/AIDS cases were being diagnosed in New York, Dr. Gallo was delivering “large-scale production of [very similar leukemogenic] human [retro-] virus[es]” to the Russians at the Ivanovsky Institute in Moscow. This was among the premier Communist military biological weapons institutes.(US Dept of Health, 1978) 

The CFR’s “Private” Policy Initiatives 
In contrast to the above disclosures, here’s how the CFR articulated first “humanitarian” goals. Emphasis has been added: 

To add value by improving understanding of world affairs and by providing new ideas for U.S. foreign policy. The Council does this in many ways. 

The Council will sponsor an independent task force when an issue arises of current and critical importance to U.S. foreign policy, and it seems that a group diverse in backgrounds and perspectives may nonetheless be able to reach a meaningful policy consensus through private and nonpartisan deliberations. 

Council Policy Initiatives (CPIs) focus on current foreign policy issues of great importance where consensus seems unlikely. . . .(CFR Website, 2001) 

It certainly would be next to impossible to develop a “consensus” regarding, for instance, the deployment of weapons of mass destruction. That is precisely why “nonpartisan deliberations” on such matters as nuclear and biological weapons are conducted in “private.” 

The CFR’s second goal targeted organizational development. The membership was pledged to: 

Transform the Council into a truly national organization to benefit from the expertise and experience of leaders nationwide. The Council aims to energize foreign policy discussions across the country. And as Council membership outside New York and Washington, D.C. continues to grow and diversify, the Council creates new ways to involve these members in intellectual dialogue. The four principal means of involvement are through a special members’ area of the Council’s website, at an annual National Conference, at dinner seminars based on Study Groups and independent task forces in key cities around the country, and through an interactive video-conferencing system.(CFR Website, 2001) 

Finally, to assure its survival and future influence, the CFR pledged to: 

Find and nurture the next generation of foreign policy leaders and thinkers. The Council does this primarily through a special term membership program for younger Americans and a “Next Generation Fellows” program that brings outstanding younger scholars onto the Council staff, as well as the International Affairs Fellowships and several other fellowship programs. These programs aim to spark interest and participation in world affairs and U.S. foreign policy. 

In recent months, Council members have heard Madeleine K. Albright, Kofi Anan, James A. Baker III, Warren Christopher, Henry A. Kissinger, and George P. Shultz offer their views of challenges the United States will face in the next century; Charlene Barshefsky, Anatoly Chubais, Bill Clinton, Stanley Fischer, Paul Krugman, Lee Kuan Yew, George Soros, and James D. Wolfensohn discuss the global economy; William S. Cohen and the Joint Chiefs of Staff evaluate future defense policy . . . As much as at any time during its nearly eight decades, the Council on Foreign Relations today serves its members and the nation with ideas for a better and safer world.(CFR Website, 2001) 

Thus, council members may believe that we live in a “better and safer world” as a result of developing genetically mutated biological weapons of mass destruction which the organization and its leaders, especially Rockefeller family members and their associates, “privately” manage from within this group. 

Indeed, most people cannot conceive of a conspiracy of such magnitude that might allow this elite, virtually secret, society operating beneath a thin veil of propaganda to dictate U.S. Government policies to the extent the CFR, with the Rockefeller family at its helm, continues to do. 

Rockefeller Befriends Kissinger 
For the benefit of serious disbelievers, the following history documents the involvement of Dr. Henry Kissinger at the CFR on behalf of Nelson Rockefeller and their allies. The following facts might provide a suitable reality check, and explain why Dr. Kissinger’s identity, Horowitz (2001) explained previously, deserves the designation “666”—“mark of the beast.” The following should also be received as an adjunct to the article written by Christopher Hitchens in Harper's, March 2001, which explained why Rockefeller’s protégé should be tried in an international court of law as a treasonous war criminal. (See figure 9.10) 

In 1955, President Eisenhower’s assistant for international affairs, Nelson Rockefeller, invited Dr. Kissinger to discuss national security issues at the Quantico (Virginia) Marine Base. Following their meeting, according to Newsweek’s Managing Editor, Walter Isaacson, Kissinger “the diplomat” became Rockefeller’s “closest intellectual associate.” Soon after, Kissinger authored several military proposals for Eisenhower to consider which, like his forthcoming nuclear weapons strategy, best served Rockefeller financial interests. Unimpressed, Eisenhower turned them down.(Kissinger, 1956; Isaacson, 1992) 

As a result, Rockefeller sent Eisenhower his resignation and then launched a Special Studies Project that explored the “critical choices” America faced militarily in the coming years. Kissinger agreed to direct this new project along with a CFR study group, and as a result, published a 468-page book on his findings. The treatise proposed that tactical nuclear weapons be developed and “a bomb shelter [be built] in every house” in America in preparation for limited thermonuclear war. “The willingness to engage in nuclear war when necessary is part of the price of our freedom,” Kissinger argued.(Isaacson, 1992) 

Those old enough may recall the school “nuclear bomb drills,” with fire alarms sounding as classes proceeded to the closest “fallout shelter”—typically the basement or beneath one’s desk. The source of the intense anxiety felt by almost everyone might be best assigned to this Rockefeller/Kissinger CFR plan. This was a practical expression of the dim view regarding prospects for world peace that Kissinger, on behalf of Rockefeller, articulated from at least the time he completed his Harvard doctoral thesis, The Meaning of History, according to Isaacson’s biography.(Isaacson, 1992) 

Eisenhower had warned America, without mentioning names, that the gravest threat to world security, democracy, and even spirituality, was the growing military–industrial complex directed by the Rockefeller family in partnership with the European oligarchy and banking cartel. Kissinger became a leading proponent and propagandist for this unholy alliance and their globalistic intentions. 

For more than ten years, Nelson Rockefeller’s nuclear policy guru remained a well-paid Chase Bank consultant and Harvard faculty member. During that time, Kissinger continued writing numerous books and articles on subjects related to the practical application of his “realpolitik” in the nuclear and “Cold War” age. He also continued to provide favors and advice to White House dignitaries, and Rockefeller executives, until late 1968. After Nelson Rockefeller lost the Republican presidential nomination to Richard Nixon, Kissinger was appointed Nixon’s chief of foreign policy and, as National Security Advisor, overseer of domestic and foreign intelligence by the FBI and CIA respectively.(Kissinger, 1956; Isaacson, 1992) 

The National security Council Job 
During his 1968 Presidential campaign, Nixon became enamored with Kissinger’s knowledge and loyalty. Kissinger had kept Nixon abreast of Vietnam War scuttlebutt within the Johnson camp for his campaign speeches and meetings with the press. In appreciation and respect for his powerful affiliations in the Rockefeller camp, Nixon rewarded him with the top position in national security.(Isaacson, 1992) 

Nixon’s aim in appointing Kissinger to be in charge of the National Security Council was to “run foreign policy from the White House.” 

Besides Kissinger, another candidate for the national security post, was Nixon intimate Roy Ash, the president of Litton Industries. According to G. Edward Griffin, Rockefeller influence was heavily felt in directing Litton Industries.(Griffin, 1997) The realization that Roy Ash, Litton Industries, and Litton Bionetics, was part of a Rockefeller-led “good ole boy” network that included Henry Kissinger initially shocked Dr. Horowitz because of its implications concerning population control and the origin and initial transmission of HIV/AIDS. 

According to testimonies by two previous CIA directors— Richard Helms and William Colby—it was Kissinger who must be credited for selecting the option to develop the exquisitely unique immune suppressive viruses described in figures 9.1, 9.8 and 9.9 that Litton Bionetics executives, including Robert Ting, John Landon, and NCI affiliate “Project Officer” Dr. Robert Gallo had developed and later delivered to the Russians.(Horowitz, 1998) These viruses, Gallo later published, were closely related to HIV. 

In other words, between 1976 and 1978, the first cases of AIDS appeared simultaneously and mysteriously in New York City and Central Africa; precisely where NCI and Merck hepatitis B vaccines, produced with Litton Bionetics-supplied chimpanzees’ serum, were tested in gay men and Black women on these far removed continents. These unique viruses were being massively cultivated in Litton’s labs in the U.S. and Africa at that precise time. Their DNA was more than 60% identical to chimpanzee immunodeficiency viruses. They induced the never-before-seen leukemia–lymphoma–sarcoma cancer complex along with immune suppression and opportunistic infections. Again, as per figure 9.1, this feasibility was precisely foretold by NAS-NRC scientists as a means for developing “synthetic biological agents” for germ warfare and “massive killing of large populations.”(DoD, 1969) The Kissinger Rockefeller-directed cryptocracy had sought and selected this option.(Horowitz,  1998) The Rockefeller-linked International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) administered the “cancer research” vaccinations in Africa. (All of this highly incriminating information is discussed, documented, and scientifically referenced at www. The NIH, another virtual Rockefeller proprietary, funded this “Special [i.e., Secret] Virus Cancer Program” beginning on February 12, 1962, after Merck Pharmaceutical Company vaccine officials realized they had just spread another primate cancer virus, SV40, globally in contaminated Salk and Sabin polio vaccines.(Horowitz, 1998) 

Roy Ash had co-founded and directed Litton Industries, the mega military weapons contractor, from 1953 to 1972. In 1969, in lieu of having the National security Council position go to Kissinger, Nixon appointed Ash to be Chairman of the President’s Advisory Council on Executive Organizations, a post he held until 1971. Subsequently, Litton’s principal was elevated to the rank of “Assistant to the President of the United States.” He served the Nixon and Ford administrations in this capacity as well as directed the Office of Management and Budget for the White House until 1975. More recently, to the time of this writing, Ash has served as a leading fund raiser for the Republican Party.(Who’s Who, 1995) 

Also, to the time of this writing, Ash’s White House contemporary, Henry Kissinger, has remained a leading advisor to Merck Pharmaceutical Company officials. Again, it was Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine, partly prepared in Litton supplied contaminated chimpanzees, that was heavily implicated as the AIDS pandemic trigger.(Horowitz, 1998) 

Kissinger, nominated by President George Bush to direct the controversial 9/11 investigation, withdrew from the opportunity fearing disclosure of such conflicting interests and corporate affiliations. 

The CIA and Biochemical Warfare 
As detailed in Dr. Horowitz’s previous works, the CIA, currently overseeing all health science agencies and institutions in the U.S. according to the Washington Post, operated without any interference from the Justice Department from at least mid-1970 to mid-1973. This was done allegedly for “national security” reasons. Following the suspected assassination of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover in 1972, the CIA grew in strength as the nucleus of foreign and domestic espionage operations. Despite the embarrassment of getting caught playing a central role in the infamous Watergate break-ins, the CIA, investigated by a Rockefeller chaired hearings committee, was hardly chastised by Congress.(Rockefeller, 1975) Thereafter, it continued to expand agency operations at home and abroad under Kissinger with allegiance to Rockefeller.(Isaacson, 1992) These Nixon administration survivors, including Chief of Staff Alexander Haig, ran the CIA, State, and Defense departments. They reinstated COINTELPRO-like intelligence operations,(Schaap, 1982) expanded CIA covert operations in Africa,(Agee, 1979) and increased biological as well as chemical weapons research, development, and testing.(Lederer, 1987; Policy Cong. Sess. 1974) 

In 1973, the CIA labored to maintain its positive public image. International condemnation over ongoing American biological warfare “experiments” was imminent. Anticipating this fallout, the Rockefeller Commission Investigation on CIA Wrongdoing began in the aftermath of Watergate. It was then that CIA director Richard Helms, succeeded shortly thereafter by William Colby, ordered Mr. Sidney Gottlieb, Chief of the CIA’s Technical Services Division, and former head of its MKULTRA (mind control and population control) operation, to destroy all records pertaining to the “formulation, the development and the retention of” illegal biologicals that were used to wage wars and experiments on Third World populations. Helms’s orders, he insinuated, came from his superior—Dr. Henry Kissinger.(US Senate, 1975; Isaacson, 1992) 

By May 1973, in the wake of the Watergate scandal, as international attention focused on Nixon’s fall from grace, a shadow government took control of America. The interim administration—which formed before President Ford was confirmed—was largely powered by Rockefeller, and commandeered by Kissinger and Alexander Haig.(Isaacson, 1992) 

During the following presidential campaign, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s campaign manager and David Rockefeller’s protégé, launched an embittered attack against the incumbent’s foreign policy. Publishing in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs he described Kissinger’s tactics as: 

Covert, manipulative, and deceptive in style, it seemed committed to a largely static view of the world, based on a traditional balance of power, seeking accommodation among the major powers on the basis of spheres of influence.(Isaacson, 1992) 

Cold and accurate as this criticism was, the irrefutable fact was that Kissinger, and by association, the Rockefellers’ globalist cohorts at the CFR including Brzezinski, continued advancing genocidal policies. 

While campaigning for the presidency, Jimmy Carter assailed Kissinger for being the real “foreign policy . . . president of this country.” “Under the Nixon–Ford administration,” he said in a speech, “there has evolved a kind of secretive . . . closely guarded and amoral . . . , ‘Lone Ranger’ foreign policy, a oneman policy of international adventure.” To these attacks, Carter added his standard refrain. “Our foreign policy should be as open and honest as the American people themselves.”(Isaacson, 1992; Carter, 1976) 

One year later, under the more “open and honest” policies established by Carter, Brzezinski became National Security Advisor, and Joseph Califano became Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW). Their more advanced genocidal policies were described by Dr. Horowitz in Chapter 18 of Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare. Both men heavily supported Ray Ravenhott, the director of population control programs for USAID, who revealed his agency’s intention to help sterilize one quarter of the world’s women. He argued that this need stemmed from the administration’s desire to protect U.S. corporate interests from the threat of Third World revolutions spawned by chronic unemployment.(Lederer, 1987) 

Today, with this sterilization goal having been achieved in the Third World, as well as in most other indigenous populations including native North Americans and urban dwelling Blacks, the political mischief, deceptions, and global genocide continues. 

In this vein of politically and technologically advanced eugenics and U.S. Government facilitated genocide, in response to the same alleged “threat” of Third World revolutions and economic chaos, on April 30, 2000, the news media announced a National security Agency (NSA) move to place AIDS science, and all public health agencies conducting it, under military intelligence command. The NSA and CIA were directed to oversee organizations such as the CDC, NCI, FDA, and National Institutes for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Curiously, this occurred directly following South African President’s Thabo Mbeki’s decision to include the testimonies of “dissident” scientists in a review of HIV/AIDS’s origin, pathogenesis, and treatment. The National Intelligence Council (NIC) then advised President Clinton to formally declare global AIDS a U.S. “national security threat.”(Bolen, 2000; Gelman, 2000) 

The CIA sponsored report warned, “The persistent infectious disease burden is likely to aggravate and, in some cases, may even provoke economic decay, social fragmentation, and political destabilization in the hardest hit countries. . . . 

“The study defined ‘instability,’ as revolutionary wars, ethnic wars, genocides, and disruptive regime transitions. . . . Dramatic declines in life expectancy,” the study said, is the strongest threat to national security simply because people revolt when they realize their lives are being genocidally threatened. Such “deterioration,” intelligence analysts wrote, might be followed by only “limited improvement . . . owing to better prevention and control efforts, new drugs, and vaccines.”(National Intelligence Council, 2000) 

The report posted many statistics reflective of the fact that biochemical warfare is being conducted in the name of “public health” to covertly accomplish genocidal objectives. For instance, the CIA summarized its intelligence on the “Number of 15-year olds per 10,000 of that age group” who had “lost their mothers or both parents to AIDS.” Uganda far surpassed other nations in this catastrophic parameter. Uganda, they did not report, was home to Litton Bionetics, the Rockefeller-linked IARC, and the principle site of chimpanzee-derived hepatitis B vaccine trials linked to the initial spread of HIV/AIDS. In 2001, additional vaccine trials to allegedly combat the spread of HIV/AIDS were conducted.(Gellman, 2000) 

According to U.S. Government watchdog groups and related policy analysts linked to JuriMed—a North American alternative medicine advocacy and legislative lobbying group—President Clinton’s legislation empowered the CIA to act against scientific “dissidents” who raised concerns regarding the origin of AIDS and genocidal aspects of vaccination policies. As done in this book, such evidence might be considered a threat to U.S. National Security. The JuriMed communique heralded the likelihood of increased “mainstream [media] blackouts on AIDS dissident positions,” and, as mentioned above, “global disease control” initiatives including “wide-ranging vaccination programs” becoming more coercive.(Bolen, 2000) We consider this “business as usual” for the Rockefeller-directed military–medical–pharmaceutical cartel and propaganda mill. 

The Human Eugenics Program: 
Future Prospects for Population control One might ask, “What are the prospects for human health given the above disclosures?” 

Earlier, the Atomic Energy Commission, the AEC, was shown playing a dual role in investigating radiological as well as biological threats and weapons of mass destruction. Their research contracts covered “co-carcinogenesis” studies linking viral research and genetic engineering to nuclear radiation studies and risks from the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiations including nonionizing frequencies that fall within the transmission capability of the CIA’s Phoenix II and Montauk projects. (Horowitz, 2001) HAARP, likewise, has been directly linked to the Rockefeller/Royal Family -directed Human Genome Project through Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s copyrighted material published in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse.(Horowitz and Puleo, 1999)Thus, there seems to be a suspicious, if not highly disconcerting, connection between the most sophisticated genetic advancements and radiological (including frequency) research. What are the implications of this multidisciplinary subject, including its ramifications to population control in general? 

Based on the evidence presented in this book, it can be safely assumed that AEC investigators, project HAARP scientists, and Human Genome Project principals, are coordinated at the highest levels by families historically invested in eugenics for economic and political stability. These parties, most kindly referred to as “leading globalists,” committed to efficient methods of optimal population control, are well aware that the primary function of DNA lies not in protein synthesis, but in the electromagnetic or energetic realm. Why also was the AEC and DoE commissioned to lead the Human Genome Project? Moreover, who directed their activities, and for what motive? The AEC had historically sought genetic discoveries for, among other things, their potential use and abuse in military medical manipulations. This bioenergetic domain represents the cutting edge of DNA science and warfare. For those in the national security field, who leave no stone unturned in efforts to develop advanced “defense” systems, “healthcare” technologies, and weapons of mass destruction that deliver “more bang for the buck,” this area of genetic science is critical. 

In 1923, Russian anatomy professor, Dr. A. G. Gurvich, pointed the root tip of a growing onion toward the side of a second proliferating onion root. He noticed that the cells of the latter, in the area of the root tip, divided much faster. He theorized that ultraviolet light, or some other electromagnetic “mitogenetic radiation,” was likely responsible for the biological change later called the “Gurvich Effect”—the effect of mitogenetic radiation on cells.(Horowitz, 2001) 

In Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, Dr. Horowitz (2001) advanced the notion of population control through “biospiritual warfare.” He reviewed the work of Dr. V.F. Kaznachayev and his associates that showed ultraviolet light frequencies could transmit viral induced infections between isolated cell cultures. These researchers arranged “pairs of sealed glass tubes containing healthy cell cultures end to end separated only by a sheet of quartz.” After inoculating one culture with a deadly virus, the investigators were surprised to learn the adjacent sterile culture also became infected. 

When they duplicated the experiment with the quartz sheet removed, the sterile culture adjacent to the infected one remained unaffected. The glass tubes alone could not transmit the electromagnetic frequencies required to communicate the infectious disease and its frequency. In other words, special disease frequencies were transmitted by the quartz crystal and these alone were sufficient to infect sterile cell cultures. 

After repeatedly reproducing these results, the Russian team surmised that when the infected cells in culture died, they emitted UV light which was transmitted through the quartz to the adjacent cell cultures. These electromagnetic frequency transmissions then induced progressive cell death in the initially healthy cultures. 

Kaznachayev’s team also showed that with the introduction of a virus into cell cultures, a change in the photon emissions of the cells was seen even before cell degeneration and death occurred.  

Dr. Schjelderup, a Norwegian doctor suggested that such viruses might emit lethal electromagnetic (EM) radiations, and thus kill cells in culture. He added that viral infections might thereby transmit disease by specific frequency emissions besides physical or genetic contact. 

Based on the scientific knowledge advanced in previous chapters, no doubt these effects are electro-genetically directed. 

As the cell cultures died in Kaznachayev’s study, they were observed to change their UV frequency radiations. This suggested that disease processes could possibly be altered by determining the dying cell frequency emissions and intercepting or neutralizing them before they had a chance to kill adjacent cells or tissues within their energy field. Additional support for this theory came from the observation that yeast cell reproduction could be slowed using specific UV light frequencies. 

Alternatively, these findings suggested military applications beyond most people’s worse nightmares. 

The preceding information explains the great interest shown by the (now international) AEC since at least the 1970s in this interdisciplinary field merging genetics, cancer, and disease virology with radiology. Based on these discussions, it is most reasonable to conclude much of the motivation behind the Human Genome Project is not for prevention. Authorities allege the identification of genes that specifically predispose groups of people to certain diseases will help humanity with modern vaccines and medicines. Rather, eugenics advanced through frequency technologies and bioelectrics is more likely to serve the oligarchy’s bio-spiritual warfare objectives. 

In the next chapter, these nefarious activities will become even more apparent during our examination of Human Genome Project directors, and their affiliations with untrustworthy, if not criminal, organizations and persons. These include the leading institutional and individual suspects in the still-to-be-officially solved anthrax mailings mystery.

 The Human Genome Project Heist 

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